Reports.of the U NIVERSIflb5FLCJLFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY, No. 49 PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 74, 75 Issued January 29, 1960 Es! A LTh- 51 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 74 75 TABLE OF CONTENTS Parer No. 74 Page Albert B. Elsasser THE HISTORY OF CULTURE CLASSIFICATION IN CALIFORNIA . , . . I Bibliography . . . 0 1. . . .. . e o . a o . o . o . . 7 Paper No, 75 James T. Davis THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE FERNANDEZ SITE, A SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION SHELLMOUND. Preface O o o a a o * * 11 Introduction . ..Go oe......12 Environment iron ment,,., ... .. ... 13- Description of Archaeological Remains A. Mound Constituents and Structure . ........15 BW Bural CompleC . . o m p le ., a . 17 C. Ceremonial Complex . 0 0. . . . . . e . . 18 D. Dress and Ornamentation a.o ...* . * * . 26 E. Warfare and Hunting . 4 I . ...* ... 34 F. Economic Complex . ..............35 G. House Remains , . O O a .. o . .o 40 H. Miscellaneous Remains , , . . . .........40 I. Technology .; . G . a e 0 a o 0 o 0 o . . . o o 41 J. Culture Chronology O O . . * . . . . o 45 Bibliography . . , . o o a e o e 46 List of Tables and Illustrations . - . . . . . .Is 50 Tables and Illustrations ....O.....e......o.e,following 52 256