INDEX. Ablative case in Yokuts, 201, 202, 226. Accent in Yokuts, 182, 255. Acculturation in California, 82. Achastlian, 74. Achomawi, 113, 121, 133, 142, 145, 152, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 316; baskets, 147, 148. Acipenser medirostris, 8. Acorns, 82, 86. Adiantum, 108, 143. Adjective, 38, 60, 229, 230, 244, 323. Adverbs in Yokuts, 232, 245. Africans, 90. Agentive in Yokuts, 218, 285, 290, 346. Agriculture in California, 102; in Southern California, 100. Aiticha dialect of Yokuts, 312, 319. Alaska, 86. Alder, 144, 147; dyeing, 108. Alphabet, 30, 106. American Anthropologist, 30, 49. American Ethnological Society, Transactions of the, 50. American Indians, 84. American Museum of Natural His- tory, 145. Analogy in Yokuts pronouns, 221, 295. Analysis of texts in Yokuts, 256, 262. Ancestor myths, 94. Ancestors, 87. Andamanese, 90. Animal design names, 153, 154. Animals, in Indian mythology, 91; names of, in Yokuts, 239, 241. Animate in Yokuts, 230. Antilocapra, 21. Antrozous pallidus pacificus, 17. Apiachi dialect of Yokuts, 311. Aplodontia major n. subsp., 17. Appositional structure lacking in Yokuts, 183. Appositions to the holophrastic verb, 33. Apxankoikoi design, 131, 137, 141. Arapaho, 71, 94, 255. Arctomys sp., 17. Arototherium, 11, 12, 21. Aretotherium simum, 11, 17. Arizona, 100. Arnold, Ralph, 19. Arrowpoint design, 144, 158, 159, 160, 162. Article, 36, 40, 76. Article in languages of California, 377. Artistic poverty of Pomo basketry, 153. Arts in California, 83, 86, 102. Arvicola sp. div., 21. Aspirates in Yokuts, 179. Athabascan family, 105; tribes, 85. Athabascans, 85, 100, 149; of Eel river, 114, 144. Australians, 90. Baby baskets, 106, 108. Babylonia, 91. Baird, 3; formation, 22; shales, 22. Bakersfield, 279. Barrett, S. A., 161. Bassariscus raptor, 17. Basket, designs found once, 141; materials, 108, 149, 152. Basketry, 83, 87; caps, 106, 116, 148, 160; hats, 146, 147; in Cal- ifornia, 102; of northwestern California, 106; plates, 106. Bautista, mission San Juan, 69; dialect, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77. Beads, 88; design, 158; on baskets, 151. Bear, 2. Bear-foot design, 144, 156. Bear Mountain, 23. Beginning-to-grow design, 142. Bella Coola pantheon, 92. Benefactive in Yokuts, 205, 285. Bent-elbow design, 156. Bent-knee design, 156. Big-tongue design, 157. Bird bones, 18. Birds, 18. Bird's-breast design, 144, 156. Birth, 85. Bison antiquus, 20. Bison sp., 18. Black-dyed warp stems, 126. Black dyeing, 109, 114. Blackfeet, 87, 94. Black-oak design, 157. Blind spiders, 2. Block pattern arrangement, 146, 148, 149, 151. Blood-clot-boy, 94. [379] Index. Body design names, 153, 154. Bokninuwad dialect of Yokuts, 312. Box design, 126, 141, 158. Boxes, 87. Braiding, three-strand, 110. Break in basket designs, 116. Bruson, W. C., 3. Buena Bista and Kern Lakes, 310. Buena Vista Lake group of Yokuts dialects, 312, 313, 326, 329, 331, 350. Bull's Head Point, 20. Bureau of American Ethnology, 29, 49, 50. Burial, 87; in Santa Barbara re- gion, 99. Buried galleries, 8. Burning, 84. Bush design, 157, 160. Butterfly design, 157. Caballeria, 31. California Academy of Sciences, 105, 163, 172. California, Ethnological and Arch- aeological Survey of, 29, 81, 172; morphological grouping of lin- guistic families of, 30; Southern, 316, 329; University of, 81. California Farmer, 50. California Indians, 161. Callospermophilus chrysodeirus, 17. Camelid, 18, 20. Camelops kansanus, 21. Camelops sp. max., 21. Camelops vitakerianus, 21. Camels, 21. Canis cf. occidentalis, 21. Canis indianensis, 17. Canis latrans, 21. Canoes, 86; in Santa Barbara re- gion, 99. Canoe-shaped basket, 151. Capture, 88. Carmelo, 50. Carrying baskets, 106, 115, 151. Carving, 83, 87. Carvings of cetaceans in Santa Barbara region, 99. Cases, 38, 61, 74; in Yokuts, 193, 226, 277; in the plural in Yo- kuts, 203. Case suffixes, 281; in Yokuts, 211, 236, 277, 282, 293. Castor, 21. Castor sp., 21. Castoroides, 21. Castoroides sp. 21. Catalogue numbers of baskets illus- trated, 163, 164. Categories of grammatical form expressed in Yokuts, 188. Causative in Yokuts, 205, 285. Cave fauna, 16. Central California, 88, 89, 101, 103. Central group of linguistic families of California, 317, 375, 376. Ceremonies, 88, 89; in California, 84. Ceremonial tendency of myths, 90. Chalola, 363. Charcoal, 10, 15. Chauchila dialect of Yokuts, 289, 311, 325, 333, 338, 358, 359, 360. Chemehuevi, 150. Cherokee, 94. Chiefs in California, 84. Chimariko, 85, 145. Chinuk myth, 255. Chiton design, 127, 141, 157. Choinimni dialect of Yokuts, 312, 332? 341, 352. Choinok dialect of Yokuts, 311, 319, 332, 333, 341, 363. Cholovone, 169; dialect of Yokuts, 311 [see Chulamni]. Chowehilla river, 169, 311. Chukaimina dialect of Yokuts, 312, 350. Chukehansi, 155; dialect of Yo- kuts, 311, 325, 332, 360; vocabu- lary, 357. Chulamni dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 360 [see also Cholovone]. Chumash, 45, 46, 59, 61, 71, 80, 100, 102, 150, 309, 323, 329, 330, 335, 336, 375; adjective, 38; article, 36, 40; cases 38; collective 36; combinations of consonants, 32; consonants, 32; continuative, 37; demonstratives, 39, 40; distribu- tive, 36; duplication, 36; inde- pendent pronouns, 39; instru- mental relations, 38; iterative, 37; Kasua dialect of, 31; lin- guistic family, 31; local cases, 38; noun-agent, 38; numerals, 40; numeral system quinary, 40; objective pronouns, 33; objec- tive suffix, 39; phonetics, 31; plural, 36; possessive prefix, 39; possessive pronoun, 38; pronoun, 39; pronominal elements, 33; pronominal prefixes, 33; subjec- tive prefix, 39; radicals, 41; re- duplication of nouns with pos- sessive prefix, 37; polysyllabic words, 42; terms of relationship, 42; verb, 33; vowels, 31. [380] Index. Chumashan, 30. Chumeto language, 69, 71, 74, 75, 77. Chunut dialect of Yokuts, 311, 319, 362. Clan origin legends, 93. Clans, 87. Classification of California baskets as to pattern arrangement, 152. Coast Range, 152, 169, 310, 329. Coiled baskets, 87, 144, 149, 159; coiled weaves, 109; coiled weav- ing, distribution of, 145. Collective, 36; in Yokuts, 193, 282. Collectivity in Yokuts, 230. Color in basketry patterns, 109. Colorado river tribes, 100. Columbia river, 86. Combinations of consonants, 32, 58, 70; in Yokuts, 181. Come-together design, 158. Comitative, 61. Comparison of basket designs in Northern California, 145. Composition, 65, 77; in Yokuts, 234, 278, 298, 339, 376, 377. Concepcion, Point, 85, 99. Conditional sentences in Yokuts, 293. Conical baskets, 106. Conjunctions in Yokuts, 232. Consonants, 32, 57, 70; of Yokuts, 179. Continuative, 37, 216, 246, 285, 286, 290. Conventional names, 161. Conventionality of basket design names, 161. Cooking baskets, 106, 111, 146, 147. Cope, E. D., 2. Correspondences of Yokuts dia- lects, summary of, 346. Costanoan, 30, 49, 60, 66, 69, 316, 323, 336, 375, 376; article, 76; cases, 74; Combinations of con- sonants, 70; composition, 77; consonants, 70; demonstrative, 75, 76; disyllabic words, 78; In- dians, 97; linguistic family, 69; local cases, 75; monosyllabic words, 77, 78; noun, 74; numer- als, 76; numeral system quinary, 76; order of words, 77; phonet- ics, 69; plural, 74; prepositions, 75; pronoun, 70, 71; radicals, 77; reduplication, 77; tenses, 72; text, 79; verb, 72, 74; ver- bal roots, 78; vowels, 69. Coville, F. V., 108. Coyote, 97, 101. Crab or crayfish design, 126, 141, 157. Creation myths, 89, 93; in Califor- nia, 98, 102. Creator in American mythology, 91; in Central California, 97. Creek, 94. Cremation, 87; in Southern Cali- fornia, 100. Crimes, 88. Crooked design, 124, 125, 130, 138, 158. Crook-stick design, 158. Crossed design, 127, 158. Crossing of the warp, 111. Crossways design, 158. Crotalus, 11, 19. Crotalus sp., 18. Crow-foot design, 131, 139, 141, 142, 154, 156. Cry, 84. Cultural similarity, lack of between northwestern and northeastern California, 152. Culture hero, 91, 93, 97; in cen- tral California, 97; in northwest- ern California, 95. Curtin, 96. Cut-wood design, 131, 138, 139, 141, 158. Dakota, 71. Dalinchi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 360. Dance-basket, 107. Dance of the dead, 84. Dances, 88; in California, 84. Dead, burned in Southern Califor- nia, 100; taboo of names of, 170, 318; Tachi formula for, 375. Death, 85; origin of, 97. Debt, 88. Decorative basket designs, 162. Deer, 21; designs, 159; excrement design, 133, 140, 141, 156, 159; foot design, 156; gut design, 156, 159, 160; rib design, 156, 159; skins, 88. Deer-skin dance, 85. de la Cuesta, Arroyo, 50, 57, 59, 69, 74. Delaware, 94. Del Norte County, 105. Demonstratives, 39, 40, 44, 48, 59, 75, 76; in languages of Califor- nia, 377; in Yokuts, 225, 296, 337, 346. Dentalia, 88. [381] Index. Derivation, 63, 66; in Yokuts, 278, 298, 235, 339, 376. Derivational suffixes in Yokuts, 235. Derivatives in Yokuts verb, 204. Descriptive design names, 153. Desiderative in Yokuts, 205, 285. Design element names, 154. Development of arts in Santa Bar- bara region, 99. Diagonal or spiral pattern arrange- ment, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151. Dialectic divisions of Yokuts, 309. Dialectic groups, relations of, of Yokuts, 313. Dialects of Yokuts, 308; composi- tion in, 339; demonstrative pro- nouns in, 337; derivation in, 339; imperative in, 338; lexical rela- tions of, 316; numerals in, 340; phonetic relations of, 328; pro- nouns in, 334; reduplication in, 343; texts in various, 363. Dieguefos, 100. Diller, J. S., 3, 23, 26. Diminutive in Yokuts, 229. Diphthongs in Yokuts, 179. Dipper for acorn mush, 107. Distributive, 36; in Yokuts, 231, 298. Disyllabic words, 78. Diving of animals, 90. Dixon, R. B., 30, 143, 146, 148,149, 153, 155, 161, 316, 375. Doak, D. P., 3. Dorsey, J. O., 87. Dove design, 127, 141, 156. Dry creek, 170, 325; dialect of Yo- kuts, 312. Dual in Yokuts, 189, 221, 222, 226, 227, 277. Duck-wing design, 156. Dumna dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 332, 333, 341, 353, 360; vocabu- lary, 356. Duplication, 36; in Yokuts, 185, 344. Dutematho design, 142. Dyed woof materials, 111. Dynamic design names, 153, 154. Eagle as creator in Central Cali- fornia, 97. Earthworm design, 157. Eel river, 85, 149. Eclipse of the sun, Tachi formula for, 374. Egypt, 91. Elbow design, 126, 141, 156. Elements ot designs, 154, 155. Elephas, 19, 21. Elephams primigenius, 18, 20, 22. Elephas primigenius columbi, 21. Elk design, 124, 131, 138, 139, 140, 141, 156, 159. Emeryville shell mound, 13; bone implements from, op. p. 12. Encircles design, 158. Enclitics in Yokuts, 182. Environment, favorable in Califor- nia, 81. Epiphragmophora mormonum, 19. Equivalent design names, table of, among Yurok, Karok, and Hupa, 141. Eqwus, 21; n. sp., 21; occidentalis, 18, 20; pacificus, 18, 20, 21, 22; sp., 20. Eschatius conidens, 21. Eskimo, 71, 81, 85, 93, 95; myths, 93. Esselen, 71, 375, 376; adjective, 60; cases, 61; demonstratives, 59; derivation, 63, 66; combina- tions of consonants, 58; compo- sition, 65; consonants, 57; inde- pendent pronoun, 60; linguistic family, 49; noun, 60; numerals, 50, 61; numeral system quinary, 62; phonetics, 57; plural, 61; prefixes, 59; pronouns, 58; redu- plication, 61; suffixes, 63; verb, 59, 60; vocabularies, 49; vocab- ulary, 66; vocabulary, general combined, 51; vowels, 57. Esselenian, 30. Euceratherium, 15, 21; collinum, 12, 18; collinum n. gen. and sp., 18. Euphonic vowels, 32. Eutamias senex, 17. Evernia vulpina, 109. Exogamy, 87. Extinct dialects of Yokuts, 308. Extraneous races in California, 82. Eye design, 133, 156. Eye-like design, 141. False embroidery, 111. Fauna, 20. Fauna of Silver Lake, 20. Feathered baskets, 151, 159. Feather dance costume, 85. Felis near hippolestes, 17. Felis n. sp., 17; sp. indet., 20. Fern design, 157, 160. Fetishism, 84; in California, 102. Fiber, 21; zibethicus, 21. Final sounds in Yokuts, 180. Fir-branch design, 158. [382] Index. Fish-tail design, 157, 160. Fish-teeth design, 157. Flint design? 117, 124, 125, 130, 131, 136, 139, 141, 142, 158, 159, 160. Flint-like design, 130, 141, 158. Flood, 90. Flower design, 157, 160. Fly design, 157. Flying geese design, 126, 141, 143, 156, 160. Foot design, 121, 130, 139, 141, 156. Foot-hill division of Yokuts dia- lects, 170, 309, 310, 311, 324, 388. Formulas, 88, 89. Fossils, Acipenser medirostris, 18. Antilocapra, 21. Antrozous pallidws pacificus, 17. Aplodontia major n. subsp., 17. Arctomys sp., 17. Arctotheriumn, 11, 12, 21. Aretotherium simum, 11, 17. Arvicola sp. div., 21. Bassariscus raptor, 17. Bear, 2. Birds, 18. Bison antiquus, 20. Bison sp., 18. Callosperm,ophilus chrysodeirus, 17. Camelid, 18, 20. Camels, 21. Camelops kansanus, 21. Camelops sp. max., 21. Camelops vitakerianus, 21. Canis ef. occidentalis, 21. Canis indianensis. Canis latrans, 21. Castor, 21. Castor sp., 21. Castoroides, 21. Castoroides sp., 21. Crotalus, 11, 19. Crotalus sp., 18. Deer, 21. Elephas, 19, 21. Elephas primigenius, 18, 20, 22. Elephas primigenius columbi, 21. Epiphragmophora mormonum, 19. Equus, 21. Equus n. sp., 21. Equus occidentalis, 18, 20. Equus pacificus, 18, 20, 21, 22. Equus sp., 20. Eschatius conidens, 21. [383] Euceratherium, 15, 21. Euceratherium collinum, 12, 18. Euceratherium collinum n. gen. and sp., 18. Eutamias senex, 17. Felis near hippolestes, 17. Felis n. sp., 17. Felis sp. indet., 20. Fiber, 21. Fiber zibethicus, 21. Geomys, 21. Geomys sp., 21. Haplocerus, 19, 24. Haplocerus montanus, 18. Large carnivore genus and sp. indet., 20. Lepus, 19. Lepus californicus, 17. Lepus klamathensis, 17. Lepus near audoboni, 17. Lepus sp., 17, 21. Lutra, 21. Lutra canadensis, 21. Lynx fasciatus, 17, 19. Lynx fasciatus n. subsp., 17. Margaritana, 15. Margaritana falcata, 19. Mastodon americanus, 18, 20. Megalonyx, 19, 21. Megalonyx jeffersonii, 18. Megalonyx n. sp., 18. Megalonyx sp., 18. Megalonyx wheatleyi, 18. Mephitis occidentalis, 17. Microtus californicus, 17. Morotherium gigas, 20. Mylodon, 19, 22. Mylodon sodalis, 21. Mylopharodon conocephalus, 18. Myriapod, 17. Mytilus edilus, 19. Neotoma fuscipes, 17. Odocoileus, 19. Odocoileus sp. a., 18. Odocoileus sp. b., 18. Ostrea conchapila, 19. Ostrea lurida, 19. Platygonus, cf. vetus, 21. Platygonus sp., 18. Platygonus sp. minor, 21. Ptychocheilus grandis, 18. Putorius arizonensis, 17. Scapanus calif ornicus, 17. Sciuropterus klamathensis, 17. Sciurus hudsonicus albolimba- tus, 17. Spermophilus douglasi, 17. Index. Spilogale n. sp., 17. Tagelus californieus, 19. Taxidea n. sp., 17. Teonoma n. sp., 17. Thomomys leucodon, 17. Thomomys monticola, 17. Thomomys n. sp., 17. Thomomys sp., 21. Tortoise, 19. Urocyon townsendi, 17. Ursus, 11, 21. Ursus n. sp., 17. Ursus sp. indet., 20. Vulpes cascadensis, 17. Vulpes cf. pennsylvanicus, 21. Frequentative in Yokuts, 205, 285. Fresno river, 169, 309, 311. Frog, 101; foot design, 139, 154; hand design, 137, 138, 141, 157. Furlong, E. L., 2, 27. Future in Yokuts, 215, 223, 285, 290, 346. Gabrielinos, 100. Galiano, 49, 50, 59. Gashowu dialect of Yokuts, 312, 319, 325, 332, 333, 341, 352. Gatschet, 31, 69. Gavoyahati design, 142. Gawia dialect of Yokuts, 312. General character of the vocabu- lary in Yokuts, 238. General cultural qualities of Cali- fornia Indians, 103. Gentile names, 87; organization, 83; organization in California, 102. Geometrical design names, 153. Geomys, 21. Geomys sp., 21. GidacedariL design, 142. Gitanemuk, 299. Goddard, P. E.? 108, 116, 133, 137, 140. Gods in American mythology, 91. Grammatical expression in Yokuts, means of, 376. Grammatical relations of Yokuts dialects, 333. Grammatical structure in Yokuts, means of, 280. Grasshopper-leg design, 157. Gray-squirrel-foot design, 156. Great Basin, 101. Greece, 91. Grizzly-bear-hand design, 138, 156. Grown-up design, 142, 158. Guardian spirit, 89, 93. Haida, 87, 162. Hale, 47. Haplocerus, 19, 24; H. montanus, 18. Hay Springs, Nebraska, 20, 21. Hazel, 108, 109, 142, 144. Hearst, Mrs. Phoebe A., 2, 29, 81, 172. Helper, supernatural, 89. Henshaw, H. W., 50, 57, 59. Hershey, 0. H., 25, 26. Heuchi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 360. Hidatsa, 94. Hide-wrench-out design, 158. Holmes, W. H., 29. Horizontal pattern arrangement, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151. Hornet design, 157. Horse Mountain, 22, 24. House design, 158. Houses, 83, 86; in Santa Barbara region, 99. Hoyima dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 359, 360. Humboldt bay, 85, 155; county, 85, 105. Hunt, 89. Hupa, 85, 88, 95, 105, 106, 124, 144, 145, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159. 160; baskets, 107, 109; bas- ketry, 116, 136, 139; basket de- signs, 133; basket making, 133. Hyphens in transcription of Yo- kuts, 255. Idiomas Californios, 50. Ikurukur design, 141. Ikxareya, 95. Imperative in Yokuts, 246, 288, 290, 338. Imperative particles in Yokuts, 227. Implements, 12. Impure vowels, 32; in linguistic families of California, 329; in Yokuts, 173, 277, 279, 312; in Shoshonean, 329. Incorporated pronominal elements, 59. Incorporation, 71; in Yokuts, 183, 204, 224, 227, 255. Independent pronoun, 39, 60. India, 91. Indo-European, 70, 317. Initial sounds in Yokuts, 180. Initiation, 88. Initiation rites in California, 102. Inlaid work in Santa Barbara re- gion, 99. In-middle design, 158. [384] Index. Instrumental, 61, 75; prefixes lack- ing in Yokuts, 183; case in Yo- kuts, 194, 201, 202, 203, 223, 226, 284, 293; prefixes in languages of California, 377; relations, 38. Interjections in Yokuts, 232. Interrogative in Yokuts, 221, 228, 294. Interrogative particle in Yokuts, 228. Intransitive in Yokuts, 206, 236, 285. Ioi and Bluejay, Yokuts text, 275. Iroquois, 87. Iterative, 37. John Day region, 20. Johns Creek, 22. Jolon, 44. Jordan, David Starr, 2. Karok, 85, 95, 105, 106, 124, 144, 145, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160; baskets, 109; basket de- signs, 130; basketry, 113, 114, 116; names of baskets, 130. Kasua dialect of Chumash, 31. Kawaiisu, 329. Kaweah river, 170, 311, 328. Kechayi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 353, 360. Kennett, 23. Kern river, 169, 279, 310, 311. Kern river group of Shoshonean family, 328, 329, 330, 335, 336. Khometwoli dialect of Yokuts, 350. Khometwoli group of Yokuts dia- lects, 313. Kinesni design, 138, 141, 145. Kings river, 170, 311, 325; group of Yokuts dialects, 311, 312, 324, 325, 326, 331. Kinilyu design, 138, 141. Kixtakpis design, 131. Kixunai, 95. Klamath Indians, 148. Klamath Lake Indians, 95, 113, 146. Klamath river, 85, 105. Kleinschmidt, 71. Kmukamtch, 95. Kocheyali dialect of Yokuts, 312. Kofoid, C. A., 2, 16. Koyeti dialect of Yokuts, 311. Kumachisi dialect of Yokuts, 313. Kutsisivac design, 141. Kwakiutl, 87. Ladder design, 121, 124, 130, 131, 138, 139, 140, 141, 158. Laget design, 142. Lamanon, 50, 74. Languages of California, 102. Languages of the Coast of Califor- nia, map of, opp. p. 29. Languages of the Coast of Califor- nia South of San Francisco, 29; cited, 375. Large carnivore genus and sp. in- det., 20. Large sharp-teeth design, 127. Lattice twining, 111. Lawson, A. C., 20, 26. Leaves design, 157. Leaves strung along design, 143. Legends, local, 87. LenaLdauw design, 137. LenoikyuuLon design, 138, 141. LenouLon design, 138, 141. Lepus, 19; californicus, 17; klama- thensis, 17; near audoboni, 17; sp., 17, 21. Lexical similarities of Chumash and Salinan, 48. Library of American Linguistics, 43. Linguistic diversity in California, 82. Linguistic family, 31, 43, 49, 69. Linguistic families of California, 102. Lizard-foot design, 144, 154, 157. Local cases, 38, 48, 75. Locative case in Yokuts, 194, 201, 202, 203, 221, 223, 226, 232, 236, 284, 293. Loew, 31. Long design, 158. Long mark design, 136, 160. Long worm design, 131, 139, 141, 157. Long woven design, 141. Lord's Prayer, 31, 46, 49. Los Angeles county, 99. Luiseilos, 100. Lutra, 21; canadensis, 21. Lutuami, 113, 148, 152, 375. Lyd&kker, R., 16. Lynx fasciatus, 17, 19; n. subsp., 17. Madera county, 155. Maggot design, 126, 141, 157. Maidenhair fern, 108, 109, 144, 147. Maidu, 97, 121, 145, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 316, 317, 329, 375, 376, 377; type of pat- tern arrangement, 152. Maori, 89. Marble Creek, 23. Margaritana, 15; falcata, 19. Mariposa county, 69, 171. [385] Index. Mariposan, 169, 171. Marriage, 88. Mason, 0. T., 108, 115. Mastodon americanus, 18, 20. Matthew, W. D., 20, 21. Maya, 71. MeCloud Indians, 115; limestone, 3, 22; river, 3, 112, 145; 240- foot terrace, 24, 25; 150-160 foot terrace, 24; 90-foot terrace, 25. Meadowlark neck design, 144, 156. Meal sifter, 107. Means of expression of grammati- cal structure in Yokuts, 184. Medial sounds in Yokuts, 180. Megalonyx, 19, 21; jefersonii, 18; n. sp., 18; sp., 18; wheatleyi, 18. Mendocino, Cape, 85, 99; county, 86. Mephitis occidentalis, 17. Merced river, 69. Mercenary temper, 88. Mercer 's cave, Calaveras county, 19. Merriam, C. Hart, 2. Merriam, J. C., 2, 20, 142. Mesh-stick design, 126, 130, 141, 158; on wooden paddles, 126. Metathesis of vowels in Yokuts, 178. Method of counting, vigesimal, 40; quinary, 40. Mexicans, 92. Michahai dialect of Yokuts, 312, 341, 350. Microtus californicus, 17. Migration traditions, 94; in South- ern California, 101. Mikinilyultewe design, 138. Mikiti, Yokuts text, 266. Millipede design, 157. Mission Indians, 150. Mississippi Valley Indians, 85, 161. Miwok, 149, 310, 329, 336, 375, 377. Mode in Yokuts, 204, 208, 285. Modern design, 127. Modoe, 113, 143, 146, 148. Mofras, Duflot de, 31, 46, 50. Mohave, 101, 161; mythology, 100. Mono, 329, 330. Monosyllabic stems in Yokuts, 238, 278; in languages of California, 376. Monosyllabic words, 41, 77, 78. Monsters, 93. Monterey, 50. Moquelumnan, 69, 150, 375; bas- kets, 149; northwestern, 151. Morotherium gigas, 20. Morphological group consisting of Chumash and Salinan languages, 49. Morphological groups of linguistic families of California, 316, 375. Mortar baskets, 106, 111, 115. Moth design, 157, 160. Mountain design, 158. Mountains and clouds design, 158. Mourning ceremony, 88; in Cali- fornia, 84, 102; in Southern Cali- fornia, 100. Multiple warp basketry, 110. Murray, E. T., 50. Mussel-tongue de-sign, 157. Mutsun, 69; grammar and phrase book, 50. Mylodon, 19, 22; sodalis, 21. Mylopharodon conocephalus, 18. Myriapod, 17. Mysticism, 89. Mythological specialization charac- teristic of American Indians, 98. Mythologies of California, 89; gen- eralized, 98. Mythology an attempt at science, 90. Myths, 89. Mytilus edulis, 19. Nahuatl, 71. Naikyexoloxats design, 138, 141. NaLg6s design, 145. Names attached to different de- signs among different groups, 161. Names in California, 85. Native Languages of California, 30; cited, 375. Navaho sand-painting, 162. Navel-string design, 144, 156. Negative in Yokuts, 221, 294. Negative particle in Yokuts dia- lects, 339, 346. Neotoma fuscipes, 17. New Mexico, 100. NiLkeutdasaan design, 139. Nobility, 84. Nobles, 87. Northeastern California, 112. Northeastern or Achomawi type of pattern arrangement, 152. Northern group of Yokuts dialects, 310, 311, 312, 325, 326, 331. North Pacific Coast, 92, 105, 161. North Pacific Coast Indians, 85, 86, 87, 88. [386] Index. Northwestern California, 86, 87, 88, 102, 105; culture area, 85; tribes, 101; type of pattern arrange- ment, 152. Norway, 91. Notched feather design, 158, 160. Noun, 45, 60, 74; in Yokuts, 189, 282, 323. Noun-agent, 38; in Yokuts, 287. Number in Yokuts verb, 204. Number of design names among tribes, 140. Number sufflxes, 281. Numerals, 40, 47, 61, 76; in Yo- kuts, 230, 297, 323, 339; cardi- nal adverbs in Yokuts, 231; ordi- nal adverbs in Yokuts, 231. Numeral system, 49, 62, 76; deci- mal, 40. Nutunutu dialect of Yokuts, 311, 319, 360. Object design names, 154. Objective case in Yokuts, 194, 196, 203, 221, 226, 2307 283. Objective pronouns, 33. Objective suffix, 39. Objects, names of, in Yokuts, 239, 243, 323. Obsidian implements, 88. Odocoileus, 19; sp. a, 18; sp. b, 18. Okrekruyaa design, 124, 141. Onomatopoetic words in Yokuts, 234. On top of design, 158. On top of each other design, 136, 139, 141, 154, 158. Openwork, 111, 114; baskets, 106, 109; trays, 126, 145; plate, 107. Optative in Yokuts, 289. Oregon, 87, 316; Indians, 85, 86. Order of words, 77; in Yokuts, 233. Origin myths, 88. Origin of death, 97; of the earth, 90. Ornamentation, 87. Ornament in California, 83. Ostrea conchaphila, 19. Ostrea lurida, 19. Oval basket, 151. Overlaying, 108, 142; in basketry, 111, 112, 113. Ovibos, 18. Owl-claw design, 156. Paddles, 83, 87. Palatal consonants in Yokuts, 180. Palatal L, 32. Paleuyami, 170; dialect of Yokuts, 313, 318, 329, 335, 341, 347. Participle in Yokuts, 215, 218, 220. Particle in Yokuts, 245, 277, 294. Parts of the body, 41; in Yokuts, 238, 241, 323. Passive in Yokuts, 218, 219, 288, 290, 292; future, 288. Past tenses in Yokuts, 217, 246, 286, 290, 346. Patch design, 145, 158. Pattern designs, 155; names, 154. Patterns, 154; composite, 154. Payments, 88. Perouse, de la, 49, 50, 57, 59, 74. Person in Yokuts, 204. Personal pronouns in Yokuts, 221. Persons, names of, in Yokuts, 240, 323. Peter Christman, 363. Philosophical tendency in myths, 90. Phonetic changes in Yokuts, 328; character, 48;. immutability in languages of California, 376; system of Yokuts, 173, 183, 277. Phonetics, 31, 57? 69; of Yokuts, 279. Pictography among California In- dians, 161. Picture writing in California, 83; in California basketry, 162. Piman, 49. Pine-cone design, 154, 157. Pinole, 20. Pinus ponderosa, 142. Pipes, 83, 87. Pitanisha, Fight with the, Yokuts text, 274. Pitkachi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 360. Pit river baskets, 148; Indians, 85, 113, 142, 144, 147. Plains Indians, 94, 98; shield, 162. Planks, 86. Plant, design, 157; design names, 153, 154; food, 82. Plants, names of, in Yokuts, 243. Platygonus, cf. vetus, 21; sp., 18; sp. minor, 21. Plural, 36, 44, 48, 61, 74; in lan- guages of California, 377; in verbs, 49; in Yokuts, 189, 199, 201, 221, 222, 226, 227, 277, 282; stem changes in Yokuts, 190. Pocket deposits, 9. Poetical sentiments in basket de- signs, 161. Point Concepcion, 85, 99. Points-sticking-up design, 141, 158. Poison oak, 142. Polecat design, 126. [387] Index. Polynesians, 90, 91. Polysyllabic stems in Yokuts, 376, 377; words, 42. Polytheism, 91. Pomo, 84, 86, 106, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 1517 161, 316, 323, 375, 376, 377; basketry, 116; baskets, 115; number of weaves practiced by,, 150; type of pattern arrange- ment, 152; variety of pattern ar- rangement, 151. Porcupine quills, 109. Poso creek, 170, 329; group of Yo- kuts dialects, 312, 313, 326, 331. Possessive case, 45; in Yokuts, 194, 201, 202, 203, 221, 224, 226, 284, 293; prefix, 39, 45, 59; pronoun, 38, 48. Potlatch, 81, 88. Potter creek, 3, 22. Potter Creek Cave, 1. Pottery, 161; in California, 83, 102; in Southern California, 100. Powers, Stephen, 81, 170. Prairie-falcon Fights, Yokuts text, 263. Prairie-falcon Loses, Yokuts text, 264. Prairie-falcon 's Wife, Yokuts text, 259. Prayers and formulas, Yokuts, 374. Prayers in basket designs, 162. Prayer, Yokuts, 372. Prefixes, lacking in Yokuts, 183; of terms of relationship, 37. Prepositions, 45, 49, 75; in Yokuts, 232. Present tense in Yokuts, 217, 285, 290. Previous race, 95. Priest, 89. Procellio scaber, 16. Pronominal, affixes, 70; elements, 33, 48; close fusion of elements with the noun, 48; prefixes, 33. Pronoun, 39, 44, 58, 70, 71; in Yo- kuts, 221, 277, 294, 346; combi- nations of in Yokuts, 224, 277; demonstrative in Yokuts, 225, 296; interrogative in Yokuts, 228, 296; personal in Yokuts, 221, 294, 334; possessive in Yo- kuts, 221, 224, 227, 295; relative in Yokuts, 227; indefinite in Yo- kuts, 228, 296. Pronouns of American languages containing n, m, and k, 335. Property, 84; marks in basketry, 116; rights in California, 84. Prosaic character of California myths, 97. Ptychocheilus grandis, 18. Pueblo, 87, 100; altar, 162; myths, 94. Pueblos, 81. Pulled around design, 158. Purchase, 88. Purdy, 110. Purses of elkhorn, 87. Putnam, F. W., 2. Put on top design, 142. Putorius arizonensis, 17. Quail, crest design, 144, 156; de- sign, 156; plume design, 159; tip design, 160. Rabbit excrement design, 141, 156. Raccoon design, 156. Radical diversity of Yokuts dia- lects, 170, 316, 319. Radicals, 41, 77. Raft design, 144, 158. Rainbow design, 158. Rattlesnake, 159; head design, 143, 156; markings design, 156; nose design, 137, 141, 156; noses on top of each other design, 137. Raven, 93. Realism in art of California In- dians, 102, 161. Realistic representation, 87. Red Bluff, 26; terrace, 25, 26. Red-snake, design, 127, 141, 157; markings design, 157. Reduplication, 49, 61, 77; in lan- guages of California, 377; in Yokuts, 238, 277, 278, 280, 343; etymological, in Yokuts, 343; final, in Yokuts, 345; initial, in Yokuts, 345; in Yokuts numer- als, 185; in Yokuts verb, 204; of nouns with possessive prefix, 37; with change of vowel in Yokuts, 346. Redwood, 108, 144; creek, 85. Reflexive in Yokuts, 206, 285, 290. Relationship of Chumash and Sa- linan, 48; of Esselen and Costa- noan, 68, 80. Religious ideas in basketry, expres- sion of, 162. Religious significance of basket de- signs, 161. Rhus diversiloba, 142. Richardson, J. A., 2, 4. Rikweritcag'atgat design, 142. Ritualism, 84, 89; in California, 102. Ritvelet design, 142. [388] Index. Robertson, Alice, 20, 21. Root fibres, 108. Round Valley, 145. Rumsien dialect, 69, 74, 75. Sacramento river, 145; valley, 152. Sacramento valley Indians, 85. Sacred numbers, 89. Sahaptian, 49. Sahaptin, 375. Salinan, 30, 43, 59, 61, 71, 80, 336, 375; demonstratives, 44; family, 102; initial t., 46; linguistic family, 43; noun, 45; numerals, 47; possessive case, 45; posses- sive prefixes, 45; plural, 44; prepositions, 45; pronouns, 44; pronominal forms, 46. Salinas Valley, 102. Salmon, 86. San Antonio dialect, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47; Mission, vocabulary of the language of the, 43. San Benito county, 69. San Francisco, 30; latitude of, 150. San Joaquin valley, 150; basin, 161, 169; river, 169, 309, 310, 311, 312, 325. San Lucas, Cape, 99. San Miguel dialect, 44, 46, 47. San Pablo Bay quaternary, 19. Santa Barbara, 30, 31, 50, 98, 100, 102; region, 101, 102. Santa Clara, 73. Santa Cruz, 73. Santa Ynez, 31. Scapanus californicus, 17. Scientific explanation in myth, 93. Sciuropterus klamathensis, 17. Sciurus hudsonicus albolimbatus, 17. Scratches design, 158. Secret society, 88; in California, 84. Seedbeater, 108. Seler, 71. Semi-derivatives in Yokuts verb, 204. Semi-derivative suffixes, 282; in Yokuts, 285. Sentence structure in Yokuts, 183, 278. Sentences, Yauelmani, 299. Serrano, 329. Shamanism, 89. Sharp different design, 127; sharp slanting design, 158; sharp tooth design, 120, 130, 136, 141, 156. Shasta, 85, 144, 145, 316; Mount, 85, 152; county, 115; baskets, 149. Shasta-Achomawi, 317. Shea, 43, 46, 47. Shoshonean, 30, 32, 49, 279, 316, 328, 329, 330, 335, 375; family, 169, 173; tribes, 150. Shoshoneans, 100, 101, 299, 309. Sierra Nevada, 47, 85, 152, 169, 309, 310, 329. Significance of decoration of Cali- fornia basketry, 162. Silver Lake, Oregon, 20; beds of, 20; fauna, 22. Singing ceremonies in Southern California, 100. Sinkine, 144, 149, 155, 158. Sinkyone or Sinkine, 144. Siskiyou county, 105; range, 86. Sitting design, 120, 124, 130, 140, 141, 158, 160. Sitting in the middle design, 127. Sitjar, Buenaventura, 43. Siujtu rancheria, 31. Skunk design, 141, 156. Skunk-nose design, 156. Slaves, 84, 88. Sleeping together design, 127. Small flint design, 130. Smith river, 85. Snail-back design, 132, 140, 141, 157. Snake, design, 121, 124, 130, 139, 140, 141, 157; head design, 160; nose design, 120, 131, 140, 141, 156; noses on top of each other design, 133; patterns, 159. Social organization, 87, 88; in Cali- fornia, 83, 102. Social rank, 84. Sonants, 32; in Yokuts, 179, 277. Song, Chunut, dancing, 366; from a Yokuts myth, 371; Tachi, danc- ing, 366; Tachi, 366; Wiikeham- ni, Ohowish ceremony, 364; Yau- danchi, otter, 370; Yokuts, coy- ote, 368, 369; Yokuts, dancing, 368, 369; Yokuts, eagle, 368; Yokuts, grizzly-bear doctor's, 367; Yokuts, ground-squirrel, 370; Yokuts, medicine man's, 367; Yokuts, mourning cere- mony, 364; Yokuts, mountain sheep, 370; Yokuts, Pleiades, 371; Yokuts, rattlesnake cere- mony, 364; Yokuts, road-run- ner's7 370; Yokuts, water 's, 370. Southern California, 101. Southern type of pattern arrange- ment in basketry, 149, 152. Southwestern California, 102. [3891 Index. Southwestern group of linguistic families of California, 375. Southwestern myths, 94. Southwest Indians, 161. Spanish speaking Indians, 30. Spatial design names, 153, 154. Specialization, of California In- dians, 103; of culture in Califor- nia, 86. Spermophilus douglasi, 17. Spiders, 17. Spilogale n. sp. 17. Spiral pattern arrangement, 148. Spirants in Yokuts, 179, 277. Spoons, 87. Spotted design, 132, 138, 158. Spread finger design, 121, 130. Spread-hand design, 137, 138, 139, 141, 156. Spreading apart design, 126. Spreading design, 141, 158. Spruce, 108. Star design., 141, 158. Star-shaped pattern, 150. Stems, different, in Yokuts dia- lects, 323; identical, in Yokuts dialects, 323. Stirred design, 132, 158. Stockton, 169, 311, 325. Stone bowls in Santa Barbara re- gion, 99. Stony creek, 145. Storage baskets, 106, 107, 110, 111, 147. Straight across design, 142. String, 83. Striped design, 125, 132, 138, 145, 158. Structure, of Yokuts, 186; of the syllable in Yokuts, 181; trans- parence of in languages of Cali- fornia, 376. Sturgeon-back design, 124, 125, .127, 130, 138, 140, 141, 142, 157. Subjective case in Yokuts, 221. Subjective prefix, 39. Sucker-tail design, 143, 157. Suffixes, 63; in Yokuts, 278, 280; list of, 186, 281; verbal, 292, 337. Suffixion in Yokuts, 184, 186, 278. Sugar-pine, design, 157; roots of, 108. Sun, 93. Surds in Yokuts, 179, 277. Swallow, design, 127, 141, 156; tail design, 137, 138, 139, 141, 156. Sweat-house, 83, 86. Symbolism, 89, 162; in California, 102; in basketry, 161. Syntactical cases, 48. Synthetical structure of Yokuts, 183. Tachi, dialect of Yokuts, 311, 319, 333, 341, 342, 361, 363, 367, 374; phrases, 362. Tagelus californiwus, 19. Tales of adventures, 93. Tangled Hair, Yokuts text, 256. Tanyuwis, jimson-weed ceremony of Yokuts, 374. Tattoo design, 126, 140, 141, 156. Taxidea n .sp., 17. Taylor, A. S., 50. Tea design, 137, 141. Tcaxhultewe design, 137, 141. TcaxteeiufieL design, 136, 137. TeesLifialwiltewel design, 136. Teinisnoi design, 145. Tcirurategat design, 142. Technique, 162; of basketry, 152; of basketry of northwestern Cal- ifornia, 109; of baskets, 149. Tehachapi, 85; south of, 99, 100; north of, 102; mountains, 169. Tejon, 299. Telamni dialect of Yokuts, 311. Temperamental characteristics of California Indians, 103. Temporal clauses in Yokuts, 220. Tense in Yokuts, 204, 208, 285. Tenses, 72. Teonoma n. sp., 17. Terms of relationship, 42; in Yo- kuts, 178, 201, 235, 238, 240. Territorial continuity of character- istics, 329. Texas, 316. Text, 79. Texts in Yokuts, 255, 279, 363. Texture of baskets, 149. Theft, of fire, 97; of the sun, 97. Theory as to the fundamental na- ture of American myths, 96. They come together design, 138. Thomomys leucodon, 17; monticola, 17; n. sp., 17; sp., 21. Thompson Indians, 111. Throwing stick in Southern Cali- fornia, 100. Tied design, 158. Ti weave, 111, 150. Tlinkit, 111, 112. Tobacco basket, 107. Toikhichi dialect of Yokuts, 312. Tolowa, 85. Toltichi, dialect of Yokuts, 311, 354; vocabulary, 356. Tomales Bay, 20. [390] Index. Tom, Tachi informant, 363. Tongs design, 158. Tornit, 95. Tortoise, 19. Totem, 87. Totemic gentile system in Southern California, 100. Totemism in California, 102. Totems, 81. Tracks design, 156. Tray, baskets, 106, 151; for acorn meal, 107. Tree design, 157. Tribal, ceremonies in California, 84; design, 144; differences in northwestern basket designs, 116; names in California, 169. Tribes of California, 81, 83. Tribute, 88. Trickster, 93, 95. Trinity county, 105; river, 85, 105, 145. Trinket basket, 107, 147. Truhohayi dialect of Yokuts, 311. Tulamni group of Yokuts dialects, 313; dialect of Yokuts, 319, 350, 367. Tulare, basin, 310; baskets, 150; county, 155; lake, 310, 311. Tule, 83, 86; as basket material, 148; raft in Santa Barbara re- gion, 99. Tule river, 170, 311, 328; Indians, 155; reservation, 279, 309. Tule-Kaweah group of Yokuts dia- lects, 311, 312, 313, 324, 325, 326, 329. Turning around design, 158. Turntable creek, 22. Twined, baskets, 145; basketry, 87; weaving, 150; weaving, distribu- tion of, 145. Twining, 109; diagonal, 110; two- strand, 110, 112; three-strand, 110, 112, 115. Types of Indian culture in Califor- nia, 81. Typical culture area of California, 82. Ucaciprovahit design, 141. Uhle, Max, 13. Uniformity of general type of cul- ture in California, 82. United States fishery station, 3. University of California, 81. Unwarlike nature of California In- dians, 103. Upper San Pedro series, 19. Urocyon townsendi, 17. Ursus, 11, 21; n. sp., 17; sp. indet., 20. Valley division of Yokuts dialects, 170, 309, 310, 311, 324, 325, 326, 331, 338. VAnaanak design, 125, 138, 141. Velar gutturals, 32. Velars in Yokuts, 179. Ventura, 98. Verb, 33, 59, 60, 72, 74; in Yokuts, 204, 246, 285, 323; stems in Yo- kuts, 238, 246; substantive in Yokuts, 221. Verbal, nouns in Yokuts, 218, 278; roots, 78. Veret! design, 127. Veret!kormen design, 127. Vertical pattern arrangement, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151. VEtergerpuraa design, 125, 140, 141. VFtseq !tseq! oaa design, 125, 127, 130, 138, 141. Village, 87, 88; in California, 83; communities, 84, 87. Vine design, 157, 160. Visit to the dead, Yokuts text, 272. Vocabulary, 51, 66; of Yokuts, 234, 239, 316; selected comparative, of 21 Yokuts dialects, 320. Vocalic, changes in Yokuts, 177; harmony in Yokuts, 176, 377; harmony in Maidu, 376; muta- tion, in languages of California, 376; mutation in Yokuts, 170, 173, 182, 184, 186, 208, 278, 289, 375. Voice in Yokuts, 204, 208, 285. Volcanic ash, 5, 6, 7. Vowel, change in Yokuts, 236; mu- tations in Yokuts, 277. Vowels, 31, 57, 69; of Yokuts, 173; quantity of, 182. Vulpes cascadensts, 17. Vulpes cf. pennsylvanicus, 21. Vutsierau design, 125, 141. Waghe, 95. Wailaki, 145, 149. Wakichi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 325, 359, 360. War, 88. Warclub in Southern California, 100. Washo, 47, 61, 101, 377. Water-snake design, 143, 157. Waxpoo design, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127, 130, 137, 141, 142. Wealth, 87, 88, 89; in California, 102. [391] Index. Weehikhit dialect of Yokuts, 311, 360. White-oak design, 157. Wichita, 94. Willow7 108, 142. Wimilchi dialect of Yokuts, 311. Wintun, 112, 133, 149, 154, 155, 156, 159, 316, 375, 376, 377; bas- ket designs, 142; baskets, north- ern, 115, 148; names of baskets, 142; northern, 112, 113, 144,145, 152, 153, 155, 159; of the Mc- Cloud river, 142; of upper Sac- ramento river, 143; southern, 145, 151, 152. Wishosk, 85, 156, 158; basket de- signs, 141. Wo 'lasi dialect of Yokuts, 311, 363. Wolf 's eye design, 156. Wood-billets design, 158. Woodpecker scalps, 88. Woodwardia fern, 108, 109, 143, 144. World, explanation of the, 89; ori- gin of, 90. Worm goes around design, 138, 157. Wowol dialect of Yokuts, 363. Wowolasi [see Wo 'lasi]. Wowowali dialect of Yokuts, 311. Wiikehamni dialect of Yokuts, 173, 312, 319, 328, 341, 351. Wyoming, 316. Xasiree design, 132, 140, 141. Xerophyllum tenax, 108, 113, 143, 144, 147, 148. Xurip design, 141. Yana, 146, 148, 152, 156, 158. Yaudanchi dialect of Yokuts, 171, 173, 312, 319, 328, 332, 342, 365, 368. Yauelmani dialect of Yokuts, 171, 279, 311, 312, 332, 333, 341, 342, 363, 365, 368. Yaulanchi, 171. Yellow dyeing, 108. Yellow-pine, 142; design, 157. Yokod [see Yokol]. Yokol dialect of Yokuts, 312, 371. Yokuts, 32, 33, 49, 84, 146, 150, 155, 156, 157, 158? 159, 161; bas- ketry, 116; origin of name, 170; part of Central Californian group of languages, 377; rela- tion of to languages of Califor- nia, 375; territory, 309. Yuki, 33, 86, 97, 144, 145, 152, 155, 156, 158, 316, 323, 375, 376, 377. Yuman, 30, 49, 150; family, 100. Yurok, 85, 89, 95, 105, 106, 144, 145, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 336; basket designs, 117; basketry, 114, 116, 136; baskets, 107, 109; names of bas- kets, 107; southern, 151. Zigzag, design, 124, 144, 158; pat- tern arrangement, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151. e Of THE [) NIVERSITY} :v-.- A L FO . Rtll [393]