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S - ^ A: o- A: - * - - - - r K 5; '- K 5; " - - - ..................................................................... w - - /' ..................................................................... - /' PA;- * 4;--s I UNIW$frT- 0P 0ALZFORNIA P' IAT4 DEPARTMENT H>'OF 'AN UZOPOLOGY The following ptblica.tions dealnwith arch4 g and et-oIoglcaul ubj,,ets issod iuder the cn of the DeZant of $trpe nt i xch for the publi- E cations of atrropologiaueaAena::mue , adr als desVoted t' general anthrplogy or to arceh*ol gy and etogloy. aT,eya for, sAle t t pre stated. ; Exchangesshouldbe di t e Exche Depaent, 8tnivei :ib*t, Berk eley, Galiforn4, -U.S.A. :A;ord,ers and ren4tbace 4 should-baddrssed to 1 isit of; -- Calfrna Press, X AMERICAN- AbO EQ O -A1 Rroeber, Editoi. ,: Prices, Volumie 1, 9425 Voluis b2 to 11, bilnsive, $3.50 each; Volun 12 and fcfldg, $5.00 eac-. C;aid as :lJSP Calif. -'ubL . Arch. Ethn. Vol.1i. 1+ Lifb and -Cultue of the H by 21Un Rarl o&d. Pp.o 1-888; platesMO -1-30. pt 1903 -.-.r 5 0 -2.~~~ oiatext 0wI Ei>i W ]p 8X8...................... . ....-Mh+9?*Z-*;00 ................ Z 2. u es, bPy Vi God :. P . ;8-368. March 1.904. . 8.00 Inex p.$0478. Vol. 2. 1. The Exploration o" thQ Potter GreekCae, b William3. Sinclair. - Pp. 1 Pp p:te P1-* April, 1.9 _*.= -/04: 2; -: h2, Languages ofthe Ooait f iria South of gan Francisco, by, A L. -, -Kr--o0 - .--3bex :bw-80, nAhNa,S,p: MJuxler1i*$ ........................ . .... ... .60 . Types od IndiC in (i A, LXrobe. Pp. 1-o13. June, 1904.~~~~... - ~ ~~. - -' - .~~~. - -~... . .... .25. - 4. Bare kt e o3 :6fis o oot- the I. L., roeberP. P16564; plaes 152t. Ja.ua, 190 . .-.- 75 0 5. SThe Yokuts- Langua9 of So4h Central Q la s by A..L. ber 3P.p. 165-37. :anu.ry, 1907-- - - --. 2.25 I - u - hdqx pp. -37S92.3U. a I 34 Vol.-S. The l4orpholog of the ;a Lppgage, by Pliny :arle Goddard. S44 PP: ji-ue 1.)05---... -I.50 VoL4. 1. -the Eaaliest Iistba Rela10on beten Meico and Japan, from originlr documents- prestrved in Spi Janty 'Ze NuttaL. Pp.. 1-47. April,1906 - -. - .. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - - ~ ....-..... .5 06 ~ ~~ . . .- . .-- .** . . . ./ . . . . . . .A0; 2 Contribution to The Py h ,f CaWlfrnia, bae4 on colIec- <0, -- ;tions bi tle De pirtment o? Ai ovol of he Univritofl iornia,- :and in theV. S National Msei; by Ales Hrdlic. Pp. 4944, with --;6 5 $ables;- pltes 1-1Q1, ma .,- 1906 .......- ......, - .75 - . The Sho onearnyl ......................D s f O fria by .. . ............ 6- Fe.iruaty 197~-- .*.... -f -- ------ .:.- s- -- --..- -+ 1.50 4-: . Indian )ytbs from South Cenral Caoforiia,by A y L r6ebe . 167- 250. h Y 97 .. ...... ... -...... ... ... . .. .75 -.5 The W'asho I_aho of ln East, ta liforfima and d Nea by A. L. -r eber...- . . ........ .75 0. The R=elig -of e dtnA of Cal fornis, Oby ber_ Pp.419-369 Spt6ember, 1907 ............. .- .........0.. Indlex, pp. 357474, V-9bol 5.; - 1. The Phonology otnthe ; Lnag;- Pt - The n idual iou by Pliny Earle Qod0ard. p.- plates 1-. - arch . ...7 --- 5- -~ -2} Navaho -yths, E'rayers and Son s, with Tets, aid T;ransI - b Wash- ;igton .Mat thews, edited iny Earlb (6ddard. P 21-63. Septeni- ber, 1007 .---.-.. ......... R 3.Ka&to -xs, by Plin Ea4e *io-ddard, . 65-238, plt 9. :Deember 909 2.50 4--.,- the, Matterial te of-the OXlamath Lak and ModocfIndians of North- :eastern aalfor4a and Sothrn Ore b . arrett. P 9-292, plates -.25- June 1910-.-- -75 5. The hihimik: Indiana and- Language, by Rln B. Dir6n. Pp. 293-380. Auguaut, 1-I10 2... ... ........... ........0....... 1-0 Ine p.381-384. -V.ol.6.. :1. Te~EtXo-Geegraphy=of the pomo afdhNAghborIng by Sam Alfr Bat 1-332, maps 6-2. .e..., 1908-a - .... 3.25 : - - 2. The; GoeographyMd Dialects of he- M k I }by Samuel 3lfred M . -B arett. Pp.33308,map3.. -- 8-f . Om Qi tleEidence of- the Occnpatgon of Ce,ai Regions by the- Miwokt-. Indins, b Am.. Lt-,. K2, oer. Pp.36.00.' ;-gos. ad 3 inhoe c. Fe ubtuarys 1901) ..* , - . Ie PP.-x, pp 81400. PC I-4 3`- I s U~ NWRIY ,OF,CALI FORN IA_ PU9LJC*TINs~ - (ONTt NUt) VOl.7. 1., -The Emeparyvile Sheumtioiund, MAX Ul~ie. P.: 1-103 plates 1-12, wIth 38 -text-fgrs un,10 -- 1.25 '2. RAeenlt Xuvestigations byeanng upnthe-~quesioI -of -the Oc currence of Neocene Mani in th AiifrusGavl -of -Califorbia. byrWlim 3 SinclaIr. P . 117-IO pljates 13.....e.r...-y,..190.-.. 3. pomo Ind~~~~ian EsAke'tr, by S. Ai'I-Barrett,' ~'P#~ 133-3 lts15-30, 231k text fi~ur*s. Decemhr, 1958 1.75 ~4. Sheili udVfteSnFanlc a ein N 0.Nelson. Pp.' 309- 3~56, -plate6r32-34 :December, 190 .-..... ..... .......0 5. Tle iosli" LandigSelon,b N :Nlo,P.357-426., pliates 3650.' Apri, 1910 -- ..........v- -.... .75 Index, ppo. 427-443.- VOL 8. 1. A Mission, Recoird of the CalifornaIdin from aMnSCrt in' the'. BacetLibrary,,, by A.L oeber!., Pp..1-27..M.y,.1908 - -2. The- Etbhugaphy'of- the 0 Cainuf In'p,lyA L ree.P.296, plates 1-15. July;... 198 - ...-..- --..... --..... .75 3. Th Reliion f the -Llisetio and Dieguefio Inib f~ghr allfor-nia, by Conis tneGdd$Dbis p 186, 'plat-es 16419. Jue 10 . .25 4.TeCulture. of the ILiulsefto:I4idi'aaa A-by Pb!iUp Stdad Sparkma. p.~ 1397-~ 234, plate 20. Au~~gust, 1908.. ......... --50-- 5. -Notes on, Shaiho'neamn Dialects of 'SoutbOrn- Vliorna,byA." L. Kroeber. Pp. 235269. September~, ~99 ....-.....- . .-........ . 5 6. The Religious.31 Prcies of the Dieguello, Indians,1y T. WAt"Inan., pp.. 271-353, plaes21-28 March............-80 Indkx pp391309. Vol. 9. 1. Y'ana '61"ets, :by, Wdord Sapfr together ith Ya Mths co11octed 'bY oland B. Dixon. `Pp. 1-5 Febrary 190 .. -2.50: 2.Th humh ad OostaoaLnue, by A. ,robr Pp. 837-271. Novem4ber, 1910 -.-.... ...................85. ... ....... 3. ?I~1ne Lnguages ofthe Coast of Calfornia lfort)i. 'of 8aTrancio, by A.- -L. ~~roeber. Pp. 2~73-435, and m~.Aprl 1~11.50, 2. 2~~lie Pbonetin Eennot ofl theorhn PaiteLa tagi i6mia. atr 3. hoetio6tq Elelentsof thes hv 9I6rqngug, bA4 A. I..h Kree.P.4-6 plates!,% 6120 lotrembe 1911 ., 91 .... - ......65.. 4-. -T.honO Etnloge f h Salina Inian,by3i Adn aon p.9`20 plates 61-37. December, 1912- 6--5- Goddard. Pp. 265-283, plates 38-41 Apr11,. 1914 -~~~~~~~~~.. .... .... ..-.. - .30.. Vo. 1.1.Elmets of thof Khe Language byPiy al Godard Ppp 1-76, plate 145. October, 1912 -. - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------_7..... - - - 2.00.. ......... 2.Phoetc lee Jsuf h Digrei L pgae b .L Kobran .' Harrtbiugtn.p. 177l1l8, Apri, 1914 --.1e 36 8aCiTxs yPii al Goddard.th Ppi8927 Feray, 1915 1.0 ai'y,191 .165........... ,0: Winslowd. Gifor. Pp.291.....br..y.116--. byr 3. Alden Maon. Pp.l399-4d2 March, 1916-.70NVobri,114:. Idex, 'pp.434 -. .; UN vtRsITOP QCALIQRNIA'PIJBLUCATIo0rS- (CONTINUED) Vol. i. 1. -CompoItion of aliforzIa . h .Mnd b. Edward- Winslo Gifford Pp. 14'-29'-. F':,,''.- -ebr 1916 ....-.. ... --..... .30 2.- -alifornia Place N7mes of Indlalh fOr~gl, by AL Erpeber. Pp. 31-69. -3. Arph -iaIetstf, by A. I. Kroeber. ~Ppi :71-138. - June, 1916:............................W9-E-~~70 4. of Miwok Miieties, by Ed4wadWiow Giford0 . Pp. 139-1-94 Julie, 191&.. .55 5 O nP .....i n of teV i by....... 5...l ... Po. ....195 -- 218, .; =t-plates 1--5.- October, 11X6- .......1..........25 -6. Tibatulabil and- eawi ir.'ship by Ed Winslow (ifod. Pp,O 219248. February, 1917 X.,.... .30 - -~.~7. BEan4eliere Contrbtinto the Study~ of Anciet Mexican Social Organixa- ; otik , by T. T-. Wate n. P 249-282, Feb r , 1917 .....C -. .3 8. iwok -Myths, by Edard Winsiow Gifgo:d. Pp. 283338, plate 6. May, 1917 *.*..w..-- .> !X#-- -*..-- *s- a----1 1---- - 0 ;9. CaliforniaXineiSystems, A. L. Kroeber. Pp. 339.a96. M-3ay, 1917 .... ..--.: .60-. 1. n--ting reonie s -os of the P dans, , by . A. Barrett . -P. 3 97441 -8 te-t- .--gu-*res. Oyto9:1-7 - ..... ......... .45 11. Pono Bear Docts, by . A. Barrett. P .. ..43.4 , plat 7...July, 1917 . ....... .25 Index pp.e 47473. -;- o - Vol. 18. 1. The PQsltlon. of Yaina Inth Hok: . :Stock by E. Sapir. Pp. 1-34. ,uly, - 191, b7.; ., P.249.28...........35-1 - -T-She Yana laes, by T, Tt.Waterman.- Pp.3540t2plates 1-20. Febru ay, - 3. 'Yai Archer by Saxton T Ppe. Pp. -lff152, plates 21-387. Mach, 198 -.7 1917 . .. . .........- .... .............- ........... -L 2- ~ Ol:ans a nd M}oieties ii- Soutern C~a1rla. by' :Edwirc Winlow (*ford.- P 'Lp. 155-29, 1 figueIn tet March 1918.--.- . ------------..------._---..-75 -..3. nE:ogeogap-:il nd- Archailegyd of the Wlyt :Territory, -by ;leeUyL.- -- L -aoui. Ptpn 221-436 , lote1r -21-iS ie DeceNmber, 1S tr - - . 2.50 4. The Wintun, le Oeremony,nby S. A. Barr.ett -. 437-488, plates 22-23, 3 resn .... tex.Mc 19 . .................. . VTol.S 1I. 1.Ifugao Law, by B. F. Barto. Pp.; 1-186, plates 1-33. - Februaryp, 7 919 ...2.00 Volumes n-ow completed:- - - - - -- ---;-t, ''; ' -, -Volume 1. 903 1904. .378 pis and 30 pltes.o.. $ E A P 1 l 25 Volume . -19017-907.33..an .. ..- . . .-.-. .......... .... .50 V 1ohUne 3.; 1905. The Morph:olo-y of the-Hupa Langage, 344 pages . ,2 . 3 ? .50 -- Volume 4. 190641907. 374-pag-es, with 5 tLablesf, 10 pJ.ates, anid map ^ .;-. 3. 5r0 -Volume 5....07-191. .4 pg th2 plats................50 s -Volume T. 908. 400 page, wt mapa..e.b5m Volume 7. -=1907191;0. 443 pages an 50 plates ............. , - -.- 3 -.50-T W.ter.na 3 0 Volue 8. 19081910 69 pesnd 28 ples ......... ...........3.. .. ... -5 -VOlue . 3 1910- 1911.7 439 pges.-._. - 3.50 -,VNolume 10. t;1911-1914; 35 pagesSand 41 plates . . 2- 7..350 Volume 11. -1911-1919. 479 paes14pflate .. . . 3.50 ; + -V'olume 12. 01916-1917.; 473-:> .-7 plw ................ pages and.. . 7 plats...-. . - 5.00 --;Note-:-The UJniverityof Californi Publicatin are offre in exchange for the publi-.:- cations of learned socieietis an4i utlon niversities, and libraies. 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