Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 20 PAPERS ON CALIFCRNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 21-22 Issued March 16, 1953 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4. California PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 21-22 C o nt e nt s Page 21. Michael J. Harner. 22. Robert F. Heizer. Gravel Pictographs of the Lower Colorado River Region. . . . .fa 1 Appendix: Robert F. Heizer, Additional Surface Intaglio and Boulder Outline Designs in the New and Old Worlds. . . . . . . 30 Sacred Rain Rocks of Northern California . . . . . * . . .6 . . * . . 33 I 1 1 u s t r a t i o n s Following page Map 1. Reported gravel alignments and pictographs in Southern California and adjoining areas. . . . Figure 1. Gravel pictographs and alignment groups from Lower Colorado River region. . . .g. . . .. .. Plate 1. Gravel pictographs from site Riv-46 . . . . . . . Plate 2. Indian rain rocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 29 29 29 36