INDEX* Africa, post-marriage residence in, 34; avuncular relationships in, 39, 43. Agalecquamaya. See Halyikwamai. Agalle (Haclli, Haglli), 483. Ahtena, 137, 153. Akwa'ala (Ekwa'ahle), 475, 484. Alakwisa, 475, 477. Alchedoma, Alchedum, Alebdoma. See Halchidhoma. Aleut, 139, 153. Algonkin (Algonquin), 112, 129. Amacabos (Amacavas), 482. Anglo-Ewe, 39. See also Ewe. Annals (historical "calendars"), 121. Apache, 32. Arapaho, 33, 112. Arcturus, 121. Arikara, 135, 155. Assiniboine, 33. Athabascan, 51, 97, 113. Australia, post-marriage residence in, 34, 38, 43. Autobiography of a Winnebago In- dian, 381-473; youth, 385; mode of life, 386, 391, 398, 406, 412, 424; social customs, 393, 405, 446, 463, 466; ideals and spiritual beliefs, 388, 395, 396, 410, 417, 430-449, 451; fasting, 386, 388, 395, 450, 454; feasting, 395, 420, 430, 437, 463; peyote, 430-449; shamanism, 400, 421, 455; precepts, 450-473. Avunculate, 31, 35-42; use of term, 35; summary of details, 40; as evi- dence of diffusion, 43; as evidence' of independent growth, 44; not necessarily a feature of matronyrmy, 45. Bagiopa. See Hogiopa. Bahacechas, 483. Bakongo, 34, 39. Banks Islands, avuncular relation s in 37, 43. Bannock, 135, 155. Bantu, 34, 39, 43. See also Bakongo; Herero. Barrett, S. A., 1. Bayou Lacomb, Louisiana, residence of Choctaw Indians, 31. Beliefs. See Myths; Origin beliefs. Bella Coola, 135, 149. Beothuk, 155. Big Lagoon, 264. Blackfoot, 33, 129, 155. Bows and arrows, 358, 398. Burial customs, 343. Cahuilla Indians, The, 315-380; divi- sions: habitats, 316; myths, 317, 364-378; ceremonies: religious, 328, 348; burial, 344; initiation and puberty, 345, 347; shamanism, 333; spiritual beliefs, 339, 342; songs, 344; social orders, 349; social and hygienic customs, 349, 355; war-like and legal usages, 355-356; mode of life and indus- tries, 356-360; dogs, 361; knowl- edge, 362; bibliography, 379. Cahuilla, Desert, 316 passiia. Cahuilla, Mountain, 316, 348. Cahuilla, Pass, 316, 333. Calendars of the Indians North of Mexico, 119-176; types of, 139- 144; areas of distribution, 145; regional types of, 146; similarities in types of, due to diffusion or like conditions, 147; types of, listed by tribes, 149, 153, 155; map showing. opp. 119; types of, used by the Cahuilla, 362. See also Annals; Day; Equinoxes; 'Events; Month; Moon; Solstice; Stars; Summer; Sun; Tides; Time-reckoning; Week; Winter; Year. Calendrical system, 120. California, linguistic families of, 47- 118; map showing distribution of, opp. 47; location of Yurok in, 182, miaps showing, 183. Camilya. See Kamia. Carrier, 155. Cawina, 481. Ceremonial nomenclature, 146. Ceremonies, 345, 347, 395, 400, 430; Eagle, 348; mourning, 328; sol- stitial, 142. Chehalis, 144. Chemehuevi, 316. Chevenne, 33. Chilcotin, 148. Chilkat, 143. Chimariko, 54, 103. Choetaw, 31, 35, 36, 135, 155. Chontal (linguistic kinship), 103. Chumash (linguistic kinship), 54, 103, 484. Clans, 349; misuse of term, 29. Clothing (dress), 357, 485. Coahuilla reservation, 316. Coana. See Kohuana. Coanopa (Hoabonomal), 484. Cocopa, 316, 475, 482, 483, 484, 485. Coguana (Cohuana). See Kohuana. * Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Areh. Ethn., Vol. 16. [487] Index Colorado, Yuman Tribes of the Lower, 475-485. Comanche, 130. Comeya (Comoyatz). See Kamia. Constellations, 121. See also Stars. Cope, Leona, 119. Costanoan, 54, 100. Cree, Eastern, 33, 155; Plains, 127, 155. Creek, 31. Cremation, 485. Cross-cousin marriage, 40. Crow, 31, 41, 42. Culture. See Cahuilla; Calendars; Myths; Winnebago; Yuman tribes; Yurok. Cumana, 484. Cupeflo, 316. Cutgana. See Kohuama. Dakota, Eastern, 33, 132, 155; Sisse- ton, 155; Teton, 155. Day, and its subdivisions, 124; diur- nal periods, 126. Delaware, 155. DeSl Norte county, 182. Diegueino (Kamia-ahwe), 141, 149, 476, 478. Dieri, 38. Dog Ribs, 124, 155. Dipper, 126. Dixon, Roland B., and Kroeber, A. L., 47. Domingo (Sunday), 124. Dress (clothing), 357, 485. Dry lagoon, 265; plate showing, opp. 312. Eagle ceremony, 348. Economic importance of winter sol- stice, 142. Ekwa 'ahle. See Akwa 'ala. Equinoxes, 121. Eskimo, 121; Central, 33; Copper, 135; Greenland, 123; Kaniagmiut, 141, 144, 153; Lower Yukon, 155; of Melville Peninsula, 136; Point Barrow, 123, 132, 155; south of the Yukon delta, 155; of the Ungava District, 132, 137, 141. Esselen, 54, 103. European influences on time-reckon- ing, 124. Evening star, 121. Events, seasonal, basis for time- reckoning, 123; solar, 136; terres- trial, 136. See also Lunar phases; Lunations. Ewe, 34. See also Anglo-Ewe. Families, Linguistic, of California, 47-118. Father-sib, 20. Fiesta week, mourning ceremony of the Cahuilla, 328. Fijians, 37. Food, 185, 356, 392, 485. Fox, 155. Freshwater lagoon, 264; plate show- ing, opp. 310. Future life, ideas about, 342. Gabrielino, 316. Games, 360. Garroteros. See Yuma. Genetic relationship of linguistic families, 50. "Gentes," misuse of term, 29. Geography, Yurok, 177-314. Glossary of Indian words, 26; 48- 118; 125-168; 177-314. Greenland, methods of time-reckon- ing in, 122. Gros Ventre, 33. Guinea, Upper, avuncular relation- ship in, 39. Haclli (Haglli). See Agalle. Haida, 32, 44, 135, 149, 155; Masset, 131, 149; Skidegate, 131, 149. Halchadhoma (Halchedhoma). See Halchidhoma. Halchidhoma (Alchedum, Alebdoma, Halchadhoma, Jalchedun), 475, 478, 480, 481, 493, 484. Halliquamallas. See Halyikwamai. Halyikwainai (Agaleequamaya, Halli- quamallas, Jalliquamay, Quicama, Quicoma, Quigyuma, Quiquima), 475, 476, 477, 483. Hamakhava. See Mohave. Hano, 135, 149. Hare, 155. Hatilshe. See Yuma. Hatpa-'inya. See Maricopa. Herero, 34. Hidatsa, 31. Hoabonoma (a). See Coanopa. Hogiopa (Bagiopa), 475, 484. Hokan family, establishment of, 54; discussion, 1'03-112; scope of, 112. Hooper, Lucille, 315. Hopi, 32, 35, 36, 41, 44, 45, 123, 149. Hottentots, 39. Houses, 123, 357, 385, 392; Yurok house names, 208, 209-213; Yurok houses, views of, opp. 290, 292, 302, 306, 308, 314. Huchnom, 143. Hukwats. See Yuma. Humboldt county, 182. Hupa, 137, 184, 256. Industries, 184, 219, 359-360, 385, 386, 391, 398. Initiation ceremonies among the Cahuilla, 345. Intercalation, 122. Iowa, 35, 155. Iroquois, 31, 36, 45, 155. "Iskoman," 54, 103. See also Hokan. [488] Index Jalchedun. See Halchidhoma. Jalliquamay. See Halyikwamai. Jamajab. See Mohave. Jemez, 135, 149. Juanenlo, 130, 316. Kahuene. See Kohuana. Kai, 40. Kaigani, 128. Kamia (Camilya, Comeya, Comoyatz, Quemaya), 475, 478. Kamia-ahwe. See Diegueno. Kaniagmiut, 144, 153. Kansa, 130, 155. Karok, 184, 255, 307; language, 54, 103. Kato, 114. Khasi of Assam, 35, 45. "IIKin," use of term, 30. Kinship, mode of reckoning, 29, 67. Kiowa, 124, 130, 155. Klamath, 143. Klamath river, 179, 182, 227, 255; plates showing views of, opp. 288, 290, 294, 300, 302, 304, 306. Kohuana (Cajuenche, Coana, Cogu- ana, Cohuana, Cutgana, Kahuene), 475, 477, 479, 480, 481, 483, 484. Koskimo, 132, 149. Kroeber, A. L., 47, 475. Kuchiana. See Yuma. Kwakiutl, 132, 149. See also Kos- kimo, Nakwartok, Nimkish, Ma- malelekala. Kwichyana. See Yuma. Language, 47-118, 179. Legal usages, 223, 356, 412. Lenape (Lenni Lenape), 130, 155. Lillooet, 143, 153. Linguistic Families of California, 47- 118; map showing, opp. 47. See also Algonkin; Athabascan; Ho- kan; Iskoman; Penutian; Ritwan; Shoshonean; Yukian. Loucheux, 155. Lower Thompson band, 153. Lowie, Robert H., 29. Luiseflo, 137, 149, 316. Lunar phases, lunations, basis of month, 121, 128. Lutuami, 114. Mackenzie tribes, 121. Maidu, 135, 139, 155; of California, 140; language, 54, 100. Makah (Makaw), 135, 141, 149. Makonde, 34, 39. Malecite, 127, 155. Mamalelekala, 132, 149. Mandan, 31, 155. Maricopa (Hatpa- 'inya), 478, 479, 480, 481, 483. Mariposa (Southern Sierra) Miwok, myths, 1. Marriage, 353, 405; cross-cousin, 40; marriage precepts, 463; post-mar- riage customs, see Matrineal Com- plex. Matriarchate, 45. Matrilineal Complex, The, 29-45. Matrilineal descent, 31; not regularly accompanied by matrilocal factor, 34. Matrilineal inheritance, 31; among the Herero, 39. Matrilocal residence, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; not necessarily a feature of matronymy, 44. Matronymy, 34, 35; relation of avuncular customs to, 37, 43; matrilocal residence or avunculate not necessarily features of, 44. Melanesia, post-mariage residence in, 34; avuncular relations in, 37, 38, 43. Menomini, 36. Micmac, 134, 155. Miwok, 48; of the Southern Sierra: myths of, 1-28. Modoc, 148, 153. Mohave (Hamakhava, Jamajab), 316, 475, 478-482, 485; permanence of speech, 483. Moieties, 349. Montagnais, 155. Month, 128; length of, 129. See also Lunar phases. Moon, 123, 128, 362; recognition of the phases of, 129. Morning star, 121. Mother-sib, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37. Muskokee, 155. Myths, 186, 192, 200, 209, 228, 317, 364-378, 477; in abstract.form, 24. See also Yurok, myths of. Myths of the Southern Sierra Miwok, 1-28. Nah-ane, 155. Nakwartok, 132, 149. Nandi, 40. Nascapee, 125. Natchez, 155. Navaho, 32, 36, 124, 155. Netchilli (Netchillik), 126, 149. New Hebrides Islands, avuncular re- lationships in the, 37. Night, divisions of the, 126. Nimkish, 132, 149. Nomenclature, 148; ceremonial, 146. Nootka, 122, 128, 149. Northern Plains tribes, 31. See also Mandan; Hidatsa; Crow. Northwest Coast Indians, 31, 37, 121. See also Pacific Coast tribes. Notched sticks, historical "calen- dar, I 121. Oceania, 34. [489] Index Ojibwa, 155. Omaha, 33, 36, 155. Onondaga, 155. Origin beliefs, 2, 190, 317, 364. Orion's belt, 121. Orthography and phonol6gy, of the Yurok, 179. Osage, 148, 155. Osera. See Ozara. Oto, 35, 155. Ovambo, 34. Ozara (Osera), 483, 484. Pacific Coast tribes, 32. See also Tlingit; Tsimshian. Paiute, Southern, 316. Palaihnihan, linguistic kinship, 48. Papago. See Pima. Patrilineal complex, 40. Patrilineal system substituted for matrilineal system in Melanesia, 38. Patrilocal residence, 32, 33. Pawnee, 36, 137, 155. Pen languages, 100, 101. Penutian (linguistic) family, estab- lishment of, 54; discussion of, 55- 98; geography and historical inter- relations of, 98-102; relation to Yukian, 117-118. Peruvians, 127. Peyote, 430-449. Phonology and orthography, of the Yurok, 179. Pima (and Papago), 140, 155, 483; the "east" (Maricopa), 480. Piskwaus, 149. Place names, Yurok. See Yurok place names. Plateau tribes, 121. Pleiades, 121. Pomo (linguistic kinship), 54, 103. Pottery, 359, 485. Powell, classification, and map, of the linguistic families of America, 48. Precepts of the Winnebago, 450-473. Property rights, 223, 356. Puberty ceremonies, 345, 347. Pueblo Indians, 31, 32, 139. See also Hopi; Zuni; Sia. Quemaya. See Kamia. Quicama (Quicoma, Quigyuma, Qui- quima). See Halyikwamai. Quileutes, 130. Radin, Paul, 381. "Ritwan" family, establishment of the, 54; discussion of, 112-113. Salinan, linguistic kinship, 54. Salish, 149. Samoans, 37. Saturday, 124. Sauk, 155. Saulteaux, Northern, 132, 155. Seasonal events, basis of time reck- oning, 123. Seasons, 132; names for, 133; num- ber of recognized, 133. Seminole, 136, 155. Seri, linguistic kinship of, 103. Serrano, 316. Shamanism, 333, 400, 421, 455. Shasta, Shastan, linguistic kinship, 48, 54, 103. Shasta-Achomawi, 48. Shoshonean, 54, 114-115, 316. Shushwap, 143, 153, 155. Sia, 32. "Sib," use of term, 30. Sibless or patronymic groups, avun- cular relationships among, 39. Siciatl, 149. Sioux, 36, 38. Slavery, 155. Social orders, 349. Solar events, basis of timne reckon- ing, 136. Solstice, 122; observation of, 122; summer, 123; winter, 122. Solstitial ceremonials, 142. Songs, enemy, 344. South America, calendrical system in, 127. Southeastern tribes, 31. See also Choctaw; Creek; Timucua; Yuchi. Southern Sierra Miwok, Myths of the, 1-28. Spence 's Bridge band, 153. Spirits, 23, 200, 364, 388, 397, 410, 431, 451. Stars, 121,, 363. See also Arcturus; Dipper; Orion's belt; Pleiades; Ursa Major. StlatlumH, 125. Stone lagoon, 264; plate showing, opp. 310. Stsnelis, 143, 153. Summer solstice, 123. Sun, 123; dial, 125; houses, 123. Sunday, 124. Supernatural beings in the form of rocks, 21, 297. Tahltan, 155. Tepeguanes, 483. Tequistlatecan, 103. Terrestrial events, basis of time reckoning, 123, 136. Tewa, 36, 123, 149. Thompson, 143, 153. Thonga, 38, 39. Tides, ebb and flow of, 126. Time reckoning, methods of, 120; basis of, 121-124; units of, 124- 139; variability in mode of desig- nating, 130. See also Day; Week; Month; Seasons; Year; Calendars. [490] Index Timucua, 31, 128. Tlingit, 32, 38, 43, 140, 153, 155. Tolowa, 184. Tongans, 37. Torres islands, avuncular relation- ships in, 37. Trinidad bay, 182; plates showing views of, opp. 284 and 314. Trinity river, 182, 255; plate show- ing view of, opp. 304. Tsekehne, 155.. Tsilkoh 'tin, 155. Tsimshian, 32, 143. Tusayan, 149. Unalit, 155. Ungava district, methods of time reckoning in, 122. Ursa Major, 121. Ute, methods of time reckoning among, 125, 132, 155. Uti languages, 99, 101. Vas-u institutions, 37. Vasu-like privileges, 39. Wailaki, 114. Walapai, 482. Wappo, 53, 116. Washo, 104. Waterman, T. T., 177. Wilson Creek, 182, 227; plate show- ing views at the mouth of, opp. 286. Week, 126. Winnebago, 35, 36, 130, 155. See also The Autobiography of a Win- nebago Indian. Winter-counts, historical "calen- dars, " 121. Winter solstice, 121; economic im- portance of, 142. Wintun, 54, 100. Wiyot, 54, 112. Wyandot, 127, 136. Yana, 54, 103. Yao, 39. Year, 136; solar, 137; methods of cor- rection of count, 137. Yokuts, 136; language, 48, 54, 100. Yosemite Valley, myths of, 21; glos- sary of place names, 26. Yuchi, 31, 155. Yuki, Yukian, 52, 113, 115-118. Yuman Tribes of the Lower Colo- rado, 316, 475-485; history since 1605, 482; culture of, 485. See also Agalle; Akwa 'ala; Alakwisa; Al- chedoma; Amacabos; Bahacechas; Cawina; Coanopa; Cocopa; Cum- ana; Dieguefio; Halchedhoma; Hal- chidhoina; Halyikwamai; Hogiopa; Kamia; Kohuana; Maricopa; Mo- have; Ozara; Pima; Tepeguanes; Walapai; Yuma. Yuma (Garroteros, Hatilshe, Huk- wat, Kuchiana, Kwichyana), 316, 475, 478, 480, 481, 484. Yuman, linguistic kinship, 48, 54, 103. Yurok, 142, 149; characteristics, 201; descent and inheritance among, 223; terms of direction and posi- tion, 193, 194; geographical con- cepts, 189, map, 192; geographical expressions, list of, 194; descrip- tive geography, 226; houses and ceremonial places, views of, opp. 290, 292, 302, 306, 308, 314; house names, 208, lists of, 209-213; idea of the world, map showing, 192; language, 54, 112; location of ter- ritory, 182; mode of life, 184; myths and religious beliefs, 186, 189-193, 200, 209, 228 (also notes on descriptive geography, and legends under plates); phonology and orthography of, 179; place names, 179, 186, 195, 197, 214-218, list of, 273-283, glossary of, 187- 189, 198, 199, map showing distri- bution of, opp. 186; property rights among, 218; towns and settlements, distribution of, 200, list of, 206- 207; sites, plates showing, opp. 286, 288, 294, 300, 302, 304, 312, 314. Yurok Geography, 177-314. Zuli, 32, 35, 36, 123, 149. [491] - X UNIV}IRSITY :OF AIIrORNIA PLb I A msON-(ontimued) S. Pomo Indian Basketry, b: S. A Earre - Pp. 133406, plates 1540, 23 teXt~ ~ ~ O fi * S embiBr, .19" .................. ...... .-- ...*--* ***--4,_ ' .5 'text 8gu1ea. I1cebe, 95 4. Ie1 nouds of the SanFa iso B on, by N; a. Nelson. Pp. 3(b9- - 356w plates 32-34. DDec-mber .. 1 .09 *. ............. .. .... "- ......... .50, 5. Te llis Lauding ShellnIiuod,'by *.Nelson P. 357426, plates W3. S oV--- -----------S-- v-*--r-i-''''''' '''''''-''-''-* '7 ; Ap - ; ;iles,191O. 7fl;:..... . . 7 5 . .. Xndex,. pp. 4274~43. V*le84 .1. A ;r1s4o:Recor4 of the Q1fei8ia Ina,' from Manuscript % t Iaoarof1 Library, by A.L or. Pp. 1-27. May, 1908 ..' . 25 2 The Etbnogaphy, o te ahia Indins, 1,' LA I. roeber. Pp. 29-68, plates 1*5., July, 1908. .................. . ... ....... -. . 75 3. The Reigion f 1e Lusflo and Dogetto lIas of Soutbr airnia, by , nstance o Zubols P. B9-186, pnotan.', 1908 1.dard ub25 4. The' a utui of th o b hilip m -parknau.: Pp. 187- 234, plaat 0.Au t,m 1908 ................. ?-0 5 '. Note on SboghOneaAi Dialectset of thel (lonia, by A. Za. Xroeber. Pp. 245-269. September, 1909 t .,...... ............. ..t 6.: Te Religious iratces of the ieguo Indi y -T. Waterman. gPp. :271-38, plates 2i-28.- .March, '01 . . ...... .80 ! \ ~Idex, ipp. d59;69.; = -i; :- VoL89. .1., Taa Text, by BEdward af togetyher wit, M coted by' ' Roland BA. Dison. Pp.- 1A-25. Truaxy, -910 - - --- ............... 2.50 2, The Chumash and 0ostanoaz Languages, by A. L., rboeber. , Pp. 237-271. NoeL Nor, 1910 b... . .. L.5 ;8.| The LanguaOs of t Poast of aLforia r f Sani Francico, by A. L. Zr6Eber. Pp. 273-455, c map. A , 1911................-.. Index, pp. 43743 -- VoL10. 1. o: Cotents of the 3atlve Laaapage.s ofCalifornia by A. L. : 2. The Phonte Ziements of the aorthern Pate langage,; by T. T Water- man. Pp 1.844, plate 1*5;. November, 19i4...... t4 3. Ph -s:*onetic Element;s of the wEolv Langtage,' by 4.- L.roebe, Pp 415-?i96,- K1ates 6b20.- .ovember.1911. ....... .................... .65. 4. TheO tnolotiC f thS SlDfxanuIndians, gb.y 3.'Aeu n Pp.97-,240 'plate 21-3 . D4ember, 1l912 ..te '....... .- . ...... .. 1.75 5. Papago Verb Stes,; liy Juan Dolores. Pp. 241-463 ..................... Augvxt, 191$0......~. t .2 : . Notes on th~ btiula Indians of ?;;Nw~tem 0afelia, by Pliny. Earle- G-oddard. lPp. 2 2, plates.S41. - AprIl,1914 . ..04 . .......... ......... ....... .0 7. ObIlula $t'fexts, b* ?Uny Thle Goddard. Pp. 28b479. November, 1914 .....0 1.00 - - hR~Zne* pp. 8814X85. i5j>.;t...................... Vol.11,. 1. Elementslemeits o fthetLen uag , b gEareQoddsrd.w P.1-I76 pie '- 1-45. ; Oc*tO>4ob 1912 ..........-,............._-* 2.00 ;2. XPhon.t+Elements of the Dieguefo Laguag, by XA. L. Zroebprx an4 3. P. 'a.t'';- too, Ppi 177-188. A**1, 1914 -. ........... *.710 S. SalTexs, b Earle Godrd .189-277 ebruary, 1 i95l i o0 4. Seidd- Pp.,65c2 pI'anqd Ho 4 ,by -A. L. A roeber. Pp. 27929 Fern- 0 e?yt, 191 .4..~... *., . P*.!<... -.X^.~lt*;;---*- .10 : 5 . 1)lphotonios oiui1 (rgaIzatda in South &ettal iona by Edwriad Winsl;w- Februar, lPiG .... .050 6 I. TheDlneatlOf of the DaySiges lodthedAztec l cripts, by T. T. Water. - man,; Pp. -297-389. Mach 116 ... ~ -.-..........~... 8.t +._ 1.00 7. TPhe'Mtrti Diatlot of oseoEd -te gr, of De la Csa, by . 3d`1Maso 8p.3-7 r 1916 ........... ... . ............ .70 In- d>ex, pp., 473-79. ;rq^>;f VOL 12. 1 .' jaomposltloi1 of Qalifoia Slelmoads by Edar WEinsow Gifford. pp.Es'd' 1 - 291. Petary, 1916 .G..-.........95L.....-. ..... 2. CalifonIa Place Names of Izidit Origip, by A4. Li. Kreer. Pp. 3:1-69. June, t1e18 ..~....-...... -,,t,. , ,;>- y> ...-..-... ... ..~..-. .............. .40 --: 3,Ar*ho DiaWct by! A. L. KRroebe. P. 71-o58. June, ,916 .-.70 4. s io -M 1etik s by tdward W;owGlffrd Pp. 1t494 June, 191.. .5 5 n Potting the InetinofteVoc, by-Co B. BrIlSy. hPp. 195. -; 2V pte.s 1--. 2 tob7 1r, 1918. ..-........ ........ .......... .25 7~XN ;. , - #, -9 bf d.~ 33 ta f *e 1 * --: uIVEI O CA?IU(-eZ.P APLIAAONTIONti t: 6 TUbatolabal an;d : Klipo Xerm by d Winw G1F - ? -'.i /s 7. Bad 's iution to the by of Ancit Socil : - v- -:- f ~tion, by. T.- T. W~atiran Pp. 24s9282. - e~aky, 1917 - - 9--.. .87'5 ' 't * ; > .8. MifQk :~~ 0by Edwad-' o W1 X G1tLP. 2848 6 lt 6. Mai - t ~Caiifornia Kisi Syts A. Lk Kro - 1? Pp339496. .a, 017.,... 40O ;' ' .10.' -C1remouis of- the Pmo> lii, -by S 'A.. ?Baret-.Pp 9'41, 8 tZt ; 1X PXrnio -cor by 1S7..... A. Barett.* Pp.. 44*_485~, piate .. ----J_, 19........ 2% VoL Is. 1. The Pouiti, ocr. SPp. 3 Ju,. . ; ....--... -.-.--..-o---- - -.------.------- -- ; 2. The Yan In I ,byr T. -atms. Pp. 35402, plab 120. Ferary, ~. .?awi 4rchury~ by Baxton ML: Poe Pp. 10 1S2, pIat 2147 M 1918 .75 ~~~4. Van Tus; oA B o atai o iasl by rd Sapit. Pp. 1.56475, rb, 19I .Ml8r25 - - - ;5. .-The eial1 istoryd of h by~ Sa rto lT."op ...................... Pp 175-2gL3 plts 3i r4 V; 14. I. The Lhau g of th 8IJnan Ifidiawizo, by. 1. Al4eii Mason. Pp. 14-4 2. - 4 s -n -~utheu ifor, by RdW- 'arW Wrdslow i,ford. Pp. -.~5-.-9, I.s fse -u text. karclf, 1918 _ . 3.7 - : $ ~3Etbnogogrpz adAbaEltgof th Wlyt eriKtory, by;i.IweUy L , /'6'' ' ; ; _ ',Lo.Ud,.+', Pp a2.4 6 jlte 1-41 15g'' tort-t< pl flgurea, - I '' em br,t . ,1918 .*2. *,'$ 'i,0 i 4.- Th Wi M e by S. . Barrett. Pp. 437488, pa1o3eO 223, 5 r .s5--teZt. i.......... ..... '.......... .7i ~~~~~~~~I, ----- ---.4 88 i g_vt--------- _* .f5 * * 1 . Theb,- Laseti Reatonsi ofte-ot mria nia a4agS Paul : adi Pp. 48.5CX2. IFM , 1919- }. ...~................ .... . ; 0 ^ -2.- .Nabalo by a; . Mo*st 4nA L>E . Th6.qe Clahllla Indans,' by K,uc1 Hooper. Pp 315480.s Apl3 192 ......?' .75 .:^ 7. 'h?*li 4bigrab f a WlnbaoIndian, b alBai.* Pp 31r73 .i:- - i 8;.; Vu-Yan W*bes Ot 'tche- Ior - oicrado, byi A. L> .er. -Pp (75-.485 g" b. '',x.' ' -..ra'.... .2 5O -VoL 17. 0.Tb Soe 'ant :Autentcity- of theHt4y of tshe Anci=e:t- Mrxcas,' bhy- - Paul I Pp 10 17 plat I 3un. 190 .2 1.75 -. Calll Culture er0 es Sby,>by A. ...oeb.................A..........(I. ,.ess) r 2I . 9 31904.' AU ag a 0 !lates ;Vo> }* me* 2. ,l0+190(407 393 jtauDsi a-Xu,. X4-= ~ 4__ __*-.25 f Vo~~ma ~~3. 1905. ~~~he Morphology of the~~~~'hBu25 1.euguage,,. 8! pAge . 8-50 - - ?wf sss w ? s w -;o t A' ,oum 2 . 19741. 38 paqes with2 late,1."-s ;w 8.50 -' ''" '' Volume i 8 . -8-10. $6.,9 pages ad5 pates -1 8.75 -Volume 9. v1*e10-Wi. 39 pages ~ .3.50 *ff - v-*Vol4ume .10. ,19114914.Xr 865 pags an 41 .plat6 ~ 840 - _ _,*_ d'd\ tl,tlmlt. tds$4wS tt w3 == 60 ! 1; X\ '/ -r 1S.', bo .. v ;_w Volame~ ~~~~~~~O 11P91p21.47 Agsan 8 l73 .~85 roUm 12. .916'1917. 47 g nd 7 "l n, a 5 .00ra:p -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. t17. ... .. - -. ........, ^( f