46. AN UNUSUAL BURIAL FROM CONTRA COSTA. COUNTY By Eugene A. Hammel In April, 1955, the University of California Archaeological Survey received a report from the Police Department of Walnut Creek, California, regarding the discovery of human skeletal material in their area. The remains, which proved to be aboriginal., had been uncovered during founda- tion excavations for a housing project some two miles northeast of Walnut Creek at a previously unrecorded site. now numbered as CCo-15 in UCAS files. The site exhibited no noticeable mound mass and had been under walnut cul- tivation prior to the construction project. Fragments of four burials, all disturbed by workmen, were recovered; one of these, presenting some peculiar features and accompanied by a number of artifacts, is here described. Burial No. 1 lacy about two feet under the surface in dark brown midden. All the post-cranial material had been disturbed, but the skull was fairly intact, having been broken in situ by a shovel blow across the base of the occiput, breaking that as well as the left ramus and the syn- physeal region of the jaw. The disturbed portion of the burial included two innominate bones of a male, parts of three femora, and fragments of other long bones, vertebrae, and ribs. The skull itself lay face down in the midden, with the base toward the region from which the post-cranial material had been removed. Immediately beneath the face lay a row of five fairly complete birdbone whistles and sixteen fragments of others, together with a number of beads, whistle plugs, a rock fragment, obsidian chip, abalone shell pendant, and a large quartz crystal. These materials only being recovered from the site, it was thought desirable to subject them to close examination in order to relate the site to others in the vicinity, the chronological and cultural positions of which are more precisely known. Dating the site is most conveniently accomplished by means of the 265 beads of Olivella shell recovered. Corresponding to Gifford's X3c (Gifford., 1947) and Beardsley's 3b2 (Beardsley, 1954; Davis, n.d.), they are roughly rounded rectangles, ranging from 6.7 x 7.2 mm. to 8.59 x 10.0 mm. with coni- cal holes drilled from the concave to the convex side of the bead so that the small end of the hole is on the convex side. The holes were more con- stant in size than the outside dimensions of the beads, perhaps because of the character of the drills used, averapging 1.2 mm. for the smnll end and 2.6 mm. for the large. Thickness of the beads at the edge ranged from o.6 to 1.0 mm. Any wear on the edges of the beads is usually on the concave side, possibly from contact with the convex side of the next bead on the string (if strung); such contact would tend to bevel the edge of the bead and is here so faint as not to appear intentional. Biconical holes were not observed, although a few beads had holes with diameters at their cen- ters slightly smaller than at their ends, this possibly from string wear; even in those cases, however, one end of the hole was noticeably larger than the other. The 3b and 3b2 bead types are both helpful time markers., occurring typically in sites or site segments of the Middle Horizon (Lillard, Heizer, -47- and Fenga, 1939, p. 25, passim; Beardsley, 1954, p. 45, Tables 12A, 1X). Heizer (1947, p. 17) records the single occurrence of a "3b" type in the Early Horizon of the Interior Province, although Types la and 2b were usual. Davis (2op cit.,pp. 49, 107, 109-112), notes the occurrence of Type la in an early component of the Middle Horizon at Alameda 328, fol- lowed by a type 3b occurrence in a later component of the site. Types 3b and 3b2, then, are not often observed outside of Middle Horizon context and seem, in fact, to have been used as one of the chief discriminating criteria in assigning that horizon designation. They are succeeded, generally, by Type 2a (Beardsley, pp. cit., p. 78) in Phase I of the Late Horizon. CCo- 15, showing only 3b2, may be regarded as falling within the Middle Horizon, and possibly in a later phase of it, if Davis' comments on the la-3b suc- cession within that horizon are valid for this area, and if type 3b may be considered as the local equivalent of type 3b2 at CCo-15. The correlation of bead types with bird bone whistle types to achieve an even firmer time marker is invoked as justification for the typological minutiae which follow (cf. Beardsley, o. cit., p. 103). Until an adequate and reliable typology of whistles (or of any objects) appears, published data should be sufficiently detailed to permit readers to draw their own conclusions. Correlation of the whistles found in Burial No. 1 with bead type 3b2 is certainly positive; it remains only to be seen if the whistles can be "typed" in some useful fashion. Five fairly complete specimens and sixteen fragments were recovered; the former seem to fall in Gifford's type FF2 (Gifford, 1940), while some of the latter were too small to yield much information. The data are given in Table I. Identification of the bone is difficult because only the shaft is available, and because several of the whistles have been finely polished. A partially successful attempt at identification, however, by R. F. Johnston of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley shows that six of the specimens (1/141823-24. fIll. Fig. lc, b] 1/141825, 1/141828-29, 1/141831) are ulnae of the golden eagle, Aqila chrysaZtos, one (1/141827) an ulna of the bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus, and two (1/141841-42. [Ill. Fig. id, a]) the ulnae of the brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis. Mr. Johnston appends a note to his identification: "-|tThe two fragments that I have placed as pelicans seem to have different cross-sectional configurations, but I believe this is due to the fragments being cut from slightly different parts of the shafts of the original bones." The remaining fragments appear to be from a variety of unidentified birds. Specimens at Ala-328 were of duck ulnae and humeri, crane, heron, and condor, none of which are found at CCo-15 (Davis, op. cit., p. 35). The four largest specimens range from 174 to 253 mm. in length. Of these, two (1/141841-42) are the only ones in the group to have the hole on the flat, concave side of the bone, all others having the hole on the round, concave side. The difference seems to be one of bird species, i.e., the two with holes on the flat side happen to be the specimens made from peli- can ulnae. The whistle-maker's criterion evidently was the curve in the long axis of the bone rather than that in cross-section; no whistle has the hole on the convex side. Further, the position of the hole in the long axis is approximately medial. This is evident not only from a comparison of the total length of the whistle and the distance from hole center to the large end ("top" in Table I), but also from the widths of the whistle at -48- the hole and at median point on whistle or whistle fragment. In the complete specimens, the width at hole center point is very close to that at median point, the two points being close together on the bone. In the fragmentary ones, the width at hole center differs from that at median, the median of most fragments being between the hole and one end of the original whistle. It is therefore possible, by calculating from the hole center to "top" dis- tance in a fragment, to arrive at an estimate of the length of the original whistle, and from the varying widths, to arrive at some idea of the shape of the bone, assuming, of course, that the data from the complete specimens are not misleading. If the lengths of the original whistles be so calcul- ated from the fragments, it will be found that they are longer, generally, than most of the complete specimens of similar type (excluding the pelican bone whistles, see Table I); such a result might be reasonable, since the longest whistles would be most liable to break and survive as fragments rather than as complete specimens. In any case, the sample here is probably too small to allow one to lean too heavily on such a procedure. Further examination of the whistles shows that the holes are all of the same general type, oval, with the long axis of the hole parallel to the long axis of the whistle, and with long to short axis usually in the ratio of 3:2. The holes are most frequently cut so that the edge of the cut is perpendicular to the bone surface, with some outward slanting at the ends of the oval; one hole seems to have been cut only by abrasion tangential to the cross-section of the bone (1/141852). In no case are the holes made with two parallel cuts oerpendicular to the long axis of the bone and sub- sequent removal of the intervening portion. The asphaltum plugs, three of which were found in position and four loose, are crescentic in short cross- section and leave about 2 mm. of air passage between their upper surface and the plane of the opening, being positioned directly beneath the hole. Decoration of the whistles is in the form of asphaltum rings with or without cordage impressions. Thirteen of the specimens show definite traces of asphaltum; two additional cases are doubtful. Of the thirteen, two show cordage impressions, although the whistles do not appear to have been bound together. No definite pattern of rings was observed, although wherever narrow bands appear in a series, the undecorated intervals are approxi- mately as wide as the asphaltum rings. The region around the hole is sel- dom decorated although on one specimen (1/141852) there are asphaltum rings located quite close to the hole, on both sides of it. The cordage impres- sions indicate a two-ply, S-twist cord; degree of twist is difficult to determine from the specimens, but measurements from an enlarged photograph (see also Fig. le) show it to be approximately 50 degrees from the vertical. The cord is of two thicknesses, 0.5 mm. and 0*98-1*1 mm., measured on the specimens (specimen 1/141841 has both thicknesses). The whistles arc not perfectly polished, and remains of small protuberances for feather attach- ment can be felt on most of them. The chronological significance of the whistles is not wholly clear. Lillard, Heizer, and Fenenga (1939, p. 26) state that tubular birdbone whistles first appear in the "Transitional Culture," i.e., Middle Horizon of Central California. On the basis of size and degree of finish, most of the specimens appear to fall into Davist Type II (Davis, op. cit., pp. 34- 35). The hole, in the latter type, is on the concave side of the bone. On the other hand, the position of the hole in the long axis in Davis' Type II is usually one-third of the length from the end rather than in a median position. The median position is more characteristic of his Type I, in which the hole is cut in the convex surface, something not found at CCo-15. While Davis states that the typological distinctions for Ala- 328 are apparently valid for Central Califomin., they do not seem to apply to CCo-15, where the specimens fall into both of his types. It is note- worthy that Davis' Type I, with centered hole, is later than Type II, with off-center hole (Davis, op. cit. P. 36). Beardsley, however (op. cit., pp. 89, 97) notes that whistles with off-center holes were found in the Late Horizon stratum at the Emeryville and Fernandez sites while whistles with presumably centered holes were found in McClure "B"1 (Middle Horizon) (p. cit., p. 60). Beardsley also notes (0. 77) that the whistle stops progressed from off-center to central position from Middle to Late Hori- zons in the Cosumnes Province. Lillard, Heizer, and Fenenga (1939 p. h,4) record a bird bone whistle with an "lend" perforation from the Transitional Culture at site Sac-66. If the position of the whistle hole is chronologi- cally valid, as Davis states and Beardsley apparently assumes,, the persis- tence of whistles with off-center stops at Emeryville "All and the upper Fernandez levels is puzzling, and the position of the whistles from CCo-l5 cannot be accurately determined. Possibly a re-examination of available specimens will adjust the difficulty. The important typological considera- tions in any re-examination would seem to be bone identification, size md finish, decoration, position of the hole with respect to surface curvature in the long and short axes, and the. size, shape, and method of cutting the hole. A quartz crystal from Burial No. 1, hexagonal and somewhat battered, measured 90 x h0 mm. overall and weighed 162.9 g. Around the smaller end were encrustations of a greenish ore, probably a salt of copper; similar inclusions were in the crystal itself. The crystal is of a type most com- monly found in the Sierra Nevada. Battering of quartz crystals was noted at Ala-328 (Davis, ?2. cit., P. 30) with a suggestion of some unknown utilitarian purpose. Such a purpose may have been ceremonial as well, but it is not mentioned to the writer's knowledge in the ethnographic litera- ture. None of the remaining material from the burial appears chronologi- cally or areally distinctive. The presence of an extra femur in Burial No. 1 throws some doubt on the association of the skull with particular items of the post-cranial material, although the skull is robust enough to have been that of a male, the sex determined for the pelvic bones. The skull does not appear to differ significantly from others found in the vicinity, except in the occur- rcnce of supernumerary teeth. These are twc incisors., one of which was still present and the second of which was lost prior to recovery of the burial. The opinion of Professor T. D. McCown, Department of Anthropology, University of Ca>lifornip, is that the tooth in place is more probably a retained deciduous incisor and less probably a true supernumerary. Its large size militates against the possibility that it is a deciduous incisor, but its lingual position argues for it. The present non-spatulate shape of the tooth is perhaps a result of wear from the upper frontal incisor; definite wear planes are visible. -50- Table 1 Bird Bone Whistles (General) UCMN #1- 1 Length' Width (m) ! Faterial 'Decorated (mm) ! Top 1 Hole Ijedian Bottom M e I_______ ? __ _ _ _ _ _ 141823 1418214* 141825* 141826 141827* 14i828* 141829* 141830 1141831* 1418323- 41 48 3 3 8, 141834-* 141835$v* 141836** 141837T'- 148 38-3* 141839*4,* 141841 141842 141851** 1141852* 193 185 155 133 127 135 122 174 164 105 37 26 39 41 41 37 253 220 69 1o6 18.0 15.9 13.2 12.5 18.1 12.4 11.5 7.5 11.4 14.8 14.3 1: IC Ii P C1 1.4 ).4 7.6 1.8 D*6 1 .0 7.0 P.6 - I - 1.8 1.4 5.6 11 *.2 11.14 10.8 7.6 7.0 9.8 9.5 11 * 3 16.5 11.6 9.8 9.9 11.8 12.5 11.0 10.3 (0.9) 1 6.5 9.6 11.2 12.14 IIC A2C 7 HL AIC AIC 7 f.C 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 P0 PO ? x x x 0 0 x x x x 7 0 x 0 0 x x x x ?C 7 xC 1: 1: 1 * Fragmentary *4Wery fragmentary Materials: AC=Aguila chrysaetos, HL=Haliaeetus leucocephalus, PO=Pelecanus occidentalis. 1-141825 is broken to a point, accounting for the 0.9 measurement. 1-141826 has an unworked process of bone at the bottom, making the actual bottom width 9.0; it is 7.6 just before the process. -51- Table Bird Bone Whistles 2 (Data on Holes) .- .-m . : 1 -- - - 0 A UCNJ #1- Length I Width Positio CutU EGL 2 A (mm) (mm) I - _ I 14123 7 141823 141824* 141825* 141826 141827* 141828*1S2 141829* 141830 1141831102 1141832* P 141833-t* 141834** 141835** 1418364t** 141837** 114183848- 141839** 14184a1 1)4842 7 141851**#- 141852* 1002 10.1 9.3 5.6 10? 12.0 11.0? 7.0 8.4 9? 8.7 9.8 1003 7.0 6.4 5.5 4.9 7.4 4.0? 5.8 7? 7.0 7*5 7.8 87 105 90 68 122 127 122 83 100 m 125 73 m p H? p p P? 5 p p p m m m m P? p H 210 18o 244 254 244 200 m m 114852* H- .- -- * Fragmentary **very fragmentary 1/ Hole position is measured (in mm.) from the larger end of the specimen. 1 Cut: P=perpendicular to bone surface, S=slanting, H=horizontal (tangential abrading) 1/ ENL: Estimated minimum length, double the distance from hole center to larger end on the assumption that hole was medial. Given for fragmentary specimens only. -52- The skull also shows a circular hole and fracture in the lower margin of the right parietal bone. Professor McCown remarks that the regularity of the hole, the presence of a definite depressed fracture, the fact that a large chip has been removed from the inner table of the parietal, and the general character of the perforation indicate that it was most probably made by a sharp, conically-pointed, heavy instrument wielded with consider- able force, and that it was present at the time of inhumation. Presumably a wooden spear or bone-tipped arrow shot from close range could have been the instrument. Although the hole is approximately of .25 caliber, the possibility of its being a bullet hole is out of the question; the date of the burial is too early, and its position in the ground would have made post-inhumation penetration of a bullet quite unlikely. SUMMARY Aside from the minor curiosities of the extra teeth and possible evidence of violence in the skull, the burial affords a means of dating the site, CCo-15, in terms of bead type, as Middle Horizon. The possi- bility of Early or Late Horizon strata in the site can no longer be inves- tigated. The whistles, an excellent numerical sample for one burial, are undoubtedly contemporaneous with the beads and therefore Middle Horizon; their chronological position from a typological rather than associative standpoint, however, is uncertain. The nature of the burial indicates that it may have been that of a shaman, while the specific bones used for the whistles show possible local exploitation of raptorial birds or trade with the interior for certain types of bird bone if such were not available in the vicinity. The pelican bones may have been traded in from or obtained during an expedition to the coast. The quartz crystal suggests the possibility of trade with or trips to the Sierra Nevada. -53- Bibliography Beardsley, Richard K. 195h. Temporal and Axeal Relationships in Central California Archaeology, Parts I and II. This series, Nos. 24-25. Davis, James Thomas n.d. The Patterson Mound: A Comparative Analysis of the Archaeology of Site Alameda 328. Ms, Master's thesis on file at the Department of Anthropology, University of Califomia, Berkeley. Gifford, E. W. 19h0. Californian Bone Artifacts. Anthropological Records 3:2. University of California Press, Berkeley. Heizer, Robert F. 1949. The Archaeology of Central California, I: The Early Horizon. Anthropological Records 12:1. University of California Press, Berkeley. Lillard, Jeremiah B., R. F. Heizer, and Franklin Fenenga 1939. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Central California. Sacr mento Junior College, Department of Anthropology, Bulletin 2. Explanation of Illustration Figure 1. Bird bone whistles from CCo-15 (a - d: actual size). Numbers are uc& numbers. a. (1-141842). b. (1-141824). c. (1-141823). d. (1-141841). e. enlarged (3x) section of 1-141841, at xy. -54- - and Ad 0069@ @S 09 sfe@@6|@ll A; *@&,4?Aj .S # i 4 ; * he :a K -K-:s W t@@6E 0: :||# F :-;d is@ *-I 5 ^ .? & 4 !: Is : : .: :, . :., *. . ''' . . . . , :- . . *u . ..... . . ; '; ' I,.: .,. A: L.... A:. , * . * '' j ,.. j ,: . - ,":: a, I ','a', ;'1 XC y C b d e Fig. I