IL /4Li. K. ;- i ~~~~~~~~~~~v 1;i 7: ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:X) 44{ze Voi641.- 1. it. alid Culture of0 tbH by Pliny ar1e . GOddar Pp. 48; ;plate 1 '-80. "Op Septber, 1943-- .. $t 2. ...... 2. Ht' a sHapTe~t by Plin a4e' Gbddjxd. Pp.'8tf b68. Mar c1 .14-37.0, Index, pp. - I - ,3A9 , 7; VoL 2. 1. Ie Explor on of the Pptar Creek Ca':e by Wiam J. SilI. Pp. 1-27; jplates- .-4..........................4........... A0 2. The Lngges oft te*0osi of Qaliro,a Sotth ffia Senfraiso, by A. L. : KrFoe4ber. Pp. 29-8(, with aM nap. .19-.. 0 . : 3. Tyes f Indtian Ci:ttre in Vahifa1ia,y A.L$. Eoeber. Pp. p1-103. June l - :- 1904 ....-.-*-- ..............-............. : 4, IBasket Designs of the Idians of ~rhWestern abltonii by AA L. 1 r . Pp. 10564; p e .. 105.. ........ ..... ...... .5 - 5 2be Ybkuts I6anguage of S6uth Centra4(lalifoD.ia, by AW eoqeA. Pp. 165 -37 . 07 ......a..... ... ..... ..... 2.25 Ind -te* pp. 3797-92. VoL 3. The -M ly of the HpLWanguage by Pnify Ear}e Coddard. 344 pp. -Jun, 105 . 4 1. The Earlste torcelal betwen M d J front ormgial d-:'docuents, preserved in; 9aI-i and zap b .eli*. utta1.? Pp. 1-47. - in thIl epartmen fotrbop -yof the T s f QaliforaV ad, In theUV. . Natol*iseu1jyAI0s dka Pp 0-84, wijth- 5 tablOs platets 14'0, sa e 1900 - ^ -- 75 -3. The Shbonqa Dialects of aif oo. by oA. L Kroeber. Pp. 65466. :bu - y, 1907 ..-. ,..- ; X 4 19 ;.-..... .......... ...... ............ I i M s fro t; ' i .250. May, 1907 -iw oX*r *e8_t **+r!* * by AL Koeb e--- Pp.** 1 75 6 -. Te Washo .aziorge of i;dast Central. Californa d l evaile, b A. L, -ro. er Ppr .1. -338.: September, .... ............-,--.75 :.6. The keigon of 1e Sidas of a b A. L ob 319.356. - - September, 1907 - . . t ._ . 4-... , --.------. ...0- - .V. oL fine L h bpdge= P wda , by06 Pln -~ale GWod4urd. `?p. io lts1&'10h 97...- .3 -;-2. taho Myths, ?rayers w - -gg i1 1 a Tlou, h3v aah . - IIt *on uAtheWld edited by y 3rle oddard. Pp. 2143. Soptem. S. Zato Texte, by- Thay Eaile Cioddard. ,jp. 65a238p 9 .-e Z' 2.0 -AThe Materiel Cultu of the' an uke sa>; od6c, Idiao lrth- ea;tern taliorat anr Southet Oregon,! by S. artt. P.23R92 2, ;;fplates -10-25. June, 1a10 >.... . ...........*4*v*_*; .t -.;- ;'- t**''t -- ....*7 5.TIt hiark, Indins ad, *:.angue, by Boan B. Dixo. Pp. 293-380. 0 Index,2B*p49384. I" ,t S- :1Vo. 8. 1. Th e Etbo-ograpby, ;ofX heh ,Pomo. sid eighbeIzbing Inias by iamuol g Alfired Barreitt. P. 1-S2maps 14 Febbrar, lf08 - .........................*... 3.2&: *- 2. = The Qeography ando 1alets of: th tMiwok'idan, fit tSauel A$fred r 3. On the E! fvide:ne (of the.;Octipatio: tt,ertM:lxBglonas byX'c th M;o - - nd,ns$ by A'L~ EreOXber. I Pp. S69-3S0.,; I tr' \e , ;0 ,, '.y< ' *-Nos,.2 aaw .3 Inonecoeer.', ;F:b'~, 190$ .M .A.1 .-. A*.&.it^.' ,.50.' ,Index, pp. 384g00.,,,,, / r~~~~4 , 2a*-f P ,-r 2 ,0f0 g ON f 06, ;, ts'?~~~~~~~~~~~~41 'UM on 'X '4r'49>~~~~t" uo ; , :.76' toL,.-Lo U. ;tntzd y( '; ' & ?+ ' ' A, l , 6. ,; ; `I.6 .7 ON .t,,,,,,$* y _ 0 t JD ; &lq i 8> \Xeik ,loi i.: D n- hrs e ; 10'1. o;sfoNsfet{sSit?=3StsTt m;t \ /(Pt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'63 8 - S r o 3.i. %t F = *~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 if: .,'., 4 i ~, ' . . ; , . .7 t ;A a0 - >**#0WJXS!XL6 \>p t;, rof ;,~~~e A .1r -9?.6 51 7 _p e e -UNtVRtJITY OF CA1IORNIA PLUCATLONSi(QoTI ) : Vol,12. 1.0Qon0positio- of California Shl , bydwaMr Wi!Uslow GGfford. P. ,, -29, . February, ..l.. . .30 0 , 1 ?- 2. CalIfo'-' rnia PIc Names of Inda Or.igin by A.- L. r.Xoebor, Pllp. 31-62.: June, i 91' 0 ''t l ;--'-'!*'*tz---*------*twv -w---e;-t*---- ---'--'^-^- 3. Apr lqects 'by -A. L. Eraebe. P 71-38. 3Ui e .91-70 4. iwk te g ward ?p 13-194. June, 19dwad .55 -5) 0 t. On P:4tg the. Ilectins- :the Votie, by Comelius B. Bradley 1p 195- 218 .lates 1-5; October, 11 . ..........25 6. 1balba1 _ an Xawaiisu 1insh1p- !fprms, by Bdward Wio Gffod. - Pp. 2194 February,' 1 ...... I-.30 5 /~ r I tt - . 7. Bud;e1Ft~rs Qontributlto the Study of Ancifn- Melcs gciS O-aid - tion, ! X <. by. T. t.r.WaA P F br.a0,:, 9tT ...b .. .. .....5...... . ...... 8. Mlw9lr M e by- BwWrd f Wiisw ( l.; Pp. 283-338, plate 6. May, 60 191 - -a-.- - ..... 55 K ;.--.--.9. iJaIfon1a Rin1p SystemS, A. L. Kober. Pp.4 339-396. May9 1917-..... .60 10, Ceremonies of the Poro Indlan. b . A. larrett Pp. 397-441, 8,txt- - flgures JuZyA, 1917--. . .. ....~. . -. *7 --w*tw~w;*-~~~* -*-!-- w---.>-w- .............. 45 ; -:i. P'omo Bea Doctors,' byr S. A............... Blarrett. Pp. 445-465 plate 7. Juily,: 1917 ...................- -.25 --f; ;2 -; - -0 Wd Fp ..6 9 li--. : $ V 1oL. 1:3. 1.. The Wostion- 'o Tala2 in the Elokan Stoclc, by B.; Sapfr. P'p. 1-34,T03 July, .'.. /' ,W1.. 741*----tt#----w--.v.+--..* - -.------b----ob ----- .-- ---,.-. ;-.- .3 ;v- 2., The-Yana Indians, by T. T. Waterma p. .......................0 p .- e..............r 5y, *o198-. - _--__---, --- .7 0~~~3 Yab Arch*;t- ery, by Saxton' T. -Ppe. Pp 103452 plates 21-3.: . M Ib 1918 75 s ; 4* VanaTerm of elationei by E4ward aplr.: Pp. 153-17. . ire, 1918 .25 Vol. - 14. The Langageof- the almani Indians. .py J. Alden Masaf. Pp. 154- - ky -2. lane Yand ee dn i8t Cllforla, by dad Wlnslow .Gliord. Pp. 15 1, 1 Ilg ..e i. text .r. . . . . . . . . ..e. : 193.8 ......... . . . . . . .5 . -- 3. -tnogeobhy an Arheologyof' the :Wiyot Territory, by LleWeynL. - - < N Lou. Pp 221-4 36,. plae, 1-21, .5 .text-0.u;ee Dvcember, 1918 ...-........................... .* <2.50 ; -; -4................................S- * Te Wlfti{n Bsi CsemOnyby'K; ??.4 .4* Bart.'p43,7E48, p1wes 22-23,- ; - X ; t - 3 figures in teit. 1=arch, 1919- -w `.25 - -; ~ - .. The Gefletie~ Relatlonebip of wthe blotl Anirica ITi&ln L-asngugs, u Radin. .E.1 4Te.50 20. May , PP.15. Vol.15.. 1. Ifu#ao La by R. PY Barto Pp. 1-86 plate' 13. ebruar, 1119- . . 2.00 ,, , \ ,So2. W'abiaOl Songs, b7e (R.B 1Wss a.n4 A.LS., Kroeber. ,.Pp. 187-26. May,'1:919, ..20 , Vsh C lol. 16.= 1. Myths ,of the. .$outhern ierra lvrk, by' ............................. SiRA.' BXarrett P. 1-28. March,' 4. '--4. f; - .' nY fn th6. --f',SaHin J. -'"f, , ,*s-' gug,,y ..&.W--7 ___ o" ...-.s ...........O *L- L. . 2. Thef byr3na ope, yRbr owe ~4.Mrh 99~. 1 VD; f-- .... ulXs .aow..... ltumeso ,; / - --\ , --. ............ ..w ..e.ed. - - Volum 1. 103-1W3904. - S78 pages and w0 plates ,.,..--- ^ 1 ? $4.25 Vo.m 2;'b-. 1s ',-904-1907.- .3.93X paesad 21 plats ,8' .50'.qv.,_ w a z$0. Vo*n 3. 1905. Th Morphlogy of the EnP*a t>ngage, 344 page. J 3.50- . Vo-lume 4. 7196-1907; 314' pages, with 5 -tabes 10 pI;tes, ad lup-t t .t 3.0 - oinme '}5-" 1'9074910. 38S4 . pages,- wh 25' lates--.#. .-.t. - y. . 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