V/7 22 L~~~2 : ImyioApftfc AIz A4 6 DowLuNG. FENNEMAN AND TV,ATWR SCALS /// \X/E 6t yL t U: D 4W iDu >j t > I/ I 0'S Kroeber: Cultur l *nd N^turel A...s ot N.tivS Nortb g phIi- UM,9v C.Mi. Pub.Am. - -h. ..d Elbn, V.I. 88,1989. MIap 7. Physiographic Areas of North Ameriea; after Dowling, Fenneman, and Thayer. (Published by the United States Geological Survey atnd in the Annals of the Association of American G}eographers. ) I "I I .11 i;W . I I., 11 .1 11 11.? m 71 I 11 I i .1 Map lb. Native Tribes of North America. MAP 2: VKWEfATIO: ARESum,, < J / < 1]t3 Aft., H&arshb,re 9 ,\p,8(>>/1 Number reert Con-od- n Key, p. ISta\rg\W\ 1. A,etit ron, t..d,s ..d fnoine ---mtion r.I ..\ 3 5.. Chih.uh... de.ertgionI.S \ 6. G-et B.dn region r y 15IU. -rn-to rareF-rt did,rie, -opfli.xn fth ..k \\)) IbT,ex.. C..s Timber end C-at Plain Met ot h-yv live-\ \ \ 9/5a;*-at _ oak wihprares;\ 18. S.b.,Zti ron (Mid-oi..): -other-oieou 19. St. L.-.-Ge ...e t Lakes rgion, eomp,i.i.g th. -nli l}\<1 Rtime ad l ke di.tr,i,u t\ 20 Roeky Mon.t.i. rgio., i.didi.g th. Black Hill. ..d I _ t 20f. S.. BeNa-di.. di-tiet, i nlzigthe, M.in-1i -n_1 tsY 20g. S-nt. L-ei .-e of Clifo-ni. C-nt Rsnge, di-tiatls 20h. Western Si.7r Madre region|\..23rw ~ 21.. Sitk.. reio. 21lb. Columbian re~gio.,-op,i.i.ig thn l'uget So.- d-Casead. < \ C R..p diWtiet and C-Is R..p-Olym.pie di.t,iet. 21e. Yedoeino .a of Caitornia C-ss Rangc dix~triet_l 22. A11-ti.-G-nif O..t.1 rio , ilh p)i.e barre.-.-.d . veget.tion_ 28.. E.itr Si-rr M.d,. rgion 23b . Ufnitd Cordill-ra reio ot d.i, 27. Appalae ..hla lo-it.i. di-tict with de.id....nret 28. Pied...tdlit-i,.t 29. Atlgh-nin-O-ak district, including L.,,Id-rnenc ..d K..t.ekyT .....se re 29h AUeghnl.rrt Wiro O-k xi 2DC E,lw.rd. PlI.W.. Fores, fetn ruu or p,iso - _~ _ ' .JAtl-nie, Roeky Mountai, nnd Mexi-a f.-I.s 31e. Gult Zei"n Mtxiea p7i ... 32e. Floidian and I ... W nrens of N,1h-.a rgi-n WVRt Indian prov.i-e 32d. Antill-a region, Wes Indian p-oi-ee .12f. rORte Si-n rei.., S-uh Am--ri-n p-oi-e ltra ad N.-.]n A,-n *f N. i-. N-hti A-e,i, Znb. A.. Areh. and Eth.] o. 38, 1939. l\lap 2. Vegetation Areas; after Hfarsliberger. M-P 3: V -OS O A-X6 I >\ X M\V .QV~ Aft., Shedor~d| X \ \C N.mb-r -ef- to C..-od- X- }e,. P1S < < ) ( 7Sr--eae ivrgen8ri-De.rt o Regino Win- | 8l / - Y3 9`0. Wlift G-el d (.tso: St-.,e Temperte) \ \ 12D, Oree led (al: oS8e-D- r G- kl.d, B..h {l\ \W 15 Ok 8vnn| 3 a f 17Ard Tre or B.. b S_..s1 18Norher Co.if-ru Pore-, K6i. oioru or9 l- 19 ..e 25, blWI- _ J 20Mon nCOW --er F ... t, De.or Co.itru Fora ... _Q t1 21Northweter (Yoi) Co..if-.. For.- 22 3-h - er Contr Foro- 22.. Flt^ood.. S.e 26b, bolow 28Arid OoUeou PO-e 2 f 8b Alp,i.. Plsegroo Foo- M.^P... ..sd HihN ountW.F-re( ...... sybo1* 1 ) M26. &.9--u *nd D.ddu.u. P-es 26b S. 22e, *b.._ __ 2,28, 29. T- -rt. Deciduour Porer 8 Arid Dociduou Fore 8bD.cdd.... Tboru Fore M1lont.ne or C3..d Foro- 811b Drio ITrpicl R. inPoro? 82. Iuxurl.t Tropiee Mi.u F.-es 82b. Tropi..l R.J in oro tti... ..I l *d N.tr A... of N.i,. N-rb A-ei-s Mbl A.. Arch ..d Bo..h, V.]. 38, "S.9 Map 3. Vegetation Areas8; after Shelford. M-tr9a _4_o V..- A.- Aft. Sh..t.-Z-rilpaiie -d D..i.i.. Ki W 22 182, otwetr C-nderu oet<\>1z_lL s: .4 M!:/ipS1 \ C 19e.. Kn trCoieouFrs i, I \(^j\S /sid1_1 1mMxdFrt,ndClcrd' Ds etn , .i7)n-a\\ai vt g\* Mr8w<\ 6.1.20. Semi.. oPl.Coi..ou -des ..W. sot ier Ii.- r Ii..tkt )>l( q t=xw2 iii-Mi-d St-- : 6h.d t CI.- Zon f| 3, 1, 1> xk t \ \)2i 25 C-ege f .... F-aher Deer 8rb CB \ > < 2 5. prrl S- thee_ r H- oadea.d Wodln .... t ,9 Tai- -ds, Sr.iti D....Sh-b (TG) \ C_1 Bu.h Gas, S-cifl GrD.n ShBG (OR)/ i t 20b. Lod,.p.].Pi.. (LP) otWesteraPi..ors P...I 20c Yello Piae S.-a Pi.. (SP) of W.I.-r Pi.. For.- < I o 20d. W--er J-rh-Weser Wh~ite Pi.. (WP) ot N-rh-_ Innd; (h-r -artl mergd in S1, 6, 10., 12) 2t Pacifl Doudae Fir (DP), f Ceda-H-moka, N-rh J C.sor C if.rous Forn.-. , -1 edod (R),o!eaHmokNrhetrfoi | 01if erous F...s 221 It-a%abiaY-Sls _ie S.atheste_ P,.. For__ | \\ 26 Cypes-Tupelo-Red G.., Ri-e Botto Fores (CT) \ 2 ... --nrme S.btr-picl Fores (Mi) l ll | tR 27 Ch.su- Ch--nu Oak,-Yell- P.,l1- (OC), of Oak ,l| | ~ V( ~ S- -er H-rd-od F.,es -d- P- t1>\ 28 Ok Pi.. (OP), ot O.k, S-uh... Harwo oetD iI I I/w 29 Ok Hickor (OH), ot 0.1, Sonter H.rdwo-d Foret | _ <^l 1 1' I I I .I -1 I - ; tur-I -d Nntura Aress otNti -5'h A-ei-n Publ Am Air,h . .d EtnVol. S8198 Map 4. Vegetation Areas; after Shantz and Zoin and Dominion of Canada National Development Bureati (P. C. C. L,vnch). M- 56: V--o. mOA-s X l ~l c4S7 tt\ Aft.r8 rv, Wat., K.1llgg, 8aud-r 7t21isW 2 Nubr ee o...,d-e lry, p. l5 _ il b AIB . T brd Xa . #e *#DWCd } t / ( X?\ zV) L 21. Timb-rd -e (w. b. iu.rodu d b,.k.. H-n) \\tl|(g! 3r 9. 8oeod Pr iri ie. (6b) oi Pr.i.i P-oi... (6) 1 )7.j 9\34 10O Third Prq iri 8ppo (5c) 1 \v oo / 11Dr Belb. Pronue (9)I 1 9J. \ \ I 14Firo PrW Sre top (be A i,r0- 18. 80-A-cti P-oi-e (2)I rtf \ - -I 19 II^d-od F..., P-oi- (8) b \ t > \r9 20: Recky Mo.-ti.. Provi-c (F6) -'1 9 21. Co0 MOD-i. P-oi.e B |..vp\\I 26. 0 roino Pro,i-c (I) a2 \Cp 17. __ t7^tted Stata: SbrhI-0\ gVI U. Ari.. B. -^aeMIvt?DI D o - l9 Id. T-x ....UIot D.-n|1 3Mti A r^ eD IIcrophUE D - G{9s_\Ir3 7. PM cidc8em-D ,ZO-23.t 8 2S. 8-op. .d M.r b..lX t 5 - 2 3 12. De-^" ^n W...fflion 5i1wil 18 N..tber M-cphyti. Evr-ro F nr (i.d.di.l 2.sl- ,X^ 20- Nonnere Yoyt B,Ec vrrro Forot (= 18 wos ed __3d :f OdhAl Noiwatr ygrphyti E,erireo For.- \ S _ .. Alpi.. 8ummitb p yU 26. N..n-- Ztrs,.rgre-D..id.... T-ili. P.-s 1 28 8ee 8-26 '7-9 Dedd.-u For ..t 'a. Z.t1ar P D-ed--u Troniti- Foree '.. h. ni. 15 30. Decfd-o T-er &khi,n oak, e.rq ..h, sId-, ..d will-vI 17.. Scrb, cbieDy me"qilescavecc 20h-28 Pi.. F-rot -1vr ..d N -1ra Aren 'f N-tls N-rh A-eri- Pub. A.. Arl. ..d Eth.. V.I. S8 1939. Map 5. Vegetatfion Areais; after Shireve, Malite, KeMiogg, and Sandens. A A A A A~~~~~~~~~~6 (A (A NRfl-IVVV VR V A (A R---kl~ -o - N l ( L IA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SC NI: SI N 0 t: r - 5AL. T ~ A~VAA)- A 24 AXv (ARAR G,<_ \ LARA I5 ____ ACEA5 r t t 9 l 1A t 1 -tX f :D ,>X c I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I 51 VAARTCOA5 ANA 85 RATIS | |GREAINTER SI AIA A"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AH | C E L 5T1LRN2 AREA3 'A-tZ A NATIV NORTA AMERICA (A VAS RVAtkA1 3R - A V A.A X V, T - A X e A A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A NA IV V N OA RT H A M E RICA 1 ILOOIOPTR |V A A " J- Al l LA I~~~~~"""' I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Map 6. Native Cultral Areas of Nth America, designated as in text and in table 18. I I 1- 11 ?i I I d ?w -.1.- .,L.-. 1-- ;?w -.L- 11F. J, -L 1- 1?1 V/7 22 L~~~2 : ImyioApftfc AIz A4 6 DowLuNG. FENNEMAN AND TV,ATWR SCALS /// \X/E 6t yL t U: D 4W iDu >j t > I/ I 0'S Kroeber: Cultur l *nd N^turel A...s ot N.tivS Nortb g phIi- UM,9v C.Mi. Pub.Am. - -h. ..d Elbn, V.I. 88,1989. MIap 7. Physiographic Areas of North Ameriea; after Dowling, Fenneman, and Thayer. (Published by the United States Geological Survey atnd in the Annals of the Association of American G}eographers. ) I "I I .11 i;W . I I., 11 .1 11 11.? m 71 I 11 I i .1 TABLE 18 SUMMARY LIsT OF NORTH AMERICAN Currunn AREAS (Areas, populations, densities slightly rounded) Designation ARUTIc COAST Central-Eastern Eskimo. Barren Ground Eskimo. Western Eskimo. Aleut. Pacific Coast Eskimo. NORTHWEST COAST Northern Maritime Mainland. Northern Maritime Archipelago. Northern Maritime River. Northern Central Maritime. Southern Central Maritime. Gulf of Georgia. Puget Sound. Lower Columbia. Willamette Valley. Lower Klamath. SOUTHWEST I. Pueblo Sphere Pueblo. Ethnic groups From Coronation Gulf to Labrador and Greenland.... Caribou Eskimo. From the Macken.sie Delta west. Aleut. Kaniagmiut, Chugachigmiut, Ugalakmiut (Alaska Peninsula to the Copper River). Northern Tlingit. Southern Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian proper. Niska, Gitskyan, Haisla. Kwakiutl, Heiltsuk, Bella Coola. Nutka, Makah, Quileute, Quinault. Salish of Vancouver Island and coast to Lunimi, Nut- sak; Klallam; Chimakum. Salish of Puget Sound region from Skagit south. Chinook; Chehalis, Tillamook; Yaquina, Alsea, Sius- law. Kalapuyan divisions. Kus, SW Oregon Athabascans, Tolowa, Hupa, Chilu- la, Karok, Yurok, Wiyot. Tano, Keres, Zuiii, Hopi. Approximate Area, km.' 1, 33?, 000 170,000 640,000 25,000 60,000 25,000 95,000 45,000 45,000 15, 000 72,000 36,000 50,000 33,000 38,000 45,000 Inter-Pueblo.Navaho.643 000 Circum-Pueblo.Apache (except Lipan?). II. Sonora-Gila-Yuma Sphere Fuerte-Yaqui Lowland (Cdhita). Sonora. Northern Sierra Madre. Sonora Coast. Northwest Arizona. Lower Colorado River. Peninsular California. Southern California. INTERMEDIATE AND INTERMOUNTAIN Great Basin. Snake-Salmon Drainage. Klamath Lakes-Pit River. Wind River. California. California Climax. California-Northwest Transition. Columbia-Fraser Middle Columbia. Upper Columbia. Fraser. EAST AND NORTH Eastern Areas Southeast. Southeast Climax. North Florida. South Florida. Northwest Gulf Coast: South Texas (see M 18). Red River. Middle Platte. Southern Plains. Northern Plains. I Ci?hita: Yaqui, Mayo, Tehueco, etc. Pima (Bajo, Alto, Papago), Opata. Tarahumar. Serian tribes: Sen, Tepoca, Guaymas, etc. Yavapai, Walapai, Havasupai. Cocopa, Yuma, Mohave, Maricopa; Halyikwamai, Kohuana, Halchidhoma. Diegueflo, Kamia, Akwa'ala, Kiliwa, Cochimf, Waicura, Penicd. Chumash; Gabrielino, Serrano, Cahuilla, Luiseflo, Juanefio, Cupei'io. Ute, S Paiute, Chemehuevi, E Mono, N Painte, C and W Shoshone; Washo. Bannock, Lemhi. Klamath, Modoc; Achomawi, Atsugewi; probably Mountain Maidu. Wind River Shoshone. From Kato, Yuki, Wintun, Yana, south to Yokuts and Salman. Valley Nisenan and Maidu, Patwin, Pomo. Trinity Wintu, Shasta, Chimariko, Whilkut, Nongatl, Mattole, Sinkyone, Wailaki. Sahaptin tribes; Wailatpu; Wenatchi, Sinkiuse, Spokane (etc.) Salish. Most interior Salish, from Methow and Okanagan to Flathead; Kootenay. Lillooet,Thompson, Shuswap; Athab. Nicola, Chilcotin Muskogians (all); Yuehi; Ofo, Biloxi; Chitimacha.... Natchez, (Tunica?). Timucua. Calusa, etc. Atakapa, Karankawa, Tonkawa, Lipan (?). Caddo, Hasinai, Wichita, etc., Quapaw (?). Pawnee. Kiowa, Comanche, Kiowa-Apache. Blackfoot, Arapaho-Atsina, Cheyenne, Crow, Teton, Sarsi, (Assin.?). Southern Prairie.j Kansa, Missouri, Oto, Omaha, Ponca, Iowa, Osage.... Central Prairie.Santee, Yankton, and Yanktonai Dakota. Village Prairie. Northern (Canadian) Prairie. Wisconsin (Wild Rice). Ohio Valley. Illinois. Lower Great Lakes (N Iroquoian). ?North Atlantic Slope. 3vliddle Atlantic Slope. ?uth Atlantic Slope Piedmont. Lowland. ?arolina Sound. Virginia Tidewater. Appalachian Summit (Cherokee). Northern Areas Northern Great Lakes. Eastern (Algonkin) Subarctic. Western (Athabascan) Subarctic. Interior Tundra. Upper Fraser. Northern Plateau Apex. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA Isthmus (with South America). Atlantic Nicaragua-Honduras. Pacific Nicaragua. Salvador. Upland Guatemala (Highland Mayan)... Yucati?n Peninsula (Lowland Mayan).... Oaxaca-Tehuantepec. Mandan, Hidatsa; Ankara. Assiniboin, Plains Cree, Plains Ojibwa. Menomini, Sauk, Fox, Kickapoo; Winnebago; some Ojibwa (?). W Shawnee, Miami, Potawatomi (?); later, other Algonkin tribes. Illinois. Iroquois, Huron, Tionontati, Neutral, Erie; Cones- toga (?). Micmac, Abnaki; (Pennacook with next ?). S New England Algonkins, Wappinger, Mahican, Delaware; (Conoy ? Nanticoke ?). Eastern Siouan tribes. Eastern Siouan tribes; Tuscarora. Weapemeoc and other most southerly Algonkins. Powhatan group; (Conoy ? Nanticoke ?). Cherokee. Ojibwa, Ottawa, Algonkin; Montagnais (?). Cree, Naskapi, Tbte de Boule; Montagnais (?); Beothuk. All N Athabascans except Sarsi and those in 16b-d and 13c. Hare, Yellowknife, Caribou-eater, Chipewyan. Carrier, Babine. Tahltan, Taku-tine. IJlua, Mosquito, Sumo, Paya, Xicaque, Lenca. Orotina, Nicarao, Dir Subtiaba, Chorotega. Pipil; Lenca (part). Tzental-Tzotzil; Qu'ich6, Cakehiquel, etc.; Kekchi; Pokonclif; ?etc.; Pipil. Maya; Chontal, Chol, Chortf; Lacand6n. Zapotec., etc.; Mixe; Zoque; Huave, etc. Guerrero.Nahua groups; Yopi; Mixtec (?). Vera Cruz.Nahua groups; Totonac; Huastec. Southeastern Central Mesa. Michoacitn. Jalisco Highland. Jaliaco Coast. Northeastern Central Mesa: Guanajuato- Quer?taro. South Sinaloa: Aztatl?n-Culiac?n. Sierra del Nayarit (S Sierra Madre). Central Sierra Madre. North Mexican Interior Plateau. Northwest Gulf Coast: Tamaulipas (see B 3). Aztec, Tlaxcala, Cholula, etc. Tarasco. Jalisco, etc., Nahua (?). Colima, etc., Nahua (?). Otomf. Centispac, Chiametla, Culiac4n (Nahua or Sonoran?) Huichol, Cora, Tepecano (?);Teul-Cazcan (?). Acaxee, Tepehutin. Zacatec, Guachichil, Lagunero, Concho, Paine, Janambre. Tamaulipec, Olive, Coahuiltec. 48,000 171,000 71,000 31,000 67,000 42,000 139,000 68,000 687,000 290,000 50,000 55,000 145,000 28,000 21,000 190,000 307,000 170,000 500,000 28,000 68,000 54,000 206,000 326,000 130 ,000 308,000 1,090,000 470,000 300,000 60,000 340,000 146,000 465,000 307,000 ?0,000 328,000 183,000 210,000 14,000 23,000 13S, 000 J. 520,000 2,570,000 2, 670 , 000 900,000 112,000 21S, 000 205, 000 43,000 31,000 79,000 2SS, 000 102,000 137,000 103,000 40,000 57,000 33,000 35, 000 67,000 40,000 46, 000 110,000 3S2, 000 20S,000 Estimated population 30,000 700 31,500 16,000 11,500 2,500 21,000 5,000 7,500 10,000 23,500 6,000 32,500 3,000 19,000 34,000 14,500 I 80,000 1,500 13,000 20, 000 26,500 16,000 3,000 5,000 2,500 54,500 21,000 8,500 22,000 8,500 17,000 74,500 5,500 8,000 4,000 6,500 16,000 10,000 9,500 41,000 16,000 15,000 9,000 13,000 18,500 10,500 9,500 42,500 7,500 47,000 28,500 4,500 9,000 22,000 37,000 23,000 20, 500 2,500 8,500 2,500 100,000 3,000,000 I 100,000 Density per Agriculture Cultural 100 km.' intensity 2.4 0.4 4.9 65.0 19.0 10.0 22.0 11.0 17.0 67.0 33.0 17.0 65.0 11.0 50.0 76.0 2.3 25.0 2.4 33.0 14.0 39.0 2.3 1.0 10.0 4.5 38.0 75.0 40.0 12.0 2.8 10.0 15.0 20.0 12.0 7.4 3.2 5.0 7.6 3.1 3.8 3.4 5.0 15.0 3.8 13.0 2.3 3.1 9.7 2.3 25.7 14.0 32.0 39.0 16.0 7.1 0.9 0.8 0.3 7.6 1.2 40.0 300.0 15.0 Primary Considerable Local Important Important Important Sporadic Important - (Spor.) Important Important Important -(Spor.?) Important Important Important Sporadic Important Important Important Important Important Sporadic Important f Important (Important Important Important Important Sporadic Important Important (Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary (Primary Important Sporadic Sporadic 2 1+ 2+ 2 2? 4 5 4+ 4+ 4 3+ 3- 3+ 2- 3+ 5+ 3 2 3+ 3+ 3+ 1+ 1+ 3+ 1+ 3+ 1 1 2- 2- 3- 3+ 2+ 2 2 2 4+ 5- 4 2 1 4 4 3 3+ 4 3+ 4 3 4- 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3+ 4- 2 1+ 1+ 1 2 1+ 2 4 4 6 7 6 6- 6 7 6 S 5 4 4 3 2 2 1+ Environment Coast Tundra Interior Tundra Coast Tundra Island Tundra NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest NW Moist Coniferous Forest (and Grassland) NW Moist Coniferous Forest (Redwood, Pine, Fir) Sagebrush-Juniper Semidesert, Short and Desert Grass, W Pine Sonoran Desert of Succulent Vegetation; De- ciduous Thorn Woodland (Scrub) Deciduous Thorn Woodland (Scrub) W Pine; Thorn Scrub True Desert of Succulent Vegetation Creosote-bush Desert (Basin-and-Range), Juniper Semidesert (Colorado Plateaus) Torrid Desert Extreme Desert, Cactaceous; Pine in N moun- tains Winter-rain Chaparral interspersed with Desert Sagebrush-Juniper Semidesert Same, plus W Pine in mountains W Pine, Sagebrush-Juniper, Marsh Sagebrush (Wyoming Basin of Rocky Moun- tain System) Winter-rain Vegetation: Marshland, Bunch Grass, Chaparral, to Pine Same Same: mainly Pine, some Redwood Forest and Grass Sagebrush, Grassland, W Pine W Pine Forest W Pine, Sagebrush, and Bunch Grass SE Pine, some Broad-leaved and Swamp Forest Swamp Forest mainly SE Pine and Broad-leaved Forest SE Pine, Savanna Grassland, Swamp, Broad- leaved and Tropical Rain Forest Swamp, Tall Grass, Broad-leaved Woodland Broad-leaved Forest and Tall-grass Prairie Tall-grass Prairie Short-grass Plains; also Mesquite Savanna, E Broad-leaved Scrub Forest Short-grass Plains; Poplar Savanna in N, Pine at W edge Savanna; also E Broad-leaved Forest and Tall-grass Prairie Tall Grass; also Savanna, E Broad-leaved Forest Short-grass Plains Tall-grass Prairie and Poplar Savanna B Broad-leaved and N Coniferous Forest, Prairie B Broad-leaved Forest B Broad-leaved Forest, Tall-grass Prairie B Broad-leaved Forest, admixture in part N Coniferous Forest Oak Savanna, and some N Coniferous B Broad-leaved Forest B Broad-leaved Forest SE Pine Forest Marshland, Swamp Forest Mixed SE Pine and B Broad-leaved Forest B Broad-leaved Forest, N Coniferous admix- ture at elevations MixedN Coniferous and B Broad-leaved Forest N Transcontinental Coniferous Forest N Transcontinental Coniferous Forest, and Above-timber "Tundra's Interior Tundra W Coniferous Forest W Coniferous Forest, and Above-timber "Tundra" Tropical Rain Forest Tropical Jungle to Scrub Tropical Jungle to Scrub and Savanna Pine, Deciduous Forest, Savanna; arid toward coast Tropical Rain Forest, Jungle to N Tropical Rain Forest, Deciduous Forest, Thorn Scrub Tropical Jungle, Oak-Pine Forest, Scrub Tropical Rain Forest through Oak to Pine Forest Scrub, Grassland Pine, Oak, Scrub, Grassland Pine, Oak, Scrub, Grassland Deciduous Thorn and Broad-leaved Forest Scrub, Grassland Deciduous Thorn Forest W Pine and Deciduous Thorn Forest W Pine and Deciduous Thorn Forest Desert, Semidesert, Scrub, some Grassland Semidesert Scrub and Mesquite Savanna No. A la lb 2a 2b 2c NW la lb lo 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 SW 1 2a 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I la lb ic id 2a 2b 2c (3) 3a 3b 3c E Ia lb ic 2 3 4a 4b 5a Sb 6a 6b 6c 6d 7 8a 8b 9 10 11 (12) 12a 12b 12c 12d 13 14 15 16a 16b 16c 16d M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18