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I ? ,,,?_?'.-. -, ,Rtl?I ,i??.,?_,?,:-.?.:?_ 1_1;v .__, 'i. ".I. -,- i,-?. 04 ,?a. ,,- ,?4--? ?,-,.41,-_-, ,,, .- A,'-- ---q', _-I? ..-?'?'?--?;.-? ,---- -V:-Vr,??, ,?', ---.' -?. ". ? 4" - ?-?t " J- - -,4 t, Z,: -?,-,,, ?, ,.,- - ?? .?, i? - '. - , , "il,'? q. --,,,,, "-, -_,?_, -, , , ,, ,?A ?_,N?, ,-11 ?,--,", . ?'...,I I"T 'i*, ---'f. -A??:-1-4I,'! i "'. -X---?, -V.711,;,? 'I; "; "I ??-.?11? --u -."i-, i,-.?l "',, .?;,"?,I-t ? .`?._," -,Y., ---, - f ,?-, .,,,?- -?? I -? iQ _1?4-.-'-,., ,ir-?--i ?-3d pers. imperative -'q (fem.)~ - a (3d pers. imperative (after a-vowels-only N. Yana) - 'a (fem.) -dja' imperative with 1st pers. sing. obj. -kei-gi' imperative with lst pers. plur. obj. -wi-, -wl- prefixed in imperative, in forms with 2d pers. plur. subj., to pro- nominal endings proper Sapir: The Fundamental Elements of Northern Yama 1. Paradigm of Present Tense (-si-) you (him) -slwd 'ma -sindja -si 'nu (ma) -siwa'nu (ma) -si (fem. -s) -sk' iwa 'ma -ske i 'nigi -si 'nuga us you (pI.) -siwdm 'ga -sk' iw&gi -ske iwa 'nigi -ske iwaqw,igi -siwa 'nuga -ske iwam 'ga 2. Paradigm of Future Tense (-si-) me you (him) -sik !6wd 'ma -sik!6 'a -sik.'6wddja *-si'nu (ma) -sik!6wandja *-siwa 'numa -si'i (fem. -si) -sik !6k iwd 'ma -si 'nigi -sik !6wawidja *-si'nuga -dja ' -widja ' us -sik !6ke iwdgi -sik !6ke iwa 'nigi -sik !6ke iwawigi you (p1.) sik !6wam 'ga *-siwa 'nuga -sik !6k iwdm 'ga * same as in present tense. 3. Imperative Paradigm me you you (p1.) we (hortatory) Subj. ai indefinite 3d pers. aidje le (male) lC{ta aidje (female)5 aiye 'e (male) "that yonder" aiye (female)5 dji article with following pos- sessed noun of 1st pers. sing. or plur. aidji article with following pos- sessed noun of 1st pers. sing. or plur. (more emphatic) dju article with following pos- sessed noun of 2d pers. sing. or plur. (him) i- 'i' (ferm. - 'i) |-'a' (fem. -'a) -wi 'i' (fem. -wi') -ha 'nigi us -k!igi ' -wik' igi ' 4. Syntactic Elements of 3d Person Poss. Obj. k! "his, her, gi (used with following its, their" noun when it is non- subjective or is not possessed by t h i r d person) aik' aidjek' aiyeke aigi aigidje 'e I aigidje {aige'e aige gidji aigidji gidju I you he we you (p1.) me -siwadja -siwandja -siwawidja I you he we you . (pl.) 1922] 231 232 Univer&ity of California Publications sn Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 13 aidju article with following pos- aigidju sessed noun of 2d pers. sing. or plur. (more emphatic) aits' "the" (somewhat more aigits'? emphatic than ai) aidja (male) "here, there, faigidja aits" (female) thus" aigits-f 5. Independent Pronounts of 1st and 2d Persons Sing. 1 a'i'nidja 2 a'i'nu (ma) Plur. 1 a'i 'nigi, a'ike i 'nigi 2 a'i'nnuga B. TENSE-MODAI SUFFIXES -Si (3d pers. -si), present tense -si- (3d pers. -si'i), future tense -ha, -xa (3d pers. -ha), past tense, implies personal knowledge on part of speaker -t'i (3d pers. -tti), quotative -wara (3d pers. -wara), perfect (may also be suffixed to -tfi) -'ni-, -n'-, remote past (generally prefixed to other tense-modal elements): -n 'ha-, "quite some time ago," on personal knowledge of speaker - 'niwara, remote non-quotative past -n 'ti, "long ago, as they say" (used in myths) -n 't' iwara, remote quotative past -ha, hortatory with 1st pers. plur. (see Imperative Paradigm) -ma-, used with interrogative stems (prefixed to tense-modal elements proper) -ma (3d pers. -ma'a), usitative; -ma'ni, past usitative -gara- (generally prefixed to other tense-modal elements), "pray!" appeal -magar(a'), appealing imperative -sha (ra), "true enough, as it turns out," inferential -kc!ara'(a'), imperative ("let 's see you ! -kItu (3d pers. -kk!u'i), dubitative; -mak !iU, usitative dubitative -(ma) -sik!u, future dubitative ("I don't know ... will...") -p'a-(3d pers. -pea'a), potential -spe a (3d pers. -sp' a 'a), past potential ("should, would have") Yau(na) l1st pers. sing. intentive ("I shall , let me ") -yaub (f em.) NOTE.-Several tense-modal elements contract with causative - 'a. Such are: -prd-=-'a- + -pfa- -m- - 'a + usitative -ma- -gard- 'a- + -gara- -mdgar (a ') =- 'a- + -magar (a') -s&- (3d pers. -s&'a) = - 'a- + fut. -si- Sapir: The Fundamental Elemnents of Northern Yana -tf 6- (3d pers. -t e6'a) = 'a- + -t' i- -n 't? 6, - 'n6wara- = - 'a- + -n 't? i-, - 'niwara- - 'n6ha- - 'a- + -n 'ha- (-- 'ni-ha-) - 'ha-- 'a- + -ha- -k !6- (3d pers. -k ! 'a) =-'a- + -k !u- -'a' (fem. -'a) -'a- + imperative -'a' (fem. 'a) - 'a (fem. - 'a)= -'a- + infinitive - 'a (feem. - 'a) C. PASSIVE AND ACTIVE FORMS Where possible, stem vowel (vowel of first syllable) undergoes change in passive forms:, o becomes a, a o becomes a 6 becomes i, i e becomes i All forms with first or second personal object are treated, as regards vocalism, like passives, as are also certain other "static" forms, e.g., forms with suffixed -p!a- (see under Part II). Conversely, when possible, stem vowel (vowel of first syllable) takes on " causative " or "active " vocalism in causative and certain other transitivizing forms: a becomes o6 (in open syllables); o, u (in closed syllables; always o in Yahi) a becomes 6 ii, X (in open syllables) becomes 6 ut (in closed syllables) becomes o, u (always o in Yahi) i becomes 6 (in open syllables); e, i (in closed syllables; always e in Yahi) i becomes 6 Diphthongs (ai and au) remain unaffected. Secondarily passive forms of causa- tives derived from verbs with "active" vocalism to begin with retain their causative vocalism. Examples: Primary 6: m6'sindja, I eat (it) ina'siwa'a, it is eaten ma'siwandja, he eats me ma'siwadja, you eat me m6"asindja, I cause him to eat (it) m6"asiwandja, he causes me to eat (it) Primary a: 'asd'si, she goes away ?6'sa'asi, he causes her to go away fas'"asiwandj(a), he causes me (female) to go away Two passive elements are found: 1. -wa- (3d pers. -wa'a); all forms in transitive paradigm with -wa-, -wa-, are really passives 2. Lengthening of final short vowel; or suffixing of - ' to final consonant, long vowel, or diphthong, e.g.: passive of perfective -wara- is -ward- passive of infinitive - 'i is - i passive of verbal noun -yau (na) is -yau 'i 1922] 233 234 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 13 D. SUBSTANTIVAL DERIVATIVES OF VERBS - 'i (fem. - 'i), infinitive; passive - '1 -'a (fem. -la) after a-vowels (only in N. Yana), infinitive; passive - 'a -yau (na) (fem. -yau), verbal noun; passive -yau 'i -mau(na) (fem. -mau), participle (passive in force in transitive verbs) -wa, -w (fem.), participial or nominal suffix used with preceding article (dji... -wa " my"; dju... -wa "your"), particularly to subordinate after interrogative stems E. INTERROGATIVE ELEMENTS -n (used by men) -i after consonants, -yf after long vowels and diphthongs; or lengthening of final short vowel of male form (used by women) {-na (male) requires negative answer -ga (female) requires negative answer -kei- -itn1 -(ale), emphatic affirmative (e.g.," I did...") -keia- (before -ha) *--long vowel (female) IV. NORTHERN YANA NOUN SUFFIXES -na (male only); -la added to all nouns ending in consonant, long (after -I-) vowel, or diphthong, and to all monosyllabic or no ending (female)J l noun stems -si, -djiis i, agentive; -dj'iya, female agent -ya, female (all names of females are included) -djuwa, found in some animal names -k!u forms small number of derivatives from verbs in -di-, -ri- "down" (e.g., bare'k!u "rain" from barn- "to rain"); forms adverbial nouns from "colorless stem" i- and local verb suffix -di-, -ri- "down" (e.g., irl'k!u "below") -madu, locative element suffixed to nouns ("place of; at") -p!a, diminutive -ts !gi, -ts !&gi, diminutive plural -p!d(na), result of activity (1) -ri'mau(na), -di'mau(na), place of activity (suffixed to verbs) -ts !i, "scattered pieces'" ('I) -wi, -t'. ..-wi, plural, collective NOTE.-Many nouns in -yauna and -mauna have lost most of their verbal force (e.g., m6'yauna "food" from m6- "to eat"). U>ERSITX rX' OALZ? OP*I PV3L1CATIONS.-(C0Ut1UUe) 1 CeremonieOsiof-the Pomo,lZdi*ns, Xby! S A.Bkrtett Pp.41 97-441, 8 tert . : '-f:u11. Po_no:Boar ;ocor -by & A.- BarretPp 4 plte 75 J Vo 18. p.i- The Po1to :of ganu fIn the HIoko Stock, 1by EN Sapr4 ;Pp 1.44. J-uIy, -;-; 2.- W,-.lie Ya3laIn,U$:;-,by 1. T.. Waterman.-Ppw. 8540, pltes 120. FOrbruay, -'- 3. TahI Arery, bye Sato- YT. op- Pp. 1085 plates '2147. X ;-l:, 1918 ".7 41. Rman Terms Qf t by Bdwrd a Pp 1t3.17 Ma1ch; 191 .25 - ' -5. The MeIc iloyfsh, by- St- T. Po1O.' Ppl,. 175-213, plates ; 34,, - --, t 6. 0TheeFmd'amezital.E euts -of NothrnTawbyEdwardSaplr. Pp. 15 O, J *234. Apr, 1922.. R-'-{- --7. '-''FufletilM,i1i~s of the Pati, bjy W.C.if.- lcer.O P., 235-2. April, -- 1922".. . ... .4--* ^ @*---..-----..-.----- - --.35 _ _ * Vol. 14.; 1L The ;Lanta-e of t*i alinn- Xnd , by I. AlXde ;Mason Pp.- 1454.-'-,- 19-J;S1t.;- ..........._ ..;j5 .......- -- -2. Clan4 and X tIes In- Southern Calfornia, ty dw t- Winsbow Giord.- ;- Pp. 155.219, ~ figrein text. )gaIct-19 .'. . .- ...t.e....2.7 ;-'~ -" - 5 -- r, ;1919 wX ; b?*t-X* - - Et Eimogeography ad *Arel?eoloy fth, WIyo Tentry, byZi*sewelyiL i0- -p 221d*-P436, pats -2,15-teXi fgiaes., Decemb%er 19,18. .................................. M-'O0 - The WIntu -i re, by SY. A. Barett. p 437488, plates 22.23,O &11gures Itext . March,1919.--x- -..t.... ..... - --;- --5 . -Thef 1genetc; fltlnshp o f thse Wort Aie*c I nd ian Laguags; by Or- Swi he'run;X} -n Y=d42,90+>-*-g- - A , < ,hdeF > S~m to - d Aid-' e; U <; " -VoL 15, -'1 Igao ,Lsw,-'by-R. P. llrton.> Pp 1- plates 143. Fobruy 1919 ;,.... ,2u0,00'- 2 ,. K; abalol; sogs, ;by; 0.3. Moss ant- A. L. Er-~ Pp. 1,87-208. May 1919 2 0- -'3.abli Law an-d Xlual, by 0,-, 3.. Moss. Pp.- 207342,plates 34c37. October 7. 1a V -, f ; ut byL ...0 ..... .... . . ..............17 ,", r4. E.an-a Ceremenies,' by- 0. Z Mose. Pp. 34-34 Oct,ob'er,F 920- . .t. *. .65 -V-O-L--5. If Tgao Economics, lnby> .. P. Baitoi, P. 5-4 plas -45 April, -1922 1 .0 V;-ol. i06 1. Myths 'of--* the Sothr Sira3 Ewky 8.' A-K 3aBet -< Pp 1.28. M'rch,, 2 ' , -?. The >Latr1Iiea1--Coplex by RLobert' UI.- Xi'. ,Pp. -945. Marcli, '1919.....- .15 - -8. The I4nuit- Familie- of CaliforW-a, -by Itolandl B. Dt*ou andi A.K ?; -- -rebr Pp 47^-11, mW- ap, 1,, 1 flgu,re ln teX.' Stemnbei, 1;-9184.9' .' .7-5'- ' -- '"4. Galenldars' ofthe Indians 4o?tbof M o; by. L>ona' tope. Pp. 1W1976, - - -ith $ maps. N e 1q19, *---. .75. *i - 5. 6 Yrok r xpb b ' T. T. -Watrman; Pp. 1771, -plaes 1B - 1 text -Y .... - .'~~~~D-ieib tj_11I 4 - - -, 'ot -- "W UAL ,iw -Sb B ' O ...*.. ...,'M,+< 374. ..-,'t*.'. 'w . -8- ih-I-Ca. uilla I4ans, y Z.ull oOper. Pp. 3815480. April, 1.920. .7................................ 5 - , -7. TIe-Aitbograpy oSf' V inbg In^dian b PulZaimz. P.8,81-47.'''-, r . r < t * *P ew*e Bw* ** _ ... -'-..--.. . -. .. ,. . 1.0 # ,- - - 8. T=uman Tri,besf t1he Lover0 Colr(, b,y A. 1. K-roeber., 'Pp 475,,48-, - August, 1920 .A.....----..- Y1rol. 17. 1 ,The t*~ouxrcsa~i g 4thuict d o the Iltory of the A^cieut elicansby ;'~- -7 ; ~Pau lidn ;Psi.- 1-1, 17 plts. -un, -1920 * ... . . . ..................... - - N . 1.752 T2.- C alfr Culture vnMsb by A. L. Ereer. Pp. 15169, 2 maps. ; -;-- --Septeber 1920-. -................ ..... ...- ,* -..*-.... - .25.... . ... VolueS-no - ompeted - - Vbbm6 gI lm - - 41 - - 6 --;- ' --;olumo-- 1.'" 193-1904.' 378 'pages ad 30 ptes,_.;'. -. ._...> $4.2 Volume 2. s 190497. 393 pages and 21 plates -...._._.- 3.*0 V;buxle '. 1 h mopolg ,, l -of-, the lips Language, 344 page -._..to.r' 3.50 Volum,e 4. 19,6,1907. -374 pages. wMit S- t,ble, 1O pl ate; and ap......._........ 3.5ff0 ..-- Volu- e 56. 07-1'910., 384pages, with 2 ltes..s7....342,.50. Volume 0. 1908; 400 page,wit 3 aps. . . . . m ;r50 Volume ' ;. e; 7. 1 i902I4O '4b4es. and 19 pates ... -.'...3.50 .,-Volume 8. 19081910. 369 pags and 28l.at,.. . . *3.5 Vle . 1910-1911. 439 pagf#e *.,..393.50 Vo-lume 10. -191E14914'. 385 pages a. nd:41 plaWte s- ' _. .Z. 3-'50 V olume 11., 1911-1916. 479 pages and ,45 plates...... . 3.5*---",**;*+ 0 V folurnea1.: 1-i61. e73!age apd, plates ..45.... ....... .....00 --Volume 14. 1918.1X19. 505 pages awl 21 pate0 S.... ,........................ .........-!~-- 5... -- 00 - Note-Th niversity.- of. Calforiiia Pbicationsare offeredin exchange for. tiho fpubl-. -ca.tions of le.arned soceie.ndlstitutious, iirstiesan'lbrrie.lomletits!ofm- S.-the publitiofs of -theUiverst1y wil b-e Aset upon re' e For sample' copies, list :of -publicatios orother information,- addrege th MANAG;Z OF THE IVERSfrY -- PBE8S, 8ERZ1'LEY, CA, 0eUQ. S>. 8A-. :.,'A .tter set -An ;echane hi uxd be . ddressed to -THE- EXCIUWGE DI T 1UxIvr.kSITg Y -LBEAUZ- B L UxiVBZIYOF OAIOIL PU8tOATOB(*t3u) So low Iadinn 3aakOtmym & A. Ba 1806, plte 150, 231 te$t figumte ehsinb - - 1.75 4 Sheim d o -the, aan Tra s c a. Beglou- bs 0 85 Plt1 32. Dpeembe 1909 ._0 5 3. Tb. Elll1 Landing Sbell , bYN~. 0. )reln.; Pp. 53742 plates 36650. Ine,pp. 24, Vol.8. :1. A ou Recordof theCalfornia ndians, fr*m a scrptin -the -: -Baicrot. Libraty by A. 2k .r r Pp, 1;27 .................. -ay :~0 .B , .25 * 2. of T togapy of th0 a bndiaOs, b-A4.. rroeber.O P -2948,: pe l5. Jyi, J .. -27- 5. - h - Relilin: of thY:e LVUleflo an Dl.gueoInis of{ SoutherF .GaII - rl -- bt - 69on;ac Goddard D1ilS. Pp. 69-8s, p 1619'. Je1908 .-. 1.25 4. -:-:- -The Culture ofth Luaff Idins bt P:hili Stda1"rm.P. 187..-.- - pleHs 20. August, 108 e . . . . I.. -. . . .o5 . , : R:X otesUrl -asYeulleto tr Oalf b A..L,Kr:ber. Pp. -235-269t September, 1909 ~ ..... . . ....... . 8. The Illglu Pratl.esof 'the DiegeoIdas by -T. T. Waterman. Pp. 271.35 8, ple 2L1-28l ................... ,~rh 191.. ... ..... .!80* Index, pp t-. -3m6e9 VoL 1 Tan Texts, by Edd, ae rtgether. with Tan. MYths clestePbP. ~~~~ol! ;l DIxon. Pt).@ 14.2A-f F~ebray,1-910.~ > . . ...... a--- ^2. Th* 0htuaimad otadzXL-gaes y A.~ Lk roebor., p. 2S7.271.-:w 3. TeLNgu~esot,0.. ....... .w- thees'f0Zfri )*t of @9**an@ww* Fraciso,@ byv A............. -- ..,Ts .- roseber. .'Pp.2Z73438, an. Zdttia-Apri, 11a1.,.. .X..*. -.' t 0 ~Inex, pp.487439. -l.*: 10. 1. PhonetIc Cdonstltueus ofX th at1 anguages of.: Ofoia, bro A. L.- 0 ) >Kroehr,. Pp.12. Myg,. 1911 * . - . .1-X! -* -- )s 2--t. Th2-ontEc :Blezunt of theI1rErn Painte- Langage7 b TT.1-.Wja :e- ma: . Pp. 134, plste 1.5 Ro0 ...em.e.,.011..... ........ . 45 . . $ Phonet lemnt 01t Mobave Ianigbage, bY A. L. }re Pp 4596, -~~~pae 8. - :20.7F l~ewber 1911 ......... ..~................ . ..... ..... * . -.. .65 pltoeer 17 Dece~mber~An, 112-.i11 5. 0 @ Papago Verb'Sems, by Jun Dolor-s. ePpf 241-f2~ .AUgut 1913 ............. .2 ;-.f N*tes-o the Chilula Indian OF NoQrthesten Caitnia, by lIny Ea:rlek- 7. -C.. ul,-.Tex-s, by lPliujy Earle^ Goda4 lIp 289479. Novebex 1914 .....1.00' V oli.' It I.Eleet of th K*aoLanguag -byPtin Earl Goddard. Pp'178 plat'' es - - :C 2.--Phoneic 7Eleets of? t.he ieuLl 0Lagge. 10bYd A.- L. &eean. 3^-.1. : -r - :t-n. Pp. 17.18 Apr11, 1914 . ..| ..........S._. ... | .1 13. Sal Tt, by PlO lod. Pp. 12 'Fbrr1915 : >4. Serla, Tequi teca, an skn, by:.A. I.. 2>Q1robet. Pp 2920. er. 2. Ofi o Ora j:.8Suth etral Catfona, by- Edard 'Wnso GIfrd Pp 291-296,1 Fbruary, iPIG .................~. ............_.. ._; .05 T- The Delneationofh n teAe anArt by T.ae an. Pp 273 xo6 Ma-r -1916.. 1.00 7. The Mttu I~aeeo 0oat-nea Wbased on B$heO VO-abUlary of 5Do Ia Cuesta, -- : y 3 J. Aldena. P 894V2. Match;61916 -...... :.7 - 0 W - - ndex, pp. 478479 S L12.. Com epomton of galio elo by EdwArd WiowrGfrd. Pp. - X- C^liFoshla> d I p - -- -- --- -. C-liforniaceF es of. 7-i g, . . K . Pp. 1-40 *-by;p Jun L.....................- .40 4.> M' o 0-fit'Moitie, bydard WIn;o Gifod gp.13-14.June, I11 '.5 5. On Plotn th Indecion of th V , by Conlu B. Bradley. Pt ts9; : Pp-:. 219-248b , 3117. .0 ._0 7 3a. ets Cth ttetdy b o PI* Ir o; Orgasa. tlQ by T. Te Wa: . -t -er. .4-~*-- ebruar-1117 ... .5 : -t K*F Ed rdot 7 ,48S. ; fo, 1;1--. 8. 31wbk ~ths,. ~ ~dwar4 Winslow -mr..P.2848 pao8.M - . fornia insL$. Systm16r. L, ........._ .60