INDEX Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Etlin., vol. 21. Titles of papers atre in boldface. Alvarado, Hluaca de, 51, 81. Americanists, International. Congress of, 5, 136. American Museum of Natural History, 219,226, 239, 251. Ancon, 119, 133, 135-190, 240. Ancon sites, 166, 173. Aryballoid jars, 9, 1102, 104, 205, 211, 238. Atlatl, 316, 317. Auchenia, 263. Baessler, B., 222. Balances, 38. Baskets, 31. Beads, 30, 320. Bevel lip, 16, 102. Black-on-white style. Sec Chaicay style. Blkekware, 103, 104, 105, 140, 149, 160, 200, 211, 216, 244, 231. Boyle, Florence, 137. Buechlero. See Blackware. Caj~amarquilla, 306. C(alabashes, 36, 51. Casmia, 224, 240. Catalogue, Museum, 4. Centinela, La, 63, 70. Central America, 132. Chala, 3, 59. Chalk, 29, 51. Chanchan, 193, 225. Chliancay, 265-304. Chaneay style, 139, 186, 232, 240, 267, 273. Chavin, 271. Clhepen, 224, 226. Chicama, 213, 224. Chiclayo, 224. Chiquitoy, 213. Chimbote, 219, 224. Chimu Capac, 236, 240, 257. Chimu, Gran, 193. Chimu style. See Late Clhimu. Chinclha, 1-54. Chinchla-Atacaman style, 232. Chincha Cainac, 66. Chincha, Explorations at, 57-94. Chuchanga river, 121. Cradle, 125, 319. Cumbe, La, 63, 67. Cuzeo, 270. d'Harcourt, R., 328. Double-spout, 150, 216, 249, 282, 289, 311, 312. Early Ancon, 152, 157, 172, 174, 182, 183, 186, 231, 254, 284. E a lrly lea. See Epigonal. Ear plugs, 42, 147, 321. Epigonal, 53, 96, 97, 108, 110, 118 120, 128, 184, 196, 211, 232, 240, 243, 246, 267, 271, 307, 311, 316. Explorations at Chincha, 57-94. Figurines, 28, 51, 141, 146, 153, 1-57, 219. Ferefiaf e, 224. Franzen, R., 137. Garcilaso, 50, 66, 79. Gayton, Anna H., 305 -329. Geometric style, three-color. See Red- white-black. Glass, 9, 11, 31, 117. Gordon, G. B., 313. Graves, 87, 168, 196, 259, 293 294, 297, 316. Harcourt, R. dl', 328. Hearst, Mrs. P. A., 3, 136,236,306. Hrdlicka, A., 213. Iluaco, 240, 258. Hluaitara, 121. Iluamaclhuco, 3, 4. Iea, 95-133. Implements, loom, 23, 320; wooden, 34, 51, 316. Inca Palace, La Centinela, 75. Inea style or period, 9, 28, 46, 66, 75, 96, 115, 128, 139, 144, 186, 205, 214, 232, 238, 269 Incisin9g, 153, 201, 255, 263, 284. Interlocking style (of Chancay), 275, 279, 283, 309. International Congress of American- ists, 5, 136. Kroeber, A. L., 1-94; 95-133; 191- 234; 235-264; 265 -304. Lambayeque, 224. Late Ancon I, 144, 158, 185, 232. Late Ancon II, 139, 158,1 85, 232. Late Chimu, 197. Late Chincha I, 25, 28, 46, 125, 272. Late Chinclha II, 23, 28, 46, 47, 143, 239. Late Iea I, 96, 114, 128, 232, 272. Late Iea II, 96, 115, 232. Loom implements, 23, 320. Means, P. A., 50. Metal, 39, 44, 51, 91. Mexican warel 212, 214. [331] Inrdex Middle Ancon I, 148, 157, 184, 232, 248. Middle Ancon II, 145, 157, 184, 327. Middle Chimu, 215, 221, 242. Middle Ica I, 96, 111, 232, 327. Middle Ica II, 96, 112, 128, 232. Mitla, 132. Moche, 191-234. Molded ware. See Pressed. Museum catalogue, 4. Museum of Natural History, Amer- ican, 219, 226, 239, 251; Peabody, 213, 227, 228, 239, 251; of Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 313, 329. Nazea style. See Proto-Nazea. Nieveria, 232, 305-329. Pacasmayo, 224. Pachacamac, 3, 66, 68, 69, 74, 137, 193, 211, 229, 230, 239, 258, 307. Pachacutec, 50. Pativilca, 257. Peabody Museum, 213, 227, 228, 239, 251. Pennsylvania, Museum of University of, 313, 329. Petroglyphs, 91; Huancor, 91; Ocu- caje, 99, 100, 121, 123; Paracas, 92; Tres Cruces, 92. Pisco, 239. Piura, 224, 228. Pressed ware, 203, 241, 244, 247. Primitive ware, Supe, 254, 260, 284. Proto-Chimu, 137, 195, 199, 206, 213, 231, 242, 248, 260, 312, 314, 326. Proto-Chincha, 51, 54. Proto-Lima, 232, 290, 307, 308, 326. Proto-Nazea, 53, 96, 97, 108, 123, 128, 139, 175, 183, 199, 231, 263, 284, 287, 289, 307, 311, 313, 326. Puerto de Supe, 237, 254, 257, 260. Recuay, 271. Red-white-black style, 144, 185, 197, 206, 214, 232, 248, 267, 272. Reiss and Stfibel, 136, 139, 150, 187. Relief decoration, 201, 219, 247, 250. Rosa, Huaca de la, 51, 63, 83. Safia, 224. San Nicolas, 236, 240, 257. Seler, E., 215, 224. Shell, 30, 52, 320. Skulls, 52, 54, 83. Spear-thrower, 316, 317. Spindles, spindle whorls, 32, 51, 325. Spoons, 37, 38. Stirrup-mouth, 201, 211, 216, 274. Strong, W. D., 1-94, 95-133, 135-190. Supe, 211, 232, 235-264. Supe primitive ware, 254, 260, 284. Supe, Puerto de, 237, 254, 257, 260. Tambo Colorado, 121. Tambo de Mora, 63, 64. Tello, J. C., 271. Textiles, 35, 52, 83, 322. Textile style, three-color. See Middle Iea, Late Ica. Tihuanaeo style or period, 53, 83, 97, 118, 120, 128, 150, 152, 175, 184, 196, 199, 207, 213, 225, 229, 231, 232, 240, 243, 245, 257, 270, 327. Trujillo, 131, 192, 224. Tschudi, J. J. von., 132. Tweezers, 39. Uhle, M., 57-94; 95-133; 3, 58, 96, 120, 121, 136, 166, 173, 192, 257, 266, 293, 306. Uhle Collections from Chincha, The, 1-54. Uble Collections from Nieveria, The, 305-329. Uhle Pottery Collections from Ancon, The, 135-190. Uhle Pottery Collections from Chan- cay, The, 265-304. Uhle Pottery Collections from Ica, The, 95-133. Uhle Pottery Collections from Moche, The, 191-234. Uhle Pottery Collections from Supe, The, 235-264. Viru, 213, 224. White-on-red Chancay style, 242, 248, 267, 275, 276, 283. Willoughby, C. C., 213. Wooden implements, 34, 51, 316. ERRATA Page 54. Plate 11. Plate 12. Plate 13. Plate 18. Plate 20. Reduction should read (X .25). Reduction should read (X .16). Reduction should read (a, X .59; b, c, d, X .46; e, X .32). Reduction should read (X .56). Reduction should read (X .47). [332] W!:VERT ar' 0 =Yrri1o PA PU3L.oaiOZ4 -'.( t1'u4) VoL 1. ?h+ Sorc 0ua+06td AuJi.tieiyo tb- 1!sX ot. Auceb )-oa - ;. O-AS'ifila O1tJirU _ rc1xie, by L e . 54 ,ap< Be, v , o 2 , ,,; ,,, ,, 8 pX -teiFe, 12i920 - X ;;;fV ^ -Pp. 171.$1, 2gues n i text ......................... Mgustk* 1992;\ 4 X. DaEbitat of the Pich XnaiaDnt sa WabL1;a. > .8i ' . ; J # t ,p. !2 7 p2 2 S fte In tst . 1-ob_u r+,_94, ; .95;r i - 6. .TheA 8toge Moin4 at IoMoud, !'193mb, by 'lny '. Loud '> Pr. }t !j ; S 0 5554372 plt 14 11 kgur in fet U6e r 194 ^ .85 - : ~~. Arhi 0ultur cf- a.s .]>''+4ota in '$th' Vlly; of t'(exe,* by A L. XroOb;i' t Pp 873-40, p%~ 0 182 gzeeh tex;.6oeibq -9~ 0 X in - mu tpr--* er - *~~~3 , Ml* i!wok Cns, y dWrc Winslo % bfo~d P.i3L.48, May, -1928. .25* * "o, 1ii.9. '1. WVpo T1tePistSeie n;byau L;4i Pp.St,,f 144Zj Yobar, 19&.. 1.7 ,,~~~ P io ,o)w&s by .4i ') f';, Lof b. ! +L4 *' '05 piete 1 -S Se tz be , 4t . VoLi; 0. Thie ;?h e Ape L Horat Mwio1 V 9 -vi + 8 ~os~ Ianti2Inoecv. ptmi, 194 16 | V- ~54, tp17 t8n!es hin tet Ce r 1924 ;.-.............-...- .. .8-- -~ ~~~p 1S-1Q plt0 4-49 -1 lgre ln, t o eoxt:- . , stmbr 192.. .9d W{ 0-;": ' ' S'' '-5' TheD'h 0h1 PoteG Ckletiu from'*th Maclie 'by -. L. K.oe.r Pp. S 1DI - plts 50-.69 Sht ~fgrt Wfeos by A. 1. Exebr P0;23-9 V ^ . - . 10 j . M M Deee r, '92 , -. 1.8 , 7. Th Oh4> e 7ottS ry ec,inif rom 0banc%yt iby'4. L} \. Z Stobr, Pp g j a~ ~~~D Th,UleP1dyOiet.os fo ivAr$ by WA. Gaytond Pp. 305-a f f 00 i; H0s i 0;S~omo" o k bt 297, 0.60 00 - p,. 9197, 11 ! Pgsw. in teoAxt . Eb i , -.35 Vol. 22.; ;1. W,yt Grm. n Tetabye ,ly~ A. X ~o ; '1iexd.i Pp. 15, Plte 1 G'*ord and W_ llbr cec.Pp -2,pae 1-34, 1e mAp May, '~~92 - s-. *_v---_ _? -------e ,-,- , ' 1.60 , ,'V2,aiih AMM"#:? .i2.x,.9;< X, ~~~. The '~ey~1I 8he1',zcu (.na Rep ..; ort),Zff by......W.. Egber,.,0. l,mt SQhenc.O P0mp+.:0, *~~~~1722 plates 3-;4, 8 fl-e tIn t ex]Ab :(ot, I in~' oeuibe, 1926 .-,y .,. 1.75 -f, , \ -:< 0 ,, Ero8eber. Pp. 1-,4.6, plt2 1s..-2 12 flgie I:, tNevt. el4uaxy 1927w .#!, e .80- D ', lo.. .: ;. -..Tb<2e trnverlty f alior Publicatona ate offere I exchange. for the pi'bl*.. i.. a.' ll ' the. s.p- ,l.icatten of'othe: volty" wil 'e sm-.e*".t upn eqn0. Po,'t' sagpl cLp'u lisle, ,, :,,,. 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