Eohwer Relocation Ce&t«r aiulysis $£cno» FZSAL HSF0117 V 26 #b4 Shijt«i«籲ぃ;,4 » ,0 * • .•輸 3.9. 如P Orcmp At令itvtdaa: and :!at籲r丨錢l&tion«hip龜• • • 20 ■■ PA*isl〇ip&tlo» 1& C«的' • ._ 教ハ#:域24 ^Uwagumg# Qrotip* * • ;m; * > •■ • • * >^ ♦ 36 Qrottpi/^-':*:;; •, :*.j|« 慕す ;Or〇up« * ,-* •>:¥.••••,•ゾ.• * ナもメ .そ線 39 Looiil#; OrTO^pM ^ * • • • * £ 身• »y# 4 * * # ^ 48 __ari,dレStatu* (Jroupnf • •心•?# f'V*r 4T I S'b^.l6|»-S^tu8 Groゆ• _:V 維'•:•着*'•'声• • •、•的 ~ Politiot^-孩奴切. •'-;ふ癜•、,> 舉'へ*| 邱 Hsi|Cii*| I# ^ • •!• * ff* • *h *,^ W«f CauoMiaA Coa^^ i^& B*«lo Group* • • * «: !» •)» « _磁擎《r 瘳 0sm«l Costtmmlty^P* •'今* 0&: f tti^ltary'I^olic# attd Lee&l Population #;a# n [p ?4 ^▼ft'laterco_tU^ty.G0&0_j^8.:f.::.^lAtlona,ctndAtti1mdM»#'<^76’ II 'Et^nio Smb«s »8〇d :rlA th^ « * •;«'* p0r«oxm.l._£Tft〇u.« ••*■•,•••*••*• * • ft F«raoxin6XMMi^liXltftry l*oli〇6 §»d Loo^X 300IaI «»d Sellgloiw ,* «|* • • » « ^ I Th# / ■.■*; •B#p||;,f*■;.*,: «,'; • :*... ♦ ®2. ••« ^ 103 Pistrlot « • # * • • • • • * • • • • • • •109 I *|!h#;〇iiap ■ :*,;: ^ •. ♦ • • • •: *::',*;> :'* ''i vl〇9 I B«lisi〇t|8 Groupc ^'iHd '''* f «み!• of Conte nt鲁 2 2 B 1. 1 %# 6.1 XI * SolodfttKm And Center OXcMmrtt • » • • •、* • • • * • Leaves and l^p«s of K^iocfttlon* • • • • • • EttXoofttloii^ttltudtt 0roupa *••«••••« Opposition emd D«t«rreiit8 to ReXooatioii • • • V411X" to EelGOftticm • • • • « » # • • • • • # Fiv« Of furs at Rohw〇r« • Cloaura at K〇fa»re^ • a • •砉.i-ン龐▲ - X* Bd\>oati(»i • * • «•••‘•••*• Muoatiott Baokgrouzid • • • • Rohm»r 抑hool Sytt.ii «:漏 V,:’雀 Other HdufiMB.tlo&aX Fltoili^ies Gomauaiocit丨⑽••••••《••••••••••• •• • €<»muttloatloa within the Uimavm^ 〇ot8a\oiity § * CcmualGAlsifMst WE& aai tlM Coamni^y • « X的從•於•* G咖今':::. • .* Coammleittioii with th« Out«id« World • • * • • CXuba mad Sool«tl«c # • • * • • • • Forml «d4 Ixifonaal 3oel«l Llf« • # Th« 0o«»B9pitrtar«« from Sdw#r Center HI* 办%C<»it»r Bopaiftti和龜麝 of 1您《*ぬ《42 痛d 9•班)HkS •0« Gi%l*赖必 ip# _e« caad 奸^pprti谢《 in 物籲 『:_ぬ轉 Oi^_i_iN». •©# fotaPLI^et«r M of 10*»83**43 and $»19»44« 曝於由owing Igf 於㈣Im•驟_ 2H**iu 〇v*i|;la med t«at« of ^itxy df Sisitai^i B&yn (^ti&«itikX ^lt»d 龄•雇•’雕《gl棚•命《r•細彙•雌^ •0• ^ur«l 9J〇& Origin of Xi^i in 8ur«It ViXXftg«f and Ormipt (izi O«Xif0rni«i)»fi 4ttM^oh«4 llRf Choiring Mstribatioii 01001e»« «S« ;|R9«ld9aa« of Sibti la 輪!^參 0»it«r ll^Af tsngim^ Q^〇ttp«« Map 0l«trlbatl〇Ki of 1熟!}»_«"cail7 . DoaI l^nびuゅ• droup•冰lUmk.. I 8«li$101111 dr^upa* Atta^«d Hk|> Bl^lrlbutloii 議:滅 Chrli^laii aaftd a欲!**Chri靡liiMti Ok*oup_ 切r «0• g 雄uoatl如 *D* l$MritalM^tatta» Qroups* Hftp ibowiog Dia^rlbutlosi of loocLlltQr Otwps l〇r Hlooks* •?« 塞《t^ tl如tin 落!llttribiiti<級 of Oitlft 败 anl Ji 成! ,0^〇«9馨Ijqt BIo«k«« 編夢^^!:儀;)灘雜顧 VWju fbr«3!»r«K)o«upfttiosi CSrm)p«« Att«dti#d lb|> ^ovlag Dli^r 1» butlosi l〇f BIooIqi* I *8. Qroap«# l Tl« of ^«pa&ereii|U #Hmi tftHalfttsloxui aRio Ixi tlm% popidft^ioii 0urv«^ «r« 1110luded la |i nxamber of th« ohapters of this lltsal r^ort* ^n^ere»o« «hould b« aftd« to th« «urv«y r«pex*t for s^re d«talt«d datik thim it |arM«Kvt«d thut tii# %p %snt }1^* go»« farJScward «atamiH- I th«w w««*n ^ *xiIS!kSr# haT» liwn r«f«rr«dJo &» th* V〇twr« brid«f<»*§ fh» ftmalei r«aeh#d 如れ郎令h•ネ似-2〇 P^iod,with p«r ceat, iiad 你opp*d議 to nea^y onji-^lf thi* fi©Ar* In th« im««〇 p«riod, y&itk only 10,8'1 ャ^^^ik# th* mi#« Jthey dropp«d to a triekl# 1930^Durins thr«» p#rt〇a« fro^ 1911 through X9«0 th« f»nal««i 0fcu!?i^th# fl®d!wral ^•rorowding and po^rty already •xi»ting, mi0^ til* P〇〇r«r farmer* «nd «ity t«b〇rert to 〇〇»# States* Those pr«f«oturtia with th# lowest nu»-3^ b«r« p Xtc^l at »ohw«r ar« a»riy 0Rtir«ly non-i^rlouXtur^L and w\mxi f4H ^,r*i wfirrblMS friSi® in Of H〇hw#r»8 lisei i* illu«trat«a in tabulation giY«n in App^mdix IU-c. A* i* ahaim, nearly 81 nii'mj origin in ^an, a fact which tiiiXie4 with %HB%r haring 10209 •〇 largely from %hn fl^rleultural and Boa-urban 加浐艾龜鱷.麻L ▲供故..矣嘛棚^厶,“::ユこ;^▲,::ニー」1 -ン lAiBoni th« fornerly rural ©roup th« «»U« 匪 otu ••‘: ami ••.〆 whey«»i toao^g tho f ormtrXy wbap _«r' ふ''—ji .:丄ン:.a ‘.嫌--'. : 二'.ザ 暨^咖_(^ぶ一,11——. _备卿 ctww ***%• *Xightl3f «tte& 办T6* _ f.Mioxnd p#opl.’_u> oiutti .XalMvr. | fhm '§»A\. 9011ticMd itol*41011: , SI^B«〇plftjii»a« fsw uhleki »o»t ipvri^aiii isflu«iia«s «»r•供 elui«td* | !Pli.:翁廨參1 natur«lly had »〇 aoti” 90UtletX lif., I b«ing «li獅,,tho 谈吵 nl典* h«m «xhi^it«d . 4«cr«e of poll姑0*1逢Uノ la(t«r««t» *t Uiwit in «t»t« ibff^lr* »nA It ofily )»•〇«〇«• fi»Xitl ,hat idreai^ b««a The writer of thi« rvpoziK had lutd ⑽,• p(»rtml%3r to 〇b««rTt of th« pr«*«nra〇uaktl〇A eowRmltl«t#^ mi and th« HttX* lnfozmtl«3ii bm hat of th«ir •〇〇!*! luolatlosi tviui gX«aii«d fr〇M eoKmiriatlon* vlth iwaou««s of >11 «k«« ^ Eohw«r*f Am | Utm itty th« in th« o«st«r l«Ki£feh«n«4 Atid m | _ tli. uahii砂y smbotm* , of beocuM !!••• .hairpi^ 難ny of .物• I ^nmgl$r 〇A«t dun# thisde of this waft it«i r«X«tlosx to th# «hol« oampl«x oi . flunL bemii «6«lt fr_2y. tho «t«ally _ in th•併,••助《mK« 9ld«r-lM«X» tluit ^i«y h*d r«*ll3r IxrougMi it «nd tbat th« Aa»rl* ^ .ifei;#: iik%# ■〇•% *fehi#. •j^(wriiWHi Ig and d«dle«t« th«iwttXY«s to th# tiuik of so lnt6fir»tltig i»to | 1 Awrleaa |if« th»t th« B*jori1iy OftUoftiiftH gren^p xuivir mg^Xk 1100k —on 站龜禮i•辦But孤说i _如勘^姑轉纏1110气 I ^SiiswrittixMi^lon luad pr«Judi(NMM^ia«t EehcritM .ia-G»llfoariiiA 1>*4 I ^t|b••& both teoii^X* or iM»i «c#rl〇4*y, Mw^r : to Japa»,Papj ^t/brar; 網^^^於::き^松:、(料^ rMilit^. '^y...l94$ thftt «ttt W«LpoffiUai m« a&r« pr«m^«at tmd d«9p«* 1 c«At#d oa th# W«it Gamut 1»h*n it vauk' or .«Ttr «mu34 'b« in any >^W{i 0bbmr part of o«cA»e pernMMffit dw«Xltr« wiHt thkir CiiueAslftii Mi^bor»|l !^iy I fmA mmxy lntiiiat« frlwdt 111th« in «hi«h t|M〇r mov«d*g tn I ^ifir ••eewd^y x*«Xatlimshi|» wii^ Caii〇«isi&ct« thrnrtB wis no 11^latttlc^ I 〇r 靠ooitd Mid iMUtaa to 你搴 d^lnant SohooXt ^ad l pub^i9 to Hmm» !PlMi Oaim amy bBTtt ^ 巍 th細顧:',4wB€«r〇uc.蜂.llMitsxt and f零,5 I to d〇nMr v«£ptabl« produ«tl<«i i«d mrkttlns m th» WmI7 I-CiNur%*' vwr«;tM^'oi^isiftrily' trmt«d mi lxif«rlc^^ I tibld that \th« Caue«Lsi&iui,'-^Xi'vtd offtl^; ^ on^rch^rgix^ | _: th供 impiI Hi 妹ridua «my» tctkixig ぎ th^ir pranese Rej ®a〇cr〇/j tumutg, for muRpX«» oould ••• that hit 0iuioasi«ii xM»l^blKir» vitli tb« | §»jam 9M〇m^ of And ^raitl^g' Mwm outt kt «sd w of th•奢《«r wi他• fiur 设*«a%«r laootttf 的*ii tlio iii hftv. produ^td | 1•••,象thi•邊id not ば你• intlwey of with hi馨 | ml^ibor^ hln m o^rdialljr imi h« would my oth«r mi^k\tor§ §M *g«nt whloh produe«d «ad osifAlr •oonmaio tr««tBMixit mu th« «ooaonlo fytt«m lt««lf # or raor« ft g^rovp of ^ol«a&l«rs amd oth«r« in dlctftAt el^l«»rHho v〇r-pro«〇h«d on tb« tubj^ot r«iXlf QKtliA |MI-:i(^rtil^ Clkilforailt Wli XMlt . only th« i^ml bixt also th« tt|t〇«V, bmmluiA, «hl«h «o»ih〇ir4 t〇n«d«y. «»t \m got Imek to* ttuiy who rttXoo«t#4 lilc^vhertt in tho ummmA to that th# It «m m d««lr« to s»t liaok ^caw9 and to rmfiy * forMHr hon* lift* Althou^i to mt of tim I«s«l J«|m still th« first ke«tare, "ho«elBaA,,s th»y i»*U«4 0411foral* th«lr dnl«nl«ni> hotMiiUnd1** And this «•〇〇»! kweland wm WS TUbS o? ^XLfor&i* ft!級••薩 Sli•■和2*龜妙篡1難馨1 致 ofaar供* ••脚蜂,^• linly • iittl.1•"議 MticaMkH^r mttmah^d to C«Iiforxil«# and to fisd It «0&〇«! m 41ffl〇ixlt# at X«Mt during 194$ «〇4 X964# m 4id th« Xc»#l to islilBtc tef tb«lr fu^p %ur« la t«am o%h«r tha^ of ulnplir r«t«r&ifLg to tb»lr fernar typ« f{: lif« and foriMr hoa«« 8m»yfc1tlo»u £3Ep«rl«xK»0t In twmX m« c«!X«4 ASSEt^to : _ t# Uv«^_ i****r^ on*** Hiring auad t*i«!B^S5ci# "to X^t^m ^ to ®*t Th« wtm thm »or# .y^imS'"to dwoot馨 *於鼸《«_ | •Xian% «hil« t©n-ju r«i«rr«d for :'〇^. _th*y had kr«wm for that #mo_lo〇 ai热| b# r#d s^M^XXii# fttid 亵 謂 tuliisd thitt wa wualrtukaWL. odor wm imwt. «rfcdloat«d fr«o th#»•量 I〇 both 你• awwibly 〇成t«r« U^Uis e〇wwtti«〇〇_i wr. hMtUy in- «tai«d and w»r« xmt«t «uffiel«xt to M»k« llvliig norma or I wtiii »ot #R〇ttgH «hw*p§ *md y⑽麵撕!11#:知o 鬂撕'wid 曹时爆 pooply :<|^*1|^|^^||:.:._^_':曹财♦:叫 ,eanneotlng imit*# wt»r hi4 to' ea^rrlid; into; ^#: u»it»^,-iip4:'..®0 m9,^§ | Uf« ia *Wi_# th«m» mu in〇〇av»nl_..and not參0〇 pUw«wfe» _ »〇%斧J J^neSe ^e? ■ • Bancr〇ft Lib^^ Q 瓤R馨h»r«rl^_t tocdc 馨■ith.x1 to «ara • こ mon«y or to «ac«p« bor«d〇K« out away n»rt «tl2,X %〇〇 shook;«d th#ir flrit vvaomtioa •xpcrlvntMiB to dmm to «&y kind »f 齡響 work* ¥h« X«««l oouldi «till hardly btlltvt that •vReimtlan w$m rftpld* ly bcoonda^ aoe<^ll«h«d f»ot# am* o^uld th«y y^t reaXii« | how irr«nro day ^nd lotdeing i成• •”〇••辦 and not talking to A&ybody11^! A ttm, w at Stockton e«mt«rii,; v«rt | AlioiPtd to a»k« daily tripe to |rlxid up affairs na 1?«iit th«y oou!4« KImI w«ro i^turftlly not nt&rly •〇 oruth«d in spirit#' mud *0011 dom to «ork '*iMl r»ore»tloii»|vBall^ g|MB«« | w«r« st&si^d# coeimX or^udMd# «ad n«« ftoquiilxxtaaiefs loadu* tht boy« «fid away of girl* dre«««di r»tb«r »bAbbiXy» «i»60 ttui 〇iivt«rs ««r« too crowded dirty to ill0» for tof Xon^ «m vimtmr «tyl« in Sl9«i 4r«i« h»d ilk 你ioh tb•放y« war« loud ind th« •Xadld^ with mx^thlii$ to ^aok into th«n* ?h« oldor p«opl« emtim^d to liold tmHo thair dlsalty* »nd to dr#«t «fi«ordiag to th«lr torwmr | tloafi uadi «• if jitllX pr«t«nditi$ to thAm«lT»c that « d««p«r^ iR th«lr ll¥«« h»4 &ot really eeovrr«d» 私ay of th« •'meu••馨 hftd ir«x*y llttltt aosMgr* bat mt aueh mil »9〇d«d||«sid th«r# w«i*« f«ir «ay« ia vhieb to tpjiail It* 热• Tr欢 SauRtiw4 •寂'油,^._ Tthrn «omouno«Bent that idl r««id«at« of both Mswsbly e«xit«rt w«r« to b« ulloo^tttd to Eelm^r «m md« la «»rly llky# 194Sf ^od isdlTldual pr«pij«tion8 for th« long ^ournvy ««r« started* Extr^awly f«w 1*4 «o%y aXl to £〇 to p«krt of the Hortbf £aat# or Southjftzid th«r# r«U. mwrflon to krimJBMM mA 1^10 tout^ «« * «hol#» ||A:Mrt;| gloom ov«r th« evaoueos h»d heurd All th«lr | Utmi on th« W««t Com% »bout th« gor« «LXlt it* east« «yit«R* thou(^i not one ha4 s«en ^ui souths and o^rtftlxiXy tigtt htd r«ad tk# •oeloXogl^l XlterA^im with •outh«rn «oei«ty# tfav^r th#M#Xv»s w»XX Infoi^d m the of the nnd on tb« atftluxls o«#d 0 •尊upori# 曹b!1i« oast籲 to mlxit«kixi its cm 離ooiaX •ad «〇Q&oaile sup«rlority« | Th« ^uastlon in»«dlat«ly enos up ca to | 'Ui* •tatiM nhioh «outh«rxi Whites wouM tiooord thf •«0t of • l斑ig •t*y*:iti ArktuoM* gX〇w8110pSLyllAf 翁 pointod Ijy 'Umi Oireetor to hiailp in mi^Liiutt w»yi# Sim« non* of th« «{>artia0ist6 9Xid doz*altorle« for th« p«^sq»^«X in bleok 46 |#5B b«en itKiiwl, th« \»re te^orwily amd f»a i»|| olook 27. A* thi* bXoek fiU*d up with th« stuff m^uaUy mrpd 011¢, «ad 9Qm W0p« ail doal〇U«ci la th«ir f Holaf«r9 fnm 11 th© owit#r was • nil•切 tl_ «mth 麝 on tht MoO«hMi roaiEl* 2t 供m9i«t»d 0t & m rrnUwn^ tbr»« n ootton ^ixig ^ | p«ra«l>« « ^ot«i houiM«f t»4 1« m tr«dliig e«nt»r for Iwayily ^opalktmA «urreti!>diing lt» It i« a Ml»«〇url B^opt tfiti o»n^r from th» ivho e«^9 Tla Itaphift 11199mbt^Heid h«r» wh»r» oould \m mt in %piA «wir# Visitor• fron th# 祕•癮明i«t«m 你nr,f〇r«Ni to diwMs&MTk lA HoQ»h⑽象;h雛iHU% odm 典油• MlffMHarl國 via Little Book And Pirn 21111jTf* Hi* MXnntmlppi tlv<«r lm« 1瓛 oi〇ar«b«mt 1wo eeutt of 姑嫌咖你 ••ぬ01«t 城 Ri幻t«g nar^m«st ttmtim tmaisor 1« Fi»» Stuffy wh&h 1« rmrm$% ^r^pm ahoppiaf o«xit»r# tii# visit«d &% r^xr91y$ mi mSxOy 910189 of tb* Xfttk ^ tMispertutiotu i« about 9ft srU«« northweg% ef 你》_nt«r» l>«rssott# • to?m «T 供級摹•000•1# 香il^t «111•靡 9011後❶f 卸触worlttft 轉14鄉 vi0it«d lt» Imt St viui tl_ |rl•⑽IpftX •eppin^ ⑽》t«r かi* 你•of 办ros_ •養 :ytan ttf 物 0»n mm mai%0r 0〇aupl«d «n «t«a about om »UL« «qu«r»« Hi. 窗瓤9 ❶jriginftXisr •靡«U3& v»i said t. b儀■ b«»ii 〇ub» mr&id Igy « twm iinoikm» to a f0ot tf ««t«r tho y««r rounA imtdX th« 似中 CU«h«» diif 你 oon^Hwa it into 4r|r @〇_ of %im 93f^ had b«9» wxlor ou3LtiTAtion9 aztd Mi immt ha^ bmi «nt lay ^h» 9mwdXXm9 bat «9&it of It mg h»«ivi|y for«it*«l« Hi# ^«0i w»r» oat o«t flrit «v««ue9 work «nmpii to e«]6» wi〇r|l tier 你.讓《 and Intt龜ぬ9« 1hi« l«fi «)& op^si iLr«fi surrounxM on Mm «««t# w»rHk$ «nd #ntt tjf m «laa&0t for#«t of tr*9. «kUL d棚—uxidflrgiwtlu the mmtb»rn «•« 〇|:^ tion«« mmrm Ui mil 〇at»s ^mnm! m» 149#lc «pia*t* |Fk«a | to wMt tti«y ««r«' a^wrvd ⑽,ih« :n^_ of 細 JbginMnria瘃: ••tl 切>• _ •!}〇_〇 in %b«r .辦 0f App•取dx :•!•かOtt *れ祕,'to, al^tr^.. Sl»var.ft wim pr^viM id你《& .lik^er^td Ihii *t Cir0% ,v§0 ixkmttt^imt iso drmi& mil ftnNk ^iolOy 9tn»A^ to pr«ir«ttt Ho&iin$ 4^in$ rm$3A§§ Wt 鶴.瓤ni 4iMpia^ditdMk4 wear#. 4ts§ .floods雜嘗fta .no J ^Mirt w«rt tiro ^br«i blook^t tli# omtiwm0» of ttfti&ditfiM•械it«ii or!•脚,§«»ki« . Ibis ««»»«« ti»_« ‘f «»复_^ inmt «n4 BK>B0t»i3<»a»ii but •氚ittti♦も of b♦姐你 _mi 於rinfi物4 and 始_1« 133T 梦|〇切 df ぞ龜抑• flmr Sohw撕⑽nt»r 擎龜猶 divid^dl into or鑛iui# l〇««Ol故 oalM tho 斑Ultary. ai^iiil»trfttiTt9 p9r9〇aeml§ md «r»as« Urn «0#令1||^,0〇期| 戀れ_• 物•:'姨_^嫌雜鱗^:*^.仙,物細ぬ• ••:像8*4 姑鄉farin''ble成雜《 Sh.|l ,1^0* 1 em^MWBk ^ polm«p wm» sXi^tlar v»«t of M* S* |;th«| *-城0911+ •• _ 和 ft »#r_ •,你.《••み細 oot ;fflkr_|tsi細'协^ 繼 in mmai 浓雜 p«r^oa»»l w.n> for«l^f ぜ你ir ^rf 咖••威抑松o wiioi «r_v 仰,:ct凌'' 逸* • pb»A〇S9M»m:命:•物'翩》«»_ •輅t«$:lh» mntor tmM%0 :m hs4 v«k tB^l>«dri>Q^ i ftt ««gh foSiilLlivs with ^ 〇d» shlid# wn& ivo 'MtroeNBi' l嫌烟".癱龛奚咨11 hiX2••瓤 citi|^Ui 知rraak built lllot i^U 银• 0w«MtMa_d かr 8ibl« olas咖 %1 md $dti〇oX mx ^««r lvll9e<> liftl,i vaa thi pordoxtH^t Uuad^y hou9». f祕 iMt to it.轟轉略 か1* 必iUdr«m» p 触iod trim oim miA of t^o to thi litter «1r9t^9d Hi« fmi}^ g«rdeeit# atid at north ins of otre#t» was « long _rd嫌! •切ipか細wbi必物_ _.t dt伽み<1必财濟t&bl9•如r th» p«r«d^E^l m§Bf tbt 着^rofim «|择妙;r@ttftX» |»rs&rm«l aJa^^aiiS with «hoiN»rft «rs orlgujftlly _如!rt f飲《va供嫌# ⑽• h〇«««i *• 斑* lii^b180110oX« eemimv3t§ «osit«l£ii&f j5»ur gn^a twe r«供ぬtly 供期pi雜ted fiaotui蹿at« In hornr of 也o He如》«铲奶1«»1零〇r 你必. «Tfts At the 供 tr•酿ead of .v魏eat# aroa# bord«rlng thi ton 物《ni f供!级# 找必你ntlftl and bl^okt of •in^aad «ria «r« ^I^hsi i& th» of j^ptudlx X«B» f HM blooka u«ed Ibr «H^MNr th«& purpot«c «r« ommlttwl Arois ▲ 〇de^pX»tst 9t bo^b «4silai«trAtiY9 «n«l «riMnMi0 ituititutiona Id the Hiirt^ ^2*0# «unl wax r»tMAsi%ial «nd 〇rr«a|^l bl^ok isuMMNr«9 i« in App»n4iat oih«r« iri_ ifKlU«t〇4l In 想地t li纒t» «»rthき i&atitati斑!《 曹财 bim«od in 也•神《«rvi_ ittf felook•勤咖 l «nd 17 «r•祕 tt«d tron th» ll«t» mi th«3f o^tftinod resl40&tiiiX baz*r»〇}qi oDly* the firstwa* «t Bcibi^r qh B^oeisbar 3X* ^194St tfhl^b | rmmr^X trm imo' tM»mbly o«nt»rc 〇c»^l9to#';| Urn -pepuXfttloxv 你i!t «rr•妙^你鬌1域零_|必續•脚l.助蠊''初議 Aft groups.Is aihtma in t9$alj99 X S of j^y^tAiM t2%mS» «vaouo«« #i& ii»r». cmt y,t : of t3b» • wmi :你# 義 hitfasai pwidstl on Boimw mmw- h«4* ainoe thi i^McrraJ, ftt»i 8«^2y o#ut«r« 曹龜馨 aoi^pXit^ t3b» tin 痛 ; !)»•«» w«r» all oltii^i 似⑽沐l^r城aXUNB ••都d你•脚ユ鲁軀轚4 f锄101•_ 囉bmit .t)M» 30«»3袞 p*oup .i^Ui 脚aXi^t# «1你如3jf ぬ如魯螯 p*r細}t 城你o p〇|U<»_^^ 'latlm* §l«re th« oltdim# wmre §£m 4a .of t2s« S 也• ad磷软fNitditd、伽.:^Xth9 ia. iud 也《r o«mm» ザ• vtiy wl4» mrg^Xkm %9 40*40 #id €0"^9 gfottp# •««!! oontiiki^d abou% 3lX p»r满11i of ih» pofAtlati級80«*99 ■在!1oup: «llゆtljt 你0 t«r期hp»^| b@r ぬ•194S» 儀4供淡切略'v战你ベ勘.:纽f*说• ! 0曹雄 押&i;K 'S:t:嫩IT% :如肩数級_1お4齡:_ . 通屬120V#雛肩餘1ttt够繙錄:声謂馨 | 伽 liittKr 你桊⑽t. r㈣id勘.t populft食供191你〇癱 | 翥 cm今 ftt 餐_ ti_: an t6R^or«ry 网Hi* mnm^ w&s饮《 i魏’《t t备你《 •鎮^xvfi jUr.is e^oim^你黼續誓ius it•裊饮x* なぐぃ: 11^dtmkti,iih_ ikf 3s^iw Ju的^rto知^!⑽》8«•私嫌•_如!典a糾•破鋤 b«r 3l# l@44 «l«o ^owl a jut^t tvm ^r«de«dln$ 6#3^l. to Thm^'-wm^ r»i^r〇0^» to 1^9,; tv&& wmtm basis b^0i^tl)Cilr l&aTa eouX4 «spir@ and nxs^aiatiottX^ ^meom^ p&remi^nt* 'Qm tMMuttr |>epalatl<»i r#&oh«d «n Xov «»1^ ^^$1 on.Swpt028bsr !0• 10錄》(gid’wcMi rn|}id|y — t«r& 1耱《”》on 細夸瘳11糾-it i« $roM^X» 你•如尬on .善㈣i vr&ii wh«n:雄,_ctr脚oo伽㈣¢N1•’祕癌 0f . 嫌 tl^: '她真嫌鶴"1^ftJsirfir 細,。pr«d城鞠d•私:::^^^^^^^^^ '1h. p9r«Nmti^«ai 滅 the 鑛娜21 私费 in th« totttl p^a^ati cm fdr 齡》 :«aoh of tii« c^»4ua»f":irt '^oim ';lii tX or ' Jt^*' ’'':,.10 ■ p91^热% ..11^:^&'、|^_1瓤^1 on •¥‘’:: ttt ih^ w^ -:pt::^4Z0 o^tkmk^.^}: ik^ iiii^ly:11|H o^t 9«3C)NI5^7;. th#鱗ネId p«epltt f〇_^l w 抑ttlei細!免,And 你. 祕雜ids 胃!錄v : .物•鯓oiir#.'⑽irlwr f欲:你痛巍jUI tli. •▼ciovmi•秦ぜン《^ 'f ❹後從 «j〇i4 如iiB%il>/:tlit:.si^:'^^ 姐 m long 喊 P〇病!^!•、.麗60*欲嫌參.i^trl^r p^r«i*tiiit iH0r«ift«e .trom th9 first 〇9ii^as« 1111iib Juit owi* XX p#ro»G%f instil ^k$A\^f -;$n^0H^St,19 ]^(Nili%«;Sat :;194& ihma^ el^ir p^opl* w«r« at. 2&st $ut« ^llit' firit .ie; U| 0V«i^ l 黍]^ 御的•:: 豳la 等':律曹從•痛t$l}rycni_'_110 to ha'V# mxsy ^iSldr^m tJ^lar te^s$X^»0 如 40«*49» «nd 0*9 ac# 0*oup» pTDportl⑽ 鱗eroase^.切.. 'aat^ictd -,物議•戈^ ..麟尨'^*纛 '奪Ih» $0*»S@ anA 90^39 groups aiff«rtd Teary Xlttlii propm*tlcnat« 處禮 tho 20*89: «oid 物•!*〇««职 o«i^t«r* 你籲n. wiui l^KioAlng not iua «H*n 如雄》u»ilな> *ltb 雜 Sxi欲〇龜麝121g proper%if辱嚅攀 攀櫸象::加先 &f: .o!4 pde鱗鍚、iu^f younf ohlldrcm* :Xts peopi餮 of 拟蒙_ 《SO to @0)鄉<1 稽vo«# of aatsiro «aulth0$d (30 %〇 «iat«r f〇«@ «3it»nt bat SKri^f(^;#.〇' ^tiif' pr〇|K>Ftip^iw isuf^urt; i|%g ftdU>X###di3itii ^| nssd yovakg ailultt ^10 to 3〇)iw*, story m4 !〇•% Hiru rol^oatloxii 9ltA botli its ^mry old (QO «a4 ov9r) lt« Vttry youni; (0 to X〇) •f. thiv pepuJjbtd⑽•:, Boh姆r*K population* if dr炒m ⑽《t 获&|必參 did not 喊麟y tis« '翥《•. -'1^. •,育i你'_t.h•:贫旗•..崖%樣lt#i*, ••傲Ml Will% v^nrtir^ 4iK:_K«|....:|^|.,^^ :辜•域UPCSt..■免#1thr雜 youn^fttf% 嫌麟 ^i£mp_ iiv — su命• .4ini{j|r 寶❹ぬ泰 ha^ro th» |in« utiXX 'W%&^ts md. fmxt;hi^ssr Agt gT#up« hiding th# ^Bk^« of a a^w*#« int ^rmiduaXl^ f勝! Kiad 1^ «mxkly, 19^6 th# liiwi th$ gew^i lia^ tm^etti && of 必 h«mr^Ui8■拿 or saoiw of 纛细|)域搴 0Ta«M參你$ 籮,族 om u^v〇T%in$ 9M &m oil; its p€Ak»'|13i* wS4«.st 'li»t0 aV tli霱切!》and W鱗• with Hi. .i^iii9*〇«#$t 3>1雄秦 th«t of .他•旗)■掷 | et^» ptmp9 In mn^et0 Hi# 设tb^ VGuld hatir^ ffliouvs^l th» m» mation^ Mb^T&t to b^o^m m〇T9 md more wltb thm rery yom$ &t3d th« r^ry 〇IAf md t4> h«T9 lort i意• yoim 慕 ayd^ilt•織4 松ぬ麟❹f tl_ XBMnr9 Audi 取I4di毒 yn 羼r.、 xii»;iiTAe0is tm msiq mows fh•鉍“e vhloh雛4•麴你•的•抑賴雔 か HUiSaiil ot ^a«r«fctloxi gipmp%^ ^h« Xnnipxa^t 软卿•, «p〇^tt %h« W#*%-Coii«t Xo#©pl« of Jai^»# AJ,X th« «aay of th« U_,i f#l•你.r«» 飆姑_nd al te iia» «i«y i«y« 位lyy气:侧鳟1穿雑棚y,:.擁(4 .肋. co^iH^ i.,TB^* • i^xw vmn not too «mdi o%J«iti©» to «w ^ nkjm. JU 瓤•供 J難 1>霉醣• tittui .抑#tridlng '抑rd to tlwi m«ay |||^P |f響” they df#«trsd a;»»»« vlilc^i ta 細sriii細! ^#%vf:'你•:'如 0T9T t¥〇«fi#ilisf or 9i$f w«v* Ittsl fm^X^t, n^o e〇Et$itnl#4 |>#rG«ttt/.^0 I»0pu3ji%ion • ,*.|fi«,rly $$ p9T&mn% of: t&ii |.ssti;:'? iriiNi,: 40 3f^f»/e|4 ' « 9f 'tli«tS' ^t9tm Wf uttd f $t@i3';* |9kXm&$% 6xi%lr#l|^;'ift %•'#0^|>l%ui ^ro^t :'K3i4 tilt Qntw:^i〇t 4«〇T€Si%« shoira. 10it 'In ^bi9 grots^* lli« 1940 «sunmぬto In黍iea,*ni i>f^ ^i«lr oim kIM* | :鸷 1944V 如rrndc鬃 in、1>〇嫌 39‘. ybleh 教Irea^r hi你㈣ _ l*««tt v«r« of th« ii th«» e^i 〇^?«rt#4 • lituftt-for olft to: tiik« :^'^9f^irti«^ 你1隳嫌•:lc»〇im th欣錄f从r i^:::_fli0 蘑轉费«!!*• h〇ii•キ緣%io魂. 41ttvib«tlom of %li« l«0«lt a* of 1» llltt«itr^i«4 in th«_ map fteeo»p«JiyiiMf App雜dllit A.nttmtitr 0§|;lnt#ir«&%lag 0110'"Hitt X«««t . 抛I 妙偷翁:^⑽:嫌々ぬ-r •:: 1943爾 Xt 嫌•::為9鴦你t•鉍lsig’_ ■轉:臂1減.‘'1^•級.鈴.re•蛛米i㈣藝鷂lc•約r of 办ptia•嫌 t&ot of '^i|^l:ii^v i&a4 tbm%; 〇ftl|r:''ti#|Iii X 0f Jkp^«a4tl3e IT^A.)* i^i.l«« cm.t- VbM iii:;'lli« ia 'tovl IM^&y- 2" 9 癱■咖抑讼*爾⑽•綱111011組* 二,“_«细1州太r4rぼ=r:チゞ •la⑽;协•如略”#a a〇 ^u«a or th« tJaU«d S^u« (*«• X 0l hTxZ mt tor *mr 〇™«nny. ^ ^ did mot fxisif »«〇»« Aatrl^n Japattese»&^ fiaiih*4心H tk* l»Mivfiftli^ 神*•祕⑽1ぶ111^ 娜丨ひ onmm^H«.: f*et ^ich iaileRt** X«wl1㈣1丨漏^簿^t 私"一細 尨iriy •細t «te⑽iw祕a しチ1:ごこきブ;|||| 〇«1浐’7 iadlri_U _ 鉍毳辦 V«rU濉 t••他切 ^ :::_也lug _ I 觯Uw 炉嘴^,认 \伽如^= = =f!|| »«〇, aad W «!• ti«» %h#r haft 4«wlop«4 th#tr fir«> 00889uaitW*^ JSi 祕《»〇•:—e .witr 觯*^ 綱、5^:4=^/°*祕.* J th*^ v«r« %〇〇 t^ad too oX4 to Wk#^||,^|i|pPf Sh« Ife8#l ^ir« 84 otrewii aen^Cfe^Utiftft, thi» noa-CbrUtlaa b«iag aia〇»t «tttlr«ly BuAdhiftt. I^i* lift 16 p«rc#at vfeo %f«r# CferlttUtt, »nd «ilffl〇«t •ntlrtly ?roU«tant. 〇nlr 13 X««*t ^*i0port0d jar la Ootob«rt 1943 as having no y«ll«:l〇n. ^i«7 v«r« 54 percaftt of tot&I hftMtat羅ia Cfaiforala, g i^rcemt of 竹1鎚《» 祕で^•,デ 141 perc«at urlrnn 63 fWcm% 〇{ w»r* 〇% i fft»Ul«« huYtog h#aa«r %j>«riMm^t of hmK 1 perctal* J»f f«atil«« with «i«l# h^du iatern^t aad 7 1a-_ I AlTlAtmi*. 〇:f with iMii^li«r ««!• i ^7' 'ptjpc#!®%' wfT# tsa».ttftcfe0!& Iji4$t14^M» lilii xftBiily* :: * ..“... 1.837 Xs*#l who warn V©rk#r« Wor« «^eu&%iont 2 p«r««at wr* ®kill«d worker*, 84 percent wtrt «ft»kiXl«A Ift'bor^rt* «sd 4X pe?*kS^;,^|| v•で• 3flUP»:::物1如P* 切細*1.**•,.純^ ft•如雜11 fhm».l f*ll Into 伽•* tm*.が_ア喻食,ヤ conB«rv»tiv« And J^p*t*Mi»t f „A*>#^|iiSiP>M land th# fotm«er S««#i* «r«at ®a»i v*^* 1 vho *jH>kt Uttl* or bo mUiT B^14hUt, ^ th« le^it め public «<^i«»llag of »XX lh* ian^Uat In CftUfoml^* ^h«y v*r# Ti*w •«p^〇iaUr w«r# UUU h轉rA fro麵i莨你》的*• 命象1.lh*Tヲ作泰^ I a〇r« py〇-J«paa#»« in wklim^% tto o%h#rvi®«. IW w«r* voeifer«m«ly #©• ^ $3rp« w#t« t>«rhari* •Qt^lly as Jnp&a#»« lln etatiww%, th«y t»aa«4 to >ett»r •dtaca%#4, ' to 紋⑽liUaUsifli你,and v«r•御r•财_ 块 |ぬ^細欺 0f fchad hmti, p3wf*»*lo«Al »«n*K"btf i>«%rpftp«r lBHHy ^HW^S ぐん®o“ ef:你棚•*㈣•在切:,讎ia 圓^赛汝鏢P0_酵i#〆: 如f fr⑽ poiUicga life mm 供〇i?豢你他〇«« 的你參 first w> doubt ^ecsfttift# 1^#^ tw^ titicMi that ■:你金孓r镰挪pft你y #tth A*籲ri你a槪rv瓤如霉你霉繭w tb# e611«〇j|® #i«imi . divide ;#lt, tlMiijp : - Bj|e mid in>g.lti»a k&tfw %dth groispe IniSmttljr, %mt tiao« %^ty w#r« mt e〇ia^l«t«iy identified vlt!i «itluir tli»y mill# to ifeppr»«iiit# and to rtiMS% toward wm^ib; group * * i»«i# 4i»#ii?i«^ weateui»0SM„:,: ft®羲 麗^M^y ch.it tlui 411^sik 1st itt - •si;llF#l|r 會n.纛 «.» a elos«ly lat«irelftt«d «o»p^»x ©f pyofeltm**-: 1% foarMl' ■^sU r熟*oa'tbat.抑 _ajr of th«9,, unUk* th« Niit.i imd 0th#r|^|;f §r鄉•孰• iMUrthla翥Imt th® •iafU iUsaUoa of aU ih_ jy»»rlca^^. JftpAa#nf |(;. ia«i,tHlag tliat tlMi r*«i.Xiy-' ipr#®''l 411TiouXtl^ii of %kim sii&orltF «ad*rligr th« ®*r«ly mxp^rf ieimX dlff«Fr«sie«ii a«oag|| 11#«1,|1»««1# a»A ot^r sad the% %h»f r*st«d oa th« «ortf ^a#tc and; faeta &t #d>BC#ai€ ©〇xTB t '^nd to ; 〇:f ■ «aLrsf» urs: 1 Aa«rlean eitl««n«* fh*y v«r« often r®f*rr«d to th* ^eltls*!! gy^p». fhliy flr«l of is jgj^, mmntng ttro^ or »«e〇nd; v *ft tlm着,jaX JSti» •••ewad fWMW^itieaf • l& tho populatloa #f Oe$#l>#r^ MM3* as'1« »h〇v» i» ^%lji 1 of App^sdiic II**l>f th«3r 3,62?#. «t|| ” か _r 54 p*ret^ th,p〇piU,iMu?| 你• :f_U« *u«hUyp «xetiid»d %h* ^©i*aiir 1>#lii^ ^ p^TC9^ :^ 'y.i^ 4^1 ii34i%i©a ;|h#. :^. p«p«t3Bt.,热•!*•.嫌tt:::難©t. 拿ir:⑽t^_ix你:| of Hmhr ia tbt d-»9 group* Ju»l mw om^Ufttk im 111# 10-19, !*•« th»» on«*«»¥«nth In th» 35*29f onlf ^*0 p«r0eai ia %hm 3CK29, 34 p魯rn如via 你癱 40«49* S p®r*棚* ii^th癱 SO*钟• ■d Iji 伽§ ¢0- plus* 恐lift虚^^li條%〇 'vlu^t '«*%««|^ f,#li :lat4>'. tli# yoweMlty fft&opp:9■'oosiHpijRt^#^.嘗!嫌.:你麴 oldiiMp»feg#i*|pp〇Ta^ .(•••Uy 知(期1•鬈 1944 |i;. th«r h»4 iacr«ft*«d oaly to ZB$4% »xid ftt 40戴sWtittt•在—S6 p时60111 .bf* 你Bio徐• 8,‘. 313:,'36. g S8t 33# «ia4 34 v«**# pi^»|>〇r%i©R^%«lT th# lui^fetlit 1& «mA;^r« f | sosetto#i ip#f#rip#d i:〇 «* .gWis#i. 1»Xo7 . til* iJ(i.|>*tii«8# IflWhi.Ay ni^l奴,Th«d〇 «o-«iU«4 Ii«#i bloeke ar* «hfiwn oa th« mftp fttH 癸潔:雜.邊罐辱^^^^遺 翁^^思が織^^ lAt«r#8tlas ffeet# etmetmins th« i^iwi wfeieh w«r« by th# w lfl3 p〇F〇l«tion wtrvty *rn fir#a \mlwtm At tflwr# w«r^ B't26S'^1««1 :lii |!|#;':'^<(>»%*# vl»9r ¥*y© old •ao,a^ to »p^Je l l»#th Xfcaguag*» | S60 ^ w«r# too yo^af, aAd 3 who w#r« d«%f amt«*t | 5 p«re«ttt of t£l# tolkil w*r« jp«port«d in spwUciJMi Japaaese only ;^: (««« 3 9f A -p«ndix tT«A) • fh#»t \mrm »lmn% «ntlr#ly in Hit 0»9 jftjgd jKT〇i3|)# ft Ife-O% ■i^iich Wi# ®x%®El»i:|^〇 wkl^b rm_« _4攀 1^»<1^!1- OOBtmSjl#^ li 8^U^3>l6l@S %^piC於liT l«s«l latoimttott^ »i»«t4:ooiitfc«%* vi«i th« p#op!t oulto*# jFspss'irer#' f•wliuRdi1 «i«w4 t^alac«, say 4111p|^ t; r_ei細⑽•,la■ 妨.地边截私和聊如你雜,蕙访以.:.仇•’•对•,ち^ ITl«el> Sons bad »»d« *lbori trlj>i Wcic With |«iy«at« to rislWv' ぐ y#iLsti,vws fttiA' :m>t 101IK •教^參 ::*切會魏l練抑.:知細祕你•⑽’:售’’0尨气嫉職 liui«iiiMf« hfendiemp^ of h»w th«y *#lth«r lik*A nor vtr« llktd by ^1 jfoi* thws-'f*ijf#1s kft@ifii iiod««ft oa th« &r9r»g9 •tucattd* 0111y oa« 匪‘la 物穆..雜祕fi ■卿〆.雔•ず_?,.•表 as; 3a»vl»f • aeyer^^M .i«»ilai3ei^ Jfmi' lassl On thi# baislst th^ f#IX iato thr»Safttion of f i#ti Ilf# «r«i w«r« :•••蜃^^ iiulinod to 砍oi4»tefT«d to "btmk «e!^ strifes /but w»rt ^ do «〇• tlie pro* _ri_.霣 i脚# ^mhpIo&ii k Japanese aiaorltjr tfeould b# 4 dntlvid«a poopl®* ««s^ dl*erfeilarti〇n eg&lft«t th«a ima b«#«d on n»elnX rAth«r than eul^iral ^oui^ls ♦ E 1*hey opiiof^d 你•.寶哀••氣.<1^,れ.'|g^ 黍'麻li利!!^''%41意.ya.:..:'' |or«r .tim糊^1〇戆減A r續19鼂找、io^t •織S 卿r. ▼«”* 和pa⑽••勉 titiiiiklac* of a bospitnl pltsrsleiaA ttboul $0 ^$t0* oldt r: IiXs9 ^; ' th» Ixidludlsig C^iu〇stei«a^ aad •in級ぬ政丨馨《籲1» took la 你• i®.rlean «物1鲁,%取 |fi⑽i 如瘦飯v 始••• uiw A®«rlemu Wlsti #v^a outdid iK>#t- ;Icjni1' In ©Immumr幽s#\.猶| of tht 似^®^れ賴•而切® ^»3>lt|l|i* Ki%«l %f:3fr«.;«i .pfitrt 4f:> gsaAf^tldn 祕在 _ w»r« M^ricaa-bora/lm% tfe#y 4tff«3r«4 ttm th* WUm% in Hmt th#y Jli (|#4pp##(i .•(|_で撕0 .仇•,.:富!♦.以知逢.' If AlXt %kFn 1#¢#! ma^ #Xd#rt $b* saan« •%!ぬsn r_tura«d to Aai-rilea11《S••烟边财 KlWi 議 la; !4^p«fidiaB "Tl) 4 :, .® 奴^• ft't ii〇 ity% %%farrv ::摩,觸麟# ■城急.鱗㈣私yぬ•••ぱ^1成■'微〇••: ••■真妨•文'滅©. wr® IsrsO!1111 im^料他處が〆! ^rou^on% th* «irmeRi«# oeaammiijr^ / Kllwl v〇r« Mill _印#^!^ば %& th« t^o on tha 414 s»»%: llk« th^/aad :it ^j 'rAigJTl 蜂'轉讀•.Hy.御雄霉約嫌‘:脚巧^.:.'' :偷•. •ず霧^棚1 :糞戴尨“域蠓愈*:|^防|*_惫_搴1^鴨》'1物48«4.*你《|^|**_ ^^•嘛1 耄*MK •故取•,零れ“11 丨地 I•細は• i*l %® 抑#鬌 1111 slghtt or mf%^t a. f«v n^f ^6wr9rm.%i^n vilh hi»«';a, fh«y w# er^mtwtnif %«niia« ta lllr# Iht'ftt#! •36»e%Xy lik« WJ*3* ^4' p«c«llar maa^iPitiwig.s ザ改.a航tfti y嫌©II0⑽議ieJi.妨霹11议yv:蓽•黍.你細.'、;ff .fj•脚t ii43^办你嫌^ Xib«l po^x&iioii fiit >«, of Oetp^er t kkmm la^fj M^RrI ; A.* it^ tlbiT*# viMNi '41*^ of nfaida;SS5 wiaNi m|,«s «ad 1881 e w«Pi'i〇* 16» 24^ and ^7* 3100k 34 你》你•》〇讓of «a:U ?hw# l»l〇ae# «r# 抑 d itud eo爾|>1镛切暴 TIm auabtr la 也• ▼iftitliMK eatiMpoぴ• 3? •你《 ia !> to 3 y»RT 砍〇8^* In浐轉&对,_lo _ぬ!级ti〇;1121« 議 («•« 3 of Appmdix X?«C)« Ioxmi Jbad n«y«i* fett*Rdsd school, Rad it gooAXjf portldii smiia$«d %〇 flstifth gfmde school esly* w«r# III 0〇11«^« gradma%«it «nd on« %dio d〇2t« po«t-gradmt« work* A_ la 他• oaiui Df th« Itis4»i» 你《 跡抑 of 访細 bstd finifl^d lil^Miehool aitd «nd«4 tiioix1 tdiioatica «tt tbcil point* Oat»flfth 〇Ci'S 你• •••伽lag 切你翁が tp 嫌9 ふゆ《!!•«•.脚!^!^ 鐘釣!••• _trmrm S4 p«ra«nt| 旗m*0hri翥|)»rimt Cluri«li«ueiザ an技 S ;p.re«a瓠 vith 戆〇 r馨希 md#^ §1 |>«re«ni of lb«a w«r« ot/ 'vtan.t- In Ca Xifor&i«f ^ B p«r©«a%# of eusid Ju«t 〇Titr 4i p*rc«sttv:of urtM&ja|| ImVitat•潑;,3 tMMhff細V_0t*«: &讎f蝴yitisMsul.鉍離如‘备 p^r^m%9 mi# h«ikdi» ^ |)«r©»a%|||of fa»lll*t wttli imtNirswd m»X^ t sand ^ p#re#a% of f««Killt» nith »«ltli«r Miit mr f«s»,l.t .JitftAtt.19 .|)ttrc«xit. of thwi %r»r« u3ia%t»oJi«4#|w iriife out >j Hftmlly* Of ^ui t»%nl 18? X1%«1 vr9 ^inf^XXr mpl^iL Imfor* tm»adtAilon« 3 v«r« ^roftstloauXti 23 p«re#nt w«p« •热黎软蠢:in 龕霉• 6 p#iNNkftVv_xHi tkillti >i©rlc#r* #;^33 peyeettfc^ •畑 ukill•玫 lm、orey^.纛》在 36 wt,® lkrm®r®» f象咖l«^or«WU 哗氟:f 癱 a*: fH# ;^l««i X'i# tfp^t t;:111110 w«r« sa in Aftuc^^ioiig;': s• to coa*ld«i^4 ;^e mfLjorlty #f flit Hl««i X*ft %hMi •ntlrtl^p 松mmu 恐i鐮⑽K&、鳙1v*!1•癱卿I镛ou犛瓤t USO piぼ%1馨《 for鉍I㈣1_ ••於1嫌》«篇 aAA •t.n«3t〇 t&l$ country ifi to «p«&d » ov Wo ia *eliooly th«y r«^4 如Ijr み御》•«• llt.ratisr.*| 热•,v«r« proflei«at Ia Japaxi•••,取114 M〇»i ^>ok« isuftd %rro%« It fftr »or« fluently than to Into ^apftxi«»i la 〇eiiv«rtat|Q&« f e v v y^ekfpp(ma^9 and to con'rliUHi And of th«lr A rmvy fmt h^Ximf^A %h&y v#r« not lesoim tt& Xi%#l «xo«pt ^ ^911* fftfiililas »iid to m fm>t. !llM%ijm%9 frimkikBt yihm liad «ir〇yn m% to tbant tmt 1% Is dou^tfal If th»lr pr»t«is« 9tice^«4 with »o«t Sltiii «|]ig« t)»«lr ^^lltli imd i^roflelcney la <1 费 1>&8»»癯bt^Ni gUnm th_ ciMmir* fh_ar vi 也《4 切、難 dm* Att^rleim, ^%:%r«re meosselmilr in ttussr i«ik3r«»»l 〇a« 0011 T-! vorl^d for tt&a|r »oat^» i» tlMi offlet,路籲 het巍 h«rs«lf ift Aaal^rsls twnrmjt^ a* Vui iismXXT to t)Mi kmlju% tlMit eiui %fn« p ^b« at«oel&t«d «&tlrel7 with l^i««lt 41till6«4 EH^l n s^ci€l*3L to 如 ‘• 鷂饞辦寒儀4放_參 JMp 羞轉ti^b 娜籌 瘴• 躲!l§ 襄1鶬鳒1»:餘翥.1•❶r B&aMttl Mad Shla^l> 恐!• San嫌黴i, 儀成禱.食袁1技%«^ thir4 麝搴zi«你*1011. w#s»« %hm c^illdr^A of Il«#l and liliti* 紐見 ««»〇• %lir««t Hr third* At ^eUxtmt mom%%^, ^ill6r«ii» iili^e M ^ao^XT nxmhmt wgrm ■T9H8I 靠篇H ン Mo einmt of Stin99t: •▼»!* amd* nt lt〇l^irf UmiIjp 鲁olul ••tlasi^籲蠹 •春YAGiifttC 鬱^iff fi«as為曾!*■资胃 mm %0iMg tammA. XtS〇0^ fkm ifv%tiiiti wftq. mXl^A ❶,foxirtli g*a#n^tlgia^ jji ^hi f&tn^or fourtli.. .X‘ i籌 not lop^ws thtt% »»% Ihlftl «i«19141«r» iimy* ptobnl^^lH m li»4 ^«^si la eottBtxr 1011^ %〇 h^mi «ir#d gsrtal* to Bkmll9 mM th«ir mo^rmd from ih«rm %〇 th# 8«iSidiiiJi«tv«#a SCNmi SO vmru 如膽抛liadiLii &a4 姐fthla^- |^i« X«r «l 觑t flT0售 w«r« 011 of ism% 10111 '1m% W:X^9iB %h9t li^d s*«»t4;;%Q h^om% ^••iiiii*4 wlu>lf |;;sisiisi«/|lw|rj^|.l««d 鼇th着穿鷂:赛b▼•參II•愚篇舞份i參y鶉〇於_ ^sd ttors «$nQ6atr^%«A «m ^ p#M〇i«nt iii Itui io4* | ^bii 111.4«r f l«#i c#n%iim«d thr1101ait to b#f^ou魯 t魯蠢 mud tlkr«0峨H看ir 1&9癱 0t fr««^lon md | P抑梦_rt, •也.《^城撕▲切*綱l|c ta你-lr •细@s».Ho肋1•紐•細⑽鲷拿G 你r««r., _d、紅.Ir. :•»• of*' 终齡n» la th.’《xj«iii^ii %ttXk iMir«' of tlMilr fengor . Aes#ri雜imt 本1!、.li罐 foreiblsr ernd of 你*ir di»«ati讎 | irl级■粒你蠊寶紐知^れ聶城在!^峰驁㈣1切^你&裊 觀vimn4nilMNMK#F9Kt^ieii4,塞 flui :1鋤-,1麟士.瘥你由!/酿d. tm-tM t^n^plmixLiM la 1943 mn4 miWlT XMS§ but %im9 t}my tHNS^n '%〇 tH0 emn%9r tk% and «%Art«d XooldLii^ for mjm mM, §4^ to pmrmm^M th# gov»s»«at %〇 p«rp#toat# tl»« ho»t for ^hm» On th« 0# «il4 acttioMlltT*, XsmI v«r•勘 t la di»ft 软雜棚意-辱 !•••!■触lAtain-i 1^t 瓤U 你镛1龙游*oop;f i1 儀數ll3T oitlsm藝hip, tho th纛 Aid not l»«ar 0ut( ajid ^m% tl)«T %r#r« ^lad th«l? ehiXSir^n eHis抑slae. 6〇热•?〇鄉霉碧•镱,c oml 访oif ▼•攀 in this eou&%ar;r*f 1%t« fld«l4 of omyr«#f ftpok« of th«l? pfld« in thali* 9«S» oitls«ii^ilp# H21A iw of %h«si lilatsd aaf la.t#n^iosi of y«taornta|? Jctpaa, %at i»f©ptoi«1i#i|r fti th寒m luatd iim. mtlvt Asi4MriQ»ii 樣ition imd 鬌:福Mirt_iiis_ %«hl^d %hm to mgikt %)i«l]f Asi«flQ«i&is&%l〇ft template thin 雄^:r iMseous% for tlMi d_gr#•轟f o,p〇r意級wkleh 輕雜《u&lf籲謇 la %h»it %〇 i^«a f$ wisist &f %hm op^o««d 難ン an在き鲁《^«遣 en th« p鬱lat ef x*寒篇(miiaiag tlMir elti瀛鬱a«hip , or of 逢tMaicnuveln艨 it^Qii 势雾%1霡9£»尨if*.,Imi Hllilc<»i _fcna^9 BhMrplx dlt«gr««dt the X««*l fmr&ring it aft# %h^ r^ry ^r〇» 袅繳鹌铲戈伽篇竄1舊.1 eon«!4瘺i*豫2MT i鬌 usAa鑛魏氤S 搴擊••': of 111« fi^s|NN8i«4: tli&% p91111H^lljr Ei«tl ms in. | r*feil策f 瓤 0111s_n; ftzi4 知ftrhaps 癱iNm 讎驊飲《ti3r 能_霉《1和9 *〇t and «& 41 lo!4 %Imi %«liirv»4 th^« b# tr%«. kmlT^% eould mnf Itav^% proportion of ^tthver*$ Hlt»l nt$a<^i«d my »igaiftm^C9 to %b#ix* r«|pl#tr«i>t.l〇ii ymT0 &go m» ^apc^«« 0111*i>ii«^ w^m' %hat. llivir-partatt m r«$lt%9r«d fk9 ol€«r lft«#l who irtrs emXtikX'RXlar r«r|r Jn.piim«#t spol» llttX* iBfllsIi otrriousl^ eoaeld<»rftd J^pan 'At pn>p»rlT esdt^umX iia»«l»3id of All 91m An«rl6ftsi ^ftp«ai96#» ^ ' hcii iu»t i nittr«€ thftlr X1Y48 la acqr %atl4i itmftft* 蘩為_y v«»r_ 'Ixunsns^lir11 4Ap@,si0«f;: a&i virnld mXimjn fwmg»r 'ltt«i v»r# ^mm:r»xA itft 'l 0111%^*« aM v«r« d«slro«s of *««lsi^ 1% p«rp«ftnft%4id neonf th« Auuiriesn 馨^#ir lAt 攀vsmi 黐41l_ltimt•難 #eultor«l% 鎌!}mi$ fr^s 瓤 i#stir4i his% to br«iik Inr镛▼oeaHア寶ith tli# pi.t%« of ■秦li馨驁:!.參1,猓’ tli修.馨 你尊 @f •osilt^unRl11 inilti0 iMftd 雜o shimld 為■神!^}__.%«瘦》如I 飯• 9抑* 裝1霸.|镛 p.X^«P9 iA 窃1也1^| It not c^iiy ae la isodtm Aei»ri^n »o〇l«t3rf %at as m potential vo»|K>ii C^i&e^-la 政鋒 0091 巍 ut••熟 Is霹•意h 織. fhls t«is« Ii««i nl«it#al & •litiis^ emstons^ n^mitrs, im秦 _or«oa pro* %o^u «xt«at n«Y«r •xparlcneed %f Bny oth«r flkft iiad lit14114 ou otluif hnal«t« vi0tery and ,〇*4. with n«i^uir l^tt crashed «na tepmrUhsd. JW&th n 6«〇»»••■ of 他1>»:■私 •典M Ihat 麻 a,thotmh 鬈 ftil、 霣i«.i «^r«d liop.i|fhi•一 !^«(!•d參sr雄e of.斑 糠⑽鑫••• is嫌铲.“ttMT 鱗d e酿瘦i餐i〇tt 细sliN^ _081 0f 你•_:.:t« •鱗.for :你,:iiro 你••你eoe.劇_難鼂1峨》$ lloli抑f to你•如ZT»n細r、嫩1 tlii露〇货鬌•砂A l%r%h$T la&lc»it«d tbal tkm pv9pQ^%Um 0t th« population vho h^4 li^i^ !^ii:;'dil«elifd ^ %o^tA thm %wo ^ 負id••.物《::ぬpr::gf_i^ijp IMa 抑げ 0fr;%)_ :鵪tfif翁!^•髮|^,1^攀_ ^ictoTT lift ^urop** stOKorlal h«ld iA @uditoritB8 last :inntiw% %he «kit«xUtoo•嫌,:1v«xt *•••‘::'tli• •姑lin御. ^rpooA^d this i»dliM^t4N|' tQ m,n^r »t«ff f thiit "«. t»sfrie« tow th» mi of tlu» w viili mt^t% ^ d«8lr#d Ikjr the ymVL skl%6a^6d«^ Ncm^ 1鄉d«r6 attamrtd 位ii» «t«ff '位瞻•瓤 着;ihotild i>t h«Xl■辱森ad 松班,: '.妨• :命鋒♦;.'“.<物^1*..’.;議_#3^1||0:嫌》*ee@rilii^y:;l©li»*6ih* £ 1^1 isk sptAl^t. o«io muil $m Wo 事pvilk;'蠢^:參!颺 き癱iiti^續::私,城:*1^<^參 ' 二:寒秦.娜•.:資^^1^祕議 III* %meyit^ imXd Ini in of ^ eoid ftoi :vi«101T* .tli# >M«ii#;-;l|if^ii«l^''lsft$iiii'(';:;1^*\:.!i .gr#s^#d;..: 1 <|lufiii^::.::|||t. e«n私r '^,1^鬌ノ輪^ 1i# ■在e霉软I^ns4 轟0.:鄉:::寒3019•氬摊 of' 馨妓鬌 :AH Utai dajr, »〇% » .#me<6Ul« «^^k« ct%n ofc^sion. It wvt ddeliad to t0Xl»viag thli* and thajr o^^rbimT& m&n^ little o£:l®«e$-^i««telvd» tfest Uu^r Imd 如 niilt lo h«rr of ih# easspiist靡翥 vietory* ••傷細!! informed the lt««l that they %he^«tXirfte v#r« In pos*dii81011 of thu fgets9 m& that. %h^T ,n&0a to emm P^elfie' %c lialp ; in adnlnltttsrlng «i *»gg^y it# Sibli^lirm. th« %wo Iws ln«r*i&»«i« Si^hrtf4* flf«t $*0rl»lJ^g •wrio* to iM^f1 tti B9t® itt tiAifbimi wmi l»3UI ••料㈣錯 1111 vm^r visitor* M!麵 ,猶 114•,. ; "i^l.;; iwlvl'lfiii0:r:iNHNlPiflMi,難SQT l||他.' djNg#^i.i,l^iMi ‘: kit thiM tii#;'|®t«i »e<»wit14M «|»4Hikla^ 9f;tlil«t <^« tf ^ ^t;'^ Mm% <|ixi'l« ft rm^,,^t;i^«4ow:'i%'*l «y of ^41* baiw^*,f|SI^ mwtp%to^ ^4«#l ««9^d #V^ # |.1%%2.« glM tllA Klntl GOUld ell^ls 60l« 龄妙•》Hwi'la?城*1 球 *•彙 ^®.棘⑽你% なす 软你《 _imrf鴨物|* 9^办麟&^ 你t {抑*4,酬^ 你_ii* *細^ f «Ml3r 41« Ibr J!ik%y Ia th# toi«Xaxid9 Iwi ad れ滅 fradillft ^滅'In.你1» 鳥.氮<»tt9}dp 細o&g 、nd 蕙tlMt 0 秘. haiM(4^X4 iniilXr «ur« dUc^ft««4 ^1 th« ^«£l!uil»|; of dh^p%&v ^» In ^«lr «*%i?»f^ll3f aa#_,欲..酿risrHiir. tiiaiK#: ;Of IaMmMM 鱗•轉 11 nlHi tlui oocis«$»%lw ^mdtrttood th«ii4i i fomsOk e教霉.la lilt. 舞%^%き羲 th# 1 ;^ :;'ifc#iljt#i ■ ;lit«l J^a :plnlit : of ■ tho ;Cb^aaL«^«&d BX<»iile ^ried, to ^k«.; l3ii» piM%^kT n.pol〇'glt0 氣や題^^^^^^^勢 ^E lll^y;SlMmml I 冷,2趨^雀^^ア-V^f'<' '^ f^V' '^imaul.fcftd^f iha ^Iftttft f^i01P'^ei% fet liN^t% to “物S,J Ay«mlti||'设触|^_11,:瓤11[:'_:'’..彻.jPSftlMHl•,解id:.鱗ば祕滅如 i^^SSMt ^〇 %§ i^piiMy|w %t 你CvtW*M3*MW象%#l'#/3MM*l®<5 tjiiiNil^/©dii%l^/^i^^ aa4. j^^^^^*;v: .意^1れ ■."_ 你ill?.1;1v練•也® 费®fti4. tlwi% |||5^‘^*邊痛^ ㈣ %hm itsttl and taXk#d %〇 them ,|»; plain l^msm* ^ ^ mm:sty<\ m% iii ' ti»«l: ^hlldbrea to %h»lr I«#«i M £m^L ^ wr thoroly 《:研れ1 * 9(^0>| S21,1At# XM8# ^i#y ^^I«vn4 • ■翻yゆf抑細^8^ぬ囊^^|(^8£^.爆_鱗麵^.籯愈練*物物,:、秦•_,:儀 titaoiMlIoii, 網_^••ふ|._^::奪嫌鴦|||_^1方嫌狩!#a «oit t^Lkiid,維;你i', 1111 l^liic.T明_§ #a逢 is«U_i%l>_t: v欲學参%»1 氟%〇 %^i«igIipft«::iftt〇 咖.;1111141114nrtii 说11. 2_!iamiQi 狄# ftk^r.t^嫌.t»m#4i«it«ir« 你細阳在 vtM#«piri鬌暴 'txui fdMittcm »;®||NNWy etmufU^ «911adt3U'AH$ •'bcmt %: .:嫌!^給零lii$ *#st of ih^r X_% Imr鬌时^iwiMm,io& i|^Ad m% m^9 Biis# Ib^d fii^ooX m»i%%eT% %〇 tluilr ^tttnti^a* .'' 19-*«1.%h<$ i^l* %q tsAJjfvtM%^ |«ii«iie3^: 04311er.. §s^meims9l' li^4| lampedPtd ^mn« aows^m%: ¥0^: Ilf#; ; ftatiTi^r al Rohi#^ «« 1% «l®e' thrt 麟義知★ &ぬ•雄瘗麟试,jUa_i;:切::I ;Sh#ir'lives |fb# jrotmfwp Imeti I 事l««l t nf儀命級 _^,.'你|滅& 細欺鄭isii 畑s'itsiA •HIM^hu I .:.鋼嗔^••••愈..錄娜I紅糊成物拆_^1^1嫌抱如嫌!* p•於!ぬ在切、t#k•麟.&e,l物.' tlMV% i^itimrr l«t emk%0» life cmd :H||p: %wt 知:4IA 龜0 弩)ii_•:聲♦: 觸1 抽_|ms 你•押*t e«9»« ^rlvat^ 1^ iil1ii,^i4;vlii «^f..niiK|i%,iai/ -; \M€k foreisiff ^«» %& 11^ «t;%h^«rtr «i:| 时t•㈣麵uitst〆11%也& _,• 〇〇1>e4i•も)Hiit〇r« tlu»3r 細_ h4ぼ《**• ••taring ^oi»& ^d'Ni «os4 ^>ttlllosis #f l«ad#r«hlp in ItamiiAtir _ ii;ff^lrst*.a tmr «f tnimilii# ;*t JUll» ^ '«pi«t, if ■ tlM^r took nay.^it 偷•級#«.t *nkiai 坤 Jd蓽••.•,•難#d'/a^jr ra*tVr#«p<»i8i■もmty 1*¢,:-微tittp ”f 麟opemtf巍.lu&A 儀ぬ wlUli ,你. :cm傲*.鱗‘::』^liiKl^:of1^i 鑛•樣•》:賞 ■%5^:pral 攻11 Jw^f#,, so I(•鼇.1^ aii3i(^ll、::iil^/.;pffi〇,t4*i がey*e:在”e’ !«% Wk :i^: fills ti〇ie〇0p«!ra$iir«" 1111"1944#, 抛ay of thii fo麵鑼r boL嫌tft Sici我切 timV:鴦im# to take koI iv^t i&%9t^$% i» oi^n 1 sn% Idn smd 料她 f9^i Hunm XweMp&afitt 饭败..《1|〇 fl^ok. c9|^.•鎌|| tho$«' iilio ^oib» ^BMS^i'^ Mbt th* ^bat is^. ^i〇f# w33d MNl both lan^a^et distrlb^tiom 0f th^ftt Ihrm i&m '\fx DOpulation mx AHi n^» # «»s of Oeidbftrtf li43> it «^onn la ^l»p«adix fls« knowlt^d or of: oalF n f#v ¥〇rd«^^^^| 福蛾V 你•你3f#,:' •热r 1m Of th« toted of $»Sll rt^oxt^A && la thd mxtvf $,u iMilag o3ld «9« l^Aipauig^ n^rl^r oxun»third np^ik &&Xf Ja^tn«s« | •ff.6鼂i相饮,,裊1也0你抑|^|細]^細3>_鱗尊)^& :ず《9&1纛,:切%^411 UtM |jitt«r wt»%, |i3n»,p^rti«a«iltlF M^i«r la - th讀 puiml^tねm 你抑mi3r«d_ilKa%«l爱!31 tiiA 够㈣,热觀 j^N3^ft* ''ft麻d K 瓤糞换时■篡魏你•:翁—,奸《你〇 •爱你職■•_ ■森:'1为i舞 嫌r# in til.软⑽p • «ilii他•^ 你•软••雜t嫌t to vhl也你_ 抑期^ 必13Ulr被I 抑r. f|r«% J«tp城•《•lxi 你《 &棚kmu But is •離 sji ^1鲁 4|^&11#8一〇0^,¥«ni ▲•••も.霤 :麵我我I v#r« ml^dX«-*a^i4 %9; dXdt| T»4 %rei»« in lsk^l9^d&l|r. 紙%•飲符.热a& .你••• _«r# :,:l^.t «ntlip•け!a'雄•抑tuo^ikr imp 你參软胁紐ftお御.Inking of 軎職.,㈱• ov嫌4|繼_ fdArti te?E#i» ymr% »%imtCiW«tilif!'4|Tl^^\..li,Ia ^^:‘.暴0*4•擎_■:猶11^|1^離■:软otptft く ^:<^l hX^bMt W0 0*019|»» lljul^ w«r« p^dporiionately m Xi%%%9 thnn.th# n^deti* :'f,f9 niil:^«f vflN»,Iii#id9t ^ifli,il^«ill.^^lo«3E^i @f|| 4* ^3V is〇/, ciM 38»| la^^lhr#擧'of 3^t$3D* 糊滅ン ith^cmlsr out nmbertd pkimnsf:fb» }jM^»9% ^mal 确ai iftr•麝• 6 辦 0,兄 U| thm JLf •雜I•雜• M,峨4 4〇4 _也购 Uni&s 0V9T 、9f #0*1 llo^t '||T' mn th« Ii||g^itt0 9^ %laft9«c; iril^i fX Biases | 1> 典!域、Xo命•”辱黎巡*轉奴'域11也%lo後•》、add jqq㈣泣teai_y& kn . 韈 Mug、_ 缴.う::i#•,•.•嫌:如•成,in :^^^&⑽’::如 «^i>«ei»3.iy ligr Kli#i;«ii4 srt^ssi^sr Ittttl* not cott^nXy* 發 tli.於•永'振1«嫌知成 ^!!你•, e«nt«r Is £h^et': th# ;mp' a^eimpcuisdLn^ 4i^$sAis IT«A» ' <^〇2411111^ 細龜'.嫌t,. iiei|iiK]^Hi‘:cHnil梦, (¢1 龜趣!^^ _ _',切]%:: %輸^® 曙 ㈣:賴 li mmm f^m M J» _ mm 國 »i^i% Bhhhmhk^^ ._^雖《u»' lilt mlMi _k•和_!•§•細1れ %«t .in 嫌# ^cUs)^«ml3r.你t耱cost _ 約絡遺_|N^Miri,U城 ipr明!》衫抑《 fomr t_. Ift '售寘⑽•• of 边鲁部似Odtug «r#ciiAlidlffli^Ui,;t3r 0t th» mX'rnr* ^m^n::' i^«lr ia^iNetd⑽l^l興■ W免‘‘‘^^^^.Hu» 3r««urt aa€ in ih» o^%«r^'v: ftMiF of ^iigliftli mM pm^m^>%2t »〇»% import^xit J^eior %m 1«〇1#%1«^' Tom^rf^t^ii mm^:: of;l ttos «p〇Ie« «&& oal^f -iwr 'iSspX# '^tsp^mm^^'m thft e«a%ii3rf they v*r«9 Uk 4n^w|;:. t»»Xiil#a fjresi Isnd* ©f f^; 〇9urt«» %b* ^p«a«t# tieotioii of tli* 10 le«^p lh«» iafovn^i t^f psllGiM* bmA d0in^it tmt ..thl^ntes a% m ta^o^pX#!* itii^il ••典aMmud m_»A of 飾晒脚r.⑽ off from ▼93^&X c^mmic^tioa vi急h ibai 各雜t蠢费鲁4 霣iu«iu fh« B«e«ssi%ar t〇T ihsir donta^tiag Wl^.j9mi lmt.*^p^«%^rt %^4#d t命.k_«p你_れ細ixiltlaHi破蠓酿%»6魯曇vtth.黍細.修l^ff, 热Ik、. »or«X3r dnv|HiiMid Iheix1 n, m^mst &t %hm v#r# at »ll' tl^*t #»%3r hulf iiifbtm*4 on |k>11#I«k whicli «ff#el«Hl ^i«si 4% em '4TI_ir Ift农 of 為3|典1—礴筠 d»rta^xU.,r#«p切⑽終!•麵 fdr ^iir leioiria^ •〇 llilltt &^ou% (3at»etiiiafi bxA lt« eaX%ar«9 in^C&llfomia m^> Hi ^ 9^m%rr;kn ft. tbitr p •〇.'.!>的ぬT 物城你籲级料《4 •切^!れit•似,'in- 1^ie 0011nt%ar3r||i»iid t%v %h«lr ftli^«t:;#QBaplett i^〇9nne« of ;|^&dfl ■r Uk 11114tr» 覼 .罚 曝 ^^ trends'ld§ w^H«|'.fh«^ had »#, meh 細》rio^n »««rt 私撕在攤#私 t^f'餐油ぎ《Ij^41f xi抑fr H馨 to than* S^« Mti of &#vt ir«tu^»t th«a in l«%%i»rtt ffm ^riiiftoim 柄他•鱗at«r參祕かon約fMii 协砂,嫌•ね1软躡雇1bout tke#« In lon^ ste*loan 1» 1»oU#r» immr »nd Ikundrsr fhl$ 鼉eeotmWd for 访纛ir:切ts^X k你 of pr<»p»:i*fe%黍0鼸 for ,もr,3kp«mt摹鬱 m _ :"fls» ted ©a o%h«r hm^b ^ » privii#g#4'pc»«iii〇.tt|| In pr#-mM%idA »M in tlMiix* i*ole 祕物^^._l.liSk^l•tiellt%«3№•巍il^ri•«•貞9h•,r«K»^難ig«d你s知'_ 尊in* to.^t J教pfts«対卜^ぎ 雄I轉:;華apt&Qltj^ ⑽ th癱 ^9 ot%m o»i.XX»d v^m >!〇. l«k eoftWctB vilh th«. stuff nn4 'in irlth 'itft'ff mm^r% -&iklX'9& nt| • 解if : i|^»ic 金111你‘《〇^籌,ぞ粉ゴ鬌 tis^>X«r ««»toio«« u9«d:;|A. d«mt«tle »piNi«fe* ^Sftl^te|,||^i| iW^WD繼 i 於部X£J*落靡^ ‘I .v':::_':ぃ::::::.:>:i .赚 IMH .麵|_s 滅 Uteft asama 號: ?i¥极獅,.梅V. A\i •誤 蠻I•.'細 l«i^ a»4 '卿•、:娘V寶_ Oh^ttifiii'i^ B'0II»^U%Imi«^So<»# %\mlr^ VT0%m9^mt 热霹 V4^i 姑屬脚kll. :€#tbolio gro••嫌sprlMd:.你《 Chrl|^itai ぬ物《»1u fki;^ Mna»Chrlt%lftii« v«r« pr^jmim%9ly BiayUife^fv9r« m im、财 0,轉的擊 OtluMT orl姐tal ㈣e知 «#^奉 pr.f«ntt «U必孰•娘• S^ia^nT 2toslstele 織^ 纽Ir边fir如r | im^Mf h»A tm* i'iflt|i]gpiil|r, jKs 1>»9*r»ligi»it11 却* ザI •Ilk# “鬈骞‘《st•.ぬ尊o成切_•!〆:_級私^^如.於‘,,麩黎I. for: &細^欺V .紅泰節—•iin' .f .'iniliCiOA j|| 勢$4■戈繼篇 b« 、',物 fc _ m HP 獨 疆_ k為なそ^^^^ 押為w:: C^ritttiati, nonr^trUti^n edm #ao t#U*ii>a^'fro^* .fti of 〇«%©1)#^,| li$^|i*.r«::’M»uXii%«d ia SHUGUj 热# 熟㈣ WN»l«d ::_!9bS^dft0| iftv鰌* 'A^_ftl3C HillO#ペ咖身tftff: S«4,'零_|.«f H^th« An 'ii' «lisiai^ 7T jMkroimt of: th# p490114kllqsi 離}: 典_厂籌_%44寧^糊>»$始讀•• imm^iSto^ttfit# miix^iSt imrloiu >«•〇%• ^ .oiMi*&lf 併)和)siact#織你.cnr时 p«mm%-.9f p9$naX%imi ^ fourtiis «r«iNi Ht«l, n&dttr oa#»f»WX# «m» «f m€ te^Aiil^xniXly laddlU.8t9 纖霸 ' ii〇3i^CturU%l«A, p•如袋• tkottM.如've: %〇6ii':liMsi^ds4 1a the eon C!lirliiti«A 0tmp* I Tmt^fifVa* ■: of .mr0., Mikm%«. >»n;i, Iht .«! g ^mww} 释纖IS 卿_ 免イ:r洗 難辦i ぐ命滅 m. M ■I ^iWl m»m m^:tmps^mn%9€ i>T m^tvn^km la .^t# pc^llitiioa m 纏 益バ▲鱗がi .1$ |妙 €^售':€|^“餐||^ ふ't!bli _ifNr|:iv^iK. _71 |N»s^isit, 911fl^Di m 麵i鱗'4癖 !:ご魏參麥 麵 mu I 麵 ^つ、心し";び m _ I!儀. 纖: 麵 ii 潘 pm峨、物ry •itaxiur 切 th# w*r# #4 pmremt noa^uristifta imd 16 pmrmn% fh» e«a^«3r lilo^kn lil^i«#t in nom^b^X^Utm w«p# t§ titsem^d 33w 401 «Lnd 4X# mud Ihns# utmr^ commit ksxtmi &m |:tlMi felodtet* or«r »$.»« tiMmt norm msemrmM t2ma %tm Ghs?Uti»ml ^loc^ 41,tor la&4 » tm%io p«re«xit of to'1'i^ire«al' of - Aa la!柏ns«4i»t3t flo: mix; swir# maiMiPotus*'" fh« ptop&pmft 111ii^ w»Tm XdiNi8t,sixi g, 16ti;1.7♦; 38^wndi.3iJ Of «hase, Uo<*»;:| ^ fead lt w9〇r« snuah .mosNi Dhriiitiaa 0$ ^:«rd€k.M* ^h.«itli«l>ftf0w#rir prop^rtloiiftttly hl#«ft la Uo«de 13 • bad ^ p^romt. flui Mook dlsof ths iuod ⑽如011r!Utl«逸炊かips Ia th« evtttar i« «hova m tho mmp n©©aaraiyria« app«adl3e XT<*3# 'SJi# Clufltt%111&f 11nd Imi^ii "6t wfb^ ';te' Cblilf-sriliiii,^ 顧# .«a齡麟d: la 1»费1»♦翁©®攀 asii 3?**of零《«i城** ' fh癱 aoa^Cferi想%i細*:雜 v«r« mlaUr n»s ikmernmi Chri«tistm m l&# v ■雜麵《d tt〇s*« fl⑽Ht lit 真!破Uftii丨痛d デ Aswrri觀nJLis霉d 你• バ如喊■姑!*!g期!!勉組•ダ霣}3_^ 像'软 t#ndmtioii ct th# imr*Xy J»piMae«0 imltmui 祕tivllisft 松城物边售财♦ eu命鞑• the 〇dai*i.«m tor iC»n97«ilX^ toting &««« m%%mm iastltuticma Wlh t»« ♦ for# *ad «.fUr #v5RcmUoa. i Many ©f %h« youa®®!* OiwlsItAii* #lth«r dl»lik«d or i3#r«Xy %©X#r®t«d tb«s« A^tlylttee, and Id Xtk# attest l^eii'':;|^T t^lr' wjia# ^ 炭卿a切^tlsii; th« J籐p«m«⑽cult这r教l Uf•傾在政Hi物dost whi也你你 wer« loatyb to ««d €tu».ppmv mX%o^%h9t\ bul th«y m valigitim to %bmt mS. vllh youB^erl CferltiiaiMi too #«riou$ pmy%iisi|jfttlda la thdsi v»» pto%n1>iy a 34鬈tl. 歎!ewft 鱗4 ’oH鄉'職tjrjf% non-Christian groups were extremely tolerant of each other, and there was no evidence at Rohwer of any active dislike'; T^e two groups maintained separate churches, the Buddhisms in the B^.S.' halls of "block 23 and 28 apd the ^ in the P.S. hall of block 20, and each held its own Sunday schools in these Pjid (>ther blocks, but aside from thie there we;s no noticeable separatism on the basis of religious affiliation in general center life. The twd groupe Airorked and played together harmoniousiy, and 'bo%h mQ^t ^iait chtireh nfflli»ttt o^fwiupirot^iit in ^^NHH S of nm% of the 9mea««t ms >ar Ihe pvsif^rmG^ of »b 9mm^9, #ir^» if v«XX-4010va l». tfes fgr r» 1 Irnown io twjr f$m his,isl©##' fs?i«ndft nsXmUr^, .〇他《r» 3bit4 切_ i卿ili* e^ouVMa isf 物® 餅®*H_ 你酿—》J你时•猶i,. wri&me%, 11011«Chri»ti«n# prl^t^l?1005wft ,J 辦⑽.蜂翁 511 醮:隳癱在鮝•取•• _ £〇»« of al«o «a»p«cte^t th« Chri#%l&at of 'btt^c a 11〇11^餘辦⑽霉鏞,‘.®111®^,•放*^•穿•⑽、 mr\k? i8»xu*8 %^»v^ w«r» . 釣1鬱.Cifejfi#%!#*⑽•'.⑽'組® ©他砍.Jfcu&s^U <5〇财1^纊,6キ I y#l l^lcw m WMm j iija& ■ IciBai»v'MHBBKi _thlni» ゐ啊⑽《»W 的找 d®UWr»t«:ly htod抑*!_ 从欲i炊 ni*^i^r t^t r&m^T m& w»r« partly r^v^mnW t^r ^®icl|g 1 CumcaBi&a ^Atas〇ai«» io%»l*ft th# Japan®ae »4nori%T* to tml that %kmir CtariatlaJiity, ^*idU» from it® lah»rent mi'll# %〇 torfmt^ly »X»〇 not a^our©« <>f Irrllmtloii %〇 th« ®ftJ〇y|Jg popuLatl$€, «»d «© ^m.M s h«lit %hyR^: ».»'d fi*»*%fat4a^ th# S«m franeifoo scmtoaird Sm l^ilP^Qt^iii^, ftS-4 IttSiU^d thM JapfUR#ft€ 60itSR£Bi%i©S t>f S_ ft被‘龙•愈*•美3•細'*$ s成れ峰,鞭1^ 物知^SB® Ko*% of %hm Kohweritus froa th« firrt four of th#«« vtr« wi»ii;j 議1i^iii«^*ia棚!^ 卵t 仏祕 '从 .蠔戴l^ltatoss%龜‘. <1例_p、vf^&p籌 *':曲©# y<^嫌!■•: .», ■ »續_[_|^. * f.«w and 'flusport#**** ■ ■ A t&s^t^T of; the- fTosa this j® dintrle% v«y« d©»«#%le«i ^ 1011^rlt«« trm t*m. *r〇«« 4ad ^ %t>fidnvlXl« wiawi' T#f®t»1il# of J«ima«e# ||K iMjrthttn 4l*tyi6t ij^» w&iwi«4 I© E^hw#iPf i^ th#ljr ia^Umna% la thU' ©«a%«r b»Mly fim e«ntr»X 4Xwt^Ut lael«A«d 〇mmxki%*M of ,':S^^pmMSSn^o |':' ^ 11041 *;" B^non ^sXnsJL C ®■城 ®t»4{S3Ute' ihp©w.: a«e.r Xi〇€i) • ;;'f ©ow^mill^i --^fV, ®Wad. th» co«®eiilr r#f«nr«d :.%#■ ^#;a4i«^tet th% |§ aiu!i«. M09% of th« Bp^w#rtt#« 11tIis« In the® w«?« farss«r* or fa«i ^•.^; |;| lnfe©r#r«.- T&tly '«iiiii «sr^>$ w#r« isr»i»#*f oh1pir«» -⑽growsv,办f •© 鱗A 微1〇»參,㉗《 4攸麟 gyettp ■»■% Si»lii?:®r %<»kS said %〇 frc/tk th讀 %a J傲职la 雜U«7ン Ywy faw of 你《 Saar細aaio 1?峨ia«a# 鉍财# 料at to t〇hw«r •如t Urjf®!? r*從由et*B HA _* か__ 祭箱ぬ• ims^I *ik 0y〇Y©. Tfy|? ;24ii*S9 aiMlwir® f?〇si Sti〇cktoaf 魏1.:..:麟玫如傲黢IftlaBad* hか鏽夠妒*:.簡4 of你任⑽み.:妨#,切後^a_淡I 恐祕猶u也®!如41#物iot热•參Jitiy嫌iyla繾纽^參黴©0如ぬ%®1減1^ .eiisUUiki(.、松u>.伽®御费•. of,み⑽■^濟1® 縢.^^^ 食胁逾》明ぬ^^'‘:、, :夺f^d_fh«r 細lawPit«» fro» for機Be 抑r« 酿ialy::—1汝鄉錄觸 'liog 13b© vsr© fa*ss#y» iMii*#i; »» w«lX»¥;;;- All. Hm«i:,'.續t|j*l■袖feaa■ ix»*A、〇 .Itfl^l㈣•善嫌1漏^tflMNRMl ll〇lj|令㈣練_ ■ Moat of tilt S©tttli(|3rtJ di«tytC^;: i%P^IWlt® «t S〇jbi«l* 〇*>»# fT0»' -*<*0*!? :'Aag#le»- Xo*in Bfa^bin ^nd ItlanA^ This fe〇c〇uat#d tli# ' ^ till®' ipfoap la lii^ . n* to tli« ^«4aaiantly mr»X nad eba^eter of th« «Afttt»al ^itttrl ♦ ant' %h<& 'Wft» :tapirst# ms. LaAi, %h(» ^o^>> 1^-ia aM.#o 〇».;; ^ny tom*i «iiii|;; oa, laitd ^®i.s:i: ;hdvw#r^-! ®iid JMftpl Udiifci•访'•H 丨儀.佩霉 mWPftiy::你•' ft勢.** 91111.11mXent ^ tli# sd^d Qt" Ammrt0\u a^st» •, ■fh似,>w«aot 忽成!• *f 欲^»一:旗ぬ!• *s ci 的^.:祕ル |f ttoi A»^>l〇fit f&.- fa> 鷂lit 鶼•切,o3U|«a ar胁**TpflM> iwio^U ¥h01成 I: M nad clti^f ¥firr« J1&-氣攀以11达 JiA* fr.iimo ”⑽Hi 抑抑!io 郊(典t 哀9れ抑贫)•取M 雄 ^todk^m p#epXf ih« X«Kiaiit3r ttoioti% the 1510la th« 玟⑽t#ir1.1^鄉ia條《 物•表鼸ゅ你物知露物^、1尨改 dict^lMli0]| 1¢ ^iirdsi In A|>piHidla6- IT*^ * 霧纖参:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^纖も^^翁:• |wffia \;V;:lll5eed C#afml Califoraia . ,/ :%'li6i:. Angola*' An^X** S'lo^ktoei Actgisltt Niixfsd 'Cinllfofft.iik towns »(*•*'i,/ kiVV ^ l«e»r 表‘蘭珐icr$ At威 zu_r、,'..V ftoelst〇!i' ;^d -totals. BXk* 隱10 1 f|*0#110 ® xi^u i Lob Ang0le^'* '^\ 、'ハ'04 UMl•け _ 卿# 4 SoywHi 19 A«嫌*1«癱 繼讎 i癌SO ' iui4':'X4>^':.:A&^1>6鶼 SS-36 ^ Stock'll «a4 sts'^r^ t# 6tat魯jpfeX .雜iiれ成•在' %&# satire iiad n^^thiipja i^t%9.01 tlwi eea%^***' Blades ^ And 1SiW» 籲d wark er^i?» %ffeo %f#y#''%h«':'laltiaJL:;« 111iA ^N> hud ttom Anitm ®i«tear«# ^ vl%h ,li(&#. Aa^iln# the 1410 fej?rivta! la ^xmm of 1944, ^»r«, of ^um«t scsit©^ ’鬈 hJ!*8^l 你《.峨鬌访_.:'⑽ttlfti1*''你 t,▼<«& •食.:贫i痛 tr派3U 复ecftliiy.:: ■❹f1 th. *b2*®.l»,d'^o. l*> | 鏵 tiftt癤雜:'#取|^_我_£« lhft___ 瓤參6_ち!^T G911t#F _P0^p(ft,供!!^ tllft _jp*0^.ft_^t'_::_tfl8ll#« 於嫌!6«_>1#3?鑤》:■.热春!—.¥«!*• Im31fa • alto &s e«sit«r :^0^A^*S::^ll. ^ ion of %h# - * mr« 'Hieiiaii&iid. Beloit-' izi v i tn&ii tlia ttro' i9tf piKiir tlMiiNi:ia:£if>^t aM m f#i^Li^ <»f fh«T v«7« 〇^sif9%ll(»r8 鳥 e類支!^,議•妙痛办雜i*li你爾麵二;:^^ ^ie ll〇r«i#i»lf,' rh# _ ^rsst*p«» as of 'Oetobtr |; 3*9*4^% I*#® ':l&t«d ;:.i^ '%p^€ln lll^« ;; A Hiis^d tJiii% '.@f, ^ »:." ’i供’典1翁如-:、11101域•泰1麻,:振奢'■卜教浪’始祕%Ul•爾::你〇籲.•酱14i®響 XliNMi in lov&ts of 1«8* ;^#i^)d^:; . A* it iM iihi$-'A^p»n&tt t も 網'ヤ《浐€辦13;% 众:f B〇h^i*i电••:神s*•.窃f 利ぼiil'hiAltiit'物 す:':B ,时《i«fi鬌缛 of .l•謂•iiii!^:麓‘!^薄'笋掀辜!1fvd靡 im; ei%i#« t of %mmw> o,f o^rer film «ex«it la 8«^o^; «j|d;i^lr4 ewitiMprlen %r#r#' it;^1111fm»; iti %h». fis^f, the mlMt§0tmtiy : 淨•我細*你食祕♦:,.你I. 1$. #^1き1神d 你 tlM> 嫩妨■ of'、he imti^^n%Mt mim^Tm tmen rmil la €^Xlfor»3ikk;!;i bf*dls^|ht ;|I9 viir«« with1 il^i^i* MifTltdf,-. fh#*« iir«r«ll^« »©■•: m.1%9^. '韓1jereqaa' 纛I ‘ 你尊19遴各魏1*^_屬鲁《^籲轟:切1{^1>雜卷攀鬌的|1:1|^«^:辦0|><^%1(^'噼蒙1^1?>1^121シ1 i^TciaUimt*^ f東&1在嫌'鸚111^::^1<1ぐ|^»鱗鼇1$11^«4 :||| in the toims i^%k»T %h^M. m.% %n..:tfm^ d^iii eomixr« か伽时e .11我物.猶•!*卿«浐ぼつ1^.热敦■罄^姆蠔-4橐1«貧:'.瓤•ノ-l^^ aBd eertslisl^ thslr y^ or ;〇f, |»«rer|)l# v«r« '-:: had:^on«i iato ti19 .7dl拽 111499«t114f 01m 1酱痛譫鳥教喊I•螓如在.t務M眷A ■鄉iA;售li路睡嫌':,炊.eltS■窃ft aumrett th« Imfftt 0^B.Q#at^%iosi« 'f^rsttrs*v8i$#i 為薄r. -j$r翰41_%0d 戚巍l妙疼《# pr欲穿妙舞1雜:〇.す: we'bm.'a d^Xi#r« *b<§ 03^«e%#d tf cm %.h# ^m^rmX o^Xqt%^. of'ihd at ^&Tse»^t:4 ,^4,% hs c^at tli#iMi dvtl^drs '.^Xy1 ^ a'..<^pl^^^,':t^ad i«t.i»p;m M9111«is .la -i^icfe-aadt. #oi4 Aamisr ihs^r/ fo^ayly 乂穿1|1«>如物《1.'|1|^ダン囀鄉%!1108^84切ぐ14,綠^!|^**,^^:**?^表^1»細細*:織遠^^^ ▼•KT舰eh1故•:■你鲫,發扣為知!瘭ぬf如禮gr物软仰きM机仰樣 9%&V9 lR-Stodcl©a. f:h«t; mstr^f ,%its!t3^| ;||^t '^r btr«f :iia»«i5r:l|.-.;,. ...feliai痛綠1»$•奪:igt*齡.,...SnsjiSlHMsy. 〇:!*':.01111* U•纒of rsufal ori鎵la li翻 、れtth.i顧'骞れ©物ijsま'’.,®’ tls#:If.,多*撼你^rt.^.iiotle魏竊 ■cm th^ir'i^r% tn 你JUT.eo徽try .HWbfia ••iruli;矜等., ^oi^h^d%tt«il lo-'la^ilnecs^;h»td 1知©〇9©籌ぐ1 暴 . oii^i へ ■觳•.M'?1:螓、 '::冬麵飲 麻:轉嫌:ium^3r 你 inalSit %cmk|smM|•鳃滅撕 .jaNlfi■私、i 秦 办费_.爾.*:多轉梦翁餘教も嫌办咏®乂秦如蠓,簏亀®零您戈_你籲■ >i; %« 0b#r to y*Bpft«t «,3ad;E^5r« th&a o^i«nfl«#*j|fh#7 did «〇iiftti»ei BMlk %9〇 wli« Ui Ifee nftr* if »»kl»« ^ ^ 放iy 〒•.懸 a&tuml Bwspicim cemtrf F«epl« l»v« f©r f^i ftad 4»pamwt v»y# s>«rl»p* m»tlpn^ij%le g 切mat會.雜你._®你*?.:伽峨抑作.祕ダ_於幼^动你时⑽..が例^麵 如0111ana^r*,飲n«d ualrlM JJUU 11 む边欣 baft p«opU% 1❶ |〇触| :lt(^8^:你‘.:••*%..'〇〇!!••*. .nitel 'nl^ 細你麵は’:::響 JU4U:1fiiaia®^3pSr hMiW^a'糊_Vin 6^1 你>**»!»き喊•成A 辦“ atS^sK5f 嫌®11^城麵_ a?* ©aiip w:^f ttww »i la;. Pcto^y l^;.eiii*«i*hS|>^ »«« i* l» ttiSAle mVmm of: lbs, t«Al®s|t» in^." %wo^?v tEW^rltla^XE*'.,. *W«p *載_ •巧 KMIfe 你• to 1»^职“*:1你•脚^麴砍祕«>▼卞*••如8111110▼嫌: iliiii^ii i« - :|p? .!!>#';. ifefi;.;iwMii ;: ., if|» ^wtilaam% m %h»ir part, fe^d XitU« u»« for':^ vmiAl^^rM ^1 派‘:參软^。|^|1:_藿你《t 你你 w«?•、細 *^氮•鲁々:vt00^ tlttit tb«y %N^»vttlkt A«#ri©»j|: «kimi411 ia *f»tl»eatii 斑Ml 姆妒®鴦械你神,欺齡他細1成^ _域’H你财::如战1*41的け如.;.•細 ^1•板”‘ 攀 :.:::.^|^邏私:•■德•:._.纟:*••.丨'き•'_祕.::t驟^^^^^^^ 的m:辦it、'物私'雜xi‘•却r城i:嫌6ぬ▲,〇}蹲,《unr •熟ft‘錢 ■flbmtB'〇^||l€insv - <:ikt'ik^ 羼|^1#9 _•诊:•翥,•!<知.*• ▲•:齡• pi%竹^_び x>^tli^!pfc 料會‘你鲁和__|#§ et :|H^p.Statti 辦械.祕_^麵,| ':你■|1^^<明__^|:知-娜::嫌麵111^ ,$|_細嫌iN^::'.i||藏•::i«rt|P# ! 彩•議■':你•_ 籌|«1^'养:祕。你3)^^ず城:滅,_#^ 蜂〆ゾくぶ ImUI eociMi%a^t4|i lai 咖:V|^ 轉.':,^_:::1^:「|BiBMi'i_.%#i#:::_|jjNl::<^ 放 _&r_k ••漏餘msmi. flm 你• itldCUt iitLt#g>/ fibyi | .'麵:•:::M碌 ^}霹嵊:ハ!^011 i^..觚•墨!^.I Cpl0m4^# ftHt ▼Is It iNiWour# Imi lit ^illd 4X|NMI sMift miii ft%ffi会 ::%fhl 振坤 1»«^_魏,'lofte^ •‘謂私…^■ :i^fi^n^|F 擎 |j||; ■ i# %•、hi• _ ’ _:_(|i1i In矿_I _if ip|| 199¢ 'p000w^tiif^ In. i^li$'l〇iilH 瓤祕■物oifti:セ:!^aki^ 鮮戀’▲ —ljN>jL:':i#dauMi 氳t^,'lib#; ^rmt H|»l:iii - «mmI^ ゐ_|峨•轉|, |»K9% 你《 ' 籌 tfikltg 羹嫌# 孝^ si^_' Ait«i*:toik 麻》d. ilk着 '^|M'lM|i|B^pai«s««:l; fH#tt tm4:on» il#si3f»"f ■:.㈣象:■irli^r:'' fb轉錄ノ ;'!»•', ; iopi|ii^ ^ ^ tlM'tf^iNMi' v;ni^: , | 110私細嫌|你^#4嫌雜鴦纛 Hf W.«. 00|k«** 你壽•紗嫌、:•%響縫a_»饮麋籲ti_' '痛^:^|^1^1§義除l|_:: 奴' %Imk i^n 趣k鱗In :of Ilgillfpjj «•&%jM $i€H3kt%011 ^tsitttvi iMl# i ^uhi# f" X德黍贿瘺讓f明策M»^^ll#.'窃驁〇儀雀#'::V .砍〇赚痒罨典 JliEU 嫩墟 shl JIB# wi?« ^ini^ jrar^l 111li 細mlftg 妙伸4•‘禮JMAIn %xtt龟 Aft"* «Uii. 、atv««a t細⑽i&t找I 私Uf〇rtti^':f^l 知丨ぱ^n•ぶ争_伽04:V aad Ihl® r#tuat«4 In sh〇>|MMilii^ tbut oib«r^l«« na«a mmnlT » diff«t«n0»- la,a«*««^ly caater tuo gro^«#^j;3 你癱押fo㈣|,iU4.财V 為_« .'適’liぼ*”*IV裊3_%ly 細atii”,/': •.职 tt#..:'_40 れ 轉.偷 ®w,iii® : %li# ^w%T\ iwn%fe« ;wf : ##nt«3* t^w〇' #iEl8%iMl i^,::iiitiWN9®,靈變轉 :兑•物mNm!::, . IWfls•祕勘 1111•、御 .%01iwNt 轉_:_iiii^•れ 11i* ■華,tMl?'御*i^pp 办聲食雜钃略轉iiii毳'tliiiijp |piL|iぼ妨物#和®攀金押 :.p•找〇挪癱I “梅觚:似f欲%auaa%. tl^:l th黧鬱:货箒皞 名iifi#:i_ .. •雜•把麟% ■鄉逾翥'.〇■傲ftt於.♦,屬,:鼇tlM>,•物御脚 •Ime^IA:^' (KJiCpei^T&xs^ ^ :'知时於麵•減微:IM^ 麵錄•:細轉麟l秦鋒,'':'®^‘夠 oX4»r it«#l: i?«r« 'lA^Xi^ed :%o- ;f»«l thi» my0 tmt m ^rg» pr〇p©»%|oa ef *h« Sl_哀:诚d 肩鵞《撇i&c通《•'抑¢1めn^uit^f'kep%,Im» l^fitii <4^利ぷ 物•'llp:..:蒙:袁物!•雜从し:•成■狄妓デ1: 典鬈:氤f嫌ぶ— 1^11%象is^ 併r 餳iv籲翁dii龜ノ:知嫌•.嫌寒:..鑣パ穸&鼂1伽l ^j^:&l聪*羞期8': a»t loefei. lif#;*::v'. »^eh of th# two fe^C to %# viM^iXy 'p,.t喊ft,d:典’1•▼ii^’€|0»9_ltt««» _H _i€lk 供.零 '城.1时祕4 •於w ’hot^^你• w汝'•’. ••騎-:•看'lil^l••かふぢ to do wl%^ ,tv&〇8»Ni :llfil^ g 系秦麵マ雜to^.|vlSlMi til鬈搴雌'.#®, ..灿•'鴦0«^^氣真:罐 4SlUI : f, womld h»v9- >®«ii ' ii^tilM^ «3^ly 943, «»4;\p^ilir: eolieidiirvd thi% %h% of th0 %M0%A%ionf Sine® :'fh^tit»Mi !:l»cr««»»4#. Ife© ■boyt t© fe.te LjgtifXi of #p^os.li# f»e%l^«:',/ i».i^ ^#: ttv|tloii» §3^..1«^ «w^./:; 尨f1943き 、嫁ず峨私巍^鳙^R,t〇 09細.% ''麟鄉.1的,!1蕙:1^'⑽' .By ■ .'iii;. -1ft : ^i' •钤••HtSai,' fh« ii9|Mmdia^ ttpftfcitioxi *Mftdi f«tiil3Li«#* ^IPhii U〇t ^:i:*, t© %fe# l*OP# tk© w: t紐尊#3物l:祕4'毳ieloyifci isreu癸•如鵞*Mt•物*ぬ命.緣•翁®咖If1 <*棚尨黪r cswipl®^iy Ali»|rp®iuf'•; %t &ay ss^aae^ylKtl l©«t» iat«a*it{f» ptxp^aXj&tim ©f th« ©f ^a%0b«r,19411 # i« «h〇wa 1¢ fifth' headlag of App#»&iai U»« J'liroiiiiiii* v»ini g»ffi«l«»Uf::| i%rg« «ad to «uee««d la contiidiaplau ,,ead to批’御龜》&4®沪喊妙.驁d.l_«:fi ••鱗•典奪..• •兔鮝祕我,〇9嫌p•兔<■', in th# •ヘ^^ |%h« ©th蠢r ©©at癱**« 你1抑to 夸iwr 瓤 i爾,參rlM. Mm% «f cssmi i〇〇tt ».ft«r v^t c<»^X«^At mA ‘ IaIc雜.IwmI: '瓤鶼傷i' te^l«,,:r ^ , ■板れ•,.夯⑽0抒i<»:韈ft在:,找^5®蘑⑽痛丨你'娜_'熟^^::纛’蝣^ »ou%b of otmter, from ^#nm# fhty ww« m% In ^l.oclc«* <#»r* tl^terwd StUPOti^bottt III# ©wMUkt»i _第《^f*雜*t黍!®攻.杨你觀n犛恤H囀■幼1 ■.ぬ1^..:: |) tih® Hock龜糠:sc^t^售'.fwp 〇?' *»&f®鬌毒」##’:.鬈■他穑纛物消ぼ• *箱^放’滅、' ^ciiiiei®* •^Bt|, feaa. I |diAi«fct#4:|| Ho<^e pr^f^i^iMBWMif tfeft ^#lfnr«;:;|##tlea mt». no 4»Ilfe«r»it« ^-v 名 m&tp% ©f c«W8« Mhm% tmiX^ v#r« k^i iia%ftcit|,i*i ugat'ls i^p©ii®ei».il|r lii; ■ I S〇«ii». fImXiT #36ti%M: :%«tiNMMa IImi ' ilcepWftSlUfis *ki*4-; ii©hif«i*,l%#« #iria^:;,^K| 他.f 齡》偷'■时;::.麟、れ掀..紐1謂1MrfW*1 •.麓!^Miy :_:.’錄参; worker鬌Sofever k抑鬈龃如访;'私亀メ•か_ »• :a c〇atla_«a杨參麝■實1»魏_你癱CHiH|籲? ©1例拟域城y 改ン «^fWir «iyrtmi »% t〇3bw#i* th« \mnt ^〇l?« l»# «a3f««i4y ^i«a |如 B〇編嫌辑奴1i.:細編⑽_.:㈣㈣切如,^9^ **1 鉍你tWL «m4 Uft 讼《1jp : _•他-你说《i?_•睞^卿 '馨 衫免〇•• vUhwii f«nUyv|^« _^*r•球れ押挪勒,く轉靡f OctdW, 1943f *r« UtmX»%#d la Appsndix XT*B. Hi# faally Ut fm%%9 l of tlwi AppwaAix, oo«pj*i^«d tfe* MTm% ^orl^ 〇f resident* tit S〇litf«rf laid 1i*sn^ •〇 w«wdi th« ...piw 細备:你• 似卿典•印續你蝴儀 &« G〇ft%r&st vllkh atiei«r ^roti|>i «r4 ft# »〇y imt^nsMi pyeTutwt r#取孰H棚tion £«» 織A «»4 ..ぬMr.«i^ea•骞 owwwal售 1(^1 «hu 期〜_屬參》_Utt•镰觯u鹹 u» 細祕t 1% 嫌r _?〇爆的抑of ftorwaV •••巧森鲁 i9 011 ifttila group eoat^iiidd 7© pet e«mt of 1to# totel r«*ld«at#* 如•《fc^•祕d f酿Ui _•臟,ijr •嫌•切*®i 融你•鷲” 扣霉t %vl«t »• naa«rlodte «eelctX iattd deoiu^iic Ilf#4 imd tlnce th« n^ttnletmtioii little by llltls was^i iDenslbiiny for to th«a tiBOti hla. co» upon 11181. ^n»7 ccnwg 3Um,| fh« iat«r&«4 faaiUy t uimilnt to th#%rottp . of ih« >〇fkpon»i%iXlty for 8 sp«r cent of tilt t〇%«i gro部t l» t»U_ $•曹嫌眷J| u i^% him:>»r« ^«y t© ,53fty|iiitp»t» nortmllyr t® %Xe^e ltf«^ Ba% «〇«% ot wot Wdlfjir# ^r〇M«w«, «!«〇• th«it l««de ef n ¥»• tm^>r^rr . rai^»y thuft xj^^maeat * «ad Sn wofet «»p#« wr« aoi rol©«s.tioa | proUlms* f©p r»p〇» Ilia* they did »©t ooa«ia«r ro» settling «11131 th#ir mU lmd# o»iad flr«% j«i» thm^ O^Xy HD i^*14«at* v«|Ni of 你is but 你i^tr a期rtw X«r於《r _ %%%被..::,.挪會热#謙®知1P•辨场IP鱗* «ttd奉味ム嫌!1!#•押,•.'•樣' tlyiitip: laerr^tl^ e®:^» ©ift#3P -rsaehte^^W la tlw 60*pXt*»k Only ot1 t0iai > wr. 蘿如嫌?故祕.1>財',_»掌.分ぬi^grfcltant德胃!^!懸i ぬ1健*1觸物1:.如1“&物切4:‘敝ぞ冰:修1^1!*:_雜^.ぜUt#; lo^r^gg^QWS; |«.®d tJMI «li^Ul.*;::2.*i*: ◎秦I録^^ %〇%til «f 119, 43 v^p* ?«* ^««m^ th»s tfeei*® WQ^Vtg| ' ■tt#«ki*ly,' #iif« :miMi5,* ^nhfeliw ««sim|^if; 你參■祕飯iy挪财棚%挪餐i成:)細你®.减羲卸1*^,釋•.砍⑽分**へ: ⑽《ai抑;ぬ•iwgf;切ぬお淡,鱗.*城1賢111観⑽鬈斑1鬈_^^糊必㈣.••二:,;:j U ^qvA Ux tfe» m& tot»l jyaMsr«^««t ty«stiMlda»I|r>*Ufeg: «n^a oldir ’蟹tuf1 麵il減雌骞靠._秦部働••• vttJfii l^fMl®®.!:*. :錄4::'妙'%細 kMmit ahla> 寿 %My%:‘ ぬ!* «tHff •ll_d t_ | 心热《議_#^0浐飲鄉ァ利ぬ^*r 麯教5 '威i拟き:.::&す:欺調竣娜抑_螫:⑽雜iki熏■.麴如•紐®**1舉毳紗^ & 谈aまIt他tlnit'鱗vp以Vftt.你•嫌如雄*1砍尨綱i»«*V:*iae•給油 ■^iii%ter: Her# #f «#? atwi1 : 絢qnple4- 嫌:.teadwl♦雄0. of.,物域U你嫌考’.は鴦®轟,|你饈_料邏1a®^:ぐ. M〇*iIy too oM t& ^ tunny y«l©«fi%e4^ fe«d who mmefiwmtlf .1::参'麵.■.•T^®®^:::... |j0t'._1>il域!!!期BtlHii*.續11S|^P^ |h8M_% ち!:®iKn 鮝i^:;;::: そS«a浐of .你‘挪挪g财f•嫌iXぬ*•• . •你e御.. 'W••鄉切或.f •ぬ•钱蜂: .diff Icfaif. ©roM#as«;i %at-;im th# wb〇l# %b«r# vft.r« my» |th挪时你切的td巍lii ••抑…!^if*め软你咖ぬ,《诤《加♦彻V• 奪lh. 6i癌•i*:j^id flic##,;v^«|»l^..* 嫌•鱗f »Xt^b0^ pt0#«a%li^ to: ^pi# #«|jiyi#©t,,: c&nmmttivm ta'.^\.llf〇,J*fi-i», .'bifoff, «^c^tlAR*3By «nd of th«y ¥#r« ; y«ft.m en«»«a to. f#«l: ih«R*«lv®» wmn tl»*y %〇 ■命•知_11啊•ぐ觸蠊義赛細▼•©均零*:::' ■'森紐®^'心你又癟,■ ®む⑽從粑•*.::や•ダ暴的. ' fi^Ui#* a^;.,»lfi«i l©' ls«lt thm tl» ^iil* ,ee«ipi#*'| ■-M t1»« wdnt wi- %ii# pr^^tioii of r〇«ngty #m.©eu>#e i«t 1 酸'你® 紐%®kl ⑽ 111MWf ■'.茨.0⑽■如61^0®'神在•# 為織!■!芝 sf'®W®■ RScotaoftfti^w ^ thm $a r«X0e«.ti〇ft «aiA m th» f*if»r* S«etloii m« »or# «»d ®or« | t© iu»te« »iace«*#f^I *〇 toil liy th# inii4i® i料容•你.y•鬌时《 .f物®f你赖二.l®代..:■於'他•鑄峨冬软(.’■物 你搴1:©_.'默<鸣しoa.條•_:©你會貪:如a^v.如傲脚■梦铲II御_切釵%細欲*,“ぐ| 'peflwpS1 Wli^KHfi 15 韻毳'::節:.‘1111:祕萏ド絲成澈“為®®®如^ 知1*3^.震 '.;;4ii;fiol 4M th* ;Mi#iii mw$, »t- die. %lio,«# i»*«i WlK> ";.: i;r'liX^€»tife%le |h> mee««aipwft|r:» tfa#», ::v^P9il: pt^ |;: Hie mid^Xii 魏魏€’ioiNi■へ:IN»0li^黎癟0韉# 11111 我裊 sooliiCi 食!^:,:命抑ast_: 雄氬. ;lit 99eli»:t^^ |i^« wl^b i^iy 尊ぎ csj^ 麟0l*i:>〇l^.:l^ソl^::';0攀教如!^4: 鳋籲▼»1氣|1 ■•tis曝ictd 蛾V<^rti 你 Iwm!祕雜瓤_ 離取)r 龜_ 金:_爲镰卜!^觚:七糞::ゞiif.fhiiu—•♦靖搴纛ぶ$〇.:人 f.#v''S:%ftl|ii fr% 41IJti(i:':::III# ^a:piyi#ft# €0Mks\311i%^1 did'si#:%,6aJiei%toti.^ mmttiig^ ^ did oce^si0Bnll^ oceswt^ ftad . i&; irau^t ‘.你%#i..:.:f^|:.':在•ei^iiEMIt^•箅,/ 你.'piilf1' ■ ver•暴 t|^Husu ,.、蒙、.:魏象、紙!^ :1_:■識械::|NM_c$_::pi你故.,..■如如鄉 姑^か雄-私^ oaMilloa. trm.: pi*iy ■ chllAr#a. twit tb»:f; vgry ■' i;ilc^|^;;ii!a«%; 0f;*;f||^:'\|ik'li#i*:^|; :it MrMtkn Ht«i%l,'X|r:^ #§ *^h$ #«iw>l€e ■ a, ■ i^oup *^〇Jf ikxi4 X0Hf c^i^0flii|^B|V,MftS n#PMP ia##& n ^Mifai of aMvttA ^*'9$ #»a^X® e»ltwi^cl»r»-ct«ri6tie« by tfetn «3#«s. 'diff«r»»tat«d frm ih% «a«#|®f ^ ®0*'#1TO pplW^timt imek of mr 0rU&n〇9 fat %hm, 1^4 fom«4 the^twwf: 、::你'抑^if 女®命…6^®1 你执®1^® 电 : ■似を*: fli# Maljret mi^A s* 14 few H wri §tixi ^ imoi^, »f%MV pii^rt-Hon 期^*痧: aaA »ft«r th« f«rth«3r «eatt••&<£•: 0,. It' •U|»®fl#ll,« Sr^1® 52 I^MriorUア龜M lov-c^ts origin vouldr th鏖ra细re* 聊k參 hSA ^Iv# hijBi«:iilC »w«y*: ^flNi i^ot& thinklu^ l»»oi w«iP0 油、总 ▼in<5d4 物你# &l^g>,.:.:|fftX':.^1鴨!^^ djlri我彻la €14 e® 鑼於躑Igr 杉《<»«#« 幼时 w奪r# Stu* ?u»a ft细!«3tii IsslBtBA •嫌き取饮秦發㈣你教®l*娜■©りUwl ■瘧tft』 1»作140^1我1|>鷂&!|ノ.娜1*3^1^鑼:〇61裊1ン妒.1>觯鼇^^.*.知李.鎵铲61!^_表擎專从巍..切,麗 %h«> feow©» of th« o%J»r*'at© ^%%9 dUtisiction w*»t md* |» j^i«adly;j| nat misml ^#etlnf« in , pUee* t. ».iid mch ^r〇t»p iiv«a w*1c«4 with th9 o%li«y «»i h ^«iffeii®l-3Ptlailoa aether tbftfi a e»#t«-F»l»tlon® li«.«it* : 1% hQwrsif ,: ttmt aicai^B%^ w0»#d %h^tm».'. fe%r of tfti* ¥#■?# ^ni^are fehikt wtteh.,,.你節律i»售«i?; «sn®%e mod tli« levtr c»,Xi«d f *h@ . «ia^ghX^' ; %q tiros'# Its - dth*x* ;\.VW> #f ib» %Im® ,^ &littt . lii th^lir ' th« Itoat ladlvidml*#:: t>ecsRt|si# ; iso oe, Imd bmn kaowa %〇 thp»% th«y vsr« ®up«rior 、祕砍:胁1麟■•«'.'〇史も:,ら..:她象^®.*^黎躑 1»- did a〇i y#o〇|Ent«0 %h% olalja. .||Sh*r#;,ver« «.: iRyst^«r of ts«dt at vlio 'Wd *45〇od,* rt.eoi^ •find i« 為鎊 pulfeWd l〇 o«rtiftla of れrintocmcr 'i^ み!期*•你參 co®#id«^«d .fei;^^#1* el^ts 1 t3sMty r#v#i* |i^liQijf' eili5<'to#4 ftitd Hn^.t c5〇n«id«r*#d pr^tu^ptftdTMi of if did* In %iii® ttmmity^ thmr tik9r9 het*^«liflMr# oiilf „i^.t tfe® ml^e4 ft*^ld41c:,eia*»|;i#hl〇li: v»» la p#alii? th^ref^r« tii» ^pp«P elicit, nn4 *«. Xow#relites. fhM upp«y &nd lowtT ¥#1*' eali^d,妙〇■於塊 and )sL km% USE 3?or.lh« ^1^11# cla«« tol %«« sot i»i»_l, Imtj ■m.lfeur ek^i X2Si« vfeich »® #»ld of:;; r伽** fh« 教id羲!■© •Imsst w金r« th« **srid ttr«nm-,or tim curr«a| of /th9 aa4 1* «f liitir pr〇|«>rtiom.t#|! 、郷雄浐.獻:鱗/ 雜Qt嫌•徽離傳费 ■Hoi%' 0f th# 0i»efa#»® , ws of ;'i|j0(of -feig hi* e〇a%#ia#d «il %te(l %Imi utaff ®va,c«Miet 'Co014ifc :軸•癱瓤• tit#’ ®為•摯鬌精1す aadi ih® p-rof#»il0®ftX#, th® tttSapefedeat lfe:raiiir«^., .of .tlMi / midSXv eXatf* .Tfe«:::10棟r w#**« 爾tm令塵 :ifi#A by, ■^•^^€fli(il02pft#|t::, t »o®tXy' f oreM ; %〇 %f〇rk »«iieomlS «ta:d^ la; :i;clit*# ,¥«r#: !&〇©# v|ttepptl p**^?«ar%Ff ; 03?' l«m#<^ ili# ilftt*, :®b« iwmlwirsfeip 6f 1ib« wfiem* f^aiiliee vr0 pf 00r08fre^ ^re-av&cttatioa vhm It «ii'Befesrer <^»r« or»« to'1|>#'1«»#;: ■ :き®:泰备細电 ‘、食物轉^.fctit ta 6l«»铲歧》“tefj,ioc 娜d fel«d^i*«4 ^ . t©'^Ift iwmi; lim'.. f^c% in x^Xois^tiosi Xif« Hi tiftixitai& ®d6$mjL ^ ai^L aeQa£N%i#;4^%l£eli^i#. slnon nil •俯瓣':wdvliiiic:'和•:li^l,錄,i^l & は•棚-細!!嫌•热.爾娜访雀 :iiipi^' ^ ^ :lft: ::te 隳_鶼鷂霹妒:!S|Jei4. •豢 癱鵪V ^ 8鄉奶!.縱&_へ_成 V 零i|Ki^.t 蝴••铉《::j へ你€8*9''VWf •::在農 f め零ぃ_ JUirliiglJ:0f ftUd 祕 '«y%enifttloa^ «nf^ei^uiiit p^mT9 "^11::! lm : tlM» «y«it of JfflK^' ' - ^Itl ffk&i #f' CQM^ 為办61.iri你 |l#i9|st拳,ン0•鱗:‘ 齡餐icNft*::. ^nr tsesst,. €>*〇^ ft%. h#▼•娜併滅祕,麟〇, •/•Xto辟你我,ぃ放t ■你1•鄉’•巍鸛抑你雜.1,vil在 パ ■黴麟%1^;1豢-ン._:癱..|%〇籲 &^..4饞:;11^鬌 101119^ ネ•.韉.«iEikmC::'_;::I瓶.急”鏞:■如物ill# ^)必:;:;i鲁 〇*rtiiliil^;R w#ie^: thdUi^t% -%e 'S?t#|:^- ftllli& ^ 妃嫌•霣•觚.lie^>f^iiift a〇 _1%鏽1 く看e hs^rr '^l^esrlii域. 物^.:%<_||マ_9_^::翁|繁#|_|^:;_:'费物*%•iti&^ 朗|9^1お祕 ici いtflp^'v令^餺111319Ifノ搴l^t.M^aliy.p#|^HN4'.:;%Iis.雀]9^.諭 編Mi:.:滅》1»1|»物&%:1(8«1.と!^^^ a f tiirxi iu^r %110 oo»s〇ri#4 too meh vil^' laliumlrtB «r|th Umi jyie# ot hit JJfa& vdttJl4 !>• «i(afi|»9|$%«^V9^ :切.:.もS^ 鑠-令ぎ.⑽'.sii^t:瓤 糸•■‘蝴ip#.-: •V#!* ;;i|&tt|M^ W ^k3fTtlM» >^$i ii^ ,: ®^l!. :l^«2f p ■1(NWN» Trijf I Tit liTI' ttli 鱗:'1^1'!擔1*8111KMlHP911111111|j^ «: .Bir#a :%Imi is^^t n3s%iWti|tiydi0t# of .'Hi# §.9491ed to I^Tit . • 暫Id•雇 於 ritee^. ;f^i雄或••: 在諫嫌.:'/iNtir/f 薄儀!>iiai^ 奪:r*i祕.frl(H|dJ^r_.f為雄| andr龜プタ I ftlii&l'f ofJ 1111 <^r9jr ;: tl)ii' e«iit*rv V^y la; 1^#1»'eff«^^l.i:^»^ 1ft %n#«# ^ nnn^k ::iRfs^^ .iMkt, ^6t^: i^lii^iNK>ial!>ii^v^ |k»a« | '^ii^ 11101.#^ pi^Neil4iii§ 初:,被,鵪II⑽:1i^i^,:.a,ii他卸•地也•⑽如i^|魏》d⑽.放%:こ 批•'⑽::,_部4^|丨物N瘟蛾鄭1黪•如雜汹罄:_:你_::.細㈣^負4轉;:#料lt»xME«4 :: '.雜[鮮■ aA3M9fr:袁酸!^•t^_l|:_$§:;:XU}4 ei^iii^:::: j^viMERiiMgi^'^CIl^ytSiil^ :«〇9^.■软■»•:'神»vi%n» _ In- fliiv^iRmfti%|r«i ilMi\Iiim,.iHi:r^ laf〇iiiii%lcHBt\^^^ :i»2ji^4i h% 4rilMMiw#;!| 嫌•ptNBN0b4Mr 酿4#; Ckl^A,:%|^_'|4|||^.⑽ infflf剩Ijto1!^ ^«d %〇r :.★神.初•籲•:::蜂‘、梦:.奶故鋒:^•,ノ^^ 濟041他1011.:: lil«^t/^:v ^ f^ ; :l|M;'|f|Hfe f&t %^':ttSB»l 雠城域■售 修iwpjr !•你♦黧:、磨:.あザ:拟 Ps^p#0%«〇汝_ «*©»1^ _^ 翥抑U*H>duo祕沾雇v他,嫌0.. I蹲切_1ft,oe切的.**• :'在ii-遷 lAoilMa tow thin to |6 la%o Vlocie* to aak ^tntf«tiosi« *ad mlo» 4i^«el ''4»t«nri«w»*| fh«lr f€MUP;i«M®»«4 W liHS* ;1>y 沾1你 tiai•餐b« Altely•鬈 >»4 im0ce«4*A ま猶 th* «mcs»eat a» a vliol« th^t tnfomiUaa ftT*a hi* %rer?>t#a | 0011and If u^4 m»». pr«Mfit»d now | •VMKMi* oiiM thfeft to ham or e^tiuet tt*|^ top^rtua* p«ili 焦 l«itl••私 tn* |pr 卿■柳re 你鬱 6H1* 期i «a& 01•«»» 你• «t成4i»l©神i.蝴释棒滅•••,讼• •抑^•••*瓤祕你•議 'owitoa? th# tp«oii»l ^?«(lil«a» of %h*«« v*j?••驊例^鱭1«^心!^你•奴—“—1«は姑_♦_ or l^dk of H,m%%9r politiml met ion* ■ viftttore %〇 the ewitei* v«f» n^t tn r«iiity a jioiitliial ^rcw^ v Imt iiyN» dif#u«(»d ^mA*i, %11't# h«idliMB xh»iv | ^、修# 物妨故.穩翁:沐iWimi.Afe. 卜:で 蘇^^^篆^^^^^^ tb» firiJ% »a^ tl4ft:,fi^t,ii«ii«Tmt.l*, ^ek ^numuhlp^ rl^t). Am ^ m^rtmrn ^itls«m 賴 JfcjjrlSSdiBMi^^".’&气 e?^Ty ■■*3,が _寒” .y 漏!■轉:麵'卿 fBi'ycmas^p IlHlW^lRi Aear 霣 t教松健••私3^* ^v8M|^*SS^^^Rwsl _4»*;. w>d •_• - «f: 3Nき^’•:《1|1|山_ _ _如| ぎ: :辦tilt 祕•pMeiii^l 夢 l_r»:遍::華期由:《«w^^6a 3|«4|8 妙明《:从1她:、•_«•公“1^• .義 dwlaf 偷•::そ切*、^*^,讨•画 v〇i «^kt _lar 你i* ♦# 祕w,**•的1^1組」逆1*lawl 炉^si你 te rl#t af #1#®^ ^ IfelBH^BiB IfiMi 物》你<撕,时難i •幽祕錄 ^^||ij^BMSWHpM>w ilff你ih嫌!, 4 m 議 ''■'"iHHHHH mm;::, 麵《w311 關 匪》,:妙 ______ ニレ.‘.'ん•と- 1々ぬ被ごぶ•論‘,:邊クHお^. 嫩 kao锄|U 獅•縟^* 私如*1% 嫩 |讀餐 8111i5b^t.n〇'ke雀,慧!i#tr办雄鋒“*:’^^於1;鞾喊1售:地*!^g>ovalBl 言1讓.1伽ft% 嫌1时 n雜*_*NE押^^魏售解德轉 童!!^:•t^Pfl^MK勢—.| pQ^X'Wly ㈣•奪• Sp|B;||FliNB3.'; ^Df»^,0(fl^li^^j^|^|P^|^^ :ノレ«»^錄〇1^^^/»瓤_,鋒教.ボ象?的5夕す你翁纛*«耀“き私11'8霉脚*眺__ «fv#r^i no loader Mllr 4iftl〇|^X Uf% la Hi« ©eater, m»M ^ umson^ 議*,ad你.41 ‘::l^a:.•, i©3^“1T :•'和!1m^I:_.今^!&»•••…偷• ■:桃<*A i.yfel;ふiiiMi ■油SHfiJL* 祕條 的減*:! ‘Wdftt 棘1〇^婦、命.:羲眺丨你歉 ^ro^,jsSblir^411 fh® word M龜i—1售•’f^amgl^yi谢⑽铌liifeXty" i 11114 the AUl&^ml p ||«>^^Mi|^HiB i%(* $u^t mXMi %3i# ut,f, |NilMUiiBijiir^Mif -羅t §-TWtMTt^; %l> ' %1#C^C»::;I® ld^i0fe : %h#HP :,%?0I^# #0||%;戀國 魏供*嫌抑神镰•多•' 於#* 據》9* 減が.和⑽.離—:鴒ず你她《^tr齡辦r 6峨% .f你e ^_jp«p«Uati〇ii|レJr《:: was 'i1_Uy⑽欲癱辦你你©*•说〇#嫌vpli饭•炊雒細^,初^^^ぬ1%蜀 'of %h» Id^l wir# I3#t,^i 40*.-. tefc^tr1# v©r« of tfer«* p私妙••!:秘嫌®抑**沐か*あ•神教•费•⑽卜切在禮 f奴i鱗❹⑽.:lw_p|iic..:i^p^..:他緣.謇域^減^®*111•物*"®^初伽爽^もぬ靜 Jjp, «i〇f# ^P l##i .jl'>ifyl(0Miiiti#tf,'0inhki^ 職禮明f tm&%iow^L^w^k^ ■み 疆毳》4 AiiiPTr *»i、iH#r 侧mp •'tw典fcHoft, 我••^j圓•‘押も砂‘/:へ夕 __紅•は-* :Ifeat办paJ^ W取饭象“雜玉黟霣以辦,r卸',零:考觀•伽.eo^l‘_ly! ■ ^^1#1*1<^|^1#<^1 11411>■; lit:t^js-d®d! ;1^〇. ^-: ami 1^4# WiiA. t vlHi ,tls«tr; .fi!iiRUl«« atrium ^i« «»gr«^ iloii. | 切、^^^為響V赫^零!^ザ巧レ•ぬ、!^ ^ M$ 0WK0$, 'bjt-' m^vi% 110^1.1 Wr« -l**«'l.«»d t^i;:mo«it ef ^i« tmlly diaX^ii«| X 售撕ft 雜U«<1 油a 雕1,»ad ««v«wr1 I*«#i d#««rib«d it »• f©llov»* 麵':38,'條蠊.パ of *wal r»4 ai|rlei3Lltttw»X li^ijl%, kl* loyally a^i lM • へ 你• u_R,:ry >«?«» t»t 物他嫌,,你•1lwA iw» wli〇*t laJlA lx* Uwd抑在切—麵Mtr.l•瓤bar |幻_»戀飯*切政都、 «:g〇G9n%i*iii ,f#WH»i!K *wkp» «Hr«o%«d- %®':'ii' ptk^oa »nd v«i*r ia 私!邮雠•败辦•知*1®* '物^ せ ^ l«mi^r«ua^9 tMMSdusi® Hoyil m»4 pfclrio%le ^*wio»nt* 0111ぬ ooa#id«relit tH#lr tuty* »»d # «»%%«» b®»or nt |>« 111411•© a» ©f th« »»nr lord, %〇 <»»%rt^t# ns mefe 'It i#mi ^mn t»li«ved*; «ad mxgitm^is»Xtf% %«iere w» 遞 1»%#|*©§%§ 〇i4 *»# ii»w i〇i^ ^ 編 lldy^lty ,voa3t4 %• tM 'ft***%* feB^ thd foja*i«3P loi*dexcept ta niskl^ » ^ «»or« vmmn% Xa 傲⑽® of 從也 edfifllcS t^t Ijit#!1#®'%: i^i^i^loska 11•©■* ■备讓 ■ .'%〇 tlt« 齡欺“ 屬iiM ••你•似如b你• *_,爾办一*.. St im» said* tm that If th^ #»!»»•«• «h6 %bmt ver« eoXore^ fh# 8 tftteisynt J«|>aii96e wo^ld u&ivorsst3.ly scr〇 I4# b0〇«u«« of thl« 004a# «ay dislo/ml wm of xto^ars^ opm to •rguiwiat* l>ut w# dM hft^Q $«r^r«l fa«t« to impport it^ Ca«〇8 of *mhoU^ «xA ob*1ru«ti〇Ri«m on purt of tasti wors *^w#.:snd i令 was pro^^d t.h#^ 物# 职iXtgr 5ja 和必败3抑脚!•鬱 f«mt to ths TJnltiid 5tato« und Hwil for ths #*pr»«« purpose of «ab〇t%g« #triet2y law^il>|4io« ^ would do nothing proJuaioiaX to wmr effort, theu# aso®t of tiWikly t〇 feeing ^»a« thatlc la varying to tli® war &1bs9 »?*! ambitions* imd d❿*iro如 0f a咖i d矽:知峨* 你贫 wlHh取 wattM |Kr*#^r# h〇w»r»r# to oontixtu# ltrlag ia this oouatzy, wid thut «i3^ ^«p«a««« «〇rarmthi«s «33d Itanlugs -&«y xai^it ha^«# i1% i^otirlbX^' to itistl^isBcrio^ In ovwt 雜加^!1 Ka?y I«®«i and old^s* 0111nt&ixs#d« th«mfor«# that with ctH» »xa«pti<^ of % Tory tm pr^murlom BTIjwI th« 9v%Qvm« 3n g^n»ral did not S3»ald«r wta *ny aiff#r«no« at all «jaong thsza^^lwp iDftoi^ar m th» <|ii9atloci of aod postlbln obstruction ol1 Ui« t?ntt«d war tffftrt w«ui 0〇a^sr«*d. Th^y r«itorat«a th# AJ^rioan Jg^tnew w»w> M In r«gard# md «hentt th# olWis和.買!讀搴1 sight ま<5 di«J 3h«v® 糊r® 梦airi的io 細.ti_t for :#! tM« aouatry than tb« I•㈣i oouXd po«8ibljr hay% 松e i«科i娜r螓 «q'jalV ft* to do nothing would hixui^r ^19 mr effort os? which 5*>uI4 a bma^h of my ^aorio^a lse»* 1J«Sr points out that tb© on2^ diff#r«n<» la ^ii« r»«p«ot b«t»re»n th# i«»#t AaifWlsai that th« d99p*«9«t9d ^motimtCL ntta«te«nt of th« X«»8l wa« aaWaity 4if»ot«1« to iaet)99 » tran«f«r of 1^«lr iifttional, from tti#ir fon»r bc®»Xmid t© tills ootmtry* W # th®i« ww no rmtl dl«tia〇tiGti on Isnsltt of 1,091dty lhom« «me«uMis» nfe«ther eitis«a or ikii«at %rh〇 to go td X«alc« th0S« «ko fensalsitd at ftstd for lh# r«ai〇&• »«atl〇9«d ^bonre•la o%h#r words* or iit me mds %〇 ^ b«e»u«e hie «a»p»e%| lm| in m«ith«7 oust wat&|d hft ># mor« aeitiwly dltloi^X Ihoi# r#» suatia&isis; at §jkf%m^ 'imtehio^ tb#' of sro:o«dtir« im-40' tie#. 9f 'fwt %h^ dHTloidu of : fwllw':^::l^i^ iind %hn t^mrs sti^ dap^mtias t»T0g^Xlw :wef>e lil^btr in Ih^iisoisr oi^vx^v "aj&d ^ w»re eoapoaly erdidd •tls.s p^^olte^Xoeks1• MaBF of thin btfort #v«csu@tioa Ja^i: btem .Jieipaiic^# ^«^.eh«r»:9 edllors iiad :pu%1.1«h«rs X«^.d«rfl.isi ^apim9«t '?# th翁!ir 1Wad %h#y nfsk«a. th« Ka»ly«'l oth*r« to vrll« m ©f dhurnetey »卷aad rwjos成鏞lAatiim鲁 f©r them•響Sboly ■^r'ia©tpSiX ^tWMT# %0 #.VC»ld SWlilMilIP'# iMld \f having to laf^y» th# 0*?l« Attorney et all. thtif outside | toil ;f«#!::*y#i^ , th^T%〇 %•»%!,« to :| f&c搴资ad »i籯蟹!•你你* C教似納*laa w*i.a«t»lm» Hl»#i ;v«re # little tby of consider- i鱗他■ 雖if 勘,き6物041y 的• 贿私 that 你霉y JteA n的_ a%.;:8級《 tlJEWi Hht 1»6(瓣〇汝癱《! to tha of ai0et of th© K1»®1 prft©%lcr«il!f fsii ' tfes Staff B«6a^®r«; toid wltSi|^ dl»^4Bt' of h®v # ;©ii# .- offte»©_ft滅你秦•俯cue® »^|>1»^««禳•:. ••▼•a tNMmfirso 鱗す;筹:: 雄lag 你霉 »«®嫌® of 鬱於®鵪 lo fiif#%' 1ki^4 i?Ja^ eermptft 'Hl,! 〇T«t" ■■^iae®!;;; ^ toll ;Asj»lyii; 1^hat. ^th© paroi.f^t. 'iifer®' -i^ th« ^€: ike only t^iej 1181ong %h© •# rs»a«i%«r*t "Ife# p».ro%«m w^r« t&ny thl»^ >ut ra«iH>f~th«^alll i«i%s%«.«©• prt#ti^8, ft«4 Jsh^.%ii*ii n© f»T mmy 3r#er#*;4{l4i :^MI' ^#ir«^:;: and ;%h9«9; ;i:i«rpA^£«d ^ %k^»i Hiruou%t Imt %|r nad X«pg» th®3f i^fi» s%i£i l»ok 釋013羲• 麻:ad 1細あ抒秦费£癔教鬱热鬃戴餐110ぐ «itiMifiil in a. %rorl<$ . domisf>%#d 1>y : It It ,又卷 %1311.1 ^smf ^mm T*9pBe%0^. partlir of ^.tlr fo«;«r 魏窃義 JU^-.z1 鬌liip«r: ▼劇nr:f«i1«i.1#攀ip鬱 *»»inly 雜 who ♦梦*»鴦 ¥e«lt#m•搴 fe«y«: v|tli r#** :»md i»ndi At a. rtt^SLi, Imi l,l%tX« if sirT l$flu«ae« »a e#ft%#r Fr«« ^ws#, it44f uniIX tht ©Hi of l§40t Ih# js.f*y®.g® ntmh^t 0f %h«m «li〇!P%-*H»iii Tltitor* a malte. m# 10),: Ifc# isu^瓣• -fe, Hi. wmilMi. fl*^9 .41 切:.'ft tit你議 of 3.4^ • fh«3r v«ir« aialulT rmX^n^ Kimse »oiit #f Hi# vie Ho re ¥ere •oX4l»ft fr^n »««i:3?%7 ::th#lt>|p|; )ji,/illf«lfi*lppi»' ^h««« to!41»rt 〇»»« %〇 visit lh«lr or Ju«% to. find | ise^twtiiy and A tm of tlh# ¥i*itor# w«r« ^©rtciai Jap*,n#®« 锄:pk〇F«€ tQ mtay h«r# in lh# 4xmjm-nr &f th#ir aM lo bm'VK tr»9 mmAtmX $i%. the e&a%9T hoeplt^l* wtrt per* initt^Nl ■!〇 翁y for » 1ml i雄.d# t© pRy: tH«i)r 110spltfti odctii* rtta«〇fifi for m%tmrp%in^ Vi heemm | XtMte^ at l)live with ftitlllte ^sll« »ol€i«r 鉉巍霹_黔簪:鱗1翥_1^»2*_ど,搫教《、to h教1f钱鵪▼班M eh^ b^d 浐《霹春 «uad’ *〇. vaated to 贫sU kcic 鷂.在rpmmmmi •ewwpaaity* Caly oae tsprotast ®la?>r^ty.餘s?嫩a親)’.被t fo伽d et l!〇hv«r« il^tro Mmr^ otimr r^elciX p>ur« ^kpftndM^ ぶ賴彝.纏•り,絡•: ®la跡.K«翼••ベa»A .'售_3?;?1»^ '$:: |'犛命《^pm•抑,101dL¥119. «aA • who 神,* ,1" 雪《 4**cwmt 於t wln>' 3a£\A n〇i^mp»Ji9*9 ^ntimX eis»rnc%#rl«%i«i. I ^h« X«lfe«r v«r« e«ill#d tli« iaakSk-lUaLlyp* ^?r %bm rwum##®, *inc« t^»y haA ft .雜<私in..r»«嫌わXfttiet to tli« hnkuiift«« or Olelmy^ it oalltd mhicli nme touitlRt*^ 5it^mily'«» | JjLa‘ S«wml l**ti «!stijwtt#d 1Sb»r^ i»4 ^m^mnn of th«» nt S〇lsw#r*i fhny Xlirft4 0»i»iy 1» 3* 4» 6, iwkd ' »©#% v«r« la Mode 5 «ien*» %hF»® Vlo«dc« v#re teovn at «tK« Okii^MMS ^lodfe^# «»4 »» fowa*# ?h» cl^Sistd |to、•》、3L. t« r#eo難!雪-Ok1Ur:K»^i 〇» 蠢• wwr* d#•飲 Umw!瓠聲 | ■ :l>f »»d short *qi»;r#; fae#«. pronin^ii b©a«lftt;| ifc«:::.1>»iBg.^0m® to t^o iis'efe^ii thopler ia?-*t»,tiwi: %!»*» Ih¥ n^rit^i-;.:,^ftp«iii#»ft*| 3^>for« Amo^ilon %H«y >s»d. liwd ..p-rteei|>#lXf' in s:;^ coatn%^, :■■igfe«»,|r .ao U> 始饰舞紗_»% «f .^MKKiwing . • in 象漱 e«ae•罄•參 9k•斑;|j斑im 霣丨典!!為••pfdlcdl^ :. §'ih«i||lirX^rwir# ^rMte ;i» thjfet';. .fentar®#- w#m^i^lik;s:too: ^piii^«^ バ:ねぞ緊焱铲你你|||鬱-« :織d 為dp〇|j_«i•豪 %r〇» ^atn«i#*# H〇liw#r a®6®|5t#4' oWl^aa® 巍id not j>r4mt雜lyvloeUi «!>〇» th» 糞顯輪:::.:龜 .すh修 mjrrlfid to ©俯jSLil iNifer# «^i^nstloiit wid t^t no I»^«l h»A «ayri#d noa» ; Jl««l aiawrt'iM «c«ur i*t^ ^■talifo-^ala^lts which It m# mlaly 'i#*tc^'^a»«_:l^: tiHodtai 3*:訾*::n»4;.養 ;:fli# :i«««i«4l te tmWb b> kiE&-.of."'mT»Jr*ion %〇 tmot Blaslwrti* .2b.twMrn 物辱.,描# 城私%*级•紹^ 的 ” 1'Ims.y*;#' bi^ly >^i»^li#^#iSv th®'%" jJ«p*tii»w *»4 .oI^ump 量'⑽ly iwm.t 私1^:,,.^^ ,•神》•,•,•••ぬ!^‘嫌籲^^箱 .JBNI如.輕私:知'iNt鱗.窜.パ*爲⑽在111於秦ね物♦勤*NS^l•以■★的 物》V'«w鶼物切_^•把.fbiilt卜■動隱紅.._•薄供n む嫌 1^ nor# 罾tUiaf 切:ik♦⑽pt vlii%« Ma时i_ 擊於嫌,tet© dim协^1伽N難*細》m,m,l»o* .滅你1»⑽物••如魏,•絡《r_ t抑物w•囔錢.ふ|Mwp3L.» la. c»l$む抑il«.:,象 fttaiMlwrtHtf X«_»,_ toRontUljr* 絳軀氯麟.1 _wri爾轉ifiii ti^Tit|» 物s^’^iua^ ■墩ぎ:於^_も^: ■轉知|找|^|>:<^ :.^«^ |#»i;;|Siisltii»4 ;#^11»^ 9t ltf >tt% ^sleftll^ >'Va ■.鮮》‘.f wmmhmT_ ( %Iki^ 知:.'^mmt•.伽::寡 f ••1:.你辦'妨—擎,:.:.•真切篇 f._ |、f eo*i»i<|iHfl#' ._iiF •iiE.ttir# •遞热於着嫌蠢•时’⑽欺«wali_ | WkOiid 鵪 UrlwaNi in 繁《Aw«rtP*» 傅•鴦:鵪ね1 物“餐®,⑽黍 1 tf wm&irn% ^l^lii it mui adt r^mgntmA mw i^i^bi*g^e4v«rsCL ^H|r»io»I^ I •!令#•ir«ra #®H«••故ft* 你〇•• 4蛾'嫌iijht wHIi 秦だ,參 ,wllh : #*l*a®l# iua^ iiHi' iitttf - :Cit««fc»oidp4.t»:<» *y§*» wl^ : I difftrinc «3ela eolorf jft^j mrfixm ttat«SNi*"®.iiA t© oa# |TH#»# wtr®p Z flu##* 11111fti. if ^p9M»nm» «nd ymv% aol, muilfttr«d to %t 寒:細 妙翁_|,.於從轉蝴gM^pMAmla:他•_ P dlttatflt |MW%* i 纖署^^^濟;^.ビぎ’ tli# ImOpMIa pliy»1611i _• «M ぬ《ftrl7 ti»Uxi热秘必物 t»o 你,1«擎窳 «n« Xg§•は_lSlumAm•放 t rnnar .t tdlmr •為.r%NnN» ^u^RetcHsnNMl W • lighter «klA a»lert mislW bn.ir vhldi imi* to %•i«i« eo«r«ii and 1«镰》dvrk Miasi t^>le?illT b«iir» Xott^ir •於 •tfk如!ro. MKfi lftn_r 脚㈣:押供^•• "tion.. fiini oen袖ir«., ••#el«U3r In tlw fe#»« |lt 1« Hh&r tx»pTiw6, nwtmX OleliMMM* li^ -%9 it #f(^iixit_tt ii:.^ii%ii^iar |:i^si«rtii ■本《|r;W«_‘ €(Ul«4 访⑽•麵 |声i«_'.«f ::11»繆_如 知**is_^切—彙:知'l*ivi 遍 |:Vt]_fll«^fj^i fitls vwtfii •綱城鶴㈣疫知 ‘祕切%也:嫌■嫌^ね2T 穩 |.«ailftS bnlcajiii f lftMil th^ir t)a«% i f0li urmmA ISO. Fr#b«bly DiuHbidf of th««« w»r« uaBarriad c»r Xlir»4 h#r« i& tht 蒙 罄_ 魏〇& ginfilmooai 尊《ithout th«ir 着禱* This %ot«l inor«^*«d to about 160 «t tin* In X&44y Mod dropp^ to po«*lbly UO la th« spring 0f 1945* Z» tfan f^Xl «f X94&# hoir«-«v«m th« tmr n^otatnents md« to «〇rk»r« «ho had luft to oth«r th« total «$«iixt to 160 or to* fh* i.comi^tjr sffiwt ,binr« tot«kI«Kl fron 300 to $60 At it« Sam oT p th# wiiwt, thoa« vithdtst «hildr«zit w»re esi^loyed st«ff 籲# most rvnftin^ houit»k#«p0r暴* l4. th* ••istfMf •ohooli. «h«r« th*y ^or«e4 a »*nXl iminority* a〇m th« |girl# wa« froimikt i*ipoii by th•瞵 _ of +p«ur«nt•碍^P^! Tli»r p«r901in«l# «uad l>y tW* t«r« both th« ttftff ask! th#ir «t»i ar« &miy b« divided lsxli〇 «ueh groupixigB M th# porsub* (U.ity th# smotion iu»l divitioa group* f th# typ#««f««mrlc gro^«i t>ui maritalitutsiui groups.〆 sndl th# nod frl^ndl^mtsiMlAtion groi^>t« Ho% th•蘑《 «r«r_ ftxxtir«l^ di藥tiaotr »nd th«y flw«rUp|»«(i »t th«y wr« *irfri0i*ntXy 4iffftr«atU* 嫌雜⑽似1NS i雜幽M»•' 切:.》iam# «xt«Bt||lcKMViM霸 th«A and d^inlt« AttilmdM towurd th«n* IfMQiy of th«s« h«d m««« tiy vhieh th«lr op|i〇tit«s/ 〇r ^11 th# o^«r»f ldentm«d th««« Th» p«r«〇iMkXity» or 8111tural typ«« of th« w«r« «ui f〇n〇w«« I 藝thr»« •ぎ彻r« to旗1•cmth«rxi»r«* “••ふ /yoail cmsth»«uit 表rk&n馨氣鏖 _ 馨0 e龜U»4 Mtolmeeo>o«Lder雪111• fund r»wm^ bablM**! tliote fron th« r««t, or th« **b«lrb»r p*irtw of Arkw* •%«l And thoas from other •outfetm «tat«c* 參《〇_ of th«»■纛 typ** ww« eon«ider«4# *x»^ "b#tt«r «d»〇A%«d | And aer. Mad 4Hnll於如ibbo rao•职抑11如 thiA W9i#.你蠹 localt^^ dr d«»Xt« pe<^X#» fhosii ot Xhtt thlv*4 subH^yim twr« eon* • ld«red th« nost ft«e#ptabl«r«a^ to 羲cnm«ric^t li^ttiS^v ^ tb^gr h«4 at Ut%l« u«« f or of |}〇i» fi md e# b«loir« 7Ium« oidUd tlurai •壽氤馨1V Mid wxcish^rn md thmk^k mssmtlf th$ Sfttier*^^S Za reli^iom 育ith 畚vmouMt* fh«y wer« iQ〇U&»d to treat meu脚娜《k «nd trWd to 4期a «1你 ^ th«si «00l«ny «u〇d prof«»«loiiaUy »• i^ th#y w«p« U-tlng 1 at basis with tbm in % ocwis^a)ilgf,» they 他讲1 i*善_ aJfcpftp hy 典成^ 〇f 事鱗 •t^f}‘ 乂 Vltltor* frm ^achlx^on ottiem* fh〇i« ir»r« g^mrmlXy cAllvd 私^物&,冷^*細t ftnd %ho xmushi npm*itt^r0〇p4rsN wsji ti«&x^l Siyr 11ig 1% fe*4 «lre«49r' taken 2toX f ooasoloutly a Mt fcftrmld of th« *bo»«®«,l# or whl^ier*upi,ii th« ^Washington boyi11 ml^it lw no »or* oap^bie than th« looa^l toilet but 1% wm th«y w)w biimI« tlui rul«t# flr«dt »x»l l^d» if th«y lB*itt«d on it •せ10 抑rd la 明r«rything» At lohawr, m 1b way Xtirgs 〇p@kni*i^loii> tH«r# iwr® 4«eiti<^eui 0011tsiwiiaXly b9tn^ 败如壤七 th« 0«nt«r I着於1,overall菁BA poUd_«» Mod proeiduTM 囊■Hg^i%ly ehaag«d 鎌uit H〇o»X omMUtioxia and liaproTMats in e«nter operation b«it&g planned or %u progress lmt &ot oom|il«t«d» 3 »nd wh«n th« vitltora w#r«. g.^GMi#:'thQr« ifmrm oTartloiw nlgos ; Ch« WHA ••etioxyi and dlYisicms wtr# r««et«d to by th« staff in fit&oral as «〇]wiAi&t dlsti&ot i^roups* Ewi though th«p# f»r# •xe«ptloac la wMh. of Mteh mii M8«HB»d to oentaltt «. fgrovtp of staff »«B)3er9 nho were all alike in p«irfl〇&ftlltyt in th« typ« of work they dld9 In th#lF work »«thQd«f in tk«ir toward Wtk a〇d th» •▼»〇- um$9» in tlMilr ua«fulntf«» or Iftelic of It* in th«i ^ol&4 %mn thor .'officiwif^augid trttfi. waMpw'iif ^iAr|^i of Xa!bor«r« mxd sfcill^dl ii〇*lcer»*l ,fbi^ iwr» csll^d tdie ^kluOU^paA^*1 proup. •!»〇« %|»«y iror. t«A or kiiikl p«»tuK. fei办 roti^ aImim 0t* b« ^ths^.dtAff gr〇iip(|# nnd 'S® 蠢ずttf fli#1i%#r in puy^y M £&r Huiir t«^ar«it«D#«s«i ?bty |ia4 tb«ir poim pwtiw, f«r@#d cU^)4M flMong th«mk«Xv«t» Ht«3i Mswthmr t»i.X «Xntt#rc 9ver th«; o«xit«r*' 奋1ft tihi#, (^A k^9P 'Ml' slF8l%g# talMB^h|,y SiklMnP CiVWi^^ ^ p«rb*p» 〇n« htmdrwci 4101Ults«v1 iNilfiM1# ^nA f^mXotm^Xou wtjrk«Pi*4 tt»s« w«*« ooncvistx^tAd Ia two ia blook 4a# at 8«m« dl«t»ac®.. froa Urn tmin ftammiitrfcilvt I offl«#g* ilk# t^# t«ft〇b«rt ftjM Hospital «1iaff0 th8rore« thiy E ^ily «• wry «!〇»• «ox^«t with th« main «taff Mly«P fb# 寶《rlc«j^ wtre «p«〇iaXXy mod hi#Ojr trni_^ aor/g tiui IsiMfcoiMWPSo i^od . Ao (〇Qti4i tov ^iMilr wuHt Hoi*#■ mm! .Iskmi 幼4な'如4. b#Mi 兔nuEuvJt_^i*v^l to E*Xo〇atloa trm n v«urUty of other ee&t«r or# m durlag '■wwi tiflflrljf i*#ex*ult«st«r m J It «&« 41vi4«d into s#r#x*fil etab*»Miij^ib(sr^eods • m w«U, 0& Silk Stookia^ a〇iw# woswsi *t ^tm mtth mSL plmd bti^gw «od had Ki4«nortiiB^ «»4 to^»th«r in rotating fiashi ⑽• a»4 你• sMBi 於4 * w ii«i决borbood,城t_ny h«l ©oaswn andfl 鄱lnt^re«t« 羲猶 £tusd灰y ualt裊•藥Dd 籌& t«od攀d to 靨tauad to** S«th«r i& tooiftl Hif« in p«rfonilng th« HttX« aii&xiiti^s to | Bikk« Qt^s^ •xlc%ttti〇ff tioar&^l^i* wcnaisi W4p« nuish giwii %〇 laarM^e# J!liaa〇膳癱1ぬ.》龜汹伽か fr触 d〇物 md^ tt» m ptitmoy •nfcirtiy l*eklag in 4araitor^ Xlf•• m&t ef | th«s« 9〇play««» wars \mamrri9dm 7h«y inhtii the oonrt^nt butt of d^£<8^lpii|^ ft in% 〇jf 0j,|j BAidbi^ aulstij^ trapn In* ど^ll 你•か ‘00***、❶擊桃此油〇 »1决15 iwuid蠊r liv imd •© 〇»• thmy fltUio a n#)»^!ilMKrlioiMl* X% wbm x^NTcrsfiHdi %〇' U8uiij[w- ** ♦S"# f^tiA Singly «i »oU mi^*9 h«t «atartftin«d and Yitlt«d «Qly t^mig thwelvee# 3. B«oh«l«r girls.热驊.wwr馨你•炉w*i£«r urourri滅•〇««» with a» hous«ke«pi&g 4«sir«« * Uttlo 6〇^«#» and t〇Mt- laaklng ev«r *«% oeeu|>l«d dorKltorlds X# f# «nd $• th» room i& |备,%!*••• a«T雄i切P# Httm hardly Urstr tosaft c«Ug# iiu <^miag on 龕滅樣 tmrrm h»U, And wlldi th* ^roai; 〇&〇 r««0nr«d for vitti&J «x4 | 祕nrt»iiiiag. AU thr_ dmH切ri«« wmt9 of 瓢•oqui I «lm# in mo«t aoeiCkX r#l«tiazi« th« «caila〇ts aaong th«K «*r# mor« mod intsiaftt* than bartur^on th«a and ory dorciltQi1^ iiMt ci Xlttl# in ^2S5t »««i>wr« Xiwd ;4e^#tb«r «Xao«t at «i l»r^i fuatlXy* ;:;:1«wmi4 fr«wi Ka«hl»|^0a and «l«0wb«r« w©r« utuftlly 4(miolX«d with th«si| sad wort %MX«kly t«k«n Mq th« elrol« «xet i^h«r« th»r« •斑Mlity i*mmi斑ui i^l如n “ JunrrJ^ wid 細rri_d s&«»* fht*⑩ 〇〇eujd#4 denulfeorl•繼 'wHi^ W«r* c*n«4 «u〇h zmummi mm molA bwbU hen*0 «m4 ^i^slcr 雌*^ら|«〇 的©f th. *^tohlnS* _rri麵 d 唯》*rniP gpwtly trm Llttl« Book oth«r eiti«« Iji ^ileh .\--v |f•きU«* lived* ?h« mmrrimi mm9 o»U«d ««r« ;? ?k« ||PilXy wiMXm^kQitA moA oldwr^- «»d iwir« mioh jok»d «l>out 他《lr f _〇£!»« 請r t« v“it th* *»olA _dd« 鞴la block:鵪* Slso« to fertv ^ g4«w thia would hmrm hwn ow^Utigly out of ehmnMster am umxpeeted, ._:.热#_ 巇歎®!*fewfiiMi ttfr bo%h ^lut mu fttwl A fi«l£^b€^*ho〇d# Hind# thmr W|kn» 〇!<»•• *&d 6〇»tftl&^i tho*« of %• ^nff who mmrol/ff i* ♦», ««!• no pr«t«suiiQiMi to hous«i$eepl»g dr ▲ 暴广■ V卜-な',:,''〆’•"* Si ^aily from &Mirliy t^rrn mod toww,| M««t of lo«Ma ||^»rji _pX©y»4 fe#ld twitleaUd j«b« la 職4a und drow in : 4 ^ XooftX t0l®*P««Pl« ea^loy^d 1%vw3l 酿ii〇y %V°5^# th# i0Uth ^ in ^«o», to th« north* AU w#r« wv eOMBUtw***# Jb#y w«r« lurver fully «eeepte4 inteo th« 斗W知“ 'ゼ滅ノ:,ずぐ‘'、‘. 誠. tkui U»Ufr oowemlty, •!»〇•你❶ «r«ui 111 no 靡《ns. tmwpor^ry hcm§ it imw tot RohvwritM# «nd «iae« ^i»y KMrrtr #ix<»ii*«l3r bridce from tluilr elroM of lhri«n&« lt» tom to ««tablidb mv 〇»•« 1b iitw fhty k»«tf all tli« B^m£t0 but rmthor «muaU^•癟nd 響書r雜華_X4os jpx^iry ■xmI d««pl;^ 善 •at-d la 你• •ooliCl «vwatt» ftiad fioasif•讓 th« ioiA l^ri«9aAl3P^*oei«tiloii group* *acmg iAms ^vruooxml wmem fors^di iA〇xi$ thiit# ef llk« work* *ad ikIio ««r« th«r#£*9r« meh throMii to» g«th«r during th« iwk d&y# «9ad tho«« lik« und p^rccsmH%* ▲ f«w «»r^ foxwtcl 败 bo也 bauM* 4t X««»t erne «r two ell^M mnr«i c^» *«rmbl« ftacmg th« ymttmrm iwk«m» m»d th»«« lneluiltd idl th« w«l^ur«r | w〇rk«r« Mi « f#ir ^10 «i%bmr b«lo»gid to etlur *to gut 0f§^ fr«i omstiuxt t»lk ftliinit cm傭攀 ft»d «I1_ii^b4>‘ or 賣想r« iDEtrdwjrtii _«4 g llvW to 你▼•霉•量''Tliir^ ««n» 歎'^r解!^^111g fUbing ! oXi^u»«9' manlMHft or 1411611 wir» Umurlftlily %og»th«r Wilis'th«|§ •細!嫌》•的備4_,,祕也1<^咖11汰1^#〇地於1吨_||如%疫猶, fiahlsg ge«r» ftxul &um protpeetw la mrloui Xoe«lltlatt〇9^ lM^t9« ^ 9h«s« «Xi<|ix«s ArrMignA l£«, iGUklMirftt. d•时 1111油^!»::•_•供i |n iMhiぬ切_ 曹^oX•麟!• _觀 •tftff «m «^〇1^ to p*rtiei^«kt«» «ui 1 免•• tSu〇r who up th•供 霉〇»» «ix or 繆馨r«ti .adl_« fr<» th« s_tor th«r . %hi £M»_ | kusttert siir«Xy t^e c«np to b« «^eliil)l«t «»d to pcMititf on tbs «uoo««s of thm b«»t *h9fm in i^i9 p^rt^l 0&• or imt aliqum txt oldiNf Mm in th« .oistlimHy got t〇|$BthiuilamlX^ tor imiNily ullXlt«(ri«ai purpoewi^ «&4 eirnttantly eha&^^g; «mdMMr*hip« ograoii•攀d .ooiid ULt導 of th» 穸切rvGttml eommlt穸 • vdio;3U» tvs# 4ir«otl3T eoKxtlauiklXjr litlzig initiated bjr Bllei^i^ioo A««oaiAti #职抑&印% <»id i〇flu# pool a br^«n d0Nn r»aio«^soa〇£ri|^i# Mtt «M % 41048 • Xt 職• k.^t i€MklS«d 姑tljMMB «^um U0% biking i^i你 :.概瓤 awMft iMf'tiMi ti.晦# 餐 4*i 如:.'期•和,fowl gktliwriiigi 氳免 «M wry llttl« vl»lt«d by p^rmtmmXm 8«it«»«iti woolad th«r» 1 fiM coding 供• 0V doubt I'oi* 601dirl^i^lcw of ^Dvwl^oi'y ttnd ^4le^HUt' ;l»i$%l#"';'- oli明#igf bri4gi plmyiir•供>r# hairing. @w_i id«〇«t rv«ry ni^it «f Hy* mkm m tommam whmnmr Mk«d« mm^Xoy^k rnitm %m Hook 40 swt «wy matniMg mt^mr br««icfMi% uad tb* di«h«« for 90itm «tm! n〇t*lp*| fho«« of moIi thr«« ar fowr i«d 氟 nhel響 burimok «k^«c攀nt 令❶你• ! 隱i& <4iii&ig1srft;lslyii lml!ldiijipi s^d S^rlLy 物• bmeli^lQrs ftai «i"f«r «f .th« \t»wrrl«4 wonon Wmwkft^t in itFwhii# H|p«t of 1^mi •» ^11 JMi th# apart»»nt £k81111#»9 pr^ared >tielr owo^^NriefSBetai^ th«st irw a ceKll &tpi^X9 iu « tlx•咖• _U,: la ftfc—Xy sr©u^». |細丨滅切 _ d4ffi.cmi_ ^ | g»ttl»€ |proe«ri»# w«« tli« diveottfoy% «r•逸《^0_ 細與供“麵•浐• | And ^wol^isyt^ttssbs*:. It? wtm 4批秘1»_^ of stiAtioewd m% th« Prisoner of W^r C»ap At ;^〇fitiG*lX0j Arl»»iiSWli|iil# ■ ©qb^mu^' wmi •,% a; flkllyi%M*y ^uttc*4 *bmi ■明niiitftitHKr 9WV | 你•| Sh•勝t:i... ••'すeduTM gjUArM ㈣祕 n9^:' aoldim 011 X»xi«a aXcmg %h» mx Hkm f〇ur|| 靡idwi or tb働iitiS &l癟o amsuKl th« flilft 鴒|»^1«^_;^^| •uMrdiag ikm がUs•姐tlnued In 侦•籲供*lug 试 X9€3» «b It wim fouzsi to bm uxm«G«smrily ctriot* m mil m» ob^« 〇p«al»g 破 th春 W««t C〇Mt (ilidsuMry^ 1943) th« $u»nl ikmi «tlli f«irthttr# firtt %〇 %hlrt»«ii Mini after m tm »oatht Xosg«r» t# mly •«rv«a« fh$M 贫《魏セ r«4n〇tio» r«sult«d froa 始ut Sujpr_i Court 如“idem that th« eouM no Xm^r 4^kin th« r«si6«st« in th« e913!tor» $Imi a!X1«* 1»ry pw*f uhleh unftll immmry of X94G# h&d bMi mX^MXmd In thi ttiXl* _ry ar•瓤磨 4i壽lii 食Imt Mid 名!uar4 七れ《|*〇«11^1* took it馨蹲tbit p^i*鏖ona«l雄_•霉_| ▲ vtonfeh <»r •〇 1隱免籲r» tlu» guair禮(_ 鳙 t««n **• drastle^Xljr «ist by th« ^fleer At Mo»^io«lX〇# •nd tills brtKL^nt 1so an i^LX Isuyliis cnq %Im» iwft isf th» •mull mt %ho 3^t flMi g|ciHkr4 wmI tismXXy w%1^4rtkWA 麵如!^曲.rr 觸* •滅你* ailtt*ry •!*_! •!>〇••&• th« ^LXit%ry polie« iNir« locmlly knowa aM %h« Hl««l its *th« — *馨1V cuod 知|_m1 lxiklmt«3Ly assooiikttd with th« wtmft •vmeumu «K〇«^t «umI 撕• ^or«Iy _ •⑽ but th«y mm$0d ttkirly ««1X to ltialud* th« aimtC mod * liMlt« ‘I驊一祕主•ぬ雜'1 松嫌 H^oh^oX'iriMi•,画 £or 解參• habl^i籯Uy '.r#f«rr_d to th__lvw aad'th參 Cauoa»iaaii§ | botb;Mr« and 1a CftUfomlA#..«» nSh〇' 11111»li (or' ^ «&4P |._ti:‘:. 轉今^^:||籠 禮懸^^^^^碁^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^鎌^^,^^^^^^鑛餐雜懸 I Qmm 0T tli« p«rton〇i0l habitutdly 4mi$^mt9d th# «tiwu««« at ,:;: ^Xth供Mgh'only in: ih_於わ《od 細11 ■tne «.^ap«r»,without «ai4' .ia»r«ly m t«rm« .©f r«f«r®iiB«*|! 4« j.r, th« WKt ^rogrM〇#4 it vm notlfttpl «.t Kolnv«r thut e^rtaija Mlt«l w«r« I o«gimii»s to tom Vtf* to 4«slgimt« th» «n«aBr cmly^ but thi« 41d not 1 |t«k« HoX4*g lim word b^eu^Jln^ ^tt# |»«r«oiiM(«r p«opX#)f “•*•'..! pMlOMlAIMy W^«v'e__|a/ 如试1& J印《UMW. (KJ^«也•'_ th〇»« Of 你《 你0 窗®**. か切你♦ •viMm®## oft❶a u««d it» 1’vi M _XXf|ギ Th« p«r«op^fX foriMvd •〇»• dQ£«xi af «〇 Pf<^ty •I««ur iiid dlitlodt oon« o«pt» oo&c«rxiiiig t^i« «v»〇u«os« Ih# «i|' f14*?'!! m f_r notubh ダn* in.::;th_ 〇th«r 各on*‘ '漁#.: flrg食-《〇d ®〇»t て為 fund»»»gntal or Idsume ooiui«p^t vac 〇£* th^ Ijatlc luad uiiitliiersbl# 技paaw» ••如 〇ri細!feal lsyp» guwMjg th« ^wwmtwuf^JU th« oth«r .on-^ futitd upon i^l# om9 wad proetiidad trcm «i»o« with^kM Wgt^gUvriy 奶ordisi^r» n&s pr««uood to i*it thi馨 typ<»» utnlesai 氤ad thru auMOoifttion、松Hi もia that li« did aot 0篡|^1;}^ fit Ht, in 育hicth c•籲〇 th« sde»»_ wbat Is hi- t|>«olflo 〇&•• and mdo to jib« nor看 n^rl^y 胃!^i tk. obyicnw faotw# Any 0V9jBvm9 who did not fit Ixtto thii oosctdpt wits oon9ld«r«d to b« M«n itidiTl4u0d tatIi似cm from typ•”卜wldeh la it«“f nas «jioth«r eooo«pt* Tlui bMio J瓢p«n«t« typ« had nori«zrUii adftd*% ftad ffverythl&g In th« «Vft〇u««s dlsilkad and Xi»ok«d ^pon as mwcm plaSnmbl0 by ordinary ftaadArd* was aoeaunt«d f«p by tn« fA«t ^ t^bMiy htA this p«euXlar Thi> l*t«l w«r# xmmmtX^ all 0011* ii4«r#d %〇 to# 9yit«rl9usXy OrijixitakXy mad thli «i« «x{>«ot# what aom and wasxt«d# fttul h« eeuld b« to r^poz^'logle^Xl^ «|i4 with reason* th« tmtio ^a^pazuiift oi|th« other hand# kk.s pr#«» tuasd te bo 瓤I, **to 4〇 籲▼會rythin^ jurt and to_ t© ••• tJ嫌:.:雈0如•职iineMt ©f kit 猶^^^^^^^^^ Xh« 〇QH〇4^t of {diytloal «.ttrfu»tlTtiuNie in im» t〇ueb«d I upon At %hm end of Chapter XXZ« ms pol|it«d out that th# p«r«onnoX coswiderad th« «i«oumis physieally «ittrt Msa»r%et〇km Hk##. «nd not nearly «〇 ©bviou*ly tm th« th€Br«wM yfm» a t«adan«y to «u«p«et that they v«re not ganulxMly and unr«««rv«dXy AiMirle«tif «*p«olJLUy in'^•r#|^l|SAa«rleftxi I eonfli«t«d with 10i« d««p«r XoyaX^r both to Jap«o an4 to th« Amri-oa» d work« «nd had b«〇on« scoMnNhat flx«d in th«lr ftttltud0« tomurd Xif« h«r« and toward the p«rtoutuiX ecMBoauxiitjr* Aoocrdlng to this Q6#^11*._! iTosf dlipptiDg of-it wmi $iitri^i1(«od without x*ec«rmtl^i iQfj: _ _ mi«aci»oidURly* 3h« wM% mtr^m wimt wi|^ 緣卿t*«i««d iii tlx. rmurk. '^S^r ddn-囀勝!!晷^1)«% Me•你•《• «iite 雪 X«i« <»tr«Mi# vouXd li«v« ««Kit mil bmok toi J^«n9 of «^pMre&t dlff«r*xso«i tnoxig ::_ || »o^ wluay ot the uH luer« i〇 «ibinipt»f li^tt of it^rf^ honw«r. had th« f##lixig 兔从、th» tr«aoDdeut «xp«ns. inmirr祕 in tb« p proc«dur« oi n«i^t«tliilt)g th« r^loontloxi 〇^st«rii^^ |iuai_f .pr_l4ing ivobooling. r_r«at1sio&fft£i4 ot_r 辦的tivv "i1011-議 th« ,«nNri 麻• pwr^aj^ :⑽t j明 tifl«d» «ad that 你•儀 ^AaBrlean *s oiti«m «n4 v«r« aSj^Xy P not,imt^, lift utaff wmStmtB waXd Imy wvl^A out, nil <»r »mur«f. ly tkXX of th# Coanunlty UetoNpmitt^ liiYla'i 併ii:.:, or 始 3^_«令 our-議 t«dl«d i%« ««afk and would b«^r« ^T〇r*d op«r«ktlns th« o*Bli#r «• mor« t^i&a t d«t«nti〇ik o«b^ in imic^i only th» lAr««t || XMio#8siti«« wir« j^9rid#d«S|l ろ^^^^^ |tMo«t of staff# thMi# t thM. «va〇u«0. in,h«ir |OLa«.% But th« wi^ son* «Ke#ptic!iit# 414 partielpAt# pliumdl «^Bid orgftsi瓤籲d 猶<»«1|^ vitii 春mou籲》•慕 th«y tM»ith«t i«xviii籲d $^«9aeuM« tn t^^lr aim gfttdierlxigii w» att^ntoil those of «mou»t«« _ fh«r_ immt v«ry :ii^Ur.^l^itixi$ ‘in _0h 110»_• «isAg| p it Is «Af« to ««y that mmt 〇£ th« staff tumr 9irar th« is»id«'«f wmoumt BKrmok imlt «xe«pt In rar« in«taxm«« «h«a thiiy w«rt r«^ulr«di t« «nt«r am In th« e〇ur«« of th#lr work* A f««r ixatlnato jp0rs〇KUi#X««w cm«» jyi«n^Uiliipt «xl0t«d ^ Eiahw#^ «mi thoto bttir»«iii Btum of %h# wtlliMr# workers Mid miol|«Xik«4 •'iikoiMMi ploy««« la tiN ««a» Th«i«^ tot mMiugXm$ $gknt nuppttru AvmriUMA or food# to liileh of th# opposit# ooaMalty «»r« i»flt«d»,| Another that% th«-fehi«f 知% Fdfy-;; C«NB»mnity Hlvisioft,1^0 w»m ywry friendly to «01X th# | 抑and who oouaUd 難ny clc»f p«r癱如al:tr JL棚d* wa«ig 你級• | Others of the p*r«onn«X ommsmity ooa«uiioiMai.y invited te th«lr hams. Shi pw^nnnl^mymmmm «n4^g9〇l«» «wr## htm^mr, nor« A〇tlo«abl«. A ttua)»«r of th««« lasted throug^iout Ri^mrfM !|U.«tery|c ©r vmtll th« • «t Rokannr* mad m& nor« f0rtua«tely# r_f 4〇ci_1;镰d did not _iixvo3/v•㈣认m#•癱.vriho wwre gwnultkily luad b0hftiriQr patt«m aad ef th« pmcmmil and fgrwp§ wtmn ia ^rnx^BM% w«r« obft«pvaai|« la th« WBA at Mad @t%h6ri&gii# n% 1180 in id%# |HMrsontuil mtc^ baXXa# mt IQP «md 1st zuimH»y tovma* As wan pr^rTl^Aia** 戀|T oordiml «n4 frlttndy iatwnrelatjLoiai 供i«t«d during vork hours in th« offlo««# mod th« two groups w〇•«• for »«aX«* 2hit wm a part of th« gtxioml awsIoa to in〇 ■iRt incite Afid fiMMlXlMT whloli 1101ikV〇id&b3^r lopX^ with pinions e〇Mid«red laf«rior» A« 0〇m« of the ttaiff put it# I^ lotting than with u«# oaU our flr*t iuums# .#0 gttt Im &b3ttili 意❹^PF•你 _ ** 嘗伽H挪** •始M*3f’**•紅m*4 败ou 杂 t«» himdle m i it it"1*! Tha oeoAcioml cmouM gu««t« «.t th« &«m no m&w» : j &unb〇r of j^rao^a:).9X i!11tli#lr slxuMi thi(|r w*r« 〇€VdiiAi|Xjf «&ou^b# fyyjfl guy ignor jjM of thM pro^bXy did not s««a l«t.nljik〇««# «mxml wimtt maibmm ««a)o»d ou% im m huff •0011 •$ th_y 辱_ 你《u|^h••猶•讓籲1»过奢^6鵡,Uuiid你龜辦|;111«^;| I and out«14« th# r«qulTmxxt« of t&iir ^oluiji asmI hiud mw^r «h««Sh«6^ | asxllfftthy tomrd tlm r»8id«nt» lnth«ir pr4 路软》. mir#: :.ft〇1ri>Kpy of t)a«B»S *ii4 «ir«n »«MK»r th«i nltiimt«l)r proved to »t|frthat t^y-iw# n»t3 • 0 ClMKMUiWl •• h«Ml 扇《pp〇8#(U ' 警!!^*1^ぬ®^ %〇 tnigt of tbs Anwri典&1籲鷗 | and:;^M»Qft«lMBiuMic of «>y •1(1省1你〇的雄0.|^1峨|>蜃^||# ••仰_d你#t職ay Kib«i1||押_〇把pn_霉籲伽pr|卜j隹_切脚^ ^ b«c«to«« th«y ba4 had mcar^^AiMUuistt M udiooXixig and iiid〇€trixi»tieii tbAa Imd ne«rl qi th« lii#i J Iml Hite ^383?* iad〇»trli»tiaii 1b th« hcMMlMaH «imi of a imiDh r«9mst dat«* &o »tt«npt to kaoim -Kilmill muI aT〇14«4 psrfCNnaX i^utsu Tto staff diYl4td «XX thm •'mou^M int^ *typ«»,,^nad t«ad«d to rm&t ftBd 'V^sAini t〇MM*4 on tht liMif; of tJNi pr«tiMd eluuraetvr of® I^Pllv*s8«*i aeserib«d the «^Bni&l«trntieii *〇■ heartily ll]E«d»jjTh« nCmmsim^^ OF ^/y^rleaia*1 typ«*| Sim b«m d«serl)»9d» Among tht Hl««i %b»rm mm M m〇wiky§ typ#® mo冒《**•,.it麵* .|||^我# 0如姑撕说办•也⑽物蠤的^ 〇が ^•ftuiixig toXXtsm ix)«^iaoti&u«« of tluiir p*r«istexi9«. 番:扣 *' ® ^®v*r8®^6* la ■ r〇ll®«fiiis mthodt JUQdi wwytt pre»u»sd 妙 iPii>f ?• f^tb«r 1dum Aa«rie«xi, Althou^ thmir »oUt«^l HB &nti awm«r n«v«r th«si la thtlr b^iATlor tovt&rd ‘你• •'霸y** _瓤丨^1你町.~JMHAg#d 令0 elx*eru_r抑t% 姐mljr. ' ill. d#vioiM: aii^ *〇 ;i〇 1jIi# bhA %h#ir jrPfS^ll^iP ^y ,1fc>y#-:' .%hiMft thp •U|HNfrl^Qr寒〆leftistIti 4om« ベ,,v,私:Ml: 贏明oh IDc•在 typ*ea!X_tand ttusd«Mr.t&ndlog% and f»M t^i b««t» muaplM of thi« gro«$> ml 1849 ohulrmi of th« Counoilf d«sorlb«d in Cb^t^rt HI and VXX» Iti# ^T'〇rt^^ typ« «&• mthiMr tmmrovm^ Dm oonpUtelyJ; d«««rlb«4 Modi a& «vaeu«« dl1 thi|i gt^mp wiWi th« r«aark* #-V. J' the AxMilytt moiy tisuis poi&ted out to eh 戴n «vft〇u耱• s ❹wMd 撬from «v«ry «m told.: ”yM. yoa*ri» probity 餐邏 bixt you knowン1 juft 4 '4i««]^rov^ ;〇f ;vi»iMft m$ml9Xm: ^XUif i |秦0場物• of jpiwiAiiig for 你《 uorwiX soeial, pP^lglou«t «d\mtl〇XMdv aM r«erentl<»»al llf« ov«r _w_v_\a»ui6_i«f im轉《it冬爆私 _ f成令:,|^..:试 jtif傷.;:;111'始_ 義 ^^|||||痛ni*» 職4•■‘ 1,1^31# 'h^jNtw :••• sso謂&X’mod 巧 trMtir^ th« §rmp(ti,0w ai^it r«««ttU »t ft fMt«r and 1m norm 1 |iiMiUtt*d to Xo«ie to tb« outsld« for 1^i« tAtlafylng lif# tlw had .b«for_ •相©镛u如*:考播灘麟^紫觀5”塌㉙デ巧n蘇奮編!!シ MMiy «f tb« ttAff partleuUrly o1ij«et«d to whkt th*y ealX^d i«Ul*« of th« •VAOtiAiitt 1} Ai^i&st unfM'or^bXt potiXielty £roa HfiA souroMp 2) A^ilmt r^lwteiosiii on thi wiKouwtt4 Xoya,Xty 麄M As_rio城ふs} ag»in«t «u〇7 pr•難明说觑处⑽ to 你籲 puMie of 龜 %!*〇•** platyr« of tb«M in th« n«ir«# maul 4) &4pr«pap«r attfteka liy 1 timt th» pubXlo ttflnmr |;ot tn l£nd«d «t«^f nmabari mr% partly Xikod and partly ,lkid# 4^«adlns tluilr lodividuAl rwrtioiw to »T«kcu4Nit* mKM Ai»Xiki^# ;4«^iD4iAg;.191111 ....._J|RLJ „ ” th% isdiffi»r«i)t«Mlsid«d w«r« oordUXly di«Uk«dt i|i th«y w«r» 9*14 to 4r»«iiig hl^i dt>lsig Uttl« of th« sort of wox% thty w»r« liir«d to 49 in ^ ««nt«r« «nd in g^mrml wftt th# 败of 始油 h#liiltor« to pr«s«ast th«ir to t]»m b«fori thM ndninlttrck* | tioa eould its o«m Y«riiion#,& TImi 4rvmoiMM». o咖 5Ld«r•在 th. CMnu&Uy l^aagoMnrt £>1,1的〇«| «t' _rt fri«a^y of tlui 較ha unit臂 to thia«| 霣—《11 th« of thi_ I 蒙Uirl«iifmr:tior tbs 籲你打 a»Mb«r^ in th«a. 9«crti<»at.. w»r« o抑ド釋 sid«r«d fritxidXyi It wtm knptm to thMi# for «x«BipX9f thmt m | iliiiftbl* nundMB* ot t«ieh«r» ir#re fidrly 轉no••參フ^^ ^i«3r »oo«pttd ^i« 9011001 grott^ m Is^sioiaiy and |pn«r&ny but **Ut eos«i40r^l もs«etl嘛期:繼 b« portoi^i aMr. txitiKT•霧t#d In /t)u» «v»«u_ wXl^r. find futur. tlw wrm othar WBA ittilt ia 0«)xfetr« ftom mmsumi ^uuri*«l«df cuod 的1m vioU&tl,•㈣h tl_ 為《ad |Mf 侃• iiciti雜 mr weMterel 11111. i^fKii ;4oiibt!〇d lia^^ !设会邏驟^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^减 £&gliM«ring A&d Fimmo# s«etiim« «r«r0 so doubt th« most £»fi»imXly ditllkud# tk« forttir it» ohi«f imi ifiiil known to !>• «vm 糊• 伽 l•桃inm如•破:'it*、切]〇4«^#:.'11蠊14 «m with _ to b« **切_ザ*!n thu 難tt#r of and oth«r 期writ of 雄m«y to 幼•丨!Eh* A$ri«uXtttxNi 級 •齡動d 你• 8M»t •Qn|>|>«t«ly 龜pprmriid. aysd for tvo re«uKmti Slpiwtiis twu' su|HirTl*eKrs Mid a〇it nt,th«. oyi^dM# :#iupii - tftire tp«elftXUt« *»d m»r« trajLn«a f〇^i wor)e«d to^har on ^ bMli ctf 翁 Mid tfei成 th«» p«mLtt»d faratrs to tak« oiwr nueh of tM tnrm*m anA 9«tp4ix*r&«loii ot its F«rsoim«X*HilUtar^ PoXlo« ftnd Loo^l Population lh« p»r«otMX mmisfykitmd th« fri»ndli«st of th« Mill* t«ry TtHkf 0111t# «wx thou^lt the r*»g« and of oosxtoet* }m^ ths 物〇 gro^d oh«a&£«d tittM ftftnr tlMr Mtrly 轉 of 1946* Um% of tlm pBrMWcml*^ ooxxt&ota took pl»o« i» th« WP «b«r» %h« i1»f^ rwgulMrlir Wu^bt wuoy tu^4«d tuppU«« |eeuld i&Qt be g0t dti)k*r«iM «xo«pt ia wk«r« v«r«| i&Tlt«d to t^wi ISP d»»e«« ftbl« to th# p«rso»i«X mi a 8〇uro« of 〇l〇Mr«lrtsM# bmtr9 oold drlidc«, ft»i toilst «rtl«l«s» m break in ths A£t«monn# *»d aui «n n«»〇i^i,> fron Mittter «ft«r wfirtl hour■•旅’導t«ばf 也Uy th« eantMMm ia mil梦叫押 during th« w»m mo«thft# usually in tdie for a oola and a p«ek of And Mp«olftUy for th« X«ttt*r at th«y ««r« pilot pur«r« by 4«mui&糞&备攤 or not dwandlns to ••• th. pa««i oarda* ▲ n«alMr »•••■ for th« &«x令鬌_c»k 01* 13窗〇» and th« •攀• not b»lxig who ij〇£orn»r« vr»r«y would "take It out* 011 th« «ntirf ptrioxmtl b^T b«lng d Uttl* »〇r« offloious toad bcther«om« than «»• required* fli«y thought that li^r doing th« p«r«omuil thmi«X,r«* mii^it 41«<» ⑽wjpag_ th« %、む^^^^,^^餐な〆、系^^^^^麗^^?^^^^‘''^S'*"ぐ〆^^^^奮すべ^^^象^^^^'4^^^^^ヘリ'•權誤》》^^^^炊^^^^^^^^^^ tto«t 0f th_ p«nionn»l» b«ii^ Southaruere th明Mtlv«0r ««r« friendly _ |«l1di looal popul«ktioiiv «ls4 r«fraln«d fron Adopting tny »Xoof and •\^«ricnr toward them«| Tb«y w»r« iu>«u«toia«d to th« sort 0^ p«opX« Uv«d on tb« farns and in the towns around R#mr C〇ut«r» ?h« noa^euthenoL pertoim«l iv»r« laot co AocvuitQMd. t〇iA th«ir i*«1«i* tlon« «ith thwn w«r« At best distant and tttrely polite* 2h«y «〇• oorde4 tli« mreimxOtB 9M tii« ^tMittor*1 In a hl^«r|| rating and aao«ptalillity tlM th»y aXXov«d poorer fftlmtr* i lo«r«r eiM霉、o«9i fiittlli... but 敗 th«» irbiOl.thM 眷1_1»11% of tlui |»響1*藝〇1»1籲1 k暑pt to it籲籲IX i〇el»lly to f^r mi otit«S4费m 败r_ eeac«rii«d* • nua^Mr <»f fiAlll.- JLivin^ iA u〇o«Im« I Xy invit«4 to th# personnel a»4 brid^» {Murtl**% ' I Srftou^e—l««eaX Fepulmtlo^f fh« «rv«〇u«« buying *nd Ylsitiae i$k th« XoonX vIXXftf# itor»« i« df» •erlbed In Chftpt«r VI 气 fb«ir biisini»t» «md ■eoiskl令;rijb te th* mar*:f t>y tcnm« wr« «l«o d««erlbeil in %lmt nhuptvr* Rdmr th# ^rlXla^i aoagnMoJljr m its •%nre* w»re osdy a f«v himdrtd yards touldi of ttm soitth«m f«ao«* t«r〇 of the«« utorm w#X〇urt«ou« to 你• r—14«油,《 and • of 灿脚 lid•ゲ 必tt«d 你_y 明 out hWEMi«o«Mly fr雖 tliyUr vmoiiM tiusifiMs•義▲ ftv of th« »trohiaxts tb# to a»k« th«ir «tor cmd «v«n th«y did tb«ir buying la !4oG^«« wh«ner«r po«s$)il«* 象愈:於^ケ^^^^^^^^^^ fh* mKniMs »T〇id«d th« H«gro«« estlrtly ixi MoG^mi« and other tmtm0 «tp«eially during tK«lr l*«t ymr or «p h«r«t »nd after had X«ar»td mud &4opt«d •〇〇« of th# oi»xrv»xitloxiid lliit« b«hiiTior to* K«gro«s at a oa«t« :A ^vtry f«w took th» ik%»3 tldu« that tlity shouX4 Mo^pt tfe« Vtigro— and ali^i ^)«m0Xt«c with 切_i booau•着 both group ■零《r_ ••蓽靡#d «t&4 of th_ «mm» inforior atiktu*, but this did not t«k« hold thruout th« ooiaRmnity# aa it night h«v« dtmm bad th« o«xxt«r b««a in «. northorn Xnoid«ist« IxnroX^ing «vaeu««9 wi^h thm XooaX pepuitotioa w#r« €>om«* purmti^Xy emr^ thruout Eolmrf« Kiatuiry# ?h» only ons vhloh or««Mt my gmsrAl ilXMfMiling and arou««d thm whol» oomsdisiiisy was that tvbleh th« Council nwd RT«apX«ton*t V1o1«xkb«<'^ uhleh occurred in tli« flUMMix* ®f X944« A deinxfcy «b«rifr imn9d f«apl«t〇)i my» driving Miiod two emou«« tru6k篡 on tht from M〇0«h»e tb th« «2Al»id that th««« truck drivers wr« hinrlng & wuwi at great •p««d# oontinuidly i〇la$ around «»oh oth«r and driviag ntreikit# •o that it w%m ivpos^ibi# or at X«a«t ^mn^rovm for bin to pftsa* B«, th*r«for«# H^4 to t»k« %h«ir du«t for %bm entire X4 edl«t* f«^pleton followed th«n tlum th« <]j^|nkI «tnd bandeuff«d th«a in trm% of th« Xn^«rxml S«eurity 8«otio»# oaXl«d th«m g unprlatal»l« muasM* auod th«a 4ror« thwai to tb« oounty «h«rt th«y w«r« looked wj» wmJ Int«r fin«d« 9Imi Cminoil tode up th« ou««8 dlforevtly «ithdr«ir or i»itll m offlo«r app«»re4 to stop th«au lirvn druiakt had got u««d to «vA〇u«!f/ih« oirau9uf«f#; to th» itaff vim »&y laoidl«nfe 41A ooour«t lh« «weuo«« th«B»» l ぽ^,放身偷ン盈爆*!激鐵总1愈•お f_lt 油-tour.TiAiiil嫌 •ip«olatU>y Aft«r oi4*l949» tout •_n«d to hav. ao iacllnatioix 1to .xiNket la* _ oldasit* of sort to occur vhlU In thm tmnu : *Shm X〇e«l popuX^tloti hud orlglsudlar to ttoi Xoefttloe 〇£ m. *V«P cmnpM in th尊lr midit〜and waipft Utぬ• afndd of ha▼ね3¢ ■ 3at|^ 氤lUn 幼4 group 馨〇 〇:〇••taut they _r•加t loag hi rmd* i慕lug thftt th. «v»eu««8 n«r. •'. hftrmlM gr〇i^» 德o _re ftt th«】 •ium tim dMJori^U a馨?h«y eonti〇u«d thraout to rmtw te th•搴《B%_rilM4i «uM觀ln¥t _ x»»t_d that 由yrlng th_ l«t_t your or «〇 h»r« th馨 tern lo籲t zuMurly 龜21It搴 d^regit&ry | ¥Imi 1j$9$ kindly of habitually mf«rr«d to th« censor a* || 1成ye” _ ’Tokyo SpurV 你〇、油_^'败•你籌濰〇st 〇細》雔ly | u»»4* th» 71««uk of ^qO#Iui« aaintmln^d m ^mry r«klr aatit friendly «t« %itud« 1B|:‘麟abtir «ft«r idm mSMJm of 1949# iCti^o ^rlor | that ti_ it vioUnU^ .dltoriaai篡•! A^idnii,他-pr••咖籲 of th« | Jup美a&d 蠹pdmt th.iY^nms*1 on th螃 Uidtod atoek of tho loc龜l •ttir•薄• fh» is«rebftiit« &«r«r tHi« Attltud# «x^ eae^ai||i# | ho«r«y 籲你微i••奮 imb. 一irrivd en wl你 ittHii «ir«mKN» 鐘 vhloli mmm after «1X» th# «)h^« in i^ii<^ hit d«9p««t roots and att«u^Mtit« IiiQr# Hi霉■ooiiOi outuiido thi9 〇〇!»• 籣unit^ went r龜th翁r !noaM«mtfd Atid im班a«〇t them otN>r»i供*• «r4 t吻ing ls*r»^I«r tiadi th«y i««r« &ot Snctdtatlaiiftlle^di 1r tny w«^« 9h_ b龜禱ie so oi鳙1 around 你你攀 tt«nt»r 霉ooiml org_»isift1^on 鼙iui d〇n«traot#d w#r» i) 齟t« or h«ot«hol4 S)你•供切adfld れ nil/,從 klo groupf 9)你• tuMlrisloB. ef th« bloc^«t whloli inolcultfd th« tlng^i bsrr»ok group of Indlvi^tSAlfi «n4 bloek U»«t w 纛切r•你989 u»it« w«r# for«»d aidrii^ i0r WHA 0&nrmismp9 9〇 had little ai0dtiom«^ in _tid 期 el病 orptiiix獅兔•爾 _奪1i,ぜ tti#_ b•霉i_; _i鬌•取瓤 ir>«8 ef 费art*l«g0參 dl^cro# 瓢涵 s0p«ur親t» %〇iti§ ol4 i^if a®S dentil* ^<0''* 1h# Pa数i奴 llttt was dftlXvd kaa«eok^» irhlcih was trmtei«liil%»d as ^out<» rttCMi**# 脚 ocmtifiuing% 讎㈣ r*i«/tod_期1〇卿M《••• tinker l*i轉Uy autmI Htt〇« id ApptztAiaK 1fX)« til# populmtloG furrs^r 0f X048 ^1鴒 sq fa** osni&» iw. t$mt Iti which .f#騮^き黪鄉押:雜擧i.画V抑方jf_;'_.时幼樣脚l9_i 曹鉍搴祕籲_@tr參... .uci4®f_ 船.tad..:挪*t. _w■で#;®S 切節*Mi 卵时y:'._:f?!時.が#拽_|_ 縱齡 p欲•靡!^樨*.你《|| 侦 Xssei Woism w^r# «fe©ut n: ©sad# latter p 你《 r顧 細Kififttlag to 银⑽i«try“.‘|!Ja 你•典 fasdXi^•热》m _ 束 isf«m 9明戚1故• rm^ber 霄.1脚i ahi3USiN®R# |*_4轉芦 $n a^»* rr撕'錄參r::霉S逸<酿切获M卿s命0议r_於豢: : ;o^ly; %»,.. ttr^ iiid :j».fj«id«r- '4 ably p%A»r mm tfci. o!4i*t of ^ ®hildr^#5 Itaro. lfnriati«ii m ^ や“!**:抑罄1 fiusliif* iRMii f_iX な摹 ia 冒hi▲.後® eld碜 r 黧la#i ehildr^a w#r« g^mm up mA carried «»d ^ ulrimyy bri»ehi4 off t» 麟f 砰:識離ir 顧u 顧 _4 th©*e ia 續1•期urri#4 Wi 瓣1. ;^$X^T^EL bt^ b#eoaa» vn 3«Jt0s th« ^re# 0f 2ss«if tegni uguAlfy w®^ :'r靡jre嫌成^d. la、》lagi尊細取.,软• firw ef後镛事©'_ _5a切.綱 |^靡^||•'錐4_为1^::.'馨^ 动011^iras r 籌这*$• 欲嫌㈣抑n在鄉於' eo®ia〇xr«f th霉g». type#窗你*Vi»冒城命I徐塵Imnm!着 wor•為也霣i鱗if b〇银11b#!^.從:賀1_1典遺鬣_“議饭#嫌》wer•'佩1U«a _ 1h®. «rtrme^whi..印!#¢1 f_Ui㈣%_'抑雄•ぬ*If: th« fftsilli** th#r#ftor« aentfttn^ fliltlitr or ^it«r-« Hir ぬmr^b gomrftti如• or 洗1鱗1•奮《re fimmd 每《3 trtiia»|y tmi f«£dXi#s# a« w«« pr«irleu#]y Iht fluiUy mio ffflur j^g>Wp'^bouse 败的财' or %ou«# As tnuba&d h# 賣祕 sift )Jfl5i per«如% 饭•か!^U» ef “ f«Bslly «»« omm sbuT^gu *^«9»1镳 p«r«Km% *»d M • «!【• 必• V••細*'tfua^ 热•.ぼ •後《r,mT 雜!X»d jy m% 0S〇& thd^r |rs〇(tetb«r» Imi y^» fhtr« !»•• iftid 切 ⑽场咖脚”糨 f«r lk^ gpmBLohilA mi Ab1A» tm» p«r»fiit8# «>a« o«Hl94 ohQ mn« Naft«t»r ton* » wimbi w«t ln^orttfii wmSimt «a^ r«iilLy:» #«p#«SaXl^ If i grmi or niirJLjf _〇» xmt 令お費籲go 為雜1im44 W 切 F#«pon«il4Xi|iW8•饭• —ccmd 脚〇• M ism» 你d 他@ 你か遺參-期^ 如%•抑r« f«r !•_ in^ort*轉你 an 冒•费祕W ••油⑽《p9€d was gh4 \$*Krg *ftdop^itdi' ^U4#f J A p«r#nt -of *lt^«rT «ex Hi 0119■* 你•• _r. 妙 •抑^pound 故〇«*(1氟i.取纒 w9l4«r ^eth«r<^***^uxig«r brolti«r*« ^T«tl u«odi thin ^l» dsnot# $£»#« «11>1111|«# :but Hi# X^i trmmd (M it a«P gT〇«9ljr lno«rr#tt% «i«t«irt i»tr«i shi*»taai« sict»r-^〇un@»r aist^r11* Hi# ft典复ly 娜威规*• _re by せ)9 aiua» for 耱费_11^響, tKftt iit9 foko^ «i〇d soastima vvr« r«f9rr«d to «s ahia soku# ^nd 99mtimB wmrm r«f#rr«d te •$ soleu# "|mr#&t r&w# Wt t«r& k欲*9 eorr«#1^ aia^ HSlo^oiiX liiiw邮i春如^ *f_i^y wmSb0r &t kilims »ai dU ▲ nu ま《r o, Sc如_,*• fcpllie•棚!it&isusd r«3l(ktiv«» «£id y^mi^XX^ ^uitu wli^€mt i»£a»diAtio ojT tli«ir 0wa. iriio b«4 b««i& tftia»£i in .liio# «vm0Ufttl饭u 均欲 th_«9 aidkipMi »»ab#r« w«r« old r«^tir»s9 tormr buisiaiiatf IVivodc# 轉《iu' 屡**,p,wmmm ■ザ 爭嗎 mW V* MW '""ip 一 w 圓^^ で.フ— ■ '■- 哥,ノ, — — r-™:, j . wor# X«reii tlm o^eps te» W r«di«dA far%ia$ ottbcMl^ tho tlM to ««ll# md «〇 on» 基% 8〇hir«r hi fdr hiii f_111^ on *Ul vithU; _taff ia»s^^r« mr^ f^ro»d to oontmat hiia dlrvetly to to hl» and to f»% his §^f$mnt ihat «uoh*«n4*iiu d«ol«i〇B. |〇»l •轉loloi for tlM» f_d妙 to ftll oatsi» ImbH of ob«di抑0#•取• _• •«pi>“《jUsr «#f« «Ue鴨d ooisfpl«t« f)r««d<»a of aot^lon* •test obsorrod gjid ⑽細《4ult aff•的1抑 for tcid intcr_ ixi 祕恤健, #ftsa «RA9p#ratdd at-th# d«^re« of t>0poiling,1 ^mi thiidrm «xbibitttd# Umi $rftindp«r«nt»|rft&doliiXA reXatis&# gr«i«ldfetiX4% «z^i 班g^l;挪4瓣後 sre853Tl*M» hA« tdrmm^ InmH «o«e#nttd STt r«3Gitl#a 礙! 麯ぃ切 pr•解教热,•.鱗へ.等 勤飞》^ •• •羅l^.r_^r«d:ねn轉麵 f our#9»ftiKluriis鑫酿也 of. th- day,麟4 瓤1秦 ixit»r#8.t «i.t« «uod isdlaiag it« oh«rA9^#^l^;4^f<^ ob 觯rv«4 mi 豪Mu 11» 够* _l#«^_iJyr r»Ut* 挪《 vl織in th* f«»Mar 似_ 切明 w^a ^gmrtd dAtmr^noe of \hm tmmX^9 te thm 成对飲⑽切8jM :bfQT〇»d iras 幽《%;&&辦⑽ti«»4 | ,wh»riv9r suli's und o«ffid in «ont%€%»| 3!mi oldet Xttel wontci I 如f«md' oo^pl•切切衝• ._•咖你财 0#■轉你U一• 〇1\)户〇、 imudi to the di«f〇«t of ^bm Mmt waimn olA«r dtrls«|lhxt 細8. ._ «>ft#ii fro边《l〇id 節娜》mr 和働''_! tluRir Isualiftiid•切r bu$b«&(Aii* 物••b•切如 4oml&A切你a% «N|?» in 败>«t 繼I; «BKH9^p*ttd tr&m mtnmr 物 brotbin^R4’dtli_r fa«l«9. «f thi: «m .m m btktAs 9t rml «^a«l£V»l ^0fmrr9& in my || w@y< T«hl秦嘗_1,not noti ⑽•ぬ•切•th,r tlipftmctt. b漆 th•知ucHMdUkfi wo»m oouXd «•• nf ^V&tm is «4sil&i»trftV 'w«r» r$rf jumrimn i b« d»pt»d»4 upon* «M^4<9f to iB^Bi eld«r mrmokis# boy«^ 蓽_ 〇ul o.r'_ flふ赢:4»ad 4e 物.4r,i虜I域n羼攀_ •麟t effi⑽ mrk oo\ild b« %tt«£»0»d to* Oh# &Jj*U sight t^r to ipom but .oouid navtr hmvm pt^wmmd t» _| I dlff«r^t- agflifeiltt . ve»' «kttr*«t»rlc«d Savior . ' of ⑽ youii^r 令_«r在.•:《ld«iV 雄^濟 .,Gikr似.級ぱ鄉* I tn tho f_lly r.latle如 b«»細被免•. biologloi^ .抑d iamb«ir•遲 »>%1«1孤_ tha,•痛切 b» nidi 1>»_蹲 «1他扭物《 faffUy group 切着 hi也^^rl^fdeiftXfy*1 ^»long«d« l^r «x«spl*t ^ «h〇M hustettl rmdMfi In hie wm fiysUar .:麟d lii裏 ';れtidV n«»i 曹⑽ | ml糊^)t«d’:綱嫌!)^rk软她访'.妙::but ::嫌騖圓 If imp h«ii&- j^tir«d> hmp^tmslly -m^\ «4〇^t»d h^r' onw ^ hi«,m fioid 妙 _«_d to 〇0»tid«r h敏^m lit^L•明r•伽_ 紙•的 oaliatV •㈣orか1勘你域f雖r«i&tl6iifl^i癸罾糞你h«r鄉《 r»oo^is«4 la feiie of tfel4,«ort#, 2t«M in th# x«l*i5€li0 II10 1»m1 «»$ Hl««i £»isO)«r« mmomm, tmtlimu m diffwr^di trm msr tmAfy gevupa s»暴% tho 9V9r.,:l!aaii«m«i| th* X$s«[^iid が'亡 ITi鱗i w»r« di籲豢l•■為t« la 幼# ^oidly 靡^a睿如㈣參 fr 冒极:址sa^y i#ep•咖龜你“棚地抑tl命to細f纏 •細r•‘人 M 細す youi嘴《r ㈣.'鱗!—•ori^«| it ■ to tK# Hi# X«««i «iiei irUnl mtm wlmtod ma f% wmrm tmt r#lat9d at tf»m o 1« pr^tisy n««r1y tna»* It 胃 be «d相d|_t At to mm Hl#«i tl» 2m«1 物《ST fund b««n 艰 tiiM inftmor m •㈣• W «» 賴U arwr £xi 你.ir •典•o««d i» b*oosd»e 明)»£m» Bat wr» «1j»〇 «n^ ^ om« WslonX^r to〇r» imitimok i^km ^$s^Xk»99§ It imui.-Hi# nrrvr *nSin£ oonflletp|£^pi l^o爾你U «hial!細私你響挪1紅〇*•! $M〇f t)_& «»d 1dm Ism! l^piui^bl#* I ゴ•.奮’】、翁 ftfailjr eotmpMl 〇»»# «ni i& « f«i w»t two imlt« in l%« bwrraek^i tb# n< ««• 〇ftU#d W ^ dorn^^oxi byj^> oar ala^ly •tmit、tbs b«rr»dlc» ^l«h ««« 100 tor 90 J^etpEWs^t <»atiilsa*d •lx imit«t «m«h s 9ik^ TQcm^mA wi13i Its finM door* th^r w«r« b網finHM»a frws •?% Tb域私《t»d tNsr imr not lo〇{ in puttlne .纏 to ot\ n»othiir t# t»ard« ana otli«r mata^mt9§ «sd th9«»| with «, Uttl# finiihi»s d«0〇r«tl»^ .«wli;r«»^bM t«i3l ■ f^mlt«r»#: |^«arly 4U t*»l wd%« w«w*« a®〇0rnt«d ^ith oan?«^ P“^wi _曠 from «cnF0s« |: ^«n«s0 «rt In virioiie|form mm u^ %}sm〇^ «B«y to «telt« sn «pp»ari«iaii ot p^rmmtim «nd to pwv^it tJ»ir looktorlil»'»»r# «ltwu| 瓢• b«d靡 鶼饮蛾〆 ia . diftmrmt p«ri« of th® unit»|ei^ir «r W iPA #&«fe Ml or ^tm l^r W^txdg^ Tlili編^ fbr脚5欲你i *和_*|^拟4pr抓id«4き彻蒙鱗械VfrhwQT れ《rdr««0li&私•物《_!»‘' な _SWUe 你e«« tl)90« #um 伽_ o©«t«)r p^pula^fwi »wui';;l'0w* ttpill^A mtmr | 1»物劇^毳⑽nt ▼•〇峨t成dt••拟td oon妨suiwr to抑〇11^7伽隳祕11«1|| I»dr«a9« in p^pal4ti«r wailii of th# at Hi# flo^r ';;,..• 2>«nr0l^ *麟禮發傅•©穿•嫌*⑽伽* 热•珍•—彼•奪春1*••珍S嫌®iftUy 4ari»fi tfe# warm ,©ob#5# to pGr^rSdi ter or〇i«^miti3lttioii# 抑!^ 试他# dividl_. vulifi 雜:til «,ajaliAtlll^ fl細防••在 in切ば••%!!!( !••〇«! _ ■ぬ嫌%私_热1_ 華1通⑽v.._ti 糊!^iiXy 魏皆:%1•縱411 #.f ,祕 biyrrft#ki.i*i4 b©t*r㈣a th$ r«iu?物ぬ籌 of barraei^* 111• Itolli■抑* H你fir Ib^dQ w«r« hx trpnie of th# ut&it«9 b9i»»m tht froat ««ll «i%dy. |Xfi6* |n嫌.•aHr» fieiily —In 條•嫌a# liidi it» biiokt •JW tJmr# Niraui::.«ft«ii m for ^ %rie «籲瓤tlxigX•议iit»谢由#• if银《嫌_赋•瞽欲奉峰域篇S戈玖 tfe#lr mm ho*»*;'V l«tfe«r#;, ^im to k#®j> ;,i* together «t & tabltれ1*餘》_91你霹》痛喊h&v攀枝浓請嫌獻e p^it.dowii:^ tit* fmais^w fl«»i wrn^ muttm^X^: 議脚吻3^ lOf織滅::麵,咖t'Wt觀0伽めRf. 嗔切•你::l•秘• 物鱗し: taooehiag maXtt ini^ tristtds hnJX9*^ Bom 〇t ^ 曹i_l遍InM otilMi* 峨 habltua^Lty &切 t^_>r 峨!切れ邊糠1^ 圈 齡 if 'brlnslag food :ず〇和滅‘t^ m淡セ!*切パ'^攀.細• B91001kti«& DlYldoii mM is0m mgh of ih» phm» for MlAl^NP- 腺:.Hio麟 ■HI «#n| 域dli_.wltlr:%li#i_||j mfter Xatt«r ptt»& rミ/y 100 s^d It to th« to flml %hm J9b« it &ble to mrk &t «XX* 1 *l ズリ避fc'いノノ,, 把⑽rt«in wiQra^ 伽•相r事 f«sぬy b«e_ 如T9 必触wer thfin It'hfi^ «vlS;l^tlii: W|〇r«t «iM9» it had togieth^r «{)4 h«d h&m mM» ot a omm^u «kmi«^ oxi Ht« mat«ld»# but thdi^S 抑r« «I霉〇 indl她边⑽B政br物kin签up參❺fめy&Uy瘭:U_dLty« this 韆tartiKl 也攀參此•& 伽減鱗i b#g«a 切 blsoai ib# 1«««1 for 鉍软IH4 tNMKti 伽财u«$ of «nrii9Uflkti鲕 in 細れr*t pX&o#••这 l?eg«n to i«^»st tlMilr imolmmn% wi^ a〇iMitiji«ii 耱idstt in thft f!嫌y Mkld to 镦骞lr X_«#i •Xd»r^t ^ou h»v» aXm^» insists upcm bdlug otir mv^ry^tin^ aM upoa dem ibm Itm to uat md X^t to u« wi%〇uli raiftinis a filler* 1If you h«d bMm r««X l^nud^rw ym eould h*v« pr«v«al!#d it**# 1!hi# outlAir^t か〇雎 嫌坎ftted toi^y f_l知即龜t in tbs Eobwer b«rr麟k«* X«s«i iti 1m:m »«M 般邈念:$ 1^» Hl«»l4i. b«lgig and Amrio«als«^lt should hAV9 bmn abl# to do wom^iin^ to i^ii^ Mmi ill i^pli^dt ttByt ^ou u•絲J仲麟彻咖tu成•綱ri_ «u穴u e9144« _ you⑽v供r u«ジ; Xi»«m to b« l.dft4or〇i §M tl^n> wb«& a 4ri«i* 〇&»&« «sid you w«r» 斑%i»qusd to it« y如《9ep»istra 2aUdD^; for w«h» boimd to aftton^tr m» tkm nm ll^i | cut0i^4i oN» 03Idb groi^# •xt»nd9d faeiilgr# It «kniXurtr«£» %mrr»dlu Ht. •蓄.rt noV'idl e⑽9^切騄%<^_ ‘hov prir&cqf •在!^粒れ*〇•紅!故 _ 001雪niUiii oemld b« h«id l〇r rnpir 熟物, units* thmm fiid.Xi#« w«f^i wr3r JMnirio«iilc«d »• a rul#9 w»re ..«〇»• | tr〇ll«»di 鄉ro 你 tlmlr 协•& l〇r Mr. of tvncMi i^il«b 100199d forwitrA to «uoo«i»fW〇l rati^ir |tb«dei l»»alarftrd to Injuvtlcwt «&d f&rirsir h«^y- lift Ift.. dftlifiaxai##| tlxsa# ««r« «nmioti« t» t&iawil,«9« | .ぬ始義I^s9妙 flks^p|f|NMiKit lusmiMlid3141hi ‘齡城嫌明* •tpjri •Vtb.iiR : 切r ilvihg _parat#ly 龜t Hdb轉r,Thi^r f«dt ::lt 切.:1»r«ak _双 | trw % too Sntit&Ati iui«KdL*tioii with tb*lr ^bol# kla $rot^ df W^li for th«ir cm ouH^paX «ooi«X m | 勤_rl9〇^ .纊!%!••• iiis^ r,si相a切切!^蠢lit*切,於' I a ^oothoH to i^m mi& «tro«n of Aatr lom lif««:|| Smoxi4# of | 物 rtltttid f«k〇Ui#fli d!4 no意 id 級霉《«U 切^»ti«xy ^99«u ㈣ of m w«r« mt «m〇r« f&r «ntlr« ioe^eu^m:亡aiBijU^li*' 轤如.•tttt81»%fd %d. liQiuNt tJiNMb W8p#^ftily If r^«Mitt iwmBV^0 flxi#9 til# tts^orl^r 〇f mxm^fd iiarin$ ^hm t^T0e«^ttr ptried to «o«d••⑽ U«gr «^l itith 他^ fu切r* of th«ir fcgBiliM 脚r« 9asi切 | g ㈣tolvi^U Ih# ^««»i b«A49 of 1^«« f«BdH«9 w#r» grttat^ oonoeme^ | viHt lnt»|rltgr _l unitgr# 滅4 «ap»«i«i^r vi银胸dntASttii^、, ■:: |.幼• .f_i:U«Mi| 肋!%1.麟d ••咖—al oh«r_)tMr. in’ih» Jt«_ of tbt ’ 舊響 %fe«t lnh«re&t In dlip«r«6d fk^ o«a«ulttd 霞!你咖r inotli财le _UdQ£ 棚科論•• in fersdiAf th_ir poU双 | 議itie^ *物it»id« to pirtflim黍 to WHA# ^sd . ibft. «urrlfiiig X | d«〇iti〇Bi r«p^i&g 會♦ XU th_ h«M& of faisily g | IxiwX^td is«i# ^b«;;flrti •&4^1|liti%iiHi .d«0ltl _4 ^MmmtlmB brou^it food md Mmi a#〇9tcltl««* Th» mn pmid f&rmX oidl麝败始嫌 f良後•!*曹肋d _id« im也littli ocm^r秦tul*切ry ip»0<^i*« fh« 1m»| of th» kia grattp oft•& tgklMi | ootiQ^rniMg M tuittkbX# nm» fs»r 1M inf mitt #t»ii ITImI ^ar»)at« || «#r« «k2sr«Qr« vUUisc &as»« the^ 4*oid#d upon* At 縐 d«&^i th^ m^irm \t±a ^mp of th» 4»ea«L»td «tr» dlr^et^ i&volr«di9 ;,r^ md 0 tha mming a^rvio* In Hi« Buddbigt idmrob 齡蠕im r•麝trie切dL_»tir»l7 td thMi and to tlio f#« isdtt latim物 frlicids* At tlii# a»xtme»^t Hi® Idnmm took wsit in 〇4 _««l ootivtyt4 :.tli*ir:如•i*i€«i« to 細#auarngir Itowrai 脚晒 i 妙#••‘ ‘乂を^^钱]がぬ叛之お:i淡^^くほ碰彌教•ギ觀 如!tapoHt級V龜印祕of於窵她知0s*^«0Kift4姑on霤⑽他•《〇4«a» _ or •螫fh•觀拉祕iwd «aui taUam frost 1%舉 _l«a 你《 | o〇n«ultft%ioxi 丨.14 l〇r «J1你^咖《^»ri of き 獻1 «〇3^ somtimB- w onl? tt»oa» « ^〇u«^i〇Zdit|t$ 4U«m«s : fftmllsr a&d |»*obl#»«« |th«.tse#ti&g te d*oid« m mrri^» 蛾4 伽 e^iiw of • iwdtaぬ• gM;•物㈣》• |)r«ri〇ufl^ 嫌•抑r“《d. _• • «〇4成•蠢 Qn« ,iMga''«f1»r «110幼《r 曹㈣ li.|i 抑w^fiyaiJy 如ring tbi . o〇tEeiyiil,t9r wimm ^idk m〇%iv^d §A Mamr ««|»oifl&2y ^ «r«i私d 供ir•级tl邮靈域i« dp»n細容期f 你《灣 |^»y imp&rtmit tmt%sr mx0i4 po«*ibly a^f^ot | tb« Tmit^ mM a p*〇^» of* Iti whioli th» family «iftd Idu «n»r« int«r«it«At WM «v«r ia«i# IndiYi^sudljr# but 9^ «ft»r a h«d ?| 如明瓤 el ⑽》a也鑄!如 of tl» 減itPfd h«U bui!4itt|;t «nd nunl^r«d irm X through 18* Barmek l in mil oms was tli« first on loft m om t%〇9d th* dhen end ef th« bmiss ^aIX# mxsd mm\»r % «a< at th« o1sh»r oxid of bi^ik «ld*« fit* mfilwring ao&tifUi«d m arouod •〇 tmibtar It w^« tJb» Xa«t lit ot^Vt rl«)bt whtn fnoiJ3£ tfc« kll^en* th« of tills uniforis nustorl&i; wa« tb«t It ^nmWM om to !〇«•%# «〇〇r bcursf祕k _ okkm 你《 lo败tioii oUT 物 blook 14V oh錄膂as 49iemdti«dU tb» b»rrmak» mrm in six pairs9 也《r« teing thr••押irs %olcc# or ^krm ef •aoh «id« of « b3^>ok «onntitut»4 th« ^t^Loolc 8111ff11* th« Xooation of th» IniUdls^ft 111 tb» irttrlous bli»Qk«t as ^rell m th» ntr««t« on tiliioh ikm mm h&ll« in Ap» p««dlx 2_iU_ 爾^^^^^^^ lh« cMNi* hall§ jfeoH ^Atlng plmwfn9 〇on«i*i« hm§» th«» «wr« 4«votoi firjsiMMMtSjr nnd\«o JBflLoh ^iook htA | "pUjr «nJ〇)r pluMi% Itmdt wa» ^ fh« «is* a»d tuaebdri^g of i^be uaitc ilroft^r boaii ^«flri|p«d* Th» b^rrmole gr〇m» had mmy of uliAr«i9t«risUe4 -of m «l»a» tlso Intsrrelatiexia mttil»ad»§ ttsm^ M,1; git« mt^ariB mr% «〇 l«irsety/f«rUl^l wa& pwmntXt 9l»〇9 It. was th9im0lT08;^m^tt tm m pmraoml & gthan ns «k .^olitio«X. »nit Ixi bSLook iil^«| fhi«;f^Bll^ I produ〇«d mt Hdbwor % th» folIeirSng fiv« fn9%ort* ⑴ tl嫌 blood p n»3i«tim滅tip «^ii也罈i•切d Apci^ 轉卿 burraok _eb4«/lft . «u•沐a^ar 觐 _费$ 傅!^ ix^ Pers bl»9k md wmtor lif« th«& wma th» «ingl« f«ftUy*Ui» barx^ok f^mp* 如馨如細 for it 害«glG»lと雒Ulc m&nt %wp^§Uagn$ ©r^ *切〇 f麟iiig •«!! oth^?1•飞bid w«rk 奮*隳 _t ❸fUa u_l 義 4d級》• th# •TAOIMW* b«r&ku baratea 1111 tQ 4«8lsfi|iti» ,V;.-C.::,:: 1^«lr erne birraok iii r*»f f»r«ao« to «»»* oppovlt^ Wra«k. ■鉍レ即 fear^ *©|K b«rra«k% or _r. U切ralty. *%卿“t•癱Mo*. ^ iEteirffiMSBF bftfP*ok P0rmmm (or^*p#apX«,,), ::i?ci»*»* ilEiS^SSji 知如が._:.細a •も《ad ©a#»■麵 mm pm^M ,ffidctl*fe〇 fe|t<>. Ii9«d in tlui b«rr«9k f^oiag e®*fii mi# o# In th* 1^^Mrn6n?£r龜•it窗觀翥in th«ir cm 1«〇«8 tfeftt ilsay laont on tht eut»ld»# Job 〇|^rtuaitl#ii9 §»4 th#lr fulsar* la tb# lano p«epl# thtlr 01111 feat W14^ 〇T«r thii drains 4it^ 你1油.客eve成離黝麟轉嫌顧切你#禳tr«c»t»|f»d幼ば杨a voridd於龜 ©roup in «tfrlng «»d utwMng t^«dr udaW f«»X# 知#r 終t 切妙你謇r ftt tints to up ^b#ir M will «b« to ^iaeit fUmr^ 饭• i成•©WUmily偷•袋riawry砂鱒蜂峨i、《ad败廳t 0f哲m» h«ttr««ar iar〇niRti傲,p〇r由••脚!物rri«4 議 on oon^riNiitlokss vip mA 60m wk h9jrrm»k l^pont mA ft〇r〇a« vweiixif gp 7^Q«3Ttli0 miss hftll leitdi«ii tnm str#«»t# She rl|jbt or X#ft il^s th«r«ft〇ri▼毳r^i wl也德攀 bleek poirltl部i _>寒r hidXt;|th» 霧id#, for 软卿;l«rbelm£ in •娜你《•• ’tl» north 如破 tli•说祕馨 «nd In ci 热,r • r««cdi•& tmm ot«b«r oa|)r Igr ijajg ftrotmd or tNrott# ^t«s« ImllilliigQ# So^iAl|o«cita<>t« mm^ th« banraolm maiA Iftiuia of m $^r^n «1<^> w«r« ^mUt $M mrm natural 1htn 〇o»ld hanr# oms# h»im«0n l9Jm$ of epp(k9i^$M. t© wft# tfe^t tfe« Im&Q ©f a gly#a #14«P «X1 aoo««* to «mT99 str««tf asd tfeoao on opposltt «id« h«4 <舶1^ 峨 o«h» 免iti撕 b«t»㈣n ぬ物k 籲1^•軀 “ tisw私 «rhXis_ «atien had m th«i dultutx**! t lu# ^1« emUm まtil 伽ぬ•《«nU •S翁Ijjyri%!#•雜!1•域&纂 Six t細典• •鱗oos籌 a»l細 &a»t擊《iir»ii 切 tlM He«kt b»ovs^. of 軸% h«r« slr^t^r trm th# fn0t that «^Adu##« fmm a gtrm loo«Ii% in CkXlfwni^t «n4 who 斑tr^fd押 v»r« flonmrhftt.•ittUftr 〇«l私mi^VwM tr鱗《»| porM tac^thuf to Solmr* tfid «〇 so?#d Isito th» »«m» *»d mtdg«i» «u« 131001c»# «n4 initial litter lnt»n«ifittd th« latejMOoek 败vteg whi也 wiiii食棚 in 你•⑽at«r «rr0, •iaau _. ftirnwr | _for «x期がjt« temM _..酶v#r?if «»! whin ttesr 雄>对41 ft%. hi^blsr rural Uooktu m4 e.w«〇r IVo» tfe» Uo«dc» of vtr\sm m*B p»ppl«$' nav«d into «lr#a4^ hi#3jr Baddjbltt i 一一*p «jad ao 〇&• _ 狐 r«_:l ち句r 你•載 4 of ゆ■_ •arli^r# jao»t of blinks d«v〇l〇p#d and w«ll kncm <^my^0frg0 «emI w«rt kaam M laott^ •vmouwit nsm* vhi^i Mimd th«& )qr «&d gro^» i^rsosiftXlt^* 9m9 of thi» bXoole pwruon*1115r d^ir«X〇p«d els染 I7 «ri 你你o p龜6#&g•がTtll_ 4014 冒 i 你out b«»is id for mLm^lM§ » bio«k w«« «Klr«iMi2y low In durla$ 1949 and 1944* wod «hi<^ «•• y〇olf«rou«^ oppo««^ to floerntimi OiUa* 1y :194S ta 鉍 iMJ〇#pt喊增 th# i» «»神rU m 桃妨期a®ly| or 9〇_U» 切奴《〇•如d •嘗 imi buna mi • Vit**%!表 V* «v^n_ itex^ If vm l«^i thign l^nmrly i〇ci4 mn» m w m ^Mm|| Uoolcft not OttUdd b〇r that ntm^ i 2t«. reputn^lm fftT_r•參 sli# •nd boflii^si b^ioktt and ao 〇&♦ 成#觀 Berlfid^ ttiod Joldag £»ua»«» n&«t of v&i^i ««r» used *9 prop#r mm* iwri giY«a mmy bloalBit i&di011tiiag; o«rt«in (aharftfttar** V thi billet «〇 n«si9d m&tm JtocMEi# |BXo«d〇i 7 20 «er« null ^dlrlgr41 U^^kvt «9r« ««U«d s〇E^9t mma Hir^m till. ^«押》hs_var•雪a« uwk t# bX〇0k| #1 9mevm iwouXil ««y 切'tl_.崩 111« K^«riais» NCht lui^i l)#1^ fx^n % dli^nr mr«) Ue<^« |BliNik f mu» mka» Immm wr th» mntmv m ^B^»'Mi〇i36» b«in|; Hi$ maw «f %U ldo^ef« cookt m Mi Kfoe iv^s 耦ill lai_n _l UINU Elo^e IT _»« tl_ ぬ㈣k*. datv 細 gfdMinl•物%tlvd 〇m_»« 酿4 你 fSr•,•叫供!#•娜rk •雨 wor« ftttfelM it#| BUok 8 wmi tli» mt*1 ja)B saotfulto«» b«Sa^ at th« «oni«r pt tti* cra»t«r «r«a «a4> is««r m^ai^ vooda* 2i〇«k 6^ 0114 304* and $0 w«m * Gkimmam Mt Mohrnurm $1# 1119oka tm«fl prying • mmUpnensm tanm at jiii)i|lW111111級4 iw«_a of thi o»»1sir# mr9 «GX!Uotlir^ar laMm mi .iiiiil ^•uaaatr n»twrt,1, •d•驊rt曹(mb»*ktt 〇〇»•■ _)• fli« trvfld««f »〇ati«& waBBpii^gtiw j ' blodlGi ««r# QAlXid bridal%; liidioeiiisjrWsiy J Wmy p«r»ii%iiiw| .r»fnft«d Ibd «!!«> 1 X«RMri*4tor« _轉 d物》r bl㈣to 祕雜t in Hitir 麵雜 MU. wl 你oti% I Dyrin£ 10iS tfid 1944# it * ImUt of thi Btiil try to mt »i «h«t«v«r \>lwik ^«gr bai>|Hi&i6 1» W» wmX tlxai#; #f il>t lal^k r^tiimiXLg 0t f〇9d$ $kmmrd$ ct 9WHIMP續繼■纖鮮響^Mil爾繼腳 纏如wuili»il雜t»d痒勢:.你旅t}#落i和iiiog df你1«也略!晰輕始9洗UMel靠_ | into iribloh ^b# ^rmmm bliiQiai mn».d«rlM wmnt9& ^Obr tor 1H# i ^g/fUHKl. '脚a '_ 职;in嫌如•,:雄:抑《9 醻喊ぬ _ «nd politioftX Xlf»« fir» Pop^rtsentf f^r ©acsmplt, «rmig«dl tfe# もlo^C8 jbato flrt «t* il* 癮1攀切1^切*霞參*1〇!1 ^oatiiinltif «w»riは供m* _ ^;tl^um« «j^t 1^m« mm «nftbM Wtt#r to 3^oat« ftr#«* 1 ^ttvitl«»« S»9tl€Ki lt« oim dljttrlatf aa « »»«zit |';〇f mllo^ntizis Itft CituoasiftSL and ^r«m« t&t gj «ont*»t«l';«aa to' s^ritgr s«〇tim u««d « %li*a di»tri«tiag for 後參 mlloestioa df ia^iu ^bo» Xoi?r 如1»§ 霹.oorn^ticm 麝f **H〇hiNr*% f ^ImUnr^t ^■ppi wa» s*«firrea 物麟 jdyjdolii _ 座.^mrM Mm throat# 龜苑 j&IPmii 你il I viliApi and po»t #ff lo» of 細議ス *li v 邊深纖爲も,以ぷそ蝶^^賢職,f譽!麟喊舊屬蘇■鐵 ^silkmt mxit&r Hi« ,Urg««t ^&m»mii^ in D»«hn smm%'* I #$|H»oS«Il3r from^tffc XHS u»tU %h» adddl# pt X94§« ^idli tlmif li^ giirioasily #ut dovns it« |Mi|nlaLtl0n« |s〇5@htt«#- witti K^|; I 4t@00#.:- wiui 1101 th# ■ lee91 I had 9, ^t about 1111V ^ «id ©f «»d again |ia&«t ^i|t fi|;Mr«' «ft*r r thie b«ijtg w aa»t «oisa®iilar u$«d_dtty:i» 黍..tiffltfai•.你⑽節®»n 切*v d«nt»r «r&s Idolcsd ou «.s »& ^tt€«r tb〇& & p*i«m» 9Mp9〇i$Xl^ b0〇&)10 of;)^«iifta#. ol1 & ss'liita^ 1 tb« . ^ad "tfc® ■ •«Mir<3lili•切•似d biftdfliift❹ of 你• iMNMis.lty 切肩伽れを氤__3»物 no m«4ia« ftlway* obtalaabl#, be for# outtidia th« gat«* fh^ 薯毳•《暴1^»穿1教13^ JNW#3its^ 象霜!>#ing a 福ysijoi ©亡 4切 cu3d «oHi«X undsirtlrftMllty* It ■»&$ eallod in foraal J&panas® 故ki. ftlfehou^i ih9 Sa^Xieh *b«irb w3r©* wa« e©re oomatottly h«&r<3«> Th« 7ai«i dorr^ptod this jUito bob y氯iygu th# to th«. barbs | in thla Qaiee soesMid to $trds& ill"1& •如 21«d»d-hari-t<», •lock &waad tsil Infilling11* «»4 •抑rdti»_ ligjbts o^usXl^ » symbol of l®pri«osasa9£it# but thfty tr®r® 〇©t td 4r^〇r-pr«*eat as th« acaA tib«y war« usually watlX th^ |>$lioe fjP〇» »oir.# rsa»〇tt should happen to tura ^h«m on at nlgbt arsd flfiuh Hi@© ov«r u^ and into ^5© blooks# For dajr« aft#r :_拟必:龜8pが:抑也鄉轉蠹實〇ぬ4 d&Mi敏^エi淡免fl松沾七⑽ '- j^uabi®! ^ a 011 ,^bt® as If th^ w»r* 動賺- _v^or :th«r•切.iwg* Mxtm^ ilii«l|; all tsr^flA: ilato ntd out;:nf tha mn^&r I>«4 't9 turn of m.G^ ^ ^Uy «Sd#d to tb« priaea atm»pfcilKMNmr» d^ri»g 1944 «ial 热•狄蝴_ tiiA,:.零 in» ImmI pr#均r «»ll «#嫌如《a “ ■anfcB*‘ね; ._l«'l狄i&£ _ lto_«iV 観痛顧:餐,:相_9〇>*|||^ —鼴ノ雜吵《4ll9i(i^»:v«lk:_ .,lii 你》mhW 如ris播 •aurliffr seat}場 h«& ««^r 切 没: tt^bX« 9J〇A p^tmm^ mrr9A$imm^m§ 鳄ry 1||_穩瓤嫌3嫌物'',!^ uBtSl j^l«r tb* v«^b'|! Ifoat of Umi ^waNM^^ff j Ml qom to look • | «^. tl# •iwf al热•破物'1§从_紅(_ :_MUtim hgd «bcM 1N_• か脚!)#lag ^s^ri«〇GMtd thiQt vmr* 瘭糠 c^d 够寒•你《« > Tla^ •iWti#鴦:_(rf和wetui 義^IjuiVれ_奪t^Mn_|t» |..i3i:參IML.'ti)* 調 :x•れ_l& 霉切 bi 麥的〇被你T 細!^"bo_f|:, ttai 造•reX〇p«d_;_aft 曹 ith V^j1: .it _l0EMi#r po_iMU»m... jjiiiWEo^ fiMii 切_ '你脚s^r ifi 句ocHmnt嫌坤藝細唆へIII:命!^ .:•祭:.losaat*.. iwtt !i«ld _ :''冒i燦命み’期;期t _od ooiir^io# #r*«Ri#ti« #f all 1 «^d ooi^itl〇B«;'INkt tMt ««ui m sn^ va^M4; 'g^mtld oot beoo齡▲.沐rt 續th•相iriitA 0〇i顧a®fclK^|._4.liiiLt 舞マ 咖' 姐命龜grrirKiaMstK卿ported _ii%ir | ^l^iigsr «KlvMi»;| ^jr July o^ llNH tiila m^ mt fluking. ha4 oomi *hbA •▼mdutf ^liiitilxi^ aai pr«p«rlcig t^r tlM» futur# v«r« erl4mt#d tovrard- 鱗勝ぐ销ぞ置,粦•滿t■卜濃! —編 (^iitliw ittMtig tlit. lilt :pr«d〇ftiniktsd*g tb# 難ua_rl_l of '•••〇 two •〇窃•• M —tU ’ iUi gffiMiril rtfSmtloKft with «iad ttwm*4 #«qIi Qth«r# ««# 4ii jg$b», ;'lli d«a0t«i; abqt tnrlt|ngst ot ImBmxmt :md wmt切u««l 切 «mrT«Ugio«Mrf.illi 软《it:破. iA r^Xl^ious gro^p 0r Imm^ r kai*. *r»ll£l0Ui ^» 1^ 歷热?M • „ •1.- 55* v -. ^S^?EfKigLi;t J. i' ■'''• • fvi^-Ar' ^ ; ml", vN^'g?' v11^' •- ::ClirittitfQitgf la|pii#faLl waa r«^«rrtft': ^ ^ pA2*t>^mtifup^Um idriguto ’你1*1應兔 •»!*#, 银t|!: i -M mrrvupUan kiri.tian. or kirlar%^)* fhmr^ w§m to b» co «P#oiflo mm 695TKdB&t&atim, «X你ou缺免你olid期i |J^4tv44a«li*«4 ^ Mm jilt _ 令ansUt^t m nmmn wurt«r r*li«icmp*-| Smmi 014«r m& «^0«k3iig Ic_i o«Xl«d 辑 細衡rruptieli lBllrt|^B| A Cferi«tiaKi iBlaiattr «a« MHatUn jM» ^mi l*ai two vorSTtt «^i4i smoxI «l^li»s^L mm Elm mXImA 1^r ttMi tcMl ««rs»^ioii#|| A Olirictimii ooBgr^catim* w orffciiix«d hf^st9 穷 M^rn^m 09〇ml dmM aust gro^ |Biiddlil lar» timiU^imA Cbutr^t w mx^ «ls^%r mi f*P*0«Cv tb» Sifricxih I^Ky Mimitic% mt flr«t ^ois»d thi« f»4»««ti^i9 bul ^ IH$ Imd 柄gim %• <^it鼻1%• for lmS«p•油故• and fior 期^ IknirfiMile In 斑#^tc 雄'%& tista | tet tbeir «acaluil7« mm§ aoid agaimit th» obJ#eti«Bi« ^ nthtr d«oe«^ ingtittmi thl# «•« f*'抑y»4、爹參 $•费•威嫌^^ mA ckwnh ^tim wme^ aBaim^ltsid' ^1 f«i« ^11 ^ 80t | 妨在你rv« &t旗Itgr $〇))〇«1|癱 wi,f〇pa«r坎 Stt H m〇u_s 勘知d mb Su_iy SAM la %hi uUig%B 0«t)scaie Qhtmm in th« P* $• HttlX la BXo^i 11# t)1011th«ee wmi a〇V,^_|v'tl10*_'お巡•姑也ぬ》•教mi psiii_l»la 故€籌•.'切341 %Sx$ kml^tK% thm bo mtm tfemi wt wAm Oa^Bolis | Eotoir嫌ilum I19 抑nAl^md tK» |vl4Hrt ,>3.9AB* dit_]qr :• K_ «fOX»4 ghi^p ^gatf ^ioneat isonth.* ffe« J^puMiw ixiimi omNi iiip|pi|| txttdltlMpL iW №1 iiiy^HUM^ imi 4igrt c^r №1 9»m I S<_| Xa_£ this M|pi|1|i§ «b^fia4i»l mA pKttim w«ri glfm- «t Eoh»«r^ M|w ^ Mkft* 勤ぼ也•• ‘:滅 airla1 _Xli4 纖 iESliShm 触败祕1•> 瞻 t% nas MipsQiiiidUjr obft«x*viiliiX0Qa» $oaX Ces^emdijf#?.' It nas in |»r«t^r ^*4. tmli Awnrimi wixm«r«>S|' Jolgr,‘、' tn撕冰t« F_%1 嫌!>• | ttili mme in :nhl曲 ,靖tm ..or明你 nonbli,41 :#adiI^KttijQg^ 4 Xt 踯馨切 bt boxio^ 破 twin ftiuri: «Meli •»!和辟::f ia 0〇pmi pdttltion not alaii^ %0 %bm Am2yw%p om 7%h» | ♦ogu^t X5-W 嫌 o-tecm f挪l«il.伽 buli0 細他!•馨 &| f#ii%li«»i in' bon> ,金 MUng 松!罄 hcs關riflo,麗 〇s th抑《 | dijfs Umi 9,^jpi%B:1p£ UMi 4#iid t^lir tommt pj1 tn9»nm$ axmS. 9MUB3T' :fi«iXl4Mi:prapiiN^'. and on • ぬ9 in tl_ h_e darii^ 谈# 抑111121g. .JPor th«a to | (K3impt»« |A oomaasXtf ^sansm9 9»UM Imp 7 lltt^Ui iAfemtimi m» c^Uiadd ^9r ^ AnalTip «Kmefvidfig tb# cmm嫌《r n»•⑽ぬ_«你油《〇• | wiir* 9«t up in nm» oit 1^mi blo«^c« for outdoor «chiblti«iMi tlaring th« Tim% 9i Wmk $4-11110 mm% i «»i minl^ pK««ti6«d ixk M1b§ moA m mi^o&wr^d flpom* K^odo 1» i kind of and «s» mrmr vwry $s. $^ SiSiSl^ ぬ故Imt祕1« S f切r 期out of IlMdr g»sa«s «»d touniftttint■•姐 |i Is m ^mek#r0# ^nd_. «nbl»i. obtsw•麗 tlMi of 伽^Un% t^rpM of dUilMi »«etlcm«»d nbcm «r•歸 KIM «n^ yom^w 18841«.^;A £m HImI sittacM Husk, and ^ ▼•xy oれ峨 oalgr to tlNK&x par和^••1%«r 切 of and «8p»eiil3jf tbt p9P〇*Am«zl«fta avoidM «atlral)r# «adl l»TDjr供ss«d to knon nothing nbout th(»i9i(»i. ^fkm walocmlog :'|j^ ,W9T% httXd ^0 W#10CHBI9 flSj^OEfS %〇 | c«»fc8Tf «8p#el«iX^ Kia«^ii«rvlo«®«a hikI 1119tlnguich«d th#»« w« pit cm bssr an mtim WjM mn a miitf with 画雜!^パ!%i^LS^r'ojt "tli# b>Xdok ••讅蝓时費d:l%9、:_liRx^ 翥裊Rd.:‘ __ulr«d 切,れ咖to 幼•霄她 •ぬ©^ •tfitiir き:. for disUn.gui^ad vlaltox*8# Mh ^«|A2i«0« and Cau〇ft0iaiis|aad f«»r otaar» who w««i titll knem to th« entile ®«iife«r* |3o®» irUitors i tmt«d s«ir«rRl thos<» from bl〇«l» auxiiig th«dr «tfty* :| lore oommixy$ Ymnrw, iralQ^iRliig pHy m« h«ld by i blook I Jam «m3〇r# and in honor ite Tiultors nho h&4 tormrl^ llv«d tfeatp fasdli«s two l^oisig j»7re〇k8 nMd,netur813 aor# woifc 419 • gmkp| ili«i 冒〇«〇4 hiv. nar•細!?• |レ批嘗⑽獅鳙lum,伽vi於•叙班知tb:peMK你薄 liv#d in $h«9« ^irzvoka than iroo3d th4 .otlitr faid.liiis, Qj^ tht iS bXook« Tlui imidixits 〇!〇•# to th^lr I mnM and g«v〇 th«ai %h» best p« Hi#« • I t}i«;"fB3r«weXl p^rtUm, oalXsd #0, b«iM»u k*^. ir«r«:.;.|^rta fw,抑*抑#ei_ X«8Yiiig the d«afe«r* I Daring thf aafxvfatl^i p#¥10d th«8# w«r« l>«lag^;r emtlfia&ll3r h«14 in ail th« bloeks^ «nd e*p»oi«lly In those higto-^K •st in th« mmh#r ©f 0«gmgants« FeXXoirlng thl« pfxlod thty w«r«^|4' 〜容iv抑#彼、^1«!〇餅.tjj祕瘺11(1_,. Xlkii t^Eui 彼11111; _ 辦:2ri:i_8'_ uautljy by th# :妨《i:p *n»igttboii|〇〇4,« 從ぬ(姑:u»iwi繼 ^I|i9 lter«nr«XX, pniid^ii w^«of «nd.;at: tk« jiort i I of. th^Nr::t,.'译irIn^<»«»3L Seoul?1,3f li ihii^ type BitstWp palltd r«®«ptlor»# mVn n»4 In th« tmadltlonftl |f' the of.«1 S^sdllip^t.!* 琢^心%撕• so that •朗^1•卿old >« pr#s供^ed io tfa» .蝴w^Mr a滅Umw«i肩!^ 〇n» ii»s«bftXl ivftff another imlaoie# ^Ivextiiciii# during th«;8M0〇A SB ga班_« nfl〇r« n«Xl翥多tumded||!容名癱文!1 藤afll^U tmu» 00dMionsUjr |»il9^Ml; ㈣I^mi druv .he dygftst gknnIs «4»:r« , th08• of hsxtl MIX b«lw«棚 iho innum㈣of ttid 灣 iMguiNi tit'flQliyNir# \smtamm th« Bctovnr and 4«r〇RA aod | th« Rd_er •姑》Mi3^9r Qftuoa.iUm、瓣嫌.7raok «»4ま1«M知*te oooft.lo明^r M24. tnxt 妨••抑:rt bgr 麵 smMii «i popiUMTlMV _ bast^ftXX th# ijd^iml Anri rmrm%X^mX «fstlTltl« ftlso isfidh ne«d f〇ir sidni^inff ths 7011ngtir niii€d* Daring ^lr«t 斑dix^b费《卷 tlm 9•成91* poai^r of tkftfi. b^y» p#r«l«t9d th_ h»l»H !i swi^Klsig nod# iu^I 紐 姑撕 of is^xuHsgr 加•fsw111始um_ In tlui hospitalかr th# of 咖la»bot fired 6t,h«i& 切r ii«it. fitmsrft雀 th•卿_tldURi^ e«aMl. fh« thl^c woodto itd4lK el〇9«4 in on tlui ««mtitr »r«l::〇n ill# mtm%, |^| nojrtkh And «A8% sI4mi |V9vid#d th» nmX and jfendng X«»«l wlt^ a mvi^f oi «hmI o^aoxtttiv* wlM pAmsift which th^jr ««r« Q9»tln^l23r vtp nnA bringing homi for immpliixitftMpn ai'ouiidl thfllr bftrrfteksi* ¥lui o«»n^«x, abomidiBd wi^i euXtlmBit«di »arf«r | befosr* 899A 111 *^11 of ^be »«»d of uhloh im«i orlgisftlly broD^t firom 6i^UJt糊0!§• I»典莓抑d^ig «i域1 tliMKi, 雜in ih« Niuitiil> bXook:9# im » -mri^f of fXow^riiig h«rb«r chrubtif tmrmt .p -u und ia〇9ii«0 whloli lifid b9^k Jtottnet on nalk9 thmigb ttM voods* JOno ocwQH〇3jf «aw Iwiiii bm» trm with ih«lr|] hand# MJl of jpOlBiiiiv %nA iroots* th^ e^mstantl^ Involved with plaRfea «ia4 pliK^ gr0nth^ and pOLeAsuro aad r9ar«fttl0nsftted for loss oX t^elr to^rn^p u^vi^e^twml 2Xtm$ a»d ^roirldtti at X9«9t a Acutablamia oi ttdrlaaa plftiad otiltimitioii* 1 k acmon rmvmttm Bduttr of hiking to the m&rbf eountxsr not on2^ for th« hlicv its«Xf bat to buy solt dvi^es «md oiinSy and to brlpg li^ %9 and »«jrv« to I friends In uni^s as • r^XiMt tvmi tlm U8t3all7 monotonous «2)d | heai〇r food sarvwd In the ^»9S halls. 7h« 111^11^1 o| ba4 thr«Hi 8tor««# imd w«r» mudfi iri«ltXQt<, tjp9$ w«r« eoi»^siIy pJMy^d bgr %km ymm$9r Si8«l« 1 Th« arm of tlm osnt^x1 001^* tnln«d ths^Ni fUa^oiKis, unci th« Gftuss籌Jah ar费a on■參 so th象t tね《re n«« no laok of suitable gmiodt»| 1&^«27 b%mk oont»jUiod m open ip«a« on «ith«r it9 or west 8id0^ dlreatly In fz101it the laundry vom$ and w〇]m U0«d fet ehlXdrttn's gam«s and ball pzuctlae. h«4 also otm ot tuo ball goals J«isdl praotlct «t 1^is S| was th9 Q<3nn»m4»8t r«or«atl^ii of th« oXetor mxtsld* ih» bas^iilX 891190n*p It ms raid that of JToxmer bu810«8s and proiW9tomX am, iumrJy «31 X8««l# m%A th«8« lots « d«al far golf boUi t&r «x#rol0« And to rttala th«lr •kiXi* 你•. Oo-baffeiWNm The ousto» of 110b#iwMm indlHdteoila and ttiru th« of go-b«iwa«nst or repres«ntatlfmi£i*»« o«Xlod bal fhalm# 曹hieh 砂:{〇會 to. «nt«r}: b«物miu1* go*b«t賣鏽和1 was pervon«f H_6霸 h# jhad urgeiikt義, r«j»«on0 for dAeXinirfi* Usually th^ »ot«d 0111y ftt the rtquest ct indlTlduais and fasillios^ who thdz«b^ appointed thtm as th«lr r«pr«~ but %b0sr w»ir« tosa^tli&es «eI:t"flppoiDt«lf azid 8t»p^«d ln| on th9ir omi to ^«Xp msd %0 nottum&« «ooi«X rtifitlons 9imti^ pt〇|»lA | %h^ kmm Mad liked* An «ir»cu«6 tor mmple^ &•« bad tmHag b«tw«ea his fxl<»n£l aiid another Individunl or irnd sooner or h« m.pxM» him sorrow at %h» «dti3»ti#n# and fulr %9 do whut Im oo^lid la m^Aixt$ .r«l*ti«a» ,||Xf «<>o«ptttd bgr :bath p»xtl«sf h« «oul4 gvt'lliii together ★crvld•龜啊成 ity 肋d :i••細tw841118 •妙ocl 曹棚》_rrl«这• {知* _ «0rlb«d iMt»v in t theijr diff«x*en!Q«8 Slid r«talii/ tiMKLr {Hgnlijr S ^nd hoiior thtott# their ^o-b«timiui J||?h#i Matter Qovtld »r$^g:^mk9:h %pQlogX0»/ ^nii gmsr»3^ (tomptmi00,11^teraaa tim fftsdly b#«dt oottM lumr do su你 t^ilisg譫•pezi3jr and lik 办0«**^〇*办〇« •mxtacrtw: Th# xwmg«r f of ih« G〇^op0 in 12$4Sf walked out «n^ %〇 aQatimm fha iNint fimt a 011igila go*b«4«fMQ to jm'Simda hlAf irith 1 «ai_h ttoi •ixl 象急 lki!UK^«uidittnosRill^6fof':’go*)»«lEird«n8im8ft_0tw「/::‘l^<»r>ijmehptlair«ur-^ Ing mnd diteuitslan e£ to^Lo «aco«pt th« on* at ib« jiotual -thAt :Imi «tay fHiii aadei; «n4 Xiktl^r | h« kn«w 衫iMionXd bvrt |»r«f6rr.d it .rrl,. at 1|1靠 d_l^ioa In thl| Xt ousi(^ oo-*op | delegateA to ^w#«n to f11111110lallu>3^> fro»i|ito«r •ndl %tm gX^m Xt wi>^0v^ to tlifla»« •fiXvwi 败切 til*. ■知 轉•錄试 pafin-邏 oipftla 7»«r© earaful to k««p aa far «p&r^ oaeh othor as p<»8lbX0p ‘旗!:伽.知.110111.vfhls^ .嫌k•心)9 i^mnsaotloa.•珍peftr, as '• p雜| m Ka«h noviXd th«r»f«rzHi ps^«7^ thikt It n#v«r o from ai^r ao^rtst nius acoepifibla It «xS«nd«d ia 她•.多 物ro 撕伽shi細* G^>]?9tvr«0ii. mis^iMtioxm b#tw<»^ri persoiMi. iindi low status n W6i^} n嫌fiTt 供I ^0 iiv 较tK_n0;nS%ii亀知sicu^^ noi^sta an 'KtA.::^ ;lni^litl^\.||ve%w«(ms ia dAftHog ittili persists of 鷂你祕,!!^ (鱗 vatab- li .ぎIno:113 oui 〇t th« plei^ro «ui ou^i Dit S«otiQQ «»3rk pr〇Q«6y b« hundXfKl on3^r thiu them* fhasir hftd# 9t ooura«# besn e«ix& bgr ti^i £asdXl#8 wmiG^xn94* Th« oimnsa^Lor r«^o»ad9 and p tomd t§ «Kp9diarrl: to ftttond mtKt 9 sodB^ t& olmrity ttm :W ar^aao^s andi to obtain fR斑i2jr ooopsrati0篇 thu standtextl'* i«dd 1313001Klum Aq lat«r^rHsig wm et th# lytl*»aha^i| inm .Ia ^g^lAtions 1 •购quo. d雜i9〇xk软8 •郎houawviim of、h«t catioaalan As 】麵0_$ irdacit *. mst .“ok for .«K9^^ :v4i9mi8罈i〇n|f_7hi« Q〇ntlnia«d li_|l^ tli«. ■upeiiniMnid911餐象 V | .ad d«_and«d that _ 和遠,0«nd 0抑_〇〇〇 vltli 細1洛〇1*11^ i W 010s# tli« .dtftXrl ^oonls Mmi: li«p« tim priirBi# firm to Und «mpXcgr«ft8 %2mq wm 0lll%7 泰_3(|^ vm顧,£voni oth.y r wa0 fbcrra M th« stuff in tii. oauMT 鳥:CNr _'iMMk ㈣ »om^tm% the g〇-*l»«tw«m pr〇Q«dur«# ^mX^ii%h «od •ir•細#»«pppjLn^wl go-lMHm4_is •« snob •• good «抑8•⑽d 箱汰㈣guXitiens :ぺ «oo3d per»ltt Somi «dop^«d 1ib« proo«(tor« tot th«ae0«lir«Ni# ha^ix% ftaodp it id b« ii ustfiiX md taa«-4«TlQg t«ehtii6 in 900duotisg th^lx1 om mfi« ull^i of Conmmlty 6X»owmA§ •ft«r « :r_r 切r two 龜t Bohimr hit had 你《 toabiV 岭期Isig 翼 go-b9itm^«tm ia mw^ ot hi# cnra^uM o«ixt«otiJf zf to «mi *'| Fublid 祕总 for •& «ir«ni)够• for «x««j〇j0 •為••棚i «m •戒 bflrlw««n to nak« request tw l£l» «ln〇« m

• flmbarxmiatd/ Xp9« t%〇9s &r €«us« ftabarir«98siint» to opposing party by mgotiA%iog *T>d oo^pradting fdlth lii»# 1 Q〇uXd als# i n^uMX or u»-1 ffi«nd37 »niW9r without «^barx»s«rae2it to hiimlir ixr of 鲞羅各蜃 tb« prii)〇lp«X8« It jrafueal mttsx«!U^ m» not fdr him personftI^# and plm« it hrh not dlr««t33r frois one prinolpiiX to th« other and in th«ir aetuaX h«arii!ig# thet6 lndi«tiMxi a»k«d '0y«r And betir««n had «r抑n^0bii :hl9'' respG^lbll|^^;W^ge%g ' coupon ; pi'^qpoirl^ ;s»irrl«d ;%^f| bo his r«8ponslb&li1i3r to h«Xp th«a and to xmooth out th«ir dlfflm11tl#8 I fho dliro^it^ W of ktm | that:期ioh th.lr f_«ir betvroQiu Tho f⑽dill抑 coup^A woulxt 抑pooiMl^ rfll^r《ipoii Mm in th« erlals^ und 1101134 «xpeet hia smooth «v«r tlui matter In ®|:';one - 'my or 格:;^^^^^^^^^^: 頻發爱驚錄繼i这纖冬^^^泰^^^?踢餐纖終 In nis oomauMy toJm the go-bet»o«n hot% n grm% tw^atiltmie :^S^P _,'f f«oe^ «X〇6i9nt le iMnV^ns ill ^ thid 19 pitnil^ an IndiTidxuil f&dxir In th« 致が•畑t;l<)ii, iiu^ 零孤 £加林丨《滅 0儀disunity |K>int i^_r 藝 two J^(Hsi^mri«« liAim i〇^ M a xwiirl^ \?j>\,,A3* ダ^^^^^^^^零 pm A birth, callod aom $ i««0 ir#X7 3i.ttl« 為: p notio«d tht 礴滅 *%i切 idki 〇0t|i«r*i 魏j^Vr j^f^y 声::、^}ek':191givめ!^轉^减:.r供mptl0n,‘.:bir k>n: ylo ^0340^;: > ^^.'to'.:;|i9T ti〇i^"lu^4;;.'t^ m^mX'11this ^m§: 邊m紐lt_域pofrレ棚械エoa找身.’桃饮61卿が《 r^Mipodt^JbiXlty,:^ tb._ §^hQ$pita^r Qf }§n<$ t;9:} :it^d' ,::^wc: つof嫵傷明1111认讀li|i〇Xir細棚鲁认,眺命"麟〒_|«零夕!!• pel*•明}fti:輝 p hmm wmi oallnel iiiffi|^iiiid 幼馨 Umll^r 細tk,刪i♦飆 mut•馨 《德 or 〇»9 *•偷〇1«1 か蹿ふ箱^ ュ知嫌細Cor务 vtjlft .^4_CU^ _ S! glv«|i "pfjt :M^ pfinkiitii^ ^apeolAXIjr^ iS th<〇r ^rtrt ^8»i^p™t ^m- Dtu^d^lt# Thill »|iwl4 % Klviit %&' l»e Si ot tha inmMFablv ^^0: 'iii:«^^^lt(:紙神秦ィ Ixu^oir蝴參時:私^嘴Qwod:先碑於' 讀切摹以寒^^你私•_ぬ的⑽of •私prati#雛放h^ri^f你/|^福|^細Rlljr. ^p' Varjr thu J^ts^l: lr)wd «ny hvA JapdTk^sii m^ea# th« a^ei^gd ^l9«l hatd a JftpKiMi«« ^ AmerldAik al4CU oisi^^pheit^^^j 妒1V〇re sonet ia' l^a^:^0tv-':Shig«]^^ %tty*r'''KenB〇 Bi'XXy Maaaa'; ;'.S&dao. fom^: !^boi?ii':'401911 Sho^i Saa# Itikio Ted^ 3«ftiako K«lko axid i B旛sDi«u _fh_flM9 duAlnorlgln na脚s adhmnt^ge 'th^ 4:_is01 _ oould be \nmm ^ his ^apiUMQ# h»sm to hin pairwota ftnd c£IX^ 物•エ抑al讀鄉 h# 〇•!») in contact* iind 妙 his A脚!!⑽ii mm iji %% ivork» and (^uoasiAns a his fMi^ ^ ?ho yo«mg«r ^inei «diilt« thn«ft«XT»a ofttxi ignored th« miM%& mtim 1190d inat_ul ^nerioftiilMid nbbreviftted fox»^ 好'th. Jftpcm«8_ mra⑽| th⑽,Kii旭0 鄉丨 known 起ctnernlly i〇 分_ i:相,Kaa^i_ •s’ K鑼•身:':■襲9:在:k:_S秦抑.S«<^:le的軀故@:彝腠_:.S的ぎa癫圓 Kny^ and Kt&lko an K^fl Th« staff at Hohsrer ftoon «dop^«d thead 龜bbi'trvlatiikd ms^Mi 戴 _l^ho ,thA bfai*fl^iv 祕社•lifmネ繆 b«mvk^〇mto |! C^aGesi&ns OallfarnlA tgr th«lr ralddln nfimtt#«' Child ad〇pt|^oii# (輕威,’.%4ジ*卜wasフ典鄉•為.龜 Rohwerj 縝nd thu 你jSaQtlcm noYer 細d thd sli^rt681 difficulty f in finding adoption hos^s iim€^::;:'tliii:':'i,QSi«l*itt$^ - dual, of adoptlss:-,i9uali« Ari ttt Hdbit«ir wm th« dleomi41ig a如It. oMldren ■妙:tM^displ_«|*. k 1如卜ぐ發⑽ 略ohildar節娜作叫烟,露!nci; who o^rrimk th«m nbout «ai day, play«4 gwe with th»m* »nd 切1^||:.你41||ザfhlt Japioiisfttloii of the cthlXdriiii at Bolarsr bad xM^vr b9«& po««lbl« la pr«^vaouati(m wh«n th« Xg»«l tpmt th»lr hours »t fi«ld iwrk and th« urbim !•«•! reaBieed 集鸞^ か細為0®m> •〇 級如h 域 %!■_ in 纛%撕_| s*mS V0g®tiBb3Lii stwBd«» fh«y wer« this ftt Hofaireri h«r_ ftt All/ tad th•曹0rk«rr had nhort kfnir馨•《a«y ta此鑤 for th» no«t part* may dayt* M«&y of th«» n«r« tor th9 first time in th»ir iliwt *bX« at Eohsr«r to m gre*t det&x of uttwtiom to I /th^lr ^hoy 60110•zitirikiMKl 011 inti*y voung iund ttsiXl Hft&y ohl^dz*9ti #nli#rvd ths d^iotipr sethool,ixi 1945 who# h*td tlMQT bii«a ^iTixig in O*lir〇riil«t> «ouX4 bAim i^troiidy Iniea CmifXy pi»o- KllO:ll#S*# XOUSmI llQf till# 01i,(Wf ij〇:1|0 ^ftp*iui««-tp«A)Eing* lli«i& r0poi4»«d J«.pcuB〇«o of sit th« pr®_.::, school ohiXdreA to f^r 1i«tt#r tluin it|had b«eis for «hildrp«r In a〇88 hall•二 |th« ?•窃. hall-# Meek-12 氟ad 40 «^r« d«y〇t«d •zrtiirely to (hildx知!,• ganM霸 »ad Saoh of th#t« «»• known *s ?oyXftndr m»A «m ly «vaou«« 9»pXoy ^ for want of ax^thiag «X«e id do, partly «tlso to bo thing® •e,a»d to b« gelog on and to ^itoXf91 id,h 你豢 tfvium••破JTie_ fha^f mm n «oa*1»Bt auisan〇« to Cauoasiftii staff during the nm-«ft4〇Ql month*# underfoot «dl dMy and mklng it dlffloult to wozic du%;>f tfcta ; Utkrrimg9 oall«d ktk koaf k«k Hlght11 and or "mlty*1# in mjxy ooapmtt>ds# hoirawr^ only tlui nd kon* fft〇 ua#^* Th. r細uoti© awrriftg* «ftXXiid Jl*»yu kdte**k€ia oSiMi&f fr«e), and that arr«i〇g«a ttwi famUUs m&wWK^SS help c2f|feo-* b«tw«»iiiA Wi^hg^u k^k^eoa, **go^«feTf«e» w»rrl祕❹% quit搴羲 f 撕 ffiarriag«s of the exttireiy lirmngtci s^rt oecurred «.t Hohw«r# Ixit ther« w** al«o ao laok of roaAXitiQ tmrrlAgtm la whl«h t|i« aot«d tn- tlr«Xy on ,th*ir:ow»4| thm tinid Audi o〇A««r?Ktlv« 〇〇»*« tr〇n«d by their parents and fearful of Ijieurrl&g gmr^X Xii«l di*-t1 pUftsuro, lnv«ri»bly allowed their parent# and tho to ar«* mrriM^m tm thesu fh« rwary proH^B»rl0itft who w»r# la#* d«s>«iide&t tho X«««i And who Uk«d to oppotli «v«n in : wh«r« noth!% was to \m gptln«d by It, wer« lnuline^ to mkm thtir own choio# of 9Rti«B funi to i^rry tH#l3T owxi racpocuil'l>lli^» Xtt most of tim marri^gw at Eohvmr« bo«r〇Tiirf ther« w«ui a \mimmn th« J«pAa«c« and iynerloftn tho kroapl^ dneidiag caa^ isftrriag* tn«»««XT«8 and p»r»lttiiig tb# faalXy aad go*betw»«a» to t^c* 〇y#t at that point to m«k:« th« buslassi m J^a»«so at might wi»h* Ih« !««•! X«wa〇d long before to ^gMra4itionfti JapAn«s« Marriage ouatoas# and had boooeMi reconolX^d C to the individ«Al,t »«®u»ptioii of at l«A»t sosmi of tfe« r«apo&- jibiiity fw hi* rnn mrrU^mhrn f〇p hi* piurt, di4 ndt al〇4 ^〇Uc«tt »»€ie It i〇 losg «« th# ehol〇9 of hl« Add th* d«〇i«l〇a to gift mrrl«d in th« nr«t pl«o« w«r« Kl« own. $h« arranged aarrlAges wp# oonduet«d b«tw«9a mlt«sscl«d faaUy groi^g &t Eohw«pt sliioe mil of tho omipl* w«r# «iiuXt«4 mAjrrSjigM 001ia«ra ©f th- ii.ur^diat© th« 〇'〇up-X#» aXX-tho ooaaldered to liatii «st iAt*r««t in th«n« IM#8 w*r« mvoxlty tmmA wlthlm on#*#! own aoolAl eXftt8» and of ecsur«a no om iat© th# Wtai •*- ^ Ewa jp,i*yliig»a .1*fa#:youaRg 1?if〇; c«* ifehr<90 |m^b繡ifel1•他纽,考:鄉叢 | th« ou»t\m tor tmthmr and scan to dlsouss iihla ••Xsotioa b«for« th« mrrit^ wa« ftXXowvd to b«〇€«ui * rntter £k»r ^tteafelcoi* :t 灘 Mid that th« f«,th«r iximlly *ooopt«a hit «〇&*« first ohole«« )?iit if thm girX$M ^Mdly hittwy wm kd〇w& to bo abXy If th«r« ««r« do tubereuloals inhmr ttaaiXy$ «uod if ch« w«r« no% of'^b e«it«r If «ay of th««« ob^iwtlims oouX4 b« ;^p|J| nd疆«d» th孀 fctthor immedifttoly obj籲Mod th馨 soaa &0r«ly Hooked aurouiul fox* AXk〇th«r ehoio#* 011i^retfBusistt n&i retkahmd$ i^ie f^thox* o«XX«d his fMaally §〇A rdX^tl^ea< togithsr tw « find at this th« group afr««d bot^ 011 th« a»rrlAg« and on tho | to ;iu^ ai th» oppotit* aft«r Iwixig Approaoh^d by go^lwtv««ii and l»g to th» mrrim^0, appolBt«d its ^o*>b«tWMa# and th» two i thor«Aft«r d#»lt with «Mh oth«r only thru th««6 two Isiid^viduaX** ^ appoistnomt^ ohikr«ot«f t iokI prooodur# of s»rriiag# was d«aerlb«d prsvloiuily In thi« oh»{it«r« ?h« utrrlftg* o«*mniy9 called k^c*4coii »hiki» took plaoa In Buddhist or Ohristlaii ehur«r»« tf th« 曹m*•義& 疆Im &iiv»rUt1ily r籲aai_ la hit o»m f«ally ciad of oour«« r«tAis«d his family xtfoui. | lt«fu«AX to a〇 thi« woul4 h«iv〇 b«eti oonsid4Br«d oxiXjr a XittX« X#s» t^ma orisui* Hit Inri40 bwsaae n ucMoixir of hi# tmaiXy, &« w»Xl« this adoption of th« wlf« l)y her husbend^ fMsiXy wa« called fo io, mdrnx^itmr «4optlo&it* But «ay other • not thus required to omrry on th« fsiually xhmmi* fit th« brid«fa 0& WHM had »〇 •〇»«• for #xas|»!L_» h_ miglit ask 你《 groo觐*» fftrai你 to j^rml, tb« groom to take hit aad b«〇oa» a part of hi» family^ thus p«r^ p«tu«tia^ hie. family mm axid XliuMigW Thi« h»pp«n«d m xamber iS tints «t Bohir«r« |h«s# groom thereafter ld«ntifl«d 1^i«aft0Xv«« l^y f tiro ftmlljr xmBMMi# smoh to th» 6011futiozi ©f th« r«eord« 1a the St«ti«* tie* S«otir«f«iT®4 » C*uoa*lmn huat»»d* iki«% tlsMi^ of:: latf«r»ft3np'iiig®## had ⑽.’.iHtimticai 0f _«w t«Jciajg tmt. BMtfew、::;^^||囊 Dirore« «&d ««pftr»tloa wer« eikXX94 ti km§ gl nto ««parfctn| ■«^0 iwk# KaB〇o»BJ〇a at wa« *»i%C-1t!t' jti iMt'vlBig yo'ilis 遂; «a4 h〇iMi beftnre hi« ..fftnlly. -jolRu^ji bin»| ^fh«r#';w«r# »〇!*• ' o^'.thla. 4ii* ^ Cai««d desertion thAA m% th« «jr« dariftg th« o«mter period« i*o IMN|» '〇!* it> 〇op3><»w. imb 曹vUg 9M to«hl ?orl# n t«rm Khleh iTlg&Ifi«4 that Idxttir liftt spiua nftf nomrly ダ':.—.of. th«i 024 l89iil;\rii%lri^;'wivtk. d«T9t#d th«ia»«lTe8 «&tlrdXy't〇' th«irto r«crt^tl〇si)» ' 0Xd «nd unattft〇h«d lairaXlda w«r« c«nKl for in th* MoX4 smiis ' hoffio*** e 8^«rftt« baar*rft〇lt lm bionic Sd 1011eh wag nur««t tm* d#r ihf 41r«otl〇tt of th# h〇ipltiOl«| tha smrri«d old p«opl« &]〇d Itt* | fmlidff in i^iurXy All 〇fti«8 t«k«xi o*ir« t»f 1^ thair fi.idXl«a« o>f^ th« ;〇14 a«ci'.1^..'th*'t^l;liilz^'o^revef th»ir:' Kl««i ;gr&ad*':( ^hiXdrttt h»i alrtudy bt«a d«8drlb«d»| 7hot« of fox^rXy rtmX habi^l; 1a Cftlifcraiii «^«&t muoh ff ^ieir tleai taro of 〇Mi c®. t^i®3jr||| from% (k&d baok porch««t and gekth«x*«d dtarlng th« cold eioixt}u» is th« > w«ura boiler roonm for $oub%p$ §^9W^ry guium§ tad diieyiisiozui of w§r •ad xfemii,■ 39i«y «0T« snaoli giir^tt rmilAg imd pewiag 〇w w»^9 ia th« o«&t«r HlMnury, and prolaably foXlcwod t\m oour«« of th« mr in this wmy •!»〇• isAat of thtm \oider«to〇a too little Snglltli; to plot thf ^rogre籲s front th» rudio 藥ecousts ‘ Xb» q>X^9T w^g«rt th« t«tal poXitic^X «rga&isatl(»i of hi« oowsiml^* BmXtm$yM» of W8A acvd ««r« ftssistants to th« 0p«r»t«d m political ^ttre« both th#ir r»ip«etlT« bloekt and in o«ritor-wide life and ftotlvltitta* $0 ^oe Wat«xialMi» «n XlvljEig in blook 0* for «M)Bq>X99 th» r*»l of 幼《 poUiHoal orgwaicfttlgp. l〇r 松!•仙睡. th« oounoilima A^p#ar«d;« Tbruout tlui ouster ^rlodyth^ bUMik swtsafftr* worked foil tin•的 bin job. wm cklwiyi to th« r_«id棚%•破 lilv l»i€N^ct ftikii bmcN^at iRQr(» lixtlsikt« tim wltli ttmir lii«torl«i «xi4 p«rsmUtl«9#th«lr Individual and gr<^F bX«o«* lb att«ad«d to hi* pe〇|>l«vs 9ir«]!7««d*y and thu» with th明a on • p«r«〇{mI Imil••和r th蠊时 rmoa* th# *抑r«gi» a9mmd mlmyB to «nd to U«t«n »o«t» to M« bXook nuabg«x* 地en In 從 doubt* |th« _n»明r. olat«« aiKi «m not in •〇 «!〇•• tcmnh with the «d« bV^» %h^t» i% WbS IKMIflllil,^ t&t hiM tWA OpifilGHEM 妨4、:物 aut la hl« offlei*! ir^m uda^iilatrMslda Mat# thlM latter cmmi to 110Id f&or« ntsd more cvaoui«« m tlxo eoisi«*^ «11 «l»4 It* irork b»««jui b«tt«r ksown# to Isy X&44 it «a^s 4mpar«n%^| that tlui oounoiXann bveomlng aooepted an th« ihmI bXoek X«*d«r And t)mt w»* b«&ng «hern of hl« fusiotl^L and r«duo«d to hit offieially pr^dorlMl roX« m th« »«r« «»sl«it»»t ^,'i 0f ^thi» Dlr«0tar |v %lt tolodk* TImi barrack «»« e«ll#d kix ''I^Leek r«pr$s«»tihw tixid tMi*«ku mb$rr%ok i^p5elmtSSvewe She zhub» ^ble^e emmXt^wmS^ im WiWo u««dv ^( crv•浐裊 ho»t _iMblX ゴol»9« th« iMa^r b«en f教r 1鲁••籲ff lei«nt than u暴uaUUy Inst for fh# terrAok r«pres«nt«tlv«« note llor wwm thmy offieiaXXy * piurt of th# oonmixsity i^nmtiiwixxI;* fh« md &mmcllmmt J esp«olmily th« t^rmr» aMir#^ *ppoliit«4 on tluiir 0110^ no doubt for tlstm I) tbm euo^g«ri son* hplp 1a th«lr ttultltu* dtnwm dn%lM» m nas «^X»intd «bov»f 8J i»i«d6d 0tmtlon«d i& units utmllmr timn tli* blook i%m^Lt i& «rd«r to^^^ridM with a pi9turo 〇£ blook n««is and 1)m^oh m im shonn in th« pr«o«diSjag 9imp^mr0 inmi'm mad fairly diatlaet irnllr 111 tb« soeii^l nn4 r«er«itieo«X 11^# of tti« bXo«k# and tbm maa$«r« rioog^lMd And worked with tbis thug triaging them ixsto thm bloek polltl〇4l ^§Mi««tios3« «» 6Md«*lfidep«ad«&t unlt«*K ?h» bleele tr#wkiar«r* .vhloh' 卿》ab •%〇 eount% na» also «X«et«d in c«rtftitt oF t1i« 111001c« A«i^Xy *ppoixtt#d la oth«ri* 貧• k_t «tll blottk fuadiu fluid 鶴《 oec^alommy 呢on fctr_ a fiSAAolal 0tat«e«nt *t block mootings* Ee eoll«ot«d and r«c0iv«di tb« ttotMiy whieli th* bloek eo»Bitt«6c d«idrlb«d d«oid«d should b« paid bf #aeh iadivi4imX family#-. «u»di i^ilch wmrB u<«d for blo«^c 0xp«nditur«» 011 £vxmr^X9, piomlei mad «u^«r«9 soolal aff*ir«# _) gifts tor JftpaxuMia prlacaaers of vatr h«Xd in ti^s ^nit_l —foxneitdi ixsteo • .rth« •:權i£»lu44l4 供i你1,::雀 冒祕 th•嫌•• Hall «rt«i釀 rd•命•如4 .pr^itigt Ut ぬ o«k:il^i #/:''〇 鱗编iXMKl t<[>n ffiitr.ii/:’yh’,nft〇rnr.,鄉着 黴1rw! thti .ifftfiif^rft .iiitliiii•在—, ocmtjfolltd^ ltf ;#i)id th«y w«r«. rwt^pomihX^ tw ftll the' .执f.峨d 在馨〇1釋1«^ぐ樣 l^ir ぬ•闘'I*印r•.抑姐t;iv鱗 1014 纽Ru^tly_ 嫵4vi裊财瓤'.oait^r# eMstittiid'喔||藥4 fiip^ :汁.tl f*-讀t*ムー.:乎:fす':yrrV::だ:卜赢細雜她《れ》(1,* ■ :;vf^ai&l'X|r/€^ In: tli# ;ati*'0 fox*.'^'g «ral. diceussion §Xt^tTB:4&tor NMiisiltldMEi4: th#ir_i|t:::'^«l^ 1**籌1 想^^.r ' .fljEUl. )%dUKdE:.. ^MlUU^r iM: I_i5|%Zli1Bl1l :存|l#; (^9幽u^tl^ :伽班wiぉシ>•祕财卻鉍':|£料1||£9作'.♦ '毅TO卿罐’恐Ul G〇_dt%#« _ 。舞Moolc.屬mmi 鶴鳙'書^#技.:i%Qrtant; biMiiiuM. eiLSM: —# imd imImrxi %t wm .tpXt n9wm9»ry to eiix&tuli mil the 〇& t^lr & Orj»nlfiti2ik*r#' >o^ cJIqib# and \iritli' tlMi ^mximiitp wh^ax tiM»ai fron ’^bfltlr 'owa nuaiNPf^ 纛^<^ .:〇f 龜• iadl'vldiifkXiit 'wHIXa l|r 1^Mt :w&tk of thci aaiu^«rff «§ 4^ body «od aui a poHt$o«k^ ^r@^al£atloti 1& tiio ciiap a» «i whdl«|| wm l«okixi$ la c^^ixturoiis «isdl «s*us«4111^ spirit ivhloh ehftzmoteriil^^ •o 癱ue^i 祕of %lu» &0vbm»UU為!!。的 o^':th91r if〇rk'iMM('pMMNRdo_: And 4ullf SjxtrolT«d «l%li pl^iloal cuoct d«ty to 4^y ^«lr lat^r* ••tv w«r« «ntlr«ly Xoeftl i^th«r t!h«ii oo«»opoXi%ttsi« And thoy ^mm'^ ettsii iavolT^''III ft&d'lttor# giwr*X li«u«d only 'Cousoll^ C^wiu:]d1^r QqimoiX wmi o«Il«4 in ^«9«iui«« iiAi>r»Jl ki4t-:'%〇£〇tii«r^ :ゅby th*: •<3r.ru妙1雜 km»«dlHgins irii»>. f| ?h« 'f,i,ir義 eomili «t EdSto^r. _ oaH«4;::、h4>:: _9NMpQK^i^r'tiS^|^ 纒 ■m or灌ftni翥鳙d Ixi llov&nlMN^ •韈_〇nt;Sisu«d 瓢• :tii•導1*■•議 gov«miii£ body until th« .l«0tloxi _f thi» 各:aM^MNr iKmA aoiat^瓤1a知r* Xt;霉 firinoiiptti pur家〇3鳙 tKM ta mk« r«G〇a&«^d&tjLQ&s to 0ir«et«r 6〇»〇«rtiiSkg atm of n mA tri^r r^re««iitsik%iir# ooimolX# %ail ixi to pncMi tlui wijr It ^^oint«d a to dnw up ^ 奢《ni tsM馨 ms pi*嫌iHMXbNi to tlui IHr_ゅin»r« 找评•雄^od in th« e 仰咖13U_ by n body >#X«Qt«d siea^«rt h«4 01117 «b &dhris〇gqr o«|>c^11^'« But thid Mibarihip rmWi&tim wM aoqki r« ^e4Grd«4 r&sip#^ In th# &t t^ilr' iiif!hi€iio# uaSul^ In Odimi^ «a4 Asaueed a3>l 'th# tm at h^4 frlor «viM3tmti«i& ソレ’ a^s'uiff^d tbik roXt# s«9mkI 4〇i%ir#!l^ %williii£ *iad po«sll>ly^^ tfr«l4 to od印t auE^ for!办ri决I 沪>11ザ or 切 piMiatf ao^r o如utruoti嫌 8 识H*_•破 IMltidll* X%'HAS 睢9VUH«4 _ tlie 保a tlMI 霣 i雌春1. ^a(Nr_ 曹籲1*« 秦ぬraid of Dao站ri*lng エ鱗翥《1 dia的UMkiiirも麻ud 龜 豳^嫌? ll«#i wl^i thi« «xpl4121i,tlan th»ir i»«j9tloii* Hm t#uporAry Omisioll. thus p*«p6.rii^ m 0011»tltu« tlon* fh» £ir0% p«ra»i}«»t emxmil wue #X«et«4 in ^u»«# 1H3# and oe&*» •ist#d of & ehalraaci «z»d * fron o^oh of th« bloeles* U»mbmrM^ ms op«m to «i»y mad *U «vsouw»»« r»@M*dl««s cif oititimhlp* 1兔 91淡^ oo 败 itt«脚 p 箱*f ota 癱paelf ta«kc eM 切!^tl期* %e 1i« v^fpQvt^d bMtk %e» thi Cou^iX %% nvn^ln^a* S^iiNi# ©IX co»s)ltte#s mt9 l^ij&g: 4©*«rribo€ isi th« tismX r歸%y%tii^ft*a ludUr*:■鸞OjMnw^kijag •tnJPIT SHwlNHhi iioujjl 潘 •*Jf* 1110• 0)i*>tNiri lMivi a wod h# hus tiMa of fe#l© ij to us Itt lotei of «*yi# but mkim m •〇 fkmy v«r« not ax^gry* but Bi«r«ly mtp«rikt04 l» «ad hit oou&oU w«r« la th« thl«k or iny jL_su«« 切|11(&お够 it 卿 ana MOdLn^ « ikmuTT : 卵时l%f lihftti ••IAmi tieetiWHli iLiits ttXoxi9» oth«r hand, wm wlmt lal^tit l» 〇«11«4 ^ prw^hadalstriitieii |«h«iraMU 細 Uir«et0r« |B» k»«v #k*t «ouxmI mnd i^Mit octuU not got fsrc« th« Mlailnl«tmti〇yif ^ kncurliis; i thic bm •Urntmeikw^ ms^ » qou&oII r«^u««t or dmuod «hi«h omidsr»4 vmmHm&nT* or uwri«itt# Md h« kn»» i& adv«»e« tli« adnUtration h«d &〇 氤uttolty l«o«aiy to g««nli. B« us#i to 9*7 1» f«ot «t coitticjtl •命級 it viui b«l^s prqp«Hi«d thftt eounoil do or dmtmA xst at^«r #f this &«tur«9 w«li# f〇ri«t ftm Proj«e% Dlif«««Qr ©*a*t giw its that* &s*U 扣於 _• to tutu it 4麵》• «ad «» 4imft wauo^ hln «n4 «i« »%*ff to to tl^Liildxig ««fr« « #f 供rft〇)^o%s aXuijfi毯_a^n41ag •onathitiis uar^Mtoimbl#11•窵•響iuk perfMt 〇(M^rini«fii»r ftskixig h«r« clviiig tb«r## but »u»o«»diag la ting ⑽《rly lOl th« thin^•か嫌 th_ 編lailsii 鎌 Imi 幻!• Dii^otor hftd gr«ftt れith in hla^ «»d «c〇«d«d to hi« vlih«_ «h«XMw Y^aakl* wam fter too ftri^ttUy vii^i «t»d to tl» C«aoa«lm to «ult atad it im« tNMai^a of %hi«f m ms ■■^RSSh, . p.a m pNiisodii^ ifeo tm h# dl««u«««d la £h«^#r 抑* れurt^ 冒_U iUu»tr«t«d i& th« ⑽《« of **s«轉姐*鼻 咖春% ifmeh wiu d•鳙orib«d iUei Sh« CmttieSl »_iMd 1ft 你U •デ馨 not s«ar 你 io la切 r•馨 t«d la fis祕lag _ 鳴《%101〇»!• Mid •晒ui ぬ•典ttftisc of «iroldltig 1^es« laeid«ntii in th« ltotur« m in mtrnixi^ fit” for iwmmitii eoa^uaity* 雌4 thin to li® _ ia tli_ _U砂lag ⑽*■如处你 foroittg fr〇M «h«rlCf 9〇m «uii3l»«l€m tteat his 4«eu|ir vmi at flmlt la aetlag «g hm did* S« h*d «XApp#4 «vaou««# and thl« was tlu» wor«t twm of tkm Oou^oil chtSrmu to || thikti th« Cmmeli «r攀r« stot tidying to prut春et th« truck drlT«r from l«w dMunl«d hm b« bat rather mxt«d aaflpology frtip«4i| 7h« or^HBlftatloci wmt tw timm b»lxig «^AtroXl«d «ub^ «ia^Mnrt«d# of eour*## cise« thl« -lirral «m- X^bcnr* «ad oiiterl^t ilf Jf0〇d•的|0M& oth«r 霉11押1 本#»• 9rpAmtifm •»& diftrlbutlan.Ity «i«d vlthia <»«isl}«r w»r# g •沖《nrla«d 匆 tk. lUUslttlttrtttio鼴》Mii oarr^t oiitl with th« hflf of 辦站拿き #mouMi l*lM)r«i Hm CfM^parfttlw wn« %h« only «criMir^rli« mmr% I ^r; !••• Mlia^ thi. g供xt«r «ooii〇nl« ^guslMti败•慧 iuemI ti瞻t :t^ liIiN^ .i知《!<"麻pr知••a .cif•• |Mria_*y 斑は,《:雀 釋—tm 秘《 IIIuh矣故•#ntiioupd •iMout 切健 th# trivdtH細ん-参が It ImMK. •X«i〇ri 'IumI^ i;%ii lii1*^^ 拳 4»ftr«e^Hpd 癱1%¢; _««ffikd>Kl麝孅frtti 9111«r b^emm !••• whimtjflat AwtijemA Imi %Ihi nor# ma& - tb# within 1% mud took wmr 1^i«ir «oim〇tti« •&& >•**! rol« kb& i^p«r1»sici« Ia f «l»0>iKt lqr 你《 Haifa* 1«發0«—.續 _t|^::in iitX' tit*,_1〇««%1峨 whi你 e«aj|«d 你1« ohM^»* Itt in叫r litぬ•供iy». th_ 奴滅故ぎ供t|M> «%%«〇•切4 丨 to retain th«lr «aA tm»tim this n«wf orpMsit^ tiaw ln^cMi«d m ishm fron nb〇fn#.; but tiMQf wwr# s«r«r vttry •〇〇<»•#•*£ tuX$ «xid ^ht tMUmoy furth«r ftadly di«ixKlNigrmti«» at tb« •cnri〇m 1 Hi« Unwl it^i%11111m •cntttT lift•曹《axt «iu fhm yimk itmmm prianry pr^mttm unit# intofiur «• •ay IndXyriAmX VMk pro4uo«4 «〇aiy good« at idl# «>ad it «m» la iH>»|i l»«rttuit r««p«ot« tho |t1jm7 mXt9< m fhm biook «ixt l〇ipi its tmX trm t}m &•Arlqr mid *nd oho^cl th««« M ii «o«^#imtlng KM rovpotttibis for ««ouriag ftnd a»ly It* oim ^u»X» 故oek* eon<* too Sm «4uXt n»X«« to d& this mrk mily ra*« IuiI^kI l^r otiuHr ldeak«f but mmh hmlp «m ia#ir«r forttieming 寶4你^it ordm r«vlmr« locked to hl« fttnily h«a4 to do it for hliu fh•抑rk •• lutoisr cidl#4 4yu**gy〇**ahn» or ”to 成_;« (or p«opl«)*** nrA〇S^'T«irt««ii wmt, %0 both staff and th« mvkmi^amm Th» J«ip«m«s« asd «arrupte4 ^gliak mamm for s*»y of t〇MUi My Ua found i& iL{i»p«t»Ux YX« |lfHKim« •« mum»» ^ kVi^; «V* frnm wtxtk^pm^'1 lottpltftX viMri»rft woxk«r» fntok '4rliw•驪 O^rmis v〇rk«r« .|l Coiuitruotioa workers imMotB in 1^be offio#« firmam «〇kd poXle«»»ii worker* OlerlcAX w<»rk«rs BXodk w〇gk»rB Co«k^ «drk«r« I^MWIiti€l«|| Frlvikt* Bnt«rprliMirft McMit of Idio &rov^t abov« o* iftob of work @roi^t «a« pr»«md to ^wr« t ^ 9hmot«r ^ it« cm Ijy both thm «nmou»«8 imd th« itaff♦ | Th« fftm .:丨械姆■泰押®^%iy foi無tr fwpii»i••す如|«*«_#明雄•juiiJi*鏐(| t©如か雄, ;| trnrmr9nm Tlw hospitckH workcir* _2*« 蘑氣14 to 备雒 0癱&9冰琴111 • «sd 9mmmd tjo tAk« «c«m prid« ia th» |j^(»rtiua〇9 of th«ir job#, thm liout« «orle«r« w«r« cton«ld0r«i4 vax%r^imA In^i ft&d oX4 »»n9 «ndi not «uf«» ''热_i_sfely •kiXXf4 b•丨'wo目pk.|^Rit tmc^k 獻1抑^1» nr飲細釋 时你•麟tttff _ a gMig 时•0政y ”嘲^!^* irhi〇 fisi 他lApt ':_ gp«rftt«d ■gtttaxiw (»«r?i⑽ with thfllr truoks for かi抑如 sn4 aU. w«r th» oant«r# «bu««d «quipia»sxtt «»d habitually «ae- thu 靡和#魏 議參j*的瞻妒 thvjr 曹和玫《. cMflfleii J^MiiSttni wi*© too «atniiJB«i for b^t«r jobs *ad too oU mnA %nt%m for full-tl»» a&d p〇2.1««mni took prid« in tbulr jobs «yad stattw* 恐!# 麥x*o>» 'PPPIISSlIlW^S 曹®!_? 00Wbt馨鵪•雇 p#op3Ui 相陶Hi in 城油籲taimj.學《^ 參 •00〇rd«d great rMpoot hi^i oowmiaity tt«tus« Vm eXmri^mX9 or wa^MMT« _!*• BilMPly m young twwm, «ad HU.V aad 1她#d ! 呼9ft •• tlm ^|»©gl5.md isoat «f 1jImi •曹e«成• fbi bloole wiMPlwMif And ospiKjlsXXy t^hos# 1st po#l%los&i ol1 flku%has*l%y9 ipwta pndi sttfct^^iwmlsBu oe«upati〇a groups wi«d £T«fttl^r la •!*•» iu^ th#lr mmot mmr o«r« adt kai〇 .如__. fttnaut 細的!t.c»f 物如.^ |©f «erklft^ «£« mrm of th« prof«««ioiMil typ«9 ««r«r on«*fourth w# bu«li»is im«r« or bi«iixMi«8 wi*vic#g tor whloli isKtt 0V&ou4#ft t;h•㈣,1和鬌 and® T«ry littX* if way r«tum ta th« form of labor* and 〇f*r whl«h provltloa th#y •scaroisad little or bo *^ervl«ioii«^nd control* ao»t iiqportftxit of th«s« goods and »errie9* wep® th« ba«lft.n«oetsiti«8« the outright ^rwertui mdaitti«t«r®d thru th« Welj?ar« S«otl〇ki and R«i〇oa» tion traja»port*itioii, and aerri«« and f&eiiiti#** th» b4iie ntcesslti^f^ to th# oomunity as a iVliol^ and not a» indlTidual granti, iturludod hou«lxigf furaitur«# utilitie#, purehased food* «oal tor th« mtss hall* and boilers* ge-r^on apaoe, n«94edi IvmSbw, and «〇 on* tti« bloek aa&agers wart th# chief WRA r»pre##ntatiT#« in th« diatributiea of th«*« ppodnetion nt the center con- sisted of food grown 〇a;^*h«/〇en1s«r fwm aad i» tli* 80rer&l ocaimunltiy garden## fir«wo〇dt a niuaber of eilso#lX«UB«oi38 items ^ioh it w&s fousd iBKSl!•Jki:ntt^Rc^,ar#^ fh« «'mouoe» mde a greftt r«tum in th« form or labor for thi» produetiosir »nd th«y w»r« persdtted ia gr«at n»&sur« to 8uperTi«« it and asade th«lr own deetslons ccmeernlng it* ►•to help*1* and & recipient Public aasistft&ee wus ealled ho jo# ^te of A«8istA&e« v〇f hi ^〇"3〇 t* 2气”轉如九“齡试か如叫義穿•⑽••財か細她6翥❹1*财切1®的• to llAV© their poverty thus single ^ut as4 m&do ci mtter of public Jl!10 WeXfar* Patiantiy e^pUinwi the •philo«ophy* b«- hittd the publio assistanoe program, and tri«d to separate the id«iro^ publio Msistanc# from ^ie traditional Japanese eonc^pt of eharity. fhe 雩^tioia rawt hav^ had *〇m© 籲如〇參88 this, •itca by th« and of 31944遽 aad p«rliap* «arliert th® •T&euoec either had ©odifladt th®ir thinking or had bwoae r.ooaoiled to « procedure nhieh th^y 2»uiid ^ to.; y W! ^ Plaoidiy aeo«pting assi.twioe, and th* workers «vl#o# of toao 700 (M^r•*,a saU« iaorthitftt%' of %h« i • modM^r of &•孤nd fl籲Id龜 _9stt«:r«d thr^oi^ th« e«sxt«jr «ur««f «nd^i h&$ #ad"«hlek«i, fium c9〇ly tiort^i of th« |»«r*〇Km«X bXo«ik 4t» 7h« 2>rodu<»tlQn of f«ri of formar Cmrmiug f«^lliM* lv〇«pt for xiQ msxrrn t\M on# or t«o «ppoiativt owseerst the i*am ftxtd fcira work#r« «•!*• » iud^ th# 物9 grou^r 破 mi got iJUms 級 th•鬂of t«ma» 彌 llMitt fam U.W dliput«« w«r« la making, tb« workers t*lk»4 th«ir gri.waeei 饕叙鵪l)_d* 春i 寶oark^x1鑤 AMi_aiid MKtiiflcKl* Xn |r^«4ur9« tJSMi wadfkeirs flcily witH %b«lr tmtotiiNi £»wsum mmI th« &^ri««dturti stitff rwmixmi in th# beek^oviitd^' 1b XftbcKr troii^lii« mr In ttui 0/^ i^r rvracilns %b» INm^ sMU〇rxi9V»r ,lr•毯 of •yttostvrcMrk414•— iixid蠢 p3UHMi«dt 饿__ぬば篇 weork供r鶼.切’!着ivi.tlMKls1 o_«d on thr«» -Id^n liy 妨 iek 藤*■ fh籲 3Uiggisis er«w» 馨_eimd th« logp una 讎th•霉《 is^of to «rasttpcrt*tiim to %itm bXoek«« Buoh l>look prr 瓤祕鱗rly in cmi&Mi b«for. th. fftll rmXxm woiad mk9 logglag In th« forests ia^oc«lbX«* Thm mt^ wum 4«ltty«d in «nd before It could \m flnlahsd th« eold m»d mud *l»0«t pr«oipltiit«d a fu«X strik* «»o&g th« losing 9rmmm the FusX CosEaittM of OowieiX isi to th« Xogg«r« in thl« mod *ft«r •〇»• \mck moA r〇rl& th« l«tt«r mm pr^rmilmA m to titkUH th«ir work mo thftt no blook» ir〇ul4 b« nhort of MditiimuX l〇gg«r« w»r« to th« er«w«f «〇 tbftt rnmh im required td>ut is» f嫌R»r houm 雜eh 你y 1篛电h« 龜-id mai,ha«li•属 UmB^ imd M««c Ori^nlsatio^pl tlMl plA&.ef 你《.爾d.luhXlUR. fljad .thtll* llKMK^iCHSm域MUMfi⑽g bXo^ci# in 1»ii both th# r^ildAXStiAl t)ftrrmalc« an4 %0 oem snother ' wm pftrtlaily la Chapter VI • ?h« k£teh«n acid df a&oh eato ft north^onth £v«r^ Rorth^tcmUi »tr«*% la th« i »r«A «djol&«d «ai.kit&hmm of th« row ef bXo^je ea «««hS|i| •id« ef It# fkMi dtli'miy #|* £miA ftxi4 ecwJIt tltMMi «〇 酿oy kltohtiwi e©uXd 典#1切 r«»eli«d lay driTiug a〇wft •,iugi_ 於,練t•議 •ad it fftcilltatod th« Xo〇«ttin$ «f e«xs%«r «4ar««0M lay t&XXtmXng m 着羼'ol* ki/^olMKi pX戴o#_bci%ii s^Lsic籲 tih_ I^skj集H峨 of giv镛li biyrriuslE In a hm 4«ftMraln«4 lsi 11110• th« ppiitlI« with providliig xuMrly *11 tb« t^eA* ], Som purely | prmpt>rm^ foods ww ••rrvd* and boll«d ria №1 •wry now and th«11 the €mmedX# w <»mi of iti publioly ob^«et«d to It «»d «i«k«4 b«tt«r «r dlffez^iat foods pr^>* irid«d and s«nr«d«; nllA *d〇outxfei»d f«r tlw eonawa pr^etlei ot nxxj^Xmmmting ^0 r«gulftr mUui wltdt tidbits «at«>a la p}-] ttoi uiilta# thm two 〇ft»t«#xui of 1^1# provided a of eiua&^d | *xtd 11HNMI i^lah in»i^ llk«d for thli purpmi«» fli« 41ellk« »Xi〇 4w»cau&t«»{id«Eio« of 1E4 i& mtmi&g of th« biklXs* •〇 t)mt muy of tb«i hftd meemtomo^ ta giving or4«ri In tli«ir 11100ki rMn»r %hmn mcMseptlag th«a friMl out«ld#»| In oaioh blook« %h» «t«*Mur4 maA bl#«k u«tudly 於 ty 〇1〇鳙《2^參 Mid th•••知《〇 太 0011trolled tOLook •が* lr«. 7N| oouRollflMin had «r««rtl^» in "his tdo«k# but nalnly lip tho«« ismttert to othor blovki it&4 %〇 th« «i ft It iwii ui iMucty bloolct %h« fiAimgtTV w»r« of 你• _t«w«r4(^ mni that in tb»4M> th« .t«Mr«urd« n»»t ooapl«t# «ovor«ig»lt)r« this wrimmly tru« in blocks i^l«h 11141: •trfoll9»«4 th籲ir X»i4« Th» of the »t««iurd« and qoc^» 1b 1^«ir own bX〇(^c m« f 物*• bo城1 in th» orgiml觚•tioa iffid e如trol of 他•雄•《 hiぬn «ad_ itt blook |»oXitle« tui4 *€>〇1*1 Xlf«* ifh«r« ir^r* thr«# fiK mad 摹》4«» hi0i priority r*tiag glr«n 冷 tli•麗 in ^mural to i^nd eontismiaie#* 'first WtmM th«M> ftf 姑!••緘 without •期級•秘4 wMl•你komr.義 tdsiat it vik« th« lf««9 S«etl(KB «nd not th^ir it^Knr4i 11110 had flan! M^har^ l%jr is» food ma^st^rwti th» 9tmwsp^9 eeuld not byit bteftiiA# 9t «onlsrol lea^irt ^ if% ¥■ X% wmi mtwtXty oop#rfttiAg group of p«e^l»« Stg pBTtlsX crSS^iu!tiou9 _r以 41Tぬl供《Xti•雇》«sia ⑽rad op«r«^i 如a «r參 b«l»g r峰ort«d 〇» 議 l»y th« 0〇~〇^ offloiaii «Eid others # ajo^ «〇 HMd aftt b» dit* ouas4Kl li®r** Ac; Oe^olMir# 1943# lit 11111oh tiidrii RiKd« n •p«el«iX report cm th« Hoher^r Ceh-op*^ opposition to It was eos»i&^ fr«w tk•你ll撕In岑 iiouro參真} froa th« for_x* Ims411&^§v ulie x^med 免參 disXllc* vhol# ikM icwi*# eiild by e«rtftln vlch to bojLd onto th»ii* forsier eXl«nt«Xe for futur* bu»iti«s«i I》 th« .eiuroity of 馨tor«* imd 4«parta«ixtpb# thoir o^emtlaii* «&d th«ir purpoo«i 彩)frost tb« tittpieioa 參 〇〇«〇穸奢 碜賓cut Wi&ji,o^«r»t«4: oa «. prof!% rutlier ^«ci a •«rirle« b«cl»| T) fr〇ii »t wrl<»t» tlsi脚《nd in冒切 to 義 雇it out. or I雜at 电裔癰urb 狄•ふ koat of th_ •成r«pr«a«ur膳 鷲《r^ in tilift 麟撬》# :1|««太|1_«鷂攀* b«tform «nmeu*tl〇ii# and thl* nooouutad fmr th«ir quaUflaatioiis 龜s w«XX «« ish«ir ability to g#t hold of «al«4bla a»rdh&&dl««* 1|q〇〇48 ^ 脚re •ぬa froa 4o田r to 在oor ron th镰 unit钂 of th. sell豢r鶼•纛cd |pi»i.«feiiig ol&c^## »ter# ht]4 in tfe» d»il in bturrmt^t: uaitBm ^b; prof期niotml 寧成!哪r«imtr« r•⑽iv«i eU和eU In 他《ir hocici«t u»ub1* ly on «v«ml_» inportikztl: ftsideiUS «o|4>(»r« 4#M&ry» Iiuiヤ u«r»d fXow«r good«9 «««rixig mushia« tiM*4 md «Q«dpeMnts, aotlm a»d «M2Jt tool«» drugs, mm»pmp0t§ t〇id mguilnma, %〇• b^ooo^ tood» Son#,ojt 條抑籲• Ului *!!>•#•• (Mxk<» win#s•翥城 春lr^ vert 雌tmfs⑽tur的 th« ⑽的 is}{mrt_ s«xnrie雄 in* oltidod harboring, btmu^y work, »Measl«^# «nd th« t«A〇hln^ of «Wlng# | ftrtifi.iAl f3101»»r 濉I:域篡》れ嫌•,mrrwigiag, 』 kaltting» 物 th« sho« i*«4io repair» •㈣ repair« ««i4 professioxsal work don* ky th# hMfltnl ph^ti6U»i 瓤aft d«S3Etiftta* Mo«t of th#a9 ^oo4a and §«rvio«ai uPtre provided by 抑**op ftad th•和议# Mi • f_r «nmt» nut, 讎賊讀 9f 姑嫌 脚r%y fcnr ネお|必4•セ1併! ■你9u3l遠)skvo W雜 mhk财i#d tlm •iroieiiwis# ^Hpw^^SlMULly ComiolX* 91mi QXt99%o^t ^PiMTt5h*ir WBA . 41101441 ter. given 协• ■ iicMMOiltii; poiwr* witli 她leh <5〇yul4 祕▼• fmdd _r«fpr«nour* jl成o the e«»0D. _ ttrnt pubXU ノ epinioa 雌 hould hav« Imwh dljhiet曹d eor* «1^〇為总1/ 籲4瓢111d ppjhnMui entNiyw | 圓疆i_._ th*& i找i»Mt 的':,偷切馨la 表ugpirt^VX祕§•、h•你〇<3n*» fi»o*tlcti of g€K>4s» «r4 this hiul scmmi •Tf^etf !Slui tm %hm oth«r )mtidv w»r« botii for ‘滅喊ikitist Itu 抑d thin of eours« _•卿9- pXet^« of 116 Iqt l^ll, iaul pmt^kpm isowli#* ttk'voT* «4 it for rmw^cm, It prvvidmd, um» good* ■賊4 #etfvie#i tibf» eo**〇|> 〇〇%«, %hKt t% wmi %m »ws^ QtAs^Ei stflKT# etor e& buylaf In tomii 5) imvd** i«t« *n4 full o«a^«tltlexi o^f»re4 to tlitt mAitmprwmr^i 6) thut th« oo«^f pr«ri4« «X1 tli« «s»«siteittl §»mlwmt 7) thftt WKA ml% gooda oonlng Into th« omi^mr mi ooistralMUBl) #) tbat WBA vl^** hold th# horn s«nrio«»# fiieh as l^ai^ mud fvim %b» unltii ooet^l«d liy •str«{>r«iMHirsf 9) oo^op «Blarg» iti ««r?lo« p«rt»«»ts|' 10) thmt f^S4 the m. piro^m @t |: •嫌墨•ai • eo*〇9 麟{MeiAlifft b« obfmliuid *〇 9*nHl b_ tnani •on« tl«Mi pr«vl〇ysXy %h« cempKoy h»A bmn r^tvtming mxxy of the & 供*4約r» snail fron tbs center* fh« «a*r»n^i^«nte mm thm eftne^led*. •XthoW^l 时 eour*審 th« 〇««» fillip «»4111111••« Ih« ^ostma%«r tM th« o«ixfe«iir po«t offie« iU|}pXi« :1 ^ %»Mil3aiMi« £〇1&^ %〇 th* ai.S,lM9iHiisr (Bf I Mi« : f i^urM eowr^'. th« ^xtir« month of August &nd th« flr«t p t««sx^r thr«« d«y« of i3^t〇8kb«r»| During tlila p«riod# (K) p«r e«n% of th« timgr-«rd«r« sold hy th« fMMit wrm mdm oixt to th« aull-ord^p hou»«s# sinag rd6r« wim llttl# mCtmst^ t^r th» amatm^ M it nmrl«d oniy slightly frwn mouth to mxA^§ ax»d 饮• fi明r«s glv«m 秦如㈣《«n» f^ir «T9im£«s for th籲 mont^t ef th_ year* -fir«^ln;i:^〇wn''th«= nbtttre flgor«»t All August B»ll«order butlswt* tuaimM «f |X9»S4?«00 «tui a S«ptesb«r,s butitwaii until th« S3nl of or #1蠢》1故•00•找guri&g 败你籲典ptotttd 尤or 細驅 iMt fi£itr« 言《« APproKiaM^Xy 料7«战1像00» Br««kin|; thtsii fijgyr*. down furth9iv w•欲t» on 你• bMis 欲 twenty nix —IU&6 «m «r» «rms» of a—rXy |$S3»00 of null 〇r4«r busliMiss ft day for Au^u«t#- ft&d# oo th« IjmU of 26 ••Xling d^yu for 3«pt«®ber ( «Lad using tlui ••timttd mtmty t«H»X fiMP S«Ft«»b0r)* «A «v«r»f« of tmrly #678*00 a day for S.ptuat of »oiui3f th» Co«»op %〇 !»• d^rlvwl^ of i ftsd it !• is■着nMtiiig io 馨9«@碌1|^41〇&1^«1(*«^«〇&««1^セ^篇《11讎 ordT hommt g«t thi* bysin»«t« tkmir wm bu*io««***gi»tt»r# ooutmi# ft»d thu ploturifiAtloii of ftrtlaX«« In th«M «a« nor0 tiisn wbui fu〇(y _ 0i* 麟钃脅 Co-op»| It i« pe«»lbl» th»t doU*r*for" In wry dlffi»r«»t titu^tlomi^ to r«Bun«r^t# th« r«00lv«r «nd hit Approb^tloxi 1& «d«*^ |.^a&o« jf〇f* sons j^KifCNP' or* sifl^Xy9 weuI icooud isms a IxpilMi* A suffllMBP of 9VIM91120«m elnAaed ’他it% foi*難r purpD#.,,iuR ::,h4r'ifl〇r«. 〇〇»• non 〇&•In •vmou«e ioolaiX r«3it>tloiiff^ but ««rtalaiy th« 3At$«r M〇r« ftn «vldeae« a% Ia ixMilNi.zi^.iMi ©f gift«wUcia^ feiir«v«rii "tibir_ 5? primiplm of r«olpr〇Qify 9btftln«c&* If glY*ii •• • tok_& of ftppr^el氤tl級^ .i th« »att«r ni^t b« pXos«d# not uoe^itaarHyc th« r«e«l^ir at least soM^at btiusid to «ac%«ad mooth«r I^tqt mt ii future tlmi In |vtura for th« h« r9c«iv«d« Hils.tyro^ qaXIinI Tor unotliar I pr#0&»tiesx «2Mi A〇 th« «xitesisi «ot«# *t X«Mt In tlMN)ryf ill1 t»K« Mi mk4€i M S IsrilMit the iMift to tt4UiXiir«r1f c»r ri^tura tli« ^lft* $^TT^ °f !hli ^ ^ rn^ ^a^S# fr^l of th# Aml^mt that th# «v»oum t^rlWd 0&0 mother oox&»tni^Xy l»l «rd« aud eocdc«» ITor «xAiapl«t w«rfcti〇tt trAta ぬroa &ohif❹“ ^ 〇iA*r trW0k that aiueh of tha in :變0^'爹' »»» •till mit pl«k«d l^y tha ITEA. trtM»k« I 了で” 4 ノ此胃《U,1_,r« pro祕处tb•娜螓❹咖idn»t妙f» I ^ d02^# tu th<>y,d £wk «t«ff iwuSi し 咒そ bo t土_:裊你紱 h«r 斑u«fe -dou^* driver••邛抑t«S _ r•的b 你rnt # 切 i〇 buoku it tb« 如油1 庹i〇#«v 物》癱_ I tmm *vft〇u«9t mmt h«v» k&o»& that tb« driver* v«r« r#qulr«d liy iH4 to I S«k,fwi辦霄itfeout gayiMUjt•祕禽⑽ tu«»y hikd 如 d:L »〇p.1 I ff,hli ぱれ*1111 ば 4食310 故*4 败“—蜍 •崎鲁 to b« un b^iad*jj But th«y j»r#f«rr«4 t« foUo» th« tr^ltionaX Jiipit- V'flBBRS?1? bribing th« drivers to nak« *ur« tiwlr fr«ig^t would \m I ,^wrly cueuI 1ft ^jbMi Top ;%h# %im4isU umny e«a«« ©f att«aBapt«a b«l»r9«ii «v»«u#oti§«Qd #Wf eiettbers^ t〇 th籲細iy»t*如似魷—“a 軸〇f^^tく がビt« 吻 tli« jwr•如• 飲矽伽鉍 s〇-bet»f««a邊| »,S^SS^?PA.T^6k5^e offi««r wm fficp«iit#d to rviivrw Fulla^n ^ donor** ®f o〇yr»#t k»«w th*y v^r# oot uad^r ifiA to Im-vo FuIXsaii ttoeonaodtttiafitt* fhi^W ? ri?*r^lse,ma o£fm^ to p«rfiww ojmrtttlo&c i«d provid# ia ohronio eaa«» durlii« th« Mm* mm^m 1^6 IS An 9U «v«oum U4r» ^niom 1 X- !ZjNtor/ r9qu«st«d ^9 workmr to g»t h«r tem out 〇f^ ^l^L*\^〇〇Ul? :ttPf,〇rt ^r la *rk,r S 士rH巧=ユユ=ばよ1nhsH ヨ㈤!琴^^ 遍气^如** *触1^ 似••剛^*咖セ糊rkJSn oould wit bought. n»A •〇 on* worker «»• not «ur« «h« / ^ took tlui Imeturm m «n indirect f ?^r thfct <0R* of lt,tfjf «^r4wTh«r# 1^1 fift* ^r〇« not $im of 8101i«y M \w«ful ^ v ^ ^ti!X<,*4,b?w£ht in «»d Pin* BXuff, It «M jpo*®ibl«# of oourfail/:; to Bcoept iicm««〇!My gifts. «nr«a in lurg# qi»ntiti«t, ft»4 *tm 伽*れ11セi傲幼的他*y败*1®■、故■祕かぬp•她耆t»£_ «k|嫌〇 梟 41翥f搴r«_ itt*切r|n*«t^i峨鸛1£|||;如 piit;如糊)鉍蘑!,,• __ 4o A *t^ff _nb«r 此嫌 th« tfmcu㈣t dontidftr^d to b« ii» ■ do- «ition to nuad^r thea a«nrie««v lAb9t* ai\4 juybflw1 The tmi Imbw ori»m wlxich o〇〇urr« wljl«h tfe» gri6^»iiQ«« th«H»«lva» App«cir«4 gmmim and «orthHhU«# th« co»altt9« r«p«rt«d on th« «it%Atlf»i to th» FroJ«et Dl« rwtor* sad §omm •oluftlon wiui verkad oat at « «^of#r«ssc« in hi* offie#. #5 伽 «〇»^itt«# and strike l«fkd«r« sitting ia« th〇 vurlout labor 翼 pre^iatlt«d ab4 g〇iag#^il no «od of •xdtwMBt atiout the q«w llf« homo# But \sy i^pl|'*mS|^S* worn off^ a« th« ccmimitsr h»d down X ordinary living wortu of «v»〇u««« b«@Mi ^ vmmdmr «rv«u»ittkt^oii r«eont»Mmte one籲》〇!*«• li«i liy that be^un to wuftwt trwm th« 4«w4«nix^ ^££met of the low WfiA Wig^« « B#lx^ «i^^ort«di ^ th# gt〇rv«r»nB»t «litfth«r b# wi(»rlee4 or not» r»e«iv» ia( wry littl« in If h« 41d 110rlc «ua&# «vwa If hl^lily tmiMi* b«isi£ paid only threw doliartt A taonth nora than * u«kratija«d S 冒oric«r•你• «|?»%1^11 W你你• t叫#TYi.tng •twぼf eiM^Kr.* 嫌r« • Xqw noMilff 供へ tloxwf iua4 th««i nor* kAown to all ttiLff m i9E〇«Xii〇xt vorle«r«4» f •食i 網_麟 th春!*• wm Npi«M$isig'〇f 練鑄•馨篇ir〇f%«r« on $MMrt of •oiM oiV 妹• ••〇%!如y»l, h_dt. •似 r«的袁,•細麵•祕 f |知_«% &ir«et财 auod thu SapXoyM»»t 30«tlon up^itiemlly forbad# it# ‘猫8: I ax# §oommL($knm^mk^ 零’)^^^^^^^^養^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^蒙^^^^^^^^^^^身姿癒^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 〇QB8SU)li.〇«ttolt M^iflMSMlI In ^|i« t9p0t%§ O〇S^ri0«d tf^Mttl%* tia塞.f Inf斑m%l挪麟4⑽wi⑽■切i〇«饗《グbMi書wi银in你• _alwr «ad mum$ ^tm か域麟!4奐鉍細■•fw _Mamiiar» Ife# 9m^mr nmwpapmr ^Mi ertginmt^ In %h» Utt?«r p«pt «f 3»pt«mb«rt 祕4s. mm ^rlcima onwr of #?««!#•» «rrl^«i «t Rtfeir^r _ tba^ ,imli 篡%Im^UT fiiailNMf VNUp ‘ 曠':.K%9 1l籲癱8.. |^^|*.令_|* _ 你攀 _ n鑛砂!^#r g| •• 祕脚也細it#r.|^» 咖r 脚!it to■脚*_i■着響 mm «www*.«^pu fwfwaau^r «n»aiMPr« »« ^IS mm% W 0rpw|.| _黼期》^晰fe«r書气緣▲•罅pw— fjr釀輪祕• |nu_tia#|_aUla炻篡 oaty i»fi〇rttftti«& «»d fim 0ir#«t«r# It rlViftii TtJi Imam 4 論身*..#«ih^I jma‘,.金:-嫌▲鮑馨^—_kJL廉' 廬“ 曹■• t« Mm b<9»ik :19«⑽d_ t«i«« :感《r瓣略p»«r#d ▼#nr p% amtimmd in ikU w^r usitii X^tt«r p«rt of Ottobor* lf42 |f i^b顧 H,曹明.雜inirgttS lis财i •供綱pi的• iBM_sp.ip tli# «MLiii«trKtlosi 瓣nr$xi_ 你•葛 iitui insvnt ⑽兔如1%¢ •ぱれき!__ i»f供DMd I th$ M$^U^ »«oUi»i «ad iai^f if b^ttmr i^rmai, m^tmm t© ^ ri»i«t 伽i^Ut 麻Mtu^Uia _4 r«:UNftti镞 pr—ftii 缺4 b#_»» 鉍 汹 o^Uii- fer tJb» iisr_ti 錐必4 卿t_m! of n_>r«u ,4^ - iM^Umliig' %!)• - «#«%iiai S l»olndlnf th« #4itdr# «s|gyewS inorle* 成tt_«MnKrU鄉棚_你••《 _*• ダ iir;X_«i,《is4 〔核::減I:難•准'切參衫 办1»#11»_ ••撕物氮ザ IumiA•養^^^^^ |h# :3R^ifiif^|^%^ nwi ii0Pg4^^iK〇tiaiut|i ftui fy^S'iNiit'trl^lMl iht^$f} {»«^|!«1&^^ th9 lit^ $gA of oonttitiltr# 11111411 miiiitt iitniit frfliii'";1ti'f! Ttif:jtfft t%lT*ti,,r1ifflf*i «vi4 麵li^_!(':K:. hmM m MA poll^-t^lottikUc^^^^gAtioeit i^;«ti^.; 切piog^Sb•抑!痛!!^1111供《•,4f«rttd' 鶏•徐*t 級グ纖iNふ!•響!^ 田)f Atm*边• 81^0.' 續.知S% OttIMNmi1l«y 細 «#<»rd«d r•从典tNM 他 i4|L p»r切破也• ooo&trr# 切義nd $KiUio 於 •ttltodUi _i«r4 «mr«l: 6f みゅ《脚•• :p_|ti»« <_>1屋_>^ I tNilr r_i_域•'.•輪' tt>» .〇〇*<«»p::0«遇物峨《 Si»_ m wmtm W9mlrnMmpf 細.勘i^UU^ $»etl級着|奴!食 fidU*!^ 從鳩It 〇«rrl«4 it物rlimiMt i^fMdrin愈 in.你籲 m Atglirfi Wlf taim f^m:,rjVhm vmmm^pWB of 0^.fr Mt«r»#; 細p<9#01•你aft :細B»siitr «»g•祕抑《r•迤 •4: 〇M〇yr-til 1•雇 teMr4 th«lr . ilt^tM#:^i^fi». Sn X«p.i#:.pttr% te thgt • •说• to Inf嫌》他镧〇««1,《« •»#:句r,_k is • fwilLuur ;Un 微瘋iti itoi^tmewBt* of 戰毳.押細;、'_3& 嫌•#:从1«1_轉蛛1 嫌* of Yi^ridas f^iintBg t» v:1kin» in »«««• iiiid 毯 Hi•事翁^1*9 破兔晒^ inv«Kumr:'t» <19••姑〇»_ fi^vvicKi痛妙 r«U_A _ Oomial•你 〇Mi«lIi^li. Ixlo你羚 iMmgirf象:痛はせ}# 1»«1^_、丨_1« C^un«d:l*f:i•紛r•芯Mi抑:.Cot^lt_. ■ 丨秘食.inkii^ _aft輯グ細•财切#4i冬•也^〆奪鼬し巧_加 咖鳙级寶说银嫌'ti歸ly. • h#纊tl355%, Oiwter I 脚!.% ぼ 篇⑽(雄rtt•餘s€Uw*4^ 他從齟•• へ‘ of «pp«srdd iM it# tfid wiit&r VWBk isuoh of it «ui h# i9〇u24 gm% tmtll vaui ‘3^陶域峨 n#«慕.::glvii叫後# xiw# of th. f*«X ⑽雜必職.、燦#公*._ 供p«ri和 〇#•麟 d r» ⑽ pticm 你後3 pu 城 io•成d th«l^ idhrloe to 银0«« ,•*14131. Iti»s*# wa« givm «14« oowri^*^ ulod iku^i d«ait l»%• alrvai^r «pp«ieyr#di la nmtipm^TB lyod p^i〇dl«ftJUi 031 Bn 看..«i)d £Ki&l!|jRiii4 um w. m puHio aiS^r^M «t«a bori^^d froei Commit^ Ao%l'viti«t | ti城• Thl# i« i«t up <^9i ^ ia^» or in front of tha i!99«6 hall of 1^# blotfk la whlc^i h« «i»i to Bp 4ivtd«d th« tot«X | 33 blodk奪 into *lai Motiim•勘d rc^t«d 禱&ong 你• w*!^霉 b100k» 句r.議 th«i« »«9tloii9# *p9«kljas osH^ o&ee ixk Mioh b^sfer^ $E»l〇g to Him niict* | Hi霉參i«_r» Isgr iirvit&tiosi fhwa tlie b^eek tsaia^^rat «isd tlMis# Msi«t«d^ iii ';aettlilMS aD^b«ni«» atxl ^tl^i^iig' ^ho lliiti&i* ^ •re* 概•w of切n fiU«d for 龜鹙1緣it •斑mth la 一, Bf vpohm twxt 9tsd innsnixigd * mik» fi&r tm» haur« 4nm^ wmtivmn took it In haLiVhouz* witli bit cuHilitttiit« Hi 1043 X^44« hf «stiiaat«d his ftK»r)»€9 gtt0Bdiucui9 mt 400 £ a]ti9r^ :txid 曲irofii .c〇U魔f囊 藤^^鱗设次?^^^1?て ft、-BW^BPB 國 fsi: ,;';v-'; 妙,〆(くが #細納㈣ 1灘_ 避含デ鄉‘‘:' W^4mM II 劇 Sf 匯を命移^%彳 ff •灘摩獻 te翁__ 1 辭《ぐ於't?■爾 _f m _纖 ,職_ H oiwr tb« oouxstrar# «nd ^rsparod i^sis iM ^ maiming mM^t^ry in Jap» an»«# 切 W r。 吵綱ぶ雄Ujr ■知.m 細 sa〇l _Mr 從lUitirft切•如域镦 Ua供 •择果 $ «U &t yntmwm ia»p.t itiform&§iii at «Uf promdur^ md ••« vmim outsit* th« o«at«r 〇ci3y ^ «xpX«iatluM latw* b« aso^tAlsi^di |§Mir0| 職a «rM«n⑽ ti挪0 你mt «i!hnK&o» on .i_ort峨t:_ 1^1 «Wp« lAaMI In thl« w«y to r*ai&«nt» «|i9«d of tli# U19 th»^ «»«>• ©ffi$;U0liy t©祕 341ft>r»0d〆 Or»|lf th切 war•⑽急後》• jravi物.<1 wi你 iafona^tioia tl»«y tr«r# at X««u»1b ^t«a an «ep«otatioa or ^i&t was to eo脚•■勤霄^l 卿l«qr脚•切’彻•她姑■.威i⑽篇 ««re knm to •〇㈣ of 伽.tstf f to >» rtportin^ to :lli_ir Hook iBRiif>» «^ir« «»d'典切⑽U期級參.《»在.场轚餘《r WM t, 漏 ftmot% oilltd th« domiption run^ it •峨ま:reiiidl〆儀 '知;|gr 的!^ 礴^T j^_i4jS^Eat ■■抑1#:供痛!4#1^||ぞ〇1§9•,難ち ill it 議 Hi#_« w«r« 讎今?ytpytli-fTi1 tyf gr0ixp§ •轉•.成 Eoh«_r 飲嫌*!1•期^ 螫,加分.!U作tir*‘ibox 你• 9«m .鏞rt of I £r°upti ati othoap ooiatHirt# -j^irt of Itdbni9s*9t runoiri 990tn^ to 0%ti9l*(K.::.4tluMtdS«lVCMK^xa» i^bt ooxsaunilgr mui iKKtri^Mil^r nal^v in itm 功典rlr 糾 t ••,.切‘ •.轉 t*l_* 破!1,m- ti^r•,从容錄《» 80 鳙or.tidtig 魏令■麄1^雜.bat r&tlMii铲 sc flM6〇«|>t«UKN» of ..i*uia〇r(K :ln tbcdr #titlriitgr 41Ul 9ri^xonrt rMXiclni; tii# ctroni; |〇*i>!}ikblllty <»*liS8srAtloe _b.的^抑.物d.. ift.供it故.2»9功切'isikte 0が!^iiJl ⑽•磬■ Tiuaor# and 1»〇 tfX4sroluB a〇9» etxattoX owwt th^ir spr#«ft» Mocydlngjly# 物,..JSBuUtjT 的*•• 4U^npd %〇f tbo ProJ#«ts .Dlr.etoip'.to a,^^uioEiir (%uummt4, :!‘••,,tn. «mi'物》•.相1 Hi•供*«ad •ja,《4 •peelfld fitfsert cut %ttiokl|r i^s |Ns»ft8ibld fkftw iMiariKig of ttx.** to •〇!*—Hi 你 tlMk staff ln|^iri|ttlxi 鑲饮金!1iKGtft Ar〇)& 翻切rcMNV ..bohifid:tli0 9ltuatioxuB.r#^oHN|ilL'l&.thlaimSii|; tind#r«ray* and tSilt |»r«nrid«d for tvo««aQr *mma :#t: Hv« Hrfltt fosr er flvt smtiis•物li prbgras vr^rlepl toty focrly* a« !>«rh«p« 牌 aiir.' tlw.iMKt.鱗 twvnty thi «m•㈣• >•略o^dikl «t Al(j iso u^w^&Xing n9tim» tp 1m% ^ ^etxwmryg ’你》ns ⑽un侧嫌^ 蝴l&g 0幾:後籲 W«ct OeiMt# 押〇^碰■贛 物gt妙 ia^*•抑d•.•在物good •疆热•私iffti*. $»的:4雜.. IrmA Bm^ing ^i 03^vtimi» deim^Xi8£ pf0gi*«nu|^thxwmtt 1^i«r_atioSi ir«Xi«d ©TMitly 彼!.他• 難!• A^«r«f ^i«. a〇anQilt .^■■ m miidNr ^; eoimitt««f'6d.l0s fiyr edtnfemlofttis^i iiif^i th«'irmeu«« vi». I^t明*1_ at httior. «u砝此i被> 德明,》 .for•勘妙滅 tllR» b^for. s#p>•谈tion b•綱“).^^ Qopi•■搴f 你》*ltou«d of '9«m0⑽•■か成:《T«r 物《r01撕馨**:湖r^ 爾i 切邊 嫩• _8^«ri of 银籲 Cmiitt_» to 伽’说ddlr»_^«r«t,讓 %,f»w otibor Iny •mouMH to emlai Huiir m 说•t» :f^l':)pe«mi1^••卜 *■• • IMM&. of l^*th«r •琀ligtlug th.lr 典op«N»》 Mrnm 'amm wmrm mt pmt»^ l»4Jl«irijaSn*ttl3rf ;«« it vag» b«X&iv»d that i/t «e>«ild !〇〇•• « flood «f irrttlirvmnli 职癰霜奴雛• for fKpl_«t&oiu ,1V趣•顏 ゼba^. r_^ 響of «m» #vM2•••雇 ni^lntirfr•切急ion af〇ls&令—你1•細拟山 蹲 溢ザ^^^^^^^^^^潜^^^^^ 解}# Froj㈣ t 於r««%or _|*妙 r«ftl “滅 th•明Uimi odf «奴が■■細^^^ ttmi鑣筠tl^a 搴&•• 斑 away «瓤•〇■ olo«« p«r麟&•!;■ _t««%霉着せ}« _i^l^••馨《nx*kiBj| in 越!# :_»9起Umcut _id次み:: ci^risltii _id ln^Dmliig tfe.ir 你ry oft«e. «« i, w••㈣id l^r 9i««l and »Nmb«rit HimulA Xl«t#n to Bia h# kiifw liii wtllf ««• i8': ^Uii^r ,«r$ilb hii^»::: «*•'lia«li»#d te ;)3« mr« fiwk m^A ttpviSL fd^ him than vitti in 4i«0aMl3cis hit l&aivi^aal 9$^mnl ti@o«t1 从 Belniir•.伽r^&r#. tb» :ir«r» «% •tttff set•你$•:‘切 _ かU嫌‘瓤欲㈣& M«由.11»»ラ:1]& 也*lr 明KrvwrjMiti^Mi寺'!你灣 «Vft〇a## •砂1欺flM 伽馨 to r•瓤也 tb» X.a«i _4 伽 r»_t $f tl_ ■oowaaih^ tlom 細_ «or« x^'o^tiw ftgit^.| :•'痛• n& doa&Visi* ,•wiilaibX•後cit败命伽.脚臟mi雜,i嫌b#tif•雜始嫌•域on參 •mi: tn« QiaiBmmll^ 4mpmS»^ wpm tlm«» ttm «lt# mA t^laMxp wmm mt^ li&wl mA ^if i»im% : e^l•«_*« •dbArgMi» MS|r. _>4 xaor•祕:名!对 | tmpti At renatl mad r«g^«r 0〇Mmlaflklil〇& with the chmk# 你f 8M#ti&|;8 «ri你 th« Cini⑽il ftiiil 鲁1^_1* 斑*!;峨It祕 iprcrnp響• 你whiX典• elx甲妙waiting⑽过1你l_ «r後的•和qa_必<»薄d:編 沖 arcraxsd th« 〇饮1⑽.• or «fus flwt 雪itib aowtiwe# msd ofmtftot mtiS» with him tli«ii «a& ^«r«|» €r « friml or Wj>^k zu»l^ibor hli XooSpid up mr Aodidf&^il^r run ft0#e_Mr &% 镰ui 幼# _ c^dip* •的 oで all to B^mrgt p^xti吨• ftl的 t>e〇峨《#• ••It 1^9 1^ aox^ ISoriBor tfe#r« ^iua ^aaMherd* Oils ^lv^r CtetiKid^ 〇9&taix3〇d mx^f t^tvmr trimiAB of i^»r«rlt«9# *« w<^i ^id h«r.» it. 纛 w«r» larp^y •vgLaaatdd か_ th» .tftia•軍 gfftimAki XooaXXtt^M lived* i^ldd4 %〇 ^il«f tiw §iX•於和r p«Kゅ X•曹《r« |〇*砂〇祕納kt沐Xy fctit嫌1»•成d froa 购dV town•磨 «•ir«m ^twdr$t#A« 免•'雄rt aDrtl_m 細3t«r«. m XiiMdoi% «sd ti« 1 HSsart fibuntaiOt 抑押ぱ l社位.^成嫌b«0«ia8〇 你《ir r•喊d«|| mt» w«r» etraouat«d l«rg»ly Drosi mrthmm 〇1%1««# and ^l imini pr«po»d«rftntly «& urbiiH «n4 %»«!&•«« p«opX9» | 败•意._0f k!X In細r.«ttd in.細》• ft观的h嫌⑽ator.震 o^nmtx^itxg tlw Appll^Ation of W^A r»@tl«tl〇E8 mui ^rooedur^s in ttei* ^H<〇r #ontr*i%t4' lilt ion# eff«ot-on thd ,oHi#r r»»i4»nfm§ •&4 th« r««otioa to lt^ with the gitu&tloia At 如!!雄《r••滅 tfaki•物 01411d whftliti* 從⑽% Eola_r 管祕 bftjUag,分ais*!^ tar«atod% or wms h^lng dlg&tiMimMi apdnst* | lh1““鬱《^'f«g%ridti如# 糊re h籲|4 麵物ruoat tli tH•⑽xit供* 私 b^t tox*^ 41痛$atl.»f i«»d ぜ it w«re | _•,押rod, 物‘V 脚途 卜脚廉 ‘ r•與••江 -%' tk«' w^B^ai$tr&ti9#ftl5Bg ^febd' sp〇9il>AX ■ |3S*©l3i i& «tsh»r to M^trimXn aad report on th« p〇t«ibilltl»« ^ 8116〇0#Sfttli • ijR. %Js|® 3cw4H.細wl . r#l0«»tieii figur#« for *^««« taw» ©f ti»© miRtsrf «»r«J 2 v«Bpy f七 囊^•籌卿®*•玟的.®1® ⑽ 1*令紅S :#• fu軀od/thft «rf_i* f^r ■'..1如1£ ti_ T^r 你U r**»on so从切V 加七⑽认靈 tum«d out, « piod of tli«K ftoaUy 4id ao〇9pt it in «pH?« ©f|| negatiw to th# h#r#» ..3ta如0611!T#r#3&<8# ©f1 JTtoib -ll^l v%9 ,lviX4 $&' Sb FWtflPii*#iiy§ 1S46>^ A% SuhiWi?你系, §M Reloeatimi Tlamin^ 0〇B®ds«i〇R seat tk»©# th« ohain*a %h« Cou&oiXi ohidnswa ^look -Qi# h®«td 細1籌嫌**•細d Cro«_« 1'fha w瓤麟⑽、〇峨via⑽^ 你at a^遷 wartSoular ^〇〇4 woold re«alt Cron gu<^ a taxiing* «kmI thl«i I&ek of § mmMUm§ flu# ti» f««t that th» a«l#gAt»« ««r« imbM ta otfoiBii 切—象!^_»irr»斑麟籲1鱗®替裊ぐ%iV'W1*••.班1*^焓れ欲V, fc:iii■ !*■••p©iis切A'滅 ii|s®•!▲!> ■⑽饮辦 work onM% aui 似*脚脚1棚1^也>把* ⑽偏r#_ 切 :X«t hi* appolatwwat B4smsA» M wm» bUXX tar itm Mxrim»d tha^l: Mm iMtii&g «on3ld t» mGri^dXm§ homrmt^ aisr^^- Jh# tw ether 如•知 the «lmlr酺n» _«raed wry optliaistio* W fim Co^op loms^d e〇0 dHUer» t@ tbfV Oouaoil to ^ um^ in im of Urn olMr &mtam»g her# ahiMNid tht. »«^ laek' of j lmviSQ^ n& &fticdAl i& oa»n»otl W.在!!籌你Mwwfid參.齡必姑/tsim 雜 would r»«on^md that aU «u<^ ^rtmmrn W €^v 4^t_dl や參 |〇f inii^mi^i^M^tIlt iflould r<9«m»£til tbmt mmdk 9^ mwry «mqasi« | |«(iuI1i m*id. family hmmi b# !glir&a outari^t «i l»ri» ^rcut W ^ gDWW 'm W 為 f:心1儀 や没,魏;Tf^ ^m 漏y^!r ば!^激.‘MM 繼 :齡德 冷翁科® iM mm% t» *Hil4i 14* MPjlHM8l o«rtal» %tm% ^ it^wmam w »imtf isj^m ti^l^im aiipiMWl 1#滅l^| W0u34 Iijiitt^ii9i^x^ , t!>»V 職A tak»|i»»«r切批峰1«_:,.|*_雜诚《级衫物:1|11 伽 雜/滅 t au0〇t««I^N :1%.:f^ «1鱒^#XI❶镩ft S M^kld re〇^ane4 pp^liiU^ «r||i0 i»»iM| .細• '«tid»%ualNi Ximu^ f师■祕 '樣讎 务oondfift .te9dU1»^r upcm r«U雒ti_';.:._ f15^鐵紫 除が•碰 'i^m va«% anj你i# df th« 99U脚941•鱗#卿d 細f*« ap«l後•你峨,你你* firti%\id0 .tip轉Nt':_物i? 4i.か试:鱗」■ ⑽><>■ {)' $»wr§^A %9»9t it || »好鲁% 鱗物_• 'MUM «r« ill1» faw pt dol% maytMai irlll ®»t Urtaa ^fcat th^y «Ml| id觯 ぬ讎| n麵 :’多雜鋪丨 m Cペ: 曹麟w mm 党激 _ M ,域域 tti# iaiusL祕 1§|«11^〇»1:麟_。咖 _ M 姆顯 tot g«i rtlii»£« ^n〇r »hmI toJMMI^l ^ ^e»4t ^a||itiP illmiWSQy|^«UItlM^«hi»}K;_uf|»idr鬌《4T鑪m «0»!;象が8^^ i^im ^ <^# ^ i«;'^^ #ilMi|^Kri ;t0 #r §t«gr ^#r«if lak wwto,•細r||l^ お《r•〜'細*^uia 養 tht.私!》*|暮| gat»私!^ 細!⑽11 Ml%l_»d'.l^s*.,.imsrirM»1c» _ lflMip|the pot 城ilitM^I wwt %» i»m^ ;rti#sd i^ad «ot»d, tm Igr tls» Mif^r«B€eJ^it «me M ft long l^"X&tlng tt ^iginalV'^ i^ik^tis)i,!iA〇l«, ^•lai<#* (j〇gamitoi|ti诚 #1爾^M Qqt^ldki World# 警^^| iSkm Sw fori Tim» pjibli^tim o:f E«dU ■!〇«$.mw ra 勘在 * ㈣ w«^»、rftjill4» iH、1^_arrftek••伽 C*u«mI«xi 娜砂1^•奴膝痛 UtU« Seok wad «®rtRia litwpmto# &t ^ Itolo^tS ^' ;,^ mdm mm Titian., awl 細 iHii»«t »f tRA*| tb# r#*iddist« ImmI vary* sf o霉癱1寥df豢紙##:.⑽atTfs. ootuuiotiUm wi你續避‘ \mil4._ Itiny^ of oo^Tie•抑r•シ to» _f“l«ii,、lii,麻!ぬ!^i|t^:JoXlcnr '細:••1mui1« tor ikU tmidmm^piW '.物• p^in ,'綱獻㈣• W«ur tMLr IlMllt of _»f 如^^_ ,明% •d_HH Wlir firm Wli^t t^xMi mtmr ;Mii i%m ls:S$S' <6^m^i#| 《n」 l0<5^ Shtimplw g> “CUL# |fb» r籬—ス_ 娜《p«p«rif «»d 於% '.必^P wotld iwn &rmr Hitlr hm» ^adioi* f«v l§a«l A^k»as»* •鞾 iswri^SHHr雌!«11^:‘ilaA «i^ f^*wr r.dH>1l«r|E»tl©»^l 纖 iiasti Ife^y ^©t «X®o#t Rothiui; th» rc416i in ^ y^ pr^b^btm truth t«kl^ th»:':;wS4dld | b».tvMi& th«*# .two «k^m»»«« |〇th^ XiMt.:.w»y« kmmn |ft\»ty 'wpry 相《r_fuUy 瓤etloa.咖於•ta^nt霉❸f isflputwa ocnJtttrie.g '1'«U wrld# «i';A a^ar«ini»g w!^t v«« a!)• wnfeii 1011th» mxtr9049t^%f9fr m t4w*.;*ftf ^t^kn - ewr 'tfeitir _m futar. ••典伽It滅於魏切酱籌iiwfrity. jroW^lsr b#雜ua» 幼嘴 你•!!* 加tura 薺〇〇1^ 4»t»mi_d tiff 辦 fatur•佐 of a« « »«U9&i» «nd vmild t>« intepftrmbXjr llnMt vltl) It* Bwii of inol私fits Isfolirins rtlooiktv•■冒觯rrt th« lei雜1 l» th»lr eoaisun卜 omtiois wl^i ^tm outbid# world 9 tfmir ^m»ral ipmvmm ©f iforld nm»t ftdsdxtiu^ 0f wldHfal tl&ifildi&i; In l^tlr m& «f iwM «nr»&t0# a^3 ^a^«loii« tim r««iah9d o :'. ...4:: U.乾繼较顆資您麵 ,|M⑷ i^ii級>JL InftlttdPViisA* $m : I^Hi 蠢^Atti.' tdss t^nM_| JH•輪•▲. ■ Mtmfiim$ 1>i^§PiHMi:麵“t^ahragr^l In isiigtti^ 19111• |hi« «M —ilbii in 4*lMi|Vin ttei __«lil «mlvti« r#;i»rt tamim a% that %^m§ toiA cta^ a «m»rii mmmxy ot fiMKMt b« imXu〇»4 lMm« An •dmtlim tM» it $!▼•» la №0. te 4»_ 亀 Imi .b〇f••似pofttlkV im m$ 6^7|# $oA tf Hilt m»k«r« 4«llb9# or jiuit 4? f«re«sit# im# ^memm» «lid»t m» o«qpUtti* Hm rmmintng 怒 | SNtf9,3>t :«f p9,11»油!a iw« «%i_ullag Hi« fi^_tr »aliool^ _r 齡 w«rt of snr#^olwil Afp* Of tbis xm»i»«oImm1 ^ot»X9 only 1ft immni iwf r«^rt〇411mi )Wfla$ mi nn «mImn»Ms)c m% #&i» ji«t «w 10 ptproint *• hftA wmm iKt not *11 0f ^rid« i|0 pm«nt mi hikYi^ completed icrlMX 90iA m tt〇r«# 4? iW9 mr _^y» I lift 猶 flaiflly成⑽H«S». _d 期• | «t UNitr •A M ^rMi tolMl «ody# a£eu^ nual^r _ nor» thMi ficiiMrmAi Mhool. Almt 和••fwth xm 細隱丨着am ねatalMMl hl_i _fa«oi» ' la 6$ £ial«l»» | ti auad only 1 im 300 H»4 «ork« | StoWi 1Am 奴ttti «ir« «*laly # s^^dii^wiieeVsysduBte vlth • fidr pottim 9t high «ohool gr«kdmtM*l Of ttm Xi««l r«p»J tliywtitoiorlotni * imkm l^i » rn^uPs M imiMi tli«&r 3趣■,ふ_ tlxw# thtt pwmm now ^mr 6¢ «wr« omrljr $ni Xm £ :為妙丨丨■抑勒—M tandMr JIU ««r# l««t idM. | tMmth e»^letedhipwde^he0l«i«ly «od sMrly a«»f| «ui ⑽• .办鳴••❸)4«r to •• j youi3ig«r Urn mmBamt «f lo@r«a««A «ai 191mi laMtBtmr mt lUlWft%M mA tb»iN> iMw mr« ttnaMM MmIi | dtorMUMd# S%«A^tlyt tht tlM ss^obir «f •tadcnts. _ tNM wtrt protilily f&ekmi vtio 切餐_ 伽iM ainar 物 _ly» .:,ioMl 練.WFi ふim,.破 s^§ mMmb .嫌 iwii{i}rini%i# 螺%舰響M纖SK曼^^!1 遍驚^^^^纖ぶ!^邊■靈纖 靜ネ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^揭 i'olwer Sohoc_m11 fhf f«ftt«r «olMl m$ fuill^ toMrlMI la,;Ifat timt rmpvt% '^, :^BE of BIimUo»# moA so xm«i: 1101 b« dt«〇)ii&4B4 Ift t&ii |I tf im |^#p»ti upon Umi m«ttt#iiiKi»miti|r. MIA in ihUcUis (Ui .ittXufttjUm,JT 裏_ «o#k rroai ptlnt. vUw » »eziF««^cM>l itihum*rt0m Hui €WNUliiA -t4My»h«r«:| ww frai ArkuMM «ntf wme\^ MutiuMm mod b^A Mi, ^ w Ipl. tiMlir 雜': 4tIbiuuhi« lamiilAg; ivOUrlo* aihi (pMurally v«ry 3ue>*» tlwB Arlaw_n•疆 HMKtmtw taterMl HMk tvlUi • Wwaileue la»r«M# l» Mem% •# tlMi tMlMrif #C nMtmr £«alx»MiIy ittt«r«» | |««t»« •# 物>罐_ 仏切轉1^_ i|i:..t>i4ytKi4_J^^ •^1*1 tmliliNi供切^W.破:康访峨•—物外卿M丨參.•.脱缺 CMMHMiiaA mia&ri^§ med without 4ovM Iiiwnm^ t&tlr t«ftftkiag|| wmtiAmkliy it tmult «f wm wImmm Huftill•讎 M bwm brokwa mm! dUl«K •at*4 ly mornttoa. im>% ao ptist la tryiai g«t nx^ | at *U« At ft rtNkul 意• th«y 霉!B|»ly Ytt雄dM•幼《lr 供取 〇1^««_參 _d _ mrk»d tin* pi^rd^ys »adi v&iits «ut ewtir«l|jh«y fdU«r«d fMlr mi pr»]^mda lia# to tbiir pupiU# il1 th*y foUmd 你瓢t a11# «sd 切〇 •ft14 :«o»i t«aohtrf 加_ 11110 m# l^oally ooagidor«d a »olK»iiurt «p«xit tlw tir$% Mmml育《•!» .f • tm f im aal iMond gv«^ 卿〇« «tt | lm§ di§§mr^H^m m alphabet tbt 1110•»?'; ttlolmn iod dr*«3c«fti 〇tNttP;«v«toiMNi tMwebsre iNim to#,叫蠏 and nul?»' tyj%ily too 贏!《cum 物 49010% .iMiittg: 蠊費磨ff011 ii)g pu;^物•.'_〇»!.拿111 ■響%!_^_參说か财娜I,inn^ua^Uii. 4«voti4' 协•奴%Mhl«| 袖_ 瓣 MUUIas tills - f>im, :1ft IsImi 縫| of pupils驗▲ f_i. }m縱細MiliiaMfe iiiwle. Iiii* tfc嘴y ihmp•画 wmh im wdaoH^d 靈魏餐 暴'^^^^^^^^^^^^^簾!^^^^^^^繼邊通霧急^^^ m •!*«••的!w iwt :養 11*r(•善xt鳴t _r« f〇ru_: 4^ I tuod .iii tht1 'rMH t^B 鱗• j^oduo 姑 v« .f 麟 r«. jH^^ltayiag .iiiiy'##11t#y SAtf tp^ pf^HamriMUBk or •辆 •Ad 'Mi :vmrm\Wr:pM^$ Adttording | p tlui lAt^&ar mm i^wlly, maA a«ri»l»l^r w&m ^ || woA $mm oliiig _hA_ iitorttoy* fbit 119ui will known tti 伽 pMmot氚•《^ ■ tfa» _ I wmm mmn^mwmm% olr ««Im»91 〇l«Mrar« 1» 你:iim«r 19te wiila.. ,#s,AtB m n^k «f:; 0m»wmm t•物級!'旗MiUn f^r 明 p MttlMsit*. Xt ^U4 tm% 4» 4mi t$m t^r ^ Wlsiaf^ly #«_rtmr« «ss4 _%|31 切切技11 tohooli •物% >; in^to^tiaXjr tli» ImiK «f furi^mp «e^ooiiag her# d!4 timXly deold«| | imu^ fMU^ Im4« 令IQs* ..gr_^tl:|r inti轉♦、負skA'amoli 餳f’£免rtlsMi _M, t»k_ci 呢曹逸Ueu搴•!《$ 霞 •ehsol ]^»H«)mi ftaiitt你 你瘺 嫌tio& arndl wit001 や 鐵 1»_4^,办》*.期rf'觸Mt 細 __r••亀,f tl_ | l_roiag of. iaglMh :政城切^ and 成' |如 h物 Ii9^|,;§ 'h0mrv«r#- it b«〇«»» * gr«at proporiteici et ' ihm 0ldmr I: r9«id«nt« mvm.mt b«@&ti6« of th«lr _ |^如的1撕《 of _ii取!• S.3« ifogr•幽f•物!• _ 國!Btat••ド op£|.,:e •擊n tli籲供tt» •參“4 tk«y ftQMtiiy h»mrw〇4 little tl^» Xaxk^ui^* h«r«4 ib«&^ l^ktemd «110ugh glir« thtm ooofiA^m* tim% t^«y eou&tf •md^sftfuily rvlooatt^ Aad this «m 1dM» primr^ of t^» Othitz* Mm^tloml millti««« Hiruout tte p«jfio4 ftt Ki»l{MMir 隳售ud«it« 寶《£*•祕 i«g «eAl 食o oui»ii4_ 00111191«t «oXlitg«st «»di tr«d# 0011001•* fhl« iubj*9t i« fully Ia 你• flnftl r«p«rt 9f tl«» Sdite.tlmi 參 t>ad s»««4 ⑽t b» dl«eus««d b»r«« ▲ C#u_iレsf〇⑽财《d 抑!iooI v«s 雌latadieied H0hv«x* to 咖 l%3 to providv wet ixMitnaotiosi tor th« «hHd)r«ii of tho«« vhloh w^uld a»t wt eeuld net r«l«oat« In wutfMmt iSm t» g«t th«lr into r«gitl*r mhs^lB ie S«|>t»al3«r* th« Adnialt* tmtlon 00*104 •«• xm o¥J<9〇tl^i to ftueh a «oheQlf ci»»« it irioUt«4 m WA r^hkt^m wM xmM mt MA^mnppori»4^ Sdneatton Coaaitt«« •f 协• 0_aeU» u»4«s* th» guldm. cme tli•組《 «Aol»M«ats ⑽^叫aa4 th*r•妙 out •f alw>bi«f «ad •如!•《wvAd«4 r_oo«U^_. la vii» of tlit tmt bloeka w»r« ftlrtMy pr^%^ mil d«p〇ful«t«d# «r «F9i*« {9lb% b»ecailng mrm to9 i〇 tl»t bi〇9k lmildi«gs ««r« un» pN^ilMi Afftimst wlaS痈娜tbit of fir«^# Hit »««oiid r«ft>oa 91111 thftt ipKFmt» might him leas dlff &oul^ t& p«r«u«d* Mbool prixiel^iiit to ikdmit ttoir ohildr«!i l»t« If it oould •hfim timt th« I»t1wr Ml b««a rmeiriv^ ixuitru0ti1> ifi9aaff4 f1!111611*S*物作■細%-奮!物id油S tl為售物&隹,參t切A^細^鏞..氣尨'.』他i黪麟祕 ,•如'.够赌14參,祕瓤雜V:“ bCKM^ndil 齡IUH^I>i&g i|l.4M^f IRij^t 眞pas*⑽-1a 越tAg•脚11001•▲诚ll«d aigpCOT&o Jmem* JUm%癟费!》««%'©|紙&t_ k01^n»i* f4、細嫌^ぬ轉.tlN^t |u»l»0jil5 of ' tiwr istt^ff ka«w ❼ま th雄.oaiy' tferu t«4«^i#r8# i«rh© && tura h«ard nfcout tbsa froa their pup lit* GlA€6«8 wmt% h#ld la v^r^outf bftrr«k〇]e \mlti9 mad m rar# oooasI&xmi# iaraii2|;t# ««r« 4«vl>t«d th«a« fhi t^oliors r«e«iwd no r«guUr !«*I4 w«r〇u|p«ttafi«r*Ml bjf «hAreifi# or ^preaiAtien gifW_ fr_i:伽!^#&访 of 访《lr 豢叫U«•令想!••• gば!《 蕾财癩 1a th« tom, of ffi〇n»jf« fh« -luagiwg® *&s tii« jprix^ip&l «ourft〇# And «w«h «uppl«tt tio %0'; be§c«M .0〇ch^ At tismy m\iM h9 tr4.ia«4 111 tbelr o«ni b« ge<>4 *ad ^ Jkpan9. c^ostmH tli# I%.%# &t r#Id€tt%liin ill10111r#r nvit iesd^aa^X^ 3L〇v 1943 . mtiM-194$* «nA h«td iJLnott 110 sotlee^Xtt in Xo^rsrl!!^ ^|| ' IPMP^IT w»sllui of W* ginning of MtXoofttiim np# ftad |^|| ia 儀卿i&xmぉ! qi_rl«r« ixi 读Iswum蛛鲁Ibloisle 4读ぬ!* 籲巍 ^l d««ih 事馨《»mi{at#、?0p鲁iMtvn 瓤 aiMI p和神細條• •4yi9〇f^ ft-rrle••峨4 •你 辦物k 1»|0 你••• %娜1»rr%eieir‘ ▲•雇、勘 111••• 9t otti^imt pT^mr^timk f^t on p&rt of tli^ wftt: gfvalijf ti8^>|,lfi#4 iKMl: f«911111».%#&•, •tfte# wiyytiila^ atgwmy d射^!ii〇n 物ft|^.:«!iieli 細ぼ“<| iwiげ你•鐵 3Uuit機•••• •别^iifdr你K例㈱、时奶•成德你•細skt«r嫌• %h«r%gr &fid Sto*A Mt flu> ^txitred KiUB« for .i雜列•嫌.t^ai ghaT ifeieh aittat ,砂 oal^pl^o#*%:::H: %: colaf か嫌.你•屬 fill# ぬ瞻❹0朗时tli# aft财• for 雜H她•‘霹私•雄c&真1細r.热•麵•逢 ki^A_tga M3^^istr 9nmm& 3t«rv癱th. »〇•售 pop«l«ir ❷翥《kU> %Jtm t^rmw X§45t , ll w» & w&kjt m imu %0 my $9t% X^m «^«osaX* : お逢:Iwo »逢i^itti^i: f^si斑••於_嫌《袋•篡戴•蓐實竹痛• _a^s«2•,’II _ ptfmhtH »m :'3mi%!jt to ^ c^f :|»li limit id ^fn ai^ill^MNJL'. 鷂01极ad:i、齡利WMSOIMMI Hui <03^16# ,3 iii$%^tlQfii cmtsidir iiitiiditi %h« ettttliMS ld〇e# ^ ^ irrosi 免i o«at«r, ?^i«9r «cmXd almyt If 你寒デ d»e!4iMl this m§ to o&nr%rtt〇 iiublftal|tt9 »n4 v«r» CNU^Is^ 觏城抑r f嫌M«r« 如氮越,p»f〇lNM&ti4 蝴& 園 替袁姐!% 似m «NS^t嫌r•為• •職明ぼ春^ 期!.•1#翻iftl cm% 011 ItnY# ovtr and Hi« xmi^r isonviHfii^ii wm^k. atfw| or it^flil^fe %〇 «Mle« %h# tUMi of i««v9 wl«« *ni Juttifi#^, i% Is Y«ry px*o%al>l« ^m % nmny <^shi .龜寒;.:焦'Wlftii 摹tiim :鲁ずぞ攀籲骞.of ^Mk濞•画%ttatpo^i^ exoursleiMib M fior tianiikl,#! wmt oft s««.t〇9»ii l«aim ^li fir«% tixsttA and m« #hqu^ ^et |i» n^nt'm t«^md ask成::tlilirt’ nad 你Hift急 _ ‘h« 如鑫 %te雜.鼸轉r« l^i sm«3i xi^x** isoatir nmH to ^0 ah Hi* Iw rtiilijr dIA f9t r«as〇Km%l^ veil in hill Jo% «md vi^i Cane^tijisiie, tlm% Imi k«^ 复爸( m rwd jiuiiiflaitieft fwt w»%imUxg yi^k «*alwr llfii *• 访pt% :蠢ザ!*N5 龜省#&t«ず麻,、.•114夢,祕編ゆ 1*^域於轉.,'S «Ad 9〇 fiamll^ m% t« fkm %• ^gmy of t|p|lp|BB •4f 脚l^nf 押_mNmi A%' 崎^^^ ..In;::; .Hilt;: .raoaiii^^t 槪时%^1<«»飯雜1^き1 ©al»i«4 如BrJsJL I 命1®终 I如• * ••■ al«o %nmtm %% pw^nUA %h$ opp#yt^»t^r %〇 loote ow tli# fl_14 l^fwr* Iprirw物、Xy 典ttl»f Is#••か_ 麻—沖れ::P押切®“城, 'S;t' iwt* it «&• often. %»kmn %dtfe th* i^©oii»»l#i«t»o« pvspp&w m^kw l»,lii*i*.| 热• .<3|k•.'ベ•%相關.f^€^•痛J錄、*抓切■本急’嫌氤你访“象物★貧111®1汝|り ihii•.⑽it善..ぬ财:你•,.•放,レ罨•歸•.'麻''.I•攸如切纖!_ ぬ松滅l^lati■ぎ:©f^sr物*allip•細.3*0®^.窳嫁^#議•: *鱗:你11 亀H樣 hr,* lfflp〇f9ll»le /;:l〇', gtV *aA, junfdimiidu vi^flrts.v. ••tfURily ieiieittg ji_ii|::::: •切■ _P負鄉飞.*•雜..坊^.塵 ▼nf«tii%i« *tor# In €ixicl3ii&%H* %e t«lc« jol^^g is «neii n «tor« i» or^»r %0 o^*#rw» «t fir*% Ium4 你龜rM^tlou of免#外滅i>e切み併!!《«•, « l|gB〇零鵪羲⑽ X〇»|f 獻•1,im貧汹鬈 aがiciailjr fcsmm ia_ •••• .Attdl.:8ll 1•轉.熟•鬈或 '部& ★sftiMl::fvt>&i:.必祕Is^nk^■ io:::. 11ii8»fisltfi 轉•.:'ISaii:錄• Hiuiy '■逸V.i< p抑W妙雜财..妨霉:.1®^切1^'勘*1^l㈣在_,^°*.’あ鋒 v^ywl0«Mi s^^li^tlkvsi <^«rl6KU^t l#av«( oiU«4 ^Hsm 城1 JKlQlr油$U 1抵抑.,••麵•在、aiWM?::.切如和批賊fei^bly抓6脚•nftti•遭卿.娜*.'1»^撕■ lyy: Ift.yffig -y^t. 0W^tGIM9^r ..fltsi Ap#131 df 1M4, "M W but 'bMism «p^»r«sit .::.物liiレぼ籲 l麻▼參’嫌* 虞い18嫌!*1馨^•:.㈣私奮1物^* €i»»d th« of %h# o^i#r %fpm% 黎 4 嫩約.'_&瘦_...!#^ .-1IIMI.細.tlMKi ぬ y.押M►めWP®ぬ••',切.も热•賢の,!^^^^. poix^ ©f 3Narth#yf Ife# tak«i «•# trt« or 1*^ ⑽葛,滅办II* •£.表秦淼And麵〇•, •♦;.舰14, _'轉嫌^11枣濟丨 tmn%mrm^:^rn pt mtf it ^9f*^r )l ebaaee lil*•钟你• _«id# ^nH羲 |»TfT•嫌1、練热飲 _籯㈣棚* '1^|; ^ ^T9 ! m%l€ t0:T0l0tm%0 v9f^: U^ing ^ii:md tkm% ^i:it. jeJuilmr' dimdltlon v#in» , ''difl:e^!iti£KMMl ;ftll::rB«i©i*®IWMP ^§'-"1.^4 jr«t:i 909M: e2,0«|jftg 、:似齡鄕e細败•:伽财_伽故‘11■银.:丨知:••'峰•象齡:11'^** :秦••!•在'‘®料*1•在 :la あ?》#ま4争15■おo*t of tlfc»a.JUiji,. I»teir•⑽♦〇 | レ.枚fへKh•期m!炊f袖Mk _於隊ず•-—.':^^鱗^^^ smmwI UiO.I 你 i» ⑽.組®.れ賊錄财•む301^ tew a«Xocii%loa Blvitloa wUl 110 of 0m»Tm% r^Xom*%%GA v#i*« liyp#« ©f 4*«1^«»%1©11§ <»tli«4 l^livi^fel «ad fm.»ilt»:': 11141约i〇®ptl〇a w»為;f f歡铲你《押®嫌*18鄉組典11黎ず X94^r tlne« ^s o^attr »111X miisr hl|^il7 nad 烟航rrl#d 塞:I尊《!• 釁|11 ⑽,4terlag thl«猶访馨私]•貧财• fetarf^L of their r»e«ptlo& fr^n flwiil/ h^&» ^sni «l«e afield of ao^ tnilJkl %〇 •t^pc^r% f«y»lti#9 «TQfi if %T«F# f〇X*tl3^ltlMEI' 9WSfQJ^> t〇 f ilB^ ; 40^ ^ jf〇uag«r 薦 in镛i ver詹 f⑽鼋vltti鄉t 知p«adifeii祕•》aA a» 物Tfclly ftfMEloofi %〇 |>ielc t&ttir *h«T« of lii^i wartija® llisa p«,li# F^dally r«Ide«tleii th«r«fdr# nim»9Min^A% duria^ 1,94^« li in^pe^s«4 vlrt ^m*lii£: X944# Hie 〇&% imb^ d!4 8t〇t ^xitiX th# «prli^'〇fU»tl %l»«|'#■'■ 软_鴦》un^«|v <»f'%h«肩斑嘴秦在よ取攀ぎ!^巍,押㈣鬈紅響孅講 *11 ii^ &© ;1lfC^ t^XI lli^ Ml »l|tl.iai»tsim%10E it <^3^014 40 jai© st©*** i|)»ii^i»«flhiil^ 〇» 1^«# fto mit wait Join tlwiilP »«t1,« Ifut 6111*# liit3111 •ff«et* llMiy diil hwrv#r, darter «*rXy 1945, «»ft fren mtlil IPbMi .飲.職% Hil. •職i奪霉,為二,, Jk^UmMaa■他U:tea紅如am., ,1:%.软〇«^鷂 w.欲鐮挪iiMbl.费爹ヘ如!^##,011'雄•: nil , in «Yld«sie« fSpgsi t>«gt5Balii^ to «adt/iBi4:^«%fela»4;| ^i«lr 19^/to Ia 34111m» 3lM§f lo ❶你 thRl til® 抑ぬ巍 tw> cjIg••透妨 tlwn 轉A of 3wbmp r*iS&rdl«i« - th.# «i|ti%iid4»:;;&f «ui7 ;|t. 4馨•飲氣如樣如law曹1㈣瓤ii; wi你.你搴.<(ks伽pttoa 你秦袁tれt,綠tir* i*»loeatl0& la vft.ryiag d#gre«»'.^ ..1》■.竄卿•. fh«wi ,%wr«.,;thi»-#T»«a€f»8 ito. #l^h«r,j:i^r(i:::v:: ^ la proe«»s of r«Xeeiiti&f or v«2*« making #t»y^ «ffort to F#34^〇£.t# Jis' dOOQ^'t 11114^111 HEMlSjr Ydi^l %ms to 嫠參•,鏖^篇■條蠡し你•賞雾::麻将奢••轉'真^‘^鳕f抑想—'. dltllMId es* Ijs^o馨肇1 务 •售 CMB^f ^tv^i %im^0 tmA th«3r v«ir« 00111rixustd tb^t laroUcmgwA Ilf# : nrA Xtit and tb#ir? 振Udrwsu ,你时⑽&9鹜1物私遣!^飲••的1〇& .f物•峨tirt權 v,i\g c^mnmi%Tm m,n^l tnaXv^tmA of ml% t^s9 former «wQ2ail〇At.t hik^ «eesio«le ^.inXw •& 30 fend 40 ,fmtw &ldf t&rm^rlt la Wtiftvsc 鑣’':於:ぶ織靡%fl儀 V_|W:典 u 翁lift■命Ml •tkieif dut I Ih^/ira?# ;^lh« in i&«siXi«tlet ^ikd ea^til« of l«f d«re3^1p jNfti l»flm»aG»« 1W 輪#^ 你• Moel(•脚在'.':ゾ域'油_1.:細 t thAsryく*^* 费 策^ ver馨蠢im彙物Hr 蓽你 tt«r翁透 la tba e#iU-r» 烟激. aWr* Is tl^:l. %h» ^tiXT^ ^ut th», 9t»tt «xid 9^7^']^ lnt#ll li«at inrnfi»ui«ii>to〇£ni««d tium &s m die title%: $r#,•'你.yv鬌•?•败、.8p抑ialiy ®t»ad tbet% 1% «mh ^ihm %hmt r»lcs<^t®A 0lne9 |stfe«7 v«r« la » to 4^»»r% rI ^ajr %tm ®l^%>|v _^a0iiMwr H a#«»*i«ary* fh» oX4«r of %hl* group HrA b#ssn ■ ►偷•《(S0細8i〇 iMWMWfcgl# %«f63Pf .嫌《111猶感*1,蝴^ 掷**•_ «|11il w#Jtl off 11% Solw#?* Ka#t ©f ib« f^fwng^r 龜' 滅财錄yi银城t篇•^鶸•.-’i^v'教a卿鬌说你i. ii鬌,i概知■か■抛:♦■落p練♦.'.' tt^tth 1» %h«tr »1»illt3f %〇 find «a4 «?a^%la* 組oy嫌纛i#d >奪*%毳1<»1^讲1你《_%1|1知|切机的_随鴦 ;«:f ;im%i^J&|Miiii«ni': cold to i##*h» iiX%»st3fi * willing to go. out f of ilimiglit th07 bad mlt imtil eoadltioan outfit ia* ,p抑対4.娜鄉f;::嫌• &,ぼ》01 似龜oa•,•細,#邊圓 trlB£* kXX vere chtM6t«rl»»d 'bf m liMSk 0t e»%0rmim%%ou to of d#xit«r«' t^bo of e^trsii iio t b»v«i ^«1〇〇^1#41 0^1 #ir#& Ik^d tha|^ »〇 'd#ftir#d« ' &f thm €S〇a^ln*d & hl^i prope^tlon of thl» iprot^p, 111id w«r« 101o%m td w^lfart | ;|iii ^ irtir® ^ ^ei&«9| «uftd of o^trn# mil tli# ?«9t w«re ^xiidUix* W«Ifar« fsetio^*'1 5) fw^>ar»,Ty or ^«»periclxi^ fh■•馨 vftro 供dr•⑽'ittituM.知1<〇‘龜1»» 雜翥 f•,釋餘,•时紙 ps*#bX«»t td m^k« If |np〇ent!»le» tm% for mrlout | ,綱1、物酸.Xl#.1秦::.#滅 ls|)•爆9$%l.r為 :. t棚:perftrj': 攀» .^l>ov«« f&t th* m&et.^p^t% iiiiirtlT pr#f«rr«l,..to rfsmlft .In你.':_仰st.き:r..蠢ftd v抑mi:.裊 1»1•.切.私ir ..此額遠:職傘嫌 e^Mlitioxit v9sI4 %• w1XXIa^|''Io r>110^tL ' ::pa^$〇i«at:秦f '软罐p :私丨秦'勘3'惫:|NKfSM^_ait SiftiiW--?^B '4>r Ia t$! ^Yi9r %« 辦班!441馨《f 1945 妨6;r 如Acmbt•私|T ⑽xt^ th«ir ot» oul^I ^ilf datlFft %〇 "b% i&m% $k pwmmm% | ■押錄汹雜黍 l㈣鴒:' ila.a.i5£l.tl.aa ajad Bfet^ryunta fea Haゎ麄Moa•.纖忠4 OppoulHon to ms «itS ^mor^jtlis»d4 and it m.m dlffleoit Ua np^cttto «»*•• ot eppo»Hlo» t© d«t«r»ln» ef ,drgattisMitl©»: or tfenl aar Caf%k1111^loC^ astaiA^tfiPit aa4 ooTiacllsNsna IctMJifii tfeFtieii% to optpott# r#locati©»t iiaac aaJiT fubllety turf»:t 你.1 て據; Viode •切 r«saitt|«ta« 切 ioift れ代㈣ d 你级•‘、癯氬 f誦關_ .^rots^is & stdslsifs y®l®©R%t.KtR ^s#-;-pyl>o1 'r嬅你 t 私ji *'如V 级物::;.毒史■ c職!*癱籲 e挪14: _ ■肋’%鬱 ^giii'iiljwiS, H£MDffleii»X XfNfeftwfi : S.n 'Ife^ <5§a%«*'* viiificra®鄉*妙癱綠ゞ*^、 reioe&U>,m9 and it 1¢ ▼©■ry- Xlktly ib©t ver« *.U^d'with lh#| slWtS^xi tl«sj#st.:||fi»«4 pointed nm^ ^t thee# to lfe« &Uha a©% one of th«si vo^li ^asalt H to %bt mnVt^rr elatelac It to ># tiwtr 4tfire (thi*t the «wcuu«it 4»#locat# a» ^ul• ^s^ovl^td itflMis* r#Xo<9Ktl0ii bi^d. n〇it of; th« n-%.;;«t tils#, nfew ^ie mi^it fe# «irea th®Ka ;:4i'm* Hx»a«: ^#3f #x#r%«d •a tfefein# 癱濟 癱^cu#«® も€>,3^_^1錄*、表儺♦©切技我®f •霧鐮 ^€sf^>ji:, ¥•**« tli® %«ppi>ri8ui4'b©l>osQd 0f 〇, Xa|lg〇l,i^ 0r: pf^e##iir#f. 180^hb^i.% fciM& S.iitvl^ %sli6 in #, yik^90 %%j $if \>j 1|^癱il^99116&tii I^mui %f> X^l<1 Tbvsr v$i*9 ip,VKT* stt 0oir# ft% thn^ 1數零dU^ _ .it癱〜瘳年! _ _fj*嫩.th#4r .,i*ylim<5V i軌4iMf此知• Bui^ 爲cmmttJi%齊•Hv'liiG•你_’:鄉6迕|4^ノ嚎ダ’'th#,〇罄_:狀•:■欲.想锤你典..1 〇セ祕,i物..1■‘教&■ tls® ®ti患®® ©^tX.t.粵d |il*o落3ra!S8 .^ii^ •Ittlxig .it isi^JSi^ Ihei 脑til imdtd, 你•赖抑!^ iihldci' th« Eftlecatloa BlTltl0a.protda%«d fros tlss#*]! fhdr# ir«r«j^r«11911%y %dil:cSi did nol 1?ブふ卜’卜;: fofthi ajt$^ •viteniiNi fi〇ii^««itjii«i^i!sr %鬱籌•鬌痲_, 鲁r«義 教翻春《mb^ 為 tlms.4抑寒 内©a 你《'騄1»〇黍貧攀〇 :玄^ノ取*厂H>3U►你钐it.i©*wi:物iN►'⑽取®•在*.,^1**11•、. or Ittfl «do⑽*嚴,知售 * r^l•傲餐 1^瓤《也淡級••機r«::..9tr〇fijsly |く pusj^iid %y 雙如狡•⑽隹辦,.::.C#班is._ls.傷loft.级馨 CowieiX*.: »祕'〇级鐮れ•物■»•饮⑽|>•娜押•你耐to i>po繼g切%⑽歧饭®y替软• :|丨離 hl^bX^ «4v«r1»ls«d la tim @*»i#F a«v»pfe|«ir #a4 bjr vi»r4 of south. t» it im^ t6v tlais* «iratou«« tiov«H* meats 〇m% to ub^aXXt ii«^p«ar#d| i^r l«eist e«»»4id t0 1>« knaird or afl*r th« r^leoitioa i^leh tbfrF to 0ppo«nt ensirt4 into e»n%^t frtm OauAEMii&a Crl. ^hii tim鲁 or* _y»i% d) ths tmfrrosreKL•ひ” !l»d 5) iafiu«ae# e*. dfltts# » ' -W*l ;1^Mlir’.O%Vi0UA ‘tti^dUl. 嫌-.t 瓤憾4 tt難卿i蠢.爾 ■1a 越eiUKTia^•ん忠^難參■ vet*飜&.c<$id«iltidL«;::&sid.diitlmi^^j dxtrmaioufii to th« •mena^ comuttity ltii«Xff mod V«cau»« *hi« _clm^G私丨你鬱切'..g_tMMf«^_tt:ff»istr::oa_t*搴10傲tioft ts'fe® %雜(|>〇你^. . laid : «ii* 117 ov^r^sosi#* WS 職■切》H.w©利r,::,如,〆抑物黎13ぼ:©甘,Jheoii••為ず:.切 かh奪修斯參& _®痛ir^ also %lMirii;^fl««Ji,li&»d tH' it :m: : *»»#%•* ■ •jf*%*® Ux 1^5 ich t3w> l>«iag: :ibi|r d〇KlsMt|| 必it*t' “n〇eii4 姐& 嫌ld is〇<>^i» tMunrl^Niti 3) th# Adv«r%lft$iiMi throorn% c«mnsaitjr of 3) irtXncMttioa aosksspftl^n«f edn4su;t«d th« B«l〇eatl〇^ Blvl«ldfti 4)||tb» tli# obiter off aj»d ^Sulljr Xmni .«wo»nI' %Ii« imumitMit eotur»#« na4 ti««tliigsf ia tr»iiiljm ter iitst on ifcur« iriir^iis ?) iNkio<^tioxi^»#i^BIasim ,-p»rtttial^:1鱗1yin 域..|0|#.看.:細.^iMilr irn在 在us. •, 9鈐《鑕ial r«l#Xi9 toim]*4 tioa th« eXdttir# dmttd ^or l〇hw#r for all tim' tb嫌• ilk« %h•舞在対rti_ii祕_ts 押〆驁鱗 抑桃.it !:_•• •,'難_:奸《»^#4.鼇祕 imtp氳el姐てI tha>. In tmc% 1¢ auS. 蠢ll•睿O货V'0:f .域嫌' 級#d for iMflrl'. hfUr«diiTiac«d uliio.t,of tKtf frnM»MN» oo^mitr 七| mltl»at« nti0a»%lon wr# t»o%b ft4vlttal>l# :na:d 、年ぐ:へtlu^inNMnui龕.秦办蠡v !i#^tiY«« ftids ladl\i4iid iroHc 4f 'bl^de %hnn «i〇i.d%UNi & >i«肋1»4 6«_»1 馨蓽1⑽jf你•irp永々f瓤.教切ぬ《,总ず你《 1<1物11时炉ぬ卿•儒!^.:■ 龜鲁觐ciliira铲曹^^ ’i^lii嫌應 _9魯‘ tMBipl癱••,私r.:,l^il功^鬌i*^:. «^.6^參.棒1mI‘-•:、你•’働.•<{^i^.t'::.ifcii4:■微.'v:(90e'of 如《V福| Mjiih l^ix^l iy^' 9111«!■ Is: ^ ^0m^:|| f•叙•■磁祕 •春 flit . 瓤㈣ 值⑽露l7«ii'切f|:你• :fix*cl. ii;::4 in o%li«r'#111&X:fttm:^ 致olwi^v…l❹袁 1711liMMNr llttX.、:炊^ :.熟V:«t!l玉 ^u% did inforenlxy »w% aad dleeast to tJiiir 和|%财_義レ:6_|1^私麵導黎,:::’|^'齡瘳'1|1&9泰1<1,1^«^:故'%«&鴦》穿__131罄91〇软|^ 馨41UkPiiftt螓私_^0寶in巍• %• •〇»• Mlliii|:‘:,私• ㈣押财.屬:叫卿菸 0 鑼祕.10' wl〇Q^%Um «l« eiu^t mw& *I4«4 %T kdt^iHi; 11111r« ’&ati#xi «n4 10^ ift iu^i籲 '_• ^u^、《 : • .fdTJMti* .Jii^pKka.tr# *4“时 in C^ifd.x*ni%t 卿t 馨软〇◎*_蠢攀遴 la £i〇uis^lemt: «uad;.li9 di4 6pNri^f'|r«^l£: .for fei911.>!•§.J ytie ^<^toesi%#4l IaIhiv* ^ kit «iuRB;i«i | h« eoXl«e%«d f««* fo^ hie piwotloa vork» %tit ^iie mft ^rotMtKty aot ionaui« £• eX«.lA«d to 1i« 1^ ia ♦Hftt df. %h謇 m奪#r nl:顰&6〇#“ず111«1^ x*奉&籲 Mid 结o■鬈雩鬂兔Imb g •'vmMKis MMNiti/;^ iMie«s»i this «» ^:|| fh« t« r«Xo«Bt%l»]| 'tv^, «iracii«« cotmmity mtf twi ti.t«d ••ユ)':.•• 雜p^«4iliiAe« “在• '«tn在知穿抑•••._ な薷攀癱㈣瓤找奪边練!^御‘你isur JLARvlo赛你# •你 'ilbliT^)«l.l o#F:;:fiu»i;l^ 1^^; ^ SS^l'" t^il 9t %htM^ is^en ' ?ii^Uilii^ : l^m- ::#f/.:9NMM^st91 vHao; tmtil Hum ^ hm*ll4〇^. ■如你^ 似、$!T. セ.11}!£^L.:.,;||<9&»:::fl1^9t4r‘:..$}蠢妨•霉| 嘛鞲/ nnd •ffttet* 0f r«Xdti^iiiiii ia 'blodsm* «tu^i or evai%神• ave^.^f 的, ..Xwik '0 tHi t>lo^Av :€9p^vt^st^ of r«Xo^llosi tjp«i.lsii|.t^} «n»y ';e^.: .-.〇•'物•:::•知螓ず %h#lr 如改’:知e&A#在-:.:爲V:viMl... •Is•■幼^,!>04必的…雜%しf财电対•.峨羲'霾》.你a f鱗ぎ. 190 slight «n€ &tHf t〇Xmtlim•« “錄•り物‘:蠢 瓤a在助tU »ft•鳑:’㈣細aU抑樣•蜂!;!*餘dy #«»ダげ.喊嫌邏你•か软_1»*食 ifho : {qt on* f*t»#oa. ©? ©.ftothtFii: w«f#' 4#%#iHBiia0A I® put dfiiBy^Loisa^iJSMf until ^am %»n% mmm%# 费參lo你U_i:、ld%的敢轉你•部妨錄_ず籲き^^.# «〇__ #xi»t#iit 'ptiot %〇 .1944i; sad tfe»y v«r« ;n〇tlc««tblT.#:ff|| pt' tis#''^iti-lii^ '〇:^ |^;;'W^fii.L;¢'4tlai_ 旗MMni| ■細 fvom tmt It mt to o%ifiqlttelsr tepi^rlag 4in»,0SMi«t» #T«R Iho hiiTiSl^ %•#)! e09Id not f#ll to i»»Hp|» f 攀思 r V馨^&& _〇 %•:会岭1 “尊!^':卷舞蘇t tbo 轉教.m^«u»#A idr鲁 'ii>T all;l^ ®|>ftt Amerlo»n «fapiMt« oa №1 entti4«ff asid if sreloeation w#r» km«& 11011«ir 49l»r0d «1^| /%#;;,iiethlj^.:^ ; r«##ttiMr« .^i •'觚h# 他r•一私1羲:.幼•:.龜細H'加痛事職trjr::,%抑•*% ,薇 ll&Wへ喊:::1|1^::蝓铲❻f 画:::.雜_ <||^^1. 46^^>太.鴦攀_ mi||: tli# |>|iiiii^ of tk00B \tTem mr%r ;:ft» ^|;:«e®#thi«f*. :.;^m% «|9^ hop#d: to to «^i A»iar«e ; ^iid ^ 旅,%旁調|i^•供嫌黛•、霣““ r—ばか_::'•辜l .仇*•拿_i.:.f I’麻yiatf._ 猶Isia^胁.ハ!>•鱗、〇■_'典®V| ini 供 |•〇% of. | %km.t in?# *% n wU.* I5»i teiiool* %i«f« mop Hicit IwiaporU-tUai to «ad mm $dh〇0l§ mu net •A•明a%*. itaA 你^nditi^a- v*r•,霉雜•你Ur MA.您發 «3Li© Jh^ofii#4 Umi% t^i boat#* v«r# trM310ut <0L#ctH,#i%y rwmixig «ad iis^t «r«a ©mi nkt m% 5hty fo^iad li^V 你• »#»寥〇11.麻•ぬ时 伽成伽げ^*• •a^.c 切義•礎51^. 伽it.|wc^M•細辦j_,嫌i ft_r «iUL⑽I ••的は城,也飲. ncmld ^i lli%i« ehoxiiw for «ferai«g MAltioaeJl lnoond m* ^wrsi | 麗!3^〇沪馨藤* torlsc售ぉ•薦你^重^1 111011也' 0ぞ艨讀11•功1^’繼 i« Dii* U *!•〇 jMkrtiy %〇 1411n«4 W %h« | flMn% yait %h» two 3fMm a^pat if*?* not BtttarXy to v«ftigiuA | |!to soe^tlim la- iMNMk^ otluir tii* W««^.0〇•.«%! e« tl«ir la%«r oa.fiHor v«r« m««rly *〇 villius to ,|| ^ 1ft * stf&as* 〇!!»»%• a&4 t& aa »r«» with i uidm讲m «oU_ «iii Dmiac ⑽鲁祕•从你*,鄉p•、ア 圏ぬ IZeal jA ^HBBfti&.i^^ iwffwr %»• pf«wa%^ i» | %lui »pri&g of 1944. 1% m* «% ^ln»tii« wjr to tint #ro« wf**r poiat of vlw» SchooX ffeellitiiit vtr# | IS0041 goo^4 lurauii^K y»9 pf〇Tid«4l# and tlw 4XlMit€i aad toil •xmllmi% for fiiMmls^. wmmmn wr« #«ptolmllr pX«as«d th«3r vm&ld aXlow«4 %<» r«ftt 4ti)i4 and d*vot« It «&tlr«lr to ^a«*t l^r »«l«^borlnc 0«u^el«2i 软瘳切f&rn v明女《r鶴dvrliMC你》«2a振•雜•〇加vt㈣砂減•芡从 ^Xaa^ tiofi comptMf m» vUHttg to t«il to m •〇〇〇 Ihi^ iv^i ikHt to >W il*.| fh« «ff«r n»« ist«& A^outJ Jfar 振©»* tla* 饞》在 ae d〇tt、t ii〇«iA IttiT# ft«e«pt#a 时•抑的嫌 6jf lljdXINIf11 Iftlt ll& Hitt itad it titUkV 100&1 iO«ttCHitliyftt lh«r« w»r«'iJaflitrmti^m asi mU3&% ofiuftt Iroi^bX#* |lot«r««t 1b tb» titfnr di«d dovn# la^t it dl«4 emplBt^r ^ n%t>ry i〇t «ro«B4 ia tfa« | ie«ft%«r that l£r# ^ord 11111««|f tt«i»d inollmMl to a^r«« %r|lh tb.« le^cd UmiI tlMi rtvillltCMnit of aast Xat^s xsmlHnr of JkpftMti | 鶴 th« 級#imlA 胁1 li« 4«#lanぬ!•<^:::1♦你■设mi 也^^ 001KswnMtjT 細mw^ ^WjMifaNu lAd也 Jcilltd thli 〇打•*"• 晃^播^^!^^^^^^^^致-^ 3)細lar論Dmebe ia Ian iftaaaゼ瓤む鉍你嫌• f鉍的 pt^nmUA U ^rU 1944* »»d centimMA ia fcmm ila«« «»t %im^ 1% mn hi^&Xir wtumMfiaX trm %fe* ^ o#er«d a® oppoiftimitr for IftftMwla# 象*在ね由校油^8**卷紅於 only * Job off#r, t% iKpj>«fcl#d to n〇a-f ::;!#:你《i?说P»at«i«•切!^Vfiff物^、料热*»y 雜你'aJl_私..:*¢5*縣办奴1雖if;.叫.. W ^T %^iicli t'lswi UM»y Imv# a»y« «io»»3r t^t vould ptushApt l»«« AlttimXtsr la »eqpalria« ri^hli %〇 laxid li^*3r tnuit«d ;,X,嫌•條•教•'物〇,》©• 〇* 抑鏞* liifds蟾镛deeuri切1鶼ad ©ori^期i,|P:.瓤®o卿.杨篇脚你炙你放隹瓤は‘海を »1〇.械’_fcd•.寧“!*■©瓤时热1•故5鳴^®^氣攀瞿你* !馨 v#iNi hl^b* Xlviiig e©atitlo»i ija ir%y« #xo«Uaatt | .did ■你• coa^ikiijf off®!"®#. |eb#' to «r«iT or «itch ftwaily . %A)〇 wlBliftd %<» ;wd|lc» |:虹》脚抑沪•ず鉍r | M thu% # %0 hm«t 1գ no% «〇 4》il^ay paaltle&a S£tiBK i& 麵teite,| 物“ 嫌, 1^%. jVii費滅■' e〇®p以t» _.鬱cwi沐:雜我へi®〇^ 暴挪蠓p仏®®•*:::: '^km m^m ^ttw^ war% lit#!* Eoti*la« mt# ■ #eli&oi» ^ 奮'涂:.a4:齡.ii梦 ii1c_i_^i威•*麗ti嫌支®離鼇_1^ 物'•*應t轉 _ _癱13•於•》All lU&llt 好的_7 ⑽明ぼ. •ff.rtdふ細.くI細flag你•.鳞*!»•:輪•妨• ®が•ず嫌• ^•^:ン•名 ©p«a 觀M tMiliMT 瓤伽**鬌i««4 抑,%肩4»衣1瘳•VfeewwNi aee^ttd 靈纖 it* aad mily w thr«a v««tt »〇 far »« th« r#Xo〇ft%lo» ン<»你1料鬱■■私';tii^i^■雇!^_、氤隹,霸约'嫌_ン^^^於振縿i鱗ft秦つ糞奪>7 wikiil!;:|}'a^lie2.ir &r »asilf«6t«4 m% «ad v& 知•,你镛 a逢%i寫ifitvmtlvtt p«r&o;iam«X‘,fh« %«i. le .!»叙咖'你•!**'f織Sit#•.切 jg^witte 银嫌• 3 ft) fllJLisa OAaS&MsB i£Sat ia Iqr^u^I^i:tena&ft« 參m lustd 1940* •鱗1^暢 wmk%^ ftvm %e wmiim oft^r* ^0 fir^t ^rimiJ, y^& ■%mr s©iiiiF - i.iiiinli'iiir iiipi 1 ^BMilflifttiifif ijnttmiiilnfilfir TtutTt Wk^ ^kXh ip|^ ^»y#;.... ,ImiI^ 11'|^x»llt»,lioa I® tliat ⑽l!m我:班:in费t# w^|:«3e0iiU«sit.]_f撕'>9|^軸1罄 wwtnipf tbftl htmslsi^, on Ihf );:i»liP<^o®i%l©11 • efsetpeJBSf hML ♦! flfst lseiet«d if il v#r« to uad*rwi1wi t&« t^i X*%t4MP tfti*% pl^a% »% ■ Xm^% 〇»• th«ir U3aA Sn ootton <^r fjr^r «y tvo, 1111icdi %Stt9 thf|r ^}%lXd 143»%•▼•!* tlWi^ Vi*b®d# (BflTaflSMMI# r^ftuirttd ^tof Aiftd w«r# fimlly R SOhics** plot fw •xpeflw^ilftX v#g*41 • fh# 3MM^%|ji%i〇ii* larolc# Amift, tbs oflwisiyajf r#fa##d to a^># r#iMi1i%l«r# on oo^iXd h»w> mot0 你%h# n»d?#i twiyotuS. %bn »ijnit oow.-'^life^ el&l«i*,%t©a ■ %^ntgL fbsn %.«hiiMpt©a #nii〇T®tie«B#at ,tJa»% »U; o#at*3r*' if〇^14|| Ihi . #to##4 vilJMJt. 4 yiNWf1113f%«** ;::pM> wp^asti^g, ftf";: tja» : G^u%, 3Nlt#1ltl(iR#a% MU' ttftd# 10801flBL %0 tte# ItMT# <7^XU3Cftr^ 1.94#• ^Shl# itiinotBiisfm4siS?v‘哀戴氮ノ 卿;•131雜潘•械尊从^®111#維‘办®:'::^•糞^® •售 ぞ漏 もペ你囅:..:#'?i^t例酿轉雄.:.妙®’时®^す®11^®^•:•* 激^^^ wsr« .hovrr»r:^ ia off^riRf ®i>pi>«l|i0a ¢0 btisMf toit :麵心©鄉:、例が切':撕_^4你.|| ■細f痛難成,獻1成ま111*1—鱗^^ loudiv proclaisi^ cloimr* of aU e«at«r* mfnir* «^b iam^f«t%i#*Ithtlr tw> h«f« >f ^a# «sn€ of ^it 3^*«yt *nd if nt ®i|^* vimi c^* 4&t |^«y cftiiH^iiifiA ^»lt just 、物嫌t♦細pJtjf姉a%如:•分i知枚祕你^ Of1 Iwl: ImI^% Ip th« vmni^rn of ^otad of th« tear sa«» ;| ton gi^ciMpsi® n,Mlitlt iao#« mmT0 ^fWSKY^. ^ . eXo»« m theiR^r ShxtiMg the «ta^a#r misA talf tn^ tfe# w越mi to —• if 纖 v© ぬ義為《 ♦.、ぬ6 ⑽細11 掀如51® vithotit Alfficiatr ©n ^ f〇»4 «jw Ihat th#r« we »oi ®»- #v^〇fWMi, I«f% 4»^、. F«rb*p« nsm» rmllr it fvm %h» a»%« of ^ »arrt«d«rft ibnt ^ th# ttuce«»*ful eXot'laf of Orf.m^a %h» t&# pr#^ld4iMI: ©R«# |! -849^1 «nd«; tlwi Wf% ett»if F«^l!«• thftl lh*r« ma ao oth#5P r««©twaMi X«ft imt ^isMiX i^Rettl«R«ft%.*:.|| Sib.# W^Jkiovn Qf :^0h orgjjyiiiifc.lioa as,« ,it. jp#*^% o^f chatty alow* %#^a ui^i Hie tf fte«n Ih>0*0^* .Sa®鬱.的愈■ 雄巍:•典.後®:文®挪1斑衫魏,.於^^%^為®% 傅減.你# 料鲁會く蠢難'機碎砂鲁贱⑽作.:.切織きf嫌觸_切ザ⑽孩. mn fi3Pst rtal.lcMP||;v5rl^#i^ ^ 娜黎...'.lift .麻JWHd ⑽..你®. H®祕..f鱗1:儀^物*私1' If接10131 8.W細9麟鴦f _tbパ.'.仇*■扇棚細**⑽似A轉紀出^切け、•ぬ®®•教•参、■PjJ?二、合! 〇lr@fxl«t#4 IIbI . §i|i’虚tw* 夺#»1明?.卿^!龜:㈣.趣組^r i鱗^ lf|? 。你《r# 俶ora⑽ if 他* 叙cVti通象 U« れm ” h$ ts^tXy ^w I3Nh^wMi^ j||^?^Mfe こ^ would も#:: |):p^i4«4 伽 t jNiar* 我ai 松識♦ぬMR'm 骞毒鷥 Uh 费 ch)〇^*««« _ 6hiX^P#ii isuftt s«t %hmM^lvm^ r#«tltl«4 4^ ^*1^ v«r« to 擊at.y ri你^y.’..かit.成鮮飾.1••' _雜*__.、ぬ^^箱1從•私^11^你^親软 Itfent a f»Xi «c^〇I %f〇«14 b« provided htT»^ ninmf^^ vo»f% lo'aep- <5^s^^4WR-®>' i#t^fe©u% lMlyi^,*# %如'热•.砂 娜试•姑..他^ 儀^ 娜籌 氟ふ< |ae 城—®^‘ 抑他• 1գ¢抑的抑細!《 瓤9 齡取微蕾攤_F梦礞I嫌热耄文鱗癱■办犛■你癱又賢抑^||棘总切資名 I la Ifetm ^»% mdmrmr* § fh» clo^Ug $m emhi»itm fit th* juti® h«ai»: f«rai»^«& th» ^ is〇st 麟aviRftisMi’》vi紅加•■ぎ’:麟.1 真::’•如*訾ス他® ._®舰象时..抑紙蠢 ;e$Xii8#de^£^ fhe uif^% of m: mpW um»#4, «ie«« h^U ,«&* «»tr«»*l^ a«prt«»ia^ ^ lil〇<^;t:;-#iJ6e« .it 5mA fwr Xif«.'i祕it:き,.綱_ttt猶耱♦:、的槐紐iy 麻纛亀必你蓐G挪嘗^が、 s©cls3L .iiれp*^r'>J: and ian^diattt »a%t«r«# U) th» mrt^tlmmn% of 〇ftnt«r»wl4« ea th« p6Jp%. t\m Hock mnsftrs, 3) m. d«er«»«(i in lh« ef tl«et«d or ftpT>«isit«d to effie«t 4) a d#c^i«8iac g*^ 4«*lr» or tmditsicQr &ti, Vbm 'p^t% of offlel«iX;aAd | %〇 %t$Mg mttwn of «wc^m lat«r«»t to 1119a of «kft» «in!9trAtl(m» 0》ft dtt〇r_««i in thi If »_1*1〇如 你《 •嫌孤•••細i& Hmt 龜細lR“tr雒 11雒《ud在,tmff, an& 魂耱)•漏 4t«r«afi« la J^rh»»« tofmX sooiid ^etlTltgr, w«Xi *. growinc 3*iixi»,i by $%mtt in th«ir tfliUEft ea vith 1a all. n%mtt ««6^«r» ld*atlo&X 摹》d &dYio« botli oXesur鬱 and th籲攻籲秦d for q览lek 瓤eti^n oa \ ご r«i90fttl#A* i INnicrm A^Jostsi^at tli» faet of tilowaat^ m% tirid«2ie«d in ft of «n7«# th« aosi of whioh v«r«^ X) th« 6«ar«Bi8lEMlf | lnt«r«sV sboim 物 th« ccKsmai你la o«at«r ,,〇%:••• la la mti «a4 la CemeiX nad # a) ^roMin^t Xmtk of iat#rts% In ml&taialag itm ^X〇« of oositetist with; th« .per«onn#l|fro«i' th« s^rioiu aad aKra)«ati»tivi0' th« sir«l^ f^itadX^ and oettial^ 9) ^nuiml r«dri«atln^ of «mmi9 l^it^itiosi' |>1!*0111411a« «yad:';;1,1ft of : tli# outniit, ln^re«8121^ intrust nhafkm W former t«9iporls«rfi and % %h« «vncatt#s in e^isi^ timX plmm* 3sKv;^f txkcraJa □ crfgii o ,曾"8 _T修 .:r,”广__-1 r—-» r- —•* r—-t P—1 U--J L-->4 »■一■一 IZIa CTJ^l w 辛 © -N BOHWEB REしOCA丁丨ON CENTEB DESHA COUNTY, ABKANSAS Layout Plan ail^IJr 辛 kJji: 丨皆-:»=^ tf 1 ^ 33bJtl 卜 i,ぃ•— rv lmua<, .o11- 科 fe1 © 0 :i_l HMnuy^^^©**1 •sss ±111 ±1 串B #i ©0PUMM 11111i Ils ©-® 丨:•,:■=:由出 jb-m- ® i © £-s ±-M*8 土1 $i~81ti±l 中 M is占 ®©c ±中1 M±iA H Al ±1 0¢ i D nu nu □ 1Hhillil ■一一'! ±sf ©„i.B ±中 BiN ©齒-eIF 11 塞. 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' R0IT腿 ------- RELOCATION 38 39 破• h〇 hi 8im CEIITSR Desha County ArKansas 5T WA 33 故. 32 mxm 忍 w~r P p :27 28 29 j WJO, mxm 他 mxa pi 23 - 2〇 I 19 _ 17 ! aazsD 抓 广―—.一.… mxm ISAL mj^u 9 10 11 12 13 Hi hi"5 mgL mzm JJF* mxm IS㈣ 節膝 mm 8 7 6 5 "t 3 T~ miL m%m dual w0 mnm 故. 紙 霹 u fmr0vnt (ft.bX# 4* Totals) (?abl« 3* Klb«i) (fmbX« 2m a〇»69 40■•顧 3039 20*29 K>«19 〇«9 Trar SO•嫌 40H.9 30, S0«>S9 a〇«X9 i*〇iar- $0*pXu« ao_eo 40*49;: 30-3& ^0•抑 〇«@ Appwidix 21NI 期IX 斑CRTS QR00P8 XMmi) P#re«iit 4S S4 ff 10 n n •8 ^ 4HT2 f 纛 4 翥 ^UI010?1315U $ 1261610nErr 1 8 0 01 ■集■重 尨41® 7 falos 19 8 s9lMs(o5i XX 1 0 ^ 2 3«r4 d 蠡 薈 1& 8 6艮麄黍 1 2Z Aw s&f 0 0 Aw s 7^8^玫sslls0< II N* 741 0f 9^01® 9 ^9 ^ ^ s & 0 4 ^9 ^004$ It8 應 S14S S 0 s Is ot 0 0 0$ $0 3 6W l H t . ^s 41 sr • o 1 •s 7 M US s § Mi 霪黪0A餮 5I_.0 4tfi1: M:蘑薹 2 摩"s 64 $ 4 s 4 9 SI 署 1 $ l8i 翥7 »»80<麥 i^l 8Jo獯7睾 2 0 $ $ mmm. 0 & 7 $羲1蘑0 0^0$ 34M3I i 12 9 6 8 纛 4 ^ -1 & 0 0 lc_ili> _ 基 虹 1 4 S 09 0 ^sl 期 8節405125 0 ______ 6 4毳藿象4 $ i 4 M 當7 貧 SW s s D1T 簷7麥 0 4 駕 難#4 す 4 pifsg 鶼 4131 辱 1 ult s $ p 8 B 3 1 6 fz 藿^200 d 7 0 91 0 $ 0 8 T 2 tm pfM0i ^ 0 0 i V* ®lf4s 魏 s $$ 0 L6 取 slllgsdglilr 183S292UI3 elSIw^ ROEiTER RELOCATION CE1ITER Desha County Arkansas I:辟!Mediae '2?*»C i^Do471011 mmi (T«bl« X» !<«•!} ■■Hi B〇&* i^i ぐ'.:鵪 Tf dreleeoboel zn m I ^7t I #7- j^in I>mi|—iyi H 362 落 S Wimh^mA 0011mm SB U 猶 ?«Ni^Sfw3.* 紙^A 1,1 UmlA WmmX9 i SbtftX X "T 9 _ H摩:06 4愚ギ愚 84 :M:- ■ 68D 雜 4 zi m^m i W__1 S^pmMx IT•& 1〇1〇7如錄綱鑼_OUPS '.(?象城_ U M«^»«r^ of F«0&ill9t:‘《i你 典m4) 参^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l-^f JUM44 Si»$itt/: tl\mt Ss -: l.nOi: hMlo msr ml I m 118r :#«tt 16S6 91 lii Jffiiasio 3J?麗 S&SS H麵腸炎 ■パ^^^^、:蘇と系り,'へギ^^^1 考^^^^^^^^^辱か^^^^!1 | (f«bl* a»| IM>^i ^f- ;F«»ili«« nitfeout MAm ^mA) ミ^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^齡邏螯為^^^ 麻u_it w«S$M IHfiMl F^ml® 15'SS 靈w 執躲 HOT* W f#' It w m m$ 爾 J.| 勤!^«r» oT 細il“《 滅嫌.私X« 取蛛 2at«r&«d) Total 番 m 8 lSi B6 mm ,:(寶1^參 ㈣ of:■細ぬit.'.ji樣⑽t,《r.st導}, iUHr Sr f 雄 ia If ilr_ 1 - 1 18 i '直 », #i 0 g:m 仙,: 00 義 a 1 w m'tuF: lai .4.書i 1g 鵃 gn?6* 0 i 8UUIDU籌 脚 Essiy f o ttsi S919(i 0 4 J0 & 猶 i.i:: §wi ' PC精錄篡.#-# 哉 ii冒 園 IT »wi%# 11HE s ■ i E 8 紙 -縦* mwm Date Fig YZ2r 砂 Legend ROTOR RELOCATION □- EZ3~ IQ^- LeSend .... ................. ROHWER _______ RELOCATION 38 59 ](.0 wsm 'W 纖灘 、 CSIITSR ,Desha County Arkansas ¥4 mmm 33 32 麵 2^ w~r 25 26 ! 27 28 2〇 “一-,丨■" .^i 丨_ . 卿 mmm 23 20 19 17 L_ 二J mtmm mmm 11 12 す 1Z| 15 u"*8. mmm mm mmm 親'mv mmm 8 7 6 ラ ち 1 mmm wmm l mmm 'WtWMM 繼雄 s^st €'幽 ^先 j ■sl_li_fr ^袋 01Jyl.. n% ■ #lisll.Ii? sls!le SS0 IBI .._j 13*1 11 7嚎p黪 xll^9 § $n :•钃餺 •敢 90*抑々 m 18 mi 鱗 13*勘| 15 鄉 :#if? m \m $m Uh4$ zu 1.%M zm 'Mmm ioi^ 蜃 饑_圓 繼8 -iwtf纖 WIT U T nsr tt($ft)bl^ S# 叛傲*麵pleyibl«fl〇 辕uj 懸ft鱗^^^^^^^^^^^^PiPP瑪^^^^魏释番零辱^^^^^^^靈 _StateitK 蠢_ 瓤孀_ _f|霹 D»Ml n級^ 勘 a»lailpip_ HMy,评糊供aiie 6t0 斑T (a^rleu^tur㈣_rli- 似雲lJ‘— 麵:《• bl_k (e如t«4£tlxii Mkay‘《ai«i»).邮*&嫩HiXS 抑,_ iloofimiu cm SITSな(aiJUIdlihfOtitiM^ »!4d3L«^«t«uad》》 _ p»r•級(•)• C^HS44119iyu| ― avmibtrar ^f (u&i^tur^itt^ 賓ン in «wm.. C抑,IfStr於"13EI顧•麟 Amrimn0 SS3Lm fhiB i« naid *!•〇 to Mrioe,l« *•* aatltm |麵 XOSU•.一 p^mon. er 4IIU *** g〇v*raa«Eit# 餐健3>K£S0 腿X*96賴 _• JapaiMMK^ HXIffil*'が An^WapflMt.,AixliK&iNUijUm. 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(liArr^ck,oaMi%iNNMiiX〇«^ dloek Laxi«t or tOMBI Gt%a lnmi^ibia^oodm) % wmkX im〇sfp9nlt9m, | ^two twaiug ««eh oth«r*,)| iHX» BGSl^n AUX {eorr*} t _驗_ r»ii細(•〇•!承bor*)*. SI供_ r〆抑_ (H轉琢班4抑'(的rr_崖:1^:gr供誓. 'xSxih^bo tuaitmum 纖餐ミ?^^權翁鱗%]^f遽_兹論 BlOok $14# # or B^%£t Q0iA» 鶩i由%,《《a 〇||_»&^塞奢11_ork_|HMr 壽供i) 8X〇〇d^ B〇lX#r» Ki^kt SOXEtl (#orr*)» tUMk T^XX (boilero^-nkk# ft fire)* this m« «*ld to b« a 00110^iilallsa* «** rooa^ CUUk $SHfBVl$ :ぬ^ Boimr mim >〇?!••)•■ Mol^pm B〇ok^ WM$ SHO (in eti^powl*)* ^ sCftlii,miiatv) • | C^cit««xi (of $B0 HO (^iqti〇r«s\^>ply)« th« eom^tion K1AKTOSK «NMt store otmoiily \x««d. _ 如春1馨 £Ha_tCEt pMimElU ••$〇• S 織^^^!«•»! 禱鐵馨賓緣 c«r|»9 KAFtQf (oo«T^)« @ .MbisNMr)、■ C«rt〇(m9 FOI^HX M (## plfttur«t ^m»hi na* to 1m a corrupt lost | 破 |e撕lo*1)’ t«rto如d»1(.抑此拉儀社(eiirtowpiet赠_p«r*典》• Ccunrisg^ eBO XO抑•議 Ciunw•瞻H〇aC0 K4«| &»%# XAt0 C*tholl«t tEH 8H0 XtO (iminm^iMiNMr^rrNiligloti)) KAT^HX0|| {•orr.》,p»r«oti♦削f*»s抑*IdED ?〇• _ gr〇iipt or eimgt*•供tio&§ i W^SHHOPO sa,1一你UM^r'WHStSlHETO DO 藏纖 C*H〇«tl«aii# KAI0 JIK or Mpeopli9)«|i ft*i«odly «*«» (t9 ,籲v»cumw>(迪江9«KtCEI K4 (piur^siti—I瓤舰言wacBI^ 細KWIIU HUE 崎ltHI 'K4| Hlil,lCia| Qta«t«ryv HUU* *** Bit 70 ** work* MOEI v. 如*' 棚.C«mt«*» ::儀 <〇_r«»〇fid着《 of.瓢^p«An s»tur4〇,BHXEX 森龜' of • "Jw^py* n«!tair_}••含,, Chmirmu9 ^ CW ;(ditoua«i〇iiH»hl«f)«^pl Charooal# MOKd SMI dr«Wliig» MOKU^^AK QA* 01110k_nt KH« . 2!h•通p^XUb fiMM b^r 1sh 着 i•搴《&»::| |麵*iid othor mmXt AtiSmls wore ooust«irmtw0 En4, Mfcgtwy 丨 GhiXdf €hildr«n# | *«ho〇di KDPGIiO (ehll4«*perlod)« Oliitia•溢111UU 馨ノ破*"V 戴は of SSI«^ HO〆' Clirlvti^ XIEI3fXA9« KXRXSHX^ (M*r«)« _ ttl&l麟ter,Sllai賺切r( btwak (dootoadaiiig a hi^k prop;& ^ llp9«r KtH (i^pur^olfts*)* hmmr $k m. (%mm^mUmB)9 C1mi« (1a «0hool}# ^tiO:) VMBV (e<^r»}« ^ room* EtJHI sHItat?# |csumii«•心Mtn H瞻•,縫 so 成| om㈣, 霤れ•rliwdl私rtc«r •す彼れ••售 Cl&Di« (#f h〇ijpit«d}* SB ¥0 JO 〇1^»^1«〇9)| HXUlKtF (eorr«) di,•. fijMMI ttCU| Octft«»t K4F3t :《:.;丨IBK^ :..妨《091 如k_nliM3.》*' . o〇k»r«d^f KMn mst 0«l«ra4o Eiimr &@Xoc«tiou CrnHUr, ^mOHS, FOS^H SSM0«^u^Wrtawat》| 娜切》抑^* | iAX«#0 B® 〇tr* Hmiltim** d«piirt«ai£li)i !®KStBH MltSpBNIO MM*f€B | (Mr/'私ttltoa.* 4th羹*jiw) C〇^p«tltlo&A KfO SO (oool;«ad«riiimlry) #i ^c3Ly»digoiuuii〇ii**tmi341ag)# 0供!•麵I F〇A\ilihori1s^«HUa^* n〇bwtr*ii 趣SHNU OoBtsyttMtien, 4% 顧® (I■卿科of a棚娜 yiy,., Ccn^£ Cooking, (actiTltgr), IW'M|(rfeuff-pr^r»)#|€ook (wgrtc«p)# ^ _ lOfO"'®! »lf|7C0COT €〇«>〇•• KYO 00《雜•承th«ar》| It11£ M (^roi^p«*giltl%»3r)f KO_JJ*tQf (cM3rr«}« mudmt, KUtl^X'IK* mxmQmmtAi, M UYO ^S1 Bid builmss**4*%*^:* «hMrg»)* bu«ii3«ii« mokm, $X OTO SSS BAX HXS« (itoiKbi211194) 1袋 鑛 •供姐 Bf〇•斑卿IHSO !•, |(*Co-〇t#« 4XvUmiAB MX to Ooimoli* —* butixMi•••傲1 w<»Hc. SUI —* smoi. SI^KTl !»•_ 鱗 ln>4gr 切麵awttity emmail》!!. SA3M1 KiM;./{to摩rtb«r- I 龜i*f»ir.»gr«»p)| ねsalt. KAITSX挪(6«rr«》》一 t>«dy (t«崎orAry)*_ | RXS^^I &UHIX EAX||(rii»^Ji# 御破き | :S4X 糞辞 001$9V« |«*« ••*%!,;"0011 i^o妙:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 雜!峰:.K£^r.細(•wr*》* Kwaii% VSQ Qm$ CAt«X«#-imBX#|i«»U# |c«nr# US Ortafttios]^ K4 $〇 {t%jtmg or Ini'ti^lRiri*^)* «« v Burl4UL# ':鳴、從れ 崎❶衣★鱗^ Crlw^fStia* €0£||» o^rirtr^ _ &咖 HE^KU IA•議 dm•鬱货MMdn^ 保期炫| 腳S口(«|*1^# sm*| thi» misXi«]b word>Nrii U0«« coUo^uiaUy bv th« Si«^ to ^ 議剩liijpUKliMI 域Hi 輪)KlXs翥■霹鋼ゆ九斑!'奴^101BSfS#!*〆OOtt^p^jlSsdi #x〇0pt^ pj&cw# ici is^# sout$iwws%^» ||ft^〇 S4«C^CIT« 0«wti»r,き哪顔“^^^^^ 0i«li«i«ii# £2»tO CTt (prot»〇W««4*iaKp4ir1i)A jyjnfKflSlQSI :<«flrr*)f 8ir«0tor» CEO痛.^^^^^^^ €*** T〇6<£B^ XU* ^ie ivord T0CK3tI wta'm ^9kixt$§ aedi ;^〇ffltttim«w d«ri»iv« tmm vm«A to doaig»«t« iuy of the bXoeks*^ tiMQtimimtlm, U mnn (%mm(^mX^>t^ •14* Qlj 2Sd£D$B0K (oerr«)« fhm ixiv«ri*bly ca14 th«y mm s»lns to ^dlseust ftbout* meh mA I «u^i a groi^p#. %iCL SI ^ : ^ g〇«ci|ilftg WIMM# XOCHB&U K4I OX dUom^lm Dltlojml* 扣 eHtJ _J»p幽!••* 挪夕nu — bloek 〇城* 议itHug齡祕决pr9p〇rt!〇b of 4“篡郊U㈣鼸^⑽^爵)• 抑_ 0Ssowtts&# 0S>^ liiBultB|i0 ijo£ § SUMS S0:" 9003^$iydw dn%》* KliWJO. tXiitXMim j| •*• ^*r«x}t#. SH4* ^ .XJQ'I' :^^'':'l|l^.%^ KWTKT| M cmtk 01%101., ©iid*i#| *«* m cmi tmum \W^mms {•orr«)» Sl'vore«# 01v«r〇«d| H KOH {1mi EX«K€i WSkm ^ EXHORT ^*MEP* 0〇^^§>:; 2 s^&"r (nt^i〇ftlap«x(so&)) :])ClC£ft» (earr«}t^ o«g» %m$ 〇〇&〇& (•供nr •》• ノ 懿濟 D0tu^0 tmv (««rr*)#| m« tjam msam tml^m mmm mm* 如瞻1^戀概,0^WfiW«SUi»)‘: _ w〇rle#|||!»柳顧fc|纖(hi咖I•義 •*細111‘__ wk«rf KAHEKlkaMEIJuact ぬ》* ぺ丨夕ぺ K、if! 000P#; «〇I: BO {%m eia^i^vKl Fmn mom |EAJr il4 (£mi Mmr p〇 M Be〇lttwye Qk OTiK^ SEI《售|*«籲14#1114_ Qf^BWWS i 龜• INa镱廟v. m»«SHT:站《«aH〇|CI;腦•冒期^••ド〆:ljTe*SHX0^ :蕾I smrKo mo BWtk HM^Qt4f|««» eewaitoi1$y {9i ^ ^sq^etow* ;-lsi | ASksg|««)r TOfyw»i»^BUigli>k***bqifeh 1明|^卿 _ •p_)eikig},_ •顧feaJjiiiig * hli^riaropaflii傾 〇p *|脚k•嫌)^:.:卿0«〇〇 痛::節 獅^^* J51QI通駐夢 Blk8Jt56《〇〇?!**》’♦:::.'■•**■ ||' ^ _. 〇^,_纖鱗喊鄭管, Sw^fwi# fD| 鱗•tMaw,_ 抑rt of (!• $•,f〇 節(嫌*t^yn^puyt) | Btmtm, to^Q aw, »«* Mimttm ^§tpmmm0M 和^前神ン ー%_g,層 If 0m9t f〇mSS m^am (ta«t-pw^〇qa«%}.# KID ZKB (%〇 bring vp) * «*«» ((sf .職!》, | eto ijto m* ^;Ad«3tt ^ sm-^xM m^tWm ^G9Him0 mKtiom StOHCSCI (ptft^XtfAiniag^^ducatimi)* J^My〇〇8« KtHH? IUfO**|i 纖 3JBJ_ IT* IU; — •繼《〇舫 KTO^Htl* • Bgg# SDOS (qc»t«)# S撕•節顏(cs«rr«h lO^Moa參 $通篇 KY& (Ho 鏖壽:UN»t_««0%im〇» SX«(tri籲•臓!!. {n»«h of 辜 B:U©trt«l«a. MK 淑爹 E^pX<^fi -T&fCV SI TO! ^1J Tk^ ^|M 勤ゆl印》•« 簡|wfO KUI (u••,卵olnl^p«r«_i)靡 WSIm Ofi#f« —©roup of—# KtO«DO^O«f^KX «n«^), •織• _ mt*ont 班 _c〇« 4» p«r« 明^ p«卿 **** spiskliijg# KX @0 :私!省▲•_ 瀹._» l—n产棒!^ blo^ (eei^aixiix2g a high proporticm of ItagUsh i|NSia:«r«)# 抑,^^^^^^^^^^^袋 臟一)•請(di_餐呼)• 溶'供eumt«4» Kmoufttiaa^ 拭遂x (t❶ t© gp«£w^)|E&Mra4!SMr| ||(o«rr*)» ^ %rm$ nmtl^smx 3S0*m* — j>fMP««i, pmopUi f&CBX t _:广二:二:,(~,一 ISH^nHT 職 fla^i真y (it*% Uob0mr)9 K4HSOK0* ^ Sxeluslon# (%〇 ^mrmm (mi Com%)$ 參|一©nter# SW啦祖纖• uxs-m tss^xn ixMbitl EMI ( to fthoir)* % 脚㈣i^S錄議从(Uadt•於,*,.r•挪)| 纖(!& «〇—<_«&«)• foully* l%^X|P sm1i«ri.ia.tO£U (tiout««r«e«^hoiis«»Q〇si^ixi»ixig)»; Bxt«aA«» I «d **# ISBXIf this Ui p〇i«ibXy th« worle for M3lln_g«*l» «** (irith Sitftl mX« and f«ml» h«ftds)» S1*S£2 XAr^0Itl*'l (with. Xc»«l h«a4) 1SSB1 X4"*^0K0« Fi㈣.料均T» SO*網W Xld****"^ •寧^1*喊嫩似*9薄》._ 簑0 I9^t (瓤C«sit-r 5%BU (•〇**!••)雜 f%rmr» Fam worker• BStWI $H0' (trAn»I&t«d «• J*10CK|M»r««i) I X0 .齡感(*grie«X1»iw-»fc3t.) • „:づ f)ath«r« CfiZCHli F9 (in compounds)* -•111 i«w* 01 BU • 9? 3te^ CHICHI (»ot emtitmin$r^t^t}mr) ^ F«s»l«« Wmoi4 oiKAi fP 20 (In oottpmmda)* _ <»f • ftoilXy. 翻A SBCH^X霣(约NM^U^laportMX^p^rscia) •ぃ遺^ P«ao*# lUOEX* oomaptiosi BOB rjatkg trim *lWlwrlrU (e«rr«)« I;i^ui)f.sH&^Bd m§ Pmxtm at^tion, 瓣*B0 塞!r〇KS| mTA sm驩访!• tmok# SBCh*B0 (tir^ 谢,J^o)f FA職讎OSD ひ鮮‘)• — »»», SH0-B0 F〇i Firewood^ MiXX^ Fi^o^i at iflrsvood wez*e cAll^d •woods11# t?hs plural, being inwiably us«il« — eutting,lim WASI# — work, Mm-toi «m«a〇-f〇, れ黎兔,如•• 2您!l : (ia cos^cnin48》•ゃ |«gu»r<^i X B£Sf| (part ft oorr*)| P0SW 趣抑.'{eori%),:' Fiscal Seetion (of WB4)# K/a KE1(to add—to oouat)* Fi*h, SA£AKi| WlSM (oorr»)« -** mapk#^# BAKAMA MAHKEftJ* -^- dealer, 8AXAH& ntherwi卜 &T0 抑! “n知h «Kp籲rt>i_ HAf4. Raiciag Of IliXA A0£f Loirerl&g of HAt& OKOStJ* —pol わ取SA〇 flood# Flooding, »-» of ft Urg« area (m l>y the Mi9»U«ippi Riv«r), (*Pr6a^-1*ater)# *** i cnall fl^rea* m MIZ^ (com-orator )• —of the bldoki (aurl&g th» rainy ««&«o&)^ KO^MO us (blooks ::v;:11004也.. FXorl9%f FXdrlst 8hep# HUKA {tl^nr^hovm^}^ FH〇S1S?0« FWjEtiESW P _賴柳《。〇*»,*》*驗?|养破擊2ノ’ MMkg SAMA0 %k* bed# HAKA D^EO* garden^ fiAH4 MIW4# JCT®^iflgf HAJS& SAX^BJX C^I>^Nixka^p^uii#*,,C99d}« <•<» fgtffttvr^ K4<*9^ ■ 6t〇 SH4《fiovwr-gprdesHnnissflMic-persoi^t «tor«t H&H& mss* 1111一™’* 以 BIS,ン••抑*e- ®ak.r, £4-BI 霣 2 城磁.Artificial—# I PXowBr-arranging, IKS BAH4 (to a»k« live—flower* }• -* ia Japanese SBI、IIA. j 切liw一fiwr.rji》,iii .•■fcyla, 1108,1 BARA (&erl# **putting differ«at kinds together11)* F〇o4# $B(%U UOfS^ lu o^4 €yu>j^ 抑_m:上一ifki輪!,咖赢 iお'パ 義 _• V象:lUr GAiiXH^HBIベ》lOTOK ^ I,㈣.嫌U*y 咖成(c⑽•霣lag »aiiy:for»er'0wNi.a^,.!物 p«〇pi.)‘ $Mu>iK4.寧*^ai 4 GNtt«# MOB|:〇fcJtC (ot 00 汹t牌),〇败:..;^一:||^•••編:4.灰,:]gyyE.««s斑肋._;_g_書 r^i w^ms m-sHiuro hih. ‘::•蠢1、: ■ Q〇t«lp« mSAl OOSEITPO (dorr*}* v , wi 09rers»iXK^» FO (td»iliiiitr»tion-«iitri»^oXit«» 9rstsdohi34# m0〇 §rai^datt£ht«r# MAOO 10SOISS (gr^ad〇hUd«d»nght«r)« ar&nifathwr, 411 SJkM {oXd*honorabX«)« 0ran&ooth«r# BA SAM OrAH&p«r«fit# $0 f0 BO (£r«at»v*fath«r«iaoth6r» i« •»» p»rent)« Qrftzxte, Jb*«Utftno«* ¢1的hiBg 一•卜而邱励(ei S«a»itiitioa* て:::オー•酬—8 Bdgi B0t&i (in cos^ouadt)* _• raiding,TO TOK (feedlng-ho^* ««• farm, TCHm SBO* ^t&rmmr, TO^TOH SK^* — p«nf TO*tO» JO# fO-SOH Ukm >::. 2»i«n»it«t m $x;:: mm$' timlmm) •| »• X«m# W*KH | _獅姻〇| :m酸m節’.轉翁麵 ぬsd等•♦如隨 bi斑tf“_イ: •83* Mn»T祕 雄|.誠讀袅卿《||<.9似》«嚷湖_1_11〇80^ :: 二=ir® 翁—一,震 X»l«nMni« WS33 WCU {it» IMfMMW (o«rr«)* I ^ •«» MU9tvtosMSti i%wk»mm^ pu〇«)t m^mmir Mtmm* 1 | «*• «mp Uf«# t^N^Hra m«€4f^r| 3UIj«ki# 細^*^胃^^ 1«m1 (fi^i% tswt«| Hiit li m J»GEX;«SiX ^ ^ir«t .l^X. 9#emi' ihri〇A« •• 〇yt*14« | lat^ua砂• Hj秘S 00• _ epetidag* SIBCSHIO 141 省▲•:、《■<*• Ijhゅu你> ぬocie td和械iniiig g • hi必 proportion of 在《sNua«»jB«**«|>««lBia( .取H饭《 iMrlM"}* W blook (〇«»• | t^lnia^ « hl^i $»roport»l«ii &e IlWi)#j| Kib«l KO. ^ $ro^r* .::icijiii ibml•福:、 cfiD Ml* §Sl«#|d# 9t *^»9 dl!0«m U*W. _ Hf >一 叫—如顧il 冰=;:=:::? t 刪^观 n :X4tf^KP|t:、脚V:伽.班X. ■'《•押必,》〇% 喊t»11HwHb >'•' b»m4mr§ BBX DO $MA (^ing9r^otirry»pmwkm9 tlslv whp poi»t« hit | ^fiaa»r*)» '-« „(uaoffl«Ul)# $mn mk *)♦ i«#ft#‘ 濃_ •鉍《 (m 睿釁.纛 Uo^bc),mom 〇1脚1«_-聲 L«%t*r# SS779 (u«u«Xl^ Anoxiawi«s)# WSUk}^*^期^'thi« *〇» omb _»*〇• Arrmxi^td MX^BMJSS WMXJS .《4 ,o«rwnoi^F# .raHKQSI SSXSX. ‘Gohmh** | SUiw ««•» :P〇 劇T.:(m_•一to li^i)« Xm^Ri^il^U卿 XG99 (滅細2.从)|.養 g*wry)碎 Married p«m48&» 11idlMBT 參 C8K)•あ^劈^^^^'^^ 3變灰:年^^ Ulkteh '(«• )39tM»«SI pXflgrwrik》.:: SQ^r:泣*声着jft誇!^ (黼齡h) 1100(t0«ik9«f儀 纖滅W0«»UM! •'破 Ut|l« ]Me» &XT嫌細Ctl 職OHBDU | !!«»•• SBQCS't*擁tla^v)|.l$^r (o〇rr»}‘.Sn«m,t HXS^I ぬH.'8E0KXr_ _«r H««Mm). |f«r«o&_:l _v:8UCC^I2r .繼⑽^ (從卿節y*: _» SMti雒 (〇^1^4),鄉0妨《00癱《《|^1||們^1|〇1#«*4«^^^»»1^)|18^前抑^雜 *esSiB»il» SfSQSSO DO XS$S9 BQiSIf (e9iT9)«:;;:^^- imHe&tg ;. 8HCMHB0 AT雜(#f • •Ity),押!》ア^^^^^^遵^^} Mmimh ifmismo (〇〇rr«)^S^ MiddX«t €fBEJ« C挪 Sf0. (midぬr^R〇* . :_*. 1 義^^朗|tU 8»パ》參 C抑和(nld41_$irt}» —_«HM^#,C^HSCT S前•霪 i;^ 4?il|WKUIMI» (3UH0? 4XV* Mllitwyr OCH ぬ‘ ||_ (la «抑OCaHJI KIHCKI* — gewd, T# ^tMurd* ^ poX$9#» KES f*BX 02414Mni)« »llk* Mmixcr (e«rr»)« UUkistw (of OtarittUfi el»uieh)f XXIUSflAH (ClurUtimn^th^pherd* t«a〇h«r)« ununm utmaxmu {oorr«)» Mixnd*U〇e4〇〇, AX 恥⑽(hiOf ••*olilU)| K⑽•lOmnr 為(nlx«d_ia〇^d_ I U «*# p#r»on}| Hiy?FA (««w^iision «f "half wbgK«. £nU|>|_« glftr MI m《gift**sicm»y«. M網^ 卿•,_ •ノ 04 挪 親み,MIF右(•orr«》, Itot^uito* B4» l»r««dlog «pdt9 HILH30 SU (mosquitov«*m«iit)* $〇«• quilw as th« ^^iuqmim !• «k fv 蠢 tsMHi f0i^ )il.〇6k if bmmimm of lt« u««bni«sa to th« cao§quit **«» SX-*G4 00 (Atipy^iotur^^lfto*)«/ 麻_« F«rs〇Q«X^'^ fwitjf «***» SEI* F«r«mi*X taA 败•*•i^el# —•狐 WU m ehild, »QS2 MS2 (^to a lint ion* Country U1 細t 幽•)_ 音 霣攀梦11» KCHSU m《ぬKt脚!{ BO《b2ikek**«thi» iMilr)* ftm %«<«1 wmi %p \m e#lio<|vdaX iy»i iM p〇0t tciu&l# — hood •抑咖OL aim (檐•• Idato 拟 ocik Utw). 霣_ »i籯ie •砉SHI龙孩ぼ0雄拟^ IN* Y#WP# S^tSI : ^liS| :0BXtQ' (14雜..(b供MMR%_liQ8Xld^* 鄉IMUt撕S4X!丨 勤《•• SMI霣《| 期•久on『卿.:.細 siylll (n«師 UWLW »SK Xwrn^imejm _* la 私供um軀•参 RXBDIhぬ〇 dHUlHBUSU B| in sngUtii* wl^o mm-mu 霣触.“(p•抑;U oi* 輪制你》•抑MX |fh« :••«! ait Rc^_r •你• rani tvro poinildUK 4«rim成i議•饭《 &⑽ prt^mb]^: $4» 物Mt it 麻• wrigi難iiy thr_^ 供》f脚r 奮e㈣猶麝’| p* 2136a JiaM jifr im9 njMm&h _4#典細%• ,0I^ !%CWit•败*4移!!•#»嫌©•»• 切 111:: _«t9*).‘ H 1^tU« 1*011^11,撕atiQi 鰣在《|^&999梦1.鐮》or «« i^pos^d ti» thu niSioii j[ln* | 穸《^〇«讀》_ MtuaUjr U▼鬌 in and b»3Lim|& to «7戴_* But .yvsrs 龜获 Amiri峨鑌纒1^〇|*1«_4 . i it bsr dropping tlui two niMXm mspda, wt^loh X«ft ^1 k«l^ fhlf | ||_y %&m dc»ui t^a»k« it th» »iallftr t«ro««yXX«lil9 :•••!• and Klb#l* $omj^3m it ^o^*to hm idth 4ou说• ^^爾廖to b«. :§«籌1 Mid two n«r9 pr {供期Ssi__rk). Offm« (轉山的•〇6|«你).BAR yjr (•〇滅si〇%*〇rin#》. Qff«iMl«r. mm m»*^n mu p om〇.» ozirtr娜 〇nuiiti«M,)*〇.).| — workir•ぬ■"W)抑_ m «r(mHH〇-ii#)1 ome*, MlUiinu STOKQi OPZ抑(0供rr*>» | 卿^’ l《喊糊4》J _ xcex itosisr •« «〇« mt wl xt^so# fMOd :•油c.)ir 聪ゾ涵Id《•HHketifli技!域,vis.》.. 銅*. | SO*補XKX細&|«$EfO 雜 Oil# MSS3BJk» ^ pAisAliig# ikBBA S Old脚rh•細II 抑• frtai _ (i» tfoif。峨1»软)•絡JZIU 議ニニニ::::二:::::=:| t^fwme 〇iElsi«Mkni mt ftciwsr* 欲4r S〇‘ _ «SW節難_於找從*域!• •も恥办!U10抑EX YOU (ywMMttiwr). 麵 0〇•, first* ICKX» Ws It ffborlittiMd to Z In oert«iti Q〇apwm&9g «ui 1«S* 薩^: _SX# fir*,,靜期隱ticm 4ep«i••••,暑論^^^ •雄• rStAmrfkisi^ Wm £X (sturt^l^islxiAas)# ; QirimioA | 雖バ铋職)• m*sx和!^!鐵龜#獻掌 _你•典t«r (*kUX«d).鄉•鞭:“參編 OIK KXO X C«y9*gUs«^oetor)ii c^peg勘,0 麵)•• ftr»ls «〇ua4 in.鏞Ofwgcrn糠)|卜1 oasoc^ 顧ぎ|みパトぎ:^ Or^nl«Atlo&# (h*@A»is«d grmipf v« OrimMX$ tOIO#| p#opU^,t〇1P〇 O^iflxi (ftt r»ol«I 〇lfelil«f)• _ XO 霣_ iadiirlduid. 10 J1鷲* _ «ats#r^ri讎耱 塞(Win XEZl« r^L*t«d 妙、leod. m.氬鼷• ftMdly •.■.私pt〇M. _v iIBCir 從抑,Cmma 蘑 議 —•通yto s猶-如gr〇iA _v戴嫌xr s應•議 祕io•撕斑0 (•供ポ,》气_馨|1 砂• IU⑽(切細•細SHSHO* $hort,m —»• I 贴CHXOf鄉m餺節《⑽rr•喊**«如矜,rn*》. Hweiq^i雄激.1110 K&X,靨爾纖豢 &«eord# Mwittitlouin(}# | Afflsiftl::11^现窬震 R«U(i«ii# Xf6« |cteri«tl«xi ^ HBXSUtO 100 (part oorr«)« BiMhitt ^#§1 脈蹿r (8uaah«k«r«Usl_》》:!變 &#loeiK<_u 轉**%!^*^ _ (x^oo^ti畑《f4r»cm).«i E«Xoeati〇ii« fhr«« t«ms ««r« us«d* tEI 40 (to trmif«r» to 我 wmwiwliyiag «m us«d in th« «#bw0 of tivli^ i& or tNiins mt U^amr^ S4X n»it»fmtiir«) imui u««d in _3痛_ 義蓽_〇馨攀 猶 100fron 致_• I 卿孤 tM th. first _nr. of 你• •vm»us_ («x6lndl&e 你《Vi»f _ 議IdkM 龜_«〇|^1^ eoirti^nt》《n4 $41 ■ TI^1,^FQ§ tdui s#e•餘知嫌鶴• KIR1城Al織⑽• l_*ま为扮必期1ぼ)•想谢*^:纏 | si«.|^ pu»$ mt W03 iiim9^vui)$ | (r.le峰tl〇a^«l〇 « 鱗 PlanalBg ComaAsuiox^ fER^IT X^llSl^Wl (i*lxiptei# o«cnlt^i)» (of t tSSf«>l0 a:S©KAlSBQ» im»X卿 BcXdovti鱗 G«$xte«r. ^0 {>*•黛oes^ioiiaMa|k}Ad«r美* •、* oMSttr)! cmi* BH^BCOSlKm osm (e«rr»)| XZAHrH («orn^tlo& or ttQM#w)« 餐 ▼•: £W»u««« I—»崎斑)纖X*4£4f^l$’ ma®p» ua抑:(©wr*_〇r ”㈣寿 uft”•每 lUp^ir•藝 SHI (riiSMdi^nAk* C9〇4):* «|vcp« SBSH&SII _▲暴 黴卿art〆雜孩){謙tt»nn»t«2At«》《 败《破霣祕)•孑〇*^D節 '.v|if 0 P0 (▼* Also 0«klmxid)« $ak« visMi# SAKS* S*xi &i«go# iAH SO {Icon p^rtf (R«tn vm prababX|r a frcm th« Spftai»h x»fttt»}* SAK*K0 4111* $an Fr^aeis❶。• 30 !;0《a^lbdrry J&pfmes«, SCHC0 雜 •溶 z SHEI (^rot ㈣t-Uで春》V _ S^^tieia《0於1^认)•取卿1節1》 SA9XU2SS0H ^SXX^OH (eorr»)«H S9MMmi9 $越(你r#ti or _ a〇hooX# K0| §M3HSX> (ksKWl«ds«r«Ghf n&mmmr ^diio&Xn)m M$^x •*»* | £〇»70 CIAK**KO (hlgla^grikdAMttoliooX) f («t«»«»• Xvtii^ua^. • kmnfl#df»補 ^uNtosi* or pi 秘 _)• _ pril»»lp«a•肋【:!0• •aw如• S#M〇wa» H ssmu _ 1鹄v_# KI,?SU 廳-g)聪$ g级80S4 細KT (e«rr*)* 議馨纏議^^^^^^^^^ mitL (o«rr*)» «« SEAL ^K#| •«oosad« Tm»,SPU geDorftti你(〇f •▼英l««i bm (in蠢 baitttnOl)rn msxs (fart eorr«)> iic^ mm («orr*)» t«er«tiury9 SI 31&« (of luu mri sBKxmm (〇〇rr«)» — «huff u cb〇i $mxssm wm mms (〇«rr«)« ;;^k Sfe_§r r«o«it,• Bitlutll鰭H $SM^m0 m» &i^i«ttt tsd msa^ |«*» pwpuj; ta^coKir m% 丨laftium®#* fit 06•論^^!^^^^^^ iibXia^ XXO I2U («Xd^pra^b«r«70181g«r bro%h«r)» fhl« t•推鶴 us祕 細故你你•瓤Mm战• _td 4ima%«4 城!!命4費: 81—» 0MU !繼 SXdNNf •**# 3SX 9 _*v U4Z(溶X^ikr 龜ndi youttgiKf ._*《れ_^3^1 ._miiMs)r m地 政故dlX«d,8kill_抑汝软身_翁 S«i|gX«f jCW W in)« SMUgginri mtW^0B $BiU Soelal $rnrwi€mtsmmmJ MM8U (eorr«)« Sol4i«rt BSZ| 604Jk (oetTv)# tm$ Boy# fit^SO S0| IUiM (in SX4w^ 一• QSO MAX •oa)» 8抑棚d 輪*» UAH《_〇»&**•供〇•! 3ldrd _• 81满 K|K 級)^ 一 ii»»lAirf £19D0. I $«m («u«aii>fla #a|)«ii«ai〇k rau« «• 〇iuii9 vnx^tiJi tmi khubsct (ft«rr#)* 6如■•你• sou他• lama •置.“:《14« («r:1 边她)• i〇如a Soixt^m# KAS,'香神《tat•••豪:轉 pmrt of 他• IU 8##6fiS !0-«;. SUi 9^1 • **<* ::(dudUf》豢〇&9%. :3S^8HSIjr J^r{hm3mi.. _ |Wti y South»ftttf m2T數(«ou*iMwt)sg j»rt of thm Vm H^HfO gcMteiMBln _ 祖I,•於rt of ' 妇• $” SAS«*em BH•誦 Souttmst CoMxaity (of tm An^l««)t X9»| Vm Unatt»«li»4 XtAirliixmlm'1 tprli>S:<(»f y»«r}# SSffU% |;| 5py# imi ('Mo^1}* StWf‘《f 瓶A) gtD KTO印f f 卿 _fl〇Mr一 ?o«mai 棚u 3%Mst,. .難ぬュ彷(9«TT.)»| •猶 €10•滅 $t»tlm# fSXCXXi («!•〇 fltiogr pal>lie baildlfif) 1 8tl这灌限81《owr«) •歡暴梟 siwti«u抑• m sisu |細 _»u«ai(«e 職a)» fMssx 蔺rstばtsTiOT I■顧DLSB斑《•irr*》•議 $切i_Nt C破.,酬期^!^这》》:.’’傾Q. t.双.;..:cti^' «>wkl1^9liiejE>«M«|)#t*{B級》•'』 SttMBk {©f $e<4i)t X^T« 一.破 Co-^p ⑽wfe•級》JEc嫌-®0 私挪 1::1 H你TMW^議 | tM Sto_iu»r*rlm》| NEI_«J^^p StODHtt.::抑fo掷 _«arr«} $trlk. (frm iwMrk),職 0f6 (to vos*k》》 如^^,* jVへ,…、よ後v、ユ1'ズ,パ* //ゲシ*)著鑣 8%memr9 tAM4« •• r«««rt# fjiMk^SO t»« fhlt t«rtt# fin both IngXiih and S J^»iMMiii# mat «iui of ;%lui two «»ll«^k|jMtMMi tmr ■ tib« .«^d#d.'戀 •轉%1撕时■ Suae (J^*xiti.mr_«tlln§). $甘!i〇 {«〇m欲一pnw«r‘ 岭:《ltib._ ,#0叫|抑都細咖(T {,㈣•_?•)•_ S峨Ojr•思叫plUvf YO 如| gWSX抑(•《rr*》‘ S«otloo# thu Co*o^)# SABAKO WO* ___* (in th« ▲'奴!|K0:访a•觀S松U'| SltfU, f0 f〇m TPiUt# mr JO (1fiwmila*#LA〇«}p ol«^lng ck«)f | SCMI (t6lX«t^〇l4NUftlafi*l*OU%) • f fmmB tm9 imM 炊咖..▼• 0e 供^Ktiim•画 tr瓤in (rtdliMKy),BS 糊^ (lint &f 你4«〇%1^ 寒》* t«ioefttl^a ««• i§pmiMX)$ ?y««(«}# XI9 M〇m* Ar€Nk with sisatt«r«d U0R1| SHI8 {la oonpovod^)* frUl* Bamlsifl^ioxi•脏I:臟• — iade|TiSklt. Ua/v•‘细XHESH mil 藤•鄉0• Trip* L如c 一v HIO KO (tr«v•レ妙)•Jaluirt 一• YCHSDU —•切 trawn•議 KitCEt-m msj* «« %〇 n〇o«h««f rnmna rms» soeui—# '|y YQK0 (visits trlp)« SuiisMiM «*t SHTO»B^HKZ T0XH trvak» W&0KS (. Ktoy 霣l«Mi oaU tlMK iMitehies* fron **tMieh«lor•••故001e eontAinisig mtagr «»«•• (•teoludor :f_ bl她 w) •臓{Hf&HHK)妨 伽031*'*0 ル^^^^^^^^ 伽it (Itt a l»rrikide)..UII 鸞•,鶴!iijaib«r» 恥 MH^O» Upp«r, fJYO* _ ol_» v« GUmm, 0rtMm» ¢0 ^ 41«tri)$ IW1丨 |r«lttsi^wpy rnm^emm {irm Cmliimni%)$ f%*m tftm«MCZ S^«| TdluBt^^r^ 4tmVS WSl X^Xm^Kff*%9%Aimr)$ 飄嚇抑IT •應; ■;i#t*A*#-\:aamu wi W*lt«r# XXTD 41; (»«rv*«$m*««a)| wmtU (««rr#}«£ ••'鱗 KOjtNunHar,).曹<&m fii^sir •知:•一曹ork欲■ HW ^*0PH»,丨難塗, ^fMliisieixm Jeilqr1 '^''(4|;. 變^ti’ ▲卿嫁鱗^^^^^^螺^^^ 曹《儀^,!^il皆.W rif^〇rict|_ fllSNaili意•' yjyftly «h^f 0#h^)| mnm 曹fttoht麻软•姆私找热:v、(|.#_«^棚城作aw^j祕贾為衡班!^!^' (.雩Qfr,}, 11aticrfear#)i«k W«X£^r«# $m KaK•⑽蠢侧> Bootioa (itf 麵《ic^rきT| 雲 議^^EEF廳 I rngHZI («orr»)« I f** *14# (of «. 1d^| 1 W««t«ni9 $EZ« t*«-«tftt«C|r BI/« - | $H 3Em«;|^oo««^| «^ooa«t «1»t«ta ^H?ASi WiSXW| I C0S1I7; (〇(Rrr*)«|::flM» in03Uad« liMliing%〇Bf '0r«c 3®D即《鶬41健iag 霣orl^ 0TO <£iia«r«a t«r籯 for *Nv〇^ct>>| 欲•|uxwkUl«d •的酿cm _•議 3BX 0010 (do*thiag}«| UtmitX «»#.• SSCH^Ti^^ tKCA# KZBXSVtO mn^mM UX