Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No.45 The Aboriginal Population of the Great Basin K. A. R. KENNEDY Issued February 2, 1959 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California THE ABORIGINAL POPUILATION OF THE GREAT BASIN K. A. R. Kennedy U. C. A. S. REPORT NO. 45 Preface Robert F. Heizer The present report by Kenneth Kennedy* was written in 1954 in partial satisfaction for the requirements of the M.A. degree in Anthropology. The study was carried out under the chief direction of Professor T. D. McCown. My interest in Kennedy' s work derives from the fact that I have been engaged intermittently for the past twenty years with the ethnography and archaeology of the state of Nevada. Since July, 1957 I have been engaged in a special research project which aims at outlining the broad culture his- tory of the western Great Basin. In the process of collecting evidence for such a study, it has become quite apparent that the physical anthropology of the Great Basin area badly needed some review of data and synthesis. Kennedy's thesis represents such a collection of data, and even though these data be scattered and of uneven reliability and completeness, taken as a whole they represent a necessary and useful first step in any attempt to correlate somatic and cultural data within the Great Basin area. P. E. Goddard (The Cultural and Somatic Correlations of Uto-Aztekan. Amer. Anthrop. 22:244-47, 1920) and G. Neumann (On the Physical Types of the Shoshonean-Speaking Tribes. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 55:26-28, 1946) have discussed the possibility of a Shoshonean physical and linguistic cor- relation, but lacking reliable somatic data such inquiries cannot get us very far. D. Shimkin (Shoshone-Comanche Origins and Migrations.- Proc. Fifth Pacific Sci. Congr. 4:17-25, 1939) and S. M. Lamb (Linguistic Pre- history in the Great Basin. Internat. Journ. of Amer. Ling. 24:95-100, 1958) have provided us with proposals concerning the place and time of differentiation of the several Shoshonean languages. These reconstructions might be verified or disproved by archaeological and somatic data, but un- til we have managed to accumulate a comprehensive body of facts we simply cannot make any progress in determining the course of culture history in the Great Basin. And it is primarily toward the immediate aim of the col- lection and publication of a corpus of data that the present work is of- :fered. The native peoples living in the Great Basin area could still be * Support for final preparation and publication of this monograph was sup- plied -by the National Science Foundation (G3917), Paper No. 8. profitably studied by physical anthropologists, and it is to be hoped that this work will not be postponed until it is literally too late. More pre- historic skeletal material collected by proper methods is needed, and the archaeologists' duty is to effect this before the amateurs have destroyed the record to the point of insignificance. It is already clear from Kennedy's data that there prevailed in the prehistoric past (almost all of the materials discussed by him fall well within the last three to four thousand years) regional variation in physi- cal types. Our problem now is to correlate diachron'ically these local differences with the local types of culture and language. Table of Contents Introduction . Geography and Cultural History of the Great Basin. Analytical Methods Used for the Series. ...... Cranial Measurements and Observations....e...e.. Types of Variations in the Series. ........ Areal Distribution of Morphological Types. . Anatomical Variations............................ Comparlson With Other Cranial Series e . . e Summary and Conclusion e.............. Key to Map I . . G ............... Appendix A: Table I. Comparison of Male Crania of the Gr 6 0 a 0 0 a 9 0 9 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 1 2 4 . 5 8 12 15 17 18 20 27 31 48 62 eat Basin Table II. Table III. Table IV. Appendix B: Bibliography O Explanation of with Male Crania from Peripheral Areas . . . Tabulation of Cranial Measurements and Indices. Tabulation of Post Cranial Measurements and Indices. . . . . . . e . . . * * * * 0 * * * * * Tabulation of Cranial Morphological Observations. Additional Anthropometric Material from the Great Basin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plate ,. . . e eo.... 73 80 84 Illustrations Map I The Area of the Great Basin Showing the Locations Where the Series Were Obtained...............f ollowing Plate la, b, c- The Central Area Morphological Type d, e3 fo Three Examples of Anatomical Variation in Central Area Morphological Type. . . . . following 26 84 Introduction This report will examine the nature of the physical morphology of that group of North American aborigines living in the confines of the Great Basin. The investigation makes use of the published anthropomet- ric data pertaining to this area and of an analysis made by the author on a cranial series from Nevada. Six series have been compiled for adult male and female crania, three of the series consisting of non-living material and three con- sisting of living subjects. The data on the skeletal crania come from the published works of Hrdlicka (1927, pp. 92, 94-99) and Cressman (1942, pp. 141-143) and from the investigations by the author of the Great Basin crania now in the Museum of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley. The individual measurements of cranial and post-cranial material of the author's series are on record in the University of Cali- fornia Archaeological Survey at Berkeley. To the author's series are added nine crania concerning which some data have been published: Hansen (1934, pp. 431-433), Hrdlicka (1907, p. 104), Putnam (1880, pp. 221-222), Smith (1950, pp. 65-68), Virchow (1892, Tafel 16). In this series, hereafter referred to as the Kennedy series, 85.11% of the specimens come from the western and central parts of the Great Basin; 70.37% of the material in the Hrdlicka series is from the eastern area. The Cressman series is derived from a single general re- gion in southeastern Oregon that includes Blitzen Valley and Catlow Cave Number IL With regard to the three series of living material, the largest is That compiled by Walter S. Shaw and T. L. Bolton, who worked under the sponsorship of Franz Boas (1899, pp. 751-758). Their data come from east- ern Utah and western Colorado, an area on the periphery of the Great Basin. Edward W. Gifford (1926, pp. 281-282, 290-292) collected the anthropometric descriptions of the Northern Paiute, Washo, and Eastern Mono of eastern California. Boas (1895a, p. 264, Tables 3-5) worked south of this area among the Mission Indians. Michelson (1930, p. 856) recorded the cephalic index of male Shoshone on the Wind River Reservation in southwestern Wyoming. - 1 - Post-cranial skeletal measurements for the inhabitants of the Great Basin are not recorded here, except for the investigations of the author on his own series. Such records do not appear in the literature for the area. The bulk of the author's material is fragmentary and in a very poor state of preservation. Shaw and Bolton, Gifford, and Boas supply data on stature for their series cited above. Included with their series of meas- urements is another sample compiled by Hrdlicka (1909, pp. 408-409) for the Indians of southeastern Utah. This region is peripheral to the Great Basin, but the inclusion of the data from here is judged important by the author for a clearer understanding of the more western Shoshoneans. The author reconstructed the stature of his small post-cranial collection on the basis of the long bones,, Children and hybrids have been excluded from each series, except from that of Shaw and Bolton. The youngest age for males and females is eight- een and sixteen respectively. Any specimen for which at least one accurate measurement can be made is included. Unless a particular measurement can be made upon five or more individuals, it is not analyzed statistically. The morphological observations are confined to individuals in the author's series. A breakdown of the total sample according to area and series is represented in Map 1 with its accompanying key. The proportions of the total sample are as follows: 50 male and 33 femal e non-living crania, 183 male and 50 female living crania, 6 male and 1 female post-crani al skeletal parts, plus some 17 fragments of undeter- mined sex, In addition, 188 males and 70 females were measured for stature, but of these 55 males and 26 females are the same indivlduals as those in- cluded in the cranial series. This compilation of anthropometric data is believed by the author to be the largest and most complete to date for the Indians of the Great Basin. Geography and Cultural History of the Great Basin Included in the Intermontane Area of western North America are the Colorado Plateau in eastern and southern Utah, the Columbia Plateau in Idaho, and the Great Basin, which covers some 200,000 square miles between the Wasatch Mountains and the ranges of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada. This latter region is about 800 miles long from north to south and about 500 miles broad at its wldest part in the north. The boundaries defined - 2 - by Steward (1940, pp. 446-47) are represented in Map 1. The region attains a general elevation of 5,000 feet in the east and drops down toward the west vith one spot at 276 feet below sea level in southeastern California. The terrain reveals contrasts of mountain ranges, aggraded valleys, and uninhab- itable deserts. The river valleys are most fertile. The average annual rainfall is about 11 inches in the north and about 3 inches in the south. At low elevations plant life is limited to greasewood (Sarcobatus) and to several varieties of sagebrush (Artemisia); at higher elevations herbaceous plants are common. This scantiness of ground cover has a restrictive effect upon the size and number of game animals. Oases are confined usually to the courses of the Humboldt and Snake rivers and their ephemeral tributar- ies, as well as to the streams having their origin in the Sierra Nevada range. The few permanent lakes are saline, but most of the drainage areas are of brief duration. The density of the aboriginal population in prehis- toric times may have been as low as one person per thirty or thirty-five square miles (ibid. , p. 449). The aridity of the region is favorable to the preservation of osseous remains. Antevs (1925, pp. 68, 77) finds evi- dence for three Pleistocene glaciations for the Great Basin. The earliest were represented by the Mono and Lahontan drainages at the foot of the Sierra Nevada range. These were followed later by the Bonneville drainage below the Wasatch and Uinta mountains. During the Pleistocene, according to Antevs (ibid., p. 71), there were over sixty-eight lakes with internal drainage systems in the Great Basin. A fluctuating balance of low evapo- ration and high precipitation, corresponding to the size of glacial deposits in the mountains, was reversed as one moved from north to south and also when the post-glacial period, with its drier climate, had commenced. Culturally, the Great Basin presents traits derived from peoples liv- ing on its periphery, as well as from internal developments. A general outline of the cultural sequences reveals, for the earliest period, possi- ble Pleistocene occupations (Cressman, 1951, pp. 297-304; Harrington, 1934, pp. 22-24; Heizer, 1951, p. 95). Scientific description of the skeletal material attributed to this period* is restricted to the published accounts of Cressman (1938, 341-44) and Hansen (oE. cit., p. 431). A subsequent horizon, showing influences from the Basketmaker culture of the Southwest, is represented most intensively along the southwestern periphery of the Great Basin, but traitsdecrease markedly in their frequency as one moves northward into Oregon. Later, cultural influences deriving from the Pueblo I, It, III phases superimposed themselves over the earlier Basketmaker II, *For Pleistocene and postglacial chronology in the Great Basin area see Antevs (1948, 1952), " 3 - III horizons. These Puebloid cultures may have flourished around A.D. 500- 1300 (Martin, Quimby and Collier, 1946, p. 224). There are no published records of skeletal finds from the Great Basin which are known to represent this period, save for two crania noted by Steward (cp. cit., p. 471). The Promontory Culture was a local development in northern Utah circa A.D. 1200- 1400 (Martin, Quimby and Collier, 1946, p. 226). It vanished with the early beginnings of a type of culture similar to that practiced by the Shoshonean peoples living in historic times. The skeletal record is more rewarding for this later period. The Shoshonean people belong to the Uto-Aztecan l'nguistic stock, which is divided into three groups: the Northern Paiute or Mono-Bannock, the Sho- shone, and the Ute-Chemehuevi or Ute and Southern Paiute (Steward, 1940, p. 474). This differentiation may have taken place before the Puebloid traits were acquired. It is uncertain whether all of the Puebloid horizons were occupied by Shoshonean people, since the amount of skeletal material for this era is very meager. What is known is that there is a cultural continu- um between Puebloid and Shoshonean cultures in the Great Basin. Some Sho- shoneans spread eastward to Wyoming or to the southern Plains and are repre- sented here by the Comanche (Mooney, 1898, p. 161). According to Steward (oR. cit., p. 491) burial, cremation,, or abandon- ment of the corpse in the house were the prevalent customs for disposing of the dead. Lowie (1923, p. 149) notes that placlng the body 'in a rocky cleft was popular with the Lemhi and Wind River Shoshone, Tree burial was a less common practice (Lowie, 1909, p. 214). There were striking regional differ- ences in the modes of disposing of the dead, but cave burials were most common. Analytical Methods Used for the Series Appendix A contains the tabulations of the cranial and post-cranial measurements and indices, which are followed by a tabulation of the morpho- logical observations on the crania. A discussion in this paper of the post- cranial material is omitted, due to the scantiness and inferior condition of the bones, The measurements and indices of these bones have been made avail- able here in the hope that they may be of value to another worker with a more complete sample. - 4 - For each class of measurements and indices where the sample is of suffi- cent size, is calculated the Arithmetic Mean (M) (Simpson and Roe, 1939, p. 87), the Standard Deviation (S.D.) (ibid., p. 115), the Coefficient of Varia- bility (V) (ibid., p. 122), plus the Standard Error (SoE.) (ibid., p. 154) for each of these constants. The Significant Difference Between the Means of Two Series (d/ad) (ibid., p. 192) is represented in the tabulations in the column bearing the initials of the investigators. The measurements and indices for each class followed the methods favored by Hrdlicka (1939, pp. 119-186) and acquired by the author from instruction under Professor T. D. McCown, Department of Anthropology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley. Cranial capacity for skulls of the Kennedy series was cal- culated with the use of Pearson's formula (Hooton, 1946, p. 739), using Basion-Bregma Height instead of Auricular Height. For the post-cranial ser- ies, stature was estimated by the use of Trotter's formulae (Trotter and Gleser, 1952, p. 488) for the long bones, as these applied to White males. Cranial Measurements and Observations This section is concerned with a general description of the Great Basin population, based upon the mean values obtained by all six investigators as listed in Appendix A. Unless stated otherwise, these generalizations apply to both sexes in the series. Cranium. The Cephalic Index for the Great Basin is in the mesocephalic range, exceptions occurring in the author's series of males, which are di- lichocephalic, and in the brachycephalic females of the Gifford series, This predominant mesocephalic pattern has been long recognized for this re- gion, but Dixon (1923, pp. 403, 421) believes the Shoshone and possibly the Paiute peoples to be brachycephalic. This claim is based on Dixon's obser- vation of the Maidu, who are neighbors of the Shoshone in California, He lacks any Great Basin cranial data to confirm his assumption. Using the cranial records in Hrdlicka's "Catalogue of Human Crania in the U. S. National Museum," Cameron (1929, p. 175) found a consistently higher Cephalic Index for the females than for the males in a number of Indian tribes which includ- ed the Paiutes, Utes, and Gosh-Utes. Cameron's observation is confirmed in this report, but this is not the case among the Comanche, who are related to the Shoshoneans (Goldstein, 1934, p. 302), The Height-Length Index for either Basion-Bregma Height or Auricular Height is orthocranial; however, - 5 - Dixon (o. cit.,v p. 21) regards it as chamaecephalic or hypsicephalic, de- pending upon how successfully a series conforms to his racial classifica- tions for the Great Basin. The Height-Breadth Index is in the metriocran- ial range, but the males of the Cressman and Kennedy series are acrocranial. Gifford (1926, p. 248) regards an index of 100 (acrocranial) as typical for the Great Basin tribes and particularly for the Northern Paiute and Shoshone. Hrdlicka (1927, p. 101) sees a low to medium vault height as typical. For the Fronto-Parietal Index, the males are eurymetopic and the females are metriometopic. With the exception of the eight crania in the Hrdlicka series which show varying degrees of occipital flattening, none of the specimens in the other series show any artificial deformation. The vault has a spheroid form. Large brow ridges are common for the males, this feature leading several investigators (see Hansen, p. cit., p. 433) to believe that certain Great Basin skulls must be ancient and primitivistic. The brow ridges have a median concentration, but divlided and continuous ridges are not uncommon. The glabella is large for males and small for females. Both sexes share medium to low frontal regions with a medium slope and small frontal bosses. The median crests are small and the sagittal elevation is in the medium category. Parietal bosses are large and the temporals are full, the females showing slightly larger extensions for both traits. For the temporal crests and the supramastoid crests, the males show an increase in size away from the medium range. The occipital curve is medium, and the torus is small for females and medium for males. The mound slope is most common for the torus. The auditory meatus is oval and the tympanic plate is thin. The post-glen- oid process is medium. Face. The Total Facial Index shows great variation. It is euryprosop- ic for the males of the Gifford series, the Hrdlicka series, and the Shaw- Bolton series. The Kennedy series is mesoprosopic for both sexes. The fe- males of the Hrdlicka series and the Shaw-Bolton series are hypereuryprosop- ic. The Upper Facial Index is mesene except in the Cressman series of euryene males. Hrdlicka (1927, p. 101) describes the Shoshoneans as people with medium-sized faces. The total facial angle and the mid-facial angle show higher values for femalc. tAT2sbirn for males; the males have a greater alveolar angle. Wissler (1931.^J.--33) made a study of the face and teeth of Indians living in the south~vestern United States, and particularly Cali- fornia and parts of Oregon and Washington, His results are not applicable here, since they were made on children attending Indian schools and adults were not measured. However, his values for nasal bridge development are close to those for the non-living of the Kennedy series. - 6 - Observations of the malars show that those of the females are medium in size, while those of the males are larger. The malar anterior projec" tion and the malar lateral projection are in the medium range, but those of the males often reach a greater size. The zygomatic process is medium for males and small for females. The sub-nasal grooves are more often pro- nounced in females than in males, who have them only to a moderate degree. Alveolar prognathism is pronounced for both sexes. Alveolar border absorp- tion is slight or medium in intensity. Nose. The classification of the Nasal Index is mesorrhine for all of the series except for the platyrrhinic females of the Kennedy and Shaw- Bolton series. Hrdlicka (1927, p. 101) supports a mesorrhine category, but Dixon (op. cit., pp. 403, 421) believes that a broad-nosed type is typical for the Great Basin. Males have longer and broader noses than females in all cases, except in the Kennedy series, where the females have the broader noses. The nasion depression is of medium size, The nasal root and the nasal bridge are both of medium height and breadth. The nasal profile is concavo- convex for most males and concave for most females. The nasal spine is small for females and medium for males. Orbit. The classification of the Right Orbital Index is megaseme for all the series measured, save for the males of the Hrdlicka series who are in the mesoseme range. The Left Orbital Index is megaseme for all of the series measured. The dimensions of the orbits are greater for the males than for the females. The left orbit shows a slightly greater height than the right orbit, but the latter is broader than the right orbit in the case of the males. The shape of the orbit is most commonly square, but the males often have oblong orbits, while the females often may have rhomboid-shaped orbits. Palate. The Palatal Index is brachystaphaline for the males and meso- staphaline for the females. The length of the palate is greatest for females, and the males have the broader palates. The average palate is parabolic in shape. Among males, the palate is high, but in the females it is medium. The palatine torus is lump-shaped and is of medium size. - 7 - Mandible. The Mandibular and Ramus Indices are higher for the males than for the females, but the latter have the greater mean angle of the lower jaw. Mandibles are largest for the males, the size for the females being medium or small, Both the median and bilateral chin forms are pres- ent. Chin projection is medium, but the females tend to have the smaller projections. There is a slight degree of alveolar mandibular prognathism. The genial tubercles are small in the females, larger in the males. The mylo-hyoid ridge is slight. The eversion of the gonia is small for the females and medium for the males. The mandibular torus is medium, but tends to be smaller in some of the females. A medium to pronounced over- bite occurs in all of the females, but the males show absence or a slight occurrence of this trait. In brief, sexual and regional differences for particular traits can be demonstrated for the Great Basin. The degree to which the nature of these variations renders the population under consideration homogeneous or heterogeneous will be investigated in the succeeding sections of the report. Types of Variation in the Series An analysis of the Arithmetic Means reveals that the majority of the highest absolute mean values for all measurements and indices, where com- parison of the series is possible, is to be found for the Indians of the western Great Basin, i.e., in the Kennedy series for the non-living mate- rial and in the Gifford and Boas series for the living material. The chart below presents for each of the given series, the frequency of classes with the highest M in the entire sample.' It also expresses this frequency as a percentage of the toal number of classes included in each series. The Cressman series is not included here; for, as a -result of the paucity of the measurements recorded by Cressman, it was possible to compare them with the other series of males for only seven of the classes. To have included these measurements and indices would have meant reducing the number of' classes f'or which the other series can be compared. An examination of these seven classes shows, however, that four-of them were closest in their M to the values attained by the author for his series. - 8 - Males Females Frequency of -Frequency of Classes Highest Classes Highest Series Compared Mean Percent Compared Mean Percent Kennedy 20 12 60.00 20 18 90.00 Hrdlicka | 20 8 40.00 20 2 10.00 Shaw-Bolton 20 0 0 10 1 10.00 Gifford 10 6 60.00 10 6 60.00 Boas 10| 4 40.00 10 3 30.00 The preceding analysis was concerned with a comparison of the absolute differences between values of M for the entire series. The chart below shows the degree of differences between the M of each series. The total number' of differences for both non-living and living crania for each d/ad unit is expressed as a percent. The Cressman series was included here. Males Fem'ales No. Non- No. Per- No. Non- No. Per- d/ad Living Living Sum cent Living Living Sum cent 0-1 12 4 16 37.20 5 8 13 33.33 1-2 10 2 12 27.90 6 6 12 30.15 2-3 7 0 7 16.28 3 4 7 17.96 3-x 6 2 8 18.61 2 5 7 17.96 Total 43 39 - 9 - A closer examination of the serles which contains a d/ad of 3 or larger, as recorded in the chart below, reveals two facts: (1) the significant dif- ferences lie in comparisons of series from the western sector of the Great Basin with series from the eastern area, rather than between series that are close together geographically; (2) the nature of the physical traits showing a high degree of variation can be identified, It is important to note that the percents of dfld are greater for the smaller degrees of difference than for the larger ones--81.38% in contrast to 18.61% for males, and 81.44% in contrast to 17,96% for females. Males Females Frequency of Frequency of Classes d/ad of 4 Classes dj/d o f Series* Compared 3 or ove Percent Compared 3 or ove4 Percent K-H 6 4 66.67 4 2 50.00 K-C 6 2 33.33 H-C 6 0 0 S-B-G 2 1 50.00 5 2 40O00 S-B-B 2 1 50.00 5 2 40.00 G-B 2 0 0 5 2 20.00 A comparison of the Standard Deviations is obviously unrewarding, since the number of individuals is not constant for all classes of measurements and indices. It is significant, however, that in a listing of classes for which the S.D. is 7 or above, the values showing the greatest dispersion away from the M pertain to the regions of the vault, face, nose, and palate. The Coefficient of Variability is most suitable for a comparison of these metrical values. The average V for the entire series is as follows: * K = Kennedy; H- Hrdlicka; C = Cressman; S-B = Shaw-Bolton; G = Gifford; B Boas. - 10 - Non-Living Living Male Crania 6.35 5.01 Female Crania 7.61 4.70 The higher V for the non-living series is to be expected, considering that the individuals of which each series is composed came from no single loca- tion, save for crania of the Cressman series, but were collected at random over a vast area. Below is a chart in which a graduated rating of V is recorded: Males Females No. Non- No. Per- No. Non- No. Per- V Living Sum cent Living Living Sum cent 0-2 _2 0 2 1.87 1 1 2 1.98 2-4 20 8 28 26.17 15 10 25 24.75 4-6 34 6 40 37.38 26 7 33 32.67 6-8 12 2 14 13.08 14 3 17 16.83 8-10 7 1 8 7.48 6 4 10 9.90 10-x 14 1 15 14.02 14 0 14 13.87 Total 107 101 The values of two or below for V may be the result of poor sampling. For V of 10 or greater, the following percentages are obtained for their fre- quency in each series. - 11 - Males Females Frequency of Frequency of Classes V of 10 Classes V of 10 Series Compared or over Percent Compared or over Percent Kennedy 20 16 80.00 18 14 78.78 Cressman 20 0 0 18 0 0 Hrdlicka 20 4 20.00 18 4 22. 22 Shaw-Bolton 8 4 50.00 10 4 40.00 Gifford 8 4 50.00 10 5 50.00 Boas 8 0 0 10 1 10.00 The greatest degree of variability is found in the western series. It should be noted that of the sixteen values for V in the Kennedy series, some nine of them were the highest for all series compared. In addition, the Kennedy series contains twenty classes with a V of ten or greater, which are not accompanied by comparative measurements of other investiga- tors. This total of twenty-nine classes with a large V is unusually large (50.00%) when it is considered that only fifty-nine classes are involved for the cranial measurements for the total series. The explanation lies in the fact that often small numbers of specimens were measured which have come from widely separated points over an immense area. For these, the V tends to be larger than would be the case if a larger sample had been gathered. Areal Distribution of Morphological Types An analysis of the values obtained for the respective series., with the use of the statistical methods cited above, reveals two considerations: (1) the Great Basin population is seen to have certain regional differences in its physical morphology; (2) the physical traits manifesting these dif- - 12 - ferences pertain to the vault, face, nose, and palate. Sexual differences were noted in a preceding section of the paper. It must always be borne in mind that often the values of a series which seem strikingly different are the result of inadequate sampling or statistical error. Caution is used here in assigning certain physical traits to particular regions of the Great Basin, and a flexible classification is favored in place of a rigid one. Each investigator whose series is included here has derived his popu- lation from some general area in the Great Basin. Cressman is concerned with the northern area south of the Columbia Plateau; Gifford has derived his data from California, where the Basin comes in contact with the Sierra Nevada; Boas' sample extends to the southern limit of the area; the au- thor's series includes western and southern Nevada; Hrdlicka measured ma- terial from the eastern boundary where the Great Basin and the mountains of central Utah join, and from here, southward, into the periphery. Shaw and Bolton conducted their research in the eastern periphery; Michelson worked in the northeastern periphery. Ideally, the series would consist of both living and non-living material from each region. When comparisons are made which cross-cut the living and non-living material, adjustments for the mpasurements have been made by the author whenever possible (Trotter and Gleser, p. cit., p. 488; Boas, 1895b, p. 395). Since the author was not able to examine the specimens included in the series other than his own, the categories decided upon are based entirely on considerations of the measurements, indices, and observations recorded in Appendix A. The Northern Area (southeastern Oregon) has a mesocephalic and acro- cranial population with broad, short faces. The Upper Facial Index is euryene. Hrdlicka (Cressman, 1942, p. 141-43) examined the single specimen from Catlow Cave Number I and believed it to be similar to a West Coast type, but Hooton and Woodbury (ibid., p. 143) classified it as a Basket- maker type. It stands apart from the Blitzen Valley crania on the basis of its low Cephalic Index, among other features. The Western Area (California from the Oregon line to the southern periphery of the Great Basin) contains people with broader heads than are to be found in the Northern Area, and brachycephaly is common for the fe- males. The faces are euryprosopic. The nose is mesorrhine, but as one moves southward, the nose becomes broader. Gif ford (1951, p. 86) divides this area into a Western Mono and a California type, the latter being rep- resented by the Washo and Northern Paiute. He regards the first type as having a medium stature with high faces, narrow heads, and medium noses; - 13 - the latter type is typified by broadness of head and face, medium stature, and a nose ranging in shape from long and narrow to short and broad. Hrdlicka (1906, p, 64) argues for a racial affinity of the southern Cali- fornia Indian with tribes in Mexico, and remarks on the similarity of the Pah-Ute skull measured by Virchow to Californian crania. The Central Area (western and southern Nevada) contains a high fre- quency of dolichocephalic and acrocranial males in a regional population which is basically mesocephalic and metriocranial. Both sexes are meso- prosopic. Noses are mesorrhine. Loud and Harrington (1929, p. 32) com- pared the cephalic indices of 21 crania of the author's series with 16 indices from the Gifford series, and derived a lower value for the first group. This discrepancy of measurements was interpreted on the basis that the ancient inhabitants of the region, which they believed their skeletal crania represented, had not mixed with the brachycephalic Sierra Nevada Indians, but that intercourse had occurred in recent times, thus account- ing for the broader heads of the living series. It appears to the author that Loud and Harrington cannot have been certain that all of their crania are ancient. It seems more reasonable that they had compared crania from two areas showing physical differences--a Central Area type and a Western Area type. That there have been crossings taking place between the Cali- fornia and Nevada tribes cannot be doubted, but dating the origin of this contact to recent times requires evidence which has not, as yet, been forthcoming. The high V for the western and central Indians suggests a diversity of physical traits in their respective areas. Stature tends to be tall. The Eastern Area (western and central Utah and the southern periphery) is characterized by Indians with mesocephalic and metriocranial heads. The face is hypereuryprosopic for females and euryprosopic for males. The Upper Facial Index is mesene and the nose is mesorrhine. Stature is shorter here than it is in the Central Area. Hrdlicka (1927, p. 101) describes the Ute head as ranging from mesocephaly to dolichocephaly and having a low vault, Steward (1933, pp.i 15-16) notes that crania from the Great Salt Lake are long, high-orbited, with strong brow ridges and occipital bulges-- features seen in the modern Shoshone. Hansen (oa. cit., 432-33) also recog- nizes the ruggedness of the Utah material and places his skull in the upper range of Neanderthaloid possibilities, by a comparison of New World with Old World physical types, The Eastern Periphery Area (eastern Utah, western Colorado, and south- western Wyoming) has a mesocephalic population in which a high percentage of - 14 - females are hyperleptoprosopic. The males are euryprosopic and have broader faces than the females. Noses are mesorrhine, but are a little broader for the females. Neumann's (1946, pp. 26-28) classification of Shoshonean-speaking tribes should be noted in this context. He employs Von Eickstedt's cranial classi- fication, his sample being that of Hrdlicka's series from the Great Basin and California and Cressman' s Catlow Cave specimen. Neumann questions the one-to-one relationship between type and languages in this area. Anatomical Variations This section is concerned with the pathological conditions, anomalies, and physiology of the Great Basin Indians as represented in our sample. For the examination of the first of these subjects, the author's series of crania reveals the following conditions and their frequencies: Males Females Number of Number of Pathology Series Afflicted Percent Series Afflicted Percent Teeth: Teeth lost ante-mortem 15 7 46.67 11 5 45.46 Alveolar abscess 13 3 23.08 12 0 0 Crowding 15 4 26.67 12 3 25.00 Impaction of MN3 15 0 0 12 2 16.67 Separation of M 1- N-M 3 (0,4 cm.) 15 1 6.67 12 0 0 Vault: Cranial dissymnetry 15 0 0 15 1 6.67 Facial dissymmetry 15 0 0 15 1 6.67 Palatal dissymmetry 15 0 0 15 1 6.67 Osteoporosis | 15 1 6.67 | 15 0 0 l - 15 - Hrdlicka (1907, p. 104) supplements this list with a cranium having a super- numerary first molar and a lateral right incisor. He also reports a patho- logically deformed cranium from his series. Oetteking (1927, pp, 201-09) discusses pathologic plagiocephaly in a skull from Nevada. Of the physical anomalies found in the author's series, the list is a summary. following Males Females Number of Number of Anomaly Series Afflicted Percent j Series Afflicted Percent Vault: Metopism j 14 1 7.14 15 0 0 Inca bone 9 2 22.22 9 0 0 Deep grooves for superorbital nerve 14 3 21.43 15 2 13.33 Lambdoid Wormian bones 11 1 9.10 13 2 15.38 Nose: Bony ex- crescence at naso-spinale 9 2 22.22 8 0 0 The furrows of the superorbital nerve are unusually deep and extended, a condition noted by Smith (1950, p. 65) for one of his crania. Sullivan (1922, pp. 215-18) records the frequency of the four types of apertura pyriformis for his Utah series of crania from the United States National Museum. His finds are compared below with those of the author. Since he had not grouped his series by sex, the sexes of the author' s series are combined also. - 16 - Prenasal Series No. Sulcus Fossa Infantile Anthropine Sullivan 23 8.70 4.30 47.80 39.10 Kennedy 17 17.64 0 41.80 , 41.18 Sullivan (o. cit., p. 243) finds no Wormian bones in the coronal suture, which is a discovery in sympathy with the Kennedy series. From his sample of 25 crania, he records 56.00% with lambdoid Wiormian bones (ibid., p. 241), a percentage over twice that for the 24 crania from the author's series (24.48%). Sullivan finds none of his series to have transverse sutures (ibid., p. 239) or metopic sutures (ibid., p. 234). Physiological observations of the Great Basin Indians are referred to in a general way by Hrdlicka (1908, pp. 36-162) in his study of Southwest- ern groups. Blood-grouping investigations were undertaken by Snyder (1926, p. 249), his 60 subjects coming from Fort Washakie in Wyoming. The percent- ages derived from both sexes were as follows: 0 - 51.60%; A - 45.00%; B - 1.60%; AB 1.60%; P - .264%; q - .011%; r - .718%. Comparison With Other Cranial Series The averages of the measurements and indices of males living in the Great Basin are compared in Table I with the corresponding values of males from neighboring tribes whose measurements and indices were available in the literature. To the west and east of the Basin area are Indians with large broad heads and faces, while to the south are smaller-boned peoples. As is to be expected, intercourse took place on the peripheries between these respective types and the Great Basin population, but the internal and independent developments of the Great Basin aborigines appear more fre- quently and seem to be more significant. On these grounds, Steward (1933, p. 16) refutes the idea of Roberts (1932, pp. 8-9) that the route of the Pueblo people was by way of Utah, for the Pueblo physical type is found only in the southern Great Basin. Hrdlicka (1927, p. 101) believes that - 17 - the Shoshoneans differed from the western Algonkian primarily on the basis of a perceptibly lower vault, but that in other respects the two groups were similiar. As previously mentioned, Loud and Harrington (g. cit., p. 32) explained brachycephaly for the Northern Paiute as a result of cross- ings with the broad-headed Sierra Nevada People. Dixon (o. Cit. p. 421) sees a Paleo-Alpine race (B-H-P) as dominant in the Great Basin, but rec- ognizes a Mongoloid pattern (B-C-P) for the Utes and Paiutes. The physical remains of the Promontory people have not been recovered or are unrecog- nized, but Steward (1940, p. 471) suggests for these people a racial affin- ity with the Athabascans, on the basis of the two skulls found at Grants- ville and Kanosh, which are unlike Shoshonean crania of the region. They are very round-headed and have low vaults, both Athabascan physical features. Summary and Conclusion An examination was made on a total of 233 adult male crania and 83 adult female crania from living and non-living Indians in the Great Basin in order to determine the nature of their physical morphology, An additional 188 males and 83 females were recorded for stature. The sample was derived from a collection of published anthropometric data, to which was added a series measured by the author. Six series formed the body of the analysis, five of these coming from the works of Gilfford, Boas, and Hrdlicka. The author believes this to be the most complete compilation of anthropometric data gathered for the aboriginal population of the Great Basin. A brief sketch was made of the geographical and cultural-historical sit- uation for the area, including an account of burial customs. An explanation of the statistical methods used for the series preceded the section describ- ing the cranial measurements and observations. From this review, it was seen that there often were various prominent sexual differences within a series. The views of other investigators were cited and contrasted with the author's interpretation of the data, A subsequent section dealing with the statisti- cal analysis of the data revealed that there were differences of physical types between the series from the eastern and western portions of the Great Basin. The particular regions of the skull showing the greatest variability were the vault, face, nose, and palate, Closer examination of these differ- ences led the author to conceive of five general areas in the Great Basin where a given morphological type had the highest occurrence. These types were described. Following this was a discussion of the pathology, anomalies, - 18 - and physiology of the population. A blood-grouping series was recorded. The final section dealt with a comparison of the Great Basin crania with crania from populations living in the peripheral areas, for which values had been recorded by other workers. The population of the Great Basin shows a basic homogeneity, but minor regional differences occur. More evidence from archaeology and physical anthropology is needed before it can be certain whether these differences are due to crossings with outside peoples, or whether they can be attribu- ted to independent genetic drifts resulting from isolation of groups in the past. Perhaps both processes are involved in varying degrees. The only data on the degree of stability of the population comes from a check made by Michelson (os. cit., p. 856) in 1927 on the Shoshoneans measured by Shaw and Bolton in 1891-92. He found that no significant changes had occurred Within that span of time. The basic mesocephalic pattern shows weighting toward the brachyceph- alic range in the western Great Basin, but narrower heads become increas- ingly predominant as one moves eastward and northward. Acrocranial vaults are peculiar to the northern and central areas, but the vault becomes lower in the east. The type for the total face, which shows the greatest varia- bility, is broad in the west, becomes narrower in the heart of the Basin, but returns to the higher index again in the east.- The upper face height follows the same pattern, The dimensions of the orbit are larger in the east than in the west. The Nasal and Height-Length Indices are more con- stant, but the values for the nose are somewhat higher on the eastern and western limits of the Great Basin. Stature decreases going from west to east. Until further anthropometric investigations are carried out in this field of research, the analysis of the aboriginal population of the Great Basin must remain superficial, The publication of larger samples of non- living and living material and the analysis of these samples hold the answer to a clearer understanding of the problem. - 19 - KEY TO MAP I This map shows the areal distribution of the entire series referred to in this report. For each locality noted, the initial of the investiga- tor is given, with a number corresponding to a number in the key. The key gives the museum catalog numbers of the crania whenever these are known. Catalog numbers of non-living specimens in the Museum of Anthropology at the Unniversity of California at Berkeley are all shown with the prefix "12." The crania in the Kennedy series, which had been measured by Loud (Gifford, 1926, pp. 382, 383) and for which published data are available, are desig- nated by an asterisk (*). These crania were remeasured, and in all cases the values obtained by the author have been recorded here. The geographical limits of the Great Basin are indicated by the dotted line (- ). Tribal areas are circumscribed in the black line. CRANIAL SERIES Non-Living Crania Kennedy Series (K) Male 1 Humboldt Valley, Nevada: 12-2608*, 12-2613*, 12-2616*, 12-2617*, 12-2622*, 12-2624, 12-5688, 12-5689, 12-5691, 12-5692, 12-5693, 12-5696, 12-8252. 2 Lovelock Cave, Nevada: 12-2652*, 12-2658*, 12-2664*. 3 Nixon, Nevada: 12-3492*, 12-3493*. 4 Winnemucca Caves, Nevada: 12-8369(a), 12-8369(b). 5 Las Vegas, Nevada: 12-5267. 11 Lake Utah, Utah: Hansen. 12 Gosiute Reservation, Utah: Smith: 18424. 13 Chasein Farm, Utah: Smith. **38 Rose Spring, California: 12-9900. **39 Churchill County, Nevada: 12-9368. Total crania for series 27 ** See Appendix B. - 20 - Female 1 Humboldt Valley, Nevada: 12-2614*, 12-2615*, 12-2618*, 12-2620*, 12-2623*, 12-5690, 12-5695. 2 Lovelock Cave, Nevada: 12-2659*, 12-2663*. 3 Nixon, Nevada: 12-3478*, 12-3479*, 4 Winnemucca Caves, Nevada: 12-8369(c), 12-8369(d), 12-8369(e). 6 Pitt Ranch, Nevada: 12-5694, 12-6527. 7 Logandale, Nevada: 12-3929. 12 Gosiute Reservation', Utah: Smith: 18425. 13 Chasein Farm, Utah: Smith. 9 Fort McDermit, Nevada: Virchow, 25 Steens Mountain, Oregon: Hrdlicka: 243596. **38 Rose Spring, California: 12-8904, 12-9899, 12-9901, **39 Churchill County, Nevada: 12-9369, 12-9370, 12-9682. Total crania for series 28 Hrdlicka Series (H) Male 8 Walker Lake: 243817. Nevada, Location Unknown: 243300, 243302, 243303, 243304. 14 Provo, Utah: 225085, 225087. 15 Paragonah, Utah: 292012, 16 Government Springs, Utah: 243930. 10 Beaver, Utah: 225256, 2888049 288805. 18 Fillmore, Utah: 243772. Utah, Location Unknown: 225089. South Idaho, Location Unknown: 243837. 26 Blue Mountains, Oregon: 225088. Total crania for series 16 Female Nevada, Location Unknown: 243301. 14 Provo, Utah: 243292e 15 Paragonah, Utah: 292010, 292011, ** See Appendix B. - 21 - Female (cont'd.) 16 19 20 28 35 Government Springs, Utah: 243771, Dry Creek, Utah: 2437689 243769. Fort Douglas, Utah: 243776. Utah, Location Unknown: 225109. Henry's Lake, Idaho: 243921. Owens Valley, California: 243614. Total crania for series 11 Krantz Series (KR)** Male 40 Karlo, California: 12-9904 - 12-9953. Female 40 Karlo. California. 12-9904 - 12-9953 . Total crania for series 30 Jameson Series (J)** Male 41 Stansbury Island: Burial II. Femal e 41 Stansbury Island: Burial. I. Total crania for series 2 **See Appendix B. - 22 - Cressman Series (C) Male 27 Blitzen Valley, Oregon: 11-8, 11-69, 11-71, 11-73, 11-75, 11-76, 11-91, 11-72M Catlow Cave, Oregon. Catlow Cave No. 1. Cranium. Total crania for series 9 Beuttner-Janusch Series (BJ)* Male 42 Deadman Cave: Burial I, Burial II, Burial III. Total crania for series 3 Living Crania Shaw-Bolton Series (Not shown on Map I) 37 The record of names or catalog numbers for the 294 individvals measured is unavailable. The sample represents Bannocks, Sho- shone, and Utes (Uintah, White River, Uncompahgre, Moache, and Capote branches) living in Utah and Colorado, but the precise locale where the measurements were made is not disc4osed. Some 33 hybrids are included. Boas gives the mean values of the re- sults of his two workers, Shaw and Bolton. Total crania for series Total crania for series 124 Male 26 Female **See Appendix B. - 23 - Gif ford Series (G) Male 29 30 31 Area 21a (Northern Paiute): 548, 549, 551, 552, 553, 554. Area 21b (Eastern Mono): 562, 563, 564. Area 11 (Washo): 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587. Total crania for series 15 Female 29 Area 21a (Northern Paiute): 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 30 Area 21b (Eastern Mono): 565, 566, 567, 568, 569. 31 Area 11 (Washo): 588, 589, 590, 591, 710. 560. Total crania for series 15 Boas Series (B) Male 32 Cahuilla Territory: 52, 53, 54, 55. Total crania for series 4 Female 32 Cahuilla Territory: 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83. 33 Agua Caliente Territory: 101. 34 Serrano Territory: 111. Total crania for series 9 - 24 - Michelson Series (M) Male 21 The records of names or catalog numbers for the 40 or more individuals measured am unavailable. Included in the sample are an unspecified number of Lemhi males. Wind River Indian Reservation, Utah. Total crania for series POST_CRANIAL SERIES Non-Living Post-Cranial 40 Kennedy Series Male 1 Hutmboldt Lake, Nevada: 12-8252. 2 Lovelock Cave, Nevada: 12-2604, 12-2605, 12-2617, 12-5696, 12-26520 Total crania for series 6 Female 1 Humboldt Lake, Nevada: 12-26180 Total crania for series 1 2 Lovelock Cave, Nevada: 12-2627, 12-2628, 12-2629, 12-2632, 12-2635, 12-2637, 12-2638, 12-2639, 12-2640, 12-2644, 12-2656, 12-2657, 12-2660, 12-2662, 12-2665. 36 Bull's Head Canyon, Nevada: 12-3626. Nevada, Location Unknown: 12-2~721 Total crania for series 17 - 25 - Living Post-Cranial (Stature) Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas The nature of the samples of these observers is the same for both sexes for the post-cranial measurements as for the cranial measurements. Hrdlicka Series The record of names for the 82 individuals measured is un- available. Three localities are represented. Male 22 Bluff City, Utah: 6 in the sample. 23 Navajo Springs, Utah. 24 Ignatio Reservation, Utah. Female Bluff City, Utah. Navajo Springs, Utah. Ignatio Reservation, Utah. 50 in the series 20 in the series Total for series 82 - 26 - Legend - - - - Limits of Great Basin - - State boundaries / I Ethnographic boundaries t ' H26 ', I II i t / '-a..# o M21 .% I ' I -t -j- - -- ---' H2 * K9r---- I CZ7 029'. KR40O I- . - \ torthemn *. Paiute I . I I I I i I I Washo i Shoshone ! I I I I I I Serrano Cahuilla , Cupefio I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAP I THE AREA OF THE GREAT BASIN SHOWING LOCATIONS WHERE THE SERIES WERE OBTAINED I I rzA H w rz r44 0 8 4 I I i4 ?003)IOIta WUW?Uo0N 4*J)IWU %8noTs 11UJ03T1o1e3 ug teyp Atom (etpW) ITUJO;TIIO t4usz1ue BU}TAT-U?N I 0* * * Co4 H H 8 %O -O -O so Co iSHA H- HF- H H P.- IA O CH, * n * e' * v H' H H He * * S:t' * ev .4r n H H HMa H s-%t -~~O~ *%'J pa 0 CCY H H 2 * J i > < NY -0S 't -N-R - H 04 0 H -% 0 -% CY4 C% CM -.N (C'. -4 M - - CoC- o - 0% CM 0 H 0 %ftwo < N HH . j IiE-e 0Q 0% H Ok I *+ * 1 A A4 ft * WN 0 Q O % Q fi o 4% 1n 0- ?5 $ 03 W 2: A. + - 27 T i 0 i- H es 2 44 CM E- CD, Fl r-; PN ' 5 ;9 J. 4O03)Pvt& rnolc XnO UIQI XQ?( &GN ,ZO j1U4S) (49T l) tpug o4waD UTAU0T1113 t1J%u. wpIg Pe.z D6=#JU1N r-i N ' 0 - cl H M * -Q ~~O - -n0 0\ Q-- 0 -co - O C * , -4 0 %.4l. 0-o. R - %-1co os .- 0 :Gos -% r- H- -Q rVN * O9* * v. RC .9 \0 . . H 0 H.o cc. . en H u C\ 0 z -C. - -o 0 HW I --.- No o-.It' 0- sD :i C6eS Go H 04t1 I)) 0 H0 d II tv a 0 - 28 - :3 8 -S Ea -D A u Pi E-4 to W U 53 m 4 X;ooJ)jDI WUBRUTEI iouwnuoR~ xnoi: WOTX8ww *nS (em,r) IBTUJOJTTEOD TU1I,4uwo (TlPPTW) VWO=JTTVO (AT-Iva) IILLZOJITU f4ugo BUT~A;T'oN g~- 1.r C -o - N N ^ O -QO - 0 -O Eco oc"N oos t UN-4 -4 S 0- -Q~ 0 80 mm Hrfi O NO0 - C c* * Y0 . * r - cO o - co -O CA - ,J o 0 0 M 0* \ * M * In * \ F > ~cm le o. gX 'c s '0 O--%% 04 - -e Ut Nrt Lf\ N C{tg>? 8vo N %O c - g -E t -CO - 0 HO (v * rrH . rvcr -0 0-4 8 H -Or- O co- c %n .M- O %. a N * -Z * rv a UN ;co -E -F -g -o-o- UN J . , -o- T V- $44 :f 4- fb 1 to . ? 8 .6 :c m t ; a ) IV 4 m m 1 30 a :2 -2 o 0 o - 29 - TABLE I (continued) COMPARISON OF MALE CRANIA OF THE GREAT BASIN WITH MAILE CRANIA FROM PERIPHERAL AREAS -p 041 Cr,co~ -p co '-4"- CEC Cranial Length Cranial Breadth Bizygoviatic Diameter Total Face Height Nose Height Nose Breadth Cephalic Index Facial Index Nasal Index Stature (1143) 192.224 (1143) 153.17 (143) 147.80 (127) 119.92 (127) 52.60 (127) 43.57 (184) 79.5L1 (34) 82.28 (19) 78 .94 (188) 1669 (13) 182.38 (13) 1614.07 (13) 150.61 (13) 121.54 (13) 514.15 (13) 140.o8 (13) 90.08 (13) 80.79 (13) 69.91 (13) 1687 (219) 186.66 (219) 150.25 (217) 142.25 (218) 133.50 (149) 61.06 (219) 140.46 (219) 80.52 (217) 93.55 (219) 65.90 (219) 1688 (18) 191.70 (19) 160. 30 (19) 154.140 (18) 126.70 (19) 62.80 (19) 43.60 (18) 83.774 (19) 69.149 (17) 1682 * Gifford, 1926, pp. 271-272. ** Gabel, 1949, pp. 16-42. t Goldstein, 1934, p. 312. - 30 - TABLE II TABUIATION OF CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES N R ll S.E d/?d S.D S.E V. S.E Glabello-Occipital Length Kennedy 17 Hrdlicka 16 Cresanan 9 Male 170-198 170-192 169-189 175-207 185-201 186-204 175-0 Shaw-Bolton Giffoxd Boas 124 15 4 186.18 179.93 179.66 192.30 191.33 193.o75 192. 24 177.22 170.90 184.30 181 .07 185.33 1.74 1.44 2.134 Kv-H2 .75 K-C2.29 H-C .11 7.18 5.79 6.143 1.23 1.s45 1.51 3.86 3.22 3.658 *66 .60 .84 .55 1.29 s3G .59 6.10 5.00 *39 3.17 .20 .91 2.61 .48 Kennedy Hrdli cka 18 163-193 10 160-184 7 -1-6019 1.77 K-H2.26 7.53 1.25 1.96 6.20 1.39 4.25 3.63 .71 .81 Female Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas Max.imm Width 26 15 9 170-199 168-192 177-192 1. 26 1.149 1.27 S-1G. 63 S-B .145 G-B 1.88 6.42 5.78 3.83 .89 1.05 .9o 3.48 3.19 2.07 .148 .58 .49 Kennedy Hrdlicka Creesman Male Sh1aw-Bolton aifford Boas Kennedy - Hrdlicka Female Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas 124 15 4 18 9 7 26 15 9 127-150 130-148 1j-414 -171 148-163 148-163 110-148 129-143 110 137-156 142-155 143-7 137-15 138.147 138.80 1 44 152.80 155.93 1514.25 IoT7 1314.28 134.66 146.20 148.80 1149.22 1147.52 1.37 1.28 1.69 .142 .93 2.36 1.36 .95 1.02 1.41 K-H .17 5. 66 K-C .87 14.96 H-C .148 5.06 S8-G2148 4.70 3.62 .97 .90 1.19 .30 *66 4.09 3.57 3.60 3.07 2.32 7.45 3.03 3.32 2.67 2.84 .70 .65 .814 .19 .142 1.224 .71 K-H .fl 10.01 1.67 4.08 .96 3-0 .141 S-Bl.66 0-B . 24 4.86 3.97 4.214 .67 .72 1.00 .146 .48 .67 - 31 - TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL ME:ASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E d/rd S.D S.E V. S.E Basion-Bregma Height Male Kemedy Hrdlicka Cressamann 9 14 I 15 10 124-146 136.89 124-137 129.64 14o0o0 T2T-146 132.79 2.07 K-H3,45 1.04 6.23 3.90 1.47 4.55 1.07 .74 3.01 .57 Female Kennedy, Hridlicka 97-138 116-132 97-138 129.07 124H30 l7 f 1[ 2*50 K-HI.45 1.44 9.68 4.56 1.77 7.50 1.02 3.67 1.37 ,82 Auricular Height Male Kenmedy Female 10 114-125 118.20 1. 27 12 106-119 112.41 1.31 4.04 .90 3.42 .76 4.53 .92 4.O3 .82 Kennedy Minimum Frontal Diameter Male Kennedy Female 12 92-110 98.75 1.49 13 85-99 92.69 1.08 5.17 1.05 5.23 1.07 3.91 .77 4.22 .83 Kennedy Maximum Frontal Diameter Male Kennedy Female 9 110-129 118.33 1.72 10 109-121 113.10 1.65 5.16 1.21 4.36 1.03 5.21 1.17 4.61 1.03 Kennedy - 32 - TABLE II TABUIATION OF CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E d/rd S.D S.E V. S.E Maximum Bizygomatic Diameter Kennedy Hrdlicka Creasman 6 15 7 Male 121-145 )3 2.149 131-1148 135-160 11444156 142-157 135-160 5haw-Bolton Gifford Boas 124 15 4 33 6.00 139 .20 1.40.43 147*50 150o.07 1148.50 132.67 127.37 130.i7 136.90 1140.93 1146.11 E7 m-T 3.09 1.18 1.92 K-uH1 .16 K-Cl. 23 H-C .57 7.57 14.56 5.07 2. 18 .83 1.35 5.57 3.27 3.61 1.61 .60 .96 .52 .88 SG1.68 5.80 3.41 .37 3.93 .62 2* 27 .25 .41 Kennedy Hrdlicka 9 127-149 8 120-13 3 17 1 20:Z9 2.13 1.41, K-H2,02 6.39 3.99 1.51 14.82 1.00 3.13 1.13 .78 Female Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas Menton-Nasion Height 26 15 9 127-1414 131-147 12-1363 ,96 1.17 1.146 S-G2.41 S-B4. 75 G-B2.75 4.91 4.54 14.38 *68 .83 1.03 3.59 3.22 3.10 .50 .59 .73 Kennedy Hrdlicka 8 Mialea Shaw-Bolton Giffond Boas Kennedy Hrdlicka 108 15 4 T:7 7 2 21 15. 9 117-128 4%Ii 6-9118 104-130 114-137 118-132 10Z4137 106-123 96-106 96-123 101-122 108-127 113-122 121.75 1114.10 118.70 127.26 125.50 114.114 101,00 t113 22 108 .50 118.80 117.1444 113m ,7 1.25 1.00 .51 1.92 2. 27 K-H4.15 3.53 2.24 S3G5.52 5.30 7.43 .88 2.90 .71 1.96 .72 .62 .36 1.36 4.46 5.84 .28 1.07 6.02 1.61 5.27 1.41 Fem Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas .97 1.42 1*93 S-G6.17 S-B44.58 G.B .57 14.146 5.5O 5.79 .69 1.00 1.36 4.11 4.63 44.93 *90 .84 1.16 - 33 - TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUIEMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R U S.E d/ld S*D S.E V. S.E Prosthion-Nasion Height Male Kennedy Hrdlicka Cressman Female 12 16 7 12 9 67-81 65-79 60-72 60-81 65-75 60-76 6076 73.58 71.87 67.14 71 l !; 70.92 65.78 68o72 1.02 .98 1.28 K-Hl.19 K-C3. 90 H.-C2.67 3.52 3.92 3.40 .72 .69 .91 4.78 5.45 5.06 .97 .96 1.35 Kemnedy Hrdlicka .80 1.14 K-H3.80 2.78 3.42 .57 3.92 .80 .81 5.20 1.22 Basion-Nasion Male Kennedy Female 6 102-107 104.83 1.60 9 97-104 100.00 .71 3.93 1.13 3.75 1.08 2.11 .50 2.11 .50 Kennedy Basion-Prosthion Male Kennedy Female 7 92-108 101*71 1.80 8 89-lo4 99.12 1.74 4*77 1.27 14.69 1.25 4.91 1.23 14.95 1.24 Kenmedy Nasal Height Kennedy Hrdlicka 12 32-57 16 48-57 w 32-57 Male 499.61 51.87 52.20 55.93 51.00 52.RM 1.71 K-H1.28 6*18 .78 3.12 1.21 12.46 .55 6.01 .20 5.75 *73 7.19 2.414 1.06 .39 1.31 Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas 108 15 4 127 46-61 50-63 48-53 1t-3y .29 1.04 S-B4.39 3 .00 4.02 - 34 TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASU1EIIANTS AND INDICES (continued) N R d S, oE d/cd S,D S.E V. S.E Kennedy Hrd.icka Female Shaw-Bolton Giffordi Boas Nasal Bzr,adth1 12 31-53 10 l5 21 38-55 15 48-58 i&hIEIs 48.25 47.20 47*00 52.47 - 4 4b 1.78 . 54 .83 .74 1,06 K-H .33 6.18 1.72 126 .38 .59 *52 *76 12.81 3.64 8.15 5.45 6.81 2.61 .77 1.78 .99 1.60 S-o4.67 $.B .30 G-B3 .96 3.83 2.86 3*23 Kennedy Hrdlicka 11 16 VT Vale 22-27 22-29 35-51 37-53 E39-4 24 .18 25.56 43.140 14~0 t3,ia .140 .51 K-H1.94 1.33 2.04 S-B1*70 2.80 5.78 .28 5.50 .36 7.98 3.17 1.41 Shlw..Boton Gifford Boas 108 15 14 .27 1.49 .19 1.05 .6.145 12.86 .414 2.35 Kenredy Hrdlicka 12 23-4o 26.142 10 22-27 - 23 ,0 Tf 5 o2 FOa Shaw-Bolton 21 0iffod I15 Boas Right Orbitl Height male 1.31 1414 .55 .86 .81 -H1.75 14.514 1.*40 .93 17.18 .31 5.88 .39 6.143 .6l 8.148 .57 6.514 3.51 1,31 1.140 1. 54 1.54 35-145 35-146 39.52 39.60 Iii, 8B .O8 5-B2. 20 Oa.B1.70 2.54 3*36 2J 1! I Hrd I 11 31-38 35.54 15 >3ti Ill@ .62 .142 K-Hl.22 2.05 1.60 .144 5.76 .29 14.62 1.23 .814 Fewle Kenrmdy Hrdlicka 12 33-39 10303 35.08 33L70 ,59 .65 K-H1L.94 2.02 2.06 .l41 5.76 .146 6.11 1.17 1*37 - 35 - TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUBRIENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E d/cd S.D S.E V. S.E Left Orbital Height Male Kennedy Female 11 33-39 35.90 .53 11 32-38 34.91 .57 1.78 .38 4.96 1.06 1.88 .10 5.38 1.15 Kennedy Right Orbital Breadth Male Kennedy Hrdlicka 11 35-41 15 37-42 n 35-42 39.00 39.33 39.19 .66 .33 .59 .65 K-H .48 2. i9 1*29 K-H1. 58 2.02 2.06 .47 5.61 .23 3.28 1.20 *60 Female Kennedy Hrdlicka 12 10 33-39 35.08 30-36 33.70 .4i 5a76 1.17 946 6.11 1.37 Left Orbital Breadth Male Kennedy Female 11 36-42 38.90 o61 10 33-41 37.70 .71 2.02 .43 5.19 1.11 2.24 .50 5.94 1.33 Kennedy Interorbital Breadth Male Kennedy Female 10 20-28 24.30 .81 11 19-26 22.18 .64 2.59 .58 23.39 .53 2.12 .45 9.56 2.04 Kennedy Biorbital Breadth Male Kennedy Female 8 95-109 100.37 1.52 8 93-100 95.87 1.13 4.29 1.07 4.27 1.07 3.19 .80 3.33 .83 Kennedy -36 TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E d/?d S.D S.E V. S.E Nasalia, Upper Breadth Male Kennedy 9 10-114 12.44 .53 Female 1.56 .37 12.51 3.32 .71 29.146 2.95 6.28 Kennedy U 6-9 11.27 1.00 Nasalia, Lower Breadth Kal Kennedy Female 7 15-22 18.00 .94 8 11-19 16.25 .90 2.48 .71 13.78 2.55 .64 15.69 3.68 3.92 Kennedy External Palatal Length Male Kennedy Female 10 40-53 45.40 1.18 U 37-61 147.91 1.83 3.75 .84 8.26 1.85 6.09 1.30 12.71 2.71 Kennedy External Palatal Breadth Male Kennedy Female 9 35.48 40.33 1.35 12 :-43 39.08 1*18 14.05 .95 10.0l 4 4.09 .83 10.46 2 .37 2.13 Kennecdy Foramen Magnum Length Mae Kennedy 8 33-38 35.87 .54 Female L.53 .38 4.26 2.25 .146 6.81 1.06 1.39 Kennedy 12 29-37 33.00 - 37 - .65 TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R U S.E d/?d S. D S.E V. S.E Foramen Magnum Breadth Male Kenmedy 8 28-39 32.12 1.19 Female 3.37 .8h 10.49 2.62 2.23 .47 7.81 1.66 Kennedy 11 Nasion-Opisthion Arc Male 28.5t .67 Kennedy Female 9 181-387 12 238-362 291.77 16.79 283.08 8.76 ;0.37 11.87 17.26 4.07 30.34 6.19 10.72 2.19 Kennedy Transverse Arc Male Kennedy 7 305-326 313.00 2.77 7.33 1.96 2.34 .62 Female Kennedy 10 Maximum Circumference Male 275-319 299.40 4.28 13.53 3.02 4.51 1.01 Kennedy Female 9 507-565 11 474-540 530.00 6.03 509.90 5.94 18.09 4.26 3.41 19.71 4.20 3.86 .80 Kennedy Bicondylar Width Male .83 Kennedy 8 116-134 326.25 1.90 Female 3.58 1.34 4.26 1.06 2.05 .65 1.71 .54 Kennedy 5 117-123 119.80 - 38 - .92 TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUIEMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R K S,E d/rd S.D S*E V. S.E Hei ght of Byphysis Male Kennedy Female 12 31-40 36.33 *85 10 25-40 32.30 1.40 2.9L .60 8.09 1.65 4.4 .99 13.75 3.07 Kennedy Bigonial Diameter Male Kennody Female 11 96114 102.63 1.96 10 87-107 94.140 2.53 6.51 1.39 6.34 1.35 8.00 1.79 8.47 1.89 Kennedy Height of Ascending Remus Male Kennedy Female 1l 57l 70.18 2.06 7 52-70 62.00 1.99 6.83 i.L6 9.73 2.07 5.26 1.40 8.48 2.23 Kennedy Minimum Breadth of Ascending emus8 Male Kennery Female 13 33-46 36.69 .89 7 31-35 33.00 .53 3.23 .63 8.80 1.72 1.41 ,38 4.27 1.14 Kemedy Mandibular Length Male Kennedy Female 10' 79.94 84.70 1.39 7 73-81 76.85 .87 14.39 .98 5.18 1.16 2.30 .61 2.99 .80 Kennedy - 39 - TABLE II TABULATION OF CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E d/?Td S.D S.E V'. S.E Mean Angle Lower Jaw Male Kennedy Female 12 101-124 113.83 1.97 7 112-125 117.28 1.71 6.84 l.4O 6.01 1.23 4.53 1*21 3.86 1.03 Kennedy Total Facial Angle Male Kennedy Female 11 76-90 83,09 1.22 6 62-96 86.50 4.80 4.04 .86 4.86 1.04 11.75 3.39 13.58 3.92 Kennedy Alveolar Angle Male Kennedy Female 8 63-77 69.37 1.67 8 49-67 62.50 3.03 4.73 1.18 6.82 8.56 .2.14 13.70 1*70 3* 42 Kennedr Mid-Facial Angle Male Kennedy 9 68-83 77.00 1.48 Female 4.45 1.05 5.78 9.12 2.15 11.81 1.36 2.78 Kennedy 9 63-93 77.22 3.04 Cranial Capacity Male Kennedy Hrdlicka Cresaman 1309,90- 11 1901.80 1240.00- 11 1500,00 1548.71 52.96 1370.00 25.44 1400.00 1456.77 K-H2.95 175.67 37.46 11.34 2.o42 84r39 17.99 6.16 1*31 1 23 -n 392401 , 1901,80 - 40 - TABUIATION OF CRANIAL N R Femle 3204 .20- Kennedy 17 1926.00 11145*.00. Hrdlicka 1390.0 36 1926.00 TABLE II MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N S,E d/Od S.D S.E V. 1462.140 1242.77 1346.48 47.52 K-H4. 27 195. 94 23.149 40.147 33.60 16.61 13. 4o 6.67 2.30 1.314 Cranial Index Kennedy Hrdlicka Cressman mble 16 15 9 40 125 15 4 140 1814 69 .19- 86.20 72.80. 87.10 70 . 20- 85.00 6.17- 87*10 72.00-. 89.00 77.90- 86.50 77.0L- 81a.m0 72.00. 89.00 74.19 77.29 77.58 76.11 79.50 81.63 79,65 78.75 79.51 .95 K-H2.16 1.03 K-C1.93 1.59 H-C .14 3.79 4.17 14.78 2.74 3.89 .67 5.11 .76 5.39 1.12 6.16 .90 .98 1.145 .22 .86 gnaw-Bolton Gifford Boas Micielmon .24 1.00 SG2 * 70 S.-Mi63 G013.00 .17 .71 3.45 14.76 .147 2,93 .33 3.72 142 Kennedy Hrdlicka Female Shaw-Bolton Uifford Boas 17 -I 26 26 15 50 63.21- 84.04 76.36 73.40 8.0 T2- g4l 85.60 77.29 75.00- 85.00 79.50 74.70- 88.70 82.27 77*70- 814.70 80.53 88.70 80.52 - 41 - 1.06 K-H1.23 14.37 1.44 14.33 .75 5.72 1.02 5.48 .98 1.29 .43 .83 .77 .148 .96 .88 S-G2.91 2.145 S-B .87 3.714 0B1.23 2.614 .34 *68. *57 3.08 4.55 3.28 TABULATION OF CRANIAL N R boongth Index TABLE II WASUWE0IS4 AND INDICES (continued) IL S.E d/-" d S.D SBE V. S.E Height-! Kale -- --p Kennedy Hrdlicka Cres F male Kennecdy Hrdlicka Height-Breadth Male Kennedy Hrdlicka Creseman 69:69- 9 79.631 67.70- 13 79.141 1 an& - 'M 23 79.141 55.714- 15 81.i48 68.147- . - 24 81.148 Index 98.56- 9 108.114 90.00- 13 103.07 I 23 108.114 73.98 72,51 7h.146 73.17 73 .07 73.21 100.2,4 93.78 106.06 96.84 95.35 93.06 94.649 .914 X4-1.07 .914 2.83 3.38 ,67 3.82 .66 4*66 .90 .91. 1.48 K-H .18 5.72 1.04 7.83 1.02 3.06 .72 4.17 1.143 098 2.25 K1-H2.95 6.714 1.59 6.72 1.5 .95 3.144 .67 3.67 .72 1.72 K-H .94 6.68 1.22 7.00 1.28 1.28 3.85 .91 -4*114 .97 Female Klernedy Hrdlicka Froto-Parietal male Kennedy* Female Kenney 15 24 Index 78.18- 106.96 88.32- 101.63 -71 .I B . 106*96 64.00. 10 76.25 614.39- 13 78.18 70.91 1.25 3.94 .88 5.56 1.X24 68;146 .98 3.53 .69 5.16 1.01 42 - TABLE II TABULATION 0F CRANIAL MASUINTS AND INDICES (continued) N R l S.E d/cd S.D S.E V. S.E Auricular Height- Length Index Male Kennedy Female Kenredy Cranial Module Kennedy Hrdlicka Cresmman 58.63- 9 66.48 59*014- 12 66.25 62.42 .86 62.79 .63 2.59 .61 44.15 .98 2.20 .45 3.50 .71 9 13 1 23 15 9 24 14.51- 16.36 14. 43- 15.43 W1- 16,36 12. 70- 15.66 13.93- 14*85 15,666 15.30 14.91 15.33 15.08 14.68 14.56 .19 K-H .32 .02 .58 *00 *09 .114 .02 3.79 *60 .89 .12 Female Kennedy Hrdlicka .17 K-H .80 .45 .65 .12 4.143 1.37 ..32 9.55 .81 2.25 Facial Index Kennedy Hrdlicka Kal 5 10 15 15 -4 314 Shaw-Bolton Gifford Boas 86.66- 96.69 89.51 80.(X00 70 81.38 96.69 85.44 78.10- 89.80 80.50 78.20- 89.80 83.147 83.106- 87.140 84.47 89.80 82.28 43 - 1.01 M01*84 4.91 1.26 3.92 .90 6.10 1.11 .71 4.70 .86 1.70 K-H4.37 3.80 1.20 4.24 1.34 .77 1.72 . 54 -2.11 .67 TABULATION OF N Kennedy Hrdlicka 6 2 8 Female Shaw-Bolton Gifford 15 Boas 9 24 Upper Facial Index Male CRANIAL R 83. 46- 93.89 77.40- 79.70 7r .n4r- 93.89 77.10- 92.00 75.20- 88.30 92.00 52*94- 59.50 46.40- 54.30 44.80- 59.50 48,99- 57.25 47 .40.. 57.25 88.32 1*87 78.55 85.88 79.20 84.35 1.11 0-B .65 83.25 1.22 83.94 4*58 1.32 5.18 1J49 TABLE II MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) M S.E d/ad S.D S,E V. S.E 4.31 3.65 2.31 2.81 .79 5.11 .93 .86 4.38 1.03 Kennedy Hrdlicka Cresma 6 15 7- 28 55.49 51.48 47.76 51.41 .94 .956 .94 K-H3. 78 K-C5.81 H-C .89 .67 .640 .65 4.16 5.46 5.19 1.20 1.00 1.39 Kennedy Hrdlicka 9 a1 16 54.19 51.57 53.04 .89 K-H1.83 1.16 2.67 3.06 .63 .82 4693 1.16 5.93 1SO0 Cranio-Facial Index Male Kennedy Hrdlicka Creasman 6 13 7 26 87.05- 108.20 98.91 95.13- 105.22 100.33 94.44- 107.63 99.18 87*05- 108.20 99.69 - 44 - 2.82 K-H .53 1.24 K-C .08 1.76 H-C .54 6.91 4.47 4.67 1.99 .88 1.25 6.99 4.45 4.70 2.02 ,87 1.26 TABULATION OF CRRANITAL N R TABLE II MEASUhEMENTS AND INDCES (continued) M S.E d/dd S.D 8.E V. S.E male aiford Boas 4 19 Kennedy Hrdlicka Female Gifford Boas 9 7 16 15 9 2)4 93.08-. 98.68 9.9594- 96.64 98.68 90*71- 117.27 91.2)4. 100.00 100.00 87 *92- 100.00 93*33- 9710. 93 100,0 96.25 96 .26 96.25 1.43 98.70 94.20 96.73 9)4.74 9456 94*67 5,o55 1.01 2.48 K-H1.52 7.45 1.75 7.55 1.78 1.03 2.73 .73 2.90 .77 5.77 1.0% .8)4 G-B .16 3.27 .%54 1.61 .59 .37 3.45 1.70 063 .40 lnathic Index male Kai?edy FamaleI Kenney Nsal dex Kenmedy Hrdlicka Male Saiw-Bolton Gifford Boas 91.08 6 135.92 89.00. 8 104a00 103.25 6.07 99.76 1.%8 14.86 4.29 14.39 4.15 4.47 1.12 4.48 11 16 27 15 19 140) . 35 75.38. 49.16 38.60- ,56 .2o 0 SS 75.38 49.27 83.10 67.20.. 89.30 77.47 80. ia. 88.70 870 89.30 78.94 - 45 2.67 1.09 1.62 112 3.85 1. 57 -H o.06 8.87 4.37 1.89 .77 18.04 8.86 6.26 1.14 8.08 1.47 TABLE II TABULATlON OF CRANIAL MEASUREvENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R 1414.23- 12 79.36 M S.E d/rd S. D S.E V. S.E Kennedy Hrnlicka 53.71 2.95 K-Hs.09 10.22 2.09 19.03 3.89 10 22 1414.0- 57 .40 79. 3- 79.36 50.55 52.27 85.10 1.33 4.,20 .914 8.31 1.86 Female Snaw-&olton 26 67.30 Gifford 15 91.70 71.70- Boas 9 89.10 50 91. 70 75*144 1.88 G-BI.23 7.29 1.33 9.62 1.76 2.22 79.26 81. 24 2.149 7.46 1*76 9.41 Nasalia Transverse Index Male Kemedy Female Kennedy 52.63- 7 80.00 42.85- 8 90.90 68.03 14.56 61.80 14.55 12.08 3.23 17.76 12.87 3.22 20.82 5.20 Right Occipital Index Male Kennedy Hrdlicka 75.60- 11. 100.00 77#10- 15 96.20 75; g 26 100.00 83.41- 12 102.97 814.50- 10 97.70 22 102.77 90.97 1*59 K-H 1 40 5.27 1.12 4.140 .80 5.79 1.714 88.30 89.43 1.14 4.98 .91 FeTmale Kennedy Hrdlicka 92.41 1.914 K-H .69 6.71 1.37 7.26 1.148 3.71 .83 3.49 .78 90.93 91.74 1.17 Left Orbital Index Male Kennedy Female Kennedy 88 .09- 11 97.50 85.00- 10 103.03 92.31 *93 3.10 .66 3.36 .72 6.15 1.37 6.56 1.147 93.72 46 1.95 TABULATION OF CRANIAL N R TABLE II LEASUJWEENTS AND INDICES (continued) K S.E d/rd S,D S.E V. S.E Interorbital Index Male Kennedy Female Kennedy External Palatal Ir Male Kennedy Female Kennedy I Mandibular Index 20. 58- 8 28.28 20600- 8 24,.17 ndex 72.1Wl- 9 112.50 63.04 12 107.50 23.66 22 43 88.43 84.19 .88 45 2.50 1.28 .62 10.57 .32 5.71 2.67 12.82 3.08 17.91 2.64 3.02 3.65 3.48 4.35 U. 34 15.08 Male Kennedy 6 Female Kennedy 5 Zygonial Index Male Kennedy 5 Female Kennedy 5 Fn,nto-Gonial Index Male Kennedy 6 Female Kennedy 5 Ramus Index Male Kennedy 11 Female Kennedy 6 62.68 75.20 62.60 69.23 68.27- 89.25 66.66- 81.67 87.61 110.00 66.66- 81.67 44.44- 89.90 48.57- 63.45 67.77 64.80 76.05 76.29 95.51 76.29 59.34 53.90 47 - 1.70 1.05 4.16 2.35 .93 6.14 .74 3.63 2.50 1.15 3.19 2.36 7.14 2.26 9.39 2.97 5*28 1.67 6*92 2.19 3.00 2.36 7,36 5.28 2.12 1.67 7.70 6.92 2.22 2.19 4.33 2.81 3.72 2.14 12.34 5.25 2.63 20.69 1.51 9.74 TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES N R 15 S.E S.D S.E V. S.E Right Femur, Biconctylar Length Male Left Femur, Bicondylar Length Male Female Right Femur, Maximum Length Male 3 426-466 449.66 1 427-461 448 .50 410.00 3 431-471 454.66 Left Femur, Maximum Length Male 3 Female 1 Right Femur, Mid- Shaft Circumference Male 3 Female 1 Left Femur, Mid- Shaft Circumference Male 5 Female 1 ? 2 429-471 451.33 416.00 84-91 76-99 79-80 87.66 74.00 80.20 3.57 72.00 84l50 7.99 2.53 9.06 2.86 Right Femur, Diameter Male Female Head 3 1 1 150-162 156.00 129.00 122.00 - 48 - TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MEASURMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E S.D S.E V. S.E Left Femur, Head Diameter Male Female 4 1 2 133-166 148f.25 130.00 120-150 135.00 Right Femur, Sub. Trochanteric Diameter, Antero-Posterior Male 3 Female 1 ? 2 Left Femur, Sub- Trochanteric Diameter, Antero-Posterior Male 5 Female 1 ?. 3 Right Femur, Sub- Trchanteric Diameter, Lateral Mlale 3 Female 1 ? 2 Left Femur, Sub- Trochanteric Diameter, Lateral Male 5 24-33 25-24 27.33 21.00 24.50 23-32 23-31 27.20 1.148 244.00 26.66 3.32 1.05 12.20 3.86 29-35 20-33 31.66 28.00 26.50 31-36 Frmale 1 33.00 2.55 5.70 1.80 17.27 27.00 31.33 5.46 3 27-36 - 49 - TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL IMEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E S.D S.E V. S.E Right Femur, Mid- Shaft Diameter, Antero-Posterior Male Female I? Left Femur, Mid- Shaft Diameter, Antero-Pos terior 3 27-31 1 2 21-33 29.33 22.00 27.00 Male Female 29.60 1.55 3.46 1.09 11.69 3.70 1 22.00 32W75 14 27-37 Right Femur Mid- Shaft Diameter, Lateral Male Female 3 25-31 1 2 20-29 27.00 23.00 21450 Left Femur, Mid- Shaft Diameter, Lateral Male Female ? 5 23-29 3 3 23-29 26.60 23.00 25.66 .94 2.10 .66 9.29 2.914 Right Tibia, Maximum Length Male 3 356-403 374.33 Left Tibia, Maximum Length 1 160 - 50 - TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R M S.E S.D S,E V. S6E Sight Tibia, Mid- Diameter, Antero- Posterior Male Female Left Tibia, Mid- Diameter, Antero- Po sterior Male Female Right Tibia,, Mid- Diameter, Lateral Male Female Left Tibia, Mld- Diameter, Lateral emale Femzale 0 4 I 3 20-35 24-29 28.75 24. 00 26.33 31033 24.00 23.33 3 1 3 29-35 14-30 1 3 2 1 3 19-31 20-27 22-26 20-27 30-39 31-36 24.60 20.00 24.33 2.06 41.60 1.4%5 18.70 5.91 'Right Tibia, Nutriqnt Foramen Diameter, AnterohPosterior Male Femae 1 ?3 24.00 20.00 24.33 33.20 1.64 3.66 1.16 11.02 3.48 30.00 33.33 - 51 - TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL EASUIEUENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R Y 5.E S.D S.E V. S. Left Tibia, Nutri%rtA Foramen Diameter, Antero-Posterior Male 3 30-39 34I.66 ? 2 16-37 26.50 Right Tibia,.Nutriznt Foramen Diameter, Lateral *Male 4 20-36 25.00 Female 1 21.00 ? 3 20-3a- 23.66 Left Tibia, Nutrient Foramen Diameter, Lateral le 3 23-33 27.66 ? 2 11-30 20.50 Right Tibia, Least Circumference Male 4 76-90 84,00 Female 1 67.00 ? 3 77-83 79 .66 Left Tibia, Least Gircumference Male 3 82-93 86.33 Female 1 65.00 2 75-81 78.00 Right Fibula, Maximum Length Male 2 341-347 344.00 - 52 - TAIL t1 I TABUlATION OF 1V-CR&NIAL MEAST2iENtS AND INDICES (continued) N R 11 S.E S.D SSE V. Left Fibula, laximm Length Male Right Humerus, Maximun Length Male Left Humerus, Maximum Length Male Right Humerus, Head Diameter Male Female 7 Left Humerus, Head Diameter Male 'Right Humerus, Minimum Shaft Circumference Male Female ? Left Humerus, Minium Shaft Circumference Male Female 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 4 2 4 1 338.00 318-347 333.33 266.00 3314-339 329.00 337.00 140-153 1488.33 126.00 1314.00 138-155 149-153 60-71 43-63 10.OO l%l.00 6%.75 55.00 51.140 3.06 6.84 2.16 13.3 14.21 14 1 14 57-68 48m75 63.7% 54.00 61.00 53 - TABLE III TABUIATION OF POST-CRANIAL 4EASUIUENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R l S.E S.D S.E V. S.E Right Radius, Maximum Length Male 3 249-264 257.66 Left Radius, Maximum Length Male 4 247-266 259,25 ? 2 232-256 2144.00 Right Ulna, Maximum Length Male 2 271-283 277.00 ? 1 271.00 Left Ulna, Maximum Length Male 1 280.00 ?1 263.00 Right Innominate, Height Male 3 201-221 211.00 Left Innominate, Height ? 1 206.00 Right Irmominate, Breadth Male 1 268.00 Sagittal Diameter of Pelvic Inlet Male 2 110-114 112.00 Transverse Diameter of Pelvic Inlet Male 3 120-138 ? 54- TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MUtASURE1ENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R 1 S.E S.D S,E V. S,E Right Scapula, Morphological Breadth Male 2 102-113 107 .50 Left Scapula, Morphological Breadth Male 1 114.00 Right Scapula, Morphological Length Male 2 157-165 161.00 Left Scapula, Morphological Length Male 2 110-142 126.00 ? 1 130.00 Left Scapula, Infra- Spinous Fossa Breadth Male 1 143.00 Rdght Scapula, Supra. Spinous Fossa Breadth Male 2 56-l09 82.50 Right Clavicle, Maximum Length Male 2 158-170 164.00 Left Clavicle, Maximum Length Male 3 144-164 156.00 ? 1 158.00 Right Clavicle, Mid- Shaft Circumference Male 3 33-40 37.00 ? 1 33.00 55 TABLE III TABUIATION OF POST-CRANIAL NEASURE IENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R Y S.E S.D 8,5 V. S.35 Left Clavicle, Kid- Shaft Circuferencs Male li 32-4 36.25 ? 3 17-35 27.33 Sacrui, Breadth Kale 4 12.Li6 130.O0 Sacrwu, Anterior Length Male 5 111-127 119.00 2.85 6.37 2.01 5,35 1.69 - 56 - TABLE III TABULATION QF POST-CRANIAL MEASUREMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R h S,E d/ r d S.D S.E V. S*E Stature Male 1680- Kennledy 4 1772 1530- Shaw-Bolton 109 1870 1550- Gifford 15 1858 1710- Boas 4 1881 1533- Hrdlicka 56 1788 8 1301 188 1870 1728 1661 1702 1745 166 1669 5.67 SG2,.45 59.20 .38 18.04 69t90 3.29 3. 56 4.11 *224 .75 Female Shaw-Bolton Giff ord Boas Hrdlicka 21 14 9 26 70 1470- 1630 1365- 1675 1531- 1645 1428- 164s5 1311- 1675 1528 1550 1580 1541 8.31 S3G .91 38.10 5478 2.49 .38 27.03 S-B1.56 93.8417*73 6.05 1.1Is 32.29 G-B .o7 96.88 22.83 6.13 1.44 57 TABLE I II TABULATION OF POST-CMNIAL NFASURDIENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R K S.1: S.D S.E V. s,E Right Femur, Index of Platyaeria 68.57- Male 3 113.79 Female 1 75. 75- 7 2 120.00 87.66 75.00 97.87 Left Femur, Index of Platymeria Male Fmale 69.69- 5 96.77 1 82.68 14.95 11.06 1.28 13.38 49.23 88,88 86.114 83.87- 7 3 88.146 Right Femur, Middle Index Male Left Femur, Middle Index Fl e Right Femur, Pilas tric Index 192.56- 3 197.18 195.22- 3 219.02 1 194.98 206.35 175.60 96.77- 124.00 Male Female 3 1 109.59 95.65 109*39 105*00. 2 113.79 Left Femur, Pilastric Index Male Female 103.884 5 125.00 1 103.45- 3 124.00 111.10 3.31 125.00 114.94 7 *41 2.34 6.67 2.11 Right Femur, Index of 1bbuaticitr 122*53- Mae 2 130.90 126. 71 - 58 - TABL t II T&BULTAION OF POST-CMNIAZ MEAUUENTS AND INDCNS (continmodY N R .16 S.D S. V. S.1 Left Femur, Inlex of Robusticity 123.64- Male 4 139.88 129.144 Female 1 109.75 68,.97- ? 3 100.00- 85*95 Left Tibia, Middle Irdex 62.85- Male 3 89.6!; 75.27 Female 1 83.33 71.l42 3 92.30 85*24 Right Tibia, Index of Platycnemia 5;8.33- Male 5 120.00 74.34 !;.Oi n.20 3.54 15.06 14.76 Female 1 70.00 ? 3 90.91 71.40 Left Tibia, Index of Plataycnemia . 58.o97- Male 3 110.00 82.03 68.75. ? 2 81.08 74.91 Right Tibia, Length- Thickness Index 191.01-. Male 4 2531.39 2114.28 Left Tibia, Length- Thickness Index ? 1 237.!50 Right Tibia, Tibio- Femoral Index 78.33- Male 3 86.48 83,411 - 59 - TABLE III TABUIATION OF POST-CRANIAL IEASUIEMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R X S.3 S.D S.E V. 5.3 Right Humerus, Index of Ibbusticitr 1814.43- Male 4 210.68 196.69 Female 1 183,33 ? 1 203.00 Left Humerus, Index of Robusticity 181.52. Male 4 205.43 196.64 Female 1 184.93 ? 1 201.78 Right Humerus, Humero-Femeral Index 71.89- Male 4 76.08 714.63 Left Humerus, Humero-Feal Index 72.01- Male 2 72.90 72.145 Fmale 1 71.21 Right Radius, Humero-Radial Index 76,08- Mle 3 78.30 77.33' Left Radius, Huumro-hdial Index 78.946- Male 3 78.66 78,57 Right ni ate, Breadth-Height Index Male 1 75.00 Left Innminate, Breadth-4eight Index MAle 1 90.90 - 60 - TABLE III TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MEASUREIMENTS AND INDICES (continued) N R K S,E S.D S.E V. S.E Right Scapula, Scapular Index 64.'96 Male 2 68.I48 66.72 Right Scapula, Infra-Spinal Index 70.06. Male 2 86.06 78.06 Right Scapula, Supra-Spinous Index 35.67- Male 2 66.06 50.86 Right Clavicle, Length-Thicknle8s Index 208.86- Male 2 232.52 216.19 Left Clavicle, Length-Thickness Index 218.75 Mae 2 231.00 225.22 ? 1 107.59 Sacral Index 106.77- Male l4 nl5.87 46116 - 61 - TABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL MOFPHOWOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Male Female No. % No, % 1 - Description Cranium 9 42.86 8 40.00 Calvarium 3 14o.29 3 15.00 Calvaria 1 4.76 4 20.00 Calva 2 9.52 1 5.00 Mandible 6 28,57 4 20.00 2- Condition Poor 6 28.57 5 25.00 Fair 6 28.57 5 25.00 Good 9 42.986 10 50.00 3 - Muscularitr Small 1 5.26 10 58.83 Medium 13 68.42 6 35.29 Large 5 26.32 1 5.88 W9 17 4 - Age by Suture Closure Young Adult (21-35) 2 9.52 1 5,00 Middle-Aged Adult (36-55) 10 47.62 10 50.00 Old Adult (56-75) 3 14.29 1 5.00 Very Old (76-X) 0 0 0 0 Age Unknown 6 28.57 8 40.00 5 - Defonnation None 9 100.00 8 100.00 Occipital 0 0 0 0 R;ight Occipital 0 0 O' O Left Occipital 0 0 0 0 Lambdoid 0 0 0 0 Fronto-Occipital 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 v ~9 6 - Form Ellipsoid 1 12.50 0 0 Ovoid 1 12.50 0 0 Spheroid 5 62.50 9 81.82 Pentagonoid 1 12.50 1 9.09 Rhomboid 0 0 0 0 Sphenoid 0 0 1 9.09 Brisoid 0 0 0 0 I 11 - 62 - TABIE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Fe No. % No. % 7 - Brow Ridges Median 6 50.00 8 72.73 Divided 3 25.00 1 9.09 Continuous 3 25.00 2 18.18 ZE II 8 - Brow Ridges Size Trace 0 0 0 0 Small 1 6.67 9 75,00 Medium 5 33.33 3 25.00 Large 6 40).00 0 0 Very Large 20.00 0 0 9 Glabella Small 0 0 4 33.33 Medium 4 30.77 7 58#34 Large 6 46.15 1 8*33 Very Large 3 23.08 0 0 10- Frontal Height VeryLow 0 0 0 0 LoW 6 46*15 1 8.33 Mledium 7 53.85 10 83.314 High 0 0 1 8.33 Very Hi gh 0 0 0 11- Frontal Slope None, Bulging 0 0 1 8.33 Slight 1 7.69 2 16.67 Medium 8 61.54 7 58o33 Pronounced 4 30.77 2 16.67 Very Pronounced 0 0 0 0 12- Metopism Absent 13 76.92 15 100.00 Traces 1 23.08 0 0 Complete ? 0 ? ? 13- Postorbital Constriction Small 0 0 3 33.33 Maedi 6 6o0.00 6 66.67 Large 4 40.00 0 0 63 9 - 63 - ITABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL 15)RPHOLOGICAL OfSE:RVATIONS (continued) Male FPemans No. % No 14- Frontal Bosses Small 10 83.33 6 Medium 2 16.67 2 Large 0 0 2 15- Mdian Crest small 9 64.29 11 Medium 3 21.43 1 Large 2 141.28 0 le 60.00 20.00 20.00 91.67 8.33 0 16- Sagittal Elevation small Medium Large Vezy Large 17- Postooronal Depression Small Medium Large 18- Parietal Bosses Small Medium Large 19- Parietal Foramina None Medium Large ITi 4 2 2 8 1 II 1 6 4 II 6 2 2 0 0 4 6 0 33.33 1J.67 16.67 8.33 18,*18 72.73 9.09 9.09 54.55 36.,36 4 6 3 0 3 8 1 0 4 8 17 5 .7 0 2 6 30.77 46 s15 23.08 0 25.00 66.67 8.33 0 33.33 66.67 60.00 20.00 20.00 0 38.46: 53 .85 . 0 7.69- 20- Temporal Fullness Flat Small Medium large 0 40.00 606.00 0 0 18.18 542.5 27.o27 - 64 - TABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Mae Faena No % No. 21- Tenmporal Crests LOW 2 16.67 0 Medium 9 75.00 10 High 1 8.33 2 17 iS 22- Suprmastoid Crest small 3 27.27 8 - Medium 5 45.46 4 Large 3 27.27 0 le 0 83.33 16.67 66.67 33.33 0 23- Sphenoid Depression Medium~ large 24-O ccipital Curve None small Medium Pronounced 25- Inion None Small Mediu Large 26- Torus Absent Small Medi Large 27- Shape of Tozus Ridge Mound 28- Lambdoid Flattening None Smal1 Medium Pronounced IT 8 0 1 2 6 1 0 2 6 1 S 5 3 4 2 'Ii 100400 0 10.00 20.00 60.00 10'.00 0 22.22 66.67 11.11 11 0 11 0 3 3 7 1 11 0 9 1 0 4 5 2 0 2 6 .3 1 2 6 12 100.00 0 ,0 27. 27 63*64 9.09 0 90.00 10.00 0 35.71 21.143 28.57 114.29 36.36 45.46 18 * 18 0 4 9 .1 2 14 1 8 65 - 44144 55.56 12.o50 25.00 50.00 12.50 25.00 75.00 25.00 8*33 16.67 50.00 TABLE IV TAMULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Female No. % No. 29- Transverse Suture Absent Present 7 2 77.78 22.22 9 0 100.00 0 30- Lmbdoid Wonrian Bones None Few Medium 31- Other Wormian Bones Coronal Sagittal Temporo-Occipital Other 32- Menoid Fossa Depth Ia Medium Large 33- Poutglenoid Process Snal Medium Large 34- TYmpanic Plate Thin Medum Thick Very Thick 10 1 0 0 IIf 90 * 90 9.10 0 0 11 1 0 1 814.62 7.69 0 7.69 0 0 0 0 U 1 6 1 9 0 8 0 8* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 12. 50 75.00 12.50 0 100.00 0 3 8 1 1 8 0 0 10 1 0 1 9 1 1 0 0 0 100.00 25.00 66.67 8.33 11., 88.89 0 1 9 0 0 7 10.00 90.00 0 0 0 70.00 0 20.00 O 90.91 9.09 0 8.33 75.01 8.33 8 .33 35- Auditory Meatus Round Oval Ellipse Slit .1 7 0 2 - 66 - TABLE IV TABUIATLON OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Female No. % No. 36- Orbits Shape Oblong 3 30.00 1 FRhomboid 1 10.00 3 Square 5 50.00 4 Ellipse 0 0 0 Round 1 10.00 0 B 37- Orbits Inclination None Small Medium Pronounced 38- Suborbital Fossa Absent Slight Medium Deep 39- Malar Sise Smal Medium Large Very Large 5 4 1- S 0 0 2 5 0 3 6 1 Ta 10.00 50.00 40.00 0 1 3 0 12.50 37.50 50.00 0 0 12.50 37.50 50.00 0 0 20.00 50.00 30.00 0 30.00 60.00 10.00 40- Malars Lateral Pzojection Small Medium Large 41- Malars Anterior Projection Small Medium Large 42- Malars Marginal Pmcess Absent Submedium Medium Large 0 5 4 1 7 1 7 0 0 3 3 0 55.56 44944 0 3 5 1 0 6 2 0 2 6 0 0 6 2 9 0 4 5 9 0 33.*33 55.56 neln 0 75.00 25.00 0 25v.00 75o.00 0 U.U1 77.78 3.1n 0 75.00 25.00 0 0 50.00 50.00 0 44.44 55.56 0 - 67 - TABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Female No. % No. % 43- Zygomatic Process Thickness &nall 1 12.50 6 66.67 Medium 6 75.00 3 33.33 Pronounced 1 12.50 0 0 B9 44- Nasion Depression Absent 1 10.00 0 0 Small 3 30.00 3 42.85 Medium 4 40*00 4 57.15 Deep 2 20*00 0 0 ~7 45- Nasal Root Height Vexry Law 0 0 0 0 LoW 1 8.33 2 18.18 Medium 6 50.00 9 81.82 High 5 41.67 0 0 Very High 0 0 0 0 46. Nasal Root Breadth Very Small 0 0 1 9.00 Small 2 16.67 3 27,00 Medium 10 83.33 6 55.00 Large 0 0 1 9.00 Ve7Lre0 0 0 0 Very arge 47- Nasal Bridge Height Very Low 0 0 1 11.11 Medium 3 42.86 6 66.67 High 2 28.57 1 11.11 Very High 2 28.57 1 11.11 48- Nasal Bridge Breadth Small 0 0 2 25.00 Medium 7 100.00 6 75.00 Large 0 0 0 0 7 H 49- Nasal Profile Straight 0 0 0 0 Concave 2 25.00 5 62.50 Concavo-Convex 6 75.00 3 37.50 Convex 0 0 0 0 BI B' - 68 - TABLE IV TABuLATION oF CRANIAL moPRHOiOatCAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Female No. No. 50. Nasal Sills Absent Dull Medium Sharp 51- Nasal Spine Absent smal Medium Large 0 2 3 4 0 22.22 33.33 44.45 0 1 6 1 . I 0 12.50 75.00 12.50 0 1 4 0 4 3 0 7 0 2 0 6 B'f 0 12.50 50.00 37.50 0 57.114 42.86 0 52- Subnasal Grooves Absent Small Medium Pronounced 0 0 5, 4 0 0 55.56 44.44 0 25.00 0 75.00 53- Alveolar Prognathim Absent Slight Medim Pronounced 54- Alveolar Border Absorption None Slight Medium Pronounced 55- Palate Shape Parabolic Hyperbolic Elliptical SmaIl U Large U 0 1 2 9 1 3 5 0 9 8 1 0 0 1 6 1 0 8. 33 16.67 75.00 11.11 33.33 55.56 0 88.89 31.1n 0 0 0 0 3 1 8 3 1 2 1 7 6 1 0 1 0 B' 0 25.00 8*33 66.67 42.86 14.28 28. 5 14.28 75,00 12.50. 12.50 0 12.50 50.00 25.00 12.50 56- Palate Height LoW Medium High Very High 11.11 U *11 66.67 11.11 1 4 2 1 r 69 TABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL IMORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Female No. No. 57- Palatine Torus Form Ridge Mound Lump 58- Palatine Tbrus Size Absent Small Medium Large 59- Postnasal Spine Absent n1a Medium Large 60- Mandible Size Small Medium Large Very Large 61- Chin Form Median Bilateral 62- Chin Projection Negative Neutral Small Medium Large 1 0 8 0 3 5 1 0 2 6 0 IT 11 . 11 0 88.89 0 33.33 55.56 lien 0 0 7 7 1 4 3 0 0 4 2 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 100.00 12.50 50*00 37.50 0 0 25.00 75.00 0 0 66.67 33*33 0 0 6 7 0 7 '2 0 0 1 8 4 13 0 46.15 53.85 0 44.44 55.56 0 . 0 41.67 58.33 0 0 7.69 61.514 30.77 6 4 R5 0 0 5 S 0 To 2 7 I 0 L6 60.00 40. 00 0 0 50.00 50.00 0 63- Mandibular Alveolar Prognathism None 0 Slight 8 Medium 4 Pronounced 0 - 70 - 0 75.00 25.00 0 20.00 70.00 10.00 0 TABLE IV TABUIATION OF CRANIAL MORHIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) MGale Female No. No. 64- Genial Tubercles Absent 0 0 0 0 Small 2 15.38 6 60.00 Medium 7 53.85 2 20.00 large 4 30.77 2 20.00 65i- trlo-hyoid Ridge Absent 1 7.69 1 10.00 Slight 6 46.15 8 80.00 Medium 5 38.47 1 10.00 Pronounced 1 7.69 0 0 66- Pterygoid Attachment Small 2 16.67 6 85.71 Medium 9 75!00 1 14.29 Pronounced 1 8.33 0 0 Very Pronounced 0 0 0 0 7 67- Gonial Angle Eversion None 3 25.00 4 50.00 SmalU 3 25.00 2 25.00 Medium 541.67 1 12.50 Pronounced 1 8.33 1 12.50 68- Tooth Eruption Incomplete 0 0 0 0 Complete 12 100.00 10 100.00 Thizd Molar Suppressed 0 0 0 O 69- Teeth Lost Ante-Mortem 0 8 53.33 6 54.54 1-4 5 33.33 l4 36.37 5-8 2 13.34 1 9.09 9-12 0 0 0 0 13-16 0 0 0 0 17-20 0 0 0 0 21-X 0 0 0 0 - 71 TABLE IV TABULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (continued) Male Fema: No. % No. 70- Mandibular Torus Small 0 0 5 Medium 8 72.72 4 Large 3 27.28 0 TI:9 71- Teeth Wear None 0 0 0 Slight 2 15.39 2 Medium 7 59.24 9 Pronounced 4 30.77 1 Very Pronounced 0 0 1 ,le 55,s56 0 0 15.38 69, 24 7.69 7.69 72- Teeth Caries 0 1-4 5-8 9-16 17-X 73- Alveolar Ab$ceas 0 1-3 4-x 74- Shovel-shaped Incisors Absent Slight Medium Pronounced 14 0 0 0 0 mI 10 3 0 13 100.00 0 0 0 0 76.92 23.08 .0 13 12 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 12 100.00 0 0 0 0 100l00 0 0 55*56 33033 1111 0 75- Bite Under Edge Slight Over Medium Over Pronounced Over 76- Crowding Absent Slight Medium Pronounced S 0 2 0 7 1 0 2 2 1 71.43 0 28 .57 0 S 3 1 0 9 0 0 0 14 2 3 16.67 0 33.33 33033 16.67 0 0 0 66.67 33,33 11 4 0 0 172 - 2 73.33 26.67 0 0 9 2 0 I 75.00 16.67 0 8.33 APPENDIX B Additional Anthropometric Material From the Great Basin Additional investigation has been conducted on the problems of the- anthropometry of the Great Basin in the four years subsequent to the prep- aration of the original paper. This work is summarized in the analysis of the five series presented in this appendix. Two of these series were ex- aminetd by the writer and are named accordingly. The frequency of crania for all the series is low, but their values are noted in order to extend as far as possible the anthropometric data for this area. Post-cranial material is also fragmentary and small, but when possible the dimensions of the long bones have been taken in order to give an estimate of stature. The series are as follows: 1. Kennedy Series 38: Four crania from Rose Spring (site Iny-372), Inyo County, California. They are on record at the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, .Berkeley (catalog numbers 12-9900, 12-8904, 12-9899, 12-9901. 20 Krantz Series: Skeletal remains of thirty individuals from Karlo (site Las-7), Lassen County, California, These were measured by Mr. Grover Krantz and are on record at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley (catalog numbers 12-9904 through 12-9953). Time has not permitted the writer to measure this series, and the metric values presented below are those obtained by Mr. Krantz. 3, Kennedy Series 39: Three crania from Churchill County, Nevada (site Ch-15), and one cranium from Douglas County, Nevada. These are on record at the Museum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (catalog numbers 12-9368, 12-9369, 12-9370, 12-9682). 4, Jameson Series: Two crania from Stansbury Island, Utah, (Sydney J. Jameson, 1953, Archaeological Notes on Stansbury Island. Anthropologi- cal Papers of the Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, No. 34, pp. 39-44o) 5. Beuttner-Janusch Series: Three crania from Deadman Cave, Utah, (John Beuttner-Janusch, 1954, Human Skeletal Material from Deadman Cave, Utah, Anthropological Papers of the Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, No, 19, pp. 1-9.) - 73 - These series constitute further samples from the areas of the Great Basin that have been descrLbed regionally as Western (Kennedy Series 38, Krantz Series) , Central (Kennedy Series 39), and Eastern (Jameson and Beuttner-Janusch Serles). Comparison of these with the values obtained from the larger original sample is profitable, The series that pertain to the Western Area representL two groups with widely differing cranial morphologies. The Krantz series comes from the western border of the Great Basin area and is more representative of the Early Central California crania than of Great Basin material, as jtdged by its extreme dolichocephaly. In faclal measurements, these specimens re- semble more closel.y those cf *.heir trans-montane neighbors. Representa- tives cf their probable southern contemporarles at Rose Sprilng (Kennedy Serles 38) show metric affinities w'ith Gif ford's Western Mono type, in terms of medium to narrow crania, high. faces, medium noses, and medium statures; hence they are well within the range of variability for the Great Basin. The male cranium of this small serles was unacceptable for certain measurements, but visual examination shows 'it to be highly dolicho- cephalic, a condition reflecting perhaps the trend in this area of Nevada for males t;o be long-headed in an otherwise mesocephalic population. There is a close correlation of cranial data between the four crania from the Central Area (Kennedy Series 39) and the larger initial series for this, region. Similarly, the two series from the Eastern Area (Jameson and Beuttner-Janusch Series) agree with data already on record from Utah., Ex- aminat'lon of the metric data for these series best illustrates the region- al integrity of the Great Basin material, although caution should be exer- cised lin the application of strlct areal boundaries. Special variations and anomalies are few for the five small series here appended, Mention should be made of the great differences in tooth condition and wear between dentitions of the Krantz series, where tooth wear is extreme, and the Kennedy Series 38, where the dentition is remark- ably good for all crania. Both groups share a moderate iLncidence of lamb- doid flattening, Two crania from Rose Spring (catalog naumbers 12-8904 and 12-9899) have a torsional orientation along the bregma-lambda medial line, which results in a bulging of the right parietal region, This is accom- panied in the second cranium by a low metopic crest extending from glabella to bregma, Crania of Kennedy Series 39 show a poor quality of dentition with regard to wear, abscessing, and crowding., One cranium (catalog number 12-9682) has an occiLpital bu.n3 a feature shared wilth some crania of the Krantz seri[es For both. LhUtah series the teeth show average wear and a low frequency of caries,J Wormian bones are common in all the series., One 14- cranium (Burial II of the Jameson Series) has a metopic ridge similar to that of a cranium noted in the Kennedy Series 39 (catalog number 12-9899). Artificial deformation is limited to a single cranium from Utah (Burial II of Beuttner-Janusch Series). In summary, five series of crania from three areas of the Great Basin have been analyzed and compared. They all reveal regional variations which correspond to areal differences already noted in the original paper. This analysis has served to validate some of the concepts offered by the writer before the addition of the appendix, as well as to extend up to the present record data on samples of skeletal material available for the Great Basin. - 75 - co u) U g H Ca r14 H 4) L 1 .q I o 0 "oc 9 0%U "4 c CI o 0 o 0 0, . C 0 to co 01 1- co ^ N 9 ? 4 U) 00 I%" co O- r-) " 0 C4 " '04C ' 1 0r 04 "4 " 4 4 " V4~ 0 > cn 0 > 4. *,4 N % 0'1 * 0 O~ 0% $0 N 00 !% O4 C' I" C- C', I -0 c' 0 c4 "4 r^ 1 O"4 "-4 "4 " "4 00 I- Ln 0% co O ' 00 N - N% n 0 "4 %D0 cn Un "40 . I 0% oo Cs 0 C'4 '0 < 4 (, (,~ . , a "4. "4 "4 "4 00 "4 L I 0% (O m U 0 O I .4 "4 "4 0} r3 '. 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