INDEX After-world. See Land of Dead. Agriculture, 88, 109, 110, 116. Alarcon, F., 98, 132. Alpaca, 26. Arrows, 68, 119, 158, 169. Arrowweed, 122, 125, 130, 152, 154, 157, 171, 172, 187, 192, 196, 210, 211, 221, 225, 234. Asphalt, 12. Asthma, 135. Badger, 182, 191, 215, 216, 236. Balls, 173. Bamboo, 129, 197. Bandelier, A. F., 49, 99. Basket Maker, 17. Bead collars, 231. Beans, 109, 111, 187, 220. Beaver totem, 143. Bedding, 19. Benedict, R., 202, 258. Big Star, 109. Birds, 38, 45, 128, 159. Birth control, 158. Black, 66. Blankets, 59, 106, 107, 126, 208. Bolton, H. E., 94, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105-110, 112, 113, 117, 126, 135, 136, 153, 162, 170, 181, 207, 209, 211. Bowers, Stephen, 10. Bows, 158. Braid, 31, 33-35. Bride purchase, 156. Bridge, 66, 78. Brocades, 26, 30, 33, 35, 45, 46, 48, 52. Buzzard totem, 142. Camel, 29. Casmerodius egretta, 91. Cat, 66, 78. Chaparral cock, 230. Chaparral cock totem, 143. Charmstones, 195. Chief, 60, 69, 75, 122, 134, 182. Children, 156, 185, 258. Chipmunk, 187. Chuimash Prehistory, 1-21. Cigarettes, 208, 209. Citruaufs vwvgarir, 111. Clapper, 68, 71. Clay, 117, 122, 124. Clements, F., 200. Cloth. See Double Cloth. Clothing, 92. Clouds, 215. Clouds totem, 142. Coin, 11. Collars. See Bead collars. Collingwood, C. B., 90. Colors, 31, 37, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49, 216. Conception, 158. Corn, 109, 110, 116, 156, 159, 187, 222, 223, 225, 228. Cortez, Jose, 102. Cory, H. T., 89. Cotton, 26, 40, 43, 46, 48, 85, 106, 126. Coues, E., 100, 105, 180. Cow pea, 111. Coyote, 66, 78, 219. Coyote totem, 142. Clradles, 71, 72, 160, 222. Crawford, 23, 29, 30, 49. Crazy, 70. Creator, 66, 78, 134,176,177. Cricket totem, 142. Crow, 182. Cuourbita pepo, 111. CwuOU'Mw, 1'1 1. Culin, S., 132, 133. Curing, 68, 117,137, 181, 183, 191, 192, 195. Cushing, F., 270. Datura disoolor, 205. Davis, E. H., 221, 256. Death images. See Images. Deer totem, 143. Deerhide totem, 143. Densmore, F., 128. Diapnusha, 61. Directions, 216. Dispersal of the People totem, 143. Divorce, 156. Doctor, 72, 75, 76, 80, 117, 159, 173, 181, 192, 193, 196, 202, 204, 205, 206, 212. Dog, 72, 73, 93. Dolls, 222. Double cloth, 31, 33, 34, 44, 52. Dove totem, 143. Dreaming, 79, 12.7, 134, 137, 141, 157, 158, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 189, 201-204. Drunkenness, 75. DuBois, Cora, 64, 152, 256. Dyes, 31, 40. Eagle, 78, 158, 226. Eagle totem, 143. Ear piercing, 160. Earth Mother, 178. Earthquake, 61. Eastwood, Alice, 114, 171. [405] Index Egretta candidissima- oandidissima, 91. Embroideries, 26, 30-32, 34, 35, 37, 43, 44. Escobar, 98, 99. Eshom valley, 61, 68, 69. Ethnography of the Yuma Indi&ns, 83-278. European, 9, 12, 13, 17, 19. Fasting, 151, 178, 194, 202, 206, 216, 225, 253. Feathers, 68, 167, 174, 211, 215, 222, 226, 230, 242, 252, 259. Fights, 115, 117, 237. See alsa Wars. Figure-8 weave, 34, 52. First People, 182, 203, 215. Flowers, 38. Flute, 129, 131. Fox, 182. Freeman, G. F., 111. Fringe, 34, 38, 48, 52. Frog, 128, 214. Frog totem, 142. Games, 76. Garces, 99, 105. Gatschet, A. S., 89. Gauze weave, 33, 35, 52. Gayton, A. H., 207. Ghost Dance of 1870 in Sout;h-Central Cialifornia, The, 57-82. Gifford, E. W., 3, 58, 64, 79, 86, 118, 124, 135, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 163, 173, 199, 201, 206, 254, 267. Gifts. See Presents. Ginneries, 85. Goddard, Pliny E., 268. Goose, 204, 216, 236. Granaries, 116, 122. Guadalupe, 10, 12. Hail, 216. Hair, 212. Hairdressing, 97. Harrington, J. P., 143, 176, 203. Hawk, 226, 230, 234, 236, 237. Heavenly Snake, 220, 243. Heintzelman, S. P., 89, 102, 103, 110, 114, 122, 132, 136, 139, 164. Hendry, G. W., 111. Herzog, G., 128, 130. Hornets, 173. Horses, 17, 71, 73, 93, 155, 181, 193, 206, 230, 234, 255. Hrdlicka, A., 94. Hummingbird, 74. Images, 221, 222, 224, 226, 229, 242, 257. Insect totem, 143. Irrigation, 85, 109. Ives, J. C., 103, 164, 169. Jaguar, 78. Jimsonweed, 151, 202, 205-207. Joijoi, 60, 61, 66, 68, 73, 76. Jones, Philip Mills, 10, 12. Juncus textilis, 257, 259. Kaka'i, 66. Kennedy, P. B., 116. Kniffen, F., 89. Knitting, 26, 31, 34, 35, 46, 50. Knives, 123, 159, 170, 228. Knowledge, 221. Kolpopo, 61. Kroeber, A. L., 5, 12, 19, 41, 58, 64, 77, 82, 99, 103, 104, 112, 113, 115, 122, 124, 128, 132, 137, 141, 146, 153, 155, 162, 163, 170-172, 174, 178, 179, 182, 199, 252, 272. Kuksu cult, 64. Kukumat, 214, 215, 219, 239. Kumastamxo, 110, 176, 177, 180, 201, 214-216, 218, 219, 226. Kumkum, 74, 75. Land of Dead, 66, 70, 77, 79, 160, 179, 193. Laufer, Berthold, 23. Lee, W. T., 90. Linton, R., 169, 270. Lizard, 195. Llama, 26. Loco weed. See Jimsonweed. Loeb, E. M., 79, 254. Loom, 29, 126. Loom-joining, 30, 52. Lowie, R. H., 64, 76, 200, 265-268. MacDougal, D. T., 91. Magic. See Witchcraft. Maize, 110. Marco, Friar, 105. Masks, 118. Mason, J. A., 62, 78. McDougall, W., 175. Mediterranean release, 172. Melons, 109, 111. Menstruation, 204. Mescal, 117. Mesquite, 125, 130, 155, 170, 187, 204. Messengers, 66, 72, 75. Mexican, 122, 146, 168, 178. Midwives, 159. Mirror, 194. Moiety. See Nutuwic; Tokeluwic. M6man, 60. Money, 59, 256, 259, 262. Moon, 177, 182, 223. Moon totem, 142. Mooney, James, 57, 77. Morning Star, 169. Morse, E. S., 172. Mouse, 217, 236. Mud, 203. Murie, J. R., 266. [406] Index Name, 74, 143-147, 149, 150, 182, 203, 215, 258. Needleknitting, 32, 50, 52. Negro, 105. Nelson, Agnes, 23. Nets, 119, 120, 226. Night hawk totem, 143. Nose piercing, 150. ' Number. See Ritual number. Nutuwic moiety, 73. Oatman. See Olive Oatman. Obregon, B. de, 271. Oceania, 21. Old Sam, 65. Olive Oatman, 168. Oln.eya tesota, 116. Olson, Ronald, 269. Ofiate, 93, 98, 99. Orations. See Speeches. Orator, 65, 182, 203. Orion, 109. Outhwaite, Leonard, 4. Owls, 180, 259. Paint, 59, 601, 65, 67, 76, 131, 172,'173, 195, 218,'222, 228, 229, 231,'234, 244. Pasqual, 136, 211. Pattern weave, 43, 52. Perry, W. J., 174. Phaseolus a.cutiforius, 111. Phragmites, 91. Phrargmiteg coTamunis, 171. Pigmentation. See Paint. Pipes, 117. Plain weave, 33, 43, 52. Pleiades, 109, 129. P7;uchea serwea, 91, 171. Poison, 75, 171, 185, 187, 191, 200, 217, 236. Pole, 68, 70'. Population, 103. Popu-tus maodougatlii, 90. Posture, 150, 159, 172. Powers, Stephen, 65. Presents, 207, 217, 256, 259. Priestley, H. I., 102, 136, 164, 165. Primary release, 172. Prophet, 65. Prosopis juliflora, 115. Prosopis pubesoens, 115. Prosopis veltutinea, 90. Pseudo-metates, 8. Pueblo, 8, 17, 88, 178, 202. Putnam, G. R., 208, 209. Quarrels. See Fights; Wars. Quetzalcoatl, 178. Raccoon, 191. Rain, 5, 128, 137, 197. Rattle, 130, 219, 226, 227, 239, 242. Rattlesnake, 72, 177. Rattlesnake totem, 143. Raven totem, 142. Red ant totem, 143. Red mud totem, 143. Reforms, 65. Release. See Mediterranean release; Primary release. Residence, 156. Ritual number, 76. Road-runner, 234, 236, 237. See also Chaparral cock. Rogers, David, 10. Rogers, Malcolm, 10. Rope, 72, 74. Russell, F., 92, 126, 141, 146, 163. "Sacaton grass," 114. Saganiu, 60, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75. Salt, 59, 110, 143, 153, 187, 225. Sam. See Old Sam. Sandals, 92. Sapir, E., 86. Scalping, 165, 237. Screwbean totem, 143. Seler, E., 29. Shadow, 179. Shamans, 69, 71, 75, 80. Shells, 59, 151, 259, 262. Shields, 174, 239, 240, 242, 244, 269- 271. Sibs, 134, 139, 207, 256. Sidewinder totem, 143. Singers, 68, 71, 142-147, 182, 219, 232. Skins, 59, 126. Sky Father, 178. Slings, 32, 33. Snake. See Heavenly Snake. Sorcery. See Witcheraft. Spanish, 11, 17, 29, 85, 88, 115, 134, 135, 165, 169. Speeches, 209, 212, 225, 229, 243. Spider, 215, 217, 236. Spier, Leslie, 58, 61, 71, 78, 79, 82, 92, 111, 141, 147, 160, 178, 253, 254. Sporubotis airoid6es, 114. Stature, 93. Staves, 42, 167, 215, 232, 265-269. Stratton, R. B., 139, 169. Strong, W. D. 141, 145, 258, 259, 272. Sucking, 187, 194, 195. Sun, 182. Symbols. See Color symbols; Direc- tion symbols. Taboos, 73, 76, 79, 153, 159, 166, 168, 196. Takac, 72, 75, 81. Tapestry, 26, 31, 34, 35, 43, 44, 48, 49, 52. Tassels, 34. Ten Kate, H. F. C., 89, 132. [407] Index Textile Periods in Ancient Peru, 23- 56. Thunder, 130. Tie-dyeing, 34. Tobacco, 117, 187, 193, 197. Tokeluwic moiety, 73. Tools, 112, 123. Totems, 76, 142-144. See also Frog, Corn, Moon, Cricket, Fish, Coy- ote, Clouds, Buzzard, Raven, Rattlesnake, Sidewinder, Deer, Screwbean, Chaparral Cock, Wil- low bark headring, Red mud, Dispersal of the People, Beaver, Deerhide, Red ant, Eagle, Insect, Dove, Night hawk totems. Trade, 26, 59, 104. Transformation, 78, 129, 157. Traps, 113, 119, 120. Travel, 127, 129, 130. Trippel, E. J., 91, 106, 114, 116, 118, 133, 136, 140, 154, 159, 160, 195, 199, 210, 211, 222, 223, 228. Tule river, 61. Turtle, 197. Tuwawiya, 66. Twine-plaiting, 34, 52. Twins, 129. Uplinao, 61. Vigna. 8in.esis, 111. Wars, 59, 104, 134, 165, 181, 218. Watcilala, 61. Water, 76. Waterman, T. T., 152, 178, 216, 258. Wealth, 107, 126, 256. Weaves. See Figure-8 weave; Pattern weave; Plain weave; Tapestry; 'Twine-plaiting; Weft scaffolding; Wrapped weave; Gauze weave. Weft scaffolding, 52. Whipple, Lt., 89, 102, 103, 164. Whiskey, 75. Wildcat, 219. Willow bark headring totem, 143. Wintu Myths, 279-403. Wissler, Clark, 265, 266. Witchcraft, 179, 181, 193, 194, 195, 201. Wiyot, 178. Wool, 26, 29, 40, 46, 48, 106. Wu'isu'i, 73. Wrapped weave, 34, 52. Yuma Indians, Ethnography of the, 83-278. Zea amylakea, 110, 111. [408] UNIVRSITY OF CALIFORNIA, 5:-3LI: ,c ae v cal;{ 7., th;.;ad 'g tea, sub TIe publications dealing ithearbeologla ua dsahnloglcaI subct Sisued tader th e dlreetiox of the Departn-nt ofMlUop are aet in exchngfor t1bia.tieu of anthroplogical detartments and tor J61s devote4?to geaathpokg, f--or. to archae.ology and Met;nology. They arO IQt sale at .tl,he es; saed in the. Oata1ogu : 9 of the Piblationsf t Ueniersity ofi loat ooy yrpies, of h:c will besent r e; . uponI request. 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Rthnography ofS Xt h e '-~i Inias, by 0.a flxl ?ede Pp8s pt8 , 3-27., pl,tes- 0~~~~9717 fiue in teXt - mapw- .7December IOSI . .. ;}8*\l .......''..k{ ;*U %4 5.'t 'L; j W,Int Mytbs> by; CoaK I) Bol, am< Dorty Demtaoon Pp 279-' ,;! 0' 0 40N'ai3i .s .....................e.......... m-baz*wOr 1931,,, ;, , ,,'e;'li.....~.... ... ~ ., . 1.25................................................. Vol.429. 1. 4vcaooog of the aeueshio Regou by W.> ihn S1trog, W.-0 ;~~~~ger ozuk an TuIiam4 --L; Steowrd. Pp vii+116, *1tip 1-28 22 -x; t~~~ ' ,ro T e } x,, with t 0rini n ,,a'S ots, by*^* RoeX IO Lov * . 14p 10475 Vol. 30 Elsmt pwt.1mn*1 y e slie apI?.Pp. x+ 138;2 igure in tea. VO . 1. 1:0..... ;:Zca . -~~ by Pau . in;. Pp. 1...1...A..g...t 1.31 ..~...-. -.. .25 .;: ; , . ', -, 00 *P ' 'f *';S7 0 ''X '' . 0''t0. A . 0' ;- f .\ ' . - 4' '~~~~ -t -t -, , .0: -'0 fOS ; d'' ' ;, '^, ,;' f: ,f f'; :,','S'' -V.'-'N of.^70''0,,, ~ y,0,7,1t, . 'ts'f V :- , 0 'S : ''-'''" ,' 0" t.' 0 -!7 7;- ' S "', .',' 7 ,RS'.,' 0 ;-777 ' .:,