Repor f the UNIVERSIm[OFt CALIFORNIA. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. No.38 PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHiAEOLOGY: 5o-62 Issued June 20, 1957 ti f L= ~YLL The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 50)62 CONTENTS 50. 51. M. A. A. Re Baumhoff. Pilling. 52. A. B. Elsasser. 53. R. F. Heizer. 54. A. E. Treganza 55 A. B. Elsasser. 56. R. F. Heizer. 57. J. A. Bennyhoff Catlow Twine from Central California ... An Incised Pebble from Lassen County, California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Decorated Stone Implement from Mono County, California . . ... .. .. .. . . . A Steatite Whale Figurine from San Nicolas I sland . . . . . . . . . . . . . and L. L. Valdivia Painted Shell Artifacts from California. A Steatite Dish and a Fragmentary Stone Pipe from Butte County, California . . . An Unusual Antler Zooform Club from Northwestern California .... . . . .. An Antler Point from the Sacramento Valley ?**.*v*.*..**.. An Incised Tablet from Oregon. . . . . . . . . An Extraordinary Central California Burial in Marin County . . . . . . . * The Hang-e or Ceremonial House of the Northern Miwok of Hachana Village near Railroad Flat, Calaveras County, California .m * ........v.. Fragments of the History of a Lost Tribe Wintoon Indians.ians .. . . . . . . Illustrations AHROR. UBRARY Page 1 6 10 11 58. 59. Jo E* A. Benmyhoff Contreras. 17 19 26 29 34 36 40 60. C., H. Me rriam. 61. 620 Le c* G. Yates. H. Merriam. Explanation . . Note: All Paper No. 50: t" 11 51: " I' 52s 1t it 53: tI It 54: illustrations follow page 45, in order given below: Map 1 Paper No. 55: Fig. 3at-b Fig. ld " " 56: Fig. 3c Fig. la-c " 1 570 Fig. 4a-g Fig. leaf " 't 580 Fig. 4h-i Fig. 2a. ' 59: Figs. 5, 6 Fig. 2b-c 6 't 60: Fig. 7 935