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Y-: P THE BEAR RIVER DIALECT OF ATHAPASCAN BY PLINY EARLE GODDARD UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY Volume 24, No. 5, pp. 291-324 Issued December 4, 1929 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND THE BEAR RIVER DIALECT OF ATHAPASCAN BY PLINY EARLE GODDARD CONTENTS PAGE Introduction .......................... 291 Ethnological notes .......................... 293 Bear River-English vocabulary .......................... 295 English-Bear River vocabulary .......................... 313 Place names .......................... 323 INTRODUCTION Athapascan-speaking peoples formerly occupied the Pacific coast from the Umpqua river in Oregon southward to Usal creek in Mendo- cino county, California. There was a considerable break in this occu- pancy reaching from a few miles south of Crescent City to the mouth of Eel river. The Yurok occupied the coast north and south of the Klamath river, and the Wiyot, the region about Humboldt bay and the mouth of Eel river. Just south of Eel river and the Wiyot terri- tory is Bear river, a considerable stream flowing out of the Coast range and entering the ocean just .north of Cape Mendocino. The stream was called tc'alko by the Athapascans. There were formerly a number of villages along this stream and on the coast near its mouth. Those named to me are: tcodallammi', near the ocean north of the mouth of Bear river; l'adalk'asdafi, where a schoolhouse stands on Bear river; atcanco'xEbi', where the store and hotel are; tstEynadaibi', "madrone stands place," Johnson; sEtcixebi', "rocks stand in the water"; goldelcodai, near the ocean north on the mouth of Bear river; setcodafi, "rock big," by the lighthouse (a populous place). The people who lived in these villages spoke a distinct dialect, differing somewhat from that of the Mattole, their neighbors to the south, and from that of the Athapascans on Eel river and its tribu- taries. There was, however, one village at the mouth of Van Duzen creek which was allied to Bear river both in its dialect and politically. 292 University of California Publioations in ,Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 24 Only a short distance away, just over the ridge of the Bear river mountains to the north, were the Wiyot, mentioned above, a people speaking a language wholly different. The Bear River people were nearly exterminated in conflicts with the early white settlers about Humboldt bay. The word lists given below were obtained from three Indians speak- ing this Bear River Athapascan dialect. After spending some days in the Mattole region in October, 1907, I went to Bear river, hoping to find a competent informant from whom linguistic material might be secured. I was also desirous of getting the names of the villages with their locations. On Bear river an Indian named Peter was found living by himself in a rude cabin. No interpreter could be secured and Peter spoke very little English. He was then about seventy years of age. Peter told me of experiences at Hupa which included the death of his wife, a hanging, and the personal experience of being kicked by the agent. For the most part the words given below as from Peter were volunteered by him, once the process of securing words was under way. The English equivalents were given if Peter knew them, but if not, he resorted to imitation and gestures to make me under- stand. The names for parts of the body and objects in sight were secured by pointing. The words were read to Mrs. Prince, a Bear River woman married to a Wiyot, the next day at her home on Eel river and a few mistakes noted. In the summer of 1922 Dr. Gladys A. Reichard, while working with the Wiyot, heard of Mrs. Prince as one of two remaining speakcers of the Bear River dialect. Dr. Reichard and myself visited her in August of that year and the words credited to her below were obtained. Those written down by Dr. Reichard are separately desig- nated. Mrs. Prince belonged to the village tcodallammi'. The ethno- logical notes below were given by her in response to questions or volunteered while the linguistic material was being secured. The third informant was Mrs. Buckley, who was living with her son. She was ill at the time, scarcely able to sit up long enough to dictate the words she knew. Her mother was from the Bear River village at the mouth of Van Duzen creek, near the town of Carlotta. Her father was from Bear river. She was raised by white people and was not taken away to a reservation. On the whole, the words she gave agree with those obtained from Peter and Mrs. Prince. 1929] Goddard: The Bear Biver Dialect of Athapascan 293 Of the three informants only Mirs. Prince remains. There may be a few young people, descendants of' Bear River people. The dialect is interesting in one particular.' Both Mattole and Bear River have a palatal surd spirant, usually labialized, xw, where all other dialects except Hupa have a prepalatal middle surd spirant c (sh). Hupa has this sound in every instance as a surd labialized glottal spirant or surd w, written hw when initial and uw when final. That the change has been'from a front spirant to a glottal one is evident from the treatment of the weak form of verb stems. In Hupa -atc remains, but the weaker form *-ac became -auw. It is of particu- lar interest that the first person pronoun and the weaker forms of it in the first person of verbs of indefinite tense remain c in Bear River and Mattole.1 In other respects the Bear River dialect resembles the southern Athapascan group of California, which includes the Nongatl, Wailaki, Kato, and Sinkyone. The lexical difference between this group and Hupa is marked, and the agreement of Bear River is definitely with the south in this respect. This is also true in phonetics, aside from the one point mentioned above. Hupa has m where b is found in the south. The southern group, including Bear River, has aspirated k where Hupa has a surd palatal aspirate x. The characters used in transcribing are those now currently employed aAd need no special comment except perhaps e, which has much the quality of e in English err and is short in quantity. ETHNOLOGICAL NOTES At the time of puberty, a girl did not eat meat for two years. Although I lived with white people, I did not eat until my time was up at the end of two years. After a year had passed a girl might eat salmon and eels. A girl was expected -not to eat at all for the first five days, but some of them could not stand it so long. Then they drank after the fourth day. When the five days were finished, the girl swam. They did not run races, as they did on Mad river. The girl scratched herself only with a stick, and drank a little through her mouth. During the daytime she brought all kinds of food in a burden basket, and walked around so her legs would not become stiff. 1For a similar exception in Ts'ets'aut, see Internat. Jour. Am. Ling., 3:1-35, 1924. 294 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 24 At night there was singing to the time produced by a small stick (rattle). I improvised two songs for a girl when she had her puberty ceremony. I have heard that " way up" they burned the dead. They say that when the body is burned, then all is gone and one does not think about the dead any more. If they bury them, they see the grave and always feel badly. That is why they say they burn them. When our people married, the boy went to the girl's house carry- ing property and food. He slept by himself the first night and went hunting the next day. If the girl's family welcomed him, they took the game he brought back. A man treats his father-in-law well. He does not look him directly in the face much. They send presents of f-ood to each other, and give each other property. They are pleased because the girl has children and raises a big family. She has been bought for a wife. If she leaves her husband, the money must be returned. If a widow marries some other person, her relatives must pay. They used to catch many little seals which were asleep in the sun. The grease was tried out and put in the long kelps, which are like ropes; then in the fall they ate the oil with acorns. They also cleaned out the stomach of the seals nicely and filled them with oil. They used to do the same with whale blubber. The whales used to come ashore sometimes. The meat was smoked and packed away in baskets criss- cross and covered over. The whales' breasts were cut thin and dried. They saved all the meat. They used to get salt by putting kelp in a burden basket, covering it with deerskin, and putting flat rocks on top. It was left for a long time and then was white with the salt. They used to cook the big clams on the ashes. First a fire was built, then it was spread out so that there were coals over the bottom. The clams were put on these and then covered with ashes, and a little fire built on top, not too much. By afternoon they were cooked. Sometimes they were strung and sometimes the meat was taken out and pounded up with stones. It was customary to eat one meal in the morning and one in the evening, but none in the middle of the day. The men and women ate from the same basket. There were no canoes on Bear river. The sturgeon did not come up the river and there was no way of fishing in the ocean. 1929] Goddard: The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan 295 I was tattooed by Nora's mother. Someone sat on my legs and held my arms anld head. I was a small girl at the time, not yet having reached puberty. It is said women were tattooed so that they could be told by their marks. One could not eat for a long time, because the mouth and lips swelled so badly. The material used was obtained by burning pitch. A flat rock was supported by a stone on each side. A little fire with pitch in it was placed underneath. The next morn- ing the stone would be cold and the soot could be removed. During the summer all slept outdoors, and both men and women went to swim in the morning. The Bear River people did not build a house for their ceremonies but only put brush in a circle. This was done in the. fall, when there was plenty of food; but not every year. I saw this done once. BEAR RIVER-ENGLISH VOCABULARY Words, followed by Pe are from' Peter, by P, from Mrs. Prince,. by PG, from Mrs. Prince through Dr. Reichard, by B, from Mrs. Buckley. The alphabetical order is essentially the English one. The corre- sponding Roman and Greek forms of the same letter have however been treated as a unit in alphabetizing; and glottal stops, breaths, length, and accent designations of vowels have been disregarded in alphabetizing; so that a, a', at, a', a", a, a ,. aa', a'a" are given the same position. Similarly with g and y, 1 and 1. In consonants, how- ever, diacritical marks or Greek forms.make separate letters. Thus the full order is a=a, b, c, dj, e=E=e, g=y, h, i=, k, k', 1=I, m, n, n,I o= , p, p', s, t, t', tc=ts,y tc' =ts', u=v,y w, u, xI xw, y. at Pe, a' B, cloud, 'at P, white in sky. (Cf. isto'ol.) se acallax P, I pick up stones. (Cf. ecallax.) ci acille P, I do it. acka' sallae P, I rub between my hands. acta' P, my father. k' os ceniai adaccina P, I have a bad cold, I cannot talk well. dacni adacna P, I just say it; dogosannihi adacna P, I do not know I talk. (Cf. ayu'da atdaccanni, k'anneyeyexa, yannisiyel.) xakoi adacnalli badjikociai P, I do not know how to say but I have to try. di do'nanfai adini' PG, what do you call that which you pack? bok' kanic 'al P, salmon, I am going to cut. nafi alkal P, you crack it. alsai' P, you dry it. ci dedalt' i anacte P, I widow I am. 296 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 24 nafi afiga P, you sift meal. a'nne' P, my mother. a'ntea G, pepperwood. antcanf Pe, pepperwood nuts. anteansi' P, pepperwood tree. dasilgal aokowelle B, gun cap is done. asgosa P, I crack with teeth. ei assat P, I pound. (Cf. isat.) ateanco'xebi' P, atcancoxobi'2 P, Capetown, where hotel is. xak' wa ayani P, that is what they say. ayo edacti'n P, I need wood. nan ayole P, let her do it. ayu'da atdaccanni P, much(?) I talk. (Cf. adacna, k'anneyeyexa, -yannisiyel.) babbtl Pe, paunch (of deer). (Cf. ibel.) back'ai B, sea gull. bagga Pe, hair (of deer). dana bakk'a dabe P, water on top I (they) swin. bakk'at dadle P, on it I rub (brains); bakk'at dadeyetee B, coat; bakk'at de'yatdai P, chair; bakk'at neyatdai P, on it you sit; bakk'at ego tellat P, on it it is burned (tree with leaves burned off); bakk'at laiha' B, six; bakk'at nake B, seven. bakkenoat Pe, a place beyond Mattole. bakk'osikase Pe, grouse( ?), "'his neck swollen( ?)." k'a bal Pe, arrow with; danal bal noflink'an P, soak it with water; gebelle bal no (na) ntl teis Pe, knife with stab. balaigalgi'sa P, I make a hole (in a bead). baldjit'o' Pe, baldjit'o P, paddle. balgalaii Pe, disk money, balkalafi P, disk clamshell beads. balla sinne' P, its (deer's) wrist bone. ballatde B, gun powder. banco' Pe, banco' P, banteo B, ocean. banco Pe, doe. (Cf. yane', ya'ne.) xalla banla P, six. bantca' PG, bantc'a B, mussels; bantc'a' sat'sas P, mussel shell upon. basci Pe, flint. basiye Pe, a place on Bear river. bassilowe' P, brains. (Cf. cisilowe.) bateagaliyai' keyaniyexe P, you do not know how to talk. bateane Pe, guts (of deer); batean te'eni'an P, its guts I took out. bat.can-yatdegatte P, the medicine man who can see sickness. batcoe sese'lgafi P, buck I killed. bateowe B, bat.cowe' P, buck. batda daryalsagga P, her mouth mark (tattoo). (Cf. tse'.) batdjade Pe, legs (of deer). batdji Pe, heart (of deer). bat.sat' P, liver, batsit Pe, liver (of deer). batsiske Pe, lungs (of deer). batsan'3 P, its meat. 2 ateanteo' bi', a place name. 3 Second syllable very short. 1929] Goddard: The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan 297 batt'as P, over the hill. batte'an nact'ai P, toward it I hold it straight, steer. battcines B, cat. battenen B, you look. battsi'goltn P, handle of axe. batts'o P, its breast. batts'o yagats' B, they are milking. cik'at'enne begandi P, my man is not. begelxe'na B, that which turns black in eels. bektcitci Pe, red obsidian. (Cf. isa'le', Lsakale.) belco' B, rope for catching deer. bilco Pe, string (white man's), biltci P, small string. be'lge B, spear. bilke Pe, spearpoint. belkas B, pole of spear. bestei B, arrowhead. bttl'a Pe, the nock of arrow. bestc'i' dokowelle B, shot is gone. bidesiyas P, I skin it. (Cf. ci desiyas.) bi'ya P, under (a log.) biiltca'a P, married. bilxwinne nilsai P, meat dry. bi'no'ic'a P, I soak acorns. bi'no'is'a P, I am going to soak acorns. bit.se Pe, penis (of deer). djacc&o P, elk. (Cf. Leco, djLsco.) botewol Pe, hog. (Cf. yolok'.) v cabbal dayyantea't' P, my stomach hurts. cabbat degantea P, my belly hurts. caee P, my niece, my nephew. eadattcani P, my aunt. cagassille' P, I have eaten enough acorn soup. caggacte'e P, my cheek. (Cf. nigostee, nokastee.) hai nohwofi ca7yat diniye P, that is good, you are teaching me. eakGo B, my knees, calgot P, my knee. cagge P, my (woman) cousin-in-law. cala' P, my hand. (Cf. nela', nonilla.) cal cegansal P, I feel sleepy. caldo'e P, my thigh. callacowe P, my thumb. (Cf. nolasui.) callahanne P, my skin. calleaiitse' P, my brother, my sister. cannalge daggantca P, my eye pains. (Cf. eina-ye', nonage.) cantc'ena' daggantea P, my head aches. (Cf. citsi', nesi'.) casast'a'n P, my tongue. (Cf. sasastafi.) catdji'e tc'enanta' P, I am thirsty. catte'ac P, my elbow. cattsile' P, my lower arm. (Cf. ditsile, notsile.) catts'Lnne P, my lower leg. cegandan P, my son-in-law. k'os ceniai adaccina P, I have a bad cold, I cannot talk well. 298 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 24 cesele'ne' P, my blood. (Cf. seltn.) cewo' P, my teeth. (Cf. nowo'.) ciane' eda'n P, my food none. ciatc'e P, my daughter. ciaxa' P, my son (woman speaking), siaxe P, my son, ciaxante B, my son. cibetc'e P, my mother-in-law (woman speaking). cidjuge' P, citcuw-ye' Pe, my ear. (Cf. notcige, nidjay'ye.) cigantc'e P, my father-in-law. ciiltca' P, my wife. cik'at'enne begandi P, my man is not. cike' P, my foot. (Cf. deke', noke.) cikecLmme P, my toe nail. cike' cue P, my big toe. cike'tcuwtlle P, my ankle. cllo'k'e P, the muscle of my lower leg. cinaye' P, my eye. (Cf. canna'ge', nonage.) cinatstmmale P, my cheek bone. csntcuw P, my nose. (Cf. ntntcixw, nontcuw.) cioste dogoweli'n P, my folks gone. cisida' P, the crown of my head. cisi'dalGai P, my gray hair. cisii-ya' P, my hair. (Cf. siga, siya'.) cisilowe P, my brain. (Cf. bassilowe'.) cistnda-ya' P, my eyebrows. citcancowe P, my shoulder. (Cf. degase.) cetdik e' P, my upper arm. citsi' P, my head. (Cf. nesi', cantc'ena'.) cixwenne P, my song. (Cf. xwane.) cugulxuna PG, shadow. cuk'e'n'-ea' PG, my tracks. (Cf. hak e' nacyea', nakle na'yaa'.) dabix P, spider. daccal, daggecal P, I go; daggalcale P, I am going. yiban ci dack' ai P, across I go. dacni adacna P, I just say it. dadafika' B, you get water. nan se da'ddille' P, you put stones in the fire. dades B, grasshopper. (Cf. nades.) dadigin tntc'e B, I brought on my back deer. dadil P, pine nuts. (Cf. nadel.) dadja godagat.sul P, it is going to be very warm. dadjal B, hookbill salmon. (Cf. dalgai.) batda day'yalsagga P, her mouth mark (tattoo). (Cf. tse'.) canna'ge' daggantca P, my eye pains; cantc'ena' daggantca P, my head aches; cabbal dayyantca't' P, my stomach hurts. (Cf. cabbat degantca.) yidak'k'a daggecal P, east I go; yitse' daggecal P, toward the ocean I go. dagitsaii P, I am cold. tc'a'ac dayltso'l PG, scaly frog, toad. da' igiya' P, already we have eaten. da'ilbok'i P, thimble berry, dalbak' B, thimble berries. daisa'an P, big sea lion, dais.an Pe, bull sea lion. (Cf. iltc i.) dak'a nonille lok'a P, three I caught salmon. 1929] Goddard: The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan 299 dakLtdi Pe, a bird. dakk'an B, hills. dalatson B, dalatso'ft P, hummingbird. se dalbai P, a kind of black stone. dalbai P, dalbai' Pe, ashes, gray, dalbai B, ashes. dalgai B, steelhead salmon. (Cf. dadjal.) dal'o'e P, wild grapes. dalux Pe, pounded tarweed seeds. (Cf. l'odai'.) danan Pe, water; dana bakk'a dabe P, water on top I (they) swim; danalbal nocka' P, I am going to soak it; dana' bal nonifik'aft P, soak it with water. (Cf. dania, tana', t'ana'.) nafi dafi k' ai P, you take across, nafi dafik' ai' yiban P, you go across (in a canoe). danatsas P, storage basket. dandafi nagacanne'e P, long ago I was married. dania Pe, woman's Indian dress, dani'a B, skirt worn behind, daniye' P, skirt. dania Pe, high water. danitca' P, Eel river people. dalbexne P, Eel river people (unintelligible language). danitci Pe, Eel river. dante'e P, dt'ntce B, dLntce Pe, four. nan la danyax P, you too go. dasilgal aokowelle B, gun cap is gone. dastc'i P, dastc'i' Pe, wind. datca geical nacbe' P, I am too warm, I will swim. datcanik'a B, fern; datcifik'a' PG, fern reet. datce'nne B, wild currants, dateenne P, a bush with blue berries (elder?). datci Pe, Mattole. datcixw P, sweat-house. datde' gallin B, her horns she has, cow. se de"aldac P, put stones in a basket. yulo dedaccal P, fishing I go (throwing the line in). ci dedalt' i anacte P, I widow I am. se ded&lle' P, I put stones in the fire. teex dedille B, tewLx dedilluxw P, wood put on. ninye de'esdjl P, let me dive under the water. cabbat degantca P, my belly hurts. (Cf. cabbal da-y'antca.) de goltn Pe, it has horns. dedanax *P, put it on the coals. dedjeda B, short; dedje'da katene B, short man. dega'n B, deer skin. deganbi' naidalgal'ai P, I put it on sticks. degase B, your shoulder. (Cf. citeancowe.) degat.cal P, I am going somewhere. degeyide' P, down river. dege yinakk'a P, up river. dehwo icafn P, I eat something. deke' B, your foot. (Cf. cike', noke.) de'la'yyi P, smelt. (Cf. talo'-ye.) delakes Pe, dalk' ac P, delk' ac B, fawn. delo' PG, land snail. (Cf. nados.) deloc6ine' PG, black snail. (Cf. nados.) 300 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 24 ci desiyas P, I skin it. gandani desiyai dowikakx P, yesterday I went, I did not catch any. detag Pe, det'azl P, seal. detco'xe P, fisher (animal). dexata galts'e B, somebody he hears coming. di do'naniai adini' PG, what do you call that which you pack? dical P, I go off. didat djan isat P, this day I pound. dimax P, red berries, pigeon eat all the time. hai nohwoni cacy'yat diniye P, that is good, you are teaching me. dtnnic Pe, manzanita( ?. diteyal tntc'e B, I am going to cut the deer open. ditsile B, lower arm. (Cf. cattsile', notsile.) djadat.sas Pe, pants, djades6s B, trousers. djaistce B, bluejay. (Cf. ists ai.) djakone Pe, rain. (Cf. tcako'n, te'akal.) djafi P, daytime. dje' P, pitch. djes Pe, deer. (Cf. &ntc'e', cntc'e.) djines Pe, long tail, panther. (Cf. iladannitc, tciines.) djisallat' P, fine black seeds used for beads. djtsco Pe, djaccco P, elk. (Cf. Leco.) djtsco Pe, cow (same as elk). djiwoltccn Pe, has white berries, elder (?). djue'niisisi PG, jackrabbit. (Cf. gaxa', gaxe, gaxw'e.) djlryulcuf PG, Mariposa lily. doca-ya nayyagai golin' P, not to me any one comes. doci' P, baby. (Cf. tsalbi sastin.) doci'e P, children. do dihwo salsaii P, nothing I see. doeca Pe, I did not eat. nanf dogesile' P, are you tired? (Cf. dogosile'.) coiste dogoweli'n P, my folks gone. dogola P, there were none. (Cf. dokole'n, eda'n.) dogosannihi adacna P, I do not know I talk. dogosile' P, I am tired. (Cf. dogesile'.) doinatts'ai P, black snake. (Cf. leyac, 1'egac, lhttso solo', se-tayya, tc'atcanco.) tabsiniya doiyanehe P, you are menstruating, do not eat it. dokannasaii donacaie P, I do not know, I never go around. dokeneyeyekehi P, do not talk. hai noxwon dokenexa P, that is good, she does not talk. dokole'n P, none. (Cf. dogola, eda'n.) beste i' dokowelle B, shot is gone; dokowelle tnya' B, all gone you eat (there is nothing left for you to eat); dokowelle tanal B, all gone water. don" P, fly. (Cf. ma'.) donacne' P, I do not want to get married. donanLnne P, you do not want to get married. do noca' PG, I do not pack; do sitci(dji) ye'na P, I do not want to eat. dowesile' P, are you tired?; dowesile' kl anne'yeyexa tP, I am tired, I talk. (Cf. dogesile', dogosile'.) djalo' PG, turtle, crab. dja" P, basket to cook acorns in. 1929] Goddard. The Bear River Dialect of Athapascan 301 se ltttso ecallax P, stone blue I pick up. (Cf. se acallax.) ecolaltci &lgi B, fish dam clear across stream so fish cannot go up. ayo edacti'n P, I need wood. edaka' P, it is sweet now. ciane' eda'n P, my food none. (Cf. dogola, dokole'n.) elt'e P, you cook in coals. esdelo' B, owl. (Cf. hakGo, xa'kgo, isdallo, isdallo, sakkenaltowe.) esnantinadLfi Pe, place of fish trap, a Hupa place. essrnna" B, yellow jacket. (Cf. isna'.) esstnso B, spruce. estc&o B, fish weir of brush. etcega'ssi B, mourning dove, "named from noise." et'o B, rat. (Cf. i't'o, it'o.) ga Pe, ya' B, geese. (Cf. yalegai, ga'tc&o.) gaditcotco B, river. gadiyeselt'o B, shirt (pulled on over the head). -yaDJe' PG, sea food. gahwtco' P, redwood tree. (Cf. tlau'tce.) gaictci B, basket, gaictci' P, bowl shaped openwork basket, gaistci Pe, open- work basket. gaka' P, chief. iyo yida' gal B, white man upstream is coming; iyo yiyaka gal B, white woman is coming. yalegai, -yalGai B, white geese. (Cf. ga, ya'.) galgo'tsa P, you crack acorns with teeth. galkale P, you crack With rock. datce' gallin B, her horns she has, cow. (Cf. golin'.) yeban -yaltcata P, across somebody shouts. gancafixa' B, noon. gandafn desiyai dowikakx P, yesterday I went, I did not catch any; gandafi nagibe' P, yesterday I swam. ganisasdiyai PJ I came up the hill. 'yannifixa' P, ganuwhwa' Pe, moon. wanlafi yannisiyel P, that is enough I talk. (Cf. adacna, ayu'da atdaccanni, k' anne'yeyexa.) ga'nsal B, warm; 5e gansal P, stones are hot. k'a gant'e P, now it is cooked; g