INDEX Aleut, 339, 349, 358, 369, 384, 398. American Museum of Natural History, 391. Antevs, Ernst, 120. Anntiaris toxicaria, 188. Araga, 257. Archaeology of the Northemn San Joaquin Valley, 289-413. Arica, South America, 391. Arizona, 366. Arrow poison, 188, 240. Atriplex. See Greasewood. Aurora, 257. Baker, F. C., 29, 373. Baining, 255. Balum cult, 254. Bamboos, sacrificial, 191. Bamler, G., 254. Bananas, 195, 221. Bfanaro, 253. Barrett, S. A., 88. Basket Maker, 25, 110, 119-121. Beaver, W. N., 253. Big Village, 224. Billi cult, 264. Blood, 217, 268. Body painting, 231. Bondeis, 265. Borger, Herr, 186, 202, 205, 209, 216, 222, 233, 242. Bororo, 281. Bougainville, 255, 256. Bukaua, 254. Bunurang, 250. Burial, 209, 219, 242. Bushmen, 283. Canyon de Chelly, 54. Cape Orford, New Britain, 256. Carrier, 275. Caves, 163. Ceram, 257, 260, 261. Chamberlin, R. V., 157. Chickens, 193, 202, 204, 207. Chungichnish cult, 270. Circumcision, 251, 260. Cliff-dweller, 37. Clowns, 267, 272. Cochiti, 271, 272, 278. Coconut, 227, 232, 243, 252, 257. College of the Pacific, 310. Copra, 197, 243. Cosumni, 335. Costanoan, 340. Coyboses, 307. Crabs, 211. Crocodiles, 206, 217, 223, 229, 261. Cults. See Balum, Billi, Chungich- nish, Duk Duk, Egbo, Falsefaces, Galo, Growlers, Hamatsa, Hesi, Ingiet, Javhe, Jimsonweed, Ka- kean, Kina, Kiwanga, Kuksu, Kwat, Kweta, Little Water, Lukoala, Matambala, Mbaki, Midewiwin, Mumbo Jumbo, Nanga, Neu Lauenburg, Oro, Poro, Purah, Ruk Ruk, Sande, Seal, Sukwe, Tago, Tamate, Tamate Liwoa, Tschiech, Wai- saltu. Curing, 213. Curse, 241. Daramulun, 250, 251. Datura, 270. Death, 256. Dieguenio, 370. Diller, J. S., 293. Dionysus, 283. Disease, 188. Dogs, 240, 334. Dracaena, sacred leaves, 205, 209, 231, 238. Dron, 300. Drums, 204, 207, 208. Duk Duk secret society, 254-356. Duyvendak, J. P., 253. Eagle, 197. Earthquake, 193, 198, 210, 243. Egbo cult, 263. Elder, 103. Elema, 255. Eleusinian mysteries, 283. Erodiutm circutarium, 303. Eskimo, 283. Evans, George, 3. Falsefaces cult, 278. Field Museum of Natural History, 359. Fiji, 259. Fisher, Edna, 334. Flax, 21. Florida, Solomon Islands, 258. Frazer, J. G., 254. Fremont, J. C., 303. Fruit, 197. Gale, H. 5., 132. Galo cult, 265. Gazelle peninsula, 255. Ghost house, 253, 254. Gifford, E. W., 32, 129, 295, 317, 318, 340. Gilmore, Melvin R., 3. Gonidia angulata. Lea. See Shells. [415] Index Gosiute, 78. Greasewood, 94, 95, 97, 104. Greeley, A. W., 126. Grinnell, Joseph, 29, 47. Growlers cult, 277. Guernsey, S. J., 366. Haddon, A. C., 252, 283. Haida, 275, 276. Haliotis, 105, 150. Hamatsa cult, 273. Havasupai, 284. Hathaway, B. W., 308, 335, 341. Henshaw, H. W., 366. Hesi cult, 269. Heye, George G., 340, 372. Holmes, J., 253. Holmes, W. H., 307, 317, 356, 360. Hopi, 271. Howitt, A. W., 250-252. Huchnom, 267. Hudson, W. H., 348. Hughes, 340. Ingiet cult, 255, 256. Isis mysteries, 283. Japan, 59. Javhe cult, 263. Jepson, W. L., 29. Jicarilla Apache, 98. Jimsonweed cult, 270. See Datura. Jochelson, Waldemar, 339, 368, 369, 384. Jones, J. C., 120. Jones, Philip Mills, 308, 317, 325, 340, 341, 360. .JTncus, 54, 56, 59, 82, 150. Jurupari, 281. Kai, 254. Kakean cult, 260-262. Kawaiisu, 62. Kaya-Kaya, 253. Kidder, A. V., 120, 366. Kina cult, 280. Kiwanga cult, 265. Klallam, 274, 277. Klamath, 22, 78, 92, 116. Kovave, mountain god, 255. Kpelle, 264, 265. Kroeber, A. L., 267, 305, 308, 319, 335, 336, 340, 375, 383, 387. Kuksu cult, 268, 269. Kurnai, 250. Kwakiutl, 273, 274. Kwat, 257, 258. Kweta, 257. Lang, Andrew, 251. Lenape, 278. Lcuchas, 307. Liaum lewisii. See Flax. Lipman, Charles B., 327. Little Water cult, 278. Loomis, L. M., 29. Louderback, G. D., 29. Lovelock Oave, 1-183. Lowie, R. H., 250, 251, 265. Luiseno, 270. Lukoala cult, 274, 276. Magur, 252. Maidu, 67, 264, 272, 278, 336, 340. Miinaibus, hero god, 277. Marga.ritana margatritifera Linn. See Shells. Masks, 251, 252, 255, 276, 278. Matambala, 258. Mbaki cult, 259. Medicine, 303. Mendenhall, Walter C., 293. Menomini, 277. Mentawei Religious Cult, 185-247. Meredith, Reverend H. C., 307, 317, 340, 352, 369, 385. Mexico, 366. Midewiwin cult, 277. Minangkabau, 284. Minsi, 278. Miwok, 62, 267, 268, 272, 278, 335, 340, 372, 373, 387. Modoc, 22, 62, 116. Monkeys, 210, 213, 234, 240, 243. Mono, 62. Moorehead, W. K., 40, 307, 365, 369, 389. Morocco, 59. Mumbo Jumbo cult, 263. Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, 3, 25, 356. Mythology, 1, 160-163, 254. Names, 252, 255. Nanga, 259, 260. Navaho, 270, 271. Neu Lauenburg, 256. Neuhaus, R., 254. Nevada Historical Society, 2, 31, 130, 133, 144, 146, 147. Nootka, 276. Northern Maidu, 268. Nusbaum, J. L., 112. Nutka, 274. Ojibwa, 277. Olivella biplicata., 105, 332. Olivella. See Shells. Olson, Ronald, 274. Omena, 243-245. Oro cult, 263. Orphic mysteries, 283. Painting of bodies, 231. Panama, 356. Paphia tenerrima Cpr., 332. Parkinson, R., 255. Pascal, "Skinny," 3. Passasimas, 307. Patagonia, 348. Patalima, 260. Patasiwa, 260, 261. Patwin, 268, 387. Peru, 366. Pescadero, 307. [4161 Index Pigs, 193, 202, 207, 255. Piper juvenile, 230. Pit River Indians, 22, 114, 116, 146. Plains Indians, 98. Planorbi8: See Shells. P6ch, R., 253. Poison, 213, 240. Polinices lewi&ii, 332, 373. Pomo, 62, 70, 80, 267, 268, 278, 370, 375, 376. Poro cult, 264. Pueblo, 270, 271, 272, 278. Punishment, 230. Purah cult, 263. Rain, 284. Richardson, 41, 47, 48, 49, 76, 109. Ruk Ruk secret society, 255, 256. Rush, cat-tail, 55, 69. Russell, I. C., 125. Sabeu Lagai. See Big Village. Salt, 300. Sambucus. See Elder. San Antonio mission, 349. San Carlos Apache, 284. Sande cult, 265. Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, 154. Sarcobatus. See Willow. Sea Dyaks, 269. Seal cult, 273. Seligmann, C. G., 253. Sewing, 204. Schenck, W. E., 295, 305, 340. Scirpus lacuwstris. See Tule. Shells, 14, 17, 18, 22, 28, 332. Sia, 271. Siberia, 278. Sickness, 209, 213, 221, 225, 234, 239. Snyder, J. O., 156. Sosom, 253. Sorcerers, 219, 224. Spain, 59. Spier, Leslie, 284. Stillwater, 9, 114. Sukwe, 257, 258. Sulka, 256. Taboos, 189, 195, 199, 200, 201, 203, 213, 214, 220, 221, 228, 235-242, 251, 253, 262, 263, 281, 286, 287. Tago cult, 254. Taikako, 198, 209. Talbot, 264. Tamate, 257, 258. Tamata Liwoa, 258. Tami, 254. Tattooing, 188, 233, 260, 261, 262. Teeth, 251, 252, 260. Temples, 253. Teteu, the earthquake god, 190, 193, 210, 232. Thurnwald, R., 254. Tlingit, 275, 276. Tobacco, 135, 197. T6pfer river, 253. Trade, 157, 203, 216. Tribal Initiations and Secret Socie- ties, 249-288. Tschiech cult, 280. Tsimshian, 275. Tubuan, 256. Tule, 56, 69, 301, 303. Turtles, 203, 204, 206, 213, 235. Typha latifolia. See Rush. Union Island, 307. IUniversity of Illinois Museum of Natural History, 373. University of Nevada Museum, 123. Urine, 253. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, 156. U. S. Census Bureau, 152. U. S. Geological Survey, Water Supply Papers, 124. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletins, 127. Utupua, 256. Vitilevu island, 259. Wailaki, 269. Wai-saltu cult, 269. Wappo, 268, 370. War, 233. Washo, 62. Webster, H., 252. Whipping, 258, 267, 281. Willow, 94, 95, 97, 104, 151, 154. Wind, 284. Windmill, 233. Wintun, 335, 340, 375. Wirz, 253. Witchcraft, 222. Yabim, 254. Yagan, 280. Yokuts, 58, 62, 269, 307, 336, 387. Yuin, 250, 251. Yuki, 267, 268. Yurok, 384. Zufni, 271, 272. [4171 VO144 4'*4 G Pp. 15O9 ~13~litWM"~b 1~ 8 BtJ1-- -eograby J*.,.A.-g,t t)s~2r~r, by ,\w.Ay Xe. -~~Lu Pp -:1~6 plte P2 16 i-e. 6g4w. 9c, 191 ...,..a , _ e ...a .7 ; *!4. The Watin Heel Oe* or, )by S. .I Bar . P i 4 I$,phte 0 . 3 gues fin text. )rch,1*9 ,75 ' *-**oa V*L. 1. 1. Iae Zaw, b 3. Y. 3 P; , iIe 143., e , * . 0 ' 2. NaLbXlc Sougs~, byg C.-,3. Mos an ;-A. L.oe*ber. P'p'i8.2 Mas" t, 1 9 .20 0.V -; f -)tWabalet Lwidrti b M Pp - plotes obet, ; :- { f5. ou,,Econo lc,i 3.F. iBarto. Pp. 885-44, laes8.l A':I, 1022 ;1.00l '':'' Vol. oL18. 1. Mth ~flthe SottruSrr Mtwbk ~y S.4. Arrett. Pp. 1-2s..arb t+\5 ;0~0 2 :. T h%*s Marau~ Oomiezby %Robert H.B Lewie Pp. :20,4.4t-, March, 1919......0 } .18 ; . - h -nus1 Faulle of (Ilfoia bY -Oai a?g d B,. ,n :zi: and A. I., . ; ; iber. Pp. %7418, mAp 1, 1 figu; 3 text 0eteiiber 1919............. .; 4. Caenr eL te Iiin fohth dSdf meio, by" Len Cope Pp + 1478, ; r . f S6*5 ls. urkeogeiaphy by ' tt-r,2$4-.,- ......,,.....,; 7. Acai Culur 'Hrsn In th ValleY' f )Jeio by4Ia ;ob 873408, plate 20, 18 guesnte. X o eu;riba ,t;, 19i. - ., t'1. 18.- 1. CalornianlispTettIolge, by sdward Iil~v E ?xiffor4. PP. 1 X:.:0-285, -7 - 0 7, - *ith 29W mapso. December,r -r 1924,- ...... . ....- . ............ 4.0 O1eg ae oA ~*w0ocww; --Z8. 'The Uhike' Potr 0plctLn frm ,Nieolav by A. t Gaton? Pp 305-X .'< @~ ~ 39 pI,s. 0147 13tg. In text. e Ferury *L__- > X .85-R In7ezTM pp. 331-332 :- Oa IIfornlaRz Az1tlropoet*t by2-Eword Wislow- Gift4 ? . -217-490,DX4!;! 3 -S. W-- 8. Teos by (Iae )aetg. .Pp.- 391-443;-. ;bmy 1?- + .65n V ;>04, P60 a ;; ;> -; Py -Vol. 28. 1 Arcael4gy tt>9f 12i SJoutem Saizz 3f~5 Valy OAr 6t ; W 'T 4Giffor4aOzidWbeScizeuck. . 1-12% plte-,1sp., Ma, 2. Ultoi Abo@riornLGrps o? the. Calfornia :pilAni4 by t. Dgbert : l - ~ ~ cbn~ Pp 12-46 0 -gie Inv text io2mbr r? .$Q;isE; NvmX zbvt- S -- The ' iyv$ Sblmol (e-$na R.epoi), b$ W. Rgberb Selen ?;A'v' ' . ' r ; 1~~47-.82t plates p554 8 figmir In tet 1 map. .No*mer '1g..... L'5. 4.. '8 Arow "Ble,ase Ditin'iis byg A.S L.J .s ebet,, t'.e' 283-~6 ?,, zmlap.'-.-' k.^,'i 5.E 6 Ac1om&* GeograPl by Frd4 B. Znffu Vp. 297-S32, >plats 55-5% 1 Ugr intet 2 inp. Japmary, .1928 ,:--i.. , ...,,..._,,__.,,-,_ .45^zE 6. zPithAcit92 in Kupa by Pin far le- godad Pp 33--3& Jaz; ry -;.-..-t iio. ILon ie.- Pp. 33-32 April,f)y 198,---.....-d0..- . 2 - -- . 'tte:yB. kIng In the Souhwe-t, Ey . W.4L; G1oiv4 Pp.35-73, 1 Agu .'r 9.~- Native w Cutr Ite -otW,t by A; L.; Kreber p 3r7549& J .- 10t. D~ta1 Pato1o-9 u.origina1 Califoruia, by l. WvLo- , ,. 1 < * Iu0: -: oR -: kdep, pp - 0 TS < ; . -41-44 ,VoL.' -~.1.' The TTl PotteryOl,tom -rn Naz'wa, by A. 'L.,Gayo a,d A. Za.s-L-i ' f d - Eroebetr. P p.: 1-4, paes i-2,12 flgre$ ink tex. Foiur' 1927-. .60 , , ,3. Yok,uts and-.-Wiesern Mon.o uPotteMaki,ng, fflr'-A. H. Gato. P.' ;239 --0!t -5h, tes 95 2 - in text, I mapk 4Septemher 1929. ..-. 40 oL 25A. 1.' Lovelok ',. W,y Z.1e*e3o$i I.. L*d an 1.3 . :,, p.: ,;+ 183,. 1a es 18, 25 ~wes Iezt. ebrIary 1929 ..-- --.1 M, 2 '2 9'6. ext, ;el lt, b t-ilwIn eb . 1 , pt 693. y-- ebruary,.Al *- ,-\--- ----------... - b........................ ,---,,. . . .~..- .80 3,Kt:.. Trbal Intitin ami gc Scete, by B4wl K. Lobz. Pp 249-288, 0 .1 map. . ebruary41929.-S - sj- * . ..! .-~ .50'fr ;-4.\ Aipceolog of th Noth:u a Jo7iu1n Valley, by W.- Bget- Schemck~1 -- ' 'and II-er . Djawsn.p 28-4. plats 74-92 Sep~n, 12 .... 1.55M Vol.:" 26. 'Aborginal oc+ety InS,ontimern aliforna,by- Willia Duncan trog x + - ',~ ~ 5 pp- . .;'' .w @7 .maps.' May'. 192 -.\t *ve-----, '-.. '- . - . ^ -- ,-.'. 4.5 ,, Sup -ple nt- AUto Sud T41ef nd Upversity of aiforniaub- IiOstin in American Archiaeology band Bthbmilog. -Volume w'-6 :: - ,92- 9 16- pp.e', i> U n- , 1929-h..-s-.- .. . .25 54' Aic ~;o &*l 97-'4' hilire -TU li isit- 0t' - -, '2 iii4 s-l w'; i{-vv1 1' ,, , 0 W; a. ~~~' 'B,a. -r ei , . ardf... * f , D ; .. ~~~~.,th ' fl A f, . , -wi 3;--9 ,T--h, , 1'' - ''-.'' t I '.' .la ''-'(tf C'; ' ; ; u'0, f': , ''-' '' ''" W. '' 100" ''4W ' '