UNIVERSITY AIFRi PBLICATION "AMERI-CAN ARCHAEOLQGY AND ~-ETHNOLOOTV, Vol. 15, No.1, pp -8,pae -3Fbuary 5 11 -R. F. B'ARTON- UNIVERS~ITY OF -CALIFORNIA P~RESS ~RKE EY - ..-- " I-- - -1- ? ? I , i . ?- q -- I - -!?:- -?7 0 717? -.-, :- UN-IVERSITY OF 0AJIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS -- DEPARTMENT ROPO.OG- The following. publications dealig Vith achaeologcal- and etbnologic4l subjecta ied under the direction of the Department ol Athrp1g e se in exang for -th -pub li catibns of anthopogical depatent aIeum a for journals deo--te o general- anthropoogy or -o archaiogy-and- bnology. They are for o ae .t the prices atatd. Exchanges shouM be directd-to The tEkhan eartistyLibgary, Berkele CWalifornia, U. S.&A. All otders Ind nitces should be addressedto theU eit ef Calforia Pres.- . '',',,'- ' ., .,,_,, Aa=ICAN aRCHAROLOGY AND THI LGOY.A L -.. - roeber -Edior. APices, --. 1,$4,.25; blumes 2 to 11, lncluive, $-3.50 eac;,Volume. 12- nd, ollOwing,-__. $.00 each Ci;ted as -Univ Calif. Pubi. Am Arch. Ethn. Price Vol. 1. 1. Life and C.lture of ti-le- gupa :by Pjiny WUliamJ. Sinclair. . 1-27;.. plates 1-14. April. 1904 .-40 --.2.- The Luages o-fthe Coast'of Calfonia South of-San ran isco, by A. ; ;L. Kroeber.- Pp.29- 0,with a iva. Ju, --.60. 3. Types of Indian Culturii in lifornia, -by A. ZKrooeb_er. Pp,.81403. n, 1904 -~~~~~~~~~~~.-.~~~~~25 - 4. Basket Designso --othe Indians of North4es er aliforna,byA. L. --.. Rroeber. Pp.105-164; plates15-21, January, 1 '0'- .75 .5. The Yokuts Langunge of south -entralaoa, by A. L.Ro r. Pp. .165-37 January, 1907--.- 2.25 n-de' Pp. 3.79-32.- `VoL . The Morphology of the- Hpa Language, Ly Pgny Eale Ga ddarG -34-4 pp. Jui, 1905 ......... tewwwst> @*X^tZ#*3.50. Vtol.4.s 1. --The Earliest Historical lat be.tween exico and. Japan, from ogiu. ........ ................ ...........a................... a do-cumentEt preerved inI spaintand Japan, y Zelia Nwittall. . 147. April, 1906 . ..... ................-.......- -2.; ConOrlbut:o to the Physical Azn:hropology California -based on colec-- tionis in-the.Department of Anthropol ogyof. the Universit of Cafoia,: and In the U.S Natinal Museum, by Aes Erdlicka. RPp.49-64, wth S5 tablest;platesl _1_,0a map. June 1906-'- . - 3. The So~Mean 2Diale t ts Calfornia, by- - L.- Kroeber P.- 65-166. -ebruary, 1907- .... . . * ------ 4. - Indian - MyWs from SoitJ .Central- Cforn b A. -L lVoeber. .- 17.- 20.Y May,1907 - ------, - -.- .... --.. -- ..'._-.- .75 --.5.. Te Washo Lzaa9g of Eat Ventral California and Ne*ada, by A. -L. ----6. The Rligog of the Aians: ofiallfornla, by A. L. Kroebet Pp. 319-356-. : - .: -- - f- tOm b e ,i7 ........... ......... .... ... .- ...... ................ zZ;.-.....i .5.... September, 1907-.~~~~~~~~~......50~ Index, pp-. S57-374. . Vol. 5. -1. The Phonologyi of the Hupa Z.anage; -Part , -The 16divdual S1 und by . - Puny Eiae Goddard. Pp. 1-20, lat 1-&. Marh, 1907- 5 .-. : 2. Navho Mths, Prayers and- Soigs with 'Texts and trasti, by Wash-: ington -Matthew editd dby P-ny'-Earle Gxoddard mp 213. -Septem- ber, 1907-- -.. - <<.~ 4. Th.e Material Cultre of t ^he tlamatb L4ke and odoc. Indldanaof- Norh-; ;! 0-easter Chllto.r:iii and. South# regon,i -by- S. A. Zairett. . Pzi.23 :.. -92 . <..plates 102. June49l -- -. ; -r.7 - -5. The ohmrK Indan ~and~gage,9 by VRoland !B.' DIxo.- Pp. 29S3-38(L X: -August........ , 191- - . .= .- - r- 1.0- - ^ Vol. 6.: 1.n The .tho-teoi hywf .the PomiX anid.-oighbrigIndians, by -SamuieI:. . Alred Bare,P -132 mal .-Z Fbrna ry, 10-* - I'_ -35 - 2. -The, Geography ^and, Diaet ,4f~te- o . indiaiis, bQy aul Alftred- 3. BarrVe. .Pp Bal $3i68 - vo-- *. 3. iOn thlfe,Evidencee ot, th OCccumto of -Certain eglons b. tihe -Miwok ~@-0.--D Indian; by A.0;Y tL. Rro$be. -Pp. 369- 8 r- -s os. 2 and -3- inone. cover. - Februa, >1958- ......................W ... -. 50 t tepi I nde , Spup.o8n4y- 00. x~~~~~~~~~~~~. ... . . . . .. .. . ...... -*-; 0- v;