Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ' ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 22 PAPERS CN CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 21-26 Issued June 29, 1953 The Universty of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4. California PAPERS IN CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 21-26 C o n t e n t s 21. Robert F. Heizer 22. Ernst Antevs. 23. Ernst Antevs. 24. Robert F. Heizer and S.F. Cook. 25.9 Frank Harradine. 26. A.E. Treganza and R.F. Heizer Sites Attributed to Early Man in California. .. . ....... . .......... On Division of the Last 20,000 Years...**e......... The Postpluvial or Neotherml.......... "Capay Man," an Ancient Central California Indian Burial.......... Report on Pedologic Observations Made at the "Capay Man" Site in Western Yolo County....... Additional Data on the Farmington Complex, a Stone Implement Assem- blage of Probable Early Postglacial Date from Central California........... Page 1 5 9 27 28 I l 1 u s t r a t i o n s Following Page Map 1. Chart 1. Figure 1. Figure 2. Early Man Sites in California......... Tentative Graphs of Temperature and Moisture and Main Time Divisions of Deglacial and Neotherml Agesl................... Topographic and Depositional Reconstruction of Site Yol-2 Area................................. General Profile "at Burial Site and Pedologic Profile Above Skeleton (Site Yol-2)0*000000000000090*# Profile of Hood Creek Above Site Sta-41i.......... Profile of Hood Creek at Site Sta.44i............ Longitudinal Profile of Hood Creek Near Site StaJ44.9999999999999..........99999*99*....... Ideal cross-section of Hood and Rock Creeks........... Farmington Artifacts ........ 9 99.9999.... 9999 4 Figure Figure Figure 4. 5. 8 26 26 38 38 38 38 38 Figure 6. Plate 1.