0 U N.IVERSITY :0OF C.:ALI FORNiA PUBLICATIONS I K AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETH NOLOGY VoL 14, No. 2, pp. 155-2 19, 1 flgute .in text Marcb 29, 1918, CLANS -`ANt MOIETIES IN SOUTIHIERN CALIFORNIA 'BY EDWARD WINSLOW' GIFFOD UNIVERSITY OF CA-OI 'IA PRKSS. BERKELEY I)EPO F ,OXF, :;A NTEbOPOtmOGY \;' The following pubItions dealiun with rcha.logleal' aa. tolegcal' silbjects lwiied nader t' dlrectOn of e ppardment ot Antbroseog a sent in exchange .for thew publi+ Ooatoots of ntbpological deatet afd mauseums, and r jouals d.ot d to generli antbropo}oyA or to aTliWolog1 and elt0oIg.; The ar for sale at. te Pries stated. Exphainges should "be directed tO, The cage Dqpartzbint,: UnXieraity L4braryl, Aerkeley, California U. 0. A. All rders a4 rottaAces shOuld be daesed tothUverty of Caliona -'es. -E10r 2>; - agent for th-e seriost i. A4mi can Arhaolo an n Clas hil- olog, EdOaU~~ >Mdern. ~1, Ii`oOg IWloO h~ai Seisitt '1iolog Ott rruwis i: . ' the e4 n iBotany, Golog, Ptholoy, Physiology, oologyi n aoAn a Aichwioy and Ethnleg, 1 F4d1atne & , Xe4 ;.> E[N &,HAB6LOGH AA ETa NOZOTY.-A. Z. Kroe'ber, Edii"r. P , Vol.Xume '1, $*25; Volumes 2: to I1, in>lsive $h6.50 each; -olume 12 and fo .03 each,;h. Cited as Unii* alif. ?bL Am, rc Bn - oe Vol .: 1. We audI r of this by P r odda. ! ; late..40.........19.-.... $126 2. Hupa TeSt, by fPlin E:arle Go4d. Pp. $^48 . Mrch,i 1904,-- ... .0 -. The Xndex bpp 00-5478.:e -P VoL; 2 i. ?p loratl Of the, Potter Cree Cave, by WIllam i.T Siaar The LagaeS of th as of Cir South o San FCnJCOj by L AI L. roeber. PRp.9-804 wIth a mat.; *im, 1904 .. .. V Oypes of ta, i i a by :A.L.: ?reP 4( 3Jiie,1A904....L..~2. ...... ....2 - .: u sket Delrso Xth Zri-n2 o~ otween C4Jfon by A. L .The LokI n ohf SC.uhCn'tral Qa;ifor'ba yA, -;~~~~~~A -L. W _80._- .._. ._ ; rIdex, pp. 379492. -VoL . 8. Th Morphlo 0of the Hup4 Lagae by Pllzi Elarle ffoddard. v - 1 -344Xpp. Ji,tne,1905. * _ -. _ *4i,-.,,, , .,, , .* , ,,.,. fi50 Vol.4. :1. TIhe 'E;atrlies Zst* ai betwee0 Mexico and apan,: frm origi(l c.4t',!'ereola ,by Spi ad ap , y El In.t : p 04. 147. l19 w . ........ ..0 9.0; Oontrtutio to the Physic ntr Of1orna,base n co-t ~-:. - -iecttoniii then DSpatnt Of Antbopologyot lb. pin1veMt of; t ao n ad intheU.. latiot Msem, by Ales rdka X 0~~~~p 4--04 il 5 tahls pl.e ~.4O, sidiap June, 106; . w..._ .765 : . The Shosn o)ic of the" ia, iy A. L. 1Kroebe. Pp. 65466. 4-|. Inia yhs from Souh Cetal} dalfrni4 by A. L. Kroeber. PP-. 167-2 . Mtay, 1907 .*.................. .+... 9 9* **w e + 75. 6Tngtes f bL. L roeh Pp. 519 Inhdex pp. 8p4t4. -,i et. 5.A 1. The Polgof t; uft igage; Pa rt ,h dio4 :- Pl tSiny Esi.rl Gddard. Pp.4, plate 1-8.- March 190 .....- .0 SJ Naah ,J'tl' 'ryr and Nongs wit Tilt and UTransati-ons, byt -: Wasiu1~g~n Matthew, edted.by Pliny Earle Goddardy 'Pp. l.68. c ia T ts, by Pliny EoafiftGodarn p. 65238,:;ate 5omet- -80. A 1910 . ..'. - . ..O.......... ---- . ...... ....- -.. .00 Index. pdl p. 3i-r.o? Vol. 6' 71--! '".; The^ tho?-Geograpy of theX Pon and vihbin Izs, by a aol7 AlrdBrrt1P.94Zmp 4.?bur,79832 * - ;- - -7 e W - Aat* ''VI Pi - A. = ;; ?0*_i''v L- ---X***i*** : 2. 6. T ogry and Dalecs of Lthge Mok Idids by am , f`- u Earrelt.' PP. 313-568 r"9 3. VO Itii I'haE - lbd Of,*Eoepy'?'' at b t ' : - 3. :On tEdence 'of the tcaio Cera csby *tht bi' i, - , 0, ndi-ns. bt A. L. Kroeber. P,Pt.3698. 1o. 2 and'5 in oaq te., 0 1; ,,~~~* 11 9ie,w l00. ,,.7. ! . i 1 '7 1 -11 , UIVE SITY OF CALIFORNIA U; BLICAIrIONS (CONT-UEDrI-U' ; VoL 7. 1 f-. The e EElle sllzn by M le. P. l.1O89plates 1-12 *it 2.* 38 tex flgres. 3uJe, 1907 ..,.. @ . , . o*w~wo+ - 1.2 Recente Ihvis tlona g Upon the Questio ot the Occ 1 -'c; o -:--eoc6ne ~is vinhe ArieOrous ael 6 M Caixfora by W $. Sfnlafr.ts ip. ;07410, tes 1S-14t e, 1908 .. . . 5 .. P*o Base1try, y S. A 0axret. Pp. 183308, p13 tes 1 ~231 Iet gh.l3ebr,18 .- - V ~~~~~~~~~~~~e 0 . ............................;.;21w - tbr 98: . ...... ..... *.,*-_* X 4. Sbeflmomids of the SariFraincisco nBa Region, by, N. a:. Nels. Pp. 30-S50, P Tlate' 32449 .)ee,.190.-' F ...... - i 5~~h Elli Lauin ,Shlimud by N. ,O. Nelaon. Pp 3597-4263 plates &~~~~~ne, pp -4 t; ,vts27^t--448._o_ VoLs 8 :. l1. A Wson Record of the l 'ftrnIh Indiahs, from a ip e -Bancrft Libra y, by A. 4., Kroeber, Pp I1.,27, Ma 1908 -.- . :M .T t ofbe th Vah Idias,by.A> L.Ker. Pp. 29. 868, -pat~s, 1-15. Ju ,Ieoag . .--....75 . The R 4 Iheligl fe t ue Llsefio and Dleg'ueo Indiam of So4tbhun Gali-! foni, t;nce (-Idda fibos. Pp. 69-188 Plates 16-19. n K / ! o,- - 3ili l l> et 1 08 ;.^i^ ... - -........................ m; W ...-.-........ .......4 4 h ofe, L ulseflo; Idians, by 'li p Stdnan Sparkman. '~~~lp 187-;234, tpla8@8 te 20. Anus,1908 ; - ... :, , ;o.- 5 . 6Not4 on Sosho Dialcts of:Mte i a Kroe. onObsr.ikm Pp 3-6.Petmo,1052.. .- ---h- 6 . Tlet ~allou P ?ct1es >of the Diogrieo .I;dians, by T ;T. Wima; Pp. --7 -58 plates -1-2! . March iOiO *_s-',...... .80 ' Irdex, i 4939 9LS. -1. Tan sexs by Z 4 r, togetIe with Yan yis collectd by R-Boland B DixDon. > Pp. lX. Febrary', P-bru - '2.9 *-,2. ,The Qha; ;and Co*thnoari LOkges, by A 2. rer Pp. 2 -87- '271., Nbvemuber oi:o-... .....85 . The aliguageos of the tCoa of Caoa Northb f San Fraco, .y :~~~A ;~ Kr.'.i.-oeber. Pp. 273-4t5, and iua.April 101-.S *- .r- -*@...1.50................................ VoLA 11- PlfteInde,p.473, Vol 10i. 1A Phonetic oStIten 'of the atle tagages of OaIifo by A. L- :Z^ roober.i Pp. -12. May, 1 -............. - - 2 T Phonetic Elem s, of te Northern Psih Langa, by T. T : V arbterrna Pp. 1344, plates 1-5. Noveme 1911 - ... ... -:-Phon4tq moments of the Mhaye -Languae by A. I.. Kroeet. PP. i !45-6 plates 8-20X. Neeiibr 1911 - - . 61Z - 4 i e Ethnolo yFof t alino Inds, y ;. Alden -ason. Pp. 97- 240,, platesk 11-37 w De eibe t - :.: ............................7s . vPapago Vrb tem, bvy Jiu-n Dolores. p.g24m1268. Augs, 1913 .26 .pieon th el, 0l4luia In4la tiafNr t (ornia by Pl x W 1 t ' Earl /GOdISd. Pp. 26f5.288* pate 3841.' ef r 3M, 1914 .-or. by .30 7. (milta T exts, b in )arle GoMddard. Pp. 259379., Novem,ber, i rd 19 14, 1.00; > Index, ~ 8-35 ,VoL>, 11. ., Elpet met ,o t=angSae, by' ri ar Eloddard Pp. 1j17-, plaW1 14s5 O6tobei4 191 ------ 2--.001f 2,-,,- . PhNonetIcenletof thjDe.e'o gtaage,by A L. Kroeber ad ' Uo P. . rrintgtiop. Pp. 177..88Ar, -.914... v..- ., - -.10 . Sar,- t 8aTexts, by'Pliny'EarI'Gldard.r ~p.,189-277. I'ebrmnary,'95. s .0E- 4 S erJ TeqtA doa, b A. t. Kra: -r. 2-290 Nru4xy, 1915.-.- . ,.0 ''-, 5.i Dihoomolu gctai Oai In South Cntra Californi, by Ed- 8 w ward Winslow GiffodrC Pp. 291-268. FObrnAty, 1916 . .... . '05 '-. The Delneati-on of th&t) e-S Inthe Astec 'ansc , by T. T. Wetenan. Pp. 297308e a rch,D 18- -1.Q - 7. Th Muotaun .DiX1ect of -Costaiozn$e>d on te -Vocabulary of De ia :- t; ' 'Cue'sta, ' by t o Ali&nMson. P 4. 39942 'arc, 1916 .......... 70 Index,p.4~49 VoL '12. 1. omposition' of Cafornia dhelmonrids, tb wwrd WInsow: :ord. P tp.i 1-29. Feh rary 1916 ..........-- : 2. C,liforrla Plce Names oftii Iian aOi by. L. Ktobr. P.. 1-.June 1916 -.-..-40- j3. rapao- Diaects. by A. KrL. er Pp 71-138 ue, 1916 770, 4.Miwolr ,;,,,: MolutiVes, by ~Edwa WInsl Ifford. Pp. 1394194. une, 19P j e f n , }.B16 A ............................ .-.i 4-. .-.~-P --~---g-V---4-ti-. . . .... ......-----.--.- - 5 | 5. Oi- Plothtng tb "WInetitIons of the Voice, by Cornelius. B-a.dloy. Pp, g9.28 plte a-,Ocoe, 196W , .t '',.'-- . - C , .19i& t21 't.S Xi' b , ts #re ysP .- - - .t- .- .............. '....... M : 8.' T*ulabial and Eawailsu pnpTers, by Edward W*nslow Gif- ,frd.~ Pp. 21i9-248. Pebrury, 1917-. ..'-..-.-.-. "30 :UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS4-,(C0NTINUIED) 7, Bandelier's Coutribution to the Stuy of Anient, Mxican Soi Organization, by T. T. Waterma Pp. 249 282. Februar, 1917.. .5 8. Mwg t by ;Edward WInslow Gliffori Pp. 28-338, plate 6. - - M?at- ;41t17 - ~~~............... I*. . . . . ., *... * . . ... 9. California Kinshi Systems, A. L. Iroeber. Pp.33946. - M ay, 1917. .60 10. -Ceremones thfe PorEo Iodiana, b7 A. Baretm. PP,397441 , 'est. - f - -gu- r.es. .uly'. 191 -...-. ..45 : - 11. Pomo sear Doctors, by S. A. Barrett Pp. 443-465, plate 7. July, 1917 .25 Index, pp 467-473. Vol. 13. 1. The PQsitlon of Yana in the flokan Stock, by E. Sapir. Pp. 1-84. July, 1917 .......-. - -... 35 r ary, 19189uis, by'T.T. Waterman. Pp. 35-102, plates 1-20. Fob- 2. The 7ana .d... . . . ......... . ............. 75 3. Yahi Archery, by Ston r. Poe.- Pp. 103-152, plate 21-37.; arch, . .1918. .......... - , . . .. , . .. . 7 4. Yana Terms-of Relationship, by Edwar Sapir. -p. 13-173. -arch, 1918 ............ . . . .25 0'tVol.n 14. 1 The La age of the al 4a by J Aen Maon Pp. -54. Januaiory,1918 . ............... ......$.7 -2. ClGan and :Mioieties in Southern California, by Edwat Winslow Gifford. . "'Pp, 155-219, ; fgt. i .Marh 1918 -..75 Volumes ow on'lbleted: v6i 1. 190- l . 7p 3\ . ............................. ..... .. **^.. ~.. . U * ."fl Voue1. 190-904. 1 78 pao=ad 30r pOlates.. $42 -I-Olme 2. 1904-1907. 3 p s 21 paes . ........ 3.50 Volum 8. 7;1065. The Morphoy o 'f t paLangnagei 3 pg . 3 Vomblnmo 4. -. 1903-i97. 374 pages*,wth 5 tables, 10 pl -, and .a..... - 3.50 Volume 5. 1I 07910. 884 p s ith 25i0 plates . .. i.50. Volue.- 6. 1908. 400 jages Vith 3 maps .P. .......... 5 VolumE 7. 19077-1910. 443 pages and 5Q, plte .-- - -.... p3.950 Voluime 8.l 19084910a. 36 pages d B plates .- .. oUllie 9.. 1910-1911. 4. pa . ................ 8.50 Volume 10. 1911-1014 385 pges and 41 ples s . ... .3.50 Volume 11.b 1911-1+91Q- ................... : 479 pages and 45plates . . ...................... ......50 Volume 12. -1916-1911, 473 Tagkes and'7Iates ....... .....................00 Note.-~The University of 0 olioia Pulblications are-offeredIn excge forth publ- cations of iearned. soetieF.an stittlois ivemeities end libraries. Comte li of el t-he publicatos of the Yljvdefstty will upoo request. For sample copies, lis of publication or other iformation, addre the Manager of t vhe tl1vErsly -ree terkeley, Caufonia, U. S. A. All mbtter sent in eicbange eould be addressed to ,Te nge r Departxet, Uversivty Library, terkeWy, Caiia. U.S.A- AGRI BTIRA 3CIES.-E. B. Babcock, 3, W. Gilmore, and C . 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