UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS I N AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY VOLUME 12 A. L. KROEBER EDITOR UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY 1916-1917 Cited as Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Ethn. CONTENTS NUMBER 1.-Composition of California Shellmounds, Edward Winslow Gifford, pages 1-29. NUMBER 2.-California Place Names of Indian Origin, A. L. Kroeber, pages 31-69. NUMBER 3.-Arapaho Dialects, A. L. Kroeber, pages 71-138. NUMBER 4.-Miwok Moieties, Edward Winslow Gifford, pages 139-194. NUMBER 5.-On Plotting the Inflections of the Voice, Cornelius B. Bradley, pages 195-218, plates 1-5. NUMBER 6.-Tilbatulabal and Kawaiisu Kinship Terms, Edward Winslow Gif- ford, pages 219-248. NUMBER 7.-Bandelier's Contribution to the Study of Ancient Mexican Social Organization, T. T. Waterman, pages 249-282. NUMBE 8.-Miwok Myths, Edward Winslow Gifford, pages 283-338, plate 6. NUMBER 9.-California Kinship TloranaA. L. Kroeber, pages 339-396. NUMBER 10.-Ceremonies of the Pomo Indians, S. A. Barrett, pages 397-441, 8 text-figures. NUMBER 11.-Pomo Bear Doctors, S. A. Barrett, pages 443-465, plate 7. INDEX, pages 467-473. ERRATA, page 473.