INDEX* Abasang, 328-329, 370. A bitung, 213. Acknowledgments, 6, 7. Adia, 273, 282. Adi ma-ibuy, 39. Adultery, 72-73; fines for, 61, 73-74; table of fines, 62; punishable by death, 73; proofs of, 74; sex in relation to punishment, 74-75. Agriculture, 9, 222-225; table of food obtained by, 398; maize, 405; supplementary vegetable foods, 406; gardening, 406; crops, 409- 410; advance in, see Rice cul- ture; organization of, 411-421. See also Coffee culture; Horticul- ture; Labor; Land tenure; Lux- uries; Rice; Sweet potatoes. Alao, 97. Amdag, 273, 275, 277, 279, 282, 308- 309, 348. Amlag, 360, 361. Ampasit, 273, 283, 306-307, 348, 367- 368. Amud, 348. Amusements, 229-230; musical in- struments used in, 232. Anap, 350, 378. Angba, 290, 311, 312, 361, 363. Angul (banig), 273. Animal industry, 421. Animals, killing of, accidental, 82; malicious, 83; fine for, 83. Apayao, 8, 211. Arson, punishment of, 87, 100. Ayak, 70, 71. Baag, 90. Baal, 34. Baat, 245. Badio, 2.30-231, 243, 303, 351. Bagto, 267. Bakak, 335. Bakal ni bakas, 267-269. Bakid, 61, 86. Baknang,.213, 244-245. Bakno, 285, 311. Balal, 40, 44-45, 57. Baliwak, 351. Bangauwan, 403. Bango, 22. Banig (angul), 273. Bantagian, 297. Barter, 427. Barton, R. F., 1, 385. Basil, 317-318. Basit, 357. Basketry, 226. * Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Ethn., v [4471 Bastards. See Children, illegitimate; Illegitimacy. Batbat, 300-303, 358-359. Bayjok, 299. Bayog, 355. Baig, 349, 377-378. Bilong, 364. Binawit, 25-26. Bindayan, 281, 287, 289-294. Bindian, 214, 351, 354-355. Binokbok, 27. Blacksmithing, 225-226. Bontoc, 210. Borrowing and lending, 10; interest charges, 56, 425; forms of pay- ment, 56-57. See also Go-between. Boundaries. See Landmarks. Buang, 313-314, 362. Bubun, 21, 24. Budut, 46. Bugak, 376-377. Bugid, 376. Bukad, 111. Bultong, 97. Bunong, 281, 286. Buyon, 269, 285, 318. Ca.motes. See Sweet potatoes. Caniaos, 229, 232, 263, 288, 294. Capital, nature of, 425. Capital punishment, crimes justify- ing, 76-77; administration of, 100. Ceremonies, Ifugao, Kankanay, Naba- loi. See Ifugao, Kankanay, Naba- loi ceremonies. Chawak, 299. Children adopted, 34; price of, 35; illegitimate, 36; father's obliga- tions to, 36; property and in- heritance rights of, 37, 52-53; rights of first-born, 40; mother's relation to, 53; allotment of in case of divorce, 347; bonding of, 419-420. See also Debt, Illegiti- macy, Inheritance, Parents and children. Circumcision, 214. Cloth weaving, 226. Coffee culture, 408-409; pests affeet- ing, 410. See also Trade. Coffee trees, sale of, among the Ifugao, 409; mortgage of, 409. Commerce. See Trade. Concubinage among the Kalinga, 121- 122; relation of to family unity, 121. Confiscation, illegal, 86-87. Index Contract marriage, 19-21; the con- tract, 24-25. Cosmology, Nabaloi, 234. Crime, Kankanay, 346; compared with Nabaloi, 346. Crimes, list of, 70; sorcery, 70-71; homicide, degrees of, 78-79, 257- 261; fines for, 81-82; theft, 85- 86; rape, 88-89, 261; minor, 89- 91; false aecusation, 89-90; slander, 90, 263; threats of vio- lenee, 90; insult, 90-91; abortion and suicide, 261; assault, 263; gambling, 265; forcible entry of dwellings, 265. Criminal responsibility, 63; relation of drunkenness and insanity to, 65; relation of intent to, 65-66; other factors affecting, 66-69. See aZso Cripples; Kinship; Rank. Cripples and unfortunates, despera- tion of, 68-69. Crops, location of, 409; compared with Igorot, 409; diversity of, 410. See also Coffee; Rice; Sweet potatoes. Culture. See The Malay; The Ifugaos; The Igorot; The Nabaloi. Curs-es, 71. Dagas, 349, 378-379. Dancing, as form of worship, 287, 289; in connection with public ceremonies, 351; tribal, compared, 351. Datok, 27; tables of, 28. Dawak, 357. Dayan, 368. Death penalty, among the Ifugao, 61; exacted for: sorcery, 71; adultery, 73; non-payment of debt, 100. See also Capital punishment; Murder. Debts, 255-257; of the aged and deceased, 55; incurred by chil- dren, 55; gambling, 56; attitude toward, 56, 95, 425; collection tabooed in case of sickness, 91; non-payment, death penalty for, 100; collection of, 425-426. See also Go-betweens; Wrestling. Methods of payment: by slavery, 36, 419-420; by captives, 36; by seizure of field, 102; by mort- gage of field, 419-420; by bond- ing of children, 419; by hospital- ity, 419-420. Densmore, cited on Igorot and Negrito songs, 205. Diau chuntog, 318, 319-320. Diau kasib, 318, 320-321. Dipay, 229. Diseases and cure, among the Nabaloi, ritual for, 232-234, 289, 300,305, 306, 307, 308, 311, 313-324, 326, 335, 355, 358, 362-369, 371, 374, 377, 379, 380. Divination, 285, 350. Divorce, 18, 24, 26, 30-33, 346; causes, 247. See also Property. Dosad, 315-316. Duel, 97; crimes punishable by, 97. DHjiing, 231. Emigration, 420-421. See also Labor, mobility of. Exchange among the Ifugao: barter, 427; use of rice, 428-430; values of pigs and chickens as, tables of, 428-429; other media of, 430- 431. Executions. See Capital punishment. Family, The, group action of, 14-15; unity of, 15, 40, 63, 67, 77, 92- 94, 109; subordination of indi- vidual in, 40; reckoning of rela- tionship, 110. See also Concubin- age; Feuds; Kinship. Law concerning, 17-38; procedure, 92-94. See also Children, illegiti- mate; Property. Feasts, general welfare, 33, 58, 74; givers of, special liability for crimes committed, 79-81. See also Ifugao ceremonies. Feuds, 77, 413-414; cause of, 100. Fines, 14, 61; size determined by rank, 67-68; a means of punish- ment for crime, 79, 81-82, 85, 86, 88, 89, 100; seizure of field in payment, 103. See also Adult- ery; Ifugao ceremonies; Taboos; Tokom. Fishing, 228. Food: primitive food getting, 291; summary of, 397; snaring and trapping, 394; insect foods, 395; fishing, 396; wild vegetable foods, 397; daily living, 416-417. See also Agriculture; Coffere culture; Hunting; Rice; Sweet potato. Forest lands, 40, 389-390, 410; tenure of, 42; clearing of, 389, 410. See also Forestry. Forestry, 422-423. Gabi, 223, 271. Galon, 372. Gangau, 322. Gatang, 46. Gaysing, 372. Geographic isolation, influence of on culture, 9. Gibu, 27-29, 107. luktap, 29; tables of, 62. 'n di nate. See Datok. Goba. See Arson. [448] Index Go-betweens, 57-58, 60, 100; responsi- bility of, 57-58; in sale of prop- erty, 49; in legal procedure, 94- 95; bearers of testimony, 95-96; as umpires, 99; in truces, 107. Grazing lands, 390. Hagabi, 79, 418. Hailyu, 89. Hakba, 22-24, 26, 27. Halat, 58. Halupe, 114-117, 426. Haynub di pu-u, 61. Head-huntng, 84, 214, 419. Head-taking, 78. Heirlooms, definition of, 40; inherit- ance of, 51; theft of, 85. Hibul, 78-79. See also Labod. Hida, 416. Hidit, 108, 119. Himbut, 419. Hingot, 21. Homesteading, 43. See also Land tenure. Hogop payment, 59. Hokwit, 73, 74. Homicide, 78-79, 257-261; fine for, 81-82. Honga, 33, 74. See also Feasts, gen- eral welfare. Horticulture, 406-407. Hulul di hingot, 21. Hudhud, 32; tables of, 32. Hunting, 228-229, 391-394. Iba'n di nungolat, 67. Ibuy, 39, 46, 49. Ifugao, 8-11, 210; habitat, 8, 10, in- fluences on culture, 9; dress, 9; diplomacy, 9-10; tribal divisions and culture, 10; culture, 10-11; original migration, 420. See also Agriculture; Ifugao law; Re- ligion, etc. Ifugao ceremonies: marriage, 21-22; divorce, 33; property transfer, 41; ibuy (in buying a field), 46- 49; attending a welfare feast, 80; in connection with wrestling, 98; peace-making, 108, 117; using a myth, 111; halupe feast (to harass a person's mind), 114- 117, 426; to collect fine, 117, 119; boy's first haircutting, 411. See also Harvests; Pests; Rice culture. Ifugao economies, 385-446. Ifugao house, plate showing, opp. 422. See also Forestry. Ifugao land, 386-390; situation, 386- 388; climate, 388-389; soil, 389; grazing land, 390; mineral de- posits, 390; area, 431. See also Forest lands. Ifugao language, 10; glossary of words, 122-127. See also Rela- tionship. Ifugao law, 1-186; sources, status of development, 11; relation to, of taboo, 11; connection of religion and, 14; general principles of legal system, 14; character of, 15; stage of development, 16. Customary, scope, 14; family, 17- 38; property, 39-59; irrigation, 43, 59-60; inheritanee, 50-55. Penal, 61-109. Execution of: retaliation, 99-100; seizure of chattels, 100-102; seizure of rice fields, 102-103; enforced hospitality, 103; kid- napping, 104-107. See also Capi- tal punishment; Fines, and names of various crimes. Ifugao legal procedure. See Go-be- tweens; Ifugao law, customary and penal; Ifugao legal system; Ordeal; Rank. Ifugao legal system, 14-16; collec- tive responsibility, 14; collec- tive procedure, 14-15. See also Family. Ifugao mythology, 10, 110-111; as connected with final ceremony of marriage, 111-114; with halupe feast, 114-117; with peace-mak- ing ceremonies, 117-118. Ifugao religion, 10; relation of mar- riage and, 17-18; relation of pro- cedure and, 110-119; relation of habitat, economics and, 389. See also Ifugao ceremonies, and Ifugao mythology; Taboo. Ifugao society, classes of, 418. See also Children; Family; Fines; Merchants; Servants; Slaves. Igorot: songs of, 205; habitat, 210; culture, 210; tribes, 210-211; dialects, 211; belief in omens and taboo, 352. Igorot, Benguet, 8, 9, 344; Christian influence upon, 187; songs of, see Nabaloi songs; Bontoc, 8, 9; Lepanto, 8, 9, 344-345. Illegitimacy, frequency, 36; defini- tion of, 36. Ilongot, 8, 9, 211. Imbango, 21. Impanama, 237, 239, 249, 255, 257. Implenda (nangdonan), 420. Inagamid, 34. Inamdagan, 308-309. Incest, 88. Inheritance, 14, 40, 241-253, 346; rights of children of first wife, 17; assignment of, to children, 20, 415; of first-born, 40; of slaves and servants, 54. [449] Index Iwitop, 420. Intakon, 420. Interest, charges, 56, 425; forms of payment, 56-57. Irrigation, 409, 410; laws of, 43, 59- 60. Irrigation ditches, 222, 249, 410; regulations concerning, 30. Japanese rice terraces, 9. Kaajongan, 273, 283. Kabunian, 280. Mountain, story of, 383-384. Kadangyang, 19, 21, 32, 67, 80, 81, 85, 93, 102, 418, 425. Kakading, 348. Kakaising, 282, 305. Kalaching, 273-279, 282. Kalinga, 8, 210. See also Coneubin- age. Kankanay, 210; territory, 344-345; personal appearance and traits, 345; industrial life, 346; eom- parative culture, 347; c.ompared with Nabaloi, 345, 346, and with Ifugao, 347. Kankanay ceremonies, 343-384; gen- eral comparison Nvith Nabaloi, 347-348; comparative Nabaloi and Southern, table of, 352-353; purpose, 349; divination, 350; Lepanto, 353-354; description of individual, 354-381. See also Dancing; Kankanay religion. Kankanay custom law, compared with Nabaloi, 346-347. Kankanay myths, 381-384. Kankanay religion, spirits and deities, 348-349; priests, 349-350; songs and dancing as part of worship, 351. See also Kankanay cere- monies. Kansion, 231. Kapi, 303-305, 359-360. Kaysing, 239, 241, 263. Keslei, 359. Kiad, 305-306, 374-375. Kidnapping, 78, 104-107. Kilat, 267. Kinship, excusing crime, 67; not ex- tenuating sorcerer's punishment, 70. See also Family; Relation- ship. Kolating feast, 24. Kolos, 317. Kosday, 332-333. Kosde (pakde), 375-376. Kroeber, A. L., 187. Kulpe, 24. Labod fine, 81-82, 83; tables of, 81- .82, 83. Labor, agricultural, 415; mobility of, 417; division of, 423; table of, 423. See also Agriculture; For- estry; Manufacture. Lagbu, 46, 426. Laglagiwin, 370, 379. Land tenure among the Ifugao, 42, 43-44, 402; homesteading, 43, 411-413; feudal system, 413; vil- lage system, 413-414; cause of size of holdings, 414-415. Landmarks, 43; instability of, 97. Law. See Ifugao law; Kankanay law; Nabaloi law. Lawit, 360-361. Liblibian, 366-367. Livestock and poultry, 224-225; value of pigs and chickens, 430- 431; tables of, 428-429. See also Animal industry; Grazing' lands. Lukba (liwa) fee, 94. Lukbu, 46, 48. Luktap, 72, 73, 89. Lupe, 56. Luxuries, 407. Luzon, northern pagan tribes of, 8; map showing distribution of, opp. 1. See also Ifugao land. Mabitil, 416. Madmad, 243. Ma-hailyu. See Crimes, minor. Ma-ibuy, 39. Mambunong, 241, 243, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289-335, 349-350, 351, 355-381. Manbating, 365-366. Mandit, 351, 355-357. Mangdad, 21. Mangilin, 373. Mangidin, 241, 243, 245, 247, 279. Manikam, 80. Manmalasik (manmantala), 285, 311. Manman, 346, 350. Mansiyanun, 373. Mantuis bilig, 363. Marriage, 17-38, 239-245, 346; nature of, 17-18; eligibility to, 1.8; trial, 19; contract, 19-21, 24-25; kin of bride, 22-24; re-gulations. con- cerning, 239; ceremonies, 240- 243; omens, 243-245; duties and rights, 245; remarriage, 245; of wealthy men, 245. See also Bina- wit; Divorce; Go-betweens; Ifugao ceremonies; Ifugao myth- ology; Parents and children; Polygamy; Property. Maydosadan, 364-365. Mayilutlutkan, 362. Merchants, 426. Mikop, 420. Mineral deposits, in Ifugao land, 390. Mining, 226. Mohammedan, The, in the Philip- pines, 8. Mommon, 21, 24. Monbaga, 57, 425. [450] Index Monhangdad, 33. Monkalun. See Go-betweens. Montudol, 64. Moro gongs, tones of, 205-206. Moss, C. R., 187, 207, 343. Mother. See Children, illegitimate; Parents and children. Murder, 75-76; attempts at, 79. See also Homicide; Tokom. Music, 230-232; musical instruments, 232. See also Nabaloi songs. Myths. See Ifugao mythology; Kan- kanay myths. Nabaloi, 210; territory, 211; name, 211; temperament and conduct, 212-213; culture distinctions, 213-214; food, 214-216; dress and ornament, 216-218; houses, 218-220; household furnishings, 220-221; minor industries, 225- 227; knowledge, 234-235. See also Agriculture; Amusements; Fishing; Hunting; Music; Naba- loi ceremonies, law, etc.; Trade. Nabaloi ceremonies: engagement, 238- 241; marriage, 240-243; origin of, 280; purpose of, 284-285; divination, 285; place of, 286; sacrifice, 286; material effects of, 288; dancing, 287-289; classi- fication of, 289; description of individual, 289-335; table of, classified, opp. 290. See also Nabaloi ritual and religion; Nabaloi songs; Omens; Taboo. Nabaloi law, 236-268; council, 237- 239; contracts, 253-255; proced- ure, 265-269; cases, 269-271. See also Children; Crimes; Debts; Divorce; Inheritance; Irrigation ditches; Marriage; Parents and children; Property; Rice field laws; Water rights. Nabaloi Law and Ritual, 207. Nabaloi rituals, 229-230; musical in- struments used at, 231-232; as cure for disease, 232-234, 289; for the dead, 233; spoken, 286- 287; plate showing, opp. 340. See also Nabaloi ceremonies. Nabaloi religion, 273-282; beliefs in soul and spirits, 273-279; deities, 280-283; priests, 284; sacrifices, 286; dancing as form of worship, 287, 289. See also Divination; Nabaloi rituals and ceremonies; Nabaloi songs; Omens Nabaloi Songs, 187; words and trans- lations, 188-193; transcriptions, 193-195; analysis of: tonality and scale, 195-198, intervals, 198-199, rythm and structure, 199-203; comparisons, 203-204; other groups of F'ilipino music, 205-206; classification of, 230- 231; sacred, 287, 289. Na-imbalbalayen, 34. Nansaang, 314. Na-oha, 61. Napuig, 420. Natautwinan, 61. Natukkut 61. Natumok, 418. See also Tumuk. Nawatwat, 3'2, 67, 416, 418. Neutrality, deelaration of, 109. Negrito, 8; songs of, 205. Nikkop, 34. No-oha, 61. No-onom, 61. Nunbadi, 61. Nungolat, 63. Okat, 275, 286, 331. Olnong, 237. Olol, 289-293. Omens, belief in among the Christian Filipinos, 352; Nabaloi: 279, marriage, 243-245, connected with ceremonies, 288; Kankanay, 351; compared with Nabaloi, 351. Ongot, 90. Ordeal, 14, 346; for determination of parentage, 37; for sorcerer, 72; in criminal cases, 96; hot water, 96-97; ,hot knife, 97. See also Duels; Nabaloi law, procedure, cases; Theft; Wrestling. Pachit, 286, 294-299. Padad, 326. Pagas, 229. Paghok. See Landmarks. Palis, 287, 311-312, 351, 361. chikabunian, 314-315, 363. Pangasinanes, 41. Paniyu, 11. See also Taboo. Panuyu, 96. Paowa, 107. Parents and children: enforcement of mother's rights, 36; reciprocal obligations, 37-38; Nabaloi, 249. See also Children; Debts. Parricide, 120-12L Pasang, 283, 306, 325, 348, 369-370. ni maansakit, 307-308. Patang, 56-57, 101, 102. Peace-making, 108-109. See also Ifugao ceremonies and mythology. Penal law. See Ifugao law, penal. Penal responsibility, among the Ifu- gao, 63-66; of principal, 63-64; of ' thrower,' 64; of companions of principaly, 64, 83; of informer, 64; of servants, 64. Piju, 288, 294, 309, 333. Pinading, 349. Political governm-ent, 41, 102. Political organization, 9. [451] Index Polygamy, 17. See also Coneubinage. Ponga, 22. Pottery, 226. Priests, 284, 349-350. See also Naba- loi ceremonies, descriptions of individual. Primogeniture, rights of, 40, 51. Property, 14; settlement in ease of divorce, 18, 23; rights acquired by marriage, 26-27; classifica- tion of, 39; family, attitude to- ward, 39-40; transfer of, 14, 41, 45-49, 50; personal, 41, 42; trans- fer of, 24, 49; homesteading, 43; transfer of, for consideration, 44-49; right of way, 43; con- tracts for sale of, 59; subject to seizure for debt, 102-103; allot- ment of, at divorce, 247; land ownership, 249; damage to, 253; sale of, 253-255. See also Chil- dren, Go-betwelens, Inheritance. For Tenure, perpetual, see Forest lands, Irrigation laws, Land- marks, Rice field laws. See Sweet potato fields. Pugas, 374. Pungau, 286, 334, 376. Punishment, collective recipiency of, 15; corporal, of children, 37-38. See also Crimes; Fines. Pu-u, 61, 74. Rank. See Fines; Ifugao society. Rape, 88-89, 261. Real estate, 402; inheritance of, 51. See also Property. Relationship, Ifugao reckoning of, 110. Religion. See Ifugao religion; Kan- kanay religion; Nabaloi religion. Rice, theft of, 86; value as food, 405; excellence of, 411; borrow- ing of, 425; used as money, 428- 430; table of values, 428; rise in price of, 428. Rice culture, 222-223, 400; plates showing methods, opp. 336; plant- ing, 402-403; treatment of pests, 403; harvest, 404-405; advance in, 411. Rice fields, importance of to the Ifugao, 103; value of, 401; prep- aration of for planting, 402; plates showing, opp. 432-436. See also Rice field laws. Rice field laws, 249; division of hold- ing, 40; tenure, 42; sale, 45, 401; purchase, 46-49; seller 's responsi- bility, 49-50; inheritance, 51, 401-402, by bastard, 52; leases, 255; seizure of, for debt, 419- 420, settlement of boundary dis- putes, 98. Rice terraces, Ifugao, 9, 409; com- pared with Japanese, 9; soil of, 410; plates showing, opp. 160, 162. Saad, 303, 359. Sabat, 285, 311, 318. Sabosab, 318-319, 329-330, 332. Sabuk, 269. Sacrifice, 286. See also table of Nabaloi ceremonies. Sagausau, 287, 312-313, 380-381. Salchi, 335. Saldi, 377. Scheerer, Otto, cited, 203. Servants, 34; legal status of, 93-94; poor people as, 420. See also Inheritance. STbisib, 326-328, 371-372. Sigop, 316-317. Siling, 251, 257, 259, 273, 275, 277, 329-331, 373-374. Slaves, 35-36; ceremonials in con- nection with purchase of, 35; treatment of, 419. See also Head- hunting; Inheritance. Smoking, 230, 407. Songs. See Nabaloi songs; Kan- kanay songs; Igorot. Sorcery, 70; punishment of, 71. Spaniard, The, in the Philippines, 8, 9, 10. Sweet pot;atoes, 399, 400; cultivation of, 223, 399, 410. Sweet potato fields, 42,.409; tenure of, 43-44, 402; soil of, 410. Taboo, relation to law, 11; origin of, 12-13; of marriage of cousins, 18; in connection with marriage ceremony, 22; breaking of pun- ishable by fines, 90-91; effect of on litigants, 95-96; forbidding eating adversary's food, 103; in connection with controversy, 108; among the Nabaloi, 288; compared with the Kankanay, 351; prevalence of among Igorot tribes, 352. Tabwak, 286, 331-332. Tamo, 322-324, 351, 368-369. Tanig, 22. Tanong, 348, 380. Tapuy, 241, 243, 245, 253, 275, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 303, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 320, 322, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 334, 350, 355, 356, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 368, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379. Tattooing, 217. Tawal, 310. ni payu, 333-334. [452] Index Tayau, 287, 351. Tayo, 287, 303, 351, 359. Testimony. See Go-betweens.. Theft, 85; punishment of, 85-86, 263- 265; determination of guilt, 267- 269. See also Confiscation, illegal. Tikcman, 80. Time, divisions of, among the Naba- loi, 234-235. Timungau., 273, 283, 306, 308, 348. Tingian, 8. Tingiting, 310, 361. Tokom, 83-85, 100. Tombok, 64. Tongtong, 237-239, 255, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267, 269, 271. Trade, 227-228, 426; foreign imports, 426; export of coffee, 408, 426; transportation of freight, 426- 427. Trial marriage, 19. Tuldag, 24. Tulud, 111, 115. Tumukk, 32, 37. See also Natumok. Unud, 57. Uyauwe feast, 19, 21, 79, 418. War, 77. Wate,r rights, 14, 249-251. See also Irrigation. Wealthy men, power of, 213, 344- 345; marriage of, 245. See also Ifugao society. Widowed, remarriage of, 27-33. See also G-ibu. Wild Gaddan, 8, 9. Wills and testaments, 54. See also Inheritance. Witcheraft, 263, 289, 311, 315. See also Sorcery. Wrestling, cases determined by ordeal of, 97-99, 103, 267. [453] . : ugVE1~SIT 'tXOF CAXJFORIA PiiBLIAATIONS-(bontinued) I. Poto I ktndian ker, by S. 8 A Pp. ' --'133-30, plates 1530 , 2'3 text fig1r8 beceiber 1908 ...... . S-b--- elnonnds iofte San randsco 0x* Begioit, by N. 0. Nelsn. Pp. 809 356, plat t24 December,. .909 't. .h. ...* .50 - . - The il Langditi helemound, yN.0. elsn. 3. 87420, plate85.- -Aprl 190 nd*p.427443.," Vol.8. 1.. A Mison w6Rord of e Clifoia ds, - a M cr th _B BancroftLibrary,. by A-Z. jroeber, P 1-27 Mar, . . .-. 2- T-h : --: se EtbnOr y of -the- Vua Inians by AL. ebor Pp. 2908, 3 The Relitto-- of the Luletlo and Dieg ueff ndian of SoatherzinCalifor -a by Constance Go4dtard I)lthoi. ; Pp. 9-t6, plates 1619. X*: ne, 198..1; 4. The Ctilueof th-ulifl Inias, by Phlp *tedan Spaknan.; PpL :147| --X - > -;234, -plat 2Q. August f 908 ........,..... . t.i54)w **t * ----* 5 - 0 . 6. Notes On 'aioan DlaleKt o the a b A L Pp. 285-289. Septembor, 1909 ..--.RB............. ....75' 0. h : ReligioustLof t he Di) efo ZNdranh,ob t.t ,. te n. P.i v 27- B358, plate 2-28. X- March-fi, 1910.w>@>v-~*- * .....~.................................. v.-.80-- .... Vol.9. 1. Tazia 2~~extanc b.dard' ai.tgte wt aaMtscletdb 0 - - % Rola n :- ~.Dlxou.................. Pp ;;;. . 1-23. -etur, 1910/. .....-. .................... :M 2L. Th C.umW 3l an Gostanoa Languages, by A. L. Xroeer Ppdm. 8.2Th :N-kovmber. Z. 1910 - M Xy - wll X . *.>. ; . ........~...~... ... ..35........ *.w * i *w.i;.v---------- - 32. The Lafngges o EtheCoetof *ie (taltfor!a Noth of San F.rnis, by A. L.v - -4 -Solhei _,la" ot u p"4 15 lhivrZ Z*v*vwve Cow*Waw* - . hOlle -gi6iu ota*t .*a4 e;b:ftiA-Soe* p 50t. -~~Kobr 1'p 273 -45 an map Aprl,t ; 191 1 .-;....,.. ... ..........*-- *->;+ - Ine,pp.4739 Vol- 1. 1. Phone tf -t-TbatethL-guagm of-t WalifnUia, by A L.' Kro37,tber! nQV***w*t.r P. 12. My111.76 . ~ 2. The Thonpaetic Illements of the Northern Palate I,airuge by s. - si-3 Wat*- = ,m7 - n. ff odr..pp. 1648 8-44, pltS 1.Nvme, 1911.-.... . - .45- *w 3. Pneic ~lleme i.t of- the *ha Lanoage, :byA L.i Kr-oeberd. PpD ae8- :. 45f plates- 6;0 Noemer 191 ..1.6 -;~~l e 21 3. l 7ecembHes r,7X;t 1912. ....~.......... ........... ...... .......b.: 2.75. . ->w ;. ;apgoVr S tems, byE Juan> Dolor. P^ 21s-29i A-,is* 1913 .................................. 1.25 -:~~odad Pp. 28-2- , p1 5tea p38-41..... Apil 1 614*v;. _... -.............. .80- 7 -.. thilul Tets,b ?1i- Earle4odd-o*?n d l yE:ard.P.897.Nvme,924... 0 euex p,38-35 - V:;oL 11. 1. >tEleni}nt,s of tb at o Iia by- Pliny arleGoard.Pp. 1470 plate 1.:-45. w?6 toher,._ 1910 . -.'.- _.-.......... ., 3.00 2 -: : -7. Phoneti an 'ot ieusifo ana by A. L. oebe a 3. P - - . . - ,o. Pp. 17-188. A-ri;, 1914....... ........ .............. . 3-as -Tets, byt PtnO Earle G a . 8 eu 1'15 . -.00 ' 4 ^ . Seran Tequstl-ateca Named ioan by A.^ L. f Lrbr Pp.s 2-20 Febru- ary, 1915 ~~~~~~~~~~.... . -.. . .~~~~~~~~~ . .... ..10 ,# 4 -- JUne t.6****r oF Aw****o*wW*-t<*-* - W oin%l OMbiffos, d- Pp.291.29o? February, 191 fia 9e+Y, . .05 6 - Thi Deingetle Zloefthe i-S1z ite Ae:B.nuarlts T Water. , n. Pp. 298 r , 91 8.......................*40 7 l ot. The IutsmDl o Ah oa of Ce is TOntAs,Q by Ji. Alden .-so aP. 9 Mrc 1918S3 . T_.. .7 0 Index pp. 473479.4-i by 34e 1-2. Fbur, 191 . . .. ...... . ... . . .30C*lGO4jWwwi* 2. ;--f CalIfonia Plac lAsms of Inia O9-r1n 'y A. L.2 X*oe- *-. 31.69. 3 . Arapaho Dialects, by A. L. -reber. Pp. 71'-13. -neC, 1916.'e7 )- Pp. rd-24. Febrary 1917 'lr; si.t....~.. . .. .3 t.:Ulonbv .T Wtrun '4~22 Flra*ry 1917...... .35 & Miwok ~Myths, by Edwar 6w - iby d. '. 8333 patGodMy 1917 . ......... . ~ ~ ....... ..........-........ 5 9. California Kinship Sy*tems A. t.. Kr6eber. P...339-396.My .............,... 6 - l B D-- : s U s W ;k E = - i S S = a N | - m - R | E ax _ _ 1_R = iba_ _l SUM__ ___ _ __u_ __ _ _ __E___E _ _ S > ____ __S_