UNIVERSIT-Y OF 'CALIFOR.NIA PUBLICATIONS; -MRCAN AC EOLOGY AND -ETHNOLOG Y, Vol. 113, Noi. 1Ip. 3 Jul-y -12,191g7 THE ~-POSITIION-OF YANA' IN ThE HOK-AN STOCK'h, BY E AP IR: -UNIVRIY drp CALIPO NIA -PRES BERKELEYf t1N!V3sITY o OALIYR3IA PLI33O tvO?~ D.PA3T; .;OP- ANT=OLOQ1- Theolwgpubliationsdealigwith arhaeologialad et l su s issu aed fldete dirct ot Dent i exange f t li otion of- rde e a af jo-ai dto t geral anthropology ortoarchaeology aDh etology. Thyaxe for sal at pth std. Exchlanges s4l- be diete--d'to Thie Depr iei Libr, y Calfrnia, Us. S. A.Al orer ane--d -tOmittances sod be MreSO hte Uni0r-- f; _ eS' '' . ' '-. ' *m ' new' , 2 t-g, .' =-, t.4/,we9 , dlogy, flduaation, o odgyn Phlology, l'bIlosoph, and Phfl,- 0,log Otto io- ,7i, . FPor the seriesto, Geotogy,- Patholog,Phyiolo , ad A .ean Archieclogy and t4hnology, B'Fripuder - Shi AMERICAN A - HAOL(ICdY AND -L0 G H Y. L oe er '_ :to ?i .V1olum 1, : 2;- Voue 2 to 13, e,-.-X0 e l 12- foliowing - @l ted as -Uuiv. 0A1Pab. Am Arb t*n P rlces VoL1. 1 i- L -Ife ad G ltur -o 4 t 1 tX '''- P tix aups, .3__'-areG4dr~ p 1~ r S . 3 % r h; 1904 ..W. 3.00 N z ~~]- uv>!hs *L2- 0~~~~ VL027 ;.ldts4. Aai3$,t 104.40 S. The LaCn~ 1 b~*ioaIa ot f 3nPRIdI,b yes o I ,d 0u if W fi n yA.L rbt PpE 3140$. Pp-'-'. ' - . ._Tauury; 407 ......~.....................25 hi d e, p. L -II2I riginal documents presee n ad by Z- s ^~~~ Gnibto t-oL th. .1 f-af f;hyscal -LAale:itsbr4gy of }aiori b& ont e-f. ; .t1;ns .s t. Deataiqut. of * opoi. gy-of th-_ Uiversty of** -t V~~Qaiorna aid in t *= --s0 v r-4. Inda Myh -rw .$ou1 tb (DDtts CalfOnia, by=-1 A. Z, Eree.. .~ ~ ~ 5 Th W.---ngag o- .-as Ceta ^a:ori an -1eaa -yA - * i *; 404, ^ $roett + Xh6ber p. 2S* Seteer 319 7 .. ...* . .7 s'. These thei o l b A e Pp. 1-* -858 Septenlbe4 1 f.......... .88 VoL~~ 8.1 h Poooy otlHipa-E_ae Prrt* I. Th Iniida ,o.s, Ar {7 7 93 \ t-<_ 5e s l th 041t Ai S - by P b ; Go&dar& ................ . March1 1907 ........ - _ .3_ 4. ~e Maeria Outf Mf Hue Lue ndM*oego;n - -- ---- - k? -f -v W+ -1 7 ; ~~P. ' 9-292. -' . ,plnl+bi-bS&'e; ari:ITtes 1Lunal aIi; : -.-75;0- *~~~ ~~ P'I-X - ~ x 8 *$ >O OSI S- -0 t Th -LZe CMm-,;ko Indan an Lagag by w.i~ - ,lo. PP 29g._w ZjL Vo . -1. Th En-(egay o te ?oE an -bobg4~e ''~ 'a w~~~~e Afe.yto~ p. 145, n10 .t _ P - r _ ', 19a* w U VoL-6 he Geogab n lintsleote> A- ofteWo tln%b a Afed ; ~ ~ ~ i a nRaO~ - -~W c ou Xn; t FebrgSp ;2uary, 190$X8 M O Index, pp. 881400. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.0 0 _* j_t, Af M a1@^*t= --t-_z4**- * ]!-s \ \ 4 ~~~~~~~~~bE U sfreAi F ~ /w;~8sEKi