REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 75 CHECK LIST AND INDEX TO REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Nos. 32 (1955) to 74 (1968); CHECK LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ARCHAE- OLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, No. 1 (1965) to No. 30 (1976) AND OTHER INFORMATION ON ACTIVITIES OF THE SURVEY AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, 1948-1972. Robert F. Heizer ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley 1972 Revised edition, 1976 REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 75 CHECK LIST AND INDEX TO REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Nos. 32 (1955) to 74 (1968); CHECK LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ARCHAE- OLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, No. 1 (1965) to No. 30 (1976) AND OTHER INFORMATION ON ACTIVITIES OF THE SURVEY AND THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, 1948-1972. Robert F. Heizer ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley 1972 Revised edition, 1976 PREFACE We provide here a brief index to Reports No. 32-74 (1955-1968) of the University of California Archaeological Survey, Berkeley (UCAS). This is intended as a continuation of the index of Reports No. 1-30 which was published in UCAS Report No. 31, 1955. To this index is added a check list of Reports No. 1-75 of the UCAS and a check list of Contributions, No. 1-30 of the Archaeological Research Facility of the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (ARF). Further, a brief history of the University of California Archaeological Survey and its successor, The Archaeological Research Facility, is provided, together with a listing of the manuscripts and maps filed with the Archaeological Research Facility, and a list showing numbers of archaeological sites in the permanent California site file maintained by the ARF. Robert F. Heizer Coordinator, AR F July, 1972 Note: in the present reprint of UCAS-R 75 the listing of ARF Contributions has been brought up to the date of publication. June, 1976 CONTENTS Page Preface I. Index of UCAS Reports, Nos. 32 to 74 1 General subjects 1 Ethnographic tribes referred to 1 Historic sites 1 Trail sites 2 Cave and rockshelter sites 2 Petroglyphs and pictographs 2 Physical anthropology (skeletal analysis) 3 California sites referred to (listed by county) 3 Arizona sites referred to 7 Nevada sites referred to 7 Oregon sites referred to 8 Utah sites referred to 8 II. Check list of UCAS Reports Nos. 1 to 75 9 HI. List of authors of Reports Nos. 1 to 75 20 IV. Check list of ARF Contributions, Nos. 1 to 30 33 V. List of authors of ARF Contributions Nos. 1 to 30 40 VI. Catalogue of manuscripts deposited in the AR F files 58 VII. Catalogue of manuscript maps deposited in the ARF files 82 VIII. Check list of Nona-serial Publications of the AR F 89 IX. A brief history of the UCAS and ARF, 1948-1972 91 I. INDEX TO UCAS REPORTS 32-74. General Subjects Burial and cremation practices ............... Culture history ................................... ..... Division of labor .................................... . Ethnography .................................... . .. Face and body painting................................... Mission records of Indian villages ..... Nature of land holding groups .................. California archaeology .................................. Nevada archaeology........................... California ethnology ........................ Report No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nos 37, 42, 48, 57, 63, 71 60 56 60 68, 60 74 56 32, 38, 43, 49, 58, 64, Parts I, II,5III 33, 39, 44, 50, 59, 65, , 34, 40, 46 4 51, 61, 1 67, 35, 41, 47, 53, 62, 70, Nos. 32, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 66, 71, 73. Nos. 38, 41, 50, 55, 66, 68 (Parts I-III), 69, 72, 74. Ethnographic Tribes Referred to: Achomawi........................................ Chumash ...... Coast Yuki............ Maidu .......... . . . . ... .. . Miwok ....................... . .. Nicoleno ........ . . .. . *......a.... . Nisenan ............... ....0...... Northern Miwok ............. . . Porno...................................*0........ Southern Miwok ............. . . Washoon.. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 50; 38, 61. 63. 50; 50; 50; 55. 50; 38; 72 41; 66; 38; paper 86. paper 61, paper paper paper 85. 86. 76; paper 86. paper 60. paper 69. No. III. paper 62. Historic Sites Hum-69 67:58-102. Iny-2 32:8; 33:4,28,31; 34:35-38, 40, 46, 51, 54; 42:70, 73-76, 80; 48:47; 51:31, 33, 76; 58:1, 12, 20-22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 50, 53,55. Ker-74 32:8 33:28 31 51:33. Mrn-115 38:2, 4; 44:(I)2; 62:135, 143. Mrn-232 48:18; 61:7. 2 Mrp-80 Mrp-92 Mrp- 200 Sac-86 Sac-126 SBa-45 SBa-87 Sis-262 Teh- 193 Teh- 208 Tri-45 Tri-46 Tri-112 Tri-113 Tuo- 231 34:21. 34:23; 47. 34:23. 38:3; 39:2; 50:44. 38:3. 69:33. 69: 24. 48:57. 40:8, 10, 11, 46, 48:58. 40:44. 43:(I)8, 9, 24; 46:3-7. 43(I)5, 16. 43:(I)8; 46:8-13. 46:13. 34:22. Trail Sites No. 54 deals generally with California. No. 48, trails in Huntington Lake area. Mrp-3 34:24; 30, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55. Riv-53T 37:22 throughout. Riv-58 37:27, 28, 35. Riv-71 37:37; 23, 30, 35. Tri-70 46:15; 43:(I)8. Tuo-109 34:24, 47. 5, 48; 53:14, 26, 27, 58. Cave and Rockshelter Sites Alp-7 51:24. Ker-185 51:24 Las-l (Tommy Tucker Cave) 35:1-25; 36:1, Las-90 48:49 LAn- (Bowers Cave) 59:1-60. NV-Ch-16 (Hidden Cave, Nevada) 33:58; 42:63, 68, 73-76, 85; 66:103; 70:50-79; 71:103-113 NV-Ch-18 (Lovelock Cave, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1, 4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 52: throughout NV-Ch-35 (Humboldt Cave, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1,4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 70:49-- NV-Pe-14 (Leonard Rockshelter, Nevada) 33:50; 36:1, 4; 42: 63, 80, 82; 70:50-79. NV-Pe-67 (Granite Point Cave, Nevada) 70:50-79; 73:195-233. Catlow Cave, Oregon 33:44. Danger Cave, Utah 53:25,26. Petroglyphs and Pictographs Report No. 65 numerous sites in Owens Valley (Inyo and Mono dounties) Report No. 70: 151-153 many sites Sac-227 48:72, 75, 76, 77, 81. Ala-19 41:14. Sac-228 48:71, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81. Ala-51 41:13. Sac-229 48:69, 75-81. Eld-69 48:69, 75-77, 81. Sie-1 51:23. Nev-5 51:23. Sol-16 41:13. Pla-2 48:67, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80. Tuo-22 34:10. Pla-26 51:23. Tuo-35 34:22. Pla-37 48:68, 75, 76, 77, 79-81. Tuo-41 34:22. Riv-46 37:22, 23. Riv-49 37:25. Sac-213 48:70, 75-77. Sac-216 48:70, 75, 77, 79, 80. 3 Physical Anthropology (skeletal analysis) Report No. 39 (Lower Sacramento Valley area). Report No. 45 (Great Basin area). Report No. 50 (Central California area). Report No. 66 (the Ophir skull from Nevada). Sites Referred to, by County or State (California unless specified) Alameda Ala-19 41:14; Ala-51 41:13; Ala-307 42:82, 84; 44:(I)4-6; 47:16, 55, 70; 62:140; Ala-309 38:31; 44:(I)6; 47:55, 68, 70; 62:140-142; Ala-328 44(I)4; 62:135, 139, 140, 143; Ala-330 32:21, 22. Alpine Alp-7 51:24. Amador Ama-3 33:2. Ama-14 48:81. Butte But-59 38:14, 15; But-65 64:23; But-66 64:23; But-84 64:23; But-94 64:23. Calaveras Cal-13 33:2; Cal-99 33:2; Cal-114 48:44; Cal-142 48:44. Colusa Col-l 33:2; 39:2; 50:44; 62:136, 142, 143, 136; Col-2 33:3; 48:45, 59; 62:143; Col-3 33:3; 62:143. Contra Costa CCo-l 35:29, 32; CCo-2 35:27, 32; CCo-5 35:28, 32; CCo-17 35:27, 31, 34; CCo-128 35:30, 32; CCo-129 35:30, 32; CCo-135 35:28, 29, 32, 33; CCo-138 33:3; 35:29-31; 38:20; 39:1, 2; 44:(I)4, 6; 48:45; 50:44; 57: all of Part I; 62:142, 143; CCo-137 33:3; 35:36, 40-42; 47:30; 62:140; CCo-139 35:29-31, 34; CCo-140 35:29, 32; CCo-141 33:3; 35:31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43; 62:140; CCo-146 35:30, 32-34, 36, 38-43; 38:31; CCo-147 35:30; CCo-150 33:3 35:31; 62:140; CCo-250 33:3 62:140, 142; CCo-259 49:throughout, 62:140, 143; CCo-283 62:140; CCo-295 33:3; 47:16, 68, 70; CCo-200 33:3; 62:140. El Dorado Eld-16 33:3; Eld-24 48:45; Eld-73 64:23. Fresno Fre-7 48:46; Fre-27 48:46; Fre-48 33:3; Fre-105 34:44; Fre-lL5 33:4; 34:35-38 41, 46, 51, 52; 48:8, 9, 12, 46; 58:1, 10, 19-21, 28, 32, 38, 50, 55, 56; Fre-117 48:9; Fre-118 48:8, 9; 58:21, 30; Fre-119 48:9; 58:21; Fre-120 34:41; Fre-122 34:44; Fre-123 48:8, 9, 11; 58:19, 20, 27, 28, 30, 36; Fre-132 58:35; Fre-137 48:4, 9, 11; 58:19, 20, 27, 30; Fre-142 48:9; Fre-145 48:9; Fre-148 48:8, 9; Fre-149 48:9; Fre-158 48:8, 9; 58:21; Fre-161 48:9; Fre-169 48:9, 11; 58:21, 27, 28; Fre-178 58:2; Fre-183 48:4; Fre-186 48:9; Fre-197 58:21; Fre-198 48:9; 58:35; Fre-200 58:34; Fre-201 58:34; Fre-202 48:9; Fre-205 48:9; Fre-206 48:9; 58:3; 4 Fresno (continued) Fre-207 48:9; Fre-208 48:9; Fre-210 48:9; 58:2; Fre-211 48:9, 11; Fre-212 48:9, 11; 58:3; Fre-213 48:9; Fre-214 48:9; Fre-215 48:10; Fre-217 58:3; Fre-220 48:10, 11; 58:24; Fre-221 48:11; 58:2; Fre-225 48:10, 11, 12; Fre-226 48:10; 58:21; Fre-227 58:21, 34; Fre-229 48:10, 11; Fre-236 48:10; Fre-237 48:10; Fre-239 48:10; Fre-243 48:10; Fre-244 48:10; Fre-245 48:10, 58:19-21, 27, 28, 31, 41, 55; Fre-246 48:10; Fre-247 48:10; Fre-251 58:2; Fre-252 48:10; Fre-254 48:10; Fre-255 48:10; Fre-291 58:10, 19-21, 30, 35; Fre-292 58:22; Fre-293 58:22, 30; Fre-295 58:22; Fre-334 58:3; Fre-335 58:34; Fre-336 58:71; Fre-371 58:21. Glenn Gle-10 64:22. Humboldt Hum-67 33:4; 62:5-122; Hum-118 32:5, 6; 33:4; 62:7, 15, 25; 67:6-57; Hum-169 33:4; 67:58-102. Iny-2 33:4, 28, 31; 34:35-38, 40, 46, 51, 54; 42:70, 73-76, 80; 48:47; 51:31, 33, 76; 58:1, 12, 20-22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 50, 53, 55; Iny-28 65:3-6, 16,18,; Iny-38 65:3,6; Iny-179 65:7; Iny-180 65:7; Iny-181 65:7,8; Iny-182 33:4; Iny-198 65:8,9; Iny-204 65:7,8,9; Iny-205 33:4; 65:9, 10; Iny-208 65:9, 10; Iny-210 65:3, 9, 10, 12; Iny-211 65:12; Iny-214 33:4; Iny-222 34:4, 55; Iny-259 65:3, 12; Iny-267 65:3, 4, 13; Iny-268 65:15; Iny-269 65:15, 16, 18; Iny-270 65:16; Iny-272 65:18; Iny-278 65:4, 17; Iny-334 65:20; Iny-351 65:7, 8; Iny-363 65:20, 21; Iny-372 42:73-76, 80; 48:47; Iny-388 65:9, 21, 22; Iny-389 65:3, 9, 10, 22; Iny-390 65:23; Iny-392 65:23; Iny-393 65:23; Iny-394 65:24; Iny-395 65:24; Iny-396 65:24; Iny-397 65:25, Iny-398 65:3, 25; Iny-399 65:4, 9, 26; Iny-400 65:13, 27; Iny-401 65:27; Iny-415 33:4; Iny-436 65:27; Iny-437 65:28. Kern Ker-39 48:48; Ker-74 32:8; 51:33; Ker-185 51:24. Lassen Las-l 33:44, 45; 34:35, 37, 40; 35:1-25; 36:1, 5; 48:48; 53:14, 26, 27, 58; Las-3 48:49; Las-7 33:44-47; 36:5; 48:48; 51:76; 53:throughout; 58:21, 22; 70:134; Las-9 53:32; Las-10 53:29; Las-29 53:56; Las-90 48:49; 53:14, 26, 27; Las-194 73:95-189. Los Angeles LAn-52 38:112. Madera Mad-29 64:23; Mad-37 64:23. Marin Mrn-17 38:12; Mrn-80 48:17; Mrn-115 38:2, 4; 44:(I)2; 62:135, 143; Mrn-124 48:16; Mrn 201 62:143; Mrn-232 48:18; 61:7; Mrn-242 35:39; 62:140, 142, 149; Mrn-307 48:49; Mrn-315 62:140; Mrn-342 47:16; Mrn-266 35:39; 38:29, 31; 47:70; 62:132, 140, 143, 144, 152, 153. 5 Mariposa Mrp-3 34:13, 15, 24, 30, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55; Mrp-5 34:50; Mrp-9 34:11, 25-30, 32, 35, 37, 43, 45, 46, 50-53, 55; 48:50;58:29; Mrp-45 32:52; Mrp-48 34:21; Mrp-49 39:21; Mrp-57 .34:13, 20, 21, 22; Mrp-58 34:20, 22, 44; Mrp-61 34:30, 35-37, 47, 53; Mrp-62 34:20, 35-37, 47, 53; Mrp-68 34:20; Mrp-71 34:21; Mrp-75 34:13; Mrp-77 34:20, 22; Mrp-79 34:30, 32, 46, 47; Mrp-80 34:21; Mrp-92 34:47; Mrp-94 34:'47; Mrp-96 34:50, 55; Mrp-97 34:11, 25-30, 32, 34-38, 40, 43, 52, 55; 58:29; Mrp-100 34:13; Mrp-105 34:11, 25-30, 32, 34-38, 40, 43-52, 55; 48:50; 58:29, 38; Mrp-106 34:11, 25, 30, 50, 51, 55; Mrp-121 34:47; Mrp-129 34:40, 45, 46; Mrp-135 34:52; Mrp-138 34:43; Mrp-140 34:32; Mrp-141 34:45; Mrp-146 34:13; Mrp-148 34:13; Mrp-156 34:46; Mrp-158 34:21; Mrp-161 34:20, 22; Mrp-163 34:20; Mrp-177 34:13; Mrp-181 34:47, 50; Mrp-189 34:22; Mrp-200 34:23; Mrp-213 34:46; Mrp-220 34:46; Mrp-222 34:48; Mrp-223 34:21; Mrp-228 34:48; Mrp-231 34:43, 45, 55. Mendocino Men-455 63:49; Men-458 63:51. Merced Mer-43 64:24; Mer-58 64:24, 31; Mer-89 64:24, 31. Modoc Mod-27 33:34; 48:50. Mono Mno-4 65:28; Mno-5 65:3, 4, 29; Mno-6 65:29; Mno-7 65:30; Mno-8 65:3, 31; Mno-66 65:34; Mno-367 38:7; Mno-421 65:34; Mno-548 65:35; Mno-549 65:35; Mno-550 65:35; Mno-551 65:35; Mno-552 65:36. Monterey Mnt-281 44:(I)3; Mnt-282 44: (I)3, 7. Napa Nap-i 62:140, 144; Nap-14 62:140; Nap-32 62:140, 144; Nap-39 62:144. Nevada Nev-5 51:23; Nev-15 48:51; 51:30, 33-49, 69, 71, 74; 58:23. Placer Pla-2 48:67, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80; Pla-5 51:69; 53:56; Pla-6 51:71; Pla-17 48:51; Pla-26 51:23; Pla-37 48:68, 75, 77, 79-81. Riverside Riv-8 37:29; Riv-17 37:29; Riv-22 37:27; Riv-32 37:24; Riv-46 37:22, 23; Riv-49 37:25; Riv-51 37:25, 26, 30; Riv-53 37:22-throughout; Riv-54 37:22, 25, 26, 30; Riv-56 37:25, 26, 35; Riv-57 37:29; Riv-58 37:27, 28, 35; Riv-63 37:25; Riv-71 37:23, 30, 35; Riv-72 37:24, 25; Riv-73 37:28, 35, 36; Riv-74 37:28; Riv-76 37:25; Riv-81 37:28; Riv-82 37:29; Riv-83 37:29, 35; Riv-84 37:29. Sacramento Sac-6 34:38; 38:2, 19, 20; 44:(I)4; 48:52, 54, 55; 62:144; Sac-16 38:29; 48:52; Sac-21 38:19; 39:2; Sac-28 48:52; Sac-29 48:52, 54; Sac-31 48:52; Sac-43 39:2; 6 Sacramento (continued) 62:140, 142; Sac-45 35:27, 31; Sac-56 35:50; 38:2, 20; 39:2; 48:52; 50:44; 62:144; Sac-60 35:36;39:2; 50:44; 62:140, 142, 144, 146; Sac-66 35:36; 39:1, 2; 62:140, 144; Sac-73 35:36; 47:30; 62:140; Sac-83 62:144; Sac-85 39:2; 50:44; Sac-86 38:3; 39:2; 50:44; Sac-9S 38:3; 48:52; 62:144; Sac-99 39:1, 2; 62:140; Sac-104 35:27, 31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43; Sac-107 35:38; 38:3; 39:1, 2; 42:82; 44:(I)2; 50:44; 62:138, 140, 144; Sac-ill 64:31; Sac-113 38:20; 62:141, 143; Sac-117 64:31; Sac-121 62:144; Sac-126 38:3; Sac-127 48:52; Sac-151 39:2; 62:141; Sac-157 62:141; Sac-161 48:52; Sac-162 35:27, 31; Sac-211 35:40-42; Sac-213 48:70, 75-77; Sac-216 48:70, 75, 77, 79, 80; Sac-227 48:72, 75-77, 81; Sac-228 48:71, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81; Sac-229 48:69, 75-81; Sac-230 48:81; Sac-231 48:73, 75, 77; Sac-234 48:73. San Bernardino SBr-288 57: throughout part 2. San Francisco SFr-I 32:1-14; SFr-7 62:141, 142; SFr-24 32:1-14. San Joaquin SJo-43 48:52; SJo-47 48:52; SJo-56 39:2; 44:(I)2; 50:44; 62:138; SJo-59 62:141; SJo-68 39:2; 42:84; 44:(I)2, 3; 50:44; 62:138 139, 141, 146; SJo-80 48:52; SJo-82 48:52; SJo-83 48:52; SJo-86 48:52; SJo-91 48:52; SJo-142 39:2; 44:(I)2; 50:44; 62:138, 141, 146. San Luis Obispo SLO-211 71:117. San Mateo SMa-22 47:55; SMa-75 32:21; SMa-77 42:84; 44:(I)4; 62:139, 140, 141. Santa Barbara SBa-7 69:37; SBa-13 69:37; SBa-45 69:33; SBa-53 37:41; SBa-60 69:32; SBa-77 69:28; SBa-78 69:25; SBa-81 37:41; SBa-84 69:25; SBa-87 69:24; SBa-89 69:23; SBa-90 69:23. Santa Clara SCl-l 47:27, 70; 62:141, 142. Santa Cruz Island SCrI-3 42:83. Shasta Sha-19 48:54; Sha-20 48:54; Sha-21 48:54; Sha-44 48:54; Sha-46 48:54; Sha-52 48:54, 56; Sha-140 48:54. Sierra Sie-1 51:23; Sie-20 51:60-66; 58:23; Sie-21 51:71; 58:23. Siskiyou Sis-2 33:34; Sis-7 48:57; Sis-lO 48:57; Sis-li 48:57; Sis-30 48:57; Sis-41 48:57; Sis-49 48:57; Sis-108 33:34; 48:57; Sis-163 48:57; Sis-206 48:57; Sis-223 33:34; Sis-239 33:34; Sis-247 48:57; Sis-262 48:57; Sis-263 48:57; Sis-264 48:57. Solano Sol-2 47:16' 48:57; Sol-3 39:2; Sol-16 41:13; Sol-236 38:2, 4; 47:16; 62:142. Sonoma Son-291 32:10; Son-294 32:10; Son-299 47:16, 52, 70. 7 Stanis laus Sta-44 43: (I)25; Sta-129 64:23; Sta-130 64:23. Sutter Sut-i1 48:57. Tehama Teh-l 48:58; Teh-34 64:24; Teh-53 64:24; Teh-58 43: (I)6, 25; 48:58; Teh-65 40:38; Teh-95 64:22; Teh-191 40:38, 47; Teh-192 40:37, 39, 46; Teh-193 40:8, 10, 11 , 46; 48:58; Teh-194 40:40, 46; 48:58; Teh-203 40:41, 46; Teh-204 40:6, 41-44, 46; Teh-205 40:6, 41-44, 46; Teh-206 40:6, 41-44, 46, 48; Teh-207 40:44, 46; Teh-208 40:44; Teh-209 40:45, 46. Trinity Tri-8 43:(I); Tri-18 43:(I)8; Tri-45 43:(I)8, 9,24; 46:3-7; Tri-46 43:(I)5,16; Tri-47 43:(1)5, 16-22; Tri-49 43:(1)22, 23; Tri-55 43:(I)23; Tri-57 43:(I)5,8; 46:13; Tri-58 43:(I)6,7,9,12,24-32; Tri-59 43:(I)24; Tri-70 43:(I)8; 46:15; Tri-112 43:(I)8; 46:8-13; Tri-113 46:13. Tulare Tul-10 34:35, 36; 58:38; Tul-145 50:37-40. Tuolomne Tuo-22 34:10,2122,30,52, 53; Tuo-35 34:22; Tuo-41 34:22; Tuo-48 34:30, 52; Tuo-49 34:30, 52; Tuo-51 34:30,49,50; Tuo-55 34:30,50,52; Tuo-107 34:47; Tuo-108 34:30; Tuo-109 34:24,47; Tuo-112 34:47; Tuo-127 34:47; Tuo-129 34:54; Tuo-131 34:47; Tuo-146 34:47; Tuo-149 34:47; Tuo-153 34:32; Tuo-156 34:47; Tuo-162 34:47; Tuo-163 34:47; Tuo-166 34:30,32,53,54; Tuo-177 34:47; Tuo-189 34:47; Tuo-190 34:47; Tuo-200 34:47; Tuo-212 34:13; Tuo-223 34:52; Tuo-231 34:22; Tuo-234 34:50; Tuo-236 34:13. Ventura Ven-62 37:40, 41. Arizona State Sites Yuma 27 33:40; Yuma 9 42:96; Bouse 42:94. Nevada State Sites * Ch-3 43: (II)14; Ch-15 51:69,71; 53:58; 71:59-88; Ch-16 (Hidden Cave) 33:58; 42:63,68, 73-76,85; 66:103; 70:50-79; 71:103-116; Ch-18 (Lovelock Cave) 33:50; 36:1,4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 52: throughout; 70:1-47, 89, 94-106, 117-121, 123; 71:89-103; Ch-35 (Humboldt Cave) 33:50; 36:1,4; 42:63, 73-76, 82; 70:49; El-li 71:1-58; Do-12 51:69,71,74,76; 58:23,39,40-45; Pe-5 44: (II)26-51; Pe-8 70:50-79; Pe-12 66:37-58; Pe-14 (Leonard Rockshelter) 33:50; 36:1,4; 42:63,80,82; 70:50-79; Pe-41 66:58-67; Pe-67 (Granite Point Cave) 70:50-79; 73:195-233; St-i 43:(II) throughout; Wa-177 66:1-36. * Ch = Churchill County Do = Douglas County El = Elko County Pe = Pershing County St = Storey County Wa = Washoe County 8 Oregon State Sites Catlow Cave 33:44. Roaring Springs 33:44. Utah State Sites Danger Cave 53:25, 26. 9 II. CHECK LIST OF UCAS REPORTS 1-75. No. 1. The California Archaeological Survey: Establishment, Aims and Methods. 8 pp., 1948. No. 2. A Bibliography of Ancient Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. (A guide to the published literature on the antiquity of man in California. Sources are grouped under the names of the various finds). 22 pp., 1948. No. 3. Methods of Recording and Present Status of Knowledge Concerning Petroglyphs in California, by F. Fenenga. (Presents the present status of petroglyph research in California, defines stylistic areas, describes the use of the petroglyph record form, the methods of copying petroglyphs, and provides a bibliography. Illustrated). 9 pp., 1 map, 1 figure, 1949. No. 4. A Bibliography of the Archaeology of California, by Robert F. Heizer. (A compilation of the more important published accounts dealing with California prehistory. Arranged by topics and regions). 27 pp., 2 maps, 1949. No. 5. Methods for Archaeological Site Survey in California, by F. Fenenga. (Methods to provide information on the number, the location, and the nature of the archaeological remains in a given region). 16 pp., 3 figures, 1949. No. 6. The Stanford Skull, A probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. History and Circumstances of the Discovery of the Skull, by Robert F. Heizer. The Stanford Skull: The Physical Characteristics, by Theodore D. McCown. 18 pp., 2 plates, 1950. No. 7. Papers on California Archaeology: 1-5. (Five papers presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Western States Branch of the American Anthropological Association in Berkeley, February 3-4, 1950). 25 pp., 1 map, 1950. 1. Physical Analysis as a Method of Investigating Prehistoric Habitation Sites, by Sherburne F. Cook. 2. Observations on Early Man in California, by R. F. Heizer. 3. On the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Bone as an Aid to Prehistoric Culture Chronology, by Robert F. Heizer. 4. Observations on the Efficiency of Shovel Archaeology, by Clement W. Meighan. 5. Recent Developments in the Study of Northwestern California Archaeology, by John E. Mills. No. 8. Trade and Trails in Aboriginal California, by L. L. Sample. (Introduction, trading customs, articles traded, bibliographic references to trails shown on map, bibliography). 30 pp., 1 map, 1950. 10 No. 9. Papers on California Archaeology: 6-9. 32 pp., 3 plates, 4 figures. 1950. 6. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology in California, by Robert F. Heizer. 7. Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" site, by Robert F. Heizer. (Appendix I, An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, California, Based on Pedologic Observations, by R. E. Storie and F. Harradine). 8. A Distinctive Pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County, by Donald Lathrap. 9. Excavations in Sixteenth Century Shellmounds at Drake's Bay, Marin County, by Clement W. Meighan. No. 10. The Archaeology of Two Kern County Sites. Excavation of site Ker-74 by F. A. Riddell. A Cave Burial in Kern County, by Robert F. Heizer. 36 pp., 2 plates, 5 figures, 1951. No. 11. Papers on California Archaeology: 10-12. 32 pp., 3 plates, 1 figure, 1951. 10. A Prehistoric Yurok Ceremonial Site, by Robert F. Heizer. 11. At the Bedrock of History, by A. L. Kroeber. 12. An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains, by D. W. Lathrap and C. W. Meighan. (Contains accounts of an island used for ritual disposal of sea lion skulls; an archaeological site in the southern San Joaquin Valley which yielded perishable materials; and a survey of part of Death Valley National Monument). No. 12. Papers on California Archaeology: 13-16. 41 pp., 1 plate, 2 maps, 4 figures, 1951. 13. Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island, by Leon de Cessac. 14. The French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-799, by E. Hamy. 15. The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site in Owens Valley, by H. S. Riddell. 16. The Archaeological Deposit in Moaning Cave, by William Wallace. No. 13. Molluscan Species in California Shell Middens, by R. E. Greengo. (A study of molluscan species represented in California coast shell- mounds; relation of climatic factors to molluscan life; mussel poison- ing; changes in species during inhabitation of sites, etc.) 29 pp., 1 figure, 1951. No. 14. Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Stanis- laus County, California, by A. E. Treganza. (Account of River Basin Survey excavations in several sites; first description of Farmington Complex, an ancient lithic culture). 25 pp., 3 plates, 1 figure, 5 maps, 1952. 11 No. 15. Papers on California Archaeology: 17-18, 39 pp., 1 map, 3 plates, 1952. 17. A Survey of Cave Archaeology in California, by R. F. Heizer. 18. Excavation of Sis-13., a Rock-Shelter in Siskiyou County, California, by William J. Wallace and Edith S. Taylor. No. 16. Symposium on the Antiquity of Man in California. 31 pp., 1 chart, 1952. Introduction, by Walter Goldschmidt. A Review of Problems in the Antiquity of Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. On the Study of Early Man in Southern California, by George W. Bra inerd. Climatic History and the Antiquity of Man in California, by Ernst Antevs. No. 17. The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water, by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer. (Results of experiments in chemical composition of human bone with the aim of discovering a chronological method for dating bone). 24 pp., 2 figures, 1952. No. 18. Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California, by C. E. Smith and W. D. Weymouth. 46 pp., 3 maps, I plate, 2 figures, 1952. No. 19. Papers on California Archaeology: 19-20. 44 pp., 2 maps, 2 plates, 5 figures, 1953. 19. Preliminary Excavation at the Thomas Site, Marin County, by Clement W. Meighan. 20. The Manufacture of Flint Implements by the Indians of Northern and Central California, by Robert J. Squier. No. 20. Papers on California Archaeology: 21-22. 38 pp., 1 map, 2 plates, 1 figure, 1953. 21. Gravel Pictographs of the Lower Colorado River Region, by Michael J. Harner. 22. Sacred Rain Rocks of Northern California, by Robert F. Heizer. No. 21. Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada, by Robert F. Heizer and Albert B. Elsasser. 42 pp., 1 map, 1 plate, 5 figures, 1953. No. 22. Papers on California Archaeology 21-26. 38 pp., 1 map, 1 chart, 6 figures, 1 plate, 1953. 21. Sites Attributed to Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. 22. On Division of the Last 20,000 Years, by Ernst Antevs. 23. The Postpluvial or Neothermal, by Ernst Antevs. 24. "Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial, by Robert F. Heizer and S. F. Cook. 12 25. Report on Pedologic Observations Made at the "Capay Man" site in Western Yolo County, by Frank Harradine. 26. Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California, by A. E. Treganza and Robert F. Heizer. No. 23. Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology, by A. E. Treganza. 26 pp., 1 map, 1 plate, 3 figures, 1954. No. 24. Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archaeology, Part I, by Richard K. Beardsley. 62 pp., 2 maps, 8 figures, 11 tables, 1954. No. 25. Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archaeology, Part II, by Richard K. Beardsley. 65 pp., 2 tables, 1954. No. 26. Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California, by A. E. Treganza. 39 pp., 1 map, 6 plates, 1954. No. 27. Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913, by James A. Bennyhoff and Albert B. Elsasser. 81 pp., 1 map, 2 plates, 4 figures, 1954. No. 28. Papers on California Archaeology: 27-29. 33 pp., 1 map, 5 figures, 5 plates, 1955. 27. Vancouver's Californian Bows, by Eugene Robinson. 28. Notes on the Archaeology of Mono County, California by Clement W. Meighan. 29. A Charmstone Site in Sonoma County, California, by Albert B. Elsasser. No. 29. Papers on California Archaeology:30-31. 45 pp., 2 maps, 8 plates, 5 tables, 1955. 30. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey County, California, by Clement W. Meighan. 31. Winslow Cave, a Mortuary Site in Calaveras County, California, by William C. Gonsalves. No. 30. Papers on California Archaeology: 32-33. 73 pp., 2 maps, 8 plates, 17 figures, 8 tables, 1955. 32. Archaeology of the North Coast Ranges, California, by Clement W. Meighan. 33. Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave), by M. A. Baumhoff. No. 31. Index to the Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, Nos. 1-30. 31 pp., 1 map, Oct, 1955. 13 No. 32. Papers on California Archaeology: 34-36. 38 pp., 1 map, 2 figures, 6 plates, 1955. 34. Archaeological Excavations on the Farallon Islaids, California, by F. A. Riddell. 35. The Manufacture of Pecked and Ground Stone Artifacts: A Controlled Study, by A. E. Treganza and L. L. Valdivia. 36. An Obsidian Implement from Pleistocene Deposits in Nevada, by W J McGee. No. 33. Papers on California Archaeology: 37-43. 64 pp., 2 maps, 8 figures, 2 tables, 1956. 37. Summary of Archaeological Survey and Excavation in Cali- fornia, by M. A. Baumhoff and A. B. Elsasser. 38. The Current Status of Archaeological Investigations in Owens Valley, California, by H. S. and F. A. Riddell. 39. Recent Excavations and Survey in Northeastern California, by R. J. Squier. 40. Thermo-Facts vs Artifacts: An Experimental Study of the Malpais Industry, by M. J. Harner. 41. Archaeological Research in Lassen County, California, by F. A. Riddell. 42. Recent Cave Explorations in the Lower Humboldt Valley, Nevada, by R. F. Heizer. 43. The Archaeology of the Carson Sink Area, by G. L. Grosscup. No. 34. An Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Yosemite National Park, by J. A. Bennyhoff. Introduction, ethnographic and historical background, archaeological sites, trade and trails, test excavations, artifacts, prehistoric cultural complexes, conclusions, and biblio- graphy. 71 pp., 2 maps, 23 tables, 11 figures, 1956. No. 35. Papers on California Archaeology: 44-46. 54 pp., 2 maps, 9 figures, 2 plates, 9 tables, 1956. 44. Final Report on the Archaeology of Tommy Tucker Cave, by F. A. Riddell. 45. Burials in The Sand Mounds of the Delta Region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System, by S. F. Cook and A. B. Elsasser. 46. An Unusual Burial from Contra Costa County, by E. A. Hammel. No. 36. A Bibliography of Nevada Archaeology by G. L. Grosscup. Preface by R. F. Heizer. Geographical-Biological-Historical, Ethnographical Backgrounds; Archaeology; Physical Anthropology; Petroglyphs.; Radio- carbon Dates. 55 pp., 1 map, 1957. No. 37. Papers on California Archaeology: 47-49. 39 pp., 5 figures, 1 map, 1 plate, 2 tables, 1957. 47. Basketry: A Proposed Classification, by Helene Balfet. Translated and'with preface by M. A. Baumhoff. 14 48. An Indian Trail Complex of the Central Colorado Desert: A Preliminary Survey, by F. J. and P. H. Johnston. 49. Analysis of Refuse Midden Material from Site Ven-62, by S. F. Cook. No. 38. Papers on California Archaeology:50-62. 45 pp., 1 map, 11 figures, 1957. 50. Catlow Twine from Central California, by M. A. Baumhoff. 51. An Incised Pebble from Lassen County, California, by A. R. Pilling. 52. A Decorated Stone Implement from Mono County, California, by A. B. Elsasser. 53. A Steatite Whale Figurine from San Nicolas Island, by R. F. Heizer. 54. Painted Shell Artifacts from California, by A. E. Treganza and L. L. Valdivia. 55. A Steatite Dish and a Fragmentary Stone Pipe from Butte County, California, by A. B. Elsasser. 56. An Unusual Antler Zooform Club from Northwestern California, by R. F. Heizer. 57. An Antler Point from the Sacramento Valley, by J. A. Bennyhoff. 58. An Incised Tablet from Oregon, by J-. A. Bennyhoff. 59. An Extraordinary Central California Burial in Marin County, by E. Contreras. 60. The Hang-e or Ceremonial House of the Northern Miwok of Hachana Village near Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, California, by C. Hart Merriam. 61. Fragments of the History of a Lost Tribe, by L. G. Yates (reprinted from original article of 1891). 62. Wintoon Indians, by C. Hart Merriam. No. 39. A Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Skeletal Remains from the Lower Sacramento Valley, by R. W. Newman. 66 pp., 7 tables, 1 map, 3 plates, 1957. No. 40. An Introduction to Yana Archaeology, by M. A. Baumhoff. 61 pp., 3 figures, 1 plate, 3 maps, 8 tables, 1957. No. 41. Papers on California Archaeology:63-69. 45 pp., 2 figures, 2 tables, 1958. 63. Aboriginal California and Great Basin Cartography, by R. F. Heizer 64. Determining the General Source of California Olivella Shells, by Joan M. Silsbee. 65. Modern Petrography in Central California and Western Nevada, by A. B. Elsasser and E. Contreras. 66. Prehistoric Central California: A Problem in Historical- Developmental Classification, by R. F. Heizer. 15 67. Aboriginal Use of Restrictive Sierran Environments, by A. B. Elsasser. 68. Ecological Determinants of Population, by M. A. Baumhoff. 69. Making Acorn Bread, by Elizabeth Grinnell. No. 42. Current Views on Great Basin Archaeology. Dedicatory Preface by R. F. Heizer. History of Great Basin Ethnography, by M. A. Baumhoff. Archaeological Investigations in Death Valley National Monument, 1952-57, by W. J. Wallace. Great Basin Climates in Relation to Human Occupance, by H. H. Aschmann. The Eastern California Border: Cultural and Temporal Affinities, by F. A. Riddell. Outland Coiled Basketry from the Caves of West Central Nevada, by M. A. Baumhoff and R. F. Heizer. Cross Dating Great Basin Sites by Californian Shell Beads, by J. A. Bennyhoff and R. F. Heizer. Lowland Patayan Phases in the Lower Colorado River Valley and Colorado Desert, by M. J. Hatner. The Desert West: A Trial Correlation of Culture and Chronology. (Prepared from data submitted and discussed by participants at a seminar preceding the Fourth Annual Great Basin Conference, August, 1957). 111 pp., 3 maps, 7 figures, 1 plate, 1958. No. 43. Part I. Salvage Archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern California., by A. E. Treganza. 38 pp., 2 figures, 2 plates, 5 maps. Part II. The Lagomarsino Petroglyph Group (Site 26-St-1) Near Virginia City, Nevada, by M. A. Baumhoff, R. F. Heizer, and A. B. Elsasser. 17 pp., 1 map, 10 figures, 1 plate, 3 tables, 1958. No. 44. Part I. Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates from California and Nevada, by R. F. Heizer and G. L. Grosscup. 31 pp., 2 maps, 2 tables. Part II. Some Archaeological Sites in Western Nevada. Archaeo- logical Materials from Winnemucca Lake Caves, by N. L. Roust. Excavation of a Cache Cave in Pershing County, Nevada, by M. A. Baumhoff. The Surface Archaeology of Site 26-Pe-5, Pershing County, Nevada, by A. B. Elsasser. 51 pp., 2 plates, 6 figures, 1958. No. 45. The Aboriginal Population of the Great Basin, by K. A. R. Kennedy. 84 pp., 4 tables, 1 map, 1 plate, 1959. No. 46. Salvage Archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern Cali- fornia: Field Season 1958, by A. E. Treganza. 32 pp., 2 plates, 2 figures, 6 maps, 1959. No. 47. The-Patterson Mound: A Comparative Analysis of the Archaeology of Site Ala-338, by J. T. Davis and A. E. Treganza. Dedicatory Preface by R. F. Heizer. 92 pp., 3 plates, 3 figures, 2 diagrams, 2 maps, 1959. 16 No. 48. Papers on California Archaeology:70-73. 83 pp., 12 figures, 6 maps, 1 plate, 1959. 70. A Report on Indian Sites and Trails in Huntington Lake Region, California, by M. G. Hindes. 71. Further Notes on Clay Human Figurines in the Western United States., by J. T. Davis. 72. Desert Side-Notched Points as a Time Marker in California, by M. A. Baumhoff and J. S. Byrne. 73. Petroglyphs of Sacramento and Adjoining Counties, California, by L. A. Payen. No. 49. Papers on California Archaeology: 74, 75. 52 pp., 2 tables, 2 plates, 6 figures, 1 map, 1 diagram, 1960. 74. The History of Culture Classification in California, by A. B. Elsasser. 75. The Archaeology of the Fernandez Site, a San Francisco Bay Region Shellmound, by J. T. Davis. No. 50. Papers on California Archaeology: 76-88. 51 pp., 8 figures, 2 plates, 1960. 76. A San Nicolas Island Twined Basketry Water Bottle, by R. F. Heizer. 77. Some Prehistoric Wooden Objects from San Nicolas Island, by R. F. Heizer. 78. Some Prehistoric Bullroarers from California Caves, by R. F. Heizer. 79. California Population Densities, 1770 and 1950, by R. F. Heizer. 80. Two Early Representations of California Indians, by R. F. Heizer. 81. Notes on Excavations Made in Indian Burial Places in Carpin- teria, by H. C. Ford. 82. Observations Made in the Ruins of the Villages of the Original Inhabitants of the Pacific Coast of North America, by Paul Schumacher. 83. The Manufacture of Shell Fish-Hooks by the Early Inhabitants of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, by Paul Schumacher. 84. Shell Heaps Near Cape Mendocino, Humboldt County, California, by Charles Rau. 85. Part of the Correspondence between J. A. Sutter and Col. T. T. Henley, Supt. of Indian Affairs, San Francisco, 1856. 86. Data Pertaining to Various Indian Ceremonial Houses in Northern California, by C. Hart Merriam. 87. Six Chert Knives from Tulare County, by J. C. von Werlhof. 88. The Dentition of Indian Crania of the Early and Late Archaeo- logical Horizons in Central California, by K. A. R. Kennedy. No. 51. The Archaeology of the Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada, by A. B. Elsasser. 93 pp., 10 maps, 2 plates, 1 figure, 1960. No. 52. The Culture History of Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by G. L. Grosscup. 72 pp., 1 map, 10 figures, 1960. 17 No. 53. The Archaeology of the Karlo Site (Las-7), California, by F. A. Riddell. 110 pp., 4 maps, 22 figures, 4 plates, 1960. No. 54. Trade Routes and Economic Exchange Among the Indians of California, by J. T. Davis. 71 pp., 2 maps, 1961. No. 55.. Original Accounts of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, by R. F. Heizer and A. B. Elsasser. 55 pp., 1961. No. 56. Two Papers on the Aboriginal Ethnography of California, by A. L. Kroeber. [Annotated by D. W. Hymes and R. F. Heizer.] 58 pp., 1962. No. 57. Part I: Chemical Analysis of the Hotchkiss Site (CCo-138), by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer. Part II: The Rustler Rocksheleter (SBr-288), a Culturally Stratified Site in the Mohave Desert, California, by J. T. Davis. 56 pp., 3 maps, 2 diagrams, 4 figures, 1 plate, 1962. No. 58. The Archaeology of the Huntington Lake Region in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California, by M. G. Hindes. 79 pp., 1 map, 2 plates, 1962. No. 59. The Archaeology of Bowers Cave, Los Angeles County, California, by A. B. Elsasser and R. F. Heizer,.- Reprints of Early Notes on Santa Barbara Archaeology. 83 pp., 7 plates, 5 pp. of figures, 1963. No. 60. Division of Labor Among the Indians of California, by Nona Christensen Willoughby. Face and Body Painting Practices Among California Indians, by Janet Sherwin;. Aboriginal California Burial and Cremation Practices, by Richard A. Gould. 168 pp., 20 maps, 6 figures, 1963. No. 61. The Scientific Expedition of Leon De Cessac to California, 1877- 1879, by Henry Reichlen and Robert F. Heizer,. Bibliography of the Chumash and Their Predecessors, compiled by E. N. Anderson, Jr. 74 pp., 1 map, 5 figures, 1964. No. 62. Archaeology of Hum-67, The Gunther Island Site in Humboldt Bay, California, by R. F. Heizer and A. B. Elsasser. Exploitative Economics and Culture Change in Central California, by Richard A. Gould. 163 pp., 1 table, 2 charts, 1 diagram, 26 figures, 1964. No. 63. Chumash Artifacts Collected in Santa Barbara County, California, by Campbell Grant,. The Archaeological Potential of the Coast Yuki by Harriette H. Thomsen and R. F. Heizer. 83 pp., 3 maps, 17 plates, 5 figures, 1964. 18 No. 64. The Quantitative Approach to the Relation Between Population and Settlement Size, by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer. 97 pp., 9 tables, 10 figures, 1965. No. 65. Rock Art of Owens Valley, California, by J. C. von Werlhof. 128 pp., 17 tables, 4 maps, 40 figures, 1965. No. 66. Notes on Western Nevada Archaeology and Ethnology. I. Analysis of a Surface Collection from High Rock Canyon, by Sonia Ragir and Jane Lancaster. II. Archaeology of Granite Point, Pershing County, Nevada, by Norman L. Roust. III. Washo Habitation Sites in the Lake Tahoe Area, by Stanley Freed. IV. The Ophir Skull from Virginia City, Nevada, by Paulette Reichlen and R. F. Heizer. V. Two Fish Nets from Hidden Cave, Churchill County, Nevada, by Richard D. Ambro. 135 pp., 13 figures, 4 maps, 13 plates, 2 diagrams, 1966. No. 67. Excavation of Two Northwestern California Coastal Sites, by A. B. Elsasser and R. F. Heizer . The Pistol River Site of Southwest Oregon, by Eugene Heflin. 206 pp., 3 maps, 2 charts, 44 plates, 1966. No. 68. Part I. Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes, by C. Hart Merriam. Compiled and edited by R. F. Heizer. 166 pp., 5 maps, 33 plates, 26 figures, 1966. Part II. Ethnological Notes on Northern and Southern California Indian Tribes, by C. Hart Merriam. Compiled and ediLted by R. F. Heizer. 95 pp., 2 figures, 1 plate, 1967. Part III. Ethnological Notes on Central California Indian Tribes, by C. Hart Merriam. Compiled and edited by R. F. Heizer. 190 pp., 2 maps, 2 plates, 15 figures, 1967. No. 69. The Aboriginal Population of the Santa Barbara Channel, by Alan K. Brown, 100 pp., 1 map, 12 figures, frontispiece, 1967. No. 70. Papers on Great Basin Archaeology. I. Analysis of Human Coprolites from a Dry Nevada Cave, by R. F. Heizer. II. Lake-Margin Ecologic Exploitation in the Great Basin as Demonstrated by an Analysis of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by R. A. Cowan. III. Dietary- Technological-Ecological Aspects of Lovelock Cave Coprolites, by R. D. Ambro. IV. Preliminary Examination of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Four Western Nevada Caves, by N. L. Roust. V. The Viability of Pathogens in Ancient Human Coprolites, by D. Y. Tubbs and R. Berger. VI. Fish Remains from Coprolites and Midden Deposits at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada, by W. I. Follett. VII. Bite-Marks in Tule Quids of Prehistoric Nevada Indians, by Christy G. Turner II. VIII. Note on Indian Wood Carving in the form of a Grasshopper found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by A. C. Jones, J. R. Weaver and F. H. Stross. IX. Elko Eared/Elko Corner-Notched Projectile Points as Time Markers in the Great Basin, by J. F. O'Connell. X. Time and Space Relations of 19 Some Great Basin Projectile Point Types, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr. XI. An Indian Trail near Needles, California, by J. R. Weaver. 157 pp., 4 maps, 7 figures, 10 plates, 1967. No. 71. Papers on Great Basin Prehistory. I. Archaeology of South Fork Shelter (NV-El-li), Elko County, Nevada, by R. F. Heizer, M. A. Baumhoff and C. W. Clewlow, Jr. II. Projectile Points from Site NV-Ch-15., Churchill County, Nevada, by R. F. Heizer and C. W. Clewlow, Jr. III. Projectile Points from Hidden Cave (NV-Ch-16), Churchill County, Nevada, by N. L. Roust and C. W. Clewlow, Jr. V. An Unusual Chumash Pictograph by R. L. Hoover. 119 pp., 2 plates, 3 maps, 28 figures, 3 diagrams, 1968. No. 72. Ukiah Valley Pomo Religious Life, Supernatural Doctoring, and Beliefs: Observations of 1939-41, by Birbeck Wilson. Edited by Caroline L. Hills. 92 pp, 1968. No. 73. Papers on the Archaeology of Western Great Basin. I. Surface Archaeology of the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr. II. A Preliminary Report on the Archaeology of the Rodriguez Site (CA-Las-'194), Lassen County, California, by J. F. O'Connell and R. D. Ambro. III. The Archaeology of Site NV-Pe-67, by R. A. Cowan and C. W. Clewlow, Jr. 236 pp., 20 plates, 42 figures, 1968. No. 74. Village Names in Twelve California Indian Mission Records, by C. Hart Merriam. Assembled and edited by R. F. Heizer. The missions: San Rafael, San Francisco, San Carlos, Santa Cruz, Le Soledad, San Antonio, La Purlsma Concepci6n, San Diego. 175 pp., 1968. No. 75. Check List and Index to Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, Nos. 32 (1955) to 74 (1968); Check List of Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility of the Department of Anthropology, Nos. 1 (1965) to 14 (1972); Other Information on Activities of the Survey and Facility, 1948-1972, by R. F. Heizer. 83 pp., 1972. 20 III. LIST OF AUTHORS AND TITLES OF PAPERS IN REPORTS 1-75. Ambro, Richard D. - -- -- -- -- -- - ------------ Anderson, Jr.,E.N. Antevs, Ernst Aschmann, Homer Avery, B. P. Balfet, Helene Baumhoff, Martin Two Fish Nets from Hidden Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. 66:101-135, 1966. Dietary-Technological-Ecological Aspects of Lovelock Cave Coprolites. 70:37-47, 1968. (and J. F. O'Connell). A Preliminary Report on the Archaeology of the Rodriguez Site (CA-Las-194), Lassen County, California. 73:95-193, 1968. A Bibliography of the Chumash and Their Predecessors. 61:27-74, 1964. Climatic History and the Antiquity of Man in California. 16:23-31, 1952. On Division of the Last 20,000 Years. 22:5-8, 1953. The Postpluvial or Neothermal. 22:9-23, 1953. Great Basin Climates in Relation to Human Occupance. 42:23-40, 1958. Chips from an Indian Workshop (reprint) (app.) 21:33-36, 1953. Basketry: A Proposed Classification. 37:1-21, 1957 (Trans. and preface by M. A. Baumhoff). A. Carbonized Basketry from the Thomas Site (Mrn-115) (app.) 19:9-10, 1953. Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave). 30:40-73, 1955. Basketry: A Proposed Classification, by Helene Balfet. (Trans. and preface) 37:1-21, 1957. Catlow Twine from Central California. 38:1-5, 1957. An Introduction to Yana Archaeology. 40:1-61, 1957. Ecological Determinants of Population. 41:34-41, 1958. History of Great Basin Ethnography. 42:1-6, 1958. Excavation of a Cache Cave in Pershing County, Nevada. 44:14-25, 1958. (and J. S. Byrne). Desert Side-Notched Points as a Time Marker in California. 48:32-65, 1959. (and A. B. Elsasser). Summary of Archaeological Survey and Excavation in California. 33:1-27, 1956. (and R. F. Heizer). Outland Coiled Basketry from the Caves of West Central Nevada. 42:49-59, 1958. (and R. F. Heizer and C. W. Clewlow, Jr.). Archaeology of South Fork Shelter (NV-El-ll) Elko County, Nevada. 71:1-58, 1968. (and R. F. Heizer and A. B. Elsasser). The Lagomarsino Petroglyph Group (Site 26-St-l) near Virginia City, Nevada. 43:1-17, 1958. 21 Beardsley, R. K. Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archaeology. Part I, 24:1-62, Part IIJ, 25:63-127, 1954. Bennyhoff, J. A. High Altitude Occupation in the Yosemite Park Region (app.). 21:31-32, 1953. An Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Yosemite National Park. 34:1-71, 1956. An Antler Point From the Sacramento Valley. 38:19-25, 1957. An Incised Tablet From Oregon. 38:26-28, 1957. The Desert West: A Trial Correlation of Culture and Chron- ology. (Prepared from data submitted and discussed by parti- cipants at a seminar preceding the 4th Annual Great Basin Conference, August, 1958). 42:98-112, 1958. (and A. B. Elsasser). Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:1-81, 1954. (and R. F. Heizer). Cross Dating Great Basin Sites by Californian Shell Beads. 42:60-92, 1958. Berger, R. (and D. Y. Tubbs). The Viability of Pathogens in Ancient Human Coprolites. 70:89-92, 1968. Bowen, Alley The Alley BowenrAccount of Fort Ross in 1880 (reprint) (app.). 23:23-24, 1954. Bowers, Stephen Fish Hooks from Southern California (reprint). 59:71-72, 1963. Aboriginal Fish Hooks (reprint). 59:73-75, 1963. Brainerd, Geo. W. On the Study of Early Man in Southern California. 16:18-22, 1952. Brown, Alan K. The Aboriginal Population of the Santa Barbara Channel 69:1-100., 1967. Byrne., J. S. (and M. A. Baumhoff). Desert Side-Notched Points As a Time Marker in California. 48:32-65, 1959. Cessac, Leon de Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island (California). 12:1-5., 1951. Report on his Activities in California. 12:8-12, 1951. Clewlow, Jr., C. W. Time and Space Relations of Some Great Basin Projectile Point Types. 70:141-149, 1968. ------- Projectile Points from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 71:89-101, 1968. ------ Projectile Points from Hidden Cave (NV-Ch-16) Churchill County, Nevada. 71:103-115, 1968 ----- Surface Archaeology of the Black Rock Desert. 73:1-93, 1968. 22 Contreras, Eduardo Cook, Sherburne F. (and R. A. Cowan). The Archaeology of Site NV-Pe-67. 73:195-236, 1968. (and R. F. Heizer). Projectile Points From Site NV-Ch-15, Churchill County, Nevada. 71:59-88, 1968. (and R. F. Heizer and M. A. Baumhoff). Archaeology of South Fork Shelter (NV-El-li) Elko County, Nevada. 71:1-58, 1968. An Extraordinary Central California Burial in Marin County. 38:29-33, 1957. (and A. B. Elsasser). Modern Petrography in Central California and Western Nevada. 41:12-18, 1958. Physical Analysis as a Method for Investigating Prehistoric Habitation Sites. 7:2-5, 1950. Analysis of Refuse Midden Material from Site Ven-62. 37:40-41 1957. (and A. B. Elsasser). Burials in the San Mounds of the Delta Region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. 35:26-46, 1956. (and R. F. Heizer). The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water. 17:1-24, 1952. (and, R. F. Heizer). "Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial. 22:24-26, 1953. (and R. F. Heizer). Chemical Analysis of the Hotchkiss Site (CCo-138). 57:1-24, 1962. (and R. F. Heizer). The Quantitative Approach to the Relation Between Population and Settlement Size. 64:1-97, 1965. Lake-Margin Ecologic Exploitation in the Great Basin as Demonstrated by an Analysis of Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 70:21-35, 1968. (and C. W. Clewlow, Jr.). The Archaeology of Site NV-Pe-67. 73:195-236, 1968. Further Notes on Clay Human Figurines in the Western United States. 48:16-31, 1959. The Archaeology of the Fernandez Site, A San Francisco Bay Region Shellmound. 49:11-52, 1960. Trade Routes and Economic Exchange Among the Indians of California. 54:1-71, 1961. The Rustler Rockshelter (SBr-288). A Culturally Stratified Site in the Mohave Desert, California. 57:27-56, 1962. (and A. E. Treganza). The Patterson Mound: A Comparative Analysis of the Archaeology if Site Ala-338. 47:1-92, 1959. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site SCl-33). 6:9, 1950. Cowan, R. A. Davis, James T. Dubois, J.M.F. 23 Eheleben, E. T. Childhood Recollections of Mr. E. T. Eheleben (on Sonoma Mission) (app.). 27:74, 1954. Ellis, H. Holmes The Terminology and Mineralogy of Chert and Flint (reprint) (app.). 19:33-35, 1953. Elsasser, Albert B. A Charmstone Site in Sonoma County, California. 28:29-33, 1955. A Decorated Stone Implement from Mono County, California. 38:7-9, 1957. A Steatite Dish and a Fragmentary Stone Pipe from Butte County, California. 38:14-16, 1957. Aboriginal Use of Restrictive Sierran Environments. 41:27-33, 1958. The Archaeology of the Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada. 51:1-93, 1960. The Surface Archaeology of Site 26-Pe-5, Pershing County, Nevada. 44:26-51, 1958. The History of Culture Classification in California. 49:1-10, 1960. (and M. A. Baumhoff). Summary of Archaeological Survey and Excavation in California. 33:1-27, 1956. (and M. A. Baumhoff and R. F. Heizer). The Lagomarsino Petroglyph Group (Site 26-St-l) near Virginia City, Nevada. 43:1-17, 1958. (and J. A. Bennyhoff). Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:1-81, 1954. (and E. Contreras). Modern Petrography in Central California and Western Nevada. 41:12-18, 1958. (and S. F. Cook). Burials in the Sand Mounds of the Delta Region of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. 35: 26-46, 1956. (and R. F. Heizer). Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. 21:1-42, 1953. (and R. F. Heizer). Original Accounts of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island. 55:1-55, 1961. (and R. F. Heizer). The Archaeology of Bowers Cave, Los Angeles County, California. 59:1-45, 1963. - - (and R. F. Heizer). Archaeology of Hum-67, The Gunther Island Site in Humboldt Bay, California. 62:5-122., 1964 --- (and R. F. Heizer). Excavation of Two Northwestern California Coastal Sites. 67:1-149, 1966. Fenenga, Franklin. Methods of Recording and Present Status of Knowledge Concerning Petroglyphs in California. 3:1-9, 1949. ------- Methods for Archaeological Site Survey in California. 5:1-16, 1949. 24 Follett, W. I. Fish Remains From Coprolites and Midden Deposits at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. 70:93-116, 1968. Ford, H. C. Notes on Excavations Made in Indian Burial Places in Carpinteria. 50:14-19, 1960. Freed, Stanley Washo Habitation Sites in the Lake Tahoe Area. 66:73-83, 1966. Goldschmidt, Walter. Introduction to Symposium of the Antiquity of Man in California. 16: 1-2, 1952. Gonsalves, Wm. C. Winslow Cave, a Mortuary Site in Calaveras County, California. 29:31-45, 1955. N Gould, Richard A. Aboriginal California Burial and Cremation Practices. 60:149-168, 1963. --- Exploitative Economics and Culture Change in Central Cali- fornia. 62:123-163, 1964. Grant, Campbell Chumash Artifacts Collected in Santa Barbara County, Cali- fornia. 63:1-44, 1964. Greengo, Robert E. Molluscan Species in California Shell Middens. 13:1-23, 1951. Grinnell, E. Making Acorn Bread. 41:42-45, 1958 Grosscup, Gordon L. The Archaeology of the Carson Sink Area. 33:58-64, 1956. A Bibliography of Nevada Archaeology. 36:4-55, 1957. --- Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates from California and Nevada. 44:17-31, 1958. The Culture History of Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 52:1-72, 1960. Hammel, E. A. An Unusual Burial from Contra Costa County. 35:47-54, 1956. Hamy, E. Report of the Pinart-de Cessac Expedition. 12:7, 1951. The Fish Hook Industry of the Ancient Inhabitants of the Archipelago of California. (reprint). 59:61-69, 1963. Harner, Michael J. Gravel Pictographs of the Lower Colorado River Region. 20:1-32, 1953. ---------- Thermo-Facts vs. Artifacts: An Experimental Study of the Malpais Industry. 33:39-43, 1956. - - Lowland Patayan Phases in the Lower Colorado River Valley and Colorado Desert. .42:93-97, 1958. Harradine, Frank Report on Pedologic Observations Made at the "Capay Man' Site in Western Yolo County. 22:27, 1953. ------ (w-ith R. E. Storie). An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed Near Concord., California, Based on Pedologic Observations (app.). 9:15-19, 1 950. 25 Hef lin, Eugene The Pistol River Site of Southwest Oregon. 67:151-206, 1966. Heizer, Nancy E. (trans. ). Leon de Cessac. Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island (California). 12:1-5, 1951. (trans.). The French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-1879. 12:6-13, 1951. Heizer, Robert F. The California Archaeological Survey; Establishment, Aims and Methods. 1:1-7, 1948. A Bibliography of Ancient Man in California. 2:1-22, 1948. A Bibliography of the Archaeology of California. 4:1-27, 1949. History and Circumstances of the Discovery of the [Stanford] Skull. 6:1-9, 1950. Observations on Early Man in California. 7:5-9, 1950. On the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Bone as an Aid to Pre- historic Culture Chronology. 7:10-14, 1950. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology in Cali- fornia. 9:1-55, 1950. Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" Site. 9:6-19, 1950. A Cave Burial from Kern County. 10:29-36, 1951. A Prehistoric Yurok Ceremonial Site (Hum-174). 11:1-4, 1951. Preface to The! French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-1879. 12:6-7, 1951. Foreword to Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Stanislaus County, California. 14:1, 1952. A Survey of Cave Archaeology in California. 15:1-12, 1952. A Review of Problems in the Antiquity of Man in California. 16:3-17, 1952. Additional Surface Intaglio and Boulder Outline Designs in the New and Old Worlds (app.). 20:30-32, 1953. Sacred Rain Rocks of Northern California. 20:33-38, 1953. Sites Attributed to Early Man in California. 22:1-4, 1953 Preface to Areal and Temporal Relationships in Central' California Archaeology. 24:i-it., 1954. Recent Cave Explorations in the Lower Humboldt Valley, Nevada. 33:50-57, 1956. Preface to a Bibliography of Nevada Archaeology. 36:1-3, 1957. A Steatite Whale Figure from San Nicolas Island. 38:10, 1957. An Unusual Antler Zooform Club From Northwestern California. 38:17- 18, 1957. Aboriginal California and Great Basin Cartography. 41:1-9, 1958. Prehistoric Central California: A Problem in Historical- Developmental Classification. 41:19-26, 1958. 26 Heizer, Robert F. ------------ (cont'd) Preface to Current Views on Great Basin Archaeology. 42:i-ii, 1958. Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates from California and Nevada. 44:1-16, 1958. A San Nicolas Island Twined Basketry Water Bottle. 50:1-3, 1960. Some Prehistoric Wooden Objects From San Nicolas Island. 50:4-5, 1960. Some Prehistoric Bullroarers From California Caves. 50:5-99, 1960. California Population Densities 1770 and 1950. 50:9-12, 1960. Two Early Representations of Califorwkia Indians. 50:12-13, 1960. Analysis of Human Coprolites From a Dry Nevada Cave. 70:1-20, 1968. Preface to Preliminary Examination of Prehistoric Human Copro- lites from Four Western Nevada Caves. 70:49-52, 1968. Check List and Index to Reports of California Archaeological Survey, Nos. 32 to 74; Check List of Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility, Nos. 1 to 14; Other Inform- ation on Activities of the Survey and Facility, 1948-1972. 75:1-80, 1972. (and M. A. Baumhoff). Outland Coiled Basketry from the Caves of West Central Nevada. 42:49-59, 1958. (and M. A. Baumhoff and C. W. Clewlow., Jr.) Archaeology of South Fork Shelter (NV-El-ll) Elko County, Nevada. 71:1-58, 1968. (and M. A. Baumhoff and A. B. Elsasser). The Lagomarsino Petroglyph Group (Site 26-St-1) near Virginia City, Nevada. 43:1-17, 1958. (and J. A. Bennyhoff). Cross Dating Great Basin Sites by Californian Shell Beads. 42:60-92, 1958. (and C. W. Clewlow, Jr.). Projectile Points From Site NV-Ch-15, Churchill County, Nevada. 71:59-88, 1968. (and S. F. Cook). The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water. 17:1-24, 1952. "Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial 22:24-26, 1953. Chemical Analysis of the Hotchkiss Site (CCo-138). 57:1-24, 1962. The Quantitative Approach to the Relation Between Population And Settlement Size. 64:1-97., 1965. (and A. B. Elsasser). Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. 21:1-42, 1953. Original Accounts of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island. 55:1-55, 1961. The Archaeology of Bowers Cave., Los Angeles County, California. 59:1-45, 1963. 27 Heizer, R. F. (and A. B. Elsasser) (cont'd). Archaeology of Hum-67, The Gunther Island Site in Humboldt Bay, California. 62:5-122, 1964. Excavation of Two Northwestern California Coastal Sites. 67:1-149, 1966. (and D. W. Hymes). Two Papers on the Aboriginal Ethnography of California, by A. L. Kroeber (Annotated by R. F. Heizer and D. W. Hymes). (and T. D. McCown). The Stanford Skull., a Probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. 6:1-18, 1950. Preface to Fort Ross: A Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-3, 1954. Foreword to Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reser- voir Areas, Central California. 26:1, 1954. Preface to Sonoma Mission: An Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:i-vii, 1954. (and Henry Reichlen). The Scientific Expedition of Leon de Cessac to California, 1877-1879. 61:9-23, 1964. (and Paulette Reichlen). The Ophir Skull from Virginia City, Nevada. 66:85-99, 1966. (and Harriette H. Thomsen). The Archaeological Potential of the Coast Yuki. 63:45-83, 1964. (and A. E. Treganza). Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Implement Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date From Central California. 22:28-38, 1953. A Report on Indian Sites and Trails in Huntington Lake Region, California. 48:1-15, 1959. The Archaeology of the Huntington Lake Region in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California. 58:1-79, 1962. (and R. F. Heizer). Two Papers on the Aboriginal Ethnography of California, by A. L. Kroeber (Annotated by D. W. Hymes and R. F. Heizer). An Unusual Chumash Pictograph. 71:117-119, 1968. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site SCl-33). 6:6-7, 1950. (and P. H. Johnston). An Indian Trail Complex of the Central Colorado Desert: A Preliminary Survey. 37:22-39, 1957. (and F. J. Johnston). An Indian Trail Complex of the Central Colorado Desert: A Preliminary Survey. 37:22-39, 1957. (and J. R. Weaver and F. H. Stross). Note on Indian Wood Carving in the Form of a Grasshopper Found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 70: 123-128, 1967. Hindes, M. G. Hymes, D. W. Hoover, R. L. Hrdlicka, A. Johnston, F. J. Johnston, P. H. Jones, A. C. 28 Kennedy, K. A. Kroeber, A. L. Lancaster, J. Lathrap, D. R. Lee, S. L. Loud, L. L. McCown, T. D. The Aboriginal Population of the Great Basin. 45:1-84., 1959. The Dentition of Indian Crania of the Early and Late Archaeological Horizons in Central California. 50:41-51, 1960. At the Bedrock of History (reprint). 11:5-10, 1951. Two Papers on the Aboriginal Ethnography of California (reprint). 56:1-58, 1962. (and S. Ragir). Analysis of a Surface Collection from High Rock Canyon, Nevada. 66:1-35, 1966. A Distinctive Pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County. 9:20-26, 1950. (and C. W. Meighan). An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains. 11:11-32, 1951. Dr. S. L. Lee's Ethnographic Notes on Washo Culture (reprint) (app.). 21:37-40, 1953. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site SCl-33). 6:7-9, 1950. The Stanford Skull: the Physical Characteristics. 6:10-18, 1950. (and R. F. Heizer). The Stanford Skull, a Probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. 6:1-18, 1950. Preface to Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-3, 1954. Foreword to Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California. 26:1 1954. Preface to Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:i-vii, 1954. An Obsidian Implement From Pleistocene Deposits in Nevada (reprint). 32:30-38, 1955. Observations on the Efficiency of Shovel Archaeology. 7:15-21, 1950. Excavations in Sixteenth Century Shellmounds at Drake's Bay, Marin County. 9:27-32, 1950. Preliminary Excavation at the Thomas Site, Marin County. 19:1-14, 1953. Notes on the Archaeology of Mono County, California. 28:6-28, 1955. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey County, Cali- fornia. 29:1-30, 1955. Archaeology of the North Coast Ranges, California. 30:1-39, 1955. (and D. W. Lathrap). An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains. 11:11-32, 1951. McGee, W. J. Meighan, C. W. 29 Merriam, C. Hart Mill s., J. E. Newman., R. S. O'Connell., J. F. -0 -- -- -- -- --- Payen., L. A. Pilling, A. R. Ragir, S. Rau, C. Reichien, H. Reichlen, P. Riddell , F . A. The Hang-e or Ceremonial House of the Northern Miwok of Hachana Village Near Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, California. 38:34-35, 1957. Wintoon Indians. 38:40-45, 1957. Data Pertaining to Various Indian Ceremonial Houses in Northern California. 50:31-37, 1960. Ethnographic Notes on California Indian Tribes. (Compiled and edited by R. F. Heizer). 68(Part I):1-166, 1966. Ethnological Notes on Northern and Southern California Indian Tribes. (Compiled and edited by R. F. Heizer). 68(Part II):1-95, 1967. Ethnological Notes on Central California Indian Tribes. (Compiled and edited by R. F. Heizer). 68(Part III):1-190, 1967. Village Names in Twleve California Indian Mission Records. (Assembled and edited by R. F. Heizer). 74:1-175, 1968. Recent Developments in the Study of Northwestern California Archaeology. 7:21-25, 1950. A Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Skeletal Remains From the Lower Sacramento Valley. 39:1-66, 1957. Elko Eared/Elko Corner-Notched Projectile Points as Time Markers in the Great Basin. 70:129-140, 1968. (and R. D. Ambro). A Preliminary Report on the Archaeology of the Rodriguez Site (CA-Las-194) Lassen County, California. 73: 95-193, 1968. Petroglyphs of Sacramento and Adjoining Counties, Cali- fornia. 48:66-83, 1959. An Incised Pebble from Lassen County, California. 38:6, 1957. (and J. Lancaster). Analysis of a Surface Collection from High Rock Canyon, Nevada. 66:1-35, 1966. Shell Heaps Near Cape Mendocino, Humboldt County, California. 50:25-27, 1960. (and R. F. Heizer). The Scientific Expedition of Leon de Cessac to California 1877-1879. 61:9-23, 1964. (and R. F. Heizer). The Ophir Skull from Virginia City, Nevada. 66:85-99, 1966. The Archaeology of Site Ker-74. 10:1-28, 1951. 30 Riddell, F. A. (cot Riddell., H.* S. Robinson, K. Roust., N. L. at'd) Archaeological Excavations on the Farallon Islands, California. 32:1-18, 1955. Archaeological Research in Lassen County, California. 33:44-49, 1956* Final Report on the Archaeology of Tonuy Tucker Cave. 35:1-25, 1956. The Eastern California Border: Cultural and Temporal Affinities. 42:41-48, 1958. The Archaeology of the Karlo Site (Las-7) California. 53:1-110, 1960. (and H. S. Riddell). The Current Status of Archaeological Investigations in Owens Valley, California. 33:28-33, 1956. The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site in Owens Valley. 12:14-28, 1951. (and F. A. Riddell). The Current Status of Archaeological Investigations in Owens Valley, California. 33:'28-33, 1956. Vancouver's Californian Bows. 28:1-5, 1955. Archaeological Materials from Winnemucca Lake Caves. 44:1-13, 1958. Archaeology of Granite Point, Pershing County, Nevada. 66:37-72, 1966. Preliminary Examination of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Four Western Nevada Caves. 70:52-58, 1968. Projectile Points from Hidden Cave (NV-Ch-16), Churchill County, Nevada. 71:103-115, 1968. Trade and Trails in Aboriginal California. 8:1-30, 1950. Observations Made in the Ruins of the Villages of the Original. Inhabitants of the Pacific Coast of North America (reprint). 50:19-23, 1960. The Manufacture of Shell Fish-Hooks by the Early Inhabitants of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands (reprint) 50:23-24, 1960. The Method of Manufacture of Several Articles by the Former Indians of Southern California (reprint). 59:77-82, 1963. Ancient Olla Manufactory on Santa Catalina Island, California (reprint). 59:83, 1963. Face and Body Painting Practices Among California Indians. 68:81-140, 1963. Sample, L. L. Schumacher, P. Sherwin, J. 31 Silsbee, J. M. Smith, C. E. Squier, R. J. Storie, R. E. Stross, F. H. Sutter, J. A. Tarr, W. A. Taylor, E. S. Thomsen, H. H. Treganza, A. E. Determining the General Source of California OlivelLa Shells. 41:10-11, 1938 (and W. D. Weymouth). Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California. 18:1-46, 1952. Excavations at Redding Mound No. I (Sha-47) in 1935 (app.). 18: 36-42, 1952. The Manufacture of Flint Implements by the Indians of Northern and Central California. 19:15-44, 1953. Recent Excavations and Survey in Northeastern California. 33:34-38, 1956. (and F. Harradine). An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, California, Based on Pedologic Observations (app.). 9:15-19, 1950. (and J. R. Weaver and A. C. Jones). Note on Indian Wood Carving in the Form of a Grasshopper Found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 70:123-128, 1967. Part of the Correspondence between J. A. Sutter and Col. T. T. Henley, Supt. of Indian Affairs, San Francisco, 1856. 50:27-31, 1960. Terminology of the Chemical Siliceous Sediments (reprint). 19:38, 1953. (and W. J. Wallace). Excavation of Sis-13, a Rockshelter in Siskiyou County, California. 15:13-38, 1952. (and R. F. Heizer). The Archaeological Potential of the Coast Yuki. 63:45-83, 1964. Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Stanislaus County, California. 14:1-25, 1952. Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-26, 1954. Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California. 26:1-39, 1954. Salvage Archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern California: Field Season 1958. 46:1-32, 1959. (and J. T. Davis). The Patterson Mound: A Comparative Analysis of the Archaeology of Site Ala-338. 47:1-92, 1959. (and R. F. Heizer). Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Implement Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California. 22:28-38, 1953. (and L. L. Valdivia). The Manufacture of Pecked and.Ground Stone Artifacts: A Controlled Study. 32:19-29, 1955. Painted Shell Artifacts from. California. 38:11-13, 1957. 32 Tubbs, D. Y. Turner,II, C. G. Valdivia, L. L. vonWerlhof, J.C. Wallace, W. J. Weaver, J. R. Weymouth, W. D. Willis, B. Willoughby, N.C. Wilson, B. Yates, L. G. (and R. Berger). The Viability of Pathogens in Ancient Human Coprolites. 70:89-92, 1968. Bite Marks in Tule Quids of Prehistoric Nevada Indians. 70:117-122, 1967. (and A. E. Treganza). The Manufacture of Pecked and Ground Stone Artifacts: A Controlled Study. 32:19-29, 1955. Painted Shell Artifacts from California. 38:11-13, 1957. Six Chert Knives from Tulare County. 50:37-41, 1960. Rock Art of Owens Valley, California. 65:1-128, 1965. The Archaeological Deposit in Moaning Cave, Calaveras County. 12:29-41, 1951. Archaeological Investigations in Death Valley National Monument, 1952-1957. 42:7-22, 1958. (and E. S. Taylor). Excavation of Sis-13, a Rockshelter in Siskiyou County, California. 15:13-38, 1952. An Indian Trail Near Needles, California. 70:151-157, 1968. (and A. C. Jones and F. H. Stross). Note on Indian Wood Carving in the Form of a Grasshopper Found in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 70:123-128, 1967. (and C. E. Smith). Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California. 18:1-46, 1952. Excavations at Redding Mound No. 1 (Sha-47) in 1935 (app.). 18:36-42, 1952. Letter to AleX Hrdlicka (concerning Stanford Skull, site SC1-33). 6:3-5, 1950. Abstract from the Stanford Cardinal on the Stanford Skull (reprint). 6:5, 1950. Division of Labor Among the Indians of California. 60:7-79, 1963. Ukiah Valley Pomo Religious Life, Supernatural Doctoring and Beliefs: Observations of 1939-41. (Edited by Caroline L. Hills). 72:1-92, 1968. Fragments of the History of a Lost Tribe (reprint). 38:36-39, 1957. 33 IV. CHECK LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, Nos. 1-30. No; 1 Sources of Stones Used in Prehistoric Mesoamerican Sites, Sources of Rocks Used in Olmec Monuments, by Howel Williams and Robert F. Heizer. Geological Notes on the Ruins of Mitla and Other Oaxacan Sites, Mexico, by Howel Williams and Robert F. Heizer. Stones Used for Colossal Sculpture at or near Teotihuacan by Robert F. Heizer and Howel Williams. Olmec Sculpture and Stone Working: A Bibliography. Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence of Some American Obsidians by J. R. Weaver and F. H. Stross. Notes on Mesoamerican Obsidians and Their Significance in Archaeological Studies by Robert F. Heizer, Howel Williams and John A. Graham. 103 pp., 11 pls., 6 figures, 1965. No. 2 The Castaldl Collection from Central and Southern Baja California, by William C. Massey. An analysis of the collection of aboriginal artifacts gathered together by the late Padre Cesar Castaldl of Mulege. Includes stone, bone, and wood artifacts, cordage, basketry, and articles of European origin. 75 pp., 8 pls., 40 figures, 1966. No. 3 Studies in Olmec Archaeology: I, A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site, by R. Berger, J. A. Graham and R. F. Heizer; II, Analysis of Two Low Relief Sculptures from La Venta, by R. F. Heizer; III, Sculptures and Rock Carvings at Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico, by Carmen Cook de Leonard. 84 pp., 10 pls, 20 figures, 1967. No. 4 Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr., R. A. Cowan, J. F. O'Connell and C. Benemann, with Preface by R. F. Heizer and J. A. Graham. 170 pp., 3 maps, 36 pls, 29 figures, 1967. No. 5 Papers on Mesoamerican Archaeology: I, Investigations at La Venta, 1967, by R. F. Heizer, P. Drucker and J. A. Graham; II, Three Sand- stone Monuments from La Venta Island, by M. W. Stirling; III, The El Meson Monument at Angel R. Cabada, Veracruz, by Philip Drucker; IV, Analysis of American Obsidians by X-Ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis, by F. H. Stross, J. R. Weaver, G. E. A. Wyld, R. F. Heizer and J. A. Graham; V, "Finger-Printing" of Some Meso- american obsidian Artifacts, by R. N. Jack and R. F. Heizer; VI, Notes on the Papalhuapa Site, Guatemala, by J. A. Graham and R. F. Heizer; VII, The 1968 Investigations at La Venta, by R. F. Heizer, J. A. Graham and L. K. Napton; with App. I: La Venta Ceramics, by P.S. Hallinan, R. D. Ambro and J. F. O'Connell; App. II, New Stone Monuments from La Venta, 1968, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr. and C. R. -Corson. 207 pp., 7 maps, 29 pls, 21 figures, 1968. 34 No. 6 A Bibliography of California Archaeology, compiled by R. F. Heizer - and A. B. Elsasser. 78 pp.., 1970. No. 7 Papers on Anthropology of the Western Great Basin. I, Big Game Hunters in the Great Basin; a Critical Review of the Evidence, by R. F. Heizer and M. A. Baumhoff; II, Radiocarbon Age of the Gypsum Cave Culture,by R. F. Heizer and R. Berger; III, An Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates for the Rose Spring Site (CA-Iny-372) Inyo County, California, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr., R. F. Heizer and R. Berger; IV, A Mescal Knife from near Overton, Moapa Valley, Southern Nevada, by R. F. Heizer; V, Notes on Bead Stringing at Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by John Carroll; VI, Study of Wear Patterns on Hafted and Unhafted Bifaces from Two Nevada Caves, by Thomas R. Hester; VII, An Ethnographic Sketch of the Paviotso in 18&2, by R. F. Heizer; VIII, Additional Projectile Points and Lithic Artifacts from Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr., and L. K. Napton; IX, A Basket Maker's Work Kit from Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by R. D. Ambro. 79 pp., 4 pls.,1 map, 8 tables, 5 figures, 1970. No. 8 Magnetometer Survey of the La Venta Pyramid and Other Papers on Mexican Archaeology. I, Magnetometer Survey of the La Venta Pyramid, by Frank Morrison, C. W. Clewlow, Jr., and R. F. Heizer; II, The Archaeological Sequence at San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Veracruz, Mexico, by Michael D. Coe; III, A Comparison of Two Unusual Olmec Monuments., by C. W. Clewlow, Jr.; IVJ, Precolumbian Obsidian Ear Spools: An Investigation of Possible Manufacturing Methods, by E. G. and H. H. Thomsen. 53 pp., 2 maps, 9 pls., 27 figures, 1970. No. 9 Papers on California Ethnography. I, Continuity of Indian Population in California Frcom 1770/1848 to 1955, by A. L. Kroeber and R. F. Heizer; II, A Chumash "Census" of 1928-1930, by R. F. Heizer; III, Indian Rancheria Names in Four Mission Records, by C. Hart Merriam; IV, More J. P. Harrington Notes on Ventureno Chumash Basketry and Culture, by R. F. Heizer; V, Names and Locations of Some Ethnographic Patwin and Maidu Villages, by R. F. Heizer-and T. R. Hester; VI, Shasta Villages and Territory by R. F. Heizer and T. R. Hester. 160 pp., 30 figures, 3 maps, 1970. No. 10 Archaeology and the Prehistoric Great Basin Lacustrine Subsistence Regime As Seen From Lovelock Cave, Nevada. I, Archaeological Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by R. F. Heizer and L. K. Napton; II, Analysis of Human Coprolites From Archaeological Contexts, With Primary Reference to Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by L. K. Napton and R. F. Heizer; III, Correspondence Concerning the Lovelock Cave Investigations by the University of California in 1912 and 1924, and Preparation of L. L. Loud's Final Report, edited by R. F. Heizer and L. K. Napton; IV, Fish Remains From Human Coprolites and Midden Deposits Obtained During 1968 and 1969 at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada, by W. I. Follett; V, Parasitological Examinations of Prehistoric Human Coprolites From Lovelock Cave, Nevada, by F. L. Dunn 35 and R. Watkins; VI, Mites Associated With Coprolites and Mummified Human Remains in Nevada, by F. J. Radovsky; VII, Description of Skel- etal Material Found in Lovelock Cave (NV-Ch-18) in 1969, by M. E. Morbeck; VIII, Lovelock Cave Bibliography, by R. F. Heizer and L. K. Napton. 202 pp., 27 pls., 14 tables, 24 figures, 1970. No. 11 Observations on the Emergence of Civilization in Mesoamerica. I, Editors' Preface by R. F. Heizer and J. A. Graham; II Early and Middle Preclassic Culture in the Basin of Mexico, by P. Tolstoy and L. I. Paradis; III, The Olmec Region - Oaxaca, by I. Bernal; IV, Commentary on The Olmec Region - Oaxaca, by R. F. Heizer; V, Inventory of Some Pre-Classic Traits in the Highlands and Pacific Guatemala and Adjacent Areas, by E. M. Shook; VI, Commentary on Inventory of Some Pre-Classic Traits in the Highlands and Pacific Guatemala and Adjacent Areas, by C. F. Baudez; VII, The Emergence of Civilization in the Maya Lowlands, by E. W. Andrews IV, VIII, Commentary on The Emergence of Civilization in the Maya Lowlands, by G. R. Willey; IX, Calendrics and Writing in Mesoamerica, by H. J. Prem; X, Early Architecture and Sculpture in Mesoamerica, by T. Proskouriakoff, XII, Commentary on Early Archi- tecture and Sculpture in Mesoamerica, by G. Kubler; XIII, Mesoamerican Trade and Its Role in the Emergence of Civilization, by L. A. Parsons and B. J. Price; XIV, Commqntary on Mesoamerican Trade and Its Role in the Emergence of Civilization, by A. M. Chapman; XV, The Civilizational Consequences of Varying Degrees of Agricultural and Ceramic Dependence Within the Basic Ecosystems of Mesoamerica, by G. W. Lowe; XVI, Comment- ary on The Civilizational Consequences of Varying Degrees of Agri- cultural and Ceramic Dependence Within the Basic Ecosystems of Meso- america, by G. H. S. Bushnell. 251 pp., 2 plates, 4 figures, 2 tables, 1971. No. 12 Application of the Physical Sciences to Archaeology. I, Introduction, by F. H. Stross; II, High-Sensitivity Magnetometers in Archaeological Exploration, by H. F. Morrison; III, Neutron Activation of Pottery (abstract), by I. Perlman and F. Asaro; IV, Authenticity Testing of Ceramics Using the Thermoluminescence Method, by S. J. Fleming; V, Petrographic Character of Classic Marble, by F. J. Turner; VI, New Radiocarbon Dates Based On Bone Collagen of California Palaeoindians, by R. Berger, R. Protsch, R. Reynolds, C. Rozaire and J. R. Sackett; VII, Preliminary Potassium-Argon Dating of Java Man (abstract), by T. Jacob and G. H. Curtis; VIII, Litho-Mechanics in Archaeology, by E. G. and H. H. Thomsen. 62 pp., 7 pls., 21 figures, 1971. No. 13 Papers on Olmec and Maya Archaeology. I, An Hypothesis On Olmec Astronomy, With Special Reference to the La Venta Site, by M. F. Hatch; II, The Obsidian of Tres Zapotes, by T. R. Hester, R. N. Jack and R. F. Heizer; III, Technology and Geologic Sources of Obsidian From 36 Cerro De Las Mesas, Veracruz, Mexico with Observations on Olmec Trade, by T.R. Hester, R. F. Heizer and R.N. Jack; IV, Non-Classic Inscriptions and Sculptures at Seibal, by J.A. Graham; V, A Maya Hieroglyph Incised On Shell, by J.A. Graham; VI, Two Unusual Maya Stelae, by J.A. Graham and H. Williams. 2 plates, 4 figures, 2 tables, 166 pp., 1971. No. 14. Miscellaneous Papers on Archaeology. I, A Statistical Approach to Deter- mining Which Members of a Group of Burial Sites are Distinct, by S. Ragir and J. Stromberg, II, Can Pottery Residues Be Used As An Index to Popula- tion, by S. F. Cook; III, A Radiocarbon Date from the Point St. George Site, Northwestern California, by R.A. Gould; IV, The Rumsen of Monterey, An Ethnology from Historical Sources, by S. M. Broadbent; V, Notes on Large Obsidian Blade Cores and Core-Blade Technology in Mesoamerica, by T.R. Hester; VI, Problems in The Functional Interpretation of Artifacts: Scraper Planes from Mitla and Yagul, Oaxaca, by T. R. Hester and R. F. Heizer. 4 plates, 2 figures, 10 tables, 123 pp., 1972. No. 15. The Early Horizon in Central California Prehistory, by Sonia Ragir. A description, anaylsis, and comparison of what has been called the "?Early Horizon" of Central California. Material described comes from six sites in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta area. 329 pp., 67 tables, 18 figures, 7 plates, 3 maps, June, 1972. No. 16. Studies in the Archaeology of Mexico and Guatemala. I, Maya Highland Prehistory; New Data and Implications, by Richard E. W. Adams; II, Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highland: New Data on the Maya Preclassic, by David W. Sedat and Robert J. Sharer; m, Radiocarbon Dates from Copan, Honduras, by JohnA. Graham and Rainer Berger; IV, The Recording of Maya Sculpture, by John A. Graham and Steven R. Fitch; V, The Nine Lords of the Night, by David H. Kelley; VI, Preliminary Report on Excavations in the Archeological Zone of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, by Rudolph C. Troike, Nancy P. Troike and John A. Graham; VII, Notes on the Ruins of lxtutz, Southeastern Peten, by Merle Greene Robertson (with an Appendix by John A. Graham); VIII, Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian from the Site of Cholula, Mexico, by Thomas R. Hester, Robert N. Jack and Robert F. Heizer, IX, Sources for the Obsidian at the Ruins of Seibal, Peten, Guatemala, by John A. Graham, Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack; X, Geologic Sources of Archaeological Obsidian from Sites In Northern and Central Veracruz, Mexico, by Robert N. Jack, Thomas R. Hester and Robert F. Heizer. 122 pp., 4 tables, 17 figures (1 fold-out), 6 plates, October, 1972, No. 17. Chronological Ordering of Great Basin Prehistory, by T.R. Hester. Chrono- logical Methods in Great Basin Archaedogical Research, Artifacts as Chronological Indicators, Prehistoric Chronology in the Great Basin, and Summary. Appendices: 1, Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates from the Great Basin; 2, Geological Radiocarbon Dates from the Great Basin. 199 pp., 25 figures, February, 1973. ADDENDUM On page 37, the titles for Contribution No. 18, Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica, should continue as follows: XIII, The Dating of Stela 4 at Ixtiitz, by John A. Graham; XIV, An Unrusual Olmec Figurine, by Robert F. Heizer, XV, The Maya Glyph for Capture or Conquest and an Iconographic Representation of Itzam Na on Yucatecan Facades, by J. Eric S. Th -ompson. 37 No. 18. Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica. I, Fine Orange Pottery as a Source of Ethnological information, by R. E. W. Adams; II, Izapan and Mayan Trait : in Teotihuacan III Pottery, by Jacinto Quirarte; III, A Classic Maya Tooth Cache from Lubaantun, British Honduras, by Frank P. Saul and Nor-man Hanmmond; IV, An Archaeological Sequence from Santa Luisa, Veracruz, Mexico, by S. Jeffrey K. WVilkerson; V, Iconographic Survey of Some Principal Figurine Subjects from the Mortuary Complex of Jaina, Campeche, by Christopher Corson; VI, Languages of the Chiapas Coast and Interior in the Colonial Period, 1525-1820, by Lawrence H. Feldman; VII, Stones for the Archaeologist, by Lawrence H. Feldman; VIII, Chiapas in 1774, by Lawrence H. Feldman; IX, Archaeological Materials from a Nonceramic Site in Eastern Durango, Mexico, by John P. Silva and Thomas R. Hester; XI, Trace Element Anaiyses of Obsidian from Michoacan, Mexico: Preliminary Results, by Thomas R. Hester, Robert N. Jack and Alice Benfer; XHI, Monument 1, El Porton, Guatemala, and the Development of Maya Calendrical and Writing Systems, by Robert J. Sharer and David W. Sedat. 207 pp., 10 plates. August, 1973. No. 19. A Stylistic and Chronoloical Study of Olmec Monumental Scuillture, by C. W. Clewlow, Jr. A discussion of the monuments and sites with chapters on each of the following: Colossal Heads, Seated Figures, Standing Figures, Copulation Figures, Small Heads, Cats, Other Animals, Boxes, Bowls and Cylinders, Altars, and Low Relief Panels. 229 ppo, 20 tables, 53 figures, 6 plates, January, 1974. No. 20. Four Great Basin Petroglyph Studies. Two Petroglyph Sites in Lincoln County, Nevada, by Robert F. Heizer and T.R. Hester; The Record of a Hunting Practice at Petroglyph Site Nv-Ly-1, by Karen M. Nissen; The Manufacture of a Petroglyph: A Replicative Experiment, by James C. Bard and Colin I. Busby; An Attempt at Computer Analysis Determination of California Rock Art Styles, by Mari Pori and Robert F. Heizer. 130 pp., 29 pgs. of drawings, 13 maps, 3 pgs. of plates, 18 tables. May, 1974. No. 21. Four Papers on Great Basin Anthropology. Archaeological Materials from Site NV-Wa-197, Western Nevada: Atlatl and Animal Skin Pouches, by T. R. Hester; Appendix. Fish Remains from Site NV-Wa-197, Winnemucca Lake, Nevada, by W. I. Follett; A Northern Paiute Account of an Early Great Basin Exploring Expedition, by William Wihr; Pinyon Nut Gathering Equip- ment from the Vicinity of Gardnerville, Douglas County, Nevada, by Colin I. Busby; Decorated Stone Discs from the Lower Humboldt Valley, Nevada, by Robert F. Heizer. 70 pp., 3 tables, 11 pps. of plates, 1 map, 3 pps. of figures. June, 1974. No. 22. Two Papers on the Physical Anthropology of California Indians. SJo-68 Dental Morphology and its Bearing on the "Dihybrid Theory" of American Indian Origins, by Edward F. Harris and Christy G. Turner II; Observations on Physical Strength of Some Western Indians and "old American" Whites, by R. F. Heiker and Carol Treanor. 57 pp., 20 tables. October, 1974. 38 No. 23. Ethnographic Interpretations: 12-13, cio-ieligious Aspects of Resource management, and Practices of Warfare AmoM,California Indians. The Energetics of Subsistence-Assurance Ritual in Native California, by Sean Swezey; California Indian Warfare, by Steven R. James and Suzanne Graziani; Editor's Preface by R. F. Heizer. 109 pp., 2 tables, 2 maps. March, 1975. No. 24. Three Papers on Mesoamerican Archaeology. Transport of Stone Monuments to the La Venta and San Lorenzo Sites),by Joseph S. Velson and Thomas C. Clark; A Consideration of Time and Labor Expenditure in the Construction Process at the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and the Poverty Point Mound, by Stephen Aaberg and Jay Bonsignore; Notes on Trade in Ancient Mesoamerica., by Brian D. Dillon. 135 pp., 7 figures. April, 1975. No. 25. The Northern California Indians. A reprinting of 19 articles on California Indians originally published 1872-1877, by Stephen Powers. Edited and annotated by Robert F. Heizer. 221 pp. , 1 map. May, 1975. No. 26. Bibliographical History of California Anthropological Research 1850-1917, by Elizabeth Wuertele. 116 pgs., 3 indices. June, 1975. No. 27. Stuies in M america II, edited by John A. Graham. The Grolier Codex, by J. Eric S. Thompson; Archaeological Investigations at Tulum and Tanach, Quintana Root Mexico: a Progress Report of the 1974 Season, by Arthur G. Miller; A Maya 'Pocket Stela' ?, by Norman Hammond, David H. Kelley and Peter Mathews; Cui Orange Polychrome: a Late Classic Funerary Type from Central Campeche, Mexico, by Joseph W. Ball; Maya Settlement Hierarchy in Northern Belize, by Norman Hammond; Ancient Agricultural Farmsteads in the Rlo Bec Region of Yucatan, by Jack D. Eaton; A Painted Capstone from the Maya Area, by Christopher Jones; Pre-Agricultural Village Life: the Late Preceramic Period in Veracruz, by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson; The Identification of the Emblem Glyph of Yaxha, El Peten, by John S. Justeson. 129 pp. 30 pp. plates, 6 tables, 1 fold-out. September, 1975. No. 28. Biography of Stephen Powers and Stephen Powers' Letters to John Wesley Powell. The Life of Stephen Powers, by Susan Park; Letters of Stephen Powers to John Wesley Powell Concerning Tribes of California, edited by E. F. Heizer. 97 pp., January, 1976. No. 29. West Berkeley (CA-Ala-307): A Culturally Stratified Sheilmound on the East Shore of San Francisco Bay, by William Wallace and Donald Lathrap. 130 pp., 12 pp. plates, I chart, 1 map. Appendixes: W. I. Follett, C. I. Busby, R. H. Brooks, S. T. Brooks. November, 1975. No. 30. Studies in California Paleopatholog, by J. Michael Hoffman and Lynda Brunker. 39 A Bibliography of California Paleopathology, by J. Michael Hoffman and Lynda Brunker; Enlarged Parietal Foramina -- Their Morphological Variation and Use in Assessing Prehistoric Biological Relationships; Com- minuted Fracture of a Humerus with Pseudoarthrosis Formation; An Achon- droplastic Dwarf from the Augustine Site (CA-Sac-127), by J. Michael Hoffman. 119 pp., 16 pp. of plates. April, 1976. 40 V. LIST OF AUTHORS AND TITLES OF PAPERS IN CONTRIBUTION SERIES 1-30. Aaberg, Stephen (with Jay Bonsignore) A Consideration of Time and Labor Ex- penditure in the Construction Process at the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and the Poverty Point Mound. 24: 40-79, 1975. Adams, Richard E. W. Maya Highland Prehistory; New Data and Implications. 16: 1-22, 1972. Fine Orange Pottery as a Source of Ethnological Information. 18: 1-10, 1973. Ambro, R.D. Andrews, E. Wyllys Asaro, Frank Ball, Joseph W. Bard, James C. Baudez, Claude F. Baumhoff, Martin A. Benemann, Carlos Benfer, Alice Berger, Rainer (with P. S. Hallinan and J. F. O'Connell) L-a Venta Ceramics (app.). 5: 155-170, 1968. A Basket Maker's Work Kit from Lovelock Cave. 7: 73-79, 1970. IV The Emergence of Civilization in the Maya Lowlands. 11: 97- 111, 1971. (with Isadore Perlman) Neutron Activation of Pottery (Abstract). 12: 21-22, 1971. Cui Orange Polychrome: A Late Classic Funerary Type from Central Campeche, Mexico. 27: 32-39, 1975. (with Colin I. Busby) The Manufacture of a Petroglyph: A Rep- licative Experiment. 20: 83-102, 1974. Commentary on: Inventory of Some Pre-Classic Traits in the Highlands and Pacific Guatemala and Adjacent Areas. 11: 78- 84, 1971. (with Robert F. Heizer) Big Game Hunters in the Great Basin: A Critical Review of the Evidence. 7: 1-12, 1970. (with C. William Clewlow, Richard A. Cowan, and James F. O'Connell) Colossal Heads of the Oimec Culture. 4: 1-170, 1967. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack) Trace Element Analyses of Obsidian from Michoacan, Mexico: Preliminary Results. 18: 167-176, 1973. (with John A. Graham and Robert F. Heizer) A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site. 3: 1-24, 1967. 41 Berger, Rainer (with Robert F. Heizer) Radiocarbon Age of the Gypsum Cave Culture. 7: 13-18, 1970. (with C.W. Clewlow, Jr., and Robert F. Heizer) An Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates for the Rose Spring Site (CA-Iny-372), Inyo County, California. 7: 19-27, 1970. (with Reiner Protsch, Richard Reynolds, Charles Rozaire, and James R. Sackett) New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. 12: 43-49, 1971. (with John A. Graham) Radiocarbon Dates from Copan, Honduras. 16: 37-40, 1972. The Olmec Region -- Oaxaca. (with Added Remarks by Ignacio Bernal). 11: 29-50, 1971. (with Stephen Aaberg) A Consideration of Time and Labor in the Construction Process at the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and the Poverty Point Mound. 24: 40-79, 1975. The Rumsen of Monterey, An Ethnography from Historical Sources. 14: 45-94, 1972. Bernal, Ignacio Bonsignore, Jay Broadbent, Sylvia M. Brooks, Richard H. Birds (app.). 29: 107-110, 1975. Brooks, Sheilagh Thompson Human Skeletal Remains (app.). 29: 111-114, 1975. Brunker, Lynda Busby, Colin I. (with J. Michael Hoffman) A Bibliography of California Paleo- pathology. 30: 1-24, 1976. (with James C. Bard) The Manufacture of a Petroglyph: A Replicative Experiment. 20: 83-102, 1974. Pinyon Nut Gathering Equipment from the Vicinity of Gardnerville, Douglas County, Nevada. 21: 51-64, 1974. A Mammalian Faunal Analysis of CA-Ala-307 (app.). 29: 99- 106, 1975. Bushnell, Geoffrey H. S. Commentary On: The Civilizational Consequences of Varying Degrees of Agricultural and Ceramic Dependency within the Basic Ecosystems of Mesoamerica. 11: 249-251, 1971. 42 Carroll, John Chapman, Ame M. Clark, Thomas C. Notes on Bead Stringing at Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 7: 39-43, 1970. Commentary On: Mesoamerican Trade and its Role in the Emergence of Civilization. 11: 196-211, 1971. (with Joseph S. Velson) Transport of Stone Monuments to the La Venta and San Lorenzo Sites. 24: 1-39, 1975. Clewlow, C. William Jr. (with Richard A. Cowan, James F. O'Conell, and Carlos Benemann) Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture. 4: 1-170, 1967. (with C.R. Corson) New Stone Monuments from La Venta, 1968 (app.). 5: 171-182, 1968. (with Robert F. Heizer and Albert B. Elsasser) A Bibliography of California Archaeology (assisted in the compilations). 6, 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer and Rainer Berger) An Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates for the Rose Spring Site (CA-Iny-372), Inyo County, California. 7:. 19-27, 1970. (withi Lewis K. Napton) Additional Projectile Points and Lithic Artifacts from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 7: 64-73, 1970. (with Frank Morrison and Robert F. Heizer) Magnetometer Survey of the La Venta Pyramid. 8: 1-20, 1970. A Comparison of Two Unusual Olmec Monuments. 8: 35-40, 1970. A Stylistic and Chronological Study of Olmec Monumental Sculpture. 19: 1-229, 1974. Coe, Michael D.. Cook, Sherburne F. The Archaeologicd. Sequence at Sa Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Veracruz, Mexico. 8: 21-34, 1970. Can Pottery Residues be Used as an Index to Population? 14: 17- 40, 1972. Cook de Leonard, Carmen Sculptures and Rock Carvings at Chalcatzingo, Morelos. 3: 57-84, 1967. Corson, C. R. (with C. W. Clewlow, Jr.) New Stone Monuments from La Venta, 1968 (app.). 5: 171-182, 1968. 43 Corson, Christopher Iconographic Survey of Some Principal Figurine Subjects from the Mortuary Complex of Jaina, Campeche. 18: 51-76, 1973. Cowan, Richard A. (with C. William Clewlow, James F. O'Connell and Carlos Benemann) Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture. 4: 1-170, 1967.. Curtis, Garniss H. (with Teuku Jacob) Preliminary Potassium-Argon Dating of Java Man (Abstract). 12: 50, 1971. Drucker, Philip (with R. F. Heizer and J.A. Graham) Investigations at La Venta, 1967. 5: 1-34, 1968. The El Meson Monument at Angel R. Cabada, Veracruz. 5: 41- 58, 1968. Dunn, F. L. (with R. Watkins) Parasitological Examinations of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 10: 176-185, 1970. Eaton, Jack D. Ancient Agricultural Farmsteads in the Rio Bec Region of Yucatan. 27: 56-82, 1975. Elsasser, Albert B. (with Robert F. Heizer and the assistance of C. William Clewlow, Jr.) A Bibliography of California Archaeology. 6: 1-78, 1970. Feldman, Lawrence H. Languages of the Chiapas Coast and Interior in the Colonial Period, 1525-1820. 18: 77-86, 1973. Stones for the Archaeologist. 18: 87-104, 1973. Chiapas in 1774. 18: 105-136, 1973. Fitch, Steven R. Fleming, Stuart J. Follett, W.I. (with John A. Graham) The Recording of Maya Sculpture. 16: 41-52, 1972. Authenticity Testing of Ceramics Using the Thermoluminescence Method. 12: 23-33, 1971. Fish Remains from Human Coprolites and Midden Deposits Obtained During 1968 and 1969 at Lovelock Cave, Churchill County, Nevada. 10: 163-175, 1970. Appendix. Fish Remains from Site NV-Wa-197, Winnemucca Lake, Nevada. 21: 37-44, 1974. 44 Follett, W. I. Fish Remains from the West Berkeley Sheilmound (CA-Ala-307) Alameda County, California (app.). 29: 71-90, 1975. Fish Remains from the Stege Mounds, Richmond, Contra Costa County, California (app.). 29: 123-130, 1975. Gould, Richard A. A Radiocarbon Date from the Point St. George Site, Northwestern California. 14: 41-44, 1972. Graham, John A. (with Robert F. Heizer and Howel Williams) Notes on Meso- american Obsidians and Their Significance in Archaeological Studies. 1: 94-103, 1965. (with Rainer Berger and Robert F. Heizer) A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site. 3: 1-24, 1967. (with Robert F. Heizer) Preface to Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture. 4: v-vii, 1967. -- (with R. F. Heizer and P. Drucker) Investigations at La Venta, 1967. 5: 1-34, 1968. --- (with F.H. Stross, J.R. Weaver, G.E.A. Wyld, gnd R. F. Heizer) Analysis of American Obsidians by X-Ray Fluorescence' and Neutron Activation Analysis. 5: 59-70, 1968. (with R. F. Heizer) Notes on the Papalhuapa Site, Guatemala. 5: 101-126, 1968. (with R. F. Heizer and L. K. Napton) The 1968 Investigations at La Venta. 5: 127-154, 1968. ---- (with Robert F. Heizer) Editors' Preface to Observations on the Emergence of Civilization in Mesoamerica. 11: 1-5, 1971. Commentary On: Calendrics and Writing in Mesoamerica. 11: 133-140, 1971. - Non-Classic Inscriptions and Sculptures at Seibal. 13: 143-154, 1971. A Maya Hieroglyph Incised on Shell. 13: 155-160, 1971. (with Howel Williams) Two Unusual Maya Stelae. 13: 161-166, 1971. 45 Graham, John A. (with Rainer Berger) Radiocarbon Dates from Copan, Honduras. 16: 37-40, 1972. ------ (with Steven R. Fitch) The Recording of Maya Sculpture. 16: 41-52, 1972. (with Rudolph C. Troike, and Nancy P. Troike) Preliminary Report on Excavations in the Archeological Zone of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 16: 69-88, 1972. -- Appendix to Notes on the Ruins of Ixtutuz, Southeastern Peten. 16: 95-96, 1972. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack) Sources for the Obsidian at the Ruins of Seibal, Peten, Guatemala. 16: 111-116, 1972. Preface to Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica (ed.). 18: i, 1973. The Dating of Stela 4 at Ixtutz. 18: 195-198, 1973. Editor's Note to Studies in Ancient Mesoamerica, II (ed.). 27: ii, 1975. Graziani, Suzanne (with Steven R. James) California Indian Warfare. 23: 47-109, 1975. Hallinan, P.S. (with R. D. Ambro and J. F. O'Connell) Appendix I: La Venta Ceramics (app.). 5: 155-170, 1968. Hammond, Norman (with Frank P. Saul) A Classic Maya Tooth Cache from Lubaantun, British Honduras. 18: 31-36, 1973. (with David H. Kelley and Peter Mathews) A Maya 'Pocket Stela' ? 27: 17-31, 1975. Maya Settlement Hierarchy in Northern Belize. 27: 40-55, 1975. Harris, Edward F. (with Christy G. Turner II) SJo-68 Dental Morphology and Its Bearing on the "Dihybrid Theory" of American Indian Origins. 22: 1-46, 1974. Hatch, Marion Popenoe An Hypothesis on Olmec Astronomy, with Special Reference to the La Venta Site. 13: 1-64, 1971. Heizer, Robert F. (with Howel Williams) Sources of Rocks Used in Olmec Monu- ments. 1: 1-40, 1965. 46 Heizer, Robert F. (with Howel Williams) Geological Notes on the Ruins of Mitla and Other Oaxacan Sites' Mexico. 1: 41-54, 1965. (with Howel Williams) Stones Used for Colossal Sculpture At or Near Teotihuacan. 1: 54-70, 1965. (with Tillie Smith) Olmec Sculpture and Stone Working: A Bibliography. 1: 71-88, 1965. (with Howel Williams and John A. Graham) Notes on Meso- american Obsidians and their Significance in Archaeological Studies. 1: 94-103, 1965. (with Rainer Berger and John A. Graham) A Reconsideration of the Age of the La Venta Site. 3: 1-24, 1967. Analysis of Two Low Relief Sculptures from La Venta. 3: 25- 56, 1967. (with John A. Graham) Preface to Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture. 4: v-vii, 1967. (with P. Drucker and J. A. Graham) Investigations at La Venta, 1967. 5: 1-34, 1968. (with F.H. Stross, J.R. Weaver, G.E.A. Wyld and J.A. Graham) Analysis of American Obsidians by X-Ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis. 5: 59-80, 1968. (with R. N. Jack) "Finger-Printing" of Some Mesoamerican Obsidian Artifacts. 5: 81-100, 1968. (with J.A. Graham) Notes on the Papalhuapa Site, Guatemala. 5: 101-126, 1968. (with J.A. Graham and L.K.Napton) The 1968 Investigations at La Venta. 5: 127-154, 1968. (with Albert B. Elsasser and the assistance of C. William Clewlow, Jr.) A Bibliography of California Archaeology. 6: 1-78, 1970. (with Martin A. Baumhoff) Big Game Hunters in the Great Basin: A Critical Review of the Evidence. 7: 1-12, 1970. 47 Heizer, Robert F. (with Rainer Berger) Radiocarbon Age of the Gypsum Cave Culture. 7: 13-18, 1970. (with C. W. Clewlow, Jr,, and Rainer Berger) An Assessment of Radiocarbon Dates for the Rose Spring Site (CA-Iny-372), Inyo County, California. 7: 19-27, 1970. A Mescal Knife from near Overton, Moapa Valley, Southern Nevada. 7: 28-37, 1970. An Ethnographic Sketch of the Paviotso in 1882 (ed.). 7: 55- 63, 1970. (with Frank Morrison and C. W. Clewlow, Jr.) Magnetometer Survey of the La Venta Pyramid. 8: 1-20, 1970. (with A. L. Kroeber) Continuity of Indian Population in California from 1770/1848 to 1955. 9: 1-22, 1970. A Chumash "Census" of 1928-1930. 9: 23-28, 1970. More J. P. Harrington Notes on Ventureno Chumash Basketry and Culture. 9: 59-74, 1970. (with Thomas Roy Hester) Names and Locations of Some Ethnographic Patwin and Maidu Villages. 9: 79-118, 1970. (with Thomas Roy Hester) Shasta Villages and Territory. 9: 119-159, 1970, (with Lewis K. Napton) Archaeological Investigations in Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 10: 1-86, 1970. (with Lewis K. Napton) Analysis of Human Coprolites from Archaealogical Contexts, with Primary Reference to Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 10: 87-130, 1970. (with Lewis K. Napton) Correspondence Concerning the Lovelock Cave Investigations by the University of California in 1912 and 1924, and Preparation of L. L. Loud's Final Report (ed.). 10: 131-162, 1970. (with Lewis K. Napton) Lovelock Cave Bibliography. 10: 198- 202, 1970. 48 Heizer, Robert F. (with John A. Graham) Editors' Preface to Observations on the Emergence of Civilization in Mesoamerica. 11: 1-5, 1971. Commentary On: The Olmec Region - Oaxaca. 11: 51-69, 1971. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack) The Obsidian of Tres Zapotes. 13: 65-132. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack) Technology and Geologic Sources of Obsidian from Cerro De Las Mesas, Veracruz, Mexico, with Observations on Olmec Trade. 13: 133-142. (with Thomas Roy Hester) Problems in the Functional Interpre- tation of Artifacts: Scraper Planes from Mitla and Yagul, Oaxaca. 14: 107-123. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert N. Jack) Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian from the Site of Cholula, Mexico. 16: 105-110. (with Robert N. Jack and Thomas R. Hester) Geologic Sources of Archaeological Obsidian from Sites in Northern and Central Veracruz, Mexico. 16: 117-122. An Unusual Olmec Figurine. 18: 199-202. (with Thomas R. Hester) Two Petroglyph Sites in Lincoln County, Nevada. 20: 1-52. (with Mary Pori) An Attempt at Computer Analysis Determination of California Rock Art Styles. 20: 103-130. Decorated Stone Discs from the Lower Humboldt Valley, Nevada. 21: 65-70. (with Carol Treanor) Observations on Physical Strength of Some Western Indians and "Old American" Whites. 22: 47-57. Editor's Preface to Ethnographic Interpretations: 12-13. 23: i-iii. --- Editor's Introduction and Notes to The Northern California Indians (edited and annotated by RB. F. Heizer). 25:i-iii, 210-219. 49 Heizer, Robert F. Editor's Introduction and Letters of Stephen Powers to John Wesley Powell Concerning Tribes of California (editor). 28: ii, 45-94, 1975. Hester, Thomas Roy Study of Wear Patterns on Hafted and Unhafted Bifaces from Two Nevada Caves. 7: 44-54, 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer) Names and Locations of Some Ethno- graphic Patwin and Maidu Villages. 9:79-118. 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer) Shasta Villages and Territory. 9: 119- 159, 1970. ( Robert N. Jack and Robert F. Heizer) The Obsidian of Tres Zapotes. 13: 65-132, 1971. (with Robert F. Heizer and Robert N. Jack) Technology and Geologic Sources of Obsidian from Cerro De Las Mesas, Veracruz, Mexico-, with Observations of Olmec Trade. 13: 133-142, 1971. Notes on Large Obsidian Blade Cores and Core-Blade Technology in Mesoamerica. 14: 95-106, 1972. (with Robert F. Heizer) Problems in the Functional Interpretation of Artifacts: Scraper Planes from Mitla and Yagul, Oaxaca. 14: 107-123, 1972. (with Robert N. Jack and Robert F. Heizer) Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian from the Site of Cholula, Mexico. 18: 105- 110, 1972. (with John A. Graham and Robert N. Jack) Sources for the Obsidian at the Ruins of Seibal, Peten, Guatemala. 18: 111- 116, 1972. (with Robert N. Jack and Robert F. Heizer) Geologic Sources of Archaeological Obsidian from Sites in Northern and Central Veracruz, Mexico6 16: 117-122, 1972. Chronological Ordering of Great Basin Prehistory. 17: 1-199, 1973. (with John P. Silva) Archaeological Materials from a Nonceramic Site in Eastern Durango, Mexico. 18: 149-166, 1973. 50 Hester, Thomas Roy (with Robert N. Jack and Alice Benfer) Trace Element Analyses of Obsidian from Michoacan, Mexico: Preliminary Results. 18: 167-176, 1973. (with Robert F. Heizer) Two Petroglyph Sites in Lincoln County, Nevada. 20: 1-52, 1974. --- Archaeological Materials from Site NV-Wa-197, Western Nevada: Atlatl and Animal Skin PQuches. 21: 1-36, 1974. Hoffman, J. Michael (with Lynda Brunker) A Bibliography of California Paleopathology 30: 1-24, 1976. Comminuted Fracture of a Humerus with Pseudoarthrosis For- mation. 30: 25-40, 1976. Enlarged Parietal Foramina -- Their Morphological Variation and Use in Assessing Prehistoric Biological Relationships. 30: 41-64, 1976. An Achondroplastic Dwarf from the Augustine Site (CA-Sac-127). 30: 65-119, 1976. Jack, Robert N. (with R. F. Heizer) "Finger-Printing" on Some Mesoamerican Obsidian Artifacts. 5: 81-100, 1968. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert F. Heizer) The Obsidian of Tres Zapotes. 13: 65-132, 1971. --- (with Thomas R. Hester and Rbbert F. Heizer) Technology and Geologic Sources of Obsidian from Cerro de las Mesas, Veracruz, Mexico, with Observations on Olmec Trade. 13: 133-142, 1971. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert F. Heizer) Trace Element Analyses of Obsidian from the Site of Cholula, Mexico. 16: 105- 110, 1972. ------ (with John A. Graham and Thomas R. Hester) Sources for the Obsidian at the Ruins of Seibal, Peten, Guatemala. 16: 111-116, 1972. (with Thomas R. Hester and Robert F. Heizer) Geologic Sources of Archaeological Obsidian from Sites in Northern and Central Veracruz,, Mexico. 16: 117-122, 1972. 51 Jack, Robert N. Jacob, Teuku James, Steven R. Jones, Christopher Justeson, John S. Kelley, David H. Kroeber, A. L. Kubler, George Lathrap, Donald W. Lowe, Gareth W. Massey, William C. Mathews, Peter Merriam, C. Hart Miller, Arthur G. (with Thomas R. Hester and Alice Benfer) Trace Element Analyses of Obsidian from Michoacan, Mexico: Preliminary Results. 18: 167-176, 1973. (with Garniss H. Curtis) Preliminary Potassium-Argon Dating of Java Man (Abstract). 12: 50, 1971. (with Suzanne Graziani) California Indian Warfare. 23: 47-109, 1975. A Painted Capstone from the Maya Area. 17: 83-110, 1975. The Identification of the Emblem Glyph of Yaxha, El Peten. 27: 123-129, 1975. The Nine Lords of the Night. 16: 53-69, 1972. (with Norman Hammond and Peter Mathews) A Maya I Pocket Stela'? 27: 17-31, 1975. (with Robert F. Heizer) Continuity of Indian Population in California from 1770/1848 to 1955. 9: 1-22, 1970. Commentary On: Early Architecture and Sculpture in Mesoamerica. 11: 157-168, 1971. (with William J. Wallace) West Berkeley (CA-Ala-307): A Culturally Stratified Shellmound on the East Shore of San Francisco Bay. 29: 1-64, 1975. The Civilizational Consequences of Varying Degrees of Agricul- tural and Ceramic Dependence within the Basic Ecosystems cf Mesoamerica. 11: 212-248, 1971. The Castaldi Collection from Central and Southern Baja California. 2: 1-76, 1966. (with Norman Hammond and David H. Kelley) A Maya 'Pocket Stela'? 27: 17-31, 1975. Indian Rancheria Names in Four Mission Records. 9: 29-58, 1970. Archaeological Investigations of the QuintanaRoo Mural Project: A Preliminary Report of the 1973 Season. 18: 137-148, 1973. 52 Miller, Arthur G. Archaeological Investigations at Tulum and Tanach, Quintana Roo, Mexico: A Progress Report of the 1974 Season. 27: 10-16, 1975. Morbeck, Mary Ellen Description of Skeletal Material Found in Lovelock Cave (NV- Ch-18), in 1969. 10: 191-197, 1970. Morrison, Frank Napton, Lewis K. (with C. W. Clewlow, Jr. and Robert F. Heizer) Magnetometer Survey of the La Venta Pyramid. 8: 1-20, 1970. High-Sensitivity Magnetometers in Archaeological Exploration. 12: 6-20, 1970. (with R. F. Heizer and J.A. Graham) The 1968 Investigations at La Venta. 5: 127-154, 1968. (with C. W. Clewlow, Jr.) Additional Projectile Points and Lithic Artifacts from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 7: 64-729 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer) Archaeological Investigations in Love- lock Cave, Nevada. 10: 1-86, 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer) Analysis of Human Coprolites from Archaeological Contexts, with Primary Reference to Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 10: 87-130, 1970. (editor, with Robert F. Heizer) Correspondence Concerning the Lovelock Cave Investigations by the University of California in 1912 and 1924, and Preparation of L. L. Loud's Final Report. 10: 131-162, 1970. (with Robert F. Heizer) Lovelock Cave Bibliography. 10; 198- 202. The Record of a Hunting Practice at Petroglyph Site NV-Ly-1. 20: 53-82, 1974. (with C. W. Clewlow, Richard A. Cowan and Carlos Benemann) Colossal Heads of the Olmec Culture. 4: 1-170, 1967. (with R.D. Ambro) Appendix I: La Venta Ceramics. 5: 155- 170, 1968. (with Paul Tolstoy) Early and Middle Preclassic Culture in the Basin of Mexico. 11: 7-28, 1971. Nissen, Karen M. O'Connell, James F. Paradis, Louise I. 53 Park, Susan Parsons, Lee A. Perlman, Isadore Pori, Mary Powers, Stephen Prem, Hanns J. Price, Barbara J. The Life of Stephen Powers. 28: 1-44, 1975. (with Barbara J. Price) Mesoamerican Trade and Its Role in the Emergence of Civilization. 11: 169-195, 1971. (with Frank Asaro) Neutron Activation of Pottery (Abstract). 12: 21-22, 1971. (with Robert F. Heizer) An Attempt at Computer Analysis Determination of California Rock Art Styles. 20: 103-130, 1974. The Northern California Indians: A reprinting of 19 articles on California Indians,originally published 1872-1877 (Edited and annotated by R. F. Heizer). 25: 1-221, 1975. Calendrics and Writing in Mesoamerica, with Added Remarks. 11: 112-132, 1971. (with Lee A. Parsons) Mesoamerican Trade and Its Role in the Emergence of Civilization. 11: 157-168, 1971. Proskouriakoff, Tatiana Early Architecture and Sculpture in Mesoamerica. 11: 141- 156, 1971. Protsch, Reiner Quirarte, Jacinto Radovsky, Frank J. Ragir, Sonia (with Rainer Berger, Richard Reynolds, Charles Roziare, and James R. Sackett) New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. 12: 43-50, 1971. Izapan and Maya Traits in Teotihuacan m Pottery. 18: 11-30, 1973. Mites Associated with Coprolites and Mummified Human Remains in Nevada. 10: 186-190, 1970. (wit,h John Stromberg) A Statistical Approach to Determining Which Members of a Group of Burial Sites are Distinct. 14: 1-16, 1972. The Early Horizon in Central California Prehistory. 15: 1-329, 1972. (with Rainer Berger, Reiner Protsch, Charles Rozaire, and James R. Sackett) New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. 12: 43-49, 1971. Reynolds, Richard 54 Robertson, Merle Greene Notes on the Ruins of Ixtutz, Southeastern Peten. 16: 89- 104, 1972. Rozaire, Charles Sackett, James R. Saul, Frank P. Sedat, David W. Sharer, Robert J. (with Rainer Berger, Reiner Protsch, Richard Reynolds, and James R. Sackett) New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. 12: 43-49, 1971. (with Rainer Berger, Reiner Protsch, Richard Reynolds, and Charles Rozaire) New Radiocarbon Dates Based on Bone Collagen of California Paleoindians. 12: 43-49, 1971. (with Norman Hammond) A Classic Maya Tooth Cache from Lubaantun, British Honduras. 18: 31-36, 1973. (with Robert J. Sharer) Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands: New Data on the Maya Preclassic. 16: 23-36, 1972. (with Robert J. Sharer) Monument 1, El Porton, Guatemala and the Development of Maya Calendrical and Writing Systems. 18: 177-194, 1973. (with David W. Sedat) Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands: New Data on the Maya Preclassic. 16: 23-36, 1972. (with David W. Sedat) Monument 1, El Porton, Guatemala and the Development of Maya Calendrical and Writing Systems. 18: 177- 194, 1973. Inventory of Some Pre-Classic Traits in the Highlands and Pacific Guatemala and Adjacent Areas. 11: 70-77, 1971. (with Thomas R. Hester) Archaeological Materials from a Non- ceramic Site in Eastern Durango, Mexico. 18: 149-166, 1973. (with Robert F. Heizer) Olmec Sculpture and Stone Working: A Bibliography. 1: 71-88, 1965. Three Sandstone Monuments from La Venta Island. 5: 35-40, 1968. (with Sonia Ragir) A Statistical Approach to Determining Which Members of a Group of Burial Sites are Distinct. 14: 1-16, 1972. Shook, Edwin M. Silva, John P. Smith, Tillie Stirling, M.W. Stromberg, John 55 Stross, Fred H. Swezey, Sean Thompson, J. Eric Thomsen, Erich G. (with J.R. Weaver) Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence of Some American Obsidians. 1: 89-93, 1965. (with J.R. Weaver, G.E.A. Wyld, R.F. Heizer and j.A. Graham) Analysis of American Obsidians by X-ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis. 5: 59-80, 1968. Introduction to the Application of the Physical Sciences to Archaeology (edited by F. H. Stross). 12: 1-5, 1971. The Energetics of Subsistence-Assurance Ritual in Native California. 23: 1-46, 1975. S. The Maya Glyph for Capture or Conquest and an Iconographic Representation of Itzam Na on Yucatecan Facades. 18: 203- 207, 1973. The Grolier Codex. 27: 1-9, 1975. (with Harriette H. Thomsen) Precolumbian Obsidian Ear Spools: An Investigation of Possible Manufacturing Methods. 8: 41- 55, 1970. (with Harriette H. Thomsen) Litho-Mechanics in Archaeology. 12: 51-62, 1971. H. (with Erich G. Thomsen) Precolumbian Obsidian Ear Spools: An Investigation of Possible Manufacturing Methods. 8: 41-55, 1970. (with Erich G. Thomsen) Litho-Mechanics in Archaeology. 12: 51-62, 1971. (with Louise I. Paradis) Early and Middle Preclassic Culture in the Basin of Mexico. 11: 1-6, 1971. (with Robert F. Heizer) Observations on Physical Strength of Some Western Indians and "Old American" Whites. 22: 47-57, 1974. (with Rudolph C. Troike and John A. &-aham) Preliminary Report on Excavations in the Archeological Zone of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 16: 69-88, 1972. (with Nancy P. Troike and John A. Graham) Preliminary Report Thomsen, Harriette Tolstoy, Paul Treanor, Carol Troike, Nancy P. Troike, Rudolph C. 56 Turner, Christy G., Turner, Francis J. Velson, Joseph S. Wallace, WilliamJ. Watkins, R. Weaver, J. R. on Excavations in the Archeological Zone of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 16: 69-88, 1972. II (with Edward F. Harris) SJo-68 Dental Morphology and its Bearing on the ?Dihybrld Theory" of American Indian Origins. 22: 1-46, 1974. Petrographic Character of Classic Marble. 12: 34-429 1971. (with Thomas C. Clark) Transport of Stone Monuments to the La Venta and San Lorenzo Sites. 24: 1-39s, 1975. (with Donald W. Lathrap) West Berkeley (CA-Ala-307): A Culturally Stratified Shellmound on the East Shore of San Francisco Bay. 29: 1-64, 1975. (with F. L. Dunn) Parasitological Examinations of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. 10: 176-185, 1970. (with F. H. Stross) Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence of Some American Obsidians. 1: 89-93, 1965. (with G.E.A. Wyld, R. F. Heizer, F.H. Stross, and J.A. Graham) Analysis of American Obsidians by X-ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis. 5: 59-80, 1968. A Northern Paiute Account of an Early Great Basin Exploring Expedition. 21: 45-50, 1974. Commentary On: The Emergence of Civillzation in the Maya Lowlands. 11: 97-111, 1971. (with Robert F. Heizer) Sources of Rocks Used in Olmec Monuments. 1: 1-40, 1965. (with Robert F. Heizer) Geological Notes on the Ruins of Mitla and Other Oaxacan Sites, Mexico. 1: 41-54, 1965. (with Robert F. Heizer) Stones Used for Colossal Sculpture at or Near Teotihuacan. 1: 55-70, 1965. (with Robert F. Hei zer and John A. Graham) Notes on Mesoamerican Obsidians and their Significance in Archaeological Studies. 1: 94-103, 1965. Wihr, William Willey, Gordon B. Willia;ms, Howel 57 Williams, Howel (with John A. Graham) Two Unusual Maya Stelae. 13: 161- 166, 1971. Wilkerson, S. Jeffrey K. An Archaeological Sequence from Santa Luisa, Veracruz, Mexico. 18: 37-50, 1973. Pre-Agricultural Village Life: The Late Preceramic Period in Veracruz. 27: 111-122, 1975. Wuertele, Elizabeth Bibliographical History of California Anthropological Research. 26: 1-116, 1975. Wyld, G.E.A. (with F.H. Stross, J.R. Weaver, R,F. Heizer, and J. A. Graham) Analysis of American Obsidians by X-ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation Analysis. 5: 59-80, 1968. 58 VI. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY, DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA (BERKELEY). [In July 1972 a check was made of the manuscript file. Items formerly listed under Nos. 14, 32, 50, 54, 59, 78, 79, 88, 91, 92., 105, 114, 159, 174, 200, 228, 229, 276, 295, 346 are not in the filing drawers and are classed as "missing". They probably exist somewhere, but we have no record of who has them in his possession. The following numbers in the catalogue have no manu- scripts assigned for the reason that they have either been withdrawn by their author or have been removed from the file as worthless: Nos. 9, 62, 76, 91, 134, 139, 181, 192, 195, 196, 214, 218, 219, 246, 249, 298, 313, 328, 331, 339, 395, 396.] Number Title I Archaeological survey of Northwestern Santa Barbara County. (Clarence Ruth, 1936) (Mimeographed, 94 pp., illustr.). 2 Notes on the archaeology of Santa Barbara County. (J. B. Lillard, 1937) (ca. 30 pp., typescript, photographs, sketches). 3 Preliminary appraisal of the archaeological resources of the Pine Flat Reservoir, Freno County, Calif. (F. Fenenga, 1947). 4 Notes on various Lake County collections (J. Peters). 5 Notes on various Sonoma County collections (Various authors). 6 Notes on various collections from San Luis Obispo County (A. Pilling, 1949). 7 Notes on private collections of artifacts from various sites (on Humboldt Bay, Big Lagoon, Eel, Smith and Mad Rivers) Southern Humboldt County. (Various authors). 8 Excavation notes on site CA-Sol-1 (F.A. and H. S. Riddell, 1948). 10 An archaeological survey of Lassen County (F. A. Riddell, 1949). 11 Notes on Riverside County sites (W. D. Strong, 1925). 12 Preliminary appraisal of the archaeological resources of the Success Reservoir, Fresno County, California (F. Fenenga, 1947). 13 Notes on the excavation of the Richard Site CA-Sac-160 (R. W. Newman, 1947). 14 The archaeology of the Hotchkiss Site CA-CCo-138 (C. Chard, E. W. Johnson, and R. F. Heizer). 15 Petroglyphs at CA-Mod-l (Various photographers and artists, 1932). 16 Archaeological notes on CA-Sol-2 (R. F. Heizer, 1947-1948; 195 class in Archaeological Field Methods). 17 Shell deposits of the Monterey Peninsula (Edna M. Fisher, 1935). 59 Number Title 18 Archaeological notes on the Howell's Point site, CA-Col-2, and CA-Sha-47 (W. R. Wedel, 1935). 19 Central San Joaquin Valley archaeological survey ( G. W. Hewes and W. Massevy 1940). 20 Original copy of the Emeryville Shellmound report, site CA-Ala-309 (Max UIhle, 1902). 21 The archaeology of CA-SFr-l and the Farallon Islands (UCAS, 1949). 22 Field catalogue for U.C. archaeological expedition to Nevada and California of 1937 (R. F. Heizer). 23 Notes on Phoenix Buttons (R. F. Heizer, 1951). 24 Preliminary survey of archaeological resources in the Isabella Reservoir, Kern County, California (F. Fenenga, 1947). 25 Point Reyes Quadrangle, Marin Co., notes on Indian shell mounds (Lt. Comdr. Stewart Bryant, 1934). 26 Notes on various collections from Monterey County (Arnold R. Pilling and R. K. Beardsley, 1948). 27 Additional notes on the petroglyphs of California (C. E. Smith, 1948). 28 Preliminary archaeological survey of Panamint Valley, Inyo Co., California (R. T. Farrell, 1951). 29 Burial data on the Simone site, CA-CCo-139 (Various authors, 1939). 30 The archaeology of Tommy Tucker Cave, CA-Las-1 (F. Fenenga and F. A. Riddell, 1942 and 1948). 31 Preliminary appraisal of the archaeological resources of Coyote Valley Reservoir, Mendocino County, California (F. Fenenga, 1947). 32 Correspondence concerning Drake's Bay sites, 1941-1951 (Various authors). 33 Excavations in West Berkeley shell mound, site CA-Ala-307 (Joseph Peterson and others, 1904). 34 Archaeological notes on site CA-Sac-28 (F. A. and H. S. Riddell, Jr., 1940). 35 Burial data on the Howell's Point site, CA-Col-2 (W. R. Wedel, 1935). 36 Excavations at the Johnson Mound, site CA-Sac-6 (R. Heizer and R. Newman, 1947). 37 Archaeological surveys in Round Valley, Mendocino County (W. D. Weymouth et al., ca. 1940). 38 The Indians of Pelican Island: Sites CA-Ker-59, CA-Ker-66, CA-Ker-67 (H. A. Estep, 1933). 60 Number Title 39 Archaeology of the San Bruno shell mound, site CA-SMa-23 (Robert J. Drake, 1942). 40 Notes on archaeological specimens from Sacramento County, in the collection of Shultz Martine of Sacramento (J. A. Bennyhoff and F. A. Riddell, 1948). 41 Undergraduate term papers relating to California archaeology (Various authors, 1947). 42 Excavation of site CA-Sac-127 (members of excavation crew; SJC excavations 1933-34). 43 Burial data from site CA-Ala-328 (R. Heizer and W. Wedel, 1935). 44 The excavation of site CA-Sta-6 (A. Mohr, 1948). 45 Photographs and drawings of the petroglyphs at Painted Rock, site CA- Slo-79 (Various photographers and authors). 2 packets. 46 Manuscript copy of typologies employed in J. B. Lillard, R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga (for Sacramento Junior College Bulletin 2, 1939). 47 Archaeological notes on the Castro Mound, site CA-SCl-l (Various authors, 1946). 48 Miscellaneous notes and artifact distributions in San Francisco and Drake's Bay sites (R. K. Beardsley, ca. 1946). 49 Excavations at CA-CCo-139 (G. W. Hewes, 1939). 50 Archaeological notes on the Maltby site, CA-CCo-250 (R. F. Heizer). 51 Details on petroglyphs at site CA-Mnt-86 (W. C. Massey, 1938). 52 Notes on a collection in the Table Mountain region (A. Miller, 1949). 53 Field catalogue for excavation of site CA-Hum-118 (compiled by 197 summer field class, 1948). 54 Notes on various sites in southeastern Marin Co., especially CA-Mrn-11 (D. McGeein, 1949). 55 Burial data from site CA-Sha-20 (W. Weymouth, 1942). 56 Notes on the D. M. Witt collection (A. Pilling, 1948). 57 Archaeological notes on the Sandhill site, CA-Col-3 (R. Heizer and F. Fenenga, 1938). 58 Manuscript on the petroglyphs of Modoc and Lassen Counties (W. W. Ahl), 59 Petroglyphs at the Naval Ordnance Station, Inyokern, Inyo County (V. E. Hitchcock, 1946). 60 Excavation on the Herzog site, CA-Sac-72 (R. Heizer, B. McKee and L. Ristow, 1934). 61 Number Title 61 A supplement to J. Steward's petroglyphs and pictographs of California and adjoining states (C. E. Smith, 1946). 63 Notes on the Stanford Skull (Various autlhors). 64 Notes on the Drescher site, CA-Sac-109 (R. Heizer., 1937). 65 The archaeology of site CA-Sac-104 (Various Dept. students and faculty, 1946). 66 Notes on excavations at CA-SJo-68 (Various authors). 67 Excavations at sites CA-Ala-328 and CA-Ala-329 (W. R. Wedel, 1935 and C. E. Smith, 1948). 68 Field notes on the archaeology of the Windmiller site, CA-Sac-107 (R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga). 4 envelopes. 69 Notes on excavations at site CA-SJo-142 (R. F. Heizer, 1937). 70 Field catalogue for various Univ. of Calif. Archaeological Survey collections (1949). 71 Original field catalogue for the Tsurai, site CA-Hum-169 (J. E. Mills, 1949). 72 Report on field trip, July-August, 1950 (R. E. Greengo, 1950). 73 Pomo ethnography: notes and photographs (Henry Mauldin, photos by various people, various dates). 74 Tulare Indians at Monterey (A. Pilling, n.d.). 75 Carmel Mission Indians (A. Pilling, n.d.). 77 Ethnographic notes and photographs on the Western Mono (UCAS, F. A. Riddell and C. W. Meighan). 78 Archaeology of the Windmiller site, CA-Sac-107, ms.-incomplete and unfinished (R. F. Heizer). 79 Report on the 1949 excavation of 16th century Indian shellmounds at Drake's Bay (C. Meighan, 1950). 80 Original notes from an archaeological survey of the Napa region (U.C. Anthropology 195 class, Spring, 1947). 81 Archaeological notes on the Deniz site, CA-Mer-53 (D. McGeein, 1950). 82 Notes on the archaeology of San Benito County (A. Pilling and others). 83 Certain sites in the Sierra Madre, Northeastern Santa Barbara County (D. Lathrap and others, 1950). 84 Archaeological report on site CA-Ker-74 (F. Riddell, 1950). 85 Metallographic examination of Two Heavy Iron Rods and of Two Small Spikes from site CA-Mrn-307 (Colin G. Fink and E. P. Polushkin, 1948). 86 Unmodified Animal Bone, Sections K-0, site CA-Son-299 (J. Freed, 1950). 62 Number Title 87 Analysis of unmodified mammal bone, site CA-Son-299 (J. Freed, 1950). 88 Archaeological field specimen inventory record of unmodified animal bone from site CA-Son-299 (1949). 89 County Notes - Mother Lode Historic Building Survey (R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga, 1948). 90 Notes on Gunther Island site CA-Hum-67 (H. H. Stuart). Part 1. 92 Data on scr4eened stratipits in Sacramento Valley sites (Anthropology S197 class, Summer, 1949). 93 Newspaper accounts of excavations in the Burton Mound, Santa Barbara County, site CA-SBa-28 (Various authors, 1923). 94 Notes and manuscript on the Miller Mound, site CA-Col-l (R. F. Heizer, 1936). 95 Original data sheets of Schenck-Dawson survey of the Northern San Joaquin Valley E. Dawson, 1929). 96 Original field notes on excavations (E. J. Dawson). 97 Field notes, Patrick's Point site, CA-Hum-118 (R. F. Heizer, 1949). 98 Field notes, Patrick's Point site, CA-Hum-118 (R. F. Heizer, 1949). 99 Field notes, Petersen sites No. 2, 2A, CA-Sol-2 (R. F. Heizer). 100 Site maps and artifact charts for various Marin County site (R. K. Beardsley, 1946). 101 Original field notes Hotchkiss site, CA-CCo-138 (R. F. Heizer, 1947). 102 Some age and space relations of the "Concord Man" (H. A. Boyd, Jr. and L. Cole, 1947). 103 Original report on site CA-CCo-137 soils (R. Earl Storie and F. Harra- dine, 1947). 104 Anthropometric analysis of two skeletons from site CA-CCo-137 (Dr. C. L. Abbott, 1946). 105 Analysis of artifacts from Petersen Mound No. 2, CA-Sol-2 (Various authors, 1948). 106 Archaeological survey of Northern Monterey County (A. R. Pilling, 1948). 107 Descriptive and comparative notes on Central California labrets, earplugs (R. F. Heizer, 1950). 108 Archaeological survey of the Lower Bear River Reservoir site (W. J. Wallace and D. W. Lathrap, 1950). 109 Notes on site CA-Ker-185 (by C. H. Merriam, R. F. Heizer and others, various dates). (Data partly published in UCAS Report 10, 1951). 63 Number Title 110 Field notes on archaeology of Moaning Cave, site CA-Cal-13 (W. J. Wallace and D. W. Lathrap, 1950). (See UCAS Report No. 12, 1951). 111 Field notes on Howell's Point Mound, site CA-Col-2 (W. R. Wedel, 1935). 112 Notes on various Marin County sites (R. K. Beardsley and others, 1941). 113 Field notes on the Tranquillity site, CA-Fre-48 (G. W. Hewes and others, various dates). 114 Tracings of the pictographs of site CA-SBa-508 (R. H. Brooks and D. W. Lathrap, n.d.). 115 Archaeological survey of Big Creek Reservoir No. 4 (W. J. Wallace and D. W. Lathrap, 1950). 116 Preliminary report on the excavation of the McClure site, CA-Mrn-266 (R. K. Beardsley, 1942). 117 Photographs of sites CA-Ama-3, -4,-5, -6 (U.C.A.S. 1950). 118 The archaeology of the Brazil site, CA-Sac-43 (F. Fenenga). 119 Excavation field records, site CA-CCo-151 (Anthro. 195 class, 1950 and 1951). 120 Burial data from site CA-'Mrn-242 (Various authors, 1940-41) . 121 Burial data from site CA-Sac-151 (Various authors, 19349). 122 Burial data from site CA-Sac-66 (Various authors, 1937). 123 Burial data from site CA-Sac-29 (Various authors, 1940). 124 Burial data from site CA-Mrn-275 (Various authors, 1940). 125 Field notes from site CA-Mnt-107 (Sylvia Broadbent, 1951). 126 Site maps and artifact tabulations, sites CA-Son-256 and CA-Son-369 (C. Meighan, 1951). 127 General catalogue of specimens from the Sanchez Adobe site CA-SMa-70 (R. J. Drake, 1950). 128 Supplemental report on Wintun Indian site at Blue Tent Creek near Red Bluff, Tehama County (CA-Teh-58) (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1951). 129 Photographs of specimens in the C. C. Post Collection from Borax Lake (R. F. Heizer and C. W. Meighan, 1951). 130 First draft of "Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Stanislaus County, California"? and original field catalogue, feature records, and notes (A. E. Treganza, 1951). 131 First draft of "The Coville Rockshelter, Inyo County, California" and original field catalogue, feature records, and notes (including notes and photos from original field survey of February, 1951) (C. W. Meighan, 1951). 64 Number Title 132 Painted and incised stone slabs in the Becker Collection (C. W. Meighan, 1952). 133 Notes on archaeological sites on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley (F. F. Latta and W. R. Dimble). 135 The archaeology of a Paiute village site in Owens Valley, site CA-Iny-2 (H. S. Riddell). 136 The British Museum Collection from Avila, California (A. R. Pilling, 1952). 137 Alphaltum-decorated stone slabs in the State Indian Exhibit, Sacramento (C. W. Meighan, 1952). 138 Ms. of M. Uhle's Emeryville paper published in UCPAAE, Vol. 7, No. 1. 140 Temecula Rancho (A. R. Pilling, 1952). 141 Original Ms. of recent investigations bearing on the occurrence of Neocene Man in the auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada. Publ. in UCPAAE, Vol. 7, No. 2 (J. Sinclair, 1908). 142 Interglacial artifacts from the San Diego area (George F Carter, 1952). Later published in SW Journ. Anthrop. 1952. 143 Ellis Landing site CA-CCo-295. Tabulation of burials and artifacts by depth (N. C. Nelson and A. Wepfer (1906). 144 Correlation of archaeological data from the San Francisco Bay region- principal excavations, 1904-1935 (Alex D. Krieger, 1935). 145 Field records of excavation of site CA-Nev-32 (Anthro. 197 class, summer, 1951). 146 Sacred Rain-rocks of Northern California (R. F. Heizer). Published in UCAS-R 20, 1953. 147 The archaeological resources of seven reservoir areas in Central and Northern California (A. E. Treganza, 1952). 148 Catalogue of part of the collection of 0. P. Noren, Reedley, Cal- ifornia (W. C. Massey and G. W. Hewes, 1939). 149 Survey of courses primarily concerning archaeology, taught in American Universities (1952). 150 Notes on sling distributions in North America, plus correspondence between R. Heizer and I. Johnson, 1951. 151 Site surveys of Wilson Valley Reservoir (Yolo County) and Monticello Reservoir (Napa County) (C. E. Smith). 152 Notes and correspondence concerning grooved stone axes in California (R. F. Heizer, 1952). 65 Number Title 153 Field catalogue of materials recovered from site CA-Cal-99 (W. Gonzalves, 1952). 154 Cogstones (Various authors and da.tes). 155 Alms House Mound, Santa Clara County (G. R. Thomas, ca. 1950). 156 Notes, drawings and first draft of Sierra Survey Report (R. Heizer and A. B. Elsasser, 1950). 157 Additional petroglyph information (Various authors, n.d.). 158 Preliminary report on the excavations at Coyote Hills, site CA-Ala-329 (H. G. Barnett, 1935). 159 Burial and feature records, map, and notes from site CA-Mnt-250 (C. W. Meighan, 1952). 160 The Rumsen of Monterey (Sylvia M. Broadbent, 1952). Published in ARF Contribution No. 14, 1972. 161 Notes and photographs pertaining to collection at the Fort Jones Museum, Fort Jones, California (R. F. Heizer, 1952). 162 Fort Ross - a study in historical archaeology (A. E. Treganza, 1953). 163 Archaeological investigations at sites CA-Sta-44 and CA-Sta-45 (J. Davis, 1953). 164 An examination of Carter's La Jolla Papers 1950, 1952 (Richard H. Brooks, 1953). 165 Field notes on site CA-Men-500 (C. W. Meighan, 1951). 166 Rattlesnake Dance, etc (F. F. Latta) and Kern County historical source material (C. Bailey, 1948). 167 Age of the Farmington Complex stone artifacts (Ernst Antevs, Dec. 1, 1953). 168 Salvage archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir areas, Central California (A. E. Treganza, 1953). 169 Survey reports on Coachella Valley (C. Meighan, 1948). 170 Archaeological survey of Arroyo Sequit, Los Angeles County, California (C. Meighan, 1954). 171 Brief report on Hidden Cave, site NV-Ch-16 (G. Grosscup and N. Roust, 1952). 172 Sonoma Mission notes, photographs and diagrams (J. Bennyhoff and A. B. Elsasser, 1953). 173 Historical writings of various authors (ca. 1870) - H. D. Richardson, Platon Vallejo and others. Photostats provided by R. M. Rulofson. 174 Notes and burial records for sites CA-SJo-106 and CA-SJo-107 (P. Rabb and J. Bennyhoffi, 7/2/54). 66 Number Title 175 Cotrespondence and catalogues on the type collection sent to the Denver Museum of Natural History (Various authors, August, 1954). 176 Appendix to the Napa Region report published in UC-AR, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1953. This section not published with report (R. F. Heizer). 177 An account and map of a prehistoric trail in Tulare and Kings Counties (J. C. McCubbin, 1953). 178 Field catalogue and excavation records from the Jalama Creek dig, site CA-SBa-205 (D. W. Lathrap, 1950). 179 Burial and feature records from the West Berkeley shellmound, site CA-Ala-307 (W. Wallace and D. W. Lathrap, 1950). 180 Field notes and records from site CA-Nev-15 (S197 sumner class in archaeology, 1954). 182 Some historic facts about the ancient Indian shellmounds of San Mateo (J. Hamilton, 1936). 183 Preliminary report of archaeological excavations in Lower Klamath Basin, California (R. J. Squier and G. L. Grosscup, 1954). 184 Tabulation of baked clay objects from site CA-Sac-6 and contura copies of locality occurrence (D. W. Lathrap, 1954). 185 Field notes from site CA-Sha-52 (J. Bennyhoff et al., 1953). 186 Burial drawings from the army training film on recovery of war dead, Anthropology Training Film, U.S. Army, 96592-lX-56592 (Sept., 1952). 187 Eighteenth century ethnographic engravings: Indians of Monterey, and a scene of the Presidio. 188 Archaeological survey of Yosemite National Park (G. L. Grosscup, 1954), 189 Sonoma Mission. An archaeological reconstruction of the Mission San Francisco de Solano Quadrangle (A. Treganza, 1954). 190 Identifications of mammal bone from site CA-SJo-68 (Mary Lou Perry, 1954). 191 Tile and dating at Carmel Mission, site CA-Mnt-18 (S. M. Broadbent, 1954). 193 Field records and catalogs from Kingsley Cave, site CA-Teh-l (M. A. Baumhoff, 1952-53). 194 The examination of Indian Shellmounds within San Francisco Bay with reference to the possible 1579 landfall of Sir Francis Drake (A. E. Treganza, 1955). 197 Notes and photos on various Orange County sites (J. W. Winterbourne, 1938). 67 Number Title 198 Pocket map of Sonoma County showing sites from Nelson's Survey as indicated by N. C. Nelson (N. C. Nelson, n.d.). 200 Notes on the excavation of Orwood site No. 2, CA-CCo-141 (1936). 201 Survey records and map of Sacramento Junior College site surveys (Various authors, 1930- 36). 202 Appraisal of the archaeological resources of Black Butte Reservoir, Glenn and Tehama Counties (A. D. Mohr and D. Fredrickson, n.d.). 203 Projectile point collection in possession of Mrs. Barbour, Curator of Sonoma Mission, from a ranch in the Sebastopol area (C. N. Gregoire, n.d.). 204 Notes on testing of Marsh site, CA-CCo-18 (C. Miles and D. B. Rogers, 205 Petaluma Argus-Courier: Centennial Edition 1855-1955. This edition deals with the history of Marin and Sonoma Counties., including information on Indians and Indian sites. 206 Field notes from the Tank site, Topanga Canyon, CA-LAn-l (A. E. Treganza, 1947). 207 Notes on Humboldt Cave, Nevada (R. F. Heizer) 208 Shell analysis of Bodega Bay, site CA-Son-299 (R. E. Greengo, 1950). 209 The Lake Mojave site (C. W. Meighan, 1954). 210 Preliminary report on excavation in Kern County, California (M. Kowta, 1954). 211a Manuscript of "An Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Yosemite National Park" (J. A. Bennyhoff). Published as UCAS-R 34, 1956. 211b Raw data used in the above Yosemite report, including breakdown of sites included, size and elevation of specific sites, etc.; list of classified Yosemite points with measurements and outline tracings of specimens from sites CA-Mrp-105 and-97; list of Yosemite Museum specimens. 212 Program and abstracts of papers read at the 2nd Annual Great Basin Arch- aeological Conference at Los Angeles. Also, papers read by the Berkeley participants. Conference held from Aug. 30 through Sept. 3, 1955. 213 Glazed ceramic relationships in California (A. R. Pilling, 1955). 214 Report on the archaeology of Las-7 (Karlo Site) (F. A. Riddell, 1956). 215 Excavations at the Mosher site, CA-Sac-56 (F. Fenenga, 1939). 216 Original field notes on sites CA-Sac-85 and -86 (F. Fenenga, 1939). 217 Excavation notes of Karlo site, CA-Las-7 (F. Riddell, 1955). 220 Report of excavation at site CA-Sha-46 (D. Boyd., 1955). 221 Notes pertaining to private collections from Hobo Hot Springs, site NV- Do-12 (A. B. Elsasser, 1956). 68 Number Title 222 Photographs of the Calaveras skull---accompanying letter dated Feb. 5, 1907 from George Davidson, San Francisco, California. 223 Copy of manuscript "fThe Little Sycamore Shellmoundt?, site CA-Ven-57 (William J. Wallace, et al., 1954). 224 Two Gilak Dance Songs, One Woman's Song. Master record by Bill Graves (Pomo). Recorded by F. A. Riddell, 1950. 225 Notes and one copy of final report submitted to National Park Service on the archaeology of sites CA-Nap-74 and CA-Nap-93 (A. E. Treganza and A. B. Elsasser, 1955). 226 Original manuscript for "Archaeological Excavations on the Farallon Islands (SFr-l, -24), Californiatt (F. A. Riddell, 1955) Published as UCAS-R 32. 227 Notes on various collections from sites in Sonoma County (R. Holladay, n.d.). 228 Notes on, and drawing of the Martin C. Markwood collection West Point, Calaveras County, California (M. J. Harner, 1956). 229 Notes on, and drawings of Poore collection, Mountain Ranch, Calaveras County, California. Calaveras and Marin County specimens (N. Roust, 1956). 230 Plates and various notes on petroglyphs of California and the Great Basin (J. Stewart, 1929). Published in UCPAAE 24:2, 1929 231 Description of Early Horizon type collection from sites CA-Sac-107, CA-Sac-168, CA-SJo-56 and CA-SJo-68, donated to Sacramento State College on June 7, 1956 (J. A. Bennyhoff, 1956). 232 Report on the test excavation of the Rose Spring site, Inyo County, California, July 2, 1956 (F. A. Riddell). 233 The Big Meadow Indians, Plumas County (C. Rich, 1956). 234 Some random notes and thoughts on incised pebbles (C. E. Smith, 1956). 235a Survey report on the Tachi Indians (J. vonWerlhof and J. Vierhus). 235b Supplementary report on Tachi Indians (J. vonWerlhof and J. Vierhus). 236 Excavation of the MCcoy site (CA-Ala-28), near Livermore, California (D. F. McGeein and D. J. McGeein, Pt. 1, 1956; Pt. 2, 1957). 237 Translation of H. Balfet's "La Vannerie, Essai de Classification,"i (M. A. Baumhoff, February, 1957). 238 A bibliography of Nevada archaeology (G. Grosscup, January, 1957). Published in UCAS-R No. 36, 1957. 69 Number Title 239 Field notes, burial records, animal bone from sites CA-Nap-I, CA-Nap-14, CA-Nap-39. (Anthropology 195 class, Spring, 1947) Same for site CA-Nap-16, with Treganza notes of 1946, animal bone slips, and unpublished excavations of Anthropology 195 class, Spring, 1956. Includes CA-Nap-16 site map. (Various Authors) 240 Site CA-Sac-60 burial chart. (Incomplete, but the only data available on individual burials from Hicks site (F. Fenenga, 1938). 241 Burial records from site CA-Sac-113. Notes on artifacts in Mix Collection, Elk Grove (F. and H. Riddell, 1939, 1941). 242 Petroglyphs from site CA-Pla-26 (J. Smith, 1957). 243 Manuscript and excavation notes on Payne Cave, site CA-Teh-193. 2 parts. (M. A. Baumhoff, 1957). 244 Notes on modern petroglyphs of Central California and Western Nevada (A. B. Elsasser, 1957). 245 App. I (for report by Sacramento State College on excavations at Berry- essa Valley. A. Salvage excavation of CA-Nap-89-by UCAS (A. B. Elsasser). B. Summary of artifacts recovered (J. E. Smith). C. Analysis of shell ornaments (J. A. Bennyhoff). 247 Rocky Hill, Tulare County, California, petroglyph site (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1958). 2 Vols. 248 Salvage archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern California (A. E. Treganza, 1958). 250 Lagomarsino petroglyph site, Storey County, Nevada (M. A. Baumhoff, R. F. Heizer and A. B. Elsasser, 1958). Published in part in UCAS-R 43, 1958. 251 Archaeological excavations in the Coyote Valley Reservoir Area, Mendocino County, California (A. Treganza, 1957). 252 Petroglyphs in Fresno and Tulare Counties (J. vonWerlhof, 1958). 253 Excavation notes for site CA-Sac-168, July-October, 1952 (R. K. Beardsley's Anthropology 197 class) and J. A. Bennyhoff (UCAS). Partial des- cription of artifacts by M. A. Baumhoff also included. 254 Notes from the 1957 Great Basin Symposium (J. A. Bennyhoff). 255 Data on site CA-Sis-262 (J. Bennyhoff and A. Elsasser, 1955). 256 Point types and weights from Sacramento Valley Early Horizon sites (F. Fenenga). 257 Field notes from site CA-Yol-13. 2 parts. (Summer Field Class, 1958). 258 Photographs of artifacts for M. G. Hindes report published in UCAS-R 48, 1959. 70 259 Archaeological salvage excavation of site CA-Sut-21 and CA-Sut-22 on the Feather River Levee near Nicolaus, California (D. P. Jewell and J. S. Clemmer, 1958). 260 Archaeological investigations at the William B. Ide Adobe, Red Bluff, California (A. E. Treganza, 1958). 261 The archaeology of three Central Sierran sites (CA-Nev-ll, CA-Nev-67, and CA-Alp-22) J. Davis, 1958). 262 Raw data for M.A. Thesis on Great Basin anthropometry (K. Kennedy, 1958). 263 Salvage archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir area, Northern California. Field Season 1958 (A. E. Treganza, 1959). 264 Report on a rockshelter in the San Rafael Mountains, California. Report on excavations at CA-Ker-60 and CA-SBa-l (J. L. Nichols and E. R. Prince, 1958). 265 An unusual charmstone from Central California (J. T. Davis, 1959). 266 Notes on Oudjiu site, Fresno County (J. Bennyhoff, 1956-57). 267 Data on soil samples collected from Indian village sites (A. .Treganza, 1946). 268 Diary of explorations of the lower Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, 1817. From Cowan collection (0. Ramano, 1956). 269 Notes on Indian Mounds of Napa County (J. T. Davis, 1959). 270 Indian mound soil sample data. 2 parts (S. F. Cook, 1949-50). 271 My Indian friends in southern Lassen County (Lucie Dean Patton, 1952). 272 Archaeology of the Napa Region. Pt. l(R. Heizer et al. 1950-52). 273 Petroglyphs on Tule Lake, Modoc County (E. J. Dawson, 1929). 274 Blade cache., site CA-Tuo-134 (J. Bennyhoff, 1956). 275 Archaeological survey of three high Sierran Meadow localities in California (A. B. Elsasser, 1959). 276 Field notes referring to petroglyph recording and archaeological survey and small excavations in Kern and Tulare Counties, beginning ca. 1959. 277 Archaeological survey of Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks (A. B. Elsasser, 1959). 278 The examination of Indian shellmounds within San Francisco Bay with refer- ence to the possible 1579 landfall of Sir Francis Drake, 2nd Season (A. E. Treganza). 279 Archaeological investigation of the Vallejo Adobe, Petaluma Adobe State Historical Monument (A. Treganza, n.d.). 280 Archaeological reconnaissance on Santa Barbara Island, California (B. K. Swartz and C. J. Sutton, 1958). 71 281 Indian-White conflict at Monterey, California (S. M. Broadbent, 1953). 282 Miscellaneous Interior Valley site burial records made by F. Fenenga, G. Hewes, et al... dating from early 1940's and 1930's. Includes notebook of A. G. Colley. 3 parts. 283 The examination of Indian shellmounds in the Tomales and Drake's Bay areas, with reference to 16th century historic contact (A. Treganza, 1959). 284 Photographs of Fresno County Sierran sites (M. Hindes, 1959). 285 Burial records from the Fernandez site, CA-CCo-259 (1959). 286 A comparative analysis of prehistoric skeletal remains from the Lower Sacramento Valley (R. W. Newman). Published in UCAS R 39, 1957. 287 The Vancouver Collection in the British Museum. Notes and photos. (E. Prince, 1960.) 288 Excavations at CA-Ama-3 (A. Treganza and R. Heizer, 1950). 289 The archaeology of a summer camp site (CA-Alp-29) in Hope Valley, Alpine County, California (A. B. Elsasser, 1960). 290 The archaeology of site CA-Fre-259, Kings Canyon National Park (J. Davis, 1960). 291 Data on Sierra site localities and Martis type points from site CA-Nev-15 (A. Elsasser, 1959-60). 292 Notes on various Tulare and Kern County sites (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1960). 293 The Cedric Thornton Collection, Pottery Valley, Mendocino County, California (C. Thornton, 1960). 294 Archaeological investigations at Hospital Rock, California (J. C. von- Werlhof, 1960). 295 The archaeology of CA-Nap-31. (1960). 296 Field notes on the archaeology of CA-Ala-330. (1960). 297 Notes on archaeology of Amadee Cave, site CA-Las-90 (F. Riddell and R. Shutler, n.d.). 299 Aboriginal trails of the Kaweah Basin, Tulare County (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1961). 300 Painted pebbles from a shellmound on Brooks Island, Contra Costa County, California (V. M. Fredrickson, 1961). 301 The world of the California Indians (S.F. Chronicle 2/26/61). 302 Maps of Yosemite and Kings Canyon archaeological sites. (1961). 303 Photostats of original accounts of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island. Published in UCAS R 55, 1961. 304 An appraisal of the B. W. Hathaway Collect (Various authors, n.d.). 72 305 Field catalogue, Nevada expedition of 1958. Notes on artifacts from the G. Smith Collection, Reno (R. Heizer, M. Baumhoff and A. Elsasser). 306 Photographs of site CA-Sol-ll (Helen C. Newhall, 1961). 307 Notes on items in the British Museum catalogues: Freer Collection (San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara) (A. Pilling, 1951). 308 ANWA: Correspondence and Abstracts, 1959-61. 309 Chemehuevi notes (R. F. Von Valkenburgh and M. Farmer, 1934). 310 Organization of U. C. Archaeological Survey. 311 Archaeological investigations at Cobble Lodge, site CA-Tul-145 (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1961). 312 Mousetank (NV-C1-145) and Picnic (NV-C1-146) sites, Nevada; Atlatl Rock (NV-Cl-l), Nevada (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1958). 314 The cultural position of the Iron Gate site (Siskiyou County) (L. S. Cressman and F. C. Leonhardy, 1961). 315 Controversy with California pothunters: memos and letters regarding looting of graves by certain individuals (1949-54). 316 Negatives and prints of sites and artifacts from Huntington Lake region (M. G. Hindes, n.d.). 317 Pictures of chipped stone axe found on Martin Glasshof site (Helen Newhall, 1960). 318 Correspondence with Laurence V. Gegnan regarding Indians of Yosemite National Park. (1957). 319 Petroglyph MSS from the Southwest Museum (microfilm). 320 Data pertaining to Federal Antiquities Law. 321 Notes on Bowers Collection in Peabody Museum and archaeology of Bowers Cave (R. Heizer and A. Elsasser, n.d.). Published in UCAS R 59, 1963. 322 The La Brea Skull (ca. 1910-12) (A. L. Kroeber). Published in American Antiquity Vol. 27, No. 3:416-417, 1962. 323 Archaeological reconnaissance in the Pit River area between Big Bend and Fender's Flat, Shasta County (H. Heicksen, August, 1962). Iron Canyon and McCloud areas (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1962). 324 Archaeological investigations within construction site areas of Unit #1, PG&E's Atomic Park, Sonoma County (D. A. Fredrickson, 1962). 325 Information on sites in San Luis Obispo area (H. L. and L. D. Wadhams). 326 Materials used by Mrs. T. Kreober in writing her book Ishi. 327 Field map and records of Cosumnes River survey, San Joaquin County (Z. Pohorecky, summer, 1962). 73 329 Indian village site on Walker Creek, Tomales Bay, site CA-Mrn-368 (H. C. Ryker., 1963). 330 Archaeological survey of the Lower Cache Creek area., Yolo County (D. E. Gallup, 1963). 332 Excavation of Point Richmond Mound, site CA-CCo-283 (H. E. Driver, 1938-39). 333 Directions for recording site data and for taking soil samples at sites (S. F. Cook). 334 Willow Creek sites, CA-Mnt-281 and CA-Mnt-282 excavation and report data (Z. Pohorecky, 1964). 335 Maps, negatives and prints, kodachromes, etc., from Mexican field trip (Tillie Smith, 1963). 336 Fort Ross, California, sites investigated by the archaeology class of the Santa Rosa Junior College (E. Von der Porten, 1962). 337 List of Chumash MSS in BAE archives (Smithsonian Institution) revised through 1962; includes thirteen J. P. Harrington MSS. 338 Data on dissection of Nevada pack rat nests (R. Brooks, 1962). Published in part in Southwest Journal of Anthropology 21, No. 2., 1965. 340 Field notes for weekend excavations at Emeryville shellmound, site CA- Ala-309 (R. Gould, 1963). 341 Notes on sites CA-Mnt-281 and CA-Mnt-282 (R. F. Heizer, 1951). 342 Field notes and accession sheets for site CA-DNo-11. Includes 125 koda- chrome slides(R. Gould, 1964). 343 Material on Mojave Chief Iretaba and Cahuilla Chief Juan Antonio (L. Burr Belden, San Bernardino). 344 Drawings of projectile points from California and Nevada (F. D. Parker, 1963). 345 Arizona and Nevada miscellaneous petroglyph site records, correspondence, etc (1960-1964). 346 Report on excavation of site CA-Sol-2 (Anthropology 196 class, 1965). 347 Preliminary report (general archaeological and ethnographic observations on California. Parts 1 and 2 1900. Part 1: bound, half-size, 255 pp. with numerous photographs (P. M. Jones). 348 Emeryville Mound #309 (CA-Ala-309). Original notes, final report, 1906 (N. Nelson and C. Wepfer). 349 San Francisco Bay Mounds, 1907 (N. C. Nelson). 350 Original notes on Tehama-Red Bluff Mounds (N. C. Nelson, 1907). 351 Site survey, Russian River to Golden Gate Mounds (N. C. Nelson, 1909). 352 Original notes on excavation of Hawver Cave (N. C. Nelson, 1910). 74 353 Sausalito Mound #3 (original notes and typed copy) (N. C. Nelson., 1910). 354 San Rafael Mound #860 (original notes and typed copy) (N. C. Nelson, 1910). 355 Bay Shore Mound #387 (original notes and typed copy) (N. C. Nelson, 1910). 356 Notes on Castro Mound #356, site CA-Scl-1. Original notes and typed copy (1910?) (N. C. Nelson, 1910?). 357 West Berkeley Mound #307, site CA-Ala-307. Original notes and typed copy, 1910-11 (N. Nelson and Peterson, 1910-11). 358 Greenbrae Mound #76, site CA-Mrn-76. Original notes and typed copy (N. C. Nelson, 1911). 359 San Mateo Mound #372, site CA-SMa-33. Original notes and typed copy (N. C. Nelson, 1911). 360 Southern California Mounds. Original notes (N. C. Nelson, 1912). 361 Notes on Castro Mound #356, site CA-SCl-1 (L. L. Loud, 1912). 362 Presidio Mound #417, site CA-SFr-6 (L. L. Loud, 1912). 363 Half Moon Bay Mounds (L. L. Loud, 1912). 364 Carquinez Mound #236 (handwritten notes) (L. L. Loud, 1912). 365 Walnut Creek Mounds #419-428, sites CA-CCo-239, CA-CCo-240. Original notes (L. L. Loud, 1913). 366 Monterey County shell mounds (handwritten notes and map) (E. M. Gifford, 1913). 367 Detailed analyses of shellmound samples (original notes) (E. W. Gifford, 1913). Published in UCPAAE Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-29, 1916. 368 San Diego Bay Mounds. Original notes (Welty, 1913). 369 Humboldt Bay sites (maps), 1913 (L. L. Loud, 1913). Published in part in UCPAAE Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 221-436, 1918. 370 Catalogue of Stilson Collection (T. T. Waterman, 1914). 371 Monterey Bay Mounds (A. L. Kroeber., 1915). 372 Map showing location of Santa Cruz Island Mounds (L. Outhwaite, 1913). 373 Sonoma Valley sites (L. L. Loud and J. Peter, 1920). 374 Monterey, Pacific Grove, and Salinas Mounds (E. Golomshtok, 1921-1922). 375 Tehama County Mounds (E. Golomshtok, 1922). 376 Richmond and Napa Valley sites (Stephens, 1922). 377 Emeryville Mound #309, site CA-Ala-309. Original notes. (W. E. Schenck, 1924). Published in UCPAAE, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 147-282, 1926. 75 378 Southern Sierra sites ( Dron, 1925). 379 Monterey County sites (W. W. Hill, 1929). 380 Monterey Bay Mounds QWood, 1930). 381 Central San Joaquin Valley site reconnaissance (G. W. Hewes and W. C. Massey, 1940-42). Published in American Antiquity Vol. VII, No. 2, Pt. 1, pp. 123- 133, 1941. 382 Personal journals for San Francisco Mounds #328 and 329; Howell's Point Mound; Colusa County survey trips (W. R. Wedel., 1935). 383 Colusa County sites: Miller Mound (CA-Col-l), Sandhill Mound (CA-Col-2), Howell's Point Mound (CA-Col-3) (R. Heizer and A. Krieger, 1935-36). 384 Carbon copies of report on San Francisco Bay Mounds (N. C. Nelson, 1907). 385 Carbon copies of N. C. Nelson's notes on the following mounds: Sausalito, Castro, Bayshore #387, West Berkeley, Greenbrae, San Mateo, San Rafael, and Russian River to Golden Gate Mounds. 386 Notes on pictographs and petroglyphs, mostly Kern County (J. J. Cawley, 1965). 387 Prehistoric and Indian trails on southern California deserts (L. Burr Belden, 1961). 388 The Ophir Skull from Virginia City (P. Reichlen, 1965). Published in part in UCAS R 66, 1966. 389 Chemical analysis of soils of Central California Indian mounds (Jose Setzer, 1947). 390 Shrines, effigies and ceremonial grounds of the Panamints; and Indian activities around Shoshone and Pahrump valleys in the 1860's (L. Burr Belden, 1964). 391 Nevada sites related to California sites along the Colorado River (A. Haenszel, 1965). 392 Arizona sites related to California sites along the Colorado River (A. Haenszel, 1965). 393 Computer data on Heizer and Dawson's site CA-SJo-68 burial data. Addi- tional notes on CA-Sac-66 and CA-Sac-331 (S. Ragir, 1969). 394 Soil analysis materials used in UC Publications in Anthropology, Vol. 2 (S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer, 1965). 397 Dental morphology of the aboriginal Windmiller culture population of the lower Sacramento Valley (J. Cadien, 1969). 398 Miscellaneous information, correspondence and archaeological data on northwestern California sites (Various authors). 399 Original notes and diagrams used by E. W. Gifford and W. E. Schenck (Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1926). Published in UCPAAE, Vol. 23, 1926. (See also MS. #403.) 76 400 Notes on the excavation of site CA-Hum-169 (J. Mills, 1949). 401 E. W. Gifford's archaeological notes on Punta Penasco, Sonora, Mexico, 1948-1949. 402 Diagrams and report - Arizona exploration 1906-07 (J. Peterson). 403 Archaeology of the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California (E. W. Gifford and W. E. Schenck). Contains a large amount of data judged by the authors to be "too detailed for publicationtt. (See UCPAAE Vol. 23., 1926.) 404 Site survey of the Granite Creek-Jackass Creek Plateau along the upper Mammoth Highway and adjacent meadows (J. E. Carroll, 1969). 405 Working notes on California Indian mines and quarries compiled in 1940 (R. Heizer and A. Treganza). 406 Photographs of sites CA-SBr-194 and CA-SBr-195 (R. Ryerson, n.d.). 407 Collection of site descriptions and illustrations of petroglyph and pictograph sites from Southern California counties (A. Haenszel, n.d.). 408 Scale drawings of petroglyphs at NE entrance to Modoc Lava Beds National Monument (J. C. vonWerihof, 1963). 409 Petroglyph sites in Inyo and Mono counties (J. C. vonWerlhof, 1959). 410 Microfilm record prints of 9 manuscripts in Bureau of American Ethnology on petroglyphs in California, Nevada and Oregon. 411 California petroglyph survey of 1963 carried out for Archaeological Research Facility (M. Heicksen, 1963). 412 Descriptions of archaeological materials from site CA-Sac-168A (Hotch- kiss Culture) (S. Ragir, 1968). 413 Data concerning the two Chumash stone-weighted digging sticks made by Juan Pico for U.S. National Museum in 1894 (R. Heizer, 1970). Published in Southwest Museum Masterkey, Vol. 45, No. 2, 1971. 414 Photographs of excavation of site CA-Ala-307 (W. Wallace and D. Lathrop, 1950). 415 Xerox copies of petroglyphs (Chalfant Group, Swansea Group, and other Inyo County petroglyph sites. Copy of MS in Southwest Museum Library. 416 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (Forest Service) report on Truman Meadows archaeological site in Inyo National Forest. (1964). 417 Study of pestles in the American Museum of Natural History (J. Bird). 418 File of data submitted to Chancellor Heyns, 1970, for Faculty Committee review of Archaeological Research Facility (Chairman, Luis Alvarez). 419 Orange County anthropological survey (O.P. 65-3-3728 WPA Project 4465). Indian plants. Indian food. Artifacts. Indian art. Photographs. Maps. Miscellaneous. Daily notes (Osteological Report O.P. 564-03-3-132 W.P. 7680). In 9 folders. 77 420 Site reconnaissance of Santa Catalina Island, 1912 (N. C. Nelson). 421 Original version of Sonia Ragir's Ph.D. dissertation: The Early Horizon in Central California Prehistory" (1969). Published in part in Contri- butions of the Archaeological Research Facility, No. 15, 1972. 422 The Kocheyali and the Aiticha (John M. Lynch, 1951). 423 (1) Typed copy of partial English translation of Noticias de la Provincia de Californias..Valencia: Las Hermanos de Orgas, 1794. Made by Peveril Meigs, 1927. Extracts from 3 letters of a priest, dealing with comments on the Indians. (2) Additions to above translation by R. L. Beals. 424 Some numerals from the California Indian languages. Collected by C. E. Kelsey, 1905-06. 425 Card file of native California ethnographic informants (A. L. Kroeber). 426 List of Kroeber's ethnographic informants prepared by Kroeber in connection with the California Indians Claim Case (Dockets 31/37) in 1955. 427 Card file of Indians' visited 1901-1929 in California by C. Hart Merriam. 428 File of native California informants. Compiled from MSS 425-427 and published in literature (R. Heizer and K. Nissen, 1972). 429 Work'sheets for preparation of MS 428 (R. Heizer and K. Nissen, 1972). 430 Distinguishing among multinomial populations: a decision theoretic approach by John Leonard Stromberg. (Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts.) 431 General bibliography of materials pertaining to the Maidu Indians of Central California (Bernard L. Fontana). 432 Aerial photographs of giant figures along Colorado River, taken by M. Heizer in 1971. (47 3 1/2 x 5 photos, 5 8 x 10 photos). 433 New information on the aboriginal population of the Santa Barbara Chennel (Alan K. Brown). Published as UCAS R 69. 434 Ukiah Valley Pomo religious life, supernatural doctoring, and beliefs: Observations of 1939-41 (Birbeck Wilson). Edited by Caroline L. Hills. Published as UCAS R 72. 435 Northern Paiute Folklore (A. L. Kroeber and W. Marsden). Published by Archaeological Research Facility, 1972. 436 Survey of Tomales Bay, Bodega Bay and Sonoma County coast sites. Manscript report and quadrangle maps (J. Peters, 1923). 437 Bibliography of published and manuscript notes of Lorenzo G. Yates de- posited in Bancroft Library (Charles L. Camp, 1969). 438 Maps of Klamath River villages (George Gibbs, 1852). 78 439 Original of Barrel Springs (NV-Pe-104) site report (B. Cowan, 1967). Published by Archaeological Research Facility, 1972. 440 Ph. D. thesis "Some Aspects of Santa Barbara Channel Prehistory."t (R. L. Hoover, 1971). Based on analysis of R. L. Olson's Santa Cruz Island collec- tions. 441 Site survey of Southern California coast from Topanga Canyon to San Diego Bay (N.C. Nelson, 1912). 442 Original field notebooks and-photo prints of Santa Barbara mainland and Santa Cruz Island excavations (R. L. Olson, 1927-28)o Included one lot of USGS sheets showing site locations. 443 R. F. Heizer [1955]. Analysis of "tribes signing the 18 unratified 1851-52 California treaties." Preface by A. L. Kroeber. (Includes map, scale 1:1,000,000, showing actual territory controlled by the identifiable "tribal" groups). 444 An archaeological survey' of the Lower Moapa Valley, Nevada. (1MJ R. Harrington, 1929). Includes special map of Moapa Valley (Clark County). 445 Original of "Census of Non-Reservation California Indians, 1905-1906." C. E. 'Kelsey. 446 Photograph of corn cob and kernels from Amador-3 (Bamert Cave). Analyzed by Volney Jones, 1972. Negative on file at the Ethnobotanical Laboratory, Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Michigan. 447 Catalogue of the D. T. Davis Collection of Archaeological Materials from Napa Valley. 448 Catalogue of California Materials in the Barker Collection. (A.R. Pilling, cataloguer). 449 Burial chart for Site SJO-56, the Phelps Mound (R. F. Heizer). 450 Esselen Tribelets and Subsidiary villages (Richard Levy, 1973). 2 pp. and sketch map. 451 Photostat negatives of drawings of projectile points published in "Review and Discussion of Great Basin Projectile Points: Forms and Chronology" (T. R. Hester and R. F. Heizer). Published by the Archaeological Research Facility, 1973. 79 452 X-ray of imbedded serrated point from CCo-138. (Published in Hester and Heizer, "Arrow Points or Knives?", American Antiquity, 1973). 453 Excavations at Calaveras 175 (Jeffrey Tuttle). 454 4-MNT-315 (B.K. Swartz, Jr.). 455 The Archaeology of Bamert Cave (Ama-3), California. (E. F. Heizer, T. R. Hester, et al.). Includes plates and materials from the AR F non-serial publication on this site. 456 Manuscript notes (copies and abstracts) of archival and book, journal, and newspaper accounts of California Indians and Indian-White relations in the Spanish, Mexican and American periods (S. F. Cook). 8 file boxes of 5 x 8 cards; several folders on 8. 5 x 11 paper. 457 Notes on boundaries and culture of the Panamint Shoshone and Owens Valley Paiute (G. L. Grosscup). Written by Grosscup while employed as C. Hart Merriam Fellow. Marginal notes on left by A. L. Kroeber and/or B. F. Heizer. See accompanying map. 458 A Visit with Ly-Dam-Lill-Le (B. L. Fontana). 459 4 notebooks reporting archaeological sites and materials from California, Oregon and Arizona (A. G. Colley, 1923-1926). 460 Field notebook "Archaeology of Miller's Island" and records of Columbia River petroglyphs (Julian Hi. Steward, undated). 461 Original pen and ink illustrations and photostat negatives of site NV-El-11 (South Fork Shelter). All published in UCAS-R. 462 Bound typewritten "Report of the Sunny Hills Ranch Site No. 1, March 13- April 28, 1939 (John W. Winterbourne). 463 A Study and Interpretation of a Bedrock Mortar Site Near West Poinit, Calaveras County (Steve James). Written for Anthropology 176, December 1973 464 Notes and Photographs of Great Basin Atlatls and Hafted Stone Knives (M. Mildner and T.R. Hester). 465 Historic Roundhouse Sites in the Central Sierra Nevadas (J. C. von Werlhof). 466 4"Draft of archaeological report on site CA-Cal-142 (Poore site)" (M.A. 80 Baumhoff, ca. 1958). Includes field catalogue. 467 Notes on the Seri Indians, Sonora, Mexico (Bill Crawford). Manuscript undergraduate research paper summarizing published data on Seri plus Crawford's own fieldwork data. 1973. 468 A Review of Clear Lake Pomo Culture (Michael J. Lowy). This manuscript was originally written in 1973 for Vol. VIII of the Handbook of North American Indians. Since it was much too long for a Handbook article, his abbreviated version refers to the present fuller account, copies of which have been deposited in: 1) Smithsonian Institution; 2) ARF; 3) the author's hands. 469 Xerox copies from published literature on subject of California Indian warfare compiled by undergraduate students in Anthropology 195 (taught by R. F. Heizer, 1969); seminar paper of ca. 1956 by T. McCorkle on California Indian warfare. 470 California Indian Demography. Habitation Counts and Site Areas (Martin H. Heicksen). Date on site dimensions and number of observed housepits in California prepared from the ARF site files. These data were utilized by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer to prepare article in K. C. Chang's Settlement Archaeology and UCAS-R 64. 471 Contributions Nos. 1-5. 472 Contributions Nos. 6-10. 473 Contributions Nos. 11 -14. 474 Contributions Nos. 15-18. 475 Contributions Nos. 19-22. 476 Notes on private archaeological collections in Southern San Joaquin Valley. Undated, but probably made by Gifford and/or Schenck (cf. UCPAAE Vol. 23, No. 1, 1926). 477 Contribution 23. 478 Infrared Photography of Indian Petrographs (Robert English, Robert Turner,. R PA 102). Contains letter of permission to publish. 479 Seven Early Accounts of the Pomo Indians and Their Culture (ed. by R. F. Heizer). Non-serial publication 1975w 81 480 A Faunal Analysis In the Santa Cruz Mountains (Eric Blinman, April 1975). 481 Autobiographies of Three Pomo Women (Elizabeth Colson). Non-serial publication 1974. Also included are plates for cover. 482 The Eighteen Unratified Treaties of 1851-1852 Between the California Indians and the United States Government (Robert F. Heizer, 1972). Non-serial publication. 483 Rap Rock: Possible Petroglyphs In San Mateo County (Suzanne Graziani, 1973). Contains negatives of the rock, prints of the negatives and field notes. Originally for Anthropology 176, Fall 1973. 484 Contribution No. 24. 485 Contribution No.. 29. 486 Marriage and Divorce Practices in Native California (Kjerstie Nelson, 1975). Non-serial publication. 487 Chumash Place Name Lists (compilations by A. L. Kroeber, C. Hart Merriam, and H. W. Henshaw, edited by R. F. Heizer, 1975). Non-serial publication. 488 Contribution No. 26. 489 Analysis of Ancient Feces.: An Annotated Bibliography and a Discussion (Philip J. Wilke and H. J. Hall, 1975). Non-serial publication. 490 Costanoan Internal Relationships (Richard L. Levy, 1976). Non-serial pub- lication. 491 Paleoepidemiological Studies on Great Basin Coprolites: Estimation of Dietary Fiber Intake and Evaluation of the Ingestion of Anthelmintic Plant Substances (Michael Kliks, 1975). Non-serial publication. 492 Stephen Powers' letters to J.W. Powell. Published as part of Contribution No. 28, along with his biography by S. Park. 493 Clay Artifacts from Western Contra Costa County (CCo-290, Brooks Island and CCo- 272, San Pablo) (by Wendy Rose). Paper for Anthropology 176, Fall 1974. 82 VII. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPT MAPS IN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY FILES Number Description 1 Contour map of Sac-6 showing location of excavation pits for seasons of 1947 and 1949. Original made by R. W. Newman with revisions by Anthropology 197 class. 2 Burial locations at site SJo-68 (1938 and 1947 excavations). 4 charts numbered 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D. 3 Contour map and excavation layout, site SJo-68 (1947 season). 4 Map showing datum location at SJo-68 (1947 season). 5 Contour map and excavation layout of site Sol-2 (1947). 6 Contour map and excavation layout of site Nap-l (1947). 7 Contour map and excavation layout of site SFr-l (1949). 8 Contour map and excavation layout of site Sac-6 (original by R. W. Newman, 1947 research group). See no. 1. 9 Excavation layout and housepit locations at site Fre-27 (1948). 10 Contour map and excavation layout of site Fre-27 (1948). 11 Site location map (USGS 1/500,000 base) of San Joaquin Valley by Gordon W. Hewes (1939). 12 Site locations on Santa Cruz Island. Reduction of L. Outhwaite's survey map (undated). 13 Site locations in Round Valley, Mendocino County (A. E. Treganza, C. E. Smith, Jr. and W. W. Weymoutb, ca. 1940). 14 Site locations in Williams Valley and eastern Eel River drainage (A. E. Treganza, C. E. Smith, Jr. and W. W. Weymouth, ca. 1940). 15 Contour map and housepit locations of site Fre-27 (1948). 16 Contour map and excavation layout of site Sac-107 (1937). 17 Contour map and housepit layout of site Mrn-115 (C. Meighan, 1949). 18 Photostat copy of No. 17. 19 Contour map and housepit layout of Fre-27 on tracing paper (1948). 20 Contour map of Col-2. 21 Contour map and excavation units of site Hum-170 (J. Mills, 1949). 22 Contour and excavation map of Mrn-232, with burials plotted in. Photo- static negative (R. Breadsley, ca. 1940). 23 Contour map and housepit layout of Fre-27. Photostatic negative. (UCAS, 1948). 83 Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Description Contour map and excavation layout of Nap-i. Photostatic negative. Contour map of Sol-2. Photostatic negative. Photostatic negative for Map 16 (1948) Contour and excavation map of Hum-169 (J. Mills, 1949). Floor plan and side view of sweathouse at Hum-169 (F. Fenenga, 1949). Excavation layout of Sac-107 (ca. 1936). Excavation units at Sac-107 (R. Heizer, 1937). Site location map for the Napa Region (1948). Topographical map of property of James L. McGillivray, with sites indicated (1927). Tracing of Map 32 with minor changes and a 2 foot contour interval (n.d.). Side wall profiles of Sac-107 (R. Heizer, 1937). Filed with UCAS Ms.68. Site location map for Nelson's San Francisco Bay region (ca. 1910). Site location map for the Yosemite National Park (MacIntyre, 1949). Site location map for the Yosemite National Park (1948). Site location map for the Monterey Peninsula (E. Fisher, 1935). Site location map of Carmel-by-the Sea (E. Fisher, 1935). Site location map of the Delta of the Sacramento-San Joaquin (1948). Cellophane overlay for Map 40 (1948). Contour map and excavation layout at Nap-39 (1947). Contour map and excavation layout at Nap-14 (1947). Indian shell mounds of San Mateo Creek and vicinity, San Mateo County (Jerome Hamilton, prior 1936). Karok village sites (W. Bright, 1948). Contour maps of Hum-169 (R. F. Heizer, 1949). Site map of Santa Barbara Islands and Mainland (R. L. Olson, 1928). Map of Samwel Cave (Sha-49) Shasta County (George W. Moore, 1950). Contour map of Tulamniu site, No. 1 (Waldo R. Wedel, 1935). Contour map of Tulamniu site, No. 2 (Waldo R. Wedel, 1935). Beardsleymaps, diagrams, etc. of Marin archaeology. Archaeological sites in Central California. Estero site (Mrn-232) profiles (R. K. Beardsley). Estero site (Mrn-232) map, 1st draft (R. K. Beardsley). 84 Number Description 55 Estero site (Mrn-232) contour map (R. K. Beardsley). 56 Estero site (Mrn-232) map showing location of porcelain and iron spikes (R. K. Beardsley). I 57 McClure site (Mrn-266) contour map (R. K. Beardsley). 58 Mendoza site (Mrn-275) contour map and cross section (R. K. Beardsley). 59 Site CCo-151 contour map - Spring 1951 (Anthro. 195 class) See also Nos. 60, 65, 66, 115. 60 Site CCo-151 contour map - Spring 1951 (Anthro. 195 class) See also Nos. 59, 65, 66 61 Patricks Point shell-mound. Summer, 1948 (Anthro. 197 class). 62 Bear Creek Reservoir with sites Mrp-31 to 36 (A. Mohr). 63 Burns Creek Reservoir with sites Mer-76 to 80 (A. Mohr). 64 Owens Creek Reservoir with sites Mrp-37 to 43 (A. Mohr). 65 CCo-151 contour map. Spring, 1950 (Anthro. 195 class).See also Nos. 59, 60, 66, 115. 66 CCo-151 contour map. Spring, 1950 (Anthro. 195 class).See also Nos. 59, 60, 65, 115. 67 Mrn-20 contour map. May, 1951 (W. C. Mueller). 68 Cherry Valley Reservoir, sites Tuo-30 to Tuo-42 (D. Lathrap and J. Benny- hoff, June, 1951). 69 Soil map of Napa Valley with sites and trails indicated (R. F. Heizer, 1948). 70 Contour map of Iny-222 (E. Goldschmidt, 1951). 71 Section views of Iny-222 (E. Goldschmidt, 1951). 72 Contour map of Iny-222 (E. Goldschmidt, 1951). 73 Section map (views) of Iny-222 (E. Goldschmidt, 1951). 74 Horizontal and vertical distribution of artifacts, Iny-222 (E. Gold- schmidt, 1951). 75 Contour map of SBa-205 (D. Lathrap). 76 Contour map of Sta-5 (A. Treganza, 1951). 77 Contour map of Sta-6 (A. Treganza, 1951). 78 Contour map of Sta-10 (A. Treganza, 1951). 79 Contour map of Sta-21 (A. Treganza, 1951). 80 Original drawing, contour map of Sta-21 (A. Treganza, 1951). 85 Number Description 81 Contour map of Sta-44 (A. Treganza, 1951). 82 Contour map of Sta-57 (A. Treganza, 1951). 83 Original drawing, contour map of Sta-57 (A. Treganza., 1951). 84 Original drawing of Sta-58 (A. Treganza, 1951). 85 Contour map of Sta-58 (A. Treganza, 1951). 86 Photostat of stone tools from Farmington Reservoir (A. Treganza, 1951). Plate 9 of Ms. 130. 87 Photostat of stone tools from Farmington Reservoir (A. Treganza, 1951) Plate 10 of Ms. 130. 88 Drawings of petroglyphs from SBa-559, 560a, b. (Kurt Bauer, 1951). 89 Photostat of man of Farmington Reservoir Project (A. Treganza, 1951). 90 Original of Farmington Reservoir area (Map 1 in UCAS R 14)(A. Treganza). 91 Photostat of the map of Amadee Cave, site Las-90 (F. A. Riddell). 92 Field contour map of Men-500 (M. A. Baumhoff, August, 1951). 93 Finished contour map of Men-500 (C. Meighan, March, 1952). 94 Photostat of map No. 93. 95 Original contour map of excavations of Nap-32 (Kolb site) (R. Heizer, 1951). 96 Topographical sheet with original locations of Gordon Hewes' site Mrp-2 (Hatcher's site also), and Mrp-4 (Hatcher) and Mrp-51 (Hatcher). 97 USGS Jackson Quadrangle - A. Treganza's original site survey sheet for numerous Calaveras County sites. 98 AMS Healdsburg Quad. Omer C. Stewart's original for Son-186. 99 AMS Pomo Quad. Stewart's original for Men-390 to 392. 100 AMS Plantation Quad. Stewart's original for Son-231, 181-185. 101 AMS Skaggs Quad. Stewart's original for Son-174-179. 102 AMS Copperopolis Quad. A. Treganza's oeiginal for Cal-49. 103 AMS San Andreas Quad. A. Treganza's record of sites Cal-83 to 91. 104 USGC Bachelor Valley Quad. A. Treganza' s record of Cal-92, 93. 105 Series (9 maps) of quads around San Francisco Bay - probably used by N. C. Nelson. Each map is described on tag accompanying it. 106 Chart of "shellheaps" in Marin - unnumbered. Probably by N. C. Nelson. 107 Sonoma Quad. Map used by S197 class, with new sites Nap-141, 155, 156, 157. 108 St. Helena Quad. Map used by S197 class, with sites Nap-139, 140, 161-163. 86 Number Description 109 Street map and directory of Pacific Grove. A. Pilling's site corre- lation of Mnt-109-144. 110 Monterey Quad. A. Pilling' s.correlation of sites Mnt-101, 108, 128, 145, 149, 148, 150, 147, 152, 157, 203, 218, 221, 111., 127. 111 Point Sur Quad. A. Pilling's site correlation for Mnt-89-99, 185, 186, 189, 223. 112 Lucia Quad. A. Pilling's location of Mnt-131, 140 (Harlan 1 and 2). 113 Spy Rock Quad. C. Meighan's and J. Baumhoff's map of sites in Mendo- cino County: Men-464-480. 114 Laytonville Quad. C. Meighan's and J. Baumhoff's map of sites Men-486, 487, 496-499, 501-507. 115 Site CCo-151. Contour map of site drawn by Anthro. 195 class, under C. Meighan's direction. Spring semester, 1952. (See also Maps 59, 60, 65, 66.) 116 Site Mrn-232. Distribution of porcelian fragments and spikes. (R. K. Beardsley). See UCAS Ms. 100. See also Ms. map #56. 117 Site Mrn-232, 242, and 275. Midden profiles (R. K. Beardsley). See UCAS Ms. 100 and Ms. map #53. 118 Bidwell Bar, Etna, Folsom, and Weaverville Quadrangles. A. Treganza's maps used in N. P.S. Survey, Sunmer, 1952. 119 Round Valley Survey, original map (Covelo and Eden Valley Quadrangles). Published in Treganza, Smith and Weymouth, UC-AR 12:3, 1950. 120 Site map of Cal-99 (See Ms. #153). 121 A. E. Treganza's original drawings for stencil and photostatic negatives of maps for the following areas: (1) Redbank Diversion Reser- voir, (2) Nimbus Reservoir, (3) Oroville Dam, Feather River Canyon, (4) Trinity and Lewiston Reservoirs. 122 Original draft of Plate 46 in The Handbook of California Indians - Maidu-Miwok area, A. L. Kroeber. 123 Englargement of A. L. Kroeber's map of the southern and central Yokuts area, A. L. Kroeber. 124 Photostats of Treganza, Smith and Weymouth's Yuki area survey maps (2 sheets) Published in UC AR 12:3, 1950. 125 Indian shellmounds of San Mateo Creek and vicinity, San Mateo County, California (Jerome Hamilton, 1936). 126 (l)Stratigraphic diagram of trench A, sites Sta-44,-45 (1953). (2)Contour map of sites Sta-44 (1953). (3) Diagram illustrating stratigraphic relationship between 2 separate finds of Farmington Complex tools. (all of these to accompany Ms. 163). 87 Number Description 127 Map of excavation at Sonoma Mission, site Son-375 (1953, and 1954). 128 Contour map of sites SJo-106, SJo-107 with burials located by P. Raab, J. Bennyhoff, July 2, 1954. See UCAS Ms. 174. 129 Contour map and excavation layout of site Ala-307 in West Berkeley (W. J. Wallace). 130 Schematic cross section of site Mrn-266 (McClure site) (R. K. Beardsley). 131 Contour map and excavation layout for site Mrn-266 (McClure site) (R. K. Beardsley). 132 Map of comparative analysis of the archaeology of site Ala-328 (Patterson Mound) (J. T. Davis, 1954). 133 Original field maps connected with A. Treganza's excavations at Sac-169 (Nimbus) and Teh-58 (Redbank) (A. E. Treganza). 134 Photoliths of and profile of site Ala-328 (Patterson Mound) (J. T. Davis, 1954). 135 Two topographic maps of Fort Ross Historical Monument. (State Division of Beaches and Parks). 136 Field contour map and finished contour map of site Mrn-92 (M. A. Baumhoff, A. B. Elsasser and P. Agrinier). 137 Skull types from central California archaeological horizons (Russell Newman). 138 Map of the Indians of California prepared for the hearing before the Indian Claims Commission, Berkeley, July, 1954. Map made in 1953 (A. L. Kroeber and R. F. Heizer). 139 Maps and photostatic negatives of Sonoma Mission connected with the excavation of A. Treganza in 1954 (W. D. Hohenthal, M. Heicksen and A. Treganza). 140 Site map of Howell's Point, Md., site Col-2 (Waldo Wedel, 1935). 141 Map of archaeological sites in Yosemite Valley and certain ethnographic villages which were located on the Merriam collection Ms. map (J. Benny- hoff, 1953). 142 Contour map of site Mrp-97 showing 1953 excavations. Original field map and inked copy (J. Bennyhoff and C. Gregoire, 2/13/53). 143 Contour map of site Mrp-105 showing 1952-53 excavations. Original field map and inked copy (J. Bennyhoff and C. Gregoire, 2/10/53). 144 a. Contour map of site CCo-138, drawn 3/14/53 by Anthro. 195 class. b,c:Rough field originals from which final copy was made. 145 Site CCo-271: "Tentative map, Lanfred Tract, being a portion Lot 205, San Pablo Rancho." August, 1954. 88 Number Description 146 Site maps (2): San Luis Rey, and Boucher Hill Road (D. L. True). 147 Cachuma maps: site SBa-477 and SBa-485 (M. A. Baumhoff). 148 Maps pertaining to seminar given in 1950. Subject: California tribal distribution (R. F. Heizer). 149 Areas surveyed in Yosemite National Park (original and photostat). Published in UCAS R 34 as Map 2. Also original of map showing location of Yosemite, published as frontispiece in UCAS R 34 (J. Bennyhoff, 1956). 150 Drawing of bottom mark on white glazed earthenware vessel (UCMA 1-103556) from site SFr-l. Accompanies UCAS Ms. 213 (A. Pilling, 1955). 89 VIII. CHECK LIST OF NON-SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE ARF Catalogue of the C. Hart Merriam Collection of Data Concerning California Tribes and Other American Indians. Prepared by Robert F. Heizer with the assistance of Dennis Bailey, Marke Estis and Karen Nissen. 1969. An Anthropological Expedition of 1913 or Get It Through Your Head or Yogrs for the Revolution. Correspondence Between A. L, K,roeber and L. L. Loud, July 12, 1913 - October 31, 1913. Edited by R. F. Heizer. 1970. Guide to Ethnological Documents (1-203) of the Department and Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, Now In The University Archives. Compiled by Dale Valory. 1971. Census of Non-Reservation California Indians, 1905 - 1906, by C. E. Kelsey. 1971. A Bibliography of Replicative Experiments in Archaeology, by John A. Graham, Robert F. Heizer and Thomas RB Hester AND Lithic Technology: An Introductory Bibliography, by Thomas R. Hester. 1972 (two printings). Notes on Northern Paiute Ethnography: Kroeber and Marsden Records. Edited by Robert F. Heizer and Thomas R. Hester, with the assistance of Michael P. Nichols. 1972. The Archaeology of Barrel Springs Site (NV-Pe-104), Pershing County, Nevada, by Richard A. Cowan with Analysis of Faunal Remains, by David H. Thomas. 1972. The Eighteen Unratified Treaties of 1851-1852 Between the California Indians and the United States Government, by Robert F. Heizer. 1972. George Gibb Journal of Redick McKee's Expedition Through Northwestern California in 1851. Edited and with annotations by Robert F. Heizer. 1972. Collected Documents on the Causes and Events in the Bloody Island Massacre of 1850. Assembled and edited by Robert F. Heizer. 1973. Reprints of Various Papers on California Archaeology, Ethnology and Indian History. Assembled and edited by Robert F. Heizer. 1973. Review and Discussion of Great Basin Projectile Points: Forms and Chronology, by Thomas R. Hester and Robert F. Heizer. 1973. The Human Sources of California Ethnography, by Robert F. Heizer and Karen M. Nissen. 1973. 90 The Archaeology of Bamert Cave, Amador County, California, by Robert F. Heizer and Thomas R. Hester. 1973. Two Nineteenth Century Ethnographic Documents on the Wiyot and Yurok of Northwest- ern California and the Commanches of New Mexico and Texas, 1973. Autobiographies of Three Pomo Women. Recorded and edited by Elizabeth Colson. 1974. Boundary Descriptions of California Indian Stocks and Tribes, by C. Hart Merriam and Zenaida Merriam Talbot. 1974. Ethnographic Observations on the Coast Miwok and Pomo by Contre-Admiral F. P. von Wrangell and P. Kostromitonov of the Russian Colony Ross, 1839. Translated by Fred Stross Ethnographic notes by R. F. Heizer. 1974. Seven Early Accounts of the Pomo Indians and Their Culture. Assembled and edited by Robert F. Heizer. 1975. Marriage and Divorce Practices in Native California, by Kjerstie Nelson. 1975. Analysis of Ancient Feces: A Discussion and Annotated Bibliography, by Philip J. Wilke and H.J. Hall. 1975. Paleoepidemiological Studies on Great Basin Coprolites: Estimation of Dietary Fiber Intake and Evaluation of the Ingestion of Anthelmintic Plant Substances, by Michael Kliks. 1975. Chumash Place Name Lists. Compilations by A. L. Kroeber, C. Hart Merriam, and H. W. Henshaw. Editedby R F. Heizer. 1975. Costanoan Internal Relationships, by Richard L. Levy. 1976. 91 IX. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UCAS AND ARF, 1948- 1972. There was established on July 1, 1948 in the Department of Anthropology at Berkeley through the combined efforts of the State Legislature, the Board of Regents and the President of the University, Robert G. Sproul, an organization named The California Archaeological Survey. An Advisory Board of nine members was formed "for the purpose of strengthening and broadening existing collaboration with other institutions in the state whose interests are related to those of The California Archaeological Survey." The Advisory Board may have been good theory, but it proved to be unproductive, and it was allowed to lapse in the second year of the Survey's existence. The official title of the Survey was changed to University of California Archaeological Survey (UCAS) on July 1, 1949, and this title was maintained until the UCAS was abolished on July 1., 1961. On July 1 of each of the 12 years of the operation of the UCAS a report on activities was prepared and submitted to the President of the University or the Chancellor of the Berkeley campus and these reports contain details of the annual operation of the Survey. The purposes of the UCAS were varied. It was essentially a Departmental operation, and the salaried Archaeologist and Assistant Archaeologist were grad- uate or undergraduate students in the Department of Anthropology at Berkeley. The following list indicates persons who held these positions: 1948-49 Franklin Fenenga, Archaeologist Francis Riddell, Assistant Archaeologist 1949-50 Franklin Fenenga, Archaeologist Arnold Pilling, Assistant Archaeologist 1950-51 William J. Wallace, Archaeologist (July 1, 1950-Jan. 31, 1951) Clement Meighan, Archaeologist (Feb. 1, 1951-July 31) Donald Lathrap, Assistant Archaeologist 1951-52 Clement Meighan, Archaeologist Martin Baumhoff, Assistant Archaeologist 1952-53 James A. Bennyhoff, Archaeologist Albert B. Elsasser, Assistant Archaeologist 1953-54 James A. Bennyhoff, Archaeologist Albert B. Elsasser, Assistant Archaeologist 1954-55 James A. Bennyhoff, Archaeologist Albert B. Elsasser, Assistant Archaeologist 1955-56 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist Francis A. Riddell, Assistant Archaeologist * Heizer, R. F. 1949. Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul For the Year Ending June 30, 1949 of the California Archaeological Survey (6 pp., mimeographed). 92 1956-57 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist Eduardo Contreras, Assistant Archaeologist 1957-58 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist Jack E. Smith, Assistant Archaeologist 1958-59 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist James T. Davis, Assistant Archaeologist 1959-60 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist James T. Davis, Assistant Archaeologist 1960-61 Albert B. Elsasser, Archaeologist. Research Associates who served without pay were also part of the staff of the UCAS. Dr. Adan E. Treganza served as Research Associate from July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1959. Dr. Sherburne F. Cook was Research Associate from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1961. Dr. Alex D. Krieger held appointment as Research Associate from July 1, 1957 to June 30, 1959. Dr. Jay vonWerlhof was Research Associate from July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959. The UCAS was directed by Robert F. Heizer from July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1961. Paid half-or full-time secretarial assistance was provided by Mrs. Adra Long (1949-50), Mrs. Doreen Scott (1950-Feb. 21, 1955), Miss C. N. Gregoire and Mrs. A. Davis (Feb. 21, 1955-June 30, 1955) and Mrs. Edna Flood (July 1, 1955-June 30, 1961). From 1948 to 1961 considerable amount of excavation and site recon- naissance was carried out by UCAS personnel or individuals working in active cooperation with the UCAS. This resulted in collections of artifacts and skeletal material catalogued and stored in the Lowie Museum of Anthropology; in the accumulation of a statewide file of archaeological sites; and in publi- cation of results of research. Between 1948 and 1961 the UCAS deposited 71,247 archaeological specimens and 1,529 individual human skeletal remains in the Lowie Museum. A site file of about 10,000 sites in California and a file of ca.2,000 archaeological sites in Nevada was established. Between 1948 and 1961 the UCAS published 55 Reports (see list elsewhere in this publi- cation) which aggregated 2,688 pages of text, 80 maps, 218 figures, 90 plates,. 2 charts, 90 tables and 3 diagrams. The Reports are primarily papers detailing results of UCAS research. A file of about 10,000 black-and-white photographic negatives and about 3,000 kodachrome slides had been collected and cata- logued, these dealing almost wholly with archaeology of Nevada and California. Between 1948 and 1961 an "archive" of 315 manuscripts was collected and catalogued. This archive is varied in its coverage and quality and consists of original field notes, maps, old manuscripts which have been published and which are mainly of historical interest. A catalogue of the manuscript collection (now numbering 442 items) is appended. 93 By 1960 the need for a Departmental a.rchaeological program whose inter- ests were purely local were much less than they had been in 1948. In part this was due to the considerable post-war development of archaeology and establish- ment of programs of local archaeology on a number of other University and State College campuses; in part the UCAS was not serving the academic interests of the Department of Anthropology which, by 1960, had six full time archaeologists on its staff, and none of these had an exclusive, or even main, interest in local prehistory. The request to reorganize the UCAS to become The Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) of the Department of Anthropology was approved and took effect on July 1, 1961. Local archaeology on a reduced scale has continued after 1961, as has the maintenance of and addition to the California and Nevada archaeological site files. The salaried positions of Archaeologist and Assistant Archaeologist were abolished and paid personnel was limited to a full-time secretary. The Reports publications were maintained, and Nos. 56 to 74 were published between 1961 and 1968 when the series was discontinued. In 1965 a new publication series, Contributions of the Archaeological Research Facility, was instituted, and as of July 1, 19722, 14 issues have appeared. These comprise 1809 pages of text, 150 plates and 232 figures. Beginning in 1969 another publication series was instituted by the ARF. No series name is assigned to these publications which are issued in a limited number, usually 200 copies. Titles issued to date listed in VIII above. From July 1, 1961 to July 1, 1971 archaeological specimens numbering 32,707 have been catalogued and deposited in the Lowie Museum of Anthropology. Printer's copy of all UCAS Reports and ARF Contributions have been saved and are stored in the ARF space in Hearst Gymnasium basement. The California archaeological site file in the ARF contained on Jui.e 10, 1972, a total of 14,395 site records, and there remain on file but not yet incorporated into this file about 2,000 additional site record sheets. Each site is located on a USGS quadrangle sheet. Maps are bound separately by county and the Santa Barbara Channel Island maps are also bound in a separate volume. A duplicate of this map file, complete up to 1961, was deposited in the Anthropology Department at University of California, Davis. The Archaeological Research Facility also supervises the C. Hart Merriam Collection of ethnographic data referring primarily to Indians of California. A catalogue of this collection has been published. The Merriam Collection is stored in Hearst Gymnasium basement in 8 steel five-drawer filing cases. * Catalogue of the C. Hart Merriam Collection of Data Concerning California Tribes and Other American Indians. Prepared by Robert F. Heizer with the assistance of Dennis Bailey, Marke Estis and Karen Nissen. 1969. 94 Anyone who wishes to learn the details of the year-by-year history of activities of the UCAS (1948-1961) and/or the ARF (1961-date) may do so by consulting the annual reports which are filed in the office of the Archaeo- logical Research Facility and ARF manuscript No. 310. Also relevant in this. regard is a brief article in American Antiquity (Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 222-223, 1949) and Report No. 1 of the UCAS (1948). In addition there is a document of 1971 entitled "The Archaeological Research Facility of the Department of Anthropology: A Review of Its History, Present Operation and Future Plans" which was submitted to the Office of the Chancellor as background information for the Faculty Review Committee which in 1971-1972 evaluated the ARF for the Chancellor of the Berkeley campus. The state of California as of 1972 still lacks the required single organization which maintains a statewide site record center and site master file. No real effort at establishing such a record center has been attempted, and the result of this failure to coordinate the efforts of local societies, museums and academic departments has been a wasteful duplication of work. Only when some central agency is established will we be able to determine how much we know and the extent to which we really understand the prehistory of California. No single greater need exists in California archaeology than the establishment of an adequately financed, staffed and housed agency whose purpose is to coordinate the work of all individuals and organizations interested in California's prehistoric past. Some suggestions as to how this might be accom- plished are contained in a communication printed in the UCLA Arch- aeological Survey Newsletter No. 9, December, 1965. That discussion, now seven years old, is somewhat outdated, but we are no further along with the solution than we were seven years ago. But there are some hopeful signs. The Society for California Archaeology is a young and growing organization but it does not seem to have yet developed into an organization which attracts the active parti- cipation of professional archaeologists. It could, perhaps, become more effect- ive if it could secure an institutional sponsor and publish a journal. The UCLA Archaeological Survey has done, and continues to do, an excellent job, and it is possible that this organization might be designated as the center for archaeo- logical records for the southern part of the state if sufficient Legislature funds were provided. The northern part of the state could be handled by the State Resources Agency in Sacramento. Whatever the solution is, it seems that it had better be found soon. California's present population is now in excess of twenty million, and the destruction of the archaeological evidence continues at an every accelerating pace. We can never hope to recover the full story of man's history in California because so much of the evidence has been covered by modern settlement or destroyed in earth-moving operations. The real danger now is that for major portions of the state we may never learn more than we know at present.