Explanation of Illustrations (Specimen numbers given are UCMA numbers) M 1. Archaeological.-Occurrences of Catlow Twine in Central California. [Counties represented are Marin (Mm-)), Solano (Sol-), Alameda (Altamont Cave), Sacramento (Sac-.); dot-dash lines are county boundaries. ] i. a-c. Incised pebble from Lassen County, California (scale 1/2). a. Face 1. b. Side view. c. Face 2. d. Fragment of basketry from Altamont Cave, Alameda County, Califoomia. No. 1/62387 (scale 2/1)0 e-f. Decorated stone implement from site Mno-367. No. 1/142680 (scale 1/2). e. Full-face view. f. Side view. . 2. a. Steatite whale figurine from San Nicolas Island (scale 1/1). b. Decorated Macoma valve from site Mm-17. No. 1/201997 (scaleI771/ c. Decorated Megathura shell from site LAn-52. (Scale 3/2). * 3. a. Steatite dish from site But-59. No. 1/142846 (scale 1/2). b. Sandstone pipe from But-59. No. 1/142847 (scale 1/2). c. Zooform antler specimen from Humboldt County, California (scale 1/2). . 4. a. Antler point, Sac"6. No. 1-82033 (scale 1/1). b. Sandstone point, Sac-113. Riddell collection 1198 (UCMA) (scale 1/1). c. Obsidian point, Riddell collection 1136 (UCMA) (scale 1/1).* de Obsidian point, CCo-138. Johnson collection ld (scale 1/2). e. Obsidian point, CCo-138. Johns'on collection lb (scale 1/2). f. Obsidian point, CCo-138. Johnson collection 13-7 (scale 1/2). g0 Obsidian point, CCo-138. Johnson collection 3-11 (scale 1/2). he Incised tablet found near Vale, Oregon. Eldredge collec- tion. Face A. (Scale 1/2) i. Face B of same tablet. . 5. Burial 13, McClure site (Mrn-266). Skeleton is of young or sub- adult femaleo Skull originally found in smasked condition, shown here reconstructed in order to indicate probable posi- tion at time of burial. 'Note mica ornaments near pelvis, obsidian blades, and bone implements (at extreme left of drawing) surrounding skull. * Site Sac-56. -44- Fig.6. a. C. do e. f0 gO he is Ja Chipped obsidian point. No, 1/54399. It I No. 1/54391. ift I stemmed. No. 1/545o36 Obsidian eccentric reel shaped. No. 1/54508. Curved obsidian eccentric, No, 1/54507. Mica ornament, No. 1/543850 No. 1/54385. Spatulate bone implement.. No. 1/54376. Bone tihistle. No, 1/54364, Perforated bone implement. No. 1/54368. Fig. 7. Ceremonial House of Northern Mivok9 Calaveras County. A. Cross-section. B. 'Scheme of roof framing. C. Ground plan, -45- - (AD, 4%p * - - 01 .00 , . -. . 2, I, > .4r * I!* '? w. Iz ft a o 9w -3r 02 ~o 4X3 / 7? a 6 C /2 e F/>ure I .77 Tci /I 4I JI A/yeare 2 /2 '6 aX C. P,3ure 3 b d c SCALE: d-i : / ,ICl,iure I IC) 4% 1% NO 'Nb~ I4 k mw=?-- - - I I :-.r- ,. -M?? , e I 19 SCALE: ; I ?Ec- - ? V ? ? ?1-? 4 _____ 4 4 '?if. q . - - .1 - - - - . . . . . . .. . i. . I&C / CI i >e6. k -1 4-0 ci' 1% 14 zt .41 (3 A14l "c I( 'ci. .N Ca t 'U~ z0 cic "II '3) IK 14 vi '4 "4 '13 N \ci I''' -r