THE DESERT WEST A. Trial Correlation of Culture and Chronology* Prepared by James A. Bennyhoff The map and chronological chart in this paper are presented as a record of stock-taking. Both result from a four day seminar which met to assess the state of archaeological knowledge in the Desert West. Meetings were held in the quarters of the University of California Archaeological Survey at Berkeley, in August, 1957, under the chair- manship of Jesse D. Jennings. The seminar was held under no formal aegis and was a voluntary one, the participants attending at their own expense. Main partici- pants present included H. H. Aschmann, M. A. Baumhoff, J. A. Bennyhoff, R. D. Daugherty, A. B. Elsasser, G. L. Grosscup, R. F. Heiser, J* D. Jennings, A. D. Krieger, F. A. Riddells A. E. Treganza and W* D. Wallace. R. Drake, R. J. Squier and N. Wilson were visitors at one or more ses- sions. The objectives of the seminar were simple, if not necessarily con- cise. It was desired to pool the special knowledge and information not yet in print but controlled by various individuals in order to arrive at some insight into the broader implications of the many discrete archaeo- logical series known from the Great Basin. In brief, the seminar met to answer the question as to whether broad areal correlations in culture content and relationship could yet be distilled from the individual sites being described in increasing numbers from Nevada, Utah, California, Oregon and Washington. Sunmary Most participants, as the sessions ended, were of the opinion that the seminar had been of value and some progress had been made, or at least a groundwork had been laid, toward a synthesis of the prehistory of the intermountain West. In sober fact, however, the results were less a synthesis than an inventory. * The original plan was to publish a summary of the traits for each cul- ture column of the chart. This has proved impossible because of the failure of several participants to provide such lists and because of the uneven and incomplete nature of those lists which were drawn up. It was not therefore feasible to adhere to the original plan of publication (Ed.). - 98 - The primary achievement is the broad regional chronology chart (Fig* 1)o Here various views have been, through compromise and discus- sion, reconciled into something which verges on the coherent and provides a space and time scale for further study of the culture or cultures of the Desert Westo It will be noted that several named, even reported, archaeological manifestations of the area are not considered. Concensus was that sites not adequately reported, or sites lacking sizable artifact complexes, or sites where antiquity was only obliquely inferable (i.e., sites lacking stratigraphic controls or distinctive diagnostic artlfact assemblages which in other sites were under control) would be omitted. This action was taken in order to ensure that discussion would focus on controlled data; to some extent this reduced speculation and the urging of personal conviction as evidence. Even so, some of our conflusions are highly tenuous. A second achievement, of perhaps only passing value, was the deline- ation of an area (Map 1)o This is an area of convenience only; it rep- resents no great cultural truthso It does indicate, however, the limits arbitrarily imposed on the discussion by the otate of current archaeolog- ical knowledge. Other findings may be considered constructive, though negative. 1. It was impossible to deal effectively with the so-called Lake Mohaves Amargosa and Pinto-Gypsum cultureso A more specific description of the many artifact types and a segregation of types into complexes, as well as more substantive information on the geological context (if indeed this exists) of the cultural materials, are essential for each of these named cultures. 20 The widespread, so-called Shoshone ware (Owens Val- ley Brown being one type) deserves intensive study and a non-linguistic name, The ranges the varied types, the time of first appearance from place to place, and a clarification of the northern affiliation of this ware all become important to understanding of the protohistoric and his- toric remainso 3. The lack of archaeologic study of known historic in- terior Shoshonean Indian sites makes the transition from ethnology and ethnohistory to prehistory almost impossible. 4. Possibly only a phase of 3, but separately noted by the seminar, was the vagueness of knowledge about the archaeological materials of the protohistoric period, 5. It was impossibleg on the basis of reported data, to do anything constructive with the varied ceramic traditions manifest in the southern California desert, The ceramics are ill-defined as to associated artifacts and se- quence of occurrence, and no careful, comprehensive typological studies have yet been published. 6. The lack of archaeological information from eastern Nevada and Idaho is so complete that the seminar was unable to consider these important areaso 7. Many artifact series, now referred to as a culture or as a phase in a local sequence, are in reality nothing but a flint complex, or a handful of non-distinctive rough stone arti- facts. In Flgure 1, these lacunae are evidenced. - 99 - The Area The Desert West may be considered a part of the vast province of low rainfall in western North America which has been called Arid America by some anthropologists and geographers. This province, however, has never been at all clearly defined because of confusion between geographical and cultural criteriao Areas of more abundant rainfall and plant and animal food have been included because their native cultures show basic similar- ities with those of the real deserts; and, conversely, the Great Plains has been excluded because its native cultures have been different, sup- posedly, from those of the western deserts. Obviously, there is no completely satisfactory way of defining Arid America, but less confusion results if the criteria are either geograph- ical or cultural, but not both. Archaeological exploration of the west- ern states is very uneven and a great deal is still to be learned about the native cultures over thousands of years, together with the ways in which they became adjusted to environment, Furthermore, the environment itself has been undergoing changes. The simplest way to arrive at the boundaries of Arid America is to include the unforested areas of relatively low rainfall (generally less than 25 inches annually) from western Canada to central Mexico. This environment, in general, includes the Lower Sonoran and Upper Sonoran Life Zones found in the desert regions between the Cascades-Sierra Nevada ranges and the Rocky Mountains, the Great Plains9 northern Mexico exclu-- sive of the timbered Sierra Madre ranges, and numerous smaller areas such as valleys within the main mountain masses. The present study, however, is by necessity confined to only a part of this enormous province. The Southwest, Great Plains, and Mexico have been the subject of previous synthesis. Thus, for our present purposes, the center of interest is the Great Basino The Great Basin is an area of interior drainage in the western United States. Except for the western and eastern margins which include high, moist land and a few isolated mountain areas, this is an area of deficient moisture. To this core area we may add three extensive adja- cent areas which, though possessing exterior drainage, possess the same general ecologic pattern and, during the last two thousand years at least, seem to have been closely associated culturally. The three added areas include 1 Eastern Utah and western Colorado. 20 The Snake and Columbia Plateaus (between the Cascades and the Idaho Rockies). To this, may be added the areas east of the Cascades which drain west through the mountains but have the same physical character as the undrained areas to the east, 3, Southern Utah and Nevada and the desert drainage of the Colorado in California and Arizona. In the added territories, as in the core area, there are isolated high, moist districts, but in all cases such districts are not extensive enough to constitute either barriers or centers for distinctive cultural developments. - 100 t .4 I U -I b 05 Iia 5a I0t O, b D 0 h a 0.4 0. '0 4 0 199 0 1J~ ~ 00%0% 0 0% 0%4 0% 0% 0% ~0%. r '-4t ONcmc 0% 0% '-4 (I3 01 0%O O.4c co O.4 N" *N rc on t On the other hand, the Southwest and the plains of eastem Wyoming and beyond are not included, despite their ecologic similarities, because their recent history has shown distinctly different cultural foci. It is entirely possible that despite the vast distances involved the whole of dry western North America in very ancient times had a reasonably uniform culture based on similar ecologic adaptations. An effort is made in setting up this area to keep it contiguous on broad fronts rather than to have outliers or districts connected by long, narrow corridorso The Chronological Chart The chronological chart must be regar4ed is wa interim trial order- ing of what is now known. The chart, as are all charts, is misleading because the rigidity of the fomn makes it appear that there is more cer- tainty of knowledge than could be claimed. It must also be emphasized that the chart does not represent pooled opinion in the eense that it carries the unconditional approval of the seminar participants. Figure 1 represents a compromise of diverse views and is offered as the best solution which appeared to be possible within the time available to the seminar. While the correlations suggested in the chart may prove to be valid, the material is now presented only for testing and refinemento It is hoped that those who differ with the proposed chronology will be stimulated to publish sufficient facts to demonstrate the necessary revisions. The presentation of data in a single chart is also unsatisfactory because it is inevitable that some adjacent localities must be separated. In view of our limited knowledge, however, it was felt that -an overall view would be advantageous at this time. In future, it will be useful to present a series of sectional or sub-areal charts, with the repetition of pertinent regions on each chart0 The smaller size would then allow the inclusion of adjacent cultural sequences outside the Great Basino The inclusion of the Coastal California, Colorado River, High Plains, and various Southwestern regions would provide better orientation in Figure 1, but problems of chart size prohibited this. Space does not permit any extended discussion of the varied problems which are presented throughout the chart. One rather general procedure does deserve attention, however0 The practice of assigning linguistic names to archaeological complexes and artifact types is contrary to usual methodology and many examples of the confusion which results could be cited from other areaso Yet such has been done in may localities of the Great Basin for the protohistoric period. The problem of identifying the first appearance of the Shoshonean groups has become particularly signif- icant since the presentation of linguistic evidence which suggests the very late spread of these historic occupants of the Great Basin (Lamb, 1958)o The primary evidence used by those archaeologis1;swho assign lin- - 101 - guistic labels has been certain projectile point and/or ceramic types. However, one has merely to survey the literature to see that variant point complexes have been assigned to the same Shoshonean group, and there is no certainty whatever that the appearance of the ceramics which have been named after Shoshonean groups actually represents the appearance of the linguistic group. It is therefore recomnended that non-linguistic labels be applied both to archaeological complexes and to artifact types. Sources The following sources will serve as a gi44e to tho literature for Figure 1. Space does not allow any corplete bibliography so the empha- sis has been placed on recently published reports apid syntheses which contain references to the older, and often more basic, reports. Worm- ington (1957) provides excellent summnariee of the earlier complexes. Radiocarbon dates are given by lieizer (1958) for California, Grosscup (1958) for Nevada, Cressman (1956) for Oregon, Butler (1957) for the Columbia River, and Jennings (1957) for Utah. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DESERT. It is impossible to set up any meaningful chronology for this region from the existent literature. More complete descriptions in terms of rigorous typology, artifact association and frequency, and site locations are needed for most of the cultural periods. Colorado Desert: Lake Mohave, Pinto-p-sum, Amargosa (the latter is represented by an X1 in Tig. 1): Rogersp 9390 e pertinent en- tries for Mohave Desert. Bouse 1 through Moon Mountain: Harner, 1958 (herein). See also Rogers7, 19 Schroeder, 1952a; Peck, 1953. Mohave Desert, including Mohave Sink: Lake Mohave: Campbell, et al., 1937; Rogers, 1939 (Playa); Anteva, 1952 i R, 1953. See Inyo-Mono locality for further comment. Pinto-Gypsum: Campbell and Campbell, 1935; Rogers, 1939; Antevs, 19527 Sbe Inyo-Mono locality. Amargosa, Basketmaker: This complex has been so confused that it has been indicated by the lower X in Figure 1. Rogers (1939) originally defined two phases of Amargosa following the Pinto-Gypsum industry. Later (Haury, 1950:193) he equated these phases with Pinto-Gypsum, and introduced an undefined Amargosa III phase with the result that ttAmar- gosal has lost all meaning. Others have referred to this complex as Basketmaker (Harrington, 1952, 1953, 1957; Smith,et al., 1957) on the basis of projectile point types but the temporal adcultural affilia- tions of the California complex with the very specific Basketmaker phases have never been satisfactorily demonstrated. The "tEarly Desert Mohave" complex of Rogers (1939, 1945) provides still more confusion because of the inadequate presentation of data. - 102 - W. B. in Figure 1 refers to the Willow Beach phase of the Mohave Sink (Schroeder, 1952a, b; Late DeserT Mohiave of1 Rogers, 1939, 1945). The upper X in this column refers to the tShoshoneanft occupation (Schroeder, 1952b; Smith, et al., 1957)o A non-linguistic name is needed, Death Valley: The'enTire sequence has been dealt with by Wallace (I herein) In the spirit of compromise at the seminar, Wallace agreed to the simplification presented in Figure 1. However, his report differs in significant detail in terms of names, dating, and continuous occupation (see his Table 3. p. 17, herein). Inyo-Mono: Harringtoz (1952, 1953, 1957) deals with the entire cultural sequence (using variant cultural labels) as found at and near the Stahl site. However, he would reverse the position of Lake Mohave and Gypsum, and restrict thxe age of Pinto-Lake Mohave to about 3000M 4000 years ago. A reappraisal of the entire Pinto problem in its vari- ous manifestations (Lister, 1953) is urgently needed. Harrington also argues for the identification of Basketmaker II9 III and Shoshonean occupation for the locality (see discussion of terminology under 1Mohave Desert above). Fo Riddell (n.d,; 1958, herein) briefly summarizes the Rose Spring sequence, and the Iny-2 site has been described by H. Riddell x g7e also Meighan, 1955; Riddell and Riddell, 1956. SIERRAo The Vermilion Valley I-III sequence is based on soon-to-be-published investiga s J7Wace (Lathrap and Shutler, 1955, describe V.Ve III)* Bennyhoff (1956) presents the Yosemite sequence. Heizer and Elsasser (1953), and Heizer (n.d.) deal with the Central Sierra sequence. NEVADA. Southen Nevadao Tule Springs: Simpson, 1933; Harrington, 1954h 1956; (see Grosscup, 19 f5or scattered references). Folsom-Yuma (represented by lowest X on chart; point identification doubtfu7l: Wheeler, 1942o Gypsum- Harrington, 1933; Wheeler, 1942; Amold and Libby, 1951* Basketmaker II through Pueblo II: Schroeder, 1953; Wheeler, 1942; Harrington,7927 (also see GrFoscupP 1957:30-33); Hayden; 1930. Southern Paiute (represented by uppermost X on chart; name unsat- isfacigon9 1930, 1933; Schroeder, 1953; Baldwin, 1950. West Central Nevada, Fishbone Cave (represented by X in Fig. 1; signiflcance uncertain): Orr, 195b,"Llon: Grosscup, 1956. Leonard, Humboldt: Heizer, 1951. (The Carson adTHTdden Cave phases of Grosscup, 1967Tave been lumped with these. Relationships cannot be determined from the meager artifact inventories, but all four manifestations indi- cate occupation during Anathermal and Altithermal times.) Early to Late Lovelock: Loud and Harrington, 1929; Heizer and Krieger,9 156jHeizer, 1951; Heizer and Grosscup, n.d.; Heizers 1942. Dune prings: Grosscup, 1956. - 103 - NORTHEAST CALIFORNIA,. F. A. Riddell, 1956a, b, C; 1958 (herein); Fenenga and Riddell, 1949. KLAMATH. Lower Klamath-Tule Lake: The Early$ Middle and Late periods are those of Cressan (1956).- The IndianFBF=nk7fIem BilTYand Tule Lake phases are described by Squier tI95) - Upper Klamath: Cressman, 1956. SOUTHEAST OREGON. The entire column has been adapted from Cresaman, 1956, Chart 3, p. 464; the nature of the revision called for by the 0-14 date obtained after Chart 3 was made (ibid., footnote pp. 464, 465) is uncertain so no change has been attempted in Figure 1 herein. (By typographical error Paisley Cave No. 3 is shown as P-I (at 8500 B.P.) instead of P-III on Cressman's Chart 3.) NORTHERN OREGON - WASHINGTON Columbia Rivera Lind Coulee Daugherty9 1956, (In Fig. 1, herein, the arrow symbolizes duration of occupation for the Dalles site and has no relation to the Lind Coulee site.) Dalles (Five Mile Rapids site ap- pears to be the name finally decided up`o"n) Wormington, 195741869 Butler, 1957. Wakema, and Middle Columbia Cremation C'omplex: Butler, 195?; Strong,,9l45FStrong, Schenck tenward,, 193O Moses Lakeo Daugherty, 1952. The Early, Middle and Late periods Qf ButleFTl7F5Tppeared too late to be included in Figure 1. Lower Snake River: a: Daugherty and Dammnel, 1952. The Asotin, MacGregor Cave/Porcupine cave and Harder sites are unpublished. UTAHO Black Rock I: Stewards 1937. Danger Cave: Jennings, 1957 (see his Comparisons for absorption of previous Dadand Black Rock cultures); Uncompahgre: Wormington and Lister, 1956. Fremont, Sevier.Fremont (in- cluding all Basketmaker and Puebloid phases): jenginjid~ed al., 1956:104; Wormington, 1955; Taylor, 1954; Schroeder, 1955; Maigiinet . 19569 Rudy 1953; Steward, 1936; Mors, 1931. t Steward,T9a7; Gunnerson, 1956. Shoshonean (represented by an1XIn-Fig 1, name unsatis- factory):s Jenningi7s957FRudys 1953; Malouf, 1944, 1946; Steward, 1937. - 104 - Bibliography* Abbreviations Used A Ant: American Antiquity. Menasha or Salt Lake City. SM: Southwest Museum. Los Angelesi -M: Masterkey. -P: Papers. UC: University of Califonia. Berkeley. -AR: Anthropological Recordso. -PAAE: Publications in American Arch4eology and SthnQlogy. UCAS: University of Califomnia Archaeological Survey. Berkeley. -Ma: Manuscript. Report. UU: University of Utah. Salt Lake City. -AP: Anthropological Papers. me - - - - - - - - - Antevs, Eo 1952 Climatic history and antiquity of man UCAS-R 16:23-31. in California. Arnold, J. R. and W. F. Libby 1951 Radiocarbon dates, Science 113:111-120. Lancaster. Baldwin, Go C. 1950 The pottery of the Southern Paiute. A Ant 16:50-56. Bennyhoff, 1956 Jo AO An appraisal of the archaeological resources of Yosemite National Park. UCAS-R 34. * Corrections to Sites, References, in Map 1 legend should be made as follows: No. 2 Ms., Univo Califo., should read Riddell, n.d.; (Rose Springs should read Rose Spring). No0 8 Campbell, 1935, shouId read Campbell and Cambell, 1935. No0 14 Schroeder, 1952, should be Schroeder,9752B No. 16 Meighan, 1956, should be Meighan et al7It560 No. 18 Old Woman Cave, should readOd Woin"Tite Ms., Univ. Utah should now be Taylor, 19 No, 21 Jennings, 1953, should now read Jennings, 1957. No. 22 Ms., Univ. Utah, should read Jadeson, n.d. No. 26 Ms.,Univ. Calif., should read Heizeri, 9.. No. 34 Riddell, 1956, should be RiddeIl, 1956c. - 105 - Brainerd, G. WO 1953 A re-examination of the dating evidence for the Lake Mohave artifact assemblage. A Ant 18:270-271. Butler, Re 1957 Art of the Lower Columbia Valley. Archaeology 10:158-165, Campbell, E. W. C. 1931 An archaeological survey of the Twenty-nine Palms region. SM-P 7o Campbell, E. W. C. and W. Ho Campbell 1935 The Pinto Basin Site. SM-P 9. Campbell, E. W. C., et al. 1937 The arch-elogJy of Pleistocene Lake Mohave. SM-P 11l Cressman, 1942 L,o SO Archaeological researches in the northern Great Basi*no Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publ. 538. Washingtono 1956 Klamath prehistory, American Philosophical Society Trans- actions, Vol. 46, Pt. 4, Philadelphia. Daugherty, 1952 R. Do Archaeological investigations in OgSullivan County, Washingtono A Ant 17:374-3830 Reservoir, Grant 1956 Archaeology of the Lind Coulee Site, Washington. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Vol. 100, No. 3. Philadelphiao Daugherty, 1952 R. Do and E, Ao Dammel Preliminary excavations of a burial site on the Snake Rivero State College of Washington, Research Studies, 20, No. 31. Pullman. Fenenga, F. and F. A. Riddell 1949 Excavation of Tommy Tucker Cave, Lassen County9 California* A Ant 114203-2140 Grosscup, G. Lo 1956 The archaeology of the Carson Sink areae UCAS-R 33 :58-649 1957 A bibliography of Nevada archaeology. UCAS-R 36. 1958 Radiocarbon dates from Nevada of archaeological interesto UCAS-R 43 (in press), - 106 - Gunnersong J. H. 1956 Plains - Promontory Relationships. A Ant 22:69-72. Harrer, Michael J. 1958 Lowland Patayan phases in the lower Colorado River Valley and Colorado Desert. UCAS-R 42, pp. 93-99 (herein). n.d. The ceramic sequence at the Bouse site. Ms. in preparation. Harrington, M. R. 1927, A primitive Pueblo city in Nevada. American Anthropologist, n,s., 29:262-277. Menasha. 1930 Paiute Cave. SM-P 4:106-126. 1933 Gypsum Cave, Nevada. SM-P 8. 1952 The Fossil Falls site. SM-N 26:191-195. 1953 A cave near Little Lake. SM-M 27:77-82. 1954 The oldest campfires. SM-N 23:233-234. 1956 The latest from Tule Springs. SM-N 30:108-109. 1957 A Pinto site at Little Lake, California. SM-P 17. Haury, Ea Wo 1950 The stratigraphy and archaeology of Ventana Cave, Arizona. Tucson, Albuquerque. Hayden9 Io 1930 M4 Heizer, R. F. [esa House. SM-P 4: 26-92. 1942 Massacre Lake Cave, Tule Lake Cave and shore sites. In Cressman, 1942, pp. 121-134. 1951 Preliminary Report on the Leonard Rockshelter Site, Pershing County, Nevadas A Ant 17:89-98. n.d. Field notes and records from Nev-15. 1954. UCAS-Ms. 180. 1958 Radiocarbon dates from California of archaeological interest. UCAS-R 43 (in press).o ser, R. F. and Ae Be Elsasser 1953 Some archaeological sites and cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. UCAS-R 210 Heiz - 107 - Heizer, R. Fo and G. L. Grosscup n.d. The Archaeology of Site 26=Ch-15.9 Lower Humboldt Valley, NevadaO Mso. University of California. Heizer, R. Fo and AO D, Krieger 1956 The A'rchaeology of Humboldt Cave9 Churchill County, Nevada. UC-PAAE 47,9 Noo 1. Jameson, S. Jo So n.d, Archaeological notes on Stansbury Island, Utaho MoSo thesiso. UU, 1948. Jennings, J. D. 1957 Danger Cave. A Ant Mem. 14, Vol. 23 , No. 2 , Pt0 2. UU-"AP 2 7. Jennings, J. Dog Eo Ko Reed, et alo 1956 The American SoutWieWt A problem in cultural isolation, A Ant Mem. 11, Vol. 22, Noo 3, Pto 2, ppo 59-127. Lamb, SO M. 1958 Linguistic prehistory in the Great Basin.o International Journal of American Linguistics 249 No. 2 (in press). Lathrap, Do WO and Do Shutler, Jro 1955 An archaeological site in the high Sierra of California. A Ant 20-226-240O Lister, R. He 1953 The stemmed, indented base point, a possible horizon marker. A Ant 18-264-2650 Loud, L. La and M. Ro Harrington 1929 Lovelock Cave. UC?PAAE 259 No, 1l Malouf, C. 1944 Thoughts on Utah archaeology. A Ant 9:319a320, 1946 The Deep Creek region, the northwestern frontier of the Pueblo Culture. A Ant, 7:l17-121l Meighan, C. W. 1953 The Coville rock shelter9 Inyo County9 CalXfornia, UC-AR 129 No. 5, 1955 Notes on the archaeology of Mono County, Californiao UCAS-R 2806=280 Meighan, C. W.. et al. 1956 ArchiaeoIogical excavations in Iron County, Utah. UU-AP 25. 108 Morss, N. 1931 Orr, P. CO 1956 Peck, SO Lo 1953 The ancient culture of the Fremont River in Utah. Peabody Museun of Amer. Arch. and Ethnol., Paper 1.2, No. 3. Cambridge. Pleistocene man in Fishbone Cave, Pershing County, Nevada. Nevada State Mas., Dept. of Arch. Bull. 2* Carson City. Some poQjt0ry from the Sand Hills, Archaeological Survey Association P?ublo No. l1 Imperial County, California. Of Southern Californias, Riddell, F. A. n.d. Report on the test excavation of the Rose Spring site, Inyo County, California. 1956. UCAS-MS. 232. 1956a Archaeological research in Lassen County, California. UCAS-R 33:l44-490 1956b Final report on the archaeology of Tommy Tucker Cave. UCAS-R 35:1-25. 1956c Summary report of the excavation of the Karlo site. UU-AP 26:63-73.0 1958 The eastern California border: Cultural and temporal affinities. UCAS-R 42:41-48 (herein). Riddell, H. SO 1951 The archaeology of a Paiute village site in Owens Valley. UCAS-R 12:14-28. Riddell, H. S., Jr., and F. A. Riddell 1956 The current status of archaeological investigations in Owens Valley, California. UCAS-R 33:28-33. Rogers, Malcolm J. 1939 Early lithic industries of the lower basin of the Colorado River and adjacent desert areas. San Diego Museum Papers 3. 1945 An outline of Yunan prehistory. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 1:167-198. Rudy, Jack R. 1953 Archaeological survey of Western Utah. UU-AP 12. - 109 - Schroeder, 1952a Albert Ho A brief survey of the Lower Colorado River from Davis Dam to the International Border. National Park Service, Region 3 Office. Santa Fe. 1952b The significance of Willow Beach. Plateau 25:27-29. 1953 A few sites in Moapa Valley, Nevada. 1955 Archaeology of Zion Park. UU-AP 22. SM-M 27 :18-24, 62-680 Simpson, G. Go 1933 A Nevada fauna tion with man. New York. Smith, E. R. 1952 The archeology WU-AP 10:1-41* of Pleistocene type and its American Museum Novitate, probable associa- No. 667:1-10. of Deadman Cave, Utah: A revision. Smith, IGo 1957 A., et al. Newierry Cave, Califomia. San Bermardino County Museum Association, Scientific Series No. 1 (Quarterly 4, No. 3)* San Bernardino. Squier, R. JO 1956 Recent excavation and survey in northeastern California. UCAS-R 33:34-38. Steward, J. H. 1936 Pueblo material culture of western Utah. Univ. of New Mekxico Bull. 287. Albuquerque. 1937 Ancient caves of the Great Salt Lake region. Ethnol, Bull. 116. Bur. Amer. Strong, W. 1945 De The occurrence and wider implications of a 'tghost cultit on the Columbia River suggested by carvings in wood, bone and stone. American Anthropologist, n.s., 47:244-261. Strong, We Do. et al. 1930 Arcrae7Togy of the Da les-Deschutes region. UC-PAAE 29, No. 1 Taylor, D. CO 1954 The Garrison site. uu-AP 16. 1958 Two Fremont sites and their position in Southwestern prehistoryo UU-AP 29:3,-17. - 110 - Wallace, 1958 We Jo Archaeological investigations in Death Valley National monument, 1952-57. UCAS-R 42:7-22 (herein). Wallace, W. 1955 J. and E. S. Taylor Early man in Death Valley. Archaeology 8:88-92. 1956 The surface archaeology of Butte Valley, Death Valley National Monument. Contributions to California Archaeology, Archaeo- logical Research Associates* Los Angeles. Wheeler, 1942 So fo Archeology of Etna Cave, Lnooln Countys Nevad4. Coinmision, Qarson COty, Nevada Park Wormington, 1955 H. N. A reappraisal of the Fremont Culture. Denver Museum of Natural History, Procoudinsg No. 1 Denver. 1957 Ancient mna in Nozth Merica. 4th ed., reviseds Denver. Wormington, 1956 H Me. and R, H. i4ter Archaeolog4cal i4svotgat4pns on,the Uncompahgpe Plateau in west central Colorado, Denver Museum of Natural History, Proceedings No. 2. Denver. - 111 - FIGURE 1 Elanation of Symbols on Chronological Chart, PUEBLO: tDaIiesJ: lHumboldtj ? x ? ?e PAMA f0 0 a0 O { 0 0 0 I11 11X11: ...w ..w....... cultural period whose validity is generally recognised. single site with unnamed cultural period(s) or site(s) with limited cultural inventories. radiocatbon date (for listing and discussion see UCAS-R No. 43). approximate temporal boundaries (uncertainty increases with age). very indefinite time of inception or termination. claimed complex with unsatisfactory name, content, or chronological placement. no information available. base line for Patayan-Hohokam influenced oeraicos rOwens Valley Brown Waree base line for "Shoshone" ceramics ?S3 Paiute Utility Ware. oshone Ware. time span for Anasasi influenced ceramicso time span for Promontory Ware. assumed cultural continuity (in many cases a cultural equivalence based on sherds and points from region to region exists but is not indicated on chart). Anasa6i and Fremont influenced cultures. Pinto-Gypsum or possibly related complexes, Lake Mohave similarities. - 112 - SOUTHEAST OREGON NORTHERN WASHINGTON OREGON COLUMBIA RIVER V. V. IE I AMARACK 1? \ \ \ -t . -- -r -- -4- - - TRANSITIONAI - - -- -1 L LOVELOC I( * 1- - - - - i '.LOCK I I I . ................ -I j / TENTATIVE CHRONOLOGY OF SELECTED GREAT BASIN CULTURES (See facing page for r ,planation of symbols) & I -