INDEX Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. and Ethn., vol. 19. Wappo Texts Animal within animal, 23. "I've slept a long time," 21, 59. Blankets producing hail, rain, fog, ice, Life sign, 41. 61. Magical fish gives advice, 39. Boy shot for breaking limbs off tree, Magic flight, 7. 129. Marriage as a reward, 15, 29. Bush growing out of mouth, 25. Origin of human traits, 47, 67. Cannibal woman, test theme, 107. Pepper nuts as eyes, 81. Contest in staying under water, 27. Place of the dead, 75. Coyote fools elk by becoming a deer, Rapid growth, 133. 79. Rope of hide (ep. Sky rope), 31. Coyote tricked by following advice, Sent for arrows and red dirt, test 81. theme, .113. Coyote tries to kill Rabbit, 11. Sent for eagles, test theme, 117. Crane bridge, 49. Sent for fish, test theme, 123. Creation of people from feathers, 45, Skeleton deer, 119. 67. Stranger detected by smell, 31, 33. Devil's ears cut off, 35. Suffocation in sweathouse, test theme, Entrails of deer given to Coyote, 77, 101, 105. 79, 81. Sweathouse materials collected by Eyes gouged, 59, 79. animals, 73. Flood, 63. Tar baby, 9. Follows sound of boiling mush, 89. Test theme, 99. Food produced from back of neck, 87, Theft of food-producing cloth, 17. 89, 131, 133. Theft of flying boots, 17. Giant holds girl prisoner, 23, 31. Theft of invisible cap, 17. Giant killed, 23, 31, 33. Transformation to bear, 19. Grandmother warns boy against ad- Trickster becomes pregnant, 85. venture, 15, 29. Vagina dentata, 95. Po-mo Folkways Abortion, 255. Burial, of bones, 293; recent, 295. Acrobatic performances, 388. Calendar, 223. Adoption, 268. Calnis, 300, 366; in pole ceremony, Adultery, punishment for, 298. 370. Arrows, 183. Canis, 356. Art, 191. Cannibalism, ceremonial, 288. Ash ghosts. See Clowns. Cardinal points, spirits of, 300. Astronomy, 227. Ceremonies, death and resurrection, Bagil, water monster, story of, 303. 362; deer claw, 381; cutting, 382; Bear impersonation, 376. down, 387; ghost and Kuksu, 400, Bird imitations, 378. 401. Birth, 249, 255; magic for obtaining Charms, gambling, 216; love, 276; children, 246; father undergoes method of making, 309. couvade, 253, 254; taboos for par- Chieftainship, relation to secret society, ents, 254. See also Abortion and 235; duties of chiefs, 236; election infanticide, pregnancy, etc. of chiefs, 238; oath administered Boats, 182. by yomta, 239; women as chiefs, Bows, 183; musical, 190; in warfare, 240; succession to, 242. 200. Childbirth. See Birth. Bull roarer, note, 222; voice of Thun- Children, punishment of, 257. der man, 302; curing agent, 323; Clans, lacking, 234; tendency toward used in ghost ceremony, 338, 341; exogamy, 279, 398. in tribal initiations, 378. Clothing and personal adornment, 154. [40,7] Index Cosmology, 300. Kuksu, 300; as shaman, 329; cult, Clowns, not in Coast ghost ceremony, 338; bull roarers used in cult, 342; 338; in Northern and Eastern ghost society of Coast Pomo, 355; women ceremonies, 341. admitted to society, 355; initiations, Counting, 229. 355, 367; society of Inland Pomo, Courtship, 274. 364; and Ma.rumda, 369, 370. Coyote, "father in heaven," 312. Kuksu ceremony, 163; whistle and Cremation, 286. rattles, 189. Creator. See Marumda. Levirate, 280. Crimes and punishments, 297. Loeb, E. M., 149-404. Dances, fire, 349; basket, 380; condor, Magic, sympathetic, 330. 384; deer and fox, 386; secular, Magnesite, 178. 391; modern ghost, 161, 394; maru, Mana, 306. 397. Manufactures, 176. Death and burial, 286. Marriage, restrictions of, 266; cere- Dipper, Big, story about, 228. mony, 277. Dishes, 186. Maru, modern cult, 325; taught by Division of labor, 164, 176. messenger from Marumda, 395; Divorce, 281, 283, 285. dances, 397. Doctoring, methods and outfit, 321; Marumda, 300; prayers to, 312; cur- Kuksu, 321; secular 325; modern, ing power invoked, 327; prayers in hands of maru, 325; sweat baths, to, for health, 351; and Kuksu, 369, 328; ceremony, 366. 370. Doctors, bear, 297, 335; sucking, 303, Matrilineal descent, 245; of names, 326; yomta as, 307; outfit, 326; 265; reckoning, 398. women as, 326. Matrilocal residence, 279. Dogs, not used for transportation, Men's house, 159. 192. Menstrual hut, used for childbirth, .Dreams, 290, 315. 250, 271. Drills, 177. Menstruation, taboos, 272; punish- Dwellings and household utensils, 158. ment for infringement of, 273. Ear-piercing, 155. Milky way, story of, 228. Economic life, 154. Money-making, 176. Feasts, 192. Moon, superstitions about, 227. Field sports, 219. Morning star, story about, 228. Fire, making and usages, 186; dance, Mother-in-law, treatment of, 171. 349, 359; eating, 435. Mourning, 289; customs, 295; dur- Fishermen, 181; property of, 199. ing guya performance, 339. Fishing, 167. Musical instruments, 188. Flute, 190. Names, as property, 257; giving, 258; Foods, 163. meaning, 261; transmission, 264; Gambling, 212; charms, 216. gift of, 268; taboos, 313. Games, of chance (guessing), 212; of Navel cord, superstitions about, 250. pure chance, 215; of dexterity, 217; Net-making, 179. shinny stick, 217; hoop game, 218; Occupations, 176. field sports, 219; children's, 221. Obsidian, 179. Genealogies, 231. Parents-in-law. See Relatives-in-law. Ghost ceremony religion, 338. Pets, animal, 175. Ghost house, 161; laying central pole Pipes, 187. of, 311; initiation into, 340. Pleiades, 229. Ghosts, 290; below earth, 301; name Poaching, punishment for, 297. not mentioned, 314. Poison, on arrows, 201. Guya, 338. Poisoners, 319. Hairnets, 157. Poisoning, 196; as cause for war, 200; Harpoon, 185. the art of, 329. Hunters, 181; property of, 199. Pole ceremony, 367, 369, 372. Implements, 182. Political organization, 235. Infanticide, 255. Polygamy, 244. Invitations to, means of send- Pomona Folkways, 149-404. ing, 231. Prayer, 312. Kinship, usages, 306. See also Rela- Pregnancy, 249. tives-in-law. Priests, 319, 320. [408] Index Professions, 180, 243; succession to, Spears, 185; in warfare, 200. 243. Spirits, 302; guardian, lacking, 337. Property, trees as, 197; names as, Sports, field, 219. See also Games. 199, 257; of hunters and fishermen, Sun, prayers to, 227; in regard to 199; songs as, 199; burnt after doctoring, 227; eclipse of, 228. death, 291. Sweat house, 159; gambling in, 215; Puberty ceremony, 270. festivities, 222. Pueblo influences, 399. Taboo, secret society, 175; for par- Rainbow, superstition about, 316. ents, 254; menstruation, 272; name, Rain-making, ceremonies, 317. 313; brother and sister, 334. Rattles, 189. Tattooing, 157. Rattlesnake, never mentioned, 315; Thunder man, 301; ceremony, 378. superstition about, 316; ceremony, Tobacco, 187. 375. Toys, 221. Records, keeping of, 230. Trade, 192. Relatives-in-law, avoidance rules, jok- Transportation, 192. ing relationship, 282, 285. Treaties, peace, 203. Religion, 300; modern ghost dance, Twins, 255. 394. Wampum, 177, 195. Sacred, birds, 373; rocks, 318. Warfare, 200. Sacrifice, 311. Weapons, 200. Scalps, 203. Whistles,189. Scratching stick, 272, 294. Women, disabilities of, 160, 162, 340, Secret society, head of, 162; taboos 349; work of, 173 (See also Division of, 175. of labor); as doctors, 326; note on, Shadow, part of person, 317. 383; final word on, 402. Shamanism, 319. Yomta, 162; called in at birth, 250, Shamans, among Coast Pomo, 355. 251; doctoring grave digger, 294; Slings, 184; in warfare, 200. use of bones by, 307; name dis- Smoking customs, 188. cussed only under proper conditions, Sneezing, superstition about, 317. 315; in rain-making ceremony, 317; Social organization, 234. inherited outfits for doctoring, 321; Sororate, 280. among Coast Pomo, 355; among Soul, ideas of, 290, 295. Inland Pomo, 365. [409] W?Wfl3?1YY (?F C&LIFO?NXA PUZLIOAI?1O1(S-(OouLtinu.?) Vl. 10. 1. Myths of tbe 0outho?n ?Itra 3?iwo? by S?A? ?ar?qtt. Pp. 1-28. Marob,. 3* Th? ?Mat?tJinMl 0ompZer?, by ?ob?t ? Lowie. PP. 29-45.? 3(e*ch, ioi?.? .15 0. ?the Idngiziatle Fam1Ji? ef 0?3Ifornla, b7 Eolazz4 ?, D1xox? eM A. 1?. Kro.ber. Pp. 47418, map 1, 1 ftku?e 'In tort. ?eptein?er, 191* ? .75 4. Calendatp of the I214l?ns Z?ort?b of 1?fo?Icp? 1y Leona 0o?. 1'p. 1l$47? with $ maps. NQVOEUbOr, 1918 ? 5, Turok 0q?p1iy, by 1!. T. Watesm?. Pp. Ifl414,? plates 1-10, 1 te? Agure? 34 maps.? Ms? 1920 ? *.00 6, Th? CIakuIl?a Zn4iana? by Lucila Hooper. Pp? $15480. Apiil, 1-920 '.75 7. The Au?tobIog?aphy o? a. Wlzmebat4 YMtpE? by Ps?4 Xa4In. pp.381-478. 8. Tuman TrIbea'o1' the Low Ot?loraiio, by A. L. K?oeber. Pp. d.75-48& Znd4 pp. 487-491. VoL 17. 1. The Sotirces az4 Anth?ptlcIty of th H1?tgq of the Auc?nt Pa?il Radin. ri,. 1-150, 17 plates. J?4e, 1920 .?2 1.75 3? Oaljforz?ia OtxZtw?. P evInces, by- A. I.. ?toeber, Pp. 151?4B9, ? maps. 0. ?Ybitpt and Summer Dap?e Se?tes liz Zufti In 1918, by Elsl mews Parsons. Pp.111416,, 2 ft?ures I? texL Augzmt 1922 . .70 4. Ea?dtht of tlWP1i?b ZMtons, a *aila?I mv?sIon? by Pliny J?arla Go&t?rd? Pp? ?17-?25, S %gerea in te? P?bruawy, 1924 ?. 0. lraba.IoI Tales, by-0. D.. Moss. Pp, 20T-85? 8eptonib?r? 1924.,..-..-- 1.75 * The 'Utege Moi?uds at Richmond,. Oolifor?iin, by LW#ellyn I., Lend,, Pp. 7. Archaic Ou1ttzr? ?oi-Izon? in the V?aUey of Merico, by A. Z. Zroeber. Pp. 373-406, plate 20, 182 4?zres,,in text. Irovember, 1925.....-.. .45 Vol. 18, 1. CaUfornian ?1nsbip TernxinplOg?.s, by ?dwar4 Winslow Qi?ord. Pp.1-985, with29maps. December,1 ? --. ... 4.00 Olear ?,ake Poni? ?ot4e?ty, by ?4ward? WIns1o?w Gifiotd. ?p. 287-490 ? Miwob (?n1ta? 351-4W8. ? ? 19. ? 1?(arcb.? 1926- ? Gifford, Pp.- '----- 1.35 1. Wappe ?e?ts, Piret Series, by ?aUl Ra41n? )?p? 1-147. ?'ebrziary, 192&.... 1.75. 9. Poino Polkways, by ?dwin ?f. Loob. Pp. 1?i8-40b, $ates 1-s. 8ept?mber? -.-?.---..-- ]?dex, pp. 407-408. V3. 20. The Phoebe Ap1e?so?z Hearst Mimorial Velume.. xvi ? 889 pp. 2 plates,, 22h?sintext ?-.......... 0.00 vol.21, 1.?he tIbia Pp 1g.- from Chioche. b? A. Z. Kroebe? and WI?l1ar* Dunc5n - Stzorig. plates l.-04, 27 2gures in text. 2. Rrploratiexzs s,t Obintha?, by Xar UbIo? ?'p? ?55.-94, 1 Sguve in ?e?t. M6s.1and2inoneco?'er. ?-L60? S. TM Uble Pcttsrt OoUe?tions from X?a, by A. I,.. ?rceber and Wmiam Duncan Strong; -with Three &ppezzdlcep 1y?Max Ub1e? ?p. ?548S, plates 2540? 17 lipires in text. D?ceraber, 2?24 i...-? .85 * 4. The Dble Pottery Co?leOtl0nS from An?ou, by W?I3Iam Du.trcan Strong? Pp. 185-190, platep 41-49, 11 fipires in text. $?ptpm5ber, 1925 ... .90 - 5. The (Thle 1?ot.tery Ool1ectio?,s from Moche? by A, -L. Kr?ebe?. Pp. 191-234, pl?te$ 50-09, 5 figures in text. - 6. The Uble Pottery OoUectlorzs from Suie, by A. 1, r?aber? Pp. 235-284, plates 70-79. ?ios 5aM 8 bi? one cover. I)eoember, I925?....-...?.... * 7. TI?o tIlde Pottery Qollectione from O?ianeay, by A. 1.? ?roeber. Pp. 265- 304, plates 80,-OG, 96 figs. In t?zt. gay, 1926 ---.---??--.--.-.?. ?60 Wiyot Grammar evA Torts, by (ladys A. Ecliard. Pp. 1-?215, plate 1. Jtine? 3.?25 .? ?------.--fi?75 2. Californian Antbrozi?ometry, by Sdwaxd Winslow Qi1ror?. Pp 21.7-41?O, * plates 9-OS, 3 maps. Match, 19?6 --? --.. 2?25 - VoL 28. 1. Archae?1ogy of the 8ontheti? ?aai oaquln Valley, QAlifon?ia., by 1?. W. - -- Gifford and W. ?gl)ert Bchenel?. Pp. 1-12Z plates 1-34, 1 ?nap. 3?ay, - - - - - 1920 ...?.- ? ? --.-...................? ...............2 ? - - - - ?ote..-The Univeraity? of Callfopga PuWltatlons ere oltezed In e?chauge tot the pubil. - - eatlons of learned and Institutions univerp$?es and lU?ra??ies. C(zmplOtp litfo pf - -- ?I1. th? 2puilicatloilp of t,he U?4versity will b? setit upon re?uest. POr saiziple copies, 11*5 - of publlcatlqn5 or other tiifoxi*zation, address the MA?A(? O? THR V V111?S?TY - - P5355, 3B?3L?EY, CAL E'QPItTht.. 17. 5. A AU matter pent In exchange sho?*X4,bp sd?reased to TER ?ZCEA7IGE 1)??A3TM?1?Z Th1Z?aRS?Y LK?AR1? OAWO?U, TI. S.A. - - - - (f) ,,, ,-?'..I.- ,. -.. - %?. 1 - - ?.;, ,, ,, I ,,,?? ; 1,? " 1, ? -.I j--, - " -. -? ,? 11 ?, , ,,?..,; . ..,,_.- ? .,I -,,,,,, ?,?,,I ,I ?I ,,I. II?? .I.I?-!, ?,-,,, if ,- ? , ,,?. :? . ? i ? " ? I ? - ?l , ,: . 1: . 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