University of Californ,ia Publications in AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY VOLUME XVII 1920-1926 EDITORS A. L. KROEBER ROBERT H. LOWIE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS I BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGES 1. The Sources and Authenticity of the History of the Ancient Mexicans, Paul Radin .----- - 1-150 2. California Culture Provinces, A. L. Kroeber -------------------------------------- .151-169 3. Winter and Summer Dance Series in Zunfi in 1918, Elsie C. Parsons . 171-216 4. Habitat of the Pitch Indians, A Wailiki Division, Pliny Earle Goddard 217-225 5. Nabaloi Tales, C. R. Moss .-------------------- . 227-353 6. The Stege Mounds at Richmond, California, Llewellyn -L. Loud. 355-372 7. Archaic Culture Horizons in the Valley of Mexico, A. L. Kroeber- 373-408 INDEX . ..........-----------.............-------409-410