Reports of the LNIVERSITY OFIIALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 7 PAPERS ON CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 1-5 Issued June 10, 1950 The University of Cal~fornia Archaeological Survey Department of Anthropology University of California Berkeley 4. California PAPERS ON CALInORNIA ARCHAEOLOGY: 1-5* C o n t e n t a .- Page 1. Sherburne F. Cook. Physical Analysis as a Method for Investigating Prehistoric Habitation Sites. * . 4 6 . . . . .. . . * . 2 2. Robert F. Heizer. Observations on Early Man In California...... S 3* Robert F. Heizer. On the Methods of Chemical Analysis of Bone as an Aid to Prehistoric Culture Chronoyog.........y. 10 4. Clement A. Heighan. Ob~ervations on the Efficiency of Shovel Archaeology........&..........w............................... 15 5* John E. Mills. Recent Developments in the Study of Northwestern California Archaeology ....................... 21 .I 1 1 u s t r a t i o n s Map Showing Approximate Location of Sites Referred to in This Report ....... . . ., * ....... ..Following title page These 5 papers were .presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Western States. Branch of the American Anthropological Association held in Berkeley, February 3.4, 1950. Site designations in the form of a number prefixed by an abbreviation of a county name are those based upon the system employed by the UC-kS as described in its Report No. 5, 1949. The state map accompanying the present report shows the location of the various archaeological sites mentioned in the papers which appear below. I 19? 1l 118 I!I7? 1!60 11 5? 114?- MAP SHOWING APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SITES REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT -41 -4-01 -390 O o nes 14T Olson's site l00 a% tl~ li3" I i2? lil ? 21209 I i9o I i 8