Repot of the 3JNIVERS1TY OF CALIFORNIA LARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1k01 A No. 9 PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARcHioLoGY: 6-9. Issued Nov. 20, 1950 The University of C lifornia Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4, California PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 6-9. C o n t e n t s Page 6, Robert F. ilcizer. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology in California, ..... . .09 ** 6 ,,, ... *.. . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . a . . . . 1 7. Robert F. Heizers Archacology of CCo-137, the "Concord Mann" site.. 6 Appendix I. R. E. Storie and F. Harradinc. An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, Cd ifornia, Bascd on Pcdologic Observationsc . . t . ....e...........e. , , ,1* * * ** 5 8. Donald Lathrap. A Disti4ctive Pictog-rph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo Coun`Ctr- . .*. ............., . 20 9. Clement W. Meighan. Excavations in Sixtcnth Ccntury Shellmounds at Drako's Bay, Marin County .. .. ..27 I 1 1 u s t r a t i o n s Folloaring Page Platc 1. Burials and stratification, site CCo-137 (for explanation see p. 9) * *...,..*.*999*****9 9 Plate 2. Topographic map and soil types in Concord region (for explanation see p. 9) *.............................. 9 Plate 3. Pictograph from SLO-100 , 20 Figurc 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4h Curve of ratc of soil profile development (top); plan of excavations at CCo-137 (bottom) ............................ 6 Stratification profile (A-B line) along south wall of pool (top); E-F profile of pool wall (bottom) 6 Stratification profile along I-J linc, site CCo-137...on p. 13 Sequence of horizons of Tierra soil profile, site CCo-137...1