49. Analysis of Refuse Midden Material from Site Ven462 S0 F. Cook I was able to secure from the Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley, a series of random matrix samples from site Ven-62, originally secured in 1928 by Prof. Ronald Olson, from a site designated by him as ttSite 1021 (Olson, 1930). The samples were taken froza successive levels In one exca-va- tion pit (Pit A) and extended to a depth of approximately 12 feet. Each sample consisted of a random volume of soil packed in a cigar bcox. Since the total mrass of the mound i s unknown and no attempt was made to secure a constant volume of material, a physical analysis can merely express certain constituents as a percentage by weight of the samples at hand. As is customary the rock, bone, shell and charcoal were sorted out. of each sample and weighed. The data are given as follows: Level in Per cent Per cent ecr cenT re cent S.r bone shell charcoal 34 2 $ 1 .12o51 1o04 7o.3 0O.110 314260 2 0090 0.36 8.92 0oo59 34,.261 3 1 o 90 o044 .12.24 o 2 o 34^26 2 4 0o87 0.35 10o3 0J < i; 34263 5 4.o62 0.20 13.32 c .A 3b265 6 Not. det.emined 34266 7 3o20, 0.13 1o048 o 08 34267 8 5e24 o0O4 13.03 0o, .c), 34268 9 18 8 0.12 1o.73 0o133 34222- 9-1/2 2.02 1.44 5.59 o00ao 34269 10 8o27 0.75 6.o 74 o . oL 34270 11 0.88 0.51 8.04 00000 34271 12 0.62 0.091 3.73 0.039 34272 12 1.01 0o22 6 .04, ) 0 Q000 34320 2? 7 o.o6 2.71 34322 5.67 0.87 7.86 Mean 3o.6 0.0 0 8.o8 ' c.' r6 A few comments may be offered with reference to the results. 1. In so far as Pit A is concerned, there is noe obvious lctvatifi? tion. The occurrence of the components varies in atr inceonsistert ar~d probably random fashion from top to bottom. 2. The shell Is almost exclusively from the Pisrwo clan.m a ro1iuc whichl was eaten extensively A.ong the Santa Barbara channel. ce the ehhl1 440- of this animal is very thick and heavy as compared with the common mussel, the high percentage by weight may not be a true index to its nutritional significance. 3. The findings conform within reasonable limits to those obtained by Cook and Treganza (1950) with sites near Santa Barbara. For rock and shell Ven-62 lies in a pos ition intermediate between SBa-53 and SBa-81 and exceeds these two sites somewhat with respect to quantity of bone and charcoal. Considering the high level of variability the correspondence is really close. Since the Santa Barbara sites are of a relatively recent culture period it is legitimate to infer that a similar culture obtairned at the Ventura site, or at least that the subsistence environment was essentially the same. Bibliography Cook, S. F., and A. E. Treganza 1950 The Quantitative Investigation of Indian Mounds. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol, 40, pp. 223-262. Olson, R. L. 1930 Chumash Prehistory. Uni'versi'ty of Califomria Publ ications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 28, pp. 1-21. .41