INDEX Acheulean, 89. Adolescent ceremonies, 133. Aki, 384. Aleut, 58, 60, 97, 110. Alligator, 136. Amchitapuka, god-, 234, 235, 242, 243. American Museum of Natural His- tory, 64. American Numismatic Society, 65. Anttlooapra amerioazn, 215. Apache, 197, 199, 203, 231, 239, 242. Apaynwnu,, 279, 281, 283. Arapaho, 59, 311. Archaeology of the DaU,es-Deschutes Region, 1-154. Aretostaphyl.os pu.ngen8, 213. Arrowpoint " factory," 29. Asclepis4, 283. Aurora, 285. Autobiographies. See Ritual Autobiog- raphies. Ax, 283. Babines, 49, 50. Baranof, 65. Barrett, S. A., 253, 254, 257, 262, 264, 265, 270, 279, 287, 304, 309, 313, 333, 338, 340, 348, 364, 365, 367. Bat, 320. Bathing. See Purification. Beads, 56, 66, 72, 273, 274, 290, 318, 339, 354. Bedding, 220, 290. Beliefs, 7, 20, 206, 215, 229, 233, 237, 240, 241, 242, 285, 287,288. Belts, 282, 290. Bengal, 65. Berdaches, 272. Bird, 53, 129. Blalock island, 41, 42, 47. Boas, F., 49,133. Boasting, 183, 184. Bolton, H. E ., 178. Bourke, John G., 203, 239, 240, 242. Burns, Mike, 184. Caps, 359. Carex, 281. Carriers, 49, 50. Cemeteries, 272; Odd Fellows', 102. Cerofdium torreyana., 211. Cero8s oooidentaZis, 281. Ceremonial fires, 49. Ceremonies, adolescent, 133. Chamberlain, A. F., 49. Charms, 242, 287, 391. Charmatones. See Charms. Chellean, 89. Children, 49, 196, 197, 199, 218, 226, 230, 272, 316, 370, 371, 390. China, 73. Chinook, 13, 39, 42, 47, 129, 137. Christophe of Haiti, 65. Church, C. Corbly, 65. Clahelellahs, 41. Clay, 220, 222, 230, 236. Cloud, 396. Cooking, 122, 276. Corbusier, William F., 177, 234. Cord. See String. Courtship, 231. Couvade, 369. Cradle, 219, 220, 390. Creator, 4, 303. Crow Text, with Grammatical Notes, A, 155-175. Culin, 58, 59. Curtin, J., 304. Curtis, E., 5, 39, 45, 47, 57, 102, 109, 110, 133. Dalles-Deschutes region, archaeology of, 1-154. Dam, 278. Datura, 213. Dawson, E., 83. De Angulo, J., 304, 366, 369. De Young Memorial Museum, 64. Dial, Earl, 26. Dieguenfo, 220, 241. Dixon, R. B., 254, 267, 268, 279, 282, 303, 304, 313, 329, 337, 338, 339, 361. Dogs, 215, 216, 217, 226, 295, 328. Dream, 242, 310, 311, 343, 365, 379. Drinking, 184. Eagle, 234, 238, 248, 279, 295, 340, 346, 347. Earthquake, 239. Eastwood, Alice, 213. Eclipse, 285. Eells, M., 29, 52, 129. Epidemic, 145. European, 73, 89, 134. Famine, 296. Fasting, 183, 184, 291, 343, 346, 369. Fire drill, 283, 297. Fires, ceremonial, 49. [425] Index First People, 242. Fish, 53, 93, 99, 122, 146. Fishhooks, 278, 295. Flood, 187. Forde, C. D., 185. Fowde, Gerard, 49. Fraser, F. 0., 28. French, 70. Gammon collection, 20, 75-77, 81, 84, 92, 93, 98, 105-108, 111, 113, 117. Garden, 188. Gayton, Anne H., 58, 309. Gibbs, George, 145. Gifford, E. W., 77, 83, 86, 87, 185, 257, 258, 263, 270, 273, 283, 309, 352, 367. Gifts, 195. Goddard, P. E., 203, 257, 258, 304, 362, 374. Goddess. See Widapokwi. Gods. See Amehitapuka; Puis; Se- mache. Greek, 65. Greetings, 290. Gunther, Erna, 144. Hairpin, 271, 327, 328. Haiti, 65. Harpoon, 278, 295. Hatt, G., 288. Herbs, 93. Hesi, 383. Hill-Tout, Charles, 49, 66. Hodge, F. W., 112. Honey, 217. Hooked sticks, 184, 217, 221. Horse, 41, 42, 135, 184, 195, 216, 224, 242. Hupa, 58, 61, 62. Illness, 293. Jensen-Shannon collection, 104. Jewelry, 229. Jochelson, W., 58, 60, 97, 98, 110. Juglanw major, 209. Juniperus paochyphlaea., 212. Kalapuya, 45. Kamia, 241. Kamloops, 49, 104. Karok, 62. Klindt collection, 93, 94, 95, 98, 107, 108. Knotted string, 274, 279, 281, 283, 286. Kootenay, 49. Krieger, H. W., 39, 50, 52, 57, 66, 115, 131, 143. Kroeber, A. L., 94, 103, 110, 145, 182, 185, 224, 234, 248. Leaching, 208, 275, 296. Legend. See Myth. Lewis, A. B., 14, 45, 49. Lillooet, 58, 93. Loeb, E. M., 270, 280, 304, 309, 313, 317, 322, 328, 337, 338, 340, 341, 343, 347, 397, 398, 404. Long Narrows, 4, 5, 9, 20, 134. Lytton, 57, 104. Magdalenean, 86. Makah, 58. Maricopa, 242. Marshall, C. L., 29, 65, 128-130. Masks, 215, 216, 231. Mason, J. A., 61, 354. McKern, W. C., 253, 273, 277, 279-282, 284, 293, 313, 321, 329, 334, 336-338, 342. Mermaid, 233. Merriam, C. H., 262, 303, 367. Merrill, R. E., 281. Mescal, 183, 206, 207. Message stick, 189. Mexican, 225, 227, 293. Milky way, 285. Moki, 379. Moon, 136. Mooney, James, 239. Morice, A. G., 49. Mortar, 275, 296, 337. Mountain sheep, 107, 135. Mourning, 229, 272, 290. Mousterian, 86. Multnomah, 41. Museums. See American Museum of Natural History; De Young Me- morial Museum; Salem Museum. Myth, 29, 41, 101, 102, 109, 129, 190, 228, 242-246, 275, 304-308. Navaho, 204. Needle, 281, 282. Nelson, E. W., 60, 62, 112. Nelson, N. C., 73. Nez Perc*, 39, 45, 47, 52, 69, 70, 73, 82, 94, 106, 121. Nets, 277, 284. Newspaper, 354. Nose-bleed, 286, 316, 319. Nose-piercing, 229. Obsidian, 225, 273, 286, 292, 297, 298, 299, 346. Odd Fellows' cemetery, 102. Ogress, 101. Olneya tesota, 208, 211. Olson, Ronald, 133. Omen, 185, 233, 239. Oregonian, The, 65. Orion, 248, 285. Owl, 108, 109, 286. [426] Index Packstrap, 284, 290. Paint, 185, 198, 216, 220, 222, 230, 236, 272, 318, 319, 359. Palaeolithic, 134. Patwin and Their Neighbors, The, 253-423. Pestle, 275, 296. "Phoenix" (ship's name), 65. Phoenix Indian School, 191. Pima, 242. Pitch, 207, 209, 219, 222, 230, 273, 290, 346. Pleiades, 248. Poaching, 297, 298, 356. Poison, 224, 278, 280, 281, 286, 292, 293, 343, 358, 360, 373. Polaris, 285. Population, 146, 254, 257, 258, 354, 362, 366, 374. Posture, 271. Pottery, 220, 230. Powers, Stephen, 253, 257, 262, 263, 267. Presents, 195. Prisoners, 184. Puis, god, 354. Purification, 184, 186, 204, 214, 233, 235, 238. Quinault, 133. Quercus arizonica, 208. douglasii, 295. dutmosa, 295. emoryi, 208. k-elloggii, 295. lobata, 295. wizlizenii, 295. Rain, 287. Rape, 101. Residence, 198, 371. Resurrection, 247, 272, 313, 317, 323. Rhus diversiloba, 281. ovata, 212. Ritual autobiographies, 377. Ritual number, 291. Rope, 218, 283. Russell, F., 185. Sagittaria variabilig, 3. Sahaptin, 13, 39, 42, 47, 48, 49. Salem Museum, Massachusetts, 282. Salish, 48, 50, 78, 82, 87, 102, 133. Salix, 281. Salt, 287, 297, 365. Sapir, E., 5, 29, 41, 129, 133, 134. Saunders colleetion, 20. Scalps, 183, 184, 185, 187, 297, 298, 299, 356, 358, 369, 391. Scarification, 232. Schenck, W. E., 83, 97, 100, 109, 127. Schmidt, P. W., 374. Scratching stick, 184. Sekanai, 50. Semache, 234. Sewing, 187, 219, 227. Sili, 380. Shadow, 288. Shannon and Jensen collection, 21. Shaving, 229. Shell, 273, 274, 278, 283. Ship, "Phoenix,," 65. Short Narrows, 8. Shoshonean, 49. Shuswap, 49, 50, 87. Sicknesses, 293. Simmonctsia oalfomraic4, 211. Simms, George A., 191. Skeena, 49. Slaves, 45, 197. Smith, Harlan I., 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 61, 66, 70, 71, 82, 88, 92, 93, 100, 102, 104, 106, 111, 112, 121, 131, 143, 145. Smith, H. I., 49. Snohomish, 58. Soap, 214. Solutrean, 76, 86. Southeastern Yavapai, The, 177-252. Spanish, 186, 199, 225, 262, 282, 293. Spier, Leslie, 49, 182, 186, 217, 222, 225, 227, 228, 248, 309. Spinden, H. J., 39, 47, 52, 82, 121. Spoons, 276. Steward, Julian, 57, 59, 90. Sticks, hooked, 184, 217, 221; mes- sage, 189; scratching, 184. Storage, 219, 275, 296. String, 274, 279, 281, 283, 286. Strong, W. D., 109, 127, 258. Sun, 133, 234, 242. Swan, J. G., 60, 61. Sweating, 204, 214, 235, 271, 280, 293, 316, 319, 373, 390. Taboos, 183, 184, 195, 198, 200, 215, 238, 271, 280, 287, 319, 327, 371,380. Tale. See Myth. Tampico, Mexico, 50, 51, 57. Tattooing, 229, 271, 365. Teeth, 354. Teit, James, 39, 48, 49, 52, 87, 93, 103, 145. Telshe, 180, 187, 188, 214. Tepees, 39. Thompson River Indians, 49, 58, 69, 87, 106, 112. Thunder, 287. Tobacco, 213, 234, 238, 240, 280, 297, 299, 356, 369. Tongs, 221. Torture, 183. Traps, 216, 217. Tree, 390. Tsagiglalal, 109, 133, 139. [427] Index Tsimshian, 49. Turks, 65. Turquoise, 242. Twins, 199, 272, 293. Unio, 71. Ursa major, 285. Vantage Ferry, 50, 51, 57, 131. Wahelellahs, 41. Wahluke, 68. Waima, 384. Walalap, 136. Walapai, 241, 248. Wanapun, 39. Wappatoo, 3, 15, 146. Wasco, 49, 110. Washington, F. B., 356. Water being, 288. Waterman, T. T., 39. Weather, 235. Weir, 278. Wepotehe, 180, 187, 188, 235. Whistling, 231, 236. Widapokwi, goddess, 187, 199, 230, 232, 234, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243. Wilkes Expedition, 7, 129. Willoughby, C. C., 282. Wilson, Thomas, 77, 86, 89. Wishram, 45, 49, 101, 110, 129. Witchcraft, 233, 239, 286, 298, 358. Wood, Howland, 65. Woodland Daily Democrat, 354. Yakima, 82, 100, 111. Yati, 380. Yehhuhs, 41. Yohyo, 380. Yokuts, 58. Yongweda, 389, 405. Yurok, 62, 94, 96, 110. 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Low1q - ;~~~dlos Prcs V-tii 1i ;; - oIel$4.25;Volties 2 to 12, Inlsieve, PS-.5Oea.h;. from-a - 3:. :olumes - $5.00 ec volme 25, $4,.sppeet n$ cent; vume , $2.50; ;:, v.olums 8, 'X2:31, n32hip ptogr s; vhuW.5$4.O0..0glmz1ntwitholiWie iho, - the titles and prices ef seXparate nubers ar0.-,given bablow. Te: 1v4|0.*~. .The Phoee Atpern 0Ras i.ozrai oun.; zvi +| 880 pp2 plate,-; -2~gures15An t*t. - c-berm 128 5-T00 VL#.v lTeollrt zs t r -6 Bwf jm 0bnh by A. l4 Kroe?Uber an Willis >a m DuncanP 2. * x oU t At'QbI a b x ress6 , i f ; t eit. a t v ; E DXwb.a$;, 1h ,pd2 tino. e. 8eptembe,; h....~ ........................................ 1.0 8. Th Uhi Pottery oileciozi ~ron le bN A. L. ~ Urobe a,dtoWillia f ) ~2-4'0i ',? 17 'iue kn txt December, 192 ;'...............................~.... ',,- -, .85......... , 4.-01 Th Phl ?-otter oile aXetit from- Mzco, by ill Dutian $tog.. :'~~~p '- "'- -P-190, plaes 4'4S,' 11 .flgurea In tet,S%teiber''l02*..J. _ '.90" i -~~~5 ,te . Vh .;S 6 e0w Poftter Qoflect*ons fro MoeIts, bayA. , &roebe. Pp 191-234 7 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H RoUf 3M , '- 9 6v?,;.b .*,. ,%- 7gV.0\, OGV,^ ,, ''," toV,~ 0 '''S,Te'l-]?o;?.Ul"'m it,b -L'.l' wt.t5*z*-*r***-a*-o'60~ r ( tl Pt i -ns fro aV y . L. ebe z, Pp. 285*- 304,, plate 8 28 gre4s In tex a, 1 2 , .- j-r .64 r .; f 0329, ... t. mpls .6,..--# -^. 91-4)7,................................................figs................ n_t*ext PenAy 192 ................,....... Vet -' I . . 'ot -t4nTextrx by - lad A. eic*rd. :. Wp. 1-215, l 1. *~~~ ..allif o:t iafi A S1X poetair aU, byEda rdB Wlio Gor. P.1-SIl plates 2;.53;" LOops, Marih 192 - 2.2 5. ., . Washo TSeexs, byu Graces Dangerg.P. 9-48 "XlFej,retr, 1927 .6-0--. ,,lc' a W. ' ' Scnk 'P.' 1A2% p1*te 1'ib -3e , 1aad Ap M c bL Grop o- he; glDelt eion, by W Rgbez- f ~~~4-28, pla te 3-54 8 *^fhi .guresh In telt,df 1L ma. Novembr 2i .. 1i8s.75 ; Ar0 ;- .. , w i 2ees PsrIbti?* by A. L. 1W 6ebd~r.- !--'p-- 2"$3- .2i_6 1 map. ,- i . 1 , t,0 19g ***t **- d @*--.'**;6 et, or 1 .t? * - -' w w *--* P * ~~~~~~~~~L, - i - ':, -q'mT,,NAOOi 4 f*0 N.6a bLL arWad. ,L -~ ~~ B:. W#:oIpbo 0a1tni ;-d M%inng ;te*, bi. uIA,,an:4 :i ff Rt W ,0 ~~~~~P. 4729 fr la> V(n colo) 'n piMee 22. 92 _ ,, , to $pTkta an ethynMn lalP y~ i,T by -- 26 0~o.P.29 't~~~~~21 pl9-.$'A, g.rj,; - t4-, ' ui, S -op 0t <'-; em1,ers-J,>lh ' In 192by t ; .40-- ;~~~~~4 Tho Vale z r 4enaoi,'*y. L. Zr**-oX%0*-*-#- z*@w9@Z-e*>iN*-*w4r.* *p *-gO +oebe, I92 .50X 0 j 0; -99 424. Deceubo. .... ...r..... 40,0 :~~~~~~8 Px~1va Ciib;n .w,b -s1e T -L2 Ltvlcf. y . ;o1y Pp 32!'31 I Xt ;ur t 0~~~8 * , t, , 1 J1 It ple A o Zndox' ',in It Pub. --catlo0l' 2 . 426a Ng and t Vol ne 1-28, ,"*-. . VoL 27. A, -aha*o the :'pp ,.t,,1'S ,t g't,i' b ..Paxi 'aIn eili 19 pp<. '; ',:. , .'voi~ber 19'9 .....' ... ....1. 2.80 : = ;: , Vol.28.: . Ohimas Preitoy 1? R9il , Olson P. 1-21 X Spe In t't 1 |'~~~~~~p ;:-82 2< fgre in :te; 0;:-xt.: . 108 ................... .....~. ...._ -. -.88,-_ ,,,........... _ , , -, ~ 9-5, 17 ; gn* li tot 2 ;xp~ _)6m ~ _ . * 5 iti yh,byOrt ol ~Dwtb ~wtacpiIn *p.29 408 -Iyoexzbr ~~ .2 - Vol. 29~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?. Axebae~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ogV of tli D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ile *scb~~~~~~~~~~~~~bt,s Ho~~~~~~~~~~~~ie*z, by W. Dilm'Au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~111 Zgot-hNov, 4JuiaiI ~ra4 .1i~+A4p~e n~~~~~~ee- d6t$ -b - - ft rt,Ii~~~~~a~. otarI8 ... 12 Decembea4 W" W,$0f ib....e.... . 4 0 * * Vl. 9 1. ~erlcn Kinhip.~erzp~ byPaul adln Pp. -14.Aug~n 193.... Vol. 32. 1. Yur.k.~~~~~a~Qk ~ao~~VWoav~~re, by 24i~a~. ONaO '.i44 - * 1~~~~58;38Kfi~~~~lirOO bruar~~~~~ 1232.....-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.001 * - .2.Prn~E1e onips~ ~ byYi~~s D. le~ei~. p.1848, maps. -Febmiary 1232 . ....... . .............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .751