Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No.67 EXCAVATION OF TWO NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL SITES Albert B. Elsasser and Robert F. Heizer and THE PISTOL RIVER SITE OF SOUTHWEST OREGON Eugene Heflin University of California Archaeological Research Facility Department of Anthropology Berkeley July 1966 REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY NO. 67 EXCAVATION OF TWO NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL SITES Albert B. Elsasser and Robert F. Heizer and THE PISTOL RIVER SITE OF SOUTHWEST OREGON Eugene Heflin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Department of Anthropology Berkeley July 1966 CONTENTS EXCAVATION OF TWO NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL SITES, by Albert B. Elsasser and Robert F. Heizer . . 1 THE PISTOL RIVER SITE OF SOUTHWEST OREGON, by Eugene Heflin . .......... .. .. .. ... . 151 - iii - EXCAVATION OF TWO NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL SITES Albert B. Elsasser and Robert F. Heizer INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 1 I. THE PATRICK'S POINT SITE (HUM-118) . . . 6 Environment . . . . . . 7 Excavation 10 Artifacts Recovered Chipped Stone Objects . . . . 20 Ground or pecked Stone Objects . . . 27 Bone and Antler Artifacts 40 Historic Artifacts . . . . . 53 Summary . . . . . . . 55 II. THE HISTORIC SITE OF TSURAI (HUM-169) . . 58 Excavation 62 Artifacts Recovered 70 Ground Stone Objects . . . . 74 Bone and Antler Artifacts 83 Shell Artifacts . . . . 97 Perishable Artifacts . 98 Artifacts Not of Native Design . . . 99 Summary . . . . . . . 99 END NOTES . 103 EXPLANATION OF PLATES . . . . . . 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . 137 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Map 1. Site Map of Hum-118 . . . . 12 Map 2. Site Map of Hum-169 . . . . 60 Chart 1. Hum-118, East-West Profile . . . 13 Chart 2. Hum-169, North-South Profile . . . 66 Plates . . . 111 LIST OF TABLES PATRICK'S POINT (HUM-118) 1. Occurrence by Depth of Bones of Land and Sea Mammals 2. Features Excavated . 3. Summary of Burials . . . . . 4. Depth Distribution of Chipped Stone Projectile Points 5. Depth Distribution of Chipped Stone Specimens . 6. Depth Distribution of Ground or Pecked Stone Artifacts 7. Worked Slate Objects Recovered . . . 8. Depth Distribution of Simple Bone and Antler Harpoons 9. Measurements of Simple Harpoons in Northwestern California 10. Depth Distribution of Bone and Antler Implements 11. Depth Distribution of Bone Awls . . . 10 15 19 22 26 34 37 41 42 47 49 TSURAI 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. (HUM- 169) Depth Distribution of Types of Artifacts Features Excavated Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Harpoon Points, and Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Depth Distribution of Historic and Prehistoric Chipped Stone Projectile Points Chipped Stone Implements . Some Ground Stone Implements 0 Additional Ground Stone Implements Simple Bone and Antler Harpoons Toggle Harpoon Spurs, Bone Barbed Spear Points . Bone and Antler Implements Miscellaneous Bone Objects Bone Awls and Bipointed Pins Shell Artifacts . . 63 * 67 72 * 73 * 77 79 * 84 87 88 * 90 91 98 - vii -