INDEX Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Ethn., vol. 17. Titles of papers are in boldface. Alcohuaiis, 136. Algonkin, 5. Anales de Mexico y Tlatelulco, 28. Anates Mexicanos, 28. Anales Tepanecas, 28. Arbolillo, El, 395. Archaic Culture Horizons in the Val- ley of Mexico, 373-408. Arehaic problem, in Mexico, 374 seq. Atzeapotzalco, 140, 143, 144. Aubin, Codex, 13, 26. Batres, 391. Benguet, 230. Berkeley, West, 356, 368. Best, A., 374. Beyer, 374. Boas, 374, 386, 395, 398. Boban, Eugene, cited, 10 note. Boturini, (odex, 11, 33, 137, 140. Boturini, L. B., 9. California Culture Provinces, 151-169. Central California, culture area, 168; northwest, culture area, 155; southern culture area, 164. Chalco, 399. Chapultepec, 137, 140, 141. Charency, Ch. de, 137, 138 note. Chiehimecs, 135, 136, 141. Chimalpahin, Anales of, 31, 123. Cholula, 136. Cihuacoatl, 145, 146. Cocopa, culture type of, 154. Codex sources, primary, 10, 15. Colorado, lower, culture area, 164. Columbia, lower, Indian culture cen- ters or types, 158. Copilco, 375. Cotton, 405, 407. Coyoacan, 390. Cozcatzin, Codex, 16. Cuauhtitlan, Anates de, 133. Cuicuileo, 384, 400, 406. Culhuacan, 136, 142, 143, 398. Cult, Kuksu, 163. Culture, ancient Mexican: Atzeapotz- alco, 140; Chapultepee, 140,; Cho- lula, 136; Huastec, 134; Mixtec- Zapotec, 134; Tlaxcalla, 136; Toltec, 133; Xaltocan, 140. Culture area, central California, 168; northwest, 155; southern, 164; Great basin, 168; Lower Colorado, 164; "Plateau," 169; southwest, 165. Cummings, B., 384, 400. Dances, impersonations, masked, in Zuni, 171-216, 205. Dieguenlo, culture type of, 154. I)uran, Atlas of, 20. Ellis Landing, 356, 360 note, 367 note, 368. Emeryville, mound, 356, 368, 369. en. Croix, Codex, 17. Estrella, Cerro de la, 398. Fire god, 389. Furlong, exploration, 368. Gabrielino, culture type of, 152. Gamio, 374. Gibbs, G., 156 note. Gifford, E. W., cited, 358. Goddard, P. E., 217-225. Great Basin culture area, 168. G-uadalupe, Sierra de, 395. Habitat of the Pitch Indians, A Wai- laki Division, 217-225. Haeberlin, H. K., 385 note. Harborgate tract, 356. Hekshina shilowawa, 192-194, 207, 211. Histoire Mexicaine, 19. Historia de los Mexicanos por sus Pin- turas, 27, 57. Huastec, 134. Impersonations, masked, in Zufi dances, 205. Indian culture centers or types, Puget Sound, 158. Ixtle, 374. Ixtlixochitl, 133, 135. Kabayan, 230. Koyupchonakya, 171. Koyupchonawe, 207, 208-210. Kroeber, A. L., 150-169; 373-408. Kuksu cult, 163. Lehmann, W., cited, 10 note. Leon, N., 374. Lewis, A. B., 156 note. Loud, L. L., 355-372; cited, 363. Lower Colorado culture area, 164. Lozano, D., cited, 378 note. Lutuami culture, 163. Maize, 405, 407. Mendoza, Codex, 25, 50, 144. Metates, Pueblo, 406. Mexicans, Ancient, The Sources and Authenticity of the History of the, 1-150. [409] Index Mexican culture, ancient: Atzeapot- zalco, 140; Chapultepec, 140; Cholula, 136; Huastec, 134; Mix- tec-Zapotec, 134; Tlaxcalla., 136; Toltec, 133; Xaltocan, 140. Mexico, Archaic Culture Horizons in the Valley of, 373-408. Michoacan, 133, 137, 141. Midewiwin, 5. Migrationis, comparative table of, 138. Mixtec, 148. Mixtec-Zapotec, 134. Montezuma I, 148. Montezuma II, 149. Moral, Molina de, 399. Moss, C. R., 227-353. Mound, Emeryville, 356, 368, 369. Muhekwe, house of, figured, 173. Nabaloi Tales, 227-253. Nabaloi, tales; cosmogonical, 232- 246; culture, 248-262; origin of ceremonies, 264-272; origin of animals and their traits, 274- 294; trickster, 296-316; reflect- ing beliefs and customs, 318-352. Nelson, N. C., 356, 358, 359, 361, 365, 369. Northwest California culture area, 155. Nuttall, Zelia, 390. Olo'ikyaiyakya koko, 190. Ololowishkyaia, 195-199, 211; fig- ured, 196. OrozCo y Berra, 11. Otomi, 134, 135, 374. Outhwaite, L., 356. Paiute, nortlhern, cited, 361. Parsons, Elsie C., 171-216. Pedregal,. San Angel, 374. Peterson, J., 368, 369. Peyote, 5. Pima, culture type of, 154. "Pitch" Indians, 217; population, 224. Pitch Indians, a Wailaki Division, Habitat of the, 217-225. "Plateau" culture area, 169. Pomo, culture type of, 152. Pueblo metates, 406. Puget Sound, Indian culture centers or types, 158. Pyramid of the Sun, 390. Quetzalcoatl, 133. Quinatzin, Mapa, 38, 133, 135. Radin, P., 1-150. Ramirez, Codex, 14, 24, 29, 67, 140- 145. Salt Indians, 217. San Angel pedregal, 374; excavation at, 376. San Fernando, 400. Sapir, E., 156 note. Seler, 374, 389, 391 note. Shoshoneans, culture type of, 154. Siguenza, Mapa de, 12, 137. Sources and Authenticity of the His- tory of the Ancient Mexicans, The, 1-150. Southern California. culture area, 164. Southwest culture area, 165. Spindle whorl, 390, 405. Stair, 406. Stege Mounds at Richmond, Ca.lifor- nia, 355-372; composition, 358; sinkers, 362, 368; charmstonies, 365. Tarascan, 132, 149. Telleriano-Remensis, Codex, 26, 45, 142-144, 146. Tenayucan, 136. Teotihuacan, 374, 390. Tepanecans, 136. Tepechpan, mapa de, 17. Tezozomoctli, reign of, 130. Ticoman, 395. Tlaloc, 389. Tlalpam, 40,0. Tlaxcalla, 136. Tlotzin, Mapa, 19, 35, 133, 135, 140. Toltec, 132 f., 398. Totonac, 149. Tozzer, A. M., 374. Tilbatulabal, culture type of, 154. Uhle, M., 356, 359, 361, 365, 369. Upikyaipona, 207. Vatic4.nus A, Cedex, 26. V6rtiz, R., 391. Wailaki, 217. West Berkeley, 356, 368. Wilatsukwe, 177, 178, 209. Winnebago. Indians, Wisconsin, 5. Winter and Summer Dance Series in Zufii in 1918, 171-216. Wintun, culture type of, 152. Wyiot territory, 363 note. Xaltocan, 136, 140. Xolotl, Codex, 17, 41, 135, 144. Yokuts, culture type of, 154. Yuma, culture type of, 153. Yurok, culture type of, 152. Zacateneo, 395. Zapotec, 134, 148. Zunli, dance series, 171-216, 205; glos- sary, 212. [410] ~ O CI FO A I IL( - . : - ;-- .II, - -II II I- - : 1 -1W. I, ,I -i. , - zE31omz -o-ih s * a bItt r SI. -> Xt*, Iltw ;; 00 I ; - I: ~ :~ ., - I I . - ~ ~ , : , - , - - :4-. x ,- ". "I, I -I II. ~ . ' ! Y - - I; J . , n I e - - D e la g e, r: .- e - d ,J . ..0. , -I-1 I I- I',4 " . . - ~ II- 3, > e%b--1. I $ > g I - :1 . .1 ~ - - I . . I . I - ~ . I ~ . I b I - ;.. 4. S, ec iTob . - ~- r L 6 .b 11q 0, I P - ~ - w ~ ~ . 6 8 , . -., , I I - I . I- 0 - I$ ~ I , . . - 6 0 . ,- x 6 . > ~ 1 9 I . I - , . . I 1 t -. I - .-I- - I- - 61. - Dn,:* ,D*sIIc XI-Ith? b S * I- . t.. II . ;WZ - - - - I, - ;.. -b -' cX wl - - I IA"-- - - - I." - -- t. -~~ ~~~ - I ;>-P 7 7 - - ~ ~ 1 I, M -Ff;"Or itPA,L, B,'- ' I ;_ -,s 0~ I I;I . ; I - - - . , 1. - - . , ,-I ' :, ,,. ,, I I,8 , 1 I1 -1.. II O >.e r 1 1 I-. I~ -. ,I,- I- :->, .-, . I I : ' ~-' -:-- T fb-+ su and ---,Ss -li Term, . I , '-. -,i? $wlorr -; . - ;- IX : -W+ - 8 "S t I , ^ 97,. > * .. ......... .... . -. i *.I -I . - , I - 8 \ ', ' 'J7-,adeXe- omtolt e - M B ri>, ->-I < iX *- I 0 4 I T 8 I1917I . o?I t ,I- 1I-7I0- . ,& .-:.283.IX ? ta ' ^ 0 .-w;',., ; -- ei-^F-X*--'----a _-..............I...................................... ,,2' io- 0 ~~~~~~ ~ ~ I,~- , .:'iot yaes .:ree. > 3 9J_ - -6 : ! : ; ~~~~~~~~~~. ;Hfo e,nei-o PIO W 1.di - y-$ -V;.- -t 8'-:; -"I ' I I -- = . . -itw a . t W ate .-- 3S. pt1.I. I 0. ~ ,:I ;~_ , 6 h ed Ei. <-a-)r 3>P p- P.12 - 3 4$ -I - 2-32 . - ..... '.T!....... -" Ce5; --" f - 1 ., <. IF- QC. -., -'\- 1..' ',e: 0 b '..o n.,T"- . e Po. .''.. :'9 ,-..'p.l, j4 --': "."'' 0 00 tIE w I q , ' . I , I .- - o t92 ,. "r . - e.. .. . ...... .X^e6- I~ .. ~ - . I -D ;- ,-. I. . I," -, ;-. M l --1, -P,22-k p},Y" :. D? ,.b82- I - ; ; . o~~~~~~- . -.'ha'iei.o:bg -s.0B,'-p,<,lts wt..' . I -..;. , 0 0 l " t ' f * ,. ,- ;I . I 6 -. - ' . h. I'1gelp (3o-t, li~ 6Ws. :' L'e. -e~.t 'li-~ gu -. s ;'. e iD q -~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~- .i 1. -v- ' 'r - ,, - -'. 5 - ' - '" v,- #, v1 ,@ 'L'P . '- t I tI a4^ ;L'u , ' - ' 'n.i '; - ' '' _';II ' - a n 0 I 'll Je{.0 . E I , >S- . f S s eDS-- :~ 1- I I .. "I , I ., S !>9 i s; s s n S , A o o f UmVE TYOP AIONAPOT~-Oniud Vol.z 15. 1.lfugao Law, by L1?t Ba;rto. Pp. 1-186, p4te 1-33. Pebrua, 11 f 0: 2. Nabaol Songs, by V. o A. o-S' Er 187-206 May, 1919 ,208X :. -.Nabalol Law an-Id R by fi.. Mossbp-7-42i plaes7. Oetqb-i- ,4 . Kank a - 1e .emo...i... ,. Cl. s M ,oss... Pp 34 88.. ,,obx 1980 .R.-.-........ .. .,..... T: . .0D 0 Indx , pp. 447-453. 0^ a Vol. 1. i 1. Myth of tbe *otht *ita loh S. -A. Baret Pp-. 1-2l8 Match,-;; -- :91-, - A ----------.--.-------- ------- 2. The MatrUneal Oo21ile~ b$' Rebrt H. Lowie Pp.. o945 OMarc 19190 ..1 4-- 0 9; .roe-bekr. Pp. 47-1, a 1FI,. 1 fl,1rf in Xtex~ Setemb . 1919g @ .75- 4. I-lendars of the Inas ro-fo, -by iLeoa s Pp. l9--74,- -'~ ~ it 3 -5 ;-*:-maps. NoVi-ber, l19-19 .----,..-...~.- .-...~.-i,._-..- 75 0 5. ~ P Turok 05aPgrahy,b T:W T.< Watriaz. -Pp. - 177-314, pl:-atesE 1-6 1 tS ext 0 ;- gure,. 4 maps. 1; X w a ---_, -90 ---.....-.- ...... 200 -- - The Oahum.B>lll Xnia.byLcile Hoo-r Ppt 315-380 April, 1020-*w*Fo-< .7ffi.; :-:~~7 Th - A-tobiographyof a Wineago ; d-. -X94an byPau -~ln Pp 3811- 8< \Yia ---be o mf -th Lo* er Cloloro, b- . L. Ereber. P: 47-8. : -- Au-1 920 . ....... .*. - -. ? =.wo ^ ...-..,..- ...~. .25w0 VoL 16. 1. -e Pl -Rd-n. Pp. w 1-0, Hi7 l 120 - -.- . -1.7- - . -,O:T -sllfomi- aU Oultpr A.-o$>es, by .L ro1r p 15t-19,-- X< maps Septe >Smber, 1920 -*.- - #-- -.----li-b---#---. .-.-.*--. A. .26 ;t; \- X-3. WfIter andSnue anceSeie44ZulU 121l948 :by 51se Ce~sos P--tS-;lS- : ~~~P; -7~26 2 -iue -n tet. Augtis,j 192-.M * --> K. .................,..-..... _.7<;;. X . .--0: -- H -ltat :.4 the Pitc nlas,aW) isle,y Pfny .a:-- Gdr ~~-: Pp -: ;0 . 2rt-225, 3 iursin atez................... ... Ferur A92. -.25..v .; - -- . Nabol Wales,- by-CR.Moss Pp. 2t7-367. September, *192-. t7 6 r---. Thtege 3 Eounds at- b2io ioa by Leelyn 1,. Loud. Pp. t i - -; 355-372, - plates iS, 19, 1 fiuze ntet 0eptexnber 1924-.---- ^ 35 O '-7. AcaI lture fls -n the VJey of Mex ,by A:. d. reber. *:- V ^ ;-;-Pp. 37-498pat 20 18' figuei itet N4vube,i2- - 4 . 1;-8.; -1. Ca shi.p Termingies, by dwsrd -Wfott hi,td P. :4-b with 29 maps. DeCe~n~e, 1922 - -- -0. ............. ..... . ; Vol. 19. -1. AWapoxts-, Fist Sris, by PaulRadIn.Pp.-147. Fbraryi, 9324~.. 1.V75 -:VoL-20. -h tPhoebe +* W9W Lut pates e -: ;e li -2tgbex t.+ .aecebI, 1923. ; - -- . VoL 21. 1;. tEhe1Th Collcin rm (Thlck,by F Xoeber and Wtillm Dn Strog. p. -,5, pate 1-24 27MgrsI et .-.:+ f : -2. B.1rains1 Ob9 a i, by Max l1hIe. Pp, 55-94, I -fl~r intext. -, ---0- -~~~Ns I sai 2 ;Ix on 1 -ver Septem tOber,0"ll 1924 * -.- v r1.60 . 0' ' '' 3. Th tJIe Po:RtteryCoeclonpmrQx Ica byA. I.. Krbe'r an'd.Willam- f-- . .-n-ca2l Strong; wthee 4ppenidkes by MaX Uhlel. Pp. 9E1833 plates.-: 2540, 17~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ figres "n tet Deemer 194 - . .X-.Y* .85 - < - -4. 'The XTI 1'ot.try Qolectonafrom: Anco, b y: Wiliam Duca Stro21g. ' - ~~p. :S5-f90--. -, Pplates4-4l9; 11 -fig'ure- in text Sep'm~r, 1925 .-, '.90 ;. -,S. VoL 92.: 1.:. Wlyot tc?- Grrma ai exts, --by Gla4y . e'lchard . Pip. 1-215, -pla .te ' 1. ;'0 . 3une, 1925 - - - .. --2~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.P 05$.75- of bt o ltf atfio, de7. -ss ,t - -4-At F - . t--V-RSIT- 0 e _~~~~r;-i - Ou4 ; t ~rs 'A k 'P - -~. '- 8,.-h EBT.LEY,' f .AIONA 17.f o , A.S Al matter sn ini e:xchange ' a.pboizd b- OA,LFORNIA,'' ~i A -Ds.v of~~~~.2 ' 'ia -ar';Qsr noao d ~3 F. -Z WS M - f '- .g -~~~es- EW:,:ombi'tA;: , : t' "-924''ft TdX S-tew - B ,>1XfS , - B -~~~7 kjm -Cdae M& zons ' -O .- D-g0f A: w- -,' - )f-