ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Volume 23 SITE LAN-2 A Late Manifestation of the Topanga Complex in Southern California Prehistory BY KEITH L. JOHNSON UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1966 SITE LAN-2 A Late Manifestation of the Topanga Complex in Southern California Prehistory SITE LAN-2 A Late Manifestation of the Topanga Complex in Southern California Prehistory BY KEITH L. JOHNSON ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Volume 23 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Advisory Editors: M. A. Baumhoff, D. J. Crowley, C. J. Erasmus, T. D. McCown, C. W. Meighan, H. P. Phillips, M. G. Smith Volume 23 Approved for publication June 6, 1965 Issued November 1, 1966 Price, $1.50 University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles California Cambridge University Press London, England Manufactured in the United States of America PREFACE Archaeological excavation of LAn-2 was undertaken in 1957 in an attempt to establish firmly the chronological and cultural position of this site in southern California prehistory. The site itself is located on the eastern side of Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California. It represents the village of a group of simple hunters and gatherers who manufactured crude hammerstones, choppers, scraper planes, and scrapers. These people subsisted primarily on wild seeds and plant foods which they ground on milling stones preparatory to cook- ing or roasted in uniquely constructed stone-lined earth ovens. Bits of shell and sea mammal bone in the midden indicated some contact with the coast 5 miles away. Charcoal from the fire pits yielded carbon 14 dates which place the occupation of LAn-2 at around 600 B.C., the only known site of this period in Los Angeles County. Comparisons with sites in Topanga Canyon and on the adjacent coast indicate that LAn-2 belongs within the general Milling Stone Horizon of southern California. It is true, however, that the relatively high frequency and variety of projectile points, mortars, and pestles at the site show some tendency toward a hunting orientation diagnostic of the Intermediate Horizon. The Topanga complex is briefly compared with milling stone assem- blages in Santa Barbara and San Diego counties. In addition, it is sug- gested that ecological differences may inhibit comparisons between mid- dens on the Channel Islands off the California coast and milling stone sites on the mainland. Finally, excavation of LAn-2 has resulted in a slight revision of Phases I and II of the Topanga complex and the addition of a new phase (III), characterized in part by flexed burials, earth ovens, and stones with simple incised designs. CONTENTS Introduction ......................................................-1 Description of the Site ...... 1 The Site Deposit ...... 2 Method of Excavation .... 2 Features ........................................................ 3 Burial Description ................................................ 4 Artifact Description. 5 Chipped stone Scraper planes. 5 Scrapers. 7 Choppers. 8 Hammerstones. 8 Cores. 8 Projectile points and knife blades ........ .......... 8 Crescent .10 Ground stone Milling stones .10 Manos .10 Mortars .11 Pestles .11 Abrading stone .11 Stone disk . 11 Rubbing stones .11 Pendants .11 Miscellaneous worked objects. 12 Other Remains Quartz crystals .13 Unmodified lithic material .13 Pigments .13 Unworked shell and bone remains ................................ 13 Dating .15 Cultural Reconstruction ........................................... 16 Cultural Relationships ............................................ 18 Relation to local excavated sites .18 Relation to southern California prehistory .21 Summary and Conclusions . 22 Bibliography ..................................................... 23 Plates . 25 MAPS 1. LAn-2 .2 2. Distribution of oak and yucca in vicinity of LAn-2 .18 FIGURE 1. Cross section of Feature 1 fire pit. 3 [ vii ] CONTENT S TABLES 1. Burials at LAn-2. 5 2. Frequency of artifacts according to material ..... ................. 5 3. Additional scraper plane characteristics .......................... 6 4. Frequency of scraper planes by depth. 7 5. Frequency of scrapers, choppers, hammerstones, and cores by depth. 9 6. Frequency of projectile points and knife blades by depth. 9 7. Frequency of grinding implements by depth ....................... 11 8. Frequency of pendants and miscellaneous stone objects by depth .12 9. Classification, frequency, and weights of unmodified lithic material from LAn-2 .13 10. Artifact count, materials, and dimensions .14 11. Usable wild plants in vicinity of LAn-2 .17 12. Chronology of important archaeological complexes in southern California .19 . .i. SITE LAN-2 A Late Manifestation of the Topanga Complex in Southern California Prehistory BY KEITH L. JOHNSON INTRODUCTION The Topanga complex of southern California was first recognized in 1946 (Heizer and Lemert, 1947) and has been described by A. E. Treganza with C. G. Malamud (1950) and with A. Bierman (1958). A semipopular sum- mary appears in Archaeology (Greenwood, 1959). On the basis of different artifact types and burial patterns, Tre- ganza and Bierman have defined two phases within the complex: Phase I is typified by the large Tank Site (LAn-1), which Treganza tentatively dates at between 8000 B.C. and 4000 B.C.; Phase II is based upon limited excavation of the LAn-2 site, which Treganza suggests may date from 5000 B.C. to 2500 B.C. Since the above publications are concerned primarily with data obtained from excavation of the Tank Site, the present paper is intended to supplement the previous reports with a full and more detailed description of site LAn-2. In 1947 and again in 1948 Treganza supervised exca- vation at LAn-2, although in both years he focused his attention mainly upon the Tank Site some 165 yards away. In 1957, on the weekends of March through May, further excavations were carried on at LAn-2 by students from the University of California, Los Angeles, under my direction. The present report is based upon the data obtained during the 1957 season. The specimens recovered in 1957 were given the ac- cession number 175 and are stored in the Department of Anthropology Museum, University of California, Los Angeles. I wish to thank the owners of the site, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McHose, Mr. R. John Wisda, and Mrs. James Wisda, for granting permission to excavate on their land. My thanks go also to the following crew members who worked many hours, carefully uncovering the burials, stone features, and artifacts reported herein: James Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ascher, Fred Brauer, Richard Givens, Jerry Handler, Elizabeth Hatheway, Tom Hinton, Evelyn Jacobson, Basil Katem, John Ken- nedy, Noel Korn, C. S. Littleton, Rita Loeb, Muriel Markel, Roger Owen, Irene Roggia, Jean Rubin, Rolf Schock, Richard See, Jeanette Snyder, Mira Vorkapich, Mr. and Mrs. Russell V. Webb, Joan Whitlock, and Aram Yengoyan. Dr. Adan E. Treganza kindly furnished maps of his excavations and suggested areas of the site which might repay further investigation. UCLA geologists Dr. Joseph Murdock, Thomas Menzie, Helen Duggan, and Bruce Blackerby identified much of the lithic material, and Ed Mitchell of the Los Angeles County Museum identified the mammal bones. The aid of these specialists was invaluable. I am indebted especially to Dr. Clement W. Meighan for his encouragement and assistance whenever problems arose. Finally, I must thank my wife, Karen, who worked with me in the field and in the laboratory in addition to gather- ing much of the botanical data and typing the manuscript. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE LAn-2 is located on the eastern side of Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains of Los Angeles County, California. It lies approximately 5 road miles inland from the Pacific Ocean and is at an elevation of 1,169.9 feet above sea level. The site covers an estimated area of 110 feet by 70 feet along a ridge 75 feet wide (map 1). It is impossible to determine the actual extent of the deposit since the site has been bulldozed and the midden dragged along the ridge (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, p. 69). The Tank [ 1 ] ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Site (LAn-1) is located on this same ridge at a higher elevation (1,214 feet above sea level), approximately 165 yards east of LAn-2. LAn-2, like most of the surrounding countryside, is covered with dense chaparral vegetation (pl. 1, a, b). The roots from this vegetation were found throughout the midden, which averaged 25 inches in depth but never extended more than 30 inches to the sandstone subsoil. THE SITE DEPOSIT In general the midden deposit (pl. 3, d) consisted of a 1-inch top layer of soft, brown, sandy humus followed by 6 or 7 inches of loose sandy soil, light brown in color. This light-brown soil, which appeared to be leached mid- den, became darker, often black, as greater depth was reached. At 20 to 30 inches the dark layer of loose sandy soil gave way to sterile yellow sandstone. Small flecks of charcoal, roots, and lar'ge amounts of unmodified rocks and flakes were always present throughout the midden. METHOD OF EXCAVATION The site was marked off in a 5-foot grid system (map 1), In 1957, 2,600 cubic feet of midden were excavated and each pit was troweled at descending 6-inch levels. A and 374 artifacts recovered. This is an average yield of trench N and several test pits were first excavated in an one artifact per 7 cubic feet of midden, or approximately effort to (1) find the richest regions of the site, (2) deter- seven artifacts in every pit. An estimated 75 percent of mine the limits of the deposit, and (3) locate definitely the total site deposit was excavated in the three seasons the areas of previous excavation. Subsequent pits were (1947, 1948, and 1957). The unexcavated remainder is dug where the deposit yielded burials or features. mostly peripheral and of little depth. Map 1. LAn-2 2 JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Figure 1. Cross section of Feature 1 fire pit FEATURES Treganza and Bierman (1958) report no features or un- usual rock accumulations from LAn-2. We were fortunate to find seven, at least three of which were large stone- lined fire pits. Feature 1 (pl. 1, c, d; fig. 1).-Pits K3, L3; depth from surface, 12 to 30 inches. A circular fire pit or earth oven 5 feet across and composed of approximately 400 angular stones, each 3 or 4 inches in diameter. Among these un- modified rocks, two scraper planes, four mano fragments, one milling stone fragment, and one stone mortar frag- ment were found. The stone assemblage rested on sterile sandstone at a depth of 19 inches. Stones along the peri- phery of the circle sloped up about 4 inches from those in the center of the assemblage. The midden in and around the feature was very black and contrasted sharply with the dark-brown soil characteristic of most of the site. Charcoal samples were taken from the circular stone assemblage as well as from beneath it. Directly below the accumulation of stones, and dug 11 inches into the sterile yellow sandstone, was a sloping pit 39 inches in diameter which contained three large boulders. There was a red ring of oxidized sandstone around this subsoil pit. Feature 2 (pl. 2, a). -Pits K2, K3, J2, J3; depth from surface, 14 to 18 inches. An assemblage of grinding imple- ments composed of unmodified rocks, two scraper planes, seven manos (one complete), sixteen milling stone frag- ments representing fourteen milling stones, and three reconstructible mortar fragments. This feature begins about 1 foot south of feature 1 and extends 6 feet north- south by 2.5 feet east-west. Features 3 and 5 (pl. 2, c, d).-Pits K4, K5, L4, L5; depth from surface, 9 to 24 inches. A circular fire pit extending 5 feet north-south and 6 feet east-west, com- posed of 450 rocks of varying sizes. One mano fragment, one scrapeti plane, and a carbonized fragment of uniden- tified organic material were recovered from the stone assemblage. This feature had the same characteristics and was constructed in the same manner as the feature 1 fire pit. Feature 4 (pl. 2, b).-Pit L9; depth from surface, 10 to 16 inches. An accumulation of about eighty unmodified rocks with one scraper plane. Burial 7 was discovered directly beneath this feature at a depth of 23 inches, but any relationship between the two remains uncertain. Feature 6 (pl. 3, a).-Pit J4; depth from surface, 12 to 18 inches. A stone assemblage composed of about 180 un- modified rocks, three decomposed mano fragments, and one milling stone fragment. The feature covers an area approximately 4 feet by 3 feet. Two large boulders in the center and red oxidized sandstone around the edges of the feature suggest that this stone assemblage might once have been a fire pit, even though characteristics of the 4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS have been a fire pit, even though characteristics of the ing stone sites, but it is not always easy to determine other fire pits-such as a well-defined circular accumu- whether or not they represent fire pits. Thus we cannot lation of stones, very black midden, abundant charcoal, be sure which, if any, of the stone features reported for and a pit dug into the sterile soil-were absent. the Tank Site were actually used for roasting food. A Feature 7 (pl. 3, b)Pits J2,J3;depth from surface possible earth oven was uncovered in San Diego County Feature 7(p1. 3, b).-Pits J2, J3; depth from surface and has a carbon 14 date of 6300 + 200 B.P. (Warren and 14 to 20 inches. An assemblage of twenty unmodified sand Tru, r161 pp.d255 20 p1. 2 c). So-n roang stone rocks which extended 2.5 feet north-south by 3 feet east-west and rested on sterile soil. The stones varied in pits are more clearly recognized archaeologically in sizo12 inches in length, northern California (Meighan, 1955, pp. 8-9; pl. 2, r, s) size but most of them averaged 10 to~~~~~~~~~ and in the state of Washington (Collier et al., 1942, pp. 6 to 8 inches in width, and 6 to 8 inches in thickness. 37-38 No artifacts were associated with this feature, nor were 37-38). there any indications of fire. Perhaps this accumulation Ethnographically, earth ovens were used to cook a variets of foods. Yucca and a ave were roasted by the of unworked stones represented raw material for the v y g. manufacture of artifacts or for the construction of fire Cahuilla (Barrows, 1900, p. 58), the Luiseno (Sparkman, hearths. 1908, p. 195), and the Chemehuevi and Koso (Kroeber, 1925, p. 695) in southern California; the Kiliwa (Meigs, Feature 8 (pl. 3, c).-Pits L10, K10; depth from sur- 1939, p. 9) and the Paipai (Hicks, 1963, p. 114) in Baja face 18 to 28 inches. A circular fire pit 2.5 feet in dia- California; and the Yavapai (Gifford, 1932, 1936) and the meter and composed of 200 unmodified rocks, one mano Havasupai (Spier, 1928, p. 106) of Arizona. The Yuki in fragment, one milling stone fragment, and one piece of northern California are reported to have used stone-lined incised pink mudstone. Feature 8 was a replica on a some- pits for baking acorn bread (Foster, 1944, pp. 165-166). what smaller scale of the other two fire pits previously The Tolowa of southern Oregon cooked sea-lion meat in described. earth ovens (Drucker, 1937, p. 235), and several groups Stone accumulations similar although not identical to in Washington roasted onions, camas, and other wild plant the fire pits at LAn-2 are commonly found in other mill- foods (Spier and Sapir, 1930; Ray, 1932; Olson, 1936). BURIAL DESCRIPTION Seven flexed burials have been recovered from LAn-2; Treganza and Bierman report four and three more were recovered in 1957. The latter are described below. Table 1 compares the salient features of all seven. Burial 5 (P1. 4, a) Location: pits N16, N17. Depth: 15-1/2 inches to skull, 18 inches to rest of skeleton. Matrix: in midden, resting on sterile sandstone base. Type: primary inhumation. Condition: fair; skull, long bones, some foot-bone and rib-bone fragments present. All bones are fragile and most were broken by plant roots. Position: tight flex on left side; head on left side. Orientation: head west. Age: adult. Sex: undetermined. Associated artifacts: none. Burial 6 (P1. 4, b) Location: pit M9. Depth: 30 inches to skull. Matrix: in midden resting on sterile sandstone base. Type: primary inhumation. Condition: fair; only skull and long bones present. Bones fragmented by plant roots. Position: loose flex on back; head on back. Orientation: head west - southwest. Age: adult Sex: undetermined. Associated artifacts: none. Remarks: Part of burial pit was dug 6 inches into sterile soil. Burial 7 (P1. 4, c, d) Location: pit L9. Depth: 23 inches to skull. Matrix: in midden resting on yellow sandstone subsoil. Type: primary inhumation. Condition: fair; skull, limbs, ribs, vertebrae present. All bones were broken. Position: loose flex on right side; head on right side. Orientation: head southeast. Age: child, 7 years old. Sex: undetermined. Associated artifacts: none. Remarks: Burial 7 was under a rock cairn composed of approximately thirty-five rocks which covered an area 4 feet north-south by 2 feet east-west. All the rocks were unmodified except for one small bi- facial mano fragment. Feature 4 was 7 inches above the burial and its rock cairn, but any relationship between the burial and the feature is conjectural. JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 1 Burials at LAn-2 Burial number Burial data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Depth from surface (inches) 21 13 15 26 15 30 23 Primary inhumation x x x x x x x Loose flex on side x x x - - - x Tight flex on side _ _ - x Loose flex on back _ _ - - x Tight flex on back - x Head pointed NE WSW N N W WSW SE Under rock cairn - - - x - - x Associated artifacts _ _ _ _ _ _ ARTIFACT DESCRIPTION Local lithic resources were exploited by the inhabitants of LAn-2 to manufacture most of their tools and orna- ments. Only the impure, grainy obsidian sometimes re- ferred to as fused shale could represent an import. The nearest known locality for this type of material is in Grimes Canyon near Fillmore, Ventura County (Walker, 1936, p. 15). Table 2 lists the number of artifacts made from the various kinds of stone encountered at LAn-2. No artifacts of bone, shell, or plant materials were re- covered. TABLE 2 Frequency of Artifacts According to Material Type of material Number of artifacts 1. Fine-grained basalt 159 2. Sandstone 92 3. Granite 35 4. Quartzite 24 5. Chert 19 6. Chalcedony 10 7. Grainy obsidian 9 8. Volcanic 8 9. Shale 6 10. Porphyry 3 11. Quartz 3 12. Mica schist 1 13. Slate 1 14. Siltstone 1 15. Pink mudstone 1 16. Jasper 1 Total 373* *One missing artifact not included. The following classification of artifacts from the 1957 season at LAn-2 is based upon the tool types set up by Treganza, Malamud, and Bierman for the Topanga com- plex. In some instances, however, it has been necessary to modify their typology in order to facilitate descrip- tion of the new material. Artifact counts, types of stone used, and measurements are given in table 10. CHIPPED STONE Scraper Planes Manufactured from cores or thick flakes and varying con- siderably in size, shape, and craftsmanship, all scraper planes are characterized by a relatively flat platform surface, sometimes called the base, which may be either natural or manufactured. In addition, each specimen has been unifacially percussion-flaked at a relatively steep angle along all or part of the periphery of its platform face. Although scraper planes are the most numerous artifacts from the site, their function rests more on spec- ulation than on fact. Rogers (1939) has suggested that tools of this type were used in two ways: those that ex- hibited little or no retouching functioned as pulping planes for the preparation of plant fibers; those that had been resharpened were used in dressing hides. Of the sixty- seven scraper planes excavated in 1957, sixty-two show definite retouching and/or use-chipping. If these were used as skin-dressing tools, their abundance in the site should indicate that the LAn-2 people were primarily a hunting group. There is, however, conclusive evidence against such an interpretation. The expected large quanti- ties of animal bone and projectile points which would indi- cate the basic economic importance of hunting do not oc- cur at LAn-2. Instead, there is an abundance of seed- grinding implements-manos, milling stones, and a few mortars and pestles. Together, these outnumber all the faunal remains and projectile points by 2 to 1, a clear indication that gathering of plant food, not hunting, was the major economic concern of the LAn-2 people. Treganza and Bierman (1958, p. 56) probably solved the problem when they suggested that scraper planes from the Tank Site and LAn-2 functioned as generalized all- purpose tools. Analysis of the specimens recovered in 5 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS TABLE 3 Additional Scraper Plane Characteristics Characteristic { Type Total IA IB IIA IIB IIC IID III 1. Use a. No evidence of use or retouch 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 5 b. Unifacial retouch 4 3 10 7 7 1 1 33 c. Bifacial retouch 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 d. Light abrasion on platform surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e. Battered other than along platform perimeter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b, c, &e 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 4 c &e 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 b &e 2 0 3 2 2 0 1 10 b &c 0 0 4 0 0 1 2 7 b &d 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 c &d 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2. Height a. Less than half the length 1 0 6 4 2 0 0 13 b. Exceeds length 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 c. Half to equal the length 8 3 17 7 10 3 4 52 3. Platform formed by a. Original cortex 3 0 5 6 2 0 1* 17 b. Percussion bulb 0 0 6 2 1 0 0 9 c. Split core (no percussion bulb evident) 6 3 13 4 9 3 3* 41 *Both platform surfaces on each specimen are alike. 1957 lends support to their argument. The scraper planes from LAn-2 appear to be too many in number and to vary too much in size for all to have had the same special func- tion. In addition, the evidence of use or retouching on these tools differs, suggesting they were used in several ways and perhaps for different purposes (see table 3). Thus, although most of the LAn-2 planes have been uni- facially retouched along the platform perimeter, more than 25 percent display bifacial flaking along this edge. Two specimens show light abrasion over their platform surfaces, thereby furnishing the only real evidence that the Topanga people, at least occasionally, utilized these tools in a planing manner. Twenty-five percent of the scraper planes have been battered along edges other than the platform perimeter. Some of this battering may be attributed to unsuccessful attempts at shaping the convex surface of the tool, but other instances must reflect the use of the plane as a hammer or chopper. Indeed, four of the scraper planes had received such a beating that they have been classified as hammerstones in this report. The fact that more than one of the several kinds of use just enumerated may occur on a single specimen further re- inforces the idea that the majority of planes served gen- eralized hammering, chopping, scraping, and cutting pur- poses. Finally, it is possible that some scraper planes (e.g., pl. 5, d) functioned as platform cores for the manu- facture of flake tools. Several flake scrapers appear to have been struck from prepared platforms. On the basis of the form of the platform face and the extent to which its periphery has been modified, the fol- lowing seven types of scraper plane have been defined. See table 4 for depth distribution and table 3 for additional characteristics of scraper planes. Type IA (pl. 5, a).-This type is characterized by the removal of relatively steep flakes from all or more than 90 percent of the platform perimeter. The form of the planar face is ovoid, never round. The top surface may be keeled, domed, or flat. In general these specimens fall far short of the fine craftsmanship that is charac- teristic of many of the scraper planes from the Tank Site. Type IB (pl. 5, b).-This type differs froni type IA only in the form of the platform base. Type IB specimens have a square or roughly rectangular base, producing straight rather than curved working edges. Type IIA (pl. 5, c).-Type IIA is characterized by a curved working edge produced by the removal of steep flakes around one-half to three-fourths of the platform perimeter. The unworked part of the margin is a straight edge formed either by the natural cortex of the stone or by a previously fractured flat surface. On specimens made from thick flakes, the remnant of the striking plat- form usually serves as the straight edge and the percus- sion-bulb face forms the planar surface. The shape of the type IIA platform face is always semi- ovoid owing to the characteristic straight edge. The top or convex surface may be keeled, domed, flat, or irregu- lar. Two aberrant scraper planes have been included in this type because of the semiovoid shape of their plat- forms. Each displays two nonadjacent and unretouched straight edges along its otherwise curved platform mar- gin. Type IIB (pl. 5, d).-Type JIB is a variant of type IIA. The IIB specimens show a steeply flaked curved edge which extends around one-half to one-fourth of the plat- form perimeter; the remainder of the platform margin is composed of more than one unused straight edge. Of the twelve planes in this category, nine have two straight edges and three have three. The shape of the platform face varies, sometimes resembling the section of a circle 6 JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 4 Frequency of Scraper Planes by Depth Depth (in inches) Type Total Treganza 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 IA 2 3 2 2 0 9 0 IB 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 IIA 6 5 8 5 0 24 IIB 7 3 2 0 0 12 IIC 6 3 1 2 0 12 lID 1 1 0 1 0 3 III 2 1 1 0 0 4 12 Total 27 16 14 10 0 67 81 but more often displaying an angular and irregular outline. Type IIC (pl. 5, e).-Type IIC scraper planes have straight rather than convex working edges; one plane, however, shows a concave worked edge. Of the twelve specimens represented, four have one worked straight edge, three have two, and five show three modified edges. Flaking on these planes may occur around less than one-fourth to more than three-fourths of the plat- form perimeter. Characteristically, the chipped portion of the basal margin is continuous and never segmented by unworked areas. Only one specimen differs in this respect; it has three modified edges, one of which is separated from the others on either side by a straight unmodified edge. The form of the platform base is variable on type IIC tools; one specimen is square and another is rectangular, but the majority are angular and irregular. The convex or dorsal surface may be pointed, keeled, flat, or irregu- lar. Type IID (pl. 5, f).-Scraper planes manufactured from split pebbles or cobbles are most representative of this type. The split face formed the platform base. Then steep flakes were struck from more than half the platform peri- phery to produce a curved working edge. The remaining unflaked margin was formed by the naturally curved cor- tex of the pebble. The platform base is round or ovoid in outline, while the shape of the top surface may be flat, domed, or keeled. Type III (pl. 5, g).-Type III scraper planes are charac- terized by two distinct platform faces, each with its own worked edge. These tools are very irregular in shape and therefore their platforms do not occur in a common pat- tern; instead, any relatively flat surface may be used to form a working edge. Were it not for their double plat- forms, the four specimens classified here as type III would be variants of type II planes. Indeed, they may be so described, for each one has both a type IIB and a type IIC platform. Scrapers In general, scrapers can be distinguished from scraper planes on the basis of overall size and the angle of mar- ginal flaking. The former are made from smaller, thinner flakes whose perimeters have been flaked back at low angles, in contrast with the scraper planes which are made from cores or thick flakes and characterized by steep, sometimes vertical, flaking around the base. The twenty-six scrapers recovered in 1957 have been placed in the following categories on the basis of size, shape, and amount of modification. Side scrapers (pl. 6, a).-These are made from irregu- lar flakes most of which retain their bulb of percussion. Part of the margin of each specimen has been flaked back at a low angle or modified through use. The fourteen scrapers in this type are further described as follows: six have had flakes removed from the side opposite the bulb of percussion, with this side being formed by the cortex of the parent core on four specimens; four show unifacial chipping along one edge of the percussion-bulb surface; two have been unifacially flaked along opposite edges on opposite sides; and two specimens show bifacial chipping along one edge. The side scrapers as defined above would include side scraper and straight-edge side scraper types set up by Treganza and Malamud (1950, p. 138). End scrapers (pl. 6, b).-Only one end scraper was found at LAn-2 in 1957. It was manufactured from a rela- tively thick flake by unifacially chipping one end. The dorsal surface of this tool displays a circular pecked area 1.0 cm in diameter. Perhaps this scraper was used briefly as a hammerstone. Multiedged scrapers (pl. 6, c).-Made from irregularly shaped flakes, multiedged scrapers have been unifacially worked along two or more edges. This type is represented by two scrapers from the 1957 excavation; both show modi- fication from wear or deliberate shaping along their en- tire peripheries. Discoidal scrapers (pl. 6, d).-Only one specimen ap- proaches this type. It is a large percussion bulb, unifaci- ally flaked around most of its periphery and lenticular in cross section. Apparently the toolmaker desired a scra- per that, if not circular in outline, at least had rounded edges. Semiovoid scrapers (pl. 6, e, f).-These are generally made from thin flakes, lenticular in cross section. Each specimen is characterized by a unifacially flaked curved margin and a straight unused edge. The unmodified edge on two scrapers is formed by the cortex of the parent core; the other three scrapers of this type have straight edges resulting from relatively long fractured faces. It is possible that two of these scrapers may be fragments of larger tools. 7 8 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Thumbnail scrapers (pl. 6, g).-There are two of these, both plano-convex in cross section and unifacially flaked. One is subrectangular in outline with primary flakes re- moved from more than one-fourth of its perimeter; the other is irregular in outline with flaking over the entire convex surface. Both of these scrapers are crudely made; neither shows extensive wear or resharpening. Small size is the only feature that distinguishes these two scra- pers from the other scraper types. Miscellaneous scrapers (pl. 6, h).-There is one un- usual scraper that does not fit well into the types de- scribed above. It is roughly subrectangular in form and has a plano-convex cross section. Two more or less parallel sides have been unifacially retouched by pres- sure flaking at very steep angles, producing blunt but strong working edges. One end is unworked, the other is slightly concave and secondarily retouched. The top and bottom surfaces have not been modified. This specimen displays the finest flaking of all the scrapers. Snub-nosed and concave scrapers have been reported from LAn-2 (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, p. 70), but none that would fit specifically into either of these types were recovered during the 1957 excavation. Choppers Choppers are rough, percussion-flaked tools manufactured from cores or large thick flakes. They are often difficult to distinguish from scrapers, and indeed many may have functioned as scraping implements. In addition to being generally larger and thicker, however, choppers usually display more battering along their worked edges than do scrapers. Unifaced choppers (pl. 6, i).-Though varying some- what in size and shape, all unifaced choppers are char- acterized by unifacial chipping along part of the peri- phery. The specimens in this type show the least use of all the choppers. Three are semiovoid in shape, and each has had a part of its curved margin flaked back. Two are ovoid in shape and have been used as hammerstones on the thicker, more rounded margins opposite their chopping edges. Two specimens are angular in outline; one of these exhibits percussion flaking along two adjoining sides, and the other is flaked along a curved margin and shows addition- al use as a hammerstone. Bifaced choppers (pl. 6, j).-There are only four chop- pers in this category. Two are ovoid and have bifacial flaking around the entire periphery; two are irregular in outline with flakes removed from more than three-fourths of the periphery. Unifaced-bifaced choppers (pl. 6, k).-Seven specimens show a combination of unifacial and bifacial flaking along their edges. One is semiovoid and shows bifacial and unifacial modification along its entire perimeter. Three specimens are long-ovoid in outline. One of these has two sides uni- facially flaked and one end bifacially worked; the other two have one end and one side bifacially chipped and one side unifacially worked. Each of these three has one un- used end. Three choppers are irregular in outline, and each has at least one edge unifacially chipped and one edge bifaci- ally chipped. Flaking ranges from less than one-fourth to more than three-fourths of the perimeter on these specimens. I One of the angular unifaced-bifaced choppers (pl. 6,k) appears to represent a reshaped and reused tool. The whole specimen, made of basalt, is patinated, but some of the flake scars are more heavily patinated than others indicating a considerable but undetermined lapse of time between the first use of this specimen as a tool and its later manufacture into a chopper. Hammer stones Next to scraper planes, the most numerous type of arti- fact recovered at LAn-2 is the hammerstone. The abun- dance may be attributed to the fact that this is a general- ized tool that could serve for any number of rough per- cussion tasks, including the manufacture of seed-grinding implements, choppers, scrapers, projectile points, and blades. In addition, worn-out scraper planes and choppers with considerably smashed and blunted edges are classi- fied in this category. Hammerstones are distinguished from other core tools primarily on the basis of heavy use; most are very battered. The hammerstones from LAn-2 are grouped into the two following types. Core hammerstones (pl. 6, 1, m).-These are cores, broken or worn tools, and rejects that generally have been irregularly flaked over all or part of their surfaces to produce tough working edges for a variety of hammering purposes. Also, some secondary uses of these tools are evident. Several specimens show worked edges, in addi- tion to their battered surfaces, which indicate their minor function as choppers or scraper planes; one granitic hammerstone shows slight secondary use as a bifacial mano. Cobble hammerstones (pl. 6, n, o).-There are only three of these. They vary greatly in size and shape, but all are cobbles that have been modified mainly through use; one is a broken cobble battered on the unbroken end; another is a flat oblong piece of mica schist used on both ends; the third is a flat ovoid pebble, pecked around most of its perimeter. Cores (P1. 6, p) Two cores, both of chalcedony, were recovered in 1957. One is irregular in shape with flakes removed from many faces over its entire surface; the other is a platform core which has had long flakes struck from the whole perimeter of its flat platform. The flake scars on this latter core indicate that some of the flakes removed were wide and relatively thick, whereas some approached the dimensions of true microblades. Projectile Points and Knife Blades These are classified primarily on the basis of weight after a typology set up by Fenenga (1953). He argues that small points (0.4 to 3.5 grams) probably functioned as arrow points, while larger points (4.5 grams and up) were either dart projectiles or blades. It is significant that the LAn-2 specimens fall largely into the latter category. Small points (pl. 9, r, s, t, u) .-This type is repre- sented by four specimens recovered in 1957: one is lozenge-shaped; one is leaf-shaped with a straight base JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 5 Frequency of Scrapers, Choppers, Hammerstones, and Cores by Depth Depth (in inches) Type Total Treganza 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30 Scrapers Side 9 3 2 0 0 14 25 End 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 Snub-nosed 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Concave 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Multiedged 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 Discoidal 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Semiovoid 3 0 0 2 0 5 0 Thumbnail 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 Miscellaneous 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Choppers Unifaced 4 2 1 0 0 7 2 Bifaced 3 1 0 0 0 4 12 Unifaced-bifaced 1 5 0 1 0 7 0 Hammerstones Core 35 11 20 9 0 75 63 Cobble 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 Cores 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 Total 61 24 26 13 0 124 116 TABLE 6 Frequency of Projectile Points and Knife Blades by Depth Depth (in inches) Type Total Treganza 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 Small points Lozenge-shaped 0 1 0 0 1 4 Leaf-shaped 1 0 0 0 1 0 Contracting stem 1 0 0 0 1 0 Side-notched 0 0 1 0 1 2 Convex-based 0 0 0 0 0 1 Large points Leaf -shaped 1 3 1 1 6 0 Flaring sides 0 1 0 0 1 0 Contracting stem 0 1 1 0 2 1 Small-stem 0 0 0 1 1 0 Basal-notched 0 0 0 1 1 0 Concave-based 0 0 1 0 1 0 Fragments 7 5 4 3 19 2 Total 10 11 8 6 35 10 -nd slightly developed stem; one is triangular with a con- tacting stem; and one is side-notched with a concave base. rhese points range in weight from 3.0 to 4.0 grams; the lverage is 3.5 grams. Actually only the lozenge- and leaf- aped points fit into Fenenga's small-point class; the ights of the other two points lie in the range between ' small-point and large-point categories. arge points Because it is difficult to distinguish between them, both ojectiles and presumed knife blades are included in this Lass. Very few of the specimens approach the size, shape, ld crudity of those reported from the lower levels of the ank Site. The large points from LAn-2 range in weight from 4.6 to 19.8 grams, averaging 10.5. The eight complete speci- mens and four basal fragments are further described as follows: Unstemmed points (pl. 9, f, g, h, i, j, k, 1).-Six are leaf-shaped with convex or straight bases; one of these, flat in cross section and unifacially chipped, may be a scraper. A seventh specimen is straight-based and dis- plays sides that flare out sharply near the base; the tip end has been broken off. Stemmed points (pl. 9, m, n, o, p. q).-Five are rep- resented. Two fragments have contracting pointed stems and one of them has been reworked along its broken edge; 9 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS another point, roughly made, has a small stem and rounded shoulders. The fourth example is fragmentary and shows two basal notches; the stem is broken. The fifth specimen, resembling a Pinto point, has a slightly developed stem with a concave base. Fragments (pl. 9, a, b, c, d, e).-In addition to the pointg just described, nineteen untypable fragments were collected in 1957. Of these, all but two definitely would be classed as large points if they were complete. Two unusual fragments show heavy use, one at its tip end and the other at a point formed by the break (pl. 9, d, e). Flakes in the manner of burin spalls have been re- moved from the battered point of each specimen. It is a matter of speculation whether this flaking is accidental or indeed represents the use of the point as an engraving tool. One fragment was recovered at a depth of 3 inches, the other at 6 inches. Crescent (P1. 9, v) One bifacially flaked crescent-like fragment was re- covered from the 0- to 6-inch level at LAn-2. Pointed at the unbroken end and simple in outline, it varies consider- ably from the eccentric notched specimen found in the Tank Site. GROUND STONE Milling Stones (P1. 7, a, b) Milling stones are represented by thirty-three sandstone specimens, of which all but two are fragmentary. More than half (nineteen) of these grinding tools were found associated with rock features; this fact accounts for their abundance in the 12- to 18-inch level at the site. Most of the specimens are in varying degrees of decomposition; some crumble easily upon handling, and a few would dis- integrate if washed with water. Twenty-four milling stones have been purposely shaped by means other than usage; two appear to be unshaped; and seven are too fragmentary and/or decomposed for determination of the presence or absence of this trait. All the milling stones are of the basin type. In outline they are generally ovoid or rectangular with rounded cor- ners. Each has an oval grinding basin which varies in size and depth but never extends over the entire face of the utensil. There is no apparent advantage in distinguish- ing between a shallow and a deep basin here, as basin depth is primarily a reflection of the amount of use the milling stone has received. Measurements (in cm) of the two complete specimens recovered in 1957 are as follows: Length Width Thickness Basin length Basin width Basin depth Catalogue No. 1 75- 289 19.0 6.7 7.4 11.7 8.5 0.5 Catalogue No. 1 75-350 43.8 31.3 9.4 30.5 18.0 4.8 I Mano s Because they are fragmentary, most manos can be clas fied only as unifacial, bifacial, or trifacial. Those few lend themselves to further description have been placed in subcategories following the typology of Treganza and Malamud (1950, pp. 144-146). Type I (pl. 8, c).-Manos of this type were used uni- facially. In general, they are unshaped cobbles and show relatively slight wear on their grinding surfaces. Of the ten specimens represented, eight have been modifiedo through use; one fragment also has a battered end. One the shaped manos was employed secondarily as an abra ing stone. Type II.-Manos of this type are all fragmentary and show bifacial grinding surfaces. They are the most comn mon type of mano at the site, sixty-six in number. Some differences among them were noted as follows; thirty-e fragments were shaped and six of these had an end bat- tered; twenty-six were unshaped and six of these alsod played battering on the unbroken end; two specimens, o very fragmentary and the other decomposed, did not yie information on these two characteristics . Two manos are centrally pitted on their grinding faces; one of these has two pits on each side. One mano appears to have been used as a hammerstone along its fractured edge; the bro ken surface of another is covered with red ocher, prob- ably from use as an abrading stone to grind or crush the solid pigment into powder. Type IIA (pl. 8, a).-Three bifacial manos, ranging from round to oval in outline, represent this type. Two are unshaped and symmetrical; one is asymmetrical and has been heavily pecked on both ends and one side. Type IIB (pl. 8, b).-There are two elongated oval m bifacially worn, of this type. One is unshaped but battered at one end; the other is shaped and has been battered at both ends. Type IIC (pl. 8, d).-Type IIC manos have wedge-sha cross sections and bifacial grinding surfaces. All five of the 1957 specimens are fragmentary and all have been shaped. Two of them probably were used to grind paint; one has red ocher on one grinding face, the other on both faces. Battering was noted on the unbroken ends of two other manos. Type IID. -One bifacial mano fragment shows super- imposed wear over the greater portion of one grinding surface. The worn portion was too slight to produce a keeled cross section. Further use would have turned the mano into a type IIC or possibly a type III mano. This specimen was shaped and also battered on its unbroken end. Type III (pl. 8, e).-Type III manos are trifacial. Of the four fragments recovered in 1957, all have been shaped and all but one show prominent battering on their unbro- ken ends. Reconstructed, they would be more oval in out- line and not so thick as the long and narrow type III mans characteristic of the Tank Site collection. The ratio of 1.5 milling stones for every mano pre- viously reported for LAn-2 (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, p. 71) is completely reversed now by the addition of 94 manos and 33 milling stones recovered in 1957. In total, LAn-2 yielded 122 manos and 74 milling stones, a ratio of 1.6 manos to 1 milling stone. This is in keeping with the other milling stone sites in southern California which, although their ratios vary, usually have more manos than milling stones. 10 I I h, I JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 7 Frequency of Grinding Implements by Depth Depth (in inches) T Type 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30 Total Treganza Millingstones Slab 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Basin 3 3 21 5 1 33 19 Unidentifiable fragments 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 Manos Type I 4 3 2 1 0 10 4 Type II 19 10 25 11 1 66 0 Type IIA 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 Type IIB 0 0 2 0 0 2 20 Type IIC 1 0 2 2 0 5 3 Type IID 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Type III 0 1 1 2 0 4 0 Unidentifiable fragments 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 Mortars 1 0 2 1 0 4 2 Pestles 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Abrading stone 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Rubbing stones 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 Total 32 18 59 23 2 134 81 Mortars Four fragmentary mortars were excavated in 1957; one is part of a base and the others are rim fragments. The most complete of these, recovered from feature 2, con- sists of three rim pieces which, when reconstructed, measure 24.9 cm in diameter and 15.4 cm (incomplete) inheight. The exterior surfaces of all specimens have been shaped by pecking and/or grinding. Pestles Treganza and Bierman (1958) report four pestles from LAn-2. None were found in 1957. Abrading Stone (Pl. 8, f ) A small, shaped, rectangular block of fine-grained sand- stone has been used as an abrading stone on one surface. The abraded face is concave and shows grinding over its entire surface. No grooved abrading stones or projectile- shaft straighteners were found at LAn-2. Stone Disk One discoidal stone was excavated in 1957. As it is unfortunately missing from the collection, data con- cerning its size and type cannot be obtained. A single bevel-edged specimen is known from the excavations in 1948. Rubbing Stones (P1. 8, g) These are represented by two small, flat cobbles which show bifacial wear. Both are broken and both display bat- tering on the unbroken end; otherwise they are unshaped. One specimen is centrally pitted on each grinding surface; in addition, the entire periphery of its broken side has been worn down from use, producing a smooth beveled edge. This pitted example comes from the 12- to 18-inch level; the other rubbing stone was found between 18 and 24 inches. Pendant s (Pl. Il0, jg, h) Two shaped pendants were uncovered in 1957. They are much smaller than the three previously reported for LAn-2. The first specimen is incomplete but probably was long and rectangular in outline. It has a lenticular cross section and is finely serrated along the edges of both sides and the unbroken margin of one end. A biconical perforation, now broken out, was drilled off center toward one side. Whether or not this hole was originally near the top of the piece cannot be established as the determining end is missing. The second pendant is complete but not so well made as the first. It is irregular in outline, being rounded at the top and angular at the bottom with more or less par- allel sides. In cross section it is plano-convex and has a centrally located biconical hole near its top edge. The body of the pendant is 0.3 cm thick, but the upper third has been ground down on both faces and tapers to a thick- ness of 0.1 cm at the perforated end. 1 1 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS TABLE 8 Frequency of Pendants and Miscellaneous Stone Objects by Depth Depth (in inches) Type 00-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 Unknown Total Treganza Pendants 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 Shaped stones 0 2 1 0 1 4 0 Incised stones 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 Quartz crystals 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 MISCELLANEOUS WORKED OBJECTS Eight small unperforated stones fall into two general classes: those that show shaping and marks of abrasion, and those that show incised designs. The former category comprises four specimens. One of these, broken at both ends, is long and narrow; the others are ovoid in shape. All of them taper toward one end and show evidence of abrasive modification over their entire areas; two are flat in cross section and two have irregular sections ow- ing to the uneven grinding of their surfaces. (P1. 8, h, i, jv k.) Objects belonging to the second class display incised designs which in general may be described as variations of a simple grid pattern, that is, two sets of straight lines which intersect at angles approaching 90 degrees. Four specimens are represented. Specimen number 175-103 is a tapered piece of shale which is 7.7 cm long, 1.6 cm wide (maximum), and 0.6 cm thick. It was recovered at a depth of 23 inches. It is rhomboidal in cross section and has artificially rounded ends. Indeed, its entire margin has been shaped, although not enough to render all the edges completely smooth. The design, executed on one side only, is composed of deeply incised lines running lengthwise and crosswise over all but a small area at the tapered end of the piece; a small pit, apparently drilled, is located off center near the wide end. It would seem that the design was accom- plished quickly with no real effort to keep once-parallel lines from coming together, occasionally crossing, or swerving off the edge of the stone. Such haphazardness is especially true of the wider half of the piece, where the lines are shallower, more numerous, and more irregu- lar, as if the workman became careless after completing half of the design. (Pl. 10, b.) Specimen number 175-108 is the largest example of this class of objects, measuring 8.9 cm in length, 5.2 cm in width, and 2.0 cm in thickness. It was found at a depth of 3 inches and is completely unshaped. In this instance the material selected for incising was an irregular piece of basalt with a heavily patinated yellow, chalky surface which could be scratched easily. The grid design was in- cised on two opposite sides, one of which is sharply keeled, thereby making the piece triangular in cross section. Parallel running lines sometimes merge but do not cross or swerve off the edge of this specimen. Generally, each line extends from one edge to the opposite edge; this was accomplished by one or sometimes two strokes with a sharp incising tool. A few small shallow pits produced by a pointed implement appear to be scattered at random over both incised surfaces. (Pl. 10, a.) A third incised stone, number 175-192, was recovered from the feature 8 fire sit 18 to 28 inches below the sur- face of the ground. This fragmentary specimen is made of soft, pink mudstone, and measures 2.2 cm (incomplete) by 1.9 cm (incomplete) by 0.8 cm. The grid design covers both sides and the one unbroken edge that has been arti- ficially rounded. One incised line extends across one si around the curved unbroken edge, and across the other side. Lines running parallel to the unbroken edge are more numerous and generally shallower than those per- pendicular to it. Parallel lines frequently merge but sel- dom cross each other. (P1. 10, c.) The last of this class of objects, specimen number 175-306, was found at a depth of 4 inches. It is an un- shaped fragment of light-colored shale which still re- tains one natural edge. Angular in outline and flat in cross section, this piece is 3.5 cm long, 3.4 cm wide, and 0.4 cm thick. The incised design was applied to one side only and, though crude, it is much more sophisticated than the designs on the other three objects. Basically two irregu- lar grid systems, one large and one small, were used. The larger grid pattern covers the entire design surface. The smaller pattern was placed diagonally, and often carelessly, in certain of the sections formed by the larger design, while other sections were left blank. The whole design is lightly incised and thus difficult to see in detail without the aid of a magnifier. (P1. 10, d, d'.) Small, flat stone objects showing abrasion or incised lines turn up archaeologically in both early and late time periods in southern California (e.g., Curtis, 1959; Meigha 1953; Treganza and Malamud, 1950; Walker, 1951; and Wallace et al., 1956). With the exception of one associated with a burial (Wallace et al., 1956), these objects have not been found in any context that might indicate their function. As a result, they are often given ceremonial or aesthetic importance which cannot be demonstrated. Un- fortunately, the eight shaped or incised stones from LAn-I do not contribute to the solution of the problem. One in- cised fragment was associated with a fire hearth (feature 8) but the rest of the objects were scattered at random through the midden; none were associated with burials. The grid design characteristic of the four incised stones from LAn-2 is not reported from other Milling Stone Horizon sites, including the Tank Site, but can be found in "later" sites in southern California. Site SLO- 157, which has a carbon date of A.D. 340 + 80, yielded an incised pebble with this grid motif (Reinman, 1961, p. 17). A similar pattern was incised on a roof-tile frag- ment from a historic Indian site in Riverside County (McCown, 1955, pl. 21, e). The Chatsworth Cairn Site in the San Fernando Valley produced a soapstone gorget (?) with an incised cross-hatched design running diagonally over its surface (Walker, 1951, p. 95, Pl. XXXVII, a). Perhaps the earliest example of this design is on a small piece of slate from the Stahl Site near Little Lake, Inyo County (Harrington, 1957, fig. 49, d). I I .1 1 2 JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 9 Classification, Frequency, and Weights of Unmodified Lithic Material from LAn-2 Granite Sandstone Basalt Quartzite Pit Depth No. of Weight No. of Weight No. of Weight No. of Weight Trace pieces (lbs) pieces (lbs) pieces (lbs) pieces (lbs) Nll 0-6 103 22.0 23 3.0 54 2.0 13 1.0 Quartz, Chert N12 0-6 188 24.5 76 8.5 188 9.0 58 3.0 Quartz, Chert, Shale Nll 6-12 97 17.0 73 14.5 76 8.0 17 2.0 Quartz, Chert N12 6-12 90 16.0 90 17.5 91 9.5 18 2.5 Chert Nll 12-18 67 12.0 62 15.0 112 8.5 14 1.0 Chert N12 12-18 67 14.0 70 15.5 65 6.0 12 0.5 Quartz, Chert Nll 18-24 14 4.0 5 0.5 42 2.5 0 0.0 Chert, Shale N12 18-24 47 12.0 50 9.0 43 3.0 4 0.25 Nll 24-30 2 0.5 0 0.0 2 trace 2 trace Chert N12 24-30 5 1.0 2 trace 6 0.5 2 trace Chert Total stone 680 451 679 140 (1,950 pieces) Total weight 123.0 83.5 49.0 10.25 (265.75 lbs) I I OTHER REMAINS QUARTZ CRYSTALS (Pl. 10, e, f) Twounmodified crystals of quartz were recovered from tPe general midden deposit. They were not associated hburials or other features in the site. However, the t that in California quartz crystals are known ethno- aphically to be ritual objects and have been found in ial context in other archaeological sites strongly sug- sts that the LAn-2 crystals possessed some kind of lernatural power. They were not necessarily the pro- rty of shamans or religious leaders, but could have ught good luck to ordinary owners . more artifacts were made of basalt or sandstone than of this material (see table 2). PIGMENTS Small chunks of hematite and pink, chalky mudstone were found throughout the midden deposit. The red ocher evi- dent on several manos indicates that hematite, at least, was used for paint. No pigments were significantly asso- ciated with any of the burials. UNWORKED SHELL AND BONE REMAINS UNMODIFIED LITHIC MATERIAL attempt was made to gain some estimate of the kinds, mounts, and weights of lithic waste materials in the site. sample representing 125 cubic feet of midden was taken fmtwo adjacent pits, N 1 and N12. All the unmodified nes from these pits were saved, roughly classified as material, and weighed (see table 9). From the two pits, artifacts and 1,950 unmodified rocks were recovered. e quantity of lithic debris leaves little doubt that most the LAn-2 artifacts were manufactured on the site. !ch of the basalt and quartzite waste material was presented by small flakes, whereas the granite and Xstone pieces were larger in size, although usually bigger than a man's fist. The small size of the sample account for the unusual abundance of granite, as Treganza and Bierman (1958, p. 71) found only two un- identifiable shell fragments at LAn-2; no shell was noted in 1957. All bone was carefully saved during the 1957 season and totaled forty-eight pieces; all but two were frag- ments, and most were not more than an inch long. Some were burned. Previous excavation yielded a few deer bones, the lower jaw of a wildcat, and the teeth of a fox or coyote (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, p. 71). The 1957 work added to this small list two more deer bones (Odocoileus hemionus) and the left humerus of a sea lion (Arctocephalus townsendi, southern fur seal). The latter was recovered from the 0- to 6-inch level and, if not intrusive, indicates an economically unde- veloped relationship between the coast and the interior. 1- i r I 1 3 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS TABLE 10 Artifact Count, Materials, and Dimensions (Measurements in cm) Artifact type No. Material Maximum size Minimum size Average size L W T L W T L W T Scraper planes Type IA Type IB Type IIA Type IIB Type IIC Type IID Type III Scrapers Side End Multiedged Discoidal Semiovoid Thumbnail Miscellaneous Choppers Unifaced Bifaced Unifaced-bifaced Hammerstone s Core Cobble Cores Small points Lozenge - shaped Leaf -shaped Contracting stem Side-notched Large points Leaf -shaped Flaring sides Contracting stem Small- stem Basal-notched Concave -based Point fragments Crescent Milling stones 8 basalt, 1 quartzite basalt 21 basalt, 3 quartzite basalt 11 basalt, 1 quartzite 1 basalt, 2 quartzite 3 basalt, 1 tuff 9 basalt, 3 quartzite, 2 chert basalt 1 basalt, 1 quartzite basalt 3 basalt, 1 chert, 1 quartzite 1 chert, 1 grainy obsidian chert basalt 3 basalt, 1 porphyry 4 basalt, 3 quartzite 68 basalt, 4 quartzite, 2 porphyry, 1 granite 1 mica schist, 2 quartzite chalcedony grainy obsidian grainy obsidian quartzite chert 2 chert, 2 basalt, 1 grainy obsidian, 1 chalcedony chert 1 chert, 1 grainy obsidian grainy obsidian grainy obsidian quartz 8 chert, 7 chalcedony, 1 jasper, 2 grainy obsid- ian, 1 dehydrated volcanic chert 1 volcanic, 32 sandstone 9.6 6.9 8.7 9.5 7.8 8.0 6.9 8.5 6.0 5.5 6.9 9.3 2.4 3.3 11.5 9.4 13.5 9.0 10.5 8.6 6.7 5.0 4.9 7.7 6.1 7.7 6.2 7.1 6.0 6.1 4.5 6.1 4.9 6.5 2.6 5.0 2.7 4.6 2.3 6.9 2.3 6.4 2.4 2.1 0.9 1.9 0.9 9.1 6.4 8.9 6.2 8.5 4.0 7.8 7.0 8.0 7.3 6.1 5.6 6.0 2.9 2.0 3.1* 1.7 3.1 2.3 3.2* 2.0 5.8 3.4 3.7* 3.3 4.9 3.1 3.6 2.3 2.0* 2.8 3.8 2.2 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 3.1* 2.5 0.7 * * 12.6 5.3 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.3 6.2 5.7 4.6 4.3 3.5 4.3 3.2 4.5 5.3 3.0 3.6 2.3 2.5 3.1 3.7 3.0 2.7 2.5 0.8 5.2 3.2 2.0 4.4 2.9 1.4 2.2 1.3 0.5 6.3 6.7 7.0 5.3 6.4 5.5 3.7 3.0 2.7 4.6 3.7 3.4 5.9 4.6 1.7 4.3 3.4 4.0 7.2 6.2 6.5 6.8 6.6 6.8 6.4 5.8 4.7 5.3 5.7 5.2 5.4 5.6 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.1 6.4 4.6 1.7 5.4 3.9 2.2 5.8 5.4 1.8 2.3 1.7 0.7 8.6 7.7 8.7 7.1 7.2 6.9 4.4 4.2 3.4 6.8 5.6 4.9 8.4 5.7 3.6 5.2 4.5 5.0 3.3 1.8 0.6 1 4.7 2.4 0.8 4.9 2.9 0.9 1 4.9 3.0 0.9 * * 3.1 * * 7.3 II I .. 9 3 24 12 12 3 4 14 2 1 5 2 1 7 4 7 75 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 19 1 3 3 *Incomplete. 1 4 JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 10 (Continued) Artifact type Manos Type I Type II Type IIA Type IIB Type IIC Type IID Type III Not typed Mortars Abrading stone Stone disk Rubbing stones Pendants Shaped stones Incised stones Crystals No. 10 66 3 2 5 1 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 Material 4 sandstone, 5 granite, 1 quartzite 2 volcanic, 23 granite, 41 sandstone 1 granite, 2 sandstone sandstone 1 granite, 3 sandstone, 1 volcanic granit e 1 granite, 3 sandstone 2 granite, 1 quartzite 2 sandstone, 2 volcanic sandstone sandstone 1 shale, 1 slate 3 shale, 1 siltstone 1 basalt, 2 shale, 1 mudstone quartz Maximum size L W T * 10.8 6.7 * 11.7 7.7 14.1 12.6 7.0 15.6 9.7 5.2 -:, 10.7 5.6 8.3* 10.1 5.4 * 10.8 5.9 14.0 8.0 5.9 6.2* 5.5 3.1 3.3* 1.2 0.3 8.2 5.2 0.9 8.9 4.5 5.2 0.8 1.5 1.6 Minimum size L W T * 5.9 3.9 * 6.2 9.2 7.5 11.4 6.9 2.8 4.1 3.4 * 7.8 4.1 * 8.6 4.9 6.0 5.2 2.6 3.0 1.0 0.3 6.7 1.4 0.5 3.5 1.6 0.3 1.7 0.9 0.8 Average size L W T * 8.2 5.3 * 9.1 4.9 11.7 10.6 5.6 13.5 8.3 4.3 * 9.2 4.8 9.6 5.3 6.0 5.4 2.9 3.0 1.1 0.3 7.5 3.4 0.8 6.7 3.7 0.9 3.1 1.2 1.2 IlI I I I 'Incomplete. DATING Abundant charcoal was collected from the three stone- lined fire pits at LAn-2 and sent to the Geochronology Laboratories of the University of Arizona for carbon 14 analysis. The following five dates were obtained (Dr. Paul E. Damon, personal communication, 1961). Sample A-94: combined charcoal from feature 1, pits K3 and L3, 30 inches; feature 3, pit K4, 15-24 inches; feature 5, pit K5, 14 inches. Date: solid carbon method: 2500 B. P. carbon dioxide gas method 5-liter counter: 2450 + 150 B.P. 2-liter counter: 2440 + 200 B.P. Sample A-197: charcoal from feature 3, pit K4, 15-24 inches. Date: carbon dioxide gas method 5-liter counter: 2700 + 150 B.P. 2-liter counter: 2600 + 240 B.P. The four dates determined by the carbon dioxide gas method give an average date of approximately 2550 + 150 years, or 590 B.C. This is 2,000 years short of Treganza's estimate for LAn-2. The question now arises: are the fire pits intrusive? Certainly such a possibility must not be overlooked, but, on the other hand, there appears to be no evidence favoring intrusion. There are no apparent soil changes or other signs of disturbance on the surface of the site which might indicate a late intrusive feature below. The whole site, including the fire-pit areas, is capped by a layer 6 or 7 inches thick of leached, light- brown midden, indicating that no major disturbance has taken place since the leaching process began. Finally, there are no artifacts that can be recognized as belonging to an intrusive group. Even if such artifacts were present, they might be difficult to distinguish from the older mat- erials, as we really have no idea what constituted the material culture of the aborigines in the Los Angeles area 2,500 years ago-unless, of course, the LAn-2 assemblage is an example. I i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i i i i 1 5 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Until substantial opposing evidence is found at other sites, the average date of 2550 + 150 B.P. must stand as the most accurate chronological placement of LAn-2. Considerable midden had to accumulate before there was enough soil to permit the construction of earth ovens. Therefore, these roasting pits and their carbon dates do not represent the earliest occupation of LAn-2, but prob- ably coincide with its later history. As a conservative estimate, 1000 B.C. is suggested for the establishment of the site. Perhaps it was inhabited for 700 years. CULTURAL RECONSTRUCTION The inhabitants of LAn-2, like most simple hunters and gatherers, left relatively few nonperishable remains for the archaeologist to find and use in reconstructing their way of life. Much of their energy was expended in making a living from the various wild plants and animals in their environment. It is this aspect of their culture-the food quest-which we know most about from studying the ma- terial remains at LAn-2. The small size of LAn-2 must have limited the popu- lation to a few nuclear families, perhaps totaling ten to twenty individuals. These people probably obtained fresh water from two springs near the Tank Site (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, p. 46). The fact that there is relatively little evidence of hunt- ing at LAn-2 suggests that it was occupied for the primary purpose of obtaining wild plant foods which begin to be available in this area in April. Table 1 1 lists the usable wild plants on the site and in the immediate vicinity. It seems likely that the flora of Topanga Canyon was much the same 2,500 years ago as it is today. Evidence from the La Brea tar pits indicates that some of the plants now growing on or near the site were extant in the Los Angeles area during the Pleistocene, and have not changed since then (Frost, 1927, pp. 82, 84). Yucca may have been the most important food collected by the inhabitants of LAn-2; indeed, an abundance of this plant in the area could well have been a determining fac- tor in the establishment of the site. Not only was yucca valuable to the Indians as a source of fiber and an imme- diately edible food, but, properly prepared, the heads of the plant could be stored and eaten during periods when food was scarce. The fire pits at LAn-2 were probably earth ovens used for the purpose of roasting the heads and possibly the stalks of yucca. Similar stone-lined pits, known ethnographically as earth ovens, were built, at least in southern California, exclusively for cooking yucca and mescal (Barrows, 1900, pp. 58-59; Kroeber, 1925, p. 695; Sparkman, 1908, p. 195). Although we cannot be sure of conditions 2,500 years ago, there is certainly enough yucca in the immediate vicinity of LAn-2 today to support a small population for several weeks. On June 13, 1962, fifteen flowering Yucca whipplei stalks were counted within a radius of less than half a mile from LAn-2 (map 2). The count undoubtedly would have been higher were it not for the areas modi- fied by modern cultivation, brush clearing, housing, roads, and reservoir excavation. According to Fred Hicks, who has studied extensively the ecological aspects of Yuman culture (Hicks, 1963), one stalk of Yucca whipplei will furnish a hearty meal for eight to ten people (personal communication, 1962). On this basis, fifteen individuals eating one good meal of yucca a day could remain at LAn-2 for one week. If the radius of exploitation is ex- tended to two miles and other plant foods and some ani- mals are added to the yucca diet, it should be possible to sustain fifteen individuals at LAn-2 for at least two months. The quantity of grinding tools at the site indicat that, in addition to yucca, seeds and other plant foods we indeed heavily exploited. By September most of these foods were no longer available, although acorns couldbe gathered in the fall, provided the technique of leaching them was known. The oak distribution today (map 2) points up the fact that acorns would add substantially to a subsistence eco- nomy. If acorns were gathered by the Indians 2,500 years ago-and we have no way of proving this-LAn-2 could well have been a central base for economic activity much of the year. Without the benefit of acorns, however, it seems unlikely that the plants harvested during the sum- mer months provided enough food to sustain the people at the site for more than two or three months of every year. The minor occurrences of shell and sea-mammal bone in the midden strongly suggest that the LAn-2 people came inland from the coast, bringing some seafood with them. They lived for several weeks or months at LAn-2, gathering the different kinds of wild plants as these be- came available, and then returned to the seashore to re- sume a partly, if not primarily, marine economy. A simi- lar seasonal pattern is arguable for the larger and older Tank Site, where bits of shell are reported from the ear- liest and latest levels of occupation (Treganza and Bier- man, 1958, p. 47). A few stone pendants and incised stones are the only objects that reflect the simple aesthetic achievements of the LAn-2 people. Red ocher, however, was probably em- ployed to decorate tools, ornaments, and individuals, especially for ritual purposes. Extensive trade in raw materials, finished objects, or food was not noted, although nine projectile points and a scraper are made of an impure grainy obsidian believed to have come originally from Grimes Canyon in Ventura County. Little concerning social organization or magico-reli- gious practices can be derived from the archaeological remains at the site. The basic socioeconomic unit was probably the nuclear family. The several families living on the site may or may not have been kin, but undoubtedly functioned as a cooperative economic unit. Thus the yucca gathered by each family was roasted together in one com- munally built earth oven. After roasting, the yucca may have been distributed equally among the members of the group; or, more likely, each family marked its own plants, 1 6 JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 11 Usable Wild Plants in Vicinity of LAn-2 Plant Reported use Source Occurring on site: 1. Adenostema fasciculatum 2. Arctostaphylos (manzanita) 3. Salvia apiana (white sage) 4. Quercus dumosa (scrub oak) 5. Rhus laurina (laurel sumac) 6. Rhus ovata (sugar-bush) 7. Trichostema lanatum (romero) Occurring within mile of site 8. Salvia columbariae (chia) 9. Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak) 10. Rhus trilobata (squawbush) 11. Ceanothus (mountain lilac) 12. Nicotiana (tobacco) 13. Brodiaea capitata (blue dicks) 14. Calochortus (mariposa lily) 15. Sambucus glauca (blue elderberry) 16. Yucca whipplei 17. Erigonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum (wild buckwheat) Medical use of bark, leaves Berries, seeds eaten; medical use of leaves; source of dye Seeds eaten Acorns leached and eaten Seeds provided drink Drink from seeds; flower tea from leaves eaten; medicinal Medicinal herb Seeds eaten, made into drink; remedied fevers and served as poultice for gunshot wounds Acorn eaten; galls have medicinal value Branchlets useful in basketmaking; berries eaten or made into beverage; stems pre- pared to aid coughs and lung troubles; a tonic made for loss of appetite Soap Smoked and chewed Corm eaten and made into shampoo Corm eaten Berries cooked into sauce; bark and flowers used medicinally Pods and flowers boiled and eaten; stalks roasted and eaten immediately or stored; leaves made into fiber and pods used in bleaching Leaves made into drink to relieve stomach and head pains; eyewash made from flowers I1 I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stuhr, 1933, p. 117 Barrows, 1900, p. 64 Stuhr, 1933, p. 57 Romero, 1954, pp. 70-71 Medsger, 1947, p. 127 Barrows, 1900, p. 62 Kroeber, 1925, p. 649 Wolf, 1945 Stuhr, 1933, p. 14 Barrows, 1900, p. 66 Medsger, 1947, p. 231 Stuhr, 1933, p. 14 Romero, 1954, p. 48 Stuhr, 1933, p. 78 Barrows, 1900, p. 64 Medsger, 1947, p. 126 Romero, 1954, p. 254 Stuhr, 1933, p. 77 Woodward, 1949 Romero, 1954, p. 57 Wolf, 1945, p. 35 Barrows, 1900, p. 64 Jepson, 1951, p. 608 Kroeber, 1925, p. 695 Medsger, 1947, p. 213 Romero, 1954, pp. 63, 70 Stuhr, 1933, p. 15 Stuhr, 1933, p. 116 Barrows, 1900, p. 74 Jepson, 1951, pp. 888-889 Stuhr, 1933, p. 131 Jepson, 1951, p. 223 Medsger, 1947, p. 197 Romero, 1954, p. 40 Stuhr, 1933, p. 85 Medsger, 1947, p. 178 Stuhr, 1933, p. 85 Woodward, 1949 Barrows, 1900, p. 64 Kroeber, 1925, p. 695 Medsger, 1947, p. 84 Stuhr, 1933, p. 25 Barrows, 1900, pp. 59, 66 Romero, 1954, p. 58 Stuhr, 1933, p. 105 1 7 before roasting, thereby keeping the ones they had gathered (Spier, 1928, p. 106; Gifford, 1936, p. 259; Gifford, 1932, p. 206). The site yielded no evidence of political or religious leaders. None of the burials indicated a person of high importance; all were flexed and interred with no apparent orientation. Grave goods Map 2. Distribution of oak and yucca in vicinity of LAn-2 CULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS The Topanga complex has been widely compared with such cultural assemblages as San Dieguito and La Jolla to the south, Oak Grove to the north, and Cochise far to the east. It will be necessary later to relate LAn-2 in a general way to some of these complexes, as they pertain to the Milling Stone Horizon of southern California, but the immediate task is to compare LAn-2 with those sites for which we have good quantitative data and which are geographically near enough to Topanga Canyon to in- crease the possibility of direct cultural ties. RELATION TO LOCAL EXCAVATED SITES LAn-1 The Tank Site is situated just 165 yards east of LAn-2 and contains, in general, the same artifact assemblage. Proportionately, the Tank Site has more manos and mill- ing stones but fewer core tools (i.e., hammers, choppers, scraper planes), projectile points, and pestles. JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TABLE 12 Chronology of Important Archaeological Complexes in Southern California Date Santa Barbara Los Angeles San Diego B .P . A. D./B.C. C__ ._ _ _ __ _ _ l l) Ia I C I I ArroyoSequit ,- SanLuisReyI I Canalino I Malaga Cove 4 I 1000 1000 l l_l A.D. A.D. |Malaga Cove3 3 I I Ven-2? I 2000 0 a Hunting 3000 1000 I Topanga III + I (2440-2700 + 150) B.C. I Parker Mesa (3000 + 100) 4000 2000 I I Little Sycamore 5000 3000 l | Zuma Creek X) I a) (4950 + 200) 6000 4000 12 I Topanga II i 6000 4000 X I Oak Grove I Malaga Cove 2 uI LAn-1l 1 1 La Jolla | .g ! 2 i Malaga Cove 1 ? | I (7300-3900 + 200) (6510 +200) 7000 5000 v Topanga I 8000 6000 I | , San Dieguito | I | I In addition to their many similarities, there are impor- tant differences between these sites which clearly indicate that, although they may have been inhabited contempor- aneously for a while, LAn-2 continued to be occupied long after the Tank Site was permanently abandoned. Thus, flexed and rock-cairn burials, stone-lined earth ovens, and stones with incised grid designs, which are distinc- tive of LAn-2, are not recognized in the Tank Site, which has several different forms of burial, no earth ovens, and no stones displaying grid designs. These differ- ences seem to be significant enough to permit some revision of Phases I and II and the addition of a new phase to the Topanga complex. Based on our present evidence, the major characteristics of the three phases are as follows: Phase I.-Some manos, milling stones, and percussion- flaked core tools which increase in frequency near the end of the phase; large, leaf-shaped, percussion-flaked blades and points; reburial of long bones, generally under inverted milling stone. Type site: LAn- below 18 inches. Phase II.-Abundance of manos, milling stones, and core tools; mortar and pestle introduced but not abundant; large blades mostly replaced by smaller pressure-flaked points which increase in frequency; miscellaneous shaped and incised stones; stone features, many with associated human bone fragments; reburial continues along with the introduction now of extended burials, heads pointing south. Type site: LAn-1, 0-18 inches. Phase III.-Manos, milling stones, and core tools con- tinue in abundance; some increase of mortars, pestles, and pressure-flaked projectile points; a wider variety of point types; stone features continue; introduction of stone- lined earth ovens; small stones with definite incised grid pattern; and flexed burials, some under rock cairns. Type site: LAn-2. It is important to note that the types within each major artifact class continue from one phase to the next. For the most part core tools and seed-grinding implements are the same in all three phases, although plainly made pestles, which first occur during Phase II, may show some embellishment by Phase III times (Treganza and Bierman, 1958, pl. 24, d). Likewise, projectile points change little from Phase II to Phase III. Of the twenty-four classifiable points recovered from LAn-2, only five-flaring sides, small stem, basal notched, concave base, and convex base-are not known for Phase II. I' 111; 1 9 20 ANTHROPOLOGICAL RECORDS Dating of the Topanga complex and its postulated phases still remains tentative and largely speculative. A few carbon dates for LAn-2, however, and three other Milling Stone Horizon sites on the coast establish some basis for estimation (table 12). The five carbon 14 dates for LAn-2 range from 2440 B.P. to 2700 B.P. If we ex- tend these dates a few hundred years in each direction, we may conservatively place Phase III as beginning about 3,000 years ago, and perhaps lasting until the beginning of the Christian era. Parker Mesa, a Topanga complex site located at the mouth of Topanga Canyon, has a car- bon 14 date of 3000 ? 100 B.P., but it is difficult to place it in any of the Topanga phases because it lacks the dis- tinguishing characteristics of any one phase. Zuma Creek, a coastal shell midden in Los Angeles County, has a car- bon 14 date of 4950 + 200 B.P. from its lower level (Flint and Deevey, 1960, p. 211). As the artifact assemblage and burial patterns at this site are very similar to those assigned to Phase II of the Tank Site, we may assume some cultural and temporal relationship between these sites, and estimate the beginning of Phase II to be be- tween 5,000 and 6,000 years ago. A single carbon date of 6510 + 200 is reported to be equatable with level 1 of the Malaga Cove Site (Flint and Deevey, 1960, p. 201). The next higher occupation level (level 2) contains remains of the Phase II type, suggesting that Phase II is no more than 6,000 years old at the most. For Phase I we have no comparative data with dates in the Los Angeles area, and can only suggest that it evolved into Phase II about 5,000 years ago, after a duration of at least 1,000 years. Parker Mesa (King, 1962) This site lies on a high terrace at the mouth of Topanga Canyon. The number of milling stones, manos, and crude core tools recovered easily places the site within the Topanga complex. One carbon 14 date of 3000 + 100 B.P. (UCLA-275) from its lowest level indicates an occupation just prior to or contemporaneous with that at LAn-2. Un- fortunately, Parker Mesa lacks the diagnostic traits that would allow us to place it within one of the phases of the Topanga complex. There are no burials, no incised stones, no mortars and pestles, no identifiable projectile points, and only one chert knife, possibly water-rolled. A single chert crescent (King, 1962, fig. 14, a) is the same general type as the fragment from LAn-2 (pl. 9, v); and, in a more subjective way, the overall craftsmanship of the Parker Mesa tools approaches the crudeness noted for LAn-2. As a whole, however, the artifactual materials excavated at Parker Mesawould fit easily into anyof the Topanga phases. LAn-111 (Rozaire, 1960) The Encino Site, or LAn-111, is located northeast of LAn-2 in the San Fernando Valley and is immediately recogniz- able as belonging to the Topanga complex by the similar types of artifacts and lithic materials used. It contrasts markedly with LAn-2, however, in the following ways: (1) 80 percent of the 415 artifacts recovered were found on the surface, suggesting erosional activity at the site over a very long period of time; (2) seed-grinding imple- ments were more abundant than core tools; (3) there were only two pressure-flaked projectile point fragments; (4) mortars and pestles were completely lacking; (5) one re- burial was found; (6) there were no stone features. Most of these are characteristic of the Tank Site and of late Phase I of the Topanga complex. Porter Ranch Site, San Fernando Valley (Walker, 1951) This unusual "ceremonial site" definitely belongs to the Milling Stone Horizon. Although one reburial and accumu- lations of unworked stone with "killed" milling stones show parallels with the Tank Site, the complete absence of core tools and the fact that milling stones outnumber manos by a ratio of 28 to 1 discourage comparison with the Topanga sites. Little Sycamore (Wallace et al., 1956) Little Sycamore is a coastal shell mound about 25 air miles northwest of LAn-2. Like the Topanga sites, it con- tains stone features and an abundance of grinding tools and percussion-flaked core implements, although the latter are proportionately less evident. Pestles occur at the same low frequency as at LAn-2, but in general are more crudely manufactured. Projectile points, for the most part, resemble Topanga Phase II types and are noticeably less abundant and less varied than those from LAn-2. Five flexed burials and 10 reburials show simi- larity to the burial patterns at both LAn-2 and the Tank Site. No extended skeletons were found. Milling stones covered six of the reburials and two flexed burials. One reburial was under a rock cairn; another was covered by a stone slab. It is evident from the above comparisons that Little Sycamore is most like Topanga Phase II, with the flexed burials suggesting some overlap into Phase III. Thus the site is tentatively dated as being between 2,500 and 5,000 years old. Distance from Topanga, plus the absence of extended burials and slight variations in burial patterns, indicates that Little Sycamore was not inhabited by people from LAn-2 or the Tank Site. These factors do not, of course, eliminate the possibility that groups from the two areas may have had some contact with each other. Zuma Mesa (Ruby, 1961) and Zuma Creek (Peck, 1955) These two coastal shell middens are situated on adjacent terraces near Point Dume, approximately 15 air miles northwest of the Topanga Canyon sites. Both yielded the same cultural materials and probably were occupied con- temporaneously. Here, as at all Milling Stone Horizon sites, the most important seed-grinding utensils were the mano and the milling stone. No pestles and only one stone bowl were reported from the Zuma Creek Site; Zuma Mesa yielded two conical pestles from the surface. A total of thirteen flat boulders with shallow mortar-like depressions were recovered from both sites, but this type is not known for the Topanga complex. It is assumed that these implements were used with pestles to grind plant foods, and may represent a transition from the mano and milling stone to the mortar and pestle. Core tools were abundant, though proportionately less evident than at LAn-2 and the Tank Site. The variety and frequency of projectile points is most similar to Topanga Phase II, although lo- zenge and side-notched types are not present. Large blades, mostly percussion-flaked, occurred throughout the midden at Zuma Creek, again indicating a closer rela- tionship to the Tank Site than to LAn-2. It is unfortunate I JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA none of these blades were made of the fine-grained alt so characteristic of the Topanga sites, thereby ding evidence of some early contact between the areas. Several stone features were exposed, two of them as- ciated with burials. To date only the Zuma Creek Site yielded human remains. Peck reports seven burials, work by Ascher in 1957 produced nine more (Little- , 1960). Of the total, four were reburials, one under nlling stone; seven were extended with heads pointing a southerly direction, as at the Tank Site; one was ed under a milling stone with three convex base pro- ile points in association. The type of disposal for the maining four interments could not be determined from available evidente; however, two of these appear to similar to the unusual fractional burials reported for Tank Site. On the basis of burial patterns alone, it would appear the Zuma sites were contemporaneous with the Phase levels of the Tank Site, and had been largely abandoned Phase III times. A higher proportion of large blades opposed to projectile points, and the low frequency of rtars and pestles, also support a Phase II rather than Pase III date for these coastal sites. It is clear that e Topanga sites show closer similarities with the Point e middens than with Little Sycamore; yet there is no ncrete evidence to support a seasonal occupation of Zuma and Topanga by the same population. It seems ely that the Topanga people, if indeed they were spend- gpart of the year at the coast, would be more likely to to the mouth of Topanga Canyon, which is only a few es away, rather than travel up the coast all the way Point Dume. Malaga Cove (Walker, 1951) e important stratified site at Malaga Cove near Palos rdes should be mentioned here, even though it lacks ficient quantitative data for useful comparisons. It is coastal midden approximately 40 miles south of To- ga Canyon. Level 2, some 30 feet below the surface the site, contained materials belonging to the Milling ne Horizon, that is, abundant manos, some milling nes, one small mortar and pestle, reburials, and rock irns. A carbon 14 date of 6510 + 200 B.P. is recorded m shell equatable with the next level below (level 1), ich is notable for its complete lack of seed-grinding nsils. None of the sites reviewed above appear to be as late time as LAn-2. True, a few of them do show some erlap into the Phase III period, but most of their ma- rial remains compare more favorably with Phase II of Tank Site. Perhaps Little Sycamore, with its rela- ely high frequency of flexed burials, was inhabited con- mporaneously with LAn-2 longer than any of the others. RELATION TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PREHISTORY nming now from the comparison of local archaeological sites, it is necessary to relate LAn-2 to the broader cul- tural and chronological framework of southern California prehistory. Wallace (1955) has suggested four cultural horizons for the coastal region of this area, which ex- 'tends from Point Conception to the Mexican border (and 21 probably beyond). Horizon I includes possible finds of early man, as well as the crude-blade industry of the San Dieguito people of San Diego County (Rogers, 1939, 1945). According to recent estimates, this complex is at least 8,000 years old (Warren and True, 1961, p. 261). Horizon II is characterized by early milling stone assem- blages such as Oak Grove in the Santa Barbara region (Rogers, 1929), the La Jollan assemblages in San Diego (Rogers, 1939, 1945), and the Topanga complex of the Los Angeles area. Any site with an abundance of manos and milling stones would be included here. Carbon dates for this horizon range from about 7500 B.P. for La Jolla to about 2500 B.P. for Topanga Phase III. The third hori- zon, termed Intermediate by Wallace, is characterized by increased hunting activities and a shift in grinding utensils from manos and milling stones to mortars and pestles. Examples include the Hunting Culture of Santa Barbara (Rogers, 1929; Orr, 1943, 1952), possibly Ven-2 (Wallace, 1955) near the Little Sycamore site, and level 3 at Malaga Cove (Walker, 1951). This horizon is poorly defined in the Los Angeles area, and is unknown in the San Diego region. It may date from between 500 B.C. and A.D. 1000. Horizon IV extends from A.D. 1000 to the his- toric period. This Late Prehistoric Horizon may be recog- nized by an abundance of very small stemless projectile points suggesting the increased use of the bow and arrow, pottery in the San Diego region, and in general an elabora- tion and proliferation of kinds of artifacts. Seed gathering as well as hunting was important, so that use of the mor- tar and pestle continued, although San Diego still favored the mano and milling stone to some extent. The Canalino people of Santa Barbara (Rogers, 1929; Orr, 1943, 1952) developed the most elaborate culture of this period. Ar- royo Sequit (Curtis, 1959) and Malaga Cove level 4 are good examples of this late horizon in Los Angeles County; San Luis Rey I (Meighan, 1954) is one of the late complexes in the San Diego region. It is clear from the above resume that LAn-2 repre- sents the end of the Milling Stone Horizon in the vicinity of Los Angeles. Although a notable number of projectile points, mortars, and pestles from the site reflect a ten- dency toward the Intermediate Horizon, the high propor- tion of manos, milling stones, and core tools indicates that the site did not fully reach the state of development defined by Wallace. Perhaps it would be best to charac- terize LAn-2 as transitional between the Milling Stone and Intermediate Horizons. The discussion so far has not included the position of the Channel Islands in relation to the Milling Stone Hori- zon. Several of these islands were occupied at least 5,000 years ago, and there are some carbon 14 dates in excess of 10,000 years B.P. for Santa Rosa Island (Orr, 1962). The archaeological evidence indicates that from the be- ginning the prehistoric inhabitants of the Channel Islands practiced a maritime economy. As abundant and varied vegetation was not available, the sea had to furnish most of their subsistence. Undoubtedly there was trade with the mainland, especially in later periods, but the ecologi- cal isolation of the islanders prevented them from devel- oping or even following to a significant degree the seed- gathering habits of their continental neighbors. Conceiv- ably, then, there never was, nor ever could be, a Milling Stone Horizon on these islands. Orr (1952, p. 224) states that the Oak Grove Culture never reached the northern islands. In the south, however, McKusick and Warren (1959, p. 137) postulate a milling stone complex for San Clemente Island, based upon the recovery of five stone grinding slabs and four manos from one small site. The basin type of milling stone characteristic of the mainland I I JOHNSON: SITE LAN-2: TOPANGA COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is lacking as are other diagnostic traits of the Milling Stone Horizon. This complex is not known for any of the other Channel Islands, and its cultural importance and chronological placement need further verification. We must conclude that, at the present time, there are no island sites that can easily be related to the Milling Stone Horizon. This may be owing wholly or in part to environ- mental differences between the mainland and the islands. Geographically, the Topanga complex is roughly cen- tered between the Oak Grove Culture of the Santa Bar- bara area to the north and the La Jollan assemblages to the south, around San Diego. As might be expected, To- panga shares distinctive traits with each, especially in relation to burial patterns and percussion-flaked tools. Extended burials, heads oriented south, are known for Oak Grove and Topanga II, but do not occur in the La Jollan sites. Instead, flexed burials are the exclusive pattern in San Diego, where they have been dated by car- bon 14 as early as 6,700 years ago (Moriarity, Shumway, and Warren, 1959, p. 198). Flexed inhumation is not dated until Topanga III times in the Los Angeles area, and is not reported for Oak Grove. The practice of reburial is common around Los Angeles, but has not been documentd for Milling Stone Horizon sites in other parts of southern California. Finally, crude percussion-flaked tools are characteristic of Topanga and La Jolla, but appear to be lacking for Oak Grove. These broad areal similarities and differences sug- gest problems of trait origins and culture contacts which are beyond the scope of this report, and probably will require much more excavation and comparison before adequate solutions to them are found. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Site LAn-2 was inhabited about 1000 B.C. by a small group of hunters and gatherers. They may have come in- land from the coast to exploit wild plant foods during the spring and summer months and then returned to the sea- shore, or they may have lived at the site all year. At any rate, small bits of shell and sea-mammal bone indi- cate some contact with the Pacific Ocean 5 miles away. That the principal food resources of these people were plants and seeds is demonstrated by an abundance of seed-grinding utensils (manos and milling stones) and three uniquely constructed stone-lined fire pits, presum- ably used for roasting yucca. Tools were fashioned mainly from a local fine-grained basalt and sandstone. Pressure flaking is apparent on most of the projectile points, but direct percussion techniques were employed for the manu- facture of hammerstones, choppers, and scraper planes. Analysis of the flaking and battering of these latter tools has demonstrated that most of them were not planing tools, but rather served a variety of cutting, scraping, and chopping functions; some may even have been pre- pared platform cores for the production of blades. All the burials from the site were flexed with no apparent orientation and no grave offerings; two, however, were covered by rock cairns. A few stone pendants and shaped stones with simple incised designs represent the only articles suggestive of leisure activity. Charcoal from the fire pits yielded five radiocarbon dates ranging from 2440 + 200 B.P. to 2700 + 150 B P. These, the latest dates belonging to the Milling Stone Horizon, extend its duration in southern California to 5,000 years. Table 12 indicates that this horizon was replaced by Intermediate Horizon cultures, first in the Santa Barbara region, somewhat later in Los Angeles, and perhaps not at all in San Diego where the La Jolla complex may have lasted until the Late Horizon. That LAn-2 represents a population that continued in the mill- ing stone tradition long after the rest of the Los Angeles area had adapted to a hunting or Intermediate way of life is a possibility that should be considered. Meighan has a date of 3880 + 250 B.P. for the Little Harbor Site on Santa Catalina Island (1959, pp. 384-386); and dates of 3980 + 100 B.P. and 3300 + 100 B.P. are recorded from two burial sites on San Nicolas Island (Reinman and Townsend, 1960, pp. 1-115; Reinman, personal communi- cation). These sites are placed in the Intermediate Hori- zon, and Meighan implies that the Milling Stone Horizon generally ended sometime around 4000 B.P. He may be right, but as yet there are no mainland sites in Los Angeles or Ventura County which have dates to sup- port his belief. In addition, ecological differences, dis- cussed earlier, inhibit a comparison between island middens and milling stone sites on the mainland. Until we find and date hunting cultures in Los Angeles County, we cannot assume that early Intermediate manifestations on the offshore islands imply similar and contemporaneous developments along the coast of California. Results of the excavations at LAn-2 in 1957 suggesta slight revision of Phases I and II of the Topanga complex and the addition of a new phase. If we consider the com- plex as a whole, we see a very slow change in tool types and burial patterns over its 5,000-year history. Phase I begins in the lower levels of the Tank Site, perhaps 7,000 or 8,000 years ago, with a few manos, milling stones, crude core tools, and large percussion-flaked blades. Although the evidence for it is scarce, reburial under milling stones may have been the favored form of inter- ment, especially near the end of the phase. By Phase II times there is an abundance of manos, milling stones, and percussion-made tools. The mortar and pestle are introduced, and slowly increase in number. Large and small pressure-flaked points also make their first ap- pearance during this phase, and begin to replace the crude blades. Stone features of several types and with unknown functions are characteristic. Reburial continues along with the introduction of extended burials, heads oriented in a southerly direction. Approximately 3,000 years ago flexed burials replace extended burials, and signify the beginning of Phase III. The same tool assem- blage noted for Phase II carries over, but there are a few more mortars and pestles at this time, in addition to a wider variety of projectile points. Stone cairns still occur, but now we recognize a new kind of feature-rock- lined earth ovens. Small stones with incised cross-hatched designs are a final indicator of Topanga III. This last phase is postulated on the basis of excavations at LAn-2, which represents without doubt a late manifestation of the Topanga complex. I 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY ,Barrows, David P. 1900. The Ethno-botany of the Coahuila Indians of Southern California. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ,Collier, Donald, Alfred E. Hudson, and Arlo Ford 1942. Archaeology of the Upper Columbia Region. 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Los Angeles. 24 - T,- A T T-, Tle 1-7 -1 T- Co PLATES EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate 1 d. Discoidal scraper. e and f. Semiovoid scrapers. g. Thumbnail scraper. h. Miscellaneous scraper. Site LAn-2. a. Looking southwest from the Tank Site i. Unifaced chopper. j. Bifaced chopper. k. Unifaced- (foreground). LAn-2 is at center of ridge (arrow). bifaced chopper. 1 and m. Core hammerstones. n and b. General view of mapping and beginning excavation. o. Cobble hammerstones. p. Multifaced core. Lengthof View southwest. c. Feature 1. Note part of feature 2 in i, 11.5 cm; rest to scale. upper left corner of picture. d. Feature 1 subsoil pit containing three boulders in situ. Plate 7 Plate 2 Features 2, 4, and 5. a. Feature 2 assemblage of milling stones, manos, and unmodified rocks. b. Fea- ture 4 assemblage of unmodified rocks. c. Feature 5 fire pit partly cut away to expose subsoil pit. d. Fea- ture 5 subsoil pit. Boulders not in situ. Plate 3 Features 6, 7, and 8, and soil profile. a. Feature 6. Possible fire pit. b. Feature 7. Assemblage of unmodi- fied rocks. c. Feature 8 fire pit. d. Soil profile, north wall of pit N9. Height of wall: 19 inches. A level line passes just below center of profile. Plate 4 Burials 5, 6, and 7. a. Burial 5. b. Burial 6. c. Rock cairn covering Burial 7. d. Burial 7 after re- moval of cairn. Plate 5 Scraper planes, top and side views. a. Type IA. b. Type IB. c. Type IIA. d. Type IIB. e. Type IIC. f. Type IID. R Type III. Arrows indicate the two worked edges and the direction of flaking. Length of d, 9.5 cm; rest to scale. Plate 6 Scrapers, choppers, and hammerstones. a. Side scraper. b. End scraper. c. Multiedged scraper. Milling stones. a. Repaired basin milling stone from feature 2; length, 43.8 cm. b. Basin milling stone; lengi 19.0 cm. Plate 8 Manos and miscellaneous ground stone objects. a. Type IIA mano from feature 2. b. Type IIB mano. c. Type I mano. d. Type UC mano fragment. e. Type III mano fragment. f. Abrading stone. g. Pitted rubbing stone. Length of b, 15.6 cm; a, c, d, e, f, and g, same scale. h, i, j, and k. Shaped stones. Length of i, 8.2 cm; h, j, and k, same scale. Plate 9 Blades, projectile points, gravers, and crescent. a, b, and c. Large knife blade fragments; c may be a base fragment. d and e. Gravers. Arrows indicate points from which spalls have been struck. f, E, h, i, I and k. Large leaf-shaped points. 1. Large flaring sides point. m and n. Large contracting stem points. o. Large small-stem point. p. Large basal-notched point. q. Concave-base point. r. Small lozenge-shaped point. s. Small leaf-shaped point. t. Small contracting stem point. u. Small side-notched point. v. Crescent fragment. Length of a, 7.9 cm; others to scale. Plate 10 Incised stones, pendants, and quartz crystals. a, b, c, d, and d'. Incised stones. Two sides shown for a and c; d' is a scale drawing of the design on d. e and f. Quartz crystals. g and h. Stone pendants. Length of a, 8.9 cm; rest to scale. [ 26 ] Jra cq H 0 0 cn z 0 2 o v 0 ? m z v u p-4 04 0 U i p4 U ?; E-4 14 rz 0 cn 0 z v] 0 0 Q H 3 m z v ?D '. CALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 b c e f 9 [ 31 ] (JOHNSON] PLATE 5 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 a b c g e f h k i n Al M 0 [ 32 ] [JOHN ALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 a b [ 33 J [JOHNSON] PLATE 7 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 v ~~~~~~~~~~i: or ~~r a d hi [JOHNSON] PLAT c b e f j k [ 34 ] V. CALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 C a d e b ? I I % g h m n t i i 0 p u [ 35 ] I k q v s [JOHNSON] PLATE 9 UNIV. CALIF. PUBL. ANTHRO. RECORDS VOL. 23 b a c di di' I . , / tj I I .1 I T 9 If e h [ 36 (JOHNSON] PLATE ll? ( PI ., I .? O.,