Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 51 THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE SIERRA NEVADA IN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA Albert B. Elsasser Issued June 20, 1960 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California ThE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE SIERRA NEVADA IN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA Albert B. Elsasser TUIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT NO. 51 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF mAPS . , , . .. . . a * * O * * LIST;5 OF ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . * e * * . ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a 0 0 0 0 6 Page ii ii 1 1. 3 6 INTRODU3CTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . a . THE AREA AND ITS RESOURCES............................. ETHNOGRAPHIC BACKGROUND. . 4 . a .* *..... SUNNARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION AND SURVEY Early Flinds....................................... Recent Excavation .... e............. Archaeo.logi cal Site Survey....*.e.*.*.o.*.*.*.*.e.O. X Dlscussion of Site Distribution. .......... Archaeolog;ical Time Markers in the Sierra Nevada. ARCHAEOLOGY OF THREE MARTIS COMPLEX SITES N ev - . a a a a o a o e . . . ...... 26-4Do-12. 1 , . . o e e o a a o e @ 0 o Sie. 20. . . .o.. o o . . . . . . Discussion of Martis Complex.......................... CONCLUSIONS. . ...................... END NOTES. . e .................... BIBLIOGRAPHY e . e ................. EXPUANATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS .............. 9 11 14 26 29 33 49 60 66 73 77 81 91 ILLUSTRATIONS PIATE 1................ . u . * . O e PLATE 2. . . . . . . . .e . . . e *. a FIGURE 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . following . . . following . . following 93 93 93 LIST OF MAPS Following page MAP l: Principal Vegetation Zones of the Sierra Nevada (after Shantz and Zon, 1924) 0 0 0 0 0 4 MAP 2: Life Zones of the Sierra (Note: Boreal Zone includes Canadian, Hudsonian, Arctic, Alpine Zones [after Grinnell, 1935 ] ) e -0 a ID a e0 c 0 o o o a a a 4 MAP 3: Climates of the Sierra Nevada (after Russell, 1926)c . . . . . o ID e . a a o . o o a 4 MAP 4: Ethnographic Groups of the Sierra Nevada and Surrounding Regions ... * . o . o a 4 MAP 5: Archaeological Site Location Areas in- the Sierra Nevada . , . , . . o . e o . o o o o 18 MAP 6: Archaeological Site Locations in the Sierra Nevada (symbols represent one or more sites) . . e o 42 O e0 o0 o1 0 ID 0 o o IDo 18. MAP 7: Pottery Sites in the Sierra Nevadan and AdjacentRRegionsi . e 4 30 MAP 8: Site Map of Nev-15 0 ... a.. e. o. . .. . o o o o 34 MAP 9: Site Map of 26-Do-.12 *... ..a * e a e 52 MAP 10: Distribution of Martis Complex Sites and Other Excavated Sites in the Sierra Nevada. . . 66 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1A: PLATE lB: PLATE 1C: PLATE 1D: PLATE 2A: PLATE 2B: PLATE 2C: PLATE 2D: FIGURE 1: Projectile Points from Nev-1.5. . . . Projectile Points from Nev-15, . . . . , e Projectile Points and Drills from Nev'-15 . Miscellaneous Artifacts from Nev-15. 4 0 Martis Type Projectile Points from 26-Do-12, Projectile Points and Other Specimens from 26-Do-12 , . . , . , . , . o . . e Martis Type Projectile Points froim Sardine Valley. . . . e o o o . * o o o Various Artifacts. 0 0 0 e o o o e Mano Types from Martis Complex Sites . . v e a a 0 0 o 0 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 0 0 0 a 0 0 - ii - ABSTRACT An outline of the physical resources and ethnographic background of the entire area included in the Sierra Nevada province is given. This is followed by a review of the early history of archaeological finds., including the claimed associations of human remains and artifacts with pre-Pleistocene sedimentary deposits0 A description of the sites surveyed (totaling more than 1800) and excavated in recent years is presented, tabulated according to, elevation, given in units of thousands of feet, and ranging from slightly above sea level to 11,000 feet and over. Inferences regarding summer use of the higher regions for hunting and as avenues of transmontane trade are based upon occurrence and distribution of sites thus far known0 Published reports defining the late occupation in the southern Sierra Nevada are summarized and, finally, re- ports are given of excavation of three sites of the Martis type, which are thought to represent an earlier time level in the northern part of the range0 The excavational data at hand, mostly concerned with projectile point typologies, do not indicate a uniform occupation over the entire Sierra Nevadao Offered for the first time, however, is detailed evidence pertaining to chronological relationships between archaeological complexes on either side, and in the northern and south- ern parts of the range0 * * * * * * * INTRODUCTION It is well known that mountain chains or large bodies of water some- times serve as effective barriers to the free mingling of peoples of dif- ferent cultures or linguistic groups0 That the main watershed of the Sierra Nevada represented, generally, a cultural boundary in prehistoric - 1 - times is not to be doubted, if the earliest ethnographic record accurately reflects the situation of different native groups before the arrival of the white man. Nevertheless, aside from what may be looked upon as the complete span- ning of the crest of the southern Sierra Nevada by the Western Mono (Kroeber, 1925, p. 585; Lamb, 1958, p. 97), the ethnographic record discloses smaller breachings of the gap represented by the crest of the mountains, from the northern to the southern end of the range. Sample (1950) has reviewed the evidence relating to trade and trails across the Sierra, and prehistoric com- merce is shown by the wide distribution in Nevada of Pacific Coast shell ornaments and beads (Bennyhoff and Heizer, 1958). Moreover., we may observe that the Washo, who occupy the eastern slope of the Sierra and adjacent desert land at lower elevations, display traits which link them with cis- montane California (Kroeber, op. cit., p. 569). Confirmation of this or of a similar type linkage is shown, apart from linguistic evidence, by parallels in design and weaving techniques of prehistoric basketry from California and the Great Basin (Baumhoff and Heizer, 1958, po 55)o Besides serving as a crossroad for groups of different culture, the Sierra Nevada, especially in its higher reaches, may be looked upon, in a sense, as a specialized liv'ing region for these groups, an extensive terri- tory which perhaps demanded special techniques in order to be fully exploited0 The aim of this paper is to examine in detall the evldence of occupation from the foothill regions to the hLgher altitudes, and to relate to each other, if possible, the various manifestations of occupancy as disclosed by archaeolog- ical survey or excavation. The chief value of such a study probably lies in its revealing seasonal settlement patterns, and indication of movements of bands or groups within the vast mountain physiographic province which includes all of the known life zones in California (Grinnell, 1935)o Although the Sierra Nevada is often considered as a single, high fault' block, it should properly be concelved as "not that of a simple linear mounx tain range, but that of an uplifted and tilted segment of the earth0s crust broad enough to bear on' its back a whole system of linear ranges" (Matthes, 1947, p. 168). In spite of the concept of a large s of ranges and of the number of life zones represented, it is one of the purposes of this paper to isolate the Sierra Nevadan region, i.e., to demonstrate that in prehistoric as well as in historic times, it was used in such a way as to allow it to be looked upon as a special culture province, characterized by seasonal movements within its borders of the inhabitants, who, for most of the year., including the winter time, utilized its lower-altitude eastern and western slopes0 THE AREA AND ITS RESOURCES For the p:urposes of this paper, the conventLonal north and south limits of the Sierra Nevada will, be employed, i.e,, from about latitude 40 degrees north, from the Feather River basin, south to the Tehachapi Pass (just east ot the present town of Tehachapi ), at about latitude 35 degrees noc.rth-. The region thus is scmerhing over 400 miles in length, and varie-s in width from 40 to 80 miles, Th.e earAly geologic history of the range has little signiflicance in the ccntext of thIs study, and even a brief recounting of events in late Tertiary or earlN Quaternary periods would supply little meaningful background, exce;t for rlte great amount of discussion which attended the announcement of evidence of earlv man fou-nd in the aurlferous gravels of the Sierran focthxlls. Con- trove-rsv about the evidence was active for about thirty years, from 1880 to 1910, Though the claimed association of human remains wlth pre-Pleistocene sedimentary deposits and bones of animals now extinct has by now been dis- credited. d ascription of the evldence and counter-evidence iLn tkhe affair may reasonably constitute the begiLnning of the history of Si[erran arch.aeology, The subject will be takan up in a following section0 I1t has! been calculated that the highest and. greatest uplift of the Sierra Nevad.a took place in the Pliocene epoch (Matthes, op. cit0, pO 198) . PrIor to that, a l ong history of events may be traced, including itrregular, aiter- nating periods of bowing up, faulting, erosion, stream cutting, and deposition of andesitic and basaltic lavas. The lavas covered old surfaces and fillled the early stream channels as well, Significant volcanic activity continued, but ultimately ceased, in the Pliocene (Jenkixns, 1948, p, 25;, Hinds, 1952, p. 25). Finally, during the Pleistocene glacilation, old Tertiary surfaces. and strieam. channels, together with their auriferous gravels, were resurrected. Except f-or minor geolog1ical- activities such as continuing stream cutting, we may assume that the physiography of the Sierra Nevada has remained virtually uc4changed during all. the time that human beings have occupied t>he regionr. Thus the range or series of ranges may be observed today essent-Aially as a tremendouis til11ted block, witr.h tha eastern front a great fault es- carpmient and the western side gradually sloping toward the Great Central. Valle-y of California, Whl.1e the grea.t mass of tl he Sierra Nevada is composed off int-rus.Ive granitic rock, volcanic anid sedimentary rocks occuri iin profusion, especially at lower altitudes, often, representing remnants of earlier wide- spread forTar- ions, Te p-rehi stotic inhabitants of the Si.era have left their meager records on the -rocks in.n the form of grinding holes 1n the bedrock an.d of petroglyphs, usually on massive outcrops or huge boulders of granite, In addition, they exploited surface deposits of basalt and of a variety of siliceous rock, principally obsidian, for their hunting and domestic Im- plements. Fragments of these implements are often found scattered about the former open occupation spots of the Indians. Besides using the over- hangs of granitic boulders for shelter, true caves or caverns in the lime- stone belt, concentrated chiefly in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties, were utilized, though almost exclusively for burial chambers, A corollary to the assumption concerned with the relative unchanging- ness in recent times of Sierran topography is that the floral and faunal resources of the Slerra Nevada were approximately the same in prehistoric aboriginal times as they were when the flrst white men penetrated the re- gion,, It seems to be true that the historic Indlans,, and probably their predecessors as well, burnt off certain areas for specific purposes con- nected with food getting. Barrett and Gifford (1933, p. 140), Driver (1937, p. 65), and Stewart (1941, p. 376), referring to the Miwok, Western Mono, and Washo and Northern Paiute, respectively, all give instances of burning by the Indians in order to improve the yield of seeds from certain grasses or of other wild crops, such as tobacco. Heizer (1955, p, 10) cites the opinion which ascribes the increase of forest land in the Sierra Nevada (Yosemite region) to the cessation of Indians' burning the under-s brush, and. states that, "It is noted by present day foresters that cows and deer prefer to graze on recently burned over land, probably for the reason that shoots from burned back brush and new grass growing in ash compost contain more minerals which are attractlve to the animals)' In any case, it appears that the only appreciable modification of the landscape by the Indi.ans must have been related to burning practices, and any great degree of alteration from these probably took place primarily in the chaparral belt (see Map l)o* The higher altitude coniferous forests probably were not greatly affected by the Indians, So far as can be determlned, the Ind'ians were not responsible for the extinction of any large game animals by over-hunting. Of the five large mamallan species known to be hunted by the historic Sierran Indians, i ,e,, the California mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), the mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis), the pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana), the grizzly bear (Ursus henshawi), and the black bear (Q. americanus), only the mule deer remains in large numbers for the sport of present day hunters0 Since the coming of the white man, the grizzly bear has become extinct in Cali- *Explanation of county symbols used on Map 1 and all following maps may be found in End Note 20 -4 - 0 4, U . 4, C 0 N z 0 0 0 .- U,) C 0 N cJ 0 .- 0 .. C 0 C, 0 0 0 0 z 0 .- Cl a, 0 0 4, C 0 N CE 0- 0 0- 4, 0 to c 0 to N 4, c c CD 4- a 0 c4 a 0 C .-6 0 0 I C la c a CQ 0 U 1- N 0) 0 N 0 CP 0 0' 0 . , C 0 06 *0 U. c 4, 0 w 4 a. 0 0b 0- C w 0.. Q CN a) 4' 0 z 0 4- E C- .. Q fornia, The black bear population has at times and in certain places been reduced by killing by modern sportsmen or stockmen (Sumner and Dixon, 1953, p. 303); the black. bear does not, however, like the bighorn or mountain sheep and the antelope, seem in immlnent danger of extinction. While it is true that the Sierra Nevadan geomorphic province as shown by Jenkins (1938) includes all of the Californian life zones outlined by Grinnell (op. cito ), the Lower Sonoran zone occupies but a small part at the southern end of the province (see map 2), hence will. be considered further i.n this paper as of only minor impor tance in any attempts to work out relationships between cultural and environmental factors in the entire region. The life zone concept especially is convenient for description of large areas characterlzed by a great range of altitude, as the Sierra Nevada. Hall and Grinnell (1919, p. 38) have stated that life zones are altitudinal or latitudinal only in a general way. They are primarily biologic, and are affected by altitude or latitude only as these modify the climate. The regular or unified quality of the Sierra Nevada as a geomorphic province running approximately north and south is emphasized by the relatively close correspondence between the life and climatic zones (see Maps 2, 3)0 On the other hard. the effect of altitude is sometimes overshadowed by local con- ditions, as when life zones are "depressed" in narrow valleys and canyons, resulting from the flow of cold air down the canyons, especially at night, or when the proximlty of a desert area elevates the posltion of life zones on mountain slopes because of the warm ascending air currents. Besides the influence of local conditions, the lack of truly sharp demarcation in faunal or floral characters where two zones adjoin often negates efforts at drawing exact correlations between culture elements and life zones,, Barrett and Gifford (op. c ,t,,3 p. 155) nevertheless have pre- sented a table which correlates, in general, the cultural features of the Northern, Central, and Southern Miwok with life zones in the Sierra Nevadan region, The iLdea of correlating aboriglinal human groups with life zones (see Kroeber, 1955a, p. v:ii) in the Sierra Nevada must be attributed to CG Hart Merriam, who wrote (191.4, p. 914)Q "In the Sierra region the distribution of tribes conforms closely with certain faunal bellts. The high and colder bel.t, comprising the Boreal zones, is not inhabited and only a few tribes go so high as the lower half of the Transition zone, most of them living in the upper Sonoran or Digger pine belt, which c.b ocCUpIeS the lower slopes and foothills. All the way from Sacra- mento Canyon to T:ehachapi, a distanCe of about 500 mLles, fully 95 per cent of the SiLerra Indilans dwell, in this llife zone. Most of the trtbes live wholly within it and not one lives wholly above itP ` Although there may exist some question in the identification of winter as against summer occupation sites, it would appear, from comparison of Map 2 (life zones) with Map 6 (location of archaeological sites) that the Transi- tlon life zone was easily as important as the Upper Sonoran zone in number of archaeological sites. Furthermore, Map 6 represents only the sites so far known in the Sierra Nevada, especially in the hlgher altitudes,. The relatively great number of sites lying in the Boreal zone, 1i,e,,, above 6000 feet (western side of the Sierra), suggests that Merriam tended to understate the importance of the summer occupation of that li.fe zorne. Whether such cultural feature- life zone tables as that presented by Barrett and Gifford (cp0 cit.) could be constructed for all the groups which occupied parts of the Sierra is doubtful, It is clear, for example, that the Upper Sonoran and, Transit'ion life zones on the eastern s;ide of the main crest are not the same as on the western side, Probably the two most important plant species, the black oak uercus kelloggii) and the pion (P1nu s monopylIa), utilized by groups living at fairly high altitudes west and east., respectively, of the main divlde, highlight the differences in altitude and life zone associ- ation on the opposite sides of the range, The pi'Lonon is typi'cally an Upper Sonoran species (Hall and Grinnell, op. cit. P,: p 52) which occurs in a long belt on the eastern side and in but a few scattered localitites on the western side of the range.; Its characteristic altitudinal range in the area of heavi- est occurrence is 6000 8000 feet (Sudworth, 1908, P.O 35)3 The black. oak, in contrast, Is typical of the Trans'it"ion zone (Hall and Grinnell, opO cit0, PO 57), yet cccurs characteristically at a lower altltude (1,500 to 6500 feet, accordi,ng to Jepson, 1951, p. 277). Ethnographic reports by Barrett and Gifford (op. cit)3 ;Steward (1933), and Driver (op, cit,) indicate a wide range of plant and animal, foods utilized in the Siexra Nevadan province,, Movements of people wlthin the province may be understtood in terms of the inhabitants? collecting products seasonally, follow'lng game such as deer, or of procuring products of limited natural dis- trlbution by trade, ETHNOGRAPHIC BAC KGROUND I;n most of California, wlth the Sierra Nevada region certainly not ex- cluded, ethnographic data and the use of the direct histori cal method (Heizer, 1941) have proved to be of incalculable value to archaeological research. Essential identity of non-perishable culture elements known to be at least late prehistoric in time, such as certain types of projectile points and shell beads, with material positively associated with historic artifacts (e.g., glass trade beads), gives a picture of probable steady occupation dating perhaps from about 1000 A,,D, to the time of white contact in the Sierra Nevada. The transition between the putatively older cultures in the region., such as the Martis Complex in the central and northern part of the range (Heizer and Elsasser, 1953), and the Crane Flat culture in the Yosem- ite region (Bennyhoff (1956), and the later culture referred to above is- not well known, It cannot be demonstrated at present that the Martis or Crane Flat peoples were ancestral to the people who were living in the Sierra at the time of first contact with Europeans. The ethnographic picture in the Sierra Nevada has been complicated by the coming, first of the Spanish (ca, 1770) and then of the Americans, Even though the Franciscan missionaries and the accompaniying soldiery did not forcefully occupy the region at any time, their mere presence on the coast, their occasional visits or crossings of the interior, and the effect of Indian "escapees" from the missions (see Cook, 1943, pp. 56-90), while perhaps not significantly altering the culture of the Sierra Nevadan groups, must have had influences which later would be reflected in the testimony of native informants or in the accounts of early European travelers concerning the aboriginal way of life, Heizer (1958a, p. 21) calls attention to pass- ages in the account of Zenas Leonard, for example, which refer to settlements of Indians, in 1833, practicing agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley and Delta, and in the Walker Pass area, The latter evidently were a renegade group from Purissima Mission, who had brought to the Sierran region a tech- nique not known before, and which could easily be diffused to the neighboring native groups. With the coming of the Americans after 1848, large sections of the Sierra Nevada were irrevocably changed. The Nisenan, in the heart of the gold rush country, were vilrtually annihilated as a cultural entity (Beals, 1933, p. 335), and other groups were then or shortly thereafter strongly affected, whether or not gold happened to occur in their territory. In spite of these adverse circumstances, by 1925 California was ethno- graphically one of the best known areas in the world, Early accounts or collections of accounts such as those of Powers (1877) and Bancroft (1883), plus the systematic descriptions in the twentieth century by Kroeber, Dixon, Barrett and Gifford, to mention the more important ethnographers in California, have given a reasonable picture of life in that area before 1770e* The culture *See End Note 1, - 7- element distribution lists developed at the University of California have filled gaps in knowledge of certain areas and supplemented information from already known groups. With the tremendous numbers of ethnographic details available, and with fairly precise delineations of linguistic relationships in native California (see Map 4), we can make certain statements which may be of significance to the archaeology of the Sierra Nevada: (1) The patterns of exploitation of the land cut across linguistic boundaries. Thus the material culture of the Sierra Miwok more closely re- sembled that of the neighboring Maidu to the north than it did that of their linguistic relatives, the Plains Miwok, The Northfork Mono, for another ex- ample, showed a closer affinity to the tribes of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada than to their Shoshonean-speaking kin to the east of the crest of the range (Gifford, 1932, p. 55). Dixon (1905, p. 346), referring primar- ily to the Northern Maidu, has pointed out that, "the accordance of culture with environment and the continuity of the areas of similar cultures, irre- spective of linguistic boundaries, are evidences of long continued occupation of the region by its present occupants03' The universal practice of all Sierran ethnographic groups of moving with the seasons, usually east and west, but in specific-territory, must indicate an optimum method of survival in the given environment, and one of long stand- ing. (2) Observations of divergences in related languages, such as those in the Shoshonean family, indicate that there is by no means a correspondence in the time at which the different groups entered the territory which they occu- pied in historic times, l.e., the geographic separation of the various groups within the Sierran region itself apparently was not responsible for the diver- gences in languages. Instead, the separations of certain groups, as judged linguistically, seem to have taken place long before their occupation of the Sierran habitat, Thus Kroeber (1925, p. 605) noted the Tibatulabal situation in the southern Sierra as similar to that of the neighboring Western Mono and the Kawaiisu, with reference to topography and contact with aliens: "On the other hand, their language is so thoroughly specialized as compared with that of their neighbors . o . that it is clear that the TUbatulabal have lived where they are now, or in the immediate vicinity, for a period of several times as long as these two groups of kinsmen," Lamb (op. cit., p. 98), while warning that lexicostatistic figures can be used only with great caution, quotes some dates arrived at by Morris Swadesh in 1954. These would place the separation of Numic (which includes Western Mono) and the TUbatulabalic language about 3000 years ago. Even - 8 - if this figure is correct, it does not mean that the Ttbatulabal occupied their present territory 3000 years ago, It does, however, give some notion of the order of time involved in the probable early movements of some groups in the Great Basin, groups which ultimately settled, but at different times, in the Sierra Nevadan region, Another instance which points up the difficulty of determining the time of original settlement in presently known territory of ethnographic groups is seen in the estimated fifty centuries representing the length of time since the separation of Yana and Washo, both in the "Pacific Hokan" stock (Kroeber, 1955b, p. 95). In view of the relative geographical closeness of these two groups (they are separated by a distance of 60 miles) in historic times, Kroeber (loc. cit.) states:0 "It is evident . o . that they have been separated not only for a long period but probably by considerable geographi- cal interval. aai wel.,," (3) Ethnographic informants have been of little or no aid in establish- ing points of origin or even migration routes used by their ancestors in arriving at their historic localities. Even in the clear cut instances of the Great Ba.sin orligin of the Western Mono and TtUbatulabal, no documentation is available by native informants. In these cases, the general lack of migra- tion myths among Basin Shoshonean speakers is partly responsible (Lowie, 1909, p. 233). (4) The barrier presented by the main crest of the Sierra was not, per se, the chief factor which perpetuated cultural separation of ethnographic groups. Most of the trans-Sierran trade recorded ethnographically took place between the Western Mono and their linguistic kin in Owens Valley, and it will be noted that this trade took place across the highest part of the range. To the north9 and as the range becomes lower, trans-Sierran trade seems to diminish, with the Northern Maidu evidently having little contact with the Washo and Northern Paiute to the east (Dixon, 1905, p. 201), Whether or not a different trans-montane contact pattern obtained in prehistoric times, for example in the time of the Martis culture, remains to be proved. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION AND SURVEY Early Finds Any bibliography of the archaeology of California inevitably includes a great number of items concerning the discovery of human bones and artifacts supposedly associated with bones of extinct mammals in the auriferous gravels of Tertiary age, chiefly in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Heizer (1948)., for example, lists 45 references to the Calaveras Skull, 15 to the Tuolumne Table Mountain finds, and 12 to miscellaneous auriferous gravel finds, - 9 - Possibly the main reason why the whole affair could not or cannot be easily dismissed is that reliable scientists of the time, such as Josiah Whitney, were aligned on the defensive side of the controversy. The finds engaged the attention of contemporary Pleistocene geologists, and startling evidence, much of it of questionable validity, was accumulated and published. Skertchly, for example, in 1888 presented an article in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland which described the finding in Butte County, California, of about 300 stone mortars under a basalt cap 25 to 100 feet thick. These were discovered during the course of hydraulic mining. In this instance, the possibility of the mortars being washed down from above in the mining operation was noted, but the weight of evidence relating to previous finds in supposedly undisturbed gravels of com- parable age was sufficient to encourage the observer to adhere to the theory of at least Pleistocene association of the artifacts. Again, Becker (1890) described, in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, certain finds in tunnels or shafts penetrating the gravels under the lava cap of Tuolumne Table Mountain in California. Becker also believed that the finds dated from the Pleistocene, but offered as explanation of the supposed association of the artifacts with bones of Pliocene mammals the thesis that the Sierran glaciation was late, i.*e., that it followed the east- ern glaciation: "In short, then, it is not necessary to suppose that man reached the neolithic age in California earlier than in Europe, if one supposes that a remnant of Pliocene mammals survived on the Pacific Coast long after the age which they characterized was past" (p. 197). Reactions to the claimants of "auriferous gravel man" and other ancient Sierran men were numerous, and for the most part tended to be entirely nega- tive. Hrdlicka, for instance (1907), was instrumental in establishing posi- tively that the "Calaveras Skull" was not of an ancient type of man. Holmes (1899) and Sinclair (1908) offered no affirmation whatever to the possibility of the legitimate association of the artifacts with the Tertiary gravels. Inasmuch as a great part of the evidence was collected by miners and later "tcorroborated" by means of affidavits and the like, it was not difficult to dispute many of the claims and to offer alternative explanations for the finds themselves. Sinclair (op. cit., p. 30) concluded with this statement: "A review of the evidence favoring the presence of the remains of man in the auriferous gravels compels one to regard it as insufficient to establish the fact. On the preceding pages, it has been shown either that there have been abundant opportunities for the relics in question to be mixed with the gravels acciden- tally, or that the geological conditions at the localities are such as to render it improbable that the implements and bones have been associated in the gravels to the extent supposed." - 10 - Examples of discoveries, even of definitely historic artifacts buried under gravels, have been reported. Taylor (1862) refers to the recovery in 1860 of an arrastra (a rude drag-stone mill used by early white miners in California) as follows: "There is nothing remarkable about this discovery, although it has been alluded to as an evidence that the gold mines were worked by an ancient people. The arrastra was found five feet deep, in a flat, and was probably buried by 'tailings' from adjacent placer diggings, within the last six or eight years. We have seen machinery buried by the same cause, to a depth of fifteen, twenty, and even thirty feet. Some miners on the American River once found a penknife under twenty feet of gravel, which looked as if it had been deposited for ages, but they were forced to conclude that that claim had been worked before, es- pecially after learning that the knife was the most precious thing it contained' At some localities in the mines, where there is no outlet for the washings, hundreds of acres of valley land, ravine, or gently sloping hillside, have been covered to a great depth with tailings from diggings above." Recent Excavation While it may with some reason now be stated that the auriferous gravel finds were not as represented, i.e., were not truly associated with Pliocene or early Quaternary deposits, the question of an early "basement" culture in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, dating perhaps from more than 5000 years ago, is still present. Treganza (1952) has described an entire assemblage of stone tools positively associated with alluvial gravels near Farmington, on the eastern edge of the San Joaquin Valley. It is thought that the gravels were deposited at some time "as far back as the Victor epoch of the late Pleistocene down to a period of several thousand years ago". (p. 10), The artifact-bearing gravels at Farmington seem to underlie the more recent allu- vial fill of the Great Central Valley of California. It was not unexpected that caves in the limestone belt of the Sierran foothills should ultimately come under close archaeological scrutiny0 Even though human bones, occasionally associated with artifacts, had been found more than 80 years ago in these caverns, it was not until a firm chronologi- cal sequence had been established in Central California that it was possible to estimate accurately the dates of the cave finds. Hawver Cave (see Wallace and Lathrap, 1952) near Auburn, California, was destroyed by modern quarrying operations some years ago, but certain of the artifacts recovered before destruction were preserved for study. The provenience of these artifacts was uncertain, and the number available for analysis was not sufficient to allow important conclusionp about the position of the site in Sierran archaeology. Nevertheless, it has been possible, on the basis of typological similarities - 11 - of lithic artifacts, tentatively to assign the specimens to the Middle Hori- zon of the Central California sequence, which dates from about 1500 B.C. to 500 A.D. (Heizer, 1949, p. 39). The deposits in Moaning Cave (Wallace, 1951) and in Winslow Cave (Gonsalves, 1955) both contained typologically distinct shell artifacts which are clearly comparable to specimens associated with the Middle Horizon, and the age correlation with that horizon thus was on firmer ground here than at Hawver Cave. All three of the caves mentioned appear to have been used as mortuary chambers, and the artifacts recovered from them were probably burial goods only. Wallace (op. cit., p. 35) states, however, that "Neither Moaning Cave nor any of the other nearby limestone grottoes seem to have been employed in recent times for entombing the dead. The Sierra Miwok, historic inhabitants of the region, either cremated or interred deceased tribesmen in rock-covered graves." Deposits in neither the limestone caverns nor in two dry caves or shelters, for example, discovered in the southern Sierra Nevada (Harrington, 1950; Heizer, 1951) disclosed evidence of a culture which could be placed in a local chrono- logical sequence. Uniformly, the limestone caverns which contain identifiable artifacts seem to be connected with the Middle Horizon of Central California, while the dry shelters to the south appear to be late in time, and probably correlate with the late prehistoric culture of the southem San Joaquin Valley in one instance, and perhaps of the northern Mohave Desert in the other. Archaeological material from open sites excavated in the southern Sierra Nevada, two on the west side of the range, at Vermilion Valley (Lathrap and Shutler, 1955) and at Slick Rock Village in Tulare County (Fenenga, 1952), and one on the east side, in Owens Valley (Riddell, H. SO9 1951) was not amenable to positive placement in a local sequence,* While there were hints of an earlier culture manifestation in all three of these. sites, shown, for example, in the presence of heavy, parallel-sided, concave based blades, also desig- nated as large projectile points or "skinning knives" (Lathrap and Shutler, op. cit., p. 234), the great majority of the specimens from the sites evidently were associated with the late prehistoric or early historic periods of the Owens Valley Paiute and with Mono and Yokuts groups on the western side of the jmain crest of the Sierra. All three sites share pottery of a similar type (Owens Valley Brown Ware; Lathrap and Shutler, ibid., p. 237), small, obsidian triangular projectile points, including the Desert Side-notched form (Baumhoff and Byrne, 1959), steatite disc beads, and glass trade beads. The differences between the sites thus far excavated in the southern Sierra Nevada are essentially minute, The resemblances of material from the excavated sites, as well as the similarities between numerous surface or tem- porary camp sites (see Table 1, below) in the higher altitudes of the region, reflect a thriving prehistoric commerce across the range, especially in the latitude of Owens Valley, In addition, the homogeneity of the sites suggests * I e., in a sequence including appreciable portions of prehistoric time, - 12 - a widespread, integrated technique for exploiting the food resources of the region. For example, all of the excavated sites and a great number of the temporary camp sites, especially those on the western side of the range, are characterized by the presence of bedrock mortars, Though some minor differ- ences in frequency of certaln. obsl-dian point types at different sites in the region have been observed, these tend to be leveled out as more and more sites are discovered and reported upon, In the central and northern portions of the Sierra Nevada (exclusive of the l'imestone belt already outlined), excavation and survey have served to uncover probable late prehistoric or protohistoric stages of ethnographic groups, Material from parts of Tommy Tucker Caxve (which actually is in the northern Great BasLn, but which has certain affiliaticns, e g., 1.n projectile point types, with sites in the Sierra Nevadan Provilnce) may be cited as repre- senting Northern Paiute occupation (Fenenga and Riddell" 1949). The Kings Beach Complex, centered around Lake Tahoe (Heizer and Elsasser, 1953), seems to represent a manifestation of the late prehistoric and protohistoriLc Washo, whlle the Mariposa Complex in the Yosemite National Park region is equated with the prehistoric and historic Miwok (Bennyhoff, 1956). There are certain notable differences in culture elements between the late complexes of the southern part of the range and those of the central part, as follows. pottery is absent in Yosemite, in the Kings Beach Complex, and in the northern part of the range generally, The Kings Beach Complex does not share serrated. projec- tile points or steatite disc beads with Yosemite and the southern Sierra Nevada. Further, although obsidian is used for implement manufacture in the Kings Beach Complex, it is not used to the extent that it is in Yosemite and in the southern Sierra Nevada, Projectile points often were made of chert and other sil iceous materials, in addition to obsidian in the Kings Beach area and among the ethnographic Washo as well. Bedrock mortars seem to have been used predominantly in late prehistoric times in the Sierra Nevada, although Bennyhoff (1956, p. 54) notes their use for the Tamarack Complex in Yosemite National Park, which is tentatively dated by him at somewhere between 500 A,D, and 1200 MAD, Certalnly the southern part of the Sierra and the Yosemite region as well have been more intensively sur- veyed than the northern part. Whether the much greater number of reports of bedrock mortar sites to the south, is simply a reflection of different emphases of archaeological survey projects, or of an actual dearth in the north of the trai tr , is not known (see Table 1, below). Turning now to the probable earlier cultures, which, however, are not necessarily directly ancestral to those described immediately above, we may note that only on the eastern side of the southern part of the range, in Owens Valley, have any sites of supposed antiquity been found, These are at Rose Spring (Riddell, nA,d) -and at Little Lake (Harrlngton, 1957) . At Little Lake - 13 - the chief evidence cited for the estimated age of 3000 to 4000 years of the site is based upon several factors, including that of climatic change, and on the presumed age of projectile points of the Pinto type (ibid., p. 70 ff.). At Rose Spring, the deeply stratified site, in which pottery and small, tri- angular "late" type projectile points were found only in the upper levels, suggests an occupation beginning probably several thousand years ago. In the northern part of the range, it is observed that Tommy Tucker Cave, on the basis of comparison of preserved organic material as well as of lithic material, may equate in time with the late phase of Lovelock Cave in Nevada and, according to Riddell (1956a, p. 19), its initial occupation may thus date at around 1 A.D, The Karlo site, an open Great Basin site not far to the north of Tommy Tucker Cave, contains non-perishable material which resembles that from probable early Middle Horizon sites in Central California, from Lovelock Cave, and from Tommy Tucker Cave as well, Material from the latter site, however, is equated with a later phase of Karlo, A C14 date of 2350 + 150 years has recently been obtained from the laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California (Sample LJ-76), which seems to date part of the lower level of the Karlo site. The Martis Complex, described by Heizer and Elsasser (op. cit.), is known, from surface evidence only, to represent a local variant of a culture which could be centered either in the Great Basin or in California. With regard to age, its position was deemed to equate with the Middle Horizon of Central California, It showed possible connection as well with the Southern Califor- nia deserts., this connection being based on a similarity of some types of Martis projectile points to Pinto points., as described by Rogers (1939) for the Colorado-Mohave desert region. Excavations in Martis Complex sites have been carried out, and results of these are set forth in a following section of this paper. Bennyhoff (1956) has found cultural stratification in Yosemite National Park which enabled him to define an early complex (named Crane Flat) and a late prehistoric and protohistoric manifestation (the Mariposa Complex), Between these in time is a less completely known complex, the Tamarack., which at the time of Bennyhoff0s work could only be summarily presented. It will be shown in the next section of this paper that the Crane Flat and Tamarack complexes both may have some affiliation with the Martis Complex, Archaeological Site Survey It has become apparent in the course of years that any general area chosen for archaeological site survey in the Sierra Nevada will reveal signs of Indians in certain expectable spots within that area. If it is rare to - 14 - find remains of camp sites on the tops of alpine peaks or in the depths of extensive forests of yellow pine, for example, it is equally out. of the ordi nary not to discover some evidence of prehistoric occupants in favorable h.unting, fishing, or gathering spots, Thus, locations in the foothi.11s, associated with or within easy distance of oak trees anrd water-, may show dark soil midden deposlts appearing as mounds in open places, with perhaps bedrock mortars at or near the sites . At greater elevations, the signs of mounds, which usually may characterize winter occupation, tend to disappear. Camp sites, indicated by the presence of bedrock mortars and perhaps scat- terings of chippage resultina from the manufacture of tools such as arrowv points, yet remain, or even increase in number. Finally, as the main crest of the range is approached, only camp sites, without bedrock mortars, prob- ably located with reference to game or trade trails, are to be found., In addition to these main types of occupation ev:idence are lesser num- bers of petroglyph sites, quarry workshops, or sites assoclated with over- hanging rock shelters, usually of granite. Tables 1 and 2, below, summarize the number and kinds of sites which have been recorded by the University of California Archaeological Survey during approximately the last ten or twelve years. The numbers of each type of site have been computed county by county, and the totals combined arbi- trarily into four areas (Map 5)2 whi ch, however, may be described in a gen- eral way as follows, (I) Northern Sierra; (II) Central Sierra; (l-IT) South- ern Sierra; (IV) that part of the Sierra Nevada fronting on the Great Basin- It may be seen on Map 6 that sites appear to be clustered in certain areas, for instance, in the upper Tuolumne River Basin. As mentioned pre- viously, in the case of the bedrock mortar sites of the southern Sierra, it is not knonm whether these clusters reflect a true preponderance of Sites in one area as against another, or are simply the result of intensive survey in one area, to the relative neglect of another, Whatever the true situa- tion, surveys by Bennyhoff (1956) in Yosemite National Park; by Melghan (1955) in Mlono County, near the eastern side of the Sierra; by Heizer and Elsasser (op. cit.) in the region centering about Lake Tahoe; by H, S. and F. A. Riddell (1956) in Owens Valley; and by Hindes (1959) 'in the Hunting- ton Lake region (Fresno County), have all revealed great numbers of sites which were prevlously unreported, e.g., by modern local residents., native informants, or by hikers and campers, In some cases it has been possible solely by means of surface Survey to ident'ify, if only tentatively, one or more culture complexes in sequen- tial relationship. The Martis-Kings Beach sequence in the Central Sierrrz (Heizer an.d Elsasser, op. cit.) has not been clearly demonstrated strati- graphically to date., although each complex has retained its original identity, - 15 - i -- I "-4 0 0 H to "-4 I - .4 1 0 -4 Ln Hn g1 e f 4 to - H H 0) .0 $4 0 0 '"4 44 C 0 b0 '"4 t 0) '0 0 44 '"4 ct a N 4 4 0-4 Co4 4 "v4 "-4 '0 N- c '-4 4 en N 14 . Cl 4 Nen - -- . - N4 " 0 "4ci ci N N r- "qr4 N1 T 4 NT 4T '1.T Cf '.0 0' I- N. O 4 "4 N -'4 . --4 0 .- 'co 01 to Ut O Cd w cn $4 $4 - a '4) 44 to "-4 '44 .0 0 H- to to 0 -$4 Lw 0 to 0 0 '"4 44 0) "4 N C, EH Ln C%j fll-- Ln cn 0 00 P-4 %D 04 C14 r4 4 tO 4 '-I N1 r- r' ON I N1 "-4 ci . - I .I I I a I I . - I - - I -- I a v -- 44 0 H --tI 'n ~I q ' co "-4 0 N4 4 N1 N.jI Ln CN N1 N 0 t4 0 Fe" '$4 40 '0 V o 0 0 - e4 Ll co m u 4) rlW 0 "q l t o "'4 "0 t .WA . W H $4 -cl 0 r., 0 '"4 44 to -44 '4i Uo tn a 4" ci Co C,1 P4 CC 20 c .4 " N 4 PC, N t '4 "4 0%cn P- c o "- C O 4"4 0 0 C' EH N oo C1 cU to '.0 "-4 "4 "4 4 CN "-4 C4 "4 i ,-- i ff ..-.-------I------ 0 0 0 44 "4.- 4J JJ a)w 0 0 0 "-4 "-4 0) 0 0 0 0 '-4 "4 "4 0 0 0 0 "4 O -% 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Do '. I 0 0 0 N' 'D. 0 0 0 Ito 0 0 0 o t 4 0 0 0 -4 ci 0 0 0 ci Nli 0 0 0' "14 0 0 "-4 01 0 to 0 0 to 0 "4 co 44 0 EH I - I I I - I I I -- I - . I - 16 - - | - - - - - ^ - : - "4 to Ui 0 H -41 N l II l n 1 In N 4 cn I 4 so (D r- %0 C) "4 0a 4 $4 4 0: 0 .94 bO .44 to 0) 'ci 0) Ui .94 en 3i o . . Ca '.4nOC 046 4 4 U)" 4 0 U r- '0 0N U 0 U 0 44 0 4.1 04 VIi ci 0 0 UL) 0 "-4 ,0 to H U)~ - K 1 'K 454 14NN"4 " 44 to0 .rI $4 4 0e n "44 "4 '4- 00 H co "4 H- 44 0d "4 0 4 0 '0 Ct " 00 U 80 en N co "44c "44 i " "4 w o Lj "4 t o U) coU H 0 0 n tn enc .94C0 U) - " 0- 444 "4 L "4 N '0 4 " 4 o4 V " w A ) N '0 4 0 4 N- in Nf "4 "4 0 -nd - I I I VA 80 0 0 4 co 4 5 "412 "4 0 i Ct 94 N U 0 0 "4 0 $4 0 40 N0 '0 4to9, i n ~ 0 cU)cN $4 Hd 0aH9 "4 80 V VN N > "4 $4 . . n- 4., 5 The block metates, which are "subcubical" in shape., have unshaped sides with top surfaces averaging in length about 14 inches, and in width about 10 inches0 The average thickness of the specimens recovered is 8 in- ches, and they weigh about 60 pounds each. All of the metates are of the basin type, with shallow, subcircu- lar basins about 3/4 inch deep and from 3 to 8 inches in diameter. While granite is the predominant material for the slab metates, 2 specimens are of fine-grained meta-andesite. The block metates are all of a similar andesitic or basaltic material. Some of the metates obviously have been "sharpened" by pecking, but some have smoothly ground basins. Only one slab specimen was noted which had depressions on two sides. Pestles. Five granitic pestles were found, 3 of them fragmentary. The latter all had the rounded ends and relatively untouched sides which may characterize use with a hopper mortar, The two complete specimens (each about 22 cm, long and 9 cm. in diameter) had been used at both ends, possi- bly in a bedrock mortar (see below), and one of these specimens had appar- ently been used as a mano on one of its sides, Hopper mortar, Only one specimen recovered. This is a rectangu- lar granite slab 11,5 cm. thick, 28 cm. long, and 26.5 cm. wide, with a hole near one edge 11,1 cm. in diameter and 3.1 cm. deep, Miscellaneous artifacts, (a) Steatite pendant. A fragmentary specimen, ca. 2 cm, long, 1 cm, wide, and 3 mm, thick, with a biconically drilled hole 3 mm. from its rounded end, This pendant was of a greenish colored steatite, polished all around, (b) Polished pebbles. One specimen is of shale, 2 are of basalt, The pebbles are lenticular in shape', averaging 5 cm. in length, and about 3 cm. in thickness. Two are polished all over, and one specimen (No. 1/172159) is polished on one surface only and has ground edges. (c) Steatite pipe fragment. This specimen (No. 1/172748) is of blue-gray steatite, smoothly ground and roughly conical or cup-like in shape. It is 3.9 cm, long, 3.2 cm, wide at one end and 1.5 cm. wide at the opposite end, with a conically drilled hole 1,8 cm, in diameter at the wide end, 1 cw. at the constricted end. The average thickness of the walls of the pipe is 8 mm. The depth occurrence (24 inches) is greater than that of any other stea- tite specimen. Cup-shaped stone pipes occur as ceremonial objects in Central - 46 - Californian 'Middle 'Horizon- provinces (Beardsley, 1948,- pp 13),- and thi-s -may be- sufficient-- grounds- for associating the Nev-15 speicimens with true Martis Complex artifacts, Otherwise it may be looked upon as-a protohistoric arti- fact which had, through disturbance of the midden deposit, finally come to be found at a greater depth than is usual for steatite artifacts (Pl 1Db)o (d) Polished slate "pencil" fragment. Another probably decorative specimen, highly polished, 4 cm. long, and 5 and 7 mm, in ovoid cross-sec- tional diameter at the broken, unpointed end (Pl. lDc). (e) Granite bowl fragment. This is a rim sherd 1.6 cm. thick, similar in form to some of the steatite sherdso (f) Quartz crystals, Two specimens recovered, both semi-opaque quartz. One specimen has both formerly pointed ends battered, while the other example has an irregular break at one end, but an intact tip at the opposite end, also battered, Features. Thirteen notable instances, either of close concentra- tions of artifacts or of unmodified rock concentrations with or without artifacts, occurred throughout the midden deposit. Two of the features were of artifacts only: (a) Four pebble tools (2 scrapers, 1 hamerstone, 1 chop- per); (b) 1 metate and 3 manos, Five features were irregular collections of angular or subspherical stones ranging from 3 to 12 inches in thickness, associated for example with metates, manos, choppers, or basalt flakes, Five of the features were simply collections of rocks without any artifact association whatever, One feature was noted with several rocks and the articulated fore- leg and cranium of a mammal about the size of a large jack rabbit, The feature was found at the 6 inch level of the deposit, The animal bones were in an extremely crumbly condition., and this, taken with the fact that no human burials or other remains of animal bones were found at the site, seems to indicate that the bones associated with the "feature" were introduced perhaps within the past five or ten years before their discoveryO Rock concentrations as features within deposits are quite common in Californian archaeological sites, It is not possible-in many cases to interpret their true function, although fire hearths are most often suggested. In the Nev- 15 examples neither extensive burning of the rocks nor ash was noted as characteristic of the rock features. This is not so significant, however., when it is observed that no other positive remains of fireplaces could be identified anywhere within the midden, - 47 - Bedrock Mortars, About 75 yards south of the midden deposit is a small outcrop of heavily weathered granitoid rocks. On several detached flat boulders of this outcrop are a series of bedrock mortar holes (ca. 12 holes scattered on 3 separate boulders). It is not certain that the bedrock mor- tars were truly associated with Nev-15, since they are located close to an- other spring and in a spot favorably situated for a small temporary camp site. Evidence of the camp area could have been obliterated by the erection of farm buildings and dwellings of the modern residents. Discussion, Site Nev-15 serves to emphasize the widespread distribution of the Martis Complex in the Sierra Nevada. The close correspondence in types of a large assemblage of basalt projectiles recovered from the midden deposit at Nev'15 with specimens from the surface of the Martis type site, Pla-5., on the eastern side of the range, represents the chief evidence for the essential unity of the Martis Complex over a large area. Hints of stratigraphic differences in artifact types within the midden deposit at Nev-15 are seen in the analysis of projectile points. Although Types 3 (shouldered) and 5 (barbed) are the most numerous points found at all levels of the deposlt, they were present at the lowest levels (below 24 Inches) to tbe virtual exclusion of all other types, and in only two instances, i.e. n two pits. were other types of points (Types 2 and 11) found below* specimens of Type 3 or 5 (see Tables 4 and 5), No similar relative chronolog- ical observations could be made here with respect to other artifact types, The role of disturbance by plowing or by rodent activity in the midden de- posit cannot be assessed with accuracy at present. The lack of observable layering and artL.culated human burials, for example, made disturbance subse- quent to occupation extremely difficult to detect, The ecological situation at the site suggestswinter rather than summer occupation. Predominance of projectile points over other types of artifacts certainly implies a culture which strongly emphasized hunting, If we are correct in assuming that deer were the mammals chiefly hunted, then Nev-15 would be at toc low an elevation durtng the summer months for such hunting, but woul.d be ideally l.ocated for winter headquarters for this purpose, Furthermore, other factors, such as closeness to acorn sources and to local- ities where a variety of other Upper Sonoran and Transitionlife zone food plants and animals abound would make the site favorable for late fall and spring cccupation as well, Even though Nev15 is much closer to the Great Valley of central *I, e,, at depths lower than 24 inches, - 48 - California than any other definite or at least extensive Martis type site hitherto discovered, the concept of the cultural relationship with Middle Horizon groups of the Valley has not been entirely clarifie.d by the results of excavation at the site, Positing of cultural relationships on the basis of projectile points alone is risky, unless there are large quantities of distinctive points to work with, Thus it is not difficult to compare Martis Complex sites one with another, but comparisons of Martis Complex projectile point assemblages with others that correspond only generally, or exactly in but few cases, do not ordinarily offer successful results. Until Martis sites are excavated which include such types of arti- facts (shell beads or ornaments) as were recovered at the Karlo site (Riddell, 1956b), little more can be said with regard to the point of origin or the center of strongest influence operative on the Martis Complex. Site 26-Do-12 Description of Site. During an archaeological reconnaissance of the Carson Valley in the state of Nevada in the summer of 1955, the University of California Archaeological Survey visited a site known locally as Hobo Hot Springs, Living Washo Indians in this part of the Carson Valley have a native name for the spot, which may be translated as "trapping place hot springs." The surface of the site previously had yielded several known private collec- tions of obsidian and basalt projectile points. Part of the data included in this section of the present paper is based upon the collection of Mrs. C. L, A, Schmidt, of Berkeley, California, and others who have kindly allowed me to re-. cord their specimens, The Hobo Hot Springs site, which henceforth will be referred to as site Do-12, is situated at the south end of a low spur which extends into the west- ern side of the Carson Valley from the lower elevation of the steep eastern face of the Sierra Nevada, The site itself is at an elevation of 4,900 feet, in the Transition life zone, About one mile to the west, the Sierra Nevada rises abruptly from the plain, at an altitude of 5,000 feet, up to about 9,000 feet, presenting the appearance of a tremendous wall, often with but a sparse growth of pine forest on its slopes, extending many miles to the north and south. Although the region is in the Transition life zone, the plant cover is meager at the site, sage brush (Artemisia tridentata) and rabbit brush (Chrso- thamrus sp) being the dominant vegetation. The area surrounding the site has been considerably modified by irrigation projects connected with the growing of forage crops, Jack's Creek, a small stream emanating from a high elevation canyon not far away on the slope of the Sierra, evidently once ran close to the edge of the site, Presently, two dams create small reservoirs, one of which covers part of the site, Hobo Hot Springs, just off the southwest edge . 49 - of the site, is surrounded with reeds, and a small pond or pool, supplied by the spring, evidently has been dug out in recent years to be used as a bathing spot, especially by the Washo Indians living in Carson Valley. It is not known whether the spring itself,or Jack's Creek, was the chief source of water for the aboriginal inhabitants. Questioning of several Indian informants failed to elicit any specific, substantive information concerning the condition of the site and the adjacent spring before it had been modified. On the surface of the site were found several indications of a post-Contact period dwelling (iron nails, bottle fragments, and the like), but no local informant volunteered de- tails about the former resident. At this point it should be noted that no glass trade beads, usually a certain clue to early historic or at least nineteenth century commerce between the local Indians and the intruding white man, were found at the site. Further, in all of the projectile point collections taken or observed at the site, only one Desert side-notched point was recorded. The Kings Beach Complex (proto- historic Washo) is partially identified by this type of projectile point. If Do-12 were occupied at all intensively during the Kings Beach period, one would expect to find numbers of these points or at least identifiable fragments there- of on the surface or in the midden deposit of the site. The soil of the site is dark brown in color, sandy (decomposed granite) and porous. It is homogeneous in texture and color until the sterile bottom is reached. The latter is a lighter brown to yellow in color, also sandy, but considerably more compacted than the midden lying above it. The primary defin- ition of "midden" is based on the presence of artifacts; since the top soil is porous, it is likely that some of the ash and other organic refuse, presumed to have been left by the early inhabitants of the site, has been leached out of the deposit. Nevertheless, one human burial (the only one found) and the osse- ous remains of numerous mammals (see list below) from nearly every pit exca- vated, testify to the incompleteness of the dissolving processes in the soil. It should be noted, however, that the sagebrush and rabbit brush contribute, through their root systems which are coextensive in depth with the midden de- posit, to the darkness and generally loose quality of the midden soil. Animal bone recovered from the deposit (identified by Mr. Alan C. Ziegler, a student in the Zoology Department, University of California, Berkeley) is varied, and includes fragments of two mammalian species not now inhabiting the area, i.e., mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) and the pronghorned antelope (Antilocapra americana). For the rest, any of the genera listed may be expected to be found living presently in the Carson Valley or in the immediately surround- ing area. The species designations, where given, are not necessarily exact, since they are based upon knowledge of living species in western Nevada. - 50 - Anas sp. Antilocapra americana Canis latrans Citellus sp. Dipodomus sp. Fulica sp. Lepus californicus Lynx rufus Odocoileus hemionus Ovis canadensis Sylvilagus sp. Taxidea taxus Thomomys sp. duck pronghorned antelope coyote ground squirrel kangaroo rat coot hare, "jackrabbit" bobcat mule deer mountain sheep cottontail rabbit badger gopher The 1956 Excavation. In July, 1956, excavation, under the direction of the writer, was begun at Do-12. It was decided that an adequate sample of the total midden deposit would most likely be obtained through the digging of a large number of small test pits, rather than a small number of large pits or trenches. In consonance with the relatively even vegetation cover of the site, square pits with 3 foot sides were dug, and located on the contour map of the site according to the plan of a rough grid system which covered the deposit. Datum A (Map 9), near the center of the deposit, was represented throughout the excavation by a stout wooden stake driven into the sandy soil. Datum A was located 116 feet, at Az. 158 degrees, from Datum B, whi6h was represented by the northwest corner of a masonry structure formerly used in connection with part of an irrigation control system at the site. All pits were located with reference to Datum A, but are shown on the map as squares in a number- letter grid system. The attempt to excavate as wide an area as possible by spacing the pits not more than 30 feet from each other was realized in the time allotted the excavation. The sandy nature of the soil demanded that all of the excavated material be passed through rocker screens of one-quarter inch mesh if maximum artifact recovery were to be achieved. Each pit was excavated in arbitrary layers 6 inches deep. The use of the screen and the control afforded by assigning of such levels seemed to be a reasonably effi- cient method for executing the requirements of the chief problem at hand. Except in the case of several large artifacts and in the one burial en- countered., trowels and other fine tools were not employed in the excavation. A total of 35 pits was excavated, ranging in depth from 5 inches (near the south edge of the site) to 54 inches (near the north edge of the site). The average depth of all the pits dug was thus 20 inches, The bottoms of the pits were easily identified by a distinct change in color from the dark brown midden type soil to the light brown or yellowish underlying sterile sand. - 51 - As a check of the soil profile., if any observable, and of the efficiency of the screening technique, a trench 30 feet long by 2 feet wide was dug. The trench intersected Pit F-10, and the deposit was dug to its bottom, to an average depth of 25 inches, as measured at 5 foot intervals along the trench. No screens were used in this excavation, The entire yield of projectile points in the trench, excluding Pit F-l0, was less than from Pit F-10 alone, where the midden material had been passed through the screen. Observation of the walls of the trench did not reveal any information concerning soil compo- nents not already yielded by the method of digging pits at regular intervals. Artifacts recovered It should be stated at the outset that it was not possible to re- cover a complete sample of artifacts from the site, A good portion, perhaps one-third of the total area according to several local reports, has been ob- literated by the construction of an earth dam at what is now the western edge of the site (the dam is represented by the heavy regular line running about north-south in the "O"' and "P" grid zones (Map 9) and by the filling of a pond behind the dam. In spite of this area lost to investigation., it is felt that the information gained from the study of the private collections mentioned above, plus that from the excavation, represent a fair sampling of the artifactual content of the site, Unless a burial area or cemetery has been destroyed or covered by the reservoir, the material reported upon here should be essen- tially identical. with that which was not available for excavation, The folP owing list outlines the number and kinds of artifacts recovered from the excavation and those in private collections frcm the surface of the site: Identifiable projectile polnts 365 or fragments Obsidian crescent 1 Mortar f ragment I Unshapea pestle fragments 2 Manos 48 Basin metates 49 Stone discoidal 1 Bone awl 1 Bone dagger 1 Incised bone fragment 1 Projectile points. In the analysis of projectile points from Do-12 (summarized in Tables 9 and 10), all specimens known to have come from the site are included, Several private col-lectors interviewed by the author - 52 - MAP 9: Site Map of 26-Do-12 H 4' m h S.0 0 I .. K X: a Q 0o I A 2 44 aS. s to -4 0 F. 'D rl- n.f ri -4 -4 cli r -4 -4 1 .-4 0 U 0 in -4 r- go N en to I 1 - l , 4iu a} 0W ~04 U) 'J n .0 o4 0 0 .4 ad . ow .n x 0 0 Y 04 C' U '4 44 O 4-) 0' I a,I C41 '0 0 o O O cn a,J o 4- nU* dOw 4) "-4 0- "-4 --- - i I f-?l 0 "-4 r-4 N1 U) "4 la 10 0 P44 U -4- -4 '4 0 "4 -4N In U 0 Lr -4 N 4 0 .0 -n - CS .-- 0 N N .Y 0 4 - N -0= = to 0 4 e4 4-- 0 n -4 Co% "4 00 O N.. .., N - 4- -- 4 O- . - - - - 0 c N en -n 0 N1 "4 0 Vtn U " -44 c 4) -14 -4 0I 44 a, 0 0 U 0) "4 0. U) Ca I- *i 'a "4 CN I I a - ; I Table 10 Measurements of Martis Complex and Other Types from Site 26-Do-12 Projectile Point No. of Length Width Weight Type specimens (cm.) (cm.) (gm8s.) la lb 2 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 4d Sa 5b 5c 5d 7 9 10 3 14 1 5 6 5 6 14 11 7 1 9 4 1 1 4 2 5.5 3.7 3.2 3.0 3.2 3,9 3.1 2.8 2.6 3,0 2.4 2.7 2D 2 1.8 4.8 2. 9 3.0 1.6 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.1 2.5 1.6 2,3 1.8 1.9 2.5 3.2 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.3 1.3 3.6 5.0 2.9 3.2 4.6 5. 1 4. 1 3.0 3.4 5.8 1.1 2.3 1.8 1.3 10.0 6.6 2.2 2.1 2.3 4.5 Humboldt Concave Base A Humboldt Basal Notched B-11 (Yosemite) Desert Side- notched (DSN) 10 2 1 1 2. 2 2.6 3.8 2.7 . 9 - 54 - have stated that they have made repeated collection trips to the site0 By making their specimens available to the University of California, they have therefore contributed to the present report. The surface collections, repre- senting slightly more than one-half of the total projectile points collected, reflects the comparative richness of the site. It was not possible to keep a tally of the relative amounts of rejected chips, presumably from projectile point manufacture, which were picked up by private collectors at Do-120 To compensate for this, all chips were saved during the excavation and later sorted and counted, with the resul.ts shown in Table 11 below0 The seeming preoccupation with the raw materials of projectile points is explained by considering it as one factor in an attempt to relate Do-12 to other sites or cultures, for example, in the Great Basin or Yosemite National Park0 Aside from this, the meaning of the various proportions of chips to finished artifacts is not readily determinable, Perhaps the domin- ance of obsidian chips suggests that obsidian was acquired through trade to the south, then locally worked into artifacts,, Complete basalt specimens may have been acquired from groups to the north, around the Truckee region, ioeo0, nearer the center of the Martis Complex. The evidence from the analysis of projectile points suggests a later phase of the Martis Complex than that expressed at Nev-15, and at the same time a mixture with another complex, Le0, that called by Bennyhoff (1956) the Tamarack Complex, in Yosemlte National Park. It will be recalled that -at Nev-15, projectille point Types 3 and 5 predominated, and that these types also were recovered generally at the, lowest levels in the deposit0 At Do-12, Types 3 (shouldered) and 5 (tanged) are present, but they occur in reduced number compared now to Type 4 (siLde-notched), Furthermore, it is clear that Types 3 and 5 do not consistently underlie Type 4 in the deposit (Table 9), While this evidence is admittedly tenuous, in view of possible disturbances of essentially shallow midden deposits, it appears that there is the beginning of a trend, mainly based upon relative type frequencies, in the direction suggested0 The relationship of Do-12 with other sites or cultures in a wider area is discussed below, and is summarized so far as projectile points are concerned, in Table 14. - 55 - Table 11 Materials of Projectile Points and Fragments from 26-Do-12 Basalt Obsidian Chert Unworked chips recovered 171 682 293 Projectile point specimens 60 100 57 (excavation - not typable) Projectile point specimens 45 29 5 (excavation - typable) Projectile point specimens 36 33 -- (private collection - surface typable Totals - projectile points 141 162 62 Obsidian crescent. The single specimen recovered is 3.7 cm. in length and 6 mm. in thickness (P1. 2Bo). It is similar to specimens from the Humboldt Lakebed site (26-Ch-15), and from Owens Valley, in the collec- tions of the University of California Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, The type has also been found at the Karlo site (Riddell, 1956b). The func- tion of this kind of object is problematical. Possibly it was part of a shaman's kit, though in the several such kits found in dry caves in Nevada to date no crescents have been discovered (cf. Heizer and Krieger, 1956). Mortar fragment. One specimen only was recovered from the surface of the site. This was approximately one-half of a complete specimen, a gliobose boulder, of gray rhyolite. The fragment measures about 24 cm. in full cross-section. The hole was about 11 cm. in diameter at its top and was ground to a depth of 10 cm. Unsha4 pestle fragmets. Basalt pestle fragments (2 specimens) were likewise found on the surface of the site. Both were subcylindrical, roughly ovoid in cross-section, and about 9 cm. long and 4.5 cm. in diameter. Both had clean breaks at one end and show slight wear at the other. These specimens probably were used in shallow bedrock mortar holes. Bedrock mor- tars were reported (on a ridge quite near the site) by W. L. d'Azevedo (personal communication) but were not seen by the present author. - 56 - Manos. A total of 48 manos (see Table 12) were recovered at Do-12. These may be divided among the 3 types defined for site Nev-15 (see p. 44 and Fig. 1) as follows: Type I: 25 (21 fragmentary) specimens Type II: 14 ( 9 fragmentary) specimens Type III: 9 ( 7 fragmentary) specimens The great majority of the manos were bifacial, of granitic rock (though basalt and rhyolite are also represented by a few specimens). It was not possible, as with the Nev-15 specimens, to suggest two ideal sizes (large and small) for the Do-12 manos. No particular significance as to depth of occurrence could be attributed to any type or subtype mano. Basin metates. All of the 49 metate fragments recovered at Do-12 (38 specimens on surface) appeared to be basin metates of the thin slab type, except one (No. 2/32251) which conceivably could have been a hopper mortar slab. This specimen does not have a definite basin; the maximum depth of its depression is 1.5 cm. About one-half of the metate specimens were of basalt; the other half were of rhyolite or basalt. Fourteen of the specimens were definitely worked on both sides, and of the remaining pieces,, most showed some faint evidence of use on the reverse of the positive working side. Sizes of metate fragments randed from 40 to 90 cm. in length or width, and from 5 to 12 cm, in thickness. More than one-half of the specimens seem to represent about one-third of the original specimen. Efforts at fitting the broken frag- ments together failed in all cases. The majority of the specimens showed some sort of edge shaping, but it is difficult to determine how much of any given was modified from the original shape of the stone. Stone discoidal. One specimen only was found (Pl. 2Bq). This is of a hard, fine grained, argillitic stone, evidently a segment representing about one-quarter /of a centrally perforated circular disc. The width of the speci- men ("radius") is 3.4 cm., and it has a maximum thickness of 7 mnu near the biconically drilled central hiole. Reconstructed, the specimen is a disc al;bou.t 7.3 diameter, with a central perforation about 5 nun, in diameter. The thickest part, near the hole, tapers out to a sharp, finely ground edge, all around the specimen. The Do-12 discoidal fragment is polished all over, except where the breaks occur on either side, and probably should not be placed in the cate- gory of "perforated sinkers" which have been reported from the Humboldt Valley in Nevada. Ioud and Harrington (1929, p. 107) state that certain similar specimens from Lovelock Cave "are better adajpted as spindle whorls." In the opiniiotn of the present writer, the Do-12 specimen either served this latter purpose or was perhaps used as an ornament1 - 57 - cq 1-4 A az C4 43 cd Ca z 44 0 0 c) 01 aJ u $4 0 4-4 0 .0 43 10 43 0 $4 :3 U1) C4 '-4 .0 to CP U, 4H 3 C 0% |i 00 |- C | 0 N |n oN '4 4 '1-4 111 1 1 0 .O C cU 14 N I-4 r14 co $4 4-4 en rr I I 1 4 '-1 r4 0 1 141 0 -44- 1-4, co^I Ic1x 114 r-4 1 1 1-44 too ivi .e -4 -4 r 44 0 $ -4 44 en -4 44 r4 4 4co i- 44O C4 (3 1 : ? I? IN o I-4 L-I C-)I to$4 - -O Cd 0 to 0cUo % r 4 N W r-4 404 CO -) I CU'en 40% v'-44r4 44- en 0% '.0 - C 1. .1 - 4 04 )C% oC 0 N 4v -4 r-4 4CY 44 4- 44- 0 0 .0 00 4 04>0 >v- N f - 58 -, Perforated stone discoidals have a fairly wide distribution in the Great Basin, and have also been found in Late Horizon archaeological sites in central California (Lillard, Heizer and Fenenga, 1939, p. 79:- "The Late Period"). At the Karlo site, in Lassen County, among several such specimens found, one is virtually identical to the Do-12 example, Bone awl. Although a considerable amount of unmodified-animal bone and one human burial were found at Do'12, only three bone artifacts were dis- covered in the excavation. One of these is an awl 15.5 cm, long (Pl 2Br) with a shouldered tip, The specimen is evidently made from a deer metapodial, and, aside from the ground tip, is only slightly worked, Bone dagger (?). This specimen (Pl 2Bs) was evidently made from a long bone of an artiodactyl (deer?), While it, too, may have served as an awl, its size and weight suggest a more rugged function, Its length is 19.3 cm,, not including the broken tip, Incised bone fragment, One small fragment,, 1,8 cm, long, of bone (No. 2/31836) from 'a small mammal, was found, This specimen has numerous transverse incisions along its entire length, on one side, These are placed in such a way as to indicate a decorated bone object (a needle or hairpin?). There is no evidence to confirm the speculation as to its original use, Bedrock Mortars. (See description above, under "Unshaped pestle frag- ments,"1) Burial, The one burial found, at a depth of 17 inches, provides little data for interpretation. The burial was in a loosely flexed position; there were two projectile point bases associated with it, Rodent holes near the skeleton explained partially the disturbed appearance of the bones--many were missing, and those that remained were not in an easily recoverable state. Discussion, Site Do-12 is the first Martis type site found which con- tains sufficient artifactual material-to allow the suggestion of another culture complex mixing with the Martis Complex. Although the correspondences with Do-12 are not exact, the Tamarack Complex, in Yosemite National Park, appears to be the candidate for the successor or at least the representative of the terminal Martis period in the Carson Valley. The probable linkage between the Carson Valley and the Yosemite National Park area may have been in Mono County, but this cannot be asserted definitely until stratigraphic excavation is carried out, perhaps near important obsidian quarries in Mono County. - 59 - There is little doubt that the culture disclosed at Do-12 is an outlying manifestation of the Martis Complex. Do-12 could have been used for year-round occupation, since it is closely associated with a warm spring and, in addition, is so located with reference to elevation and shelter as to make winter occupation bearable. The site may therefore be an eastern- slope parallel to site Nev-15, i.e., a predominantly winter campground which could also have been partially occupied in the summer. It seems to be true that all Martis-type sites excavated, including Do-12, have relatively shallow midden deposits when compared, for example, with low elevation sites in central California. These deposits, furthermore, probably have been subject to post-occupation disturbance, chiefly by rodents. At Do-12, as at all other excavated Martis sites, therefore, the determination of chronologically significant artifacts is extremely tenuous. While it has been possible to make some essays in this direction at Do-12, the results should not be taken as conclusive. Perhaps more to the point in differentla- ting this site from other Martis sites farther to the north, or in suggesting that it is a later example of the complex, is the observation that at Do-12 there seems to be a dearth of the crudely chipped basalt blades and scrapers which are so characteristic of the northern sites. On the other hand, this lack may be attributed simply to the fact that Do-12 is not close enough to any basalt sources to have made desirable the carrying back of large chunks of the material to the site by its occupants. Site Do-12, in spite of the numerous gaps or inconsistencies shown in the analysis of the material recovered from the deposit, appears to play an important part in tying together several of the loose ends which are so prevalent in Sierra Nevadan archaeology. This will be the concern of the next section of this paper, Site Sie-20 Description of site. This site is located in Sardine Valley, about 15 miles north of the town of Truckee. It was first reported to the University of California by Mrs. Gladys Smith, of Reno, Nevada, and was named the Smith- neck Creek site, after the designation of the road near the site which con- nects Truckee and Loyalton, also about 15 miles away, to the north. The site proper is located on a so-called sage brush knoll or slope on the western margin of the large grassy meadow which makes up Sardine Valley. Its eleva- tion is 6,100 feet. A small spring on the northwest margin of the site prob- ably represents the aboriginal water supply. Unlike site Pla-5, to the south, the type site for the Martis Complex, Sie-20 is not located near the center of the open plain or meadow, but rather is intimately associated with a stand of yellow pine (P. ponderosa) on its western edge, and several trees grow on the midden deposit of the site itself. - 60 - Like site Pla-5, however, Sie-20 is much more extensive than is usual for a camp site or village in this area. Basalt chippage and tool fragments are spread over an area amounting to more than one-half of a square mile in Sardine Valley. That portion of the site where excavation took place should be thought of as an area of concentration of artifacts, where about 18 inches of darkish midden soil has been deposited over but comparatively few acres, Not far to the south of Sie-20, and also on the western side of Sardine Val- ley, is another, probably smaller, concentration spot, designated Sie-210 The same type of basalt detritus as at Sie-20 marks the area surrounding Sie-21, and even appears to overlap with that of Sie-20, These two sites could reasonably be classified as one, and it is only a matter of convenience to deal with them as two separate sites, In any case, only limited excava- tion was carried out at site Sie-21, and the few identifiable projectile point specimens recovered are reported here along with those from Sie-20, Previous Investigation, Dr. L. Payen, of Sacramento, California, has a large collection of artifacts taken from the surface of several sites or ex- tensions of sites, as I have defined them here, in Sardine Valley. The col- lection is uncatalogued as regards exact location within the Valley, inasmuch as members of the Payen family have been collecting from the general locality for many years. (It is through the interest and support of the Payen family that the University of California was allowed to excavate the site in 1958,) The Payen collection has been recorded by the University of California Arch- aeological Survey, Berkeley. It displays a great preponderance of Martis type projectile points, which, in.s pite of the lack of exact accompanying data, allows the drawing of a parallel between Sardine Valley and Martis Val- ley to the south, Both localities apparently were extensive workshops and possibly centers for the hunting of antelope or deer in the early summer, Another surface collection, specifically from sites Sie-20 and 21, which, as has been pointed out, actually adjoin each other, has been taken by Mrs. Gladyf Smith, Her collection also shows a predominance of Martis type pro- jectile points, although one Desert side-notched form, of the "Delta" subtype (Baumhoff and Byrne, op. cit.), was found at site Sie-21. It is not known if any excavation had taken place at either site Sie-20 or 21 prior to 1958. The 1958 Excavation, During the summer of 19589 a class in archaeolog- ical field methods from the University of California, Berkeley, under the leadership of Dr. A, D. Krieger of the Riverside Municipal Museum, excavated 4 test pits, measuring 10 by 10 feet on the sides, at Sie-20. Since the ex- cavation was intended to be exploratory, only brief field records, not in- cluding a site map, were kept, Artifacts, however, were carefully recorded as to depth in each pit, and it is these artifacts, as well as those recovered from the surface of the site while the excavation was in progress, that will - 61 - be described in this report. In some cases specimens from site Sie.21 will be included in the descriptions. The depth of artifact-producing midden proved to be but 12 inches or so in all 4 test pits. Below that, to a depth of 18 inches, was darkish soil charged with large cobbles or boulders which finally necessitated a termination of excavation at the latter depth. Shaker screens were used throughout excavation, since the fine dark midden soil of the "sage brush knolls" made artifact detection difficult if shovels or trowels only were used for probing the excavated soil. No human or animal bones were recovered in the excavation. This corresponds to results in two other excavations in the nearby Martis Complex area, at Nev-67 (Davis, n,d.) and at site SP-6 in Martis Valley (Arnold, n,d,), Artifacts Recovered. About 218 artifacts were found in the excavation or on the surface of the site. These were in the following categories and numbers: (1) Post-contact artifacts, i.e., square iron nails, white earthen- ware sherds, glass bottle fragments: 25. (2) Projectile points: 79 typable specimens; 68 tip or mid-section fragments. (3) Drills: 2 typable specimens; 2 fragments. (4) Flake scrapers: 7. (5) Ornaments: 1 stone; l shell, (6) Manos: 11. (7) Pestles and/or hammerstones: 3. These artifacts are described below in the order given. Post-contact artifacts, All of these specimens evidently were left by early white settlers or travelers in Sardine Valley. The immediate area of midden concentration has presumably been used for many years in cattle- raising activities connected with the Payen Ranch, It is said also that one of the wooden sheds associated with the site was once used as part of a stage coach station along the Smithneck Creek Road. This would explain the recov- ery of the relatively great cz-:mber of square (horseshoe) nails at the site, The historic material occurred in the aboriginal artifact-bearing deposit (0-12 inches), hence it must be assumed that the part of the site chosen for excavation, while perhaps the richest portion in terms of artifacts, also had been subject to considerable disturbance since the time of Indian occupation. Projectile points, Of the 147 specimens which could be identified as projectile points., all were of basalt except 13 chert specimens, 3 of schist, and 11 of obsidian. Of the 79 typable specimens, 44 were complete enough to be measured, with the results shown on the following page. No attempt was made to place these points in a chronological sequence since the midden deposit was so shallow, and., in addition, showed signs of having been disturbed subsequent to aboriginal occupation. All of the points fit into the Martis classification as based originally upon.the Pla-5 material, except 2 asymmetrical specimens which display tangs on but one side only0 This is thought to be a type simply not recovered or recognized at Pla-5 (the - 62 - Martis type site), hence is incorporated here as a new type in the classi- fication (Type 5f). The type, or subtype, has been found recently at an- other Martis Complex site in the Truckee region by Davis (op. cit.). In view of the relative paucity of specimens made from obsidian, and their similarity in form to the classic Martis basalt forms, the obsidian speci- mens are included, for convenience, in the Martis classification. It is possible in some cases that the comparative lightness of the obsidian speci- mens may affect the weight averages of the points given in Table 130 Table 13 Measurements of Martis Complex Type Projectile Points from Sie-20 No, of Average Average Average Type specimens length width weight of point recovered (cm.) (cm.) (gms.) lb 2 5.8 2.1 7.3 2 2 3.5 3.4 5.7 3a 7 4.1 1.9 3.9 3b 7 3o4 2o2 3a1 4a 1 303 1.4 2.7 4b 6 2.5 2.0 2,8 4c 6 3.8 2.1 4.6 4d 6 2,7 1.9 2.8 5a 3 3.9 2.3 2.9 Sc 2 3.2 2.3 3.0 5f 2 3.8 2.7 5,4 All chips except those of basalt, of material which probably would have been used in projectile point manufacture, were collected. Basalt occurs locally as float material, hence innumerable chips recovered in the screening were rejected on the spot. Chert and obsidian, on the other hand, were no doubt imported from elsewhere, in reduced quantity. The numbers of chips from all the pits excavated were as follows: - 63 - Other silicified Chert Obsidian volcanic material 484 126 40 Representative projectile point specimens are illustrated in Plates 2C, D. Drills. These specimens are all of basalt. Two fragments are worked tips only, and two specimens, not entirely complete, are, however, identifiable as Types A and C in the Martis classification (Heizer and Elsasser, op. cit.,). The Type A fragment (P1. 2Do) appears to have had a large circular base and a short tip, while the Type C example (P1. 2Dn) has a long point, with a continuous (unshaped) base. Scrapers. The majority of the 7 scrapers recovered are unshaped or roughly shaped flakes, partially chipped on one or both faces. The specimen shown in Plate 2Dq is representative of this class. It is a crudely shaped flake with secondary chipping along one face. The specimen shown in Plate 2Dp is a finely made specimen which should perhaps be called a knife. It is a tabular, shaped flake, with retouching along both lateral edges. The retouching is alternately unifacial, i.e., both lateral edges are chipped, but on opposite faces of the specimen. Ornaments. Two ornaments were recovered, and both specimens are illustrated (Pl. 2Dr,s). The stone ornament is a thin tabular pendant, 2 cm. long, with a single conically drilled hole 2 mm. in diameter at one end. The specimen is fragmentary, though it is evident that it originally had an ovoid shape. A full longitudinal break of the schistose material of the specimen prevents determination of its original thickness, and whether or not it had a biconically drilled hole. The shell specimen (Pl, 2Ds) is of the green-backed abalone QH. cracherodi). It is fragmentary, also, but its original shape can only be guessed. Even though the original specimen probably was circular in out- line, perhaps one of the variants of the C(l) or C(2) types (Bennyhoff and Heizer, op. cit., p. 64), it cannot properly be used as a chronologically diagnostic specimen since there is no way to determine the number of central or edge perforations in the original specimen. Manos. Eleven manos, representing Types I and II (see p. 44), were recovered, all either from the surface of the site or in the first (and only) 12 inch level of the deposit.. Type I manos (round or ovate cobbles) are of granite (1), basalt (3), - 64 - and felslte (3), Four of the specimens are Complete, 3 are fragmentary, and all have wear on but one limited surface, Four Type T, (loaf-shaped, bitacial) specimens are of basalt (3) and granodiorite (I), Shapes of two of these manos are identical to those shown in Figure 2B, C (Heizer and Elsasser, op. cit.), i.,e., the length does not appreciably exceed the width of the specimens. Of the remaining two specimens, one, though fragmentary, appears to have been a "long" specimen like the complete example (No, 208) which is 15 cm. long by 8 cm, wide, Metates, No portable metates were found at the site, Probably with addiLtional excavation, these would appear. In addition, it is possible that some of the heavy granit ic boulders which are distributed throughout the surface of the slte could once have contained metate surfaces, since mortar holes were present in at Least two of these boulders, Pestles and/or hammerstones, One smal l, roughly cyllndrical sec- tion of felsite (No, 130) with smoothed sides, 308 cm, long and 2.9 cm. in diameter, possibly could represent a mid-section of a small pestle0 Two other spec.imens, one complete, of felsite, and one fragmentary, of basalt, show a ground flattening on their ends,, The complete specimen is an irregu- lar cobble 10,,2 cm long, unworked on its sides but with distinct, smoothly worn ends 6,5 and 5.5 cm. in diameter, indicating use as a pestle in shallow mortar holes or perhaps as a hammerstone in some food- cr hi de-softening process which required only a flat pounding under-surface, The fragmentary specimen (No, 236), 8e8 cm. long arnd wlth one smoothly ground end 5,2 cm. in diameter, was pecked on its sides so that it has an ovoid cross-sectional shape,, Its sides are not worn smooth. however, and the specimen thus sug- gests u-se as a pestle 'in a shallow mortar hole or possibly occasional second- ary use as a hammerstone, Bedrock Mortars and Petroglyphs Study of the grinding tool complex at Sie 20 is hampered by the limited nature of the excavation, Ordinarily one would expect to find metates or metate fragments along with manos, and not have to depend. on a putative association of manos with possible bedrock metates iMn order to explain the presence of the manos, The small number of pestles recovered, on the other hand, corresponds with the relative paucity of bedrock mortars at the site, The latter are represented on two flattish- topped, granitic boulders, each about 36 inches in diameter, imbedded in the midden soil, One of the boulders shows 3 well developed mortar holes, while the other has but one incipient hole, It may be surmised that more shallow mortar holes , or perhaps metates, were at one time present on other, similar boulders at the site, but have become obliterated in the course of years, The exposed nature of the terrain at both sites (Sie-20 and 21) leaves - 65 - open the possibility of obliteration of petroglyphs as well as evidences of grinding surfaces on the bedrock or float boulders. At Sie-21, however, there still remain a few petroglyph elemern on one boulder. These are one straight-line groove separating two wavy lines (snakes?) in a field measur- ing about 20 by 8 inches. At site Sie-20 is a boulder which contains numerous small, conical pits or "dimples" averaging about 6 cm. in diameter and from 2 to 4 cm. deep. A similar petroglyph style has been observed in various Great Basin sites. At the Grimes site, near Fallon, Nevada, for example, the pit (and groove) style, on the basis of degree of patination of the element with relation to the parent rock, is thought to represent a culture stratum in the Great Basin perhaps dating from more than 5,000 years ago (Baumhoff, Heizer and Elsasser, op. cit., p. 15)o A pitted boulder has been observed at site Pla-5 in Martis Valley by the present author, and Arnold (op. cit.) reports what appears to be a pitted boulder in a site not far away from Pla-5, in the same valley. Discussion. Site Sie-20 and its adjoining site, Sie-21, have yielded enough evidence from limited excavation and surface collection to indicate a type of occupation in Sardine Valley which was probably identical to that posited for the dominant occupation in Martis Valley, 20 miles to the south. Both areas were probably used seasonally, e.g., as early summer headquarters, for hunting groups who spent much time on the sites manufacturing domestic stone implements as well. Of the complement of Martis Complex material exem- plified at Pla-5, large leaf-shaped blades of basalt were not recovered in the excavation of Sie-20. Also, no traces of metates were found at Sie-20, either in the excavation or in the surface collection. These discrepancies might be explained by noting the great amount of intensive private collect- ing in Sardine Valley, and the relatively small amount of excavation carried out at the site in 1958. One previously unreported element found at both Sie-20 and Pla-5, the pitted boulder, possibly could pre-date the Martis Complex. It could also be an element which survived from earlier times and was used by the Martis people, perhaps to increase their hunting luck, Discussion of Martis Com Since 1953, when the Martis Complex was first proposed, a great number of sites have been discovered which seem to bear Martis affiliation. These sites are distributed in an area extending from as far north as Honey Lake in Lassen County to the southern end of Hope Valley, in Alpine County. Many Martis-like sites have been located or identified around Peavine Mountain, and in Spanish Spring and Washoe Valleys near Reno, as well as in the Carson - 66 - Scale 40 miles --- County boundaries -- State boundaries ...... Limits of the Sierra Nevadan geomorphic province 0 e Martis-affiliated sites (surface) A Martis-affiliated sites (excavated) U Other sites (excavated) I . . . I . . . iz21 MAP 10: Distribution of Martis Complex Sites and Other Excavated I SSites in the Sierra Nevada Valley, in Nevada. At least one site has been reported from as far south as Sonora Pass in California, The general area of distribution may be seen in Map 10 A total of 150 Martis type sites has been recorded, with the occurrence in each county as follows: (1) California: Lassen, 1 site; Plumas, 21 sites; Sierra, 21 sites; Nevada, 46 sites; Yuba, 5 sites; Placer, 13 sites; Eldorado, 2 sites; Alpine, 9 sites, (2) Nevada: Ormsby, 1 site; Douglas, 3 sites; Storey, 1 site; Lyon, I site; Washoe, 46 sites, The locations of these sites tend to modify slightly ideas originally set forth on the relationship between site location and function, It may be observed that, if there is any area which could properly be referred to as the characteristic "Martis area," this would fall largely into the Transition Zone (cf, Maps 2 and 10), on the eastern and western sides of the range, FurthaBrmore, of the three excavated sites reported upon in this paper, two could well have been used as winter occupation sites, Thus the concept of an extremely high altitude culture complex should be altered in favor of one re- ferring to what may be called a mid-altitude optimum, which varies from about 2,500 to 6, 00? feet, and depends upon which side of the range is under con- sideration, It has been shown previously that the Transition life zone com- prises a different emphasis of life species and range of elevations where it adjoins the Great Basin than where it faces the Great Central Valley of Cali- fornia, It appears that the distribution of Martis-type sites is closely associated with this ecological phenomenon, Davis (op. cit.) has recorded data pertinent to prehistoric economic activity in the probable central region of the Martis Complex (i.e., north of Lake Tahoe, in the Truckee River drainage area). Most of this information was offered by Dr. A, Starker Leopold of the Department of Zoology, University of California (Berkeley), and may be paraphrased as follows: The sagebrush knolls upon which the majority of Martis Complex sites are located were formerly grass-covered knolls, It was not until after the land was utilized for sheep and cattle grazing that the once grassy vegeta- tion was replaced by sagebrush and bitterbrush, Deer eat only a limited quantity of green grass, and will not feed on dry grass. Also, elevations from about 5,500 to 6,000 feet in this region are too low for summer deer range, even with the present day vegetal cover- ing, In early historic times, before the vegetation change occurred, valleys such as Martis, Prosser, Stampede, and Sardine furnished summer grazing for - 67 - antelope herds which migrated from western Nevada. The antelope drifted in herds up to higher elevations during the sumer and returned to the lower elevations during the winter. The approximate time of this drifting occurred upward during the months of May and June and downward during late October and November. During the protohistoric period, no other large mammals, such as deer or bighorn sheep, were in abundance in this region. In aboriginal times Pyramid Lake supported a considerable population of large cutthroat trout, which ran up the tributaries of the Truckee River, such as Prosser Creek, to spawn. Two runs occurred annually from Pyramid Lake, one during December and January, the other during March and April. ifter spawning, the fish returned to Pyramid Lake during May and June. The near absence of bone in these sites may be accounted for by the fact that bone left lying on the surface of this mountain country disintegrates- rapidly. Deer bones resulting from the starvation winter of 1952 have almost disappeared in six years' time. Locations of carcasses and skeletons have been checked periodically since 1952, and an informal notation of their rate of decomposition has been made, Locations of Martis-type sites on the western side of the main Sierran divide probably may be explained in similar terms to those outlined for the Truckee River drainage, with different animal species substituted where applicable. If the Martis people followed antelope to the lower elevations and deer over the higher parts of the range, and perhaps from one side of the range to the other, neither the point of origin, the usual direction of movement, nor the side where the bulk of the people spent the winter months can be determined with the data at hand. The similarity of artifact mater- ial on both sides of the main range certainly suggests regular trans-Sierran trail routes in Martis Complex times, These routes could have followed gen- erally the North, Middle, and South Forks of the Feather River, and the Middle Fork of the Yuba River. Sites usually are found on ridges or upon small flats close to the streams named, or their tributaries. The trails themselves probably alternated between relatively low canyon sides and easily accessible ridges. It has been noted above that the northern Sierra Nevada is not characterized by numbers of definite passes or gaps in the mountain wall, such as are encountered all along the southern Sierran divide. Trails may be made in a much more wholesale fashion in the north., hence there is no tendency to "channeling." Where prehistoric trails have been channeled, or funneled, there is usually abundant evidence in the form of camp-spot detritus spaced at intervals along the route, - 68 - A definite genetic relationship seems to hold between the projectile point types on the two opposite flanks of the Sierra Nevada, at Nev-15 and Pla-5 (western and eastern, respectively). In addition to the overwhelming evidence from the excavations at Nev-15, it appears that the majority of projectile points recorded from Hawver Cave (Wallace and Lathrap, op. cit.) may easily be identified, from material, shape, and size, as Martis types. Thus, of 13 points illustrated (ibid., p. 134), 6 of basalt, 6 of slate or schist, and 1 of limestone, 10 are classifiable as Martis types (basalt: 3 of Type 4 [side-notched], 2 of Type 3 [shouldered]; slate or schist: 5 of Type 3 [shouldered]). At Nev-15 there is reason to believe that some sort of change took place through time in the popularity of projectile point types, Data from excavations of Martis sites on the eastern side of the range, except in one instance, all tend to emphasize, however, the single-phase quality of the Martis Complex. Arnold (op. cit.),, for example, has found Martis projectile point Types 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 at a site in Martis Valley. There, only Types 1 and 3 were found in the lowest level excavated (30-36 inches)0 At Cave Rock (site 26-Do-1), on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe, an ex- cavation under the direction of the writer disclosed but 3 basalt projectile points, all of them of Martis type (1 of Type 3; 2 of Type 4)0 Another excavation, carried out at a site (Nev-67) near Alder Creek, a tributary of Prosser Creek (Davis, op. cit.), resulted in the finding of Martis Complex projectile points, Types 1 and 4, in the lowest (6-12 inch) level of the site. From the excavations just mentioned, and from the excavation at Sie-20 reported in this paper, the samples were not large enough to merit any attempt at drawing conclusions regarding relative chronology at the sites, At site Do-12, also reported herein, there is not only evidence that per- tains to relative chronology, but the projectile point types found there indicate, for the first time, wider relationships of a site which can as- suredly also be classified as representative of the Martis Complex. Table 14 shows the affinities between site Do-12, the Humboldt Lakebed site (26-Ch-15), the Mono County area surveyed by Meighan (1955), and the Yosemite National Park sites excavated by Bennyhoff (1956). It will be re- called that the Yosemite region projectile point specimens of the "C" desig- nation have been placed in the early complex at Yosemite (Crane Flat), while those with the "B" prefix are of the succeeding (Tamarack) complex. Benny- hoff (ibid.) equated the Crane Flat Complex with the Martis Complex, and - 69 - Table 14. Comparison of Projectile Point Types from site Do-12 and Other Sites in Nevada and California. Mono Shape Do-12 Ch-15* County** Yosemite*** 0 lb A 2 Bl or Cl B 4a (Rose Spring 8 B4 or B5 side notch?) Humbol-dt X concave base B3 A Humboldt X basal notched 3 C5 4b 9 Clla 4c F 4 37 A | a Rose Spring | 5a | contracting stem A5 Eastgate Sb, SC expanding 6 310 stem 5d Elko eared C15 Eastgate X split stem K:Type not previously classified in Martis Complex. **After Meighan, 1955. *Unpublished data. ***After Bennyhoff, 1956, - "0o - suggested that the not-so-well-known Tamarack Complex followed both in time, If the evidence for relative chronology from Nev-15 and Do-12 has any valid- ity, then we may look upon site Do-12 as a later phase of the Martis Complex. Taken with the evidence from Yosemite National Park, Do-12 would appear to follow the same sequence that obtained there, according to Bennyhoff"s stra- tigraphy, and possibly represents a transitional period between the earlier (Martis or Crane Flat) and later (Tamarack) complexes. Both Meighan (for Mono County) and Bennyhoff (for the Yosemite region) refer to certain similarities in point types between these two localities and the Martis Complex area. However., neither saw fit to emphasize clear= cut comparisons between assemblages of basalt points and those of obsidian, wh:ch characterized most of the specimens from Mono County and Yosemite. A possible explanation for observed differences between basalt and obsidian specimens is that a point maker might have the same general form in mind when starting the flaking process, but the size and fineness of outline of the finished product might depend on the material used. This distinction in iterial thus could be important to the archaeologist engaged in classi- fying a large group of points. Specimens from site Do-12, as shown above, display certain similarities to points recovered from the Humboldt Lakebed site in Churchill County, Nevada, A wide range of specimens has been found on the now dry surface of the lake bed, and the latter collection includes also several basalt speci- mens which are easily identified as Martis Complex types. At both sites Nev-15 and Do-12, points resembling Pinto type projectile points have been recovered. The Nev-15 specimens are all of basalt (desig- nated as Martis type 12), and are of the so-called "sloping shoulder" vari- ety named by Harrington (1957, p. 50). The concave-based specimens from Do-12 are perhaps too small to be equated with the "unshouldered" Pinto points of Harrington (ibid.), although the resemblance in shape is definite. In all, the Do-12 specimens probably show greater likeness to projectile points which occur in quantity at site 26-Ch-15, called "Humboldt concave- base A"l type, in the collections of the University of California Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology. The occurrence of the almost unquestionably late Desert side-notched type of point at sites Nev-15, Pla-6 (site excavated by Arnold [op. cit.]), Do-12, and Sies 21 may be explained simply as the result of temporary camp- ing on the sites by protohistoric or historic Maidu or Washo groups. At both sites Nev-15 and Pla-6, however, such specimens (3 at Nev-15, 1 at Pla-6) were found relatively deep in midden deposits, in the 18-24 inch levels, as it happens. Evidence from the majority of Martis type sites re- corded (mostly surface sites where the typical Martis specimens do not occur - 71 in conjunction with the Desert side-notched points) suggests that these oc- currences represent disturbance of the mound soil rather than an extension of the Martis culture into the time of the late prehistoric or protohistoric cilt?ures of the region, In sum, three possibilities may be set forth to explain the areal dis- tribution of the Martis Complex: (1) It was a higher altitude or summer manifestation of a culture which was centered farther out in the Great Basin, to the east; this perhaps had ultimate roots in the Southern California deserts. (2) The same as above, except that the center or point of origin was i. central California., during Middle Horizon times. (3) It was an essen- tially autochthonous culture, i.e., one which developed in the Sierra Nevada without strong reference to cultures on either side of the Sierra. The first possibility is based upon the greater number of Martis type sites on the eastern side of the Sierra and on the distribution of Pinto type 9oints in the Great Basin. The latter may point to early movements along the eastern flank of the Sierra Nevada, with utilization of locally available material for implement manufacture. It may be suggested on these grounds that the early culture of the Yosemite National Park area and that of the Martis Complex area were derived from the same tradition, The penetration of the Sierra as far as Yosemite Valley or the western foothills in the north may be based partially on the following of large game animals over the moun- tains from the east. On the other hand, the second possibility (above) forces us to confront the evidence of the strong resemblance of Martis Complex points with those recovered from the Middle archaeological Horizon of central California, Furthermore, investigation to date of the foothills on the western side of the Sierra has not been carried on so intensively with regard to the Martis problem as on the eastern side of the range, Thus it remains possible that the known high- or mid-altitude Martis sites represent a summer occupation of a basically central Californian culture. The argument for the third possibility is simply that what have been defined as Martis type artifacts, especially the all-important projectile points, are reasonably distinct assemblages, and while influence from far- ther east in the Great Basin or from central California is obviously present, as at site Do-12 (Great Basin), one would expect it to be strong enough to be definitely identified at higher altitudes, i.e., at some distance from the periphery of the Martis region or zone of direct impingement with either Great Basin or central Californian cultures. Whatever the case., all that can be said at this writing is that the lower " 72 - altitude sites with midden deposits probably represent winter residences,* while the higher sites with scatterings of artifacts on their surfaces only represent summer camp sites. In some instances, observed sites with midden deposits such as those in Martis Valley and along Alder Creek near Truckee can hardly qualify as winter sites, hence must be looked upon simply as continuously preferred summer camp sites. It is apparent that the number of wintering sites, being places of concentration of population, would be less than of summer camp sites, yet only a few of these probable winter occupation spots have been found and excavated. It therefore does not seem unreasonable to state that knowledge of the Martis Complex is by no means complete, and that excavation in future may yield solid data which will aid in establishing closer Californian-Great Basin archaeological relationships through the definition of a local Sierran culture, which, no matter what its ultimate affiliations, could also serve as a linking type of culture between the regions to the east and west of the Sierra Nevada. CONCLUSIONS An attempt has been made in this paper to review all known data per- taining to prehistoric culture chronology and distribution in the Sierra Nevada. While no new concepts have been derived from this study, it is felt that the ralating to each other of previously defined culture complexes over the entire extent of the geomorphic province will be of value in future in the interpretation of local Sierran archaeology, and of the influences re- ceived by the Sierran cultures from cis-montane California or the Great Basin0 Unfortunately, the familiar demand for additional investigation before the large problems of the region can be solved must again be voiced. The speci'fic, immediate deficiencies are that not enough is known of the early complexes in the southern or higher part of the range, while in the northern part, especially on the western side of the range, there has not been suffi- cient survey or excavation properly to outline the later complexes. Keeping in mind the background of comparatively intensive survey in certain regions, like Yosemite National Park, and the virtual neglect or but sketchy outlines of the archaeology in the foothill region between Nevada City and Placerville, for example, we may tentatively summarize the broad conclu- sions of this paper as follows, *These may have also been occupied in the summer, perhaps by a smaller number of people than in winter, - 73 - (1) In the early period of Sierran occupation by man, the beginning of which is tentatively dated here as about 2,500 years ago, the Martis Complex was thriving in the northern part of the range. This evidently was a rela- tively homogeneous culture which seems not to have been subject to such natural or artificial boundaries as existed between the ethnographic groups, the Maidu and Washo, which later occupied the same general area, The Martis people either were confined fairly strictly to the Sierran geomorphic prov- ince itself, like the ethnographic Northeastern Maidu, or they represent a summer manifestation of lower altitude groups on one or both sides of the Sierra. Unlike that of the Northeastern Maidu, their cultural affiliation with central Californian (Sacramento Valley) peoples cannot definitely be established. Neither can their origin be positively connected with the Great Basin. The existence of any Sierran archaeological culture equivalent to the Martis Complex south of the Yosemite National Park region is only vaguely known. Bennyhoff (1956) has, however, demonstrated at Yosemite a possibly continuous sequence found in stratified relation, and the report in the present paper on site Do-12 may be the first step in determining a transi- tion from the Martis culture to a succeeding culture equatable with the Tamarack Complex in Yosemite. Although at two Martis type sites (Nev-15 and Do-12) there is some slight evidence of culture change reflected by the position in the midden and popularity of certain projectile point types, this is of tentative nature only, and cannot soundly be usedas a basis for separating the Martis Complex into "early" and "late" periods (see Table 15 below). (2) For the later period, i.e.,, in late prehistoric or protohistoric times, evidence of movements of people (trade routes, commonly used hunting trails, for example) and their distrlbutional patterns, in the area which previously was occupied by the Martis Complex, tends to be scanty. Lacking over most of the area, except as noted, at site Do-12, is evidence of a transitional culture between the Martis Complex and the protohistoric Maidu or Washo. If the estimates of the dating of the Martis Complex as given here are correct (ca. 1500 B.C. to 500 or 600 A.D.), there is a lapse of more than 500 years before the supposed appearance of the late prehistoric expressions of these ethnographic groups. The depth association of Desert side-notched points and shaped steatite specimens with Martis Complex arti- facts at Nev-15 may conceivably be evidence for the bridging of the gap, which would almost certainly be represented as a survival or extension of the Martis Complex into a period later than that indicated in this paper. The types of steatite objects found do not here present serious difficulty, since their temporal affiliations are not precisely known, The problem of the Desert side-notched points possibly may be resolved with additional ex- cavation, especially if sites are found in which "disturbed midden" does not - 74 - Table 15. Tentative Archaeological Chronology of. the Sierra Nevada. (Adapted from Bennyhoff, 1958) Southern Sub-Region Owens Valley Sierra Yosemite Northern Sierra ICt .a & . Historic Group Dating BP BC-AD (1950) 1700 800 1100 1500 500 0-AD 2000 3000 1000 Owens Valley Paiute Western Mono I - Rose Cottonwood Spring Creek (Tny-2) Earlier Earlier Rose Cottonwood Spring Creek * Vermilion Valley -so T Earlier Vermilion Valley * p --- m m Tamarack* i Crane Flat* 4 Central & S. Hiwok Mariposa* i a I a a 0 .w Kings Beach* ----------------I. - - Haidu and Washo Stahl - Hartis* * op I pl Pinto Gypsum* ? a I - a--- . . - . . - * Named complexes--unstarred names are of individual sites. xxx - Base line for "Shoshone" ceramics (Owens Valley Brown Ware). --- a Approximate temporal boundaries. - have to be invoked in order to explain what are thought to be anomalous, deep occurrencl'es in the deposit of "late" specimens,0 Ira the sout-hern part of the range, on the other hand, there is much evidence of a homogenecus late prehistoric or protohistoric culture, based upon hunting and most, probably upon trade as well. It is assumed that this apparent homogene-1ity may in turn have been based on linguistic kinship of the Shoshonean peoples who lived on either side of the range0 Ta'bbe7. 1i>e -.=t--stmarizes the estimated chronological relationshtps between the archae.ological. cultures of the Sierra Nevada0 Throughou,t this paper, reference has been made to sites on the outer edge, or ent-rely cutside, of the Sierra Nevadan province0 The Karlo site in Lassen County, site Iny-- - in Owens Vallev, sites in Mono County surveyed by Meighan (195.51, and e'ven the Martis type site, Do-12, are all, properly speaking, in the. Great Basin. There is certainly no question, however, as to whether or not s;uch site;as are necessary tco the interpretation of Sierra Nevadan archaeol ogy, The onl.y real. question here :i',s how muc.h more regions like the Humboldt Valley, inP Nevaxdax Owens Valley; or the southern end of the Cascade Range in Tehama County should have been considered as essential bases for comparison with the data from the Sierra Nevada proper0 The answer of course is tzhat all of these reg:,ons ultimately are archaeclogically interdependent0 Collections of data from. all, of them, and fromr the Sierra Nevada as well., still must be built to the point where they can be easily and withcut st'rain compared to each other 0 Only ther. can the prehlstory of any, of the regions separately and of wez?tern Ncoc,th America as a whole be meaningfully synthesized0 - 76 - END NOTES 1. In addition to Kroeber's Handbook (1925), the following sources have been consulted for the groups indicated: ethnographic Maidu: Washo: Dixon (1905) Voegelin (1942) Littlejohn (1929) Beaks (1933) Faye (1923) Barrett (1907) Lowie (1939) Stewart (1941) Owens Valley Paiute: (E. Miono) Yokuts: T4Ubatulabal: Steward (1933) Driver (1937) Gayton (1948a, b) Aginsky (1943) Driver (1937) Voegelin (1938) Driver (1937) Driver (1937) Zigmond (1938) [ Kroeber (1925) ] Driver (1937) with county sym- Miwok: Barrett and Gifford (1933) W. Mono Gifford (1932) Driver (1937) Gayton (J.948b) Aginsky (1943) Kawaiisu: Kitanemuk: Koso: 2. Counties included in areas indicated in Tables 1 and 2, bols shown on maps (from north to south), are: Area I Area III Plumas Sierra Butte Yuba Nevada Placer Area II (FPu-) (Sie-) (But-) (Yub-) (Nev-) (Pla-) Madera Fresno Tu lare Kern (Mad-) (Fre-) (Tul-) (Ker-) Area IV Eldorado Amador Calaveras Tuolumne Mariposa (Eld-) (Ama-) (Cal-) (Tuo-) (Mrp-) Lassen (Las-) Alpine (Alp-) Mono (Mno-) Inyo (Iny-) Counties in state of Nevada (boundaries not shown on map) Washoe Ormsby Douglas - 77 - 3. Size of site correlated with number of mortar holes (after Bennyhoff, 1956, ppo 12-13): Mortar holes 1-7: single family occupation 8-19: small village 20 plus:., large village (One site in Big Meadow [Mrp-3] has 473 mortar holes) 4. Summary of, probable dates and place of occurrence of small, triangular -projectile points outside of California (after Eberhart, n.d.). (1) Stmnle triangular with concave baseltpe Great Plains, ca. 1300 AoD. Texas, 800-900 AoD, Southern New Mexico, 900-1100 A.D. Northern New Mexico, 1100-1300 A.D. Southern Arizona, 700-1000 A.D. Northern Arizona, 700-900 A.D. Utah, 500(?)-900 A.D. Southeastern Oregon, ca. 1000 A.De / (2) Side-notched straight based Northwestern Plains 1150-1350 A.D. Central Plains, 1000- 1150 A.D. Texas, ca, 1.100 A, Do Mogollon, 700-1000 A,D. Hohokam, 800-900 AIDO Sinagua, 1070-1120 A,D. Anasazi, 900-950 A.D'.a Utah, 900-1000 A.D, Northwest, ca. 1000 A.D, or later (3) Side-notsed concave based type Northwestern Plains, 1150-1350 A.D. Central Plains, 1250-1450 A.D. Texas, ca. 1100 A.D. Chihuahua, 1200-1450 A.D. Mogollon, 950-1150 A.D. Hohokam, 800-900 A.D, Sinagua, 1070-1120 A.D, Anasazi, 900-1100 A.D. Utah, 950w1150 .A.D. Oregon, ca, 1000 AoD. Wash-ington,, ca, 1000 A.D, or later - 78 - (4) Side notched, end notched type Central Plains, 1000-1150 A.D. Texas, ca, 1100 A.D. Mogollon, 900-1100 A.D. -Hohokam, 900-1100 AM D. Sinagua., 1070-1120 A.Dn Anasazi , 1100-4300 A.D,, Utah, 900-1300 AlD, Southeast,. Oregon, ca,, 1000 A.D. 5. The projectile point classification is adapted from that in Heizer and Elsasser (op. cit., p. 11) except for a few additions and slight modi- fication., as follows: Type i Subtype a. be C, d. 3i-pointed, spindle shaped (P1. lAa-c), With rounded base (P1, lAd-f). With rounded base and point, Crescenti.c. Tye 2 Triangular (Plo lAg-i), W 3 Shouldered, with contracting or nearly parallel-sided stem. Subtype a, c, d. Wlth pointed item (PI. lAi-m), Stem with rounded end (Pl lAn-p). Stem. with squaare end (P1. lAq-s). Stem with. coxncave end (PI. N2Co) Type 4 Side-.notched; depending on size and shape of notch, approaches shouldered form with expanding stem, Subtype a,, b. C. do With no discrete stem, square or convex end (Plo lAt-v), With conca-v,'e base (PI, o lAw-y) With rou-nded base (P1 1 lBa-c)? With squared base (PI. I.Bd-f), Tye 5 Barbed or tanged (C.t ornar or basal notched), Subtype a, With contracting, pointed stem (P1, lBg-i),o bo With expanding or parallel-sided stem, rounded bz (P1, IBJpl)o c, With expanding or parallel-sided stem, squared bi d, With expandirng Or parallel- sided stem, indented (Pl. 2Az 9a2), e, With long tangs extending as far as base of stem (basal, notched). f. With one tang only, variable stems (Pl, 2D1-m), ase ase base 79 - Type 6 Quadrangular (Pl lBq-r). Type i With long, parallel-sided stem, with rounded end, basal edges ground (PI. 2Bf). Type 8 With long, narrow blade with concave sides, barbed or shouldered (PI. lBs-v). Iygn2 Side or corner-notched with chipped blunted tips (reworked projectile points for use as hafted scrapers?) (P1. 2Ba). Tye 10 Side-notched points with shouldered tips (reworked projec- tile points for use as hafted perforators or drills?) (P1. 2Bb-c), Type 11 With slight (sloping) shoulder. Subtype a, With pointed base (Pl lBw-y). b. With square or concave base (P1, lCa-e) - 80 - BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations Used AA AA AIP ICA GS SC Si SW u'c Ut k American Anthropologist knt American Antiquity 4NH American Museum of Natural History -AP -Anthropological Papers -B -Bulletin kS California Academy of Sciences -P -Proceedings ''A Geological Society of America -B -Bulletin [AL International Journal of American Linguistics ks Kroeber Anthropological Society -P -Papers 1CM Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee -B -Bulletin Sierra Club -B -Bulletin Smithsonian Institution -BAE -Bureau of American Ethnology -B -Bulletin FM Southwest Museum -M -Masterkey -P -Papers Un:Lversity of Cali?4fornia -AR -Anthropological RIcords -AS-R -Archaeological Survey- Report -PAAE -Publications in American Archaeology and I -PG -Publications in Geography -Pz -Publications in Zoology JDA University of Utah Department of Anthropology .AP -Anthropological Papers Ethnology Aginsky, B. W, 1943 Culture Element Distributions, XXIV Central Sierra, UC-AR Vol. 8, pp. 393-468. Arnold, B0 AO0 n,d, Archaeological Investigations on Federal, Lands in Martis Valley, California. Report on excavatiorns during July and August, 1957. 18 pp. - 81 - Baldwin, G. C. 1950 The Pottery of the Southern Paiute, AAMnt Vol,0 16, pp, 5056, Bancroft, H, H, 1883 The Native Races of the Pacific States, San Francisco. Barrett, S. A, 1917 The Washo Indians. PCMCNB, Vol,, 2 pp. 1r52, Barrett, S, A. and E, W. Gifford 1933 Miwok Material Culture0 PMCM?B,, V'ol. 2,9 pp li%9377. Baumhoff, M. A, 1957 An Introduction to Yana Archaeology, UCAS-R No0 40, pp. 1-610 Baumhoff., M. A, and J. S. Byrne 1959 Desert Side-Notched Points as a Time Marker in California0 UCAS-R No0 48, pp0 32%65., Baumhoff, M. A. and RK F. Heizer 1958 Outland Coiled Basketry from the Caves of West Central Nevada0 urCAS-R No0 42, pp. 49.59. Baumhoff, M. A,, R. F, Heizer and A, B. 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The 21, Conflict Between the Cal.ifornia Indian and White Civilization0 The Indian Versus the Spanish Mission, Ibero-Americana,, Vo.l. pp. 1-194. c The Archaeology of Three Central Sierran Sites, Report of exc.a vation carried out under contract with National Park Service., 29 pp. (1958), The Topographical Reports of Lieutenant George H. Derby0, With ZT ntroduction and Notes by Francis P. Farquhar, Reprint froam California Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. X%, Nos, 2, 3, 4, with additional material, D4xcrkt :%tith A, 1;-953 A "Sandiat" Point from Long Valley, Mono County, California.0 SWMWM, Voll. 27, pp. 97-104. Dixon, R. B. .94c0! khe Northern Maidu. AIfHB 17, pp. 119-346. Drive P E, 937 Cul.ture Element Distributions: VI Southern Sierra Nevada, UC-AR, Vol. 1, pp. 53-154. EberLa.nt, H, H, n,,d, Time Markers in Southern California Archaeclogy. 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EXPLANATION OF ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 ProjectIle points and other artifacts from Nev-15. All material is basalt unless otherwise specified. Specimen numbers shown are University of California Archaeological Survey field numbers in A B and C, In D, numbers are of University of California Lowie Museum of Anthropology specimens, A: Projectile points from Nesv-15 (Martis types) a-, eo &. f , g- i. n-p. ?' . t-vO w-y Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type la (259, 601, 1014), lb (794, 443, 944), 2 (16,P 400, 995) , 3a (201, 982,9 1077, 822). 3b (886., 1013,0 263), 3c (9, 650; 115)o 4a (6302 188, 29,3)0 4b (742, 469 173)o B: Projectile points from Nev-15 (Martis types) a= C. d-f . J. 1, q,p r," I0 Tpe Type Type Type Type Type Type 4c (1.080, 2, 805). 4d (299, 309, 1.081). 5a (438, 17, 11 ). 5b (885, 737, 207), 5c (185, 428, 174,p 371), 6 (5689 362), 8 (21, 386, 1058,9 1011)o w-y. Type lla (394, 840, 463), - 91 - C: Projectile points and drills from Nev-15 (Martis type) a-e. Type llb (255, 292, 5109 633, 823). f-ho Desert side-notched points, chert (341., ic1l Obsidian points (831, 399 502, 51), m-p. Chlorite schist- points (1096, 896, 118, q-$o Drill., type B (140, 186, 73), 411, 897)o p 64)o D: Miscellaneous artifacts from Nev-15 a, Grooved hammerstone, granitic material (1/172848)o ba Steatite pipe fragment (1/172748). c. Slate "Pencil" fragment (1/172749). do Blade (1/172420), e, Blade (1/172426), f. Blade (1/172423). g. Scraper (1/172411). Projectile points and cther artifacts from sites 26-Do-12, Sie-20, and Sie-'21, Specimen numbers shown in A and B are Lowie Museum of Anthropology numbers; in C and D, University of California Archae- ological Survey field numbers, A- Martis type projectile points from 26-Do-12, Material as indicated. Plate 2 a, a, f. g-, j p- r, 19, U0 v , W=Y, Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Ia lb 3a 3b (2/ 320390 (2/31973:o (2/31989., (2/32091, basalt),, 4a (2/31707:o 4b (2/31977: 4c (2/316830 4d (2/32060, 5a (2/316920 5b (2/31.962: obsidian), basalt), chert; 2/31998., 2/31993:, obsidian)0 2/32088: obsidian), 2/320090 obsidian; 2/31609, 2/320650 obsidian; 2/31628: basalt)0 obsidian; 2/31602, 2/31611: basalt), obsidian; 2/31597, 2/32063:0 basalt),, 2/31978, 2/31.5840 basalt) 0 obsidian), obsidt an; 2/3171-2:- chert; 2/31675: Type 5d (2/31613: basalt; 2/320890 obsidian)0 B: Projectile points and other specimens from 26-Do-12, Material as indicated, a, Martis type projectile point, type 9 (2/32076:, basalt),O b, c, Martis type projectile points, type 10 (2/32085, 2/31995: basalt), d, eo Martis type drills, type B (2/316220 basalt; 2/32092o chert)o f, Martis type projectile point, type 7 (2/31714: chert), g 92 - g-k. Projectile points: Humboldt Concave Base A (2/31676, 2/31637: obsidian; 2/32014: basalt; 2/31742: jasper; 2/31979: basalt). 1,m. Projectile points: Humboldt basal-notched (2/31645, 2/31657: obsidian), n, Projectile point: Yosemite type B-Il (2/31579: basalt), o, "Crescent" (2/31807: obsidian), p. Projectile point: unique specimen (2/31701: obsidian), q, Stone ornamexnt fragment (2/31.822: argillite[?]) r, Bone awl (2/31824), s. Bone dagger (2/31823), C: Martis type projectile points from Sardine Valley, All speci- mens are from Sie-20 except b, c, and es which are from Sie-21. All are of basalt except v and w, which are of obsidian, c which is of greenish chert, and d' which is of chlorite schist. a, b. Type l.b (184, 216), c. Type 2 (219), d-i. Type 3a (164, 2215 71, 69, 75, 66), j-n. Type 3b (165, 123, 178, 67, 171). o. Type 3d (18 o p,q. Type 4a (25, 1.9), r-w. Type 4b (122, 194,, 79, 77, 199, 200), x-ev Type 4c (116, 85 36, 51, 73, 35, 34, 179), D: Various artifacts: a-m Martis type projectile points; n-s, as indicatedg from Sardirne Valley. All specimens are from Sie-20, except fg., and a which are from Sie-21, Specimens are of basalt except e and f which are of obsidian; 1 which is of chlorite schist; s which is of shell; and r which is of an uni- dentifiable schist., a-f, Type 4d (180, 75,, 1.76, 1175 147, 232), g;. Type 5a (177). h-j. Type Sc (166, 78, 30). It. Type 5a (70), l,m, Type Sf (115, 183), n. Drill, type C (37), o. Drill, type A (44). p0 Scraper or knife (210)o q, Scraper (212), r, Stone pendant fragment (173), s, Shell ornament fragment (174). Figure 1 Mano types from Martis Complex sites, (Heavy dark lines represent grinding surfaces; dotted lines represent imaginary plane, cutting stone through its greatest thickness.) - 93 - , 3 :: M ..SCALE . a b d e 3 cm : SCALE a b c a - f 4 h i 4 I f: :: . - - f | w ; v s T g h i W ) kS i :: 7 - i [: .: E 7 - E tESt00 E E - . 0 : 0 X j s. - E : - - : : : . s . , . - - - 1 i + f * * n o p q f i: r m a S: n ' P 4 I A. u Y - - I % I t : W I y y A B n 3E' i cm. ' SCA. Ei;dL .. ..i.EijE ,,,-g,.. I .4LT ,,k 3 cm. SCALE I I I I f h i j i;F b fi: A :002 E t7 sJw - :: m: 7 n : 0 o 0 E p: 7 4 i ,lSs : : : : i:: i : ; j :: - . i f 4 - - t ;f: |040 .- : 0 -; t: E sa V - E :: S -00 : t :: :: E - : E; : f r - :: : y :: E - : j - - X ) i L 0 -: ?: ' i; - S f:E XP? iD.E,$D t - E E .. . f : y: -) t i S j E , r - ; D - i S : 0 - . fi:: f; E D : ! :: ;: 0 q 0 E: 0y :f;S:;00X0 t r 00000Si : f f s ff;:i t E 7 i E .: f 7 i E d a f 9 C D Plate I a b ei ; t ' 0 { I - I0 % ii, X ..t jA , :f :f b cG 4d J LA gi h: 1;0 jf kf 1 in p Tri B fa b C 41dJ e t g I s f. v A, o Vs q C D Plate 2 TYPE I TYPE r TYPE m FIGURE I