Reports of the UNIVERSITY OFCALIFORN1A LARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 10 .rlOGY OF TWO KERN COUNTY SITES - Archaeology of Site Ker-74. we Burial from Kern County. F. A, Riddell R. F. Heizer I ? r ? - - .11"lv' , r - , , Ir ? a( > i.1 1.f I x . . I ) - I The University of CelHfornia Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4. California TIHE ARCMEOLOGY OF EO KERN COU'TY SITES The `.ArchacoloTy of Site Kcr-74. F. A. idcldll .s. . . . . . A Cnvc DTm-rial from Kern County. Rt.P. Heizer . . . . . . . . Page 29 Illustrations Plate 1. Plate 2-. Figure .1. Figure 2'. Figure 3,. Figure Li4 Figure 5* Specimens fron Kcr-74 . . . .. .* . .* * Burial and associated specimems from Ker-185 Shell beads from Ker-74 Shell orncme-nts from Ker-74 . ....... Shell ornaments from Ker-74 * . * . . , Shell ornaments from Kor-74 . . . . . . Stone artifacts from Kcr-74 . . . . . . . Following . Following . Following . Following * Following . Following . Following Pe P. P. p.. p. p.0 p.0 25 36 13 17 17 17 19 EXPAIIATION OF ILLUST FLTIONS PlATE L. Specimons from Kesr-74. a., Obverse side of diatomaccous .. 0 rock slab; the stippled areas indicate 'areas of red paint created by scratchmng horizontal and vertical lines on the surface of the specimen Whiich head previously been completely painted on the ooverse sides b, Reverse side of above specimen. The dark stippled areas represent areas of red paint while the lightly stippled areas represent a dark discoloration --- possibly a black pigment. Both the red and the black are very faint. Incised lines at the top are particl)%y obscured through weathering. c, Smaller diatomaccous rock slab completely stained with a red pigments The bands at the top are of black pigment. An attempted repair of the break was made anciently w1i'th asphaltum d-h, Incised coyote bone tubes* i, Green glass liquorqk-l, Obverse and rUverse of a church medaelion dated 183U. m, Steatite lip pluy7 n, Henvily rusted steel strike-a-light with shell beads adhering to its surface. FIGURE 1, a-h4 Cl.a..ashell disc beads with incised edges, Types Vlf and Vlg. YNatur size. FIGREP 2. Haliotis shell ornaments of various types. natural size. FIGURE 3 Haliotis shell ornaments of various types, natural sizbs FIGUE h. H"aliotis shncll ornamloi,.nts of various types, natural size. FIGUGTU 2 . a, Ala,,baster charmstone with groove a-nd slightly battered ends, fulT size. b, Steoatite arrowshaft straightener with incised decorations, natural size; ride view-.-. c, Top vicew of arrowshaft straightener. ,PLMTE 2. Burial and associated specimens from Ker-18-. a, Coiled bsket conhinin, burial of 12 year old child; b, skeleton in basket shown in a. c, Taile matting with cordage wefts; d, Small coiled basket containing rab'gitslkein blanket which was originally vwrapped about body of skeleton.