INDEX Abortion, 299 Accessory cusp, 20, 21 Accretions, 30, 31 Acorn leaching, 254 Adhesives, 279 Adoption, 301 Adornment, 274, 275, 277, 278, 306 Adultery, 296, 297 Afterworld, 319 Agriculture, 35, 36, 37, 262, 263 Army. See United States Army Arrows. See Weapons Arthritis, 32 Attrition, 23 Awls, 279, 283 Babies, 298, 299 Bags, 255, 263, 273, 277 Barrenness, 297 Basketry, 260, 263, 281, 282, 283 Battles. See War Beads, 253, 254 Beard, 278 Bedding, 272 Beekeeping, 36 Bellas, Frank, 355 Berdaches, 296, 298 Beverages. See Food Big Pine, 355 Birds, 267 Birth, 299, 300 Bishop, 355 Blankets, 253, 265, 272 Boots. See Footwear Bows. See Weapons Bride-price, 296, 297 Bridgeport Tom, 355 Brush, 258. See al8o Hairbrush Bull-roarer, 288, 309, 316 Bya, the "Bee-man," 36 California Academy of Sciences, 256 Call, hunting, 266 Campbell, E. W. C., 271 Caps, 274 Captain Coffee, chief, 298 Carabelli, 20, 21 Caries, 25 Carrying, 265, 267, 272, 281, 283, 285, 298 Caves, 269 Charms, 319 Chief, 249, 297, 298 Children, 261, 273, 277, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305 Clothing, 273, 303 Collins, George, 355, 357 Colors, 262, 277, 281, 320 Comb, 278 Committee of the American Anthropo- logical Association, Phonetic, 55 Constellations, 320 Cooking, 255, 256, 259, 265, 266, 267, 268 Corbusier, W. M., 248, 249, 251, 256, 263, 264, 266, 267, 276, 286, 287, 300, 301 Cordage, 281 Corn, 35 Cousins, 296, 304 Cradles, 283, 285, 299 Cranial sutures, 18 Curing, 260, 261 Cusps, 19 Cyst, radicular, 28 Dances, 291, 303, 304, 305 Death, 300, 302, 318 Deities, 307, 308 Diastema, 17 Diaz, Harrison, 355 Diet. See Foods Digging sticks, 259, 279 Directions, 320 Diseases, 260, 261 Disguises, hunting, 264, 265 Divorce, 297 Dogs, 264, 266 Donkeys, 253 Dream singing, Mohave, 363 Dreaming, 300, 303, 305, 309, 317, 318 Drinking tube, 255, 276, 302 Drum, 288 Duckworth, W. L. H., 20, 21, 23 [441 ] Index Dwarfs, 308 Dyeing, 278, 281 Eagle nests, 306 Ear piercing, 299, 300 Eastwood, Alice, 256 Ebers papyrus, 35 Eggs, 267, 268 Egypt, Notes on the Somatology and Pathology of Ancient, 1-54 Eskimo, 23, 26 Feuds, 297, 303-305 Fire, 259, 269 Firedrill, 269 Fishhooks, 35 Flageolet. See Flute Flute, 309 Foetuses, 267 Foods, 35, 36, 37, 255-268 Footwear, 275 Fractures, 34 Freckles, 267 Games, 288, 289, 290, 301 Gifford, 249-251, 264, 285, 288-292, 294, 305, 307, 308, 309, 311, 318, 319 Gila monster, 268, 317 Glue, 279 Gnathic index, 9 Gonorrhea, 260, 261 Grammar, Titbatulabal, 55-190 Grant, President. See President Grant Gray, Louis H., 54 Greasewood, 279 Grinding, 280 Guam, 23 Gum, 278, 279 Haeberlin, H. K., 307 Hair, 277, 278, 279 Hairbrush, 277, 278 Haircutting, 277, 278 Hammer, 259 Hamulus pterygoideus, 18 Handbook of American Indians, 252 Hereafter. See Afterworld Hermaphrodites. See Berdaches Horned owl, 267 Houses. See Shelter Hrdli6ka, A., 1, 19 Huts, 271 Identification: of plants, 256; of ani- mals, 268 Illegitimacy, 299 Indices, classification of, 16 Infanticide, 300 Informants: Tiibatulabal, 53, 190; Ya- vapai, 248; Paiute, 355 Inheritance, 298, 316 Insects, 268 International Phonetic Association, 55 Interpreters, 355 Irrigation, 35 James, George Wharton, 281 Jars. See Water jars Jimsonweed, 261 Jones, F. W., 2, 24, 26, 27, 32, 33 Kavelteadom tribe, 248 Kelly, I. T., 282 King, Saqnounri III, 24 Kinship terms, 292 Knives, 253, 259, 279 Kroeber, A. L., 252, 291, 292, 304 Labor, division of, 298 Land of Dead. See Afterworld Leaching, 258 Lefthandedness, 290 Leigh, Rufus Wood, 1-54 Levirate, 296 Lewis, Ed, 355 Lewis, Roy, 355 Lice, 278, 302 Lowie, R. H., 290, 356 Luck, 319 Maize, 254, 262, 263 Mandible, 2, 3 Marriage, 296, 297 Marrow, 266 Maxillary sinusitis, 29 McBride, Joe, 355 Measurements, mandibular, 4-8 Measurements, maxillary, 8, 10-15 Medicines, 260, 261, 268, 299, 308 Menstruation, 301, 302 Mescal, 254, 259 Metate, 256, 257, 263, 280 Mindeleff, 250 Moapa myths, 358, 359, 361, 362 [ 442 ] Index Moccasins. See Footwear Mohave dream singing, 363 Montezuma Well, 251 Moon, 318 Mortars, 259, 280 Mosquitoes, 271 Moth, 267 Mourning, 277, 278, 302, 303 Mummery, J. R., 35 Musical instruments, 288 Myth songs, 363, 437 Mythology, 251, 264, 287, 301, 317, 355-440 Myths of the Owens Valley Paiute, 355-440 Names, 276, 299, 302, 305 Neanderthal, 23 Needles, 276 Negro, 260 Northeastern and Western Yavapai, 274-354 Nose piercing, 276 Notes on the Somatology and Pathol- ogy of Ancient Egypt, 1-54 Obsidian, 285, 296 Occlusion, 17 Oetteking, B. F., 16 Omens, 272, 300, 303, 305, 307, 308, 309, 318, 319 Origin, 251, 307 Ornaments, 266, 274, 275, 276, 277, 282 Owens Valley Paiute, Myths of, 355- 440 Owls, 267, 278, 318 Pack strap, 265, 282, 283. See aleo Car- rying Paint, face, 277, 302 Paiute, Myths of the Owens Valley, 355-440 Parietal bosses, 33 Periapical osteitis, 26 Peruvians, 23 Petroglyphs, 290 Pets, 268, 306 Phonetic Association, International, 55 Phonetic Committee of the American Anthropological Association, 55 Pins, wooden, 282 Pipe, 263, 264 Poison, 287, 317 Pollen, 308, 309 Polygyny, 297 Population, 252 Postures, 290 Pottery, 280, 281 Prayers, 317 President Grant, 249 Prisoners, 304 Property, 273, 302, 306 Puberty, 301, 302 Pumpkin, 254 Rabbits, 266 Rachitis, 33 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 291 Radieular cyst, 28 Rattle, 288 Release, primary, 286 Reisner, G. A., 1 Religion, 307-319 Reptiles, 268, 317 Residence, 296, 297 Resurrection, 318 Roberts, Helen H., 282 Roots, teeth, 22 Ruffer, Sir Marc A., 28, 31, 33 Russell, 281 Saguaro, 260 Salt, 251, 252, 265, 276, 299, 300 Sand painting, 310 Sandals. See Footwear Sapir, E., 356 Scalping, 304 Seasons,321 Sex determination, 2 Sex taboos, 259, 263 Shaman, 253, 260, 307, 308, 313 Shades. See Shelter Shell beads. See Beads Shelter, 269, 271, 272 Shivwits myths, 362 Shoshonean tales, 356 Shovel-shaped teeth, 19 Signs. See Omens Singing, 264, 273, 277, 302, 303, 309, 311, 319 Sinusitis, maxillary, 29 Sioux Indians, 23 [ 443 ] Index Sitting, 290, 299 Skin dressing, 265, 272 Sleep, 290 Smallpox, 304, 310 Smith, G. Elliot, 1, 2, 25, 26, 32 Smoking. See Tobacco Smudges, 271 Snake, 308, 310. See also Gila monster Sneezing, 318 Snowshoes, 273 Songs: shamans', 264, 313, 317; myths, 363, 437 Sororate, 296 Spier, L., 248, 255, 266, 291 Spirit sticks, 271 Stalking, 264, 265, 267 Sterility. See Barrenness Stewart, Jack, 355, 357 Stone, Tom, 355, 357 Storage, 255, 263, 271, 273 Story. See Mythology String. See Cordage Structures. See Shelter Sugar, 268 Sunset Magazine, 281 Sutures, cranial, 18 Sweat house. See Shelter Symbolism, 262, 277, 319 Syphilis, 33 Taboos, 259, 264, 265, 277, 278, 294, 298, 299, 302, 303, 304, 317, 318 Tales. See Mythology Tanks. See Water holes Tattoo, 276 Taurodont teeth, 23 Teeth, 19, 300 Texts, Tiibatulabal, 191-246 Time, 320 Tobacco, 254, 262, 263, 273, 309 Toes, 290 Tongs, 258, 279, 287 Tools, 279 Toothache, 302 Trade, 253 Traps, 266, 267 Tree-felling, 280 Ttibatulabal Grammar, 55-190 Tube, drinking, 255, 276, 302 Tuber maxillare, 17 Ttibatulabal Texts, 191-246 Tuberculus anomalus, 20, 21 Turquoise, 253, 275, 319 Tweezers, 278 Twins, 299, 300 Uldall, H. J., 54 United States Army, 248 Utensils: eating, 255, 276; cooking, 280 Valuations, 253 Ventriloquism, 316 Vietory dance, 304, 305 Voegelin, Charles F., 55-190, 191-246 War, 251, 252, 277, 303 Water holes, 250, 254, 306 Water jars, 280, 281, 282, 303 Watermelons, 253 Wayland, Mose, 355 Weapons, 285-288 "Wheat," 260 Whipple, A. W., 286, 304 Whistles, 266, 288 Wishram Texts, 356 Witchcraft, 278, 307, 309, 316, 317 Woodrats, 266 Yavapai, Northeastern and Western, 247-354 [444]