Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No.58 THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION IN THE SOUTHERN SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA M. G. Hindes Issued September 15, 1962 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California THE. ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION -IN THE SOUTHERN SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA M. G. Hindes UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT NO. 58 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report has been made possible by a group of earnest volunteers who assisted with the exploration, reports, and collection of artifacts in the Huntington Lake region. Those to whom I wish to express my appreciation are: Mr. L. A. Robinson of Big Creek, California, who has a notable collection of the artifacts of the area and who has been of inestimable assistance in locating sites. His knowledge of the area has been of con- siderable value to the group working on this project. Brother Avila of the Christian Brothers School at Sacramento who has explored and reported many sites in the higher altitudes in this re- gion. My brother, Dr. M. R. Gibbons, Jr., of Ross, California; my husband, Barrett G. Hindes; Mr. T. Newton Russell; Mr. 0. J. Woodward of Fresno, California; Brother S. Dominic of St. Mary's College, Moraga; and Mrs. John Henry of Manhattan Beach, who obtained and reported information on sites at lower altitudes in the vicinity of Auberry. Others who have served as informants concerning the Indians and the archaeology of the region are: Mr. and Mrs. John Marvin, Mrs. Annie Anderson, and Mrs. Maggie Marvin, all of Auberry; Mr. Harvey Ince of Fresno; Mr. Morgan Blasingame of Clovis; Mrs. Susan Johnson and her daughter Carolyn, and Mrs. Mary Bishop, all of North Fork. Collections which have either been counted in tabulations of the artifacts of the region or referred to in part are those of: Mr. L. A. RobirLson, Big Creek; Mr. John Marvin, Auberry; Mrs. Merril Lyon, Shaver Lake; Mrs. J. J. Clark, Fresno; Mrs. Robert A. Parker, Huntington Lake; Mr. Morgan Blasingame, Clovis; Mr. Jack Sample, Sanger; Mrs. Albert O'Connell, Auberry; Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Landers, Auberry; Mr. Gary Aubrey, Auberry; Mrs. John Henry, Big Creek; Mr. Oscar Noren, Dunlap; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomas, Bakersfield; Mr. and Mrs. Newquist, Big Creek; Miss Camilla Smith, Auberry; Mr. Roy Koontz, Huntington Lake; Mr. Fred Mahoney, Auberry; and Mr. Fred Preheim, Big Creek. - iii - Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to Dr. Robert F. Heizer Of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, and to Mr. Albert B. Elsasser of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley, for their encouragement, for the material they have made available to me, and for their generous assistance in writing this report. Mr. Elsasser has kindly consented to edit certain sections of the report. - iv - TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION . . . . . . 2 OCCUPATION OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION . . . 4 PROJECTILE POINTS RECOVERED . . . . . . . . 7 Typology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Type A Points . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Type B Points . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Type C Points . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Unique Projectile Point Types . . . . . . . 17 Comparison with Yosemite Projectile Point Types . . . 18 Comparison Between Sites in the Huntington Lake Region . . 19 Comparison with Areas Outside of the Huntington Lake Region. 22 Numerically Significant Sierra Region Projectile Point Types Not Occurring in the Huntington Lake Region . . 23 COMPARISON OF HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION ARTIFACTS WITH THOSE FOUND IN PERMANENTLY OCCUPIED SITES AT LOWER ALTITUDES . . 24 USE OF LARGE TYPE C PROJECTILE POINTS AND RELATED ARTIFACTS . 26 EXCAVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ARTIFACTS OTHER THAN PROJECTILE POINTS RECOVERED IN HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION Beads . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Steatite (Bowl) Sherds . . . . . . . . . 30 Pottery: Owens Valley Brown Ware . . . . . . 31 Drills . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Flake Scrapers . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Knives and Blades . . . . . . . . . . 34 Portable Grinding Stones . . . . . . . . 34 Manos and Pestles . . . . . . . 35 Arrow Straighteners . . . . . . . a . 36 Steatite Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . 36 Pictographs . . . . . a . . . 37 Other Specimens or Traits . . . . 0 . . 37 CHRONOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF CERTAIN PROJECTILE POINT TYPES IN THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION AND SURROUNDING AREAS 37 COMPARISON OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION WITH SIERRA NEVADA AND RELATED ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEXES (GENERAL) Yosemite . . . . . . . . a . . . 42 Martis and Kings Beach Complexes . . . 44 Pinto Complex . . . . . . . . . . 46 Regions West of the Sierra Nevada a . . . . 48 CONCLUSION a . . . . . . . 48 FOOTNOTES. . . . . . a . . . 57 TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . a 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY . ; . . . . . . a 74 EXPLANATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . 78 ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . following 79 - vi - INTRODUCTION This survey deals with the archaeology of a large section of the southern Sierra Nevada for which no classification of artifacts or other cultural remains has been made, except at site Fre-115 in Vermilion Valley (Lathrap and Shutler 1955). Because it has been recognized that the high altitudes of the Sierra Nevada were extensively used by the Indians for seasonal (spring and summer) occupation, this section of the mountains represents one more gap to be filled in in the archaeological and ethno- logical study of the entire Sierra Nevada. The report is presented for the purpose of adding to and clarifying the Sierra Nevada occupation picture insofar as possible by comparison of collections from sites in this area with those from related surrounding regions. Artifacts found in the Huntington Lake region* will be compared with those of these related sites, and I shall attempt to speculate on chronological evidence in this region and to list its similarities and dissimilarities to certain sequential cultural complexes described in California and Nevada. The section of the Sierra Nevada to be dealt with here is roughly between Yosemite National Park to the north, the backbone of the Sierra Nevada to the east, Kings Canyon to the south, and the lower San Joaquin River drainage to the west. This area has been explored extensively within the last nine years (1953-61) and site records and artifacts have been turned over to the University of California Archaeological Research Facility and the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology at Berkeley. While the extent of the Indian occupation was found to be consid- erable, it should be remembered that in comparing this region of the Sierra Nevada with other sites and areas less extensively surveyed, cau- tion must be taken in any conclusions drawn because of the differences in amount of exploration carried out. In the portion of the report which compares possibly related sites with the HLR, our comparisons are often between a large area of many sites (Yosemite) and a single site such as Iny-2 (Riddell 1951). A single site obviously cannot be expected to present as complete a picture as an area. * Henceforth to be referred to as HLR. - 1 - 2 A study of comparable intensity to that presented here has been made for the Yosemite region by Bennyhoff (1956). However, Yosemite Valley's surface artifacts and artifacts from below the surface have probably been dispersed among private collectors to a greater extent than those in the HLR. In Yosemite 401 sites were recorded compared to 139 in the HLR, but a greater number of projectile points were found in the HLR (Table 3). Another possible difference is that, at least in historic times, Yosemite Valley was occupied during the winter months (Powers 1877). Archaeologically the HLR appears to present a homogene- ous local picture. This becomes apparent in typological as well as dis- tributional studies of the artifacts. Ethnographically it seems reasonable to assume that this region was primarily occupied by one main group, the Shoshonean, who originated in the Great Basin. These people followed a central trade route within the HLR, running east'to west or vice versa (Hindes 1959:8). High passes to the north, east, and south probably funneled Indian trade through this section of the Sierra Nevada in the summer months. Artifact recovery from the sites of this region was primarily by surface collection. Only 4 sites were test excavated with significant results; a report of the excavations will be presented herein as well as an evaluation of the general subject of excavation in the area. Site descriptions will not be included as these were covered in part in my earlier report (Hindes 1959) and by Elsasser (1960) in his discussion of the archaeology of the Sierra Nevada. DESCRIPTION OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION The area of study is called the HLR mainly because the lake serves as an easily recognized central location, although it is artifi- cial and was nonexistent at the time of the Indian occupation. The old trade route came through the former canyon where the lake now lies and sites are found on every stream that flows into the lake. A more specific description of the area includes Paiute Pass and Creek and Florence Lake to the southeast, Mono Canyon and Pass to the east, Middle and South Fork San Joaquin rivers to the north, and the San Joaquin River, Auberry region, and Shaver Lake to the west and southwest. The sites representing the compass boundaries of the area are Golden Lake (Fre-251) to the east, Evolution Valley (Fre-178) to the southeast, Shaver Lake Dam (Fre-210) to the southwest, and Cow Meadow (Fre-221) to the north (see Map 1).1 1. See Foot Notes. 3 The entire region is characterized by typical Sierra Nevadan forests, meadows, streams, and lakes. Most of the region lies within the Boreal Zone, that is, above 6000 feet (see Elsasser, 1960, for discus- sion of Life Zones in the Sierra Nevada). To the east are the high peaks of the crest of the Sierra which drop to relatively low altitudes on the eastern slopes where related Indian sites are to be found. A limit of 4500 feet for sites to be included in this survey was chosen instead of the 4000 foot altitude which has previously been sug- gested as the approximate dividing line between summer and winter habita- tion (Barrett and Gifford 1933:129). Lathrap and Shutler (1955:228), however, mention the fact that "local conditions modified rules somewhat as localities at slightly higher altitudes sometimes remained relatively snow-free throughout the winter." The choice of 4500 feet as the divid- ing line was made because there appears to be a rapid drop in altitude below the 4500 foot level in several boundaries in this region. At 4000 feet and over there are a number of sites which were probably used in the winter months. Among these are Camp Sierra (Fre-217), sites above Chawanakee (Fre-334 through Fre-336), Corlew Meadow (Fre-212), and Stevenson Creek (Fre-206). Three of these sites are between 4000 and 4500 feet, and one is above 4500 feet. While one cannot be certain that they were used through the winter, these sites have a lower altitude flora and the bedrock mortars present are of a number and depth which probably are indicative of more than seasonal occupation sites. In the more southerly parts of the Sierra the oaks and pines and other flora of the foothills are able to grow at higher altitudes; hence the Indians could live there in the winter months at a slightly higher elevation than was possible farther north. There are numerous sites located in this part of the Sierra Nevada which are adjacent to the highest part of the range. As far as can be ascertained, more trade existed here between Indians of the west and the east of the crest than anywhere else along the range. Elsasser (1960:9) suggests that this may be due to the fact that the Western Mono kept up a trade with their linguistic kin in the Owens Valley. Perhaps, having formed the habit of using obsidian for their weapons and tools, they con- tinued tradin'g obsidian from their related neighbors to the east after migrating to the west, as no obsidian deposits have been found west of the Sierra crest. Besides trade, this region offered game for hunting and various plants and seeds obtained only in the high mountains. The occurrence of fish in this altitude in earlier times is questionable (Hindes 1959:8).2 4 The Nevada Shoshoneans, who were kin to the Western Mono, used certain medicinal plants from their mountains which were probably often the same as those used by the Western Mono. Archer (1957:8) says, "few of the medicinal plants grow at lower elevations." If one compares the flora of the two areas, many of the plants of the higher altitudes in Nevada are found to be the same as those in the Sierra Nevada proper (Jepson 1925). In exploring these sites it was found that many of them had been previously excavated and had surface material removed. It was learned that at least four persons, who either live or had once lived in the area, had visited almost all of the large sites and had taken great quantities of material by excavation or surface collection. Unfortunately, many artifacts in their collections have been lost or given away, or never recorded by site. The excavations in many cases were so thorough that few remaining artifacts could be found; for instance, a very large collection was made from Sheep Thief Creek (Fre-169) and Vermilion Valley (Fre-115), prior to the Lathrap and Shutler survey of that site (1955). The latter collection was lost. Occasionally a site was explored which appeared to have been undisturbed, but it was difficult to be certain of this unless there were the telltale small sifted mounds in the refuse deposit. OCCUPATION OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION In this region there was a total of 139 sites explored and reported. Of these, 9 sites had only artifacts of types other than projectile points. Forty-four sites had obsidian flakes only, and 86 sites produced projectile points. Map 1 indicates the distribution of the sites covered in this re- port. This map is not essentially different from that used in an earlier report (Hindes 1959) where bedrock mortar occurrences were discussed at length. The present report will not be so detailed in this regard, although it may be repeated here that there were a few sites found which had only bedrock mortar rocks and no flakes. Bennyhoff (1956, Table 4) divides his sites into large villages, small villages, house sites, large campsites, and small campsites. The villages differ according to the number of bedrock mortar* holes. Sites with 8 to 19 BRM's are classified as small villages, while those with more than 19 BRM holes are classed as large villages. In the area now under consideration some villages are thought to have been trading centers (Fre- 123 and Fre-118). Small campsites were probably used by families; they *Hereafter referred to as BRM. 5 are usually found on a small stream and contain less than 8 BRM holes. These may have been sites temporarily occupied when the Indians were on their way to, or returning from, higher altitudes each year. There are also sites which have only a few obsidian flakes, and no midden or BRM holes. These were probably temporary hunting camps. Elsasser (1960:20) uses the term "occupation sites" for those which are "open" (not caves or rock shelters) and have a midden depth of more than 6 inches. These sites were probably used through the summer. Among the HLR sites there are approximately 36 which have a refuse deposit of over 6 inche-s. A tabulation of sites in the other categories is not included due to the difficulty of ascertaining the use of a site many years after its occupation. Too many unpredictable factors tend to des- troy evidence or alter the original picture. The groups which may have occupied this area are: (1) Western Mono or Mono living on the south side of the San Joaquin River, and the North Fork Mono; (2) Northern (Owens Valley) Paiute; and (3) Yokuts. Kroeber (1959:264) distinguishes between the Northern and Southern Paiute; he calls the former Mono-Paviotso, and states that Northern and Southern Paiutes ''were distinct in both habitat and speech." He further tells us that the Mono-Paviotso division of the Plateau Shoshonean consists of two languages-Mono (Monache) and Paviotso. The boundary between these two languages is the divide between the headwaters of Owens River on the south and Mono Lake Basin (Paviotso territory) to the north (ibid., p. 265). Kroeber (ibid., p. 266) comments on the spread of the Mono to the west as follows: "Above all, the Mono in the San Joaquin Valley and those east of the Sierra cannot have been separated very many centuries because they differ no more than superdialectically in the north and merely dia- lectically in the south." He suggests (loc. cit.) that they crossed the Sierra to settle in the San Joaquin drainage a little less than five hun- dred years ago, and states that their new occupancy must have been at the expense of previous Yokuts' holdings. The Miwok peoples of the Yosemite area were to the north of the Western Mono,* the Yokuts to the west in the valleys, and the Washo further north in the Tahoe area. To the east were their linguistic kin, the Northern (Owens Valley) Paiute or Northeastern Mono (see Kroeber, op. cit., p. 265). *The term "Western Mono" will be used throughout this report, even though a more elaborate system of local language classifications has been recently proposed (cf. Kroeber 1959:264). 6 The Owens Valley Paiute carried on a trade with the Western Mono, according to Gayton (1948b:160), coming as far as Auberry. The Western Mono served as middlemen between the Owens Valley Paiute and the Yokuts. Gayton states that the Yokuts and Owens Valley Paiute were never on par- ticularly good terms but that the direction of trade was westward from the east to the Western Mono, to the foothill Yokuts, to the valley Yokuts (Loc. cit.). Present day Western Mono living in the Auberry region tell us that in recent times Western Mono, Northeastern Mono, and Yokuts lived in the Auberry region . Gayton (1948b:259) comments that "the eastern and western Mono were friendly and traveled freely in each other's terri- tory. Nevertheless, most of the traveling was done by Eastern Mono who came westward to trade." Again, we are told ., 1948a:56) that the "Foothill Yokuts did not go across the Sierra Nevada to trade. After the intrusion of white settlers the eastern side of the mountain was used as a refuge by the Yokuts in flight from white persecution." Gayton (1948b:261) reports that "Western Mono resold both rough and finished forms [of obsidian] to the Yokuts neighbors," and that close con- tact between Yokuts and Western Mono dates only from 1860 (oj. cit., p. 159). Although Gayton (1948b:259) has stated that the Northeastern Mono did most of the traveling in the Sierra Nevada and west, an Auberry in- formant, John Marvin, tells us that the Western Mono sometimes traveled over the crest of the Sierra and stayed through the winter months on the eastern side. Some of the oldest western Mono can remember their travels into the higher altitudes each summer. The Western Mono, Northfork Mono, and Northeastern Mono were the chief historic occupants of the HLR during the summer seasons.3 The Yokuts may have been there in late prehistoric times or before the coming of the Mono, while the Northfork Mono were probably in contact with the Western and Northeastern Mono, or may at times have actually occupied the area. The Mono in the Kings River-Kaweah region occupied mountains further to the south. They probably traded to the east by way of Kearsarge Pass rather than by the passes used by the Western Mono. Mrs. John Marvin tells us that one of the actual crossings between the Western Mono and Northfork Mono was below her present home on the south side of the San Joaquin River in a narrow spot which Redinger Lake now covers. The crossing was called "O" by the Indians. There were probably other cross- ings since one often hears reports to this effect. There was intermarriage 7 between the Western Mono and the Northfork Mono and as a result a fine relationship between persons living in Auberry and North Fork survives to this day. There is some evidence that the Western Mono used Mammoth Pass to the north in crossing the crest of the Sierra Nevada. Elsewhere in this report we have suggested that the Indians who occupied the northernmost sites in the HLR had contact with Mammoth Pass and sites to the north, although the actual exploration of sites along such a route has not yet been made. We may assume that peoples of Shoshonean origin in historic and probably prehistoric times were the only groups occupying this region, with the possible exception of the Yokuts who were driven there by the whites or were traveling there before the Mono settled in the middle altitudes of the western Sierra Nevada. PROJECTILE POINTS RECOVERED Many of the artifacts of the HLR resemble those in the typologies of the artifacts recovered from other sites in California, but they differ in some respects. Here at the HLR are found obsidian scrapers, projectile points, drills and blades, glass trade beads and steatite beads, arrow straighteners, steatite bowls and pottery vessels and sherds (Owens Valley Brown Ware; Riddell 1951), manos, and a steatite pendant. The artifact most commonly found in this region, as in Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956:30), is the scraper. The total number of projectile points obtained by surface collection and excavation was 871. Of these 340 were under 1 gram in weight (type A), 264 were between 1.1 and 3.5 grams (type B), and 267 were over 3.5 grams (type C) (see Table 1). In tabulating the projectile points of this region I have used Bennyhoff's (1956) A, B, C weight designations and types. This is because of the marked similarity between the points of the HLR and those of Yosemite. Bennyhoff's typology is not only similar to the HLR typology, but the division in weights is satisfactory and whatever the possible mean- ing of the three weight groups, the HLR types fall into these same group- ings. Distinction in form, that is, whether or not points are triangular shaped or side notched, between certain types is not necessarily significant. However, some specific forms are only found in certain group weights, for example, the A5, C16 and Clla and b subtypes. Evidently the utility of a given point may depend upon its weight, that is, whether used for a spear, dart, or arrow, but unfortunately we do not know much about the actual usages nor does the presence of different weight groups always reflect the 8 true chronological relationships among the projectile points. The Benny- hoff typology may, therefore, include too many subtypes, especially when there is observable a certain overlapping in weight between specimens of the same general form. There are certain definite B weight subtypes which seem to have been purposely kept to that weight by the manufacturer (the dominant subtype BlO in the HLR and the B4 and B5 subtypes), but even these merge into other weight classes (BlO = All, B4 = Unique [see Pl. lBk], B5 = C7). In final comparisons with other sites discussed in this paper I have merged some of these types, although this process may be found to be arbitrary when further study is made. Even with the objections noted, weight appears to have at least some significance in stratification studies; hence-the decision to use the Bennyhoff typology which allows for distinguishing any projectile point of a specific form within a certain weight class. Where there are significant differences between the Yosemite and the HLR projectile types, these are noted and described separately. Most of our points fit into a Yosemite type and only one new type of distinctly different shape has been added to the original typology. Among the projectile points only 11 were of material other than obsidian. Ten specimens were of chert, one was of quartz. No basalt points were found. The same materials also appear in the general collections from the area from which the artifacts could not be tabulated by sites. It was frequently very difficult to compare artifacts from separate sites because of the different typologies published by archaeologists con- cerned with the region. In all instances where comparisons have been made or resemblances noted between sites, it must be remembered that the compar- isons are subject to error because of these different typologies. In tabulating these projectile points, there are certain difficulties encountered, such as the fact that one type merges into another, thus making the distinction difficult. Many of the points are broken, and an estimated weight or length may be inaccurate. In Table 2 weights are only given when the point could be weighed or what was thought to be a reasonable guess weight could be made. In some instances, when the point was fragmentary, no attempt was made to tabulate the weight and/or length, although the type could be identified. Also, it is not certain if all the artifacts, especially the fragmentary ones here tabulated, are projectile points; some may be drills, punches, knives, etc. SQme specimens within a type (e.g. subtype C9) are very variable and crude, making them difficult to identify positively. 9 If a point did not have a definite form, it was not tabulated unless it was considered a distinctly new type or subtype not found in Yosemite. Approximately 24 worked pieces out of the entire collection in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology were not typed. These appear to be so badly broken or irregularly formed that they were unclassifiable; the latter may represent poorly shaped projectile points made by beginners in the art of point making. When comparing basalt and obsidian points,* it is difficult to put the basalt specimens in exactly comparable A, B, C weight classes because basalt specimens tend to be heavier. Occasionally a group of points that are nontypical in some respects will be found at a single site. This occurred at Central Sample Meadow (Fre-142) where 5 unusually small (9-11 mm. long) points of A type were recovered. Projectile points in translucent or varicolored obsidian (yellow, red, or streaked) are often formed with care as though the maker had an aesthetic feeling for these varieties. Typology Definitions of types (after Bennyhoff 1956) will initiate the inves- tigation, and these will be applied to the HLR projectile points. Next, there will be a description of the HLR points which have been identified as subtypes of the Yosemite specimens. These will in turn be equated, when possible, to similar types appearing in sites outside of the region. These subtypes are not separately tabulated in Table 2 but should be thought of as being included in the general Yosemite types. See Bennyhoff (1956, Table 17) for comparative number, weight, length, and width of Yosemite projectile points. Numerical comparisons and percentages of HLR types and Yosemite types appear in Table 3. Type A points (weight under 1 gm.) Subtype Al (P1. lAa-c): small triangular point with straight base. HLR points are often more finely worked than Yosemite points. *Note that some basalt specimens were recovered at Yosemite and at other sites or regions utilized here for comparative purposes. 10 Subtype A2 (P1. lAd-g): small triangular point with concave base. The HLR point average length is shorter than that of Yosemite points. There is a group of very small type A2 specimens (12-13 mm. in length) which tends to lower the average length. A beautifully shaped, serrated A2 type point was found in the HLR (P1. lAg). Eighteen serrated points of this type were found out of the 51 specimens examined. This subtype was also found at Vermilion Valley (Fre-115) (Lathrap and Shutler 1955, Fig. 67j-1). As in the Al subtype, these points tend to be better shaped than the Yosemite specimens. Subtype A3 (P1. lAh-.A): small point with narrow side notches and straight, boxlike base with straight sides. These are smaller on the average than the Yosemite points. Subtype A4a (P1. lAk-n): small triangular point with narrow side notches relatively high on the sides, concave base. This subtype also averages smaller than the comparable Yosemite specimens. It is-often difficult to distinguish from subtype A4b as they tend to merge. Baumhoff and Byrne (1959) refer to this Desert side notched type of point as the General Subtype. Length of the HLR specimens may be as much as 30 mm., however, while the General Subtype is only up to 26 mm. Subtype A4b (P1. lAo-r): small triangular points with narrow side notches relatively high on the sides and indented V-shaped base. Material: 3 chert, 1 jasper (?), 79 obsidian. The base is occasionally somewhat rounded rather than V-shaped, but often in such cases deeply in- dented and not merely slightly concave as is the A4a subtype. In shape this point resembles the Delta subtype of the Desert side notched point (Baumhoff and Byrne 1959:38). However, most of the points are obsidian and one of the main characteristics of the Delta subtype is that it is usually of jasper or chert. At Yosemite this point was found only in obsidian. At Hospital Rock, Tulare County, it was found in material other than obsidian (von Werlhof n.d., Type B). Three of the A4b points are slightly heavier than one gra'm but were nevertheless tabulated as subtype A4b on the basis of their specific shapes. One of these specimens is pictured as a "Unique" point (P1. 2Cb). In spite of the fact that these three points increase the average weight of the specimens, the average HLR subtype weight is less than its counterpart at Yosemite. Subtype A5 (P1. lAs-u): small triangular side notched point with a notched base (straight or angled). Material: 1 chert, 60 obsid- ian. Within this type there are actually two kinds of bases; however, 11 Baumhoff and Byrne (1959:38) do not make this distinction and,they were not tabulated separately in this report. Their "Sierra" subtype Desert side notched is our A5, but while their points may reach a maximum of 26 mm. in length, the HLR specimens may approach 31 mm. in length. Subtype A6: does not occur in the HLR. Subtype A7 (P1. lAy): small shouldered point with expanding stem. Material: 1 chert, 6 obsidian. These tend to be variable as at Yosemite, or broken and not well shaped. Two subtype A7 specimens are squat, 18-20 mm. in length. (See also P1. 2Cf.) - Subtype A8 (not illustrated): small shouldered point with contracting stem. The only HLR specimen is so poor that it is question- able. Subtype A9 (P1. lAw): small shouldered point with concave base. An excellent specimen is tabulated in the Parker collection from Bear Creek at Huntington Lake (Fre-291). Subtype AIO (not illustrated): small tanged point with a straight stem. One specimen in Lyon's general collection. Subtype All (P1. lAx-a'): small tanged point with expanding stem. These are not uniform as are Yosemite points, but are quite vari- able. As in subtype BlO, some of these (3) have tangs as long as the stem. These points tend to merge into the B10 subtype. Subtype A12 (Pl. lAb'): small tanged point with contracting stem. These 2 points are not entirely convincing as discrete subtypes, that is, they could be broken projectile points of another type. There appears to be one of this type in the Lyon's general collection of the HLR. Of the eight-six sites where some type of projectile point was found, there were thirty-six where no type A points occurred., This does not necessarily indicate a significant non-presence of these specimens, unless there were many projectile points recovered from the site. There were several sites at which only one, two, or three projectile points were found. 12 Type B points (weight 1.1 - 3.5 gr.) Subtype Bi (P1. lBa-c): medium sized, leaf-shaped point with pointed or straight base. In the HLR subtype specimens the base may also be rounded. This rounded base occurs also in Mono County (Meighan 1955, Fig. 2, No. 2) and at Iny-2 (Riddell 1951, Fig. 2, No. 4). Bl and B2 sub- types tend to blend into one another, particularly Bennyhofffs (1956) Blb and B2d. Subtype B2 (P1. lBd-f): medium sized triangular point with straight to convex base. Seven triangular points with a slightly concave base occur in the HLR (P1. lBf). These are often more finely shaped and lighter in weight -than the majority of the B2 specimens, but they are still within the type B weight group. This subtype does not occur at other, possibly related sites mentioned in this report. Subtype B3 (P1. lBg-i): medium sized point with concave base. The HLR specimens are variable as are the Yosemite points in this group. Some are slightly shouldered or widely notched, in others the base,is narrowed to a very small notch (P1. lBi). The small notched points do not occur in Yosemite and only 5 specimens were found in the HLR. Subtype B4 (P1. 1B4-k): medium sized point with wide side notches and convex base. Material, obsidian. Within this group there are nine specimens with straight bases (P1. 1BI). Another characteristic of this subtype is that the greatest width occurs at the base; also, the sides of the base may be pointed or rounded. This point also occurs at Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956, Fig. 2B4). One of the basalt points at Pla-5 (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, P1. 1D, No. 2) may be too heavy but the shape resembles this latter point. Also, some of the basalt points from Sie-20 (Martis Complex site) resemble this point (Elsasser 1960, P1. 2b, d) Subtype B5 (P1. lBl-m): medium sized point with side notches and concave base. These specimens are variable as are the Yosemite points, and generally poorly shaped or broken. Subtype B6 (P1. lBn-o): medium sized, shouldered point with straight sided stem. These specimens are variable as are the Yosemite types. Subtype B7 (P1. lBp-r): medium sized, shouldered points with expanding stem. Subtype B8 (P1. lBs): specimens poor and variable; medium sized points, shouldered, with wide stem and slightly concave base. 13 Subtype B9 (P1. lBt): medium sized points with short tangs and short, straight stem. Subtypes B9 and B10 are often difficult to dis- tinguish from each other. Subtype BlO (P1. lBu-w): medium sized point with variable tangs and short, expanding stem. Some of the HLR B10 subtypes have tangs (barbs) as long as the stem. The specimens are wide, a few being as wide as they are long. Of 173 specimens found in the HLR, 33 are wide and have barbs as long as the stem. This subtype was found at Vermilion Valley (Fre-115) (Lathrap and Shutler 1955, Fig. 67Y), and also occurs in Mono County (Meighan 1955, Pls. 3, 17, 18) and at El Portal (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960:173, type K). Another B10 subtype occasionally found and shown in several of the general collections of the region has concave sides and an attenuated point (not illustrated). Subtype Bll (P1. lBx-z): medium sized point with angled sides and concave base. The specimens from the HLR are longer than those from Yosemite. The angle is often nearer to the point than to the base. A deeply concave base variety of point lBz is related but differept. Five of these points were found in the HLR. This latter shape usually occurs in the type C weight class and may be a reshaped projectile point. This is the "Humboldt basal notched" point mentioned by Elsasser (1960, P1. 2B, L and M) as it appears in B weight at Do-12 (Martis Complex site). Among the eighty-six sites where projectile points were found, twenty-seven had no B type points. As observed in the cases of absence of A points, this does not necessarily indicate any significant lack of B points since some sites produce so few projectile points. Type C points (weight 3.5 gr. and over) Subtype Cl (P1. lCa-b): large. leaf-shaped point with pointed and rounded base. Maximum width near middle of specimen. Among these may be artifacts which were not used as projectile points at all-perhaps they functioned as knives. All specimens tend to be crude and variable. The distinction between subtypes Cl and C2 was often difficult to make as they tend to merge. The base may be narrowed and then straight, or the pointed base may have been broken off. Subtype C2 (21. 1Cc-f): large, leaf-shaped specimen with pointed base. Among the HLR points there are 10 with rounded bases *rather 14 than pointed; the sides are usually angled (Pl. lCf). This latter type also occurs in Mono County (Meighan 1955, P1. 3, No. 7). It occurs in basalt at Little Lake (Harrington 1957, Fig. 41, second row, second and third from left), and at Pla-5 (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, P1. 1C, No. 1). A thin and finely chipped subtype C2 specimen occurs in the HLR which is usually made of a varicolored obsidian. These, like some Cl specimens, may be tools, such as knives, rather than projectile points. Subtype C3 (Pl. lCg-i): short, heavy, leaf-shaped point with indented base. Bennyhoff (1956, Fig. 5, C3g) describes these points as ishort," but he has pictured a short point and one which we recognize would be long if not broken. Although there are no complete specimens among the HLR subtype C3 recorded herein, there are several complete pro- jectile points of this type to be seen in collections from this region. These specimens are long and parallel-sided or slightly convex, tapering gradually to a point. The HLR specimens are the "G" variety C3 of Yosemite. Subtype C4 (P1. lCj-l): short, heavy, roughly triangular point with convex sides and straight base. Some of the HLR points have straight sides above the base, narrowing to the tip (P1. lCj). The specimen shown in Plate lCl is one of the thin, finely worked pieces that may not be a projectile point. Many of these were found in the HLR. Our points in this general classification do not usually taper to a point as rapidly as those pictured from Yosemite, and they are usually less crudely shaped. Subtype C5 (P1. lCm-p): large point with deeply concave base. There is a variety of shapes among the HLR subtype C5 specimens. The C5 specimen pictured by Bennyhoff is also found in the HLR (P1. 1Cm), where it is represented by 10 specimens, as well as by a much longer point, probab- ly parallel-sided for some distance or with only slightly convex sides finely tapering to a point (P1. lCn). The base of another variety of C5 point is pictured by Bennyhoff (1956, Fig. lf), and there are 25 of this latter type in the HLR. There are two additional subtype C5 varieties, one with pointed rather than rounded lateral projections at the base; the other is a very short C5 subtype which may sometimes have been a reshaped projec- tile point (9 specimens, P1. lCp). This short C5 subtype is also found in Mono County (Meighan 1955, P1. 3, No. 9), and "shoulderless" Pinto points, which are also in this category, have been found at Little Lake (Harrington 1957, Fig. 39, top row). Another projectile point classified in this group has a small, narrow, notched base with the lateral projections sometimes turned inward (10 specimens). This is also a variably shaped point and could be classified with subtype C3 as well. Bennyhoff (1956, Fig. 1C) pictures one of these and calls it a subtype C3 point. They are included here in the C5 subtype classification because they seem so distinct from 15 the subtype C3 projectile points. The weights of the subtype C5 speci- mens were not included in Table 2 because so many of the largest points were broken that to weigh only the smaller points would not have given an accurate average. Probably subtypes C3 and C5 would be the heaviest points in the collection, averaging around 8 or 9 grams in weight. Subtype C6 (P1. lCq-r): large point with narrow side notches and convex base, The HLR subtype C6 point may have a convex or a straight to almost concave base (see, e.g., P1. 1Cr; 3 specimens). A "fblade" from Mono County is shaped like the latter point (Meighan 1955 Fig. 2, blade 3). Heizer and Elsasser show (1953, P1. 1D, No. 3) one basalt point from Pla-5 which resembles this straight based variety. This point is a type mentioned by Baumhoff and Byrne (1959:39), which resembles the small Desert side notched points but is much larger: "This kind of point is found in Great Basin sites at a much earlier time than the Desert side notched." Subtype C7 (PI. lCs-t): large point with wide side notches and concave base. Most of the subtype C7 points found in the HLR are well shaped and uniform, but are slightly different from the Yosemite C7 subtype. The sides of the base are rounded, not truncated, and the notches tend to be more regularly formed (P1. lCt). There are 19 of these latter points as compared to 5 of a cruder though generally simi- lar shape (P1. lCs). This subtype resembles those found at Nev-15 and Do-12 (Elsasser 1960, P1. IA - W and P1. 2A - 0). The latter may be lighter than the HLR subtype C7 points; they are of basalt rather than obsidian. Subtype C8 (P1. lCu-w): short, heavy point with developed shoulders and wide stem. These are very variable and tend to be crudely shaped. The example shown in P1. lCu verges on a CIO subtype as the stem is inclined to be pointed. Subtype C9 (Pl. lCx-a'): short, heavy point with developed shoulders and wide, expanding stem. These are extremely variable, as were the corresponding subtype from Yosemite. Nearly all the variants found at Yosemite were also found in the HLR. The variant shown here in P1. iCa' is unlike any of the Yosemite variants. This was represented in the HLR by 7 specimens out of 20 recovered. These specimens have either a convex or straight base, and the point is usually longer than that in the example shown. Subtype CIO (P1. 2Aa): short, heavy shouldered point with contracting stem. No specimens in the HLR. The example illustrated is actually a type B point on the hosis of weight. 16 Subtype Clia (P1. 2Ab-d): short, heavy point with weak shoulders and slightly expanding stem with indented base. The HLR specimens are crude and irregular. All are fragmentary. Subtype Cllb (P1. 2Ae-f): long, heavy point with variable shoulder development and straight to slightly expanding stem, with in- dented base. These are variable and often crudely shaped. The point in Plate 2Af is well shaped, and the lateral projections are divided by a decided notch. This type is suggested as an atlatl point by Riddell (1960, P1. 2A-2D, and p. 23) at the Karlo site. It also occurs in Mono County (Meighan 1955, P1. 3, No. 33, basalt). Subtype C12 (P1. 2Ag-i): Large, heavy, tanged point with straight stem. These are variable and sometimes the tangs are slight. Among these specimens there are 3 fragments with tangs as long as the stem (not illustrated). This type resembles a Martis Complex (Pla-5) point type in basalt (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, P1. 1D, No. 21). A basalt point from Sie-20 also resembles this latter point (Elsasser 1960, P1. 2DI). Subtype C13 (P1. 2Aj-m): short, heavy, tanged point with expanding stem. In the HLR specimens the tangs are not as long as the Yosemite points illustrated in Bennyhoff (1956). While these are ordin- arily somewhat crudely shaped, the point illustrated in Plate 2Aj is of fine workmanship. At Little Lake a nontypical point occurs which resem- bles this point, except that the sides of the stem are rounded rather than pointed (Harrington 1957, Fig. 41, 3d row, center). Subtype C14 (Pl. 2An-o): long, heavy, tanged point with contracting stem. Of the 5 specimens, 3 from the HLR do not have hooked barbs but are sloping or merely shouldered (P1. 2An). The tabulated specimens of the latter are all fragments, but complete specimens are found in general collections of the region. This variant resembles a point in basalt from Pla-5 (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, P1. 1A, No. 17). Projectile points in basalt at Nev-15 resemble this type, although they are not all in the type C weight range (Elsasser 1960, P1. lAj, k, and 1). Subtype C15 (P1. 2Ap-q): Heavy, tanged point with expanding stem and indented base. Four of the seven specimens of this subtype found in the HLR are heavier and the basal projections longer than the Yosemite specimens illustrated (see, e.g., P1. 2Aq herein). This partic- ular variety of point does not occur in any other sites with which we are comparing the HLR. 17 Subtype C16 (P1. 2Ar-t): long, parallel-sided blade with ex- panding base and basal concavity. Subtype C17 (P1. 2Au-v): long, heavy, shouldered point with rounded, convex stem (all specimens are basal fragments). While this HLR type is longer than "Lake Mohave and Silver Lake Points," 'it resembles the types found in basalt at Little Lake (Harrington 1957, Fig. 41, 2d row, 1st and 2d from right). It is not a Yosemite type. No identifiable type C points were found at 25 out of the 86 sites in the HLR. In 3 of these there were type C fragments, not identi- fiable. Unique projectile point types 1. PI. 2Ca (Fre-293): this point is not obsidian, but is pos- sibly a type of basalt. It is nontypical of this region. Its shape re- sembles one of the Danger Cave, Utah, specimens (Riddell 1960, Fig. 8 9L1). 2. P1. 2Cb (Fre-137): this point is one of the 3 specimens which are subtype A4b shape but in type B weight range. 3. P1. 2Cc (Fre-295): this specimen is in the C type weight class, although it should be designated a B10 subtype on the basis of its form. It is unusually well shaped and the barbs are as long as the stem. Another very large BlO-like point was found on the shore of Huntington Lake. A similar specimen was reported from Solano County, California, by Treganza and Cook (1948, P1. XXVII). 4. P1. 2Cd (Fre-293): a well-shaped, thin point with slightly concave base, not notched as is the subtype B3. This is the only specimen of this shape and may have been a small knife or scraper rather than a projectile point. 5. P1. 2Ce (Fre-247): this specimen resembles subtype A4b, but is of chert. It is almost as long as it is wide. The tip may have been reshaped. 6. P1. 2Cf (Fre-137): this point is similar to subtype A7. It is very squat, and wider than it is long. Two of these specimens occurred at this site. These are occasionally found in general collections of the region. One specimen was recovered from Hospital Rock (von Werlhof n.d., type 0). 18 7. P1. 2Cg (Fre-123): perhaps closer to the A4 subtype point than any other type A point, this specimen has slight side notches (see P1. lAn). These are possibly a definite subtype because they are often well shaped. They may have a notched or concave base. Comparison with Yosemite projectile point types Comparison between the Yosemite and the HLR projectile point types can be more accurate than comparisons with other sites both because the same typology was used in analysis of the specimens and because in many cases there was an over-all similarity of types in the two regions. Subtypes Al to A5 points from the HLR are generally more definite-ly shaped than those from the Yosemite area (cf. Bennyhoff 1956, Fig. 3 and P1. 1 of this report). Types A, B, and C points from all sites in Yosemite and the HLR occurred in the following percentages of totals: A B C percentage Yosemite (346 points found) 50 20 30 HLR (870 points found) 39 30 31 Two Yosemite subtypes were not found in the HLR; these were A6 and C10. Three of each were tabulated from Yosemite. One HLR subtype, C17, was not found at Yosemite. A comparative list in number and percentage of totals of types found at Yosemite and in the HLR is presented in Table 3. Percentages are listed where any significant numerical difference occurs. The dif- ference in the grand total of projectile points recovered necessitates a comparison on a percentage basis. - The dominant projectile point subtype in the HLR is the B10, 20 per cent; second is A4b, 10 per cent; third is A4a, 9.05 per cent; and fourth is C5, 8.85 per cent. At Yosemite the dominant subtype is A4a, 14 per cent; second is A5, 9 per cent; third is A4b, 8 per cent; and fourth is C5, 5 per cent. While the A5 subtype does not fall within the first four dominant subtypes in the HLR, it is numerically significant-7 per cent, or fifth in order. 19 Occurrences of thc Desert side notched points (A4a, A4b, A5) are significant in both areas and as a group are the dominant types. How- ever, subtype B10 emnerges as an interesting difference between the two areas, as does the CS. Subtype BiG swells the total type B percentage in the HLR. It should be noted that the heavier weight classes, B and C together, amount to a higher percentage of total points found in the HLR than in Yosemite. This leads us to the question of interpretation of occupation in the HLR, which will be discussed later in this report. Comparison between sites in the Huntington Lake Region Before proceeding with compari-sons with other sites, I should like to discuss the numerical occurrence of projectile points at sites within the HLR (Table 4). Six sites were chosen for th-is comparison. By points of the comlI- pass they are, roughly, Fre-115 (Vermilion Valley) to the east; Fre-137 to the north; Fre-245 to the southwest; Fre-291 at Huntington Lake: Fre- 123, a site possibly joining trade routes from the northeast and west; and Fre-256, a site somewhat farther north but near Fre-115. These are all occupation sites or, according to Elsasser (1960:20), si where over 6 inches of refuse deposit exists. Minor test excavation was car- ried out in all of these sites, but at Fre-291 the area had been com- pletely disturbed by construction. The artifacts tabulated from this site were mainly from the Parker and Clark collections made in the years before our site explorations. At Fre-256, just prior to our excavations, some collectors completely destroyed any possible i vidence of stratifica- tion and removed both surface and buried artifacts. Many of the artifacts tabulated from this site are from the Morgan Blasingame collection. It will be noted (Table 4) that the dominance of certain projectile point types in these six sites does not always agree with the general numerical occurrence in the TJLE, P four of the six sites, for exa.mple, subtype BIG is dominant. At iirc-115 there was no distinction made numer- ically between subtypes A4a, Ai,I,.. a-incI A5. Their total, including those recovered by Lathrap and Shut'ler (1953:232, shape 1) and two found since their report was published, is 13, Hence t;he dominant single subtype at Vermilion Valley is probably AX (shape 9, 9 specimens) which is not within the top six most numerous subtype5s in the HLR. There were only 9 subtypes from Fre-115 found in the 1955 survey of Lathrap and Shutler, as against 40 subtypes which have been identified for the whole HLR--38 for these six sites we are discussing. 20 The typology is more diversified for sites Fre-123, Fre-137, Fre- 256, and Fre-291 than for the Vermilion Valley site. In three out of the six sites subtype A4 A or b) is second numerically. A5 subtype is second in Fre-137. Subtypes All and C5 are tied for second at Fre-291. Site Fre-245, at which a house pit was excavated, yielded 34 type A weight, 5 type B weight, and no type C weight points. Even the subtype BlO was scarce at this site (only 3 specimens found). The conclusion to be drawn here is that this is predominantly a "slate" occupation site. The few type B points might indicate the late Tamarack-like complex (Bennyhoff 1956), or a transitional period merging from the late prehistoric into the protohistoric period. Also to be noted is the occurrence of Owens Valley Brown Ware in this site (see Pottery section below), which is also associ- ated with late prehistoric or historic times in the region. In connection with trade routes, the occurrence of certain projec- tile point types from these sites in relation to those found in sites out- side the HLR may be of some possible significance. The dominant types at Fre-115 (Vermilion Valley) have already been associated with Iny-2 (Owens Valley) to the southeast by Lathrap and Shutler (1955:233). These Fre-115 types are connected with the A4a, A4b point assemblage at Yosemite where the latter are also predominant. Similar points are found as well in the King's Beach Complex sites at Tahoe (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, Fig. 1). Site Fre-137 is accessible to possible trade routes from the north (Hindes 1959:11, 12). Here we find that subtype B1O is dominant. It is also dominant in Mono County (Meighan 1955:15, type 6), Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County (Fenenga and Riddell 1949, type 1), and Karlo, Lassen County (Riddell 1960:27, type 3), all sites to the north. The second subtype in numerical occurrence from Fre-137 is A5. This is also second at Yosemite. If any relationship at all can be posited between converging trade routes and point types, then one might expect to find a mixture of types at site Fre-123 (below Camp 61) where all the main trade routes from north, east, and west could converge. This site was examined by the University of California Archaeological Survey at Berkeley. The projectile points from the surface and from excavation were more numerous than at any other site in the HLR (Fre-137, second, with some excavation; Fre-256, third, surface only, with no significant results from excavation). The points from Fre-123 were found to relate as follows in numerical order: 1. B10: dominant in Mono County, Tommy Tucker Cave, and at Las-7. 2. A4b: numerous in Yosemite and Iny-2; dominant in King's Beach Complex sites (Lake Tahoe region). 21 3. A4a: dominant in Yosemite; numerous at Iny-2 and Hospital Rock, Tulare County. 4. C5: numerous in Yosemite and at Las-7. Hence there is a possible relation to Northern Paiute (Northeastern) trade, as well as trade with the Miwok of Yosemite and the Washo of the Tahoe region. Site Fre-245 on South Tamarack Creek to the southwest of Hunting- ton Lake is dominated by subtypes in numerical order as follows: (1) A4b; (2) A4a; (3) A2. The latter may be related to Iny-2 and Yosemite types. Subtypes All and C5 are second numerically at Fre-291 (Bear Creek at Huntington Lake). Although BlO is dominant at this site, the occurrence of subtypes All and C5 in second place is unique among these six sites. The dominant projectile points at Fre-256, near Fre-115, are sub- types BlO A4a A2, and C5. The above data are presented to show the difference in numerical occurrence among the HLR sites as well as to indicate which types may conceivably be connected with sites elsewhere. Since Fre-115 (Vermilion Valley) is known as a historic site and has been used as a comparative site in former reports, it is of interest to note it has a nontypical projectile point assemblage as compared with the general HLR. A list of projectile points recovered from HLR sites, classified according to numerical prevalence and weight (A, B, and C), is shown in Table 5. Source of the points, surface or excavation, is indicated, as well as the sites at which points of certain weights do not occur. The distribution of projectile points in five sites in the region other than the six large sites just discussed should be noted. These are sites where sufficient points were collected to make a significant differ- ence in the occurrence of A, B, or C weight points: Fre-169, Fre-371, Fre-119, Fre-118, and Fre-158. Site Fre-245 has been mentioned in connection with the numerical prevalence of A weight points and lack of C points. At Paiute Canyon (Fre-197) all the projectile points were type A; this was also true of Stump Springs site No. 1 (Fre-226). Of particular interest is the fact that adjacent to the latter site is Stump Springs site No. 2 (Fre-227) 22 where only C weight points were recovered. Here we have possible early and late assemblages close together. This is rare in a region where the tendency is to show points from all three weight classes on a given site. Perhaps the dry creek bed next to the site where only type C points were found had dried up in earlier times and the use of the site was discon- tinued. On the six large sites discussed above the locations probably remained ideal for centuries. There were three sites that yielded only types B and C points: Kaiser Creek No. 1 (Fre-292); Boggy Creek No. 2 (Fre-293); and Pitman Creek No. 2 (Fre-295). Near to Boggy Creek No. 2 is Boggy Creek No. 1 (Fre-256) where points of all three weight classes occur. These two latter sites are situated at the other end of Vermilion Valley from site Fre-115. Comparison with areas outside of the Huntington Lake Region Ideally, a comprehensive chart should be drawn up to indicate relationships between projectile point types from numbers of sites or complexes in or near the Sierra Nevada. I have, in fact, compiled such a chart but consider its formal presentation not to be in order because of several possibly misleading interpretations which could be read into it: First, all of these sites or complexes do not represent positively defined chronological periods; second, it seems that such a chart inevi- tably tends to compare types which blend into each other, and at best could be but a resemblance presentation, not a definite type by type comparison as was possible between the already described Yosemite and HLR types. Finally, in judging the prevalence of certain projectile points outside the HLR in comparison with points from that area, one should keep in mind the destruction of some of the sites, such as the Martis Complex sites (Elsasser 1960:38, Nev-15). Also, the small number of artifacts recovered, as in Iny-2 (Riddell 1951:25) and the Greasy Creek site (Tul-l) (Pendergast and Meighan 1959, Table 1), should be taken into consideration. In the Conclusion of this report possible relationships between certain Sierra sites and complexes on which reports have been published and the occurrence of projectile points will be discussed. 23 Numerically significant Sierra Region projectile point types not occurring in the Huntington Lake Region The following projectile point types occur in sites which are men- tioned throughout the text as relating to the HLR. They are presented because they show the mairn points of difference from the HLR types in the B and C weight classes, and they probably represent older complexes. Since I am attempting to note similarities and dissimilarities in connection with age of cultures, these types are included as an indication of the major projectile point differences between the Martis Complex and the HLR. 1. The 3A-3B (shouldered) Martis Complex types of Nev-15, Do-12, Sie-20, and Sie-21 (Elsasser 1960, Pls. 1 and 2) are somewhat similar to the Yosemite CIO, which, however, does not occur in the HLR. They are also similar to a small subtype C14 (see P1. 2An), but the latter is not a typi- cal point of the HLR, that is, points of this type from the HLR are larger and heavier. Three of the Martis points look larger (ibid., P1. 2Aj, 2Cj, 2Cd). These points also occur at Karlo (subtype 9g), Pla-5 (subtype 3A), and at El Portal (A type), where Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen (1960:169) compare the latter point with Bennyhoff's A weight subtype points A6 and A8, when it is apparently a specimen which should be classified as in the B type weight class. 2. The 5A type of the Martix Complex sites Sie-20, Sie-21, Do-12, and Nev-15 (Elsasser 1960, Pls. 1 and 2) is similar to the Yosemite and HLR C14 subtype, but it is a small point and not typical in this weight. It probably occurs in Mono County (Meighan 1955, type 7), at Karlo (Riddell 1960, subtype 9g), and in the King' s Beach Complex in the Tahoe area (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, Fig. ld). 3. Subtype 5d, Martis Complex type, occurring at Do-12 (Elsasser 1960, P1. 2A, 2Z, and 2A') is similar to our subtype C15, but it is in B weight class. The example shown (ibid., P1. 2Aa') appears to be more exactly a C15 shape, however. In the Karlo tabulations this type is 3d (Riddell 1960, Fig. 5) and is numerous. It also resembles the barbed Pinto type at Little Lake (Harrington 1957, Fig. 39), type F in the King1 s Beach Complex, El Dorado and Placer counties (Heizer and Elsasser 1953, Fig. 1) and types No. 19 and No. 22 at Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County (Riddell 1956). 24 COMPARISON OF HLR ARTIFACTS WITH THOSE FOUND IN LOWER ALTITUDES IN PERMANENTLY OCCUPIED SITES OF THE WESTERN MONO ON THE SOUTH S IDE OF THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER The projectile points and other artifacts from Auberry, Jose Basin, and Power House No. 3 referred to below are from private collec- tions. The reason for comparing these with specimens from the HLR is that these middle altitude sites may possibly produce artifacts from the late prehistoric Yokuts or other groups of the Great Central Valley. *Also, there are a few points available for comparison from the north side of the San Joaquin (Northfork Mono) and, so far as I know, these have not been previously tabulated. Power House No. 3 (Collections: Landers) Projectile point subtypes Al A2 A4a A4b A5 All B1 B7 B8 B1O Cl C3 C5 Clla C16 Gary Aubrey, Fred Mahoney and Tom All obsidian specimens. Number 3 3 10 5 2 1 2 2 1 12 3 2 1 3 1 51 Total Other artifacts: Glass trade beads, steatite bead, sherds, stea- tite doughnut shaped object, scrapers. Jose Basin (Mrs. John Henry's collection) All obsidian projectile points: subtypes A4a (1); BlO (2), drill base (expanded, center notched). 25 Auberry (Camilla Smith's collection). All obsidian projectile points: B10 (2); Cl (1). Steatite specimen (approx. size of U.S. half-dollar) with square hole in center. A Unique C weight class point of obsidian, about 4 inches long. The Unique C weight class point referred to above has expanded lateral barbs and a small, pointed, contracting stem. It is a distinctly shaped, long, parallel sided blade or projectile point, tapering to a long tip. The only other specimen of this shape that I have seen is in the collection from Hospital Rock (von Werlhof n.d., type D). The latter is smaller but has the same kind of base. Von Werlhof does not separate this point from an AIO type, but it is different nevertheless. It is also found in central California (Treganza 1954, P1. 21) in a serrated form, in the Red Bank Reservoir area, Tehama County. North side of the San Joaquin River (Mrs. John Henry's collection). Projectile point subtypes: A2 (1); A7 (1); All (1); BlO (4); C5 (2). All obsidian. Discussion: The Power House No. 3 collections do not show much variation from the usual types and prevalence of types found in HLR sites of over 4500 feet. Subtype B1O is dominant and A4a is second in number recovered. A4b is also comparatively numerous. Subtype Clla is more numerous, comparatively, at Power House No. 3 than in the HLR. On the whole, the distribution of types would not be unusual for a site in the higher regions. Twenty-four out of 52 points here are in the A weight class. Seventeen are in the B weight class, and 11 in the C weight class. The only unique point is similar to a Danger Cave point (Riddell 1960, Fig. 8, 9g1). It is a leaf shaped point with slight shoulders closer to the tip than to the base. The collections from Jose Basin (near Auberry) where Western Mono still live, from Auberry, and from the north side of the San Joaquin are too small for exact comparisons, but it may be noted that subtype BlO re- mains the highest, numerically, in these regions. 26 USE OF LARGE TYPE C PROJECTILE POINTS AND RELATED ARTIFACTS As has been previously stated, the use of projectile points (or blades or knives) is a subject whiclh is open to much conjecture. I am concerned here especially with the use of the long C3, C5, and C16 sub-' types (Pls. IC and 2A), since they are so numerous in this region. Bennyhoff (1956:42) calls the C16 a blade, but tabulates the specimens with the projectile points, as has been done in the present report. In the Crane Flat Complex Summary, Bennyhoff mentions (ibid., p. 55) spears and dart points as probably represented. Riddell (1960:23) suggests that points weighing 1.2 and 3.0 grams are arrow and/or dart points; 3.0 grams or more are predominantly dart points; and 1.2 grams or less are arrow heads. He does not suggest spear- heads as a use for some of the heavier points. Meighan (1955:16) comments on the blades found in Mono County, about which he says: "Some of the blades may conceivably have been projectile points, although their large size argues against this interpretation. The notched types were no doubt hafted, but the more common square based form could have been used in the hand without preparing a handle." In the Greasy Creek Report (Pendergast and Meighan 1959:4, Fig. 1), the following comment is made on the C5 subtype found there: "The much larger and more coarsely chipped artifacts of this form (stone) were prob- ably knives and not projectile points at all." These specimens are more crude than many found in the HLR. In Steward's (1933, Fig. 3) report on the Owens Valley Paiute, there is pictured a "skinning knife" which is a pointed blade with a straight base. A blade is also pictured inserted in a stick for general cutting. It is not possible to tell if the latter blade has a straight, concave, or notched base. Harrington (1957:52, Fig. 40) calls the long, notched point of chal- cedony from Little Lake a spearhead. This specimen is similar to many specimens found in the HLR, except that the latter are obsidian. There are several forms among the C3, C5, and C16 subtypes that may be short or long parallel-sided projectile points. These may be stubbed and reshaped, tapered to a long, fine point from parallel sides, or the sides may tend to be convex and less finely tapered to a point. There are many variations. 27 These C weight class points are usually found with only 2 1/2 to 1/2 inch of the fragmentary base remaining. If the specimens were tied to a spear shaft, or used as a dart and struck an object-, at what point would they break? If they were used as knives, we would perhaps find the sides irregularly chipped or broken unless they were used in a dag- ger-like fashion. Some of the finer (larger) points have the appearance of projectiles while others do not. On the other hand, it may be possi- ble that these artifacts were useful as knives or blades in prehistoric times and remained in use into historic times. Riddell (1960:25) men- tions large, broad, heavy blades from Danger Cave. He says, '"their weight, thickness and width, as well as the fact that a number of these specimens have blunt points and no basal thinning, suggest use as knives rather than as projectile points. . . . Knives also often are indicated by the fact that one edge is straight or concave, while the opposite edge is strongly convex. The edges often exhibit wear through use." It is obvious in the above discussion that archaeologists are not in agreement on the use of these large points. I suggest that at lcast some of the long, parallel-sided specimens were used as projectile points and some were used as knives, as was thought possible, for example, with the Danger Cave blades. Perhaps at some future time and with additional study of these artifacts, more definite conclusions may be miade. However, it seems likely that those used for projectile points are "tearly" arti- facts, while knives may have been used up to historic times as well as in prehistoric times. EXCAVATIONS Table 6 summarizes the types A, B, and C projectile points and the levels at which they were found in four sites which were test excavated in the HLR. Fre-123: one house pit and five 3 by 3 foot test pits. This site was most extensively excavated. Fre-137: one house pit and one 3 by 3 foot test pit excavated. Fre-169: six 3 by 3 foot test pits excavated. (This site had been thoroughly excavated previously by persons unknown.) Fre-245: one house pit and two 3 x 3 foot test pits excavated. 28 The deepest excavation was at Fre-123 where the depth of the refuse deposit extended to 30 inches. In their excavation at Vermilion Valley (Fre-115), Lathrap and Shutler (1955:228) indicate a maximum depth of 30 inches, with an average depth of 20 inches. At most of the HLR sites the excavation came to bedrock at 18 inches. By comparison, the Yosemite deposit (Bennyhoff 1956, Table 12) extended to 54 inches. The HLR sites are usually located on granite outcroppings and soil be- tween boulders or spread over granite here has little depth. The com- paratively few excavations made in this area seem to indicate that great numbers of artifacts are not to be found in the midden soil itself. On the other hand, it may be of some importance to realize that the surface findings in Yosemite were more subject to removal because more collectors were in this area than in the HLR. Certainly, in the latter area we seem usually to be dealing with more projectile points per site than in Yosemite. Riddell (1960:7), in the Karlo Report, states: "Possibly artifacts tend to be concentrated in the upper-level because of aeolian erosion carrying away the topsoil aid leaving the projectile points and other stone specimens concentrated in thtt level." The melting snow and erosion in the higher altitudes surely have some effect on the shallow midden of the sites. This very shallowness may in part account for the lack of stratification. There was no cultural stratification at Fre-115 where Lathrap and Shutler (1955:238) observed that it is possible more stratification might be found if a much larger excavation of the deeper layers were made. I believe that unless a site can be found in the HLR which has a substantially deeper refuse deposit, no true stratification will be found in the deeper levels. However, this should not discourage further excavation if a large occupation site, presumably undisturbed, is found in the future. In Table 6 the A type points show a definite preponderance on the surface and in the 0-6 inch level; a few occur in the 6-12 inch level; and frequently none in the deepest level (below 12 inches). There is some suggestion of a dominance of type B points in the 6-12 inch level. This would supposedly place them in the middle of a sequence between type A and type C projectile points which tend to occur in the lower levels. However, all three types of points are also most numerous in the 0-6 inch level for all sites combined. More of all three types are found on the surface than in the excavations, but it is possible this may be a lopsided comparison. It appears therefore that the occurrence of points has no definite significance except for the type A point majority on the surface and in the 0-6 inch level, and a tendency for 29 the type B weight class points to be above the deepest levels. The whole picture is confused by the presence of the heaviest points in the upper levels. In considering the Yosemite stratification, one might reasonably suppose that a greater depth of deposit allows for a greater amount of stratification. Excavation of three sites was reported by Bennyhoff (1956): Mrp-9, Mrp-97, and Mrp-105. In Mrp-9, it is shown (ibid Table 5) that fewer projectile points were found on the surface than in the lower levels. Only 15 points were found, and type A weight points in the upper levels make the only significant showing. This concentra- tion of type A points in upper levels is present in all four of the HLR excavated sites. In Mrp-97 (ibid., Table 9), there are more projectile points shown as found on the surface than in the lower levels. This is the same finding as was indicated in three out of four HLR excavated sites (Table 6). In Mrp-97 there is some occurrence of type B weight points above a type C point, but only one type A point, which suggests that this site belongs in the "middle" or Tamarack Complex at Yosemite (ibid., p. 54). This particular set of occurrences is not found in any of the four HLR sites, although the type B points, as I have noted, are more numerous in the 6-12 inch level than the type A points, except in Fre-169 and Fre-245. At Mrp-105 (ibid., Table 13), more projectile points were found (48) than at any other Yosemite site, and fewer were on the surface than in the lower levels. The type A points were con- centrated in the upper levels as in the HLR sites, and the type B points were concentrated in the middle level, along with the type C points. Only 3 type C points were found below the middle level compared to 6 in the same level with the concentrated type B points. As I have attempted to point out, the points in the HLR excavated sites do not show any stratification of type C points to indicate their older position. Bennyhoff (ibid., p. 56) speaks of "limited excavation" in four sites, which "provided stratigraphic evidence for a succession of three cultural assemblages." The Yosemite sites did not represent extensive stratification, however, and further excavation, both in Yosemite and the HLR might uncover more significant data. ARTIFACTS OTHER THAN PROJECTILE POINTS RECOVERED IN HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION Beads Table 7 summarizes the occurrence by sites of the trade and stea- tite beads found in the HLR. Of particular interest is the fact that no 30 shell beads of any kind were recovered in this region, although they were found at Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956:52), Iny-2 (Riddell 1951:18), Mono County (Meighan 1955:11), and in the Northfork Mono area (Gifford 1932). All these regions or sites appear to have some relationship to the HLR, and one would think that Pacific Coast trade evidence, in the form of shell beads, should also be found in the HLR. Steatite beads were recovered from either the surface or the 0-6 inch levels in all but two instances where they were found at the 6-12 inch level. The sites where most steatite beads were found were Fre-123 (9) and Fre-137 (9). Elsasser (1960:32) states: "Steatite disc beads and steatite arrow shaft straighteners both seem to have a distribution in the Sierra Nevada limited to the southern part of the range, and both seem to occur in late prehistoric or historic archaeological contexts." Glass trade beads are tabulated as clear or opaque. A total of 21 were recovered: Fre-137 yielded 6; Fre-123, 5. These beads are all of the historic period and were found on the surface or in the 0-6 inch level. They also occur at Iny-2 (Riddell 1957:19), Mono County (Meighan 1955:11), at two sites in the Yosemite region (Bennyhoff 1956:52), at El Portal (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960), and at Hospital Rock (von Werlhof n.d.). There are several shapes of glass beads: angled, ovoid, cylin- drical, and round. The colors are dark blue, light blue, red, white, orange red, yellow white, red and white, and gray. Although steatite beads were found at Iny-2, steatite sherds have not been found there (Riddell 1951:17). The beads may have arrived at this site by exchange in trade with the Western Mono who had steatite readily available (see below). It should be noted that in both the HLR and at Iny-2 the historic glass trade beads were found in relatively great numbers whereas they are fairly rare in other sites. Steatite ibowl) sherds Table 8 shows the occurrence of 35 steatite sherds recovered from the HLR, 33 from the surface and 2 from the 0-6 inch level. At Fre-291 (Bear Creek at Huntington Lake), more sherds (9) were found than at any other site in the region. Four each were found at Fre-118 (Badger Flats) and Fre-293 (Boggy Creek No. 2). These three were probably occupation sites. 31 In Mr. L. A. Robinson's collection, there is a steatite bowl, entire except for the bottom portion, from Shaver Lake Dam Site. He also has in his collection one partial and one complete bowl from Fre- 208 on the Southern California Edison Company road above the San Joaquin River. This is Western Mono territory, but in a site elevation too low for the present report. Mr. Robinson, Mr. T. Newton Russell, and Mr. 0. J. Woodward have explored steatite deposits near the HLR. They report steatite in the State Park at Friant Dam on the Madera side of Millerton Lake. They endeavored to enter the Kennedy property in order to find the steatite deposit mentioned in Gifford's (1932:25) report on the Northfork Mono, but without success. However, they found a steatite outcropping above Academy, and there are other reports of steatite in this area which have not been investigated. Steatite was available to the Indians on the west side of the Sierra Nevada who came seasonally into the region we are studying. Heizer and Treganza (1944:308) report steatite deposits near Lindsay and Fish Creek, Fresno County. Pottery: Owens Valley Brown Ware One hundred and thirteen fragments were tabulated from the HLR (Table 8); 3 were found at depths of 6-12 inches below the surface, 31 at the 0-6 inch level, and the remainder on the surface. At Fre-245 (South Tamarack Creek No. 2), the greatest number of sherds (39) were found, with the majority (29) at 0-6 inch depths in a house pit. These sherds were associated with type A projectile points (34) and a few type B points (5). There were no C type points in association. The name "Owens Valley Brown Ware" is used as a descriptive term, but there is evidence that the Western Mono Indians made this ware in the Auberry region. Mrs. Maggie Marvin of Auberry told me that she could remember her grandmother making bowls from clay of the kind which characterizes this pottery. Although Gifford (1932:25) reports no Owens Valley Brown Ware from the Northfork Mono, local Indian informants (Mrs. Johnson and her daughter) have told me that this pottery was indeed made in that area and the material used came from Hooker's Cove (Kinsman Flat). They were shown a picture of a typical bowl and Mrs. Johnson said she could remember when the Indians made them. Drills Forty-eight drills, of which 46 are obsidian and 2 chert, have been recorded from this area. In Plate 2B it will be seen that while some are 32 well shaped, others are only fragmentary or crude points which were prob- ably used for a time and then discarded. The finest types (P1. 2Ba, e) are similar to Bennyhoff's (1956) Fig. 8c, f. The HLR type shown in Plate 2Bb is also well shaped, although the tip is absent. This point does not occur at Yosemite. All other types in Plate 2B are crudely shaped, but were probably adequate for use as punches or perhaps reamers. Small drills about an inch long, with finger-holding bases, were found, and they were said to have been used for the purpose of drilling holes in steatite beads (not illustrated). The finer drills from the HLR, although rare, are on the whole more carefully shaped than those reported from Iny-2 (Riddell 1951), El Portal (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960), Martis Complex sites (Heizer and Elsasser 1953), except for Pla-5 which shows well shaped specimens in basalt, and Little Lake (Harrington 1957). Mono County (Meighan 1955) and Karlo types (Riddell 1960) are more like the HLR types in workmanship, although in Mono County some of the shapes are the same (Meighan 1955, P1. 4, Nos. 16, 19) No drills were found in the Kings Beach Complex sites, Tahoe region (Heizer and Elsasser 1953). It is interesting to note that Heizer and Elsasser (1953:19) list drills with "expanded base, finger-hold flaked drills or punches" as a Martis Complex trait, whereas Bennyhoff (1956:53) places "long, parallel sided [obsidian] forms, diamond shaped in cross section, with an expand- ing base" in the latest, or Mariposa Complex. The latter are the finelly chipped (drill) types found in the HLR and Mono County. The finer basalt types may be ancestors to the HLR obsidian drills which certainly resem- ble the finer workmanship of the type A projectile points (especially the Desert side notched variety) rather than the more crudely made type C points. Drills are found at the majority of sites I have been discussing; hence it is difficult to use them as time markers unless some age differ- ence between types or materials is found to be significant. Their absence from the Kings Beach Complex site of the Tahoe region is of interest since drills are present at other late prehistoric or historic sites mentioned in this report. The HLR site where the greatest number of drills for the region was found was Fre-256 (Boggy Creek No. 2), with 11 drills varying from crude to fine examples. This was one of the sites almost destroyed by collectors, but the drills recorded are from the Morgan Blasingame collec- tion made available to us. This site is not far from the western end of 33 Edison Lake, on the eastern end of which is situated Vermilion Valley (Fre-115). Drills were also found at Fre-115 (Lathrap and Shutler 1955: 234). In connection with possible stratification., it should be noted that all but 4 drills were found on the surface in this region. Three were from the 0-6 inch depth and one from 12-18 inches in depth. The latter specimen (Pl. 2Bk) is more like a reamer as it is thick and ridged lengthwise and crudely shaped. Flake scrapers These were the most numerous artifacts in both the HLR and Yosemite, as well as in several other regions examined for the present study. Scrapers which had only a slightly worked edge were discarded in tabulating because of the great number and crudeness of the specimens. Oval scrapers are comparatively rare; subrectangular specimens with work- ing on one, two, or three edges are usual. Often there is a point worked on the flake, which could have been used as a kind of punch or drill. Some of the specimens show a crudely chipped notch formed on the sides, as though to scrape or cut a small stick or perhaps arrowshaft (spokeshave). Many of the scrapers are plano convex in cross section rather than flat flakes. Although crude, all of the general types found at Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956, Fig. 7) were found at the HLR. There appears to have been some interest in the materials used for scrapers. Frequently, those that are made of red obsidian or translucent gray and yellow varieties of rock are better shaped; these may have served for frequent use. As has been previously noted, it is often difficu'Lt to distinguish a projectile point such as one in the C4 category from a well made scraper. Scrapers were found at all levels in the HLR test excavations. More scrapers were found below the surface than on the surface of three out of four sites excavated, although two out of four of these same sites had more type A projectile points below the surface than on the surface. The flake scraper is rare in the Kings Beach Complex sites (Heizer and Elsasser 1953). However, it is present in other historic sites, such as Iny-2 (Riddell 1951) and Mono County (Meighan 1955). In both of the latter sites some heavier, type C points, have been found associated with the scrapers, as at Yosemite and in the HLR. Scrapers of one kind or another occur in all sites or regions I have attempted to relate to the HLR. Thus it seems reasonable to suppose that they were present in all complexes, although the types may have varied with the sequence of cultur( s. 34 Knives and blades Complete artifacts of these categories are comparatively rare in the material collected from this region. Only one whole blade (Pl. 2Bm) was found (Fre-227, Stump Springs Road No.' 2), but fragments of large obsidian knives or blades are fairly common. They are found frequently in private collections from the area. In the Robinson Collection, for example, there are blades found at Fre-220 (Hoffman Meadow). In.the Lyon Collection at Shaver Lake, there are 11 well made blades which were originally found in that area. Whole blades from Hutchinson Meadow (Fre-200 and Fre-201) are in the private collection of Mr. Roy Koontz. The above blades are all of obsidian and approximately 3 to 5 inches in length. The Lyon Collection also contains 7 very large (9 to 10 in. long) obsidian artifacts which are often called "ceremonial pieces." Five of these are almost complete, and 3 are finely to roughly flaked, wide in the center but tapering to a point at one end and straight at the other. These may have been used as large knives, or brush or wood cutters. The two remaining specimens are more crudely shaped, thicker and wider at the center, and tend to be pointed at both ends. These may possibly be large obsidian blanks for trading, formed for convenient carrying, and to be made later into small artifacts. Mrs. Lyon tells the story of someone finding these pieces near Shaver Lake, arranged together in a pattern when they were uncovered. Portable grinding stones No portable metates or mortars have been found in this region. One crudely shaped, hollowed, granite rock, found at Fre-335 (Upper Chawanakee No. 2), was certainly used for grinding purposes, but is too heavy to have been carried any great distance. At several sites there were shallow holes attached to or continuous with deeper holes in the bedrock. Metates of any kind are rare. Occasionally I have seen large, slightly hollowed, granite boulders that could have been used for grind- ing, but it was not possible to distinguish definite signs of their use for this purpose. The bedrock mortar was, by all odds, the accepted method of grind- ing at these high altitudes, undoubtedly due to the steep trails up which it would have been necessary to carry portable mortars or metates. It may be that in very early times wooden mortars were used in this region, but there is no evidence of this remaining at present. In the Auberry and Jose Basin regions there are portable stone mortars (John Marvin 35 Collection) which indicate that while the Western Mono may have used them, they probably did not take them to the mountains. On the other hand, they would probably be among the first articles removed by collectors from the sites. Portable grinding stones were rare at Iny-2 (Riddell 1951), and they did not occur in Mono County (Meighan 1955). Their appearance in Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956) may be due to the ease with which they could be carried into the Valley and to possible longer occupation, although they were not found at El Portal (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960). Manos and pestles Oval granite manos taken from streambeds are commonly found in this area. These stones were so readily available at the sites that it is sometimes necessary to identify a true mano by finding it in situ or buried in the site refuse area, although it must in any case have the appearance of having been used for rubbing or grinding. These unshaped manos fit the hand comfortably, and probably, since they were so easily available, a more finely made mano was not usually found in the miountains. Two finely shaped manos were recovered, one from Fre-291 (Bear Creek at Huntington Lake) and the other from Fre-132. They are both straight sided with rounded corners. The first is of a fine grained gray granite, the second of a coarse grained white and gray granite. Many stones and pestles in different shapes were found on these sites. One of the more common is a small, round, granite stone, an inch to an inch-and-a-half in diameter. These may possibly have been used in some sort of game, or to crack nuts or seeds, or they may simply have been prized by the Indians. Mrs. Maggie Marvin's acorn-cracking stone is of smooth, white granite; she is proud of this stone and it is still in use. The pestles are usually granite creek cobbles, roughly triangular in long section and pointed at the pounding end. These are the usual Sierra Nevada bedrock mortar pestles found also at Iny-2 (Riddell 1951), and in Mono County (Meighan 1955) and Yosemite (Bennyhoff 1956). (See Table 9 for references.) Other pestle shapes are short and more triangu- lar, or long and thin with a pounding end. It was noted that there are often more pestles than bedrock mortar holes present at a particular site. The explanation of this may be that a pestle would become worn and would be discarded for a new one that would fit the hole. Also, as the hole deepened a pestle of different shape may have been required. 36 Blackened cooking stones were also found in these sites, usually in the refuse deposit. Arrow straighteners A fine example Qf an arrow straightener was found at Fre-123 (below Camp 61). This is of a kind of micaceous schist, shaped so that the sides taper slightly to truncated ends. The specimen contains two straightening grooves. This artifact was found at the 0-6 inch level in a test pit, in heavily burned earth. It was so carefully shaped that it was probably a prized possession, and possibly was brought from another area. Another straightener, with one groove, is in the L. A. Robinson Collection. It is of steatite and is oval in shape. This specimen was found at one of the Stump Springs Road sites above Chawanakee. There is another straightener in Mr. Robinson's general collection of the region, which is of steatite and has two grooves and is oval in shape, with ends which may be described as truncated. Mrs. Johnson has in her possession a steatite arrow straightener which has a single groove on both surfaces. An arrow straightener was also found in Mono County (Meighan;1955: 11) in a private collection. Another type of arrow straightener, or possibly an acorn cracker, occurs in the HLR. It is a round stone, tire-shaped, with a tapering hole in the center. The hardness of the stone is said to determine its use. Although the definite use of these artifacts has not been estab- lished, it is suggested that the soft stone was used to straighten an arrow shaft, and the hard stone for acorn cracking. The acorn was set in the hole and struck by another stone. This type of stone is in the Robinson Collection and was found at Tamarack Creek (Fre-198). Steatite ornaments A steatite pendant was found at Tunnel Creek near Shaver Lake and is in the private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Newquist of Big Creek. It is about three-quarters of an inch in diameter and three inches long. A hole has been drilled at the top for suspension from,a cord. 37 Pictographs No pictographs were found within the HLR. In lower, adjacent areas, one was found in the Northfork Mono territory of the San Joaquin by Mr. T. N. Russell, Mr. 0. J. Woodward, and Mr. L. A. Robinson. It is west of Saginaw Creek, above the Italian Bar Road. The markings are a simple line "crosshatching" 'design on the face of a large boulder. An- other pictograph is reported in a deep walled canyon farther up the San Joaquin River. It is said to be difficult to locate, as well as being virtually inaccessible. While there is no known explanation of the absence of pictographs and petroglyphs in this region, it is possible that some may have existed in the past but were obliterated due to heavy weathering in the winter months.' It would appear that there are endless opportunities for making pictographs on the sheer rock surfaces in the area. Other specimens or traits Boatstones and specific artifacts for fishing purposes have-not been found in this' region. The salmon fishing by the Western Mono in the San Joaquin River as far up as Power House No. 4 is well remembered by Indians and whites who describe this skill. No inhabited caves or shelters have been identified in this region. CHRONOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS OF CERTAIN PROJECTILE POINT TYPES IN THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION AND SURROUNDING AREAS Since the long subtypes C3, C5, and C16 projectile points are all more prevalent in the HLR than in Yosemite and, in fact, subtypes C3 and C5 are more prevalent here than in any region with which this area is be- ing compared, their possible age and use is of importance. Subtype C16 specimens occur only at Yosemite and Hospital Rock, Tulare County (von Werlhof n.d.). Bennyhoff (1956, Figs. 5 and 6) classes these specimens with pro- jectile points. However, he speaks (ibid., p. 42) of subtype C16 as a "blade." There are only two subtype C16 specimens from Yosemite which he likens to a "Yuma" point, with implied antiquity. One specimen is of obsidian and one of basalt. The specimen (obsidian) shown in his Figure 6p is like the HLR point, that in Figure 6o (basalt) is not (loc. cit.). 38 Bennyhoff pictures another of the HLR subtype C16 points from Fre-1O5, San Joa-quin Valley (ibid., Fig. 6r), and states that "similar speci- meos of obsidian occur in the Sacramento ValIc-yt (ibid., p. 44). He also refers to an excavation in Solano County on a tributary of the Sacramento River (Treganza and Cook 1948, P1. XXVII, type No. 1). The subtype C3 specimen described as "short" in the Yosemite area is not necessarily so according to Bennyhoff's own illustration of this subtype (1956, Fig. 5V). The typical HLR subtype C3 is long and parallel-sided in the complete specimens from general collections of this area. This subtype also occurs at Karlo (Riddell 1960, Fig. 7, 9c) where it is found in large numbers. It appears at the Martis Com- plex site at Do-12 (Hobo Hot Springs, Nevada) where it is termed a "Humboldt [Nevada] concave base A" point (Elsasser 1960:54, P1. 2Bg-k); however, it is in type B rather than type C weight range. According to Bennyhoff (1956:43) the Yosemite subtypes C3, C5, and other C type points "were concentrated in the deep levels of Mrp-l105 0 . . overlapping with B types." He also observes (Loc. cit. ) that the C3 and C5 subtypes were found in the San Joaquin Valley at Tule Lake, and that "they fall within the range of points associated with the Pinto Complex of the Southern California Desert." Two of these "blades" were found at Vermilion Valley (Fre-115) by Lathrap and Shutler (1955:234). They tell us, "This type of blade is widespread in the Southern Sierra, and may have a respectable antiquity. Its occurrence both here and at Slick Rock Village [Tul-10] confirms that it survived until the contact period." There are three sites where only type A points occur in the HLR, except for subtypes C5 or C3 points found with them. This distribution is also found at Slick Rock Village (Fenenga 1952:344), subtype C5; at Iny-2 (Riddell 1951, Fig. 1), subtype C5 (Riddell's type 13); and at Greasy Creek (Pendergast and Meighan 1959, Fig. 1). This distribution may indicate that these type C artifacts, or at least some of them, belong to a later culture because they alone were associated with the small type A projectile points. Pendergast and Meighan (21. cit., p. 6) state that 'tthe materials from the Greasy Creek excavation parallel those from Slick Rock Village." Greasy Creek, however, gives evidence of stratification and subtype C5 specimens were found at lower levels. The C5 subtype also occurs in Mono County (Meighan 1955, P1. 3). Meighan (oj . cit., p. 19) says, "many of the characteristic projectile points of the southern California desert areas are identical to Mono types." He is speaking of type 3, among others, which in the HLR is subtype C5. 39 Bennyhoff (1956:43) comments, "Types C8, C5 . . . are comnon in Middle Horizon sites in the Sacramento Valley." Subtype C5 is also present at Karlo (Riddell 1960, type 9d), and at Little Lake a type resembling ofshoulderless Pinto" was found in chalcedony (Harrington 1957:52, Fig. 40). Riddell (1951:17) states that type 13 from Iny-2 "in no way differs from specimens excavated by Harrington at Little Lake. At the Martis Complex site, Do-12, this type is short, perhaps retouched, and is called the "f Humboldt Basal notched type" (Elsasser 1960, P1. 2B1 and m). However it is in type B weight class. In the foregoing references the consensus places these heavy points (knives or blades) in at least Middle Horizon culture., and they are sup- posed to extend to historic times. The 3.5 gram weight for projectile points is a characteristic of the Crane Flat Complex of Yosemite with a suggested terminal date of 500 A.D. (Bennyhoff 1956:55). Certainly th-ter' is an equal indication of this earlier culture in the HLR as far as the projectile points are concerned, since the percentage of type C we.,.;- points is approximately the same as at Yosemite, and there are ev . more type B weight projectile points (30 per cent of total found at ? HLR compared to 20 per cent at Yosemite). Riddell (1960:23) states, "It would seem that weight is one of the important factors . . . to be considered in separating the dart points from the arrow points." He thinks there might be a "period of transition in which the atlatl was being replaced by the bow." The guggestion is made that the points from the Karlo site weighing abeut 1e.2 and 3.0 grams were arrow and/or dart points, and those weighinng ;:> ,0 g-rams or more were predominantly dart points. "Those weighing approximately 1.2 grams ort less can be considered predominantly or cxel_usi :ely cas arrow points" (w). cit.) . Riddell's divisions in weight are not far fromi the A, B, C weight divisions of the Bennyhoff types. As I have already noted, some L, -,!' merge together, and some individual specimens run over or unde- the aver- age weight of their type. A number of? tLhe] se might be exep(lained by the existence of a transitional period, The tr-ntative Tra-marack Complex of Yosemite might be considered a "t-ransition3l" period when somewhat heavier points were at first used with the bow anId arrow,q What, then, is indicated by the higher percentage of B weight points in the HLR? 14i could mean a larger or longer transitional occupation., or iL could simply be due to the removal of more specimens from the surface in the Yosemite area, However, one might assume that all projectile point specimens of any weight whatever on the surface would be remove'l eeCally, except for the small A weight 40 points which aye numerous in both are4? and perhaps more difficult to find. Elsasser (1960:55) suggests tht,4t the M4i Cowplex site, Do-12, gives evidence pf a later phase pf th~ Ma1tiV Op'iplo4 by analysis of projectile points, and at the pa, tiie a '4WNU ith another complex, that'is, that called the Tamarack Cpple: hy D piyhoff, Since tIhre has been no dftit patyti fiction pf type C points in the HLR, the only basis we have f l pIagng th regipn in any cultural sequence is thAt provided by the surf4g 4rtfat44, Although our C weight artifacts are opt found in definite layers, tjhy resemble the Yosemite points in this weight so closely that a pi4laJ 4tNr4J sequence may be considered. It would not be reasonable to say that all projectile points from the HLR were used and made in the saMe pqltur4a Priod by the same groups. Obviously, some of the heavy points ar~ mpoe gw4y and pould not have been used with a bow and arrow. It would be difiglt tp imagine a skilled craftsman shaping a fine subtype Aa pn ad 41o a subtype C9 type. They certainly suggest separate manufactging tr4ditions, unless they were meant for totally different purpopgp Elsasser (1960:15) states, "In ppMe g4go it has been possible solely by means of surface survey to identify, if pnly tentatively, one or more culture complexes in sequential relatipnship." There seems to be very little separate identity as between sites within this region. The over-all picture is a mixture of A, B, and C projppti?a points in all sites thipghout the region, and a tendency to the Se prevalence of types among these sites. Becausa gf the numerical prevalence in the H1 pf the subtype BlO point, it would 8eem of importance to devote some aiscssion to it at this junzture. In considering the higher percentage of opc4rrepce of type B points found in the JiI s compared with Yosemite (10 per cent difference), it is apparent that the BlO points are the subtype whigh swells the percentag at the HLR, The prevalence Qf this ggktype in the HJ p4ggests 4 definite relationship to the folpwing pitei where it is also domin4nt: 41 1. Mono County (Meighan 1955, type 6) 2. Karlo, Lassen County (Riddell 1960. types 2a anid 3a) 3. Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County (Fenenga and Riddell 1949, Fig. 58, types j, k, 1, etc.) 4. El Portal, Mariposa County (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960, type }l and K) B subtype points are also numerous at Iny-2 (RiddellI 1951, type 11) and at Martis Complex sites (Elsasser 1960, type B5, in basalt). This represents a mixture of complexes, and, as expected, there is observed great variation in the workmanship of the BlO points. Some are crudely shaped while others are as finely shaped as the small Desert side notched points. The variety of BlO specimen shown in Plate lBw, with barbs as - ico-tag or almost as long as the stem, is often wider than the usual BlO exalmtples and are generally well shaped Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen (1960:1./2- 173) distinguish two types (H and K) which I have included undec the one B1O heading, and they relate their H type to Bennyhoff's type All1, although it is type B weight. Their K type, which they relate to Bennyhoff's type B1O, plus the H type, make together the dominant type at El Portal, if my classification is followed. In the general BIG category in Yosemite, Bennyhoff does not make the distinction between these two BIG types, nor are they dominant there. In the description of projectile points, I have given the total count of BIG specimens for the lIL",R a.ind also noted the separate variety (shown in P1. l.Bw) count for the region. The "Gunther barbed" poin t of northwestern California is similar to our B1O (P1. lBw). Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen (1960:158), commenting on material from Trinity County, say that this point "appears to be chrono- logically associated with the laLte 'c?s--t-*Loric or hi storic period oF t--1he area from the mouth of the Frazer River to northwe(;stern California, and inland as far as the northern Great. Baslin," (See also Tregaic 1958:14-15. A separate study of the varieties o) KLt 5310i I subAtype may be of in- terest in attempting to determic whether solme of tlhem belong to an older culture. If the B1O appeared con&-- Lstently in the saime sites with the historic Desert side notched points, they could be placed in the "late culture," but this is not the case. In tL-he sites within the HLR where only types A and B points occur, the subtype B1O is found (Fre-245), but so also are one subtype B2 and one subtype 13B5, Hence, the subtype B1O at this site 42 does not occur alone with the type A points. On the other hand, there are two sites (Fre-197 and Fre-226) where only type A points were found, and no B10 type points were associated with them. COMPARISON OF THE HUNTINGTON LAKE REGION WITH SIERRA NEVADA AND RELATED ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEXES (GENERAL) Yosemite Let us compare the HLR with the three complexes suggested by Benny- hoff (1956:53-55) at Yosemite. The similarities and dissimilarities, so far as they can be determined with limited excavations, are as follows: Mariposa Complex Similarities: 1, Points weighing less than 1 gram (almost all obsidian, other materials minor). Subtypes A2, A4, A5, A7, All numerous. 2. Bedrock mortars and cobble pestles 3. Flake scrapers most common artifact 4. Drills long, parallel sided, expanding base 5. Steatite vessels (sherds) and beads 6. Use of bow and arrow 7. Serrated points Dissimilarities: 1. No clamshell disc beads 2. Presence of Owens Valley Brown Ware 3. Yosemite type A points 50 per cent of total recovered, HLR 39 per cent Tamarack Complex Similarities: 1. Points weighing between 1.0 and 3.5 grams 2. Obsidian preferred material, others used occasionally 43 3. Commonest point subtype BlO; also B3, B5, B9 (not numerous) 4. Bedrock mortar and pestles 5. Flake scrapers, oval scrapers occasionally Dissimilarities: 1. Subtype B7 projectile points not as numerous at the !ILR as at Yosemite, subtypes B2, B3, B4 fairly numerous 2. Yosemite type B points 20 per cent of total recovered, HLR 30 per cent Crane Flat Complex Similarities: 1. Points weighing more than 3.5 grams 2. Manos 3. Obsidian preferred material, other material occasionally 4. Subtype C5 most common point, C9 also numerous 5. Spear and dart points probably represented 6. Core scrapers 7. Percentage of totals of type C points in the HLR and Yosemite approximately the same Dissimilarities: 1. No portable metates identified in the higher altitudes (HLR) 2. Subtypes Cl and Cll not as common as subtypes C3, C7, C16 It may be seen that the main differences between the two regions are the percentages of totals of types A and B points recovered, the occurrence of shell beads in Yosemite but not in the HLR, Owens Valley Brown Ware in the HLR, and probable absence of portable metates in the HLR. There are also some differences in the numerical occurrence of specific projectile point types. On the whole, the dissimilarities do not appear to be of great significance. The similarities, on the other hand, are marked. It 44 might be that the particular trade that brought shell beads to Mono County, Yosemite, and Iny-2 was nonexistent in the HLR (Table 9>. This specific item (shell beads) in the Mariposa Complex does not effectively alter the relationship between the two areas. The same may be said of the occurrence of Owens Valley Brown Ware in the HLR, which seems to have been a normal development since Iny-2 and the HLR undoubt- edly have a direct ancestral relationship. The absence of the portable metate in the HLR may be explained by the comparative inaccessibility of the region. The percentage differences in projectile point occurrences have been discussed above; there may be several explanations for these. The signif- icant fact is, however, that in the HLR the differences suggest a larger or longer occupation in the Tamarack-like and Crane Flat-like complexes. Martis and Kings Beach Complexes (Heizer and Elsasser 1953:19-20) Martis Complex Similarities: 1. Projectile points fairly large and heavy, roughly tipped, and variable in form 2. Manos for seed grinding 3. Economic emphasis on hunting and seed using 4. Scrapers 5. Expanded base finger-held flaked drills or punches common Dissimilarities: 1. Basalt preferred material (materials other than obsidian rare in the HLR) 2. The metate and bowl mortar and cylindrical pestle absent from the HLR 3. No boat stones found in the HLR 4. Certain type C points found at Martis sites not found in the HLR 5. Desert side notched and other small points numerous in the HLR 45 Kings Beach Complex Similarities 1. Obsidian preferred for projectile points 2. Bedrock mortars for seed-grinding 3. Projectile points small, light, side notched 4. Bow and arrow offensive weapon (inferred) Dissimilarities: 1. Flint projectile points rarely found in the HLF 2. Scrapers not rare but abundant, drills present 3. Probably the HLR is attributable to late Northeastern Mono and Western Mono (rather than Washo) 4. Presence of heavy projectile points in the HLR 5. Glass trade beads relatively numerous at the HLR The absence of boat stones, which are suggested as one of the time markers in the Sierra Nevada, is of importance here in determining cul- tural relationships. As they are found at Karlo sites (Riddell 1960), in the Martis Complex sites (Heizer and Elsasser 1953), and at Little Lake (Harrington 1957), it is not beyond reason to entertain the thought of possibly finding them in the HLR. For one example, a boat stone was found in the Kings-Kaweah region of the southern Sierra Nevada where the Western Mono also settled (Oscar Noren Collection). Riddell (1960:23) suggests that his 2d and 9a projectile point sub- types were used as dart points for the atlatl. The 2d subtype is most similar to the HLR Clla and Cllb subtypes, which are not numerous either in the HLR or in the Yosemite region. The Karlo 9a subtype resembles our subtype Cl, and some of the C2 and Bl subtype specimens (P1. lB and C). Subtypes Cl and C2 types are fairly numerous in the HLR, and more preva- lent than in the Yosemite region (Table 3). The HLR subtype C15 is more numerous than either Clla or Cllb, and is, in addition, a better defined type (Table 1). It somewhat resembles the atlatl type, and might be the HLR dart point. Two fairly large specimens occur in the HLR in the Martis Complex site Do-12 (Elsasser 1960, P1. 2z and a'). It may be questioned that if the boat stone is an atlatl weight, what was used for such a weight in the HLR if the atlatl were in use there? 46 This is perhaps an opportune point at which to discuss the use of either basalt or obsidian as projectile material in relation to the age of the cultures employing these two materials. Heizer and Elsasser (1953:21) state: "The common emphasis on implement material other than obsidian may mean that in this [Martis] period we are dealing with sep- arate groups, small in number, which had few intimate contacts with each other. Obsidian, which is available only in a few places, may at this time have been used abundantly only by the owners of the obsidian quarries and their immediate neighbors." They suggest that it was only in later periods, when trade increased contacts, that there developed a regular and large scale barter in obsidian which was sufficient to supply all or most needs for flaked implements. With this in mind, it may not be pertinent to use basalt as an iden- tification of age in all areas. If certain groups, for example, used only basalt because they had no contact with obsidian, there must, con- versely, have been areas where obsidian was always used, such as in the Mono area. Since it has been established that the Western Mono were of Shoshonean (Mono-Paviotso) extraction and came from areas where obsidian was found, they probably used it from what was for them an early date, and its use continued after the Mono crossed to the west side of the Sierra crest. Because of their linguistic kinship with the peoples on the east, trade between them could be expected. This does not prove that the Western Mono culture in this region could therefore be as old as the basalt-using cultures. It is only pointed out that the lack of basalt articles does not necessarily place the HLR cultures in a purely historic or late prehistoric period. Pinto Complex (Harrington 1957) We have discussed possible relationships with the complexes in Yosemite and the Martis and Kings Beach locales. Since a possible rela- tionship of HLR material to certain Pinto projectile points has been noted in this report, I shall attempt to compare certain specific Pinto elements found at the Stahl Site at Little Lake with specimens from the HLR. There are possibly 5 types of projectile points found in the HLR which resemble certain Pinto and Lake Mohave points from Little Lake. The approximate age given the Stahl Site was estimated as at least 3000 years (Harrington 1957:72). The HLR points which resemble the Pinto and Lake Mohave points are the C5 subtype "shoulderless Pinto" (9 specimens). The subtype B8 (4 specimens), which is like a "sloping shouldered" Pinto, is comparatively rare, and the "barbed Pinto" (2p. Cit., Fig. 39) is like subtype C15 (7 specimens) in the HLR. Also, the Clla and Cllb subtypes 47 (4 specimens each at HLR) resemble the sloping and square shouldered Pinto points (loc. cit.). The "Pinto spearhead" in chalcedony, as stated previously in the present report, is very similar to the HLR long subtype C5, in obsidian. The "shoulderless Pinto" types mentioned above are generally shorter than the HLR subtype C5, and some may have been reshaped. The HLR subtype C17 specimen, not present in Yosemite, may resemble when entire the Mohave-Silver Lake points with large, roundish base . cit., Fig. 41, 2d row), but the fact that they are broken from a supposed point makes it impossible to make a definite comparison. Of the subtypes of points resembling Stahl Site specimens (not Pinto or Mohave), one is the HLR B6 or C8, which is somewhat similar to "wide stem" points . cit Fig. 41). Subtypes Bl, Cl, and C2 resemble the Stahl Site "leaf-shaped" and "willow-leaf" points (oc cit.). All the subtypes mentioned above probably represent older types in the HLR assemblage. At the Stahl Site, as in the HLR, we have an "obsidian pre- ferred" culture. Harrington e cit., p. 49) says, "obsidian was used chiefly in place of the various materials available in the Pinto Basin." Comparison of the elements is as follows: Similarities: 1. Drills and scrapers 2. Manos 3. Knives and blades 4. Owens Valley Brown Ware 5. Glass trade beads 6. Boat stones absent in both areas Dissimilarities: 1. Steatite absent at Little Lake 2. Shell beads present, though rare, at Little Lake 3. Portable metates absent in the HLR 4. Arrow straighteners absent at Little Lake 5. Bedrock mortars absent at Little Lake Although there are Pinto characteristics at the Stahl sites, there are also elements which occurred in the historic period, such as Owens 48 Valley Brown Ware, trade beads, and a few "late" projectile points. These were thought to have been of later Shoshonean origin (ibid., p. 70). Hence, relationship to be considered is only in certain type C weight pro- jectile points which might also represent an older culture in the HLR. Regions west of the Sierra Nevada The final area to be discussed briefly in relation to the HLR is the west, where the Yokuts (Penutian) groups border the Western Mono in the valley. Any possible connection with the Middle Horizon Sacramento Valley sites (Lillard, Heizer and Fenenga 1939) can only be inferred through pro- jectile point types that are found there as well as in the HLR. In citing these possible relationships, I am taking the liberty of using Bennyhoff's (1956) references, because of the type similarities between Yosemite and the HLR. Our numerous subtype C5 points and our comparatively rare subtype C8 specimens are icommon in Middle Horizon sites in the Sacramento Valley"l (ibid., p. 43). Of our C16 specimens, Bennyhoff (gp. cit., p. 44) says, "there is perhaps more evidence in favor of the point being a Middle Hori- zon form. Similar specimens of obsidian occur in the Sacramento Valley." CONCLUS ION From this region we have a report relying mainly on surface collec- tions. While the area is large, there appears to be a general similarity between the characteristics of the sites and the over-all typology of artifacts, in spite of a few cases of projectile point type concentrations in individual sites. The question arises whether or not we can identify onie or more cultural complexes in sequential relationship by surface survey only. I have presented a comparative study of the HLR with the Martis Com- plex, Kings Beach Complex, the Yosemite Complexes, and also such projec- tile point comparisons as were possible with the Pinto site at Little Lake and projectile points fromn Middle Horizon sites in the Sacramento Valley. It shiould be mentionred that from El Portal comes a different typology than t:hat from Yosemite proper, as there were nzo A weight projectile points found there (Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen 1960, Table V). A Tamarack Com- plex culture is not suggested at El Portal, probably because historic trade 49 beads and bedrock mortars were present, but these were also found by Bennyhoff in the Yosemite area and if a transitional period actually existed, the El Portal projectile points appear to fit into the Middle (Tamarack) Complex of the Yosemite region. The prevalence of the sub- type BlO projectile point at this site, some of which Fitzwater and Van Vlissengen (qR. cit., p. 172) type as a subtype All in spite of its type B weight, is of importance because of the same prevalence in the HLR. Although the B and C weight projectile points are almost entirely absent in the Kings Beach Complex sites, the type A point assemblage there is very similar to that of the HLR. This may help to indicate that older cultures were also present in the HLR because points with weights other than those of type A were present. The essential differ- ences between the Martis Complex sites and the HLR are as follows: 1. Predominantly basalt artifacts (Martis) 2. Presence of the boat stone (Martis) 3. Some types of B and C weight points not present at both To go farther afield, we may note that the dissimilarities in compari- son with the Karlo sites are: 1. Presence of the boat stone (Karlo) 2. Some basalt points (Karlo) 3. Some type B and C points not found in HLR present at Karlo The absence of bedrock mortars at the Little Lake site may be sig- nificant, as they do not characteristically occur in Karlo and Martis Complex sites. There is some evidence of "late" occupation in almost every site or complex I am attempting to relate to the HLR. Thus, one or more of the following traits seems to occur in each site, regardless of its chronological affiliation: 1. Shell beads 2. Bedrock mortars 3. Trade beads 4. Owens Valley Brown Ware 5. Type A projectile points, particularly Desert side notched points 6. Steatite arrow straighteners I have previously stated that there is a possibility that the absence of the use of basalt as a material does not necessarily indicate a historic 50 or late prehistoric site. I have also pointed out that there exist in the HLR certain projectile point types possibly used as atlatl darts, even though rno boatstones have been found there. While certain type C projectile points consistently weighing over 3 grams, from Martis Complex and Pinto sites, do not occur in the HLR, there are, conversely, certain C weight projectile points discovered in the HLR not found in Martis Complex or Pinto sites. Caution must be used in relating basalt projec- tile points to obsidian points. The relationship is at best a resemblance, rather than an exact comparison. However, in some cases the resemblance appears to be sufficient to allow discussion of typographical relation- ships. To return to the original question of identifying cultural complexes in sequential relationship by surface survey only, this was, in fact, done at Pla-5, which was placed in the Martis Complex, as preceding the Kings Beach Complex (Heizer and Elsasser 1953). In this case there were two very distinct types of sites. In the HLR the sites tend to reflect a homogeneous culture, although one or more culture complexes may be present in individual sites. We may recall that Kroeber believed that the Western Mono probably did not settle in the middle altitudes of the western Sierra Nevada until around 500 years ago. Before that time their ancestors from east of the Sierra undoubtedly came, perhaps sporadically, into this region. There is also the possibility that the Yokuts from the west, then living in the middle altitudes before the Mono took their location, also came to this area. If the region was occupied by even earlier peoples from the Great Basin or Middle Horizon, peoples, for example, from the valleys to the west, we have the possibility of an occupation as old as early Martis or even Pinto complexes. When we present these possibilities, we should take into consideration that Yosemite, Mono County, and Iny-2 all have some similar type C weight points. Meighan (1955:18) tells us, "Areally, the Mono County material shows no particular relationship to the cultures of Central California .... Clear-cut similarities to Mono County specimens are abundant in objects from sites of the Great Basin and southern California deserts." The Pinto-like types found in Mono County are like the HLR C5, B7, Clla and Cllb subtypes. Elsasser (1960:12) comments that at Fre-115 (Vermilion Valley) and Iny-2 (Owens Valley) archaeological material "was not amenable to posi- tive placement in a local sequence--including appreciable portions of prehistoric time." He states that "the great majority of the specimens from the sites evidently were associated with the late prehistoric or 51 early historic periods of the Owens Valley Paiute and with Mono and Yokuts groups on the western side of the main crest of the Sierra." Elsasser also writes (o. cit., p. 14), "Crane Flat and Tamarack complexes both may have some affiliation-with the Martis Complex," and wonders . cit., p. 11) if there was "an early 'basement' culture in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, dating perhaps from more than 5000 years ago." If one is endeavoring to find a local sequence in the HLR cultures, one must turn to the Yosemite sequence where the cultural elements are markedly similar to those at the HLR. It would seem reasonable to equate the HLR with the Crane Flat, Tamarack, and Mariposa complexes, even though no type C weight stratification has been positively identified in the HLR. The Yosemite historic occupation was by the Miwok, who were linguis- tically related to the Western Penutian groups rather than the Great Basin peoples. However, Bennyhoff (1956:7) states, "The quantity of obsidian found in the Yosemite area indicates that trade with the Mono Lake area (Paiute) existed for centuries. . . . Later historical and ethnographic accounts are filled with references to Paiutes in the Sierra." Paiute informants told Steward (1933:257) that they hunted in Little Yosemite Valley in the summer and wintered in Yosemite Valley when pine nuts were scarce. Bennyhoff gives other instances, and then comments (bc. cit.), "The conclusion which one must draw from the above data is that many camp sites in the High Sierra, and even some villages with mortar rocks in Yosemite and Hetch Hetchy, may represent late Paiute occupation, as well as Miwok." This latter information about Yosemite occupation may explain the similar typologies of Yosemite and the HLR. It is likely that the Paiute traded artifacts to the Miwok as they did to the Yokuts. Similarity in artifacts between these two regions may be interpreted to mean that the Paiute occupation of the Yosemite region was greater than has been sup- posed, since the occupation of the HLR was primarily Shoshonean. If we use the Yosemite complexes as a basis of cultural sequence in the HLR, and consider the spreading of the Western Mono to the west (not earlier than 500 years ago as suggested by Kroeber), this would place the migration in the Mariposa Complex. If our dominant subtype BlO points and the type B percentage of 30 per cent of total points found represent a Tamarack-like period, it would probably be in the latter part of that period and in the early Mariposa period that the ancestors of the Western 52 Mono (and possibly Yokuts traveling from their foothill occupation) were in this region. In considering the possibility of earlier cultural eleA ments in out sites we do not have eVidetce of differing cultures between sites (except in a few rare cases) betause the Aj B, and C weight projec- tile points Occur together in altftost all of the sites" This. probably indicates a sequence in occupation by th satme peoples using the same sites through the centuries, unless latet gtoups took over the same sites previously occupied by peoples of an eatlier culture. We should perhaps also considerj at this point, wind deflation and other types of erosion. These may contribute to the peculiar surface situation whereby "late" points ocetr on the sutface together with "early" points. Without stratifiatidn das an actual physical indication of early cultural sequences, and without marked distinctions in projec- tile point weights among the sites in the region, an Attempt to name complexes fdr this area would be presumptuous. The placing of cultural sequences by periods in connection with the Yosetite complexes, based on projectile point weights and other feadtures of the Yosemite Valley, may be acceptable, as follows: Period l: ? to 500 .AD. 1. Occupation, possibly by early Great Saain peoples (Shoshonean!) or possibly ancestors of the Yokuts (Penutians) from the west 2. Corresponds to Crane Flat Complex of Yosemite 3. Use of type C projectile points--spear and dart points probably represented Petiod 2: 500 to 1350 AD. 1, Before Western Mono occupation; probably obtupied by Shoshoneans or possibly Yokuts theti in the foothills tkest of the SierrA Nevada 2. Corresponds to early Hariposa Complex and tamtarak toinplex 3. yosemite 4, Use of type B projectile points 5. ledrock mortars 53 Period 3: 1350 to 1850 A.D. 1. Last 500 years Western Mono and related Northwestern Mono occupation 2. Corresponds to late Mariposa Complex, Yosemite 3. Use of type A projectile points 4. Glass trade beads after contact with white settlers 5. Steatite arrow straighteners, steatite beads and vessels 6. Bedrock mortars 7. Owens Valley Brown Ware In the above comparison of Yosemite and HLR complexes, we are assum- ing that they occurred at the same time. This may possibly be erroneous, although the great similarity of points suggests that the cultures were developing simultaneously. The lower percentage of type A projectile points in the HLR may indicate a less concentrated occupation or a culture that started later. It is unlikely that the latter is the case because the Paiute were trading with both areas (Yosemite and the HLR) and the Western Mono in the HLR were their kin. The HLR showed a higher percent- age of total type B points recovered than did Yosemite. This, also, is subject to conjecture, and may represent a longer transitional stage or a heavier occupation at that time. Type C percentages are approximately the same at both places. There is some evidence of projectile point typological connection with the Middle Horizon of the Sacramento Valley and the "Pinto Culture" of the southern California deserts. Elsasser (1960:14) comments that the Martis Complex "could be centered either in the Great Basin or in California. With regard to age, its position was deemed to equate with the Middle Horizon of Central California. It showed possible connection as well with the Southern California deserts . . ., this connection being based on a similarity of some types of Martis projectile points to Pinto points." The HLR points similar to the central California points are the numerous C5 and the rare C8 subtypes. Since the C5 subtype is also found in Mono County sites and at Iny-2, it may be more likely that the closer relationship is with the southern California desert area or the Great Basin, rather than far over the crest of the Sierra to the west. The C5 subtype is the fourth most numerous point in the HLR. I have noted that 54 there are sonic variants of the C5 subtype (see description of projectile points), and it miay be possible that some came from the east and south and some from the west. We have seen in the presentation of elements for the Martis Complex that certain traits were definitely dissimilar to the HLR., mainly, for example, the use of basalt, the boat stone, and certain projectile point types (Table 9). It would seem probable that the Martis Complex sites land the sites of the southern Sierra Nevada had developed ce;tain charac- teristics independently. I do not believe that the Martis Complex, as such, is definable in the southern Sierra Nevada because of the basic differences noted in cultural patterns between it and what may be called the pervasive HLR pattern in the south, even without the question of age. There are cer- tain similarities, as noted, but on the other hand, it may not be admis- sible to compare the elements that indicate greater age, although there are some C weight points in common (i.e. specimens which resemble one another in shape but not always in material) a-nd each region presents some type C points which are not in comnon. An outstanding difference between the Martis Complex sites and those of the southern Sierra is the almost complete absence of historic artifacts in the Martis sites. From the southern Sierra sites come points in types A, B, and C weights. The rarity of type A points in the Martis Complex is probably due to a limited historic occupation. Other "late"l features, such as trade and shell beads, are also absent. The absence of Owens Valley Brown Ware, arrow straighteners, and steatite beads is probably due to a difference in cultural patterns, rather than to differences based upon mere chronological considerations. The southern Sierra Nevada area includes sites of similar cultures- Yosemite, the HLR, Mono County, Iny-2, lHospital Rock and Slick Rock Village, andI probably Greasy Creek, Tulaire County. The major dissimilarities between Mono CouInty, Iny-2, Yosemite, and Greasy Creek as a group and the HLR lie in the presence of shell beads in all of the former sites. Some stratification of artifacts was found at Greasy Creek (Pendergast and Meighan 1959:5, Table 1), where knives or large projectile points were found from 0 to 54 inches, anrid at Hospitall Rock (Werlhof, n.d.). T'he differences between these seven sites or groups of sites are sub- stantially very slight. I have not included Slick Rock Village in Table 9 for comparison of traits with tihe HLR; however, it has the following elements 55 in common: trade beads; steatite beads and sherds; Owens Valley Brown Ware; manos; scrapers; knives and blades; drills; bedrock mortars; and house pits. Its dissimilarities are the presence of shell beads and portable metates. This site was presumably occupied by Yokuts and West- ern Mono, and its location is lower on the Kaweah River than Hospital Rock (Fenenga 1952). In considering the seven sites or complexes outside of the HLR, we see that the dissimilarities to the HLR are mainly in the amount of projectile points and the lack of variety in certain weight classes of these specimens. Mono County lacks steatite artifacts; Hos- pital Rock and Iny-2 lack arrow straighteners; and Greasy Creek lacks type B projectile points (as does Slick Rock), drills, trade beads, and arrow straighteners. However, considering that these are mainly indi- vidual sites, there appear to be sufficient traits altogether to allow their placement within the cultural picture of the southern Sierra Nevada along with the HLR (Table 9). The Kings Beach Complex has been associated with the historic and late prehistoric Washo. However, the culture differs from the above mentioned southern Sierra sites in that no type C points were recovered and some other types of artifacts are absent (Table 9). It should be noted that flake scrapers and some type of mano are common to all sites under discussion. Site Fre-115 (Vermilion Valley) has until now been the only HLR site used by archaeologists for the purpose of comparison with other possibly related sites in the Sierra Nevada region. As has been already noted, the projectile points of Fre-115 do not have the same distribution or occurrence as in other large sites of the region. The two major differ- ences are: (1) the prevalence of certain types seems atypical for the region; and (2) many types occurring in other HLR sites are not present (Table 4). One could emphasize this difference and cite site Fre-115 as having several characteristics differing from the rest of the region, but this would not seem to be realistic when one places the site in the over-all picture. In the first place, there are other sites in the region which do not easily fit into the average picture. Also, the projectile points recovered from site Fre-115 are fewer in number than those from the sites with which it is compared, except for site Fre-245 which, as has been noted, lacks type C points (Table 4). Another consideration is that in sites near Fre-115, to the west and 56 east, projectile point assemblages were found that more nearly approxi- mated the "typical" HLR distribution. It would be difficult to designate site Fre-115 as unique, as it appears to be one of many sites along the main trade route from east to west (Hindes 1959:8). Similarities to other sites of the region are: occurrence of all three weight classes of projectile points; Owens Valley Brown Ware; trade beads; bedrock mortars; steatite beads; and one steatite sherd (Lathrap and Shutler 1955). The possibility of the development in this region of an independent culture seems doubtful. The Great Basin influence alone seems to nullify this possibility, and the similarity of the cultural elements of all the southern Sierra Nevada sites to the east and west of the crest suggests a spreading of a basically similar culture from at least the Great Basin, if not also from central California and the southern California desert region. It can be said that there is a distinct southern Sierra Nevada cultural sequence represented with a few variations in the eight site or site areas mentioned above. Finally, due to the presence in this region of projectile points and other artifacts similar to the Yosemite assemblages, it seems reasonable to relate the HLR cultures to the Yosemite cultures, including the Crane Flat Complex. It may also be possible to relate the HLR earliest culture to the Martis Complex elements. Elsasser (1960:75, Table 15) has suggested some affiliation and Bennyhoff (1956:55) suggests a terminal date of 500 A.D. for the Crane Flat Complex, but this is due to the emphasis on obsid- ian. If the use of obsidian is not a factor in determining age, the heavier point types may place certain HLR aspects and the Crane Flat Complex in the same age as the Martis Complex. However, while there is evidence of historic, late prehistoric and probably some earlier occupation, there is no positive indication of this very early culture in spite of the Pinto-like and Middle Horizon projectile points at the HLR. It may be that these points only influenced later points found in Yosemite and the HLR, but the cultures evidently did not exist simultaneously. One does not "sense" great antiquity in these mountain sites, but neither can one prove how early the occupation began. It would be advisable to keep in mind the value of finding a site or sites in this region which would provide greater depth of refuse deposit and possible stratification of artifacts. As in other areas of California, further study and analysis may lead to more exact knowledge of the occupa- tion of this region. 57 FOOTNOTE S 1. Although the area around3 Shaver Lake and Dinkey Creek was also occupied by the Western Mono, we do not have site or artifact tabu- lations for these localities. Mrs. Lyon's general collection in- cludes artifacts from this area as well as higher altitudes, but they have not been catalogued according to location found. We know, however, that there we-re many sites in this region. In the sumuner of 1961 two large sites, not already recorded, were explored, and artifacts from Shaver are in the Preheim collection. Big Creek. The Western Mono came out of Jose Basin into the Shaver Lake area by way of Stevenson Creek to the North Fork of Stevenson Creek (Tunnel Creek), thence to Camp 73 site (Fre-239), and to the Hunting- ton Lake area by way of the Shaver Lake Trail and Mono Trail. Trc' entire Shaver Lake and Dinkey Creek regions need further explol :-iiLon in connection with the HLR report. A site exists (not reporte--d) at Shaver Lake Dam, on the lake side of the dam (Fre-210 is L lThe road side of the dam), where the Indians were said to have heWd large gatherings each year. Many artifacts have been collecLted(1 by private collectors from this site which was previously on the Stevenson Creek route. Although it is unlikely that there was all-winter occupation at Shaver Lake (5000 ft.), it was certainly possible to occupy these sites for longer periods than in the higher altitudes. It is not known whether the Western Mono in the Dinkey Creekk area used more southerly passes to cross the Sierra. 2. In the sumner of 1961 I visited Mrs. Susan Jolhnson of NorthfOrk, and through the interpreter, her daughter Carolyn, learned that on her trips over the crest of the Sierra some fishing was done. Mrs. Johnson could not remember any artifacts used for fishing purpo.,es (she was a young mother at the time). When asked if they might have used some plant to catch the fish. Carolyn picked (a plant growing next to their house. It was the plant of the Spurge Family known as Turkey Mullein, or Eremocarpus setimerus (Jepson 1925:595), which was used by the Indians to stupefy fish in small streams so that they could be caught by hand. It is possible that this planit was taken on the journey over the mountains, as it does not grow in high altitudes. 58 3. Mrs. Susan Johnson, of Northfork, informed us that when she was a young woman her family crossed over the crest of the Sierra many times in the summers. They went to obtain pine nuts and to visit their "relatives" in Bishop. They would stay for a month or so, and the trip took three full days (two nights). They went by both Mono and Mammoth passes, as Mrs. Johnson remembers visits to Mono Hot Springs with great pleasure and recalls the characteristic design of the Devil's Post Pile near Mammoth Pass. Mrs. Johnson's daughter, who acted as interpreter during the interview, was carried over these trails on her mother's back. The trails were marked with piles of rock, and they, ate three meals a day en route, stopping to use the "pounding rocks" at sites along the trails. Mrs. Johnson mentioned that parts of the trail were steep and rocky. When going east they went by the south of Shuteye and across the San Joaquin above Mammoth Pools. In later years they took horses and carried guns. They went either in a small family group or in larger groups. 59 TABLE 1 Types A, B, C Projectile Points from Huntington Lake Region Type A Type B Type C Subtype No. Found Subtype No. Found Subtype No. Found 1 2 3 4a 4b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 51 9 79 83 61 7 1 1 25 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 27 16 13 6 6 6 4 5 173 4 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 9 10 Ila 1 lb 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 17 22 14 77 6 24 4 4 20 4 4 12 5 5 7 22 8 Totals 340 264 267 Per cent 39.0 30.4 30.6 GRAND TOTAL PROJECTILE POINTS 871 * Unique specimen: P1. lBk 60 TABLE 2 Points from Tabulation of Projectile Huntington Lake Region* Number Average Average Average Specimens Weight Length Width Type Recovered (gm.) (mm.) (mm.) Remarks Al 20 0.6 24 14 A2 51 0.5 20 12 1 chert(?) A3 9 0.5 20 10 A4a 79 0.5 18 11 A4b 83 0.5 21 12 3 chert, 1 jasper A5 61 0.6 22 12 1 chert A7 7 0.9 21 17 1 chert A8 1 A9 1 A10 1 All 25 0.8 23 16 A12 2 0.7 Bi B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B1O Bll 4 27 16 13 6 6 6 4 5 173 4 2.8 1.5 2.5 2.8 2.7 1.7 2.6 1.9 3.0 28 29 28 26 27 29 31 28 30 28 18 19 16 20 19 20 18 19 18 21 61 TABLE 2 [cont'd.] Number Average Average Average Specimens Weight Length Width Type Recovered (gm.) (MM.) (MM.) Remarks C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 Clla Cllb C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 12 17 22 14 77 6 24 4 20 4 4 12 5 5 7 22 8 7.7 6.4 5.1 5.8 4.9 5.4 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.0 46 37 39 39 37 37 37 38 37 38 19 22 24 23 26 26 30 23 21 21 24 24 24 23 30 33 1 chert 1 chert 1 chalcedony 1 quartz * All specimens obsidian except as indicated 62 TABLE 3 Occurrence of Projectile Point Types Nume.rical Comparison Between Yosemite and Huntington Lake Region Per cent Huntington Per cent Type Yosemite of Total Lake Region of Total Al 6 1.73 20 2.30 A2 14 4.05 51 5.85 A3 7 -- 9 -- A4a 49 14.05 79 9.05 A4b 26 7.50 83 9.55 A5 30 8.70 61 7.00 A6 3 -- -- -- A7 13 -- 7 -- A8 3 -- 1 -- A9 1 -- 1 - A10 2 -- 1 -- All 11 3.20 25 2.85 Totals 166 50.00 340 39.00 Bi B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 3 4 4 3 5 3 14 4 5 1. 15 1.15 0.85 4 27 16 13 6 6 6 4 5 3.10 1.85 1.50 --0 63 TABLE 3 [cont'd.] Per cent Huntington Per cent Type Yosemite of Total Lake Region of Total B10 13 3.75 173 19.70 Bll 2 -- 4 -- Totals 60 20.00 264 30.00 Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C1o 6 2 5 5 17 3 6 2 9 3 0.60 1.45 1.45 4.95 1.73 2.60 0.85 0.60 12 17 22 14 77 6 24 4 20 4 4 12 5 5 7 22 8 1. 95 2.55 1.60 8.85 2.75 2.30 Clla Cllb C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 4 5 3 6 5 3 2 1.40 2.50 Totals .86 30.00 263 31.00 64 TABLE 4 of Projectile Point Occurrence Comparison in Six HLR Sites Type Fre-245 Fre-123 Fre-115 Fre-137 Fre-256 Fre-291 Al 4 5 2 3 A2 8 3 9 4 11 A3 2 1 2 1 A4a 9 17 7 12 5 A4b 10* 21 13 5 5 1 A5 5 8 9 6 A7 2 2 A8 1 A9 1 All 3 7 6 A12 1 Totals 34 57 28 38 38 16 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B1O 1 3 1 1 6 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 3 28 5 20 20 Totals 5 33 5 39 29 29 65 TABLE 4 [ cont'd. ] Type Fre- 245 Fre- 123 Fre- 115 Fre- 137 Fre- 256 Fre- 291 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 1 1 9 3 17 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 7 1 3 2 1 5 1 9 7 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 6 2 1 Clla Cllb C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 Totals Grand Totals 44 9 30 34 23 I 39 134 42 107 101 68 * Underlined each site. numbers represent dominant projectile point types at 66 TABLE S projectile Points Recovered from Huntington Lake Region Sites Points Recovered Type Type Type Li te Total A B C Source Fre - 123 Fre-137 Fre- 256 Fre- 291 Fre- 245 Fre-169 Fre- 293 Fre-371 Fre- 119 Flre- 118 Fre- 158 -Ure- 197 F re -121 Fre- 142 FYre- 198 Flre- 225 Fre- 161 Flre- 120 Fre-150, 151 Fre- 24-3 lYre - 292 Flre- 296 Fre-186 135 108 101 67 39 35 30 18 17 15 14 14 13 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 58 38 38 16 34 13 15 2 5 7 14 1 7 3 3 6 7 6 5 5 S 33 39 29 27 5 11 18 1 4 6 2 4 3 5 5 4 1 3 3 4 2 1 44 Excavation and surface 31 Excavation and surface 34 Surface 24 Surface (private collection) -- Excavation and surface 11 Excavation and surface 12 Surface (private collection) 2 Surface 11 Surface 4 Excavation (inconclusive), surface 5 Surface -- Surface 8 Surface 2 Surface 3 Surface 3 Surface -- Surface 1 Surface - - Surface I Surface 5 Surface 1 Excavation and surface 2 Surface 1, re, - 2' 6 7 7 -- -- Surface 67 TABLE 5 [cont'd.] Points Recovered Type Type Type Site Total. A B C Source Fre- 122 Fre- 145 Fre- 295 Fre- 299 Fre- 335 Fre- 238 Fre- 336 Fre- 227 Fre- 200 Fre- 1 38 Fre- 133 Fre- 139 Fre- 199 Fre- 334 Fre- 246 Fre- 252 Fre- 115 Fre- 146 Fre- 164- 168 Fre- 202 Fre- 220 Fre- 244 Fre-247 Fre- 339 Fre- 337 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 4 2 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 5 2 6 1 1 2 I 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 Surface 4 Surface 1 Excavation and surface 2 Surface 1 Excavation and surf ace 2 Surface 1 Excavation and surf ace 5 Surface - - Surface 3 Surface I Surface 1 Surface 1 Surface 1 Surface 1 Surface 1 Surface - - Surface (see below) 3 Surface -- Surface 3 Surface 3 Surface 2 Surface -- Surface - - Surface - - Surface -- 1 2 1 1 2 -- 2 68 TABLE 5 [cont'd.j Points Recovered Type Type Type Site Total A B C Source Fre- 3 24- Fre- 304 Fre- 297 Fre- 294 Fre- 132 Fre- 134 Fre- 147 Fre- 155 Fre- 159 Fre- 187 Fre- 188 Fre- 196 Fre- 236 Fre- 251 Fre- 255 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- 1 -- 1 1 1 -- 1 -- 1 1 1 1 Surface 1 Surface -- Surface 2 Surface 1 Surface 2 Surface 1 Surface -- Surface 2 Surface 1 Surface - - Surface - - Surface 2 Surface -- Surface 1 Surface -- 1 -- 2 1 1 1 1 1 Fre- 115 39 5 5 9 (19 sites, not itemized here, pro- duced one projectile point each) 25 5 9 Total of 42 points, including 3 found since report by Lathrap and Shutler published. Note that additions would place Fre-115 fifth in numerical order in list 69 TABLE 6 Number and Location of Projectile Points by Depth in Excavated Sites in Huntington Lake Region 0-6 6-12 12-18+ Total Site inches inches inches Surface Points Fre-123 Type A Type B Type C Fre- 137 Type A Type B Type C Fre-169 Type A Type B Type C Fre- 245 17 6 7 21 7 2 3 2 1 3 38 23 32 57 33 44 4 8 3 13 24 23 38 39 31 4 1 6 5 2 7 1 2 1 4 7 13 11 11 Type A Type B Type C 24 3 2 8 1 34 1 5 70 TABLE 7 Beads Found in Huntington Lake Region Steatite Glass Trade Beads Site Beads Opaque Clear Description Fre-118 1 Shiny orange-red throughout 1 6 angled, light blue 1 Fre-120 I White chalky material, burned? I Blue, very small, ovoid Fre-123 9 1 White, shiny 1 Yellowish, white 1 Red outside, white inside 1 Dark blue 1 Dark blue, burned, not angled Fre-137 9 2 Cylindrical, no angles, red outside, white center 4 6 angled, dark blue, cylin- drical Fre- 150, 2 As wide as long, ends Fre- 151 rounded, white 1 6 angled, light blue Fre-161 1 Cylindrical, blue Fre-199 1 Cylindrical, blue Fre- 200 1 Light gray outside, darker gray center, ovoid Fre-245 3 Fre-336 1 Irregular, ovoid, white 2 Totals 25 10 11 71 TABLE 8 Steatite and Pottery (Owens Valley Brown Ware) Sherds Found in Huntington Lake Region Owens Valley Site Steatite Brown Ware Depth Fre-118 Fre- 123 Fre- 137 Fre-142 Fre- 158 Fre- 161 Fre-169 Fre- 198 Fre- 225 Fre- 245 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 2 1 12 8 29 2 11 Surface Surface 0-6 in. Surface 0-6 in. Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface 0-6 in. 6-12 in. 0-6 in. Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface 6-12 in. Surface Surface Surface 1 Fre- 256 Fre- 291 Fre- 293 Fre- 296 Fre- 299 Fre-334 Fre-335 Fre-336 HSP* Totals 9 I4 5 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 23 35 113 *Hot Springs Pass site 72 C0\ E-i C ot ,4 3 0 4-i 4-i *,q U) 00 'H to o 40: < rl H "0 Cd C) * d to 044 O r 44 0 CUo o ' U) ~ coCC) CO A) C) H cUD 00) 0-4( 0 to Cf 0 CZ bO ) - 0 r4 C) H OU :4 Il 0 0 40 44 >O 4-1 C U, X (0 0) Lr -4 EH a ~0 UL) 0 N (U O 4 01 > 1- -U) 0 N r.t4 I I-I CU0 fl 0v- 0 (0 : x CU 0 0 0 0C ~44 0 0 0 Lz4 X I X X I X * X XX XI X I X X X I I X X X X X o co a X x x X X X I I X 0L N4 CC N4 01 N co N4 0) N4 CC N4 * C-' X I CX XX a XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X I I I X. X X X , I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 01 N4 X cCs N4 X X X X 01 N4 X X X X X CC N V-I 4i C) '-, 0 N Un 44J d .r4 0 S04 44 13 'cC 44 3t 0 ,-411 % c co 'H4 N '- U) 'HCO CCn Po -4 - O0 44 08 0 X X X X a X X N co CC (Li Q) . @ a S a, 44 c 44 co (a 4 c CS cd co -A bo -4 Po Po 4i 0 N - 4 C 4 CC r-4 U) C o CC U) 'Ht 'Hc "0 C)44X x 4 0 -I CC N CC 0 r-4 co U) 0 coCU) 4 (1 ' 044--i 0 In 01)CC,l 'H4 N 44 44 1 v- 0 f:4 Qi CE A) C) Po x N N I N x 73 X. I I I I I N N N C%. I I 4J 0 - 0) O U) 0L 01 U) $. la 04 CU 4.J 4-J -r- r-4 CU CU N N N4 a x x X x N N I c-. x X C-. I I I N N N N * I a1) 0 x x C.. c N N c-. C X I x X x N x I X X X N I N Un '-4 Lf) a% C IA,U i- . 0 U a' U, , D '-I a urn . a' a' - 0 v- 4.4 -d ,j . 4-4 .' V- 'i- N4 CO o a N N 0 ~d CU1 0 U) N o* U 0 0 0 0 * v* 0 U) e U *- c) N 0n r- Un a' cr- 0 4-i bo Cd ., Sk: 0 a% j 0 a) 60 a) U) .,4 Cd 10 p 4- CU N 4 1 '.r4 PZ4 Co a' LO) a' v-i Cd bo a:: 4-A U) p4 a' x X x X I I N N N c'* N * N U) 't -4 CU U) 4-I 4-I U) 4 :1 01 , 'vI UU 0 CU Pd0 -4 4J >~ 0 ' U)' ,DC g 4I C 0 U0CU C 4-i U) 0 U) pN U) r~v-4 i (1 N 4-i 0 4.J 0 'w,ON 0 CUNU S 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations Used American Antiquity University of California Anthropological Records Archaeological Survey Report Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology AAnt UC -AR -AS-R - PAAE Archer, W. 1957 A., Percy Train and J. R. Henricks Medicinal Uses of Plants by Indian Tribes of Nevada. Rev. ed., with summary of pharmacological research by W. A. Archer. Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Contributions Toward a Flora of Nevada, No. 45. Washington, D.C. Barrett, S. A. and E. W. Gifford 1933 Miwok Material Culture. Milwaukee Public Museum Bulletin, Vol. 2, Part 4, pp. 119-377. Milwaukee. Baumhoff, M. A. and J. S. Byrne 1959 Desert Side Notched Points as a Time Marker in California. UCAS-R 48:32-61. Berkeley. Bell, R. E. 1958 Guide to the Identification of Certain American Indian Projectile Points. Oklahoma Anthropological Society, Special Bulletin No. 1. Oklahoma City. Bennyhoff, J. A. 1956 An Appraisal of the Archaeological Resources of Yosemite National Park. UCAS-R No. 34. Berkeley. Elsasser, A. B. 1960 The Archaeology of the Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada. UCAS-R No. 51. Berkeley. Fenenga, F. 1952 The Archaeology of Slick Rock Village, Tulare County, Calif. AAnt 17:339-347. Salt Lake City. 75 Fenenga, F. and F. A. Riddell 1949 Excavation of Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County, California. AAnt 14:203-214. Menasha. Fitzwater, R. J. and Marcia Van Vlissengen 1960 Preliminary Report on an Archaeological Site at El Portal, California. Annual Report., Archaeological Survey, University of California, Los Angeles. Gayton, A. H. 1948a Yokuts and Western Mono Ethnography, I: Tulare Lake, Southern Valley, and Central Foothill Yokuts. UC-AR 10:1. Berkeley. 1948b Yokuts and Western Mono Ethnography, II: Northern Foothill Yokuts and Western Mono. UC-AR 10:2. Berkeley. Gifford, E. W. 1932 The Northfork Mono. UC-PAAE 31:2:15-65. Berkeley. Harrington, 1957 M. R. A Pinto Site at Little Lake, California. Papers, No. 17. Los Angeles. Southwest Museum Heizer R. F. and A. B. Elsasser 1953 Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. UCAS-R No. 21. Berkeley. Heizer, R. F. and A. E. Treganza 1944 Mines and Quarries of the Indians of California. California Journal of Mines and Geology, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 291-359. San Francisco. Hindes, MN G. 1959 A Report on Indian Sites and Trails, Huntington Lake Region, California. UCAS-R No. 48:1-15. Berkeley. Jepson, W. L. 1925 A Manual of the Flowering Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley. Kroeber, A. L. 1923 The History of Native Culture in California. UCPAAE 20:125-142. Berkeley. 1959 Ethnographic Interpretations 7-11. UCPAAE 47:3. Berkeley. 76 Lathrap, D. W. and Dick Shutler, Jr. 1955 An Archaeological Site in the High Sierra of California. AAnt 20:3:226-240. Salt Lake City. Lillard, J. B., R. F. Heizer and F. Fenenga 1939 An Introduction to the Archaeology of Central California. Sacramento Junior College, Dept. of Anthropology, Bulletin No. 2. Meighan, C. W. 1955 Notes on the Archaeology of Mono County, California. UCAS-R No. 28:6-27. Berkeley. Pendergast, D. M. and C. W. Meighan 1959 The Greasy Creek Site, Tulare County, California. Annual Report, Archaeological Survey, University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 1-10. Los Angeles. Powers, Stephen 1877 Tribes of California. Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. 111, p. 34. Washington, D.C. Riddell, F. A. 1956 Final Report on the Archaeology of Tommy Tucker Cave. UCAS-R No. 35:1-24. Berkeley. 1960 The Archaeology of the Karlo Site (Las-7), California. UCAS-R No. 53. Berkeley. Riddell, H. S. 1951 The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site in Owens Valley. UCAS-R No. 12:14-28. Berkeley. Steward, J. H. 1933 Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute. UCPAAE 33:3: 233-350. Berkeley. Treganza, A. E. 1954 Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California. UCAS-R No. 26. Berkeley. 1958 Salvage Archaeology in the Trinity Reservoir Area, Northern California. UCAS-R No. 43, Part 1. Berkeley. 77 Treganza, 1948 A. E. and S. F. Cook The Quantitative Investigation of Aboriginal Sites: Complete Excavation with Physical and Archaeological -Analysis of a Single Mound. AAnt 13:287-297. Menasha. Von Werlhof, Jay n.d. Archaeological Investigations at Hospital Rock, Tulare County, California. Report submitted to the U.S. National Park Service, Region IV, 1960. San Francisco. 78 EXPLANATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS Map 1.. Archaeological Sites in Huntington Lake and Surrounding Regions Plate 1. A: Type.A projectile points a-c. Subtype Al d-g. A2 h-j. A3 k-n. A4a o-r. A4b s-u. A5 v. A7 w. A9 x-a'. All b'. A12 B: Type B projecatile points a-c. Subtype Bl d-f. B2 g-i. B3 j,k.* B4 l,m. B5 n,o. B6 p-r. B7 s. B8 t. B9 u-w. B1O x-z Bll C: Type C projectile points a,b. Subtype Cl c-f. C2 g-i. C3 j-l. C4 m-p. C5 q,r. C6 s,t. C7 u-w. C8 x-a. C9 * Specimen under lBk is classified elsewhere as "Unique.-" 79 Plate 2. A: Type C projectile points [cont'd.] a. Subtype C10 b-d. Clla e,f. Cllb g-i. C12 j-m. C13 n,o. C14 p, q. C15 r-t. C16 u,v. C17 B: Drills, a-l Blade, m C: Unique projectile points, a-g I I . 0L to in i a. U X * l 40 0IC I "*? ?t NI.-% to I Iz -.0 au 0 z 0 0 'Il N gm ZT .r 0 I c 4104 E 4mp a n 1 T 0 - E )4 h 5 - - - -I ?7 7 ? E NJ : - . .... :, - - 1 . 4P-.4 4[n,- 4.'w Ad1 -Sir - CI, -1 10I- lug : -w ~IC Ito :0-- 00 C.- -o 0O :: "OK-+-.) ( | : 4P : I I- C4- co qr) I I I I -C II. "11 . 00 CL. Q -o -.44 D - -s - C ~ : '4011 p -) -- a .O 'sWU *P. 4IIE . C.) E .Thz ;- :3 .I - - 0) (-a( aL- e - 4-- I- 0 .^k,j ff: - w I - - - Bi -r - - :ys *f U? :: - - l - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - E ao J N -o w F- -J 4q1 C-) I - - S0IIF J, t- o -o - - - 7 <,--- C ? I 0 -Q (16 0