Reports of the UNIVERSITY OF&ALIFORNIA ,ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 12 PAPES ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 13-16 Issued November 1, 1951 The University of California Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4. California PAPERS IN CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 13-16 13. Leon de Cessac.. 14. E. Harry. 15. Harry S. Riddell. 16. William Wallace. Cont ents Observations on the Sculptured Stone Fetishes in Animal Form Discovered on San Nicolas Island (California)....,.......... 1 The French Scientific Expedition to California, 1877-1879a...l..l......e......... 6 The Archaeology of a Paiute Village Site; in Owens Valley. . 1 . . .... *. . . . W . I . * . . . . . , . . . 4 The Archaeological Deposit in Moaning I Cave, Calaveras County., 29 I1 1 u s t r a t i o n s Plate 1. Map 1. Map 2. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Following page Stone "fetishes" from San Nicolas Island................. 5 Contour map of Cottonwood Creek site (Iny-2)............. 28 Known range of Owens Valley brown ware..................9 28 Projectile point and drill forms from Iny-2 .............. 28 Cross-section of Moaning Cave.......... .............. 29 Cross-section of archaeological deposit, Moaning Cave..... 29 Artifacts from Moaning Cave (Cal-13).........-.......... 37