'UNIVERSITY O~PG-ALUFORNtA ,PU8OLICATtOCNS ARH Y~-ND. -TNING' AIMIERICIAN' ACAEOPLOGY N TNLG ,Vol.A14,N., pp. 1 -154 January~ D0, M91 THELANGUAGE -OF"THE SALI'NAN. NDIANS UNIVERSITy OF -CA10FRRIA- PRkESS BERtKELEY 0 0 0 .00:V; &T0 WVJ OF 0fl'FO3llLA TPUBIAIN8 2 0400t - --:--- 0 --* DEPABtTMZ O;p-4N E >OPOLOGY -.he following publicattions eaing: archogehl 'and etliooicn subjecio issued under the direction of the- fpartment ofv Antbropoioky ,are a4iit-~&1iaflge for :the opbli- catlons of 'AAthr'op-OiGaId and muse ,Ud for :jous devodto general- .. anthropol9gy or to archaology aed .hlg They are4cr sal at the ptlce stated. E *ges old be-directed to The ca atmetiireraity Lbrary, Brkeley, -- - -Californa, tY S~ A. A^ orders adre tazis lioire; beaddressed toth Unvesit of 0-CX r --f<-1 e 4 -di -i#( -Th - - - ; CaliforniAa ~ 'Horers''aa -e dPronse. m E ~-~Xuropean agent for 1fie series lz Ai.rcan Arltaog an Ethnology, lssc-al--ll - elegy, -Education, od&edrn Pb1gh- Philoophy', .----> -; AMEICAN ARCHEOLOGYT AND BTHN9OG4YA. L. Eroe -ber, lio.Piest - V7 oluina 1 $425; V5olumes .2 to lincuie $3.50 Q each; VOI~m 12 ed foll -;n 00 \ r 0 Oited s Un1v4 (lait NW. Am. M;l1 Etn. P - ie Vo- XLd 1. 1. LIfe ad Cultre .of the upa, -by 4 Earle C#ddad.; P 148j - 0 - | - plates I-SO. Sptezue 1903 .. ........................ $1.25*_t* >^...... * - 2. Rlup. Teoa by Pliny :Erl Go%d P. 89468 . Mrh196L4 ......* 3.0 - -~~~~Ine, -1pp. 369-378.--- -: - .--:::--.:: - Vol 2.- 1. The: Explorat3io ofthe -Pottr st^ek C-ve by Wllm Sin clir :. - ::- : -: / . ;; ~~~~~~~it: -x C -aP .;vs l . *- .... *_ t- .. , 4 Pp., 1.27; 'plates 1-4. ApII 1804 0 ; : 2q2. The I,agulages of the (~oae o (alifornia Sou4.th! o an t'aeso by u - - -- - - A. I.. roeber. Pp. $9.80 witl a .ap June,. 12(14 . .60 --~ ~~3 .;t - - y spes of Inianf :Culture in C-lfornia, by; A.;L. Ktob? ;PP. 8i1.0& ;- 0 L- - June, 1904 -..... *....-- -.c . ol. 1 . M 4:;-:0. -:.Basket Iesigu -of'-0 thet Indn of 2rtlie tern~ ai-oa by 4. 1 :>13 j9duld -- der. Pp.105164; plateS :f-21.- Jaur, 10 .# .75 5. The kuts, Langlage of South tJlifnia, by A. a. ~,eberK. ;-Pp. 1643 January, 1907 ...1...-......... .*.-. 22 5 In_0: --|- < --Xkdex:, pp. 379492. -- : -- ~- - 0 :-d -. Vol. 5.' Th ~-e -M,orholgyo -f- i-the Hupa Language by. ln EMarle -Goddak..---.-- S 0 t344 ptW; Jun, 1905.^-- ......---..-*- ---~---.- - .- -- Vol. -4.u The -Eariest -2to al eatlons b.eteen eand apa,irom -.. - - - ~~originl docue ts i preservedI S#pai ad 3apn,by--ZellaNutal. '~~~~2 Cl-''''j' -onrb-uten to th; Phcl Athropologyt ofitonas,basd; '6n col*'-~ - 0 - -- lectin in0 the fertetof sathropology of th?e -iUniveI?5ty pf - 0 T.- -.tX "California fand to tr . S. Xatioa neum,, bFyi Als dlicka. ~ V V 0 ;Pp. 49-64., witlh 6 tabls; pates 1-lop n a. , 190i6.- ---. .76 '--,. ,,-t;-,'. 3 . ,he S.hOs.bQlnDialecsW G, Caionia?1y L.,.Kxoeber'. Pp.'.Ms 6516..:., - f ebruar, 1907---@ ^*-*--oW -*e---.- -~ 1.5 -o-~ ~ 4 - - I ndia+n -ths f-m Sqnthi.CentraCaifBo.rnia, by'--A. L,. Xreber.' Pp.-;.i 1 ffo ' l67-250. May, 1907, .... . -.. .- -up- a a IV61i L 5 The ,W,slto na of tat trCa ra.a Nevada, y A. - , -' ., ', 'f 0 i'.Eroe, .,er.' Pp. 251.3'-18.' etene, '190'7 ; ,s .?....... ..-......................................... v* .,-7 ... - . E 0 0 ~6. Teelwigio of the Indidans of; CalWru, by' A. L.; Eroebe. Pp. 319 .- , . <356. sepTeme, 190. ..-,..--..,---*,- - -?''H?..7- .5n0' - * 2.-NavahoMythsi, PrayI r ad Songs, with Tet 4 T t bt - :' ; Wasinto Mates edte by-- Pln Ban Gedilay, Ei -d rd. Pp.,21-63:. - - - ~Sepitemb er, 90 ...'. -.--r~oe--!9-rv-.......--...'-..... .-.r-...--.. -'Y, ; . Ea >to Teits,by Plin Earl oddard -Pp. 623, plate 9.; Dec6mr,:;-- 4,, ' . The Material ulure ,'of the .Klioa}ah' LX.:'ad . DodoIdiana of P-'D - g. -, - Norteaser Calionia an- soutern Qrt by 8. A. Barrt. P. 230 9.292, plates 10-25!ir. -;Ja 1,910 *-, .,.;...,.....w ,,, ..,-. _ - .78s .r~ ~~5 -' " t0Y The Chla4k4i dia~ia n 'Languag-, by Roland B.'xn Pp.-2,53-'',:,''' -,oL Z. , _,e, pp.T- 38e4k4. '-: l.'s 6 . 01. TheEthnoe.ograpby,of the Poro ad Neighiboring In4ians, by 'a- ' 0~~~~~a A,,- ' -$'tlf red Barrett.-PP. -SSZ 7maps 1-2.- ?e~tual7t ?1908 ...... 8.25w 3V 0- f0 : ..2. -The Geography and Diaecsofte Miwok Indian:s,by Baitl Alfred-,. - . On $ Othie Evldene of th? Ocpation of Crain egions by the Miok ' '.0 - -- -.- ... 0. Inudians,'by -A .; I. oeber.> P'p. 369-380. -- . ': 2 and 3i i ou.eScover-....................................... . . -- . 7 Te -ruar' 'tbX;1908 _ ...~. .... ............ -.-...-............-. . . ,.56 ,_*' n. Ldex, ppe. 31400 f~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii W W - f ' i -, JA, -' ' ..: EiVASITY OF USQALiPQIN#A- PUICAT10.-CONTIH+tO} ~1t1guIoiisbekri h Qotir ot 6eufeceo J.'8$eiMr, P~. 107430, lae 11 r iLo .. ..*..... 55 ,z Indian ,as5tty - .A-. rt Pp.M-ieZ X3$"308, p 1548 0, >~~8 teitAues Decmbo 120tz 8 .-.X............................ ....... 1-a.75- S 4. rliellmoun4s ot tl0l a, b 5~~s- ! L rQ8 1 . 4, DeL1L... . 0. d.O .42 pa1 dell p. 42R443. l . 1. A W 'eid of t'e Oanla s o. a .-pt n,. the 2. Te flluiorilly Vof 16CbUsIins,bA.L xer p.2. 8"-s'--;:1. sh ellion of te Kiulseflo. anda-'t)egn5V Idans f Stttem ai.- . < 4 -. .h QuIttu e of the L.uiset Zkul aiVby PhilI Stedm*u- Spa.: a *.' Thet }^~>''_' Re' tio' o ctides-o tl %i4 I b1gU00 lan!Ws3; by *X' '-tz'.t '. Wat^ an Index. .6 8546? V9, - til "U t wS*e**t<< VoL 1.' Yai Te,r--Id-,ardT apfr, toje.ther -Ith YhS4a 13pr}1 Myt, colce r - <~~Rln w;~B >t $ ._ l)1x....................... Pp. 1-23,. ?ebruary, - -.91... .... 25 - . The CbnlS -n, .:tuia I.nu4s bye A.w tr t,t.4 S.t. Pp..SF | 237 - 3 .t? La,nge i t. he toa3w6st of ;ealior * qo-h -o- .Sn . ranic, b -. .- t4~~~A Z. I^~br tPp 27.45 L ad a. pril, iOn ; ^td.............................. ....~.1.5....t;0X IE, de 3, 1.47-3. - 0.- - 2: *I -Xlo^ b - ,h,, 0' ~~S} y, E v'';,at d . -238W3ae4 tei6 Ale,u/_ 't .*tQ f - tv .The. MutWi Aalect Xi t7?staSoan~~~~~~~~-V1aZov%he-- of-r.a , - - A ,'-' ~~~J 1 0''- ~ e 9.- tA' Maor ............................... .s7./M<9G ............4'-;f- - iD; i f As ~~- -T - l tRAi- - -tf#t . .----r--r'*-. -;''''* f~ ~ ~ ~~' e0 O ,-3 @ t g ^ 4i *w-# H~~~~~~~os So i . .r- . t ,,,b*,* ;* - elX ; -:- - .i lWg6t wth -, ornu* -re D-<':~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~.9 0 ... . ....-l-; r 1l.*wow*'riX w9 2-- * - - , A ,, ' ~~- - o''1 0---'f - GMx S UNIVERSITY ;OF CALIFORN A P:UNI.CATIONS.-NTIN ) - T-tbMuIabal aiM 3awsisxu inship- Tes by Edvv'ard-Wins - = f - ford. Xp. 219-248 fEbruary, 1917 .830 7. :antdelier's %Oribtition-:toib the Study `of nt n cn Social O- -- - tgantion, by T 2X. Wzt0 . ?pT 2469482 Feruar, 1917. .86 8- Miwok My-t1s,-bY 1dard Winlow - Pp. 283-39a8 plae 6. . --- .--- -aliforna t~hip- BySteOs. A. Creber. P. 33- 396. MyW, 1917. .60, 10. Ceremonies of the P?ol s by S A.Barett Pp 397-441,8a tet- figures. Jl, 1917 ...----- -- 11. Pomo Bear Doctr b S A. Bari.ett. ?. .443465, plate 7. July, 1917 .2519 Index, pp4-. .467473 VoL. 13. 1. The Position of Yaa in,the Hok Stock, by E. apir. ,J ?. _-'4., JWuly~, 1917 - - - . 5- Vol. :14. 1. he Ltianguag4ofthe Saliuan ludiani, by 3. Aldte Masn. Pp. I.54 Ja,s &nuary, 1918..........,*,,,,* ,...t,s-.,.. . -. w# .75.. *w-#X, X*L --olme n.ow,? co=mples 0i,; ted:* 0,-,,-i*;P-* - R '?- IVolm 1. 1 903a1904a S f8 pexd 30* pts: r - - VoluWe 2. ~908 400 paj~es, with 5 s.a.. 1 .-....... ... - .- ....... ......... 3.50 oii i Vo>lume 7. i:079. - p zud 50 piate ...,,- .,...;.- ----O--m-..... $50 Voluime 8., 1908-19103 300pages d 28 platts- AVolui- 9. 1010-1P911. 843 pag,es -iXI1; * _^+* ~-.~ww#*>>-. 3.5 9- V9lume10 . 19_1 3 pae an 41 .......-- ..... 8.50 Volume~ 11 -91-19Dt16.- 470 pages4 and 45- plagtes -- ' .,....................---est ....- . - 3-.59-- ~~~~~~~p a:logy,-.- vs thr-cOOi*s* e _ 3 4-. 8-t-1 4.9501. :7 a 8S;-. A.. Allmatter- seti. e~ eshol Il adressd -to The -- ang *Deplrbilie-t, [ivrt 4r, Berl, talfnF.S. A. A .B,ICU }JPRA_ Sel108-I.. ad" 6- 3.v W0-. .il . a .3. Lipman dtr Prie pe voluml $8.00l V Ij 2, anl d If i prgressV AT 7 O .-W. W. Cmpell, tditor. : 7(Lick:Obs4rator, Mt. Hamilton, Ca)..... - t4acAtdons of th L I '.OlUmes. ;- o .ed -BOTANY.W. A. etcheli Ikitr. Prc per voluln, olumes I-t inclusve, $3.50; Voi- um we V? and follown, $5.00.; Volumes- I (pp. 418)s, II2 (ppw 300) II (pg 4), an.d IV (pp. 397) complet7)ed. Volum'}e:s -, -V'I, and.VIpXB in pr 'gress. . CLASSICAL PXI~ILOL(Y.-4ainQs T.0 Alien,;- WUllili A. leilI H-erbert . -Nutting, - :L~:. - ditbrs. -Price per votm $2410. Vol nis I -(pp. 270),- aad. Ul (pp. 312),, compltd 1 Volue AII In pogres ; = :DCp.-Bit y bythe DepMt1nul of Dducatio, Price ipr volumex $2r5. NQfBINE..~ite4 underth-e dtreetii of the gneg De e. Thi sOries -i till cuntain cont lns from the Co ->lgbs Ming, an C -:*neerig. Vol.ume t 1s- prq -c pr Slum4 tor -nlume 9IVI, #3,50; fo volmisV and-- ;---folloing, $6. Volues I (pp. 435}+ II (wp. 45)-, i (pp. 482, --IVF pp.,), VY:- r (u-p. 458,) VI t (pi. 454), VII -(pp...504), V1II- (pp. 583),0 and IX '(pp;.. 545), completed. 4or~~~~~~ ; f " r0 0 - MOI)BRN PmLOLGY.-Voum0 1- (pp. 400),- iE ;(pp. 373), II (pp. &io), IV (pp.i 498),- and V'; ,Y, S (pp. 478) corupaete4. - ;- - : ATHOLOY,-nFtedetick :P.. "ay, IBditor. PreJ pWr."ohmie $250. Volumde- I map. 34?7) -complted. olume in povgress ..- : PHAOSPY ; Hl. bIebr, itor. Volume 1 (pp. 282) coeted o I1 In - 0!AWpYogrs. A,ic pet volume $2t.00. - pe; v -o.- PHYSIOLOGY--S. .Mxg$6,0el, t., P-'.e per volum$.00.- Vo-uesI. (P -'21)-, -,,s-II (pp. 215), II (p. 197), and IV (pp. 2S) ccVlnleed Voui V in progress, -i PSt(ThI.oLGY-George 5<, Stratton, Editr. Volmes. I aend anInpr,ogress.-''''' UNIVINSITT oF CA.1tIOIA OEOICL-A orcal re?qod .of Utnivesty life, --= '' ssued qately, e;ditedby cmittee Ofth Paculty. - 1A peryear.ur-- rLen voluPe M, !X. '* r- s aUrts f noion coucerning teo Monts To Uniaerity of California Pr,. ;y C ;'r'a