University of California Publications in AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY VOLUME XXVIII I930-I93I I EDITORS A. L. KROEBER ROBERT H. LOWIE R. L. OLSON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRMSS BERKELY, CALIORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND PRINII IN THE U. S. A. BY JOSEPE W. FLINN UNIVESITY PRINTER CONTENTS PAGES 1. Chumash Prehist-ory, by Ronald L. Olson ...................................................... 1-21 2. Textile Periods in Ancient Peru, by Lila M. 0 'Neale and A. L. Kroeber,, 23-56 3. The Ghost Dance of 1870 in South-Central California, by A. H. Gayton 57-82 4. Ethnography of the Yuma Indians, by C. Daryll Forde ............................ 83-278 5. Wintu Myths, by Cora Du Bois and Dorothy Demetraeopoulou .............. 279-403 Index ..- ,405-408