39. RECENT EXCAVATION AND SURVEY IN NORTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA1 Robert J. Squier Boginning in 1952, small field parties have conducted a number of exca- vations and site reconnaissances in northeastern California. This work has boon sponsored by the Dopartment of Anthropology, University of California, and under tho direction of Mr. Gordon L. Grossoup and the writer. Tho area con- corned lies in northoastorn Siskiyou County and northwestern Modoc County, California, just south of tho California-Oregon boundary. Three lako basins, lying approximately in an east-west lino, are- within this area. Those are, from cast to west, Clear Lake, Tule Lake, and Lower Klamath Lake. Clcar Lake and Tube Lake are linked by the Lost River, which flows from Cloar Lake in a giant loop extending into southern Oregon and back into California to empty into the Tule Lake basin. During high water stages the Lost River formerly discharged some of its wators through the Lost River Slough (in Oregon) into the Klath River. There is some evi- dcnoe2 that in extremely high water stages of the Klamath River the flow through the Lost River Slough was in the opposite direction: from the Kla- math River into tho Lost River and thenco into Tule Lake. Anciont shore lines in Lower Klamath Lake and Tulo Lake basins show that at one time these two formed a single lake, far greater in extent than anything known in his- toric times. The level and area of the waters in the three lake basins aro today controlled by systems of dams and levees constructed by the Bureau of Reclamation, Klomath Projoct. Ethnographically, the area is entirely within the territory of the historic Modoc. Private collecting of artifacts, no doubt considerably stimulated by the renown gained by the Modoc during and after the Modoc War of 1872-1873, has seriously despoiled tho surface archaeology, and in late years to some extent the buried deposits, of this region. This acti- vity has rendered a seriation of surface sites based upon the sequence dc- termined by excavation very difficult and in numerous cases impossible. The pioneer work of Cressman in the Lower Klamath Lake basin in 1940O resulted in the definition of two early complexes.3 The earliest of these, the Narrows culture, is characterized by long fossilized bone pieces (possibly atlatl dart forushafts) with beveled bases and sharp points, large heavy leaf shaped and side notched obsidian projectile points, and manos. An association with extinct fauna was found in situ in one location. This culture was dated by Cressnan as early postpluvial (Anathermal) on the strength of the faunal association.4 The other early culture was found by Creseman in the Lairds Bay region of Lower Klamath Lake. The Lairds Bay materials include large and medium size leaf shaped, side notched and corner notched obsidian projectile points, bonrc awls, perforatcd stone disks, flat biface and oval manos, and probably the portable bowl mortar. The association of these materials with ancient peat beds in tho lako bottom led Antovs, who collaborated with Cressman in this work, to su ggst an oarly lato postpluvial (e-,arly Medithermal?) age for the culture. - 34" - C ! * @'rsttt-- 11? , O#Q+s ttd t3+5% t :3#| "', it %t I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %h *,,,z*W!W8 r* ' w CC . o ,*Rh * . , ' ct :'% (SI" n~ a C* (0 0 0 c 1. 0 -c 0 .) z C-) Z 1- 0 4- (/ V)(0- 0)2 G' 4- - 4- C > o = o) h.b..L- X a c 0 g @ c v * - - - - - Cil Et ) t. j, u ', ' -g )i%%e ;lt. I-l IZ ojz 10 IC, 14 4) -. 0 -_. 4) Ct z ,1 . (f * -'-03 CS '.03r 00 r15% $1m - 5 e ? A.' . bib.# ;'i :,;".,"n..as .'j. -4 *1 '4 0-' ' ? i- %l 00 0o a . - - - - @4 .. no 1, Ps S ' g s 4jI 1 1 ,.1% 1 as, Ik~ j kg, i .11 1. _i . - * h-- t4 - w 3 5 ES")~ C" Clc; i'i -4 :Z Cr CQi N 5*5**?* I I LUJ4? i4 *1 5.5.-tb' ctc?Z [9 cc I ci: ''4) l?. 5-.... 1.5'" ? ? /9* ,V/y. a,* x0esUef~ee\# * f-@| .O. 8 . "-j.'tJ4' ./1 tct -A %,, 1 a.#h- $s.d ' ' ,>e w^ C.) "- 2- t *5s 5 S $' * C, - " .3 ? .,: ,% Other materials found by Cressman around the historic shoreline of Lower Klamath Lake were grouped by him into a single cultural hori on which he regarded as essentially the culture of the protohistoric Modoc. It is mainly to this last period that we have directed our attention during the past few seasons. Our work began in 1952 with a survey of the surface ar- chaeology of the Lava Beds National Monument, located at the southern ond of Tule Lake basin. This was followed by another season (1953) during which we excavated in three rockshelter sites in Tule Lake basin and did further survey work. The last season in the area (1954) was spent in the excavation of two open sites on Lower Klamath Lake, which were in the process of destruc- tion for materials for levee construction. Artifact yields from the excavated sites in this region appear never to be especially high and in two of our sites wore definitely poor. The recovered materials together with their physical associations point to a sequence of two, or possibly three, phases of the late cultural horizon. The following brief descriptions will give an outline of the principal fea- tures of each. We have given the designation Tule Lake Phase to the latest phaso. This is in all likelihood the culture of the late prehistoric and protohis- toric Modoc. This phase is characterized by numerous small projectile points of a variety of types, with the small triangular and small side-notched, concave base (tiShoshonVi') types being the most abundant. Large obsidian blades are common. The basketry is twined. Split mammal bone awls and antler and bone flaking tools occur frequently. Bird and mamml bono beads, bird bone tubes, Dentalia, Olivella and Glycymeris beads and pine nut beads are frequent finds. Clam shell disk beads arc rare and so far have been found only with cremations having Caucasian artifacts. The principal food-grinding implement was the hoppored slab mortar, with the thin grinding slab somewhat less common and the portable bowl mortar rare. Disposal of the dead was predominantly by cremation, either singly or in communal cremation areas. Burials apparently belonging to this phase havo been found but these are rare. -Associated with former high lake levels in Tule Lake and in one site stratigraphically earlier than the Tule Lake Phase is another phase which we have termed the Gillem Bluff Phase. Projectile points are relatively rare in this phase and classify into fewer types than in the Tule Lake Phase. The small triangular and small side notched, concave base points, common in the Tule Lake Phase, appear to be rare or absent here. Large and medium size points predominate in numbers. Large obsidian blades are fairly common. Split mamal bone awls and stone mauls occur. The thin grinding slab is common, while the hoppered slab mortar appears to be rare. No portable bowl mortars have been found in the Gillem Bluff Phase sites or in surface sites tentatively assigned to this phase. The burial complex is at present a sub- Ject of uncertainty. It is possible that a number of burials in rock piles found in crevices around the shores of Tube and Lower lamath lakes are of this phase, but we lack positive evidence of this. If these burials should provo to be of the Gillem Bluff Phase, we should then have examples of the textiles of this phase, several specimens of which wore found with the burials. The Gillom Bluff Phase appears to be a logical cultural antecedent of the Tule Lake Phase. The excavations of 1954 in two open sites on Lower Klamath Lake revealed materials which differ in certain respects from those of any of the phases - 35 - mentioned above. Wo have elected to set these apart for the time being under a separate phase designation, the Indian Bank Phase, named for the location of one of the sites. Projectile points are rare and limited in number of types in this phase. Large points tend to be more comon than sma11. Flexed burials occurred in concentrated areas in both Bites. Stone mauls of two types, antler wedges, antler flaking tools, ulna and split mammal bone awls occur. Bird and mammal bone beads, oblong edge-incised Haliotis pendants and several types of Olivella beads were found. Bird bone whistles, bone pins and perforated bone pendants occurred in association with burials. Five tubular stone pipes were found with burials in one site of this phase. Those appear to be Californian rather than Great Basin or Northern in type. The principal food grinding implement found was the portable bowl mortar, whole and fragmentary specimens of which were comon. Only a few fragments of thin grinding slabs occurred and evidence of the hoppored slab mortar is lacking. The temporal and cultural position of these remains with respect to the other materials in this region is unlmown at present. The general con- dition of the middens and the relatively good state of preservation of the burials and animal remains argue for a comparatively late age for the sites in this phase. Preservation conditions have proved to be unreliable as an age indicator in other areas, however, and may well be so hero. Wo might expect the materials of this phase to be either a part of or closely related to those of our Gllem Bluff Phase, but the poor inventory of the latter phase prohibits a detailed comparison. Our speculations as to the relative age of the Indian Bank Phase must therefore depend upon a limited trait com- parison. It is conceivable that we have in the Indian Bank phase simply a some- what richer and more complete manifestation of the G0llon Bluff Phase. Some differences in projectile point typos from those recovered in Gillom Bluff Phase sites are apparent, however; and there is moreover, the marked difference in the food grinding complex. In the G0111m Bluff Phase we find the grinding slab in fair numbers, while the hopperod slab mortar is rare and the portable bowl mortar is absent. The Indian Bank Phase, on the other hand, shows tho portable bowl mortar commonly, with the grinding slab less common and the hopperod slab mortar absent. Thcso differences may well re- floct important differences in the economy and may by themselves in time Justify our setting the Indian Bank Phase apart as a separate cultural entity. Kroober has discussed the apparent virtual abandonment of the portable bowl mortar in northern California at a time somewhat earlier than the more recent cultures of this region.7 Our area appears, from a comparison of the surface materials with the ethnographic and lato prehistoric archaeolo- gical ovidence, to have been affected by whatever influence was operative in this virtual abandonment. It is possible, therefore, that the Indian Bank Phase may pre-date the Gillm Bluff Phase. The ethnographic occurrence of the portable bowl mortar both to the east and north of our area is suf- ficiont, however, to caution against the conclusion at the present time that the manufacture and widespread usage of the bowl mortar ceasod entirely and at the same time in the Modoc area as elsewhere in northern California. We have not yet attempted a detailed comparison of our excavated materi- als with those recovered by Cressman in Lower Klamath Lake. It is apparent, - 36 - however, that some typological correspondonce exists between what wo have tormod the Indian Bank Phase and the materials described by Cressman from Lairds Bay: mortars and pestles, manos, split nmal bone and ulna awls, and certain projectile point types. Whether or not any close relationship is indicated by these similarities cannot be decided without a detailed analy- sis of all the cultural materials and some conclusive evidence as to the antiquity of the Indian Bank Phase. Certainly we have nothing which suggests anything approaching a late Altithermal-early Modithermal age for this phase. Typologically, our Indian Bank Phase materials probably correspond most close- ly with the early phase of tho Late Horizon in Central California. The surface reconnaissance during our three seasons in the area has resulted in the recording of 332 now sites. These, together with tho few sites previously known, give us a fair body of material from which to draw some inferences as to population density, settlement patterns and subsistence pursuits. I shall not attempt to roview these data hero, other than to note that the evidence points overwhelmingly, as might be expoctod, to a mode of life primarily oriented toward the lake basins for all known periods. Only in tho immediate neighborhood of the lake shores have we seon evidence of occupation of any appreciable duration. Our efforts to derive population figures and settlement patterns for the various phases have been considerably weakened by the effects of private collecting on the surface archaeology. This activity has naturally centered on the areas which wore richest in surface artifacts, the lake basin shore- lines. As a result, we have found it impossible to make surface colloc- tions from a great many sites sufficient to senrate these on the basis of the excavated sites. Enough remains, howovor, to allow some conclusions to be made, although those might too often be based on incomplete data. Among the surface materials there are indications of a cultural complex hitherto unreported from this area of northern California. This complex includes ground stone objects, commonly referred to as "boat-shaped stones" or "boatstones," apparently in association with large obsidian and chort projectile points. These objocts are of sporadic occurrence throughout the central regions of the state, and of respectablo antiquity. Several sites bearing them have been recorded in our area. Plans are being laid for the excavation of at least one of these sites in the near future. - 37 - NOTES 1. As proeonted at tho Groat Basin Conforence on August 31, 1955, this papor was accompanied by a series of color slides. The present paper has been rewritten to eliminate any reforenco to or depondence upon the color slides. The field work described hore was conducted from August 6 to-Sopteiber. 4,.. 1952; August 5 to SeGptembor 3, 1953; and August 7 to August 24, 1954. 2. Cressman, 1942, p. 98. 3. Ibid., pp. 97-102. 4. Ibid., p. 102; Cressma, 1940, p. 305; Crossman, 1943, p. 239. 5. Antovs, 1940, p. 309; see also Crossman, 1940, p. 305. 6. Cressman, 1942, pp. 101-102. 7. Kroober, 1925, pp. 926-927 and elsewhere in this work. 8. Heizer and Elsasser, 1953, pp. 26-30. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anteva, Ernst 1940. Age of Artifacts below Poat Bod in Lower Klamath Lake, California. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Year Book 39, pp. 307-309. Cressman, L. S. 1940. Studios on Early Man in South Central Oregon. Carnegie Insti- tution of.Washlngton, Year Book 39, pp. 300-306. 1942. Archaeological Rescarchos in the Northorn Great Basin. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 538. 1943. Results of Rocont Archaeological Research in the Northern Groat Basin Region of South Central Oregon. Procoodings of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society, vol. 86, pp. 236-246. Heizer, Robert F., and Albert B. Eleassor 1953. Boatstonos in California. Appendix A, pp. 26-30, Figs. 4-5, in Reports of the Univ. of Calif. Archaeological Survey, no. 21. Kroeber, A. L. 1925. Handbook of tho Indians of California. Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology, no. 78. - 38 -