Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No.39 i I ,I, A COMPARATIVE ANAiLYSIS OF PREHISTORIC SKELETAL REMAINS FROM THE LOWER SACRAMENTO VJALLEY By Russell W. Newman Issued August 20, 1957 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PREHISTORIC SKELETAL REMAINS FROM THE LOWER SACRAMENTO VAY Russell W. Newman University of California Archaeological Survey Report Number 39 Contents Sections: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Archaeological Background. . . . . . . . . . . . Metrical and Morphological Comparisons Between the Cranial Measurements and Observations. i. . . .. Post-Cranial Measurements and Observations .. Morphological Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l Pathology. . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * Comparisons With Other Cranial Series. . . .o. . Summary and Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography . . . . E . E . . . . . . . . . Explanation of Plates. . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * . * * * * * * . Series .. . o * * * * * * . * * * * * * 0 *6 * * * * * * * * * * 0 * * * * * * la 1 4 . 6 11 13 15 16 19 62 65 2 Tables w 1. Composition of Horizon Series by Sites . * * * * * * * * * . 2. Cultural and Temporal Classification of Sites Utilized in the Horizon Series. . . . . 3. Reduced Coefficients of Racial Likeness with Comparable Cranial Series . . . . ... Appendix A: 4. Tabulation of Cranial Measurements and Indices . . . 3 * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 22 30 44 5. Tabulation of Post-Cranial Measurements and Indices. . . 6. Tabulation of Cranial Morphological Observations . . .. 7. Tabulation of Post-Cranial Morphological Observations. Illustrations: fol Map 1. * 0 - lowing page 2 -i - Illustrations (cont'd.): following page Plate 1. The Long-Faced, Large Broad-Faced, and Small Short-Faced Morphological Types . . . . .. 66 Plate 2a The Round-Vaulted Morphological Type; The Narrow-Jawed Morphological Type; The Facially Intermediate Morphological Type; Individuals with Great Facial Similarlty; An Individual of Great Size and Coarsenesso . . . 66 Plate 3. An Individual with Extreme Nasal and Mandibular Prominence; An Individual with Pronounced Alveolar Prognathism; Extremes in Size in the Horizon Series . . . . . 66 - ii - Introduction This report will examine in some detail three skeletal series of adult males from the northern part of the Central Valley of California, Compari- sons will be made between the three series and certain other published cra- nial series for the purpose of elucidating, in as far as the material permits, the nature of the physical characteristics of the prehistoric populations of this area and examining their relationships with those of other areas. The shortcomings and limitations of the material will become obvious to the reader as various aspects of the problem are treated, and I have attempted to restrict interpretation and speculation to what can reasonably be inferred in view of these limitations. The Central Valley series reported here were selected fromg and form part of, the skeletal collection of the University of California Museum of Anthro- pology, The grouping is on the basis of chronological periods shown by arch- aeological evidence0 The series from the Early Central Californian Horizon, Interior Valley Zone will for brev'ity be hereafter referred to as the Early Series. The series from the Middle Central Californian Horizon and Late Cen- tral Californian Horizon, both of the Interior Valley Zone, will be called the Middle Series and Late Series respectively (Cook and Heizer, 1947, p. 216). Each series was selected separately from archaeologically assignable material on the basis of two criteria. First, the specimen had to be an adult male, over twenty years of age based on epiphyseal union in the long bones, dental eruption, and ectocranial suture closure. Second, the specimen had to be fairly complete so that a number of measurements and observations could be obtained. These requirements exerted a certain selectivity on the resulting series of undetermined extent. Since female specimens were excluded, there is no doubt that border-line cases where sex was doubtful were also excluded. This tended to accentuate the masculinity of the series as against the type of investigation where all burials from one site are sexed and all probable and possible males are combined into a male series, The selection of well- preserved specimens may also have biased the series towards masculinity by a selective process of preservation, but this is purely speculation. There is no evidence at the present time that the remains of males have been appreci- ably better preser-ved than those of females. An attempt was made to keep the three series roughly comparable in size. This was not possible in all meas- urements and observations due to marked differences in preservation in the different periods and sites. The detailed analysis of the composition of the series by site and hori- zon is presented in Table 1. Certain general comments can be made on this table, Site Sac, 107 did not contribute appreciably to the Early Series be- cause of- extremely poor preservation. Sites Sac.66 and Sac.99 were deficient in post cranial material since it was not saved by the excavators, With the exception of these two sites the Middle Series is quite evenly distributed. In the Late Series site CCo. 138 shows a disproportionately high percentage In this paper, site designations having county symbols punctuated with dots are equivalent to UCAS designations, which employ dashes, e.g., Sac, 107 is the ,same as UCAS site Sac-107. Ed, - 1 - CRANL POST-CRANI No. Early Horizon Sitess: SJo. SJo. SJo. Sac. 56 68 142 107 (C.56) (C.68) (c.142a) (C10,7) 3.3 19 15 3. Percent 23.391 41.30 32*61 2.317 No. 10 ao 13 3 Percent 21. 74 43.48 28.26 6.52 Middle Horizon Sites: Sac. Sac. Sac. Sac. Sac. 43 *60 66 99 353 (S.43) (s.60) (Co66) (S.99) (C0151) 11 10 11 9 la 12, 20.75 18.87 20.75 16.98 22.64 11 10 3 2 12 28.95 26.32 7.89 5.26 31.58 Late Horizon Sites: Col. CCo. So3.. Sac. Sac. Sac. Sac. Sac., 1 138 3 21 56 60 85 86 (s..l) (C.1338) (Pete.3) (So66) (S.56) (S.6o) (s.85) (So86) 8 16 2 5 6 1 1 a 19*51. 39.02 4.88 12.20 14.63 2.44 aW44 4.88 8 15 a 5 6 0 1 2 20.51 38.46 5.13 12.a82 15.38 0 2.56 4.88 ( ) = previous designation of site numbers Table 3. Composition of Horizon Series by Sites - 2 - cO .1I WOODLAND I SAC.107 S0L34 a 10 MILES . MAP. 1. LOCATION OF SITES UTILIZED IN HORIZON SWRIES. Interior Valley Zone I Delta Province Colusa Province Late Central California Horizon Mosher facies Miller facies Settlements: Settlements: Pae SAc. 56 Sac. 86 P Sac. 60 Sol. 1 -Col. 1 I Sac. 85 CCo. 138 1. I Hollister facies: Settlements: Sac. 21 Sac. 60 CCo. 138 Sandhill facie s Settlements: Col. 1 Phase I I 4 Middle Central California Horizon I Interior Province I A Morse facies Settlements: Sac, 60 Sac. 66 Deterding facies Settlements: Sac, 99 Brazil facies- Settlements: Sac. 43 - Need . facies Settlements: I Sac. 151 a I Early Central California Horizon Unnamed Province Windmiller facies Settlements: SJo, 56 SJo,o 68 SJo. 142 Sac, 107 I Table 2. Cultural gnd Temporal Classification of Sites Utilized in thle Horizon Series. -m 3 - of the total cases studied, but the absence of other material made its use imperative. The siz-es of the samples from the individual sites are too mall. to make intra-horizon and inter-site comparisons feasible. On the other hand, the combined series for each horizon are of respectable size when compared with other published series. Archaeological Background The chronological stratification which was the basis for the selection and comparison of the skeletal remains treated here was first proposed in 1939 (Lillard, Heizer and Fenenga, 1939)o The majority of specimens in the series were excavated in the 1930's when this sequence was being discoveredo Map 1. illustrates the sites from which skeletal material was obtained and also the general archaeological area of the Interior Valley Zone. This covers an area approximately sixty miles from north to south by thirty miles from east to west. Table 2 shows the sites from which the human material was utilized in this study in a cultural and temporal classification recently proposed for the area (Heizer, 1949, p. 3). All facies in the Zone are represented in the skeletal series with the exception of Orwood facie8 in the Middle Hori- sons which is not shown, No attempt was made to segregate the Late Horizon into Phase I and Phase II specimens and all have been pooled as the Late Series, The archaeological evidence behind this classification cannot be treated here, but some mention of the time interval involved is germane to a discussion of the physical types found in the area. The most recent estimate of the beginning dates of the various horizons by Heizer (opi cit., p. 39) is given below: Time Chart of Central California Culture Horizons 1700 A.PD o . o Late Horizon, Phase II S00 A.D. . . . Late Horizon, Phase I 150{ BC. . . . Middle Horizon 2500 B*C. o o . Early Horizon (Winrdmiller facies.) A shorter time-scale proposed by Martin, Quimby9 and Collier (1947, Chart XV) is as follows: Early Horizon, 1 A.D.; Middle Horizon, 750 A.D.; and Late Horizon, 1000 A.D. Both of these are only estimates at the pres- ent time although there was some evidence bearing on the length of these periods from the chemical analysis of human bone from the three horizons (Cook and Heizer, 9. cit., pp. 212-214). In any event, present archaeo-" logical dating for the Early Horizon would place its beginnings at not less than two thousand years and possibly over four thousand years agoo This is an exceedingly long time span to be encompassed by less than one hundred and fifty specimens, and it presents difficulties in interpretation that will be discussed later. Because of the long time span involved, no statis tics have been calculated for the area as a whole. It is doubtful whether 4 such statistics would have any validity when compared with other published data, as, for example, the Pecos site with an estimated four hundred and fifty year span (Hooton, 1930, p. 343), or the Indian Knoll site with an esti.aated five hundred year span (Snow, 1948, po 387). An extensive resume of the cultural similarities and differences between the three horizons is not necessary here. Such a summary has been pub- lished recently (Beardsley, 1948, pp. 5,9 20), Archaeological evidence indicates somewhat different orientations and interests between horizons, while at the same time numerous traits are carried over with little change. There is no cultural evidence of complete replacement by foreign popula- tions, but Beardsley believes that there is evidence of cultural changes of sufficient magnitude to make some intrusion of new populations a pos- sibility, if not a probability0 Metrical and Morphological Comparisons Between the Series This section will consist of items extracted from the metrical and morphological tabulations which will be found in Appendix A, and the reader should refer to these tables for statistical details. No attempt has been made to discuss all measurements and observations, since there is a lack of common agreement as to the significance and validity of some of them at the present time. Most of the summaries presented here will treat more with the differences than with the similarities, but a perusal of the complete tabulations will show that these constitute a minority only. A few words of explanation about the metrical tabulations may be necessary. The statistical measures are largely self-explanatory and conventional, The S.D. column indicates the Standard Deviation or square root of the variance of the distribution, The formula employed, = fd N is the most commonly accepted form (Simpson and Roe, 1939, p. 114)o The V. column indicates the Coefficient of Variability, v. 100 C which is a rough method of comparing the S.D.'s of different measurements (Ibido. pe 122)o The d/6d column is a test for significant difference between the means of two series, The formula /j N1 c ,d *t ,- 2 + N2 2 ey d > q^:1 +~ 1`12 differs somewhat from the usual ltx p.e,"1 in being more sensitive to dif- ferences in the number of specimens in the two series but gives approxi- mately similar results (Ibid., p. 193;). The theoretical values may range from zero to infinity with 300 usually taken as the critical level of significance. This is obviously an arbitrary procedure and is only jus- tified here by precedent. The initials preceding each measure in Tables 4 and 5 indicate the series between which the statistic was calculated. Cranial Meastrements and Observations Before enumerating the individual measurements and indices in which the series show significant differences, a summary of the numerical occur- rence of these measurements and indices will be useful. Out of fifty-five measurements and indices, the numbers of differences of a magnitude of 3,00 or larger are as follows: No, Percent Early - Middle 11 20.00 Middle - Late 10 18.18 Early - Late 16 29.09 It is difficult to find similar material with which to compare these figures, A chronologically divided series from the Ce ral Coast of Peru has the following percentages of significant difference for thirty-one measurements and indices (Newman, M. T., 1947, po 25). Period Percent Early - Middle 30 Middle - Late 38 Early - Late 23 These are not only generally higher percentages but show a curious rever- sal of trend in the Early - Late comparisonso These differences were calculated by a slightly different formula which may account for the higher occurrence of statistically significant differences. Due to the arbitrary nature of the dividing line between significant and nonsignificant levels, a more accurate picture may be obtained from a finer subdivision: Early-Middle Middle-Late Early-Late d/6d No, Percent No, Percent No. Percent 0 1 19 34o55 a21 38.18 18 32.73 1 2 16 29.09 15 27.27 17 30.91 2 - 3 9 16.36 9 1603.6 4 7.27 3 - x 11 20.00 10 18018 16 29.09 55 55 55 - 6 - The distribution in the Early-Middle and Middle-Late columns shows a steady decrease in the percentage of significant differences as the level cf significance rises, with apparent reversals probably due to chance. The relatively low number of differences in the 2 - 3 category in the Early-Late column is inexplicable, but probably not too important. The individual measurements and indices that show statistically significant differences between horizons are listed below. It must be emphasized that some of these differences may be due to sampling errors, but there is no statistical means of determining which are actually valid and which are spurious. Early - Middle Difference Measurement or Index Middle from Early d Glabello-Occipital Length -4.89 3.81 Basion-Bregma Height -4.34 3.48 Basion-Nasion Length -3.13 3*54 Transverse Arc -8,31 3.66 Height of Symnphysis -2,12 4h52 Bigonial Width -4T75 3.60 Nasion-Prosthion Angle -2.30 .4.20 Nasion-Nasospinale Angle +325 /4e 3 7 Cranial Module -4.01 4.04 Nasalia-Transverse Index +8,70 3.13 Fronto-Gonial Index -4.66 3o45 The differences may be summarized briefly. Seven measurements show a decrease in cranial and facial size in the Middle Series, although they refer to different dimensions, some to length, some to height, and some to breadth. There is a slight increase in alveolar prognathism in the Middle Horizon. The Nasion-Nasospinale Angle is exceedingly difficult to measure consistently, and the Nasalia-Transverse Index shows such great variability in Standard Deviation that its worth is doubtful. The differ- ence in Fronto-Gonial Index lies in different combinations of Minimum Frontal Diameter and Bigonial Width, since the means of the fonmer are almost identical between the series, The morphological observations are more difficult to deal with than are the measurements. Differences in percentages in the various cate- gories have not been tested statistically, but fourteen of the more obvious differences are listed below. - 7 - Tendencies in Morphological Cranial Differences From Early to Middle 1. Decrease in muscularity. 2. Increase in ovoid skull form and decrease in sphenoid form. 3. Slight decrease in brow-ridge size. 4. Increase in frontal slope from perpendicular. 5. Greater post-orbital constriction. 6. Less sagittal elevation. 7. Smaller supramastoid crests. 8. Smaller nasion depression. 9. Smaller post-glenoid processes. 10. Lower palate height. 11. Smaller post-nasal spine. 12. More median chin fom. 13. Greater ante-mortem loss of teeth. 14. Greater tendency toward overbite. On the whole, these tendencies corroborate the metrical differences. in showing a, decrease in size and muscularity from Early to Middle. Middle - Late Difference Measurement or Index Late from Middle 4/6d Glabello-Occipital Length -3.*96 3,o16 Maximu Width +4*Q9 3.98 Nasalia., Upper Breadth -1.76 3-.01 Nas-lia, Lower Breadth -1.68 3.60 Foramen Magnum Length -1.24 4.02 Transverse Arc +8.16 4.29 Nasion-Nasospinale Angle -3.01 4.69 Cranial Index +4.48 7.03 Height-Length Index +2.82 4.60 Auricular Height-Length Index +351 5990 Upon analysis, this is a much less impressive list than is the Early- Middle list. The Nasalia Breadth measurements are probably correlated with a decrease in Nasal Breadth which is close to the level of significance. The Nasion-Nasospinale Angle, as stated before, is of doubtful validity. Glabello-Occipital Length shows a decrease in Late, but all other measure- ments and indices are probably correlated with an increase in breadth measurements. 8 - Tendencies in Morphological Cranial Differences From Middle to Late 1. Increase in slight occipital deformation. 2. Greater predominace of sphenoid skull form. a. Increase in median brow-ridges. 4. Slight decrease in brow-ridge size. 5. Smaller glabellar prominence. 6. Lower frontal height. 7. More pronounced frontal slope from perpendicular. 8. Smaller frontal bosses, 9. Lower sagittal elevation. 10. Larger parietal bosses. 11. Larger temporal fullness. 12. Lower temporal crests. 13. Smaller occipital torus, 14 More frequent "Inca" bone. 15. Slightly smaller malars, 16. Thinner zygomatic processes. 17. Shallower glenoid fossae. 18. Thicker tympanic plates. 19. More concave nasal profile. 20, Less gonial eversion, 21. Increase in edge-to-edge bite. 22. Increase in tooth crowding. The morphological differences are more striking between Middle' Late than are the metrical differences. In general, most qf the differ- ences seem to correlate with the increase in transverse diameters. What seem to be reversals of this are probably attributable to a slight de- crease in muscularity. Early - Late Difference Measurement or Index Late from Early d Glabello-Occipital Length -8o85 6*73 Basion-Nasion Length -3.923 3*77 Nasalia, Lower Breadth -2.o5 3.62 Foramen Magnum Length -1.88 3.22 Nasion-Opisthion Arc -9.73 3.23 Ma;imum Circumference -10*59 3*26 Height of Symphysis -2.50 3*54 Bigonial Width 5 o43 3.76 Nasion-Prosthion Angle -3.48 5,.29 Cranial Index +4.90 6.70 Height-Length Index +2.02 3,.00 Height-Breadth Index- -3.06 3.84 Auricular Height-Length Index +4.13 588 Im9 go- Early - Late (cont'd.) Diffe rence Measurement or Index Late from Early d/cad Cranial Module -2.92 3.02 Zygo-Gonial Index -4009 4.16 Fronto-Gonial Index -L746 4.25 These show a consistent decrease in most dimensions, with the positive differences in indices also attributable to the decreased Glabello-Occipital Length with correspondingly less decrease in the breadth dimensions. Tendencies in Morphological Cranial Differences From Early to Late 1 Decrease in muscularity. 2. Increase in slight occipitual deformation. 3. Greater predominance of sphenoid skull form. 4. Increase in median brow-ridges. 5. Decrease in brow-ridge size, 6. Smaller glabellar prominence, 7. Lower frontal height. 8. More pronounced frontal slope from perpendicular. 9, Smaller frontal bosses. 10. Larger parietal bosses. 11. Slightly greater temporal fullness. 12. Lower temporal crests, 13. Smaller occipital torus, 14. More frequent "Inca" bone. 15$ Smaller malars. 16. Thinner zygomatic processes. 17. Shallower nasion depression. 18. Smaller post-glenoid processes. 19, Thicker tympanic plates, 20, Slightly more alveolar prognathism, 21. Lower palatal height. 22. Smaller mandible, 23, Less gonial eversion, 24. Greater ante-mortem tooth loses 25, Smaller mandibular torus, 26, Greater tooth crowding. Most of these changes were also noted in the comparison of Middle with Late, and the predominance of changes indicating decreasing size and muscularity is striking, It would be a mistake to assume that the dimin- ution emphasized in the tabulations above has led to a small and gracile population in the Late Horizono Actually, the Late people were character- ized by large cranial dimensions when compared to series from other areas, - 10 l In terms of means of measurements some of these may exceed both the Early and Middle Horizon means. The relative variability of the series may be measured in several ways. Since identical measurements and indices were calculated for each series it would be possible to compare the average Standard Deviations directly. The obvious draw-back is that the size of the Standard Devia- tion is proportional to the magnitude of the measurement, as well as to variability, and large measurements are over-weighted. The average Standard Deviation for fifty-five cranial measurements and indices is as follows: Early 6.23, Middle 5e77, and Late 5.89. This is of doubtful value since the Early measurements consistently run larger. The average Coefficient of Variability, which attempts to equalize large and smaL measurements, gives a somewhat different picture. For the same measure- ments and indices the average V. is: Early 5.39, Middle 5.32, and Late 5.70, reversing the variability shown by the Standard Deviation. By either method the variability seems amazingly similar. It is not feasible to compare directly average Standard Deviations unless the series are approximately equal in size, and unless identical measurements and indices are used. For these reasons, the variability can be compared only with the average of North American Indian male crania for a limited number of measurements and indices in terms of the Mean Sigma Ratio (Howells, 1936, p. 594). The Mean Sigmas for a large group of cranial series have been calculated by Stewart (Stewart, 1943, p. 265) and a Mean Sigma Ratio of 94.0 for the measurements and indices used was established for North American males. The Mean Sigma Ratios of the Valley series for the same measurements and indices are: Early 111.2, Middle 101.8, and Late 103.3, indicating a variability somewhat higher than average. The Mean Sigma Ratio of male crania from Indian Knoll (Snow, op.* cit., p. 450) is 98.3, and since Snow considers this a highly homogeneous population, the relatively high ratios of the Valley series may be due to the small number of individualspreesented. Post-Cranial Measurements and Observations The post-cranial measurements and indices show very few significant differences. Differences at a significant level from seventy-eight measurements and indices are as follows: No. Percent Early - Middle 4 5.l3 Middle - Late 0 0 Early - Late 11 1410 A more detailed listing illustrates the same general trends shown in the crania: - 11 - Eal-Middle Middle-Late E y-Late d/6d No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 0 - 1 34 43.59 44 56,4l 23 29.49 1 - 2 23 29.49 23 29.49 25 32oG5 2 - 3 17 21,79 11 14.10 19 24.36 3 - x 4 513 0 0 11 14.10 78 78 78 The measurements that show significance in Early-Middle and Early-Late do not seem to follow. any apparent pattern. Early - Middle Difference Measuremient or Index Mdefm E d/d_ t Right Tibia, Least Circumference -4.02 3o95 Left Tibia, Least Circumference -3I28 3*57 Right Humerus-, Mavcimumn Length -4,24 3o47 Sagittal Diameter of Pelvig Inlet -6.76 3o01 Except for a constant decrease in size, there seems to be no reason for any such special gr uping of these measurements. The statistically Significant differences between Early and Late are equally random. Early - Late Difference Measurement or Index Late from Early d/d-d Left Femur, Maximum Length -10.33 3*17 Right Femur, Head, Diameter -1.87 3X56 Left Femur, Head Diameter -2.13 4.25 Left Femur, Sub-Troch. Diam.s Lateral -1.51 3.32. Left Femur, Mid-Shaft Diam., Lateral -1.10 3049 Right Tibia, Least Circumference -3.97 3.94 Left Tibia, Least Circumference 3.12 3*15 Left Innominatev Height -9c.47 3. 45 Right Femur, Middle Index -3.82 3.17 Left Huaeras, Humero-Femoral Index +2,03 4.45 Sacral Index +9.64 4,08 The differences show a decrease in size in Late, but it must be emphasized that unless paired measurements and indices show approxi- mately equivalent differences, any conclusions drawn from the right or left side only would be highly tentative. - 12 - Postbcranial observati9ns are also more difficult to interpret than cranial observationso Because of this uncertainty only the general trends from Early to Late will be summarized below: Tendencies in Morphological Pos-t-Cranial Differences From Early to Late 1. Reduction in size of many muscle attachments. 2. Femur mid-shaft shape becomes generally prismatic. 3. Torsion of femoral head becomes slightly more pronounced. 4. Pelvis becomes more feminine in some characteristics. The over-all post-cranial impression is one of remarkable similarity when contrasted with the cranial differences. There are no published data with which to calculate the Mean Sigma Ratios of post-cranial material, so estimates of the relative variability of the series can be indicated only by the average Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variability. The average Standard Deviation for seventy- eight measurements and indices is: Early 6.55, Middle 7.45h, and Late 7.29. The average Coefficient of Variability for the same measurements and in- dices is: Early 5.26, Middle 5.84, and Late 6.27 Morphological Types After the statistical compilation on a chronological basis was com- pleted and it became apparent that assessment of inter-horizon differences would be difficult from that approach, the better preserved crania were segregated on a morphological basis without reference to cultural period. This sorting was largely based on facial characteristics and the skull vault as viewed from the front. The categories decided upon are rough and subjective and the results should, therefore, be taken as tentative and suggestive. No statistical validation of these typings was attempted, since this would not be feasible in view of the small size of the series. A deliberate attempt was made to fit all complete crania into one or an- other of the types wherever possible. A brief and general description and illustration of each of the types follows: The Long-Faced Type This morphological variant is characterized by an absolutely long and relatively narrow facial structure. A considerable proportion of the facial length is contributed by a mandible high at the symphysis and often with a pointed chin. The nasal aperture is variable, but appears slightly longer and narrower than in the other types. Orbits are high and show slightly more inclination. Malars are medium to large with the latter predominating. Brow-ridges are quite variable, ranging from a - 13 - trace to a well-defined eminence,, The skull vault appears somewhat nar- rower from the front than is characteristic of the other types. For illustration of this type see Plate 1l The Large Broad-Faced Type This group shows a massiveness in all dimensions. Facial height is great, but the extremely massive mandibular and malar breadths give an appearance of a square facial cast not found in the previous type. The orbits appear more rectangular due to great width. Brow-ridges are uni- formly large and foreheads retreating, although vault height is highe Malars are very massive with both anterior and lateral projection. Skull breadth from the front is more apparent than in the Long-Faced Type. For illustration see Plate 1l The Small Short-Faced Type This type may be only a variant of the last group, but it presents a certain amount of difference in facial appearance. Facial height is not excessive and when coupled with broad facial breadth, it makes a distinctively short and broad face. Malars seem very large for the rest of the skull and this type often shows considerable ruggedness of facial countenance. Orbits are somewhat more square than for the Large Broad- Faced Type. For illustration see Plate 1l The Round-Vaulted Type This- group differs from the previously described types in several particulars, Most conspicuous is the prominence of the brain case over the face when viewed from the front. The large bulbous parietal swell- ings overshadow the lateral projection of the malars and mandible. On the whole there is a lack of ruggedness to the facial region which is prominent in the preceding typeso Orbits are very high and often have considerable inclination. For illustration see Plate 2. The Narrow-Jawed Type This group exhibits the distinctive characteristic of a lack of gonial flare which is common to all the other types. It gives the face a very different over-all appearance and since it occurs with relatively narrow skulls, it contrasts sharply with the Round-Vaulted Type. Orbits are somewhat variable but usually appear to be relatively low, The lateral projection of the malars is emphasized by the narrow gonial and parietal dimensions. For illustration see Plate 2. The Facially Intermediate Type A, small group of crania, mainly from one site, appear to be inter- mediate between the Long-Faced and Small Short-Faced Types but could not be placed in either. The resemblance within the group was sufficiently. strong to warrant giving them a separate category of undetermined affin- ities, For illustration see Plate 2* - 14 - After the crania were sorted morphologically, a tabulation by hori- zon wa,s made to detemine what groupings were present. Only 56.5 percent of the Early Horizon crania were in sufficiently good condition to be sorted by morphological type. The two later periods were in better con- dition with 90.5 percent of the Middle Horizon crania and 85.5 percent of the Late Horizon crania represented in the types. The results are shown below: Morphological Groupings by Horizon Early Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent Long-Faced Type 5 19.23 20 41l67 7 20*00 Large Broad-Faced Type 10 38.48 6 12*50 2 5.7l Small Short-Faced Type 4 15*38 16 33.33 3 8*57 Round-Vaulted Type 1 3985 2 4.17 14 40.00 Narrow-Jawed Type 2 7.69 2 4.17 9 25.71 Facially Intermediate Type 4 15.38 2 4o17 0 0 26 48 35 The differences in the frequency of the various types, although based on subjective groupings and small series, are partially reinforced by the independent metrical and morphological investigations by horizons. The general decrease in absolute measurements in Middle as contrasted with Early may be due to the relative decrease of the Large Broad-Faced Type and the increase in the Long-Faced and Small Short-Faced varieties. The changes noted from Middle to Late, and those manifest between Early and Late, are possibly due to the decrease in the Large Broad-Faced Type and the appearance in strength of the Round-Vaulted group. Although it is completely unverifiable, there may be a possibility that the Facially Intermediate Type is the result of crossing between the Long-Faced and Snall Short-Faced Types, and that the Narrow-Jawed variant similarly represents crossing of the Long-Faced and Round-Vaulted Types. Pathology The most common pathological changes found in the series are arthritic lipping at the articular surfaces of the long bones and the glenoid fossa, vertebral lipping and erosion of the vertebral centra, and exostoses of the auditory meatus. The occurrence of these and some less frequent patholo- gies are given below: - 15 - Early Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent Arthritic changes 8 17.4 10 1809 15 36.6 Marked vertebral lipping 9 19.o6 3 7o9 10 25.7 Ear exostoses 9 19.06 8 15o1 5 12o2 Periosteal inflammation 0 0 1 2,06 3 7.7 Traumatic cranial fracture 1 2.2 1 lo9 1 2.4 Imbedded projectile point 2 4.4 1 206 3 7.7 29 24 37 In general, there seems to be a somewhat higher incidence of pathology in the Late Horizon, although a more detailed analysis might indicate that the differencee reeorded here are due to sampling errors and poor preserva- tion in the Early and Middle aeries. Comparisons With Other Cranial Series Some measuremnnts and observations on the Early Series were published recently (Newman, R. WO, 1949, pp. 49-50)9 but the Middle and Late Series have not been reported on previously except for cranial and nasal indices, Fenenga (Liflard, Heizer, and Fenenga, 2 , cit2, p. 73) compiled cranial and nasal indices for a large series of over two hundred individuals from eight sites treated in this study, but these included both males and fe- males and his figures are therefore not strictly comparable to the male means given hereo Inclusion of the females resulted in slightly larger differences between horisons than were provided by only the male crania. Gifford (19269 pp. 241-248) presented data on a- series of about forty- three male s from the San Joaquin Valley and Delta Region. None of these crania were included in the series employed here, and al specimens utili- zed here were excavated since his publication. Gifford' s series will be compared metrically with the Early, Middle, and Late Series below. No post-cr al measurements were given. It is difficult to find series for comparison which are segregated on a chronological level in Western North Americao Stewart' s material from the deep levels of Buena Vista Lake (Stewart, 1941, pp. 176-177) is too scanty and fragmentary to make comparisons valid, and Roger' s Oak Grove and Hunting People series from Santa Barbara are not only small.but have prac- tically no published measurements (Rogers, 1929, pp. 422-431)o It was necessary to rely almost entirely on the same data employed by von Bonin and Morant (1938, pp. 94-128)0 This material was not segregated rigorously as to chronological level and was measured by different investigators but it remains the principal source of data for this area, Since von Bonin and Morant had previously examined the available series statistically by the Coefficient of Racial Likeness, the same test was employed here in the hope of gaining comparability. The Coefficient of Racial Likeness has been severely criticized by Seltzer (1937, pp. - 16 - 101-109) for its obvious short-comings and the results presented here are far from satisfactory. The Coefficient theoretically varies from zero upward, with low values indicating greater likeness than higher values. The Reduced Coefficient was calculated between the Central Valley Horizon Series with the following results: Early- Middle 9.48 + 0.54 (21 measurements and indices) Middle.' Late 16.04 + 0.48 (21 measurements and indices) Early - Late 27.64 0 60 (21 measurements and indices) The trend of these figures is compatible with the previous statisti- cal analysis. Von Bonin and Morant (o cit., p. 126) suggest omitting all coefficients greater than 13 in cissifiation of series, but this would leave only the Early - Middle connection as showing any genetic relationship. This is contrary to all the evidence presented here and no single level of significance appears justified. Reduced Coefficients with other comparable series are shown in Table 3. The coefficients are extremely large in every instance and it hardly seems possible to draw more than very tentative conclusions from them. The Central California series in Table 3. is from Gifford (g. cit., p. 242) and consists almost entirely of Late Horizon crania with a f Middle Horizon specimens. The almost equal coefficients between his series and Middle and Late are difficult to understand. The San Fran- cisco Bay series (ibido, po 242) contains an unknown but probably large number of Middle Horizon crania from that area which may explain the relatively low coefficient found with Middle. One of the most puzzling portions of the table is the comparison ith Hrdlidka's Pre-Koniag and Koniag materiale The low coefficients between the Valley series and Pre-Koniag would be very suggestive if the Late Horizon series did not show almost as much reseniblance to Koniag. The Koniag series differs from Pre-Koniag in almost the same manner in which the Late Horizon crania differ from the Middle Horizon crania, namely, in a general decrease in length and height dimensions accompanied by an increase in breadth dimensions. The resulting com- bination resembles the Late Series in indices but is markedly different from the Early and Middle Series indiceso The very large coefficients found in comparing the Valley series with other groups were due to the general excess in over-all dimensionsT present in the former. This is probably due to the bias toward mascu- linity previously referred to. Consequently, the results are not closely comparable in magnitude to the coefficients calculated by von Bonin and Morant and the compilation in Table 3 has only internal consistency. One of the conspicuous traits of the California tri-horLzon series is the absolute as well as relative high-headedness. This is reflected - 17 - H H H H H H H H H H %O co r-4.? s?H CY IA 's -o --- o I ^o 0 ; (v' 0 +4 +9 +9 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +9 IA m - O r- C- CMj C%j 01% 0 0 0 N C N 0 I * 0 * * 0 0 0 * CV UN(% 0%0 :* C ( - 0 U\ c Uo CN N -O -- -- CN .- H ^ H H H H H H H H\. 0 00 0 000 0 + + + +1 +1 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 0C 0% (n H -- C. 0 cCM 0\ > UNV co 0% - Cn 0s% '0 H * * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 CO N0O co 0 \0 co A CZ H C. J dn %O Cm \0 c%j CmJ 0 CM1 .H .H H H H HHn H _ H H -U\ 0 0% 01% ~ t0 - - \ 0 0 - 000 0- 0 0 0 0 0 +1 41 +-I +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 \0 co H H -n H J 0 N\ 0% (VI\cv co CO F \0 * 0 * % 0 0 0 0 0 m1 ' '0 CO ak~ r\ 4 N 04 o H H ri Sg co CO ? O % 0 W 0 so0 t1Cd s}e 0 ' HX H) i *H H H q CU 0$ E $4 A4 $ c4CUa ~Cd0.r4'd 0 40 (1 $4 0 W O z En t ?o 0t 0. to o 00Z a $40 0 t H 02 1. 0 103 b$4 ,0g H co 0% 0% 0% ON * 0 )o d .r- er- co c: hd -P 4)4": $4 0 0 C) C.) O * * 0 4 Cg44 0 0) *r4 $4 0 U) En *d $4 0 .0 *d U) a 0 ') Co -) *) C.-' 0 a) H ,0 CH a 18 c in the calculated cranial capacities and cranlial modules and also in comparisons of relative height with other grolaps0 The Mearn Height Index, calculated from the means of length, breadth, and height, is: Early 86.2 (39), Middle 86.4 (52), and Late 87.5 (41), each of which is very high for undeformed Indian crania. When compared with a Mean Height Index list of twenty-nine locations or tribes compiled by Stewart (1940, po 27), the Late Series is exceeded by only 10.3 percent of the groups, the Middle Series by only 13.8 percent, and the Early Series by only 20.7 pe rcent . The stature of the three series is quite similar0 Stature was cal- culated by the Lee-Pearson formula (Hooton, 1946, pp. 728-729) and its comparability to stature measured on the living is not certain in all groups. All three series can be generally said to be in the upper range of medlum statureo There are taller living groups in the Southwest, such as the Mohave, Plma, Yuma, and Maricopa, but also a large number of shorter groups, including all the Pueblo peoples and most of the northern Mexican groups (Gabel, 1949, po 17). There are few sizable series of living California Indian groups with which to compare the Valley series, Generally, the Central Valley people appear to have been taller than lving groups in Northwest Caifornia, and closer to the coastal groups of So-themn Californla (Gifford, 2, cit., po 232)o Summary and Conclusions A collection of skeletal remains of one hundred and forty adult male individuals from the Central Valley has been compared and analyzed. The collection was divlded into three series, Early, Middle, and Late, corresponding to three sequential cultural horizons established on archaeological evidence, Time estimates for the combtned duration of the three horizons range from approximately two thousand to over four thousand years. The series were analyzed statistically for significant metrical differences which were found to be in a minority, approximately twenty percent between Early and Middle and between Middle and Late, and thirty percent between Early and Late, Observed changes in morphological observations largely paralleled the metrical differences. Variability showed no great contrast between the series. Post-cranial measurements and observations were remarkably uniform. The crania were segregated into six rough morphological types mainly on facial characteristics. These types were distributed in differin.g proportions by horizon, and suggested tentative explanations for the metrical anad morphological changes between horizons. A brief and coarse grouping of skeletal pathology indicated a slightly greater iJncidence of pathological occur- rences in the later periods. Each of the three horizons was compared statistically wlth certain other cranlal series by means of the Reduced Coefficient of Racilal Likeness. The results were not entirely satisfactory. The lowest co- efficient to the Early Series was wtth the Pre-Koniag crania from Kodiak Island. The Middle Serles showed the greatest number of low coefficients, a 19 c resembling most closely series from the San Joauin Vll ey, Sa iFanc0isco Bay, Pecos. Pueblo, and Pre-Koniag. The Late Series was closest to those of the San Joaquin Valley, Pecos Pueblo, and Pre-Koniago It is possible to approach the comparison of such skeletal series from two extremes: one, to emphasize the differences,and'ascribe th-e- similarities to the sharing of a common generalized stock; two, to empha- size the resemblances, and pass off the differences as pospible sampling errors from inadequate datao This analysis has attempted to steer a middle course neither emphasizing nor depreciating any of the observed differences between horizons. Some are undoubtedly due to sampling errors and the inherent plasticity of the traits, These were pointed out in passing but a number of differences remain to be explained. There is no justification for assuming that all the cranial differences are due to chance variation, and the question remains as to how these are to be inr- terpreted. Two possibilities present themselves in this regard. First, the differences are of a kind such as might appear through changes in a localized population over a long period of time without appreciable out- side influence. Second, the differences are of a nature possibly attrib- utable to the influx. of a new group which intermingled th the indigenous population. The first explanation is intimately connected with the time factor, It would make a considerable difference 'in estimating what purely local changes may have taken place if the duration of the period covered were accurately knowno A denial of appreciable genetic drift over a period of two thousand years could not apply with the same force to four thousand yeara. This explanation cannot be disproved but other inter- pretations seem more useful. The second explanation of the partial replacement of populations from horiz-on to horizon can at least be supported by some positive evidence. It seems inconceivable that a complete replacement would still show such a small percentage of significant differences between periods, and the continuity of many of the cultural item! from Early through te would argue against such major population replacemento The evidence grom the morphological types9 subjective as they may be9 favors the hypothesis that each horizon may have seen a new group enter and mix with the preced- ing people. In no case does this new group form as much as fifty percent of the population in the next horizon. The obseed grouping of notrpho logical types by horizon, would seem to indicate that the new group entering with the Middle period was mainly of the Long-Faced Type and the new group in Late times was of the Round-Vaulted variety. The results of this investigation have not always been clear-cut in all details. This limitation is shared with similar investigations known to the author and is attributablq not only to the sparsity of good material but also the enormous complexity of the largely unknown genetic processes involvede A study of many of the measurements and indices produced negli- gible results, especially in regard to the post-cranial data. Future - 20 - s:tudies on the area may profit from this analysis, however, and achieve better results by concentrating on more limited traits and aspects of the problem. - 21 - O w 0e '0 0 t 0 0 0 000mo 0 0 0 0 CYN cr\ ' co U) 0 V) H Q z HI p c4 %4 z o 0 H m ;4 Eq Fo C') * 0 0 100 10 - o 0 0 I\ O L O o 0 0 Cr' Cr" to to a to oo o 0 0 000 0 - '0 o 0 H HH Loo (Y CV H -3 O-0 HHH ID Is 0 aIr 0 *rI C) C) 0 0 cii CN C% ?N o 0 0 '0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0b 0 m cn Cf 000 V to to o 0 0 -4to CO toO'O' o 0 0 HCr'H -I 000c o ao O O ' o 0 0 to'0 0( to No ol o 0 0 -4H'O Cr' Cr'C' E,, Cq NC o 0 0 0l--I 00 o 0 0 Cr Cr CVI H- CY,\ 0 0 0 oto H O 0 0 CH CV to CN H o o&~ o o o rt 10 r- o 0 0 H C 0 OEN L(\ I I XCr\ CVA r- r- rI 11-Cr'% n Ct N o 0 0 * a 0 o 0 0 r 000O Nto CV O- C\l { * 0 0 -4 -I- O to OCVN o 0 0 O- O 4 C- \ CAl cl U-N o @ 0: Cr'N nn(n-ir- HHH ri - 000 0 a * 0 0 4-4-4 4tt0 Nv 0 o 0 0 o 4 0 -O O "O o 0 0 o to oN "-'"-'o 000 OtH H gig to') 0O tototo U-N loo 000 CY'\to H- * 0 0 -40 n Nto Cr 0 ' * 0 0 OHO0 FriZr=1O o 0 0 cn m -40r'4 * 0 0 444 LC\ LC\ r-i r- HHH III 'NtYV Cr' toN CI O V.- t100 CYq 0 * 0 0 CVON * 0 0 CY U \ UE U) *0 0 f Cr Cr' Cr *0 0 N'(ON *0 a rvr- rsi I I * 00 \0 Cr" H HH 1645 oNlCY o &1 0k z CnrCY' 0(oN HC\to r\j CVH 0Nc- CVHNt tLC\ -4 0C'N-44 Cr'mtflCr' -4\ 'f- C\l-Cfl C\VWXCr' 43 0 4 0 hit4 Q) 4rc tJ 1 rl0) 8 toa 0 I I F-. 1: - 43 0 ad) *Hk. *''d QHO h rH -ri 4) 0 43 C) H hr 4o3 *Frl fri 0 0 -H x 4* to *d a) H 0) rc4) i i- Sri z 0 Sr1 A 4) C, Table 4 - 22 - rW- C. b o r~ o @ 0 0 0 0 0H o * 0 0 cn 80 0 0 0 0 o H\QH 100(3H00 ro 0 0 a cr\H 0 0O8 O O W o co r\ 0' U' O m o 0 * 0 me 0\ f 1 a 0 0 0 00 cl m ahN t o o o C7 o'00 on n * 0 0 N O .1 00 n0 aQH 0 0 I 0 (t0 U) U- UNO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 HrHH Cy, to o% 8 0 0'0 \O 0 0C 01 *0 0 *\ \0 C0, 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O LCO o o 0 * 0 0 0% o". CY H o CH 000 HHHUE HHO HHH 01 o oH0o o''a o 0 0 0 0 c1J 0o 100 100 0 U'C p %O -o o o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 * A0 0 O 'O 0 ll o 100 %C% 00 * 0 0 0 0 0 ONO Ao 0 0 lo 000C\ o 0 0 0 10 N0 o * 0 0C'( 00 * o0 C N C\l IllI HC' r-H C\lCNc'N O * 0 o 0 0n '0 Cgc o; o ol *ll 0 0 O* O CN H U ONH Clr CY\ CY O OC\ o 0 0 000 X lag * 0) 0 000 C o 0 0t ~Cr ' OHOA * 0 0 * 9 0 . 0 O 000 10000' c o~ o ov * 0 0 U4 0o m 100 10 o 0 n C ON C'Hc cs H *8 0 0W * 0 9 lea 0 0 z4 0 0 0 100 r-O Cf Hw00 0 H00 to C, a00(IQ no XC w4 c 4n CC U- Ct om W C Q CfN CNI UN n 00t 0 0d 0 -H pgH:Hp r-< d HX *oH'd0S <4 Z; ~*rl 00 Z 'rI o 4 O) 0 00 O 0 0 h X z at CQ 0 0 o 0 D 0 P-1 rfrb 4'f1r-ibHr~ - r t $c 4) .0 i r $ X) 4- TI ( 0 M hI 0 to 40 40H40 C4d "A to' C 4, m m la CH % 0 0 - 23 H; H 4' -U 'U Table 4 cont'd. a PA * 0 0 0 00 9 o0 0 ~ CY%-4t 0 pq C4 4 C? 0 cj o 0 0 r A -of o 0 0 \lN C\lC 0c' o o o >o 0 C 000E- C\l (W a'c-D o-1*'c- N vCo o c m s o* -t CON b Hm n CVN 100 Cy, ON UN r- U o 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * * 0 * * 0o HOH o000 HHc' HH 000 cncl\10 lO %UcnC? l 0 0 40 \ H H(CV -I H H O O O O O O * * * 0 * * * * . . . 000 000 000 000 000 000 m HC'r O\t o0 O' H O O r-i C O * 0 o 0 0 * 0 & 0 H HAH C4 H0 C4CY\ \ H C\ N N C\ C C\ (c 0N O 0 ow cl\ 'IO< \0C %C\ nON CEl~ gz O~ orC > @ c'oZHC'mo o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o * 0 a 0 * 0 * 0 00 0' OO O\ 0HC 0; -It " e 0 %O C\l H0O EWrfi N 10 ).f\ Uf \ m -fi FW CMff m W\ E 4 Xff 00 0 o000 0 0 c 0 0 o 0 00 00 0 10 0 U O% O% 10 \ O t r OO O o\0 0 0 0 0 Q,q9 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 0 U- Ul -$ r- r- 0 ,4 CAV a,, a% . t.-? E4 WN \ C%r-1H 0 -i0 00ri0 r4rj CH\ ^< ccaY aS ^HHHH~ou OoA c sHO OHO ~HC :* H C W\ouH no ~ a 'a'o or Hc H rQ IH cs u n \ C\l c\l C% 0 ,tc' o r c ro tn \ r 0 0 co kO 9. *0 009) 4- 4) l rcC 0 coV 0 -p) -p fr9 -P 0 f0~ 43 rD oe rC3 4i p g * ro 1D $4 rfU 4 > V4 a ) Xd ;4 12 rH hih H d h 0 mp pq h X 4 P4m ig a 0 -rII *4) k H H -p9 o -p 4 0 -H uS mS z gr H Z P. Table 4 cont'd. 4m 24 M C C] 0 0 torb H o O 'NO ' * 0 0ll 0- 0Cl) 000 ( o oQH4N ON c o n, tQN m C o co 0 0 o 0 0 0 0l) 0001 as 0 0 0 0 c\l 0C\l a Bo o so No 1 X 0 s0 bD0 (7% UN o o\ to 4mN' Q- -t %C o 0 0 000 cv %C\ o 0 0 *0 0- C4 O cs cv ca a0 0 CA AI 00y *I0 0 o 0 0 1000r o \0 0 In C * 0 0 o 0 0 0 4 C4' C9 o o 0 03800 OV '0 o 0 0 CW CY2 Ck o o o O'a 'a 600a Ct CV 0 0 CAo a' o 0 0 ao a' 1o ~o C 0CN 0o 0% (I Ni r 0 0 mc :fA 1 o 0 0 0 0 t0 a o 0 0 NO %D I-) o 0 0 H H '0 0' o 0 0 cw 40 lo ao o ' o 0 0 (N H (N 00 C00 0 0 C n CI \ o o 0 I' 00 00 0O 0 o 0 O o 0 0 (N H(W a 0 0 (Ni UNC~ o 0 0 (NiHH- g l cl\ U- o CYN cl \ Cy% ON 0o 0 '0 000 o 0 0 \lm \0 100 0 0 (0 (N OO a"O 0 * 0 0 os 0 0 *ioHo M0H a v- 0o 6 (Ni a Ni H Ox H- H (i 0 0 HHa'l 0 0 z4 -..D to E i (IV ri ( NI 0 o oN iU G R!IN wR c tn N cLcA Cos* ---t UNk m ekCN ue 4) 00 00 00 as 4) ** 0 O 4) C) C) h 0 bD 0 as 0 1i 0 ' : 0 m x H 0friH ) Q\ o b 0 r -l r1i -ig a ' a C0 al all a'00 r 0 0 uo * * 100 00 0 O H CV O- O0 C' 0 (n O \D O NO 8 00 C\ I c\ O -O -0 O R CV tO Q O 10 -4 kf\ w n CYN -4n CI %C n 1 -4 UE -4 V% C CI k\ 'U ori 0 ;> @ @ bD ghr 0 *r 2) @ ht @ r r C.. 4 h. k rh 4h .4 o -P H 0 H 0 *H A 0 0 .4 0 A f f o bD 0 ri C c) *r 'U *r .n : 0 02 0 -OHr 0) CH .. - 0 ri ii *0 0@ H .. r1i 'U 0 X 0 Y PaH '< hH 0 D h- ro 0 ro @ h ) C d jg Ol 0 d ig pq ' H p r It oo 02 H4- Cd 02 A n1 Table 4 cont'd, ? 26 - 0 co o 0 O 0s00 C 0 0 0 000 0 o 0 0 o C \H ag o 0 0 0 C2 000 o "o \H o 0 0 0 0 0 Is' F C C4 0- 01 01 000 (3 0o o 0 0 100 01 (311 to 0o 0 \l %r 0 OD 10O 0 ( a'cso Ol rs i 0o 0 10t0 r10- loH'-4lO tl\ 4\rU ONHHll c~C*- El a'a'-b 0 HHHr4\A r o 0 0 * 00 o 0 0 Co ol o * 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 ~OO 4 0 b0 Co TY 0 a 0 X o \ CZ o 0 0 ctn cn o 0 * 1000 o 0 0 10 CN2 H o 0 0 ala 0 o iO0o o 0 0 -CV0 o 0 0 000 H O'cs HOiCY%(VN o 0 0 CWH ~o oao m CYN CWN 0100 * 0 0 A 64 of 0X 0 o a% W . 0 t(\( Om' oo a% O% ONO 000 OcVa' C$ o o 0 0 H- -tQ o0 0 o 0 0 000 - o 0 0 \OU> * 0 0 ,0 o Coo \0 ICS 000 < n UOC\ C'\ CV C\ CN\ O o o o C\l 0 \0 CMi CY N 000 cl 9 10 Or1 o 0 0 H D a s' * 0 0 100 01 IS tO 0 0 H V A 100 00 100 4) r- -I- CNI bD a'.a,%a' O I I 11IO.10" Eo 0 z :4 V 0C -t 2% (311. H Clq q 0 13 0% r-i 01- q r-i r-I 100 n n -4 UN 9!% P4 n CfN -4 &XN 00 CYN U-N (YN 9 rs 0.N 20 0* 0@ r 0r(1) P H -r H 4 i 1. 4 h H ) t-1 X H G O HHr1 O *4 H~0 HO- 4-1 O r$ 4X' r 40H r C I 4H @ a h r ? ^ o r a 4 1e9 P4 $ *rl o- P4 .i-If ofiR9 SRli w f ZSR9 Q s) 0 0 h 0 0 4- 0 o *H H o hl h 0 z; 0 m O P Table 4 cont'd. c 27 - N U) (v o o 0 00 o 0 0 0 o o 0 r-4CV o 0 0 o 0 0 0 co C; 0 ro 0 a 0 bo rN "I,a< Nc =y N 0OU- 00 oo 0 0 (30t18 * 0 0 0Y 00 H O * o~o, O* 0 653A W oz CH H * 0* H0c a O * a% r- a 8 * 0 0 o00o-o * 0 0 * 0 0 -t CQq C c~H (Vo O\H C~ 41 0 r4 r Ill (YIN 0 0 WN Ul\M- * * Vio * 0 0 0- 00 *- *n - C; 06 C 000 O o * * o CA m clr 0- 00 0 r- loo -c' 0 * C: 000e lug 0 a' a-' a'- *\ CY >- ocy'. 0\1 0o\ * 0 0 000 U * 0 0 * 0 0 r o o * 0* 01% o. HHC'J 10 o t - * 0 0 *4 0 03 * 0 0 100 01. HHcs Iso, *. 0 0 0 0 100 * 0 0 O 0 - II-O O m 000 * 0 0 *0 010 o * 0 01 - 00 00Q e Nz* 0 lo H * 0 0 Q O' O O* 0 mcr *0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 H HH No0 ID *HCb ',. O E -O Co El, (Y\ * 0 0s IN 000 o4 r4 oX o a ' 41 r C b0 ts O o q o N 0 U) r o 0 (nl Cl r1i CY- NO ND 0 00 0 0 n \l r- 0 0 o CE' C El-' 33 0 z 0 0^S 4) .1- 0- 0 *l- 0 0 0 H H 0 rH X4H 0 frH fr 0 H fH 0 0f .. H X 0 X H 0 0 * 0 r NPP4 H 0 FzH4 0 *i 0 0 0 C) P4 0 X I 0 P4 0) 0 r340 Table 4 cont'd. - 8 0 to 0 0 I 0 0 000o o 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 U) 00 0 o 0 0 0 a 0a 0 0 t) -4-to UC N o 0 1 ro 0 0 b OHO-i ro m y 1o 0 0 ~rz1 r HO H ON ~C\l oo o o 0 r o H' \0 \4 G\ N CQi C\O b0 0 0 0 O to o o 0110 4 H H C\ 0 0 0 O 100M r- of o ot 0 0 0 o o o Na cl c-1 a,% Cr no C\l C\lC O O 0 0 ca4 c\ 0 0 0 o 0 0 0- 0 0 C000 -I 0 0 0 o 0 0 t0 sD 0 N O O' 0 00 a' CrJ to r0 0 H a'to o 0 0 (\ CY m rH Hr CY m CYN 00 HHH o"o a' 01CY 00 0 0 0 to m4\t 0 0 0 m UN r- 0 0 \O O CO o o o 0 0 0 \O \0 C\ so o 0 a'\ m\ o 0o 0 0 o 100 00t 000 o o 0 o o Boo '0 a' a'.O C\I s ONNc Cy% 0 0 0 0 -t 2 ON 0N00 aro 0 0 0 0 0 0 c- \1.- CU 1000 0 0 0 0 0 U- UN M 000 0- -4a s0 s0 0 a' C5 0 0 0 CNI 'TN %1. t0 CM 0 s0 E t0 00 to oo 0 0 0 ~o o oo o U\ O t0 t0 0 CSH 4 100 0 to C\ 50 0 O 0 t0 C0 HOH C N \-O10 CSNN 0 5 Bog n 00 \ \ ' a' a Ir 0 ON LN 0s a,I0 O N 0 0 co 0 g2 4- (nS. No somto toa a'to 0 0 t0 0 0 0 0 0l'.00 100 00O O O n o 0 0 O O U-\ 0 0 0 to Noo 0 t0 C0 0 n 0 EOt 'IO kO 9 %r\OC\C (to CV(S C SNU( C\lC mCm\ HC C5 x0 000 00 0 00 0 00 0-1r- 00 X 0r QDrdi o+) k) -dI+$(1 H rd+ X)00r- oz4 04) ) o rdP4 0 0 o o 4): 0 C.4 4) 4-) rso0 t-> 1 H N Px4 Table 4 contgdo c 29 - 0 C) 0 *H 00 0 Ul Vft UI 0 * a 0 0 0- o cY%H o 0 0 0 C,) c\ n o o *Co o o 0 0 0 (,) cv CVNc CN- H VO O a D O H 0 o 3? If ?If V = T 0 to tn H H CU) - co :4 H 0 pol H C\O L o 0 0 o 0 0 Ht H HCNO o0 0 OH Q\ CMi O CNI 0 0 CMi CNI r- r- CIQ OD U- o o 000 o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o oOH 00 CN CYN CQV 0%H CQ 0 HMt0O > o 0 0 Cl- Cm H0 0 CN w C *0 r- a0 cq \'0 (3111. 8 0 a o0 * 0 HVvC'aH H U't% o0 0 S(.. \ 00 tr-t N - rt-4 04 o o 0 o * 0 U)o * 0 o 0 0 o 00 100 1. o 0 0 o 0 0 Q O O ON Ic rl to CMo U0 \O a' e o 0 0 on o v NO ND 0100 o 0 0 H CNI c\ to cv :4 N\H 0 0 I 10 \0 0 o a CI o 0 0 0 o .0 0 4 OO \ 0 0 0 -4 O. o r4 r- Cf HH oS ISO rq mrz 0 co rz] c El-CNI 0 0 %Ul UE @ U-A 4o t r-i 01% HC 'aC' oa()o% O'11.H-i1O M~ WNI t V t 0 8 G a ,ODw M ~ OCVH- 9 d OH HHH cw NO I 0 0 0 o *CINR cVc 0 H fr- C) $4 co ) 4) -'2 ta *1e4 *- s n CN A 4)3 taO 0 .13 1 0 a4) 4 O h ri +>, C) Z*d 0) *, tao h 0 $-4 4,~ -ao I 0 0 0 rI O I O_ IV t-i (L 1 CN ao 0 4) CT%.H H . M CfrI CH bD C) P4) 4- u 4) ? 2 > I4~ taO 0 CO O H 0 0 0 ao o o O 0 oo rD 0 t0o tb C) 0 *4)A rz ro99 00 0t 0- 00 0 0 0 0 4) 4) ro q: 4 pq1 i ol 42 *rio -oo .H W4 Table 5 - 30 - . rQ Cl) 0 o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0l 000 Cl o 0 0 0 oo \o L" E" cO CV r- r\ Cl) C\LC\ 10 0 0 0 Id I a g e rz ' r o 0 0 0 O r 0o 00 10009I- o 0 0 1000El a. --Io n H (V 's cn 4s cv --.. N cs C g T. ag 04 1Q I 0 0 0 0 0 0 = l4 l 0%t00 (2 i o 0 00 to o 0 0 100 00 0 o 0 0 0 o N CNI CY H o o A H4 A IgIa aoo H no as a 000 000 o 0 0 o 00 OcO v gi Cg C NI C\l t- C\ a\ O. 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UC\ El U) V- E* ON C\l o C\l I I ONHH 0 0 C\ (N C r-i NNoN NNNs u CIII 0>2N C 000'M NNH 0 U) o 0 0 0 0 0 CN CYN CI \0 c1.0'\N 00 hD0 > H 0' 0AD 0 to o o k O C-) 4)rd4 ~ 0 CI4 34 0 CN NN NH b N N N H Hv 00 4) *1- *0 4) *r4 "5 4) 04 oft 0 *Hd 0,e 4gR) to r *d r: 4) tD 0 r- a CIQ CNI Cu N CNI CW goo 4-) @0 bOb 0 < $PzF fi X 4)- 0 Table 5 contld.3 c 35 - o 00 01 Cl 00 01 o , 0 0 o C o H o n 0 o * 0 9 o co Ho 08 rzEz * 0 0 o Bo 0 C* 0 0 o o 0 (IN o00 C'J0v %O aO 0 .,4" CS cn r m * 0 0 D %O Ell H oHr r-i C t0 CW .10 U- N r- CY%01 I IrN el HHH C o o o 40 t0 Cy,, o 0 0 * 0 0 HOH O UN CU St CI CY\ r- V. CIQ o0 0 0 * 0 0 o o o H O O) CY 10 H Cw C C\t II H 1OO HHHC\ CY0 Cl) E 1 1 a) I 0 0 z (a I I 0 $4 I PIA I orB EF I 2 P:1 0 r4 CNI2 0 Hs CYN 0 0 0 o o 0 , 0 Ul I O00 OC0O CV HHH HHHc- l g- figr I I I %D HH C%4 I- CNI 0 0 t Ct @ * 4 0cu J% HO O o * . o 0 0 o 0 o * 0 * o o 0 04d Cr\ 3 \C0~ 0 0 E4 * 0 0 * 0 0 N Om H a)H * 0 0 0 '0 r40m 0 o% oAH S-0 10 0o0 0 HOO A 0 0 *0 04 0 $4- 0 4., bO !S ri r-1 0 cv Al m U)CN * 0 O H 0o o *; 0 o o -t 3 H H 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 OH a' 0 00 0 Cd 0 0 p*l 1:04 P I o-$ 4 00 4'roo H 0 C4 CHb Ho 0 $4Hqj orB bkO 0d U) 0 .0 0c- Cn 0% al :t Ie 00 0 UN UE ? 0 ' H d to HH e'C H 0 0 0 Ca 53 0 4,1 C.. 0 0 c-( O O S O~ CZ UZ '0 UN 0 F0 hrB bD 0 0 C' A tao 9 Table 5 cont'd. - 36 - ) PA 0 10 8 :> 0 a' Cs) co to cn H e'i H N a' ~0 lo 0 CY% 0 Ce' 0 0 0 ~o\o 'c HH H uo 0 04 0 co 04 4) * 0 00 o o o 0 0 0 -t m cMH 0 0 0 I-:' o 0 10' 00 0 0 0 a' 0 bO NO C) .1-i h h t 0 (: t.. 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El-oo o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Q 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 co rHH r OrOH 0 OHO 000 O O 00 8 0 00 0 CVO- (QCW H C\Cl CN 0 NO C\l 47 4t 10 OH oGQ 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O\'J 0H- >cs 0HD C tO? t o O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OH O - 004 \ 000 000 OHO 4 000 U \ U \ o % cv r-\ * r-j t00 o4c toNo MH 'OD m to 0 l oC 0 E to C*' S ON' 0 00o to , ' \ 'to H o 0 0 * e 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 O'tO.4 CX C\1 \LC ol \0 0 ri %\U ?O a\l Q 0 0 W\ H ?4 H-i 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o n(Y\ HQCC.4 o-~ C no\C H O-H o-.4'.0n.C co a, E"Q cl o l %A E* UN U- r- El I- (q * O UN to E UN No EO 02 HH CY \ HHC'J O H O OHH HH H OH H HH H - E c' 'ON o' r4aO clr %C E wm 4 0 to 0 r Y C 00000 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I t0 0 H04 O O Oa I IO%u-j 0 w (I% UN CC\ Now U-\ ID NOs U' UN csH S S HHHsooo A s Nc s*p q B\ 11 Q 11 0 to 1 1 1 00 10 11' 1 1 I0 I p I Q \1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100CIHHN 00a a%.0 0000 al o% o- El -I or o 4 o - \o o - Ul o0 o o - 0 to t- 0o 1 o o 0 BBS o B O a B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v o I S B S rwr r- D%C ri o0 .4N ~ O ~C'J t- tCOD0 020H,1 f l . A: rb- r3b F or r>F no1 o'a'o o ba 'o' H H *H1 00 0 0 -P 0 0 a 0 00 oZ oo @\ OfoCI 00 c 0nClCVc r H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 H 0 C4r F.\ o- clr 0, C4r >0m10 HC\CN 4-44 0 - rc 0 0 riri o() r 0 0 0 C 4-i ro0 5 -. r0 0) N fr H H HdH OfH ad nH OPr H C"Ad a 4)1 4J) 4J' .44.' 4) -Al P W)H < 44 bo '-vI 0 -i-I 0 -H 41 u- i ag A 04 4 A 4 Table 5 cont9d. - 39 - a cU\ o U,\ U-o E' ocN- c VO N 0 Q0 H OH \ r "- DD NO' r0 t >t CH NttoH NNH t- _E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 to 000 0HrI 00 H 0 0 H O C H 0 0 H 0 00 00 0 0 LC\ 1- @ O00 CIo 0 H\\ u .\00 O 00 C\IC\ kQ( ON' oo LC\tO r r (N 0 crincruc to COO' * to 3(2' I \D(100 0 -414 Hr-OH-ir- o D 0 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 * a C 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 ' -4fLC\t Coo H 'O c- (4 LCI\ \O H WN H o L < \ o 0 c\'0 cN-4 o- t-4a '00 4C% C- to 0 \ o o e O o to 1% X o o \ o c- Ul t- 4 Or t- ?4 O. c- In oD c 1 0 o\ CO 000 OOH 0 0 00000 000 OO 0 00 HH HHH0 U)i O OC: , 0 0 0 0 tl 0 tl r- r- r o, 0 A z v(\ *{t O CC t1O' LfCN t-C'\ < D CsoNo(A 0 0 0 0 r-i on 0 o c ut t Q CO\ -C\ (1\C HNO\ N(_\fl f ( \ \ \ O . 0 ON t O 10 a 4 C\i 10 CC n r- c- 0\ I-m mM I% 1. 0a% 0 0c- 0 00 S 0 a 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r-i 0 0 0 0 CO)O UC\ \0 0U\ r \L O to4c 0 I'DD n4O c\-4L\ H H O' Hr-iH 0' C>----t 0 C sX t0-- 0 CV'flO '00 004o 2 o o 0oc % oS CC o\ o o o4 o o oC o \to NDo0 o Hloo o . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O00 00 O0 i OOOO 0H O O H O OH 0 N C\ \ C\V H H o '0>a O"O HO0 O~' -0Lr '.(10 0".O pq 0H N r4 osq m ?0 O I'D o - o o 10 r- r- 0\ t0 'I r 0 C\Z U- \1 CA2 aN \ \O ? - \? 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H4 H 1P 4r I-i 4- i H r- rir- hit 0 4-4 4- HH H < ^ H ~ O 0 0 0 o 0 e t 0 0 c i ) 0 0 0 : o 0 0 b ro Ca-r -rd *d Qwd W Cd r*d cd s: Cd cd Cd cdd a}i C - d 0 d c 4 Slri c HOH 4 lF ; H OH>- A Hf H 0 JO X H S i H SH 0 'HV XH 0 H X 0 H E OH E- Sr aH E- a -i- *rI P-ci * a: OH n OH 'r d H -H C-4 bO 04 bO *4- 40i .4- Table 5 cont'd. - m 40 - o ktc% Crv nr4 flHO' 0\0N C-1 rz 4c\r -ccv - DCI\C\CN N T o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 to 10C\C Ca\(Oa'a' t 410 'Q - H)CI t(H (v 0 N OO C\'O'W\- to 0C NOONc \lc- Nto I - HCf4 14- * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ VCV r C C\VC\VC\V U- W% k\O l\C'VC- NnC\L C'CC C0\CW% (iC m rCVC cn CVC4 \l -4 LfC\ CY 4 H- I \ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00a 0 0 0 C/) 0 00 0 00 HHHr- HHH-iri - 0 00 0 00 00 0 o HtOO0 0H? CNC\ H'0 C\ 94-I l-00 0 0 0 o(V\ 0 c-toW kr% crW 0t-o to o 0 00 0 0 0 HHiCAH QC a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 toNLl-\O o N CYN\ r f-4tC1\ 'C\'N?- t -4U00-t 04IC\ 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HC'J0.4 NA * OC'J 600404 Cr10b.. 000 4 HH4 4 OCH- 1. 0 0i0 0 000 0a0 0 - 001 08 0aa00 o kc ' ol l\ c rICV allHG Ul\ 0 4 0\4 rl\OCV O-4Nr U - 4 U\CY'\CS r- HC\VtO 0 to 'OU% inC\r (\LC \Q0Q( o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 000 0 00 0 '4C\lHNr- OCVHCl 0 00 0 00 00 0 0cr\\f%1.0 0 100 c-NV JH r- H-4fl HCOCV O\N\ a,.t 100 toLC\N o -c NN HNOC- 0* 0 0 o Lt\ o'(IQ J-4\v o 0 0 0 a 0 a N N N.V-4H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 Cr\ tn - tC1T.\C\ ONasO4Of\ln -i( a'o E o00o to 000100 t 0 HrH HHH NNN-Ll-c- C NNN E NNNO" (VtrN 0 CIV UN00 o a 0 0 0 U'\ -ItC\l 0JC(\ (r \10 t 00 C- H4 OCS00MD U\ o o 0 0 0 0 \ CVOJ H HO-iri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100LUCO\0\ c-0 CN c\ O'NOC\VlCVCV @,%CVNE -tHN- \04I'C'\ 0 00 t9OC 0 00 8 00 E- 00 r N- lo?N'. p o (VI T I a ON t C\VCJQ-4 0 80 OTO bO \-0cr (fl000 0 0 0 0 0 0 -t4NO 4 N0 a%cv CY\NHE- 00 00 t S 00 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 -P f ~ 0X0 00 0 *rl 4' 0) ox CoNCN -i(N0U\ 0U\cr N C) rd 07%(i O N 00040\lX(Thfl-4 dC\hltn OLflN Ni(t1VN H4lCV0 m P4O'iN rdG%ONLa H $la00 H 0 0 $4 0 4 1 P1 0 C 0a 0 0 4-s F4 P1 01 0 0 0 0 ffi 04zi0 X0 00 o frbH 0> rH re frH-l - 0 frH 0fH Ir- grfr OrbH *r- H rdO()0r-oa OHd sH rO a rcdHteO(1 Hrd0TI(1 Hrd0 SHre rOak'd4'- -d$4'C 1 4'3 H s$4rd4') V$'4'kr - ;$4 ro +I 4' $4 I 4- 0E$4 co 4' 4 AL: -P 4 '4- la ta CHj taD tao 4 taD *rI 0) r4 0 rl 0 o P1 . P1 ~ -4 P1 P1 Table 5 contgd, - 41 - Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 b CV cv o 0 0 0 o HlO-( 0; 0 0 0 co oo o o H0Oo * 0- 0 .0 C\L \H u] CkN CY ~T 00 0 HOi C\l g mDa1 \lCN NCV o 0 0 00 o0 0 (S(CT% 00 Eo o 0 0 000 o 0 0 o 0 0 Hr-OH-- l0' (NO o 0 0 HHH\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 t o -- (SN (S 0 0 00 0 0 0 I cD 9 \ (SCS0 0 0 0 HH A o o CN r- 0 r- 0 r- 0 ro H 0V 0 0v 0 0 0 CV 00 COZ 00N -4 o (Ni 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 N H o 0 0 0 El Ell c- 100 0 ~0 -4 N No 0 0 a" H 0 (S 6 cA c( ~0 0 (S N 'a -4 0 0 N N\ 100 100 0 0 0 uH 0 0 0 Co .~ 00' (S c (\ O (S 0 0 0 0l, 00 0 (S0'N% c to. 100 0 -4t ~0 0 !24 H momn 0 0 0 0~~~~ a)t t I tk U U o U'% O O 0~~~~ o o 0t ce UN 1. r, CN Cr S O r-0 C00 I > 10 :; C>l r- CM bt l r H r1 0 o H(S'0 mto- :nS 4J fi r ooil -4il OHF0 q bO ;r1 : to%- 100 0 0 0 0 CY Cf% O U.' %C\2 WNo 00 00 0 0 0 o a' , oa rY rO r- tiD ro *d CH 0 0 0 c- tl 'T D - o oI Co N 0 0 0 0I- 10 0 cn 's Cr O'0'N (Ni( S c 0 0 0 -t- (oo o 0 0 0 UN InCY 0 0 0 02 Ce\ , \l \ -t -t C5% 0 0 0 ;1SH r (N CNI *@ rm H 4' H S H H Cl. U d4 o c o X ) ^fi :S ) x P 0 H *- 0 (S-4H h (CoH 0 H 3M H -rO@Hh Cko 0 5. 'UFe HFe C)' ) U] , Co0 0 r*4 :o Table 5 cont'do CD 42 - OV \ NO 0%r * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CQ 0 CY H HHH HHO HH O 0 J i i w, %0 \ CV * 0 0 aV \. 0\Q- o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V2 0E m --. C\ c m cv r- N C\l \0o ( V UN U Q (V o H Cc\H t oo0 (v gH 0 OQ n0 4 r-i U)H'0 *( 100 0 0 @0 a 0 0- 0 0 o 0 ct ? CoHH 40C HCH\ Q 0bo o o,, o\ o- UN o 0 o O r- r- O C\l C\ r- H -4 0 00.4 U)U)(V (C\l \ L%aC\(V 0 a\ ON0 0 U0El H0% o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl) H H H H(VH - n -i C\ H , O Le\0 o@ U>O\ -NOQ 11 O- C: % \ NO \ \ o ?0 0 CO H4\ - 0\% 0 o 0 * * o * a a 0 %O- C\ 0 0 o0 0 0 (o o n C O C0 U0 (N \0 X a) Hc~ CQ< 0H c'<( o^ OQH HHH (V(VU(U N CVC9NB HHH^ c %-l V\ 00 o 0 HO 0 0 0 0 0 0 HO \ U H O0 E o 4 a% m to ct 0% C ca cs to H N- NDN0 0) H I S V I I I I I I bD ?0 \4D I II I I *oV kc\C\ (Vc U) N III C% 04 0 * O 0 O0 0 0 0 go a* ? 00 0 '.O U' o 00CN to V( V ~CNI VVH 0' a'a 00 0 KH O 0 O0 ro U'\ cr 0NHll, OH V H -I0 0 UN :4l rs NO to r H CV - r- a H i 0 0 * O r i PI rfi Pt06 - ri 0 EQl - r > - c P4 rI-4 0 W 0 0 0 b) 0 0 h Pf vH A r H h Pr.H 01 :H g ;H rb H . Hr d0 t Hd 0 H'r H 0 Cd 0 CX ^ d X X* H - 0-,* CcoC) H 4) 0 Ff44 i Ce, C U H cn; H xc Cl 4*) C * ) 9 X G X ' U Table 5 Conti d3 - 43 - TABULATION OF CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 1. Description: Cranium Calvarium Calvaria Calva 2. Condition: Poor Fair Good Early NQ. Percent 28 60.87 5 10*87 9 19.57 -4 8.70 46 Middle No. Percent 52 98ll 1 1.89 O 0 O 0 53 4 7.55 12 22.64 22 69.81 53 Late No0 Percent 3c Muscularity: Small Medium Large 4. Age by Suture Closure: Young Adult (21-35) Middle-aged Adult (36-55) Old Adult (56-75) Very Old (76-x) 5, Deformation: None Occipital Right Occipital Left Occipital Lambdoid Fronto-Occipital Other 6b Degree Deformation: None Trace Small Medium Pronounced 12 19 if 46 0 19 26 45 19 25 2 0 46 42 0 3 0 0 0 0 45 42 2 0 1 0 45 2 0 2 26009 41030 32061 0 42022 570,78 41.30 54035 4035 0 93033 0 6067 0 0 0 0 93,33 4044 0 2022 0 100900 0 1 38 53 28 25 0 0 53 49 0 1 2 1 0 0 53 49 2 2 0 0 53 4 0 4 1089 71070 26042 52.83 47017 0 0 92,45 0 1.89 3.77 1.89 0 0 92.45 3.77 3,77 0 0 100.00 0 37 1 3 0 41 2 8 3-1 41 I 31 41 22 19 0 0 41 15 0 16 7 3 0 0 41 15 18 8 0 0 41 23 26 90024 2,44 7,32 0 4088 19c51 75.61 2,44 75.61 21.95 53o66 46.34 0 0 36,59 0 39,02 17.07 7.32 0 0 36.59 43.90 19.51 0 0 88,46 1154 7. Cause of Deformation: Artificial Natural Table 6 - 44 - Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percoit 8. Form: Ellipsoid Ovoid Spheroid Pentagonoid Rhomboid Sphenoid Brisoid 9, Brow Ridges: Median Divided Continuous 100 Brow Ridges Site: Trace Small Medium Large Very Large. 11 Glabella: Small ' Mediums. Large Very Large 12. Frontal Height: Very Low Low Medium High Very High 13. Frontal Slope: None, Bulging Slight Medium Pronounced Very Pronoiunced 0 0 13 28.89 O 0 4 8.89 4 11.11 19 42. 22 .4 8.89 445 32 71.11 12 26.67 1 2.22 45 o 0 2 4035 17 36096 21 45.65 j 13.04 1 2.27 17 38 . 64 22 50.00 A 9.09 /44 O 0 10 22.22 30 66.67 5 11.11 0 0 45 1 2.22 18 40o00 26 57.78 0 0 0 0 45 o O 23 43.40 0 0 2 3,77 8 15,09 16 30.19 A 7.55 53 37 69.81 16 30.19 0 0 53 0 0 5 9o43 23 43.40 17 32.08 8 15.09 53 5 9043 22 41.51 19 35.85 7 13.21 5, 0 0 20 38o46 26 50,00 6 11.54 0 0 52 0 0 16 30,77 24 46.15 12 23.08 0 0 52 0 0 4 9.76 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 80,49 -J 9.76 41 40 97.56 0 0 1 2044 14 0 0 2 4,88 27 65085 11 26.83 1 2o44 41 I 5 12.20 29 70o73 i7 17.07 0 0 .41 0 0 23 56.10 16 39.02 2 4,88 0 0 0 0 5 12.20 18 43,90 18 43,90 0 0 Table 6 cont'd, - 45 ~ EM iddle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 14. Metopism: Absent Traces Complete 15. Postorbital Constriction: Small Medium Large 16. Frontal Bosses: Small Medium Large 17. Median Crest: Small Medium Large 18, Sagittal Elevation: Small Medium Large Very Large 19. Postcoronal Depression: Small Medium Large 20. Parietal Bosses: Small Medium Large 43 100l00 o o o 0 43 3 6.98 10 23.26 2o 69.77 43 22 48.89 21 46.67 2 4,44 45 37 82.22 7 15.56 1 2.22 45 35 77.78 9 20.00 1 2.22 0 0 45 37 82.22 8 17.78 0 0 45 3 6.67 38 84,44 -4 8.89 45 17 45.95 15 40,54 5 13.51 0 0 37 53 100.00 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 9 17.31 42 82.69 52 28 54.90 23 45,10 0 0 51 31 62,00 19 38.00 0 0 50 28 53.85 22 42.31 2 3485 0 0 50 38 71.70 15 28.30 0 0 53 5 9,43 34 64,15 .4 26042 53 24 46.16 17 32.69 11 21.15 0 0 52 40 97.56 1 2,44 0 0 41 0 0 10 24,39 31 75,61 41 27 65.85 12 29.27 2 4.88 41 35 85,37 6 14,63 0 0 L41 33 80,49 6 14.63 2 4.88 0 0 41 34 82,93 7 17.07 0 0 41 22 53.66 19 46.34 0 0 41 19 46,34 22 53.66 0 0 0 0 41 21. Parietal Foramina: None Small Medium Large Table 6 contQd, a 46 - Earcn No. Percent 22. Temporal Fullness: Flat Small Medium Large 23. Temporal Crests: Low Medium High 24. Supramastoid Crests: Small Medium Large 25, Sphenoid Depression: Medium Large 26, Occipital Curve: None Small Medium Pronounced 27. Inion: None Small Medium Large 28. Torus: Absent Small Medium Large 29. Shape of Torus: Ridge Mound 0 4 23 18 45 6 21 17 4.4 3 21 i22 3 28 0 4 35 6 45 5 17 12 12 46 0 12 20 46 10 46 0 8089 51.11 40,00 Middle No, Percent 0 0 4 7,55 27 50.94 22 41.51 53 Late No, Percent 13.64 47073 38.64 6.52 45,65 47,83 5 34 53 11 23 53 53 9,43 64,15 26042 20,75 43,40 35.85 0 0 14 27 41 7 31 41 4 21 16 41 0 0 14,15 65,85 17.07 75.61 7.32 9.76 51.22 39.02 10o 71 10 89,29 AQ 53 18.07 5 81.13 32 38 13.16 86.84 0 8,89 77.78 13.33 10.87 36.96 26,09 26.09 0 26,09 43.4$ 30.43 0 13 34 6 53 19 19 8 7 53 0 20 27 6 53 0 24,53 64.15 11,32 35 o85 35,85 15.09 13 o21 0 37,74 50,94 11,32 0 11 22 8 41 6 13 15 7 41 0 22 16 41 0 26,83 53.66 19.51 14,63 31.71 36,59 17o07 0 53.66 39,02 7,32 21,74 16 78.26 37 53 30.00 9 70.00 22 41 21,95 78,05 Table 6 cont'd4 - 47 - Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 30. Lambdoid Flattening BNone 11 24.44 9 16.98 4 9.76 Small 18 40.00 25 47.17 11 26,83 Medium 16 35.56 17 32.08 20 48o78 Pronounced 0 0 2 3o77 6 14.63 45 53 41 31. Transverse Suture: Absent 44 97.78 49 92.4/5 33 80049 Present 1 2.22 4 7.55 8 19o51 45 53 41 32, Lambdoid Wormian Bones: None 27 72,97 42 80.77 30 73.17 Few 10 27,03 6 11,54 10 24,39 Medium 0 0 4 7.69 1 2,44 Many C) 0 0 0 00 0 37 52 41 330 Other Wormian Bones: Absent 36 100l00 43 84,31 37 90,24 Coronal 0 0 1 1.96 0 0 Sagittal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Temporo-occipital 0 0 7 13.73 4 9.76 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 351 41 34. Glenoid Fossa Depth: Small 15 33.33 15 28,30 18 43,90 Medium 23 51.11 26 49006 16 39,02 Large 7 15.56 12 22,64 7 17o07 45 53 41 35. Postglenoid Process: Small 7 15.56 22 41,51 23 56010 Medium 20 44044 19 35.85 14 34.14 Large 18 40.00 12 22.64 4 9076 45 53 41 36. Tympanic Plate: Thin 2 4,55 7 13,21 3 7,32 Medium 11 25.00 21 39.6g 10 24439 Thick 19 43.18 19 35o85 25 60.97 Very Thick 12 27.27 6 11.32 3 7,32 44 53 41 Table 6 cont'd. -0 L8 - Early Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 37, Auditory Meatus: Round 2 4.55 2 3.85 1 2o44 Oval 30 60o18 27 5192 33 80.49 Ellipse 9 20o45 17 32.69 6 14.63 Slit z 6.82 6 11.54 1 2.44 44 52 41 38. Orbitp Shape: 0b2bng 4 12.50 4 7o84 1 2.63 Rhomboid 12 37o50 19 37,25 19 50,00 Square 16 50o00 28 54o90 18 47037 Ellipse 0 0 0 0 0 0 Round 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 51 38 39. Orbits Inclination: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small 15 46,88 19 35,85 10 26.32 Medium 17 53.13 30 56.60 24 63.16 Pronounced 0 0 4 7,55 .4 10o53 32 53 38 40. Suborbital Fossa: Absent 2 5.13 5 9.43 0 0 Slight 13 33.33 25 47.17 22 56o41 Medium 19 48.72 19 35.85 15 38.46 Deep 2 5.13 -4 7.55 2 5.13 39 53 39 41. Malar Size: Small 0 0 0 0 1 2,50 Medium 5 12.20 6 ll32 13 32.50 Large 21 51,o22 34 64,15 23 67,50 Very Large 11 36,59 i 24.53 a 7,50 41 53 40 42. Mlar Lateral ProJection: Small 0 0 0 0 1 2c,50 Medium 6 17.65 2 3,o92 10 25.00 Large 28 82.35 a 96.08 22 72,50 34 51 40 43. Malar Anterior Projection: Small 1 2,94 0 0 1 2,50 Medium 9 26o47 14 26.42 12 30000 Large 24 70,59 ;2 73.58 27 67,50 34 53 40 Table 6 cont'd4 ~ 49 - EMrl Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 44. Malar Marginal Process: Absent 7 17.50 14 26.42 3 7.50 Submedium 16 40.00 27 50.94 28 70.00 Medium 16 40,00 10 18,87 9 22,50 Large 1 2,50 2 3.77 0 0 40 53 40 45. Zygomatic Process Thickness: Small 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medium 10 36.63 21 42.00 23 58.97 Pronounced 17 63,37 a 5800o 16 41.03 27 50 39 46. Nasion Depression: Absent 0 0 0 0 1 2.44 Small 15 34.88 27 50.94 24 58,54 Medium 23 53*49 24 45,028 15 36,59 Deep L 11*63 2 3.77 1 2,44 43 53 41 47. Nasal Root Height: Very Low 3 10.34 4 7,84 4 10,53 Low 15 51.72 24 47,06 19 50,00 Medium 9 31,03 19 37,25 15 39.47 High 2 6.90 4 7,84 0 0 Very High 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 51 38 48. Nasal Root Breadth: Very Small 2 6.90 5 9.80 0 0 Small 16 55.17 13 25.49 7 18,42 Medium 10 34,48 19 37.25 24 63.16 Large 1 3.45 12 23.53 7 18.42 Very Large 0 0 2 3,92 0 0 29 51 38 49, Nasal Bridge Height: Very Low 2 8.33 3 7.14 1 2.94 Medium 16 66.67 21 50,00 28 82.35 High 5 20,083 18 42,o86 5 14.71 Very High 1 4,17 0 0 0 0 24 42 34 50, Nasal Bridge Breadth: Small 5 21.74 10 25,00 4 11.11 Medium 13 56,52 21 52.50 29 80.56 Large 5 21.74 9 22,50 2 8.33 23 40 36 Table 6 cont'd. - 50 - EarJy No. Percent Mliddle No. Percent Late No. Percent 51. Nasal Profile: Straight Concave Concavo-Convex Convex 52, Nasal Sills: Absent Dull Medium Sharp 53. Nasal Spine: Absent Small Medium Large 54, Subnasal Grooves: Absent Small Medium Pronounced 550 Alveolar Prognathism: Absent Slight Medium Pronounced 0 25 4 0 29 9 18 11 42 4+2 0 16 11 31 14 20 8 1 .43 0 23 13 * 1 37 16 4 10 34 15 23 2 0 0 40 0 86.21 13079 0 21.43 42.86 2601-9 9.52 0 51.61 35.48 12090 32.56 46.51 18.60 2o33 0 38 12 50 6 16 12 16 50 2 36 6 4 24 15 11 1 51 1 22 26 1 50 11 21 14 7 53 13 31 3 1 0 48 0 76.00 24,00 0 12.00 32.00 24.00 32.00 4,17 75.00 12050 8033 47.06 29.41 21.57 1096 0 37 1 0 38 4 13 15 41 0 25 10 39 7 27 6 1 41 0 12 23 6 4 1 21 11 8 1 41 13 27 0 0 0 40 0 97037 2.63 0 9.76 31.71 36o59 21.95 0 64010 25.64 10.26 17.07 65.85 14,63 2.44 -0 62.16 35014 2.70 2.00 44.00 52.00 2 0 29027 26.10 14o63 56. Alveolar Border None Slight Medium Pronounced 570 Palate Shape: Parabolic Hyperbolic Elliptical Small U Large U Absorption: 47,06 11,76 29,41 11.76 37o50 57.50 5.00 0 0 20,75 39.62 26o42 13021 27008 64o58 6,25 2008 0 51.22 26.83 19.51 2,44 32.50 67.50 0 0 0 Table 6 contd.1 so 51 - Early Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 58. Palate Height: Low 0 0 1 2.00 5 12.20 Medium 12 30,77 25 50,00 26 63,41 High 26 66.67 23 46.00 9 21.95 Very High 1 2,56 1 2.00 1 2,44 38 50 41 59, Palatine Torus Form: Ridge 26 74,29 34 79.07 32 84,21 Mound 6 17 14 5 11.63 4 10,53 Lump ] 8.57 4 9.30 0 0 '35 43 36 60. Palatine Torus Size: Absent 0 0 7 14. 29 1 2.70 Small 26 74.29 37 75.71 16 43.24 Medium 7 20.00 5 10.20 20 54,05 Large 2 5.71 0 0 0 0 35 49 37 61. Postnasal Spine: Absent 0 0 6 lt2*;00 1 2.70 Small 14 45.16 28 56.00 16 43,24 Medium 17 54.84 16 32.00 19 51,35 Large 0 0 0 0 1 2.70 31 50 37 62. Mandible Size: Small 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medium 11 25.00 18 35,29 18 45,00 Large 24 54.55 25 49.02 22 55.00 Very Large 9 20,45 8 15.69 0 0 44 51 40 63. Chin Form: Median 11 25,00 20 39.22 16 40.00 Bilateral 33 75.00 Li 60.78 24 60.00 44 51 40 64. Chin Projection: Negative 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neutral 7 16.28 14 26,92 2 5.00 Small 21 48.84 29 55,77 26 65.00 Medium 12 27.91 7 13.46 12 30.00 Large 2 6.98 2 3.85 0 0 43 52 40 Table 6 cont'd.5 S. 52 - Early No. Percent 65. Mandibular Alveolar Prognathism: None 14 36.84 Slight 20 52.63 Medium 4 10.53 Pronounced 0 0 38 Middle No. Percent Late No. Percent 66. Genial Tubercles: Absent Small Medium Large 67. Mylo-hyoid Ridge: Absent Slight Medium Pronounced 68. Pterygoid Attachment: Small Medium Pronounced Very Pronounced 69. Gonial Angle Eversion: None Small Medium Pronounced 70. Tooth Eruption: Incomplete Complete Third Molar Supressed 71. Teeth Lost Ante-Mortem: 0 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-x 0 10 22 12 6 25 12 1 44 3 15 24 45 2 17 19 6 44 0 34 6 40 25 1 0 0 1 0 0 27 0 22.73 50.00 27.27 13.64 56.82 27.27 2.27 6.67 33.33 53.33 6.67 4.55 38.64 43,18 13.64 0 82.93 14.63 92.50 3.70 0 0 3.70 0 0 10 35. 6 0 51 2 35 14 .1 52 13 37 2 0 52 2 25 20 52 6 23 18 52 1 47 .4 52 29 12 6 1 0 0 0 58 19.61 68.63 11.76 0 3.85 67.31 26.92 1.92 25.00 71.15 3.85 0 3.85 48.08 38.46 9.62 11.54 44.23 34.62 9.62 1.92 90.38 7.69 60.42 25.00 12.50 2.08 0 0 0 2 36 2 0 40 0 22 17 1 40 .5 22 12 1 40 6 25 9 0 4+0 5 25 8 2 40 0 36 40 23 16 1 0 0 0 0 40 5.00 90.00 5.00 0 0 55.00 42.50 2.50 12.50 55.00 30.00 2.50 15OO 62.50 22.50 0 12. 50 62.50 -20.00 5.00 0 90.00 10.00 57.50 40.00 2.50 0 0 0 0 Table 6 cont'd. m 53 - Earl Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 72. Mandibular Torus: Small 29 65.91 45 88.24 39 97.50 Medium 13 29.55 6 11.76 1 2.50 Large 2 4.55 0 0 0 0 44 51 40 730 Teeth Wear: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slight 2 4.35 13 24.53 8 20.00 Medium 13 28.26 20 37.74 15 37.50 Pronounced 21 45.65 16 30.19 15 37.50 Very Pronounced 10 21.74 4 7.55 2 5.00 46 53 40 74. Teeth Caries: 0 20 74.07 13 39.39 6 16,22 1-4 7 25,93 19 57.58 29 78.38 5-8 0 0 1 3.03 1 2.70 9-16 0 0 0 0 1 2.70 17-x 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 33 37 75. Alveolar Abcess: 0 15 44.12 20 38.46 19 47.50 1-3 15 44.12 18 34.62 15 37.50 4-x 4 11.76 14 26.92 6 15,00 34 52 s40 76. Abcess Size: Small 4 21.05 7 21.88 4 19.05 Medium 12 63.16 23 71.88 12 57.14 Large - 15.79 2 6.25 5 23,81 19 32 21 77. Shovel-shaped Incisors: Absent 1 2.50 0 0 0 0. Slight 6 15.00 3 6.98 8 20.00 Medium 1 2.50 13 30.23 10 25.00 Pronounced 0 0 1 2.33 2 5.00 Not Observed L2 80.QO 26 60.47 20 50.00 40 43 40 78. Bite: Under 1 2.50 0 0 0 0 Edge 36 90.00 38 79.17 36 94.74 Slight Over 3 7.50 9 18.75 2 5.26 Medium Over 0 0 1 2.08 0 0 Pronounced Over 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 48 38 Table 6 cont'd. -M 54 - 79. Crowding: Absent ght Medium Pronounced E'1s- No,* ercent 29 70.73 9 21.95 1 2.44 2 4.88 41 Middle Noo TPircert Late Noo Percent 37 1 1 1 5o 74*00 22 .00 2.00 2.00 20 17 3' 0 40 50.00 42,50 7.50 0 Table 6 cont'd. rl. 55 TABULATION OF POST-CRANIAL MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONSO Early Middle Late FEMUR: No, Percent No. Percent No. Percent 1. Crista Hypotrochanterica: Absent 0 0 0 0. 2 5.13 Submedium 19 41.30 12 34.29 24 61.54 Medium 17 36.96 15 42.86 6 15,38 Pronounced 9 19,57 8 22.86 7 17.95 Very Pronounced 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 35 39 2. Fossa Hypotrochanterica: Absent 0 0 0 0 1 2.56 Submedium 20 43.48 11 31.43 22 56.41 !iedium 16 34.78 18 51.43 16 41.03 Pronounced 10 21.74 6 17.14 io 0 Very Pronounced 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 35 39 3, Third Trochanter: Absent 16 35.56 10 28.57 34 87*18 Submedium 15 33.33 12. 34.29 4 10.26 Medium 8 17.78 9 25.71 1 2.56 Pronounced 4 8.89 4 11.43 0 0 Very Pronounced 2 4.44 0 0 0 0 45 35 39 4. Mid-Shaft Shape: Oval 3 7.32 1 2.78 1 2.56 Plano-convex 1 2.44 0 0 4 10.26 Quadrilateral 3 7.32 3 8.33 1 2.56 Prismatic 20 48.78 17 47.22 33 84.62 Round .4 34,15 1 41.67 0 0 41 36 39 5. Linea Aspera: Absent 0 0 0 0 0 0 Submedium 6 13.95 4 11.76 19 48.72 Medium 13 30.23 7 20.59 11 28.21 Slight Pilaster 13 30.23 12 35.29 4 10.26 Medium Pilaster 11 25,58 7 20,59 4 10.26 Pronounced Pilaster 0 0 L 11.76 1 2.56 43 34 39 Table 7 cont'd. - 56 - Early Middle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 6. Right Femur Torsion Negative 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neutral 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slight 7 18.92 2 7.69 4 11.43 Nfediumi 21 56.76 14 53.85 10 28.57 Pronounced 9 24.32 8 30,77 18 51,43 Very Pronounced 0 0 2 7.69 3 8o57 7, Left Femur Torsion: 37 26 Negative 0 0 0 0 0 0 Neutral 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slight 7 19044 0 0 3 8,11 Medium 18 50,00 21 65.63 9 24.32 Pronounced 11 30.56 11 34.38 21 56.76 Very Pronounced 0 0 0 0 4 10.81 36 32 37 TIBIA: 8. Mid-shaft Shape: Ordinary Prism 7 16.67 5 14,29 0 0 Lateral Prism 15 35.71 10 28.57 11 28.21 External Surface Concave 3 7.14 0 0 23 58.97 Quadrilateral 7 16067 17 48,57 4 10.26 Posterior Half Oval 3 7,14 0 0 1 2,5&L Plano-convex 5 11.90 3 8.57 0 0 Indefinite 2 4.76 0 0 0 0 42 35 39 9. Retroversion of Head: Absent 0 0 0 0 0 0 Submedium 10 25,64 11 32,35 5 12,82 Medium 28 71.79 18 52,94 34 87.18 Pronounced 1 2,56 5 14.71 0 0 39 34 39 10 Squatting Facets: Present 5 13,51 6 17,65 6 15.38 Absent ; 86,49 28 82035 ; 84,62 37 34 39 FIBULA? 11. Fluting of Shaft: Absent 0 0 0 0 1 2,63 Submedium 9 24,32 12 37.50 25 65.79 Medium 27 72,97 24 43.75 12 31.58 Pronounced 1 2.70 6 18,75 0 0 37 32 38 Table 7 cont'do - 57 - Earcn No. Percenat 12. Shaft Shape: Oblong Plano-convex Prismatic Irregular Trapezoid Oval 0 19 6 4 14 0 4+3 0 44 o 19 13.95 9.30 32.56 0 lRiddle No. Percent O 0 6 17.14 27 77.14 o o 2 5.71 O 0 35 Late No. Percent O 0 11 28,21 9 23.08 O 0 19 48,72 O 0 39 13. Perforation of Absent Present Olecranon Fossa: 36 12 48 75.00 20 25.00 a 34 58,82 41,18 14. Supracondyloid Process: Absent Traces Present PELVIS: 15. Depth of Ischiatic Notch: ,Small Medium Deep 16. Width of Ischiatic Notch: Sall Medium Wide 17. Depth of Preauricular Sulcus: Small Medium Deep 18, Width of Preauricular Sulcus: Small Medium Wide 24 12 39 38 0 1 39 61,54 38o46 40 3 0 43 93,02 6.98 0 24 1 0 25 96.00 4.00 0 97044 0 2.56 3 14 36 15 20 1 30 9 0 39 26 13 0 39 8.33 38.89 52.78 41.67 55.56 2.78 76.92 23.08 0 66.67 33.33 0 0 13 27 15 10 1 23 23 4 0 27 21 6 0 27 0 448.o15 51.85 57.69 38.46 3.85 85.19 14.81 0 77.78 22,22 0 3 30 6 39 7 25 7 39 36 3 0 39 33 6 0 39 7.69 76.92 15.38 17,95 64.10 17.95 92*31 7.69 0 84.62 15.38 0 Table 7 cont'd. de 58 - Eay No. Percent 19. Sub-pubic Angle: Small Redium Large 20. Ischia: Parallel Converging Diverging 210 Age by Pubic Symphysis: I (18-19) II (20-21) III (22-24) TV (25-26) V (27-30) VI (30-35) VII (35-39) VIII (39-4.4) IX (45-50) x (50-x ) 10 9 0 19 4 19 1 24 0 0 1 2 .7 3 7 3 o 1 24 52.63 47.37 0 Middle No. Percent 15 65.22 8 34.78 0 0 23 16.67 79017 4.17 0 0 4.17 8.33 29,17 12,50 29.17 12.50 0 4.17 3 15 1 19 0 0 3 4 3 4 3 5 1 0 23 15.79 78 95 5026 9 20 0 29 4 26 33 0 0 0 2 10 4 9 6 0 0 31 12. 12 78079 9009 Late No. Percent 31o03 68097 0 0 0 13.04 17.39 13004 17.39 13.04 21,74 4,35 0 0 0 0 6.45 32.26 12,90 29,03 19.35 0 0 S.CAPULA: 22. Superior Border: Oblique Wavy Concave 23. Scapular Notch: Absent Submedium Medium Deep Foramen 24. Vertebral Border: Convex Straight 1 0 12 13 2 2 8 8 0 20 3 4 1 g 7.69 0 92031 1000 1000 40000 40000 0 37. 50 50,00 12.50 10 0 15 2 3 7 13 0 25 6 5 0 11 66.67 0 33.33 -8000 12000 28 o00 52.00 0 54.55 45,45 0 5 0 27 3 14 10 6 2 35 18 8 20 18,o52 0 85.19 8.57 40000 28o57 17,14 5.71 69.23 30.77 0 Table 7 cont'do - 59 - EM iddle Late No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent 25. Acromion Process Shape: Sickle 2 9.09 1 4.00 0 0 Triangular 13 59.09 16 64.00 22 68.75 Intermediate 3 13,64 6 24.00 1 3.13 Quadrangular -4 18.18 2 8000 9 28.13 22 25 - 32 26. Clavicular Facet: Unlipped 13 59.09 7 25.93 -9 27027 Lipped 9 40O91 20 74.07 24 72,73 22 27 33 270 Age Plaque: Absent 0 0 10 35.71 19 51Q35 Slight 6 66.67 3 10.71 14 37.84 edium 2 22022 4 14.29 4 10081 Pronounced 1 11.11 1 3.57 0 0 9 28 37 28, Glenoid Shape: Oval 1 3033 1 3.23 4 10.53 Elliptical 9 30.00 13 41e94 2 5,26 Periform 20 66.67 17 54.84 32 84,21 30 31 38 29. Lipping of Glenoid Fossa: Absent 7 25,93 6 20069 18 47.37 Submedium 8 29.63 14 48.28 17 44v74 Medium 10 37.04 6 20.69 2 5.26 Pronounced 2 7.41 j 10.34 1 2.63 27 29 38 30. Pleating or Buckling! Absent 1 14.29 6 54.55 24 82.v76 Submedium 2 28.57 5 45.45 3 10,34 Medium 3 42,86 0 0 2 6,90 Pronounced 1 14.29 0 0 0 0 7 11 29 31. Atrophic Patches: Absent 3 60.00 8 72.73 22 75.86 Submedium 0 0 2 18 .18 7 24.14 Medium 1 20,00- 0 0 0 0 Pronounced 1 20.00 1 9.09 0 0 5 11 29 Table 7 cont'd6 -0 60 - a^lx Viddle No. Percent No. Percent SACRUMt: No. Percent 32. Number of Segmentss Four Five Six (5th lumba) Six (lt coc ) 33. Sacral Curve: Slight Medium Pronounced 340 1Curve Bpgins: Four Three Two one 35. Sacral Type: Homobasal Hypoba1al HIyperbasal STERNUM: 36. Fusions None Corps Complete 0 15 0 19 12 7 2 21 19 3 0 0 ~2 1 24 2 27 o 0 78.95 18 o 0 21.05 A ?22 57.14 7 12 33.33 7 9.52 .2 22 86.36 19 13.64 1 0 1 0 0 ?il 3.70 3 88.89 19 7o41 1 23 0 0 ; 18.18 54.55 31,82 13.64 90.48 4,o76 4076 0 13004 82o61 4o35 2 24 2 32 13 17 33 23 U 0 0 34 3 30 1 34 6,25 75000 6.25 12,50 39039 51,52 9bO9 67.65 32.35 0 0 8.82 88o24 2.94 12 5 0 17 13 16 70.59 29.41 p 21 3 ;0 87.50 12o 50 0 28 7. 0 35 8.0000 20,00 0 37, Foramens Absent - Prespnt 81.25 18 18o75 4 81.82 28 18o17 J 33 84.85 15.15 Table 7 cont'd. 61 c Bibliography Beardsley, Richard K. 1948 Culture Sequence in Central California Archaeology. American Antiquity, Vol. 14, pp. 1-28. Cook, S F. and R. F. Heizer 1947 The Quantitative Investigation of Aboriginal Sites: Analysis of Human Bone, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n,s,, Vol. 5, pp. 201-220* Gabel, Norman 1949 A Comparative Racial Study of the Papagoo University of New Mexico Publications in Anthropology, No, 4. Gifford, Edward W. 1926 Californian Anthropometry. University of California Publica- tions in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 22, pp. 217-390, Heizer9 Robert F. 1949 The Archaeology of Central California0 I- The Early Horizon. University of California Anthropological Records, Vol0 12, pp. 1-74. Hooton, Earnest A,, 1930 The Indians of Pecos Pueblo. A Study of Their Skeletal Remains. New Haven, Connm 1946 Up From the Ape. Revised Edition. Macmillan0 Howells, Willlam W, 1936 Some Uses of the Standard Deviation in Anthropometry. Human Biology, Vol. 8, pp. 592-600, HrdliSka, Ales 1944 The Anthropometry of Kodiak Island. Wistar Institute. Lillard, J. B., RH F. Heiaer and F. Fenenga 1939 An Introductlon to the Archaeology of Central Californiao Sacramento Junlor College, Department of Anthropology, Bullet'in 2. a 62 Martin, P. S., G. I. Quimby and D. Collier 1946 Indians Before Columbus. Chicago, Ill. Newman, Marshall T. 1947 Indian Skeletal Material From the Central Coast of Perni. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 27, No. 4. Newman, Russell W. 1949 Preliminary Report on the Skeletal Remains. (Appendix II in R. F. Heizer, 1949, a.v.) Rogers, David B. 1929 Prehistoric Man of the Santa Barbara Coast. Santa Barbara, Calif. Seltzer, Carl C. 1937 A Critique of the Coefficient of Racial Likeness. American Journal of Physical Anthropology., Vol. 23, pp. 101-109. Simpson, George G. and Anne Roe 1939 Quantitative Zoology. First Edition. McGraw-Hill. Snow, Charles. Sb 1948 Indian Knoll Skeletons of Site Oh 2, Ohio County, kentucky. University of Kentucky Reports in Anthropology, Vol. 4, pp. 371-555. Stewart, T. Dale 1940 Some Historical Implications of Physical Anthropology in North America. In Essays in Historical Anthropology of North America. Eithsornian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 100, pp. 15-50. 1941 Skeletal Remains From the Buena Vista Sites, California. Appendix A in Bureau of American Ethnology., Bulletin 130, pp. 172-188. 1943 Relative Variability of Indian and White Cranial Series. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, n.s., Vol. 1, pp. 261-270. - 63 - von Boning Gerhardt and G. M. Morant 1938 Indian Races in the United States. A Survey of Previously Published Cranial Measurements. Biometrika, Vol. 30, pp. 94-129. - 64 - Explanation of Plates (All numbers are UCMA Catalog numbers) Plate 1: A-Do The Long-Faced Morphological Type (A-B: 12-7294 SJo-56, Early Horizon (C-D: 12-57072 Sac-66, Middle Horizon E-Ho The Large Broad-Faced Morphological Type (B-F: 12-7604, SJo-68, Early Horizon (G-H: 12-6104, CCO-138, Late Horizon I-Lo The Small Short-Faced Morphological Type (I-Jo 12-54862 Col-l, Late Horizon (K-L? 12-6691, Sac-439 Middle Horizon Plate 2: A--Do The Round-Vaulted Morphological Type (A-B: 12-479, Col-l Late Horizon (C-D: 12-7270, Sac-60, Late Horizon E-Fo The Narrow Jawed Morphological Type 12-59399 CCo138,1 Late Horizon G-Ho The Facially Intermediate Morphological Type 12-7646, SJo-68, Early Horizon I-K. Individuals with Great Facial Similarity 1. to r.: 12-7621, -7604, -7601, SJo-68, Early Horizon L-Mo An Individual of Great Size and Coarseness 12-5699, Sac-66, Middle Horizon Plate 3: A-B. An Individual with Extreme Nasal and Mandibular Prominence 12-7589, SJo-68, Early Horizon C-D. An Individual with Pronounced Alveolar Prognathism 12-7614, SJo-68, Early Horizon E&H. Extremes in Size in the Horiaon Series E-F: 12-6659, Sac-99, Middle Horizon 0-H: 12-7640, SJo-689 Early Horizon - 65 - Plate 3 (cont'd.): I-K. Range I: K: of Head Form 12-6021, CCo-138,v Late Horizon 12-7582, SJo-6&, Early Horizon 12-7058, SJo-56, Early Horizon Lo Periosteal Lesions of Long Bones - Right Tibia 12-6274, CCo-138, Late HorizQn (1/2 size) - 66 0 ;98 i flI . I I, o I ., . - 4 'v" CO..~ A <-,.<.-r. v i: H : <. :; r > .^ \ e': z ,- R+: z ry {q/w*',s D D1 A-rr. I c PLATE 3