37. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EXCAVATION IN CALIFORNIA M. A. Baunhoff and A. B. Elsassor When the extensive bibliography of California archaeology is reviewed, it becomes apparent that there is a nuclous of rosoarch papers in the forn of field reports, all of which seen to ain toward solutions of cormon archae- ological problems. Theso problems are largoly concerned with internal rela- tionships, between local cultural sequences, for example, and are considered against the backdrop of California as a separate, or even detached aroa. On the other hand wider relationships, though not extending beyond the North- wost Coast, the Southwest, or tho Great Basin, are sonetines introduced as specific problems. The present paper, with the accompanying map, is an attempt graphically to sutPrize all field research, published or in available manuscript form, which night be expectod ultimately to contribute to a gonoral treatise on California archaeology, including extra-aroal relationships whorever indicated. Evidently a valuable aid to the achievement of this goal may be offered by the collection of all pertinent research papers in sone such manner as the present study. Sumaries of this nature necessarily of course have to be solectivo--for example distributional studies such as Steward' s paper on petroglyphs cannot be properly included, for the present, at least. Petroglyphs are not easily amenable to association with other specific cul- tural elements and therefore cannot be effectively fitted into any temporal sequences. The suary is divided into four parts: (1) the map, (2) site refer- ences, represented by dots on the map and arranged in a list alphabetically by county, and in numerical order, the numbers referring to University of California Archaeological Survey site numbers, (3) area references, listed in numerical order and indicated on the map with arbitrary numbers running roughly in order from north to south, and (I4 ) a bibliography. The site and area references are partly annotated, for clarification. The bibliography contains published works, and in the case of unpublished manuscripts, the location of the file, here mostly the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, and the catalogue number of the manuscript. In all references, primary data only are considered for citation. For example, referring to Moighan' s report, titled'A raeolgy of the North Coast Ran it will be seen that the region has not been indicated on the nap as a large outlined area, because several of the cultures are synthe- sized from other reports and descriptions. That part of the report dealing with the archaeology of site Men-500, primary data, on the other hand, is indicated by the symbol for sites excavated. - 1 - C I V. KIIom 25? * 240 2 NNIOL 2e2 1 ok~ ~~~l VA 6lHJ~ SQL T o 100 T m *A Li MAPI SITE 5RFERENCES Aloeda County Sec Area Roference 11. Ala-307 (West Berkoley) Peterson, MS Wallace and Lathrap, MS These two nanuscripts Constitute a full site report on large scalo excavations. Ala-309 (Eneryville) Howard, 1929 Schenck, 1926 Uhle, 1907 Ala-328 (Patterson) Davis, MS Wedol and Suaith, MS Davis (MS) is a full site report on large scale excavations. Wedel and Snith (MES) is a brief note on finor excavations. Ala-329 Wedel and Snith, MS A brief note on ninor excavations. lpine CO See Area Reference 7. AnaorCount. Ana-3 (Banert Cave) Heizer and Trcganza, MS This is an alnost cemplote site roport on the excavation of the cavo. Butte Count See Area Reference 43. Calaveras Count Cal-13 (Moaning Cave) Orr, 1951; 1952 Wallace, 1951a; 1951b Cal-99 (Winslow Cave) Gonsalves, 1955 Colusa County Sec Area Referenco 8. Col-l (Miller Mound) Heizer, ES-2 Lillard, Heizer and Fenonga, 1939 Heizer (M13-2) is an excavation report. - 2 - Col-2 (Howells Point) Lillrd, Heoizer and. Feenonga, 1939 Wedel, MS-1 Wedol (MS-1) consists of notes taken during excavation to- gothor with descriptions of artifacts. Col-3 (Sandhill 1) Lillard, Heizor and Fenonga, 1939 Contra Costa County Soc Aroa Roforences 8 and 11* CCO-137 (Concord Man, Monument) Heoizor, 1950 CCO-138 (Hotchkisa) Chard, Johnson and Hoizer,, MS Heizor and Howes, 1940 Lillard, Hoizor and Fenonga, 1939 Chard, Johnson and Heizer (MS) is a massive but unorganized.. collection of notes on excavation and description of artifacts. CCo-141 (Orwood 2) Lillard, Heizer and Fonenga, 1939 OCo-150 (Veale Tract 1) Lillard, Hoizor and Fenenga, 1939 CCo-250 (Maltby) Lillard, Heizer and Fonenga, 1939 CCo-295 (Ellis Landing) Nelson., 1910 CCo-300 (Stege) Loud., 1924 Del Norto County Seo Area Reforence 1. El Dorado Co y Seo Area Reforonco 7. Eld-16 (Hawvor Cave) Wallace and Lathrap, 1952 fresno County Seo Aroa Refornceo 16. Fro-48 (Tranquility) Howes, 1943; 1946 Fre-115 (Verraillion Valley 1) Lathrap and Shutler, 1955 Wallace MS Wallaceo (MS) is a full report on excavations which arc in addition to tho ones reported in Lathrap and Shutler (1955). - 3 - Glenn County Hunboldt County Soc Aroa Reforence 1. Hun-67 (Gunthor Island) Loud, 1918 Hun-118 (Patrick' a Point) Hoizer, MS-1 Mills, 1950 Hoizer (MS-1) Is a site report on a large scala excavation. Hux-169 (Taurai) Hoizor and Mills., 1952 Inperial County Soc Area Reforoncos 32, 35, 37, 38. .Inyo County Soc Aroa Referencos 17, 20. Iny-2 Riddell He. S., 1951 Iny-182 (Stahl Site) Harrington, 1948c; 1948d; 1949 Lucas , 1951 Iiy-205 (Stahl Rock Sholtor) Harrington, 1953 Iny-214 (Flossil Falls Site) Harrington, 1952 Iny- 415 (Colossal Quarry) Harrington, 1951 nCut Sco Area Referonces 16, 21. Kor-39 to -42 (Buena Vista Lake) Wodel, 1941 Ker-59, -66, -67 (Pelican Island) Estep, MS This nanuscript includes notos on excavation with fairly com- ploto description of the artifacts recovered. Ker-64 Walkor., 1935; 1947 Ker-74 (Shrier Ranch) Riddoll, F. A., n.d. Ker-185 Heizer, n.d. - 4 - E y See Aroa Roforences 16, 21. County See Area Reference 44. Lak-36 (Borax Lake) Harrington, 1938a; 1938b; 1948a Lak-82 (Dollar Island) Harrington, 1948e Lak-89 (Rattlesnake Island) Harrington, 1948b Las a County See Area Reference 5. Las-1 (Torny Tucker Cave) Fenenga and Riddell, 1949 Los Angeles County LAn-l, -2, -3 (Topanga Canyon) Heizer and Lenert, 1947 Treganza, MS-2 Treganza and Malanud, 1950 Treganza (MS-2) Is a complete site report on large scale excavation of two sites. LAn-21 (Chatsworth) Walker, 1939b; 1951 LAn-22, -24 Heizer and Lenert, 1947 LAn-26 (Sheldon Reservoir) Walker, 1939a; 1951 LAn-34 (San Fernando) & Walker, 1936; 1951 LAn-52 (Arroyo Sequit) Burnett, 1944 Meighan, MS-2 Moeighan (MS-2) is a brief note discussing the site* LAn-138 (Malaga Cove) Walker, 1937, 1951 LAn-167 (Big TuJunga Wash) Walker, 1945; 1951 LAn-174 (Zuma Croek Site) Peck, 1955 Madera County See Area Reference 16. - 5 - Marn County See Area Reference 11. Mrn-ll (Alto) McGeein, IS-2 This rnanuscript contains descriptions of 50 to 100 artifacts fron this site and several artifacts each from sites Mrn-10, Mm-lu, Mrn-115, Mrn-14, Mmn-39. Mrn-20 McGocin and Mueller, 1955 Mrn-53 (Deniz) McGoein, ES-1 This nanuscript contains description of the site and of about 100 artifacts and several burials recovered during salvage operations. Mrn-80 Treganza, MS-1 This mianuscript contains a roport of a snall excavation to- gother with a description of the artifacts recovored. Mrn-115 (Thoras) Meighan, 1953b Mrn-232 (Estero) Beardeley, 1954 Mrn-242 (Cauley) Beardsloy, 1954 Mrn-266 (McClure) Beardsley, 1954; MS Beardsley (MS) contains discussion and illustration of nany burials and artifacts. Mrn-275 (Mendoza) Beardsley, 1954 Mariposa County See Area Reference 12. Mendocino County See Area Roference 6. Mon-500 (Willits) Moighan, 1955c Merced County Sec Area Referonco 16. Modoc Count See Area Roferencos 2 and 3. Mgg-ggopn See Aroa Roference 13. - 6 - Monterey County See Area Roferoncos 18, 19, 20. Mnt-18 (Careal Mission) Broadbont, MS This manuscript includes description and analysis of (about 150 aboriginal artifacts rocoverod fro= excavation. Mnt-108 (Custon House) Beardsley, 1946 Mnt-25Q (Isabella Meadows.Cave) Meighan, 1955b Mnt-281, -282 (Willow Crook) Heizer, MES-4 This manuscript contains description and analysis of many artifacts recovered fron the extensive excavation of those sites . Napa County See Area Roferences 9, *45. Nevada County See Area Reference 7. Orange County See Area Reference 31. Placer CounSt See Area Referonce 7. Pltas County R 4deQi 2 See Area References 32, 33, 35. Riv-51 (Pinto Basin Site) Canpbell and Canpbell, 1935 Saeranonto County See Area Roforencos 8 and 10. Sac-6 (Johnson) *Bennyhoff, ES-3 *Dawson, MS *Heizer, 1937 Bennyhoff (MS-3) contains analysis of many of the several thousand specirens fron this site. Dawson (MS) consists of excavation notes. Sac-28 (Strawberry) Riddell and Riddoll, MS-2 This manuscript contains description of the excavation and of about 100 artifacts recovered fron the site. Sac-60 (Hicks 1) Lillard, Heoizer and Fenonga, 1939 Sac-66 (Morse) Lillard, Hoizor and Fenenga, 1939 * See Bibliographic Addenda - 7 - Sac-72 (Herzog) Fenenga, MS-1 This manuscript consists of notes on excavation together with descriptions of a few of the artifacts and the soveral burials recovered from the site,. Sac-99 (Deterding) Lillard, Hoizer and Fenenga, 1939 Sac -107 (Windrmlllor) Ecizer, 1949; MS-3 Lillard, Heizer and Fenonga, 1939 Lillard and Purvos, 1936 Hoizer (MS-3) includes a description of the excavation and descriptions of many of the hundreds of artifacts recovered from this site. Sac-126 (Booth) Lillard and Purvos, 1936 Sac-127 (Augustino) Fenenga, MS-2 Lillard and Purves, 1936 Fenonga (MS-2) consists of excavation notes and includes de- scriptions of mny of the artifacts and burials recovered. Sac-168 (Erich) Bennyhoff, MS-2 This manuscript consists of descriptions and tabulations of the several hundred artifacts recovered from this site. Sac-169 (Nimbus) Treganza, 1954; MS-3 San Bonito County San Bernardino Co See Area Roferences 22, 30, 32, 35. SBr-51 (Soop Springs) Peck, 1950 San Diego County See Area References 35, 36, 39. SDi-l, -2 (San Diego Underwater Sites) Tuthill and Allanson, 1954 SDi-122 (San Viconto Lake Bed) McCown, 1945 SDi-132 Meighan, 1954 SDi -180 Truoganza, 1947 - 8 - SDi -240 (Fallbrook) MCCown, nod. San Trancisco County See Area Reference 11. San Joaquin County See Aroa Reforences 8 and 10 SJo-56 (Koontz) Lillard, Hoizor and Fonenga, 1939 etizer, 1949 SJo-68 (Blossom) Lillard, Heizer and Fononga, 1939 Heizor, 1949 SJo-142 (McGillivray) Lillard, Heizer and Fenonga, 1939 San LisbisoCOu See Area Reference 23. San Mateo County Soo Area Roferencos 11 and 15. SYla-23 (San Bruno Mound) Drake, 1948; MS Drake (MS) is a discussion of sonm of the artifacts and burials recovered from this site. Santa Barbara County See Area References 25 through 29. SBa-7 (Carpenteria, Mishopshnow) * Bryan, 1931 Ford, 1887 Olson, 1930 Rogers, D. B., 1929 SBa-28 (Burton Mound) Harrington, J.r., 1928 Rogers, D.B., 1929 SBa-46 (Mescalitan Island) Orr, 1943 SBa-105 (Point Sal) Carter, 1941 anta Clara County Sco Area Roforenco 15 sci -1(Castro, Ponce) * Barnoes, 1897 Ca3Aweill, S lidwoll- (LS) contains description of sito and discussion of .deortain of the artifacts. S01-33 (Stanford Man) Heizor and Mctown, 1950 * See Bibliogra.phic Addenda - 9 - Santa Cruz County Shasta Coun See Area Referonce 4. Sha-47 (Rodding) Smith and Weyrouth, 1952 Sha-48 (Potter Crook Cave) Sinclair, 1904 SeLrrSCun i VCount See Area Reforence 2. Sis-13 Wallaco and Taylor, 1952 Sis-240 (Laird's aBay) Cressman, 1942 Sis-257 (The Narrows) Creasnan, 1942 Bolane County Sol-I (Poterson 1) Riddell and Riddell, MS-1 This manuscript is a tion, and of some of description of tho site, of tho excava- the artifacts recovered there. Sol-2 (Poterson 2) Groongo at al, MS This mauscript is a description and analysis of the several hundred artifacts recovered from this site. Sol-3 (Peterson 3) Treganza and Cook, 1948 Sonora County See Area Reforenco 11. Son-299 (Bodoga Bay) Porter and Watson, 1933 QSon-359 (Hidden Valley) GCraham, 1951 Son-371 Elsasser, 1955 ?tnis laus C ount Seo Area Reforence 14. Butter County - 10 - Tehana County See Avert Reference 1,2* Toh-l (Kingsloy Cavo) Baunhoff, 1955 Teh-55 (Red Bluff Site) Werlhof, MS This manuscript is a description of the excavation and the few artifacts rocovored from the site. Teh-58 (Red Bank) Treganza, 1952 Trinity County See Area Reference 41. Tulare County See Area Roferonces 16, 21. Tul-10 (Slick Rock Villago) Fenenga, 1952 V jntura County See Area Reference 34. Von-1 (Sini Valley) Shiner , 1949 Von-9 (Gilnore Ranch Site) Wallace, 1955 Ven-57 (Little Sycanore Site) Wallace, 1954 Wallaco, et al, MS Wallaco, et al (MS) is a complete site report on extensive excavations. Yolo CountV Yol-2 (Capay Man) Heizer and Cook, 1953 Yuba County - 11 - AREA REFERENCES .1 Hunboldt and Dol Norte Counties Heizer, MS-5 2. Modoc and Siskiyou Counties (Lava Beds Area) Squier, MS Squier and Grosscup, MS Squior (MS) is a report on a survey of tho aroa and excavation of five sites. Squier and Grosscup (MS) contains a brief descrip- tion of excavation porfornod and cultures discovered in the aroa. 3. Modoc County Hlizer., 1942 4. Shasta County (Shasta Dan Area) Smith and Weymouth, 1952 5. Lasson County Riddell, F. A., MS Contains slto survey and description of artifacts. 6. Mendocino County (Bound Valloy) Treganza, Snith and Weynouth, 1950 7. Placer, Novada, El Dorado and Alpino Countios (Lake Tahoo Area) Hetzer and Elsasser, 1953 8. Sacranento, San Joaquin, Colusa and Contra Costa Counties (Delta) Lillard, Hoizor and Fononga, 1939 9. Napa County (Napa Area) Hoiezer, 1953 10. Sacraeento and San Joaquin Counties (Delta) Schenck and Dawson, 1929 11. Sonona, Mainn San Francisco, San Mateo, Contra Costa, Alane-da Counties Nelson, 1909 (Bay Area) 12 Tuolunne and Mariposa Countics (Yosenite) ?ennyhoff, 1953; MS-1 &rQsrGClflx.p, MS 3enryhoff (14-1) contains a full scale sito survcy and report on the excavation of two sitos To be published soon in UCAS-R. %rosscup (MS) contains a brief description of additionolsitos. 13. Mono County Meighan, 1955a P4 3tnislhlw3 County (Farrmington Area) Tregantrx, Z952 Treganta and 70bzer. 1953 - 12 - 15. San Mateo County Crildwoll, MS Contains a brief description of selectod artifacts and sites. 16. Morced., Madora, Prsono, Kings, Tulare, Kern Countios (San Joaquin Valley) Howos, 1941 17. Inyo County (Pananint Mountains) Meighan, 1953a Lathrap and Moighan., 1951 18* Monterey County Fishor, MS Contains doscriptions of sites surveyed in the area* 19. Monteroy County Wedel, MS-2 A brief report of a site survoy. 20. Moiittrey County Pilling, 1955 Contains descriptions of many artifacts found in the area. 21. Inyo County (Death Valley) Wallace and Taylor, 1955 22. Kern, Tularo and Kings Counties (Southern San Joaquin Valley) Gifford and Schenck, 1926 23. San Bernardino County (Lake Mohavo) Campbell et al, 1937 24. San Luis Obispo County (Pecho Coast) Pilling, 1951 25. Santa Barbara County Ruth, MS Contains description of artifacts and sitos in area. 26. Santa Barbara County (Cachuna Reservoir) Baunhoff, 1951; MS Mohr, MS Baunhoff (WB) contains description of excavation and artifacts fro= two sites. Mohr (MS) contains report of sito survoy with description of sitos and artifacts. 27. Santa Barbara County Rogers, D, B ., 1929 28. Santa Barbara County Olson, 1930 29. Santa Barbara County (San Miguel Island) Hyey, 1921 - 13 - 30. Sallta Barl wa Cuntzy (Santa Rosa Island) Orr, 1951a Jones, in press 31. San Bernardino County (Tweonty-Nine Pains Area) Conpbell, 1931 32. Orange County Winterbourne,, 1939; n.d.-1 through n.d.-6; MS-1 through M13-3. Winterbourne' s papers contain extensive notes on excavations and descriptions of artifacts but are not organized. 33. San Bornardino, Riverside and Inperial Counties (Colorado River) Schrooder, 1952 34. Riverside County (Coachella Valley) Meighan, ES-2 Contains description of sites and artifacts in the area. 35. Ventura County (San Nicolas Island) Meighan and Eborhart, 1953 36. San Bornardino, Rivorsidoe, San Diego, Inperial Counties Rogers, M. J., 1929a; 1929b; 1939; 1945 37. San Diogo County Hayo, 1919 38. Iraperial County (Sand Hills Area) Pock, 1953 39. Inpoerial County Troganza, 1942 40. San Diego County Carter, 1949; 1950; 1952; 1954 41. Trinity County Treganza, M3-3 Contains material on sites and artifacts. 42. Tehama County Treganza, MS-3 (See above). 43. Butte County Treganza, 43- 3 (See above). 44. Aake County Smith, MS-1 Contains information on sites. 45. Na.pa County Smi7.2, 1948 Cxrt,ains information on sites. - 14 - BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used AA American Anthropologist A Ant Anerican Antiquity SM-M Southwest Museum, Mastorkoy SM-P Southwest Museum, Papers UC-A:R Univorsity of California., Anthropological Records UC-PAAE Univorsity of California, Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology UCAS-R University of California Archaeological Survey, Reports Baunhoff, M. A. 1951 Prelininary Statement on the Excavations at the Cachuna Dam Site, California, in 1951. Mineographed report of the River Basin Surveys. 1955 Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave). UCAS-R, no. 30, pp. 40-73. MS Excavations at the Cachu D Site, California, 1951. Manu- script deposited at the Smithsonian Institution, Wash., D.C. Boardeley, R. K. 1946 The Montorey Custom House Flag Pole: Archaeological Findings. California Historical Society Quarterly, vol. 25, pp. 204-218. 1948 Culture Sequencos in Central California Archaeology. A Ant, vol. 14, pp. 1-28. 1954 Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archae- ology. UCAS-R, nos. 24., 25. MS Prelininary Report on the Excavation of tho McClure Site (Mrn- 266). UCAS Ms. 116. Bennyhoff, J. A. 1953 High Altitude Occupation in the Yosemito Park Region. UCAS-R, no. 21, pp. 31-32. M8-1 Archaeological Survey of Yosonite National Park. Manuscript deposited at tho Dopartnent of Anthropolody, University of Califor- nia, Beorkeley. * See Bibliographic Addenda - 15 - Bennyhoff, J. A. MS-2 Excavation of Sac-168. Manuscript deposited at the Departmont of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. * Broadbent, S. MS Carrel Mission (Mnt-18): A Prolininary Report on Excavated Material. Manuscript on deposit at the Department of Anthro- pology, University of California, Berkeley. * Burnett, E. K. 1944 Inlaid Stone and Bone Artifacts from Southern California. Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, Contributions, vol. 13. Campbell, 1931 E. W. C. An Archaeological Survey of the Twenty-Nine Palms Region. SM-P, no. 7. 1936 Archaeological Problems in the Southern California Deserts. A Ant, vol. 1, pp. 295-300. Carrpbel lt 1935 E, W. C., and W* H. Campbell The Pinto Basin Site. SM-P, no. 9. Canxpb ell, E. W. C., W* H. Campbell, E. Antevs, C. A. Amsdon, J. A. Barb and F. A. Bode 1937 The Archaeology of Pleistocene Lake Mohave. SM-P, no. 11. iori Caldwell, MS W. W. The Archaeology of the Stanford-Palo Alto Region. Stanford University. M.A. thesis, Carter, G. 1941 F. Archaeological Notes on a Midden at Point Sal. A Ant, vol. pp. 176-185. 1949 Evidence for Pleistocene Man at La Jolla, California. Tran- sactions of the New York Acadeny of Sciences, ser. 2, 11, no. 7. 1950 Evidence of Pleistocene Man in Southern California. Geographical Review, vol. 40, pp. 84-102. 1952 Interglacial Artifacts from tho San Diego Aroa. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 8, pp. 444-456. 1954 An Interglacial Site at San Diego, California. SM-M, vol. 28, pp. 165-174. Chard, C., E. N. Johnson and R. F. Heizor MS The Archaeology of Hotchkiss Site (CCo-138). UCAS Ms. 14. Cressrman, 1942 L. So Archaeological Researches in the Northern Great Basin. Carnogic Institution of Washington, Publication 538. * See Bibliographic Addenda - 16- Davis, J. T. The Patterson Mound: A Conparative Analysis of the Archaeo- logy of Site Ala-328. M.A. thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Drake, R. J. 1948 Archaeological Investigations of the San Bruno Shellnound, San Mateo, California. El Palacio, vol. 55, pp. 317-323. MS Archaeology of the San Bruno Sholinound. UCAS Ms. 39. Elsassor, A. B. 1955 A Charnstono Sito in Sonoa County,, California. UCAS-R, no. 28, pp. 29-33. Estop, H. MS The Indians of Pelican Island. UCAS Ms. 38. Fenonga, F. 1952 The Archaeology of Slick Rock Village, Tulare County, California. A Ant, vol. 17, pp. 339-347. MB-1 Excavation of the Horzog Mound (Sac-72). Field Notos of Heizer, McKee and Ristow. Conpilod and conpleted by F. Fenenga. UCAS Ms. 6o. MS-2 Notes on the Excavation of Sac-127. UCAS Me. 42* Fenonga, F., and F. A. Riddell 1949 Excavation of Tomny Tucker Cave, Lassen County, California. A Ant, vol. 14, pp. 203-214. Fisher, E. M. MS Shell Deposits of the Monteray Peninsula. UCAS Ms. 17. Ford, H. C. 1887 Notes on Excavations rade in Indian Burial Places in Carpon- teria. Santa Barbara Society of Natural History, Bulletin, vol. 1, pp. 11-16. Gifford, E. W., and W. E. Schenck 1926 Archaeology of the Southorn San Joaquin Valloy. UC-PAAE, vol. 23, pp. 1-122. Gonsalves, W. C. 1955 Winslow Cave, a Mortuary Site in Calaveras County, California. UCAS-R, no. 29, pp. 31-45. Grahan, G. M. 1951 Ancient Man in Hidden Valley, California. SM-M, vol. 25, pp. 79-82. Greengo, B. EB, C. A. Arnott, L. Sanplo and J. H. Keller MS Analysis of Artifacts fron Peterson 2 (Sol-2). UCAS Ms. 105. * See Bibliographic Addenda - 17 - Gtrosscup, G. L. MS Archaeological Survoy of Yosenito National Park: 1954. Report to the National Park Servico. UCAS Ms. 188. Harradine, 1 1953 Harrington, 1928 Harrington, 1938a 1938b 1948a 1948b 1948c 1948d 1948o 1949 1951 1952 1953 Heizer, E. F Report on Pedologic Observations made at the "Capay Man" Site in Westorn Yolo County. UCAS-R, no. 22, p. 27. J. P. Exploration of the Burton Mound at Santa Barbara, California. Bureau of American Ethnology, Annual Reports, no. 44, pp. 23-168. M. P. Folsom Man in California. SM-M, vol. 12, pp. 133-137* Pro-Folson Man in California. SM-M., vol. 12, pp. 173-175. An Ancient Site at Borax Lake, California. SM-P, no. 16. The Rattlesnake Island Site at Borax Lake. In Harrington, 1948a. A New Pinto Sitoe SM-M, vol. 22, pp. 116-118. Anoerica's Oldest Dwelling. SM-M, vol. 22, pp. 148-152. Dollar Island. SM-M, vol. 22, pp. 148-152. A New Old Houso at Little Lake. SM-M, vol. 23, pp. 135-136. A Colossal Quarry. SM-M, vol. 25, pp. 14-18. The Fossil Falls Site. SM-M, vol. 26, pp. 191-195. A Cave Noar Little Lake. SM-M, vol. 27, pp. 77-82. 4 * 1942 Massacre Lake Cave, Tule Lake Cave and Shore Sites. In Crossnan, 1942. 1949 The Archaeology of Central California. I: The Early Horizon. UC-AR, vol. 12, pp. 1-84. 1950 Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" Site. UCAS-R, no. 9, pp. 15-20. 1953 The Archaeology of the Napa Region. UC-AR, vol. 12, pp. 225-358. n.&. A Cave Burial fron Kern County. UCAS-P, no. 10, pp. 29-36 (1951). MS-1 Field Notes fron Patrick's Point (Hun-118). UCAS Ms. 97, 98. MS-2 Notes on the Millor Mound (Col-l). UCAS Ms. 94. * See Bibliographi c Addenda - 18 - Heizer, R. F. MS-3 Windniller (Sac-107). UCAS Ms. 78. MS-l4 Archaeology of the Willow Creek Site. Manuscript on deposit at the Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. MS-5 Tho Archaoology of Northwestern California. Manuscript on deposit at the Department of Anthropology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeloy. Heizer, B. 1953 Heltzor R. 1953 Heizer R. 1940 Hoizor, R. 1947 Heizer, R. 1950 F., and S. F. Cook `Capay Man", an Ancient Central California Indian Burial. UCAS-R, no. 22, pp. 24-26. F., and A. B. Eleasser Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures in the Central Sierra Nevada. UCAS-R, no. 21. F., and G. W. Hewes Aninal Coremonialian in Central California in the Light of Archaeology. AA, vol. 42, pp. 587-603. F., and E. M. Lenert Observations on Archaeological Sitos UC-PAAE, vol. 44, pp. 237-258. F., and To Do McCown Tho Stanford Skull, a Probable Early County, California. UCAS-IR, no. 6. in Topanga Canyon, California. Man fron Santa Clara Heizer. R& F*,, and J. Mills 1952 The Four Ages of Taurai. University of California Press. Hoi zer, MS R. F., and A. E. Treganza Archaeology of Banort Cave. Manuscript deoposited at the Do- partiont of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley. Howes, 0. 4W. 1941 Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Central San Joaquin Valloy. A Ant, vol. 7, pp. 123-133. 1943 Camel, Horse and Bison Associated with Human Burials and Arti- facts near Fresno, California. Science, vol. 97, pp. 328-329. 1946 Early Man in California and the Tranquillity Site. A Ant, vol. 11, pp. 209-215. Heye, G. G. 1919 Certain Aboriginal Pottery from Southern California. Museun of the Anerican Indian, Heyc Foundation, Indian Notes and Monographs, vol. 7, no. 1. - 19 - Heye, G. G. 1921 Howard, H. 1929 Certain Artifacts fron San Miguel Island. Museum of the Ameri- can Indian, Heyc Foundation, Indian Notes and Monographs, vol. 7, no. 4. The Avifauna of Enoryville Shelmlound. Univorsity of California Publications in Zoology, vol. 32, pp. 301-394. Jonos, P. M. In press Archaeological Investigations on Santa Rosa Island in 1901. UC-AR, vol. 17, no. 2. Lathrap, D. W., and C. W. Meighan 1951 An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Pananint Mountains. UCAS-R, no. 11, pp. 11-32. Lathrap, D. W., and D. Shutlor, Jr. 1955 An Archaeological Site in the High Sierra of California. A Ant, vol. 20, pp. 226-240. Lucas, B. J. 1951 Tree-holes at the Stahl Site. SM-M, vol. 25, pp. 191-193. Lillard, J. B., R. F. Heizer and F. Fonenga 1939 An Introduction to the Archaeology of Central California. Sacrauento Junior College, Department of Anthropology, Bulletin 2. Lillard, J. B., and W. K. Purves 1936 The Archaeology of the Deer Creek-Cosunnes Area, Sacramento County, California. Sacramento Junior College, Department of Anthropology, Bulletin 1. Loud, L. L. 1918 Ethnogeography and Archaeology of the Wiyot Territory. UC-PAAE, vol. 14, pp. 221-436. 1924 The Stoge Mounds at Richmond, California. UC-PAAE, vol. 17, pp. 355-372. McCown, B. 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