INDEX Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. and Ethn., vol. 18. Titles of papers are in boldface. Berdaches, 333. Biographical notes, 383. Bird Cult, 391, 392, 394-398; chiefs, 394, 397; influence on God-im- personating cult, 394, 396; pota ceremony feature of, 397; cere- monial leader, 397, 403. California Kinsbip Terminologies, 1- 285; summary, 283. Ceremonial, dance centers, Ione, Knight's Ferry, 398, 400; Pleas- anton, 399; head, 397, 403. Ceremonies, in general, 347; partici- pants, 351; correlation of ancient ceremonial and other activities, 360; Miwok funeral and mourn- ing, 392; female dancers in, 403. Ceremony. See Pota ceremony. See also Dance; Dances. Chief, bird cult leader, 397, 403. Chieftainship, Clear Lake Pomo, 333; Eastern Pomo, 335; Northern Pomo, 339; Southeastern Pomo, 339; war, 342; of the twenty Cigom Houses, 343; allegiance to chiefs, 344. Children, classification, 125; parents- in-law of, 192. Collateral parents-in-law and children- in-law, classification, 181. Cousins, classification, 162; cross- marriage, 255. Cigom, village of, 289; inhabitants, 291; nativity of villagers, 297; composition of families, 298; re- lationships within joint houses, 304; inter-house relationships, 307; infant mortality, 327. Clear Lake Pomo Society, 287-390; summary, 388. Condor, bird cult chief, 394; method of capture, 395; in the moloku dance, 396. Cremation, 376; Miwok, 391. Cult. See Bird cult; Ghost-dance cult; God-impersonating cult. Dance, ahana, akantoto, alina, aletu, hekeke, helekasi, helika, helikna, helkib6ksu, henepasi, 398; hiweyi, 396, 399; kalea, 398; kamini, kilaki, 399; kuksuyu, 398, 399; kumtupu, lileusi, 398, 400; lole, luhuyi, mamasu, 399; moloku, motcilasi, 398; olectu, oloteina, 399; tamula., temayasu, totoyu, 398; tula, 396, 399; salute, 398; sukina, sunwedi, 399; sule tumum laksii, sulesco, 398; ulula, 392; utcupelu, 398; uzumati, 399; wehena, wokile, yahuha, 398. Dance, houses, 347; manager, 401; motives, 404. Dancers, common, 362; Maru, 369; Southeastern Pomo, 370; Miwok, instruction of, 403. Dances, in general, among Pomo, 347; indigenous at Knight's Ferry, 398; among the Miwok: teachers of" 400; curative aspects, 402; instruction of dancers, clowns, female dancers, 403; spirits in, 404. Eagle, bird cult chief, 394; burials, 394; method of capture, 395. Exogamy, group, 239, 247. Falcon, prairie, bird cult chief, 394; in pota ceremony, 396, 397-98. Feather regalia, 393, 405; among Southern Miwok, 406. Funeral and mourning ceremonies, Miwok, 392. Games, 378. Ghost-dance cult, Ma.idu, Patwin, Pomo, 393; curative aspects, 402. Ghost impersonations, helika, 398; sulesco, sule tumum laksii, 399; among the Pomo, 399. Gifford, E. W., 1-408. God-impersonating cult, 391, 392, 398; three strata of, 392, 398, 399; ghost-dance stratum taught by missionaries, 393; among South- ern Miwok, 406; Kuksu, 393, 407. [409] Index Grandchildren, classification, 132. Grandparents, classification, 127; sib- lings and siblings' grandchildren, 134; great, and great-grandehil- dren, 136; -in-law, and grand- children-in-law, 183. Hopi, snakes handled by, 392. Ione, ceremonial center, 400. Kinship, bifurcation, 281; conceptual reciprocity, 274; culture centers and, 282; descriptive terms, 277; self reciprocity, 276; sex asym- metry and descent, 278. Kinship systems, description and dis- cussion, 15-122; interrelations of, 196-197; social determinants, 239; psychology, 265; by tribes: Achomawi, 37. Athabascan, 15. Atsugewi, 40. Barbareino, 72. Cahuilla, desert, 56. Chimariko, 34. Chukehansi, 84. Chumash, 72. Island, 73. Cocopa, 67. Costanoan, 74. Santa Clara, 74. Santa Cruz, 74. Cupenlo, 59. Dieguefio, southern, 68. Northern, 69. Esselen, 73. Fernandenlo, 62. Gabrielino, 61. Gashowu, 83. Huchnom, 118. Hupa, 17. Juanenio, 61. Ka.mia, 65. Karok, 31. Kato, 25. Kawaiisu, 53. Kitanemuk, 53. Lassik, 20. Luisenlo, 60. Lutuami, 41. Maidu, 43. Northeastern, 46. Northwestern of the mountains, 44. Northwestern of the plains, 43. Southern, 47. Mattole, 19. Miwok, 86. Central, 88. Coast, 93. Lake, 91. Northern, 88. Plains, 90. Southern, 86. Mohave, 65. Mono, 49. Northeastern, 49. Southeastern, 50. Western, 51. Mutsun, 75. Obispenlo, 72. Paiute, northeastern, 49. Paleuyami, 77. Pomo, 104. Central, 107. Eastern, 106. Northeastern, 107. Northern, 109. Southeastern, 104. Southern, 113. Southwestern, 111. Rumsen, 76. Salinan; Antoniano and Migueleino, 73. Serrano, 54. Shastan, 35. Shoshonean, 49. Sinkyone, 22. Tachi, 81. Tiibatulabal, 53. Tolowa, 15. Wailaki, 23. Wappo, 115. Washo, 48. Whilkut, 19. Wintun, 94. Central, 97. Northeastern, 102. Northern of Shasta County, 100. Northwestern of Trinity County, 99. Southeastern, 94. Southwestern, 97. Wiyot, 29. Yana, 41. Yaudanchi, 78. Yauelmani, 80. Ynezeiio, 72. Yokuts, 77. Northern Valley, 85. Yuki, 119. Coast, 121. Yukian, 115. Yuman, 62. Yurok, 27. Kinship terms, types of classification and their distribution, 123; tribal degree of specialization, 193; etymology, 217; psychology, 265; underlying categories, 266. Kuksu Cult, God-impersonating, 407. Maidu, shaman 's contest, 392; God- impersonating cult, ghost-dance cult, 393; bird impersonations, 396. Maps, kinship, list, 4. [410] Index Marriage: cross-cousin, 255; death, divorce, illegitimate, 257; divorce and second marriages, 324; other forms, 257; mother-in-law taboos, 258; parent-in-law taboos, 327; postnuptial residence, 321; sister- in-law and group exogamy, 239; wife 's brother's daughter, group exogamy and descent, 247. Missionaries, native, teachers of ghost- dance, 393. Miwok, Bird cult, 391, 392, 394, 397; God-impersonating cult, 391, 392, 398, 406; Ghost-dance cult, 393, 399; funeral and mourning cere- monies, 392; pota ceremony, 397; ceremonial centers, 400; teaehers of dancing among, 400; spirit impersonations, ceremony and dance, dance motives, 404; feather regalia, 405; God-imper- sonating cult among southern, 406. Mwok Cults, 391-408. Money, 377. Mourning ceremonies, among Miwok, 392. Names, personal, Eastern Pomo trans- mission of, meaning of, 379. Nephews and nieces, classification, 154. Parents, classification, 123; -in-law and children, 175. Patwin, God-impersonating cult, Ghost- dance cult, 393; bird impersona- tions, 396. Pomo, cults, 393, 399. Pomo Society, Cleam Lake, 287-390. Pota ceremony, 392, 397. Relationship, terms of, 382. Secret societies, members of, 353. Shamans, Pomo, 330; bear, among Miwok, 392; rattlesnake, among Hopi, Miwok, and Yokuts, 392; less important, 392; as poisoners, 392. Shamans' contest, among Maidu, 392. Siblings and half-siblings, 139. Siblings-in-law, classification, three- step, 190; two-step, 184. Spouses, co-wives, and co-husbands, 175. Spouses of aunts and uncles, classi- fication, 166. Step-relations, classification, 165. Sweat houses, 247. Uncles and aunts, classification, 142. Yokuts, rattlesnake shamans, 392; borrowed dances from Southern Miwok, 406. [411] VST'OPFOALflORNL( PUBLtf1ATI aOotA~u4 5. bitotoiou B-locli, Oraizatlion, ik o~ eta afrl, byEwd WBlwGIr. P. 29.28 yesbr -tw uar,. 1.1 - i--0S ;- S. fTe Pel:neatn of the DOW 1ps l. h A h Z i. W 2er n~a~i Pp. 97.~8~ 3(~b, 7I76- 1.00o ;~ ~ ~ ~ b J. Ale ,aon Pp. 59,2 ' 3(a 0o 4- r jo-r 19-6 i w .70 V ;oL. 13. . (Jompostionof ~Ifoia BIdW Umtnt,ds, hy Ed*a'14',V'nlk1 ';,,lffo,, ,Pp. ;1-' 9. robr ary 1016 .... - ...0 + t0 8, Araah T s, by} A. i- br. ?. i4. 3e~ 1918 i 7 S - - f : t ?. Oi 1pIottlg th nic4n of t4V*e S- by i?eu C . Brdi< P5 ;195- t S r Kw -; ?* 7Bax4eer's8 9onrbti6n to til Otdy of A M&ela Sq?ial Qrgianlzh-^- ; ; - ;-; tiox, by T. T. Wt.fa. . 24482 Yebtua?yt 1917 R t.t85 *~~~~~S M;iwo l ,yti'' s', b;1 Bdwt, WIIBlOW Glftd Pp.:t 293488 plateB 5.- -3, :fa )S:X ~ t ' f ' ^ '9. ? lforn1a >isi~ytm,4 L. >ro0er Pp.X 5~9:6. . aZ 1Z17 _.._ .; . ; : ; ~~ ; 10. lOe,emoiiies C t;ile Pon Indians, by 8; A.afett Pp 59A1 ; te 11.Xt l , Pomo B ear Ioctors 1:- S. A.K~ret Pp i4885,pae7.- J* .t197 .... !',; l' . 7 '13 1. The IAtiono tile Eekan Stockr:by. Sapuir Pp. 1-84 :Juy, -~~~~~2 !h X~z niae. by T. T.Wteui. Pp 3-IO plte 1 X.20. Febtu-a ; - 0 ~~~~. Yab Arbev b3* 8o '. Pp, ,p 103ti98452,a pJ '_ tes>_fN+ ',27 ' ard, 1918' .75. t}-'!. ~ ~ 4 Yan Terms of-i' 0-\i,.tV:eltorizl, by '2Bdwrd. 9pir.['-'. Pp.e> M53475. March, 19X, .25, - 7 - 05.: *ie MedIcalllso4 of sIi4 b 'atcm! T, Pope.- Pp. 171, plte 3844,<;- 6. Thae rukihdwmenal I imeta fNti;thrLYn b Bda&i Sa. Pp 215 1 ~ 4 4 I 922 t--- * v_ _---- . ; . . ..... ..................5...........---- --- 8. E ll eik,ent Citaurei Ntiv O~foria byA . br Pp. 259.92 9w 1, 0 r~~~~t 4 up. Novembr,..' 1922 '... i ..... 1.00 *-a' '#tM e~~~~9 A Std of ; Wz ,.mand> Arrw, by2$ 'Batnnr * T.Si; pop,,,e., ,tP? 3,,0414,, plta 400 : Vol.14. :i;-:, Te. Languae-, o7f thBlinIda, 'b .Adizao. P. - *1-45r4t:s. 0 ?;-~ ' ~~~~~~f 0 -,11.. * +_ k ':0 :'~,, '. .'>UC'lans andK MoietiesIn S.theiz CaIIfrli,,''S, byZwx .s~ow: G.'I-;ff0rd. 'tl''l.r.'i'' P1b`g is e. a vA8 . .756 L -t X 4 4 4g s .lotu' i0 T ! 4ir,,-s f tV . Tbe; W8iuun esi Oer y,- by' S. A. att.-.'37488,n plates' 0 .i A# t,,Sgure ;siu -ext. , Mac,1910... . .........* .71tZ* Z; ^ et t0 - 5. T, ,t e ttt Ab Bl onio tiYl o A Ziidian S y~. UU~AI4U. On 4 A 0; : ~~~. iab4 og,- J, O~ ~.-; MoF ::4 A. Ls. rebte. Pp 18-200 Ma, 10.9i- .20N E!!- - . L .n VP, b .. r. M e 5.Zua6Eoomc,by.F SioL Pp..,844~ p24. $85 A'T 9~19 T-h41p.o A l.4 ' 4 ' " ' I ? I F ? I I 1 17 1 ? m " ! I . 11 . . I . . . I I "I - 1- I.., I -. , . . ? I I I U1S 1VSIT Or, OF 'ALUrORIA ?_3LP A. XN S-Q onttinue-) S~ WhoLingu1t1c~ Pnillie of1 fope y oa .io M A I" I -- X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19 ---- !t - ----- - - : - t -*ellil ffi t>Zff ? 4 M;w 19X- 4 . ~robe P.t tA741 map 1, 1 ,gr n t*ex ept'm-e, i 7 O4. TahedU of te nN o*f No by e - Pp 119-170, *ith o maps ?rb 19 , ^ u; rM; ~0. Th OaX1lTlas by Licl a~opr Pp. 15-.tO Aopril, 192Q ?. .Z :;75 ;X VoL 17 L T- e Souce end, eut.cit ottbe fllu ter oX th Ann -;e- ;by Paul Ba4ln. Sp 1 -I r - So, 17 pb .te. J 10 f * > .!ClIfrniavi Ollmre Pro YfIfoc d tes by A. bt. X+br Pp 15-iSO,2 maps. Pp. 17102l~, 2 tlges in text. An4 1922 p.- AO A7X X~~~~~4 : ~lt. of t.: Pitch tn4ian.: s-A;>g aw- WaSlat 3';Iloi by- Thnarl Go Pp. 9207.22, 812 e * text. v eb---z y - * - . .2 'V N oT ,b Pp 22f 3 the 2 0 1.70 *~~~~~~~~~V t40 17 1*eiXt;^ t4**- __r" 0 i . bh t b 't ' 1mu, 'ali:oria, b $ly I. L ?p ;5pt72, plate 18, 19, g n te.. ptb 12 45 .. ~~~~~ 7-08, pft 20, 18 Og'.'ure'''4js* ln text .. NoYenb 125..-.45~w-zr VoI. > - 18. 1.- OtUfoiiian lshIp nolZ by #dwar4 Winsow Q . Pp. 1 2S5: - :^~~~~2 O;:;- ;0bS?le Le - -?i Soefety, by. ZdaX Winsl:w ~l~P. 2 :67490. 5; -; ' 0; Dw0 -E ' 3. Mfvo V. t ts, by deriW;sow( i;vffod.P. 9.-8. Ma; tS ----25 : 0 0;--- Vol-. 19.: 1, Wap et,Pst Serls abyR- -Paul- Zadin. Pp. l.4>-eriary- 0 .7 ;~~~~o 20 TI Pheb -Apper m Eearsb w8f1ria Voime z > + $69 Ml ; plate s- i^ S. -Str0 on21. Pp. 1-..5, pIV al si- , 2N ; in t ~~~~~ZpoAti f t Obzwheb Ma lTh. Pp 154 X Oure in text _op 1 2 nyr.d 'ept'.-ber, .192 - - 1.00 *uncan Stron wt T A0Ie by Max eile. Pp 93 plast or, '2 5L40, 1' 'gure; ,," - 'be, 192 .8-p -' Pp.00- I$ 0 pts 4 1 u tt tu r 71995 - .90 0 - - - . T-e .t~ . 1-Thle -Pry Collectio f Supsby A .Z 3ber. -3p.235-2-4 7. Theble Pby Cdoe;n f 6w- Ch aua; by A. L, o p 265 *une,1925~ L-..~ - - --.. . ..~ 75 t ~~~~~. ;Ca0ifona n?r'o~ty by Zdw5d Wiso C 4ig or- NPs 217?* >s-49'0, '* *f VoL. t Are g oS the *lier San 1n V alley, Cia b E4 , ' 0 ,, ' ~ifrd a, :t. ZLb, ' hnc. Pp< ^ ._ ltt-lZ pir.e *-34, 1 map iS, S ,~~~~ .- s(vrSS K-X 9.............................-.--*- , - -~-.-...----.tX* '' 0~~~~h in, w SC w R S *i \ A,Note-Tlle;'; Universit Si ,CUk. .,uia Pulqtlos ar offre In* excang fo ;he pnl. --- the publ o t"e nisy will beentuon ~eestr smple copies, slat- - of- pnheal or .tie iorati, .4d.,*s-e, tew 1.A;:AGE. OP TH -t-,IV-E. , TY . . . X ::. G S Q o *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t a4rge to' T@I 0X~EA~0 PZPA''-TMEF'Z UN,,V.-RS?,-Y L sA-- TT ' -AI . 8 0 ' ! X * g Si t 0 0 '; i; ; S ~' , r:, 7AIrRT, -b