UNIVERSITY OF- CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY Vol. 4 No. 2 CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA BASED ON COLLECTIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND IN THE U.S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BY ALES HRDLICKA BERKELEY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS JUNE, 1906 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY The publications issued from the Department of Anthropology of the University of California are sent in exchange for the publications of anthropological societies and museums, for journals devoted to general anthropology or to archaeology and ethnology, and for specimens contributed to the museum collections of the Department. They are also for sale at the prices stated, which include postage or express charges. They consist of three series of octavo volumes, a series of quarto memoirs, and occasional special volumes. AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. Vol. 1. No. 1. Life and Culture of the Hupa, by Pliny Earle Goddard. Pages 88, Plates 30, September, 1903 . . . Price, $1.25 No. 2 Hupa Texts, by Pliny Earle Goddard. Pages 290, March, 1904. Price, 3.00 Vol. 2. No. 1. The Exploration of the Potter Creek Cave, by William J. Sinclair. Pages 27, Plates 14, April, 1904 . . Price, .40 No. 2. The Languages of the Coast of California South of San Francisco, by A. L. Kroeber. Pages 72, June, 1904. Price, .60 No. 3. Types of Indian Culture in Culifornia, by A. L. Kroeber. Pages 22, June, 1904. .Price, .25 No. 4. Basket Designs of the Indians of Northwestern California, by A. L. Kroeber. Pages 60, Plates 7, January, 1905. Price, .75 No. 5. The Yokuts Language of South Central California, by A. L. Kroeber (in press). Vol. 3. The Morphology of the Hupa Language, by Pliny Earle Goddard. Pages 344, June, 1905. . .Price, 3.50 Vol. 4. No. 1. The Earliest Historical Relations between Mexico and Japan, by Zelia Nuttall. Pages 47, April, 1906. . Price, .50 No. 2. Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of California, by A. Hrdlicka. Pages 16, Tables 5, Plates 10, June, 1906. - . . . . . . . . . . . . Price .75 No. 3. Shoshonean Dialects of California, by A. L. Kroeber (in press). No. 4. Indian Myths from South Central California, by A. L. Kroeber (in press). Vol. 5. No. 1. The Phonology of the Hupa Language: Part I, The Indi- vidual Sounds, by Pliny Earle Goddard (in press). No. 2. Navaho Myths, Prayers and Songs with Texts and Trans- lations, by Washington Matthews, edited by Pliny Earle Goddard (in press). Vol. 6. The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo Indians, by S. A. Barrett (in preparation). UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY VOL. 4 NO. 2 CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA Based on collections in the Department of Anthropology of the University of California and in the U.S. National Museum. BY ALEv HRDLICKA. I. No other state in the Union is more interesting and important anthropologically than California. This extensive region, ex- tending over nearly ten degrees of latitude and longitude, offered by its configuration and favorable natural conditions available routes for migration and good opportunities for settlement. Of the aboriginal migrations there are no records; no movement of any great consequence took place since the advent of whites into the region in 1769; the settlement of the country by the Indian, however, was extensive and varied. The number of groups and dialects encountered here by the Spaniards reached into hun- dreds, and even at the present time the remnants of the tribes and languages, most of the latter peculiar to the regio:n, are nu- merous and perplexing.' Under these circumstances it becomes desirable to survey this territory as far as possible from the standpoint of physical anthropology. Physical features of man are less mutable than his functional and more or less artificial acquisitions, such as language, or habits and customs. Organic features do undergo frequent modifica- tions fortuitously, and through the influence of environment, but 1I ee J. W. Powell, 7th Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethnology; and R. B. Dixon and A. L. Kroeber, The Native Languages of California, Amer. An- throp., Vol. 5, January-March, 1903, pp. 1-26. 0University of California Publications. [Am. ARCH. ETH. the development of definite, important, and hereditary characters in whole groups of men, such as tribes or races, must require the time of many generations, and a change of the whole physical type of such a group would take immeasurably longer. These facts constitute an advantage to physical anthropology in deter- mining the racial affinities and past family relations of peoples; it is therefore this branch of investigation that can be expected to throw light on the intraneous and extraneous blood relations of the California Indians. Physical anthropology, in the widest sense, comprises the knowledge and comparison, in groups of mankind, of every anatomical feature of the body. Usually, however, the study is restricted to a number of the racially more important charac- teristics, which are observed partly on the living, and partly on the organs of the body, especially the skull and skeleton. The best results are possible only where the living as well as the dif- ferent parts of the lifeless body can be examined; but this is not always appreciated and in numerous instances, as with extinct tribes, is impossible. In such cases the student must content himself with whatever remnants have been gathered of the skele- ton of the people to be studied. It is thus in California. No opportunity has ever been afforded to study physically, on a large scale, the still living tribes of the State.' Meanwhile nu- merous groups are rapidly nearing extinction and of not a few, as for instance of the Islanders in the South, there are no longer any living representatives. Even of the skeletal remains of the Californians there is, except from a few localities, a great de- ficiency; and the majority of known collections consists of skulls only. 'Several of the tribes (Southern Californians, Hupas, Round Valley people) have been measured under the auspices of Professor Putnam, Chief of the Department of Ethnology of the World's Fair in Chicago; the results are included in F. Boas ' Zur Anthropologie der Nordamerikanishen In- dianer, Verhandl. d. Berlin. Anthropolog. Gesellsch., 1895, p. 367 et seq. Further anthropometric work has been done by Boas and Streeter among the southern Mission Indians; see F. Boas, Anthropometrical Observations on the Mission Indians of Southern California, Proc. A. A. A. S., XLIV, Salem, 1896, 261-269. See also Boas, Anthropometry of Central California, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, pp. 347-380, 1905, based on measure- ments among the Round Valley Indians and the Maidu by Chestnut and Dr. R. B. Dixon. 50 VOL.4] Hrdlicka.-Physical Anthropology of California. The most important collections of California crania are those from the southern islands with the proximate Santa Barbara County, preserved mainly in the National Museum and the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. Lesser gatherings from these localities exist in Prague, Berlin, and Cambridge, in Europe. This material has already received scientific attention. A series of skulls was described by Jennie Smith and L. Carr in 1871,1 Carr in 1897,2 3 Otis in 1880,4 Virchow5 in 1889, Harrison Allen" in 1896, Matiegka7 in 1904, and Pocock" in 1905. The data thus accumulated are not as homogeneous as desir- able; the American collections require a restudy by modern methods and instruments; nevertheless we are comparatively rich in the craniological knowledge of the region covered, which is an additional stimulus for extending the investigation over the remainder of the State. Within the last five years the Department of Anthropology of the University of California, under the leadership of Pro- fessor F. W. Putnam, has given the subject attention and is forming an osteological collection. In 1902 twenty good crania from various parts of the mainland, which had been gradually acquired by the University, were sent by Professor Putnam to the writer for exaamination. 1 Measurements of the Crania received during the year (taken by Miss Jennie Smith and Mr. L. Carr), 11th Ann. Rep. Peabody Mus., Cambridge, Mass., 1878; (Vol. II of the Reports, pp. 221-223). 2 L. Carr, Measurements of Crania from California, 12th Ann. Rep. Pea- body Mus., Cambridge, Mass., 1879; (Vol. II of the Reports, pp. 497-505). 'L. Carr, Observations on the Crania from the Santa Barbara Islands, Cal., U. S. Geol. Surveys W. of the 100th meridian (Wheeler's), Vol. VII, Archaeology, Washington, 1879, pp. 276-292. Includes Otis' data. 'G. A. Otis, List of the Specimens in the Anatomical Section of the U. S. Army Med. Mus., Washington, D. C. (This collection is now in the U. S. Nat. Mus. and will ultimately be reexamined.) 5R. Virchow, Beitr. z. Craniologie d. Insulaner v. d. Westkiiste Norda- merikas, Verhandl. d. Berlin. Gesell. f. Anthrop., Ethnol. and Urgesch., 1889, 382 et seq. " Harrison Allen, Crania from the mounds of the St. Johns River in Fla.; J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., N. S., X. 4, pp. 391 et seq. Includes description of several California skulls from the mainland. 'J. Matiegka, U. Schaedel und Skelette von Santa Rosa (Sta Barbara Archipel bei California); Sitzber. d. K. bohm. Gesell. d. Wiss., II Classe, Prague, 1904, pp. 1-121. The only one to describe other skeletal parts, be- sides the skulls, from the region. 8W. I. Pocock, Crania from Shell-bearing Sand-hills near San Francisco, now in the Cambridge Museum, Man, Oct., 1905, pp. 148-152. ( This paper was received too late for its contents to be incorporated. It deals with four imperfect specimens.) 51 University of California Publications. [Am. ARCH. ETH. The series was found to be a very interesting one, but not as large as desirable. Since then, however, it has become possible for the writer to examine and incorporate with .the report the data upon twenty-seven California mainland crania in the U. S. National Museum. The conjoint report is herewith presented. The combined material is still far from ample; nevertheless the data obtained contain many rather surprising and valuable indi- cations. II. The material to be described consists of forty-seven skulls, the distribution of which is marked on the accompanying map.1 The best represented regions are the central counties, especially the territory about the bay of San Francisco; there is almost nothing from the most northern and southern counties. The most unexpected and important result of the examina- tions is the close agreement in many respects of a large majority of the crania. This makes possible a grouping together of the various specimens, and will simplify tabulation. It was found particularly difficult in this series to separate all the female from the male crania. This was due, on one hand, to the small size of many of the skulls which on account of other features had to be classed as male, and on the other hand to the frequent approach of the crania of the two sexes in such sex dif- ferentiating characteristics as the supraorbital ridges, mastoids, thickness of the vault, and angle of the lower jaw. It was in this connection that the want of other parts of the skeleton, espe- cially the pelvis, was felt badly. In one instance (178.148) the presence of the pelvis of the same skeleton alone permitted a determination of the cranium as that of a male. The rule ad- hered to in the records was, to class as masculine, skulls in which the sum of distinguishing features pointed to the male sex, and vice versa. The frequent approach in several characteristics of 1 When the University of California skulls were sent to Dr. Hrdlicka in 1902, systematic cataloguing of all the collections of the Department of Anthropology had not been undertaken, and the skulls in question, accumu- lated during a series of years, were accompanied only by loose labels and were for the most part unmarked for identification. In consequence a con- fusion appears possibly to have taken place between two of the skulls. Num- ber 12-81 is perhaps from Sather, Alameda County, and 12-82 from Sand- spit, Humboldt Bay, instead of as given.-[EDIToR.] 52 VOL-4] Hrdlicka.-Physicat Anthropology of California. female skulls to those of males indicates probably a related amount of muscular activities in numerous members of the two sexes. A number of the specimens were more or less damaged, two showed what were apparently signs of fire, and one, from a cave in Calaveras County, was incrusted with a layer of stalagmite 2 to 4 mm. thick, but not one showed any gross pathological condi- tion. Nothing at all was met with that would indicate syphilis, rachitis, hydrocephalus, or such a premature closure of any su- ture as would affect the cranial form. Artificial deformation of the skull existed in four cases only. It consisted in each one of these of a slight occipital compression, such as is produced by the weight alone of the child's head in the cradle. No skulls that were not of adults are included in the series. The age of the individuals represented by the specimens was judged by the advance of synostosis in the sutures and the de- gree of wear of the teeth; the estimates are of course only ap- proximative. Many of the crania were undoubtedly those of persons above 50, but no one showed a really high senility. The instruments and methods used in the examination were, with a few exceptions, those of the French school. The capacity was determined by the method described by the writer, in 1903, in Science;' which with repeated tests remains satisfactory, giv- ing, with proper care, data that are very near the absolute capac- ities. In facial measurements the heights to nasion instead of those to the uncertain Broca's ophryon were preferred. The two orbits differ more or less in every individual, therefore both were measured, and the records and index given are the mean of the two. The mean cranial diameter, or cranial module (Schmidt), is at least as good an expression of the size of the skull as the circumference and is therefore also given. Flower's gnathic in- dex is used to indicate the grades of prognathism. Measurements of the palate, or rather of the superior dental arch, have also been taken according to the method of Flower, with the little excep- tion that the breadth taken is the maximum one, while that of 1A Modification in Measuring Cranial Capacity; Science, N. S. Vol. XVII, June 26, 1903, 1011-1014. 53 University of California Publications. [AM. ARCH. ETH. Flower, above the middle of the second molars, is not always the greatest dimension (though the difference is never considerable). The region about the second molars is not free from variation, hence it seems more correct to take always the maximum dimen- sion wherever it occurs on the normal parts of the alveolar bor- der. The cranial circumference is the maximum one above the supraorbital arches. An effort was made, with resulting advantages, to arrange the descriptive terms also in columns, like the figures. The tables thus made pernmit an easier survey of various characteristics of the crania and facilitate analysis. A serious difficulty of every detailed description of the skull is the employment of proper, universally intelligible terms. I have endeavored to use, wher- ever possible, ordinary terms that need no explanation; and where the element of comparison to some standard is a necessity, the standard held in mind was a cranium of a white of the same sex, with average features. III. The California mainland crania are characterized mostly by small size, which in the Indian is a fairly safe suggestion of small stature. About Centerville, and on the islands and in the vicin- ity of the bay of San Francisco, larger crania indicate a better developed, probably better nourished, people. The accompany- ing tables give an abstract of the data on cranial capacity, the mean cranial diameter, and the circumference of the skull. The value of the measurements is such that the averages in the males just about reach the averages of white females, while the female crania approach microcephaly. Nowhere on this continent is the mean size of the Indian skull lower, though there are localities in several parts of the United States, Mexico and Peru, where it is equaled. Naturally, the data do not speak well for either the physical or mental development of the Californians. 54 VOL.4] [rdlicka.-Physical Anthropology of California. MEN. Cranial Per cent. No. of Capacity. of Skulls. Skulls. 10OL-1100-- ...........- 1101.-1200 ........ 9.00 (2) 1201.-1300 ........ 13.50 (3) 1301.-1400 .. ...... 41.00 (9) 1401.-1500 ........ 27.50 (6) 1501.-1600 ........ 9.00 (2) Average . ... 1357.00 c.c. Total number of specimens (22) MEN. Cranial Per cent. No. of Module. of Skulls. Skulls. 14.01-14.50. 14.51-15.00 ........ 21.50 (6) 15.01-15.50 ........- .... 43.00 (12) 15.51-16.00 ........- .... 36.00 (10) Average ...................-... .. 15.23 Total number of specimens (28) MEN. Circumference Per cent. Maximum. of Skulls. 46.1-47.00. 47.1-48.00 - 48.1-49.00 .................... 12.50 49.1-50.00 .......- ..... 15.50 50.1-51.00 ....... 34.00 51.1-52.00 .......-.. . 28.00 52.1-53.00 ....... - ...... 9.00 Average ..................... 5 Total number of specimens No. of Skulls. (4) (5) (11) (9) (3) 50.70 (32) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 27.00. (3) 45.50 (5) 27.00 (3) 1161.00 c.c. (11) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 69.00 (9) 31.00 (4) 14.41 (13) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 28.50 (4) 21.50 (3) 36.00 (5) 14.00 (2) 48.10 (14) In shape, when viewed from the front or back, a large ma- jority of the crania shows a marked sagittal elevation, so that the anterior and posterior planes terminate above in a well defined summit. This sagittal elevation begins sometimes as far ante- riorly as the middle of the frontal squama and follows the me- dian line to the vertex, or even to the obelion. To some of the specimens this elevation imparts almost a scaphoid appearance. The cause of this elevation lies in a peculiarity, perhaps an ex- cess, of growth of the parietal and occasionally also of the upper 55 56 University of California Publications. [Am. ARCH. ETH. part of the frontal bones along the sagittal and metopic juncture. The temporal ridges bear but little if any relation to this ridging, and it is not of pathological character. The feature in lesser de- grees is common in American and other crania, those of whites included. It is possible that a small cerebral growth favors its development, which would well account for its prominence among the Californians. The norma lateralis of the crania is, in the terms of Sergi, ellipsoid, the norma superior more or less ovoid (see illustrations). As in shape, so in relative proportions the crania approxi- mate one single type. As seen from the subjoined tables, 72 per cent. of the male and 92 per cent. of the female skulls are meso- cephalic, with the remaining ones closely related. In the length- height index, 75 per cent. of the male and 82 per cent. of the female crania are, using Turner's term, metriocephalic. 1v Per cent. L. B. Index. of Skulls. 71 (70.10-71.00)............... 2 ............. 3.00 3. ..--.-----------------3.00 4 ......3.............. 3.00 5 .. ......................... 12.50 76 .... .............. 7 .......................... 8 ......................... 9 .. 80.......................................... 81.............. 2........................................... 3........................................... 4 ................................. Average ...-- ................ Number of skulls .............. Dolichocephalic (BrocaIs classif.) ...... 21 Mesocephalic .................... 72 Brachycephalic .................. 6 9.00 22.00 28.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 qEN. No. of Skulls. (1) (1) (1) (4) (3) (7) (9) (3) (1) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 8.00 (1) 25.00 25.00 17.00 25.00 (3) (3) (2) (3) (1) (1) 77.34 (32) (7) (23) (2) 77.58 (12) 8 92 (1) (11) VOL-4] IHrdlicka.-Physical Anthropology of California. MEN. Per cent. L. H. Index. of Skulls. 69 (68.1-69.00).................. 70 ........3............... . 3.50 71 .................. 3.50 2 .7.00 3 ..... 18.00 4 . ............................... 3.50 5 .25.00 76 .14.00 7 ............................ ........ 14.00 8................................ 9 . ,,,,,, 11.00 80 .. Average ..................... 7 Number of skulls .............. Tapeinocephalic (Turner's classif.) ...... 14 Metriocephalic .................. 75 Akrocephalic ..................... 11 No. of Skulls. (1) (1) (2) (5) (1) (7) (4) (4) (3) '4.43 (28) (4) (21) (3) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 9.00 (1) 18.00 18.00 9.00 36.50 9.00 9 82 9 (2) (2) (1) (4) (1) 74.22 (11) (1) (9) (1) Higher proportions of one type of the cranial vault are not often present even in one and the same tribe of people. The average breadth-height index in the males is 97.6, in the females 95.8, the distribution being less regular. The face is of moderate absolute dimensions, and there are no instances of either a very short or a very long face. MEN. Facial Total Index. Per cent. (Kollman's.) of Skulls. 80. 1-85. 00 ....... 38.50 85. 1-90. 00 .------ 46.00 90.1-95.00 ....................... 15.50 Average .----------------------- Number of skulls ........ Facial Upper Index. Per cent. (Kollman 's.) of Skulls. 45. 1-50. 00 .------ . 11. 00 50.1-55.00 .----------------50.00 55.1-60.00 ........ ...... 39.00 Average --------------------- 5 Number of skulls .... No. of Skulls. (5) (6) (2) 86.22 (13) L[EN. 53.41 (18) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 20.00 (1) 80.00 (4) 86.93 (5) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 33.5 (3) 44.5 (4) 22.00 (2) 52.07 (9) ro. of 3kulls. (2) (9) (7) 57 58 University of California Publications. [AM. ARCH. ETH. Facial prognathism, as with Indians in general, is also in the Californians mostly but moderate. That in the female exceeds somewhat that in the male crania. MEN. Gnathic Index. Per cent. No. of (Flower's.) of Skulls. Skulls. 93.33-95.00 ................... 20.00 (4) 95.1-100.00 ?? -......50.00 (10) 100.1-105.00 ......... 15.00 (3) 105.1-110.00 .? 5.00 (1) 110.1-115.00 .? 5.00 (1) 115.1-118.07 5.00 (1) Average .................... 100.31 Number of skulls .............. (20) Orthognathic . 40 (8) Mesognathie .................... 35 (7) Prognathic .................... 25 (5) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 20.00 (2) 70.00 (7) 10.00 (1) 101.11 (10) 80 20 (8) (2) The palatal proportions, being related to prognathism, should be considered in this connection. They were found for the most part to be moderate. The palatal or uranic (Turner) index in almost half of the specimens shows a relative shortness of the structure. The shape of the palate, ventrally, was in the larger number elliptical, in a few instances parabolical and in a few other cases (particularly in 12-76) of the U-shape variety. MEN. Palatal Index. Per cent. N (Turner's.) of Skulls. SI 98.21-100.00 ..............._ 100.1-110.00 ............-.... 27.00 110.1-120.00 .................. 50.00 ( 120.1-125.44 ................ 23.00 Average ....... 114.73 Number of skulls . (22) Dolichouranic .................... 27 Mesuranic .................... 27 Brachyuranic .................... 46 ( WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 10.00 (1) 20.00 (2) 50.00 (5) 20.00 (2) 113.03 (10) ro. of kulls. (6) '11) (5) (6) (6) (10) 20 20 50 (2) (2) (5) The nasal index is remarkable in that it shows 52 per cent. of the males and 41?/2 per cent. of the females as leptorhynian, there being almost the same proportion of mesorhynians and but a few mild platyrhynians. The large proportion of relatively VOL.4] Hrdlicka.-Physical Anthropology of California. narrow apertures is exceptional among the Indians in general, who are prevalently mesorhynic. The tracing of this feature, even though not as yet well understood, along the western coast of the continent, will alone prove of much interest. MEN. Nasal Index. Per cent. No. of (Broca's.) of Skulls. Skulls. 38.89-40.00 -??----------------- 3.5 (1) 40.1-45.00 ....... - . 26.00 (7) 45.1-50.00 . 37.00 (10) 50.1-55.00 ....... 29.50 (8) 55.1-59.35 3.50 (1) Average ---------------- 47.87 Number of skulls (27) LeptorhyniC. . 52 (14) Mesorhynic ------- ---------- 40.5 (11) Platyrhynic --------------- 7 (2) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 8.50 (1) 41.50 (5) 50.00 (6) 49.41 (12) 41.5 (5) 41.5 (5) 17 (2) The orbital index, though ranging mostly between 85 and 95, was found quite variable, even in the same localities (e.g., Cen- terville). On the whole the males are more megaseme than the females. No plausible cause of the irregularity in regard to this point has suggested itself; it accentuates the need of more ma- terial. MEN. Orbital Index. Per cent. No. of (Broca 's.) of Skulls. Skulls. 78.75-80.00 ........-.. . 3.50 (1) 80.1-85.00 14.00 (4) 85.1-90.00 ........-.. . 31.00 (9) 90.1-95.00 ........- ... 41.50 (12) 95.1-100.00 ... ..... 10.50 (3) Average ........-.....-.... ...... 90.38 Number of skulls .............. (29) Microseme -.-- 14 (4) Mesoseme .................... 21 (6) Megaseme ------------------ 65.5 (19) WOMEN. Per cent. No. of of Skulls. Skulls. 28.50 (4) 36.00 (6) 28.50 (4) 87.19 (14) 28.5 (4) 36 (6) 28.5 (4) The thickness of the parietal is taken easily with a compass (one of the branches of which is introduced through the foramei magnum), 1 to 2 cm. above the squamous suture and along its extent; it serves as a qualificative to the circumference and other 59 University of California Publtictions. [Am. ARCH. ETH. measurements of the vault. In crania of whites this thickness ranges for the most part from 4 to 6 mm. in the males and 3 to 5 mm. in the females. In the California skulls here considered the measurements averaged about 5.5 mm. (4.5 to 8 mm.) in the males and 5.4 mm. (4.5 to 7 mm.) in the females. The mean diameter of the foramen magnum max. length + max. breadth 2 is given because it probably bears some relation to stature. It is small in both sexes in the skulls that form the subject of this paper, ranging from 29 to 38 mm. (average 31.6 mm.) in the males and from 27.5 to 33.5 mm. (average 30.4 mm.) in the fe- males. IV. The detailed descriptive characters of the California main- land crania can be in brief resumed as follows: The frontal, sagittal, and lambdoid sutures, in all the skulls, show serration more or less inferior to that in average whites. Some of the su- tures, particularly the frontal ones, are hardly serrated at all. This character is usually taken as an indication of an inferior development of the vault. The pterions, though often quite narrow, were found in every case to be of the ordinary H variety. The breadth of the parieto- sphenoidal suture ranged, in men, from 2.5 to 19 mm., in women from 7.5 to 20 mm. Evidently the size of the skull alone is not the determining agent of the form of the pteric articulation. Sutural bones are decidedly scarce in the Californians, except in some of the male crania from near Centerville. The small number of intercalated ossicles is also in general an indication of small development of the cranial vault. Examination of the teeth showed that the dentition has, in a majority of the cases, been normal; but in five of the males and two of the females there were some anomalies. In one of the male skulls (225.178) the lower lateral incisors have never appeared; in the male skull 225.194 both lower and the right upper last molars have never appeared; in the male skull 12-79 none of 60 VOL.4] 4Hrdlicka.-Physical Anthropology of California. the last molars has ever appeared; in the female skull 12-82 both lower last molars, and in the female 225.184 all the last molars, have never erupted. On the other hand, in three of the male crania a supernumerary tooth had been present (lost post- mortem). In number 225.169 the supernumerary element ex- isted between the left upper incisors; in number 225.178 a sim- ilar tooth had been present externally to the left upper incisors, and in number 12-84 one supernumerary tooth was situated ven- trally to the left upper bicuspids, while another similar tooth was present on the right, immediately in front of the anterior bicuspid. The writer has encountered such supernumerary teeth, situated in the anterior portion of the upper alveolar process, be- tween, in front, or back of the incisors, in Indian crania from other localities, and also in living Indians. Generally there is but one such supernumerary tooth and it has certain well de- fined and constant features. The tooth seems to appear during or soon after the eruption of the incisors of the second dentition; its root is usually less voluminous than that of the median upper incisor; and the free portion, well covered with enamel, is gener- ally conical in shape. This curious dental element (on which the writer reports more extensively in his Physiological and Medical Observations, etc., 31st Bull. Bur. Am. Ethn., 1906) both as to its shape and location is too constant to admit of viewing it as a meaningless, entirely fortuitous appearance. The teeth were almost in every case worn off to such a degree that the dentine was exposed on the top. In some instances the wearing was so excessive as to leave only irregularly planed bases. This wearing off of the teeth is general among Indians, and is due to the rather crude nature of their food, though it is not impossible that it is aided by the quality of the enamel. The upper incisors, where sufficiently preserved, all showed a pro- nounced concavity of the ventral surface, not unlike that of a shovel. This characteristic, rare in whites, is generally present in Indians. It is confined to the upper incisors. In four instances where the cuspids of the molars could be seen, there was found nothing unusual. In two female skulls, 12-78 and 12-70, all the teeth were sub- medium in size. 61 University of California Publications. [Am. ARCH. ETH. The characteristics of the base of the skull agree with those of Indian crania in general.' The depression of the petrous por- tions is generally less than in whites, and sometimes nearly ab- sent. The middle lacerated formina are mostly small. Both of these features are common to crania of smaller cerebral develop- ment and are directly due to the same. The styloids were found in many instances to be small; in some cases there was present only the base, scarcely 2 or 3 mm. in height. The measurements of the length in the tables of detail are from the base, as far as it could be seen, to the apex. The jugular foramina were generally smaller than in whites. Perhaps that, also, coincides with small stature. In the majority of cases, particularly in the female crania, the right foramen was the larger. In four of the male and three of the female skulls (14 per cent. and 23 per cent.) there was present a moderate sized, medio- basial ("pharyngeal") fossa. This characteristic depression is situated at or near the middle of the basilar process and is regu- larly oval in shape, 7 to 12 mm. long and usually about half of the length, or a little more, in breath; its depth varies from 1.5 to 4 mm. In a large majority of the skulls, both male and female, there was noticed, mostly on both sides, a tendency towards the for- mation, or an actual completion, of a distal, or proximal, or distal as well as proximal, pterygo-spinous foramen. The for- mation takes place by a process extending from the distal or more proximal portion of the large pterigoid wing towards the apex of the spinous process. In whites the condition has been studied by W. Gruber, and especially by Roth ;2 it is also re- ferred to by Turner.3 It is due to ossification of ligamentous bands, and is rather common in Indians. Besides these foramina there were also observed two others in this neighborhood which are in general very rare. In a number of specimens from near Centerville (localization of the feature points to its heredity) 'See writer's Certain Racial Characteristics of the Base of the Skull; Science, February 22, 1901, p. 309. 'Roth, E., Ein Beitrag zu den Merkmalen niederer Menschenrassen am Schiidel; Arch. f. Anthrop., XIV, 1882, pp. 75-77. 8 Turner, Sir Wm., Report on the Human Crania, Challenger Reporter, Zoology, Part XXIX, 1884, 119. 62 VOL.4] 4Hrdlicka.-Physical Anth.ropology of California. there was a foramen at the base of one, mostly the left, spinous process. And in one case a complete foramen was formed be- tween the base of the pterigoid and the great wing of the sphe- noid. The causes of tendency to, and the anthropological signifi- cance of, all these structures are not yet clear. They seem to develop accidentally and to propagate in limited areas through inheritance of the tendency towards their production. One feature which occurs quite frequently in Indian crania from some localities, and which was also present in rather nu- merous instances in the California mainland skulls, is what Hyrtl termed dehiscence in the bony floor of the auditory canal. The floor of the canal is generally not completed until after birth. In some instances a thorough completion is not effected and an irregular aperture, or several minor defects, remain through- out life. This is the condition known as dehiscence. It was present in a slight to moderate degree, on one or both sides, in eight of the male (27.5 per cent.) and six (46 per cent.) of the female California crania. A number of additional abnormalities appearing in one or in but a few skulls will be found referred to under the heading of miscellaneous in the detailed records. Special attention was paid to synostosis in the cranial su- tures. The examinations show that in these Californians the pro- cess generally began (externally) about contemporaneously in the middle portion of the sagittal and the inferior or pteric por- tions of the coronal suture. The nasal suture was in some cases affected about the same time, in others later. Subsequently syno- stosis appeared in the temporo-occipital and the lambdoid, and then in the malar articulation. The temporo-parietal suture re- mained potent in all the crania. On the whole, it is plain, the sequence of obliteration was much like that in the whites; it is probable, however, that in some of the California skulls the syno- stosis of the coronal suture was more rapidly advanced, or sooner completed. The general results of the examination are as interesting as unexpected. The California mainland crania from all the re- gions represented in the collection, show numerous and important relations in absolute and relative proportions, in shape, and in 63 University of California Publications. [Am. ARCH. ETH. many other features. All this points to the conclusion that the skulls are those of one single physical type of people. There are, as can be seen in the detailed data, local differences in some particulars, but these differences are in no case great enough to allow a separation of distinct types. An almost necessary con- clusion from the above is that many, if not all, of the California tribes as we see them to-day, with their different languages and perhaps other ethnological differences, sprung from one original people, their ethnological differentiation taking place later. As to its relations, the California mainland physical type is practically identical with that of the Santa Barbara mainland, and with that of at least a large part of the adjoining archi- pelago. Beyond the boundaries of the state no indication of this type has yet been found in the immediate north or in the north- west. Along the eastern border of California are the Pa-Utes. Of the physical type of these people but little is as yet known, but the few crania that have been described or are in our collections are very close indeed to the Californians. A single Pa-Ute skull described by Virchow in his Crania Ethnica Americana (P1. XVI) had the cephalic index 79.1, orbital index 85, and nasal index 50; while its shape was such that it could not be kcked out, if mixed, from the skulls under consideration. In the immediate south are the Mission Indians, who repre- sent perhaps a comparatively recent immigration into that coun- try and are of the physical type of the Mohave. Ancient crania from the California Peninsula are also of a different type. Ari- zona and Sonora show no population, recent or ancient, allied physically to the Californians. In Mexico, however, are several great Indian peoples who in many features approach the Cali- fornians to such a degree that an original identity must be held as probable. One of these is the Otomi, of the States of Hidalgo and Mexico. A large group of peoples in the States of Puebla, Michoacan, and farther south, even including the Aztecs, and finally the Tarahumare, in Chihuahua, are all physically related to the Otomi as well as to the Californians. All of which makes very desirable further and if possible more ample collections. 64 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. MI LLBRA SANTA Cf VOL, 4, MAP. UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. I 2 ANTERIOR VIEW. 1. No. 12/671; U. C.; Sausalito: 2. No. 12/73; U. C.; Aillbrac. VOL. 4, PL. UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. ANTERIOR VIEW. 1. No. 12/83; U. C.; West Berkeley: 2. No. 12/80; U. C.; Humboldt Bay. VOL, 4, PL. 2 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH & ETH. I 2 SUPEIRIOIR VIEW. ]. No. 12167; IT. (.; Sausalito: 2. No. 12/73; U. (1.; MAlillbrae. VO0L. 4, P L. 3 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. I 2 SUPERIOR VIEW. 1. No. 12/83; U. C.; West Berkeley: 2. No. 12/80; U. C.; Humboldt Bay. VOL. 4, PL. 4 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. LATERAL VIEW. 1. No. 12/67; U. C.; Sausalito: 2. No. 12/73; U. C1.; Millbrae. VOL. 4, PL. 5 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. LATERAL VIEW. 1. No. 12/83; U. C.; West Berkeley: 2. No. 12/80; U. C.; Humboldt Bay. VOL. 4, PL, 6 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. I 2 POSTERIOR VIEW. 1. No. 12/67; U. C.; Sausalito: 2. No. 12/73; U. C.; Millbrae. VOL. 4, PL. 7 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. 1 2 POSTERIOR VIEW. 1. No. 12/83; U. C.; West Berkeley: 2. No. 12/80; U. C.; Humboldt Bay. VOL. 4, PL. 8 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. _FW~~~~AALVE.Sa 1.N.1 7 . . aslt: .N.1/3 U . iirc VOL. 4, PL. 9 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. 1 2 BASAL VIEW. 1. No. 12/83; U. C.; West Berkeley: 2. No. 12/80; U. C.; Humboldt Bay. VOL. 4, PL. 10 .VOL. .4, TABLEv 4, UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM, ARCH. & ETH. ORNIA MAINLAND CRANIA. Mates 4a 9 A 6.8 14.- 1 48.67 7.75 13.5 93.33 57.41 7.3 12.8 - 57.03 7.5 - n.7.3 ,7.6 - - 7.3 14.2 83.10 61.41 7.6 13.1 68.02 n.7.6 13.35 n.56.93 m 4D 94.64 14.92' 1290 4-5 93.64 15.22 1315 6-7 95.45 14.63 - 6 102.10 15.83 1480 6-7 97.90 15.57 '1395 6-7 95.77 15.50 1 4-6 1240 6 103.65 15.53 1350 6 100.73 15.17 - 4-5 96.53 15.67 1460 5-6 96.38 15.20 1445 4-5 104.36 16.53 1510 4-6 94.24 15.07 1380 4-6 95.77 15.37 1360 6-7 98.51 14.62 1305 4-5 92.20 15.03 1340 5 96.14 15.65 1400 6 96.55 15.77 1515 6 .. a 4 f" 40 9 A as v v ox 12.6 11.8 12.- 12.9 12.7 12.9 10.85 11.4 11.6 n.11.8 12.2 11.4 n.11.4 n.11.7 $4 8 to, 19- I N O .2 Go a m 9.9 10.3 10.4 9.8 n.10.3 9.8 lo.- 9.8 1 10.1 9.8 10.1 9.9 10.3 9.6 91 49 x ti 8.9 111.24 9.7 106.19 IO.- 104.- 10.4 94.23 10.5 98.10 10.4 94.23 lo.- loo.- 10.5 93.33 9.7 - 10.4 97.12 8.3 118.07 10.4 97.12 10.3 96.12 9.9 104.04 9.4 - 9.8 97.96 A AM 8 IC, 10 0 0 4F 3.45 3.75 9R.- 5.3 3.3 3.85 85.74 5.4 3.6 3.9 92.31 4.9 3.5 3.75 93.33 5.65 3.6 4.- 90.- 5.2 3.7 3.9 94.87 5.25 3.55 3.85 92.21 4.95 3.45 3.7 93.24 5.5 - - - 5.5 3.55 3.6 98.61 5.15 3.8 3.8 10O.- 5.4 3.5 3.75 93.33 5.4 3.55 3.75 94.67 5.7 3.3 3.7 89.19 - 3.35- 4.- 83-75 4.5 3.6 3.9 92.31 5.2 3.7 4.15 89.17 4.75 3.25 3.85 84-43 4.55 13.75 13.- 14.15 13.25. 13.2 12.6 14.3 14.6 14.3 14.- 14.2 13.6 14.25 14.2 - 13.7 14.2 13.7 13.8 14.4 13.9 13.8 13.3 13.8 14.4 13.9 13.1 14.2 n.13.6 13.4 13.2 14.1 13.- 14.25 13.7 14.5. n.14.- n.14.- nA.4 14.- 14.25 14.4 13.7 13.8 13.5 14.6 13.8 13.85 13.45 13.7 13.2 n.13.- 13.7 13.8 13.3 13.1 (15.-) 13.9 13.5 13.4 12.9 -9 04 u A 0 A 10.3 10.3' 9.5 lo.- 11.9 9.9 11.7 10.4 10.7 11.3 z R25.168 N. M. Hoopa Valley 40 is.- 12/80 U. C. Humboldt Bay' 60 18.25 12/81 do Humboldt Bay2 35 18.1 02-5.169 N.M. SUtter Co.211 50 18.6 ?25.170 do do 55 18.4 ?25.1.12 do Cave in Calaveras Co. 60 18.7 ?25.173 do Calaveras Co.3 65 17.8 12/71 U. C. near Vallejo 55 17.9 O5. 1"i 6 N. M. near Centerville 55 18.7 ?25.177 do do 65 18.- t2.5.178 do do 23 18.7 U5.179 do do 40 18.5 225.180 do do 50 18.4 ?2 5. 1 81 do do 55 18.2 125.183 do do 65 18.3 12/85 U. C. Invernest; 50 17.25 ,,25.191 N.M. near Petaluma 18.- 12/67 U. C. near Sausalito 60 19.- 12168 do do 60 18.8 12/75 do San Francisco4 1 17.9 .,25.192 N.M. Yerbs Buena Is. 18.6 2205.193 do Angel Island 50 18.5 ,25). 194 do do 30 18-- 12/84 U. C. West Berkeley 55 18.5 12/72 do near Millbrae 60 18.3 12/73 do do 50 18.1 12/74 do do 55 18.5 L78.148 N.M. Palo Alto 35 17.6 12/79 U. C. Felton 55 17.35 12/86 do Santa Cruz 50 18.05 N.M. iaear Monterey ,25.197 50 !2,,-).198 do SaR Jos6 Mission 50 17.9 1,256199 do San Felipe 60 17.5 76.39 77.63 72.93 70.88 77.72 76.94 80.08 79.33 73.26 78.11 77.01 74.69 75.- 76.37 77.60 77.68 78.33 76.- 77.13 ab't 78.21 75.27 77.84 76.87 78.92 76.68 74.31 71.36 77.84 76.86 (83.10) 77.65 76.67 I I .4 AD'a 72-22 72.60 69.61 78.49 76.09 72-73 75.94 76.67 74.33 71.89 78.26 71-98 74.32- 76.62 72.22 72.11 74.47 3 A .-443 1? 9.3 9.7 8.75 9.4 1 9.8 9.3 9.3 . 9.4 8.6 9.1 9.45 8.9 9.85 9.85 lo.- 9,i2 9.6 9.- 9.2 6 9 pi 0 to 0 !0Z to %4 1 0 m 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.65 n.2.5 2.65 2.45 2.5 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.45 2.3 2.75 2.3 2..7 014 go 43.40 5.5 6.3 114.55 44.44 6.3 6.8 107.94 44.90 5.75 5.8 100-87 46.90 5.6 6.7 119.64 48.08 n.5.7 6.2 108.77 50.48 n.5.6 n.6.5 n.116.07 49.49 5.7 6.15 107-89 45.45 - 47.27 44.66 5.4 6.5 120.37 38.89 5.5 6.75 122-73 42.59 5.7 6.1 107.02 42.98 5.9 6.8 116.25 51.11 5.75 n. 6.2 107-83 62.88 n.6.8 - 48.43 5.5. 6.3 114.55 59.35 5.6 6.4 114.29 63.47 n.6.-- 6.7 111.67 48.08 5.8 6.85 118.10 51.04 5.5 6.8 123.64 47-37 - 50.51 - - 44.12 5.5 6.2 112.73 46.73 5.7 7.15 126.44 46.87 5.6 6.6 117.86 61.- 5.6 6.3 112.50 52.08 5.3 n.6.6 124.63 $5.1 50.1 51 0 8.25 95.1 .49.8 slis 37 ,3 51.5 3.3 $6.8 51.1 3.1 37.9 52.3 3.35 85.1 50.1 35.7 51.0 37.- 50.8 3.1 5O.- 3.6. $6.3 -52,- $6.2 5I.- .,3.2 UPS 51.9 S.25 .35.8 51.4 37.-. 51.9 1 35.1 48.8 3.15 36..5 50.6 38.-. 52.- $8.3 52.7 3.3 1,50.6 &45 $7.9 52.- 51.3 $5.7 50.- 3.3 37.4 52.2. '50.1 B." 36.8 49.3 $6.1 .50..- 49,- 3.05 .35.1: A 8.3 S& 50.4. 2.9 48.7 48.6 3J. .4 9.75 46A. 2.95 3.2 .88A SM "34,2 '2?.9 35 -8: -_ A .25 I. 1. i I k II li N II 9 I 7.4 7.9 7.8 8.15 6.65 n.7.5 6.85 n.6.9 n.7.1 7.45 6.8 7.15 7.3 6.8 7.2 14.3 13.9 14.5 13.6 13.2 13.7 13.4 14.5 83.92 92.81 88.97 82.20 85.07 80.- 61.75 66.83 56.20 60.38 54.74 51.12 47.68 74.26 ab't 95-71 15-10 5 76.61 101.78 15.62 1410 6-8 74.06 95.14 15.53 1430 5-7 75.- 97.83 15.10 - 6 74.69 94.52 15.63 - 6-7 - - - 1305 5 MO 102.36 15.08 1200 6-7 70.27 98.48 .14.90 - 5 78.41 100.73 15.03 - 75.50 98.50 14.58 1195 5-6 6 75-42 97.12 15.10 1345 4-5 73.71 96.27 14.60 1180 6-6 11.5 3.3 4.05 81.48 5.05 2.7 9.9 3.6 4.05 88.89 5.2 2.5 9.9 3..2 3.6 88.89 4.8 2.45 - 3.15 4.- 78.75 - 3.4 3.65 93.16 4.75 2.25 3.5 3.8 92.11 4.95 2.5 n.9.4 3.25 4.- 81.30 5.1 2.25 - 3.55 3.95 89.87 5.35 2.5 3.4 3.75 88.89 4.8 2.25 3.2 3.65 87.67 5.- 2.55 9.9 3.55 3.6 98.61 4.8 2.5 13.9 84.89 51.1 14.1 86.52 52.84 13.2 86.36 61.62 n.13.4 - - n.12.9 88.3 65.42 n.13.7 8.6.4 62.56 Females 12.7 88.98 56.30 n.12.7 n.48.42 12.7 88.19 53.93 13.- - 48.12 12.65 - 50.59 13.- 87.69 66.38 13.2 82.58 52.27 12.7 - 49.61 13.7 - 12.5 87-20 54.- n.10.8 9.8 9.9. 9.5 IO.- 8.7 10.6 101.90 9.8 10O.- lo.- 99.- 10.5 - 9.8 9.5 loo.- lo.- loo.- 9.3 93.55 10.3 8.8 9.3 9,9 8.9 8.9 8.2 9.1 9.1 9.6 8.8 9.3 8.85 a .12/82 U. C. 12/78 do do .12/70 do 2.5,184 N.M. 2.5.185 do 5..186 do 215-187 do 25.188 do 25.195 do 2 -5. 1 9 6 do 121 / 7 7 U. C. 12/83 do 121/76 do Sather? Redding'g near Vailejo7 d08I near CentervilleP do do do do Angel Island do West Berkeley do do 35 40 T 1 40 35 40 55 40 50 55 50 55 50 17.3 17.3 (16.5) 16.8 (16.3) - 17.1 17.7 16.7 17.4 17.4 16.9 17.8 17.35 - 17.1 13.8 13.4 (13.8) 13.4 (13.2) 13.6 13.05 12.8 13.6 13.4 12.9 13.85 13.25 13.4, 12.6 11.8 02.4) 12.5 (13.9) 12.5 13.4 13.2 13.2 13.2 12.8 12.6 12.5 79.77 72.83 77.46 68.21 79.76 74.40 79.63 73.10 73.73 76.71 76.66 79.04 78.16 76.86 77.01 75.86 76.33 75.74 77.81 76.37 72.62 78.38, 73.1o 91.30 14.57 1250 4-6 88.06 14.17 1105 5 14.23 1075 5-6 93.28 14.23 1095 5-6 - 14.47 1250 4-6 91.91 14.40 4-5 102.68 14.72 1275 5-6 103.13 14.23 1065 4-6 97.06 14.73 1190 5 98.51 14.67 1190 6-7 99.22 14.20 1100 6-7 - - 6-7 95.09 14.40 1180 5 93.28 14.33 - 6 11.3 7.15 10.5 n.6.5 6.15 11.2 6.85 - 6.4 - 7.1 - 6.4 11.4 7.2 10.9 6.9 - 6.3 - n.7.2 10.9 6.75 9.2 9.6 lo.- 9.9 9.3 9.9 10.4 9.5 n.9.4 9.5 9.- 102.22 .9.2 9.6 10O.- 9.8 102.04 9.3 106.45 .9.2 101.09 9.8 101.02 lo.- 104.- 9.3 102.15 9.2 9.2 102.17 9.5 loo.- 8.7 8.8 8.55 9.4 9.2 9.1 8.8 8.55 9.- 8.7 8.6 9.4 9.- .8.7 3.55 4.- 88.75 4.95 8.6 3.25 3.95 82.28 4.65 - 3.2 3.65, 87.67 4.8 3.45 3.9 88.46 4.5 10.3 3.45 3.8 90.79 4.75 - 2.9 3.5 82.86 4.45 3.2 3.5 91.43 4.7 2.9 3.6 80.56 4.65 - 3.55 3.85 92.21 4.85 9.5 3.4 3.9 87.18 4.8 - 3.3 3.75 88.- 4.5 3.25 3.9 83.83 5.05 - 3.75 4.1 91.46 5.1 8.2 3.3 3.85 85.71 4.95 2.3 2.25 .2.4 2.5 2.3 2.- 2.4 2.65 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.55 46.47 5.3 46.87 5.3 53.33 5.- 62.63 5.5 61.69 5.6 42.65 5.6 61.61 5.25 64.64 5.9 48.96 5.45 Z.3 46.63 5.7 46.08 " - 5.4 6.4 6.4 6.55 6.3 5.5 6.2 6.2 6.- 6.2 6.2 120-76 120.75 119.09 112.60 98.21 118.10 105.08 110.10 116.98 108-77 4 Near Presidio, San Franciew. I Slight oceipttal compression. 5 Sather tract, Alameda County (nw Oakland) :very slight oceipital compression. 6 " Reddington, Shasta County." Oceiput slightly flattened, 'Gunther's Island, Humboldt Bay. 2 Bay. 2 Sufter Oou-xity. a sion possible, UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH. Lower Jaws Males Height in Height of Locality Middle Line A Vertical Ramus Humboldt Bay Calaveras Co. Centerville do do do do Inverness Sausalito Yerba Buena Is. Angel Island do W. Berkeley San Felipe Anteriorly 4.- 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.75 3.8 3.45 3.7 4.- 3.55 3.4 3.7 3.5 r. 6.9, 1. 6.85 r. 7.1, 1. 6.8 r. 5.75, 1. 5.75 r. 6.6, 1. 6.5 r. 6.2, 1. 6.6 r. 6.2, 1. 6.2 r. 7.2, 1. 6.9 r. 6.2, 1. 6.2 r. -, 1. - r. 6.8, 1. 6.5 r. 6.9, 1. 7.- r. - , 1. 5.6 r. 7.2, 1. - r. 6.85, 1. 6.7 Breadth minim. of Vertical Ramus r. 3.9, 1. 3.95 r. 3.4, 1. 3.25 r. 3.35, 1. 3.- r. 3.8, 1. 3.8 r. 3.2, 1. 3.5 r. 3.3, 1. 3.4 r. 3.1, 1. 3.3 r. 3.7, 1. 3.6 r. -, 1.- r. 3.4, 1. 3.45 r. 3.1, 1. 3.1 r. - , 1. 3.75 r.4.- ,1. - r. 3.3, 1. 3.35 Females Sather Redding Centerville do Angel Island W. Berkeley do 3.55 3.3 3.3 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.4 r. - , 1. 5.5 r.5.3 ,1. - r. 5.4, 1. 5.5 r. 5.8 ,1. - r. 5.6, 1. 5.4 r. - ,1. 5.93 r. 5.7, 1. 5.5 r. - , 1. 2.95 r. 3.3 , 1. - r. 3.2 , 1. 3.45 r. 3.05, 1. - r. 3.1 , 1. 3.1 r. - , 1. 3.15 r. 3.4 , 1. 3.35 Catalogue No. 12/80 225.173 225.177 225.178 225.179 225.180 225.181 12/85 12/67 225.192 225.193 225.194 12/84 225.199 Angle 1240 1160 1290 1210 1190 1180 1190 1170 1230 1150 1170 1090 1160 12/82 12/78 225.184 225.188 225.195 12/77 12/76 1220 1220 1250 1220 1200 1230 1180 VOL. 4, TABLE 2 UNIV. CAL. PUB. AM ARCH. & ETH. Hoopa Valley Humboldt Bay Humboldt Bay Sutter Co. do Cave in Calaveras Co. Calaveras Co. near Vallejo near Centerville do do do do do do Inverness near Petaluma near Sausalito do San Francisco Yerba Buena Is. Angel Island do West Berkeley near Millbrae do do Palo Alto Felton Santa Cruz near Monterey San Jose Mission San Felipe OSSIFICATION IN SUTURES. Males. none; whole coronal, sagittal and temporo-occipitals, advanced in lambdoid, slight in nasal; none; traces in coronal, middle w of sagittal, nearly whole nasal; all remaining free; coronal above pterions and in upper i, whole sagittal, middle * of lambdoid; nasal and others free; nearly whole coronal sagittal and lambdoid; some in temporo-occipitals, whole nasal; others free; nearly whole coronal, whole sagittal, median I of lambdoid, most of temporo-occipitals, most of nasal, left malo-zygomatic; lower and upper i of coronal, much of sagittal, some in lambdoid, whole temporo-occipitals, some in nasal; most of coronal, whole sagittal, medium * of lambdoid, slight in temporo-occipitals, slight (end) in nasal; most of coronal, whole sagittal, median i of lambdoid, most- of temporo-occipitals, whole nasal; none; some in posterior i of sagittal, traces in nasal; most of posterior 4 of sagittal, none in coronal or lambdoid, i of each temporo-occipital, slight if any in nasal; slight in median * of coronal, most of sagittal, all except inferior extremities of lambdoid, very little in temporo-occipitals, whole nasal; whole coronal, sagittal and lambdoid, most of temporo-occipitals, none in internasal; most of coronal, advanced in sagittal, some in lambdoid; temporo-occipitals and nasal free; whole coronal except about ridges, whole sagittal and lambdoid, i of each temporo-occipital, whole nasal; whole coronal and sagittal, some in lambdoid, most of temporo-occipitals and nasal; nearly whole coronal and sagittal, advanced in lambdoid and temporo-occipitals, whole nasal; all occluded except temporo-parietals; coronal below ridges and at bregma, most of sagittal, traces in lambdoid, none in temporo-occipitals, all nasal; none; much in coronal, post i of sagittal, some in lambdoid, whole left temporo-occipital; right temporo-occipital and nasal free; advanced in coronal, much of sagittal, some in lambdoid, whole temporo-occipitals, nearly whole nasal; cranial all free, nasal obliterated; traces in coronal, much of sagittal, slight in lambdoid; nasal free; none; advanced in lower and median i of coronal, most of sagittal, slight in lambdoid, whole nasal; others free; most of coronal, most of sagittal, whole nasal; all others free; middle I of sagittal, slight in lambdoid, i of each temporo-occipital; others free; whole coronal, sagittal and nasal, most of lambdoid and temporo-occipitals. Females. Sather Redding near Vallejo do near Centerville do do do do Angel Island do West Berkeley do do none; none; I traces in coronal above the temporal ridges; all others free; none; none; most of coronal, all sagittal, middle 3 of lambdoid; all others free; traces in sagittal, I of right i of left temporo-occipital; advancing in coronal, traces in sagittal, i of each temporo-occipital, i of nasal, none in lambdoid; whole coronal and sagittal, traces in lambdoid, little in temporo-occipitals, whole nasal; traces in median * of coronal, advanced in middle 3 of sagittal; all others free; much in coronal, especially on left, much in sagittal, traces in lambdoid; nasal and temporo-occipitals free; in coronal below ridges, only traces elsewhere (in nasal and sagittal). z 0 225.168 12/80 12/81 225.169 225.170 225.172 225.173 12/71 225.176 225.177 225.178 225.179 225.180 225.181 225.183 12/85 225.191 12/67 12/68 12/75 225.192 225.193 225.194 12/84 12/72 12/73 12/74 178.148 12/79 12/86 225.197 225.198 225.199 A 0 0 pi 0 N.M. U. C. do N.M. do do do U. C. N.M do do do do do do U. C. N.M. U. C. do do N.M. do do U. C. do do do N.M. U.C. do N.M. do do 12/82 12/78 12/69 12/70 225.184 225.185 225.186 225.187 225.188 225.195 225.196 12/77 12/83 12/76 U. C. do do do N.M. do do do do do do U. C. do do VOL. 4, TABLE 5 + ++ + + + I P4C 00 +++ + 0) Cd= Pcd0 Cdo1 JCd .6-+ + ++ 0)01.4 ?Cd 0? 0+0,? ? ++ I ,? ? 0)CdCd bOCd0)0 ?CdCd??+e.o Cd - 0) 0 00 ?0) ? ?Cd?0)00 0) Cd CdCd+ 0) Cd 0000 ? 00 9 D 6 c C d 0 0 0 4 0 CdC 4 C 4 0 ) 0 0 0 0 o 4 0 0~~~~~~ C d + 0 ) ~ ~ + ~ ~ + 0 )bI b Cd +0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~c ++ + ++ + ?+ ++++ 0 0) 0)0 o 0 00 00 o o fr.0 0) 0) +0 bCd + i0 9 400 Cd.Cd - 0 0) S 40 Cd 00 04 4 0 0 c d C - 0 0 + + + + + + S 40 01) 40 Cd 40) 45 4) 040 0 0~~~ Cd Cd Cd Cd~~~~~~~~~~~~C Cd Cd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Cd C d bD +~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ?~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C d 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~c~ 0 0) 1.. Cd Cd 1.~~~~~~~~~~~ +0 0 0 00 + >~~~~~~~~~~~ .- + p~~ Cd Cd Cd~~~ Cd Cd ~~~Cd Cd~ 0 0 1.4 C d~~~~~~~~~~~ Cdo C d4 C d4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c ~~-o Cd Cd ~~~~~~~~~' ~~~ fr.0 fr. ~~~~~~~~~~ Cd~A +++ 0. 0)o4o *40 - ~ ~ 4 - 0) 4. 00 0 ) t 011 I 0 1 k .-. 104 01~ 0) - 0 Cd 0 0 00 iC Ps I0)4 I"~ Cd = 'g* CdCd k w w d1 4C Cd r, + 0-) 9 C + 0 C d + 0 C d + C d 40) 0 0 0~ 0 0~ 00 0 cd0 cd0 Cd 0Cd Cd Cd +0 +0 40 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 4 0 4 0 t o + C d C d C d z 0) 0 ) C d ce ce c oCD +0 0 + M ~ ~ ~ ) )0) 4 Cd 4C , d A ) . fr .4ro f D Cd P4 P4~~~~~~~~~~C 0 0~~~ - 0 0r - - Po p Cd Cd t- r- 10q 10 01~ to 01i 01 0 0) 0) Cd Cd 0 Cd 1'- oo r- 011 01 1.0 -q - V1 01q -4 C 1.4 0l) 0) 00 bo 0 ce 0 0e Cd44r0 0 ~ 0) 0 0) - 4 P r - OA fr - Go -4 1. - 01) 0) 0) +0 C cd. - - ~ ~ ~~~ -4- bo cd *d Cd440 0, C) - 00 I" 1-4~ ~~~Cd.- o P. 4 ic0 Ca fr.4 1C 0) cd ~ 0 Cd Cdc cd OcdOO 0 ++ + + IL Ca 0. "-4-2 0) Cd 00) 0 0) 0) 0) 0 4.4 +0 +0 +0 0 Cd *-.- OC 0 00 0 -4 00 +0 +04 0L) 01) F.S 0 0 00 00 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~() -4 .0) 4-D 4-D (Z) ~~ ~~ Cd C ' 0) 0) 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 ) 0 ) 0L) 0) 0 0 0 0 C d d ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 Po - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e e P Cd --4 Po 0) Cd 00 00 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~() ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ o o Cd o~~~~~~~~~~~c Cd d d o Cdd C d Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd -4-C L CL 1.- 00 1.- t.- r- r- 1 0i 1 0 0 1i 0 1 01 0 0 ) - 0 ) 1.- 00 10~ 1 0 0 1i 0 1 0 1i 0 1 T-q C OCO 0O r- r-l 1 0~ 1 0 0 1 0 1i 0 1i 0 1 - 01 01- t- -0 CO 01 4.4q qd 40 4 40 4 0 0 ; - 0 0 - 0 01.) *0 0- I4 0 44 q6) 0~ 0 uJ od5 4C) 06 0- I) _- 4; z s 0 %0 10 0 ':~ p- " I UNIV. GAL. PUB. AM. ARCH. & ETH.VO.4TAL4 Mates. Catalogue Supraorbital Nasal Brige'and Inferor Nasa No. Locality. Forehead]. Sagittal Region. Occput. Mast oide. Ridges. Nasion Depression. Bones. Border. NslSie aa umlrFsa.Ci.Mselnos 225.168 Hoopa Valley sloping slightly elevated + medium pronounced + + + sbeim+smwa hlo masculine 12/80 Humboldt Bay low, quite sloping elevated (ridge ex- + submedium pronounced along + + pronounced gut-lo,wa+shlwneryvtil upravoarrcssqae tends to frontal) masculine proximal tersnfrn 225.169 Butter CO. siomewhat sloping somewhat elevated + moderate very pronounced + + +sumdu++sklhev,m ie masculine moderate sub- nasal fossae 225.170 Butter Co. + slightly elevated + moderate very pronounced + bridge low +sumdm++sklhevanmsie masculine quite large sub- nasal fossae 225.172 Calaveras Co. somewhat low somewhat elevatedslightly protrud- quite large pronounced + + dull+n and sloping ing 1225.173 Calaveras Co. sloping somewhat elevated +, or slightly of good size very pronounced + + +++soehthalw qur compressed moderate sub- nasal fossae 12/71 near Vallejo0 somewhat low somewhat elevated + sin. submedium + + + ---+spro ciia ig (ridge extends masculine srnl eeoe to frontal) 12/81 Humboldt Bay quiite low slightly elevated quite protruding submedium + + bridge low somewhat dull vr o,sot+smwa hlo pe lelrpoessur masculine i rn 225.176 near Centerville sloping slightly elevated protruding moderate very pronounced + + +sumdm++ masculine moderate sub- nasal fossae 225.177 near Centerville low, qui'te sloping slightly elevated + moderate pronounced + + somewhat dull soehtp-++ masculine nn 1225.178 near Centerville somewhat low somewhat elevated quite protruding moderate ? + bridge somewhat dull sbeim+saiu,epca-btsihl rm masculine low l ih nn 225.179 near Centerville slightly sloping slightly elevated slightly protrud- moderate + + + +sumdun++qar,lwrpt iLng masculineprmnt 225.180 near Centerville somewhat sloping quite elevated + moderate pronounced + + + +( ig rm+de,epcal qae rmnn masculineitcniushelf 225.181 near Centerville low slightly elevated + moderate quite pronounced + bridge somewhat moderate gutters++smwa hlo I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~masculine low 225.183 near Centerville low slightly elevated + submedium moderate submedium bridge somewhat I ey hlo ridges pronounced masculine low 12/85 Inverness low, slightly silop- slightly elevated slightly protrud- submediumn quite pronounced + bridge short, bones +veylw++sur;poi ing ing miasculine uneven (nearly sitraight ecesih like in young) 225.191 Petaluma somewhat sloping somewhat elevated, + of good size very pronounced + + +sumdun+lf ,rgtepI anterior % ext. occip. protu- berance large 12/67 Sausalito somewhat low quite elevated somewhat protrud- submediumn very pronounced+ bridge somewhat dullvr o,sot+ u lgtpoi and sloping ing masculine lownec 12/68 Bausalito quite low marked elevation + of good size very pronounced + bridge short, moderate gutter veylwsht moarig r+point- from above oph- widenoce ryon to vertex 12/75 Ban Francisco somewhat low moderate elevation + moderate ++. I- masculine 225.192 Yerba Buena Isl. somewhat sloping quite elevated + large glabella and prox- +?+lw+salwsur kl ev n asv imal % of ridges heavy 225.193 Angel Island quite siloping slightly elevated + of good size pronounced + + +lo+shlw+ 225.194 Angel Island slightly low slightly elevated slightly protrud- moderate + + + large subnasal sumdm+++ ing masculi-ne fossae 12/84 West Berkel ey somewhat low slightly elevated + moderate pronounced submediumn bridge low a moderate gutte umdu et+ ih hl superior ridge pro- masculine on leftlo nounced 12/72 Millbrae low, sloping quite elevated + submedium pronounced + bridge low, broad dull vr o,sot++btsihl rm superior ridge pro- masculine I nounced 12/73 Millbrae low, siomewhat somewhat elevated quite protruding submedium quite pronounced + bridge somewhat dull vr o,sot ut hlo sloping masculine lowbid 12/74 Millbrae low, sloping somewhat elevated protruding submedium + + + dullI++ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS-(CONTINUED) GRAECO-ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY. 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