INDEX Ancon, 35. Apache, 231, 232. Athapascan, The Bear River Dialect of, 291-324. Acrobatics, 270. Adolescence ceremony, 225, 227, 272. Akit dance, 269. American Museum of Natural History, 36, 37, 325, 332, 334. Baessler, 36. Basket Maker, 229, 231, 232. Basketry, 262, 286, 357. Bear dance, 379, 380. Bear River Dialect of Athapascan, The, 291-324. Boas, F., 344. Boats, 360, 387. Bowls, Peruvian Cumbrous, 325-341. Buzzard moiety, 368, 382, 401. Bullroarer, 263. Burial, 294. Burning (ceremony), 272, 294. Calendar, 264. Canoes, 294. Carver's Art of the Indians of North- western California, 343-360. Chiefs and Shamans, Yokuts-Mono, 361-420. Chukehansi, 385. Chunut, 387. Cliff Dweller, 229, 230. Clothing, 260, 271, 287. Clown, 368, 371. Color schemes, 6-11. Coyote, 391. Cremation, 265, 294. Cross-cousins, 265. Cupefio, 227. Curing, 273. Dances, 269, 270, 273, 288, 375, 378, 379. Datura. See Jimsonweed. Death, 265, 275. Dieguenlo, 350. Dishes, 261. Dixon, R. B., 266. Doctors, 273-275, 375. Dreaming, 273, 372, 388, 391. Dress. See Clothing. Eagle moiety, 382, 400. Entimbich, 380. Faye, Paul-Louis, 263, 274. Fewkes, J. W., 229, 230. Field Museum of Natural History, 325, 332, 334. Fire, 286. Fish, 276. 'Fishing, 262, 284, 287, 294. Food, 261, 286, 293, 294. Gaffron collection, 36, 37. Games, 263, 288. Gayton, A. H., 226, 269. Gifford, E. W., 254, 265, 267, 269, 362, 369, 400,. Goddard, P. E., 344, 354, 357. Golden Gate Park Museum, 65. Hair, 265. Harcourt, R. d ', 3. Harrington, R. M., 231. Haxpo lo, waxpo lo, design, 357. Hesi cult, 266. Hopi, 230. Houses, 259, 271, 286, 295, 366, 373, 380. Hrdlicka, A., 325, 331. Hupa, 347, 349, 354. Iroquois, 350. Jimsonweed, 273, 379, 388, 402, 404. Karok, 349. Keehayi, 387. Kidder, A. V., 330. Kinship, 265. Knives, 261. Knotted strings, 271. Kroeber, A. L., 2, 11, 325, 328, 331, 344, 354, 355, 357, 362. Kuksu cult, 254, 266-272. Kwakiutl, 344. Loeb, E. M., 267.- Loud, L. L., 356. Luisefio, 225, 227. Lumholtz, C., 233. Majoro Grande, 32. [445] Index Marriage, 265, 294. Means, P. A., 3. Medicines, 273. Menomini, 350. Merriam, C. Hart, 259. Moiety, 368, 382, 400, 408. Money, 263, 287. Mono, Western, 226. Mortar, 261, 265. Mourning, 265, 272, 372, 377, 378, 387. Musical instruments, 263, 288. Mythology, 65, 225, 230, 388. Navaho, 227, 232. Names, 367. Nazea, Uhle Pottery Collections from, 1-46. Nets, 262, 287. Nez Perce, 225. Nisenan, The Valley, 253-290. North Fork Mono, 382, 400. Obsidian, 261. Ocongalla, 32. Ocucaje, 11, 41. Olson, R. L., 225. Outes, F., 3. Oven, earth, 261. Owl, 391. Pachacamac, 36. Patki, 230. Peabody Museum, 331. Peruvian Cumbrous Bowls, 325-341. Petroglyphs of 'California and Ad- joining States, 47-238. Poison, 275, 390, 402, 403. Pole dance, 270. Polygamy, 374. Powers, Stephen, 254, 267, 385. Pueblo, 229, 231, 232. Punishment, 382. Putnam, E. K., 3. Quarrels, 381, 382, 411. Quinault, 225. Rattlesnake, 273. Religion, 287. Salt, 262, 294. Scalp, 273. Seler, E., 2, 38. Shamans. See Doctors. Shamans, Yokuts.Mono Chiefs and, 361-420. Shells, 261, 263. Sickness, 390. Snake dance, 379, 380. Southwest, 330. Spinden, H. J., 225. Spindle whorl, 263. Spoons, 261, 344-349. String, 262. Strong, W. D., 11, 36, 32i, 380, 388. Sweat-house, 380. Taboos, 272, 274, 293. Tachi, 387. Tattooing, 17, 295. Taxes, 376. Teit, J., 350. Tello, Julio C., 2, 25, 26. Theft, 382. Thompson Indians, 350. Tobacco, 263, 287, 372, 388. Toloache. See Jimsonweed. Tolowa, 349. Totemism, 230, 367, 380, 387. Toys, 263, 264. Trade, 374. Trancas, 32. Tunga, 32. Uhle, Max, 2. Uhle Pottery Collections from Nazca, 1-46. Valley Nisenan, The, 253-290. von Rosen, E., 329, 335. Wai-saltu cult, 266. War, 266, 383. Waksachi Michahai, 370. Waterman, T. T., 344. Waugh, 350. Wealth, 372. Weapons, 261, 265, 266, 287. Weda feasts, 273. Wira-Kocha, 26. Witchcraft, 266, 382, 389, 409. Wobonuch, 380, 381, 387. Wolok, 259. Wukehumni, 370, 387. Yoktco, 272. Yokuts, 387. Yokuts-Mono Chiefs and Shamans, 361-420 Yurok, 347, 349. [446] UNIVERS OT'.C.ALIFORlN PURLICATEONSi DEPRATM, NT OP,r ANTIRPOLOT, :She ptilllcatlons dealing with archaeologi and ethnpgic sbjcs isal .wder ith direction of the Departinent ofAnthropology ate-seit mezhage for the pubation$ of anthropological departments and musetms and for i 0r~aIs devoted to general antlropology or to archlaeology and et4nplogy. TheyA ate for;sAl Vatie- price stated i tie Clatalogue of tie Publications of the unive*4t of ifo&n1a Presp, copies of whichvi lt bser,t free upon request. Exchanges.houI&.be directed to T,E F:XCHANtE DEAT-MX:NT, UNV- VERSITt L1BRARY BREIY CAIFO4RA, U.S.A. 0 d ad- teirtces sihould be,uddirssed tothe NIVENRSITY OF CFORUIA PRESS. Publicatonls of the U tniversi-tyHo California Pre may beobtaied from TTHE CAM. BRIDGE UNIvE1SIT7 Y PR8, FE EtER 4 :iLANE LhMTDON,: .C. 4,d E LAND, ti which orders 9o4inating, i Great Britain Ireland should be s t. -Z T *-01to. , a;;8o ,m ! XAMIOA A:RCHAErLOGY1F Al?DETIWNQI.O(L .-A. L. Btbeltand Robert .,LoWe,- Editors. Prices, Voluime 1, $4.25;; Voius 20 X t" 1,*1 ilusve, $3. 5 I eac; o; volumes. I 26, $5.00 each-; volume26 $45(, supple , 25 cnt volume 27,$2.50,- - VoWles 24, 25, and -28 In progress Begin with volu 20, t6 titles sail.piice : of sepa4xrate numersare given below' Vol .20. The Phoebe Appereo fle Oart e1i olume. 4 8 " pp, 2 platiS, - i.22 ilgures I text Decmbr,i t9fi3 ....,.....,... _v*w-_**__ 5._ ,,600 VoL'21. 1. The Uhle Collections from' .Chiha,by A.oeber ad William Duncan & Strong P 1-4 pates 14, 2 f es n text. 2. pla at hincha, y litax hl Pp.- 94, 1;g-e In text. Nos :. and 2 i one cove Spte r 14 ..................................... 2 v 1.6 0- -4` 8.: The 8 Uh e Potter CAolt fom Ic, b,. L, Kr6rolber and, William. : : - Duncan Stronag; with Thboe Appendices by Max Uhye. Pp. 95-,l, !plato : :40 2 11, l. .es in t DEeob, . . ...... .85 4. The Uble Pottery Collons from Anco*i by WilhiSm Dunca4. gtr , rg. Pp. 135-90plates 419, 11 figures' n tet. Septmber, 1925 ** .90e%t 5. 6!sThie Uble Potter Collectiongsfron ohe,r by A. L. Kx-Qeber. 9-2 -plates 09, 6- figures in` text, 6. .?The UJhi Pottery Collectiofs from upe, by L eber. Pp. 235 4, plates 71S00 )vr-7 ; Nos 5 and a in one cover. Detcber, 1925.....-.... s 1.25 . 7. The Ue Pottery Collections fro Cizencay, by A 3 ; . Hroeber. p.265- 8 0 -0, plates 80-90, 26 figures in text. May, 1926. .60 - :; 8. The UhIe Pottqry ColPecions fNie a,y A. HGaton. P. 3O5 . . 829,s spl. 91-97, 11f ' tt. e . 19 .... _. ....... .8 192 Indek, pp. 132 v R- Mchad p . ;V* T ;V toL eaH 2. 1- Wlyt ram a s, lt ; 2. CaJifoinlan Antbropiomey, by Edt aid Winslow CGiford. Pp 217-96, plates- 2-53, 3 maps. k h 1926- 2.25 .3 Washe Tetts, by G"rae Da19g7erg . 391. -Inde, pp. 445-.446.& ' 1 ..,, .. .....; . .65 VoL28. 1 Arbhaeologyf tile Sothe an JoaqhValleyC , 'Tb" . W. p.Gifrd and W. Egbert Scbpnck Pp., -12 platee 144, 1 ma. May, - 2. istor Aiboignal` Groups of the CallftiA Delta egi by; W. Egbe:'t Schew;k-. Pp. 128-14 2 figurs nx. NIv-bert 1926 --. 00 ' 8-- ' The b'E,meryille Shellmound (l. Zopokt) by,W,. Egi'rb,Scheuck.' Pp. -147-282, plaite 3-544 gures text, 1 mp. iovember, 1928 .. .'. 76'; 1.75 4:;': .i Arrow Rele'ase pistriK,butl''s% by..A... ?L. Hroebe.-' Pp. 28-29s, 1 map. 1,, A "a, !5, Achoma*1 Gography, bY; Fred B. .nien. Pp. 297.4$2I, plates 45559, '1figure in text, 24maps. '-January, 1928 .4.-... .4g. . Pitch Aet i Hup, byl Eale e.Go .8. Jannt 7. 7lNotes on; tie Ak-a'alT dlas of V aCl1foni,by B. W. torlad. - 1928'... ............................ ....... ' .80 : L; Note ;8-o-tingthi e Ak.AI bf Jg *W.,*bf to c a \ ,10. DentalPat.hology of 'Abortigina Clornin, 'by R.'W. eigh. Pp., 39-4,,i,, ,, . 0 .,, . . plate0 60-67. Dec'mber,;' 1928,'-. A I.....-................... 9.' Native tdex, tp. 4414 - '' .- . 443 . ' Ju. - 0 tflIVBRSI2l'Y3F 0CAIFQRltI A P-B(l1GTIONS-4(Convinud) VoL 24. 1. TWe Uble Pottery: Collectionf Naa by 4. I- Gatn an4- A L: Kroeber. Pp. 1-46; plates 1-21, 12 figres hin text 2ebry 197. - -etrogly phs of C-alif oena' aonddniSttes, by JulianH.eard.- Pt . 47-238, frontis peee (lx i o or) and pI te 22-94, 9 2 1 gur es tintext - -- i ; 3 8. VF oknts and Westerr n Ie ln ?ott ery-a faing~ by A. . H. -ayten. P .239- .- - - 40 4 251 , a 42tp t , 1 w 9 Ae29. J -0 - - 4 .-- Th e V alley iset x an , b y A. h . K;oeb er.i > , p . 3 2 05 3- 90 D ectmm be, 19 293 ; . ? 0 5. The Bear River DE i ak t of Athapasca n, by t l Iny - arl gt o ddrd. , Pp. - p -291 -324. t De mber, 19 29.M .. .......... . 40 6, -eruv i san Cumbos wls , bynoIsabel T t eily.t ' P . -sa 3t ; figure in ;- te xt . April 1930.M - 19 .......... : ~ ~~7 . b e S C a rvMe r ' A rt o f f t h ei n dit o f N e rthw e s tern C a lifo r nia , by I s a be l T . ; . '', .:'~ . Ke lly. ''Pp., $43 -360, ,plater 1 03-119, '7 fggures. in -te.xti: M:giist, 1934)....................................- "-.40 , . -- - 8. VolM6 nit -Mon ief s and Sha~x ians, by A. H. Gbyt'. p. 3 r 4 2 . 0 Oc 0 9. T uke, B ea skery i dcT ,. Ke e Pf. 4pls 11, 5 fi gures in txt. ovebe I93bel-,A_ VoL 25. 1. Loyrel Wct P Cavu , bya -Lb ewe llyn L. 1iwU4 6and . t U. SL E n Pp. vi + u- X 0- ;18 3;, P 0ates1- 8 25 ffig e lx8it te xt. ebuay 199!9 ,_,- -,@s..-.............................- * - -.50 27. o0 . ta eiRegio us Cu, bt:E* - M . ;Loeb. Pp. 1 4 T, plat s69 -73, 8 T bal Ini tia tions w sd emet Sc i, by E M Lb. - . 24 9288, X -- - 1 m ap. - f.eb ru ry 1 929. ,, ,,, - . - - ..t. .. -. ? s50- 4.} A chaeology of the Northe r n San J o aqui ni et V le,b W bert Sehnc0 and2 P mel, -eJ. Da 7w , , Pp. 289 -41 8, plat es 74 -102. S eptember, 1929_X . ...... 1. V- o l 28 . A b^o rtgn- S oc het s i n o n txerh Qal-or nia, by W ilam AODun a St rog . x + 858~~~~p~~,7maps~~~~~ ~ ~ . .,. . ........ . ... n~~~~~~~~~...... ..... 50 - 0- 0. - S u p p le en - At ho r and: T tle- Thde Z, Univ ersity of Cali fo r nia P ub- - 0 t ; l i ca t lo n s i- A m e r ic a n A r h ne o l o g y a n d E t . i V o l u m e s 1 - 2 8,.* - 1948--:19 2w. - 16 p p, 3 ne, 1 99. .... .-.---. .-- .2 5 VaL-27.; A- irammar of th o W a ppo La ngua ge, by Pa ul Rad l ' lit - + 1924 pp. ts , i: - eo eNovemb 192r ................. - ..... 2.~ Tex] ti le6 t ?er& hi n Ancient Per u,~ by- Lila M . O ''ozL e and A, +. Kreber .< Pp0 9 g 4 .d 23 -56 , pla tes 1-48 , 13 f igures In bt ext Igarc ki, 1;9 8C? ............5 -_...... . ... .O 0 0 - - 8. The Ghos DDce- of 18'ft in S9utb-Ctentral 'Calfornis b,. A' . H.f^O Gayto 0- Pp. 5 7-SZ 2 figuxe s in. te xt. ]b arck 1 ....... ... . . .... -. ......... .805 V-Yol 29 , 1.i A rdxa I of the -D llesDese hutes Region , b W. ftcn trong, W. - 0g-X b ert Sclienc k and- Ju H. S t wa ?d.i Pp iie+ 1 -154, pla tes 128 22 i gures L t e, 1 map. .November 1930 :.9.2. 00 * X 0 . ... 0 ? -# . . f ; .. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O 7 ,; . >. . b.. ;Vol, !6 - bi i * o''t"e'r,, 0 ' 'ri"-` y. " -, ' .- r '-n.s-'; '' 1 1 1 I