Checkouts at NRLF during 2010 - 2011 *
Owning Campus Berkeley  Davis San Francisco Santa Cruz California State Library UC Libraries UC Press TOTAL
Circulation Status Restricted Unrestricted &
Building Use Only
Restricted Unrestricted &
Building Use Only
Restricted Unrestricted &
Building Use Only
Restricted Unrestricted &
Building Use Only
Unrestricted &
Building Use Only
Building Use Only Restricted  
Patron Type                        
Affiliate/Corporate Borrower               -                            2               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       2
Alumni               -                        314               -                          45               -                            2               -                          31                         -                           -                 -                   392
CA Resident               -                        171               -                          14               -                           -                 -                          10                         -                           -                 -                   195
CA University/Colleges Faculty               -                          20               -                            4               -                           -                 -                            2                         -                           -                 -                     26
CA University/Colleges Student               -                            8               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       8
Executive/Management               -                            2               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                            1                         -                           -                 -                       3
Faculty/Academic Spouse               -                            7               -                          18               -                           -                 -                            8                         -                           -                 -                     33
Faculty/Academic Staff                2                      107               -                            1               -                           -                 -                          11                         -                           -                 -                   121
Graduate Student               -                          96               -                          20               -                           -                 -                            6                         -                           -                 -                   122
ILL Other Libraries                2                   3,074               -                            6               -                            9               -                          10                         -                           -                 -                3,101
ILL RLCP Institutional               -                          60               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                     60
ILL UC               -                     5,827               -                     1,759               -                        315               -                     1,272                         -                           -                 -                9,173
LBNL/LLNL Non-Academic/Post-doc               -                            2               -                            1               -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       3
Library Departmental Card            939                      928               -                          11               -                           -                 -                          32                         -                           -                 -                1,910
Library Staff                2                        54               -                            1               -                            1               -                          15                         -                           -                 -                     73
NRLF Departmental Card              10                   4,091         1,345                   1,644               -                        214            190                      290                          3                          4                1              7,792
Non-Academic Staff               -                          34               -                          14               -                            4               -                            1                         -                           -                 -                     53
Non-Academic Staff Spouse               -                            1               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       1
Stanford Faculty               -                          41               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                            3                         -                           -                 -                     44
UC Extension Student               -                            1               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       1
UC Office of the President               -                            1               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                       1
UC Visiting Scholar/Post-doc               -                          34               -                           -                 -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                     34
UCB Visiting Scholar/Post-doc               -                          29               -                            2               -                           -                 -                           -                           -                           -                 -                     31
Undergraduate               -                          15               -                            5               -                           -                 -                            2                         -                           -                 -                     22
TOTAL            955                 14,919         1,345                   3,545               -                        545            190                   1,694                          3                          4                1            23,201
* Does not include transactions for mass digitization projects.