INDEX Univ. Calif. Publi. Am. Arel. Etli., Vol. 22. Titles of papers are in boldface. Abalone slhell, 417. Aboriginal types. See Types. Aehomawi, 226. Age, of crania, 350. Agua Caliente, 225. Algonkin, 6. Antelope, 397. Anthropometry, Californian, 217-390. Antoniano, 228. Arizona, 253. Army Medical Museum, 348. Athabascans, 253. Atsugewi, 226. Aztecs, 253. Balsam root, arrow-leaf, 443. Barbareflo, 228. Barto, Elsie, informant, 4. Basket Hollow, 397. Basket Willow, 399. Bear mother, 391. Beaver, 409. Berry, Miranda, informaant, 4. Blaisdell, F. L., 350. Blind Mike, 391. Boas, F., acknowledgment, 4; eited, 224, 225, 229, 248, 253, 345, 346. Brainard, Molly, 7. British Columbia, 253. Broad-nosed (Californian) cranial, subtype, 224, 246. Broca's color scale, Hrdlicka's repro- ductions of, used, 254. Buckley, Mrs., informant, 4. Buena Vista, cranial type, 241, 246. Cahuilla, 225, 226. California Academy of Sciences, 348; acknowledgment, 223. Californian Anthropometry, 213-390. Californian cranial type, 224, 241; broad-nosed, 224, 246; narrow- nosed, 224. Cainnibalism: people-eater, 401, 427; people-eating, 399. Carr, L., 347; cited, 348 note. Caucasian hybrids, 228, 295. Cephallic index, 224. Chipmlunks, 405. Clear creek, 433. Cocopa, 227, 228. Colorado River valley, 224. Cope, Leona, acknowledgment, 223. Costanoan, 243. Counter, E. C., Jr., 347, 348; ackniowl- edgment, 223. Coyote, 391, 441. Cr:ania, age of, 350. Crania, Fackenthall, 347. Cranial types. See Types. Crows, 401. Cupefio, 225. Daince, puberty, 423. Dangberg, Grace, 391-443. Deer, 421; chase, 411, 413; childreii, 391. Deviationis, standard, in indices, 240. Dieguefio, 225, 226. Ducks, 403, 439. Epicanthic eye fold, 310. Fackenthall, craniia, 347. Fair, Paul, 347, 351. Fillmore, Bill, 391. Fire, 391. Fish creek, 413. Fundament al cranial type, 241. Games: gianit, 395; lhanld, 395; smotli- ering, 411; weed stick, 409. Giants, 395. Gifford, E. W., 217-390. Great Basin, craniia type, 241, 248. Ground hog, 411, 413. Ilarvard Uniiversity, Peabody Museum, acknowle(dgment, 223. High-faced cranial group, 224. Hrdli6ka, A., 349; cited, 227 note, 243 note, 253 note; his reproductions of Broca's color scale used, 254; measurements of crania, 349. Hooton, E. A., 347, 348; acknowledg- ment, 223. Hornets, 417, 421. Huchnom, 225. Hupa, 225, 226; aver age given by Boas, 229. Hybrids, 228, 295. James, Birdie, informant, 4, 6. James, Jerry, informant, 4, 6. Karok, 225, 226. Kate, H. F. C., ten, cited, 227 nlote, 229. Kato, 225. Klamath, 226. Kwakiutl, 253. Lily, 437. Lizard, 391. Loud, L. L., 348; cited, 5. Low-faced cranial group, 224. Luisefio, 226. Magic, crystal, 431; pet, 397, 407; wand, basket willow, 399; raini- bow, 407, 409. [445] Index Maidu, 226, 227; in story, 417, 421. Matiegka, H., 348; cited, 246. Measurements, control of, 349. Mexico, 253. Michelson, cited, 6. Minden, texts recorded in, 391. Mission Indians, 226, 253. Miwok, 226; least variable group, 240; coast, crania from, 243. Modoe, 226. Mohave, 227; average given by ten Kate, 229. Mongolian hybrid, 228, 295. Mono, eastern, 226; western, 225. Monsters, 405, 413, 429. Moon. See Uncles. Mortar creek, 413. Museum, Army Medical, 348; Pea- body, Harvard University, 223; of Oakland, Public, 223, 347, 348; San Francisco Memorial, 223, 347, 348; United States National, 348. Names, place. See Place names. Narrow-nosed cranial subtype, 224. Nasal index, 224. Negro hybrid, 228, 295. Nelson, N. C., cited, 245 note. Nentusu, 391. Nomlaki, 227. Oakland, Public Museum of, 347, 348; acknowledgment, 223. Orphan, 417. Otis, G. A., 348. Otomi, 253. Paiute, 226, 248; mentionled in story, 417, 439, 441. Parsons, Elsie C., acknowledgment, 4. Patwin, 226. Peabody Museum, Harvard Univer- sity, 347, 348; acknowledgment, 223. Place names: Basket Hollow, 397; Basket Willow, 399; Clear creek, 433; Fish creek, 413; Mortar creek, 413; Place smeared with blood, 415; Tseltsel, 399; Walker lake, 401; Where sagebrush had grown, 395. Pomo, 227, 240; northeastern, 228. Porcupines, 407, 409. Prince, Della, informant, 4. Puberty, dance, 423. Rainbow. See Magic wand. Reichard, Gladys A., 1-215. Relationships of individuals measured, 307. Riley, Amos, informant, 4. Rupert, Henry Moses, 391. Sagebrush, 395. San Clemente, cranial type, 243. San Francisco, cranial type, 241, 245. San Francisco Memorial Museum, 347, 348; acknowledgment, 223. San Joaquin, cranial type, 241, 246. San Luis Obispo, 248. San Luis Rey Indians, 226. San Nicolas island, 248. Santa Barbara, cranial type, 241, 246. Santa Catalina, cranial type, 241, 247. Santa Rosa Indians, 246. Scalps, 415. Searson, Mrs., informant, 4. Serrano, 226, 227. Shell, Abalone, 417. Shoshoneans, 248. Shuswap, 253. Sierra Nevada, 224. Smeared with blood, place, 415. Sonora, 253. Spider, 405, 409. Stanford, Leland, Jr. University, 347, 348; acknowledgment, 223. Stature, 224. Sun. See Uncles. Tall (Californian) subtype, 224. Tarahumare, 253. ten Kate, H. F. C., cited, 227 note, 229. Texts, Wasaw, 391-443. Thunder, 443. Tinneh, 253. Tseltsel, 399. Tule river group, 225. Types and subtypes (aboriginal, cran- ial): broad-nosed Californian, 224, 246; Buena Vista, 241, 246; Californian, 224, 241; funda- mental, 241; Great Basin, 241, 248; narrow-nosed Californian, 224; San Clemente, 243; San Francisco, 241, 245; San Joaquin, 241, 246; Santa Barbara, 241, 246; Santa Catalina, 241, 247; tall, 224; Western Mono, 224, 225; Yuki, 224, 225, 241, 245. Uncles, 403, 407, 425, 427. Uniited States National Museum, 348. Virehow, R., cited, 247, 249. Wailaki, 225. Walker lake, 401. Washo's land, 403, 405. Washo Texts, 391-443. Washo, 226, 227. Water baby. See Monsters. Western Mono, 224, 225. Wiyot Grammar and Texts, 1-215. Wiyot, 224, 227. Wyethia, wooly, 443. Yahi, 228. Yana, 228. Yokuts, 226. Yuki, 224, 225, 241, 245. Yuma, 227, 229. Yurok, 224, 227. [446] X 4- vsSm * -Q,,> l - 0;<~~~~~~~- 0 ,oL , 12 1. ioputoQ Q; 1fOIt xluu~ by -__w_trd_ Wlnlo Grfr Pp.;t4 - -1-2. .-ruay, .U-. -~~~5 *~ P1o14 1$; tg tbtd* 1MS"lt$o *f t- Voe byJl-a 021eUo . -rdiy PJ t5-0 * t ;0- 219, ;p" M1&;itu 1.?-@t5. 3Oob'i .l9J' .25tg l- 6 tut'e-' >*U ''' '; bt'0~~~~~~xr, , '""- ju lm 8.; Tb~uaa 2>4 Zt6wafl 0izs24 ;--=_- -y 4*dw ---nlo A?1to 7.-3ande1iert - it to t e 0 t * e- oi rgatu-> * q - 8. MiUwok iiytb by UdwrdZ W2Iaio Q- * -iCorcL Pp. 2-3438, pe . M0 % a / - 9. CaiorI Z-.-\.d Sytes, A. Ia *rober Pp 339490 *y -L ..... . 1.ebit of tbe Pi n s by 8, A. B t Pp. 3 1 S._ tt -;~~~i Pon -e;.: Dotos b~. A. :3rt.- l'p. 4445,paem 718 Ofi>X:KB.Tu-ly,1 +S91........ .................................. '--0;'- X; : '< '1 b'y - Xni > h' Ede87 p. 4 477 :; VoL.18.: iLebPoiInof Tand*~t~o Sto#k by'Z. t S5 i Pp. 144. ~TuIy -.-!.' -~~~2 :e ,dica ;Isor fv Isi, by ttora .Poe p 15Z., p~'>*latoi 38.44,4~]&mntal Fullle. of the ti, by. ;O Mc'rn Pp . ''5 ;5. .Arl - :: :.- 13w* - b*.-----*-iXy* _>S' 0 ..t...f .;X .8.. +;winta4 ofs. ( :Nlture In~tr sio~s y. L-. ~roeb.e. Pp 6988 .~ ~ ~ wt 4 &. 1 ...W.X Aovemer 192 ,.. w0. .... ..0- ...,..- ,. 1.00.. - V':-'oL.14 1.t^ ,Th'e ,Lange of LtheS. Ia In,' iI b' J. 'tAldlensf:: 38s f p.' 14 ::4. ' . -.,,,.D R~~2 ;ID a- M*Ote In Sotr Califona,b ?gd1ja Winetr,,sw -G -lf-r;-- -~~p 15529,1rlnet i. .... .7 4 5M;a -----*- O 8.Etngoograp and Acaeolog of Wthe W1y t~ terrior b0LeelnL : 4 .. - hou ~iti& l;e2 5,eem 0, byS A. Bartt. 437.40b, plts 2.23,< '-,. Pai &aIn Pp.l6, 489492 Srla,;w - '-'919b W , '- .6'- ~~* ,, 1401 0l',4B, t 'i 603508 t;--';*5 0' VS. 5 1. 1:ugae Law, -byZ F. iatii. Pp. 1480 pltes1.SB February4 1919 0..05 - * 0 ' 2;5.!.' Na.bMi Bo, byC.w t4ou aaid A.' L? vbee ,p 1s 8725 $ , 1T,919<,- - .20 ! -- - - * a. lq abalq Law tnit Bit, by (9t I :. Mos. Pp 20742, ptiest 34.37 Octbrt 'rPs,.\ ''s . 4. ; Kankana,y- Coe nice. , b . .MOBS P '' S.484 Ootobr *, 192G ...... .85-X,f\ '~ ~ 6 tfga . oin;.s by Z 6 g c . . tF. atn Pp 085446 plate $84. -j 192 1.00 ?) . ~~Zde, tpp 0t!S; 4475.><0{,,, 0-,,.i,;s'} V.;oL 18. 1l.,o Bzl of h S'nby' SInt Iwo, bS. A. Baxeo. P.' 148 - -c '~~~ 2. .h ..-' .': 1neal .-;o2.;.ple X, by ~m . 'L:owi, 2945., 1Wrcb. 1919......l -..-,, ; 0; .- 8. ThXe IigItc Yaile of 0alfou,y Roland B3- DIx n; az1 A- A;-L.o- X,X'-, 4, '.' / KT Nao.'eber. Pp. 47410, map 1,. 1 .fl> .75.-- 4. Caedaao the Ini . -o~t o- Mzc,* by L Xe4n :f0>NXa Obp* i9e. ; ;. * j;,, , , xwis th S mSap*wr AS.- 2A;ovembe\ -~1 .....-..// L f''q< -r6J_,. . .75 : 5. kuo Georhy )by T.s T. Wateru,. 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