Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No.31 l5I Sc~ INIDEX TO THE REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUlREY, NUMBERS 1-30 ISSUED OCTOBER 24, 1955 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California INDEX TO THE REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHIASOLOGICAL SURVEY,3 NUM3ERS 1-30 CONTENTS Page Foroword .... .. * * * * * * * 1 Map l: 'CountyfSbols'Employed in Site Designations . . . . 2 Soction I: List of Reports ...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soction II: List of Authors . 6 Soction III: Subject Index . . . . ... . . .12 Types of sites ... * * 12 Sites Referred to, by County or State (California unless specifiod) ...e.. .. 0 *. 0 , 15 Site Surveys .. . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . , . . 20 Area Bibliographies . . . a. ... . . .......21 Archaeological Method . .... .. .... . * 21 Dating and Chronology of Sitos and Cultures ..........21 Midden Constituents . . .. . .... .. a .. ,. 22 Classifications of Artifact Typos . . . . 23 Bone Artifacts . . . . . . . . * . . . 24 Chipped Stone Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . * * * 24 Ground and Pecked Stone Artifacts . . . . . . 25 Incised, Painted and Sculpturod Stone Artifacts ..* 27 Shell Artifacts ... . . . .. ... . . 27 Clay Artifacts . .... . . .. .. ... . 27 Perishable Artifacts ... . ........... 28 Pigment . . * * . 29 Caucasian Artifactscs..........* ., 29 Pyurials Anthropolog . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . 29 Physical Anthropology .... . . . . *, . 30 Institutions Cooperating with UCAS; . 1 .. 0 ... 30 Foreword With the continued growth of the series of Reports of the UCAS, a need has been felt to compile an aid to the convenient use of the series. A list of the published reports and a list of authors, included here under Soctions I and II, might be considered a sufficient, though minimal, effort in the direction of convenient use. Also in this direction, a conventional, alphabetized subject index, supplementing Sections I and II, of course would have been a worthy addition. On the other hand, a classified subject index, such as appears here as Section III, fulfills the basic purpose of an index and provides in addition a tool of considerable value for research in Cali- fornia archaeology. The plan followed in Section III can be understood by a glance at the Table of Contents. It should be noted that some of the sub-sections, for example Types of Sites, include various classified minor headings; using the sameE example as above, sub-headings such as "Cave and rockshelter sites", "Early Man sites" and so on, appear. Again, under Chip Stone Artifacts such headings as "Blades", "Core tools", "Crescents etc. appear. The majority of entries in Section III reflect site associations of the various sub-headings. UCAS site designations are used in all cases, either as a single entry, or, where common descriptive names are used, following in parentheses [e.g. Amedee Cave (Las-90)]. The numbers following the site designation refer to the number of the UCAS Report and the page number of the subject concerned. Individual entries are separated by somi-colons. For example the first entry under "Cave and rockshelter sites" is "Alp-6 21:8;". This indicates that there is a reforence to the rockshelter site called Alp-6, on page 8 of UCAS Report No. 21. Abbreviations have been held to a minimum- -those appearing consistently refer to county designations of sites recorded in the UCAS files; thus Ala-I would refer to site number one (1) in Alamoda County. Any difficulty with such a method may be resolved by referring to the sub-section Sites Referred to, Ay County or State, which is an alphabetical list of counties in which sites mentioned in the Reports are itemized. Also, the County Map on page 2 will bo useful in this connection. Other abbreviations used and their ings aro as follows: (app.) -- the item appears as an appendix to a principal paper or Report. ARP -- refers to the Annual Report by the Director of the UCAS to the President or Chancollor of the Uni- versity of California. ARP 1954:2, for example, refers to page 2 of the Annual Report for the year ending June 30, 1954. ffl -- following (pages). (trans.) a- translation. .w1- f ~9 42: 1 Ba3r i2`jw ' 120` 19 ir Br17 los BY.5 Il -42 DNOJ Mod I *%J 1 1411B Tn~ Sha La j MAP 1. Hum ! -~- ~ NCounty symbols employed 40' -Te .i L.. (PluV in sitfe designations. Men C - Gl But S 0 j c A.I' AL ( ~~~Vubi>Pl \LaI al CP Son \Ncag-r- Afl ' A a Sac-y SF;Ox 0SJo\ TuoqMn'\- "' \ rp/ . no S' V. (. NJ0 Fr.e' 3'Mnt ,Kn Tul -' S LO ~-.KerN S~a 33t.1 SDI Imp y Bi3T1 Zr 1~ 2 0 1'ir B1 B7 a.* dts. -2- I, List of Reports No. 1 The California Archaeological Survey: Establishment, Aims and Meth- ods. 8 pp., 1948. No. 2 A Bibliography of Ancient Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. (A guide to the published literature on the antiquity of man in Cali- fornia. Sources are grouped under the names of the various finds). 22 pp., 1948. No. 3 Methods of Recording and Present Status of Knowledge Concerning Petroglyphs in California, by F. Fenenga. (Presents the present status of petroglyph research in California, defines stylistic areas, describes the use of the petroglyph record form, the methods of copy- ing petroglyphs, and provides a bibliography. Illustrated). 9 pp., 1 map, 1 figure, 1949. No. 4 A Bibliography of the Archaeology of California., by Robert F. Heizer. (A compilation of the more important published accounts dealing with California prehistory. Arranged by topics and regions). 27 pp., 2 maps, 1949. No. 5 Methods for Archaeological Site Survey in California, by F. Fenenga. (Methods to provide information on the number, the location, and the nature of the archaeological remains in a given region). 16 pp.,, 3 figures., 1949. No. 6 The Stanford Skull, A probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. History and Circumstances of the Discovery of the Skull, by Robert F. Heizer. The Stanford Skull: The Physical Characteris- tics, by Theodore D. McCown. 18 pp., 2 plates, 1950. No. 7 Papers on California Archaeology: 1-5. (Five papers presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Western States Branch of the Ameri- can Anthropological Association in Berkeley, February 3-4, 1950). 25 pp., 1 map, 1950. 1. Physical Analysis as a Method. of Investigating Prehistoric Habitation Sites, by Sherburne F. Cook. 2. Observations on Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. 3. On the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Bone as an Aid to Pre- historic Culture Chronology, by Robert F. Heizer. 4. Observations on the Efficiency of Shovel Archaeology> by Clem- ent W. Meighan. 5. Recent Developments in the Study of Northwestern California Archaeology, by John E. Mills. No. 8 Trade and Trails in Aboriginal California, by L. L. Sample. (Intro- duction, trading customs, articles traded., bibliographic references to trails shown on map, bibliography). 30 pp., 1 map, 1950. -3- No. 9 Papers on California Archaeology: 6-9. 32 pp., 3 plates, 4 figures, 1950. 6. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology In California, by Robert F. Heizer. 7. Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" site, by Robert F. seizer. (Appendix I, An Age&Estimate of tle. Burials Unearthed near Concord, California, Based on Pedologic Observations, by R, E. Storie and F. Harradine). 8. A Distinctive Pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County, by Donald Lathrap. 9. Excavations in Sixteenth Century Shellmounds at Drake' s Bay, Marin County, by Clement W. Meighan. No. 10 The Archaeology of Two Kern County Sites. Excavation of site Ker-74, by F. A. Riddell. A Cave Burial in Kern County, by Robert F. Heizer. 36 pp., 2 plates, 5 figures, 1951. No. 11 Papers on California Archaeology: 10-12. 32 pp., 3 plates, 1 figure, 1951. 10. A Prehistoric Yurok Ceremonial Site, by Robert F. Heizer. 11. At the Bedrock of History, by A. L. Kroeber. 12. An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains, by D. W. Lathrap and C. W. Meighan. (Contains accounts of an island used for ritual disposal of sea lion skulls; an archaeological site in the southern San Joaquin Valley which yielded perishable materials; and a survey of part of Death Valley National Monument). No. 12 Papers on California Archaeology: 13-16. 41 pp., 1 plate, 2 maps, 4 figures, 1951. 13. Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island, by Leon de Cessac. 14. The French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-79, by E. Hamy. 15. The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site in Owens Valley, by H. S. Riddell. 16. The Archaeological Deposit in Moaning Cave, by William Wallace. No. 13 Molluscan Species in California Shell Middens, by R. E. Greengo. (A study of molluscan species represented in California coast shell- mounds; relation of climatic factors to molluscan life; mussel poison- ing; changes in species during inhabitation of sites, etc.). 29 pp., 1 figure, 1951. No. 14 Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Sta- nislaus County, California, by A. E. Treganza. (Account of River Basin Survey excavations in several sites; first description of Farm- ington Complex, an ancient lithic culture). 25 pp., 3 plates, 1 figure, 5 maps, 1952. No. 15 Papers on California Archaeology: 17-18. 39 pp., 1 map, 3 plates, 1952. 17. A Survey of Cave Archaeology in California, by Robert F. Heizer. 18. Excavation of Sis-13, a Rock-Shelter in Siskiyou County, Cali- fornia, by William J. Wallace and Edith S. Taylor. -4- No. 16 Symposium on the Antiquity of Man in California. 31 pp., 1 chart, 1952. Introduction, by Walter Goldschmidt. A Review of Problems in the Antiquity of Man in California, by Robert F. Rei zer. On the Study of Early Man in Southern California, by George W. Brainerd. Climatic History and the Antiquity of Man in California, by Ernst Anteve. No. 17 The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water, by S. F. Cook and R. F. Heizer.(Results of experiments in chemical composition of human bone with the aim of discovering a chronological method for dating bone). 24 pp., 2 figures, 1952. No. 18 Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California, by C. E. Smith and W. D. Weymouth. 46 pp., 3 maps, 1 plate, 2 figures, 1952. No. 19 Papers on California Archaeology: 19~20. 44 pp., 2 maps, 2 plates, 5 figures, 1953. 19. Preliminary Excavation at the Thomas Site, Marnn County, by Clement W. Meighan. 20. The Manufacture of Flint Implements by the Indians of Northern and Central California, by Robert J. Squier. No. 20 Papers on California Archaeology: 21-22. 38 pp., 1 map, 2 plates, 1 figure, 1953. 21; Gravel Pictographs of the Lower Colorado River Region, by Michael J. Harner. 22. Sacred Rain Rocks of Northern California, by Robert F. Heizer. No. 21 Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada, by Robert F. Heizer and Albert B. Elsasser. 42 pp., 1 map-, 1 plate, 5 figures, 1953. No. 22 Papers on California Archaeology: 21-26. 38 pp., 1 map, 1 chart, 6 figures, 1 plate, 1953. 21. Sites Attributed to Early Man in California, by Robert F. Heizer. 22. On Division of the Last 20,000 Years, by Ernst Anteve. 23. The Postpluvial or Neothernal, by Ernst Antevs. 24. "Capay Man", an Ancient Central California Indian Burial, by Robert F. Heizer and S. F. Cook. 25. Report on Pedologic Observations Made at the "Capay Man" site in Western Yolo County, by Frank Harradine. 26. Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California, by A. E. Treganza and Robert F. Heizer. No. 23 Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology, by A. E. Treganza. 26 pp., 1 map, 1 plate, 3 figures, 1954. No. 24 Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archaeology, Part I, by Richard K. Beardsley. 62 pp., 2 maps, 8 figures, 11 tables,, 1954. -S. No. 25 Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central California Archaeology, Part II, by Richard X. Beardsley. 65 pp., 2 tables, 1954. No. 26 Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California, by A. E. Treganza. 39 pp., 1 map, 6 plates, 1954. No. 27 Soncma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913, by James A. Bennyhoff and Albert B. E1- sasser. 81 pp., 1 map, 2 plates, 4 figures, 1954. No. 28 Papers on California Archaeology: 27-29. 33 pp., 1 map, 5 figures, 5 plates, 1955. 27. Vancouver' s Californian Bows, by Eugene Robinson. 28. Notes on the Archaeology of Mono County, California, by Clement W. Meighan. 29. A Charmstone Site in Sonoma County, California, by Albert B. Elsasser. No. 29 Papers on California Archaeology: 30-31. 45 pp., 2 maps, 8 plates, 5 tables, 1955. 30. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey County, California, by Clement W. Meighan. 31. Winslow Cave, a Mortuary Site in Calaveras County, California, by William C. Gonsalves. No. 30 Papers on California Archaeology: 32-33. 73 pp., 2 maps, 8 plates, 17 figures, 8 tables, 1955. 32. Archaeology of the North Coast Ranges, California, by Clement W. Meighan. 33. Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave), by M, A. Baumhoff. II. List of Authors Antevs, Ernst. Climatic History and the Antiquity of Man In California. 16:23-31, 1952. --. On Division of the Last 20,000 Years. 22:5-8, 1953. The Postpluvial or Neothermal. 22:9-23, 1953. Avery, B. P. Chips frcm an Indian Workshop (reprint) (app.). 21:33-36, 1953. Baumhoff , Martin A. Carbonized Basketry from the Thomas Site (Mrn-115) (app.). 19:9-10, 1953. -. Excavation of Site Teh-l (Kingsley Cave). 30:40-73, 1955. Beardsley, Richard K. Temporal and Areal Relationships in Central Califor- nia Archaeology. Part I, 24:1-62; Part II, 25:63-127; 1954. .o6 Bennyhoff, J. A. High Altitude Occupation in the Yosemite Park Region (app.). 21:31-32, 1953. Excavation of Sac-168 (Early Horizon). ARP 1953:18419. Yosemite Park Survey. ARP 1953:20. New Pictograph and Petroglyph Data. ARP 1953:23-24. (and A. B. Elsasser). Soncma Mission: an Historical and Archaeolo- gical Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:1-81, 1954. Dubois, J. M. F. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site sc1-33). 6:9, 1950. Bowen, Alley. The Alley Bowen Account of Fort Ross in 1880 (reprint) (app.). 23:23-24, 1954. Brainerd., George W. On the Study of Early Man in Southern California. 16:18-22, 1952. Cessac, Leon de. Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island (California). 12:1-5, 1951. -----.. Report. on his Activities in California. 12:8-12, 1951. Cook, Sherburne F. Physical Analysis as a Method for Investigating Prehis- toric Habitation Sites. 7:2-5, 1950. (and R. F. Heizer). The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water. 17:1-24., 1952. (with R. F. Heizer). "Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial. 22:24-26, 1953. Eheleben, E. T. Childhood Recollections of Mr. E. T. Eheleben (on Sonoma Mission) (app.). 27:74., 1954. Ellis, H. Holmes. The Terminology and Mineralogy of Chert and Flint (re- print) (app.). 19:33-35, 1953. Elsasser, Albert B. A Charmstone Site in Sonoma County, California. 28: 29-33, 1955. -. Excavation of Teh-l. ARP 1953:15-16. --. Salvage Excavation of CCo-151. ARP 1953:18. -(with J. A. Bennyhoff). Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeo- logical Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:1-81, 1954. --(with Robert F. Heizer). Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. 21:1-42, 1953. - 7- Frenenga, Franklin. Methods of Recording and Present Status of Knowledge Concerning Petroglyphs In California. 3:1-9, 1949. --. Methods for Archaeological Site Survey in California. 5:1-16, 1949. Gifford., E. W. (with Robert F. Heizer and T. D. McCown). Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1952. ARP 1952:1-14. Goldschmidt, Walter. Introduction to Symposium of the Antiquity of Man in California. 16:1-2, 1952. Gonsalves, William C. Winslow Cave, a Mortuary Site in Calaveras County, California. 29:31-45, 1955. Greengo, Robert E. Molluscan Species in California Shell Middens. 13:1-23, 1951. Grosscup, Gordon L. (with Robert J. Squier). Archaeological Survey of Lava Beds National Monument. ARP 1953:21-23. Hamy, E. Report of the Pinart-de Cessac Expedition. 12:7, 1951. Harner, Michael J. Gravel Pictographs of the Lower Colorado River Region. 20:1-32, 1953. --. Survey of Parker Quadrangle Area. ARP 1953:14-15, 16-18. Earradine, Frank. Report on Pedologic Observations Made at the "Capay Man" Site in Western Yolo County. 22:27, 1953. - (with R. E. Storie). An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, California, Based on Pedologic Observations (app.). 9:15-19, 1950. Heizer, Nancy E. (trans.). Leon de Cessac, Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island (Cali- fornia). 12:1-5, 1951. ----- (trans.). The French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-1879. 12:6-13, 1951. Heizer, Robert F. The California Archaeological Survey; Establishment, Aims, and Methods. 1:1-7, 1948. ---. A Bibliography of Ancient Man in California. 2:1-22, 1948. --. A Bibliography of the Archaeology of California. 4:1-27, 1949. --. History and Circumstances of the Discovery of the [Stanford] Skull. 6:1-9, 1950. -. Observations on Early Man in California. 7:5-9, 1950. -. On the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Bone as an Aid to Prehistoric Culture Chronology. 7:10-1., 1950. -8-. Heizer, Robert F. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology in Cali- fornia. 9:1-5, 1950. . Archaeology of CCo-137, the "Concord Man" Site. 9:6-19, 1950. -. A Cave Burial from Kern County. 10:29-36, 1951. . A Prehistoric Yurok Ceremonial Site (Hum-174). 11:1-4, 1951. -. Preface to the French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877- 1879. 12:6-7, 1951. . Foreword to Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reser- voir Area, Stanislaus County, California. 14:1, 1952. -. A Survey of Cave Archaeology in California. 15:1-12, 1952. . A Review of Problems in the Antiquity of Man in California. 16: 3-17, 1952. . Additional Surface Intaglio and Boulder Outline Designs in the Nw.-w and Old Worlds (app.). 20:30-32, 1953. . Sacred Rain Rocks of Northern California. 20:33-38, 1953. . Sites Attributed to Early Man in California. 22:1-4, 1953. . Preface to Areal and Temporal Relationships in Central California Archaeology. 24: i-ii, 1954. - Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1949. ARP 1949:1-6. Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1950. ARP 1950:1-10. . Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending Juno 30, 1951. ARP 1951:1-17. . Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1953. APP 1953:1-24. Survey of the Central Sierra Nevada Region. ARP 1953:24. . Report to Chancellor Clark Kerr for the Year Ending June 30, 1954. ARP 1954:1-18. (with S. F. Cook). The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water. 17:1-24, 1952. (and S. F. Cook). `Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial. 22:24-26, 1953. (and Albert B. Elsasser). Some Archaeological Sites and Cultures of the Central Sierra Nevada. 21:1-42, 1953. ~-9- Heizer, Robert F. (and T. D. McCown). The Stanford Skull, a Probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. 6:1-18, 1950. (and T. D. McCown). Preface to Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-3, 1954. (and T. D. McCown). Foreword to Salvage Archaeology in Ninbus and Redbarnk Reservoir Areas, Central California. 26:1, 1954. (and T. D. McCown). Preface to Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:i-vii, 1954. -(and T. D. McCown and E. W. Gifford). Report to President Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1952. ARP 1952:1-14. (with A. E. Treganza). Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Implement Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California. 22:28-38, 1953. Hrdlicka, Ale's. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site SC1-33). 6:6-7, 1950. Kroeber, Alfred L. At the Bedrock of History (reprint). 11:5-10, 1951. Lathrap, Donald. A Distinctive Pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County. 9:20-26, 1950. (and C. W. Moighan). An Archaeological Rcconnatssanco in the Panamint Mountains . 11:11-32, 1951. Lee, S. L. Dr. S. L. Lee's Ethnographic Notes on Washo Culture (reprint) (app.). 21:37-40, 1953. Loud, LLowellyn L. Letter to Bailey Willis (concerning Stanford Skull, site SC1-33). 6:7-9, 1950. McCown, T. D. The Stanford Skull: the Physical Characteristics. 6:10-18, 1950. (with Robert F. Heizer). The Stanford Skull, a Probable Early Man from Santa Clara County, California. 6:1-18, 1950. (with Robort F. Heizer). Preface to Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-3, 1954. (with Robert F. Heizor). Foreword to Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California. 26:1, 1954. (with Robert F. Heizer). Preface to Sonoma Mission: an Historical and Archaeological Study of Primary- Constructions, 1823-1913. 27:i-vii, 1954. -10.. McCown, T. D. (with Robert F. Heizer and E. W. Gifford). Report to Presi- dent Robert Gordon Sproul for the Year Ending June 30, 1952. ARP 1952: 1-14. Moighan, Clement W. Observations on the Efficiency of Shovel Archaeology. 7:15-21, 1950. Excavations in Sixteenth Century Shelimounds at Drake' s Bay, Marin County. 9:27-32, 1950. -----. Preliminary Excavation at the Thomas Sito, Marnn County. 19:1-14, 1953. -a . Notes on the Archaeology of Mono County, California. 28:6-28, 1955. -. Excavation of Isabella Meadows Cave, Monterey County, California. 29:1-30, 1955. ---. Archaeology of the North Coast Ranges, California. 30:1-39, 1955. (with D. W. Lathrap). An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Panamint Mountains. 11:11-32, 1951. Mills, John E. Recent Developments in the Study of Northwestern California Archaeology. 7:21-25, 1950. Riddell, F. A. The Archaeology of Site Ker-74. 10:1-28, 1951. Riddell, Harry S. The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site in Owens Valley. 12:14-28, 1951. Robinson, Eugene. Vancouver' s Californian Bows. 28:1-5, 1955. Sample, L. L. Trade and Trails in Aboriginal California. 8:1-30, 1950. Smith, C. E. (and W. D. Weymouth). Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, Cali- fornia. 18:1-46, 1952. -(and W. D. Weymouth). Excavations at Redding Mound No. 1 (Sha-47) in 1935 (app.). 18:36-42, 1952. Squier, Robert J. The Manufacture of Flint Implements by the Indians of Northern and Central California. 19:15-44, 1953. --(and Gordon L. Groascup). Archaeological Survey of Lava Beds National Monument. ARP 1953:21-23. Storie, R. E. (and F. Harradine). An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, California, Based on Pedologic Observations (app.). .9:15-19, 1950. Tarr, W. A. Terminology of the Chemical Siliceous Sediments (reprint). 19:38, 1953. -11- Taylor, Edith S. (with William J. Wallace). shelter in Siskiyou County, California. Excavation of Sis-13, a Rock- 15:13-38, 1952. Treganza, Adan E. Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reser- voir Area, Stanislaus County, California. 14:1-25, 1952. --. Fort Ross: a Study in Historical Archaeology. 23:1-26, 1954. Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California. 26:1-39, 1954. - . Excavation of Nimbus and Red Bluff Reservoir Areas. ARP 1953:19-20. ---(and R. F. Heizer). Additional Data on the Farnington Complex, a Stone Implement Assemblage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California. 22:28-38, 1953. Wallace, William J. The Archaeological Deposit in Moaning Cave, Calaveras County. 12:29-41, 1951. --(and Edith S. Taylor). Excavation of Sis-13, a Rock-shelter in Siski- you County, California. 15:13-38, 1952. Weymouth, W. D. (with Clarence E. Smith). Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California. 18:1-46, 1952. ----- (with Clarence in 1935 (app.). E. Smith). 28:36-42, Excavations at Redding Mound 1952. No. 1 (Sha-47) Willis, Bailey. Letter to Ales Hrdlivka (concerning Stanford Skull, site SC1-33). 6:3-5, 1950. -. Abstract from the Stanford Cardinal on the Stanford Skull (reprint). 6:5, 1950. III. Subject Index Types of Sites Cave and rockshelter sites Alp-6 21:8; Alp-7 21:8, ARP 1954:2,8; Amedee Cave (Las-90) 15:3; Bamert Cave (Ama-3) 10:33, 14:18, 15:3, APP 1951:2,15; Calaveras Cement Company (Cal-9) 15:3; Cave of Skulls (Cal-29) 12:35, 15:4; Cave of the Catacombs (Cal-102) 15:4; Cave in San Martin Mountains (Lan-36) 15:5; Chidago Canyon 28:7; Coville Rockshelter (Iny-222) 11:12, 15:4, ARP 1951:17, ARP 1952:6; Eld-24 21:7; Fern Cave ARP 1953:21; Gypsum Cave (Nevada) 7:6, 16:9,18,26; Hawver Cave (Eld-16) 15:3; Hill Cave (Mht-85) 10:33, 15:4; Horse Creek Cave (Ker-93) 15:4; Humboldt Cave (Nevada) 11:15, ARP 1954:13; Inskip Caves (Teh-54) 15:3; Iny-217 11:11; Iny-218 11:11; Iny-220 11:12; Iny- 223 11:12; Iny-224 11:12; Iny-228 11:13; Iny-229 11:13; Iny-230 11:13; Iny-234 11:13; Iny-235 11:13; Iny-236 11:13; Iny-237 11:13; Cave and rockshelter sites (cont.) Iny-238 11:13; Iny-239 11:13; Iny-240 11:14; Iny-241 11:14; Iny- 242 11:14; Iny-243 11:14; Iny-244 11:14; Iny-245 11:14; Iny-246 11:14; Iny-247 11:14; Iny-249 11:14; Isabella Meadows Cave (Mnt- 250) 15:4, 29:1ff, ARP 1952:2,7; Ker-29 12:22, 15:4; *Ker-185 10:29ff, 15:4; Kingsley Cave (Teh-1) 15:3, 30:4Off, ARP 1952:2,7, ARP 1953:7,15ff; Leonard Rockshelter (Nevada) 16:9,26, 21:15, 28:18, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1954:13; Lovelock Cave (Nevada) 11:15, 28:18, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1954:13; Mercor's Cave (Cal-ll) 12:35, 15:3, ARP 1951:15; Miller Cave 12:35; Moaning Cave (Cal-13) 12:29, 15:4, ARP 1951:2,15; Mod-2 15:2; Mod-3 15:2; Mod-14 15:2; O'Neale Cave (Cal-6) 12:35, 15:3; Oven Cave SBr-118) ARP 1953:14ff; Patuto Cave 11:15; Petroglyph Cave ARP 1953:21; Petroglyph Point ARP 1953:21; Pluto's Cave (Sis-15) 15:3; Potter Creek Cave (Sha-48) 15:3; Rock of Ages (Nap-46) 15:4; Samwell Cave (Sha-49) 15:3; Santiago Canyon Cave (Ora-79) 15:5; SBa-102 15:4; SBr-119 ARP 1953:15; SBr-120 ARP 1953:15; SBr-121 ARP 1953:15; Sis-2 ARP 1953:23; Sis-13 15:2,l3ff). ARP 1951:2,15; Sis-14 15:13, APP 1952:6; Sis-108 ARP 1953:23; Stone Man Cave (Sha-50) 15:3; Thacher Cave (Ven-64) 15:4; Tanmy Tucker Cave (Las-l) 11:15, 15:3, 28:18, ARP 1949:5, ARP 1951:7; Tul-53 APP 1953:23ff; Winslow Cave (Cal-99) 15:3, 29:31f?,. ARP 1952:2,7; Yuma-24 (Arizona) ARP 1953:17. Bibliographies: Hawver Cave (Eld-16) 2:11; Mercer's Cave (Cal-il) 2:11; Potter Creek Cave (Sha-48) 2:10; Samwell Cave (Sha-49) 2:10; Stone Man Cave (Sha-50) 2:10. Early Man sites Amargosa 28:19; Angeles Mesa (LAn-171) 7:7; Auriferous gravel finds 7:5; Blossom (SJo-68) 7:4, 22:26, 25:65, APP 1950:3,9; Borax Lake 7:6, 16:27, 30:14k20,21,23,26,47; Calavoras Skull 7:5; Capay Man (Yol-2) 22:24,27; *Carpinterla (Fig Tree, SBa-7) 7:19, 20, 22:26; Concord Man, see Monument; Fallon (Nevada) 21:20; Farmington Camplex 14:8ff, 22:28ff; Fig Tree, see Carpinteria; Granite Point (Nevada) 21:20; Gypsum Cave (Nevada) 7:6, 16:9,18,26; Hawver Cave (Eld-L6) 15:3; Humboldt Cave (Nevada) 11:15, APP 1954: 13; Indian Gulch 21:26; La Brea (LAn-159) 7:8; La Jolla 16:7; Lake Mohave (Playa) 7:6, 16:9,18, 26, 21:20, 22:32; Leonard Rock- shelter (Nevada) 16:9,26, 21:15, 28:18, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1954:13; Little Lake, see Stahl; Los Angeles Man (LAn-172) 7:8,12, 16:6; Lovelock Cave (Nevada) 11:15, 28:18, ARP 1950: 9, APP 1954:13; Martis Valley 21:5,19, 30:47; McGillivray (SJo-142) 7:4, 22:26, 25:65,71; kWercer's Cave (Cal-Il) 12:35, 15:3, ARP 1951:15; Moan- ing Cave (Cal-13) 12:29, 15:4, ARP 1951:2,15; Monument (Concord Man, CCo-137) 9:6ff,15ff, 22:26, 25:99, ARP 1950:9; Oak Grove 13:11; Orvis (Sta-45) 22:28; Owens Lake 16:28; Patrick'e Point (Hum-118) 7:20,21, ll:lff; Paiute Cave (Nevada) 11:15; Phelps (SJo-56) 7:19,20, 25:65, 30:47; Pinto Basin 7:6, 16:18,28, 21:20, 28:19; Pinto Gypsum, see Pinto Basin, Gypsum Cave; Playa, see Lake Mohave; Potter Creek Cave (Sha-48) 15:3; Sac-168 ARP 1953:6, 18ff; Samwel Cave (Sha-49) 15:3; Sta-50 14:7; Sta-51 14:7; Sta-53 14:7; Sta-54 14:7; Sta-55 14:7; Sta-56 14:7; Sta-59 14:7; *Incorrectly referred to as Ker-85 on 15:4. **Incorrectly referred to as SBa-l on 7:19,20. -13- Early Man sites (cont.) Sta-61 14:7; Sta-62 14:7; Sta-64 14:7; Sta-65 14:7; Sta-66 14:7; Sta-67 14:7; Sta-69 14:7; Sta-70 14:7; Sta-71 14:7; Sta-72 14:7; Sta-73 14:7; Stahl (Little Lake, Iny-82) 7:7, 16:18,28; Stanford Skull (SC1-33) 6:1ff, 7:8, ARP 1950:2ff; Stone Man Cave (Sha-50) 15:3; Topanga (LAn-i) 14:16, 22:26; Tranquillity (Fre-48) 16:6, 22:26; Ventana Cave (Arizona) 16:28; Willow Creek (Mnt-281) 29:24; Windmiller (Sac-107) 13:6, 22:26, 25:65,P71, ARP 1950:99, ARP 1953:19. Bibliographies: general 2:20, 4:12; Amargosa 2:16;iAngeles Mesa (LAn-171) 2:18; Auriferous gravel finds 2:9; Borax Lake 2:13; Calaveras Skull 2:3; Folscm finds 2:12; Gypsum Cave (Nevada) 2:16; Hawver Cave (EAd-16) 2:11; La Brea (LAn-159) 2:19; Lake Mohave (Playa) 2:14,16; Los Angeles Man(LAn-172) 2:17; Lower Klamath Lake 2:13; Malpais 2:16; Mercer's Cave (Cal-11) 2:11; Oak Grove 2:20; Pinto Basin 2:15,16; Potter Creek Cave (Sha-48')2:10; Sam- wel Cave (Sha-49) 2:10; San Dieguito River 2:16; Stahl (Little Lake, Iny-82) 2:16; Stone Man Cave (Sha-50) 2:10; Table Mountain 2:7; Tranquillity (Fre-48) 2:14. Map 22:4. Historic aboriginal sites Bamert Cave (Ama-3) 10:33, 14:18, 15:3, ARP 1951:2,15; Bear Valley (Mrn-271) 9:28, 24:24, 30:34; Cauley (Mrn-242) 9:28, 24:21; Clear Lake 30:3Off; Estero (Mrn-232) 7:15,19, 9:28, 24:22, ARP 1950:6,9; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 1 23:18; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 3 23:18; Goleta No. 1 10:23; Hall (Mrn-301) 24:24; Hidden (Mrn-274) 9:29, 24:24; Hum-112 APP 1954:3; Iny-2 12:14ff, 28:19; Iny-63 12:14; Isabella Meadows Cave (Mnt-250) 15:4, 29:lff, ARP 1952:2,7; Ker-74 10:lff; Kern Lake 10:23; King6ley Cave (Teh-l) 15:3, 30:4off, ARP 1952:2,7, ARP 1953:7,15ff; La Paz (Yuma-5, Arizona) ARP 1953: 17: La Purisima Indian Barracks 29:10; McClure (Mrn-266) 13:10, 24:23ff, 30:28ff; Men-500 30:2ff,27,47, ARP 1952:2,6; Mosher (Sac-56) 29:10; Mrn-235:.9:28; Mn-236 9:29, 24:55; Mrn-307 9:29, 13:10, ARP 1950:3,6,9, APP 1951:2,16ff, ARP 1952:2,6; Mustang (Yol-13) 10:23; Niles 10:23; SCrI-138 10:23; Sha-20 10:23, 18:7; Sha-21 18:7; SJo-105 ARP 1954:4ff; SRI-2 10:23; SRI-4 29:10; SRI-15 29:10; ERI-18 29:10; Sta-44 14:3,7,17, 22:33, AR? 1954:2,8; Sta-58 14:3,7,20; Teh-58 26:2,5ff, 30:47, APP 1953:l9ff, APP 1934: 2,8; Tom's Point (Mrn-201) 24:24; Winters No. 3 10:23; Yuma-17 (Arizona) ARP 1953:17. Caucasian (non-aboriginal) sites Fort Ross 23:lff,23, ARP 1953:7, ARP 1954:2,8; Fort Vancouver (Oregon) 10:23; Sonca Mission 27:1,57,59,72,74, ARP 1954:2,8. Review 9:1ff. Petroglyph and pictograph sites Agua Caliente (SLO-100) 9:2Off; Giant Desert Figures (Riv-46) 20:lff; Gottville (Sis-183) 20:34; Ha-ak Va-ak (Arizona) 20:9; Isabella Meadows Cave (Mnt-250) 29:6; Lighthill Ranch (Sis-176) 20:35; Mat-ho-ko-sabbi 20:7ff,12; Mrp-193 ARP 1953:24; mrp-194 ARP 1953:24; Mystic Maze (SBr-219) 20:1Off, ARP 1953:24; Nev-5 21:6; Picacho (Arizona) 20:7; No. 1 Ripley (Arizona) 20:7; No. 2 Ripley (Arizona) 20:7,12; No. 3 Ripley (Arizona) 20:12; Petroglyph and pictograph sites (cont.) Riv-39 20:12; Riv-47 20:12; Sis-13 15:14; Tu1-53 ARP 1953:23ff; Watterson Meadow 28:9. Lake County 20:36; Mendocino County 20:36; New and Old Worlds 20:3Off; Sonoma County 20:36. Bibliography 4:9. Review and methods of recording 3:1ff. Trail sites Review 8:1ff. Sites Referred to, by County or State (California unless specified) County abbreviations used in site designations California 1:7, 5:14; Nevada ARP 1954:14. Alameda County Ala-50 ARP 1953:6; Ala-307 (West Berkeley) 13:3, 25:90, ARP 1950:3, ARP 1951:1ff,15, ARP 1954:3,4ff; Ala-309 (Emeryville) 7:19, 13:5, 25:88; Ala-328 (Newark 25:98, ARP 1950:8; Ala-329 (Newark) ARP 1950:3; Niles 10:23. Alpine County Alp-4 21:8; Alp-5 21:8; Alp-6 21:8; Alp-7 21:8, ARP 1954:2,8; Alp-8 21:9; Alp-9 21:9. Amador County Ama-3 (Bamert Cave) 10:33, 14:18, 15:3, ARP 1951:2,15. Ari zona (State) Ha-ak Va-ak 20:9; Picacho 20:7; No. 1 Ripley 20:7; No. 2 Ripley 20:7,12; No. 3 Ripley 20:12; Ventana Cave 16:28; Yuma-5 ARP 1953: 17; Yuma-9 ARP 1953:17; Yuma-17 ARP 1953:17; Yuma-24 ARP 1953:17. Butte County But-48 ARP 1953:7. Calaveras County Cal-6 (0t Neale Cave) 12:35, 15:3; Cal-9 (Calaveras Cement Company) 15:3; Cal-il (Mercer's Cave) 2:11, 12:35, 15:3, ARP 1951:15; Cal-13 (Moaning Cave) 12:29, 15:4, ARP 1951:2,15; Cal-29 (Cave of Skulls) 12:35, 15:4; Cal-82 ARP 1952:2,7; Cal-83 ARP 1952:2,7, ARP 1953:7; Cal-99 (Winslow Cave) 15:3, 29:31, ARP 1952:2,7; Cal-102 (Cave of the Catacombs) 15:4; Calaveras Skull 2:3, 7:5; Miller Cave 12:35. Colusa County Col-l (Miller) 25:71,77; Col-3 (Sandhill) 25:77. Contra Costa County CCo-126 ARP 1951:22,16; CCo-133 9:8; CCo-135 9:8; CCo-137 (Monument, Concord Man) 9:6,15, 22:26, 25:99, ARP 1950:9; CCo-138 (Hotchkiss) 25:77, ARP 1953:4,7; CCo-141 (Orwood) 25:74,76; CCo-146 ARP 1954:4ff; Contra Costa County (cont.) CCo-151 (El Sobrante) 13:8, ARP 1951:2,6, ARP 1953:4,7,18, APP 1954::4ff; CCo-250 (Maltby) 25:77; CCo-256 28:30; CCo-259 (Fernandez) 25:97; CCo.275 7:4; CCo-283 (Potrero) 25:90; CCo-295 (Ellis Landing) 7:19, 13:5, 25:87; CCo-300 (Stege) 25:91. Eldorado County Eld-16 (Hawver Cave) 2:11, 15:3; Eld-24 21:7; Eld-25 21:8; Eld-26 21:8; Indian Gulch 21:26. Fresno County Fre-27 7:19; Fre-30 7:20; Fre-48 (Tranquillity) 2:14., 16:6, 22:26. Humboldt County Hum-67 (Gunther Island) 7:19,21; Hum-112 ARP 1954:3; Hum-118 (Pat- rick's Point) 7:20,21, 11:1; Hum-169 (Tsurai) 7:20,21, 11:2, ARP 1950:2; Hum-174 (Sea Gull Rock) 11:1; Hum-182 ARP 1954:3. Inyo County Iny-2 12:14ff, 28:19; Iny-63 12:14; Iny-82 (Stahl, Little Lake) 2:16, 7:7, 16:18,28; Iny-217 11:11; Iny-218 11:11; Iny-220 11:12; *Iny-222 (Coville Rockshelter) 11:12, 15:4, ARP 1951:17, ARP 1952:6; Iny-223 11:12; Iny-224 11:12; Iny-225 11:13; Iny-226 11:13; Iny- 227 11:23; Iny-228 11:13; Iny-229 11:13; Iny 230 11:13; Iny-231 11:13; Iny-234 11:13; Iny-235 11:13; Iny-236 11:13; Iny-237 11:13; Iny-238 11:13; Iny-239 11:13; Iny-240 11:14; Iny-241 11:14; Iny- 242 11:14; Iny-243 11:14; Iny-244 11:14; Iny-245 11:14; Iny-246 11:14; Iny-247 11:14; **Iny-249 11:14; Iny-256 11:19; Owens Lake 16:28. Kern County Ker-29 12:22, 15:4; Ker-39 (Buena Vista Lake) 7:20; Ker-50 11:5; Ker-74 iShirer Ranch) 10:1, ARP 1949:5; Ker-93 (Horse Creek Cave) 15:4; * *Ker-185 10:29, 15:4; Kern Lake 10:23. Lake County Lak-28 20:36; Lak-29 20:36; Lak-30 20:36; Lak-32 20:36; Lak-34 20:36; Lak-124 20:36; Lak-125 20:36; Lak-139 20:36; Lak-143 20:36; Lak-145 20:36; Lak-161 20:36; Lak-162 20:36; Borax Lake 2:13, 7:6, 16:27, 30:14,20,21,,23, 26,,47; Rattlesnake Island 30:30. Lassen County Las-1 (Tonmy Tucker Cave) 11:15, 15:3, 28:18, ARP 1949:5, ARP 1951:7; Las-90 (Amedee Cave) 15:3, ARP 1951:4; Las-91 1951:4. Los Angeles County LAn-l (Topanga) 14:13,16, 22:26; LAn-36 (Cave of the San Martins) 15:5; LAn-159 (La Brea) 2:19, 7:7; LAn-171 (Angeles Mesa) 2:18, 7:7; LAn-172 (Los Angeles Man) 2:17, 7:7,12, 16:6. *Incorrectly referred to as Iny-22 on 11:14,15. **Incorrectly referred to as Iny-248 on 11:23. ***Incorrectly referred to as Ker-85 on 15:4. Marin County Mrn-7 ARP 1951:16; Mrn-34 ARP 1950:3; Mrn-39 ARP 1950:3; Mrn-76 (Greenbrae) 25:94, ARP 1952:6; Mm-115 (Thomas) 7:20, 19:lff, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1951:7; Mmn-168 ARP 1952:55,7; Mrn-201 (Tom' s Point) 24:24; Mrn-'232 (Estero) 7:15,19, 9:27, 24:22, ARP 1950:6,9; Mrn- 235 9:28; Mrn-236 9:29, 24:55; Mmn-242 (Cauley) 9:28, 24:21; Mrn- 266 (McClure) 13:10, 24:23, 30:28; Mrn-271 (Bear Valley) 9:28, 24:24, 30:34; Mrn-274 (Hidden) 9:29, 24:24,55; MMrn275 ((l[endoza) 24:20, 30:34; Mrn-278 24:33; Mrn-287 24:33; Mrn-301 (Hall) 24:24; Mrn-307 9:29, 13:10, ARP 1950:3,6,9, ARP 1951:2,16ff, ARP 1952:2,6; Mmn-315 (San Rafael) 25:95. Maripoea County Mrp-193 ARP 1953:24, Mrp-194 ARP 1953:24. Mondocino County Men-382 7:3; Men-433 20:36; Men-438 20:36; Men-441 20:36; Mien-442 20:36; Men-484 20:36; Men-500 30:2ff,27,47, ARP 1952:2,6; Men-511 20:36. Modoc County Mod-2 15:2; Mod-3 15:2; Mod-14 15:2; Fern Cave ARP 1953:21; Petro- glyph Cave ARP 1953:21; Petroglyph Point ARP 1953:21. Mono County Mno-13 12:22; Mno-247 28:17; Mno-252 28:17; oth Lakes 28:27. Monterey County Mnt-85 (Hill Cave) 10:33, 15:4; Mnt-229 13:11; Mnt-250 (Isabella Meadows Cave) 15:4, 29:1ff, APP 1952:2,7; Mnt-281 29:24; Mnt-282 29:24, ARP 1951:22,4,16ff, ARP 1953:6. Napa County Nap-I (Goddard) 7:20, 30:33; Nap-32 30:33; Nap-46 (Rock of Ages) 15:4; Nap-57 30:29; Nap-74 .(Mdnticello Reservoir) ARP 1954:2, 9; Nap-127 ARP 1951:16; Nap-131 30:26, ARP 1951:16, ARP 1952:6; Nap- 173 ARP 1953:7. Nevada County Nev-5 21:6; Nev-9 21:6; Nev-10 21:7; Nev-11 21:7; Nev-12 21:7; Nev-13 21:7; Summit Soda Springs 21:34. Nevada (State) Do-i 21:9; Fallon 21:20; Granite Point 21:20; Gypsum Cave 7:6, 16:9,18,26; Humboldt Cave 11:15, ARP 1954:13; Loonard Rockshelter 16:9, 26, 21:15, 28:18, ARP 19.50:9, ARP 1954:13; Lovelock Cave 11:15, 28:18, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1954:13; Paiuto Cave 11:15. Orange County Ora-79 (Santiago Canyon Cave) 15:5. Oregon (State) Fort Vancouver 10:23. -177- Placer County Pla-5 21:5; Pla-6 21:5; Pla-7 21:5; Pla-8 21:5; Pla-9 21:5; Pla-10 21:6,36; Pla-li 21:6; Pla-12 21:6; Pla-13 21:6. Plumas County Plu-7 21:7. Riverside County Riv-39 20:12; Riv-46 (Giant Desert Figures) 20:1; Riv-47 20:12; Pinto Basin 2:15,16, 7:6, 16:18,28, 21:20, 28:19. Sacramento County Sac-6 (Johnson) 7:4,19,20, ARP 1950:9; Sac-21 (Hollister) 25:77; Sac-28 21:28; Sac-43 (Brazil) 7:4, 22:26, 25:71; Sac-56 (Mosher) 29:10; Sac-60 (Hicks) 25:71, 30:56; Sac-66 (Morse) 7:3, 25:71, 30:56; Sac-99 (Deterding) 21:28, 25:71, 30:56; Sac-104 7:4; Sac- 107 (Windmiller) 13:6, 22:26, 25:65,71, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1953:19; Sac-151 (Need) 22:26, 25:71; Sac-160 (Richards) 7:20; Sac-168 ARP 1953:6,18ff; Sac-169 26:4; Sac-171 26:4; Sac-184 ARP 1953:8, 19; Sac-188 ARP 1953:6; Winters No. 3 10:23. San Bernardino County SBr-118 (Oven Cave) ARP 1953:14ff; SBr-119 ARP 1953:15; SBr-120 ARP 1953:15; SBr-121 ARP 1953:15; SBr-122 ARP 1953:15; SBr-123 ARP 1953:17; SBr-219 (Mystic Maze) 20:10, ARP 1953:24; Amargosa 2:16, 28:19; Lake Mohave (Playa) 2:14,16, 7:6, 16:9,18,26, 21:20, 22:32; Malpais 2:16, ARP 1953:17; Mat-ho-ko-sabbi 20:7,12. San Diego County La Jolla 16:7; San Dieguito Rivor 2:16. San Francisco County SFr-1 (Farallon Islands) 7:20, ARP 1949:5; SFr-7 (Bayshore) 25: 92. San Joaquin County SJo-56 7:19,20O,.25:65, 30:47; SJo-68 (Blossom) 7:4, 22:26, 25:65, ARP 1950:3,9; SJo-105 ARP 1954:4ff; SJo-142 (McGillivray) 7:4, 22:26, 25:65,71. San Mateo County SMa-22 (Princeton) 25:94; SMa-78 ARP 1953:7. San Luis Obispo County SLO-100 (Agua Caliente) 9:20. San Nicolas Island 12:1. Santa Barbara County SBa-1 (Mainland 6) 7:20; *SBa-7 (Fig Tree, Carpinteria) 7:19,20, 22:26; SBa-16 7:3; SBa-53 7:3; SBa-102 54 Ba-205 ARP 1951:15; *Incorrectly referred to as SBa-1 on 7:19,20. -18.. Santa Barbara County (cont. ) SBa-5L43 ARP 1951:15; Goleta Nc. 1 10:23; La Purisima Indian Bar- racks 29:10; Mainland 1 7:20; Muwu 13:12; Oak Grove 2:20, 13:11. Santa Clara County SCl-l (Castro, Cossuto, SC1-33 (Stanford. Skull) 1952:3,7. Ponce) 7:19, 25:92, ARP 1949:5, ARP 1950:3; 6:1ff, 7:8, ARP 1950:2ff; SC1-38 ARP Santa Cruz County SCr-25 ARP 1953:7. Santa Cruz Island SCrI-100 7:20; SCrI-138 10:23; SCrI-147 7:20. Santa Rosa Island SRI-2 10:23; SRI-4 29:10; SRI-15 29:10; SRI-18 29:10. Shasta County Sha-l 18:3; Sha-2 18:3; Sha-3 18:3; Sha-4 18:3; Sha-5 18:3; Sha-6 18:3; Sha-7 18:3; Sha-8 18:3; Sha-9 18:3; Sha-10 18:3; Sha-ll 18:3; Sha-12 18:3; Sha-13 18:3; Sha-14 18:3; Sha-15 18:3 Sha-16 18:3; Sha-17 18:3; Sha-18 18:3; Sha-19 18:3; Sha-20 10:23, 18:7; Sha-21 18:7; Sha-22 18:6; Sha-23 18:4; Sha-24 18:4; Sha-25 18:4; Sha-26 18:14; Sha-27 18:4; Sha-28 18:4; Sha-29 18:4; Sha-30 18:4; Sha-31 18:4; Sha-32 18:4; Sha-33 18:4; Sha-34 18:4; Sha-35 18:4; Sha-36 18:4; Sha-37 18:4; Sha-47 (Redding) 18:36; Sha-48 (Potter Creek Cave) 2:10, 15:3; Sha-49 (Samwel Cave) 2:10, 15:3; Sha-50 (Stone Man Cave) 2:10, 15:3; Sha-52 (Fall River) ARP 1954:2,8; Bailey's Soda Springs 21:36. SiskJyou County Sis-2 ARP 1953:23; Sis-13 15:2,13ff, ARP 1951:2,15; Sis-14 15:132 ARP 1952:6; Sis-15 (Pluto's Cave) 15:3; Sis-108 ARP 1953:23; Sis-176 (Lighthill Ranch) 20:35; Sis-183 (Gottville) 20:34; Low- er Klanath Lake 2:13. Solano County Sol-l (Peterson No. 1) 7:20; Sol-3 (Peterson No. 3) 7:2; Sol-236 (Glen Cove) 25:96. Sonoma County Son-256 ARP 1952:6; Son-268 20:36; Son-269 20:36; Son-299 (Bodega Bay) 7:20, 13:9, 24:59, 30:28, ARP 1950:2,3,5,9; Son-319 30:34; Son-321 (Tokau) 13:10; Son-369 ARP 1952:6; Son-371 28:29; Son- 372 ARP 1953:6; Son-373 20:36; Fort Ross 23:lff,23, ARP 1953:7, ARP 1954:2,8; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 1 23:18; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 2 23:18; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 3 23:18; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 4 23:18; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 5 23:18; So- noma Mission 27:lff,57ff,59ff,72ff,74, ARP 1954:2,8. Stanislaus County Sta-2 14:3; Sta-5 14:3,7,llff, 22:28; Sta-6 14:3,7.,13ff; Sta-10 14:3,7,14ff, 22:28; Sta-li 14:3,7; Sta-15 14:3; Sta-19 14:3; Sta-21 14:3,7,16ff;.Sta-44 14:3,7,17ff, 22:33, ARP 1954:2,8; -19- Stanislaus County (cont.). Sta-45 22:28; -Sta-50 14i 7; Sta-~5l 14: 7;, Sta.*53 14t 7;. Sta-~54 14: 7; St-55 14:7* t-< 47; Sta-5 7 14*3,,19 Sta-5 143 20, Sta-59 14:7; Sta-61 14:7; Sta-62 14:7; Sta-64 14:7; Sta-65 14:7; Sta-66 14:7; Sta-67 14:7; Sta-69 14:7; Sta-70 14:7; Sta-71 14:7; Sta-72 14:7; Sta-73 14:7. Tehama County Toh-1 (Kingsley Cave) 15:3, 30:40ff, ARP 1952:2,7; ARP 1953:7,15ff; Teh-54 (Inskip Caves) 15:3; Teh-58 26:2,5ff, 30:47, APP 1953:19ff, ARP 1954:2,8; Teh-66 26:2; Teh-67 26:2; Teh-68 26:2; Teh-69 26:2; Teh-80 26:2. Tulare County Tul-53 ARP 1953:23ff; Cederquist AR? 1949:5. Tuolume County Table Mountain 2:7. Ventura County Ven-62 (Mainland 10) 7:20; Ven-64 (Thacher Cave) 15:4. Yolo County Yo1-2 (Capay Man) 22:24,27; Yol-13 (Mustang) 10:23. Yuba County Yub-5 ARP 1953:8. Site Surv Amador County ARP 1950:2; Bear River Reservoir ARP 1951:15; Big Creek Reservoir ARP 1951:15; Black Butte Reservoir ARP 1949:4; -Bodoga Bay APP 1950:2; Borax Lake ARP 1950:2; Brooks Island ARP 1953:8; Butte County ARP 1953:6; Cachuma ARP 1952:7; Calaveras County ARP 1952:7, ARP 1954:8; Carrizo Plains ARP 1950:2; Central Sierra Nevada 21:lff, PAR 1953:6,24.; Cherry Valley ARP 1951:17; Church Creek ARP 1950:2; Clear Lake APP 1950:2; Colusa County ARP 1953:6; Concord ARP 1951:16ff; Contra Costa County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1951:16; ARP 1952:77; ARP 1953:6; ARP 1954:8; Durham ARP 1950:2; Death Val- ley ARP 1951:2,16; Farmington Reservoir 14:1, ARP 1949:5; Glenn County ARP 1953:6; Goleta Campus ARP 1949:5; Humboldt County ARP 1954:8; Inyo County ARP 1950:2; Isabela Roservoir ARP 1949:5; Lassen County ARP 1951:17, ARP 1952:6; Lava Beds National Monument ARP 1953:6,21ff; Lewiston and Mooney Gulch Reservoir ARP 1953:19; Little Grass Valley Reservoir ARP 1953:19; Livermore Valley ARP 1951:16; Lompoc ARP 1950:2; Lost Creek Reservoir Area ARP 1953:19; L'owor Colorado River ARP 1953:6,7,8; Marin County ARP 1950:2; Mariposa County ARP 1949:5, ARP 1953:7; Mendocino County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1953:6; Merced County ARP 1953:7; Modoc County ARP 1954:8; Mono County 28:6ff, ARP 1954:2,8; Monterey County APP 1950:2, APP 1954:8; Napa County ARP 1953:7, ARP 1954:9; Napa Valley ARP 1951:16, ARP 1954:4; Nevada County ARP 1954:9; Nevada (State) ARP 1954:13; New Melones Reservoir ARP 1949:5; Nimbus Reservoir ARP 1953:19; Oroville Reservoir ARP 1953:19; - : ; -20. Site Surveys (cont.) Panemint Mountains 11:11ff; Panoche Valley ARP 1951:16; Parker Quad- rangle ARP 1953:14ff,16ff; Pino Flat ARP 1949:5; Placer County ARP 1952:6, ARP 1953:8; Pt. Conception ARP 1951:15; Redbank Resor- voir ARP 1953:19; Sacramento County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1953:6,8; San Bonito County ARP 1950:2; San Bernardino County ARP 1950:2; San Joaquin County APP 1950:2, ARP 1954:8; San Luis Obispo County ARP 1953:8; San Mateo County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1953:7, ARP 1954:9; Santa Barbara County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1952:7; Santa Clara County ARP 1953:7; Santa Cruz ARP 1951:15; Shasta County ARP 1952:6, ARP 1953:6, ARP 1954:8; Shasta Dam Area 18:1ff; Siskiyou County ARP 1953:6,7, ARP 1954:8; Solano County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1952:7, ARP 1953:6, ARP 1954:9; Sonoma, County ARP 1950:2, ARP 1953:7; Spanish missions ARP 1950:2; Stanislaus County ARP 1954:8; Tehama County ARP 1953:8; Trinity County ARP 1953:6; Trinity Reservoir ARP 1953:19; Tulare County ARP 1953:7; Tuolunmne County ARP 1952:6; Yosemite National Park ARP 1953:6,20, ARP 1954:3,8. Methods 5:lff. Area Bibliograhies Great Basin 4:25; Interior Desert 4:25; North Coast Ranges 4:14ff; Northeastern Plateau 4:13ff; Northwestern Coast 4:14; Sacramento Valley and Delta Region 4:16ff; San Francisco Bay 4:15ff; San Joaquin Valley 4:18; Santa Barbara Mainland and Channel Islands 4:19ff; Sierra Nevada 4:15; South Coast Ranges 4:19; Southwestern Coast 4:23ff. Archaeological Method Analysis of climatic change 16:23ff, 22:5ff,9ff; Analysis of midden constituents 7:2ff; analysis of sea level changes 13:15ff; analy- sis of shell species 13:lff; Carbon 14 see radiocarbon analysis; chemical analysis of bone 7:1Off, 16:6ff, 17:1ff; classification 24:5ff,8ff; excavation technique 7:15ff; fluorine analysis see chemical analysis of bone; radiocarbon analysis 16:6,7; recording of petroglyphs 3:lff; seriation of artifacts 16:l9ff; site survey 5:1ff; typology of artifacts 25:108ff. Dating and Cpnlo of Sites and Cultures Ala-309 25:10kff; Ama-3 10:33; Borax Lake 30:23; Cal-13 12:38; Cal-99 29:38; CCo-137 9:12ff,15ff, APP 1950:9; CCo-295 13:15ff., 25:104ff; Gypsum Cave (Nevada) 16:26; Hum-67 7:24; Hum-118 7:24; Hum-169 7:23; Iny-2 12:23; Ker-74 10:23ff; Ker-185 10:32; La Jolla 16:7ff; Lake Mohave 16:26ff; Leonard Rockshelter (Nevada) 16:8,26, ARP 1950:9; Little Lake 16:28; "Los Angeles Man" 16:6ff; Lovelock Cave ARP 1950:9; Men-500 30:22ff; Mnt-85 10:33; Mnt-250 29:23ff; Mn-115 19:5ff, ARP 1950:9; Owens Lake 16:27,28; Pinto Basin 16:28; Sac-6 ARP 1950:9; Sac-107 ARP 1950:9; SC1-33 6:4ff; Sha-20 18:3Off; Sha-22 18:31; Sis-13 15:33ff; SJo-68 22:26, ARP 1950:9, ARP 1953: 18; Son-299 ARP 1950:9; Sta-5 14:14; Sta-6 14:14; Sta-10 14:15; -21- Datilng and Chronology of Sites and Cultures (cont.) Sta-21 14:17; Sta-44 14:17ff; Sta-45 22:29ff; Sta-58 14:20; Riv-46 20:5ff; Teh-l 30:67ff; Teh-58 26:36; Tranquillity 16:6ff; Varn- tana Cave (A~rizona) 16:28; Yol-2 22:25ff,27. Boatstones 21:26fi'; Borax Lake Complex 30:26ff; Central Val- lay Early Horizon 16:6, 25:70; Contral Valley Late Horizon 25:79ff, 105ff'; Clear Lake Complex 30:32; Drakets Bay 9:29ff; Drakets Bay Late Horizon 24:43ff,6leff, 25:1O5ff; Early Man sites 7:6ff, 16:18ff, 26ff; Farmington Conplex 14:9ff, 22: 29ff; K-ings Beach Complex 21:21; Martis Cormplox 21:21; McClure Complex 30:29; Mendocino Complex 30:22ffA,28; Mono County 28:17f?; Pananiint Mountains 11: 16,20,25; Pleistocene and Postglacial 16:23ff, 22:5ff,9ff; San Francisco Bay Late Horizon 25:105ff; Shasta Complex 30:33; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. Carbon 14 see radiocarbon analysis; chemical analysts of bone 7:1Off, 9:12ff, 16:6ff, 17:1ff, 22:.25ff; climatic changes 16:23ff, 22:5ff,,9ff; direct-historical 25:105; fluorline3 analysis see chemical analysis of bone; pedologic methods see soil analysis; radiocarbon analysis 16:6,7,26, 19:5ff, 22:26 30:30, ABE 1950:9, ARP 1953:18; sea level changes 13:15ff; seriation 16:19ff; soil analysis 6:4ff, 9:15ff, 14:9ff, 22:25,27,29ff, 29:23ff. Bibliography (Pleistocone and Postglacial) 2:2lff. Midden Constituents Analysis of midden constituents CCo-137 9 :13; Men-500 30:6; Mnt-250 29:4; Sol-3 7:2. Techniques of physical analysis of site deposits 7: 2ff. Bibliography of literature referring to composition of abo- riginal sitres 4:11. Constituents of sites Unmodified animal bone: Alp-7 21:18; Cal-13 12:33; CCo-137 9:11; Hum-118 11:1; Hum-169 11:2; Hum-174 11:1; Mcn-382 7:3; Sac-66 7:3; Sis-13 15:30; Sta-10 14:16,22; Sta-21 14:16,22; Sta-44 14:22; Teh-l 30:6lff. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:67; fossilization 17:1ff. Chemnical analysis '7:10, 17:lff. Species lists 9:11, 12:38, 14:22,- 15: 30Off, 30: 61 f. UnmodIfied sholl: CCo-137 9:12; CCo-275 7:4; Iny-2 12:19; Kor-74 10:13; Sis-13 15:22; SJo-142 7:4; Sta-10 14:16; Sta-21 14:16; Sta-44 14:19. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79; Drake's Bay 24:30. Analysts of specios 13:lff. Speciecs lIsts 9:12, 10:13. Unmodified veogctal material: Cal-13 12:3I; lny-2 12:20; Mnt-250 29:7,8; SBr-118 iAP 1953:14; Sis-13 15:32; Sta-6 14:14; Teh-58 26:18. Central VallOy Late Horizon 25:77,79. Species lists 15:32. -22- Classifications of Artifact Tnes Basketry Mn-115 19:9ff; Sis-13 15:23ff; Pananint Mountains 11:14ff. Blades Men-500 30:16; Mono County 28:25. Buttons Ker-74 10:6. Charmstones Central California 24:10, 25:113ff. Cordage Sis-13 15:25ff. Drills Men-500 30:17; Pla-5 21:14ff; Mono County 28:26. Harpoons Hum-118 7:23. Knives Teh-l 30:48ff. Mortars Men-500 30:18; Central California 24:9 25:109ff. Nut beads Shasta Dan Area 18.:22. Pestles Men-500 30:17ff; Central California 24:10, 25:111ff; Shasta Dan Area 18:15ff. Projectile points Iny-2 12:17; Men-500 30:12ff; Pla-5 21:11ff; Sis-13 15:16ff; Tch-l 30:43; Teh-58 26:6ff; Ccntral California 24:9, 25:108ff; Mono County 28:24ff; Shasta Dam Area 18:lOff. Pottery Iny-2 12:2Off; Panamint MOuntains 11:21. Scrapers Men-500 30:15; Sis-13 15:19; Toh-l 30:48. Shell beads Cal-13 12:36ff,29:35; Cal-99 29:36; Iny-2 12:18; Ker-74 1l0:13ff, 18ff; Teh-l 30:54ff; Central California 24:1Off, 25:115ff; Shasta Dan Area 18:20ff. Shell ornamcnts Cal-13 12:36,29:34ff; Cal-99 29:34ff; Ker-74 10:14ff; Toh-l 30:55; Teh-58 26:15ff; Central California 25:116ff. -23- Classifications ofArtifact Typos (cent.) Trade beads Iny-2 12:19ff; Ker-74 10:8ff; Teh-l 30:56. Bone Artifacts Alp-7 21:18; Cal-99 29:37; CCo-137 9:9; CCo-138 25:79; Hum-67 7:23; Hum-118 7:23; Hurn-169 7:24; Ker-74 10:1L; Men-500 30:22; Mnt-250 29:19; Mrn-115 19:5; Mn-201 24:48; Ern-232 7:17, 24:35,48; Mm- 242 24:35,39,48; Mrn-266 24:35,39,42,46,48,50,51,52; Mrn-275 24: 35,40,48,51; Vin-301 24:48; Sha-20 18:20; Sha-35 18:20; Sha-47 18:39; Sis-13 15:21; Sta-10 14:16; Sta-44 14.:19; Teh-l 30:52; Teh-58 26:16. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:67,68; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:73,74,75; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,78,79; McClure Complex 30:29; Panamint Mountains 11:21; San Francisco Bay 25:83-99passim; Shasta Dam Area 18:19; Woodon Valley Complex 30:30. Chipped Stone Artifacts Blades Alp-309 25:89; Cal-99 29:37; CCo-137 9:9; CCo-295 25:88; Hum-118 7:23; Iny-225 11:24; Iny-226 11:24; Loonard Rocksheltor (Nevada) 21:15; M th Lakes 28:27; Mon-500 30:16ff; Pla-5 21:15ff; Pla-9 21:15; Sta-5 14:12; Sta-57 14:19; Teh-l 30:49; Teh-58 26:7ff. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:74ff; Central Sierra Nevada 21:15ff; Mono County 28:16; Napa County 30:33; Shasta Complex 30:33; Shasta Dam Area 18:14. Core tools (choppers, hamerstones, core scrapers, scraper planes) Iny-222 11:23; Iny-234 11:24; Iny-246 11:24; Men-500 30:20ff; Mn-232 7:17, 24:32ff; Mn-242 24:32ff; Mmn-266 24:32ff; Mm- 275 24:32ff; Mrn-278 24:33; Sis-13 15:19; Sta-5 14:12ff; Sta- 6 14:14; Sta-10 14:15; Sta-21 14:17; Teh-58 26:9. Central Sierra Nevada 21:15; Famington Complox 14:1Off; Mono County 28:17. Crescents Borax Lako Complex 30:26; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79. Drills Iny-2 12:18; Men-500 30:17ff; Mmn-242 24:34; Mn-266 24:34; Pla-5 21:14ff; Sha-20 18:14; Sis-13 15:20; Teh-58 26:9. Mono County 28:16. Knives Iny-222 11:23; Sis-13 15:20; Teh-1 30:48ff; Teh-58 26:8ff. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:68; Central Valley Middla Horizon 25:74. -24. Chiped. Stone Artifacts (cont.) Projectile points Alp-4 21:14; Borax Lako 30:14,47; Cal-13 12:37; Cal-99 29:37; Eld-24 21:14; Eld-26 21:14; Iny-2 12:17,. 28:19; Iny-226 11:24; Iny-242 11:24; Ker-74 10:20; Leonard Rocksholter (Nevada) 28:18; Lovelock Cave (Nevada) 28:18; Men-500 30:12,47; Mt-281 29: 24; Mnt-282 29:24; Mn-115 19:4,5; Mn-201 24:41; Mrn-232 7:17, 24:40; Mrn-242 24:40; Mrn-266 24:40; Mn-275 24: 40; Nap-131 30:26; Nev-8 21:14; Nev-ll 21:14; Pla-5 21:11; Pla-7 21:14; Pla-8 21:14; Pla-9 21:14; Pla-10 21:14; Pla-13 21:14; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sac-169 26:4; Sha-20 .3:13,28; Sha-21 18:13; Sha-22 18:13; Sha-47 18:39; Sis-13 15:16; SJo-56 30:47; Sta-44 14:18; Teh-1 30:43; Teh-58 26:5, 30:47; Tommy Tucker Cave 28:18. Amargosa Complex 28:19; Borax Lake Complex 30:26; Canalino COMplex 30:15; Central Sierra Nevada 28:18; Central Valley Early Horizon 25:68; Central Valloy Middle Horizon 25:74; Central Val- loy Late Horizon 25:77,78; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Martis Val- ley 30:47; Mendocino Complex 30:28; Mono County 28:13; Panamint Mountains 28:19; Pinto Basin Complex 28:19; San Francisco Bay 25:83-98passim; Shasta Complex 30:33,47; Shasta Dam Area 18:9; Wooden Valley Complex 30:29. Prismatic flakes Mrn-232 24:47; Mrn-266 24:47; Sis-13 15:20. San francisco Bay 25:85-97 passin. Saws Mrn-242 24:34; Mrn-266 24:34. Scrapers Cal-13 12:37; Cal-99 29:37; CCo-259 25:98; Iny-2 12:18; Iny-225 11:24; Iny-226 11:24; Iny-236 11:24; Iny-242 11:24; Ker-74 10:20ff; Mon-500 30:15ff; Mnt-250 29:20; Mrn-232 7:17, 24:33ff; Mrn-242 24:33ff; Mrn-266 24:33ff; Mn-275 24:33ff; Sha-20 18:14; Sis-13 15:19; Sta-5 14:12; Sta-21 14:17; Sta-44 14:18; Teh-l 30:48. Central Sierra Nevada 21:15; Farmington Complex 14:1Off; Mono County 28:16; Shasta Dam Area 18:14. Stone flaking techniques Achomawi 19:18; Hupa 19:17; Maidu 19:22; oth Lakes 28:27; Nisenan 19:22; Pomo 19:19; Shasta 19:18; Shasta Dam Area 18:10; Washo 19:24, 21:38; Wintu 19:19; Wiyot 19:18; Yahi 19:21; Yokuts 19:23; Yurok 19:16. Bibliography 4:6. Ground and Pecked Stone Artifacts Bodrock mortars Ama-3 14:19; Eld-24 21:7; Eld-25 21:8; Iny-2 12:15; Mnt-250 29:7; Mrp-193 ARP 1953:24; Mrp-194 ARP 1953:24; Sta-44 14:17. Central Sierra Nevada 21:17; Mono County 28:12; Yosemite Park region 21:31. Ground and Pecked Stone Artifacts (cont.) Boatstones, Pla-5 21:26; Sac-28 21:28; Sac-99 21:28, 25:76. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:75; occurrence in California 21:26ff. Charmstones Borax Lake 30:21; CCo-138 25:79; CCo-256 28:30; Ker-74 10:21; Men-500 30:21; Mrn-115 19:5; Mrn-232 7:17, 24:49; Mrn-242 24:49; Mrn-266 24:49; Mrn-275 24:49; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sha-20 18:19; Son-371 28: 29; Teh-58 26:12. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:67; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:73; San Francisco Bay 25:83-98 passim; Shasta Complex 30:33. Bibliography 4::9. Manos and/or metates Alp-4 21:17; Borax Lake 30:20; Eld-24 21:17; Iny-2 12:16; Mcn-500 30:19; Nap-131 30:26; Pla-5 21:16; Pla-6 21:16; Pla-7 21:17; Sac- 169 26:4; Sha-21 18:19; Sis-13 15:20; Sta-10 14:15; Sta-21 14:17; Sta-44 14:19; Teh-1 30:49. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:67; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:74; Mono County 28:12; Panamint Mountains 11:23; Round Valley 30:20; San Francisco Bay 25:87-98passim. Mortars and/or pestles Cal-13 12:37; CCo-137 9:9; CCo.138 25:79; Ker-74 10:21; Men-500 30:17; Mnt-250 29:20; Mrn-232 7:17, 24:30; Mrn-242 24:30; Mrn- 266 24:30; Mrn-275 24:30; Pla-6 21:17; Sac-107 25:67; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sac-169 26:4; Sha-20 18:16; Sha-22 18:16; Sha-47 18:38; Sis-13 15:21; SJo-68 25:67; Son-319 30:34; Sta-5 14:13; Sta-10 14:15; Sta-44 14:19; Toh-1 30:50; Teh-58 26:9. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:67; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:73,74; CentralValley Late-Horizon 25:77,78,79; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Mendocino Complex 30:28; Mono County 28:13; San Francisco Bay 25:83."99passim; Shasta Complex 30:33; Shasta Dam Area 18:15; Wooden Valley Complex 30:29. Pipes Cal-13 12:37; CCo-138 25:77; Iny-2 12:16; Mrn-242 24:50; Mrn-266 24:50; Mrn-275 24:50; Sha-20 18:17; SJo-142 25:68; Sta-44 14:19. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:75; Central Valley Late Ho- rizon 25:78; San Francisco Bay 25:85-97passim. Sinkers Mmn-232 7:17, 24:38; Mrn-242 24:38; Mrn-266 24:38; Mmn-275 24:38; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sac-169 26:4; Sha-20 18:19. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:74; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79; McClure Complex 30:29; San Francisco Bay 25: 87-92passim. Steatite vessels Ker-74 10:20. -26-. Ground and Pecked Stone Artifacts (cont.) Stone beads Cal-99 29:36; Iny-2 12:16; Ker-74 10:19; Men-500 30:21; Mrn-201 24:45; Mrn-266 24:l45; Teh-l 30:51; Teh-58 26:11,12. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:72; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:78,79; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Drake's aBay 24:44; San Francisco Bay 25:86-97passim; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. Incised, Painted and Sculptured Stone Artifacts Iny-226 11:24; Ker-74 10:22; Sha-20 18:19; Teh-l 30:52. San Nicolas Island 12:1ff; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. Shell Artifacts Beads Cal-13 12:36, 29:35; Cal-99 29s35,36; CCo-137 9:10; Iny-2 12:18; Ker-74 10:10,l31l8; MtM25GS29:9A0,l; Mrno.201 24:145; Mn-232 24:45; Mn-242 24:45; Mrn-266 24:44,45; Mrn-275 24:44; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sha-20 18:20,28; Sha-22 18:20; Sha-47 18:41; Sis-13 15:22; Teh-l 30: 54; Teh-58 26: 14. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:66; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:72; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:78,79; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Drake' s Bay 24:47; McClure Complex 30:29; Napa County 30:34; San Francisco Bay 25:83-99passim; Shasta Complex 30:33; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. Ornaments and other artifacts Cal-13 12:36, 29:34; Cal-99 29:34; CCo-137 9:9; Ker-74 10:1,l:h4ff; Mnt-250 29:19; Mrn-115 19:4; Mrn-266 24:47; Mrn-275 24:47; Sac-60 30:56; Sac-66 30:56; Sac-99 30:56; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sha-47 18:40; Sta-44 14:19; Teh-l 30:55; Teh-58 26:15. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:66; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:72,74; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,78,79, 30:56; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Napa County 30:33; San Francisco Bay 25:83-99passim; Shasta Complex 30:33; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. Bibliography 4:7. Clay Artifacts Balls and other artifacts Mrn-115 19:3; Mn-232 24:38; Mrn-266 24:30; Sac-6 7:4; Sac-107 25:69; Sis-13 15:28; SJo-68 25:69. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:75; Contral Valley Late Horizon 25:77,79; San Francisco Bay 25:89-99passim. Clay figurines CCo-283 25:91; Hum-67 7:22; Mrn-76 25:95; Mrn-232 7:18, 24:52; Mrn-242 24:52; Mrn-266 24:52; Sis-13 15:28. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:78,79. -27.- Clay Artifacts (cont.) Pipes Ala-328 25:99; Hum-67 7:22; Sha-20 18:17. Pottery Iny-2 12:20; Iny-225 11:21,22; Iny-234 11:22 ; Iny-241 11:21; Iny-242 11:21; Ker-29 12:22; Mon-13 12:22; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; SBr-118 ARP 1953:14ff; SBr-l19 ARP 1953:15; SBr-120 ARP 1953:15; SBr-121 ARP 1953:15; SBr-123 ARP 1953:17; Sis-13 15:28; Yuma-9 (Arizona) ARP 1953:17; Yuma-24 (Arizona) ARP 1953:17. Alabama EH1is 11:2.3; Chidago Canyon 28:11-Koso Hills 11:23; Mono-Yokuts 11:22, 12:22; S.Paiute 11:22, 12:22. Bibliography 4:8. Perishable Artifacts Basketry Humboldt Cave 11:15; Iny-218 11:14; Iny-220 11:16,18; *Iny-222 11:15,17,18; Iny-237 11:19; Iny-256 11:19; Ker-50 11:8; Ker-185 10:31; Lovelock Cave (Nevada) 11:15; Mnt-250 29:8,1lff; Mrn-115 19:3.,9ff; Paiute Cave (Nevada) 11:15; Sis-13 15:23ff; Sol-236 25:96; Tommy Tucker Cave 11:15. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,79. Cloth Ker-50 11:9. Cordage Ker-50 11:8; Mnt-250 29:9,10; SBr-118 ARP 1953:14; Sis-13 15:25ff; Sol-236 25:96; Teh-58 26:18. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79; Shasta Dam Area 18:20. Matting Ker-50 11:8; Ker-185 10:32; Sis-13 15:24ff; Sol-236 25:96. Netting Ker-50 11:8; Ker-185 10:31; Mrn-275 24:48. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79. Nut beads Sha-20 18:28; Sis-13 15:29; Teh-58 26:18. Shasta Complex 30:33; Shasta Dam Area 18:22. Skin artifacts Ker-185 10:31; Mnt-250 29:7; Sis-13 15:29. Wooden artifacts Ama-3 14:19; Benton 28:12; CCo-259 25:98; Iny-222 11:20; Iny-241 11:20; Mnt-250 29:16; Mrn-115 19:2; Mrn-266 24:38; Sha-47 18:36 Sis-13 15:22. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79; Vancouver collection 28:1. *Incorrectly referred to as Iny-22 on 11:15. -.28- Pigment Iny-2 12:18; Ker-74 10:12; Men-500 30:22; Teh-58 26:17. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:66; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:73; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,79; Drake's Bay 24:46; Napa County 30:34; San Francisco Bay 25:83-99passtm; Shasta Dam Area 18:16. Caucasian Artifacts Chinaware Men-500 30:21; Sha-20 18:28. Clay pipes Ker-74 10:5; Sha-20 18:29; Teh-58 26:19. Glass obJects Cal-99 29:32; Fort Ross 23:8; Ker-74 10:5; Men-500 30:21; Sha-20 18:10,29; Sha-21 18:10; Sta-44 14:18; Sta-58 14:20; Teh-l 30:56. Central Valley Late Horizon 25:79; Clear Lake Complex 30:31. Leather objects Mnt-250 29:9; Sha-20 18:29; Sta-58 14:20. Metal obJects Cal-99 29:32; Fort Ross 23:15,17; Ker-74 10:5; Mrn-232 7:17, 9:27, 24:44,56; Mrn-236 9:29; Mrn-242 24:44,56; Mn-266 24:44; Mrn-271 24:56; Mn-307 9:29; Sha-20 18:10,29; Sha-21 18:29; Sta-58 14:20; Teh-58 26:19. Porcelain Fort Ross 23:8; Fort Ross Indian Site No. 1 23:18; Mrn-232 7:17, 9:27, 24:55; Mrn-235 9:28; Mrn-236 9:29, 24:55; Mrn-242 9:28, 24:55; Mrn-271 24:55; Mrn-274 9:29, 24:55; Mrn-301 24:55; Mrn-307 9:29. Trade beads Fort Vancouver 10:23; Goleta No. 1 10:23; Iny-2 12:19; Iny-63 12:14; Ker-74 10:8; Kern Lake 10:23; La Purisima Ind4an Barracks 29:10; Men-500 30:21; Mrn-201 24:43; Mrn-266 24:43; Mht-250 29:9,21; Niles 10:23; Sac-56 29 :10; Sac-169 26:4; SCrI-138 10:23; Sha-20 10:23, 18:28; SRI-2 10: 23; SRI-4 29:10; SRI-15 29:10; SRI-18 29:10; Teh-l 30:56, APP 1953:16; Teh-58 26:18; Winters No. 3 10:23; Yo1-13 10:23. Central Valley Late Hori zon 25 :79. Burials Animal burials Hum-118 11:1; Hun-174 11:1; Ker-50 11:8; Men-500 30:10. * hsctgr nldsalnnaorgnl(otClrba)atfcs * This category includes all non-aboriginal (post-Columbian) artifacts., e.g., Ming porcelain from China. -29- Burials (cont.) o. . Burials Ama-3 10:33; Cal-13 12:34; Cal-99 29:33; CCo-137 9:6; CCo-138 25:79; CCo-256 28:31; Hum-67 7:21; Hum-1l8 7:23; Hum-182 ARP 1954:3; Ker-50 11:7; Ker-74 10:3; Ker-185 10:29; Men-500 30:10; Mnt-85 10:33; Mnt-250 29:9; Mrn-232 24:27; Mrn-242 24:27; Mrn-266 24:27; Mrn-271 24:27; Mrn-275 24:27; Sac-168 ARP 1953:18; Sha-20 18:22; Sha-35 18:22; Sha-47 18:36; Sta-10 14:16; Sta-21 14:17; Sta-44 14:19; Teh-l 30:60; Teh-58 26:19; Yol-2 22:24. Central Valley Early Horizon 25:65; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:72; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,78; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Drake's Bay 24:25; Napa County 30:33; San Francisco Bay 25:83-lOOpassim. Cremations Hum-67 7:21; Ker-50 11:5; Mrn-232 24:27; Mrn-242 24:27; Mrn-266 24:27; Mrn-275 24:27; Mn-301 24:27; Son-319 30:34. Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:72; Central Valley Late Horizon 25:77,79; Clear Lake Complex 30:31; Drake's Bay 30-34; San Francisco Bay 25:84-.98passim; Wooden Valley Complex 30:30. itslcal Anthroyolo v Stanford skull 6:10; Central Valley Early Horizon 25:66; Central Valley Middle Horizon 25:71 Bibliography 4:25. Institutions Cooperating with UCAS Bowers Memorial Museum ARP 1952:3; Bureau of Reclamation ARP 1950:8; California Historical Society ARP 1950:10; Committee on Radioact- ive Carbon ARP 1950:8, ARP 1951:9; Contra Costa Junior College ARP 1951:4; Corps of Engineers ARP 1950:8; Institute for Nuclear Studies ARP 1950:8ff, ARP 1951:9; Los Angeles County Museum ARP 1952:3; Sacramento Junior College ARP 1950:10; Sacramento State College ARP 1954:3; San Diego Museum of Man ARP 1952:3; San Fran- cisco State College ARP 1950:10, AR? 1952:3, ARP 1953:2, ARP 1954:3; San Mateo Historical Society ARP 1950:10; San Mateo Junior College ARP 1950:8,10; Santa Barbara College ARP 1949:4, ARP 1950:10, ARP 1951:3; Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History ARP 1951:3, ARP 1952:3; Santa Clara County Industrial Farm ARP 1952:3; Smith- sonian Institution ARP 1949:4, ARP 1950:8,10, ARP 1951:3; South- west Museum ARP 1952:3; Stanford University ARP 1949:4, ARP 1950:10; State Department of Finance ARP 1949:4; State Division of Beaches and Parks ARP 1953:2, ARP 1954:3; State Division of Fish and Game ARP 1953:2; State Division of Mines ARP 1949:4, ARP 1951:4, AR? 1952:3; State Division of Water Resources ARP 1953:2; State Fish and Game Commission ARP 1952:3; State Indian Museum ARP 1952:3, ARP 1954:33; University of California (Los Angeles) ARP 1950:10; University of Santa Clara ARP 1954:4; University of Utah Press ARP 1953:3; U. S. Department of Agriculture ARP 1952:3, ARP 1953:2; -30. Institutions Co2oprating with UCAS (cont.) U. S. Department of Interior ARP 1950:10, ARP 1951:14, ARP 1952:3, ARP 1953:2, ARP 1954:4; U. S. Forest Service ARP 1950:10; U. S. Navy ARP 1953:3; U. S. National Park Service ARP 1949:3, ARP 1950:8,10, ARP 1951:3, ARP 1952:3.